#mikey speaks
colonyorats · 3 months
So, all credit to my very close friend @silly-boi-broski for reminding me of this song because I need to write a whole entire other post about my relationship with this song and how I kept thinking about it and how well it fits with both my life and probably my favorite book, Hell Followed with Us.
*Deep breath*
I grew up in a very very religious household (I still live in one). My dad's a pastor, my mom works with the youth groups, and I was heavily involved from day one. I was taught to "Love thy neighbour" and that everyone deserved a chance at heaven, that Jesus loves everyone no matter what but at the same time I watched as the very same people would turn around and chase the teen mom out of church or shun the kid who came out as queer and whatever other bullshit things they did.
I remember people at my church saying the most racist and terrible shit ever, like, the kind of things people say on Twitter nowadays but in real life infront of the Pastor and his literal child.
Then, we moved somwhere else and I got sent to a private school up until 5th grade and saw the hate the teachers spread and how a bunch of people bullied this one kid because he was of color and all the rest of us where white and it was so bad that he had to be transferred to a different school the next year because of it but I didn't understand it at the time and he was my best friend so I was so fucking confused.
Same thing happened to a kid in a wheelchair, and, while it wasn't as bad for me, I was, and still kinda am, the fat kid so that made it suck on my part since I heard comments from adults saying things to my mom like "She'd be so much more beautiful if she lost a few more pounds" which, hello??? That's a fucking terrible thing to say about a literal 10 year old child.
That was about the same time I started questioning if any of it was really real and I had a huge drop in my mental health and personally went through hell and back during a bunch of personal stuff I won't get into right now, but involved a lot of questioning my identity and shit and a lot of family drama.
That's when sometime during 2022 my friend (also @silly-boi-broski) suggested me a book called Hell Followed with Us because he was going through some similar stuff. I was skeptical at fist but then I read it and was blown away that someone was writing about similar feelings I had.
The rage and justice I felt while reading it almost broke me because I had grown up in an environment, while not as literally deadly as Benji, was so similar to it that I freaked out and had to put the book down at times. I finally finished it and I felt so seen and understood that I couldn't not want to talk and ramble about it and now I've reread it more times than I can count and everytime it makes me feel so understood.
Fuck, then I remembered the song he sent me and hearing that for the first time made me feel all the same things I did when reading HFWU and it just shocks me.
While I don't align myself with the church in any way, I think I still believe. Kind of like how Faith said it in the book, "I do, actually. And I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about that. Talking to friends--you know, Sadaf is Muslim, Salvador is Catholic, Carly is Jewish--to see if anything clicks. Or if I'm just going to have to deal with believing in the same kind of God those motherfuckers do... I guess what I'm saying is, I believe in something, and I don't know what to do with it, and maybe, I don't actually believe in anything at all, and I just want to because I hate the idea of Trevor being faced with nothing." (-page 55 of the US edition paperback of HFWU)
This is already so long so I'll stop but I still have so much to say about this book and this song but I'll save that for another day.
Here's the song I was talking about btw
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thelittlemagicbrother · 11 months
Pearl and Marina are the best idol duo in Splatoon hands down
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mikeydraws · 1 month
Guess who’s seeing a psychologist for the first time on the same day that school starts
Yup this guy right here 😋⁉️
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twenty-words-or-less · 3 months
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Oh hey, that's me!
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mr-mikey · 7 months
I don't play feh anymore but OMG my girl Peony did it!
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copprtone · 11 months
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i burn i pine i perish for these little cabbage looking dishes
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nnecrofancyy · 1 year
have 2 remember that i cant just. spam rb through random people's blogs because Maybe They Won't Like That
but GOD some of these mfers have some scrumptious rebloggable posts
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creepsypastas · 2 years
also working on a cringefail (sfw) jason voorhees x gn reader fic. i gave in to the Urges
give me ideas. any ideas. headcanons, events, ANYTHING. ill credit people for ideas if i use them :-)
itll be my first published fic & i will post the first chapter on ao3 when it's done. thanks guys
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strawberry-cake-roll · 4 months
Guess who just got accepted into college after years of debating becoming a high school dropout out!! 🎉🎉 Your boys maybe gonna become an aerospace engineer or something in the ‘not so distant anymore’ future :3
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mikeyway666 · 8 months
i love x rays until i see my own and all i can feel is a throbbing in my arm
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Little Shadow 2/2
[ 1\2 ]
When I was little I thought my brother was the coolest person in the world. I wanted to be just like him!
Now that I’m older though, I’ve grown into my own person. Now, my brother and I can stand on equal footing, side by side. Whenever he asks for my help or advice, I will always remember how much he helped me when I was young, and I am immensely grateful to be able to do the same for him.
I don’t know if he misses having a little shadow, but I know he’s proud of me :)
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colonyorats · 3 months
I'm the Colony of Rats! Call me Mikey! :D I am running this blog out of pure boredom! Please talk to me! I am begging you!
About Colony of Rats: CoR is a blog full of shitposts and is a safe space for anyone. We believe that everyone should have a voice, and no one should be silenced unless they are actively trying to harm someone.
Feel free to leave random asks and anons to rant or vent or just talk about something that interests you!
About the Rat behind it: Call him Mikey! A silly guy who uses he/him pronouns and just wants to have something to do. I'm a pre-everything trans guy who's obsessed with things spanning from horror books to silly little kids cartoons! If you want an OOC answer to talk about things you think might interest him, just say so!
Tags the Rats use: #Rat approved Anything the Rats like #Rat posting Used for Rat rants #Mikey speaks The Rat talks?!?!?!? (OOC) #Rats Rat stuff
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meggalice · 2 months
Can you do number 9. Disaster Twins with some softshell angst, please?
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"I know, I know it hurts."
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mikeydraws · 1 month
AH i saw your redson drawing on the LMK discord and i just had to look at some of your other work! AND OMG IS IT GOOD SHEESH YOUR TALANTED!! big fan of your art! keep it up :3
TYSM 😭😭❤️❤️❤️🙏
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twenty-words-or-less · 3 months
Fuck you and the ugly bitch fuck parents who hit you until you decided to cape for movies about men who beat up kids. Men who hit kids should be slammed against the concrete until their ribs, pelvises and spines are masses of crushed bloody garbage, and the shit eating pigs like you who like to watch men hit kids should be made to clean up their remains.
Answer my question, skazkatzry.
~ Mikey
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mr-mikey · 1 year
I am going to be very disappointed if the only thing Irida of PLA is remembered for is 'oh it's that girl who fucked Adaman' because of Perrin's existence.
I mean no offense towards the Irida Adaman shippers having a bit of fun.
But Irida has a full 'coming of age' character arc within her game, a character arc that I consider to be very good and made me care for her a lot.
And the thought of the pokemon fandom ignoring that and how she matures by the end of the game just to focus on who she might or might not have slept with is a frustrating thought.
It's such a reductive train of thought and it does such a major disservice to her character, IMO.
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