#migraine causes dizziness
c-kiddo · 11 months
what cool decor do yous think ashton would put on crutches ? (asking for a art wip . its him and cad being like . cool mobility aid. at eachother lol)
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baronessblixen · 8 months
First I couldn't focus on work because of a migraine. Now that I've taken something for it, I can't focus cause I feel sick. And the migraine is still there, too.
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c0rpseductor · 1 year
i love walgreens ibuprofen because they are those beautiful shiny translucent green caplets. My deliciouslittle healing emeralds. my magical forest elf mediicnienes
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tj-crochets · 2 years
No crafting update yet today, because instead I made salsa! It’s not fantastic but it is a salsa I can eat (I can’t eat most salsas available at stores because vinegar) and the recipe my brother wanted to make for lunch needed salsa, so it’s a success!  It’s not a bad salsa, it’s just missing something? Idk what. It’s definitely an okay salsa, possibly even a decent salsa, but I’ve got a ways to go before I’m making good salsa lol 
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nexus-nebulae · 10 days
*shakes fist at cloud* stop causing migraines
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suncaptor · 3 months
i think i do have PEM since the covid vaccine thinking back on the last three years of my life like. the patterns. but i dislike that bc i would like to believe that if i engage in intense compulsive behaviours I'll actually be able to fix my body and be okay again. which is why I've spent the last few years lowkey convinced the reason why i was so much healthier at 19 than my early/mid 20s was because I was bulimic. like bitch get real you have had excessive compulsive exercising moments too it just doesn't do the same thing to your body anymore.
#tw eating disorders#the idea of having PEM is soooo distressing but it would. make so many things make so much sense.#i definitely have some form of cfs and dysautonomia or whatever#like it seems really clear that i've had lowgrade health issues during my life that were probably based in underlying autoimmune responses#causing inflammation which makes sense considering my mom has crohn's and glaucoma and there's a lot of stuff like that on her side#but I was able to work with it i just got migraines and horrific pms issues and collapsed a lot and was always dizzy and stuff like#i could move my body and live and function i just sometimes got fucked up yknow?#but then when i got the covid vaccine it made me SEVERELY ill and i never could get better#bc it sent off this overreactive immune response that couldn't modulate and sent a cascade of inflammation across multiple systems in my bo#(and to not sound incredible about this and back it up I have a record for ulcers/gastrisis/optic nerve hemmorage/optic neuritis since thos#can be seen or whatever)#but it did it like. everywhere.#so all my old issues were worse in a way i was not used to#and also doing things like getting very in shape did not actually help any of the ways Doing Things In The World caused me to get so tired#/in so much pain/crash#or how bad my EDS and fatigue is#etc#also soooo many neurological issues my least favourite :)#which is just ahhhh#but no one will tell me how to fix it :(#i think it's probably similar to Long Covid not because the vaccine gave me covid or something#but because LC seems to be a similar issue of multisystem inflammation due to the body continuously fighting off covid#even after the acute viral symptoms pass?#but i don't know bc no professionals will talk to me about it :(#you know how hard it is to have severe living instability and mental health issues then having your body literally not working at all and#not being able to fix it and also having no one even believe you about it because it's so rare and all#i'm SICK AND TIRED#god#i just want to be able to fix it with enough passion like. can't i just over extend myself until my body is stronger?#but i do think i have PEM. maybe I should try really really hard anyways and see if it makes it worse or not :) haha!
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killbaned · 1 year
i may have to get a new family doctor and i’m not happy about it bc i’ve had mine for nine years and i don’t like change but i’m also on my last raw fucking nerve with her?
i found out that what i thought were covid related issues wrt not being able to get appointments when i need them is actually because she’s renovating the office to put in a fucking med spa of all things.
unless i schedule an appointment four or more months out i can’t get in to see her, and i’ve had multiple instances of missing work because the shitty PA’s she has didn’t listen to me about my UTI and i damn near ended up in the ER because of it.
and now i got a message today that they’re rescheduling my fucking appointment next month that i made three months ago.
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melonkittii · 1 year
today we get a little silly with it :3 on monday we contact a doctor abt my deteriorating physical health
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raeathnos · 2 years
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little-cereal-draws · 4 months
If Ghosts had a more mature rating and was able to do more creepy ghost powers/death side effects:
Pat, Humphrey, and Thomas are eternally bleeding. Their clothes are wet, their hand gets wet from touching it, they'll leave trails of blood down the hall, etc. The blood on their hand or the floor disappears pretty quickly as their ghost powers make them reset but their clothes are always soaked
Thomas's whole stomach and the top of his pants are bloodstained. Pat's is all located on his shoulders/necktie and has the most obvious stains due to the color difference of his clothes. There are a few drops here and there down his sleeves and chest. It's pretty heavy because of the major arteries the neck that would've been punctured. Humphrey's is by fair the heaviest and is all over the front of his torso. Like the whole thing. When he died he fell face down into the growing puddle of blood that would've been pooling from his stump
Fanny can turn her head frighteningly far. There's a sick crunching sound that happens when she does this and it always sends shivers down Alison's spine even after years of hearing it. The other ghosts have joked and compared Fanny to an owl because of this and she chews them out every time
Pat coughs a lot because he's got blood stuck in his throat. He'll randomly have a huge coughing fit, cough a bunch of blood into his hand and then go "Oh no. Anyways..." He also has trouble breathing and has to take breaks to sit down during physical activities like dancing or running. It annoying but not too much of a hindrance to his daily life; it's like having asthma or allergies. The blood can make his voice sound a little weird sometimes too, like he's gurgling smth while he talks. He just clears his throat and keeps going
The plague ghosts vomit up bile every once in a while. It's black, steaming, and putrid but disappears almost instantly
Kitty also throws up when she's excited... which is a lot. She also gets chills, lightheadedness, fevers, and uncontrollable shaking. There's not much the other ghosts or Alison can do to help her besides sitting with her/trying to distract her. She'll lay down and try to breathe through it while Alison reads her a story or the Captain infodumps abt smth or Robin holds her hand. Sometimes she falls asleep, sometimes she doesn't. She's always better after a few hours tho
Fanny gets really bad migraines. Alison's theory is that they're caused by her broken vertebra. Fanny doesn't particularly care why they happen. When they happen, she's in an even worse mood than usual so it's best to steer clear of her. She doesn't have the energy to yell at ppl but will remember the slightest fault and wait until she's better to go on a lecture. Again, there's not much Alison or the other ghosts can do to help besides let her lay down and try to be quiet
Mary and Robin's skin peels off. It's white and flaky and leaves raw red spots underneath. The dead skin disappears once it leaves them but the skin underneath is never healthy and flakes off too
Both Robin and Mary smell like burning flesh but only Mary is detectable by living people. Robin only smells when he uses his powers. It really puts a lot of the ghosts off, especially newer ones
Robin's body also gets affected by his powers in other ways. If it's something small like flickering a light, his hair will stand on end. Something bigger like turning a light on/off or flickering a more powerful light will cause him to spasm. It's usually just his arms and wears off after a minute. Smth really big like redirecting that lightning bolt for Mike will be the equivalent of him actually getting hit w the lightning. His body seizes up, falls over unresponsive and twitching for several minutes, but he's always ok in the end. Alison and the other ghosts get very worried but he walks it off
Julian and the Captain both feel remnants of their heart attacks. Shortness of breath, tingling/numbness in the arms, dizziness, heart palpitations, etc. They both choose to keep it a secret from the others and cover it up but if they're particularly stressed abt smth, they'll start getting chest pains which is harder to cover up. The Captain has excused himself from many social situations to go sit on the floor and try to breathe through the pain and calm his heart. Robin's the only one who knows about Julian's because it happened once while they were hanging out. Logically, they both know they can't die again but it's still scary
Mary likes to sit in the lake because even tho she can't feel it like she would if she was alive, the cold water is soothing on her burns
All the ghosts have days where they just lay abt bc the pain is too much to move. From who does it the most to who does it the least it goes Mary, Humphrey, Pat, Fanny, Thomas, Kitty, Robin, the Captain, Julian
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futurecorps3 · 11 months
can i request a jj x reader where she keeps saying she's sick but jj doesnt believe it and thinks it's just an excuse to not go to the midsummers or whatever u choose, but then when they both go, she passes out and jj gets worried and protective. thank uuu smm!!
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Summary: JJ thinks you're lying Pairing: JJ Maybank x kook!reader Warnings: JJ kind of being an ass lmao, sickness, mentions of headaches, reader faints and I think that's it, lmk if I missed any! Word Count: 2.6K Requested: Yes
A/N: Took me a while to figure this one out cause I think J wouldn't be like that in the first place but let's try!! Hope u like, nonnie<3
Everything sucked. There was no way a human could have this bad luck, and Y/N had begun to think the universe had it against her at this point. She had spent almost a month finding the perfect dress and headpiece for Midsummers' night, two months in convincing her parents to let her bring JJ as her plus one and a solid three weeks in convincing JJ.
Only for a mind bending migraine to come storming its way right in the morning. She tried ignoring it for a while, taking some pain-killers to try to ease the pain, but they did absolutely nothing. Her parents had left early to help the Camerons set everything up (sitting around and ordering people) and the party started around five, so she opted for sleeping to see if the headache would subside.
It didn't; she realized right when JJ's booming voice rang through her ears, waking her up. "Figured I'd come down here so we could get ready together!" Her boyfriend said with a grin, holding the tuxedo she had bought for him in his arms. She incorporated from her bed. Standing up with a little dizziness, she couldn't let slide and kissed him as a greeting.
"For an event, it took me days to convince you to go to, you truly are excited." Y/N smiled, feeling a little light-headed. "Did you shower?" She asked as she buried her head in his chest as JJ's arms wrapped around her waist "'Course mamma, just for you... but by the looks of it you haven't" he smiled as his girlfriend hit his chest playfully.
"You're right though, be right back". Y/N stepped in her bathroom as she heard JJ play some music on her speaker. Hopefully, the shower would help the pain she could no longer stand. She tried massaging her scalp and breathe in the scents of her soaps, relax in the water and whatnot but it didn’t help.
She felt as if someone was pushing her eyeballs into the inside her skull while pounding the sides of her head with a hammer, the worst migraine she ever had. Now, this whole thing was important for both Y/N and JJ, as it was the first time they’d be attending an event of this nature together… but she wasn’t sure the headache would allow her.
The thought made her sulk a little, but in the end, the migraine was stronger. She stepped out of the shower wrapped in a towel as well as her hair, watching JJ play around with her necklaces and rings. “J, I-I don’t think we can go” she muttered, disappointment clear in her shaking voice when she noticed how his face fell.
“What do you mean?” he sounded almost shocked. “My head’s been hurting like a motherfucker since I woke up, I-I tried taking some painkillers but they worked for shit and-“ “Y/N you ain’t gotta lie… just say you don’t wanna go with me”.
She couldn’t bear thinking JJ thought it had to do with him “Baby no, I-I’m serious! We could stay in and cuddle if you want, maybe watch Top Gun or-“ then he laughed. “Stop pretending”
“What?” “I know you don’t want me to meet all your kook friends and I know you're kind of ashamed of dating me even though you say you aren’t and-“ “What are you talking about!?”
This was a very JJ thing to think. And no, he wasn’t being manipulative. Y/N knew he meant every word he was saying. And that’s what hurt the most. He could get insecure and honestly, she couldn’t blame him. He grew up in a place that condemned him for the blood running through his veins, hearing things like “he’s just like his old man” or “a Maybank after all” when he fucked up.
Yes, he was reckless and stupid, but he was also kind and a good man. Y/N knew he had some reservations coming into this entire relationship with her because being friends differed completely from being boyfriend and girlfriend. The judgments they were to face were clear, but she always reassured him that as long as they were together they’d be okay.
She could see why he’d think that way. “It’s not like that, baby-“ “Except it is” he said, running his hands through his hair and pacing around the room. “Let’s go then” she gave in. Physical pain hurt way more than knowing JJ thought she was embarrassed to be dating him. She could handle it.
“Oh, so suddenly your headache goes away?” He snapped, throwing air quotes in the word headache which made Y/N, who was already getting her hair done, give him a look of “drop it” and he did, kissing her in the cheek before changing into his suit.
When they got there, Y/N’s headache was nowhere near better, but she tried paying no mind to it; what mattered was she was walking down to the party with JJ holding her hand. She squeezed his fingers gently as they approached her parents; him squeezing her's back.
“Hi sweetie!” My mom smiles, hugging her tightly with the sweetest grin and then moves to hug her boyfriend. “JJ, we’re so glad you could make it! Go ahead to our table. It’s four over there and I made sure to seat you with Sarah and Kie”. The woman was always kind to J, making sure he felt welcomed in their lives.
Who was really hard to convince was her dad, always wary of the boys Y/N brings home. Now, him being a pogue well… that stir shit up to say the least. “Thank you” the boy answered her mom, then turning to her dad. “Hello, sir”. Her dad gave JJ a stern look and held out his hand “Hello JJ”. And that was it for him.
As they were walking to their table, Y/N realized her boyfriend’s face fell a little at the interaction with her dad. “Hey hey, it’s okay… you know how he gets,” she quickly assured and he directed those sad blue eyes to her “I just don’t get why he doesn’t like me” he sighed, a sad chuckle leaving his lips.
“You don’t usually care what people think of you, J. Why do yo-“ “I care because he’s your dad! I don’t care if Pope’s parents or- or Kie’s don’t like me, I couldn’t give less of a fuck but not with you. He’s your dad and as much as we know he’s unfair with me for being a pogue, I-I would like him to like me”
Y/N’s heart broke at his words, making her feet stop next to the dancefloor, her headache pulsating at the strong wave of emotions. “We can’t make him like you but when we get married…” JJ laughed at that, placing big hands around her waist and smiling “When we get married, he’ll realize I couldn’t wish for a better person to be with me forever. Because you love me, and I love you.” She grinned, pecking his nose to then resume their way to their seats.
When a waiter approached them and Y/N ordered water instead of some champagne, JJ looked at her funny. "Water? Who are you? Kie?" He joked, the aforementioned throwing a small napkin to his head "At least I'm not going to die of some weird liver disease like you J!" Kiara countered, giggling slightly. "I told you I'm not feeling well" Y/N mumbled, and before he could say anything, she joined Sarah and Kie's conversation.
As the conversations flowed and laughter filled the air, Y/N valiantly pushed through the discomfort, not wanting her condition to dampen the joyous occasion. Engaging in lighthearted banter with her friends, she managed to mask the underlying pain she felt. Yet, behind her radiant smile, an unrelenting throbbing persisted, casting a shadow on her otherwise vibrant spirit.
As Y/N's voice intertwined with the playful chatter, a sudden surge of dizziness overwhelmed her senses. Her head felt heavy, as if wrapped in a dense fog, and her vision blurred around the edges. The familiar pain that had been nagging her intensified, clawing at her temples.
She desperately clung to the facade of normalcy, but her body betrayed her resilience. Y/N's grip on the conversation faltered, her words becoming muddled as her mind struggled to keep pace. Her friends noticed the change in her demeanor, a fleeting flicker of concern crossing their faces. "You 'kay Y/N/N?" John B asked.
In that moment, Y/N's world seemed to spin out of control. Sensations of disorientation and weakness cascaded through her body, leaving her feeling adrift and vulnerable. The sounds of her friends' voices morphed into a distant echo, as if they were calling to her from a great distance.
The once vibrant party faded into the background, overshadowed by the overwhelming intensity of Y/N's migraine. Her focus narrowed to a single point of struggle, her every instinct urging her to find solace and relief from the torment that gripped her. "Baby?" She heard JJ mumble as her consciousness teetered on the precipice. Y/N's body succumbed to the overpowering sensations, causing her to lose consciousness.
A profound stillness enveloped Y/N as she drifted away, suspended in a momentary limbo between wakefulness and oblivion. Time became a fleeting concept, and the outside world ceased to exist for those brief moments.
In that suspended state, Y/N's body rested, unaware of the commotion that unfolded around her. JJ held her full weight in his arms, shock written all over his features. "Y/N! Baby, wake up!" he hopelessly pleads, the attention of the nearby tables focusing entirely on him. Kiara rushed over to her as well as Sarah and John, all in a frenzy, knowing nothing of what was going on.
"John, go get the twinkie! Ambulances will take a while to come to this side of the island." JJ hurried, feeling everyone's gaze on him but caring only for the peaceful look on his girlfriend's face. John B nodded and left quickly to get the van as close as he could. Then, guilt came rushing through J's veins like injected adrenaline; this was hois fault.
Y/N had tried to tell him she wasn't feeling okay, but he was too petty and way more inside his head when she was just being honest. He felt a sting in his eyes and as soon as he blinked; the tears stained Y/N's dress. "I'm so sorry baby" he whispered, Sarah and Kie looking puzzled at him asking for forgiveness at a time like this.
"JJ, this is not your fault" the blonde said, rubbing his back reassuringly but before she could continue, he began shaking his head "Y-You don't understand, she told me her head was hurting but-but I was stupid and thought she didn't wanna be seen with me and-" a sob interrupted his sentence, making Kie hug him tightly. "It's still not your fault".
He cried for a few more seconds, holding Y/N close so he could feel her still steady heartbeat against his ear until John B came rolling down in the twinkie. JJ noticed Y/N's dad approaching when he lifted up his girlfriend, but he needed to get her to the hospital quick. "I'll get her to the hospital sir, meet you there," He said in a panic, his friends and him getting in the van and speeding off to the emergency room.
He felt his heart sink as John drove and he could notice Y/N's breath quicken, then falter. JJ rarely felt guilt, but this was the way the universe was punishing him, he figured. "Hurry" he mumbled, knowing his best friend was doing his best not to crash while getting his girl to the hospital as soon as he could.
Eventually they got there. Everything from when the car stopped to him sitting next to her bed was a blur for JJ; he had a vague memory of the doctors saying she passed out from the migraine and dehydration, nothing fatal but if JJ hadn't been there to catch her when she blacked out it could've caused a concussion.
The pogues stayed there against the professional's advice, saying they should go home and sleep, that Y/N would be awake by morning and they would be able to talk to her then. They refused. Kie and Pope (who got there as soon as he heard the news) cuddled on a couch. Sarah and John did the same as JJ just sat next to Y/N's bed, holding her hand.
The doctors instructed her boyfriend to give her water as soon as she woke up and notify a nurse that would help her immediately, but in the meantime, all they could do was wait. Her parents walked in to find a room of teenagers sleeping at around eleven. Her mom woke JJ up so he could fill them in.
"Mrs. Y/L/N... hi" he sleepily mumbled, rearranging the wild mess his hair was by brushing it back to later rub the sleep out of her face. Her father was standing behind her with an angry expression, and before Y/N's mother could speak, he approached JJ menacingly. "You explain to me right this second why you didn't ask me what was to be done as soon as she passed out! We were so-" the man whisper yelled so the others wouldn't wake up.
"I'm sorry sir, and with all due respect, I could not care less about what you thought would be appropriate other than bringing her to the hospital. I couldn't care less about how you both were feeling; she needed help, and she needed it right that second. I'm sorry if I crossed any boundaries but, as you would be able to tell if you gave me a chance, I have no limit when it comes to your daughter's well being" JJ declared, not once getting his eyes off Y/N's dad.
And he was telling the truth, too. He would go to the ends of earth for her and if her being safe meant her dad would hate him more, it was okay for him. Suddenly, Y/N's mother engulfed him in a tight hug. "She couldn't be with someone better than you. We're just glad she's safe and to know our girl is with someone who will look after her. Thank you, JJ" she smiled.
He smiled wide, returning the hug. "No problem, ma'am. The doc said she'd be just fine. Apparently she had a migraine and hadn't drunk enough water... we're all just waiting for her to wake up". When the blonde raised his eyes to the man behind her, there was something different. Respect, maybe. He didn't really care in this moment.
Her parents stayed in some chairs outside, and, at around midnight, Y/N woke up. JJ was the first one to notice when her hand moved to wrap around his finger while he mindlessly scrolled through twitter. He dropped his phone, almost falling to the ground when he tossed it somewhere as he turned to look at Y/N. "Hi, hi baby" He cooed, pretty y/e/c staring at him just like he needed "Mmm, my hero", Y/N's voice was hoarse.
JJ giggled, handing her a bottle of water and stroking her cheek softly. "I'm sorry baby, I-I should've listened to you when you tried to tell me" He sighed the apologies he repeated like a prayer hours ago "S'okay J" "It's not. Shouldn't have let my mind get in the way. I'm glad you're okay" "Yeah me too... I'm also glad to see you, baby... Dreamt about you while I was out" "As you should," he jokingly said, both of them laughing and sharing a sweet kiss.
The story after that is short. Y/N recovered, JJ was finally allowed at family dinner (and exchanged pleasant conversations with his soon to be father-in-law as he called him). ♡
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The ending feels rushed, I'm sorry ahhhh. Tysm for reading! Hope you enjoyed
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Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie, posting a Tiktok: All of you know Ozzy, Steve’s service dog? We all agree that he’s great and we love him, right? Well, wanna love him a bit more?
Eddie: So, one of the side effects of repeat head trauma is dizziness, loss of coordination, balance issues. Steve’s also got a bit of trouble with his vision, especially when he’s having a migraine.
Eddie: For years after we moved into this place, Steve almost constantly had this bruise on his hip. Come to find out, it was from the handrail on the stairs. When he turns on the split landing to go the rest of the way upstairs, he takes it too sharply and hits the railing every time which caused a bruise.
Eddie: I actually makeshifted a solution to that with some hockey pads and duct tape but Steve said it was ugly and to take it down. Anyways, I was thinking about this yesterday and I noticed that Steve didn’t have the bruise anymore. Wanna know why?
Eddie cuts to a video of Steve and Ozzy on the stairs. Walking up the first set of stairs, Ozzy stays on Steve’s left so he can hold onto the railing. As they approach the landing, Ozzy takes the steps faster and stands in front of Steve so that he takes a wider turn to go up the next set of stairs, thus not hitting his hip on the railing anymore. They resume the same position with Ozzy on his left the rest of the way upstairs.
Eddie: Oz picked up this minor incident and then fixed it without anyone even noticing. He’s sweet. I love him.
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zuhaism · 11 months
⊹ 。˚ 𓂃 ♡ DYNAMICS ?! ┊ lesserafim ⁺
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sakura …
eunchae does something funny? sakura is taking a picture and your standing beside her with a proud dad smile.
eunchae doesnt do her chores? sakura scolds her and you do the chores for eunchae.
other than eunchae in the picture you guys really act like married couples. for example, a picture went viral on local twitter mistaking you both as lesbian couples.
chaewon posted a picture of you laying your head on sakura’s lap while she was reading a book. the photo emitted love and care which made it blow up.
chaewon …
you and chaewon has never crossed paths until it was announced that you guys will be in lesserafim. chaewon admitted that she’s never seen you in the hallways before since you all have never trained together.
she started taking notice of you after your first dance practice together as lesserafim.
“take 5” the dance instructor’s voice rang through the room. you could hear pants from your members as they went to drink water. you glanced at them and noticed chaewon with a frown on her face. her hands were on her temple. massaging it.
signs of a migraine or any headache to be honest. you look through your bag for pain killers. once you found it. you went over to chaewon and tapped her shoulder.
her head turned as fast as lightning. her furrowed eyebrows started to ease when she realised it was just you. “uhm here”
this was the first time you’ve ever interacted with her.
her eyes moved down to your hands. “oh thank you.” she said with a small smile on her face. after that act of kindness chaewon started noticing you more and looking out for you.
she’d give you water when you were out of breath and bring you your towel after you finished a solo dance.
yunjin …
you dont know why but she hated your guts when you first came. you’d thought she’d warm up to you after the first week but no. she didn’t. during practices she’d make faces and snide remarks whenever the instructor praise you. the worst part is you’d always get paired up with her for group monthly evaluations. “the note is supposed to be higher.” she’d say coldly. “move your legs closer” she glares at you.
these harsh words were taking a toll on you because you really look up to her. being on produce before joining hybe. you were also excited when you found out she was american also. you thought you could find comfort in her.
you told your mom about yunjin not liking you. she reassured you that not everyone is going to like you just listen to her and move on. you were determined to prove her wrong. you really wanted yunjin too like you mayb because you want to have that american bond (not because you have a little crush on her).
but luckily you were improving and the fluttering feelings in your chest was starting to dissipate because you’ve started to hate her back. you didn’t show any physical signs of hating her. you just started to ignore her whenever she makes faces.
the clock struck 1am as you panted. “do it again from the start” the song echoing through the practice room as your hands went to your knees catching your breath. it was one of yunjin’s intense dance practices. she claimed you should be perfect so you wouldn’t embarrass her.
yunjin replayed the song and got into position. you were getting dizzy and loosing your breathe as you reached the second part of the choreo. you collapsed down onto the floor clutching your stomach causing you to groan loudly. yunjin took notice of your fallen state and immediately stopped dancing.
she went over to you “are you okay?”clutching your shoulder realising how hard and tense it is. but before she could comment on it you pushed her away. “get away. let me breathe god!” she was pushed backwards before coming to a stop, slight fear evident in her eyes.
that was the first time you’ve raised your voice ever since you came. after 5 minutes, you were leaned against the practice room walls with your eyes closed hands still clutching your stomach. the silence was devouring yunjin. she didn’t know what to do.
“does it hurt?” she questions in a small voice. she was a few feet away from you with a worried look etched on her face. “why do you care.”
“i-um” yunjin didn’t know what to say. she was lost at words. regret started boiling in her stomach as she remembered you saying you couldn’t do it anymore but she forced you to do it perfectly. she did not give you a break. she heard you sigh breaking her train of thought.
“im sorry. no it doesn’t hurt anymore we can continue.” you stood up slowly leaning onto the wall for support. she tried reaching out for you but was too afraid to touch you. you were rubbing your shoulders.
your shoulders have been hurting the past few days from sleeping the wrong way. now you can’t dance to the choreography perfectly with your tense shoulders. yunjin saw this “come here” she tapped infront of her from where she was sat cross legged on the pile on soft mattresses that was slightly above the ground.
you sat on the floor infront of her and she brought her hands to your shoulders, you flinched for a second before relaxing. she started massaging your shoulders. wincing a little from how tight your shoulders were.
you started zoning out as yunjins presses got harder and the silence developed. you noticed her body heat radiating from behind you. she got closer and her legs were beside your shoulders. you noticed the intimacy as your eyes glanced to the mirror seeing your reflection. “that’s enough.” you stood up stretching, leaving her hold midway.
she looked up at you, flabbergasted. realising what she did “uhm yeah we can continue tomorrow. bye!” she said. standing up in a rush while packing her bags. heading straight to the door leaving confused you in the empty practice room. after leaving, she leaned on the wall beside the door of the practice room with her hand gripping her chest and her face flushed.
kazuha …
its not new to everyone that kazuha is literally your baby. shes your person. you will always look out for her. fearnots even made a compilation of you and zuha being couply with eachother. it was 20 minutes long. recently you guys got edited to that sound “leave me alone baby. *cries*. YOURE MY BABY.” with you being the one that cries.
there was a lot of times when fansites was taking pictures of kazuha and she was posing and the camera panned to you glaring straight into the camera. fearnots called you kazuha’s black cat. everywhere she goes you’ll be with her.
besides that you’re the closest to her, there is some sort of language barrier but you guys mostly communicate in actions anyway.
you were filming one of your fimlogs in a studio. the room had different types of musical instruments and you set your phone down beside the drums. “hi everyone! i haven’t recorded my fimlog yet so today we’re going to practice drums with me.”
you ran your hand through your hair making sure the angle was correct and you started warming up. grabbing your sticks and hitting the leather drums slowly. starting to play afraid by the neighbourhood. you were reaching the end of the song when you noticed the studio door slightly ajar.
you ignored it and only looking up after the last note. your eyes were met with bright crescent eyes shining back at you. “i got you coffee!” she held up a drink and set it on the table. you glanced at the camera making her turn towards it too.
you got up and took off your in-ears, smiling back at her. “thank you zuha.” you sat down on the coach while kazuha went to where you sat just now, behind the drums not forgetting to wave at the camera.
“hello everyone i just got back from vocal lessons!”
she took your sticks and started tapping lightly on the leather drums. making random noises imitating the drum sounds while hitting random notes. you giggled and sipped your coffee. “do you want me to teach you a song?”
she looked up at you with puppy eyes. “you’d do that?”
“of course!”
you got up grabbing another stool placing it right behind the one she was sitting on. the position you guys were in was her between your legs and your head looking over her shoulder. the day you posted that kazuy/n was trending on twitter. “well first you hold the sticks at the end not in the middle. you have to make surethe ends doesn’t move. do you understand?” you explained while moving her hands at the end of the drumsticks.
she beams as she turned back to you whose behind her. “no” you chuckled and squeezed her hands that you were holding onto. “seasons by wave to earth is an easy song and it reminds me of you so i think it’ll be perfect for you to learn it” you flirted and she leaned back into your front, leaning her head against your shoulder looking up at you with a grin. you returned with a small peck on the cheek which made her sit up straight again.
chuckling, you took your in-ears and slid the right side into her ear and the other side into yours so you could hear the song. you held her hands that were gripping the drumsticks and guiding it to the drums hitting every note when the music started.
the rest of the video was just you teaching her.
zuhay/n4eve : ME WHEN
kajuhan : who wants to be the y/n to my kazuha
eunchae …
you could hear the pitter patter of her footsteps running across the hall as you were cuddling with yunjin in her room. “what is she up to now.” yunjin said groggily as she snuggled deeper into your neck to tune out the noise.
you patted the small of her back to lull her back to sleep. you glanced at the clock on yunji’s bedside table. ‘12:03’ “why is she still awake” you whispered under your breath. “go check on her i know you want to” yunjin spoke up with her eyes closed.
you everted back at her and moved some of her baby hairs away from her. you kissed her forehead before getting up. before leaving, you looked back to yunjin smiling softly seeing her sleeping while snuggling a body pillow. you closed the door slowly and made your way to the kitchen.
you scanned the area, noticing eunchae’s shoes missing from the shoe rack. “where did she go.” you whispered to yourself. you had an internal battle if you should go look for her or not. you stood there for a whole minute contemplating until “you should go” a voice from behind you. you turned around it was yunjin. you nodded and kissed her cheek before grabbing your shoes and your coat out the door.
you knew eunchae wouldn’t go to places where she’s not familiar with, so you lingered around the building. looking left and right subsequently you saw her big black puffy coat and her nike shoes. you followed closely behind. being careful to not get noticed by her.
you were confused as she made a turn into the convenience store. normally she’d ask one of the members to follow her for these type of runs. worry started boiling inside you. after a beat or two she went out again with a plastic bag filled with chips.
you walked past the grocery store and glanced through the window seeing a piece of chocolate bread left on the counter, eunchae’s favourite. ‘did she not have enough money?’ you thought as you trudged in the store and bought it.
slowly chasing after her in the direction she left, you found yourself in a park. it started drizzling as you saw someone standing in the middle of the pathway. ‘what the hell is she doing’ you thought when you realised it was eunchae.
she was standing there looking onto the floor in the middle of the drizzling rain. you ran to her and stopped infront of her. she had no sort of reaction. you immediately opened your coat and covered her with it “yah what are you doing in the rain you’re going to get sick.”
she moved her eyes away from the ground. up to you. her eyes were red and there was tear stains on her face. before you could say anything she engulfed you in a tight hug. you held the jacket with one hand and patted her back. “yah its okay im here” she was sobbing in your neck, mumbling incoherent things.
“it’s so hard i miss my mom my friends everything. i miss waking up happy i miss-“ she said everything against your coat and was stopped with another sob.
you guys stood in the cold rain until her sobs died down. all the while whispering comforting words in her ear. once she was done crying into you, you held her face gently. “eunchae, you’re still young. i know this is very hard for you it’s okay to feel this way. life isn’t always about being happy sometimes we have to be sad to appreciate our happiness and not take it for granted. from now on i want you to promise me to find happiness in the hard parts, and if you can’t do that you can always come to me. okay?”
she nodded while sniffing in understandment. “now let’s go back before you get sick.” she chuckled and said “you’re the one whose soaking wet.” she wipped away her snot with a grin.
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sensualnoiree · 6 months
astro health notes pt.1
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Astrology has long associated specific body parts and health predispositions with each zodiac sign. All the signs, Aries through Pisces hold sway over various physiological attributes and potential health concerns, shedding light on their connections to human anatomy and well-being.
Aries: Headstrong Prowess and Vitality
Ruling Anatomy: Aries governs the head, cerebral hemispheres, upper jaw, eyes, and face. The brain, skull, and facial features fall under its dominion. The energy of Aries infuses the thinking process and perception, contributing to sharp, commonsensical thinking and acute senses.
Health Connections: Individuals with a dominant Aries influence may experience issues like headaches, migraines, sinus conditions, nosebleeds, and neuralgia. Their active nature and energetic disposition demand a well-balanced diet for sustained health and vitality. Aries’ association with the head often leads to distinctive facial features, birthmarks, and scars. Additionally, their inclination towards risk-taking behavior might result in intriguing scars from past injuries.
Challenges: Under planetary afflictions, Aries natives might contend with brain fever, dizziness, inflammation of the cerebral hemispheres, and other brain-related ailments. Excessive blood flow to the head can cause varied symptoms like red, sore eyes, vertigo, and a tendency towards irritability and impatience.
Taurus: Endurance and Steadfastness in Health
Ruling Anatomy: Taurus presides over the neck, ears, throat, larynx, tonsils, thyroid gland, and cerebellum. It also governs the vocal cords, taste buds, and the area surrounding the neck.
Health Connections: Taureans exhibit endurance and steadfastness, yet they might be prone to ailments such as colds, sore throats, swollen glands, stiff necks, and minor neck injuries. Their penchant for good food might lead to weight concerns as they age, requiring discipline in diet and moderate exercise. The thyroid gland’s influence can significantly impact weight issues.
Characteristics: Taurus risings often possess distinct neck features, and their sturdy build with a strong posture sets them apart. They may have darker hair and eyes, with naturally curly locks. Under the influence of Venus, they tend to possess symmetrical and attractive facial features.
Challenges: Taurus individuals, when afflicted, may hold onto illnesses tenaciously due to their fear of sickness. They might experience ailments related to the nervous system, digestive disorders, and poor blood circulation, reflecting the Melancholic disposition associated with this sign.
Gemini: Nervous Energy and Communication Linkages
Ruling Anatomy: Gemini oversees the lungs, shoulders, arms, hands, bronchial tubes, and nervous system. Communication, flexibility, and subtle sensations fall within its purview.
Health Connections: Individuals influenced by Gemini might confront issues related to upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, asthma, and nervous disorders. Their communicative nature might be closely tied to their state of health, with anxiety and nervousness potentially impacting their well-being.
Distinctive Traits: Gemini ascendants are easily recognizable by their animated storytelling, expressive gestures, and bright, engaging eyes. They possess tall, lithe bodies, with graceful arms and hands, owing to the influence of Mercury.
Challenges: Geminis’ nervous energy can manifest in various health challenges, including respiratory problems and nervous disorders. Anxiety and stress may exacerbate their susceptibility to ailments, emphasizing the interconnectedness between their mental state and physical health.
Cancer: Nurturing Instincts and Emotional Health
Ruling Anatomy: Cancer governs the breasts, diaphragm, womb, lymphatic system, vagina, stomach, and right eye. It embodies nurturing, motherhood, and the Moon principle, associated with substance change but lacking vitality.
Health Connections: Cancerians might encounter weight gain in later years due to their fondness for food. Emotional stress, anxiety, and tension often cause digestive problems such as ulcers, gastritis, and digestive upsets. They might struggle with gall bladder issues, nausea, and gas pains, while also being susceptible to overindulgence in alcohol.
Characteristics: Cancer individuals exhibit a nurturing nature akin to motherhood. Their susceptibility to digestive issues and emotional stress underscores the impact of their emotional state on physical health.
Challenges: Afflicted Cancerians may suffer from dropsy, indigestion, and sclerosis. Symptoms such as dizziness, syncope, and watery or congested nose and sinuses can manifest, reflecting the sign's vulnerabilities.
For more info check out my blog in the bio or my insta 🤸🏿‍♀️
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crippledcryptidd · 7 months
I want to talk about migraine and mobility aids.
I’ve made a post on Tourette’s and mobility aids so I’m going to talk about another neurological disability I have that is a reason me and many others use mobility aids. Migraine.
Migraine is a neurological disease that causes migraine attacks that are most known for causing headaches but not every attack will have a headache, migraine attacks come with many different symptoms some of which may cause someone to use mobility aids.
Some symptoms that may cause someone with migraine to use one or multiple mobility aids are
Vision changes
Pain worsened when moving
Nausea which can be worsened by moving
Those symptoms and others may cause someone with migraine to use mobility aids. Everyone is different, not everyone with migraine uses mobility aids and those who do may use different ones for different symptoms.
One person may use different mobility aids depending on the day, situation, symptoms, severity of symptoms, ect.
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