#miltary couple
spicygayai · 2 months
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mariajmajesty · 9 months
All nighter buddies, gym buddies, Buddy system in the miltary together, cooking together, spending holidays and vacations together, birthdays, sharing the same circle of close people like a tattoo artist and a boxing coach. Jungkook and Jimin bond is special
It's called having a boyfriend
If they are off camera together and on camera together and tend to do things that couples usually do on times and hours couples usually spend time in..
I know I keep saying that I don't know what they are to each other (because we don't) but I can't magine being Jungkook boyfriend or girlfriend wanting to spend time with him before enlistment when he finally have some free time in the few weeks he got left and he goes No can do. I'm flying to Tokyo with Jimin again despite me also seeing him for the next 18 months and getting similar treatment on his birthday or on white day or for his debute in NY or for Chuseok or random nights when they aren't working together for band content. It is possible they have partners with them when do they certain things together like flying abroad but it is very unlikely they have them around at all the times jikook are together so the amount of time and the amount of questionable moments jikook had mixed with other partners just don't add up for me and is extremely weird. I think they are sharing something beyond just friendship and that's why there's such a huge pushback against them from the fandom and that is why people were so weird out by him binge watching Jimin when he had lots of spare time. Haters can cry about hybe cameras as much as they want but there aren't hybe cameras in the military and the same official content we get is the only content that exists for the other bonds so if they think one is fake all of them are by default. I don't care about the cult anymore or other shippers because they are all making clowns of themselves at this point and they aren't worthy of my attention because I know they lie for the sake of lying and seething inside so people like that should be ignored. Some type of a romantic bond between jikook is the only rational healthy assumption I can think off to explain years of jikook being as they are mainly the latest years. It's either that or they have an unhealthy friendship where they spend an unhealthy amount of time together to a point that it would be awkward to have a romantic connection with other people and they'd have to have hard time in other areas in their personal lives as well because that is usually the case when you are that emotionally invested in one person in your late 20s and 30s. And since both stated they are in a good place in their lives and moved on from certain rough times they had (with friends, work things, stress..) I don't think they have an unhealthy friendship. I think it's the other thing. They aren't kids anymore and they know what they do and how it comes across. The alternative explanations make much less sense than the romantic one.
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wexarethewalkingxdead · 4 months
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Watched It Begin Again || Charley & Becca || @amarvelousmencgerie
Charley hadn't expected his search for a safe place to lead him to the island of the Massachusetts shore, but it seemed to be a safe bet that if there were anyone else living there they did the work to remove the dead and to keep it as free of them as possible. As far as he knew, the dead hadn't learned to swim. He didn't doubt that they could be washed ashore from time to time, but that probably wasn't a daily occurrence.
So after docking the boat they'd managed to find fuel for the mainland, he had taken his daughter's hand and they had started walking toward what he hoped was downtown Nantucket. His eyes were everywhere making sure that the dead or the living wasn't able to get a jump on them. He tightened his grip on Sammy's hand when he heard voices in the distance.
He managed to get them hidden behind a rundown business before three men appeared. They were decked out in miltary gear and as many weapons as they could manage. He instantly got a bad feeling and kept them hidden until they had passed by and their voices were no longer heard. He put his fingers to his lips so that Sammy wouldn't make a sound as they eased out of their hiding place.
They needed somewhere to hole up and fast. Their feet were quiet but hurried as he read the signs on the buildings. They had lucked up and found a quaint little shopping center. Right on the edge but not connected, he spotted somewhere that he was certain Sammy would love. An old bookstore. He nodded toward the building and sent her ahead of him.
He tried the door and found it unlocked. The bell on the door jingled to alert anyone of their presence. He quickly grabbed the bells and silenced them. He closed his eyes and listened for any signs of life. Or the dead. Hearing nothing, he let out a soft sigh of relief. "We can probably hole up here for a couple of days till we find somewhere more permanent." So long as his scouting of the surrounding area proved that they were welcomed.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
I am not sure how I can imagine a scenario on Vargas Camp but all I know is that princesses in sports clubs will likely join in but given they are women, they have their tents in each part of their clubs like with Mulan and Merida in one tent in the equestrian club.
Mulan and Merida are used to surviving int he woods like Merida catching fish using her bow and arrow. Even a chance for Silver and Mulan to bond as they almost kiss in some moments but Riddle and Sebek came along and scolded them on thinking about camp over lovey dovey.
Anna will likely felt frustrated when Leona is being lazy in the Magrift club and help out intbe camp.
Nala is used to being the wilderness and will gladly hunted down animals on sight like deers and boars which made others frightened towards her.
This event made them dislike Vargas for having been hunted down and kidnapped especially Merida since she is experience her trauma against Mordu that she almost try to kill him with a bow and arrow which frightened him a bit. Even worst that they never believe them on the overblot dwarf when Deuce isn't around and they need to find him.
Once they get back to dorm, they complain this to Belle about it given she is the one who has tense relationship to him the most. "Just like Gaston, just like Vargas...never believing on others. So glad I am not in any sports club..." which she ended up jinxing herself once the second part came but I wouldn't say much on that.
I'll your Belle jinxing herself and raise you a Belle is the Yuu for the event. Cinderella has a cold and can't take pictures like she normally would and Belle owes her favor, so she's filling in and on Grim duty. Belle is not having fun. Yeah she grew up in a little country town. But the most roughing it she did was feeding some chickens and Phillipe. Belle is not having fun camping.
There's enough girls this time that Vargas has to very clearly make the rule of "No co-ed sleeping arrangements. Boys and girls in separate tents! The ghost are watching."
Anna is frustrated with Leona, but at the same time Anna isn't a very experienced camper either. When Sebek, Silver, and Riddle saw that flower on the cliff and Leona it wasn't worth the effort, Anna tried to scale the cliff to prove him wrong. She made it three feet on the ground before getting winded. "Does the air feel a little thin up here to you?" Sebek proceeded to get it for his club and Anna was salty the rest of the trip.
Mulan, Merida, and Nala are the most equipped to be out doors. Mulans miltary training is in full force. Shes climbing, shes setting up tents and helping everyone else with theirs, she's digging in the mines. She's got it. Merida has been dying to get out into the woods again. She's tagged along with Jade and Aroura to do some foraging. But it's not the same. She keeps shooting the fairies on sight. Her keen eye sees them a mile away. Nala is the most used to living in the wild, because of obvious reasons. But she's not used to human things like camping. She doesn't know anything about tents, or mining. Her skills are more in hunting than fishing. So she goes a little awol hunts for something to eat other than fish. She comes back a couple hours later with a few big hares. Everyone is little horrifies, meanwhile Merida and Mulan are like "Hell yeah, rabbit stew!"
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tiggymalvern · 2 years
Burn Notice - Sam and Elsa
I've decided to make this a new post instead of a reblog, since it didn't have much connection to all the other stuff we were talking about. @darkskywishes referred to Sam and Elsa getting a happy ending in the show, and I've actually been giving this a lot of thought over the last several days, because I'm splitting them up in the fic I'm writing right now, for plot reasons (I wrote some of the relevant scene this morning). But the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that relationship's not going to survive too long after the series finale. So here's the plot of Burn Notice from Elsa's perspective. She's a successful businesswoman, owner of some serious Miami real estate. She meets this guy who's funny, charming, and canonically good in bed XD. He carries a couple of concealed weapons, but he's ex-miltary, he's got all the permits, and this is Florida, so unremarkable enough. He does some kind of freelance work that means he keeps odd hours, and sometimes he gets a phone call and takes off at a moment's notice, breaking their dinner plans. But hey, she's busy too, she understands how work sometimes eats into personal time, she owns an empire. It's actually pretty convenient - neither of them are clingy, neither of them place too many demands on the other's time, and it all works really well. After a while, it's working so well, it's not just casual fun any more, they're actually serious. He tells her a bit more about the freelance work he does with his friends - it's obvious he's not telling her everything, but she doesn't tell him all the details about her business either, it's just not that interesting. But they help out people who find themselves with problems, and it sounds like they're doing a good thing. She doesn't really get to meet these friends of his much, but she spends a lot of time running her business, so it's not a big deal. And occasionally the staff mention some odd people who turn up asking for her boyfriend, and whatever, his job is his business. And then suddenly her boyfriend and his friends are criminals? She's got the CIA and the FBI up in ALL her shit, telling her that they're murderers and kidnappers and god knows what else, and her boyfriend's telling her the whole thing's some huge misunderstanding. He tells her how much he loves her, that he and his friends need to sneak out of the US for a while, but he'll be back as soon as they've got everything straightened out. And she knows he's a decent guy, not what the cops are telling her, so she believes him. A month or two later, he does come back, and in between he got shot??? And he can't really explain much of it; he says some of it's classified and the CIA made him sign a gag order, but everything's been sorted. The CIA and the FBI seem to be leaving them both alone now, so that sounds like it's true, and she loves him and trusts him and everything goes back to the way it was. Until a year later, when the exact same thing happens again. Her boyfriend and his friends are all over the TV as the subjects of a manhunt, this time as suspected terrorists. He disappears, and then re-emerges a few days or weeks later (the show timeline's unclear there, but my guess would be closer to weeks), once again saying it was all a big misunderstanding and everything's fine now. No, he couldnt call, he was in jail. No, not the kind of jail where people get to have lawyers and visitors, more the Guantanamo kind of jail. But this second time around it sounds a whole lot less convincing, doesn't it? How could the same unfortunate big misunderstanding happen to the same people twice??? And absolutely nothing has changed. He's still keeping unusual hours, still getting phone calls that require him to drop everything and run. He still has odd friends and acquaintances, though he has less of them now because some of them are DEAD. Does she stay with him? Does she really? Does he still seem as funny and charming as when they first met? Add to that the damage to her business and her professional reputation, when her colleagues and partners are whispering behind her back about how she's shacked up with that terrorist dude from the news. And the non-zero possibility that at some point, after yet another argument when she's asking her boyfriend what the hell he's actually doing and how dangerous is it, is he going to get shot again or killed? That after one too many of those, when she's upset and wavering over whether or not to kick him out, her son might give her the full details about the time he and her boyfriend stole a drug lord's ecstasy lab truck and drove it to Miami while being shot at... Sorry. I just can't believe Sam and Elsa are going the distance. Yes, it was Elsa who told Sam not to abandon his friends the first time they were all being hunted, but that was the FIRST time. She didn't expect it to become a regular thing. She's a businesswoman, not a martyr. And she did NOT sign up for this to be the rest of her life.
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
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We think that we would do most of these the 8 ounce yes the 12 ounces not so much it's 14 or 16 and they're not tall boys those are usually 18 or 19 like the stove pipe 24 ounce is the larger can like the fosters and the growler it's not called Crowler and the larger kin which is also a fosters is around 48 ounces or something it's really really too big and people usually don't like them and they cost more or something ours would cost less such you get bigger we'd sell a lot of tall boys they buy a lot of those that's what you'd see is this stovepipe and the regular fosters is like a silo shown here it's all a bunch of those but we'd sell mostly what they're calling a tall boy which is 16 ounce or a standard 14 ounce those little teeny ones we wanna make as sam those little teeny ones we wanna make as samples yeah the ask for an idea if it's a question and you'll have tons and tons of them and it's like a 12 pack size so you can carry it easy and you just put them in ice and you hand them out and you have girls help you or you hand them out with your belt and really you have a coozy in the belt and those things are awesome for samples they also sell these days because people don't want to overdo it they just wanna taste a beer at lunch he's gotta get going but really this is a wonderful idea we're gonna start trying to get ready on this. And that's the lineup for the beer cans the beer bottles a couple of kegs and we try and find the kegs here. ok some are up. a full line to rent only two or three missing yes. smaller ones. qurarter barrel and yes beer balls your rent and one size that is larger. thts it for retail
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We of course will have a full delivery system set up for any location that buys the beer and it comes out charged we might bring it in and charge it on shore and deliver it and to your eatery or dispensary and it is really cheap to buy it in this format very inexpensive I comparison it costs a lot less for us to handle it and package it and all sorts of stuff unfortunately you have to pressurize things if you want them to stay with the fizz so this is so this is what we're going to develop for our beers but in this case it's Duff and he wants the beer company and it's owned by Universal Studios yes but they don't sell it they don't make it they don't distribute it and they only use it in their amusement park and there are rules about it and laws and we can try that We also want to open crusty's hamburger joint and we want people to dress up as crusty and interview for the job it's an adult hamburger joint more shortly
Olympus we all said most
we said a lot lol
Thor Freya
we helped a lot
Hera Zues and did and we do this and they came up with the restaruant for universal. and want to run it. and any way they can . it is desperation he is poor they are exasperating their asshinine shit hurts ok. we want him to be ok. and ye stons of his ides and is supposed tob e missery and the ships the respite but pure miltary as they dont like millitary ppl this rules and they say it that is the abuse and for not being on time vy one nminute an all ofthem we hit htem now the say it good
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ace-angel-judas · 2 years
And Minho came back from the marines extra ripped
Imagine if Hayoon got a little extra thicc while he was in the miltary, just a little bit more squish around her hips and thighs.
I'm a sucker for muscular/thicc couples. Same with big height differences if you couldn't tell (Looking at ZiSeo, Ayden and Ari, Lucas and Amy etc)
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18/01/2019: Closing a chapter of my life
This is a post I’ve been dreading to write. Just a warning too, its going to be very, very long. This will also unfortunately be my last post on this account.
5 weeks and 1 day. That’s how long its been since everything changed, since L ended things with me, and I’ve been trying my hardest to make sense of it all. I’ve been trying my best to find the words to be able to write this post, but I’ve really struggled. All I’m going to start off with is that my heart is absolutely, completely and utterly broken.
This is not how I imagined things would be. This is not how I wanted to end the distance. I imagined us together in our own house, with a couple of dogs, happy and inlove... not like this. Never in a million years did I think we’d end up like this, not with how inlove I was with him. It still doesn’t feel real. When you give someone all of you, love them harder than anything else you’ve ever loved in your life, you never expect them to tell you that they don’t want it anymore. That it’s not enough for them. It’s so hard to accept; its just unfathomable really. I wanted to marry him. I was willing to move across the country for this boy. I was so ready, and so excited. It’s just disappointing. I feel like I sacrificed so much for him. Put his needs before my own. Accepted the heartbreaking challenge of doing long distance without getting a choice in the matter. Supported him in going out and achieving his dreams while I waited here for him. And for what? Him to turn around and say he’s changed his mind and that he doesn’t feel the same anymore? That he doesn’t have the passion for the relationship and that he loves me but he’s not inlove with me now? This whole thing has left me devastatingly broken. And it hurts, my god does it hurt...
It’s been extremely hard and confusing for me to understand too. December 8th he told me that I’m the love of his life and that he can’t wait to come home to me, then on December 13th, only 5 days later… he told me he couldn’t do this anymore. It was absolutely soul shattering to hear those words. Especially because we hadn’t been fighting or anything. I thought we had been perfectly fine, he made me believe that we were doing better. He even texted me that morning saying that he loves me. Then later that night he completely pulled the rug out from under me.
He messaged me that Thursday night saying he wasn’t doing very well mentally and that he needs to talk to me. Me being me I dropped everything and called him immediately, desperately wanting to help him and understand why he was feeling this way. He wouldn’t completely tell me the truth behind it until I kept asking questions. When I asked him if he could think of one thing that makes him happier than anything else in the world, and he answered saying he’s happiest when being on holiday at the lake… my stomach dropped and I immediately knew what was going on; because he didn’t say he was happiest when he was with me. This lead into me asking a whole bunch of other questions where I discovered that he had been apparently feeling miserable for months because he doesn’t think he wants to be with me anymore, because he feels like he’s changed, we’ve changed. This phone call was 3 hours long, yet I couldn’t grasp what was going on. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening. I was a mess after that phone call. I knew deep in my heart there was no coming back from that. I knew what he wanted, and it completely broke me. My best friend and my brother had to come and physically restrain me because of how inconsolable I was. I felt like my whole world was ending, especially because of how blindsided I felt. Eventually my mum had to literally medicate me to make me calm down. My heart couldn’t take it. I think I slept for 2 whole days after that.
Even though I knew it was over, a couple days later I had a very weak moment and called him and basically begged for him to just keep trying, at least until he comes home and we see each other (which was only a week away… I’d been looking forward to it for ages. I hadn’t seen him in 2 months... he was coming home for christmas on the 20th of december). But my god, it felt so degrading. No one should ever have to beg someone to not give up on them, or to try harder or love them back. I never wanted to stoop that low but I was in shock and I was desperate. And to my utter dismay- he said no. He didn’t want to try anymore. He said he’s been trying for months and it still just doesn’t feel right. This outraged me because 1, he hadn’t been completely honest and open with me about how he was feeling this way and 2, giving someone the bare minimum is NOT ‘trying’. He stopped meeting my needs a long time ago and I was too blinded by love to understand this. I deserved so much better than that. I deserve someone whose sure about me 100% of the time. I deserve someone whose consistent with their love and effort, which he very much lacked on and off throughout our whole relationship. His words rarely matched up to his actions. One day he’d say he loves me more than life itself and that he wants to marry me, the next he would hardly even speak to me. Complete head fuck right? But I stuck around because I loved him. Maybe that’s my own fault.
He was messaging me every day after that phone call- I don’t really know why, I think the guilt from hurting me was eating him up inside to be honest- but I just couldn’t reply to his messages. I needed space. I needed time to let it all sink in and to be able to reflect on it all. I eventually messaged him and asked him to give me the respect of ending things in person, where I can ask questions, get closure and say goodbye. He agreed and wanted that too. It’s so painful having to say goodbye to someone you wanted forever with. But I did it. I went over to his house a couple days after he arrived home and I got say my peace and get the closure I needed. And although I am hesitant to say, I also did end up seeing him a couple more times before he flew back home - alcohol and a broken heart dont mix well folks, trust me - but I surprisingly found that it didnt make things worse for me, because I had already accepted that this break up is probably for the best... dont get me wrong it was sad, and confusing but it was also nice to just be together, talk and take our time to say goodbye; our last goodbye, and the hardest one of all. It was especially hard seeing him cry along with me at the thought of it being the last time. But as I had time to reflect on it all leading up to seeing him each time, I came to the conclusion that this was for the best, and I told him that too. I knew I wasn’t being treated right, I knew I deserved better, I knew the distance had gotten to us too much, and I knew we both weren’t happy. But it was nice to end things on a good note and say goodbye in our own way.
During the past month I have rediscovered my worth and realized that I have so, so, SO much love to give, and if he doesn’t want it, then thats truely his loss. I put him on a pedestal for the longest time and forgot about myself through it all. I haven’t been fair to myself. So now, I think its time I put myself first- in every aspect of my life, not just through the break up. I’m going to try my best to leave all heartache in 2018, and begin to focus on my self worth, growth and all things positive in 2019.
As much as this hurts and as much as it killed me to do long distance this past year, I really have no regrets. I gave 110% of myself to this relationship and to L. I put my heart and soul on the line for someone I love and I think that’s something to be proud of- it’s actually admirable I think. Like a friend recently told me, I let someone know how it felt to be loved by me, and that’s beautiful. I love so damn hard too, and I deserve to get the same love back. Consistently. I also just want to make note that as much as this has hurt me, I don’t and will never wish ill upon him at all. I really just want him to be happy, and if that means not being with me anymore then so be it. I don’t think of him as a bad person- just someone whose young, and isn’t sure about what he wants. I’ve also realized that I can’t hate him for feeling a certain way. I don’t want to. That wouldn’t be fair. At the end of the day, as much as I tried to hold on, I think I always knew it wasn’t meant to be. There’s been too much hurt in the past, and the relationship was damaged from early on from certain things I think. The distance was also really, really difficult for both of us too; even though I felt like I could deal with it because I believed it would be worth it in the end, I guess he just couldn’t handle it, and that’s fair enough. Being away from the person you love constantly changes you. Its heart breaking. I’ll always love the person he is, and forever cherish every amazing memory we ever shared. Our love was epic. The past 2/3 years have been some of the happiest moments of my life- despite it being a rollercoaster at times. And I owe a lot to Luke and will always respect him. I just know now that maybe we’re not meant to be, and that’s ok. As hard as it is to accept that it’s over, and that i’ll never see him again (that part tears me up inside ugh), I’ll always remember him as my first love, and I’ll always appreciate the beautiful times we had together. I still love him, I think I always will, but I’m a big believer in everything happens for a reason, and I know I’ll be stronger from this.
I just want to also say a big thank you to everyone who has gone on this journey with me, for all the love and support and advice shared. It’s helped more than you know. I don’t think I would’ve made it this far without you guys. I’m going to miss being apart of this beautiful little community of long distance and military couples. Even though it didn’t work out for me, I still believe long distance can work and that those who are willing to make it work, no matter the struggles, are some of the strongest and most noblest people around. But just remember, if you’re giving more than you’re getting, if you’re beginning to question your worth, if you’re crying more than you are happy, if you’re the only one holding on and trying to make it work, then you need to be honest and fair to yourself and understand that you deserve so, so much better- and you will find that one day, I promise. A part of me wishes I had’ve realised sooner.
I’m closing a chapter of my life, only to begin a new one. I hope 2019 blesses all of you. Best of luck with everything, I really am rooting for you all!
(I’m also not going to delete this blog. It holds way too many incredible memories and posts of happier times that I would like to look back on in years to come. And although it makes me sad now, I just think its so special and it may also be able to help others to read. But, like I said earlier, this will unfortunately be my last post...
If you’d like to contact me in anyway from now on I will be using my main blog more regularly. You can find me at:
Stay strong, keep fighting through the distance and for the ones you love. Always remember you’re not alone.
Love always,
Hayley x
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humble-army-wife · 6 years
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Might be letting down my proud Navy-veteran Grandpa, but I think I’ve got a pretty good excuse to switch allegiances this year ;)
Go Army, Beat Navy!
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carnationcomplex · 3 years
if the straight white christian women I knew in my youth don't stop getting engaged I'm going to walk into the sea
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heliosthegriffin · 2 years
Inter-tribal relations
“Is anyone else concerned?” Weiss asked with pursed lip to the rest of the table, occupied by the rest of Team RWBY.
Ruby balanced a pencil on her nose, Yang played some game on her scroll, and Blake read through a trashy magazine.
“About what?” Ruby asked innocently, still balancing the pencil.
Yang looked up from her game, searching for fire and/or danger, but finding none went back to her game.
Blake however, responded. “Not really,”
“But, I am, though, I am greatly concerned.” Weiss said looking quite nervous.
The pencil dropped from Ruby’s nose and hit her in the right eye, she yelped and fell backwards into the floor.
Blake flipped a page in her trashy, terrible magazine. “You shouldn’t be, everything’s fine.”
“I really don’t think it is!” Weiss stood up, chair skirting behind her, pointing out of the library window at a small hut in the courtyard. “There’s a actual village out there!”
Blake flips a page. “Yes, and everything is fine, Weiss.”
Weiss scowls, still gesturing to the hut. “Team JNPR has been living out for weeks, they’re devolving!”
“Shouldn’t have lost the key to they’re room.” Yang said, turning with her scroll, as if that made her a better player.
Ruby got up from the floor. “They’re poor weapons! Stuck and alone, all by themselves!”
Weiss walked over to the window, observing the coming and going from the hut.
Ren was smoking fish, and Jaune was doing a rain dance to mixed success.
Pyrrha and Nora were gone though, likely on another hunting trip.
“This isn’t ethical,” Weiss moaned.
“What isn’t ethical, is how short they’re pelts are, hot-damn!” Yang said leering at the two.
“I wouldn’t worry about them Weiss, they haven’t even reach the bronze age!” Ruby cheerfully looked at her. “They’re no threat till they’ve at least reached the iron age, we live safely for another day!”
“I wouldn’t say that Ruby,” Blake stood next to her, inspecting the set up in the courtyard. “I spot a couple snares, a tiger trap, and what looks to be a log connect to a trip wire, and they’re location is situated in a way to optimally fend off invaders. I’d say they’re just about leaving the stone age.”
They’re was a yelp, and cry of fear. “Ren help!”
“How?! You helped me build these things!”
“I slipped while doing my rain dance! Help me, Nora actually put Tigers down here!”
Ruby looked at Blake smugly. “You were saying?”
Blake looked back at her. “That was Jaune, it was bound to happen.” She points back out. “Look, he’s even tamed the tiger now.”
The tiger had some how managed to get out of the pit, Jaune hanging from it’s jaws. It settled down next to the fire, and started grooming him, Jaune’s face contorted in pain from a barbed tongue that could lick paint off a wall, but unwilling to upset the creature.
Ruby hufffed. “Whatever, girl.”
“Hey!” Yang got they’re attention. “The girls are back! Damn, those pelts are just as criminal on them!”
Returning to the tribe from the woods, was Pyrrha and Nora, holding a stone tipped spear and a large club respectively, with Nora taking the lead and gleely skipping over the traps, with Pyrrha carrying something slung over her shoulder.
Weiss’s eyes went wide. “Do they have a war prisoner?!”
Blake nodded. “Yes, it would seem, so. Not uncommon for primitives to take captives to replenish low numbers, mostly to kidnap brides. Or for skilled workers.”
“That’s Velvet? That’s Velvet.” Yang asked, then confirmed, as Pyrrha roughly tossed Velvet before Jaune. Nora tried to pet the Tiger, only for it to hide behind Jaune in fear. “I heard her team got locked out of they’re room too, did they raid Team CFVY’s camp?”
Blake nodded. “It seems so, how interesting, I heard they had subjugated and assimilated team NDGO, so I assumed they were in a more powerful miltary position, especially after they raised Team CRDL’s camp to the ground.”
Weiss watched in horror as Jaune nodded appreciatively, leading Velvet into the hut. “We need to call the teachers!” Making to leave.
Only for Blake to grab her by both shoulders, stopping her in place. “And who are you to play god?! This must play out as nature intended, otherwise they’re culture will never achieve apotheosis!”
“Blake, you’re scaring me!”
“Hey!” Ruby called them back to the window. “Look, he’s showing her how to use the pottery wheel.”
Weiss felt a flush of embarrassment, as like Ruby said, Jaune was indeed just doing that.
They had brought a pottery wheel out of the hut, and Jaune was showing Velvet how to use it. The girl picking up the skill quite fast, seeming to also enjoy doing it, with Jaune helping to correct any flaws he picked out.
Ren, then came over with a fur-pelt with the word JNPR on the back, dropping it in Velvet’s hands, then pointing at the hut.
“They have a tribal identity! Fascinating!” Blake pounded her hand into her palm.
Weiss started to inch away, only for Yang’s iron grip to keep her in place. “Wow, look at that! We’re going to see a raid!” Pointing out a glow in the woods, where a warparty, consisting of Team CFVY at the back, with a collar team’s NDGO and CRDL at the front.
Coco barked out a harsh order, then sent them CRDL first, the team of boys running forth into traps, quickly being taken out by them, but exposing them at the same time.
Another bark, and Team NDGO was sent forth, wiping on the rest of the traps, before Coco, Fox, and Yatsuhashi charged forth.
Pyrrha and Ren chucked spears at them as they charged forth, while Nora threw boulders at them.
Jaune just started rain-dancing harder.
Velvet contently kept making bowls and vases.
The tiger was hiding in the hut.
“Alright, this is definitely against the rules!” Weiss shouted.
“I know, it’s awesome, right?” Yang asked Ruby, who nodded her head aggressively.
“OH! First blood!” Ruby cried out, as Yatsuhashi fell, Nora jumping into the air and striking him in the temple with her club, the giant falling back with a crash that sounded more like a tree falling then a human, as he tumbled back into a pitfall.
Only for a boulder to be sent to greet Nora, sending her flying into the treeline and out of the fight, from Coco.
Pyrrha and Ren teamed up on Fox, the blind-fighter more than holding him own, but eventually overwhelmed before Coco could assist him.
Before they could celebrate a victory, a rock hit Ren in the head, sending the ninja into unconsciousness.
Leaving Pyrrha and Coco to circle each other as the last combatants.
Pyrrha holding her spear in both hands, while Coco was spinning a sling in her hands, tossing a handful of rocks in the other.
An epic battle ensuing between the two tribal champions, Coco rapidly shooting rocks at Pyrrha, only for her to block them with her spear.
Charging forth, jabbing at her with the spear, but Coco deftly dodging, then grabbing the spear, lifting the spear and Pyrrha up into the air with one arm, then pulling her down.
Punching in the face with a cry that could easily be translated to, ‘This one’s not metal, bitch!’
Finally, Coco walked over to Jaune, the man dancing as fast his leg could go, still rain-dancing.
The tiger jumped out of the hut to attack Coco, only to be backhanded with no second thought.
Coco loomed before Jaune, reaching out to grab the blonde.
When Jaune finished his rain-dance, panting and out of air, falling to his knees.
Coco laughed.
Then the sky split open, rain coming down in sheet, thunder rolled violently, and a spear of lightning came down.
Hitting Coco head-first.
And again.
And again.
And again.
Coco proceeded to break the world-record for most consecutive lightning strikes in one minute.
Weiss looked out at the battlefield shocked. “What just happened?” Ruby swearing as she paid Yang twenty lien.
Blake nodded her head. “Divine providence, Jaune honored the gods and they favored him, pretty simple really.”
Ruby looked at Blake. “They cheated! Coco was totally going to win! No one said they were a part of this!”
Blake shrugged, then gestured to the sky. “Take it up with them, if you have a problem with it.”
Ruby pulls out Crescent Rose. “I will then!” She pointed the rifle at the sky. “Fight me,” The sky remained raining. “Unless, you’re a bitch!” The sky rumbled dramatically.
A angelic sniper-rifle peered out of the clouds, angelic laser-sight aimed at Ruby, who had a brief moment to express regret, before a arrow of light struck her head, knocking her out.
Yang cradled Ruby’s unconscious body. “I will avenge you, Ruby!” The dot realign on Yang’s head.
Yang slowly put her hands in the air. “On second though, revenge is over-rated, and she had it coming.”
“Traitor,” Ruby coughed.
Yang dropped Ruby. “You brought this upon yourself.”
“Look!” Blake said excitedly. “They’re integrating the losers into they’re tribe! How fascinating!”
Down below, Pyrrha was gleefully jabbing a annoyed Coco with her spear, as she was forced to make arrow heads and slings, as though that would get her to work faster.
Nora was riding on Yatsu’s shoulder a crude plough attach to his waist, using him as a beast of burden to overturn the courtyard’s soil, Team’s Cardinal planting seeds in his wake.
Ren was strictly monitoring team NDGO on how to sew, cook, and clean. Smacking they’re hands with a branch when they messed up, and glaring at them if they got disobedient.
Fox was assisting Velvet at the pottery wheel.
And Jaune? Jaune had fallen unconscious after dancing for twelve hours, stealthily being whisked away by Messengers of the Gods to be taken to the heavens.
Weiss looked to Blake, horror and confusion in her face. “What’s your stance on in intervention on Divine Intervention?”
Blake wiped away a tear. “May the dead rest in peace.”
Ruby leered with Yang as they watch him being pulled into the heavens. “I can see up his furs.”
“Nice~,” Yang nodded.
Weiss sighed, and walked away, absolutely done with this madness.
It was time to take a nap, walking to her dorm.
Scanning her scroll, when a look of horror overtook her.
‘Error, unable to unlock,’
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bridgeportbritt · 3 years
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Foreign Royals Arrive at the Reception of Crown Princess Diana and Gerhard (2/3)
More foreign Royals are arriving and we’re starting to see some familiar faces! Let’s see who made the guest list!
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Up first we see the young HM King Cayden of Nalore and his date, HRH Princess Adelaide of Charleston. The King wears a black miltary suit while the Princess wears an off the shoulder deep blue gown. Welcome Nalore and Charleston!
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We’re excited to see HRH Crown Princess Ashala of Atrea and Mr. Neiven Valeth. This is the couples first time in SimDonia, but they are close friends with HRH Grand Duchess Bria and attended her fashion show in Simerica. The Grand Duchess and her familly have also visited Atrea on a number of occasions. The Crown Princess looks stunning in a strapless purple floral gown with Neiven wearing a complimenting pink suit. Happy to see them in SimDonia!
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Up next is His Grace Edmund, Duke of Bordeaux and The Lady Isabella Bordeaux. Lady Isabella wears a plunging dark blue gown while the Duke sports a black tux. This is the first time the couple have been to SimDonia, but we’ve seen SimDonia Royals in Pierreland quite a few times. Hopefully this is the first of many visits.
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Another close family of the SimDonia Royal Family are the Lockwoods of Whitebridge. Tonight we see TRH Princess Avia and Princess Collette arriving! Princess Avia wears a strapless light pink gown while Princess Collette goes with a darker purple. We hope the sisters will reunite with their brother HRH Duke Beckett and his wife while they are here!
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Arriving next is HRH Princess Eleanor and HRH Prince Ryland, Princess and Prince of Westburg. The newlywedded couple wear matching blue which we absolutely adore. The Grand Duke and Duchess of Umbrage both attended the beautiful wedding in Trenton. Here’s to happy couples!
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Another adorably matching couple arriving is HRH Crown Princess Emeline, Duchess of Edenhal and HRH Crown Prince Cedric, Duke of Edenhal. In signature Whitmore teal, the Crown Princess glows in a form fitting lacy gown while the Crown Prince wears a black tux. The Grand Duchess of Umbrage recently paid a visit to Whitmore for their daughters first birthday. Here’s hoping we see more play dates in the future!
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Up next, we see the lovely Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Stafford. The Crown Princess looks very elegant in her peach colored 3 quarter sleeve dress whille the Crown Prince wears a black tailored suit. This is their first visit to SimDonia and hopefully not the last!
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Coming up next is HRH a Princess Dannielle & Miss Leah Wyatt. Both ladies went for very light purple gowns. This is their first time in SimDonia and we hope they are able to visit again soon!
@atreanroyals @officalroyalsofpierreland @thelockwoodroyals @trentonsimblr​ @whitmoreroyals @batsfromwesteros @thebaillieroyals​
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morganas-pendragons · 2 years
My Thoughts On Halo Infinite
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So before I write the mother of opinions on this game, just a couple of things to note. I've been playing Halo since 2005-2006. I've always been someone who gets rather invested into stories, and this one was absolutely no exception considering the fact that: It mentions my favorite Halo game multiple times, and incorporates a character we technically have never seen in canon who is extremely crucial to John's character development as a young Spartan to this legend who has outlived virtually everyone he has ever loved.
Without further ado... my thoughts on Halo Infinite! spoilers for the campaign below. 
EDIT: I’m finishing this in the midst of my second playthrough, so I’ve added more! 
First off, let me tell you I was really skeptical about this at first. My brother and father didn't bother playing Halo 5 because I told them almost immediately how terrible the gameplay was and the story as well, and I played it twice before never going back to play it again. It was awful and the fans knew it was awful but after those Believe tv spots for Infinite were released I was like... okay. Okay, you've got my attention. Maybe I can give this a try and pray it's better then the previous.
If you're a veteran, this game was either one of your favorites or one of your least favorites. It's in my top 3. Halo 3, Infinite, and then Reach. And to be candid... the sole reason for it is because this is the only Halo game that takes the time to write an intricate and heartbreaking story about John's character and how Cortana and he are wound around each other.
There has not been one Halo game solely focusing on John. That's my biggest praise of Infinite in particular, the amount of effort and time they spent into doing something they'd never done before for a widely beloved character who grew leaps and bounds in this game.
Before I get into the thick of it, let me give my immediate likes and dislikes. The graphics are gorgeous. The NPC dialogue is so funny that I found myself in tears over it multiple times. The open world was a wonderful idea and prolongs the game for more enjoyment. The campaign story was extremely well written and bitter sweet by the end, but beautiful all the same. The music is new in its own right but incorporates music from the previous soundtracks.
Cons: No coop, no Arbiter OR The Swords of Sanghelios, you get no indication where Blue Team is unless you find the Audio Logs (which is stupid and the whole reason why they shouldn't have introduced them if they were just going to go away again) and that's literally it because I loved every aspect of this game LOL
Now, to the story.
We all know that John was indoctrinated from the age of six years old by Catherine Halsey who had chosen him and 70 some other children to, putting it candidly, be the saviors of humanity. He and a few others were the sole survivors of the Spartan 2’s. This also includes Blue Team. He, however, was deemed as one from the start who would outshine the others and serve a far greater purpose past being just a Spartan.
People are constantly talking about him. He has the highest rank in the miltary and exceeds the expectations placed upon him. But sometimes those expectations get to be too much, you know? 
That’s made obvious when we see his first real defeat - where the bad guy wins - when Atriox beats the absolute crap out of John and everything goes to hell in a matter of months. 
John goes MIA for six months and is pronounced dead. His world drastically shifts under his feet when he wakes up to the elated Pilot who believes the return of the Master Chief is the ticket he needs to be able to go home. The UNSC doesn’t exist anymore, and Cortana is dead. 
The relationship between John and Fernando is stellar for so, so many reasons. It’s one of the only relationships I can think of in game besides maybe Miranda and Johnson and Lasky where John is treated less like a soldier and more like a person. 
I’ve said this multiple times about the Halo show, and it applies here too. The whole purpose of Cortana for the Master Chief was initially to be advising with logistical and tactical advice on the battlefield. What she ended up teaching him in addition to that was how to be human. 
Something he would’ve never learned to do - and attempted to exercise in Infinite - had they not met. 
Removing the armor in the show is meant to show you, the viewer, that John is getting to the point where he’s trying desperately to grasp onto the little humanity he’s been permitted to experience. 
In the game, this is shown mostly through his interactions with The Weapon and the scene in the UNSC graveyard with The Pilot. 
Case in point... 
“I don’t know how you keep doing this.”
“I don’t have a choice. Maybe it’s my programming.” - John to The Weapon, Halo Infinite
“Let me know when you figure out which one of us is the machine.” Cortana to John, Halo 4
He’s being forced to face something he’s never been allowed to face before: Grief. He’s grieving Cortana, as he says many times through the countless mentions of If I had been able to do this, this could’ve been prevented and confessing to the Weapon that so much could’ve been prevented if he had just done more to protect Cortana. 
Because that’s what his mission was from the start when she chose him. They were meant to take care of each other, and they did. 
He was essentially betrayed by the person who became the one constant in his life, and there is this tiny human part of him that is desperate for relationships enough to the point where he wants to trust The Weapon. He can’t yet. 
The whole purpose of John keeping The Weapon at arms length is to protect himself from being hurt again. 
And doesn’t that sound familiar? 
I love what you as the player have to work through with John in this game. Arguably the best part is at the end where he has the flashbacks of Keyes, meeting Cortana, and their final goodbye in Halo 4. The whole point of that sequence is for you to understand John’s motivations over the last 7 years of canon and the depths of the loss he has experienced. 
Samuel. Cortana. Lasky. Halsey (probably, hopefully) both Jacob and Miranda Keyes, Avery Johnson... could LITERALLY keep going. 
No one should have to go through that much tragedy in less then 10 years. Literally everyone - outside of Blue Team, because it’s never confirmed if they’re actually dead or not, but i highly doubt it - is gone or deceased. That crap hurts. 
There are multiple sequences I could talk about here but the biggest thing I want to mention for people who have never read the novels is that you need to know about Samuel. The first loss, the worst loss, and one John carries with him for decades after the fact. 
In the scene where John nearly deletes The Weapon, he's asked to give three confirming phrases to the interface in his armor for confirmation.
What You Need To Know About Red Flag
034 - Samuel's Spartan Number.
Samuel - The final member of Blue Team who sacrificed himself to save them when John was barely sixteen years old, just in the first months of humanity's struggle with the covenant.
I didn't have a clue that Fall of Reach existed until I came across it on Youtube last year. Turns out most of Cortana's lines from Halo 3 before you find her on High Charity are things that John has heard over the course of his life! And let me tell you... the way I screamed when I heard all of these again after 14 years.... they just hold so much weight.
To put it shortly if you don't want to watch the movie: Samuel was John's first loss and one part of many reasons of why he does what he does. The movie itself is a fantastic service to John's character and I highly recommend watching it.
This game is fantastic. Say what you want, love whichever Halo you desire, but the depth of the emotional journey that goes into the main storyline for this game is the best out of all of them besides maybe Reach. Reach is the only other Halo game where you just.. lose. And there’s not anything you can do about it. 
John lost. He can’t do anything about it. He can try to rebuild the little that is left of the UNSC.. and he can hope it’s enough. 
At least he has people now. Because that will make it enough. 
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runeterrankhaleesi · 4 years
I'm a Venom simp so don't judge me 😎 btw can I have hc (oneshot is ok though) Venom x reader? She's a commando, after obtained her freedom she's gonna start a new beginning at Miami. She has helped Eddie a few times & he really appreciate. Now she's 'bout to go, maybe forever and he can't continue to hide his feelings anymore. He saw her good side & he loves it 😫
[A/N: Hello, my darling. I don't judge, 'cause, I too am a simp. I had to search for the word commando because I've heard of it and it has a whole different meaning, and I was sure that was not what you meant, I apologize, my darling. Mmm! This is such a yummy ask! I love it! Thank you so much, darling, for this request. You may ask again once more.]
Venom/Eddie confessing to female Commando Headcanons
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You were a commando, a latin commendare.
You were part of the military-part of the special ops unit.
You couldn't remember when was the last time you went home in San Francisco, and you couldn't even remember what Eddie looked like.
Good thing you had a highschool picture of him.
You called Eddie with his old phone number, hoping that its still what he uses and he'll pick up.
He did.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Eddie shouted, making you wince.
"That hurts my ears, you know." You spoke. He apologized.
"What's up? You never call."
You laughed, "I'm coming home."
He gasped, "What? When?"
You were currently at Russia, Moscow. The military has finally allowed you to retire and paid your flight.
They were generous as they placed you in first class.
It was a 12 hour and 16 min. flight. And you were leaving by Thursday, 6 pm.
"I'll be at San Fran. by 6 pm this Friday."
He cheered. And you could see him jumping up and down.
"Well, don't you worry. I'll pick you up, treat you to a nice restaurant, whatever and wherever you want. And let you live at my place."
You laughed, "Thank you."
And you set off, on your way to San Francisco and seeing your highschool crush Eddie Brock.
You've helped him a couple of times, mostly with money, and since you're in the military, you've made quite a lot.
When he was starting out as a journalist, you paid his school since he didn't have that much money with him.
Then when he got a job and actually started, you paid for his apartment expenses since he didn't make much money back then.
You told him that he didn't need to pay back but he wouldn't budge, so you said that he'll pay you back by favors.
He agreed with it.
You kept reminiscing the moments you were with him in high school and in a daze, you went out of the plane.
Eddie met you at the gate and practically jumped on you.
"Jesus christ, Eddie! Calm down!"
"Sorry, sorry! I just...I'm just so excited!" He's like a child, you thought.
He rented a car so he could put your luggage in the trunk and take you to the restaurant.
"Eddie, I could do it myself."
He insisted to putting your somewhat heavy suitcase inside the trunk, "Get in the car and wait for me." He struggled as he carried the bag.
You laughed as you got in the car.
He took you to your all time favorite fast food chain, after you requested it of course. He didn't protest because it was his favorite too.
"So what now? What are you gonna do?" He asked as he took a bite of his food.
"Well, I want to have a fresh start. I'm gonna live in Miami."
He gulped. He wanted to tell you how he truly felt about you. You left for the miltary and just came back, now you were suddenly telling him that you'll leave again.
"Why Miami? Why not here?"
You shrugged, "I just don't...feel it here."
The drive to his apartment was silent.
"Are you upset?" You asked.
He inhaled, "No, I- Yes, I kind of am." Eddie stopped in the driveway, you were about to get out of the car when Eddie spoke, "Listen, I need to tell you something."
You looked at him expentantly.
"I really like you, more than a friend. And I don't want you to leave because I kind of love you."
You smiled and kissed him in the cheek, "You're adorable." You said before getting out of the car.
He quickly got out and saw you taking out your suitcase in the trunk, "What does that mean?"
"It means what it I exactly said, boyfriend."
He froze. Did you just call him your boyfriend?
"Wait, so you mean...?"
"Yes I do mean it, and I'd like to be your girlfriend."
✨~Requests are open!~✨
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cincinnatusvirtue · 4 years
On this day in history:  Battle of Leuthen (1757): Frederick the Great perfects his oblique order.
The Seven Years War (1756-1763) is regarded by many as the first true world war.  It was fought on five continents and in many oceans, it was at its heart a battle of supremacy for worldwide influence, namely between Britain and France.  Its origins were in colonial conflict between these two powers in North America which became known as the French & Indian War.  However, it was also fought with a particularly ferocity in Europe.  Britain was not a main participant involved in the European theater, instead this sector of fighting largely centered around their two main allies in this conflict and question of continental supremacy in Central Europe.  it was the seeds to the so called German Question, would German speaking lands of Europe, then divided into the many entities of the Holy Roman Empire, be lead by the continual leadership of the Hapsburg Realm known based in the Archduchy of Austria or would it follow the Kingdom of Prussia?
Prelude: The German Question
-By the 18th century, the Holy Roman Empire, Central Europe and the German speaking peoples of Europe had largely been under the leadership of Vienna and the Hapsburg dynasty, then known as the Archduchy of Austria with its rulers serving as Holy Roman Emperor.  A title that conveyed certain ceremonial & political weight with it.  The Holy Roman Empire was a collection of mostly German speaking states that was concentrated in modern day Germany mostly alongside other parts of Central Europe.  The Hapsburgs were its leading family and also held sway directly over parts of Italy, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Italy and other parts of the Balkans.  In the past its traditional enemy was the Ottoman Empire, long seen as the last bastion between Christendom and the spread of Islam throughout Europe.
-Its success against the Ottomans in the Great Turkish War (1683-1699) alongside Russia, Poland, Venice and other nations has essentially reversed the trend of Ottoman encroachment.  Instead, the Turks now found themselves on the defensive and largely having to compete at against an expansionist Russia.  Meanwhile, Austria challenged its longtime enemy France, now run by the Bourbon dynasty for control over influence within continental Europe.
-Austria sought Britain and the Dutch Republic’s assistance in containing French supremacy in Western and Central Europe, all these nations had a mutual interest in containing the expansion in French power which was coupled with the Bourbon’s taking over Spain and its empire too.
-Austria and France clashed in the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) and the subsequent War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748).
-It was in the last 17th and early 18th century and the aforementioned wars, that the Kingdom of Prussia, centered in northeastern Germany and run by the Lutheran Hohenzollern dynasty looked to gain power and influence.
-Prussia was comparatively small relative to Hapsburg lands but it built its reputation on its military prowess, starting with Frederick WIlliam, Elector of Brandenburg.  As a member state of the Holy Roman Empire, it had a vote in the election of the Holy Roman Emperor, who was not a direct rule of other members of the fragmentary “empire” but a “first among equals” and one who held the most sway over the collective.
-Frederick William, his son and grandson (Frederick I) & (Frederick William I) were recognized Electors of Brandenburg and in the latter two’s case as Kings in Prussia and they made many military reforms that improved Prussia’s army.
-Under Leopold I, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau who served as Prussia’s royal military overseer a number of key reforms which set it apart from all other European armies were implemented.  Firstly, he replaced the traditional wooden ramrod of muskets with which a soldier must plunge the musket ball into the barrel with an iron ramrod.  The difference was stark, a more durable iron ramrod had a longer shelf-life than wood, was less prone to breaking and therefore was quicker for reloading.  Secondly, he introduced the goose-step march which slowed the march of the army, conserving their energy when going into battle and providing for more uniform cohesion.  Thirdly, he increased the role of the fife and drum musicians, making musicians out of some soldier and increasing the size of military marching bands, which was seen to boost morale.  Fourth, he introduced relentless drilling with emphasis on the rate of fire and the maneuverability of units in formation.  Fifth, the officer corps were directed and limited to the Junker (Prussian nobility) class which had a good miltary education and was firmly loyal to the Prussian nation and King.  Additionally, firm but harsh corporal punishment was introduced to instill discipline and deter desertion.  Finally, politically the introduction of mandatory conscription was more enforced in Prussia.
-All these elements left in place the Prussian Army becoming perhaps the most well oiled war machine in Europe at the time with only Austria, France, Britain and Russia being competitors, in time they would come to find out just how well trained and efficient this force was.
-As Prussia’s military reputation grew, so did its influence in the world of German politics and Austria clearly began to see it as a rival.  Though initially, in the War of the Spanish Succession, both nations were together to curb French influence, with the Prussians serving with distinction as mercenaries under the Holy Roman Empire’s banner.
-1740, however changed things when two new rulers came to rule over Prussia & Austria.  It started with Frederick II, the new King of Prussia.  Frederick had a troubled relationship with father, Frederick William I.  His father was well educated in government and military affairs and had hoped his son and heir would be inclined towards such matters too.  Frederick was instead, prone to the burgeoning trends of the Enlightenment then coming into full flourish and sweeping Europe’s philosophy circles.  Frederick was more interested in music, the arts and philosophy.   His father also physical and mentally abused him, beating him with a cane and calling him many insults.  To add to the strain, he appears to have been a homosexual, something punishable by death even for a royal during that time.  Famously, he attempted to flee to Britain with his tutor/lover Han Hermann von Katte to escape the abuse by his father.  However, both Frederick & Katte were caught in 1730 during their flight.  Katte and Frederick were technically army officers and Frederick William I wanted to make an example of them for their flight as a betrayal of the nation.  Though Katte’s initial sentence was imprisonment until the King’s death, Frederick William I instead ordered his execution.  He made his son watch his friend and lover die by beheading, Frederick is said to have passed out at the sight of his lover’s execution by his father’s order.  Frederick himself was also imprisoned by his father for the next two years.
-Eventually, father and son somewhat reconciled.  In part, because he got Frederick to marry a woman, Elizabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfsbuttel.  However, Frederick remained a semi-closeted gay man and never had children with his wife nor had any physical intimacy with her, though appears to have had no affairs with other women either.  Instead, he always maintain an interest in the military and quite probably had male lovers & confidantes.  Instead, the couple maintained separate residences over the course of their lives and Frederick knew full well the marriage was for political purposes.  It was to last from 1733 until his death in 1786.
-Frederick came to the throne in 1740, having inherited a Prussia with a stable economy, efficient administration & most important of all, well trained and sizable army relative to its population.  All things despite their often strained relationship he owed to his father.  Of his father after his death he said:
“What a terrible man he was. But he was just, intelligent, and skilled in the management of affairs... it was through his efforts, through his tireless labor, that I have been able to accomplish everything that I have done since.”
 -1740, also saw accession to the Austrian throne, Maria-Theresa, daughter of Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor and Archduke of Austria.  She had married, Francis, Duke of Lorraine, a Franco-German, portion of the Holy Roman Empire.  Together, they would co-rule the Hapsburg Empire & give rise to the Hapsburg-Lorraine branch of the family, as Maria-Theresa was the last in the senior line of the Hapsburg family, which is declared to “die out” due to no more direct male heirs.  Their subsequent branch would head the family and rule Austria in its many iterations through World War I in the form of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
-The issue of Maria-Theresa’s gender came to be the powder keg for growing Austro-Prussian conflict.  However, it was a smokescreen to expand Prussian power at Austrian expense, being just a convenient excuse other rulers needed to undermine Hapsburg rule as Holy Roman Emperors.  Charles VI, aware of the problems caused by having no male heirs and relying on a system of primogeniture, where the eldest surviving legitimate male son or nearest male relative was given to rule, was forced to spend much of his reign using diplomacy and concessions to the other Electors of the Holy Roman Empire and great powers of Europe, to recognize his daughter as his heir and as Holy Roman Empress and ruler of Hapsburg lands.  The Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 was the recognition by the other powers of Europe of her succession to these lands.  
-However, looking to weaken the Austrians and get the balance of power set about in a more favorable fashion, France & Prussia backing the relative of Maria-Theresa, Charles-Albert of Bavaria, proclaimed his right to become Holy Roman Emperor.  Making him in effect Charles VII, Holy Roman Emperor.  He was of the House of Wittelsbach and his reign interrupted the Hapsburg claim to the title for the preceding 300 years.  Citing, Salic Law, from the Middle Ages, neither France nor Prussia could truly “respect” a woman’s claim to hold the title of Holy Roman Emperor or to rule over the Hapsburg lands.  For France it was about controlling the balance of power, for Frederick of Prussia, now Frederick II, it was a chance to increase Prussia’s profile.  So launched the 8 year long War of the Austrian Succession.  The war saw Frederick II invade Austrian Silesia in modern day Poland.  With this Maria-Theresa & Frederick II were ever after archrivals.  
-  By 1745, Frederick’s army time and again surprised the Austrians and  Europe at large and had more or less secured its war aims, Silesia.  He secured for himself a reputation as a great tactician and for the Prussian army, a sense of true respect for their performance. The treaty of Aix-la-Chappelle in 1748 ended the war, Maria-Theresa was declared to be Holy Roman Empress and ruler of all Hapsburg lands with her husband who became Francis I as Holy Roman Emperor.  Their family would continue to succeed them ever after.  However, Frederick got to retain control of Silesia and this caused simmering tension and resentment with Maria-Theresa.  
Diplomatic Revolution:
-In the years following the Treaty of Aix-la-Chappelle, the political goals of Europe’s great powers realigned.  Britain and France still retained colonial rivalries the world over and both sought to have a favorable balance of power on the continent as well.  Austria & Britain had been traditional allies for decades but with British support for Prussian claims to Silesia, Maria-Theresa no longer felt Britain could be a dependable ally in what she sought, a reclaiming of Silesia, she needed help to achieve this and turned to an unlikely place, its former rival...France.
-Meanwhile, Britain felt Austria itself was too weak to take on France and therefore was willing to subsidize other powers to contain French ambition on the continent while the Royal Navy & British Army took French colonies elsewhere.  So a partner switch developed.  Prussia & Britain signed an alliance in January 1756.  
-Meanwhile. France at first declared neutrality thanks to diplomacy from Austria which no longer had borders on France’s natural borders and this lead to a thawing of icy relations.  A series of treaties was signed between Austria and France in 1756-57 which formed an anti-Prussian coalition between the two and later supplemented by Russia & Sweden.  France agreed to support Austria regaining Silesia, and subsidies for Austria to maintain a large army against the Prussians.  In exchange at the war’s end, France would gain the Austrian Netherlands (Belgium).  This would allow France new ports to threaten Britain.
-War had broken out 1756 officially between Britain and France though their North American colonies had been fighting since 1754.  
-Frederick II, sensing the growing alliance against him wanted to preempt any Austrian attack against Silesia and thusly invaded the Austrian ally, the Electorate of Saxony in August 1756, this kicked off the war and lead to many back and forth battles over the next 7 years.
-The war shifted in 1757 to Austrian Bohemia (Czech Republic) and left Prague under siege by the Prussians at one point.  Frederick garnered many important early victories but was forced to withdraw in this instance.
-By late 1757, the French were providing Austria the long awaited support for its thrusts into Silesia.  Prussia was gradually pushed back following the retreat from Prague and now was facing pressure from multiple approaches.  
-This approach culminated in the November 1757 Battle of Rossbach, the only physical battle to involve both France & Prussia against each other.  Frederick caught the Austro-Franco army by surprise and inflicted 10,000 casualties to his less than 1,000.  France essentially remained a non-entity in this theater for the next several years, though they did continue to fund the Austrians.  Austria’s real support would come later from Russia & Sweden against Prussia.
Battle of Leuthen:
-Meanwhile, another and even larger Austrian army was looking to engage Frederick, this one was lead by Maria-Theresa’s brother in law, Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine.  He sought to engage the Prussians and defeat Frederick decisively.  Indeed he did defeat the Prussians, not under Frederick’s command at the Battle of Breslau in late November 1757 which threatened all of Prussian Silesia in December with 66,000 soldiers under his command.
-Frederick meanwhile had 33,000 meaning his troops would be outnumbered 2 to 1.  Learning of the fall of Breslau, he moved his troops, 170 miles in just 12 days, a very accomplished maneuver given the roads and transport of the times.
-Prince Charles, aware of Frederick’s approach’s toward Breslau, the provincial capital of Silesia.  He sought to stop the advance 17 miles west at the town of Leuthen.
-The Austrians hoped to check any Prussian countermove with a force running north to south spread out around Leuthen, knowing the Prussians would come from the west.
-Charles had placed his command in the village church tower to give him more of a vantage point over the rolling countryside displayed before his army.  This meant he should be able to anticipate any move Prussia made.
-Frederick however, was quite familiar with the land, having used the Silesians countryside around Leuthen as parade and drilling grounds for the Prussian Army during peace time.  Rarely one, to do the expected Frederick wanted to use his tactical prowess against the Austrians.  
-His first step was to survey the land and hatch a plan.  Austria’s strongest concentration of troops was on the left wing (south end) and their front stretched five miles north to south.  Frederick, decided he would make the Austrians think he was in one place and then show in an unexpected place.  His goal was to get the Austrians to react to this deceit which would provide an opening to his advantage.
-Realizing a series of low lying hills running almost parallel to the Austrian line lie in front of both armies.  Frederick planned to use these hills to cover his troops movements for the main strike.  First however, a force of cavalry would would launch an attack to distract the Austrians on the north end of the battlefield, the more lightly concentrated side.  The Austrians thinking the attack was now coming from the north instead of the south would transfer the greatest concentration of troops from the south to north and check the Prussian attack.  Meanwhile, Frederick employing his favorite tactic, oblique order would march from behind the hills to the now weakened south end of the Austrian line, perform a right angle turn and blast volleys into the weakened line, and roll it up from the south end, essentially performing a bait and switch on the Austrians.
-On the morning of December 5th, 1757, fog came onto the field, making it hard to see either side, this helped the Prussians more than the Austrians.
-Prince Charles saw Frederick’s initial moves early in the morning but interpreted them possibly as a retreat at first  Meanwhile, Prussian cavalry attacked the north end of the Austrian line from the woods, indeed it seemed as if the Prussians were attacking the north end, having expected a southern end attack initially hence the greater concentration of troops.  The worry was this attack coming from an unexpected direction could contribute to the Prussians rolling up the Austrian line.
-Charles reacted by shifting his entire southern flank’s reserve to reinforce and extend the line to the north.  His transfer of troops drew out the line’s length and weakened the southern flank.  They would in fact be facing the weaker Prussian attack, while the stronger attack would hit their originally anticipated southern flank, now weakened by deception.  Little did he realize, he had fallen in Frederick’s trap.
-Indeed, Frederick marched his troops quietly in the fog and behind the hills before the Austrians, before he performed a right turn and executed oblique order, essentially moving the bulk of one’s forces against the weakened flank of the enemy and pushing them back so as to create an opening that forces the enemy line to shift, contort and break.  His troops were well timed and disciplined to pull off such a maneuver.
-The main Prussian force marching south behind the hills was in two parallel columns.  They moved past the length of the Austrian line and out of sight totally before veering eastward until they formed virtually a right angle with the Austrian line who was surprised by the sight of the Prussian army emerging from fog in battle line formation.  The Prussian infantry opened fire with devastating volleys, keep in mind, the rate of five for Prussian infantrymen was 5 shots a minute per man compared to the 3-4 averaged by other European armies of the time.  Their hard training had paid off with a faster and consequently more damaging rate of fire than their enemy.  
-The Prussians now pushed forward against the confused and bedazzled Austrian army, which ironically, seeking to avoid being rolled up in the opposite direction, weakened their originally stronger side only to be rolled up anyway from a now completely unexpected direction.
-The Austrians had a few regiments try to check the Prussian advance from the south and indeed some artillery pointed south held them at bay but Frederick ordered some artillery of his own to be placed on one of the hills to the west of Leuthen, which in turn enfiladed the Austrian guns and forced them to withdraw.
-Meanwhile the Austrians tried to shift everything south in order to maintain control of the situation but the Prussian cavalry which had launched the screening attack on the Austrin north flank intially had withdrawn until was called into action by Frederick once more, causing more confusion for the Austrians who ultimately withdrew from the field, heading northeast.
-Frederick wanted to pursue but snowfall made him call off the pursuit.  That night, Frederick arrived at the castle at nearby Lissa, occupied by both Austrian officers and refugees from villages caught near the battle.  He politely surprised the Austrians by acknowledging they did not expect his presence their that night but did ask for lodging.  Subsequently he went on to besiege Breslau and force an Austrian surrender.
-The war was far from over and Frederick and indeed Prussia’s fortunes fluctuated until its conclusion in 1763, in which Prussia would technically be the winner, retaining Silesia, in exchange for the recognition of Maria-Theresa’s son, Joseph as her heir.  Though the war exhausted both sides in terms of manpower but ultimately, Frederick stopped Austrian +other Germans, French, Russian & Swedish armies from ending Prussia and his reign altogether.
-As a result of his tactical & strategic performance in this war and the preceding War of the Austrian Succession, he earned the historical moniker, Frederick the Great.  The Battle of Leuthen was one illustration of the man’s tactical prowess, perhaps the most perfect example of this and more broadly of how far Prussia’s army had come from a comparative German backwater to the premier army on the European continent.
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sacrilegiousxsamara · 4 years
Hold! Who goes there? Why, is that [SAMARA PETROV] the [ASSASSIN FOR HIRE] of [VAILPAS]? They do look [INNOCENT] for a [WOMAN] of [2000] years. Don’t they call [HER] the [SWIFT AND MERCILESS KILLER]? I’ve heard they’re also [GUILT-RIDDEN AND BLUNT] though. Don’t take my word for  it but they do look an awful lot like [FLORENCE PUGH].
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Basic Info
NAME: Samara Petrov
PRONUNCIATION: Suh-maa-ruh Peh-trow-v
AGE: 2000
Nikolai Petrov (Husband)
Unnamed Son & Daughter
Physical Description
EYE COLOR: Piercing Green
GENDER: Female
BUILD: Petite & Fit
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES? (SCARS, TATTOOS, PIERCINGS): She has a couple different piercings along both of her ears, scars scattered across her entire body and tally marks tattooed over the length of her back for each life she has taken.
ANY HEALTH RELATED ISSUES?: She has a scar on the left side of her lower back that has never quite healed right. There are also burn marks down the back of her throat from one time when she ingested poison that make it painful for her to speak too much.
Samara likes to keep to herself. She is a woman of few words whose ambitious to no end. She is not a rebel even though she has done just as many jobs for them as she has for the nobility. She’s a woman with a few alliances. She also has a sarcastic and sometimes dark sense of humor.
But, deep down, she misses her family more than anything. There is little she would not do to protect her blood even if it means protecting them from herself. As long as those she cares about are safe, she has little value for herself and her own wellbeing. 
Additional Info
HEART OF STONE: This is any sort of make-shift family for Samara. It could be her actual son or daughter whom she has been keeping an eye out for all the time. It could be another criminal that she grew close to (a partner-in-crime of sorts) or an old buddy from the time she was hired as a mercenary for the miltary. It could be her actual family (brothers, sisters, parents etc.) from before she was kidnapped whom have come back into her life after all this time.
DON’T LOSE UR HEAD: This would have been someone Samara had been hired to kill, but wasn’t unable to go through with it for some reason or another. Either your character could have resonated with her and she let them go (keeping in contact and looking after them ever since) or your character could have fought back and got the upper hand on her (now she could still be hunting them down/tries to kill them every time she sees them).
ALL YOU WANNA DO: Someone who hires her to help them achieve any of their goals. Could be a rebel who needs her to take out someone or just sneak into a place that otherwise seems impenetrable or it could be a noble trying to track down someone or something of value to them.
Samara’s had no memory before the blade. The feeling of a sword in her tiny little grip. The weighted end in her hand brought a sense of comfort back before the girl was even given a name. The criminals who took in her and raised her told the little elf that they had found her casted aside on the streets. They told her she had been on the brink of death. They told her they had saved her and given her a second chance at life. But, as she quickly realized she couldn’t trust them. More signs pointing to Samara being kidnapped as a small child than anything.
But, whomever she was kidnapped from, they certainly seemed to be wealthy. Wealthy enough for her captors to keep her alive and hold her for ransom that was never paid. So, they found other uses for the small girl now left in their care. They taught her low end form of magic and utilized her divinations to get themselves out of trouble. She was a tough kid, a quick learned and even more skilled fighter. From a look out to a mercenary, Samara made her name for herself as a ruthless killer, traveling near and far to fulfill any hit job for the highest bidder.
That’s when she met Nikolai. It was an easy job. Get in and get out. But, as she terminated her target, she found herself gazing into the eyes of a man who seemed to see right through her. A man she’d find herself meeting again and again, slowly creeping his way into her heart. 
Nik was the first person she ever truly allowed herself to trust and the only man she ever loved. They inspired each other and pushed each other to be greater. They traveled the world together. While, he was taking his early creations to generals and commanders, she was fighting along side them with the weapons he had made. 
And as his single-man operation evolved into the most formidable arms dealership in Vailar, she honestly allowed herself to believe they could settle down. They got married and had three beautiful children. For a moment, they were happy. That was until their daughter died. Their oldest wanted to follow in her footsteps and although she knew better she obliged. Samara had spent her entire life working for the most part alone, but one time she made an exception, she ended having to carry her daughter’s limp body home in her arms.
Nik blamed her for their child death and she blamed herself. She was a solider. A fighter. A hollow shell of a being. And no much she tried to convince herself otherwise, she wasn’t cut out to be a mother or a wife. So, when she had a vision that she’d once again be responsible for another person she cared about’s death- she did the knew left to do. She packed up and left.
Samara’s dream predicted that on the job she was already neck deep in, her target would get the upper hand. They’d figure out she was after them and instead of waiting for her to make move, they would attack her in her own home. Nik would try to stop and lose his life in the process. 
She knew it was prediction and that fates weren’t set in stone. But, she couldn’t risk it. She had lost too much already so she left him and her remaining children a note. She told them not to look for her and that she’d be back as soon she could get herself out of the mess she found herself in. 
As predicted, the target did come after her. But, when they finally attacked, she was far away from her family. They were safe and she somehow made it out alive. Even if she did leave with a wound across her left side that has never quite healed right.
She came back for her family, but by the time she did years had passed. She stood outside the fortress that once was her home and took in her husband smiling face for what seemed like ages. Her family was more than just safe. They were happy without her. And in that moment, she chickened out, convincing herself they were better off without her. Now, Samara lives fairly simple live, sticking to the streets and the shadows as much as possible. 
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