#minister leia
antianakin · 29 days
Number 9 for the ask game! For both disneycanon and legends :)
9. worst part of canon
Man, this is a hard question to answer, mostly because there's so many things I could answer.
So I am assuming here that when you say "Legends" you actually just mean Lucas canon that existed pre Disney canon since "Legends" has never been and will never be canon in and of itself. If you were hoping to hear me speak about something that was ACTUALLY from Legends, I'm very sorry, but I'm not familiar enough with it and I don't think it works for the prompt anyway, so all of my answers are going to be from Disney Canon or Lucas Canon.
Some of these will land more in the realm of "the concept is fine/good, the execution was bad" and some will be more "the concept in and of itself is awful regardless of whether it was executed well or not."
In the Ahsoka show, the concept of Ahsoka facing her past with Anakin and how that's impacted who she's become is a great idea and it's really the only way to move her character forward, but the execution of it was so badly done that I wish it had never happened and we'd just never seen Ahsoka again or ever learned what she felt about Anakin. I've spoken enough about this show for anyone more familiar with me to know why I feel that way. If you haven't read my posts about it and want to hear more of them, you can search under the tags "ahsoka show" and "anti ahsoka show."
Turning the Darksaber into Mandalorian Excalibur is, perhaps controversially, a bad concept. It's introduced in the hands of a Mandalorian, sure, but it's also introduced specifically as a stolen Jedi relic. And between those two things, somehow the fact that it was in the hands of a Mandalorian got considered the more important part of it rather than the fact that it was a JEDI relic that got stolen from them.
And unfortunately turning the Darksaber into Mandalorian Excalibur has made the Mandos even more boring than they already were. It forces everything that was established about them in TCW to be basically erased and ignored. The whole aspect of them having a government of any kind, having a Council and a Prime Minister, is gone, and leaders are chosen by who can wield a stolen relic real good (or, more accurately, who can wield a DIFFERENT WEAPON well enough to defeat the person who IS wielding the stolen relic) rather than chosen more democratically by the people themselves.
The Darksaber also just isn't even being used very well in the narrative. It got handed to Sabine and we went through an entire lovely arc for her to earn it both the Jedi way and the Mandalorian way only for her to hand it off the very next season to someone who hadn't earned it at all. Then that person loses it and it somehow ends up in the hands of Din Djarin who seems to START an arc about earning it only for that to just get completely dropped so he can hand it right back to the same person Sabine handed it to last time and then it gets destroyed a few episodes later. There's not been any point to the Darksaber at all since it first showed up in Pre Viszla's hands in TCW. It should've stayed a fancy-looking stolen Jedi relic (and arguably should've just been handed back to the Jedi) if they weren't going to do a single interesting thing with any of the Mandos who ended up with it.
Moving on from the Darksaber, and looking at the Sequels, I think killing off all of Luke's Jedi students and destroying Leia's New Republic was a terrible terrible idea as a concept. I understand the idea of like... "Darkness always comes back, the fight is never completely over" but destroying ALL OF THE PROGRESS made in the last trilogy by the main characters just to force the new characters to do the exact same thing all over again is stupid. There are ways to do "darkness always comes back" as a theme without making Luke, Leia, and Han's arcs completely irrelevant. It doesn't feel hopeful by the end anymore, it just feels a little pointless because if everything is always going to be destroyed over and over again then why try to build anything at all? What's the fucking point of it all if none of the triumphs last long enough to mean anything?
And adding onto that, making the New Republic completely incompetent and also so horrible that they're basically the Empire in all but name feels equally frustrating as a concept because now not only were they destroyed before anything meaningful could be done with them, but it's not even a bad thing that they were destroyed because Leia failed long before Starkiller blew up those five planets. The New Republic was a failure from the moment of its inception because it's just filled with and run by cowards and greedy assholes who won't help anyone or do anything useful at all apparently.
I won't touch on R*ylo much because plenty of other people have, but everything about that was awful and it never should've been made canon.
While we're on romantic failures, I don't think Obi-Wan has ever needed a romantic interest, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be done well. But Obitine just wasn't it. Obitine was executed so incredibly poorly that it just made both characters radically less interesting and if I didn't already enjoy Obi-Wan as a character, his relationship with Satine would probably turn me off of Obi-Wan entirely given that he's literally a sexist asshole to her. Obitine never should've happened and if they HAD to do it, they should've gotten better writers to handle it so that it didn't ruin a beloved character as a result.
I'm sure there's more I could complain about, but that's what's coming to mind right now.
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radiofreederry · 8 months
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A map of the galaxy in 9 ABY in @gabajoofs and my Star Wars timeline. By this point, the Galactic Civil War is considered by many to be effectively over, as the centralized Galactic Empire no longer exists, with only a handful of remnant factions remaining. The New Republic governs much of the galaxy, but their hegemony is not singular, and several other groups exist which are able to project power in the galaxy.
The factions which hold territory include:
The New Republic: After the Battle of Yavin, the Rebellion restructured itself into the New Republic, initially based on Chandrila. Over the next several years, the Republic waged a campaign against the fracturing Empire, securing the Galactic South and the Core before finally liberating Coruscant in 7 ABY. A series of escalating scandals brought down the leadership of Mon Mothma the following year, and she was succeeded in her role by Leia Organa, who pushed through governmental reforms and currently serves as the Republic's Chief of State, with Cal Omas as her Prime Minister. The Republic now sits at a crossroads, with several political factions vying to influence its destiny - including a right-wing political coalition led by Mon Mothma's daughter Leida.
The Pentastar Alignment: The largest and most successful of the post-Endor Imperial splinter states, the Pentastar Alignment, known in Republic space increasingly as simply the Imperial Remnant, controls most of the galaxy from Ord Mantell northwards. It has been so successful largely by avoiding conflict with the Republic and the Mandalorians, instead targeting smaller Imperial warlords including Warlord Zsinj. Pentastar has absorbed much of the remaining Imperial fleet and many of its greatest remaining military minds, including Grand Admirals Martio Batch and Gilad Pellaeon, the latter of whom acts as supreme commander of the Pentastar fleet. Governed from Bastion, the Pentastar Alignment is led by Ardus Kaine, former Grand Moff of Oversector Outer. Though he has taken the title of Legate in reference to military leaders of Bastion's ancient history, in all but name he is Emperor, and inspires great loyalty in his men.
Mando’ade Aliite be Te Anila Grat’ua Mand’alor (United Clans of Mandalore): After Endor, Death Watch veteran Vasili of clan Bev’miir, who had spent several years uniting the disparate Mandalorian clans, launched an assault on the Empire's holdings in Mandalorian space. After securing Mandalore, Bev'miir, now known as Mandalore the Uniter, waged war to expand Mandalorian space to historical heights, helping to crush the Warlord Zsinj and destroy the power base of the Hutts. Since securing the borders of Mandalorian space, Bev'miir has been content to rule his worlds in relative peace, reforming Mandalorian society and restoring the supremacy of the clans. He recently signed a treaty alongside Chief of State Organa in which the Republic recognized him as the legitimate representative of the Mandalorian people and his government's sovereignty over the worlds it controls.
The True Mandalorians: Supporters of Bo-Katan Kryze's claim to lead the Mandalorians, including her own Nite Owls and several smaller clans, united as the True Mandalorians and attempted to gain their own foothold to unite the Mandalorians. While the Republic recognized Kryze as the true leader of the Mandalorians and offered support, ultimately Kryze's forces were only able to secure Onderon's moon Dxun, losing the planet Jabiim to Bev'miir's faction. Now, languishing on the jungle moon, they have lost even republic recognition, and their future is uncertain.
The Hapes Consortium: The small, independent enclave of the matriarchal Hapans has gone unmolested since Endor. Chief of State Organa is planning a diplomatic mission in the hopes of bringing them into the Republic.
The Greater Maldrood: Treuten Teradoc's Imperial remnant, governed from Togoria, has been hit hard in the campaigns against Zsinj and the Mandalorians, and struggles to protect its remaining borders even with Grand Admiral Rae Sloane in command of its military. Reluctantly, Teradoc has opened annexation negotiations with the Pentastar Alignment.
The Neimoidian Socialist Confederation: After the election of socialist Thog Rutak as Trade Monarch, Neimoidian society was thrown into a civil war in which the socialists emerged victorious, and set about reforming Neimoidian society and nationalizing the Trade Federation. The confederation has grown to include much of the former Corporate Sector after its own socialist revolution, and is aligned with the Republic as an independent affiliated observer state.
Zakuul Space: The ancient worlds of Zakuul and Iokath have remained uncontacted for centuries, and some say they no longer exist. Others insist that they are out there, filled with riches and waiting to be plundered.
The Chiss Ascendancy: In the Unknown Regions, the Chiss control their territory and watch for threats known only to them. They have not established relations with the Republic.
The New Confederacy of Independent Systems: After Endor, rather than joining the New Republic, a group of former Separatist worlds, led by Magisterial Porro Linn of Balan-Quod and mainly from the Tion Cluster, formed a revival of the CIS. They have received little support, and have not normalized relations with teh Republic.
The Proto-Sith: A number of dark side factions, including the Knights of Ren, the Prophets of the Dark Side, the Lost Tribe, elements of the Reborn and the Inquisition, and the Sorcerers of Tund have gathered in what was once Sith Space and the Centrality. The Rule of Two died with Palpatine and Vader at Endor, and it is time once again for the Sith to cheat death...
Black Sun, the Iron Triad, the Exchange, et al.: In the wake of Endor and the decimation of the Hutts, organized crime has grown in power. Several worlds in the Galactic south and former Hutt Space are now openly run by crime organizations, in particular the Iron Triad, founded by former Imperial officer Ubrik Adelhard, which is based on Klatooine. After the death of Prince Xizor, the leadership of Black Sun remains unclear.
The Central Committee of Grand Moffs: A small group of Grand Moffs working in concert with Supreme Slavelord Trioculus of Kessel - who claims to be the Emperor's son - has monopolized the spice trade with a small fleet of Imperial ships, conquering the Pyke Syndicate and incorporating it into their own operations. They are considered of least concern to the Republic.
Hutt Space: Campaigns by the Mandalorians and Iron Triad, and a revolt of the Evocii on what was once Nal Hutta, have destroyed most of the Hutts' power in the galaxy. Individual crimelords such as Dertykop of Taris or Teemo of Tatooine still exert power, but the Ruling Council has retreated to Varl and the Bootana Hutta, and only a sliver of Hutt Space remains.
The Imperial Royalist Confederation: After Ysanne Isard launched a coup in late 4 ABY, Sate Pestage and Mas Amedda fled Coruscant for the fortified Deep Core, where they set up their own government on the Emperor's throneworld of Byss. There Amedda rules as Imperial Regent, surrounded by sycophants, and the Republic is content to let him stew.
Other factions which hold no territory but still have a measure of influence in the galaxy include:
Moff Royen's Imperial Remnant: A small fleet of ships which remains independent of the other major Imperial remnants, mainly patrolling the Red Hand Cluster.
The New Jedi Order: After a quest of several years to uncover secrets of the Force and find Force-sensitive recruits, Luke Skywalker, now a Jedi Master, has reformed the Jedi Order, heading the new Jedi Council. The location of his temple is a closely-held secret, with rumors placing it anywhere from Yavin to Ossus to Tython to the mythical world of Tanalorr.
The Children of Ghorman: The Republic Commision for the Prosecution of War Crimes and Crimes against Civilization was established in 6 ABY for the prosecution of Imperial war criminals. Valarr Ulgo, an Alderaanian former ISB officer and member of Republic Intelligence, formed the Children of Ghorman in order to secure these criminals, a group of Rebel veterans who were all impacted personally by Imperial atrocities with the sole objective of capturing those Imperials who were beyond the Republic's reach and bringing them to justice.
The Mining Guild: The fall of the Empire was a boon for the Mining Guild, which regained its independence. Under the leadership of Athor Skarhill, the Guild has moved in a left-wing direction, and affiliated itself with Garm Bel Iblis' People's Union Party.
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pinyeti · 4 months
Episode 4: A New Hope
I love tiny robot guy r2d2
Is this a cult abducting him- theres no way baby robot is a protagonist right 
I just know they landed on a planet thats soooooo significant to the story line
I already love r2d2 and goldenfaces dynamic 
I love the music thats always playing its pretty refreshing 
OH landing here wasn’t a mistake it was on purpose okay got it
The force = haki
Ofc Luke loves Leia
She’s cute 
Hes cute
This is basically Harry Potter if Dumbledore was hot
I dont get it why is Darth vader hunting jedis is he working with the govt? Why do they want jedis gone did I miss something (yea the first 3 movies)
Darth Vader has??? Mind control 
Head cannon Luke wanted them dead cuz he did not want to look at another harvest IM GIVING UP ON YOUR DREAM UNCLE NOT MINE
Lovely elephant looking snakes
Damn Luke is cute blonde guy growing on me
They just destroyed a whole planet for …vibes???
Ofc luke is on a ship with the pope kanobi and 8th grade atheist solo
Noway Darth Vader said I smell him I smell my “buddy” obiwankanobi GAY GAY GAY
Theyre gonna dress up as storm troopers 
Sorry Luke storm trooper is not a good look on you guess its genetic
Solo tho is rocking it
Theres no way obi wan DIED
Oh solo’s name is Han okay
Man tell me this isnt gonna be a love triangle please
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princesssarisa · 2 months
"Faerie Tale Theatre" Role Association: Seasons 1 through 3
To honor Shelley Duvall in a silly yet fun way, I decided to finally do what I've been meaning to for some time: play a complete game of Role Association for the characters of Faerie Tale Theatre.
That is, describing the story using the names of the actors' more famous characters. @thealmightyemprex and I once did this together, long ago. I thought I would try doing it myself now, starting with the show's first few seasons.
The Tale of the Frog Prince
The Genie is turned into a frog, and only a kiss from Inga can break the spell. Odo is Inga’s father, while Debbie Dunham and Kramer are Genie’s parents. Brave Sir Robin narrates.
Wendy Torrence is ordered to spin straw into gold for Lots-O’-Huggin Bear after her father Sarge lies that she can. Tattoo agrees to spin it for her, but at a price.
Olive Oyle is hidden away in a tower by her abusive foster mother Gloria Swenson, until she meets and falls in love with Prince Lir. Cornelius narrates.
The Nightingale
Ned Kelly is the Emperor of China, who learns the value of friendship from Hillary Whitney and a bird with the voice of Wendy Torrence. Commander Adama is the Prime Minister, while Harold, Iroh, and Mr. Wing are other members of the court.
Sleeping Beauty
Rita the Cat is cursed to die by Ellen Griswold, but Grandmama Addams softens the curse to a 100-year sleep, from which Superman’s kiss will wake her. Father Mulcahy and “Hot Lips” Houlihan are Rita’s parents.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Dave Stohler lives in poverty with his mother Jessica Tate, until Blinkin gives him magic beans that grow into a beanstalk, which leads him to the castle of gigantic couple Ted and Edith.
Little Red Riding Hood
Emily Hobbs goes into the forest to visit Grandma Gilmore and encounters Alex DeLarge, who sets out to prey on them both. The Mayor of San Francisco and Ida Sessions are Emily’s parents.
Hansel and Gretel
T.J. and Savannah are the children of poor woodcutter Wimpy, who get lost in the woods and are nearly cooked and eaten by Mrs. Potiphar.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Addie Loggins intrudes into the house of papa Mongo, mama Alma Cox, and their son Paco. Dick Solomon and Rosie are Addie’s parents and Randall Peltzer is a forest ranger.
The Princess and the Pea
Stephen Waltham falls in love with Sally Bowles, but to test her worthiness, his mother Dr. Lesh has her sleep on twenty mattresses with a pea beneath them. Dr. Jack Bardofsky is a court jester and Chris Hargensen is a mean-girl princess.
Pee-Wee Herman is a puppet carved by Saul Bloom and brought to life by Maria Portokalos. Kramer and Rocko are two con artists who lead him astray, and Waternoose turns him into a donkey.
Two-inch tall Princess Leia is stolen from her mother Berta and nearly forced to marry first Castor Oyle, then the Penguin, before finding true love with Tommy Ross.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Cora Crawley is taken in by seven dwarfs after fleeing from Julia, who wants to kill her because Nicholas Medina claims that Cora is more beautiful than she is. Eventually Julia poisons her, but in the end, she revives and marries Frederic.
Beauty and the Beast
Janet Weiss becomes the prisoner of Count Dracula and eventually learns to love him. Chief Hubbard is her father, while Morticia Addams and Helen Henny are her sisters.
The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers
John Cage isn’t afraid of anything, so he spends three nights in Count Dooku’s haunted castle with the promise of marriage to Dooku’s daughter Max. Bob Cratchit is an innkeeper, Stu Pickles is a clergyman, and Frank Zappa is a hunchbacked servant.
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gloriousbouquetlove · 8 months
Far Cry Cradle
After the events of the war started by Lucis Kingdom, only those humans who helped defeat the silver owls were allowed to stay in the Briar Kingdom.
But after 400 years a peace treaty has finally been signed between the Briar Kingdom and the neighboring countries. A truly important moment that marked fairies and humans alike.
And it was a really stressful time for the Draconia family, especially for Levan, the kingdom's current king and minister of peace. The poor man was locked in his office for several weeks signing papers and sending letters to all the neighboring kingdoms. His wife and son had to forcibly drag him out to take a break.
It was also difficult for Lilia, after all she was the right hand of Queen Meleanor Draconia, and had to be by her side at all times. And he had to endure his queen's outbursts of anger when a neighboring kingdom imposed somewhat inopportune conditions.
But finally everyone could take a well-deserved rest.
Lilia went to her home, a small cabin far from the capital, which she built with her partner several years ago. He already wanted to arrive, to finally be able to lie down in his bed and fall asleep embraced with his beloved wife and his dear...
“¡BUA, BUA!”
That cry could be heard outside the cabin, a cry that I knew very well and that I missed a lot, with the whole treaty thing. Lilia hardly had time to spend with her family. But now he's going to fix that.
Without wasting any more time, the fairy flew to the window of the room he shared with his beloved and was able to see his wife and his little son.
Leia stood next to the crib, worryingly rocking the baby back and forth.
"What's wrong Silver, are you hungry?... No, maybe it's your diaper?... Also, did you lose your blanket?... No, here it is, my sweet Silver, what do you need?"
“Maybe a lullaby would help.”
Both the woman and the baby were surprised to hear that familiar voice.
“Lilia, you came back”
“Hello my love, I see that you have some problems putting our little one to sleep.”
“Yes, it's been like this these days and I don't know why…”
The little boy stretched out his little hands towards his father while a cute little smile formed on his face.
“Oh how cute, apparently he's very happy to see you.”
“Khee hee, I see it”
Lilia approached Leia and extended her arms, she understood what she wanted, and carefully placed Silver in her father's arms.
The baby was very happy, babbling incoherent words while playing with his father's long hair.
But it was already too late, so without further ado the fairy began to sing:
A warm cradle
Starlight and joy
My eyes are watching over you still,
let’s be together
With no fear,
even if we wake from this dream
Sleep, sleep,
my beloved child
In dreams,
I pray you would be guided
to walk toward the light
When the song came to an end, the little one was already asleep, being careful not to wake the baby, Lilia placed him in his crib.
A warmth filled the fairy's heart when she saw how her son slept, he looked so cute and fragile, but every day the little boy grew more and he knew that in the future he would become someone strong and independent who would protect his loved ones.
The feeling of being hugged from behind took him out of his thoughts, his beloved rested her head on his shoulder and also watched as his baby slept.
“He really missed you.”
“I missed him too, I missed them both.”
The fairy turned around and looked the human in the eyes.
“I love you beast”
No matter how many times she heard those words, they always made her heart jump for joy.
“I love you too Lilia”
Without saying another word, Leia sealed her lips with Lilia's, and they melted into the kiss.
Lilia was finally home.
(I'm sorry if you don't understand, English is not my first language).
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
This is a Breha Organa, Queen of Alderaan, appreciation post
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We have so little about her, but she's such a beautiful character, such a beautiful woman in every way, so I'm hyping this underrated Star Wars woman up!
At age 16 she completed her three challenges of the mind, body and heart to show herself worthy of Alderaan's throne.
She fell climbing the Appenza peak, loses her heart and lungs but survived after inmediatly getting mechanical pulmonodes.
She send aid to planets ravaged by the Separatists. Doctors, engineers, teachers, food, medicine, materials and anything else they needed.
She gave Bail the idea of an alliance and an active opposition to Palpatine's regimen.
She fund the rebelion with the Crown wealth and brought other wealthy people to help the cause.
She adopted a baby and loved her as her own, loved her daughter more than her own life.
Made Bail realized that war would be necesary at some point, and helped him understand that wasn't against Alderaan's values of pacifism.
Always had time for her daughter, even with all her Queen duties, her work as Minister of Education and her and Bail's rebel activities, she always had time to play with Leia, to walk with her, to teach her everything a mother should teach her children, to give her baby a bath, to feed her, to rock her to sleep.
She managed to keep Alderaan free during 2 decades of the authoritarian Empire.
She gain the loyalty of the people of Alderaan. People didn't fear her, people trust her.
Made Tarkin believe he had walked into a drunk party and not into a rebel meeting.
Wanted to save every person they could as soon as she saw the death star took position above them.
Mastered hand-to-hand combat.
Teached Alderaan's next generation and youngs about Alderaan's values, culture between other things
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ospreyeamon · 2 years
mover, money, senator, spy
Andor has got me curious about what roles the Organas are playing off-screen in the early rebellion during this period. How those roles fits in with the organisation of the alliance during this period when secrecy and information control are paramount for hidden agents like them.
Mon Mothma is terribly alone in the Senate – the sole voice calling out against the empire – so Bail isn’t in there juggling stones alongside her. This makes sense. Attempting political resistance through the official channels is futile; the real reason Mon continues to persist is to avoid the ISB asking the questions they would if she stopped. Mon can safely play the opposition in the Senate because she has no support; if Bail stands up to applaud her stone juggling speeches it puts them both at risk for no gain.
Where Mon is playing the wet liberal in desperate denial about the irrelevance of her once prestigious position, I think the Organas are playing the wet liberals seduced by the fruits of complicity. Content to allow the empire to do terrible things to people they aren’t connected to so long as Alderaan is left in peace. Accepting the empire’s excuses for its increasingly oppressive policies.
Bail’s job, from what we’ve seen elsewhere, is the mover. Because he’s using his diplomatic immunity to avoid the empire’s stop-and-searches in his official personal vessels, he can’t afford to have ISB tails stuck to him – it is imperative that he tows Palpatine’s line and does it convincingly. Transporting legal things at volume is one obvious activity; rations, med-kits, water purifiers etc. are goods that would be purchased, stocked, and distributed by charitable relief efforts while also being useful to guerrilla groups like Saw Guerrera’s. Arms smuggling would be trickier because Alderaan – being pacifist – wouldn’t have much in the way of contacts dealing in military tech. I’m sure Bail eventually got in on it, but also that it took much longer because it could only be done with him as the middleman in a longer supply route.
While Mon and Bail both know the other is part of the rebellion, I believe they have “drifted apart” since the proclamation of the empire. So far, the Organas don’t appear to be tied in to Luthen Rael’s network of rebel cells. Because both families are well placed to play the money, there’s less benefit and more risk to coordinating. The Organas are funding another network with another collection of hidden operatives, working separately from Luthen’s so they can’t incriminate each other if one is discovered.
However, while Mon starts the series crushingly isolated, all three Organas – Breha, Bail, and Leia – are in on the conspiracy together, in addition to whatever other members of their personal circle they have brought in. This puts them in a stronger position and gives them a bit more flexibility in how they can leverage their official positions. Leia is still being groomed to take on the mover role Bail is currently operating; she won’t take up his mantle as Alderaan’s Senator until she comes of age at sixteen. That leaves Breha.
We don’t see much of Breha so her role in the rebellion is more speculative. A good chunk of her time must be spent doing official work and managing the delicate political situation as Alderaan’s Queen. Like with Bail, her rebel role must leverage her official position because as a public figure neither of them can deviate too far from the routine of their royal role without drawing suspicion, and because it would be such a wasted opportunity not to. I think the Organas are a step ahead of Mon and Tay Kolma in using charitable trusts to disguise a stream of disappearing money, so that’s one thing. Another possibility is organising visas and other paperwork for false identities. Breha served as her own Minister for Education and Alderaan’s universities are galaxy-class; research grants for areas of study can place agents where they need to be, student visas can be issued under false names, and people hiring employees inter-planet would be more likely to check graduation records than birth records.
A question this raises though is, who plays the role of the coordinator for the Organas’ network in the way Luthen and Kleya Marki do for Mon’s? Because I don’t think it can be any of the Organas themselves. Coordinators need to meet too many contacts; high-profile public figures are too likely to be recognised.
Luthen and Kleya’s profession as high-end antique dealers is excellent cover for their rebel activities. The art and antiques trade is a socially accepted means of money laundering and making shady investments among the rich. They can meet with both buyers from the upper crust like Mon and Vel Sartha, as well as shadier contacts who want to sell their totally legally sourced and not at all fake artefacts to them. It gives Luthen a ready-made excuse not only to travel, but to travel to worlds where the empire is oppressing the population and grinding away at the local culture, because he could be looking to pick up under-priced looted treasures. Meanwhile, Kleya stays put on Coruscant to meet with agents traveling to and through the capital – even though it is Imperial Centre the sheer volume of traffic can help evade notice – and to catch incoming transmissions.
It makes sense to have the coordinator role occupied by a duo because if one of them dies the other can carry on the work, hopefully without losing any contacts, or if one of them is captured then the other one can warn their network before destroying their methods of communication. Co-workers, spouses, siblings – people who can spend substantial amounts of time alone together without it raising questions.
Having both networks’ coordinators working in the antiques trade is possible, but unlikely. At least one of them must be part of the Organas’ close circle to facilitate the addition of rebel locations to Bail’s diplomatic and charitable flight schedule. An employee of the Organas’ totally-not-a-rebel-front foundation is likely. For the other, let’s say a research academic with a fat travel grant; xeno-anthropologist, mineral surveyor, etc. Odds are they weren’t strongly enough connected to explain away all of their secret discussion time when they joined the rebellion, so they are fake-married for the cause.
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Notes- Modern Star Wars pt.1
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- the jedi all go to the same temple, in this au the jedi religion is no different then being Jewish, Muslim, Christian, ect.
- Caleb and Cal are neighbors, they've been besties since kindergarten (I refuse to separate these two, they are now a pair)
- Caleb's nickname is Kanan
- masters= parents (adopted or bio, a few exception cases like Ahsoka and Ani, Obi wan and Ani, ect.)
- obi wan is qui gon's bio kid, Anakin was adopted
-Ahsoka is adopted by plo koon
- while I would love to include all clones, last time I tried that I fried my modern AU, so here's a more edited list with my faves
- Jango had Boba and Omega
- Rex and Cody are brothers, they're boba and omega's cousins
- the bad batch(quintuplets) + domino twins are brothers and are boba and omega's first cousin once removed (so Jango's aunt/uncle's kids)
- pretty much everyone in the fett family joins the military to some degree
-Bd-1 is Cal's small dog, C3P0 is a golden retriever (or possibly a service dog for Ani due to childhood trauma) and R2 is a cat (maybe a tuxedo), Chewwie is one of those big super fluffy dogs, Chopper is a ginger cat, and Jar Jar is Padme's overly excitable yippy dog (couldn't decide on a breed)
- Hera and Kanan eventually adopt a wolf dog they name Dume, Chopper hates sharing attention
- Kanan adopts Ezra
- Sabine is related to Bo-Katan and Satine (somehow, I know she's the same clan so extended family!)
- After meeting clan Wren (I am writing this as I watch Rebels) I have decided Ursa was Satine and Bo-Katan's adpoted first cousin once removed
- Hera is totally Airforce, like I feel like that's the closest to her role in rebels, her and Kanan met in highschool
- their song, which later became their first dance at their wedding, is "Ain't no mountain high enough"
- Zeb is another friend of theirs from highschool, he was a year or two younger
- Zeb is a security guard, Ezra is an animal conservationist (see him and Loth wolves), his parents had a radio show where they talked about endangered species
- Kanan is a firefighter (because irony) and Cal is an elementary school teacher who is in charge of his school's fencing club
- in this au Kanan's injury comes from a job, once he's blinded he joins Ezra in his work
- Cere is a highschool music teacher, Merin is a history teacher who also has an elective cultures course, and Greez is a freelance pilot who's business is definitely totally 100% legal(/s aka he takes some shady jobs)
- Cere and Greez are neighbors, Merin works at the same school as Cere, and she meets Cal through her
- Din obviously adopts Grogu at some point, and Luke volunteers at the temple's Sunday school which is where he meets them(???)
- I feel like Luke would own a martial arts school, Leia becomes a politician like her mum, Anakin would be a robotics engineer
- Satine is prime Minister of Mandalore, Bo- Katan is either military or lawyer (she strikes me as the lawyer type), Sabine was going to join the military but ended up pursuing an artistic career, Korki wants to go into politics like his aunt
- Mandalore works like the u.s where it's a bunch of small countries a trench coat, except they're more functional... mostly
- Obi wan is either a social worker (helping other kids like Anakin) or some kind of diplomat, he only became a diplomat cause he took a few classes to spend more time with a cute international student *cough* Satine *cough* and found he was good at diplomacy
- Plo Koon and Ahsoka are body guards/ security, Plo has his own company, Ahsoka started as being in charge of marketing (I consulted my mom for Ahsoka's job and she suggested marketing because she's so bubbly)
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magnetarbeam · 6 months
Scandal of the Century (WIP 2)
[The changes are mostly additions to the scene I wasn't finished with in the last version, and I did manage to work some of my thoughts about Jaina and Tahiri into an actual fic for the first time.]
“Do they have any clue about me?” Zekk asked.
Jaina and Jag considered their mutual fiancee's question as Javis Tyrr's holonews footage revealing the two's relationship played on the viewscreen in front of them.
“I don't think so,” Jaina admitted.
“I haven't seen any evidence of it,” Jag agreed after a second. “And we would have.”
The grins that crossed Jaina and Zekk's faces told Jag that whatever they were plotting over their unusually strong bond could be nothing but mischief. That didn't necessarily mean it was a bad idea, but one of them had to be reasonable, and that was usually Jag.
”All right,“ he sighed, ”let's hear it.“
”Since the nexu's already halfway out of the cage,“ Jaina said, her mischievous smirk widening, ”I think we should have a little fun with it.“
As much as she would have wanted to see the looks on the Masters' faces, the three of them did feel that Jaina and Zekk's duty as Jedi obligated them to let the Council in on it.
”It would help draw media attention away from the Order,“ Kyle Katarn said contemplatively.
“Which we desperately need,” Cilghal agreed.
Acting Grand Master Kenth Hamner pressed a hand to his forehead and sighed in exhausted exasperation. He said nothing, and they all knew that a specific direct order would be the only way to stop Jaina and Zekk from carrying out their scheme.
Kyp had been grinning in anticipation ever since he heard the proposal. ”I can't wait to see the look on Daala's face when you finish with this.”
“You could start a whole new Imperial custom,” Jaina joked, making fun of Jag for accidentally shooting his deputy minister in the foot as he foiled the recent assassination attempt. Zekk grinned as the playful banter went on.
Not for the first time, Zekk thanked the Force for how much both of his lovers had healed in the last few years, since those days off on Kashyyyk when they had all collectively realized how they truly felt about each other, after Jag had had to deliberately set himself up for Jaina to deliberately almost kill him in order to get through to her about how much of herself she was losing to her fixation on her training.
“So, your imperial majesty,” he asked Jag playfully, “does Conspiracy: A Methodology offer any advice on the best time to start our little scheme?”
Jag hummed in consideration. “If I ever get my hands on a copy, I'll let you know.”
The viewscreen wall displaying an image of Alderaan blew out, and an assassin entered, followed by two YVH droids. Jaina, Zekk, Leia, Han and Jag felled the attackers before the Pangalactus security personnel even entered the room. But then they were standing amidst the wreckage, and Jag was on the receiving end of a fusillade of profuse apologies.
And Jaina shot Zekk a grin. Now? she asked over their bond.
Now, he agreed.
Conveniently standing behind Jag, but in full view of the other observers, the two pulled into a passionate kiss.
”Well,“ Lecersen remarked after a moment of stunned silence. “I didn't see that coming.”
”No way,” Treen laughed as the conspirators observed the immediate fallout of the expected failure. ”This is too perfect.“
Lecersen smiled and began drafting the holonews article, with the scandalous capture as the cover image.
Over their mercifully uninterrupted second attempt at that night's dinner, Jaina didn't even notice that her ADHD meds were starting to wear off, because she was so hyperfocused on her anticipation.
She found what she was looking for even faster than she'd expected to.
The rest of the conversation, whatever it was, stopped in its tracks as she collapsed into helpless laughter, dropping the datapad on the table.
”Oh, this has gotta be good,“ Han remarked in anticipation.
Tahiri, who had joined them on the way back from Pangalactus, was quicker than Zekk in snatching the datapad from the table.
“'Jedi Cheating Scandal!'“ Jaina's sister read excitedly, raising her voice to be heard over Jaina's cackling. ”'The revelation of Head of State Jagged Fel's relationship with Jedi Knight Jaina Solo has drawn plenty of criticism from many, particularly Fel's detractors among the Imperial Remnant.'”
Tahiri paused for a moment as Jaina finally managed to get a grip, but the ”Galactic Empire“ correction didn't come because Jag had food in his mouth.
”'But it appears the situation may be even more complicated than anyone had realized,'“ Tahiri continued. ”'Mere hours ago, Head of State Fel was dining at the Pangalactus restaurant with his girlfriend, her parents, and fellow Jedi Knight Zekk, when an assassin blasted through a wall and attempted to kill Fel, followed by two YVH combat droids that attempted to kill the Organa-Solos in an apparently unrelated attack.
”'As the local security personnel arrived and conversed with Fel, Jedi Solo and Jedi Zekk kissed each other in full view of the holocams.'”
Tahiri paused for a moment, staring at the datapad incredulously, before continuing. “'Historically, Jedi Solo is not known for subtle approaches to problems, so it is quite a shock that she could keep a man as observant as Fel in the dark about a secret affair.
“'If Head of State Fel has not already heard of this story, he undoubtedly will soon. We wish him the best.'”
“And so,” Tahiri concluded dramatically, ”the Trickster works her magic again.“
”Kriff off, Ri.“ Jaina's smile belied the halfhearted eyeroll with which she habitually reacted to her sister's references to the act of deception that had long since become a running joke between them.
The nickname Ri was the syllable shared in the names from both of the personalities who had merged to form the individual who was called Tahiri today, and might or might not choose to be called Riina tomorrow. One never really knew.
[I don't really know where to go next with this. I've thought of having some scene spun off Jag's meeting with Lecersen in reaction to the attack at Pangalactus, which takes us to the end of Backlash. I might skip to mid(?)-Allies when the Skykhai vid goes viral, and the "breakup" of Jaina and Jag would also be staged for drama.]
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pawsitivevibe · 9 months
It's been such a shitty week, but this is my last day before Christmas, yay! I won't be back in until the 27th. And I have so many things planned to make these days off fun!
Tomorrow is Arthur's birthday! We are going to do a little photoshoot, give him all his many presents, and take him and all the girls to the private dog park in the evening. We'll definitely pick up Leia and Holly to come to the park, and now that Willow is big enough she might get to come too! I think I can shove a 6th kennel in my car if it's a small one, but we have to FIND a smaller one ... Leia could potentially fit in my cat's carrier lol. I prefer having all dogs secured in the car, but if need be I think Willow can ride on Tom's lap.
Oh and then Saturday we have an agility fun match! Leia and Arthur are going. Should be fun. I will probably also take them to a public dog park before the match. I have mostly been avoiding public dog parks for a while now, but this one I've never had a bad experience at, so we will see how it goes. Arthur loves to play with other dogs so much.
On Sunday we'll probably go to the members only dog park we take Arthur to. Man he's gonna have a big weekend! He'll love it though. He's not actually a High Energy Dog, so he'll be passed tf out after all these outings and we will know peace in our home lol. Oh and I suppose I might go to church ... I kinda miss my family church, it's one of those little, cute, homey, nice ones. All the shitty people left when our minister officiated a gay wedding many years ago, so the congregation is good people ... I'm not particularly religious, but the community aspect of church is nice, and I like the Christmas hymns. And honestly I like the sermons, our minister is cool, he's really into history and mythology, and he plays Dungeons & Dragons, and he has a Kermit the frog puppet and can do the voice perfectly for the kids. We've had good conversations.
On Christmas we are taking our 3 Dog Circus to my parents' house in the morning. And then the show moves to my in-laws' for the afternoon and evening, where 2 more spaniels will join the circus. We have not done the 5 dogs together yet, so I'm sure it will be chaos lol.
I'm considering bringing all 3 to my aunt's on Boxing Day too. And trying to convince my mom to bring Leia. I think 6 dogs is just the thing to spice up our family get together. 3 mutts, 1 spaniel, 1 beagle, 1 XL lab ... Oh even better, my aunt should also bring her two Schnauzers, and my mom's cousin should bring his Cairn Terrier. 9 dogs would be even spicier.
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naturesbeat · 1 year
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name: amilyn holdo nicknames: lyn, holdo species: human gender: cis female, she/her sexuality: pansexual age: verse dependent, born 19 bby occupation: verse dependent, ranges from junior legislator in the imperial senate, member of the rebellion, member of the new republic senate, minister, vice admiral of the resistance
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at 5’11’’, amilyn stands on the taller side of average, a height made more pronounced by her willowy frame. unlike her youth, where she was known to wear clothes of a pointedly garish nature, she’s come to favor a more subtle elegance in her dress; though she’s retained a fondness for coloring her hair. purple, pink, green, blue --- the colors are liable to change as soon as the whim strikes her.
a soft lavender, her eyes are bright with attentiveness, curiosity, fondness, and ( when necessary ) assertiveness. a number of jewelry decorate her person, most of them with significance to her home planet of gatalenta.
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amilyn, at times, can have a rather peculiar demeanor. she carries herself with an unshakable confidence, but has difficulty connecting and communicating with the people around her. speaking in metaphors is a common practice on her homeworld ( one that she often partakes in without thought ), leaving others to grope at the true meaning behind her words. that by no means diminishes her intelligence and strategic mind, responsible for a number of victories in the resistance. she carries only the best intentions, and has an unshakable loyalty toward the new republic and the wellbeing of the galaxy.
despite rebelling somewhat toward the austere exterior of her homeworld, amilyn remains true to the tenants of gatalenta: she believes that happiness is a moral imperative, that nourishing the spirit is the key to strength. she is determined to see that every being be given the chance to pursue it.
in her youth she was much more eccentric, to the point of being perceived as outlandish by her peers. she craved dangerous situations in order to familiarize herself with the nearness and inevitability of death. time and experience have softened some of those quirks, but a part of her will always enjoy the rush of those situations. she also retains many of the same hobbies, including the study of star charts and astrology.
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amilyn first meets leia organa at a pathfinding class for the apprentice legislators. the two of them do not immediately get along, but eventually find common ground through the course of their work, and amilyn finds herself swept into events relating to the rebellion. for much of her life, she had always considered intentions as important - if not more so - than actions, but that point of view is challenged and later reconsidered thanks to her new friend. she, too, realizes she must take action.
following the dissolution of the imperial senate, she seeks the approval of the council of mothers to aid the rebellion for the sake of gatalenta. though she would go with or without their blessing, she receives it, and finds the rebellion shortly after their relocation from yavin 4 and the beginning of the galactic civil war.
her duties in the rebellion largely consisted of helping wherever she could, generally within the command center. outside her friendship with leia, her experience in the imperial senate gave her an acquaintance with mon mothma. while she is capable of piloting your average spacecraft, her skills are not suitable to the level of an x-wing pilot. even so, she was interested in bringing relief to planets affected by the empire, and participated in a number of missions to bring much needed supplies and aid to worlds ravaged by the war, as well as smuggling whatever supplies the alliance required. she was promoted to captain at some point due to her quick thinking aboard the candor, displaying leadership that saved the lives of her crew and disabled an imperial star destroyer.
In time, the empire is defeated, their remnants in retreat, and the daunting work of putting the galaxy back together begins. for a time, amilyn joins leia on chandrila, representing gatalenta as their first senator, but soon recalls why politics were not for her. at the completion of her first term, she decides to leave, and instead focus her time on humanitarian efforts, acting as a liaison to the senate for the planets still smoldering in the ashes of a generational, galaxy-wide conflict.
barely a generation passes before the first order rises from the ashes of the empire, and amilyn receives a familiar call from an old friend. upon leia’s request, she joins the resistance, and it takes little urging; she’s heard the whispers, and sensed the growing unease at the edge of the galaxy.
she was active in the years preceding the resistance’s legitimacy, participating on missions such as the one to steal a new republic admiral’s protocol droid, in an attempt to prove their inaction toward the first order. it was here she first encountered poe dameron, though neither knew it at the time. eventually she was given command of the ninka, a bunkerbuster cruiser, which helped supply cobalt and crimson squadron.
during this time, she also does some recruitment for the resistance, reaching out on her home planet of gatalenta. there she has minor luck finding sympathetic individuals, but elsewhere few others consider the first order a legitimate threat.
during the events of the force awakens, the ninka was deployed to the alterra system. returning to d’qar, they rejoin the resistance in time for the first order’s attack on their fleet. after leia is injured, amilyn assumes command, taking them to the planet of crait for their final stand. after what’s left of the resistance has fled on transports, amilyn gives her life to pilot the raddus through the first order’s fleet, critically damaging their numbers and flagship, the supremacy.
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LEIA: arguably her most important connection in canon is her friendship with leia. i would love to do more of their early time in the beginning of the rebellion, finding their confidence as leaders, and navigating the world of politics during and after their time in the senate. I also love them as a ship and would be open to exploring potential a romantic connection in their youth and in older age!
REBELLION CONNECTIONS: amilyn joined the rebellion shortly after they settled on hoth. a good friend of leia, she would have been familiar with all the most prominent members of their ranks.
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shinyskywalker · 9 months
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leia on endor from return of the jedi by james kahn
literally one of my favourite scenes from the og trilogy novels and i really want to share it with everyone
Text from the picture:
She cast her mind adrift for a while, letting her feet carry her nimbly along among the gargantuan trees. She was struck, suddenly, not by the smallness of the Ewok who guided her, but by her own smallness next to these trees. They were ten thousand years old, some of them, and tall beyond sight. They were temples to the life- force she championed; they reached out to the rest of the universe. She felt herself part of their greatness, but also dwarfed by it. And lonely. She felt lonely here, in this forest of giants. All her life she’d lived among giants of her own people: her father, the great Senator Organa; her mother, then Minister of Education; her peers and friends, giants all … But these trees. They were like mighty exclamation points, announcing their own preeminence. They were here! They were older than time! They would be here long after Leia was gone, after the Rebellion, after the Empire … And then she didn’t feel lonely again, but felt a part again, of these magnicent, poised beings. A part of them across time, and space, connected by the vibrant, vital force, of which … It was confusing. A part, and apart. She couldn’t grasp it. She felt large and small, brave and timid. She felt like a tiny, creative spark, dancing about in the res of life … dancing behind a furtive, pudgy midget bear, who kept beckoning her deeper into the woods. It was this, then, that the Alliance was ghting to preserve— furry creatures in mammoth forests helping scared, brave princesses to safety. Leia wished her parents were alive, so she could tell them.
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radiofreederry · 7 months
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The galaxy by the end of 9 ABY in me and @gabajoofs' timeline. After the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Empire splintered into several factions led by various charismatic warlords, which fought amongst themselves as the central Imperial government continued to war against the newly-proclaimed New Republic. This "Warlord Period" ended in 7 ABY with both the defeat of Warlord Zsinj and the Liberation of Coruscant. The majority of Imperials remaining have defected to Ardus Kaine's Pentastar Alignment, and the Empire is effectively dead as a polity, with only some dead-enders in the Deep Core keeping the name alive. As the Republic continues to hunt for Imperial war criminals, the galactic status quo has settled into a cold war between them and the Pentastar Alignment, with neither side willing to fire the first shot despite hostile relations. While the Republic governs much of the galaxy, other players also hold territory and influence as well, including the Mandalorians, the Central Committee of Grand Moffs, the New Confederacy of Independent Systems, organized crime groups, and a dark power rising in the shadowy corners of the galaxy...
The New Republic: After the Battle of Yavin, the Rebellion restructured itself into the New Republic, initially based on Chandrila. Over the next several years, the Republic waged a campaign against the fracturing Empire, securing the Galactic South and the Core before finally liberating Coruscant in 7 ABY. A series of escalating scandals brought down the leadership of Mon Mothma the following year, and she was succeeded in her role by Leia Organa, who pushed through governmental reforms and currently serves as the Republic's Chief of State, with Cal Omas as her Prime Minister. The Republic now sits at a crossroads, with several political factions vying to influence its destiny - including a right-wing political coalition led by Mon Mothma's daughter Leida.
The Neimoidian Socialist Confederation: After the election of socialist Thog Rutak as Trade Monarch, Neimoidian society was thrown into a civil war in which the socialists emerged victorious, and set about reforming Neimoidian society and nationalizing the Trade Federation. The confederation has grown to include much of the former Corporate Sector after its own socialist revolution, and is aligned with the Republic as an independent affiliated observer state.
The Pentastar Alignment: The largest and most successful of the post-Endor Imperial splinter states, the Pentastar Alignment, known in Republic space increasingly as simply the Imperial Remnant, controls most of the galaxy from Ord Mantell northwards. It has been so successful largely by avoiding conflict with the Republic and the Mandalorians, instead targeting smaller Imperial warlords including Warlord Zsinj. Pentastar has absorbed much of the remaining Imperial fleet and many of its greatest remaining military minds, including Grand Admirals Martio Batch and Gilad Pellaeon, the latter of whom acts as supreme commander of the Pentastar fleet. Governed from Bastion, the Pentastar Alignment is led by Ardus Kaine, former Grand Moff of Oversector Outer. Though he has taken the title of Legate in reference to military leaders of Bastion's ancient history, in all but name he is Emperor, and inspires great loyalty in his men.
The Bright Jewel Free Trade Zone: For a year beginning in 8 ABY, The Republic and the Pentastar Alignment fought an undeclared war over control of the important trade hub Ord Mantell. To prevent the conflict's escalation into a wider war, the belligerents covertly agreed to withdraw their forces and establish a free trade zone in the Bright Jewel Sector. Nominally independent, the zone is home to the Great Game, a covert competition between the Pentastar Intelligence Agency and the New Republic Intelligence Service to establish influence over Ord Mantell.
The Hapes Consortium: The small, independent enclave of the matriarchal Hapans has gone unmolested since Endor. Chief of State Organa is planning a diplomatic mission in the hopes of bringing them into the Republic.
The Chiss Ascendancy: In the Unknown Regions, the Chiss control their territory and watch for threats known only to them. They have not established relations with the Republic.
The New Confederacy of Independent Systems: After Endor, rather than joining the New Republic, a group of former Separatist worlds, led by Magisterial Porro Linn of Balan-Quod and mainly from the Tion Cluster, formed a revival of the CIS. They have received little support, and have not normalized relations with the Republic.
Black Sun, the Iron Triad, the Exchange, et al.: In the wake of Endor and the decimation of the Hutts, organized crime has grown in power. Several worlds in the Galactic south and former Hutt Space are now openly run by crime organizations, in particular the Iron Triad, founded by former Imperial officer Ubrik Adelhard, which is based on Klatooine. After the death of Prince Xizor, the leadership of Black Sun remains unclear.
The Central Committee of Grand Moffs: A small group of Grand Moffs working in concert with Supreme Slavelord Trioculus of Kessel - who claims to be the Emperor's son - has monopolized the spice trade with a small fleet of Imperial ships, conquering the Pyke Syndicate and incorporating it into their own operations. They are considered of least concern to the Republic.
The Imperial Royalist Confederation: After Ysanne Isard launched a coup in late 4 ABY, Sate Pestage and Mas Amedda fled Coruscant for the fortified Deep Core, where they set up their own government on the Emperor's throneworld of Byss. There Amedda rules as Imperial Regent, surrounded by sycophants, and the Republic is content to let him stew.
Mando’ade Aliite be Te Anila Grat’ua Mand’alor (United Clans of Mandalore): After Endor, Death Watch veteran Vasili of clan Bev’miir, who had spent several years uniting the disparate Mandalorian clans, launched an assault on the Empire's holdings in Mandalorian space. After securing Mandalore, Bev'miir, now known as Mandalore the Uniter, waged war to expand Mandalorian space to historical heights, helping to crush the Warlord Zsinj and destroy the power base of the Hutts. Since securing the borders of Mandalorian space, Bev'miir has been content to rule his worlds in relative peace, reforming Mandalorian society and restoring the supremacy of the clans. He recently signed a treaty alongside Chief of State Organa in which the Republic recognized him as the legitimate representative of the Mandalorian people and his government's sovereignty over the worlds it controls.
The True Mandalorians: Supporters of Bo-Katan Kryze's claim to lead the Mandalorians, including her own Nite Owls and several smaller clans, united as the True Mandalorians and attempted to gain their own foothold to unite the Mandalorians. While the Republic recognized Kryze as the true leader of the Mandalorians and offered support, ultimately Kryze's forces were only able to secure Onderon's moon Dxun, losing the planet Jabiim to Bev'miir's faction. Now, languishing on the jungle moon, they have lost even Republic recognition, and their future is uncertain.
The Hutt Empire: Campaigns by the Mandalorians and Iron Triad, and a revolt of the Evocii on what was once Nal Hutta, have destroyed most of the Hutts' power in the galaxy. Individual crimelords such as Dertykop of Taris or Teemo of Tatooine still exert power, but the Ruling Council retreated to Varl and the Bootana Hutta, there to rule what remained of Hutt Space. The Council was overthrown in 8 ABY by the warlord Muuka, who has proclaimed himself the new Emperor of the Hutts, declaring that the Hutts must return to their ancient ways of warfare and conquest to survive and reconquer their rightful territory.
The Proto-Sith: A number of dark side factions, including the Knights of Ren, the Prophets of the Dark Side, the Lost Tribe, elements of the Reborn and the Inquisition, and the Sorcerers of Tund have gathered in what was once Sith Space and the Centrality. The Rule of Two died with Palpatine and Vader at Endor, and it is time once again for the Sith to cheat death…
There are also several factions which hold little to no territory, but which have a great deal of galactic influence regardless:
Moff Royen's Imperial Remnant: A small fleet of ships which remains independent of the other major Imperial remnants, mainly patrolling the Red Hand Cluster.
The New Jedi Order: After a quest of several years to uncover secrets of the Force and find Force-sensitive recruits, Luke Skywalker, now a Jedi Master, has reformed the Jedi Order, heading the new Jedi Council. He has established a temple on Tython to headquarter his Order, which numbers around 100 Jedi, both survivors of the old Order and new recruits. The Order is independent of the Republic, but a treaty of friendship between them saw the Republic establish a fleet to defend Tython and the Order from threats.
The Children of Ghorman: The Republic Commision for the Prosecution of War Crimes and Crimes against Civilization was established in 6 ABY for the prosecution of Imperial war criminals. Valarr Ulgo, an Alderaanian former ISB officer and member of Republic Intelligence, formed the Children of Ghorman in order to secure these criminals, a group of Rebel veterans who were all impacted personally by Imperial atrocities with the sole objective of capturing those Imperials who were beyond the Republic's reach and bringing them to justice.
The Mining Guild: The fall of the Empire was a boon for the Mining Guild, which regained its independence. Under the leadership of Athor Skarhill, the Guild has moved in a left-wing direction, and affiliated itself with Garm Bel Iblis' People's Union Party.
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kalabhuna · 1 year
rewatching Star Wars and the last scene really does look like Han and Luke are getting married with Chewie walking them down the isle and Leia being the minister 💀
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
Eternal Emperor Vader au
Imagine that Darth Vader and Luke worked together to kill Palpatine like Rey and Kylo did.
Vader cements himself in the dark side by killing his master. Luke and Vader declares a peace that would last as long as one did not attack the other. The Empire regrouped and retreated into the Unknown Regions under Vader's leadership, while The New Republic is born.
The New Republic was born and began to heal the galaxy. Luke's new Jedi Order was founded. Mon Mothma as the Chancellor with Leia as Vice Chair. Han and Lando are the Ministers of Defense and Chewbacca is Ambassador to Kashyyyk. The New Republic did not demilitarize their fleet. They instead build and improve their fleet and build Star Defenders to combat the Star Destroyers. To defend their systems, fight the criminal syndicates and prepare for the eventual upcoming war with Emperor Vader.
The Empire is rebuilding it's strength after the defeat at Endor. Thrawn, Gideon, General Veers and Sloane are Vader's inner circle. Vader killed Rax the moment he learned of Palpatine's contingency plans. Vader found Galen Marek and turned him into his apprentice, his Starkiller, the final Inquisitor. Eventually Vader found Exegol. Killed Palpatine and took the Final Order's Sith Fleet for himself. Anyone and everyone loyal to Palpatine is dead. The Empire has become The New Sith Empire. On Exegol, the SIth Temple was reopened, similar to how The First Order abducted children for the new Sith Order.
The Sith have begun to infiltrate the New Republic which begins a cold war between the Sith and the New Republic. Then one day, the day that destroys everything Leia has built. The revelation that Darth Vader is Leia's father. Leia is shunned from The New Republic and this very event is what tips the balance to making this cold war hot.
Ben Solo's betrayal. Ben feels betrayed. All his life he was told the good man that his grandfather was. Hero of the Republic and Jedi Knight of the Jedi Council and that he died sacrificing his life to save the Jedi from The Emperor. He was lied to and he was consumed by rage and betrayal. Luke attempts to stop Ben's anger, but Ben attacks him and leaves him for dead. He gathers his 6 best friends and together they kill the New Jedi Order and venture to find Emperor Vader.
Ben Solo and his fellow Jedi become Kylo Ren and the Knights Of Ren and Vader's Elite Sith Warriors.
Luke flees to Ach-To. He has failed. The war that he was dreading is here and he has himself to blame for not telling Ben the truth.
Out of guilt and shame for failing his son. Han leaves to be a smuggler again. Hoping one day he can make things right with Leia and bring their son home.
Leia lost her son, her father has returned to wage war on her and destroy everything she has worked so hard to build, her brother went into hiding and Han left. Leia has no choice but to lead The Resistance.
Same things that happen in canon happens, but differently
Finn is abducted by The Sith Empire, but not by Phasma. By Iden Versio. Because Operation Cinder never happened, Iden never defects. Iden becomes what Phasma became, only she's a die hard believer and Finn and his squadron is the next generation of Inferno Squad
Poe Dameron is the son of Rebel heroes and is NOT a drug smuggler(fuck you JJ) he is taught by his father.
Rey is left on Jakku, but not because it was done to protect her by junk traders. It was done because her parents were scum. Her father was rejected by Palpatine and left to die and marooned on Jakku. They had Rey, but had nothing. They saw no value in Rey and sold her so they can get off of Jakku. Rey in a fit of rage kills them with the dark side. The trauma of it cuts Rey off from the force and represses the memory.
Paige Tico is the Y-Wing Bomber in Poe's Squadron and Rose Tico is the Intelligence Officer in The New Republic
Kylo Ren, Julian Veers(Veers' son replacing Hux) and Iden Versio are this version of the First Order's Triumvirate
Kylo Ren and Starkiller are at war with each other, each covet the throne from Vader and all they are waiting for is one sign of weakness and they will kill each other for to become Vader's heir.
However there is one thing that could turn the Empire against Vader. A cult of Palpatine loyalists lead by Snoke escaped Exegol and have one mission. Find the true Emperor's granddaughter. Train her and help her become the Empress and destroy the Skywalkers and bring a new age of darkness to the galaxy.
Or can the heirs of Vader and Palpatine come together and bring balance to the force and end this war and the eternal struggle between light and darkness?
I'd say Episode VII is about Vader's return and the beginnings of the war, bringing Han and Leia together, Han's death at the hands of his son, Rey/Finn vs Kylo, but ending with Finn finding Luke. What about Rey? After defeating Kylo Ren. She heard a voice. "Come find me Rey and find your belonging and your rightful place in this galaxy" Rey went to Snoke, while Chewey saved
Episode VIII. Allout war. After the destruction of Hosnian Prime, The New Republic joined forces with The Resistance and declared war on The Sith Empire. The connection between Rey and Ben is formed. But this gains the attentions of Starkiller. Starkiller saw the weakness in Kylo after his defeat at the hands of the scavenger, but now his sentiment just gives him the need to kill Kylo Ren once and for all. Poe and Paige are on the frontlines. Rose works with Leia to discover a way to disable the Xyston Class Star Destroyer lasers in order to prevent as much destruction as possible. Finn is able to pull Luke out of his exile. How? You see, Finn is Luke's son. The Sith Eternal abducted Finn before Luke and Mara could act. The abduction of Finn and the revelation of Vader being Anakin being revealed galaxy wide is what left Luke open to Ben's betrayal. Now that Finn is here, Luke knows he has to make this right. He spends the rest of the movie training Finn. Rey finds her way to Snoke. Snoke reveals the truth to Rey and this shakes her to her very core. One thing that Leia did not count on. Vader has arrived. He boards her ship like he did so long ago. She allows Rose to escape, while she confronts her father. Vader gives her a chance to surrender and join the dark side, it's the only way she can see her son. Leia takes her Lightsaber "I'm a Jedi, like my father once was" "So be it. Jedi" and so we get Vader vs Leia, while Rose enacts the plan to destroy the Xyston-Class fleet. Think the Mass Shadow Generator from KOTOR II, that is EXACTLY what Rose does. Kylo Ren and Starkiller fights in Fortress Vader. while Rey fights Snoke. Kylo Ren kills Starkiller to assume his place at Vader's side. Rey kills Snoke to free herself, she thought she was free until she hears a sinister voice. "You done well, my granddaughter." Meanwhile In the fight between Vader and Leia. Leia proclaims that she knew he was a good man, that her mother loved him, but that man is dead and all that's left is Vader. Vader aims to kill her and Leia gives herself to the force like Obi-Wan. Luke and Finn comes to the rescue and the New Republic rallies behind them. Vader and Luke have a staredown. Finn meets Rose, Rose is in awe of Finn, but Finn is just as in awe in Rose after Poe told her what she did, they congratulate each other and shook hands, a sure sign of friendship and something more. Finn feels distraught. They saved everyone, but they lost Leia and Rey is still missing. Luke tells his son "we have everything we need"
Episode IX. The battle of Coruscant. Stormtrooper Rebellion and the fate of the galaxy. Luke vs Vader. Rey vs Kylo vs Finn. Finn, Poe and Rose work together to stir up a Stormtrooper Rebellion. Finn faces Iden. When Iden has Finn down where she wants, Rose shoots her and Finn cuts her down with the lightsaber. Together Finn and Rose free his brothers and sisters. Ben has conflict. Despite everything he's done, his mother's death changed everything. She lied to him, but he still loved her. He thought his true place was by Vader's side, but this bond with Rey helped show that it's not too late that he can still come back. But Rey changed, she shut him out completely. Ben goes to Finn. Finn is defensive, but senses this is not the same man he fought on Starkiller Base. The final battle between the New Republic and the Sith Empire takes place over and on Coruscant. Luke faces Vader, while Rey and Ben face Empress Rey. Killing Leia changed Vader. a light he never thought possible was there. Luke tells his father it's not too late. No one's ever really gone. For once in his life. Vader shows remorse. Then suddenly force lightning. Empress Rey seeks to finish off Luke and Vader. Ben and Finn are there to try and reach the real Rey. For a brief moment, Anakin Skywalker returns. He takes the essence of Palpatine within him and tells everyone to end it once and for all. Rey, Finn and Ben kill Vader and Palpatine, ending the war once and for all. The movie ends with Lando as Chancellor and signing a peace treaty with Thrawn and Sloane. Finn and Rose get married, Luke rebuilds the Jedi Order. While both Ben and Rey go on a path of atonement to right their wrongs and a ends on a kiss in the Falcon.
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stvmponit · 2 years
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[ kim hee-seon, cis woman, she/her. ] ✧・゚ is that [ amilyn holdo ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ forty ] year old originally hailing from [ star wars ]. if they had to choose a side they would consider themself [ good ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ quick-thinking ] but [ stubborn ] and have [ 2 ] children. i could almost swear i heard [ legends never die - against the current ] playing when they appeared.
name: vice-admiral amilyn holdo
age: forty
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexuality: homosexual
faceclaim: kim hee-seon
eye color: dark brown
hair color: purple
height: 5′7
zodiac: virgo
spouse: none
children: tbd & tbd
bio warnings: mentions of war and death.
from birth, amilyn holdo was essentially destined for greatness. while most people don’t immediately know what they wish to do with their lives, that was certainly not the case for amilyn. she set a high ambition for herself early on, holding onto the hope that one day she would be a politician. with that position, she would be able to stand up against the injustice that she observed being carried out by the galactic empire. although like most people with a dream, she had to start small. she began her journey working in public service as a delegate to the imperial apprentice legislature program. it was during this time she became extremely close to leia organa, one of the few like-minded individuals around her.
in a world where you wish to climb the ranks, connections are everything. the fact that she managed to befriend the princess herself led to new doors being opened for amilyn. she quickly became a key player in the rebel alliance during the galactic civil war. she started as a civil minister but was able to prove that she was more than capable of becoming a martial commander and was granted the status of an officer of the alliance fleet. after the war against the empire was won, it was during this time that amilyn was able to settle down. although there was something in the back of her mind that told her that new darkness would arise in the future. she didn’t know if it would be during her lifetime, but she knew that evil still lurked in corners of the galaxy.
while she had no ambitions to marry or have what most would’ve deemed to be a conventional life, she started her own family after adopting two children that quickly became the light of her life. they served as a reminder of what she had fought so hard to protect: hope and light in the galaxy. but that momentary peace that everyone naively clung to was dashed when a new evil force rose in the galaxy. the first order. she was forced to leave her family behind after she was re-recruited by leia and was asked to serve as vice admiral of the resistance fleet. it was an honor that she couldn’t deny, especially since was left the highest-ranking officer in the resistance. a daunting premise, but still left her feeling a small bit of pride.
but her desire to protect what she loved most and fight for what was right ended up being holdo’s downfall. with the first order backing her crew into a corner, she did the one thing that she thought was right in that scenario. put her crew and people before herself. if she was going to die, she was going to make sure that the damage was minimalized and that the resistance would be able to carry on – even without her. she ended up forcing a lightspeed collision that allowed the remaining members of the resistance to escape. while she might have been leaving behind her children, she had hope in her final moments that her death would not be one that was in vain.
memory trigger: seeing the kyber crystal necklaces she gave her children.
wanted connections : her adopted children.
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