#mileven headcanon
mike kissing el at their wedding and then high-fiving max as they walk down the aisle
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crisperia · 2 years
Today I had a thought and I realized I can think like By/ers too, LOL. For example why doesn't El wear the promise ring from Mike on her ring finger but her index finger? That must mean she doesn't love Mike, right? Their relationship is platonic, blah blah blah... (Disclaimer: It's fine if you honestly wanna believe this BTW, ship whatever you want as long as you're not a pain in the ass, canon is canon, fanon is fanon and fanon is valid too, just enjoy, geez).
Well, I have the headcanon that Mike couldn't measure her finger since they were separated so he got an approximate size and it was probably a little too big and she could only wear it on her index finger without it falling down so she wears it there. I know about this stuff because my own fingers are very thin and I have rings I can only wear on my thumb or index finger because my actual size is hard to find LMAO Then I found this and I was like OMG NVM LMAO WE ALWAYS WIN, ALWAYS!!
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I know we don't know if any of the characters are Jewish IIRC but still I think this is SO CUTE!! 🥰😍❤️
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mikewheelerfan2022 · 2 years
I think Mike would make El watch Star Wars, and that her favorite character would be Leia.
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robin-buck1ey · 2 years
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This has got to actually be canon
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paladintoyourcleric · 10 months
"But Mileven had been built up for 4 seasons"
What tf do you mean built up, they kissed a week after they met.
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smithsibsceo · 2 years
stranger things fandom: *headcanons characters as members of the lgbtq+ community*
comments: but 😥 you cant make them all gay 😍🏳️‍🌈😘 its the 80s 😄😳
stranger things fandom: okay. modern au.
comments: BUT- BUT- BUT-
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When you realize there will be no Stranger Things 6 which means we will never get a cute season 6 opening sequence in which Mike wakes up and is once again late except Will is there in bed next to him and they make cute and flirty comments at each other a la season 3 Jancy vibes before Mike either runs out the door alone or with Will by his side or is maybe possibly just no longer runs late at all because he now has everything he wants in life and is happy with the love of his life and no longer has to hide who he is.
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El, you tried dating Mike. A for effort.
I love you so much, but please dump Mike's ass again (he has a boyfriend waiting for him) (and El has a girlfriend and a boyfriend waiting for her)
Breakup m*leven and get the good, not toxic couples out on stage
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friendsdontlieokay · 2 months
Please drop your wheeler siblings headcanons, I'm craving for ages
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byler-alarmist · 1 year
I know it's petty of me, but I would love to see a moment in S5 that makes it clear to the GA that Mike isn't interested in El.
Perhaps in a Vecna vision a flashback to them kissing and Mike just looking extremely bored, repulsed, or uncomfortable in a shot that we didn't see previously
Like that scene in But I'm a Cheerleader when Megan is still dating a boy:
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I mean, I know we (Byler Nation) saw this play out, but I think the GA needs it to be even more in your face for them to get it.
So that by the time Byler kiss happens, the difference will be so, so obvious.
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str4wb3rry-newsboy · 1 year
i saw someone do this painfully incorrect so i had to take matters into my own hands
gay ships for gay ppl
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(i didnt have enough room so pretend jargyle is here too <33)
gay ships for straight ppl
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straight ships for gay ppl
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straight ships for straight ppl
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thats the whole post thank you and goodnight
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mike-haters-dni · 7 months
When Mike called El a superhero what he meant was that despite all the horrible shit she’s been through she’s still selfless and kind and brave and vulnerable and loves people and would do anything to protect them and loves life and fights everyday to find a place in the world for herself despite how much it resists her and her goodness and perseverance inspires him and everyone around her to be better people and make the world better themselves and literally all he wants in the world is to help her be happy because she deserves peace more than anyone. If you were wondering.
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tenracoonsinacrisis · 2 years
Hopper: Finally, El broke up with that asshole Michael
Will, walking in: I have a boyfriend
Hopper: That's fine, who is it?
Hopper, seeing Mike: Not that bastard again!
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gtgmurdersomeone · 4 months
Okay besties I have a hc
So you all know the "I fEeL lIkE mY lIfE sTaRtEd ThE dAy I FoUnD yOu iN tHe WoOds" well I have thought of something that might explain why (cuz he is just not into el babes)
We all know that the day he found el was the day will went missing so it was honestly the most bitchy thing mike could ever say. So my hc is that playing DND with will made mike feel like he was in his own world with will (and the party). So the day will went missing it was like mike was pulled out of his world and into reality (because he no longer had the person who made it feels like he was in his own world). And as mike even said "Hawkins is not the same without you" it makes sense. So mikes world came to a stop the day he met el because he was pulled into reality. The reality which never existed because of will. So his life StArTeD when he found el.
I really hope all this made sense omg-
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strangertheories · 10 months
Thinking about Will and Mike making out when all of a sudden a song they love comes on. Just like in S3, Mike pulls away to start singing it but instead of getting annoyed like El, Will joins in and they roll about on the bed laughing and singing together.
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givehimthemedicine · 2 years
I cant stop laughing at the fact there was no reason Vecna kept his hand over Max's face for so long other than that the writers didn't want her reacting to Mike's monologue
Mike's voice echoing thru the hellscape: you can fly! you can move mountains! Max, getting choked by a demon, sarcastically: yOu caN-n f-fLy
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