#mike schmidt is the most normal
dovewingkinnie · 1 year
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hands you a au that would come out of 2016 Dont mind that they’re all cats im going to draw their human forms later this is just my designing process its normal i swear!!!! i’ve been feeling nostalgic so i wanted to design all the known characters from the original trilogy (john is just the fnaf 3 guard i just made him up cause there was no design for a fnaf 3 guard) no this doesnt follow modern fnaf lore its just if the only games were the original trilogy
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Little coupley things Michael Mike and jack do (this ended up being a things they do in general too)
When they're around other people Mike always tries to act like hes not seriously considering grappling onto either Michael or jacks arm (in most instances it's jacks arm) while walking or something because he knows it's not seen as positively as just holding hands (he tries so hard to seem normal and has been for most of his life)
Michael tries to sit as close to them as he can to the point if they're just with friends he will literally sit on Mike or jacks lap even if there's plenty of chairs
Their wings feel different when the others touch them than if anyone else touched them and it's mainly to do with how gods angels and demons have "mates" and certain things are reserved for mates (like stroking the underside of their wings although that has an exception for family)
Mike barely takes care of his wings and whenever Michael sees mikes wings being messy he immediately makes Mike let him fix it and Mike ends up falling asleep
Jack finds anything they do cute, Michael just ate a serial killers organs in front of him? Wonderful! Mike just passed out and smacked his face into a table? Adorable also is he ok? They could do anything and say it's inspired by their love for him and he immediately goes "awee so romantic!" Even if it's making a heart of human intestines
Mike likes a random ass kids show that's in another language and constantly buys merch related to it but is embarrassed by it and hides everything under his bed but Michael and jack found out by accident by a stuffed animal poking out from under his bed (Mike tried to say it was Abby's or something but it was obvious it wasn't) and so they ended up getting him some merch they figured he didn't have and he got really embarrassed (again he tries to seem as normal as he can)
They hang out at Michael's house the most because everyone there was already used to Mike and jack before they officially got together but they sometimes hang out at mikes and never hang out at jacks because Michael and Dave may have some... Issues (Michael would probably stare at Dave menacingly)
Mike ends up getting super hot in the middle of the night because of his ice powers fucking with his temperature tolerance but doesn't move to try and get cooler because most of the time Michael is attached to him like a parasite and he wouldn't dare wake anyone up because he knows how bad waking up in the night affects people (he just has sleep issues and a lot of people can function normally if they wake up in the middle of the night but any little bit of waking up in the middle of the night even for a few seconds makes it hard to function in the morning/all day)
If they ever went to a carnival or something jack would immediately try and win Michael the biggest prize they have and try to get Mike something he'd like because Mike doesn't like bigger things and is content with small plushies but Mike and Michael would focus on getting the kids stuff and the kids would insist on them getting something for jack
Jack and Jackie have tried to have Mike and Michael try and guess who is who but Jackie stands with more weight on one foot and jack tends to kind of sway back and forth while standing so they know who is who easily
Michael has dressed them up in dresses and Mike tolerated it for Michael but Mike absolutely hated wearing dresses at any time he ever has but jack thrives on doing embarrassing shit to get a laugh out of someone (he also enjoys the embarrassing stuff because he's probably done worse at some point) but Michael noticed Mike hated the dresses so he ended up making less dress like things to have Mike wear
Michael's hobbys are art baking and making clothes mikes hobbys are watching the kids how I mentioned earlier and sleeping jacks hobby is being a weirdo /pos (he literally has no clue what to do in his free time other than whatever someone else wants to do although he'd probably make a garden if he realized he doesn't have to live by everyone else's activities)
Jack gets anxious if he's not hanging out with someone while they're doing something else so Mike and Michael drag him along to things they like to do even if it's for jack to sit there and look pretty (jack is very content to hold a single pin for Michael while he makes clothes as long as he feels like he's being useful)
Mike seems annoyed whenever Michael tries to crawl all over him or when jack flirts with him but he actually really wants to bury his face into their chests while they hold him and talk about whatever they want to for hours (unlike Michael he doesn't know how to drop his mask of "normal guy" with anyone and not even when he's alone because "what if someone just walked in right now and saw me acting not normally")
Sometimes mikes "normal guy" mask slips and he ends up rambling about something for about and hour and Michael will just be looking at him with all of his attention (which is hard to get from Michael because he absolutely will turn to look at something if it sounds like it could be cool) and then when Mike realises he's been rambling he'll apologize and get embarrassed but Michael will try and get Mike to continue but Mike has already forgotten what he was talking about (Michael loves hearing literally anyone ramble about something they really like but he rarely adds anything to the conversation unless the person wants him to and he knows if he tries to add anything to whatever Mike is talking about he will immediately stop)
They're probably all different flavors of nurodivergent but because I'm only diagnosed with anxiety I don't feel like I can really give them any other diagnosis without accidentally being offensive (I probably wouldn't be but I really don't want to on accident)
Michael likes to wrap his wings around Mike and jack and also hold their tails with his and because he takes really good care of his feathers his wings are always really soft and are enjoyable for Mike and jack to feel and he knows it (he likes stroking his own wings because of how they feel)
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keerysfreckles · 11 months
stay here - mike schmidt
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pairing: mike schmidt x f!reader
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns (no movie spoilers bc i haven't seen it yet im just obsessed with mike) fluff! fluff! fluff! like one makeout scene but thats it
to say babysitting michael schmidt's little sister, abby, was easy would be a lie. mike called you earlier that day, right before his shift started, and asked if you could look over abby until he got home. at the end of the call he mentioned his hours were shorter, and earlier than normal, so he wouldn't be home too late.
it was currently eleven pm. abby's supposed to be in bed by ten-thirty, and nothing was working. y/n tried calming her down with a disney movie. she even colored with her in her makeshift fort in her room. but nothing worked, she was as hyper as ever.
"abby, please! we both know you're going to be tired tomorrow and you have school," y/n pleads.
"but i'm not tired," abby groans, rolling over dramatically on the couch.
"you know what? fine. i'll just tell mike you weren't listening to me," y/n sends abby an evil smile. abby perks up, and sits up to lean on the arm of the couch to look at y/n.
"no! no no no! he said if i was good all week he'd buy me something from the store."
y/n crosses her arms and leans against the hallway wall, opposite of the couch. "looks like you're going to have to listen to me afterall."
"but i'm still not tired," abby groans again, but walks over towards y/n.
y/n looked down at the girl in front of her. she saw the small bags under her eyes, and noticed her eyes kept closing every so often.
an idea popped into y/n's head, "why don't you go lay down, and i'll be in in ten minutes, yeah?"
abby nodded, confused by the request, but still nodded nonetheless and walked down the hallway and towards her room. y/n watched for a moment before abby was fully inside her room. she knew abby was most likely to fall asleep once her head hit the pillow. now she only had to kill two hours until mike would be home.
y/n and mike have known each other for three years. y/n moved into the one story house that was unoccupied in mike's neighborhood. the town wasn't used to newcomers, so of course y/n was the talk of the town for her first two weeks there.
it wasn't until a month later when y/n was on her morning run on a saturday, and had bumped into michael. she was instantly confused when she noticed he was in his work uniform, and on the way back to his house. the two made light conversation, and ended up at y/n's that night for a movie marathon.
about a month after that, mike knocked on y/n's front door, and properly asked her if she wanted to go on a date with him. of course the girl agreed, and that was the first date of many for the couple.
which leaves y/n in the position she's in - babysitting abby.
when mike and y/n officially started dating abby interrogated the girl. asking her a bunch of questions, some more personal than others, which mike quickly interjected. abby gave mike the idea of having y/n watch over her, instead of having to pay random strangers. mike obviously agreed.
y/n settled herself on the couch and put on a random horror movie that was on tv. she couldn't even get past the opening as her eyes closed and her body went limp from tiredness.
she grabbed the blanket at the other end of the couch before fully letting sleep embrace her.
the only time y/n woke up was when she heard the doorknob rattling. she turned slightly, to look over the back of the couch, and saw her boyfriend walking through the doorway.
"shit, were you sleeping?" mike asked, taking off his jacket and throwing it by the front door.
y/n sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, "yeah, but i can go. abby's asleep so i did my job pretty well," she chuckles.
"thank you again. and you know you can stay babe, i don't mind the comapny," michael smiles.
y/n couldn't help but notice how on edge mike looked as soon as he walked inside.
"are you okay?" she asks softly, still sitting on the couch.
mike nods as he sits down beside her, "yeah, just a long night." he leans over and kisses her cheek, causing y/n's cheeks to turn pink.
"do you want to talk about it?" y/n moves her leg to rest her chin on her knee, as mike's eyes glaze over the tv screen before turning fully towards his girlfriend.
"william was just on my ass before my shift, and vanessa had so much energy tonight, i just couldn't handle it. and it felt like time was going so slow tonight," mike's voice was quiet. y/n could tell he had a rough night as he rubbed his eyes.
y/n leans forward and turns off the tv, making mike slightly confused. "is there anything i can do to cheer you up?" y/n stands in front of mike and holds her hands out. he immediately takes her hands in his as he stands with her. mike leans forward and kisses y/n's forehead.
"can you just stay here tonight?" mike's voice almost seems desperate, as if y/n's presence was the only thing keeping him going right now.
y/n nods, "i'll always stay if you ask me to," she smiles as mike closes his eyes and rests his forehead against hers.
"was abby okay tonight?" mike asked, pulling away, but still keeping their hands connected.
"she was good, until trying to get her to go to bed. but you didn't hear that from me," this caused mike to let out a small laugh.
the couple, with one of their hands linked with each other's, went down the hallway. mike stopped y/n and opened abby's bedroom door quietly. y/n stood beside mike and held onto his arm with her free hand, resting her cheek on his shoulder.
the pair were met with abby sleeping under her blanket. small snores escaped her lips. y/n leaned up and kissed mike's jaw, before whispering, "c'mon, i know you need sleep just as much as she does."
y/n pulls mike into his room, which was at this point their shared room. mike had two drawers of his dresser specifically for y/n, vice verse in y/n's room. mike stepped into the bathroom and they both got ready for the night, in the most comfortable clothes they own.
y/n was already laying down under the sheets once mike came out of the bathroom. even laying there, he thought y/n looked so effortlessly beautiful.
"why are you staring at me like that?" y/n asks as she watches mike slide into the bed next to her.
"what? i can't stare at my pretty girl?" mike leans forward and kisses y/n on the lips, as he brings his left hand to her cheek. he rolls over, so his right arm is on the mattress, as he hovers over y/n. her hands move to his waist, slowing moving to his lower back.
their lips molded with one another's, and y/n could almost sense the stress leaving mike's body.
mike barely pulled away, leaving little to no space in between the two, "i love you so much."
y/n smiled, "i love you too."
she leaned up to kiss him once more, and mike playfully rolled his eyes while moving to lay down beside the girl. mike loved falling asleep while holding onto y/n's waist, because he knew she was safe.
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gogogodzilla · 6 months
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mike schmidt x reader warnings: nsfw 18+, mike's pov, 1 (one) instance of dirty talk, creampie, consensual somnophilia, alternative continuation of this post ✩ masterlist ✩ read on ao3 ✩ ✩ part 1 ✩ part 2 ✩ part 3 ✩
Mike’s mind tended to drift on his drive home from Freddy’s. Most mornings he spent thinking about you — what you were wearing, if you were awake or if you were sleeping, whether you left the light on the nightstand on. Your panties were nestled in his free hand as he drove, which gave him a pretty good idea of what to expect when he came home. He rubbed the lacey fabric between his fingers as his entire body hummed with anticipation. 
As he pulled into the driveway, his thoughts began to run wild. He planned what he’d do as soon as he entered your shared home. He could picture himself entering your bedroom, eyes scanning over your hardly covered form. He’d gently pull the covers off of your sleeping, exposing yourself to him. His breath caught in his throat as he tried to rein in his thoughts. 
He hurriedly exited his car before he could get too worked up. His keys jingled against the lock of the front door, and he took in the early morning silence of his home. The house was still, save for the rhythmic ticking of the clock on the wall. 
He set his bag down quietly beside the door and kicked off his shoes. He threw his jacket and vest over the top of the couch and made a beeline for his bedroom. He gently pushed open the door, careful not to wake you. The soft glow of the rising sun filtered in through the blinds illuminating your sleeping form. It was still dark enough that he could see the faint glow of the lamp on the bedside table. 
Mike gently pulled the covers back and was satisfied to see that you were just wearing one of his old t-shirts. You were sleeping on your stomach, the round globes of your ass peeking out at the bottom of your shirt. 
His cock jumped in his jeans at the sight and he palmed himself. He eagerly popped the button of his jeans and let them fall around his ankles. He slipped his hand past the waistband of his briefs and wrapped a hand around his weeping cock. 
He could’ve come undone just looking at you, but he forced himself to stop after a few hasty strokes. His briefs quickly joined the pile of discarded clothes along with his shirt. He climbed onto the bed and kneeled beside your legs. You had one leg hiked up while the other one was straight, providing him a small glimpse of your heat. 
He situated himself in the space between your legs and ran a finger through your folds. You were already wet for him, and he wondered if you’d dreamed about him, about this. 
He pulled away, and his hands drifted over your ass cheeks, squeezing the soft flesh. He guided his cock between your folds, biting his lip to stifle the groan that left him. He ran the tip of his cock over your clit and watched as your breathing stuttered. 
He wondered if you’d awaken once he sheathed himself inside you. Would you wake up as soon as the head of his cock breached your tight cunt? Or would take a few thrusts of his hips to rouse you from your slumber? 
He teased your entrance with his tip before moving to circle your clit once more. He wondered who he was torturing more, you or him. He couldn’t wait a moment longer and he was plunging inside you, inch by agonizing inch. He moved slowly to not disturb you, but he was rapidly losing his hold on any restraint he had left. 
He stayed fully seated within you for a few moments so you could adjust to his length— he didn’t get to play with you as long as he normally would’ve liked. Slowly, he began to move his hips, and with each thrust, he pulled himself out farther and farther. You stirred slightly under him, and he hesitated for a moment. You let out a small whimper. He wondered if that was your way of begging him for more, and he gave a cautious roll of his hips. 
You clenched around him, and he let out a needy moan. He began rocking his hips once more, eventually finding a rhythm that had his eyes rolling the back of his head. 
He leaned down to press sloppy kisses against the side of your neck, and you stirred once more. Your eyes fluttered open as you turned your head to the side. You furrowed your brow as you regained your senses before letting out a breathy moan as he hit a particularly sensitive spot within you. 
You arched your back and lifted your hips, allowing him to reach even deeper inside you. He reached under you and drew sloppy circles against your clit. 
“C’mon baby, be good and cum for me,” he urged as he felt the familiar coil in his belly tightening. 
You responded with a high-pitched whine and before he knew it you were cumming around his cock. His hips stuttered against your own as he neared his own orgasm. 
With a final, deep thrust of his hips, he was filling you to the brim with his release. He groaned as he continued to ride out both of your orgasms. 
After a few more drags of his hips, he stilled within you and attempted to catch his breath. Slowly, he pulled out and watched his cum drop out of you. He wished he could sear the image into his mind forever. 
You slowly rolled over onto your back and looked up at him. “Good morning,” you murmured, grinning sleepily. 
He breathed out a laugh, “Good morning to you too.” 
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xcherryerim · 7 months
Josh hutcherson character multi verse would go something like this:
TW: Mentions of vaping.
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pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4
Josh Futturman: “You know scamming people is wrong, right?”
Derek Danforth: “Yes, but I get a fuck ton of money and, in a few years i might become the most rich man in the USA.” Derek passes his vape to Billy after he smokes a fat one.
Billy: “damn… I should join that crypto shit too.” He grabs the vape and hits it before he does a disgusted look. He prefers real cigarettes to whatever artificial shit Derek smokes.
Mike Schmidt: Maybe i should too… I really need the money.
Billy: Bikers too?
Mike: No… what are you—
Josh: Am I the only normal one here?!
Billy, Derek, and Mike look at josh up and down as they raise their eyebrows, judging his geeky appearance.
Josh: Assholes.
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Masterlist 3!
Here’s the third masterlist for all of my works! If you want to check out more of my work, here’s the links for masterlist one and masterlist two Imagines marked * are smutty imagines! Imagines marked ` are requests! Imagines marked ⭐ are personal favorites!
STRANGER THINGS small ~ jim hopper` dance with me ~ eddie munson ⭐ starry night ~ steve harrington* (part five) ⭐ at the hip ~ steve harrington` ⭐ triple date ~ steve harrington (part six) ⭐ the freak ~ steve harrington (part seven) ⭐ oblivious ~ eddie munson ⭐ jason doesn’t know ~ eddie munson ⭐ this is music ~ eddie munson` ⭐
SUPERNATURAL strange human feelings ~ castiel` cleaning ~ dean winchester`
HANNIBAL into fiction` sob story ~ hannibal lecter
THE BOYS obsession ~ billy butcher* ⭐ herogasm ~ soldier boy* ⭐ alone on christmas ~ billy butcher can’t get too close ~ billy butcher ⭐ change in a heartbeat ~ billy butcher ⭐ the bad room ~ homelander ⭐
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY life father ~ diego hargreeves` rescue mission ~ klaus hargreeves’ ⭐
THE LAST OF US (HBO) friendly neighbors ~ joel miller ⭐ too sweet ~ joel miller
BARRY attraction ~ barry berkman` treat him better ~ barry berkman
AMERICAN HORROR STORY late night sins ~ xavier plympton (1984)*`
VICTORIOUS lost dog ~ tori vega` junker ~ beck oliver
HEMLOCK GROVE i don’t ever wanna see you with him ~ roman godfrey ⭐
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES roses are red ~ damon salvatore` ⭐
OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH captive ~ blackbeard/ed teach ⭐
PEAKY BLINDERS moved on ~ thomas shelby
FUTURE MAN winner ~ josh futturman* ⭐
GAME OF THRONES littlest lion ~ oberyn martell (part one) ⭐ freedom ~ oberyn martell (part two) ⭐
THE WITCHER destiny ~ geralt of rivia
DOCTOR WHO looks of a princess ~ eleventh doctor ⭐
BRIDGERTON by the lake ~ benedict bridgerton
THE GENTLEMEN the assistant ~ raymond smith ⭐
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN spirit of nature ~ jack sparrow`
THE MAZE RUNNER i’ll keep you safe ~ newt`
MARVEL how things are now ~ marc spector and steven grant` ⭐ kneel ~ loki* the most wonderful time ~ bucky barnes fast ~ pietro maximoff ⭐
1917 early morning ~ will schofield*`
THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT happy birthday ~ javi gutierrez ⭐
FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S i need someone older ~ william afton ⭐ the ice cream girl ~ mike schmidt
SALTBURN new toy ~ felix catton ⭐ partners ~ oliver quick ⭐
THE SANTA CLAUSE santa’s sister-in-law ~ bernard the elf
8 MILE one of the guys ~ jimmy smith jr ⭐
THE FALL GUY the space cowboy and the pa ~ tom ryder
A QUIET PLACE i’d find you in any life ~ eric ⭐
GLADIATOR II betrothed ~ emperor geta ⭐
PETE DAVIDSON your gift` favoritism`
HARRY STYLES the perfect tree a star in the making` sleepy head`
MACHINE GUN KELLY baby mama` ⭐ my queen*` getting your attention*` all the mistakes` not what it looks like` can’t keep doing this*`
EMINEM may the best artist win*` too close for comfort` ⭐ when it’s wrong but it feels right` in the dressing room*` he’s acting different` we have to stop meeting like this` every inch*` let’s surprise the world` i’m sorry i let you down`
GOODGUYFITZ wake up call*`
CORPSE HUSBAND letting go` they forgot` ⭐
ASHTON IRWIN home life` cover me*`
CONAN GRAY pushing`
MATTHEW LILLARD accidental drunk confessions`
JOHNNY KNOXVILLE feeling good*`
ALEX TURNER more than a song*` ⭐
BO BURNHAM can’t handle this right now ⭐ look at me*`
KRISTEN STEWART special customer`
TARON EGERTON he already has my approval ⭐
ROBERT PATTINSON my favorite superhero
GERARD WAY good girl*`
GWILYM LEE history repeats itself`
RYAN GOSLING play date`
JOSEPH QUINN bad idea, right? ⭐
RANBOO fluffy haired gamer boy`
JACOB ELORDI height advantage`
MOTLEY CRUE she is mine ~ mick mars`
CHRIS EVANS not used to normal` ⭐
SWAGGERSOULS our next step`
JSCHLATT too far ⭐ the hotel room* ⭐
JOHNNY DEPP just for us`
TRAVIS BARKER the parent trap`
family reunion ~ hermione granger x draco malfoy`
showing pedro pascal fan edits ⭐ sitting on jschlatt’s lap ⭐
rook (jp capellette)*` eddie munson* ⭐ billy butcher* ⭐
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cherryredstars · 8 months
Can you do the Mike bodyguard x introvertshy!reader (fem)
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Pairing: Mike Schmidt x fem!reader
Summary: It’s never a good idea to ask Abby for help.
Word Count: 1K (Not Edited)
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This is by far the easiest job he’s had. 
It sounds insane, but it really is. Even though he’s highly underqualified and it was a god given miracle he got the job, it’s by far the best job he had. More than generous pay, reasonable hours, and the girl he’s protecting is more than happy to have Abby for company. That’s not even the best part. The best part is that he gets all of that, simply for doing nothing. Literally nothing. 
Is he technically supposed to be protecting this rich dude’s daughter that he has never heard about until he started working as her bodyguard? Yes. And he does do that. You won’t believe how easy it is to protect someone. Especially when said person is more of an introvert than he is. Which means, he protects her while she’s inside her stupidly expensive, gated mansion that has a state-of-the-art security system. Yup, paid to do nothing except look outside her bedroom window every now and then.  
And the girl, she isn’t bad to be around. She doesn't look down on him or Abby for being working class. She strikes nice and polite conversation. Genuinely listens and nods along to what someone is saying. Smiles like the sun and has giggles that glitter. Insanely pretty, looks like a dream. Mike isn’t opposed to the fleeting touches she gives him either.
Really, he almost craves her attention. 
He wants to explore her soft, delicate mind. Wants to see what she thinks about and how her own mind keeps her company. He needs to know what words and what topics will keep her engaged. What does he have to say and ask and do for her to perk up in that specific way she does. What will make her voice ring out forever and ever and ever. 
Note for future reference: Abby is not the person you recruit for help.
Abby, surprisingly, doesn’t make up a fuss when Mike asks her. She only pauses from her drawing, gives him a bored look, and mutters out an ‘whatever’. She does give him a blank stare when he goes over the plan with her as they eat dinner, but that’s not anything new. On the drive to the mansion, Mike constantly annoys her about remembering what they went over. He only stops when Abby tells him a car is about to hit him when he was looking back at her and not on the road. She scared the crap out of him, and he grumbled and scolded her the rest of the ride for saying such a horrible joke.
The real disaster happens when they get there. It’s normal in the beginning. Mike scans his identification badge at the gate, parks in his designated spot in the employee lot, helps Abby carry her coloring supplies inside, and he meets you at the door. You have a smile on your face as you see Abby, instantly taking the things out of her hands as you strike up conversation. You act like whatever Abby is saying is the most important information in the word, nodding along with a serious expression and applying a perfectly timed comment. He trails behind the two of you, his heart swelling the tiniest bit. 
You lead them to the living room, taking a seat on the floor with Abby sitting besides you. You spread out all of Abby’s coloring supplies on the coffee table while Mike finds his usual position at the doorway of the room. He’s directly across from the girls, giving him a perfect view of them drawing and coloring. He’s fidgety the whole time. He can see the girls talking, but they speak in hushed whispers among themselves. He thinks it’s idle chit chat and he’s anxious for when Abby starts with the plan. 
He wishes she never started with the plan.
Abby looks up at him, their eyes connecting. Mike gives her  subtle nod, looking away quickly when you look up from your paper and follow Abby’s gaze. Abby turns back to her paper, and you follow soon after. As Abby colors in a rainbow on her paper, she speaks up. 
“I think my brother has a crush on you. He was asking me how he could get you to talk to him.”
He’s going to strangle her. 
Mike’s mouth drops open at Abby’s words. His cheeks feel like they’re melting from how hot they are. His eyes are saucers as he looks to his sister, his gaze shifting to you. You’ve straightened up, a bashful look on your face as your cheeks darken with a blush. Your gaze meets him, and the two of you look away quickly. It’s awkward after tha. The two of you sneak glances at each other every now and then, looking away quickly as your eyes meet. He might just quit. 
At the end of his shift you walk him and Abby to the front door as usual. Mike’s carrying all of Abby’s things, Abby already wobbly on her feet with a need to sleep. At the doorstep, Mike gives Abby his keys to unlock the car, ushering her to go inside and he’ll be there in a minute. Abby goes without a fuss, too tired to talk. As she gets inside, Mike turns to you, his ears burning pink. 
“Hey, listen. I’m sorry about what Abby said earlier. Really, it was in-”
He’s stopped short by you shaking your head, a small smile on your face. “It’s okay, Mike. Really.”
It eases his worry slightly and he nods and he goes to turn away. Halfway to the car, your voice calls his name again. He turns around questionably, seeing you still in the doorway. Your hands are clenching the side of the door tightly, and your cheeks flame. “I… I can’t wait to talk to you tomorrow.”
Mike is left a gaping mess as he watches you hurriedly closing the door. His face is tomato red as he robotically turns around and gets inside his car. He almost shits himself when Abby pops out from the backseat, her face appearing above the middle console. 
“Does this mean the plan worked?”
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biblio-smia · 7 months
This Wednesday is Valentine's Day, sooooooo, what would Mike Schmidt be like on Valentine's Day?
ohhhh my goodnesss hed be so perfect,,, happy valentines day!! i love you 👊 guys so much <3 | masterlist
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mike is always nervous as soon as mid-january rolls around, writing down and scratching out different ideas he has for valentine's day. well, first he has to ask you to be his valentine.
mike decides february first is a safe enough date and he goes all out - he's hand-made a card that hides in the glovebox of his car, hearts sticking out of the passenger side sun visor mirror to entice your hand. once you do notice and pull down the mirror, little paper hearts all over your legs, a note instructs you to open the glovebox, where you have to dig through flowers to find the card asking you to be mike's valentine.
on valentine’s day, everything is heart-shaped. from the fruit on your plate for breakfast to the tags on the vase of the fresh bouquet that sits on the dining room table. the house smells of warm breakfast that you and mike have cooked together, the early start to your mornings not bothersome at all today. abby is sent to school with a class valentine set she's picked out, dressed in pink, red, and white. it's not an unusual color scheme from what she normally wears, but it's made special with the lovebug antenna headband she wears.
you and mike won't see each other until later in the afternoon, so you relish in the kisses and soft happy valentine's day wishes now.
you get home later than mike and, just as you suspected, find him in the kitchen (as he usually is). but there's an even bigger mess than most nights and you watch as mike puts something into oil, quickly pulling his fingers away from any splatter.
there's a knowing smile on your face as you approach, much to mike's disdain.
"you're not supposed to be in here," mike says with a bit of whine in his voice, eyes momentarily dragging away from the pots and pans cluttering the stovetop.
"yeah, okay." you pay no attention to mike, careful with your distracting presence, keeping an eye the food while mike takes his eye off.
you can gauge mike's stress by the crowded countertops and the stains on his sweater - ones he hasn't noticed until your line of sight drags his own down. mike sighs - one more thing for him to do.
his exasperation is obvious and your heart begins to churn. whatever mike is cooking is finished, according to him, and he picks up the pan. mike's eyes scan the countertops for a place to put the hot pan down and you can see his frustration grow. you take the pan, carefully as to not burn yourself, and make some space between a few stray pots.
when mike catches your eye again he deflates, tugging you into his hard.
"it really should be perfect," he sighs.
"it really doesn't have to be."
mike frowns as you pick up his chin, forcing him to look at you. you squeeze his face until he smiles, nose scrunched and eyes shut. you press kisses to his face until you hear laughter, and then you kiss him some more.
mike forgets all about the stress of a perfect valentine's dinner soon enough, your reassuring touches bringing him back to a state of sanity.
mike changes into a much cleaner sweater and into a much calmer attitude, nodding along as you suggest borrowing some of abby's art supplies (you'd make it up to her later).
the two of paint while you eat everything mike has prepared (and you make sure to compliment it all - mike can tell when you're exaggerating, but he smiles nonetheless). there's a consistent string of hushed laughter as you two try to peek at each other's work, each of you doing your best to hide it.
an hour later, there's a grand reveal; both of you had created something for each other. the paintings are exchanged (though they will end up right next to each other) along with kisses and the real gifts you've gotten for each other.
there were no explicit directions or expectations for them, but items had been grabbed in the days leading up, reminders of each other coming up in the most expected places. mike'd like this. this is mike's favorite color. mike loves the feeling of cotton.
he follows you everywhere, as you follow him. and there's just something about knowing how much attention he pays, how much care he puts into things when it comes to you. so, valentine's day is always quite the special day for the two of you.
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blackenedalley · 6 months
The Breakdown
Mike Schmidt x fem!reader
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Warnings: Anxiety, crying, mostly fluffy though
A/N: This was more so how my own experiences go, so I apologize if it doesn't match with how other meltdowns go. But here you go!!
You were a retail worker, and worked long days, 5 days a week. Most people, average people without autism, say that 6-8 hours a day is normal. To you it felt like an eternity. Mike knew this, and hated leaving for his night shift on the days you came home later.
Today was particularly an awful one, and everything seemed to be going wrong. You dropped several things and broke them, customers were getting mad and yelling at your face to the point when your lunch hit halfway through, you were practically brain dead and on the verge of tears. You were just thankful that work slowed down by the time the afternoon came around, but that didn't stop the nasty comments coming from customers. Several times, your co workers butted in so you wouldn't dive deeper into that mindset you were already having.
With three hours left in your shift, looking at the clock as it struck 5 pm. You let out a sigh, tensing when you heard your supervisor calling your name. You looked over at them and smiled softly "Hey. Is something wrong?" you asked, your voice obviously shaking.
Your manager shook her head "not at all. It's kinda slow here, why don't you head home. You'll get paid for the last three hours of your shift. you put in extra hours this week so go home and enjoy the weekend" she nodded and walked away, leaving you to let out a breath that you didn't even know you were holding. You finished stocking what you had in front of you before grabbing your things to head to your shared home with Mike. The walk home felt long, even though you lived half a mile from your work. As you walked, you could feel the anxiety and day getting back to you, making tears fill your eyes. You started to look around as you walked, feeling paranoid that someone was following you. You let out a sob and started running, hopefully getting home soon.
You saw Mike's car in the driveway, a breath of relief leaving you before you quickly unlocked the door and slammed it behind you, letting out soft cries, moving to rest your head against the door, your hand still on the knob. You could hear footsteps and tensed immensely, which caused the footsteps to come to a halt. Whispering could be heard from across the room, before smaller feet rushed down the hall and gently closed the door. It was probably Abby going to her room.
You whimpered as a body came into view, and if it weren't for Mike's cologne, you probably would have started attacking him, but you stayed where you were, your eyes squeezed shut. You didn't realize just how much you were crying until a gentle hand was placed on the back of your head, making it painfully obvious how much you were shaking.
"Hey.." Mike's soft voice managed to reach your ears, you slowly turning your gaze towards him slightly, tears rolling down your cheeks. "Bad day?" he cooed, making you nod and almost hesitantly turn to face him, wrapping your arms around his waist, burying your head in his neck. He reacted instantly and kept his hand on the back of your head, the other wrapped around your back as he gently swayed back and forth, gently kissing your forehead. He knew much didn't need to be said, but him there would help immensely. He knew you would eventually tell him. He loosened his grip on you when he felt you start to pull away, gently cupping your cheeks to wipe the tears away. You almost instantly leaned into his touch, your shoulders relaxing "There's my pretty girl" he murmured, gently kissing you before leading you to the bedroom to change. You hummed and went over to your pajama drawer and pulled out a unicorn t shirt and shirts. You hiccuped and took your uniform off, tossing it to the side before putting the pajamas on.
When you were ready, you both headed out to the living room, you collapsing on the sofa woth a shaky sigh. Mike came back into view with a small bowl and some of your favorite soup. You gasped and smiled widely at the small gesture, leaning over to kiss his cheek, to which he chuckled and wrapped an arm around you, handing you the soup, which you slowly, but surely ate. When you finished, you set the bowl on the coffee table, moving to lay down with your head in Mike's lap. He put on looney toons, your favorite cartoon, and started playing with your hair. You hummed softly "Thank you Mike" you turned to look up at him, which made him smile.
"Anything for you baby" he smiled and leaned down, kissing your forehead, making you smile widely before turning to watch the cartoons. Not even five minutes later, you were sprawled out on him and passed out. He didn't dare move yet. You looked too peaceful.
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importantchaosgiver · 10 months
The Mystery Thickens
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Summary: Whilst having her day off after an interesting night, (Y/N) bumps into an all too familiar face...
Warnings: None?
No one's POV
'Should I get the whole wheat or white?', (Y/N) pondered, looking at the loaves of bread along the isle. It was her day off, and god knows she needed it. After the previous night, she had went back to the station and asked them to test the blood. She would get the results later, hopefully. But what got her the most was the animatronics. They didn't speak, yet Abby could communicate with them? On top of all that, they moved in ways normal robots couldn't. How? (Y/N) pushed it into the back corner of her mind and focused on grocery shopping. As she put the white bread into her basket, she felt something collide with her back, making her yelp. She fell forward, but before she could hit the floor, an arm wrapped around her waist and caught her.
"I am very sorry, miss. I should've watched where I was walking," a man's voice said, helping her get back to her feet. "It's alright. It's a minor mis-" (Y/N)'s voice trailed off when she turned to see who had knocked her over and caught her. It was the man! Older mind you, but she recognized those blue eyes anywhere.
He smiled at her. "It's you," she muttered. "It is. Hello," he chuckled. (Y/N) snapped out of her surprise. "Sorry, what's your name?" she queried. "Steve Raglan. I remember you. Officer (L/N), I believe," he said with an almost charming smile. "It's detective now. But yeah. You can call me (Y/N). I'm off duty," she said with a smile also. "Don't mind if I do. So, (Y/N). My daughter said you went to Fazbear's last night about the break in," he said. "Yeah, I did. Simple procedure," she said with a shrug. Steve nodded, looking at her carefully. She had grown out her hair a little, looked a bit older compared to the twenty year old he saw back when the children went missing.
"You don't look half bad," he said. (Y/N) blinked, not used to getting compliments. "Uh, thanks? You don't look bad yourself," she said, trying to repay the kindness. Steve just smiled at her. He had to find a way to get her off his case, but it wasn't going to be easy. He'd deal with Mike at a later date. But this was a trained detective who already found something suspicious at the pizzeria. He couldn't risk killing her, a detective. "Wanna grab a coffee?" he suggested. He had to be careful with this one. "Uh, sure," (Y/N) said with a shrug. After she paid for her groceries and put them in her car, they went to a nearby coffee shop. They happily talked together, talking about their hobbies and lives. After almost an hour, (Y/N)'s phone buzzed. She glanced down. Results of the blood. "Oh, I'm sorry. Work," she said, putting her finished coffee cup in a recycling bin. "No worries. Well, catch you on the flip side," Steve said with a smile. "Sure," (Y/N) said with a smile and jogged off. Once her back was turned, Steve's smile dropped. She was a tricky one....
Some hours later....
(Y/N) was beyond confused. She had gotten blood results of a man and went to ask his family. But no one had seen nor heard from him. She sat in her car, letting out a sigh. She had hit a dead end. But she wasn't going to give up easily. Something wasn't right about that pizzeria. The case with the break in had grown cold. But those animatronics unnerved her. Something was terribly wrong. She could almost sense it. So, she drove the pizzeria.
When (Y/N) arrived and got let in by Mike, she saw him, Vanessa and Abby making a..... fort? "Hey, miss!" Abby greeted with an enthusiastic grin, waving happily. Vanessa waved back albiet a little weary. Why was the detective back? (Y/N) waved a little back. "Mr Schmidt, can I ask you a few questions concerning something?" she asked. "Yeah. And please, call me Mike," he said and lead her into other room. "What's your take on the animatronics?" (Y/N) queried once they were alone. Mike thought carefully. He didn't want to lie, but he didn't want to sound crazy when talking to this woman either.
"There's definitely something going on with them. I keep having strange dreams about five kids. I know this may sound mad, but I think those kids-" "May have been the ones that disappeared," (Y/N) finished for him. "Yeah, basically," Mike said, nodding and putting his hands inside his pockets. (Y/N)'s brow furrowed even more. This wasn't leading to answers, only more questions. "This doesn't make sense, yet...... it is all connected," she muttered, rubbing her eyes. "I take it you were one of the cops involved with the investigation about those kids," Mike said. She nodded. "Yeah, I was. But this is all so confusing," (Y/N) sighed. Mike nodded, half understanding what she meant. "I best go think on this. See you around," she said, going to leave the pizzeria. As she walked out, Vanessa's and the animatronics eyes all followed as she left. She was one step closer. If only she noticed the drawing......
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itsmemichael · 6 months
mike schmidt and michael afton interacting with each other (arguing) is my favourite thing.
Because neither have really had sibling experience: michael’s siblings died before he could appreciate them and mike has spent a long time as a guardian as opposed to a brother.
But they bicker like children with each other from the get go.
Michael calls mike a chihuahua (bc hes small and aggressive)
mike, in retaliation, calls him an earthquake (bc he snores loudly (thanks smoking) and (according to mike) disrupts the entire eco-system)
even most of their physical fights are childish, pulling each others hair and smacking each other upside the head
thankfully, since they have the same name, the person breaking up the fight (normally abby (shes sick and tired of her brothers)) just yells “michael” and that scares them both long enough for them to be separated
(abby has definitely grounded them, making them face the wall on opposite sides of the room)
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send-me-a-puffalope · 9 months
I. listened to a video called: "Overthinking Micheal Afton 's Monologue".
And fuck, he's also kicked dog. But it just made me think of Vanessa even more.
Like, ouugghhh. If you have time and want to listen to it, go ahead!! I just. Wanted to say that n other stuff
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(I took some screenshots of the video),
These all. I think they could all work for Vanessa so well in the movie.
She's known about the kids, but she has a closer attachment to them. So I don't think it would be that "uncaring", but she is certainly used to it all. She doesn't question, and she's basically casual with the information. She's used to knowing what her Father has done.
That also,, kinda leads me to another thing.
She still calls him "daddy", like a young child would. A child looking for love, care, approval, and just tender domestic family life. But she just can't get that.
Micheal calls William; "Father", as a proper way to address someone. Or it can show his hatred. I think it's both
But it's all connected by the fact, that they are his puppets.
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This one, was pointed out as if the music is like. Micheal remembering, and having it be painful for him to remember.
If they were to ever have Vanessa say Micheal's monologue, in the movie. They better add some more emotions to some words. But still keep the whole "creepy tired" voice, that they had for Micheal in the games(I kinda just wanna point out again, much more of a fun fact bout the video: they guy in the video says that Will is more "up to no good" in terms of voice, while Micheal is broken. I can get how they get mistaken for each other, but that's just by looks and slightly their voice. It's the way they are that is different). "Tired" in a sense that she's, like. She's really tired emotionally/etc. and "creepy" because she's just a rotting corpse with like. Stitches to her, that she caused herself (your scooped!Vanessa idea is running all over my head)
But I think the one that she would be sent to free is, the Golden Freddy kid or.. maybe oddly enough the two young Schmidt kids(Garrett & Abby). I dunno tho. I just, like to think that it would work with the themes of Vanessa trying to be kind and a kid again. But, who knows, who she'll be "putting back together" (I'll get back to this one too. It just points so much to many aspects of FNAF I swear to fucking God)
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But yeah. The "I ..." And "asked me to...", just. Ough. Because she was asked, was told, to follow his rules. To clean up "her" mess, and help fix what "she" caused.
"I put her back together." — Abby is connected to Elizabeth due to the Ella suit, and how she generally acts(Sassy, etc. Elizabeth is somewhat characterized in many AUs/Canons, to be sassy). But Vanessa is also connected to Elizabeth as a fact, that she's the daughter of William Afton, one to fall to his lies, get emotionally manipulated (I don't think that most of his kids were normal in a sense that they did things their own way. Circus Baby being made for Elizabeth? Manipulation. Fredbear plush telling CC almost everything, and maybe the one who is talking thru Fredbear is William? Manipulation. Micheal going to SL? Manipulation). Garrett also being connected to Elizabeth due to him needing to be found - being the Puppet(who in some AUs/Canons, is very clown/jester/mime themed. Even Security Puppet is mime like!) - clothing colors(pink and red are similar. Blue pants/skirts) - generally being the reason why some guy named "Mike" is doing Security jobs(maybe even stretching to Vanessa being a police officer)
"I put her back together." — the whole "together", and your idea of Scooped Vanessa, stitching herself back together. → “i.... I put myself together... Just like you would wanted me to do... (small sob/needle pulling + small whimper) ...”
Color symbolism, Blue: serenity, stability, inspiration, or wisdom. / open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity. / Honesty & Loyalty (personality symbol of blue)
Just wanted to share the color symbolism. Which is kinda funny- to me. Because, well.
Vanessa is not anything but wisdom and a trained dog. She has wisdom, but will say fully if ever told to do so. That could be stability, but it is not serenity.
She is connected to open spaces, but they all feel so so closed and cluttered. Not open to her. Freedom? As if she has freedom(Vanessa became a Police officer, and it's highly hinted that she did not choose that for herself. Or maybe she did, and William decided to use that in his ways).
She is honest. She is loyal(but very kicked dog loyal)
I also kinda wanna point the "They thought I was you (sigh/etc" that Micheal did. And add that to Vanessa.
Maybe the whole "they thought I was you", could be when the kids saw how Vanessa shot William. If she can shot, what can she do to them? Even if they are robots, their souls are that of her friends, of kids. And anyone can turn out to be bad(e.i: William is seemingly a kind normal guy, but then he's revealed to be a child-murderer). Vanessa is related to William, the Yellow Rabbit. So what can she do, if she can shoot?
And if the Cassidy Afton theory is true in the movie verse. Then, what can happen? His Father killed him, so what can his sister do? She shot their Father. She let their Father kill him.
So, "they thought I was you" could just be how the kids rumored how Vanessa would act towards them. Might just be their fear, but Golden Freddy has reasons to fear her. He might be big, might be a predator that finally killed his killer, his own Father. But - his sister is still here.
He cares, he hates, he fears Vanessa.
“They thought I would act like you... (scoff/sob) ..."
Reason why I added the "(scoff/sob)" is because, it just fits. Her own brother fears her, hates her. Her friends fear her. She lets out more of a cry, but she scoffs because why would she ever act like Him?
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Getting this one, because I just like it. But it also fits. Vanessa is also supposed to be dead, but she's not. And that's wrong.
It hurts her to remember about her brother, or like. Her closest confidant. So she goes ahead to talk about herself. How she seemingly survived what was supposed to be her last time breathing.
And it is her last time breathing, but she's still here.
And that's just ... Wrong. It's impossible, scientifically impossible, and just wrong. But she's still here and she's proving it wrong
Your brainrot of her is highly infecting me. It's crazy man
(now I'm thinking of how she and the Schmidt family acted like in the past, <- very heavy on Schmidts = Emily's theory)
Me jumping up and down excitedly reading through this cause I have. So Much. to say about my Vanessa and Elizabeth AU fic but I also don’t wanna spoil anything 👁️👁️ But the Michael SL monologue (Vanessa version) has me in a CHOKEHOLD OH MY LORD. I want them to do Sister Location so bad but idk if the movies are gonna go in that direction (i mean SL is pretty dang important to the FNAF lore unless they end at like ~FNAF 4 ig??? or just skip all the weird/suspension of disbelief parts of SL)
I love love love the idea of “I…I put her back together… just like you wanted me to” changing to “I…I put myself back together…just like you would’ve wanted me to”. IT JUST HITS ALL THE ANGST SPOTS. I’m obsessed with my own scooped!Vanessa idea with her sewing patches of fabric into her own skin but I flip flop between why she does it. It’s between injuries/rot from Ennard that won’t heal because yknow. She’s dead. Or her living after a FNAF 6-esque fire that leaves her with burn scars and she sews patches to cover up the worst of the burn scars. I just. The idea of Vanessa, newly unEnnarded, sobbing alone while sewing herself shut again and talking to her dead dad for comfort because he was all she ever knew…. wondering why she was still alive…………..
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(the irony that the one willing/wanting to die being the one to survive despite the fact that she very much Shouldn’t Be Alive)
and the spirits in SL being afraid of Vanessa because she’s an Afton??? Me when I Break Down 😭😭😭💥💥💥💥 Cause Vanessa’s biggest fear is becoming her father and not being able to escape her bloodline/destiny for tragedy.
I do think it’s interesting to consider that if they do SL, Vanessa thinks that William is dead so lines like ‘I’m going to come find you…” doesn’t make sense. I do hope they still give her a variation of the monologue tho cause I think the SL Michael monologue, the Bite of 83, and the FNAF 6 Henry monologue are THE most iconic parts of FNAF.
The main hitting point of SL is the fact that Michael finds his sister down there. If the FNAF movies have Vanessa going down there… well it simply wouldn’t hit as hard if she didn’t have some form of a dead sibling down in that bunker right??? Though ig it would be kind of weird to have Abby almost get Ella dolled in a Baby parallel/reference and then also have an Elizabeth in Baby. Who knows (<- desperately wants to know)
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empathiie · 8 months
plotting/starter call for the hwminievent6! under the cut are my characters, their dates, and their vibes for the night. 💗 capping the starters at four per character for now!
abby anderson -- blind date with josie saltzman. (1/4) urumi akamaki.
abby will be on a blind date with josie. abby is still getting used to a world that's normal and not post-apocalyptic, so they may be a bit uncomfortable at first only to open up later in the night.
alicia clark -- blind date with adam torres. (1/4) ramona flowers.
alicia will be on a blind date with adam. she is more outgoing and willing to enjoy herself at an event like this, so she'll probably have a fun time; making the most of the night.
bella swan -- blind date with brinna javik. (1/4) alice cullen.
bella will be on a blind date with brinna. even though she's a generally awkward person, she's eager to spend the evening with someone new and go outside of her comfort zone.
beth washington -- open to a date. (2/4) emily davis, max lightwood.
beth is actually excited for this event. i'd love to see her go with someone or find someone to spend the majority of the event with! she will be enjoying the party and wishing that she at least had her brother or sister there with her.
bigby wolf -- attending with snow white. (1/4) danika fendyr.
bigby is attending with snow. he won't exactly be in Big Bad Wolf Mode, but he'll be protective of her, of course, and will be on the lookout for any trouble or chaos that might happen during the event.
dora tonks -- blind date with bb-8. (2/4) eloise bridgerton, hagrid.
dora will be on a blind date with bb-8. she's actually looking forward to this blind date and getting to meet new people, even if the vibe of the event is ~romantic~. she'll also want to be seeing her friends and family and may even introduce them to her date.
draco malfoy -- going solo. (4/4) rabastan lestrange, hermione granger, harry potter, scorpius malfoy.
draco is going solo. but he has big feelings for lee jordan, and will probably spend most of the night bickering with him about complete and utter nonsense. also, he'll probably be drinking. a lot.
garrett -- attending with kate. (1/4) irina.
garrett is attending with kate. he loves a good party and will be making the most of it, socializing and getting to know other vampires. he won't be paying as much attention to the humans, given his current circumstances.
jyn erso -- attending with cassian andor. (3/4) ellie williams, ansel of briarcliff, sha hualing.
jyn is attending with cassian. she's still a bit wary of washington itself, having heard of the craziness that occasionally takes place here. cassian is her safe place, so she'll want to stay by his side.
louis weasley -- attending with wednesday addams. (2/4) fleur delacour, bill weasley.
louis is attending with wednesday. and in all honesty, he probably dragged her to the event kicking and screaming. he's looking forward to spending the evening with her, and showing her off to all of his friends and family. he knows how to have a good time, and will make sure that he does, as long as he has wednesday by his side.
luna lovegood -- attending with neville longbottom. (2/4) cho chang, lee hongjo.
luna is attending with neville. she's incredibly excited to go, having a deep love for most holidays. she will be all dolled up and is excited to see everyone!
maggie greene rhee -- going solo. (1/4) rosita espinosa.
maggie is going solo. however, she'll probably stay close to glenn, since he IS her husband, after all. she'll also want to make sure that no trouble arises. she does love valentine's day and will be enjoying herself at the same time, though she won't get crazy with it. she just wants to have fun on her mom's night out!
mike schmidt -- open to a date. (2/4) charlotte dilaurentis, jester lavorre.
mike isn't super eager to be attending the valentine's day event, honestly. he hasn't had a lot of romance in his life, which is part of why he plans on going alone. i'd love to have a date for him, though, to enjoy the night with! he's a big softy on the inside, and would be sweet to spend time with once he gets past his shyness.
rey palpatine -- attending with fred weasley ii. (3/4) samara palpatine, leia organa, han solo.
rey is attending with fred. she is super excited to get to know them better and to spend more time with them, especially at an event like this. she'll also be checking in with her friends and family to make sure that they're having a good time, too.
rhaenyra targaryen -- attending with harwin strong. (2/4) lidia cervos, penelope garcia.
rhaenyra is attending with harwin. they're ready for a night out away from the kids, though they love their children, a date night with their husband is very much needed.
theon greyjoy -- attending with sansa stark. (2/4) ridoc, filippa kosta.
theon is attending with sansa. and will be spending the majority of the event by her side. he's a little bit on the reserved side and will want to stay within his comfort zone, which is with sansa or other people that he knows.
will graham -- going solo. (1/4) yennefer.
will is going solo. despite this, he may gravitate towards someone that he feels a connection with. however, he will likely spend most of the night alone, or at least ~trying~ to socialize.
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apprenticestanheight · 9 months
Christmas Eve- Mike Schmidt x gn! reader
ALLLLLL RIGHT! Merry christmas eve to those who celebrate and happy sunday to everyone who doesn't! I do celebrate, however, and I also absolutely adore mike schmidt despite how minimally I've written for him, so I decided to compensate with a little bit of christmastime smut.
This fic, if it's not already obvious, is for audiences of 18+. Minors go away pls, I have a couple of fics in other genres for mike and do not want you here for this one.
Fic type - this is a little bit of fluff because it feels like most of my fics for this event have had angst undertones! I wanted to change it up a bit and mike deserves a bit of fluff so I went with that!
Warnings - body worship is very much implied, being coerced into sex is mentioned once
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December had never really been an easy month in Mikes life. Christmas always ached without his brother around, hurt all the more after his mothers death and hurt his wallet when Abby started getting old enough to remember the gifts she got, but then you came around when Mike was twenty five and you were twenty four and two years out from finishing your masters degree in journalism.
Ever since you'd come along, in the five years since that fateful day at a job where Mike had, amazingly, managed to last six months, things had felt distinctly easier for him.
They were easy enough that, when his father asked to have Abby over through Christmas Eve and some of Christmas Day, after he'd asked Abby if she wanted to, he'd told his father yes.
They were easy enough that smiles came easily to his face and he stopped worrying about cutting costs where he could in the lead up to Christmas shopping, though he still did cut costs somewhat so as to make sure you got a gift that was more than just a bottle of the cologne he used because you adored the way he smelled.
Decembers had become so easy that the tension in his shoulders that always arised within that month had not come since he was twenty six, you'd been living together for six months, and it was your first Christmas together.
However, at twenty-nine and thirty, you're experiencing your first Christmas as a couple without a child in your vicinity, and Christmas Eve takes on a surprisingly normal tone.
Mike goes to work because his boss needs him there and he could use the time and a half. You stay at home, tidy up the living room and then the kitchen and then the bedroom that you share.
You make a list of things that are needed around the house and then go to whatever Christmas markets are open in New Orleans, nipping into one of the open charity shops and grabbing a copy of Stephen Kings novel "Cujo" before you're heading to the animal shelter to help out for an hour.
Once home, you take a second to make sure the tree still looks decent before you head to your bedroom and slip out of the clothes that you'd chosen to wear--a white cable knit sweater and a pair of wide legged jeans with the solovairs that you'd bought on a whim three years prior and had adored ever since--and into clothes that you steal straight from the source. The top left and right drawers of Mikes dresser.
You steal a pair of his boxers and one of the baggier shirts that he owns, surprised to find it's a little baggy on you as well, and settle into bed for the remainder of the day, content to spend your Christmas Eve evening just relaxing with your book and whatever episode of whichever sitcom decides to grace your television screen.
Mike comes home at something like seven thirty, grinning when he sees the state you're in.
"Ordered Chinese," he says. "The restaurant was pretty full when I went but I was told it'd be free if it was delivered more than an hour after I ordered it, so we have a bit of time to waste. Is your book good?"
"Dog with rabies," you shrug. "It's--it's Cujo. Would've read something like A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens but if I'm honest, I am in fact so vain that I chose not to grab it from the charity shop I visited after running errands at the Christmas markets that were open today based on the fact that the cover was ugly."
Mike laughs. "The cover of Cujo aint much better, baby,"
"This is a first edition, thank you very much," you let a bit of sarcasm drip through your tone before you can help yourself, which is something Mike has always liked about you. He's found, in recent, that optimism is indeed nice but sarcasm where applicable will always take the cake. "If it's ever worth much, it could buy us lunch or maybe a week of groceries."
"So you don't like it, then?"
You shrug. Mike sits on the bed. "Dog with rabies," you murmur, setting the book to your right as Mikes hands find your hips. Yours find his shoulders and when you kiss, it's so full of love that it's almost unimaginable. Your kisses have always been that way, always good, never anything less than that. When you kiss Mike, you do it knowing he loves you deeply and that you love him much the same.
When he pulls away, he's looking at you with the same look he always gives you whenever all he wants is to feel you pressed against him, feel his lips against your own, his hands on your hips as he thrusts inside you and encourages you with enough praise to make you boil.
"We've got the house to ourselves," he murmurs against your lips. One of your hands goes to his hair. "I did spoil you with what I grabbed this year, sure, but I got a Christmas bonus. Plus, it's been so long since we've had the time, baby."
You pull him into another kiss and Mike laughs contentedly into it. He leans into you, hands slipping under the shirt you'd stolen from him.
"I love you," he murmurs, lips moving away from yours to press kisses across your jawline and down your neck. "I love your thighs, baby, and your arms, and your stomach, and your stretch marks."
You adjust your neck, turning it slightly to allow him better access. "I love your voice, I love your hands, I love the way that you look in one of my shirts. I love you so, so much, Y/N."
You let him break the kiss to pull the shirt over your head, tossing it somewhere in the room knowing he'll relocate it later.
You realize, really quickly, why Mike is being so sweet.
It's not to sweeten the deal or to try to coerce you into sex--Mike isn't that kind of person. He's made it clear time and time again that either both of you want it or neither of you do--but because he knows how work has been for you.
Work has been terrible. You've been getting a couple of good stories--including one about a run down pizzeria with too many animatronics to count--and it's gotten really competitive with the holidays.
But your news station would be closed until the 31st, and you didn't need to worry about competing with your coworkers anymore. And Mike knew that, but still, he was being sweet because he knew you needed him to be. You needed praise and a bit of extra attention, so he would provide you with both.
You lay down on the bed and let Mike kiss you all over, taking his time with you like he would've early on in your relationship. When he takes off the boxers you'd stolen he laughs, kisses your hip and calls you a thief of amazingly ethereal proportions.
You let yourself get lost in how good his touches, his kisses and his sweet nothings feel, moan when he starts doing all the things that drive you insane and love him for moaning at the way that you scratch his back, breaking the skin but not drawing blood.
And then you're fumbling for a condom, kissing Mike deeply as you roll it onto his length, pulling him as close as he can be as he bottoms out in you and waits for you to adjust.
"You're amazing," he says when he starts thrusting. "You're so good to me, Y/N. I don't deserve you, yeah? I don't deserve someone who treats me this good."
"You do," you're shocked that you're able to speak, so blissed out from the way that he feels. "You deserve me, Mikey. Please don't think otherwise. Love you so much, Mike. Wanna make sure you know that while you treat me like I'm some kind of a god."
Mike laughs, quickens his pace just enough. "You might as well be," he says teasingly, pressing a quick peck to your lips.
You're coming around him within minutes of the continued praise and the way that he holds you, and your release triggers his. You both moan out, and while you lay still, staring at the ceiling, Mike throws the condom away.
You go and pee to avoid a UTI, start up a shower. You and Mike shower together, holding onto each other tightly and lovingly while you talk about how much driving you'll have to do tomorrow, make jokes at one anothers expenses and share kisses while you wait for the conditioner to set.
All in all, it's the perfect end to a perfect Christmas Eve.
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xcherryerim · 7 months
headcanons In an universe where Josh Futturman and Mike Schmidt are friends.
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(inspired by that one post i made and also bc i love them both sm)
— Josh was a really hyperactive kid and as a punishment for not shutting up; his teacher sat him next to Mike. A quiet, background character person.
Still, Josh started to talk to him. Mike found Josh annoying at first but then they bonded once Futturman announced he likes “Back To The Future”.
— After that, they’ve been inseparable. They saw their worst, most cringe phases (Josh went through a weeaboo phase and Mike went through a wanna be emo phase.)
— Mike is older than Futturman. He failed a grade because he was deeply grieving.
— Most people confuse them for brothers because they look identical.
— Josh had this pet frog growing up. He used to bother Mike with it a lot since Mike finds frog’s disgusting.
— Josh has taken Mike to anime and gaming conventions. He secretly judges josh and the people at the conventions.
— Josh always goes to Mike’s house to show off his cosplays. Abby seems more interested than Mike thought.
— Mike has never been a gamer. He really sucks at them and even if Josh tries to help him, Mike always loses. But, Mike always wins table games against Josh.
— Mike doesn't admit it but, Futturman heals his inner child. Josh is like a brother to Mike.
— Both Mike and Josh have been janitors but somehow it looks like Mike did learn how to clean pretty well while Josh doesn't.
— Futturman doesn’t like to invite Mike to his room because he knows Mike would make fun of his collection.
— Mike is a collector too, but he collects nostalgic artifacts of the 80’s and 90’s. “More normal than a random franchise game.” His words not mine.
— Josh tends to bring food his mom made for Mike and Abby.
— The Futturman household invites the Schmidt’s on holidays. They’re happy Josh has a normal friend.
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Necessary context for the following one-shot:
au: Silent Protector
Evan Afton has been acting as an aloof and secretive but caring "protector" for the spirits inside the fnaf 1 animatronics since sometime after his death
While Evan (or the "Protector", as the only name the missing children know him by), did a "good job" of protecting them by encouraging the missing children to kill night guards that threatened them, things went haywire for the kids when Michael Afton/Schmidt showed up as the night guard
Evan used the Fredbear suit to kill Mike, but all the children found to their horror that Michael's spirit is inside the Fredbear suit now
the kids have been watching the suit, waiting for it to attack them, only... it hasn't. It just sits there without moving. This is a relief to the other kids, but only serves to make Evan obsessively worried.
Sometime before the one-shot, a night guard tried getting rid of the spirits by burning the fnaf 1 location to the ground. The kids all thought they were done for... until Michael stopped the night guard from hurting them.
Fritz had a complicated relationship with being alone. 
He hated it, if he was honest. 
All those months alone in Pirate's Cove.
No. Not months. Years. It must have been years, at this point. But he had no idea how many; every day sort of… blended together.
Those years of being stuck on Pirate's Cove, his friends so close but permanently out of reach, and all those people staring him in the face and laughing as he screamed in pain, screamed for help. Surrounded by people but alone.
Somehow, it had only gotten worse when the purple curtains enclosed him in darkness and all the people disappeared, the words "out of order" dripping from their tongues and tinged with disappointment.
Fritz hated being alone. But all that time inside the Foxy animatronic and tucked away in Pirate's Cove must have messed with his head. Despite how much he hated it, sometimes it felt like there was a part of him that only felt normal when he was alone. It was like he had been Changed, and there was something living in him that craved being away from the others. He liked playing with the others– he enjoyed it, he did– but sometimes it was easier to be alone. Sometimes, the others could be a little overwhelming, and playing with them made him go right back to all that time he had been locked inside Foxy: all alone, except for the people wanting him to smile and laugh when he was begging for help on the inside. 
Maybe that was why he offered to watch over this silly suit so often: to get away from the others. 
Or maybe it just bothered him how little this animatronic made sense. 
Possessed animatronics were meant to be loud and erratic. That had been the case for Fritz and his friends, at least (excluding Evan, but Evan had been dead long before the rest of them, and no one here had seen his early stages of possession). This animatronic wasn't loud or erratic at all. Quite the opposite, actually. It was weird. 
And not just that, but it was an adult! According to the Prote– to Evan. According to Evan, he was one of the worst ones; the ones who lashed out when you least expected it; the ones who would pretend to be nice only to hit you where it hurt most; the ones who weren't satisfied with just leaving you alone to suffer, but needed to be there making it hurt so much worse. This adult had to be the worst one imaginable--except, perhaps, for Him– if it had killed Evan.
So why did it do nothing but just sit there with that annoying dead-eyed and slack-jawed face?
Except, that wasn't completely true, was it? The suit had moved not too long ago. When that awful night guard had burned them and trapped their Protector, the suit had… it had saved them. It had gone right back to sitting slumped and motionless after the night guard was dead, but…
As insane as it was… this thing had saved them. 
Fritz really, really didn't want to believe it, but it had the scorch marks across its bubbling, melted metal frame to prove it. 
The stupid thing didn't many any sense. It had worried Fritz at first– you couldn't defend yourself or the people around you from something you didn't even understand, could you?-- but it wasn't like the thing was attacking them. 
Evan said the thing was just biding its time, that it was just waiting for the absolute worst time to hurt them. He was probably right. Evan was always right, and even if he wasn't, it was better to be safe than sorry. 
Still, though… it was waiting a long time. Fritz would have gotten bored and given up on the waiting game by now. 
…And no matter how hard he had tried, Evan hadn't been able to come up with any sort of explanation for how the suit had acted when the night guard almost burned them all down. 
He hadn't been able to explain why he had cried in the thing's arms once the flames had all died down, either. 
Everything was so confusing and messy now, Fritz didn't know what to think. And as much as he respected him, Fritz didn't think the Protector knew what to think, either. 
Fritz sat in the backroom with his legs crossed, his elbow on his knee, his chin resting in his palm, and his fingers thrumming boredly against his cheek. Huffing, Fritz straightened as he stared the Monster in its soulless black eyes. 
"You've caused us a lot of trouble, you know," Fritz whispered in the dark. "Things were so much easier before you came along." 
(Fritz had long ago learned to ignore how different his voice was now. Or– he was fairly certain he hadn't always sounded like this, but then again, his memories weren't always the greatest. Suzie, Gabriel, and Jeremy's voices all had the slightest southern drawls to them, like the animatronics' voices they had all been forced to speak through. Fritz's voice was… well, he wasn't sure how to describe the strange accent he had picked up other than 'pirate-y.')
The eleven-year-old rolled his eyes as the suit, completely surprisingly, didn't respond to him. Fritz didn't even know if this thing understood anything that was happening around it. But then again, it had to. How else would it have been able to fight back against the night guard that had tried burning this place down? 
The Monster was like a stupid puzzle with pieces that never quite fit together no matter how many combinations you tried. It was a confusing mystery that just didn't make sense no matter how hard you squinted at it… but Fritz had always liked mysteries, ever since his mom started reading him stories about adventurers and detectives. He hadn't always understood the things that happened in the stories, but he had liked coming up with predictions for how the story would end that made his mother laugh. And he had loved the way her eyes would sneak up from the page to steal glances at him as she read the story's solution, eager to see the look of astonishment on his face as all the puzzle pieces that solved the mystery fell into place within his mind right before the big reveal happened…
Fritz had always been a curious and inquisitive boy; perhaps too curious for his own good, in the end. But if there was ever a mystery worth solving, it was this one. 
He couldn't help but hesitate, though. Call him crazy, but… well, trying to talk to the giant possessed murder robot that had every reason to be mad at them– the only thing that their fierce Protector had ever been scared of– probably wasn't the kind of thing the others would agree to.
Then again. The others weren't here.
He knew them well enough to know that they really, really wouldn't like it. But, it wasn't as though they had ever outright said not to talk to it. Evan had said not to listen to it, sure, but only because he was scared of it tricking them. Fritz was a clever boy, though. It wasn't easy to trick him at all, if he said so himself. Besides, the dumb suit would have to actually talk before Fritz could even begin to worry about Evan’s command– no, not command. Friendly suggestion.
Rising to his feet, the eleven-year-old prowled closer to the crispy golden bear. 
If he was going to try talking to the Monster, he was going to be the one towering over the Monster. He would be the one with the high ground here.
(...Fritz decidedly ignored that the lumbering bear suit was so big that even slumped against the wall, Fritz was only just barely taller than the thing.)
"Listen up, Mikey." Pausing for dramatic effect, Fritz glared down at the animatronic's lifeless eyes. "You're weird and stupid and annoying as hell. You hurt a friend of mine, and maybe you really do deserve to rot inside that suit like Evan says. But…" 
The bravado slipped as Fritz sighed. Shaking his head, Fritz tried to keep on glaring at the Fredbear suit. "Something about you just doesn't make sense. You're an adult. You– you could try doing anything to us if you really wanted to. But you just– you won't do anything, but you won't leave, either. Almost like you want to stay." 
Not that Fritz could imagine why anyone in their right mind would want to stay here. Except for him and his friends, Fritz supposed, but that was different; they only wanted to stay because as long as their Protector had been here, this place had been safe. 
"And when that monster tried to burn us…" Fritz's throat tightened at the memory of the heat searing his skin– Fritz hadn't even known that was possible anymore– and his friends' voices screaming and sobbing ringing in his ears. "I– I don't know what h-happens to ghosts when someone tries to hurt or k-kill them, but I know it has to be bad, and it was going to happen to us. It should have happened to us, if you hadn't…" 
He faltered on the next words. Saved us. 
It didn't make sense. No one ever saved you– no adult, at least. Not even the ones who were supposed to care about you and keep you safe. 
(Night guards only ever left you to rot. If his own mom hadn't saved him, then why would a night guard, of all people?)
"I don't know why you did it. Maybe you got something out of it. Maybe you had some–"
What was it? He knew what the word was; he'd heard it before, in one of mom's books…
"Maybe you had some upside motive. I can't for the life of me think what that motive could be. But for whatever reason, you wanted us safe." 
Throughout Fritz's speech, the animatronic hadn't moved. It was still in the exact same position it had been in since they threw the suit back here after the fire. With how long he'd been watching it, Fritz was confident that if he closed his eyes, he'd still be able to see the animatronic seared onto the back of his eyelids. 
While Fritz was by no means surprised by the lack of response, he was annoyed. Sticking out his chin, Fritz stared the animatronic down with renewed vigor. 
"Well, if that's what you want, then the least you could do is talk to us. We have questions, you know." 
Nothing. No response. If not for that sense in the air making his hairs stand on end, Fritz might have thought that there was no spirit inside the suit at all. 
"If you really want us to be safe so bad," Fritz whispered. "Then why did you kill Evan?" 
Fredbear's eyeless sockets stared straight through him.
"Come on," Fritz's voice came out in a desperate half-moan. "You don't know what it's like! We all died out of nowhere! The– the things he did to us– he hurt us s-so bad, and we never even knew why! We'll n-never know what we did that was so bad we deserved to die because of it. You'll never know how much that hurts! Never! If just one of us can know why he had to die, then it'll– it'll be worth it! Maybe the answer will somehow help the rest of us heal too, but even if it doesn't– just– just one of us getting that peace has to be enough!"
Fritz held his breath as he stared down at the animatronic. 
…Nothing. No response. 
"Are you kidding me?!" Fritz hissed. "If you want to help us, then do it! Why help us then and not now?!" 
Fritz's eyes started to burn, and the eleven-year-old rubbed at them, furious. 
What was that stupid adult doing? Why– why couldn't it– why couldn't it just–?!
Maybe Evan was right. Maybe the spirit inside the suit really was just looking for the best time and way to hurt them. 
Maybe that's what this was. Was the adult inside the suit taunting them by not answering? Did it want to get their hopes up and leave them lost and alone in the dark? Did it want to torture them by giving them hope that someone cared, just so it could watch the hope fade from their eyes as it refused to answer?
….If so, it was working. It was really, really working. 
"You– you rat bastard!" Fritz's hands shook as he came another step closer to the animatronic. "You're so– stupid! You stink! You stink like a dumpster– nay, like a goddamn sewer! And your stupid hat and bow tie are crusty and gross!" 
And of course, the suit didn't move. Which was insane, because this was the point where anyone in their right mind would get offended and try punching him. So how was a stupid, prideful, self-centered adult staying so blank-faced?
In a fit of frustration and rage, Fritz slammed his foot down on the animatronic's three-toed foot– which Fritz knew from experience hurt like hell. 
"I hope that hurt ye– you– spineless bilge-rat!" Fritz hissed. He could hear the strange accent strengthening in his voice like it always did when he was mad, but he was honestly too far gone to care. "I know ye can hear me! I– I know you can! And I know you can talk back! Blast it! You– ye stupid, cow-hearted scalawag!" 
Turning away from the animatronic, Fritz sucked in a shaky breath. On top of how demoralizing it was that the suit was ignoring him, he hated when his voice did this. It was never this strong for any of the others; this was humiliating! 
Fritz took a second to just breathe, trying to ignore the frustrated tears still pricking at his eyes. Maybe he wasn't a great mystery solver after all. Maybe deep down, he had known how this was going to end before it had even started: uselessly. 
Fritz was just turning back toward the animatronic when that weird sense in the air suddenly tightened, like a tightrope or a trip wire suddenly going taunt. A frightening grinding gasp drifted into Fritz's ears– but it wasn't the sound that scared him, but the fact that it came directly from the Fredbear suit. 
The child stumbled backward in shock– and spewed across the ground as he managed to trip over his own feet. 
Fritz stared wide-eyed up at the golden bear. The strange staticky sound echoed in his ears, and it wasn't until right that moment that the child's frazzled brain pieced the sound into words. 
"Yo ho ho," the thing had said through its creaky, rusty voice box. 
"No way." Still breathing a tad heavily from the shock, Fritz's lips curved into a beaming smile as he shot to his feet. "I knew it! You can talk! I knew it!" 
Laughing, Fritz pumped his fist up in the air. As it came back down, though, Fritz met the empty, lifeless hollows the animatronic had for eyes. Fritz's heart twisted around inside his chest, wrenching painfully. What was he doing, pumping his fist in the air like he'd won against his friends in a game? This thing wasn't his friend– it had killed one of his friends! This wasn't a game, Fritz reminded himself. It was an interrogation.
"Did… did you just use your first words to make fun of me?" Fritz gaped at the animatronic. 
Fritz waited a few moments, his gaze flicking half-nervously, half-excitedly, and wholly annoyedly over Fredbear’s dingy form. 
It still looked exactly the same. Even its mouth was in the exact same position it had been since the kids had thrown the suit back in this room. 
The longer Fritz waited for the thing to reply, the more his certainty began to waver.
…Had the thing really spoken? This place was old, and the others were probably dealing with the latest night guard right about now. Maybe the sound hadn't come from the suit at all…?
A growl rose in Fritz's throat. No, the thing had definitely spoken to him! He knew it had! He didn't know why– why now, why him, why that phrase specifically– but the Monster had definitely spoken. 
"What are you doing?" Fritz narrowed his gaze at the suit. "What do you hope to gain from this?" 
Fritz stalked closer to the animatronic, his eyes never once leaving the suit as though he could make the thing answer him if only he glared hard enough. 
The suit didn't answer him. But something else did. 
Fritz jumped as the door slid open behind him; the child immediately whirled around, hands flitting behind his back as though in manifestation of his need to hide what he had been doing.
Gabriel was looking at him weirdly. "Fritz? What are you doing?" 
Fritz's lips moved soundlessly, gaping like a fish out of water. Then, he smiled. "You won't believe it, Gabe! The suit, it– it talked!" 
Gabriel's dark brown eyes widened. Then his gaze flitted to the suit, taking in its motionless form. And Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Haha, good one. But don't make jokes like that. Especially not when, you know, he's around." 
Fritz's jaw dropped. "You think I'm joking?!"
"The suit doesn't move," Gabriel said. "And it certainly doesn't talk."
"But it did! I swear!" 
"Why would it talk to you?" Gabriel asked. "He hasn't told us how yet, but the Monster knew the Pro– I mean, Evan– back when they were both alive. Surely if it was going to talk to anyone, it should be Evan. Not you."
Fritz puffed out his chest. "Well, it did talk to me."
"Uh-huh." Gabriel raised a skeptical brow at him. "And what did it say?"
Fritz immediately flushed. He mumbled the answer under his breath.
"What was that?"
"It said 'yo ho ho!'" Fritz whined. 
Gabriel stared. "The suit… said… 'yo ho ho'..." 
"It did!"
"Uh-huh. And did it say anything else?"
"Well, no, but–" 
"Fritz." Gabriel sighed. "It's not a good time to make jokes like that, okay? Everyone is on edge enough as it is. You've been watching over the suit for a while now. I was gonna take over, but if you're just gonna try to freak everyone out…" 
"No!" Fritz yelped, his eyes widening in horror at the idea of Gabriel taking over. 
"I mean… I mean, I'm fine. You can, ah, you can go back to helping Jeremy and Suze deal with the night guard, yeah?" 
"If you say so." Gabriel stared at him for another few seconds before shaking his head. The door began to shut behind him, but it paused just barely ajar. "Bye-bye, matey." 
Fritz flushed all over again as the door clicked shut behind Gabriel. He stared at the door, fuming, before finally turning back to the golden suit with pursed lips and a determined glint in his eyes. 
The mystery wasn't over yet, not by a long shot. And if anyone was going to solve it, it was Fritz.
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