#minnie x y/n
2baabbies · 7 months
hiiii can you write for #11 with minnie from gidle where (afab) reader and minnie are good friends and reader decides to confess? Thank you!!!!!
omg of course 🫶🏻 ty for the req!
💜 picture perfect (minnie x reader) 💜
Words: 800
Fluff 🥰
afab + fem!reader
Request guidelines here!
Reposting this fic to other platforms, including as a translation, is expressly prohibited. Do not copy, alter, or claim this fic as your own. Absolutely no permission is given to anyone to post my works, even with credit, and this fic should only appear on Ao3 or Tumblr under my accounts. Reposting is not only plagiarism, but a direct violation of my wishes as the original writer and owner. Please respect writers and don’t steal!
Likes, reblogs, asks and comments are very welcome and appreciated <3
The appearance of your reflection in the glass of the exhibit tells you that your cheeks are very flushed. You could feel the heat in your face since you began wandering the art gallery with Minnie, and you could only hope she stayed oblivious to the truth: that you were hopelessly in love with your closest friend. You take a glimpse at her now. She seems intensely focused on the painting before her, so you wander off to the next room.
There is more glass that allows you to tidy your hair and adjust your outfit, but the longer you stare at your reflection the more impossible it feels to make yourself look presentable. You sigh and attempt to admire the artwork, but your thoughts are lingering on Minnie the whole time.
“y/n,” Minnie’s voice rings out from behind, then you turn to face her, “Smile, beautiful.”
Smiling comes on instinct when you are looking at Minnie, but it only widens at her command. She lowers her phone and inspects the screen.
“It turned out really good! Do you want to see it?”
“Oh! A photo? Yes, please.”
You are immediately embarrassed when she shows you. Your smile is toothy and wide. Your cheeks are rosy and your eyes are creased with delight. You begin to notice the imperfections. Like the stray hairs that will not settle, and that your shirt has come awkwardly untucked.
“I look weird.”
“What? No, it’s perfect. You look adorable.”
“Let me take one.”
Minnie hands you her phone and you trade places. She poses easily, and gives you her best angle as she waits for you to line up the shot. You snap a few photos then check them the same way she had. You shuffle forward, not looking up from her dazzling smile as you approach to show her the phone screen. You make a soft sound and your eyes widen as you stumble into her arms.
“You’re good, darling.”
You duck your head as she drapes her arms over your shoulders and inspects the photos. Each one is perfect, although Minnie always looks flawless.
“Not as pretty as you.”
She looks proud of her statement as you flail for an argument. She giggles then takes her phone out of your hand as you playfully push her in protest.
“Don’t tease me!”
“It’s true, just look at yourself.”
“I have photo evidence!”
“Delete them!”
“I’m not doing that!”
“Excuse me.”
You both pause then turn around. One of the gallery attendants is standing behind you, hands neatly folded in front of her black uniform as she regards the two of you calmly.
“Would you two like a photo together? I can take it for you?”
“Yes, thank you,” Minnie answers, separating from you to hand her phone to the staff.
You fluster again when Minnie returns to you, because she immediately wedges herself back into your arms and pulls you close by your waist. Your cheeks are burning, and you feel your heart racing as you try to make yourself pose as naturally as possible. You both turn to the camera and you offer a small smile.
“Remember,” Minnie whispers, “Smile, beautiful.”
You laugh and beam as the photo is taken. Minnie steps forward to take her phone, and you are still a little dazed when the staff member speaks.
“You two are such a cute couple.”
Your words feel caught in your throat as you wait for Minnie’s response.
“Thank you!”
The attendant wishes you both well then departs, leaving you a little dumbstruck as Minnie casually checks the photos with a soft smile.
“They’re perfect. Come see.”
She returns to you, takes your hands as you fiddle your fingers and anxiously avoid her gaze.
“Sh-She called us a couple.”
“Mhm, I know.”
She tilts her head and frowns softly.
“Are you okay?”
“It’s just… I like you a lot…”
“I know.”
“N-No, I like you.”
“y/n, I know. I like you too.”
You finally meet her eyes and melt at the warmth in her gaze as she pulls you into her embrace.
“You do?”
She giggles.
“I thought it was obvious. I guess I shouldn’t assume I know everything you’re thinking. I just thought that this was… a date?”
“A date.”
“With my… girlfriend.”
You nod.
She grins.
“I know you’ve liked me for a while. I feel the same way.”
“Then, can I ask you…”
“To be your girlfriend?”
You nod eagerly, making her giggle. She watches expectantly as you take a deep breath.
“Minnie, will you be my girlfriend?”
“Only if you’ll be mine?”
You nod and grin as she leans in to peck your nose.
“Then, yes, it’s official.”
You let her take your hand and intertwine your fingers as you continue your first- official- date at the gallery.
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unstable-samurai · 3 months
The Shy Nerdy Best Friend is Actually Pretty Cool... and Hot
Minnie x Male Reader
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tags: friends to lovers, fluff, Confession, babying, drunk reader, penetration, blowjob, cumshot...
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You don't remember much from that night. One of the few alcohol-induced blackouts you've had in your life, with fragmented memories blurred like a distant dream, some real, others not. Vague, like the first memory of your childhood, but not as special. Based on what Minnie said, you were brought to her house by some of your "friends" after drinking all you could at a stupid party you didn't even want to go to. The idea was for Minnie to take care of you, 'cause, in the condition you were in, staying alone at home was risky and, well, none of your "friends" - and these were their words - would act like your "mother"...
except for her...
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The doorbell rang around 09:30 PM.
She answered the door with curious astonishment, probably having been asleep when this hurricane of voices hit her door.
"He's all yours!" said one of your friends, pushing you towards Minnie.
"HEY, WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" she asked alarmed. "... What happened to him...?"
"He's drunker than the devil. We brought him here for you to keep an eye on him," said the other friend, the one who drove to Minnie's house.
"Of course. We're not his mom to take care of the guy." They looked at each other and laughed as if it were the funniest thing in the world. "You've done this before, right?"
"No. Last time he was sick. I don't know how to take care of a drunk person!" she tried to explain while using all her strength to keep you upright.
The problem was that you weighed almost twice as much as she did.
"Great. It's practically the same thing!"
"We're going back to the party! Tell him to call us tomorrow. See you later, babe!" he said, ironically, of course.
"Hey... are you okay?" Minnie asked you.
"Your hair is all messy," you said, messing up her hair even more.
"I was napping on the couch. And you're a complete mess. But let's get inside, you weigh more than a bull!"
You put your arm around Minnie and dragged yourself into the house with her. She helped you sit on the couch; your head was spinning and everything seemed terribly distant. When you looked at Minnie, she seemed to be staring at you, but you weren't sure. In your state, even her action figures seemed to be watching you.
"I think I'm bothering you. I am, aren't I?" you asked. "I can go home. I can walk just fine."
You made a motion to get up.
"Sit down, idiot!" she said, pushing you back onto the couch. "It's okay. I'm just worried about you. Did you take any drugs?"
"Hmm, I don't think so," you replied, terribly sincere.
She brought you a glass of water. While you were drinking, she asked:
"I tried to talk to you several times today. I called and texted you. I thought we were going to marathon that stupid Hobbit trilogy.”
"Looks like I had better plans," you replied sarcastically.
"Uh-huh, it seems so..."
"Can I lay my head on your lap? I want you."
You didn't notice, but she blushed.
"Alright, I guess."
You laid your head on her lap and closed your eyes. Minnie started to gently stroke your hair.
"You should stop going to those parties. There's nothing good about them. And your friends always abandon you at the end of them."
"I wished you were there with me," you confessed.
"You know I don't like parties. And if I went, your friends would probably just laugh at me if I were there."
"That's true. It's really true. Damn, it's a damn truth... I think I drank to try to forget about you a little." You revealed suddenly. "I was feeling bad for breaking my promise to you."
"Why didn't you want to come?"
"I've been a little irritated with you lately."
"Why? What did I do?! I'm sorry! ... But what did I do?"
You laughed like an idiot.
"Your way, your tastes, your clothes, your voice, your smell irritate me... man, the list is long."
She immediately stopped stroking your hair.
"Oh... got it."
"All of that irritates me because I... because I love all those things about you and I can't admit it. It irritates me that you're perfect... in a good way. Sorry. "You hugged her around the waist, hiding your face in Minnie's belly, who stood paralyzed.
"Hey, are you okay?"
"You're so good to me while I treat you terribly. I wish I were a better guy." You commented, sounding like an embarrassed confession.
"No, no! You treat me so well! You're so sweet to me."
"No... it's just... when I'm with my friends, they make jokes about you and say I hang out with you just to get easy sex or whatever... The problem is I never raise my voice to defend you, I just sulk or change the subject like a damn coward. No one should talk about you like that... Damn, I think I'm going to vomit!"
"Ew! Don't vomit on me!”
You stumbled to your feet and Minnie guided you to the bathroom. You managed to make it to the toilet in time, avoiding vomiting all over her bathroom.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
You waited for the sound of the toilet flushing to pass, then replied, "You could have held my hair while I was puking. Where are your manners?"
She chuckled and sat against the bathroom wall.
"You're such an idiot, you know."
"Do you still want to watch The Hobbit trilogy?"
"It's already too late, and besides, in your state, you wouldn't be able to focus on staring at a wall for 1 minute."
"I guess you're right."
"Hey, seriously, you should stop hanging out with those guys. They're not your real friends."
"I just hang out with them, you know, so I'm not alone."
"You have me."
You silently observed Minnie for too long, making her start to feel uncomfortable. You tried to think of something good to say to her, something that would make her feel better, because, well, after revealing that those guys were mocking her behind her back, it was the least you could do.
"Is that Tweety?" you asked, pointing to her blouse.
"Yep! Do you like it?"
"It looks like you. The glasses and all. It's pretty cute. Do you think I could get a Tweety shirt?"
"Finding a male Tweety shirt for you will be tough."
"No problem. I'll definitely look better in that baby tee than you, no offense. By the way, is Tweety male or female?"
"Tweety is male!"
"Ah, I never noticed."
"Hey, I was serious when I said you have me. You like me, right? We're friends?"
"Minnie you are my best friend, please."
"Then it doesn't make sense you to hang out with people who are constantly mocking me. Now that you've said that, I won't accept you continuing to be friends with them and me at the same time!" she protested.
"Hmm... Okay. That's fair. I'll kill all of them for you."
"I'm serious. You're going to have to choose between me or them."
"I choose you. You, Minnie."
You clumsily crawled over and hugged her, squeezing her small body against yours, which was one of your favorite feelings.
"Okay, okay. I get it! But I don't think this is the most hygienic place for us to hug." Minnie helped you to your feet. "Go take a shower and see if you can get rid of that vomit breath.”
“If I do everything right, do I get a kiss?”
“No way! You’re drunk. In the morning, I want you saying all this to me again. If it’s really true, then tomorrow will be a very special day for me…”
“I love you, Minnie,” you whispered, looking into her eyes. “I want to be your man so badly. It even makes me feel like crying when I think about it.”
She playfully tapped your chest and pushed you away, giggling nervously.
“I love you too. I really do,” she said with a shy smile. “I’ll get some clothes you left here for you to wear. Please don’t slip in the bathroom because I won’t have the strength to lift you.”
"I'm not an idiot to slip in the bathroom."
"But you can act like one sometimes." she said, before closing the door.
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"Do you want to play Mortal Kombat?" you asked Minnie as she dried her hair with the hairdryer in her room.
"I asked if you want to play Mortal Kombat!" You said, now louder. "This darn hairdryer sounds like a jet engine!"
She turned it off.
“If I beat you while sober, imagine drunk as you are now. No, you need to eat. Soup will be good for you."
"Cup Noodles, that's it!"
"No! Real soup. Light and with vegetables. I actually ordered some."
"Ah," you grumbled disheartened. "I've lost my appetite."
"But you're going to eat!"
"Fine, fine! If you insist... Hey, is that a Smurf on the table?"
"My goodness, you look so lost when you're drunk. Like your brain has shrunk," Minnie said casually, trying to hide a laugh. "That's a Squirtle. And you're the one who gave it to me as a gift."
"This is actually quite offensive on your part. I'm sharper than most drunks."
"Aw, don't be offended." She pinched your cheeks like a baby. Minnie was definitely taking advantage of the fact that you were drunk.
And in a way, you thought she was entitled to it.
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Once again in her lap, you ended up discovering that night that this was your favorite place. Warm and protected from any harm. And even intoxicated, sparks of lucidity allowed you to see through the smoke that hovered over your mind. No, better than that, it allowed you to feel the security that Minnie had when she was by your side, singing "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles to you. And singing was something she didn't do around anyone; insecurity and shyness prevented her from doing so. In this way, she hid one of her greatest talents because she sang in an angelic manner, extremely comfortable with her own voice, sounding good without any instrument to accompany her. The fact was that if it weren't for the headache, you would have been sure you were in a sublime dream.
"That was the best lullaby I've ever heard," you murmured.
"I thought you were already asleep."
"Sing more."
"No, that's enough. You need to sleep."
"I want to hear you sing every night," you said, and Minnie laughed because you wore a silly, goofy smile. Apparently, your facial expressions weren't entirely under control.
"I hope I can sing to you every night. Just for you." Minnie slid her finger slowly across your nose, watching you with an enigmatic expression. She took advantage of the fact that your eyes were closed. "Can I ask you something?"
"Uh-huh... sure," you mumbled.
"Have you always been ashamed of me? Regardless of your answer, it won't matter because you're drunk."
You immediately stood up from her lap, feeling dizzy and alarmed, but rational enough to say:
"I want you to meet my parents, Minnie. Um, I was planning to tell you tomorrow, after you agreed to be my girlfriend. So consider this a little spoiler. I want to hold your hand and have the right to call you 'mine.'"
"Do you swear?" she asked, her lips trembling.
"Yes. All this time, the girl of my dreams has been right by my side, and I ignored it. My face is red with embarrassment now. From tomorrow onward, I'll make it up to you, and if you give me a chance, I'll make you feel special every day. Just as you deserve."
"Besides bad jokes and terrible taste in movies, you're also quite good at romance. God, I wish I could kiss you right now..."
"Okay, so I'll do it in your place. Excuse me, I'm going to kiss your forehead," you said, leaning closer to her.
Amid giggles, she asked: "What are you doing?"
"If you'll allow me..." You lifted Minnie's bangs as if checking her temperature and then planted a quick kiss on her forehead.
"You're such a goof, my goodness."
"And I'm also crazy about you."
"Let's hope these things still hold true tomorrow," she remarked, and you saw her eyes sparkle for you. "I want to believe..."
"Wait, was that an X-Files refer-?"
"Yep!" In fact, she said it by chance. "You're definitely sharper than most drunks."
“I told you, I told you!”, you exclaimed like a child.
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The bedroom curtain wasn't fully closed, so a beam of light at 8:30 AM came through the window and hit your eyes, warming your skin until it became unbearable, and you opened your eyes to the whitish view of Minnie's room. Your vision returned to normal as your mind assimilated the facts. How the hell did I get here? And why am I in Minnie's bed? Oh, and It was strange for you to be in her room because when you slept at Minnie's house, you usually slept on the couch. It was hard to recap the events of the previous night, but they came to your mind in the following way:
I went to the party.
I was sad because of confusing feelings.
I drank.
I drank.
I drank.
I drank a lot.
Some of my "buddies" took me to Minnie's house.
She took care of me. Again.
Hmm, yeah, things probably happened this way or a similar version of it.
You looked at the clothes you were wearing. It definitely wasn't that stupid Zelda shirt you wore to the party.
Holy crap. Could it be that Minnie helped me change my clothes?
You felt completely embarrassed and afraid to find out what happened the previous night.
‘Don’t be an idiot and face it like a man.’
Words from your father when the two of you talked earlier that month about your internal conflict over admitting your romantic feelings for a particular girl. He didn't care about most of your problems, but this one irritated him. Your ridiculous concern about others' opinions on your life, your girl, who you should date... And staying silent in the face of offensive comments about your friend... He almost threw that beer in your face. If you don’t confess your feelings to this girl, then another man will, and then it will be too late. And I don't want you here ruining my Sunday afternoon because of your stupidity. He didn’t know how to say things without sounding like a retired army colonel, but you thought you deserved to hear those words in that exact tone. The time had come to put your old man's advice into practice. You quietly left the room and went to the bathroom to wash your face. From the noise, Minnie was in the kitchen cooking something. It wasn’t in your plans to confess your feelings to her with a horrendous hangover face, but damn it, you hoped she loved you for what you had inside: guts and true feelings for her.
When you got to the breakfast table in the kitchen, there was a plate of scrambled eggs, a cup of coffee, and warm toast waiting for you. Minnie was wearing an adorable overall and a gentle smile was on her face. You loved this morning view and wished it could be like this every morning.
"Good morning. How did you sleep?" she asked, sitting at the table.
"I slept well," you said timidly.
"Come on, eat your breakfast." She insisted, and you joined her at the table.
"And you? Did you sleep well? You know I could have slept on the couch."
"Nah, you needed a real rest. Besides, the couch isn't that bad."
"Sorry for ruining your night."
"I saved you yesterday, you'll save me tomorrow," she said cheerfully. "Are you feeling okay?"
"My head hurts a bit, but just being conscious is a relief... By the way, you didn't change my clothes, did you?"
She put her hand to her mouth in a mock expression of shock.
"Oh my God! How do you remember this?"
"Oh, man! Fuck!"
"Just kidding! You changed yourself like a big boy!" she revealed, laughing at your reaction.
"Thank God!"
After breakfast, you helped her wash the dishes and clear the table. There was a moment of rest when you both went to the living room, the glorious morning light shining renewed, somehow lifting your spirits and giving you a bit of courage.
"Listen, Minnie, I'm not sure what I said or did yesterday. I have a feeling I might have dropped a bomb on you because I noticed you seemed a bit off during breakfast."
"I'm just a little anxious."
"I need to tell you that I've been in love with you for a while. And I've been feeling bad for not treating you the way you truly deserve. You might say it's no big deal, but to me, it is. It's something that causes me anguish, and now I want to change that if you'll give me a chance." You held Minnie’s hands, her eyes reflecting the hope in her heart, your actions feeling right and natural, without shame or hesitation in saying: "I love you, Minnie."
"I love you too. I think I've loved you since that day we shared an umbrella while walking back from the movies. You and I walking together in silence, our shoulders occasionally touching, and the rain falling around us... Oh, and you looked so handsome that day.”
"Minnie... Can I kiss you?"
You and Minnie started kissing on the couch, desire and emotion burning uncontrollably between you. Your lips met with a mix of nervousness and passion, the first kiss an electric shock that coursed through your body. She was the girl of your life, there was no doubt anymore. The reciprocity was a wet and intense response, a kiss with your tongues intertwining as you both had secretly longed for. Her hands began to explore your body, sliding over your muscles with a provocative softness. "I've wanted this for so long," she whispered against your lips, her voice laden with desire. The room seemed to heat up with the energy emanating from you, also radiant with the morning sun, the birds singing outside, and the tension between you dissolving as you surrendered to the moment. Your bodies moved closer and closer, the excitement growing with each touch and sigh.
As the kisses heated up, the intensity increased, and you lost your balance, falling off the couch in a tangle of bodies. "Oh, wait, my glasses!" Minnie exclaimed, and you gently took off her glasses and placed them on the couch. "You still look handsome, even slightly blurry," she said.
On the floor, your hands were eager, sliding over Minnie's body as you pulled down one of her overall straps, revealing the warm, soft skin beneath. With a quick movement, you removed the other strap, leaving her in just her striped top and bra. Minnie let out a low moan as she felt your firm hands lift her top, slowly exposing her small breasts covered by the bra. You pulled the bra straps down, freeing her breasts, and immediately began to play with them, sucking and squeezing them with a mix of softness and firmness. "Oh, yes, keep going," she murmured, her eyes closed and head thrown back, deliberately feeling the heat of your mouth against her skin. Her sighs filled the room, each touch and moan intensifying the excitement. Her skin was soft and fragrant, and the sensation of her nipples hardening under your tongue was very, very good.
After dedicating yourself to Minnie's breasts, you slid your lips down her abdomen, pulling her overall down a bit more. Your tongue traced a slow, teasing path, exploring the sensitive skin of her belly. "You're so hot, Minnie," you murmured between kisses, your voice full of desire for her. Minnie moaned softly, her hips moving involuntarily as you continued to adore her. "Lick me more, please," she whispered, her face flushed with excitement. Your lips and tongue explored every inch of her belly, each touch sending waves of pleasure through her body. The combination of gentle kisses and sensual licks made Minnie gasp with pleasure, her body arching with each new stimulus. "Mmmm, I love it when you do that," she moaned, her voice sweeter than ever.
You took off your stupid Zelda shirt (hoping Minnie hadn't focused too much on it). When it came time to take off your underwear, Minnie took charge, deftly pulling it off and tossing it aside without hesitation. She looked at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes before wrapping her lips around your cock. "I always knew you had a big cock; I could see how it bulged in some of the pants you wore," she revealed. Somehow, Minnie's sudden confidence made her even sexier, and your arousal ridiculously uncontrollable. The warm, wet sensation of her mouth around you was overwhelming, each movement of her tongue making your whole body tremble with pleasure. The sounds of sucking and Minnie's muffled moans filled the living room, a rhythm so pleasurable to hear. Watching her alternate between gentle and intense movements, driven by such devotion, was... beautiful, an erotic work of art for your eyes. Her lovely lips wrapped around your cock with such need, her hands caressing your thighs with so much care and love, Minnie's eyes never leaving yours. Her hair was loose, the perfect invitation to grab it and thrust your cock against Minnie's throat, helping to make it even wetter.
Minnie begged you to fuck her, feeling increasingly aroused. You sat on the floor, leaning your back against the couch as she finished taking off her clothes.
"Is this your first time?" you asked.
"No. I actually used to see a guy back in college; we had sex a few times, but he was terrible... You're suprised?"
“Oh, no. Maybe a little. Bu- Hmm, well, do you happen to have a condom?"
"I'm the last person who would have condoms at home," she said with a silly laugh. “But I think from now on this will change.”
The moment you were sharing became more intense and intimate, and Minnie, feeling increasingly aroused, noticed how wet her pussy was. She decided to heighten the sensation, rubbing your cock between her pussy lips, moaning softly with each movement. "My god, I'm so wet for you," she whispered, her voice full of lust. Minnie began to slap your cock against her pussy, each hit making her moan louder. "Look how my little pussy is dripping, babe..." she teased, her eyes fixed on yours, full of desire. You couldn't resist; you grabbed your cock and started slapping it against Minnie's pussy. "Oh, yes... hit it hard..." "Fuck, this feels so good, Minnie." The contact between you increased the sexual tension, Minnie's moans becoming louder and more frequent. "My pussy is begging for you, babe," she said between sighs and moans. The friction between your bodies made the desire grow almost unbearably, leaving her even more excited and ready for the next step: Minnie finally slid your cock inside her, letting out a deep moan of pleasure. "Oh, yes, this is so good," she exclaimed, starting to ride you with rhythmic movements. The sensation of being inside her was indescribable, each pulse of excitement increasing your pleasure. Minnie moved with an intensity that made your whole body vibrate, her moans blending with yours. "You make me feel so good," she murmured, Minnie's hands resting on your chest as she rode faster and faster. Her petite body over yours, consumed by genuine passion for you and your cock.
The atmosphere between you reached its peak as Minnie continued riding you with fervor, her movements becoming more frantic as the climax approached. "I'm gonna cum... oh, I'm gonna cum so hard," she screamed, her eyes closed and her face contorted with pleasure. You could feel the heat and wetness around your cock as she rode faster and faster, her body trembling with excitement. "Yeah, come on, come for me, baby!" you said, panting, and with a final scream of pleasure, Minnie finally came, her body shaking violently as she fell apart on top of you. Sweat dripped from your bodies, your heavy breathing a testament to the intensity of the moment. She relaxed on you, completely spent, her eyes meeting yours with a satisfied and exhausted look, the glow of pleasure still reflecting in her pupils. The connection between you proved to be real; if the declarations, looks, and gestures weren't conclusive enough before, now every sigh and touch reaffirmed the intensity of the shared experience that only two people in love can feel.
Despite Minnie's intense orgasm, you still hadn't cum. Realizing this, Minnie smiled mischievously and murmured, "I'm going to make you cum now." She lifted herself for a moment, only to sit back down on your cock, her body still trembling with residual pleasure. Minnie began to grind intensely, her movements desperate and full of fervor. Your moans interspersed with your panting breath, your eyes closed, completely sedated by the sensation and the imminent explosion, still focused on not coming inside her. A lethal adrenaline rush. "Cum for me... please, cum for me," she begged, her voice broken by desire and urgency. "Oh, fuck, oh god! I don't know how much longer I can hold on, babe..." Minnie said, her words and the movements of her hips creating an irresistible mix of pleasure and pressure.
Then, the intensity of Minnie's movements, combined with her words, pushed you to the edge. Feeling the climax approaching, you announced, "I'm gonna cum, Minnie,"
Fuck…Her eyes shining with excitement… She got off you and begged: "Cum on my face... I want all your cum on my face." You quickly got up, your body trembling with anticipation. Minnie knelt in front of you, looking up at you with a gaze full of expectation and desire. With a final grunt, you stroked your cock rapidly and ejaculated onto her, the hot, pulsing jets covering her face. Minnie closed her eyes, moaning as she felt every drop, a smile of pure satisfaction forming on her lips, blending her shyness, naughtiness, and cuteness.
The room was filled with the smell of sex and sweat, the atmosphere still vibrating with the energy of the intense connection you shared. Minnie, still on her knees, wiped a drop of cum from the corner of her mouth, her expression one of deep and exhausted satisfaction.
With a loving gesture, you placed Minnie's glasses back on her face, your fingers sliding gently across her skin. "You don't know how beautiful you are now,” you whispered.
Your eyes met, sparks of desire still dancing between them. With a soft smile, you pulled her close and kissed her passionately. Your lips met in a final act of surrender to the intense passion that had consumed you both, the salty taste of your cum mixing sweetly and intimately between you...
And a couple of little yellow birds on the windowsill were silent witnesses to the newly blossomed passion.
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daengtokki · 9 months
i want to see what your thoughts are on wedding night with minnie?:)
Wedding Night
Kim Seungmin/female reader
wc: ~800
rating: fluff/mature/18+ ಇ
comments: slowly working my way through requests. thanks for sending them!
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When he gets you away from the party, finally all alone, he’s all hands and sweet talk. And he tugs at yours clothes—touches you on your shoulder and neck and anywhere else he can get to skin. This is not your first time, or his. You’ve done everything together in this bed already, but it feels a little different tonight. You can tell it’s different for Seungmin.
He’s acting silly now, like he had a little too much to drink, and it’s starting to wear off. His cheeks are flushed and his mouth won’t stop talking or looking for places to kiss. He saves his I love you’s for when he really needs you to know, and right now he’s saying it over and over, lips against your neck and your ear. His hands slide up your back and pull at your dress.
Today was a hot day, and it’s a warm night, so it’s not much to pull at and doesn’t take much effort to get you out of it. Seungmin takes care of his own clothes, but somehow takes his time unbuttoning and unbuckling. He crawls to you at the top of the bed and leaves kisses, starting with your legs, up to your thighs, slowly and carefully getting everywhere he can until he finally reaches your mouth.
He’s ready to go, and you are, too, but he takes his time and kisses until he’s out of breath. Hands slide everywhere, touching and caressing, squeezing, grabbing a thigh and pushing it gently away from the other. His fingers work on you—first two, and then three slide in. Seungmin knows how to move his fingers inside of you, and he knows that this is a little bit of a tease. Just how he likes it.
But not too much, not tonight. Tonight he’s going to give you exactly what you want, when you want it. He keeps his eyes on you and takes every cue he can. His fingers keep moving when you moan for him. He kisses when you pull him closer.
Seungmin listens for any little sounds or whispers, and what he hears is his name, his pet names, you giving back his I love you’s. And eventually, a fuck me hit his ears. He carefully slips his fingers out and drops to his knees between your thighs. Strokes himself a few times, pushes himself in slowly. In and out, as easy and as slow as Seungmin can handle, because you like feeling him like this before you both lose yourself in pleasure.
He leans in and kisses your chest and neck and jaw, tucks his arm under the arch of your back, holds his body close to yours. The more skin on skin he can manage, the better. He wants to be close to you, smell and taste the sweat starting to bloom on you again.
The last few weeks have been hectic, a lot of that time was spent apart, and Seungmin had been desperate to get you under him the entire time. He’s not shy about it—he never is. He moans and whispers into your neck…does it feel good baby?But he knows it does, because he knows exactly how you like to be fucked when he’s on top of you. And he’ll do it just like this as long as you want.
He’s only concerned about you, and making you feel good, and he’s going to make you come every way he knows you can, as many times as he can manage. Starting with this. And when you’re satisfied, for now, he’ll kiss down your body until he’s between your thighs. He feels a little selfish eating you out, because just burying his face and tasting you is enough to make him come. But he does it until your body shakes. And then he does it again.
And he keeps going after you’ve calmed down, but gently, because he knows your limit. You let him stay down there, because it’s his night, too.
After he rests with you and hydrates you and makes you comfortable, you try to take care of him, no matter how much he protests and says he wasn’t finished.
You need him, too—to taste him, and to make him feel good and give him some relief after all he’s done. But even after that, Seungmin still needs to be kissed and touched everywhere. You rub your hands over his back and knead your fingers into his muscles. His shoulders, his arms, and hands. Down to his thighs and calves. He melts under your touch, sighs, groans, whispers sweet things to you.
And finally after everything, in the middle of the night, he runs a hot, bubbly, sweet-scented bath. Lights some candles, plays music, pulls you against him, and relaxes.
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darlingsaybonvoyage · 8 months
(G)I-DLE accidentally confess thinking you're a member
A/N: idk what this is, it's lame
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winwintea · 3 months
Belladonna! three ↬ rehearsal
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prev ↤ belladonna! ↦ next
SUMMARY ↬ you've been tasked with visting and inspecting the grand rose theatre, a theatre that's been plagued with mysteries over the years. all seems well, until a string of murders follows your visit. as you further investigate, you find yourself falling for huang renjun, the beautiful male lead, and your mystery murderer who leaves you love notes and clues about who they could potentially be. will you be smart enough to be a step ahead of the killer? or will you find yourself caught within their trap?
TAG LIST ↬ @aquaphoenixz @lyvhie @nerdsungie @nanaxwi @itsashley127 @layuhsblog @syatchy @p-d1ddy @galacticskz @neocrashed @multifandomania @lotties-readings @odxrilove @clockwork--fandoms
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lilquokka04 · 2 years
Dog Cafe
-warnings- Just y/n teasing poor seungmin 🥲
-word count-400
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"Aww you're so cute." You melt over how sweet these dogs are. This golden retriever especially seems to like you, he hasn't left your side since you started petting him. You're sitting on the floor petting the retriever when you feel something poke your side, you turn expecting to see the labrador from earlier demanding your attention again but are surprised when it turns out to be Seungmin.
You let out a chuckle seeing how well he fits in around all these dogs.
"What's wrong? You're finally with your kind now. You should be socialising and making friends."
You giggle as he rolls his eyes at you.
You continue to pet the dog sitting next you, leaving a small kiss to his fluffy head when Seungmin plops his head in your lap. A smile tugs at your lips but you choose to ignore him.
"Yaaaa why're you ignoring me." He tugs on your hoodie. "You've barely looked at me since we've been here." He pouts.
You finally move your attention from the retriever.
"Aw is my puppy getting jealous?" You teasingly start petting his hair. "What does my jealous puppy want?"
His ears turn red but he doesn't tell you to stop like he normally does. He clears his throat, avoiding your stare as he gives you a request.
"Can I have a kiss too?"
You coo at how cute he is jealous, moving to lightly rub at his ears.
"Minnie wants a kiss?"
He nods his head, finally looking up at you.
You lean down to place a small kiss to his head, just like you did with the retriever.
He huffs out in annoyance, clearly not happy with his kiss.
"What?" You raise an eyebrow. "I gave the dog a kiss on the head. I thought that's what you wanted."
"But Im your boyfriend." He tries to reason. "Shouldn't I get something better than the dog did?"
You stick your tongue out at him, wanting to get payback for all the times he teased you.
"Maybe later. If you're a good puppy you can have a treat." You pat his head, trying to stand up. "Let's go get something to eat."
A pouty Seungmin grabs his coffee and follows you out the door, whining the whole way about how you love that dog more than him.
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tzuyusluv · 1 year
❥ Soft Things (G)I-DLE Does
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• Calls you prince(ss)/royalty to her Princess Miyeon
• Visiting her on her sets and her giving you the biggest hugs
• Sings to you when you can’t sleep
• Stares at you adoringly with a smile on her face
• Lets you into her studio when she’s creating the next comeback
• Sometimes, she might take one of your ideas and make it into a concept
• Sometimes she’ll give you a foot massage
• Doing funny impressions with her deep voice to make you laugh
• Teaches you her culture while learning about yours
• Calling you her last love because she wants to stay with you forever <3
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stayandot8 · 1 year
An Inning with Minnie
Genre: fluff
Relationship type: blind date! seungmin, first date feels
Important Contents: So. My first drabble that's not Chris centered. I'm nervous lmao. let me know what you think and if you want to see more of him here. I had fun writing it. It came to me when I fell down a hole and couldn't get back out so I hope you enjoy.
WC: 3.8k
If I hadn’t told her how lonely I was, I wouldn’t even be here.
If this guy was a dud, I was never talking to my friend again. She had begged me to let her set me up with her boyfriend’s friend. She told me he wasn’t a creeper ‘like the last guy you dated’ or a loser like the others were. It wasn’t like I went out looking for the losers, I just happened to attract them to me. But how I let her talk me into an actual date, let alone a baseball game as a blind date with this guy, I’ll never know. Call it boredom or desperation. Call it whatever you like. I was feeling it. 
I only agreed because if the date was going badly, I could easily run away into the crowd, never to be seen again. Watching the people passing by, I was certain they would come to my rescue should I need it. The crowd was just big enough that I would be able to slip away successfully should I need to. If he showed up…
All I knew about him was that he was a good friend, he was tall, and he had brown hair. He didn’t change it often, but this was one of the instances where he had gotten bored of his natural hair color and wanted a change. So that was all I had to go off of. A myriad of tall, brown-haired boys seemed to be at the stadium today, which did nothing for the Where’s Waldo game I seemed to be playing. We were supposed to meet at the front gate, our friends buying us matching jerseys so we would know each other when we were spotted. I made one last pass through the crowd of people, swaying and going up on my tiptoes to try and see when I saw what could be my mystery date, talking on the phone. 
He was tall and his hair was brown, he was wearing glasses that shaped his skinnier face and rounded him out. He was in black jeans and the jersey that matched mine. He was cute. He was adorable. He was… looking at me. His attention was piercing, yet addictive. It seemed like he always looked with intent, like nothing was ever an accident because of how carefully he thought out his actions. He gave a shy smile, testing to see if I was his intended target. I smiled back and started towards him. He covered his mouth towards his phone, mumbling his goodbyes and dropped it in his front pocket as I neared. His head snapped back up to find me closer than before and his smile grew bigger. 
“Hi!” His face seemed to light up from the neutral expression it had when I spotted him. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, seemingly unsure of what to do with them. But his eyes gave him away. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.
“Hi there! You’re Seungmin, right? Changbin’s friend?” He nodded. 
“Yeah that’s me. You can just call me Min. Some people have a harder time with my full name so I’ve gotten used to it.”
“Min. I like that.” He blushed and gulped, blinking at the pavement below us. I ushered him nearer to the stadium. “Shall we go?” 
He nodded again and led the way, checking behind him to make sure I was following. He had a very easy air about him, walking politely around everyone else. He made sure he cleared the way forward for me though, sticking close by to make the path. His thin shoulders did their best to pave the way, but luckily for me it didn’t take much. He led me into the stadium, the bustling of fans all finding their seats and buying concessions and merchandise. It was easy to see why with the smells of each of the stalls wafting into the air and the merchandise on display under the lights. Seungmin looked back at me when he noticed I had wandered into the nearest store.
“See anything you like?” His voice was soft yet solid, his question making me jump slightly. I smiled at him, then turned back to the jersey I was running between my fingers before he came up. It was one of my favorite players that had joined the team. And would you look at that…
“This one is just my size too! I used to love watching him play from a bar in the next town over. I would go there just to watch with other people. I hate watching games alone. It takes half the fun out of the game.”
“Oh yeah? I feel the same way! I’d much rather be able to scream with a bunch of guys than have to do it all by myself.”
“So you really get into it?” I looked at him, raising my brow. I was wondering if I would have to fight off boredom while he was enthralled in the game.
“Sometimes. When I don’t have someone I’m here with.” He smirked at me but it was one of those that didn’t quite feel malicious. Instead, it felt..playful. Like he was hiding a secret that he would reveal later. “Besides, if you’re buying a jersey, then I’m thinking we’ll both be into it the same. Did you grow up watching baseball?”
“Yes, actually! My grandfather loved it and played with my dad when he was young. My other grandfather actually coached my mother’s and aunts softball teams. My cousin played it, I played, my brother, just about everyone I know. It was mainly just something I enjoyed. But I think I love live games better. Just the atmosphere of being surrounded by people in the sun all here for the same thing. Where bad mouthing the other team is not only accepted but encouraged. And yet, it never feels personal. Like it’s easily brushed off because you know the other teams would do the same.” We scanned the other shelves of hats, gloves, t-shirts, and jackets. Seungmin had wandered away, picking up a hat and examining it. My cheeks turned red, thinking I had bored him. “I’m sorry, I’m rambling.” He must have had the same thought I did since glanced over to me and shook his head.
“No, please keep going. I was listening. I actually really like trash talking the other teams, but mostly with the people around me. I don’t think I would win in a fight against anyone.” He smiled brightly and chuckled at himself. His eyes narrowed when he laughed, his cheeks inching upwards. 
“I don’t think that’s true. I think if someone needed defending, you would jump in. No doubt.”
“Oh?” He tilted his head to me, tucking the hat he’d been holding behind his back. “What makes you say that?”
“Well, you just have a very Knight in Shining Armor feel about you.” I leaned on the shelf, suddenly very aware that he was inching closer to me with that smirk again, testing his limits.
“Is that a bad thing?” His eyes widened as he asked. I slowly shook my head, a grin slowly creeping up my lips. 
“Not at all. A girl could get used to that.” 
“Could you?” He stopped just inches from me, staring directly into my soul with a child-like smile. It was a little dopey, but all the more endearing. I felt the blush bloom on my cheeks as I tucked my lips into my mouth, fighting the grin. I moved to go around him towards the register.
“Shall we buy our products? Then maybe we see if we can find any pretzels on this side of the stadium? I bet I can chug a soda faster than you.” I clutched the hanger tighter as he smiled wider and nodded. I was wondering if he could hear how loud my heart was beating. 
“You’re so on.” He wouldn’t let me pay for the jersey I grabbed. So I refused to let him pay for any food. Which he then didn’t order much. Saying I forced him to order whatever he wanted would be an exaggeration, but ask him and you’d get a different answer. 
Both hands full of drinks and food, we wandered over to a ledge that served as a table for anyone wandering by. It looked over the field while still being hidden from the harsh rays of the sun. It was the perfect place to scour for our seats while still being out of the way of everyone’s bustle. I had pushed my sunglasses up on my head to keep my hair out of my face as I ate with him. He would lightly make fun of how I was eating my pretzel and I would poke him in the arm, which he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to do it more often just so I would touch him. 
“Why are you making fun of me?! How do you eat pretzels??”
“The normal way!” He scrunched his eyes as he was laughing at me. I threw my hands up while laughing, confused and also understanding he was zeroing in on this so he would have something to laugh with me about while he tried to find something else to talk about. 
“Okay, okay. Obviously we’re going to win today, but who do you think will get the first hit?” Thus began an endless conversation about stats about our team, going player by player and finding their redeeming qualities as well as their strong suits. This carried us all the way down to our seats, right along the third base line. 
“I may have picked these seats ahead of time when I heard I was coming.” He admitted to me. “I used to come with my friends after school and we would sit in these exact seats and eat all the food our teenage money could buy and yell until our lungs gave out. That’s where my love of baseball grew, I think. You know, I used to want to be a baseball player when I was little.”
“Oh? What stopped you?”
“Life. Life got in the way. I needed a job right out of school so I got one at the cafe down the street from my house. The owners grew to like me and made me manager. They’re an old couple and they’ve talked about giving me the place when they’re done with it..”
“Wow. They must really like you.” I said as I sat down in the bright red foldable seat. I placed my drink in the cupholder and turned towards him as he sat beside me. 
“They’re good people. They helped me when I needed it and I learned the job pretty quick actually.” He stuck his hand in his bag of popcorn to grab some. He held it in my direction and I took some. “I guess dreams can change that quickly. Now I can see myself owning the place. I know the regulars and I’m learning what makes a good manager from the others that work there. There’s this one lady who comes in and orders the same thing every single day: one black coffee, hot with three pumps of vanilla, and a blueberry muffin warmed to exactly 102 degrees. She’ll bring it back if it’s not right but she tips well. I don’t know where people get the idea that they’re allowed to be rude if they tip.”
“I don’t either! I used to work at Starbucks and people would just be so rude for no reason, for the simplest things! People complaining for their coffee when I haven’t even had any yet. Those people are so lucky we weren’t allowed to be rude like those diners you see.”
“Yes! I’ve seen those. Those women are so rude but people get a good laugh out of it. I have to say I do too. They say everything I wish I could say to some people.” Seungmin had finally leaned all the way back to rest on the back of the seat, fully relaxed now. His hair tucked out from his hat and stopped short of his eyes, which were shining now. “Could you ever do a job like that?”
“I don’t know. You have to come up with things pretty fast. I’m not sure my wit is quick enough.” I chuckled to myself. 
“I think you could. I get the feeling your version of that would be hilarious.” That damn blush again…
“You haven’t heard me try to be mean yet. Just wait til someone tries to talk shit and you’ll see a whole new side of me.”
“Is it bad that I can’t wait?” There was a twinkle in his eye when he said that, like he meant it. 
“Well, now I have to give you a show when it happens, don’t I?” I smirked at him, not knowing exactly what I was promising, but excited for it nonetheless. He nodded and smirked back at me. 
When he smirked, it was like a little kid that knew a secret before you did. It had that air of playfulness without taking itself too seriously, as many men my age did nowadays. It was refreshing to see a guy mature enough to know how to act in public while also balancing it out with the jokes he made. They never went too far, he measured every word he said like he knew exactly where it would land and when. A very loud horn interrupted my thoughts and blasted around the stadium, signaling the beginning of the game. A cheer erupted all throughout the way as fans stood up while players ran out to take their starting positions.
“So how many games did you see growing up?” His eyes were on the players while he answered me, not breaking once.
“Oh, tons. I would drag my sister here all the time. She hated me for it. She has no interest in the things that interest me but still we make it work.” I took this time to really, really look at him. He had one of those smiles that you could tell he had braces, but not in a bad way. His teeth were almost too straight, but that just added to his charm. He had a way of making you feel like you had all of his attention all the time, like he was doing things specifically for you even when he wasn’t. Or maybe he was… This date had me too in my own thoughts. I couldn;t remember the last time I wasn’t bored on a date but this one… This one seemed like he could be around a while. He didn’t seem like the type to do anything half-hearted.
“I don’t.” I started. 
“I don’t do anything half-hearted. That’s one of the things I’m most proud of. Once I put my mind to something, I don’t give up easily.”
“How did you- was I talking out loud?” He chuckled. 
“Only a little.” He gave me a small smile and tilted his head, telling me that I was most definitely talking out loud. That stupid blush was coming back in full force and I suddenly found the seat in front of my eyes very interesting. 
“I admire that, though.” I said to the plastic. “I can’t stand anyone who doesn’t do things to the fullest.”
“Ha! You should meet my coworkers. One of them constantly quits things and says it's for his ‘mental health’ but he means well. It’s never been anything really important.” He watched the runner take off from first base to round the others. “GO!!” He rose halfway out of his seat, about to stand and cheer the runner on. I watched the guy sprint his heart out, just to get brown out at third base. 
“He got greedy.” I said to Seungmin as he sat back down. 
“Yeah, he should’ve taken what he got and stayed. Whew, that got me excited though.” 
“I know, I was watching.” It was his turn to blush. “No, I just mean it’s nice to get excited about something. It means you’re passionate about it. I like guys who are passionate.” I winked at him, to which he raised his eyebrows and blushed again. 
My favorite player had made his way up to home plate. It was my turn to yell and shout. I stood up, waiting for him to hit, paying everyone around me no mind. He was expected to make a big hit, but the pitcher for the other team knew what he was doing. He struck him out, leaving the field to bat next.
“Damn it!” I shouted and plopped back down in my seat. Seungmin stared at me, fighting another laugh with his lips tucked into his mouth. “What?!” He held up his hands, showing his palms. I huffed, disappointed in my team. 
The next few innings went better, our team scored a few runs, which were all met with loud cheers from our section and boos from the other. And when the songs came on for the crowd to dance to in between innings, I stood straight up, not letting anyone’s looks deter me. I was determined to show Seungmin every side of me, especially the ones that would be the real test. This was one of them. And when I was done, he looked at me questioningly.
“I used to do it with my parents when they would bring me and my brothers. They would make us get up and dance with the music until we started doing it on our own. We started doing it to make them laugh until they couldn’t bring us anymore.” I was out of breath, trying to catch it while he watched me, waiting for me to finish. “They got sick and couldn’t take us anywhere anymore. They passed a year ago. A month apart from each other.” I sighed and smiled to myself. “They always said they couldn’t live without each other. Turns out my dad only lasted a month without her. The doctor kept saying his cause of death was the cancer they found, but I think it was a broken heart from losing her.” Another cheer from the crowd erupted around us, but we were in our own bubble. He was quiet, still watching me. “Sorry, I know this isn’t really baseball talk.”
“No, it’s…It’s fine. I’m glad you shared that with me. I can’t imagine it was very easy to share, especially with someone who’s still technically a stranger.” He laid his hand on top of mine and gave it a gentle squeeze. He didn’t move it until the last inning. 
A vendor carrying a large stick with a few bags of cotton candy was trotting around the arena, shouting for anyone of interest to know that he was near. Seungmin paused our conversation to ask if I wanted some before they were all gone and I eagerly nodded. 
“Which flavor?’ he asked as he got out his wallet. I opened my mouth to protest but he shook his head slowly in warning. “If you get out your wallet, I will throw it on the field.” My mouth fell open in shock at such a dramatic threat. “I take it by your silence that you want the pink flavor.” He stood and called to the vendor and gave him the cash and took the bag from him. He tried to hand me the bag, but I wouldn’t take it. 
“You bought it, it’s yours. I’m not taking it.” He thrust it into my lap and placed his hands on it so I couldn’t remove it. 
“You’re taking it.” He widened his eyes and looked straight into mine, daring me to challenge him. And that seemed to be the end of that. After I had eaten a few smaller bites, I took a chunk out and tapped his shoulder with the same hand. When he turned, his mouth was level with it and he took advantage of this. He ate it right out of my hand. And I saw it, right then, what our relationship would look like should this continue. And I liked it. I liked it a lot. 
I finished the bag of pink fluff right as the final out was caught, most everyone had moved from their seats into the walkways and up, back into the stadium. Some whoops and hollers coming from deep in the halls echoed even louder throughout the seating area. Seungmin was quiet as he led me back the way we came, still shoving his shoulders in between people standing to make room for me until we found ourselves back outside where we met. His hands were in his pockets now and he found the gravel underneath it more interesting than anything around him. Until
“You wouldn’t want to… come back to my apartment…to watch some of the other games… would you?” He was nervous, shuffling his feet and kicking rocks. I pretended like I was mulling it over. 
“Hmm. That depends.” He tilted his head to look at me through the corner of his eye, pretending like he wasn’t interested in my answer should I say no. He was bad at playing it cool, I learned. “What kind of snacks do you have there?” He smirked again. 
“I’ve got all the chips you could dream of. Sweets, too. Pastries from the bakery section of the cafe that no one ate yesterday if you have a sweet tooth. We can even make a pit stop if you want so you can see it.” I felt my face light up at that suggestion. 
“Yes! I need caffeine to pick me up from the adrenaline rush we just went through.” He stopped me at the edge of the curb, holding out his arm while the cars picked up passengers and drove away. 
“Let me go get my car and I’ll pick you up right here.” I smiled, touched at the gesture. 
“I’ll be here.” He smiled back at me and hurried off in what I could only assume was the direction of his car and disappeared.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. When I took it out, I saw her name as the caller and held up the phone to my ear.
“So? How’d it go?” Her voice rang through my ear, cutting through the ringing that came after being around thousands of people. It was pitched up, like she already knew the answer. 
“Shut up.” I said with a laugh and an eye roll. In that order. “Technically, it’s still going on.” I was met with a shriek of delight.
“See?! I knew it!” She rambled on and on until Seungmin pulled up in his black 4-runner. 
“Gotta go, bye!” I hung up on her and ran up to the car, my cheeks hurting from the smiling.
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dreamsofminnie · 2 years
“False Confidence”
Kazuha | Childe —x gn!Reader Smau
00- Prolouge | Word count-> 1,032
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Eleven times–
–a heart has been broken off. Four times were immature love; too young to understand the concept it means to treasure someone else as much as yourself.
The other seven, just couldn’t handle the commitment it requires to respect their partner and barely putting in the effort at all.
And eleven times–
–did the world wound you with this pathetic human emotion called love.
You read a lot of romance light novels, play otomes, and engage in those romance advice posts on instagram–with the occasional astrology signs about love.
No wonder you know a lot and even get high expectations. But you know not to reflect those expectations onto reality.
Your number of exes mirrors the harsh realities. But so does the learning from them.
Even when your outer exterior showcases this flirty person who charms a lot and is all the more popular; your confidence is false.
False as in you hide your inner turmoils deep within as to not fail yourself yet again. Even if all those crushes/relationships were premature or actual dating, you tell yourself that you grew up lonely so it's natural to reach out to someone.
Your heart has already been so bruised. Protecting it is most natural to you now—the only thing you can do now.
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[Name]: Love status. . . Loading
1st. . . Middle school year 1. A boy who was quiet and sweet; turned on you when he was getting bullied for liking you and pushed you away without saying a reason. [Heartbreak one]
2nd. . . Middle school year 2. A boy who picked on you because he liked you; but you ended up finding out he does that to a lot of people. [Heartbreak two]
3rd. . . Middle school year 3. A girl who confronted heartbreak two when she saw you sad; she didn’t feel the same and only wanted to help you. [Heartbreak three]
4th. . . Middle school year 4. A trans kid who you have played together at recess throughout middle school; they liked someone else. [Heartbreak four]
5th. . . High school year 1. A studious guy who dated you for a month before you found no connection with him sadly. [1 Month | Heartbreak five]
6th. . . High school years 1-2. A tomboy girl who you met freshman year and dated for half of year 1 until year 2 where she left you because you weren’t sufficient. [6 Months | Heartbreak six]
7th. . . [1 Week | Heartbreak seven]
8th. . . [Loading. . .]
9th. . . [18 Months | Heartbreak eight]
10th. . .[2 Months | Heartbreak nine]
11th. . . [4 months | Heartbreak(?) ten]
12th. . . [1 Month flirting/ 6 months dating | Heartbreak(!!!) Eleven]
13th. . . [Error. . .Halting access]
Analysis. . . >Heart has been closed off.
ღ・*:.。. .。.:*・ღ
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“AaaaugGgH. I’m so done. I’m sooo soo! Do–ne!” The harsh flop to the couch shook the other two residents with the kicking of your legs against the seat soon after. Your groans didn’t falter even through the muffleness from the fabric stuck to your face.
Lumine kept munching on the large bowl of popcorn, her face towards the T.V watching as a black screen unfolded her view in a board uninterested stare.
Aether was more attentive and watched you faceplant beside him into the large seated cushion. He was concerned and intrigued at what yet-again took your inner solace away this time. Brushing the stray hair from your face as you looked up at him with a large frown.
“Number 15.” Two pairs of eyes moved to the source of those words as Lumine kept eating her snack in unamusement.
“Burger king foot lettuce??” The quiet muffledness in your voice added to the concealed laughter from Aether.
“What the fuck! No! I meant this is the 15th time you have said you're done with dating this whole month!!” Lumine accusedly pointed at your lazy posture in annoyance.
You grumbled back into the soft cushions of the couch hiding away your face from her with the help of Aether since he sat in between you both.
“I mean it this time.” You grumbled and drew star shapes into the side of Aether’s thigh which rested just above your head.
She huffed and passed the popcorn bowl to Aether. You hurriedly sat up and snatched some popcorn from the bowl, feel much more energy you quipped in a remark that the twins gave you an unamused stare for–silently saying that you are the dumbest person they’ve ever known.
“I’m still going to flirt with as much people as I want. I’ve adopted it as my personality trait.” Your grin was blinding—in idiocy or coping mechanism, you would say it’s both.
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Synopsis-> You were bored so you took the cute guy’s phone which lay open on the coffee table at your friend’s work place. And took a selfie of your face and pinned it as their lock screen. And now you are being hunted by the phone’s owner who's now curious about you from your flirt and run. Through your flirtatious ways, you have never been able to maintain relationships; you always keep an arms length away. You don’t believe you deserve love at all, so why not flirt with strangers?
•Dedicated post @noirinnn for her birthday bc she loves angst😙
Taglist-> –@pokidot @scarletttcroww @noirinnn @melodiesoffadedroses @x4ndr @liilactears @ilovekazuha271 @ghostlysyntaxed @ferumie @cryastre
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elryuse · 1 year
Tomboy Pt.11
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Y/n PoV
It was the next day, since Shin Ryujin and I started dating. At first I was confused and worried that she might just date me so that she can play around with my feelings.
But to my surprise, she did nothing that have hurted me physically or mentally. In fact she was so loving and caring about my whole condition. She was asking whether I'm okay, after Soyeon and her gang bullied me.
I could only say, I'm bothered by Soyeon's action. But I don't really care about what happened, since what she done to me was basically child's play.
My only fear is that Jeon Soyeon might be mad about what happened last time. Her face says it all. She wasn't happy about my decision. She is definitely mad.
"Okay Y/n My class is here. See you after class okay".
"Okay Ryujinie see u later".
"Hehe okay byeee love u".
"L-l-love u too".
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"Hi There Y/n".
"How's it going. Ooh where is your girlfriend".
"What do you want".
"Yes you. Ryujin is not the perfect girl for you, besides I'm way hotter than her".
"You're crazy Soyeon. Besides You're a bully. You bullied me remember"?
"Well I did. And I regret it".
"Haha bullshit. Just stay away from me and Her. Leave us alone. Please".
"Don't make me do this Y/n. Don't make me hurt you or Her".
"Stay away from me Soyeon. I'm serious".
Soyeon PoV
"Huh. Alright then. Let's call back up".
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"Hello Soyeon. What is it".
"He didn't want me. We have to get him the 'Hard' Way".
"Ahaha sure. Let's go. I'm calling the others too. We'll get him don't worry".
"Thanks Miyeon..".
A/n : Part 2 officially done. The other chapter will be released soon. Hope you enjoy it hehe.
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Hi! Can I ask you to do (G)I-dle members get comfort from their loved ones, please?
(G)I-dle reaction: them getting comfort from their S/O
Requests are open
Hello Anon! Thank you for requesting some (G)I-dle! Their comeback is close so what best occasion to write a reaction for them? I hope you enjoy it 😄
(G)I-dle members X GN!Reader
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Miyeon's day was a bad one from the start. Her biological clock failed in the worst day possibile. The comeback was really close and her schedule was full, so even half an hour of delay was a catastrophe. She didn't have even the time to say goodmorning to you, you just saw her run screaming towards the exit and that was it. When she came back after midnight, her face told you more than an thousand words. You got closer to her and hugged her her tightly, kissing her forehead and whispering sweet nothings in her ears. Soon her body relaxed and she eat someting, before getting in bed with you and receiving her dose of cuddles.
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The recording of the new songs that day went very bad for Minnie. Her voice was not responding to her input, so she didn't hit the note she was reaching for several times. The results were so ruinous that Soyeon decided to end the day an houre before the usual. At first you were happy to have your girlfriend sooner at home, but when you saw her tearful eyes, you knew that she had a bad day. You let her change in her comfort clothes and when she returned in the living room, she found you ready with pillows and blankets. "Ready to build your fortress?" you asked her, cracking her a smile. So together you created the softest bunker where you two spend the night just cuddling and kissing.
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We all know that being a leader is really burdensome. The leader is the one who work the most and got the worst. Add to this the Soyeon is intractable during the hard times, especially if her members are criticized. The only person who could brought her to senses were you. So the members asked your help to talk to Soyeon. You went in her studio and she barely said Hi to you. You got closer to her and took her hands in yours, while looking directly in her eyes, a move that fluster her every time. So once you got her attention, you explained to her that she needed a pause to recover and relax. Luckily she listened to you, so you two just left the building and spend a couple day, that made her remember that disconnecting from work sometimes was necessary to do better.
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One of the reason why you love Yuqi is her smile. She's always smiling and joking around, sometimes you even think she's the sunshine itself. So when she's sad, the only thing you want to do is bringing her smile back. In fact that day she was particularly homesick, always checking the photo of her parents and listening to the songs of her childhood. While she was in the bedroom, lost in her memories, you prepared in the living room her favorite snacks and films. When you made her come over, her face was priceless: her eyes was shining. She sat next you, kissing your lips and then hiding in your neck. The rest of the day was spent by you watching her renewed smile.
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You knew that your girlfriend had a strong character, but what you didn't knew is that her character that day would make her fight with Yuqi. It all started by a silly joke of the older, a normal routine in their friendship. However for some reason this time the joke really bothered Shuhua, so in a short time the two were screaming at each other. You discovered all of this because entering in their dorm to make her a surprise, you found the rubble of the fight. You entered in her room and you listened to her while she was venting about her being right. At the end of her discourse, you just kissed her and she immediately melted in your arms, letting the nerves go away.
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Hey! I'm kinda new to writing but not really and I really like Arcane and Twdg and wanna tey our writing x readers so if you have any requests send em in and I can try and write them! Head up, I dont write smut, not now maybe in the far, far future but eh. Please specify if you want platonic or romantic, fluff, angst etc etc... Have a good day and send in requests if you feel like it! I sont mind lengthy requests, I love 'em!
I also have an ao3 named @Uraveragefanficwriter with a full arcane story with 3 characters i added in for fun and a twdg and arcane imagine book each where requests r always open!
Heads up though...again- I dont do omega and alpha things, they just make me cringe im sorry. I do however do soulmate AU's, fluff, angst, stuff like that generally, I can kinda do comfort, I try my best 😭
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cherryrikis · 19 days
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pairing -> gamer!riki x beauty influencer!fem reader
warnings -> swearing, internet trolls, + more to be added
genre -> smau, fluff, humor, maybe mild angst
synopsis -> you hated gamers. riki hated ulzzang’s (except you). so after weeks of fighting to be the top streamer, (and riki’s poor attempts to charm you), he suggests to collaborate so you could both be number one. you tried to keep it professional. but the more time you spent producing content together, the more you realized just how much nishimura riki really meant to you.
status -> september 6 2024 - n/a
taglist 1 is closed. (55/55)
taglist 2 is open! (34/50)
profiles -> nintendo sponsors | diors angels
stream 001 ; who is nishiriki2005
stream 002 ; gamer stereotypes
stream 003 ; looks but no personality
stream 004 ; angel wings
stream 005 ; miss dr jart ambassador
stream 006 ; persistent guys
stream 007 ; persona
stream 008 ; mickey and minnie
stream 009 ; fulfilling
stream 010 ; i love you choi y/n!
stream 011 ; resurface
stream 012 ; second first date
stream 013 ; assurance
stream 014 ; not one sided
[fin.] stream 015 ; locked down
authors note - titles are constantly subject to change
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ellecdc · 7 months
HIII, I wanted to know if I could request a poly marauders x festy slytherin reader.Something of how they started or whatever you have inspiration for.I would love another part of that, if you feel up to it. Hope you are taking care of yourself <3
feisty/slytherin reader x poly!marauders is actually my favourite thing to write (followed closely by any ship with whimsical reader) so I was more than happy to whip this up for you! Thanks for requesting! 🫶
poly!marauders x feisty, fem, Slytherin!reader
p1 // p2 // p3
CW: werewolf prejudice, making fun of possible birth defects due to Pureblood's being terribly inbred, swearing
Remus felt that generally, he was a very understanding person. And not just in a compassionate way, but also in a sense that he just understands a lot of things.
He understands Sirius’ need to defy his family whilst simultaneously looking after his brother as if his life depended on it.
He understands James’ need to make sure everyone around him feels as loved as humanly possible, even if it’s at his own expense. 
He understands that Gryffindor’s hate Slytherin’s, but he also understands that not all Slytherin’s are horrible, prejudiced racists.
He understands everyone makes fun of Hufflepuffs for being soft and emotional, but he also understands that Hufflepuffs can be some of the most heartless, ruthless friends you can have.
What Remus has had a hard time understanding, however, was his boyfriends’ sudden interest in you.
Remus could admit that you were quite attractive, but you were also sort of…terrifying?
“What have you boys done?” Lily murmured in quiet horror (quiet awe if you asked James).
“We pranked Slytherin!” Sirius said jovially, as if Lily had somehow missed that key piece of information. 
“I can see that, Sirius.” She said like one might speak to a small child who was quite dumb. “But on portrait day?”
Sirius smiled smugly as he watched Slytherin’s enter the Great Hall for their school portraits. As they passed through the door, they were unknowingly walking under a charmed mistletoe (which was very difficult to find this time of year, thanks James very much) which turned their green and silver robes and ties to a beautiful red and gold. 
The best part is some students still hadn’t noticed yet, and another amazing part was that those who had noticed couldn’t figure out how to turn it back.
“Mr. Black, Mr. Potter, Mr. Pettigrew, and Mr. Lupin. I suppose the four of you have no idea who may be behind this prank?” Professor McGonagall challenged as she looked down her nose at them sitting at the Gryffindor table.
Sirius smirked as he responded “Why, not a clue Minnie. But I’ll keep my eye out and let you know if I see any mischief makers.”
McGonagall let out a long suffering sigh as she took five points from Gryffindor for improper address of a professor. 
“You rotten dugbogs.” Remus heard you screech before he saw you. He had the good sense to cringe as you stormed up to their table whilst Sirius and James grinned enthusiastically. 
“Why hello Y/N, my beautiful angel.” James greeted as Sirius let out a sultry “Don’t you just look smashing in red.” Accompanied by a wink.
“I don’t know what you sods have done, and quite frankly, I don’t care about the rest of them; but you will fix this.” You spat angrily gesturing to your faux Gryffindor uniform.
“But that would be such a crime, dollface.” Sirius lamented.
“You can’t expect us to mess with perfection.” James added.
You shot your hand out and grabbed James’ collar, pulling his face to yours until your noses were nearly touching. 
“I swear to Salazar himself, Potter, if you do not change my robes back, I will cut your dick off and charm it to your forehead so you walk around looking like a limp-dick unicorn. Change. It. Back.”
Your voice was low and threatening, and Peter actually gulped as he hid behind Remus. But looking at James’ face pressed up to yours, you would have thought you had just serenaded him with the greatest love song known to man.
“You have such beautiful eyes.” He murmured in awe. Remus was certain he could see steam forming behind said beautiful eyes, but before it could shoot out of your ears, Sirius came to your rescue.
“Very right, Prongs. She does have beautiful eyes. Unfortunately, I believe her usual green does compliment them better than the red.” Sirius said lasciviously as he cast the counter charm to return your robes to their rightful colour.
You looked down at your form before looking back at the boys skeptically. You seemed only then to realize you were still holding onto James’ collar like a vice and dropped it. Remus almost chuckled at the look of loss that crossed James’ face.
“Right.” You said and cleared your throat, backing away from them as if you weren't fully trusting what just happened. “Thank you.”
Sirius’ head actually reared back in surprise at your thanks and James beamed.
“Anytime angel, truly.” 
James’ pet name seemed to snap you out of whatever trance you’d been in as you narrowed your eyes at him. “Don’t call me that.”
“Terribly sorry, my love.” He relented.
You groaned in exasperation and carried on towards the Slytherin table.
“Isn’t she lovely?” James whispered in awe, eyes still glued to your form as you bodily shoved Evan Rosier out of what Remus could only assume you had dubbed as your seat at the Slytherin table and sat down. 
“Try bloody terrifying.” Peter shivered in horror as he finally extricated himself from behind Remus. 
“Oi! Don’t talk about our future missus that way, Wormy.” Sirius squawked and swatted at the poor sod with his copy of the Daily Prophet.
“Is he wrong, though?” Remus asked as he let out his own breath of relief.
“Don ‘t worry moons,” James murmured into Remus’ cheek as he pressed his nose into the werewolf’s hair line. “She’ll win you over soon.”
Remus wasn’t so sure.
You were the only Slytherin photographed in proper uniform that day. 
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A few weeks later found Remus sitting horrifyingly uncomfortable in Defense Against the Dark Arts as they moved on to the unit featuring Werewolves.
James sat on his right, and though the shaking of his knee under the table gave away his nerves, he spent the entire class rubbing soothing circles along the back of Remus’ hand with his thumb.
Sirius, sitting on Remus’ left, was incredibly stiff and clearly poised to fight if given the chance which did nothing to ease Remus’ discomfort. It also didn’t help that they shared this period with the 6th and 7th year Slytherin’s.
He just wanted this day to be over.
“Why are we even talking about this?” Mulciber sneered, interrupting the professor as they discussed elements of the Wolfsbane potion. 
“What is your question, Mr. Mulciber?” The professor drawled out in a bored tone.
“Why bother discussing werewolves? The lot of them should be culled anyway; euthanize them on site for all I care.” He spat, earning snickers from Avery, Goyle, and Snape. 
Sirius sucked in a breath in preparation of a verbal (and possibly physical, should he be so lucky) spar when Remus dug his nails into Sirius’ thigh. “Please, Pads.” He begged quietly; voice taught with emotions.
Sirius let out a pained sigh and leaned back further into his chair.
“Funny, Mulciber.” A bored tone commented, “I was just thinking the same about you and your lot.”
Remus, James, and Sirius all turned to see the majority of the eyes in the room already on you, though you never bothered lifting your head from your textbook.
“Care to repeat that, L/N?” Mulciber sneered, sitting up in his chair as if ready to lunge at you if necessary.
You lifted your bored gaze from your book and stared at him head on. “Do I need to repeat myself, Mulciber? Mummy and daddy kept it too close in the family tree, huh?” You murmured in faux sympathy. “I was just thinking, most of the Sacred Twenty-Eight ought to be culled. That would save the wizarding world a whole lot of trouble.”
“How dare you compare me to some filthy half-breed. My family is royalty compared to those disgusting creatures.” Avery shouted.
“The only one acting like a disgusting creature here is the likes of you tossers.” You shouted back.
“Alright.” The professor tried (not very hard, albeit) to quell the quickly spiralling discussion.
“I could hardly look at myself in a mirror if I’d been tainted with a curse like lycanthropy.” Snape sneered, pointedly facing the Marauders across the room. Sirius burned with shame and protectiveness, being the reason Snape knew Remus’ secret and the overwhelming need to defend his lover. Remus took that moment to dig his nails into Sirius' thigh again, pinning him to his seat.
“Are you sure, Snape? Are you sure you wouldn’t rather live a life with lycanthropy than have to look at that mug of yours in the mirror every day.” You drawled.
“You insolent little bitch.”
“Hey!” James finally shouted from across the room, far more stern than Remus can ever remember seeing the boy. But you carried on, completely undeterred. 
“I’d bet ten thousand galleons that not one werewolf ever asked to be a werewolf, yet you wake up each and every morning actively choosing to be the ugliest, most hateful, vile, disgusting beasts known to mankind. That is what is despicable. That is what should be euthanized on site.” Your voice grew louder and louder with each word until you were standing behind your desk and punctuating each word with a slam of your fist against the table in front of you. 
“Alright, that’s enough.” The professor finally called; tone booming across the lecture hall intoning no nonsense. 
“Mr. Mulciber, Mr. Snape, and Miss. L/N. Detention with me this evening.”
The Slytherin boys all scoffed and cursed under their breath whilst you offered a bored shrug of your shoulders, returning to your textbook as though this was just a run of the mill day for you.
The boys had been absolutely right; you just won over the affections of one Remus John Lupin.  
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peacheeeliz · 18 days
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SYNOPSIS ⤏ mark, desperate to talk to the cute girl in his japanese class, forms a study group. who knew that other struggling college students might want to join a study group?
PARING ⤏ nonidol!mark x nonidol!fem reader
GENRE ⤏ smau, rom-com, fluff, college au, slowburn
FEATURING ⤏ mark, donghyuck, jaehyun, jungwoo, and johnny from nct 127, julie from kiof, kim jiwoong from zb1, minnie from idle, and allen from cravity (+ mentions of a TON of other idols)
FACECLAIM ⤏ faceclaim for y/n purely for picture purposes!! (@ 0ki0h on ig)
WARNINGS ⤏ swearing, sexual and kys/kms jokes, pls ignore timestamps 💔, mentions of jaehyun being a stoner, more to come
STARTED ⤏ 9/21/2024
STATUS ⤏ ongoing ♡
NOTE ⤏ community is literally my favorite sitcom, so when their tiktoks started popping up on my fyp, i couldn't resist making a smau inspired by it 🥴
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prologue. try it bite it lick it spit it
001. i could literally kiss u
002. i love ur brother too (469 wc)
003. they're not soundproof (1046 wc)
004. what the fuck am i chopped liver (653 wc)
005. seize the day
006. DAY SEIZED (821 wc)
007. the apple of my eye
008. thanks soso much
009. alpha i need you......
010. WHY NTO
☆©peacheeeliz, 2024
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ taglist is open!
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dreamsofminnie · 1 year
Lmao hihi, i jus accidentally made an almost smau w thinking of the first chap of the Luke Pearce series
hhmajdjgw bc bc i saw someone reblog the masterlist w a #/smau and now brain is implemented both; still mainly a written series
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🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️sneak peeks to bless you
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