modernghostfare · 2 years
⚡️🍃 for niktodim :)c
⚡ What are their nicknames for each other?
OHH i think nikto would take to calling rodion nika once they get close. it works TOO well on rodion. rodion cant make a nickname for nikto bc his name is. its just nikto. but he will call him old man as a Funny Joke (to poke fun at him)
🍃 What do they do when the other is stressed?
rodion learns how best to tackle nikto's moods quick. he knows when to shut up and give space and when to try to help. comforting nikto usually involves just sitting in the same room as him in silence. just a small presence so he doesnt feel alone. nikto is uh really bad at comforting but he is good at fostering rodion's frustrations with things. he can be a punching bag or Provide a punching bag with some light sort of sparring
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mikk1n · 3 months
any of y'all cod or dishonored folks on cohost? I just made an account and I wanna follow some people.
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makarovspussy-moving · 11 months
kind of hating the name mikbutt as my nsfw handle..........................idk what to change it to though
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makarovspussy · 2 days
hi sorry to be asking for help so much, especially when so many people are in such dire need. however. I am currently in the red financially and need help pulling myself out of an overdraft. I'm also almost out of medical marijuana (which I take daily and nightly to manage chronic pain and CPTSD) and I would like to get enough gummies to last me the next ten days. prices in my state are insane so altogether I need about $115 to pull myself out of the red and cover gummies as well as the card fees at the dispensary. I know it's a lot especially when everyone's struggling and while there are so many crises that require our attention but if anyone can toss me a dollar or two it would be deeply appreciated 🙏🏻
my cashapp and venmo are both @/mikk1n and I can share my paypal in dms
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life-in-the-garden · 9 months
A Spell Bottle for Big Al
This spell is dedicated to my boyfriend @mikk1n, who introduced me to the world of Walking with Dinosaurs and its various sub-series. The BBC walked with dinosaurs so that Prehistoric Planet could run.
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outdated illustration of an allosaurus from Dinosaur National Monument, by the United States' National Park Service
This spell calls upon the power of the Allosaurus jimmadseni specimen identified as MOR 693—however, this fossilized creature is more commonly known as “Big Al” thanks to an imagining of his life’s story being told via a BBC television program in the year 2000. (The Ballad of Big Al was a Christmas special for the popular Walking with Dinosaurs series, and it can be watched legally on the Internet Archive—part one is here and part two is here).
Big Al’s bones currently live in the Geological Museum of the University of Wyoming in the United States (see his exhibit here), but when re-watching his story with my boyfriend late at night I was struck by the depiction of his life. Although I’m not happy with a multitude of the narrative choices that the writers made—my ire is primarily directed at the massive time skips of multiple years and the overall rushed brevity of the story—what really stuck with me was how realistic it felt.
Now, I’m not talking about the depictions of the dinosaurs or the quality of the practical and special effects; science and technology have marched steadily onward since the year 2000, and what we know now puts our prehistoric knowledge from 20+ years ago to shame. That can’t be helped. What I’m really saying is that so much of Big Al’s depicted life was spent searching for food, failing to acquire it, and ultimately dying of starvation… because of a broken toe. Yes, he was an apex predator of his era, but the show is very careful to point out how much his life teetered on the knife’s edge of his physical prowess as a predator—although he healed from a variety of injuries and illnesses throughout his less than a decade of life, ultimately Big Al was brought down by a broken bone that developed a fatal infection and rendered him unable to hunt.
While Big Al failed to reached adulthood, that doesn’t mean you have to do the same thing. This spell is designed to create part of the spirit of Big Al into an animal ally (if you’re not from an indigenous culture that incorporate usage of totems or spirit animals, please don’t use those terms) to aid you in your own efforts toward continuing to survive whatever troubles currently plague you.
Now, the sky’s the limit for what you can ask Big Al’s spirit for help with. However, my own witchy intuition (aka UPG) says that an allosaurus isn’t going to understand a school/university assignment well enough to be able to help you with it. Their knowledge predates algebra. On the other hand, I’m sure theropod dinosaurs (Big Al among them) were incredibly smart in much the same way modern corvids are, so your own UPG might differ on this point…
In other words, make this spell your own! What follows is just one way that you can request aid from the spirit of Big Al; this one is designed for (since Big Al died with an infected fracture) remembering to take your pills.
You will potentially need…
1 empty pill bottle
Pebbles, beads, or crystals of some kind that are small enough to fit inside the pill bottle
Sealing wax (your choice of color) or liquid glue
writing supplies OR 1 carnivorous dinosaur toy, ideally a small & cheap one
Instructions, such as they are…
(This is the boring part.) Put the containers for the pills you plan to consume in a place where they are prominent enough that they won’t blend into the background. If you have a lot of different pills to take and want help remembering the instructions for them, keep a piece of paper nearby (or make a note on your phone) with notes for what pills you are supposed to take at what time + any additional helpful information.
Cleanse the empty pill bottle, the pebbles/beads/crystals, and (if using) the dinosaur toy. You can cleanse with whatever method seems best to you—personally, my favorite method is via candlelight.
(This is the less boring part.) If using the dinosaur toy, have the toy preside over your pill bottle(s) that actually have pills in them. This toy is the embodiment of your animal ally. You can set this up on your altar if you use an altar + want to keep your pills there, but it’s not necessary. If not using the toy, use the writing supplies to draw a picture of a carnivorous, bipedal dinosaur on a piece of paper—this will go under your cleansed (and soon to be filled) pill bottle as the embodiment of your animal ally.
Put some pebbles, crystals, and/or beads into the empty and cleansed pill bottle.* Put the cap on and shake it a few times—or more than a few times, if that’s what feels right to you. If you enjoy verbal incantations, you can say one here; it can be as complex as a full-length sonnet in iambic pentameter, or it can be as simple as “amen” or “so mote it be” or what have you.
* Note: as weird as it sounds, I don’t really care about crystal correspondences in my personal practice; they are just pretty rocks to me. Therefore, I’m not going to tell you what crystals work well in this spell. Follow your intuition!
Once you’re satisfied with the pill bottle, seal it with wax or glue and keep it in a place where it’s hard to ignore. Ideally, this place will be right next to the dinosaur toy, or if you’re not using the toy then atop the piece of paper with your hand-drawn dinosaur. Shake the pill bottle full of pebbles, crystals, and/or beads every time you need to take your meds; for me, the rattling sound is part of the ritual and helps me remember to go over to the medicine cabinet and take my pills with breakfast.
And that's it! I hope Big Al and this spell inspire you in some way. If you have helpful medication of any kind, please remember to take it!
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If you enjoyed this spell, please consider tossing some spare change toward my ko-fi. As a poor university student with an abusive home life, every little bit helps me get a few centimeters closer to moving out + pay for food and veterinary expenses for my cat.
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atlas-nsfw · 1 year
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Thank you to everyone who submitted to the Monster Magazine! The following people have been accepted for April's issue:
Authors: @sagemonsters @valiantflowers @flowersandbigteeth @killerkisseded @atlas-nsfw @amoebaforcee @furrbbyx
Artists: @beating-beetle-heart @mikk1n @nox-monsbox @speedy-papaya
You can see the hard work of these contributors in our upcoming April issue. If you haven't heard of us, check out our info post here:
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huntinthedwellin98 · 3 months
Favorite Character Poll
List 5 faves and let the people vote -- tagged by @tieflingkisser
I'm tagging: @a-suspicious-lack-of-bagel @alphahellhound @extreme-luminario @mikk1n @wildwildwasteland. if anyone else sees this and wants to do it, youre tagged too
thinking of characters hard :(
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welldonekhushi · 2 years
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Wishing you all a Happy New Year for the welcoming 2023!
Yes, this year might have been tough for you, but I'm proud that you've come this far! Hope this new year will give you a life full of prosperity, blessings and positivity.
I too had some ups and downs, but they taught me how to take a stand and make me stronger and better! From the progress of my art this year, I can confidently say I have worked hard, and I will keep on working harder. Improvement has no end, but satisfaction is ultimate once you achieve it. So, I really wish that this upcoming year would give me, including you lots of surprises and success!
The people who have been there for me this year and I'm so lucky to meet them, namely: @alypink @kaitaiga @pricescigar @samatedeansbroccoli @mikk1n @sleepyconfusedpotato @stargazing-sapphire @saintvulgaris (they suddenly deactivated but will be missed)
And many more peeps whom I'd never forget what they did for me, thank you! 🥹
Anyways, signing out, I once again wish you a very happy new year, and take care (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
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solnishkawrites · 1 year
So my boyfriend @mikk1n and I have been developing a 1920s Call of Cthulhu AU for Dishonored. This started off really small—I was mostly just desperate to get my boyfriend to play a TTRPG with me, and lured him into CoC 7th edition with the promise of having him play as his Dishonored OC, Moira O’Farrell—with the module “Paper Chase” from the Starter Set. And then, everything spiraled out of control and into this sprawling saga. Some highlights from the primary AND secondary campaigns we have planned:
Havelock and Moira are bootleggers in the early 1920s in America. When they get a tip-off that the police are after them, they flee to Berlin, Germany and become smugglers trafficking archaeological artifacts through the black market.
They also run a bed and breakfast together, because why not.
Havelock and his smuggling partner, Josef, attract the attention of strange cult when a business deal goes awry. They’re captured, and it’s up to Moira (a disabled Black Irishwoman, for those who aren’t in the know) to go and find them.
Josef escapes on his own, but Havelock is transformed via a strange ritual into… something that is no longer human. Something that craves the taste of human flesh.
Even though Havelock retains his memories and capacity for reason, he is losing his sanity as he struggles to come to grips with his new, uncurable condition. Also, the cult is hellbent on recapturing him. Unfortunately for the cultists, Havelock is also hellbent on revenge.
Corvo and Jessamine Attano are a young couple trying to make a new life with their infant daughter, Emily, in Berlin. Jessamine has left her wealthy family in England behind; the only thing she took with her when she left were the clothes on her back… and a small, insignificant-seeming pendant that her father gave her when she was very young.
Little does Jessamine know that the pendant is an eldritch artifact. Euhorn (and the cult he’s cozy with) want it BACK, and they’re willing to hire an assassin named Daud to kill Jessamine and retrieve what they view as theirs.
Daud accepts the job, but finds that he can’t kill Jessamine. This isn’t Miss Kaldwin, a shallow little rich bitch living off of  her daddy’s money… this is Mrs. Attano, a scared young woman trying to make ends meet while caring for her daughter and husband. Daud runs away, but is found by Corvo later on. They talk and compare notes… and then decide to go cultist-hunting together.
I can’t say much more without releasing spoilers that Misha can’t yet know about. More shall be revealed with time.
I’m really enjoying this AU. Without all of their power and influence, the characters have a chance to actually be better people. There’s still a massive initial class divide between Corvo and Jessamine (he grew up in poverty on the streets of Havana, Cuba, while Jessamine was sipping from crystal glasses in her family’s townhouse in London, England), but the fact that Jessamine was able to walk away from that life makes her a better person than she was in canon as an Empress who responded so poorly to the Plague Crisis. She, Corvo, and Emily get a chance to be a real family together.
Likewise, Daud gets a real redemption arc. I’m not a big fan of Daud in canon; I feel like he can’t ruin Corvo’s life the way he did and subject him to the trauma of being accused of Daud’s crime and allow Corvo to be TORTURED FOR MONTHS ON END for that crime and then earn any kind of forgiveness. It doesn’t resonate with me.
I’m not sure if the primary or secondary campaigns will ever intersect. Currently I don’t expect them to, but it’s impossible to say what the dice will dictate. Some more tidbits about the characters and world before the post ends:
Billie is Haitian.
Daud is Moroccan, thereby giving him that French colonial connection to Billie.
The Outsider is the figurehead and puppet of a Great Old One.
The Golden Cat has become a cabaret club.
Havelock is a veteran of World War I.
Moira’s sister, Sian, was a volunteer in Cork, Ireland during the Easter Rising of 1916.
Martin is still a shady priest.
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shadeops21 · 2 years
(Shamelessly jacked from a family member’s Facebook post, don’t @me)
OK music lovers — here are the rules:
Answer each category with a SONG. No repeats and don’t use the internet (it's tempting but try not to). Go with the first song that comes to mind, change the answers to your own where possible x
* Something to wear: Night Vision - Veela
* A location/place: Fast Lane - Bad Meets Evil
* Animal: Lion - Hollywood Undead
* A Number: 115 - Elena Siegman
* A Colour: Blue - Eiffel 95
* A Girl’s Name: Uma Thurman - Fall Out Boy
* Boy’s Name: Be Good Johnny - Men At Work
* Job/Profession: The Navy Song - Billy Talent
* Day of the week: Sunday Bloody Sunday - U2
It’s much harder than you think...
Tagging some peeps to get started but no obligation, and if you wanna join in go for it!
@sleepyconfusedpotato @cordemente @mikk1n
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codfanzine · 1 year
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- Contributor announcement -
King: @/kingazastyles
Lean: @/LeanderWasHere
Mikk1n: @mikk1n
Starry: @/starryathame
Micky: @/BokuAkAmazing
B: @/hornybastardngh
Captain: @/Capitan_LX
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haven-needlecraft · 8 months
Stuffed Bee Sewing Project
So my partner @mikk1n bought me a book about sewing stuffed animals several years ago. It was
Stuffed Animals: From Concept to Construction by Abigail Patner Glassenberg
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(photo of the book cover from Barnes & Noble)
Sadly, the book is out of print now and much more expensive than it once was. However, for the beginner sewist who wants to dive into making stuffed animals and learns best through doing, I would argue that this resource is a must-have!
The first toy I made from this book is the bee toy. If I remember right, it's the 2nd project in the book and is a level up from the fish toy, which felt too simple for my extravagant tastes. I assembled my bee out of quilting cotton scraps that had been gifted to me by a member of my Quaker meeting + some pipe cleaners for the antennae + a pair of simple black safety eyes.
This bee was really fun and engaging to make! I enjoyed it immensely. I hid the mess of stitches covering the connection point between the head and body via crocheting a tiny scarf with the colors of the trans pride flag (which is not pictured below, sadly).
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This toy will be gifted to @sweet-mephistopheles as soon as I finish sewing the fingerless mitts for him and his partner that were supposed to be part of his Christmas package. Oops! It's amazing how the winter holidays go by far too fast for me to make my gifts on time... every single year.
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mikk1n · 11 months
Hi, I'm Misha and this is my art blog. I'm mixed Black NDN and 2nd gen Russian-American, bisexual (gender and sexuality), and tme. My pronouns are he/she.
I draw a lot of fanart. My main fandoms are Call of Duty and Dishonored, but I do have interests outside of those. Alternate universes and crossovers are my thing. I also draw OCs from time to time.
If you only want to see art posts, blacklist the tag [#not art]. My art tag is [#mikkart] and art I reblog from others is tagged [#art by op] + the artist's URL. The bulk of my reblogs go to my personal blog, but I do reblog other people's posts from time to time.
It's still under construction in some places, but if you're interested projects I'm working on, what brushes I like to use, fandoms and other interests, links to other social media, etc. all that can be found on my carrd:
I had a discord server, but invites are closed while I deal with my health issues. I may reopen or remake it in the future.
Commissions and requests are currently closed while I manage chronic illness, recover from burnout, and catch up on my backlog of commissions.
I cannot work, so if you like my art and would like to support me, my patreon and ko-fi are open as tip jars.
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makarovspussy-moving · 2 months
hiii y'all, sorry to pop in after being quiet so long but I'm having another flareup that's making it hard to even sit up in bed. so I could use some help getting food today. I'd need about $25 to get smth delivered so if anyone could spare a few bucks I'd be super grateful 💓
ca/vnm are both mikk1n
I also have p*ypal but please dm me for that bc it has my deadname attached
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makarovspussy · 7 days
anybody got some monies to spare so I can get some groceries and toilet paper? I got like 65 cents in my bank account rn and I need $36 to get what I need
cashapp and venmo r both @/mikk1n, dm for paypal.me
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sagemonsters · 2 years
Current placeholder for a cover image for my latest fic
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Tiger image is from Pixabay and is therefore free use, and the fonts (Gourdie Cursive and IM Fell English SC) are both free use as well.
This cover is going to get used as a placeholder for when the completed story is uploaded as a PDF to my itch page. It will be free to download there, but there will be a tipping option that I sincerely hope you take advantage of.
The placeholder cover will be replaced with a proper cover image when my dear partner @mikk1n has the time & energy to paint one for the project amidst his commissions and personal work. We're still brainstorming what it should look like, though, so don't hold your breath.
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