#minimums ASMR
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marigolds (grief)
primrose (i can't live without you)
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gingerbreadmonsters · 11 months
friendly reminder to NOT post untagged or unhidden spoilers in the main tags, because really it is just kind of a dick move for anyone who happens to not have listened yet - for early access AND public release days 💕💕
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sri-rachaa · 2 years
Asher, Milo, and David are the type to spend a beach vacation digging holes in the sand
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irrelevantspecimen · 2 years
All my previous hyperfixations are currently in a smash bros style brawl trying to become my current hyperfixation but there's no way to win so they're all just randomly shoving their way to the front of my brain space for a bit and then mostly fucking off but lingering near by enough that I know they're waiting for a chance to get the drop on me
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hearts1ckness · 1 year
ok but like on a serious note my extremely sensitive to comfort ass did Not have fun watching the new video (i bawled so hard i put myself to sleep for two hours, had to rewatch the video from the start & cried even more)
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ya-boi-haru · 1 year
The cosplayers urge to just recreate a live action version of "Facing Off a Dreamwalker" is strong...
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yrsonpurpose · 2 years
certain teams (read: ferrari) could learn a lot from red bull's behind the charge videos
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daibijin1337 · 1 year
VR: ハイヒールで歩く巨大娘を見上げる小人/Tiny man looks up at his giantess walking in high heels
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kalloway · 2 years
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late-night WIP I have been chipping away at VERY slowly cuz video games and the heat lately have just been sucking the soul out of my body tbh, so I mostly only draw for a bit when we’re watching movies at night lmao
also I... I’m thinking about retiring using this pencil brush for stuff of this scale in the future because as much as I love how it looks, it is just SO much work to do any kind of ‘real’ lineart with 💀💀
like... im stubborn and try to stick with things but even i gotta draw the line on this one guys - I’ll try switching back to an old favourite of mine that needs less passes for opaque lines in the future!
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sweet-as-kiwis · 4 months
Welp! Hallway flooding episode is over now! It might be almost 3 am, and i have to get up at 6, but at least I’m back in my room XD
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nocturnowlette · 12 days
do you have any hypnosis audio files youd recommend?
Honestly, the answer is a "maybe".
In my opinion, in my 8 years of listening to files, not even 1% qualify as something I'd consider well made. The vast majority are nsfw, and the vast majority of those just throw any actual hypnosis away for a sake of roleplay. That being said, here are some files that, in my estimation, are at a minimum decent.
And always, read the description of every file before listening, even after reading my descriptions.
There's puppy ones at the bottom, by the way.
First, not an audio file, but an itch.io game.
brainwasher_program by sleepingirl (18+)
This is the most competently made thing I will be showing. Sleepingirl is someone I would consider a good hypnotist skillwise.
There is also test hypnosis game1 and ithinktherefore, also itch.io text hypnosis games/sessions.
Next, to my knowledge, the best file I've personally stumbled on (though it still didn't quite wow me),
Failing to Resist by Jack Drago (18+)
This file is a trance trainer, as in a file meant to use the ideas of resistance and turn that idea against you. It does a passable job, and you might find it quite powerful and helpful if you have some stubborn tendencies as a subject.
Next is another passable trance trainer,
Mind Melt by LilithUnleashed (18+)
This file uses arousal to bring about a specific philosophy of trance, one you might find more conducive to effectiveness: enjoying trance for the sake of trance itself, not just using it as a means to an end. There is no wakener at the end.
Next, a twin pair of files,
The Call of the Void and Hypnotic Acceptance by LilithUnleashed
The Call of the Void is a sort of run of the mill hypnosis file meant to be looped, and designed to condition you to trance and specifically to Lilith to some extent. Hypnotic Acceptance is a conditioning file meant to be played out of trance and doesn't bring you in to it. It's a nice idea that can have some small potential benefits, it's also relaxing.
Lilith, in general, is a competent hypnotist, if not a bit... much... at times. That's more of a taste thing, though. She does a good job, and these files are good.
There is also this conditioning loop file by her which is also nice, as well as this one.
Next is one for the pups,
Collared Obedience by LilithUnleashed (18+)
This one is, at a minimum, a very enjoyable time. It creates a mental collar and links it with actual collars if you wish and have the means. It forms one made out of various concepts relating to obedience. The suggestions didn't stick for me, but I'm a tad stubborn.
Obedience 101 - Welcome to Class! by FlowLikeTea
If you haven't noticed, I like trance training files. It's primarily because they're some of the only ones that aren't trying to just do erotic roleplay with the facile idea of hypnosis and hypnotic aesthetics. It reminds me of the ASMR sphere in that way.
Anyways, this file is just nice. Not much else to mention.
Slow and Gentle Hypnotic Induction by GoddessSoft (NotSoftForWork)
Thank you, Ms. Soft, for making an actually competent SFW hypnosis file. Soft is quite the competent hypnotist, and we'll be showing a few of her files coming up, but this one remains my favorite. It's simply a very well done relaxation file by someone who knows her stuff and has a good understanding of most aspects of audio trances.
Good Puppy Clicker Training by GoddessSoft (18+)
This is a beginner-centric clicker training file by Ms. Soft. It's thorough, long, and pleasurable. If you haven't noticed, I have not recommended files intended to make you finish in any way. I don't like them. They do not work for me. You'll have to ask someone else. That being said, GoddessSoft's page on the link has many different puppy files to listen to. Most deal with that.
Puppydog Fractionation by GoddessSoft (18+)
Another not-specifically-nsfw-focused puppy file from Ms. Soft. If I recall right, the sound balancing might be a little iffy on this one, though. Fair warning.
That's all I remember for now, but I might have more recommendations in the future. I hope you enjoy, and be sure to tell me how you respond to some of them. Enjoy!
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soupandsauce · 7 months
The avatar kids as collage students head cannons
Neteyam, Kiri, Lo'ak, Tuk, Spider
romantic with Neteyam
I apologize for any spelling errors. It is very late and I have been studying. I thought this would be fitting. Also im dyslexic so lol.
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The chillest study seshes at his dorm
Netflix on in the background and y'all glance over at it from time to time.
door dashing food at 2 am
has a pair of flip flops for the showers
has his shit together despite how chill he is
he avoids parties
y'all wait for a whole year to make sure you won't distract each other if y'all start dating.
your favorite dates are finding swanky little cafes and brunch spots and going over flash cards there.
bong seshes before studying outside in the grass near a tree
fruit smoothies and fresh juices as you learn anatomy
wearing oversized cardigans and wide legged pants with bralettes to class.
iced coffees
she likes to read books while sitting in a tree on a branch
she keeps crystals in her pockets during exams
she has a caffeine addiction
insence in her dorm
Frat parties
his dorm is absolutely atrocious
led lights
he gets chlamydia
his sophomore year he learns that drinking and partying and sex isn't the coolest thing in the world.
once he actually starts to put in effort, he's actually really smart.
he listens to asmr while studying
then tech decks on his breaks
he skateboards to classes
being her mentor and watching her grow
studying in the library together and forming a whole study group
she gets the cool notebooks and pens from japan
she has a whole system for studying
She has a planner with all the sticky notes, bookmarks, and tabs
She uses the pomodoro study method
she has the best grades
she seems to do everything with ease
He does the bare minimum to get a passing grade
he was the kid in high school to run in the hallways so he joins track
hes so good at it he doesn't have to pay for any school stuff
he shows up with one pencil and that's it
super kind to everyone and always helps
He went through a phase where he smoked weed and listened to Iration. He doesn't smoke anymore but still listens to Iration.
He doesn't read the assigned book if there's a movie about it, he watches the movie.
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devilry-revelry · 1 year
Summoning | Human Female x Male Demon {Part 1}
"Pretty thing thinks we will be sent away," he spoke slowly, his lips working carefully over sharp fangs. "Silly thing."
Overall, Jessica Baker wouldn't consider herself a jealous person. The Bakers were a fairly well to-do family, and as a child Jessica wanted for nothing. So long as her interests and desires aligned with their familial and religious values, Jessica was free to pursue her interests. Horseback riding, sewing, ballroom dance and ballet, karate — she got to try it all. Right up until her interests twisted towards the paranormal, and the occult.
In her burgeoning adult years, Jessica acknowledged that her interest was potentially a byproduct of her sheltered upbringing. No matter the case, she liked the paranormal, and she liked the occult, and despite her family disowning her for pursuing those particular interests she remained devoted to them. She fought tooth and nail to become a name in the paranormal ViewTube community, while still working full time and it was a lot of work. Jessica taught herself to edit all of her videos, she learned all of the ins and outs of all of the equipment that she had purchased, she organized travel and lodging, and planned out her night-time ghost hunts. She did it all.
So when Delilah Murray managed to become the target of an entity's interest, Jessica wasn't just jealous. She was borderline enraged — and she hated herself for it. Not only because Delilah was very obviously terrified (she had every right to be), but because Delilah didn't appreciate the gravity of the situation and what it meant. They got video evidence of paranormal activity, and Delilah didn't care. She wanted it done, and over with and gone.
Jessica had been begging for such an opportunity since before she started her ViewTube channel, and Delilah came out on one hunt and she hit the mother-load. Her fanbase was hungry for updates about Delilah and Jessica didn't have a whole lot of choice outside of giving them that. Her single attempt at getting Delilah to watch the video they caught from the haunt had been a wash, and despite Delilah's on-camera vehemence for her to drop the subject and leave, Jessica's audience wanted more.
They were ravenous, and with no information coming from Delilah, Jessica winged it, and informed the public that she was absolutely fine to calm any worries. All the while, Jessica was rigging up all sorts of things to occur during her videos, random sounds and closing doors but the audience remained uninterested. She just got the attention she wanted, her channel was finally picking up. She was trending. After all of her hard work, she didn't want it to go away. The jealousy evolved into desperation. Especially when Delilah hinted that the entity was still with her…
And desperation was a funny, funny thing.
Over the course of a number of months, Jessica called on old owed favors, and chased down different leads. Eventually, she scraped together everything she needed to summon a demon. Theoretically, anyway. There were enough half-cocked bullshit tutorials drifting around online, and while she didn't put too much stock in actually summoning an entity out of thin air, she figured it would, at bare minimum, be a decent vid. She would make some edits; cut some scenes out to make it mysterious, amp up the sounds a bit with a few ASMR elements. Hell, for extra flavor she could take the summoning out into the woods, or find an abandoned building to do it in. It only took a handful of days to hammer out all of the details.
The motel, while seedy, reached all of the necessary criteria for Jessica to call it home for two days. Over 10 hours from her apartment, the little log cabin styled building was only a handful of minutes from the Batona Trail in New Jersey. Notorious for tales of the Jersey Devil, Jessica thought it would be a fun backdrop to perform her ritual. Kicking off the video, she asked the older woman at the front desk about local legends. She had the segment edited before loading up her car that evening. Before setting off, she mounted her dash cam and hit record. Though she packed light, knowing that once she got to the trail she would have to find a place with enough room to set up her gear and carry out the ritual, she was determined to record every second.
A little after noon, Jessica reached the parking lot for the hiking trails. After setting up her go-pro she set off, hiking into the woods. It took about an hour to find a decent place to set up shop for the night. It was a ways off of the main trail, but it wasn't completely inundated with trees and foliage. The soil was pleasant, soft and cool. When she dragged the end of a stick through it, the design kept. It took an additional hour and a half to hike back to her car, get her supplies, and return back to her decided ritual grounds.
Then she got to work. She went about the meticulous process of drawing out a wide and decidedly perfect circle in the soil. She plotted and transcribed each and every symbol she had been instructed to, and then she filled in the designs with a soft red powder provided to her by one of the witches from the local coven that (eventually) provided the finer details for the alleged ritual. Jessica didn't know what it was. It smelled like sulfur. She drew another wider circle around the already designed ritual space, and filled it in with a mix of salt and powdered egg shell. This one was for protection (or so she was told). This one was supposed to contain whatever she summoned. She set out a few extras here and there for aesthetic purposes, a beautifully bleached skull that she had found on some curio website, herbs, flowers. With everything set up, and her camera equipment secured in place, Jessica hunkered down to get some editing done until it was time to put on a bit of a performance for the camera.
Despite all of the legends, Jessica found a strange level of peace as she waited for nightfall. It was quiet, with the occasional bird chirping and being away from WiFi ensured that she actually got work done, instead of getting distracted with shopping and pursuing her next ghost hunt plans. Before she knew it, the sun was setting.
Picking one of the cameras to stand in front of, she started her introduction for the evening's events. She left the camera running as it got darker and darker. She left it running as she lit a fire, and while she changed into a soft white dress that was more theatrical than it was conventional. For her sake, more than the camera's, she reviewed the instructions again to verify that she did everything correctly. She reviewed the chant, prayed that she wouldn't be attacked by some wild animal, and began the ritual.
She stepped inside the circle of eggshell and salt but stayed out of the detailed ritual circle. She took a deep breath, and started the chant. It was a strange and weirdly fluid chant comprised of something that sounded like Latin but not quite. Having rehearsed it so many times in the last few days it was simple, and once she got going she was able to recite it without putting conscious thought to it. It was like one of her favorite songs, she knew every dip and pause, every crescendo.
So invested in the ritual, Jessica didn't even notice the stillness that surrounded her, or the dead-quiet that even the popping fire couldn't pierce. She cast vials of liquid into the ritual circle, chased them with powders and herbs and then she needed to bequeath the final offering. Hiking the linen chemise up around her thighs, Jessica knelt to the ground. The list of instructions she had received (which she had copied into a grimoire-styled book) mentioned an offering, and listed various elements that could be used. Short of offering up her own blood, or something truly obscure like flesh or body parts, she took the most simple route possible to reach her objective.
Kneeling in the dirt, in the middle of the woods, Jessica hiked up her dress and pushed her hand down into her panties. She was suddenly thankful for being a one-woman team. There wouldn’t be any odd editing notes. She’d scrub this section and never mention it to anyone ever. The chant still on her tongue, she set to work massaging her clit. Her body was already primed, perhaps because she had worked through these steps to completion so many times. While she was more than sure that what she had to offer was adequate, she chased after a nearing orgasm. With the help of one of her tried and true fantasies, she rolled her hips into her fingers of one hand while she massaged her clit with the other. All the while, the chant continued. It ebbed and broke in its intensity as her pleasure mounted and the gentle throbbing need drew her muscles tight. Jessica imagined being pinned down, and ravished. She imagined a ruthless lover, intent on wringing every bit of pleasure from her body that he possibly could while he whispered dirty things in her ear.
Somewhere between imagining being fucked into the mattress and imagining a voice at her ear telling her what a good fuck she was, Jessica achieved orgasm. The chant faltered as she shivered through delicious pulses of heat. Withdrawing her soaked fingers she dried them off on the hem of her dress. As she stood, she removed her panties. She used the already slick-streaked fabric to dry herself off, and then she tossed the material into the ritual circle. Another round of the chant as she procured an athame, and with one last verse she stabbed the dagger into the middle of the ritual circle.
The sounds of the world flooding back to her. In her own quiet she was suddenly very aware of the snapping pop of the dying fire, the wind shaking the trees. For a long time, Jessica watched, and she waited. She knew damn well nothing was going to happen, but she needed to put on the show of hope for the camera. She was absolutely fine. There was absolutely no part of her that thought that any of this bullshit was going to work.
"Well," she said, her voice sounding small even to her. "I guess that's it." She peered down at her fake grimoire, at the instructions. She had done everything listed, except…
Peering down at the tiny addition to the paper down at the bottom that looked like it had almost been erased. She read out loud, "Ortus?"
The earth around her lurched hard enough to bring her to her butt. The grimoire was dropped as Jessica looked on in shock. The dirt inside the ritual circle began to roil and bubble like boiling water in a pot. The fire that lit the area dwindled, and died in a matter of seconds, leaving Jessica alone in the dark, scared and confused and— Just as quickly as the fire died, it roared back to life.
Jessica's jaw dropped.
Standing in the middle of the ritual circle was something straight from a creature-feature horror movie. The thing was tall and lanky. She had imagined some sort of beefcake of a creature, and instead she got long limbs and an impossibly narrow waist, but with every movement it made, Jessica could see muscle. It stood on long, digitigrade legs. It's clawed hands stretching down below it's knees. The shoulders were broad, making its waist look even smaller. Its face was featureless save for the gaping maw that housed too many sharp teeth, and a too long tongue that was lolling and flicking like a snake scenting the air. All of it was housed in pallid gray skin that seemed to be etched with scarred over symbols and designs.
Jessica watched, horrified and transfixed, as the creature tilted its head back and inhaled. Its chest expanded, and its slenderness filled out, to look full and bulky and then it deflated. Only to happen again, and again. Jessica realized, just a little too late, that one of its big clawed hands held her panties to its face. A low hum came from the beast, and then it seemed to turn its attention to her. It had no eyes, yet she felt the weight of its attention on her. A feral smile stretched across its featureless face and it lowered down to its hands, still clasping her panties.
"Hello, pretty."
The voice was like gravel and breaking glass; harsh and sharp. The creature lowered further still, seeming to attempt to get level with her. It's head tilted one way, and then the other, its tongue flicking the air yet again. The corner of its mouth curled in a smirk. It prowled forward, stepping forward on one of its hands, leaving the ritual circle, and closing the distance.
Jessica gasped as if she had been stabbed, and scrambled backwards. Her feet caught on the hem of her dress, she heard the material tear. Once she cleared the circle of salt she fell flat on her back and exhaled in relief.
A chuckle was released from the beast, and Jessica wished this issue could be done away with by saying 'Goodbye' on a Ouija board. At least the salt circle was in place. She was safe.
"My pretty little thing," it rasped in roiling sing-song, rising from its slouched posture.
Jessica pushed herself to her feet, ignoring the dirt that marred the delicate chemise. She did her best to stand tall, with her back straight, taking the beast head-on. She pointed to the salt circle.
"You will never cross that line. It would be in your best interest to tell me how to get rid of you." Jessica's voice was stern, and strong and yet it elicited a harsh laugh from the demon.
"Pretty thing thinks we will be sent away," he spoke slowly, his lips working carefully over sharp fangs. "Silly thing."
"You—" she swallowed, and doubled down on her stance. "You will not cross that line."
The demon took a step forward. He toed the line of salt and inhaled deeply. Its long tongue lashed the air, flickering out towards her.
"Mm, we can smell your pleasure, pretty." The panties were lifted, and he gave them a pointed sniff.
It turned from her, walking along the inside of the circle, pacing like a caged animal. Jessica relaxed, even while it turned its head to face her. The movement was followed by the turn of its body in a curiously bestial movement.
"Tell me how to get rid of you," she ordered.
"Mmm, no," it chuckled, coming to a stop across from her.
"Then you will never leave," she snapped.
Another barking laugh.
Jessica yelled, "Stop laughing! You will die here, in that circle. You will never—"
"Forgive us," it drawled as it began to rise to its full height yet again. "We just think it silly that you would believe that salt would keep us from what is ours."
It took an intentionally slow step forward, stepping over the only line of defense that Jessica had, and then another. It was unharmed. It didn't stop him. Jessica's mouth went dry, her eyes practically bulging as a clawed hand closed the distance between them. It caressed a lock of her hair with its thumb.
"Come, pretty," it purred. "Do not run from us."
The mere mention of running seemed to jump-start her baser instincts, and Jessica took off like a bullet into the dark. 
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bivwifeybunny · 2 years
Fuckboy Friday you say? Hmmmmmmm.. ok I may or may not dabble in spicy ASMR and my favorite thing is when the speaker says something like “play with it for me” or “let me watch you make yourself feel good”
I request a small blurb (or just hc’s whatever you feel like) of fuckboy!Punz + fuckboy!Sapnap x fem!reader using these phrases.
omfggg those two sentences have me 😍😍😍 imma do hcs for this
(also i wasn't sure if you wanted poly or seperate so if you meant poly just shoot me another ask and i'll gladly do it :) )
this man is the world's biggest tease
he constantly has you on the edge
wrapped around his absolutely delicious finger
it's one of the main reasons he's able to keep you around so long
he'll give you the best dick ever
the most tender aftercare
and then ghost you for a week
when he comes back he's all apologies and empty promises
just to get in your pants again
and it works
he is a lazy mf
he has an amazing dick game
but only if you do all the work
riding is a must
he'll sit there with his arms behind his head smirking up at you
his dirty talk is immaculate
"yeah? my cock stretching you out that much?"
"c'mon darlin, i know you can take all of it"
"aw, look at my little slut, getting tired?"
"c'mon princess, you can go faster than that"
"there you go baby, play with those pretty tits for me"
"god you feel so fuckin good wrapped around me"
again, aftercare is very sweet and loving
but after you're taken care of, he's pulling on his pants
already making his way towards the door
with empty promises to return and to call falling from his lips
don't worry he'll be back eventually
fb!Punz is even cockier than normal Punz
cause he knows he can get with anyone he wants
but for some reason he keeps coming back to you
not to say he doesn't indulge in other girls
but you're the only one that's managed to pull him in time and time again
he's so addicted to the way you make him feel
and he goes absolutely feral when you get needy for him
when weeks pass by without a visit from him you just can't help it
you shoot him a quick text
with a very uncensored pic
he opens it and drops anything he's doing to come over
you best believe your neediness is an ego boost
(as if he needed one lol)
but at first he's all over you
clothes scattered
his lips all over your neck
his hands roaming every part of your body
but never touching you where you need it
when you finally can't handle it anymore
and you beg him to just touch you already
all you get back is a smirk
"I don't know if you deserve it, baby"
"You're acting like such a needy slut today maybe you don't deserve my touch"
"But if you really want it... work for it"
"lemme watch you make yourself feel good"
"then i'll fuck you nice and good, alright, sweetheart?"
and he'll sit back
shamelessly palming his dick as he watches you pleasure yourself
"c'mon baby, you can fit another finger in"
"you wanna feel nice and full dontcha?"
"i know, i know baby, i'll fill you up real nice after this"
"aw, you wanna cum? just hold on a little longer sugar"
"don't you wanna cum with daddy?"
don't expect any aftercare tho
he might do the bare minimum, but as soon as he cums, he's usually gone
its a wonder why you keep letting him come back
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jatlokgwo · 19 days
for @rainbow-strawberry-sherbert!!
i have no idea how to start this rip (dd= disassembly drone)
i useally say that am xiao and a dissasembally drone but im more concepts then anything else it goes
consepts: small flying dangerous flexable tail multiple forms/run like a dog and grab like a human watcher listener endless job to do
base: raptor birds (-> peregrine falcons) fennec foxes
2: demon (-> xiao is considered a demon adeptus and another word for dd is sky demon) feathery wings sharp teeth
3 (vaguely but there): otters finchs western dragons/wof sandwing scaramouche
"in view": adeptus xiao generic dissasembally/worker drone hybrid S (my kinsona) i like to show myself as a fennec like with the gifs
species by accosiation: ADEPTUS cat bees (-> friend called me minecraft bee coded) wolf dog theres a version of S thats uninfected any au
xiao is the minimum that you need to know to understand and before i had things to latch onto i jumped around sonas alot it was stressful and i only made things worse by interrogating myself witch is why i said to not think about it so hard and just draw whats fun =-= i found out im a drone by making a sona and then the sona feeling way more real then other sonas/ocs like chengcuo i was just bein silly ^^
sometime its also neurodivergent stuff (???) i cant understand facial expressions so i either exadurat them or dont really emote (i promise you that the xiaos are diffrent pictures)
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colors and color coding is also important to me!!!!!!
am small and can fly but am kinda flightless when xiao sits down his ingame model doesnt reach the floor and dds are kinda tall but i look more like a worker drone with dd features and there both short to avrege humans as xiao i had wings and a bird form (can fly) but i lost them when a dream-god ripped of my wings and dds have retractable wings but copper 9 has a constant death storm happeneing that acts like a blizzard so id rather walk and do my silly jumps sjchd
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its also a comfort thing!!! im a bird adeptus without wings or a bird form as a dd im a living wepon every even if the dream god tore them again dds can regen our heads i will have wings again in like a minute and if i really want to hen its awkward but of i angle it right there strong enough to break other drones caseing (my wings as xiao where normal feathers my life has also been almost constant trauma and i would pretend to use finchy looking wings to hide or hug myself and playing genshin was our escape we where still plural and we would listen to alot of genshin asmr and i think thats how i formed as a fictive) i think its also linked to my hyperfixation on md and my main comfort charater right now being a N (hes the yellow dd in the gif and my pfp :3)
ive also been gaslit and a defining part of being a dd is that you used to be a normal worker drone before you got infected with the absolute solver and it did some mlp infection stuff and messed with our memories theres a whole episode about it (cw for robot gore flashing lights anf 1 line of ablism against narcissists if you click the link its the episode) having anatonamy instead of wanting it is still kinda new to me theres a theme with them about how xiao was enslaved as a wepon for the dream-god and dds arnt supposed to be unique but xiao gets to be a person and the dds are unique anyways that i resonate alot with to its nice to see the systems that let the bad things happen be villians instead of when i tell people that the thing that hurt me was school and they try to find reasons why it was my fault
(hopfully this make sense brain wont give me anything else for now but if i think if something ill add it!! and if you have questions i can do my best to awnser them!!!!)
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daibijin1337 · 1 year
VR: 巨大娘の白スニーカーで何度も踏み潰される小人/Tiny man is repeatedly trampled by the giant girl's white sneakers.
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