#minor dramione
nevereverthem · 2 months
HP fanfiction :
Still alive... Just not posting.
I have some ideas for the fic' I want to write but it's all in pieces. I have the beginning already posted : It's your decision. I have the basics of how it's gonna end.
The problem is : the parts in the middle fight against each other, and I keep getting new ideas to fill the space.
Some hours ago, I had ideas, sitting on the toilet seat taking a piss... 🤣 Btw, I couldn't write at the moment so I had to keep them in mind. 00:20, in my bed, I started writing... Two hours later I had 700 words... But there's still things I haven't written... Gonna wait for tomorrow 'cause I'm lazy and need to sleep... It's 2:50 where I am... I hope I won't forget them... 🥲😭
How are writers able to post new parts/chapters, without having the entire thing planned/written beforehand? How do you do that?
I currently have 7k of Google doc scribble, devided in fourteen different ideas of little parts/chapters. The parts are little events that aren't gonna be long but still... I'm frustrated.
I might be able to know what will be the second part. It just needs to be finished, but I know all that happens there.
That's all. Then I'm stuck for now. How do people do this? I can't. 🙃
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aislynn-wiley1999 · 6 months
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Even If It Was Him
Shameless Dramione one shot set years after the battle. Canon Divergent (obv). Smut with some plot.
Warnings: sexual content, f!ngering, pINv sex, alcohol consumption, discussion of divorce, strong language. Minors DNI!!!!!
Word count: 5.5k
Can be found here if you prefer to bookmark on AO3!
It had been years since Hermione had ventured into a pub on her own, much less the Three Broomsticks. Maybe it was pathetic, having a drink all by herself, but she felt as though she had earned it after the day she had been through. Or perhaps, after the entire year she had endured.
There really was no right way to describe the feelings she felt after her divorce was finalized. Both sad and relieved, memories swirled in her mind as she walked down the path to the entrance of the pub. The adventures and triumphs she had shared with Ron, the regret she had early into their marriage, the way she stopped loving him in the past year. And while Ron agreed that their marriage had deteriorated, he was less ready to sign the papers than she was. Still, with no children or major assets, she was able to leave the marriage in a fairly clean manner.
The Three Broomsticks was rather empty, on account that it was a Tuesday past 10 p.m., but it was perfect for Hermione. She sat herself at the bar, ordering a Fire Whiskey with a cup of water to thin it out. The liquid was warm, filling her chest as she drank it. Sighing, she set the cup down and looked around the bar, thankful that she didn't really see anyone she knew. Harry would be upset if he knew that she was by herself, drinking alone, but what would he do about it? Hermione knew that she would never be able to maintain her friendship with Harry in the same way now that she and Ron had split. How could she face Ginny after leaving her brother?
The whiskey continued to be nursed, the cup slowly emptying, and Hermione felt more sad than anything. Her surroundings became dull, save for the occasional opening of the pub door and the bartender filling pints. Once the cup was empty, she flagged someone down from behind the counter and ordered another one. A new glass full of the golden liquid was presented to her, and she gladly sipped it. The second glass brought emotions with it, and she felt this sense of regret wash over her. Not so much because of Ron, but because she tied her identity to him for so many years. Now she was alone, and she had no real plans beyond continuing her work at St. Mungos. Her small flat on the high street was lonely and dark, a mirror for what she felt inside. Dropping her head into her hands, she let out one shaky breath in a desperate attempt to calm herself.
Hermione whipped her head up and turned around, not sure if the voice was who she thought it was. But there he stood, standing in the middle of the bar, looking at her with this odd expression that she couldn't quite place.
Draco Malfoy.
It had been years since she had laid eyes on him, since she had spoken to him or heard anything about him. But he was there, in front of her, looking tired and worn out. His blonde hair looked less than perfect, signaling that he was either going through something or that he had stopped putting as much effort into his appearance since school. There was still this regal air of confidence, as if he knew he was better than everyone around him, that wafted from his body language. He towered over her as she sat at the bar, staring at her as she grieved.
"Draco," Hermione said, mimicking his stand-offish language. Truthfully, she didn't know what else to say to him. What more could she say, really, after everything?
"Where's your husband?" he asked, as if Ron was her keeper. She scowled, feeling brave with the liquor in her system. "I don't have a husband," she said, practically spitting the words out.
There is a shift in his expression, not one of softness or kindness, but of understanding. Hermione notices it and rolls her eyes, turning back to her drink at the bar. Draco emerges next to her, ordering something she doesn't recognize. She watches as he is presented with a glass of a clear liquid, with an odor so strong she can smell it from a few feet away. Wrinkling her nose as the scent, she continues to sip her whiskey. He settles at the seat one down from her, sipping his drink quietly.
"You left Weasley," he says, like it's a statement he has never been more sure of. Hermione glances at him. "What makes you think he didn't leave me?" she asks him.
"Weasley would never do that. You are smarter than him, better at almost everything than he is, and kinder," he says, taking a sip of his drink and not daring to glance at her. Hermione, however, now can't tear her gaze from the side of his face. She never would have pictured the boy who, less than a decade ago, was calling her foul names and hurling insults her way to say something like that. Draco finally glances at her.
"Not a compliment. Weasley was a fucking imbecile," he says cruelly. Hermione sighs, turning back to her drink. She watches out of the corner of her eye as Draco finishes off his glass and orders another one. "Why are you acting all depressed?" she asks him, almost surprising herself.
This time he does turn his head towards her. "Why should I tell you anything?" he sneers, reverting back to the boy she remembers. Hermione shrugs. "You were the one who sat next to me. This place is empty, you could have sat anywhere. I thought maybe you wanted someone to talk to."
“You think just because I am seated near you, drinking, that I would open up to you? Perhaps you aren’t as smart as I perceived,” he says, his voice still dripping with venom. Hermione only nods and, not wanting to endure any sort of torment from him, starts to push off of her barstool to go sit in a booth in the corner of the pub.
“Astoria broke off our engagement,” Draco says as her foot brushes the floor. He does not look at her still, just drinking small sips of the clear foul smelling liquid. His face is void of any real emotion, cold and cruel and beautiful like he was carved from marble. Hermione does not sit back in her chair, but she stands at the bar and watches for any movement in his face.
“Do you want to discuss it further?” she finally asks, bracing herself in case he lashes out at her. Instead, he just shrugs his shoulders. “I am sure you have read about it in the papers,” he says.
Blinking, Hermione does seem to recall there being some small blurb about their proposed union. Those things were always big with pureblood families, the unity of two great lines. However she did not recall seeing anything about the end of their engagement.
“Only about the engagement, not about it being called off,” she says, watching his face for any sign of emotion. He only shakes his head, eyes still cold and full of nothing. “I suppose it doesn’t matter. It was not a good union, not a good match on my parents' part,” he says, looking straight ahead.
“You were not permitted to marry for love?” Hermione says, without really thinking. The alcohol in her body is catching up to her, and she finds it harder to control her thoughts and tongue when she is drunk.
Draco turns to look at her fully, and Hermione wants to shrink under the crossfire of his gaze. His eyes seem to pierce into her, looking straight into her heart, her brain, even her soul. There is nowhere for her to hide, nowhere she can go to escape the cold stare of eyes like stone.
“I don’t expect you to understand, Granger. You married into one of the only pureblooded families that doesn’t give two shits about their lineage. It was evident when they let their son marry a Muggle born witch, and their daughter is out galavanting with Potter. Doesn’t matter that he’s the chosen one, he’s still a half blooded wizard,” Draco spits, not taking a breath.
But Hermione is quick, not intending to allow him to speak freely in this manner to her. “You foul little boy. Has nothing softened in you, years after everything has happened? You act high and mighty, but at least I will experience love in my life! Real, raw love, not some family orchestrated bullshit!” Her voice does not waver, it is strong and without a tremble. “I pity you, truly.”
She turns to walk away, her head pounding from the alcohol and the harsh words she has just said. Gripping the stool to steady herself, she takes a step in the direction towards the door before she feels a grip on her arm.
Turning her head, she is met again with that stone cold stare. But this time, his face has wavered slightly, either from her words or from her attempt at departing. He says nothing, just stares at her in a way that makes her both feel on fire and afraid. Trapped and free. Wanted and hated.
“Tell me about your failed marriage,” he says, without a hint of an apology. Still, Hermione detects no cruelty in his request, and probes him. “Why do you want to know?”
“I want to know how people that seemed to be destined for each other walk away from it all,” he says, with no trace of malice or sarcasm accompanying his words. His throat bobs, as if he is having difficulty swallowing.
Sensing his sincerity, she climbs back onto the stool next to him. She can’t bring herself to look at him, so instead she looks at the near empty glass on the surface in front of her. “I don’t really think we were a perfect match. I think that we had both been through the same trials, the same sorts of hardships, and that brought us together. But,” she said, taking a breath, “we didn't want the same things in life. I was more practical, and I wanted to work for a bit before having children. Ron came from a family where he was surrounded by siblings, and he wanted to have children right away. I wanted to teach healing, or potions, or something like that to young wizards and witches, but instead I went to work at St. Mungos because Ron didn’t want me to work those odd hours at Hogwarts. I just think we wanted different things, and that we started our marriage out with nothing but this horrible experience we had both endured and a bit of lust for each other.”
Draco nodded. He remembered how fast they had gotten engaged and married, almost as if they were on a deadline. Engaged at nineteen, married by twenty. No time to be free, young adults after school. He thought of his own years following Hogwarts, how he was free to be reckless and do as he wished. He thought of all the time he wasted, relying on Lucius’ money and power to make his mistakes disappear. Draco glanced at the girl next to him, with her scowling face and hair pulled back too tight, and he felt pity for her. Of course, he would not tell her that. Instead, he flagged down the bartender, ordering the both of them another drink.
She nodded at him in thanks as he slid the full glass over to her, taking a small sip. They both needed to stop drinking, as they were teetering on a dangerous slope between drunk and very drunk. But he didn’t care, and she had a sense of hopelessness in her.
“Astoria wanted a proper marriage, and I didn’t,” he said suddenly, causing Hermione to turn her head suddenly at him. “She wanted us to love one another, to have children and grow old together. She wanted us to be like my parents, but I could not see myself ever loving her. I only wanted to be wed to appease my parents, mainly my father.”
“Do your parents love each other? Like, truly love each other?” she asked him. He nodded, a hint of a smile creeping onto his face.
“Oh yes. My father was absolutely obsessed with my mother when they were younger, and now they share a love that I think most people can only hope for. But I think that, while they still love each other, there is this safety net around them that they have. My father, although he was pardoned in the end, seems to feel as if the two of them are being hunted. I suspect he is partially mad after his imprisonment, but he and my mother stay sheltered in the manor. They only socialize with a few people, and they rarely leave. I think that is why their love is so strong now, they are the only companions each other has.”
“Did you not find her attractive? Astoria, I mean,” Hermione asked him. Draco merely shrugged. “She was beautiful, everyone could see that. However, she was not a combination of features that I particularly liked,” he said plainly.
Hermione hummed in response, not brave enough to ask what features he did find attractive. She speculated that it was none of her business anyways, and that that was a rather uncomfortable conversation to have with him. He did not seem to want to elaborate, anyways, so Hermione turned back to her drink.
The two of them sat in silence, the only movement in the pub being the bartender and the ticking clock. Draco glanced up at the latter, noticing that there were only a few minutes until midnight. The liquid in his glass warmed him, made him feel vulnerable and sad. He was not used to those feelings, and sharing a drink with the girl near him was not making him any less uncomfortable. Looking at her quickly, he wondered if her hair was still as wild as it was in school. He wondered if it would tumble out of the tight bun she wore it in, flying around her shoulders, engulfing her head like a lion’s mane.
Someone clears their throat at the two of them, and they both look up to find the bartender watching them.
“Pub is closed in two minutes,” they tell the pair of moping young adults.
Hermione rummages around in her bag for coins to put on the bar, but stops when Draco sets down enough money to cover them both. She shakes her head at him, scowling.
“I don’t need you to pay for me, I have money.”
“I know,” he says, without a second thought. There is no malice, no hardness in him as he looks at her. Rather, Hermione sees indifference on his face. Something has shifted as he watches her get off the stool and walk towards the door.
Hermione feels Draco on her heels, his large body behind her as she opens the door to the pub and walks into the street. She turns to face him as he exits behind her, unsure of if she should bid him farewell or simply turn and leave.
“Do you live far?” he asks her. She shakes her head, pointing up the street. “I live in a flat above a shop on the high street. A ten minute walk at most,” she tells him, watching his face. He nods, and starts to walk that way.
“I don’t need to be accompanied,” she tells him flatly. He looks back at her, how she is flushed from drinking, and simply says: “You are not sober and it is dark.”
Hermione scowls. “You are not sober either, Malfoy. I am not some helpless wain, I can take care of myself.”
“I am trying to be nice.”
Nice. Hermione almost laughs at the word he uses to describe his intentions. She looks at the man, waiting to see him become angry with her. But he doesn’t, not even a bit. Instead, he stares with that same look of indifference as when he paid for her drink. Poor, poor Hermione, without a husband. She must have no money and be frightened to walk in the dark to her flat.
Huffing, she stomps past him. Not looking back or speaking to him, she walks along the street, hoping that he has turned the other way. About halfway to her house, she whips her head around to find him roughly fifty feet behind her.
“What is it you could possibly want?” she practically shouts in the street. Draco stops walking, raising an eyebrow at her outburst. For a moment he does not speak, merely watching her as she huffs and glares at him.
“Do you have whiskey at your flat?”
Hermione tries not to take notice as Draco surveys her very small living space, and she tries not to be offended when he wrinkles his nose slightly at the peeling walls and creaky floors.
“It’s a temporary space, until I can get my ducks in a row,” she says, trying to defend herself in front of a man who has had nothing but riches since birth.
Why had she let him up here? Hermione is trying to justify her drunken actions and thoughts, but she feels bad for the man standing in her kitchen. She can sense that he is sad and that he wants to just talk to someone who does not share his life.
Draco watches as she takes down two mismatched cups and a half drunk bottle of whiskey from her cupboard. She pours two hefty servings of the golden liquid before handing the bigger portion to him.
“Trying to get me to spill my secrets?” he says, taking the cup. She looks at him in confusion. “You asked for whiskey. I did not think you wanted a small sip and to be on your way,” she says plainly.
Draco says nothing, just takes a drink and gazes around the room. In her own home, Hermione is feeling out of place and uncomfortable. She doesn’t know how else to describe it, but he seems to take up the whole place with his energy and aura, leaving nowhere for her to be. Sipping the drink in her hand, she is reminded of her already tipsy nature as her cheeks flush warmly. Watching Draco, she notices the slight pink color that has crept into his cheeks. No doubt it is from drinking, but it humanizes him in a way she had not known before.
“Weasley left you with no money, then.” Draco doesn’t even make it sound like a question. He says the statement like it's a fact he knows firsthand.
Hermione frowns. “We split amicably. He has his money and I have mine. I just did not feel the need to buy some lavish place for just myself to temporarily exist in.”
Draco nods, drinking his drink quickly and suddenly. Hermione is perplexed as she watches him, wondering why he acts as if he needs to drown in liquor. “You are drinking like you want to spill your secrets,” she says, almost smiling.
“Perhaps,” he says, catching her off guard. And then he smiles. It is still cold and cruel, but it is a smile that curls on his face in a natural way. One Hermione didn’t expect to see, and she stares at his transformed face.
“Why are you here?” she asks suddenly. He looks at her, his eyes full of something she can’t detect and his face wavering with uncertainty. He doesn’t move his eyes from her face for what seems like a thousand years, just watching her confusion.
“I don’t want to go home,” he finally says. Hermione opens her mouth to respond, but he keeps going. “And I don’t want to face my parents, or even myself in that dreadful house. I want to talk to someone who has no idea what my life is like, and whose life I have no clue about. I want to drink until I can’t remember anything but my name and…” He pauses, his eyes scanning her face. Hermione watches him, how he looks unkempt and wild from his words.
“I want to know if your hair is still long and wild, and what it looks like out of that stupid bun you’re wearing.”
It is almost as if someone has removed the air from the room. Hermione can’t seem to breathe, and she wonders if Draco is also slowly suffocating. He is not though, as evident from his ragged and panting breath. His eyes are wild with… desperation? Regret? Confusion? Hermione can’t place it.
Draco watches her face, watches for any sign of disdain for him or his words. She shows none though, only looking at him in a soft way. Not as though she pities him, but perhaps that she has empathy for him at this moment. That she understands the need to talk to someone who is unbiased and unaware of the entire situation.
Hermione doesn’t know what compels her to do it. Her mind almost fights her hand on the matter, but she does it anyway. Reaching up to her hair, she undos the elastic that is holding the bun wound in place. She uncoils her hair, feeling it comes to life now free of its restriction. It is kinked in odd ways from the bun, but it soon falls in all its glory around her face and shoulders. Frizzy, unmanageable, messy, and imperfect.
Draco looks at it as if it is gold flowing from her scalp.
She stares at him and he stares at her, neither one of them speaking. Now Draco is the one who looks like he is having trouble breathing and Hermione is panting, feeling like a stranger in her kitchen. The alcohol in her system makes her both bold and terribly frightened as his eyes pierce into her.
Draco can’t take his eyes from her mane, the way it engulfs her face and features. Such a pity that she kept it tied up, out of his view for most of the night. His hand, as if possessed, reaches out to touch a loose wave that has found itself laying in front of her face. He looks at the hair, the way it lays between his fingers and looks dark in comparison to his pale skin.
Something in Hermione’s body shifts and she finds herself a slave to the alcohol. Stepping forward ever so slightly, she looks fully into Draco’s eyes. His hand is still near her face, holding the strand of hair. Gently, she reaches up and touches the hand that is by her cheek, watching his face carefully for any sign of negativity. She counts the seconds, one, two, three, but he does not pull away from her touch. On the fourth second, something clicks in Draco’s mind. Something that seemed to never have clicked before.
In a swift moment, on the fifth second, he steps forward and cradles her face in his hands, waiting one short moment to see if she pulls away. When she does not, he swiftly bends his neck down to meet her face and press a tentative kiss to her lips. He feels her breath hitch, but she does not move away. He kisses her again, less soft, and she still does not move away. On the third kiss, he feels her lips move to match his and he lets go.
Hermione feels on fire, both sure and unsure of her actions. Her lips move fast, not out of soft desire, but out of desperation and hunger. Hunger for a body, for physical touch, for the man who shared a few drinks and secrets with her. She reaches for his face, his hair, anything to get closer as their lips move in an uncoordinated manner.
Draco’s hands move away from her face, gripping her shoulders, then her arms, then finding themselves tangled in her long hair. She is trying to guide him out of the kitchen, breaking away to whisper something that he can’t hear over the pounding in her head. He bumps into a chair as he walks backwards, still trying to capture her lips and breath.
“Shit,” he says, pulling away for a moment to look behind him. Hermione doesn’t say anything, instead gently guiding him out of the kitchen and into the small adjacent room. There is nothing but a bed and a small night table, but at this moment she doesn’t need anything else.
Sitting on her bed, Draco meets Hermione’s level as she stands in front of him. He waits a moment, watching her face for any hint of regret. She only gazes at his lips, her eyes half lidded with desire, before closing the space.
They are messy for a minute, a tangle of hands and lips and teeth and tongues. But they settle into each other, breaking only so that he can attach his lips to her neck, her collarbone. She settles her hands in his hair once more, feeling like she needs to be closer, so much closer to him. Soft gasps leave her mouth, his lips and tongue caressing her skin and his hands roaming her back under her shirt.
“Draco,” she says, in a voice that she has not heard in years. He breaks away and looks at her, waiting. She touches the hem of his shirt and he knows, lifting his arms to allow her to remove it. He moves his eyebrows in question and she nods, letting him lift her shirt away.
Draco stares at her body, and he notices a slight squirm from her under his gaze. Hermione stares back, her eyes fixed on his torso. He is lean, muscular but thin, and so, so pale. She brushes a hand across his abdomen, causing him to shudder. His hands are resting on her upper back, his fingers slipping under the band of her bra.
Draco moves his head first, kissing her again with urgency. He tries and fails to unclasp the bra she has on, but Hermione meets his hands and does it for him. The bra falls to the floor, his hands migrating now to cup her breasts as he kisses her.
Hermione feels as though her skin is fire and his is ice. Every touch from him brings goosebumps and waves of chills to her body. She isn’t close enough to him, and she tries to crawl on him so that she can straddle him as he touches her. He stops her, pushing her back for a moment. She looks at him, thinking he has changed his mind, when he speaks.
“We need to undress.”
Nodding, she steps back. He stands and, with no second thought, removes the lower layer of his clothes. Draco watches as she does the same, the two of them standing naked in the dark room.
He sits back on the bed, holding a hand out to her. Once she touches him, he pulls her on top of him so that now she is seated in his lap on the bed. Hermione can feel him, hard and hot, pressing into her stomach as she sits there. She lowers her head so that she can place her lips on his neck and jaw, peppering kisses.
Draco’s hands are gripping her ass, pulling her closer to him as she kisses him. He reaches one hand lower, brushing her sex like he was asking it a question. Hermione moaned into his ear, pressing herself into his hand in response.
Not one to make her wait any longer, Draco slipped a finger inside of her. He watched her, his mouth open, as she moved on his hand. When he slipped a second finger into her, her eyes shut and she gripped his shoulders tightly. She was whimpering, making these small gasping sounds as she rode his fingers.
“Fuck,” he swore, worried he was going to come just from the sight of her moving and the sounds she was making. Hermione was lost to everything but him in the moment, feeling like her nerves were hardwired and electrifying in this moment. Her tits moved in his face, and he bent to capture one of her nipples in his mouth.
This felt good, too good. Hermione couldn’t think of anything but his fingers and his mouth. She felt herself, tightening and clenching around his fingers, inching closer to her finish. She could feel his eyes watching her, as she moved and moaned incoherently. Draco bit ever so slightly on the nipple he had in his lips, and that was it.
“Fuck,” she swore, eyes shut tight and her core pulsating around his hand as she came. She gripped him tightly, holding him in an embrace as she shook in his lap. He kept moving his finger in her, not stopping until she was limp and draped over his shoulder. He removes his fingers from her and kisses her shoulder, hands resting on her lower back.
Hermione tries to wedge her hand in between them so that she can touch him, but he stops her before she can. “Let me fuck you,” he says, less of a request and more of a command. She nods.
Draco picks her up off of him, laying her on her stomach on top of the bed. He positions himself behind her, pressing the full weight of him on top of her. Moving her hair to one side, he kisses her shoulder as he sheathes himself into her.
“Hermione,” he says, his voice soft and dirty. She responds with a whimper as he moves slowly in her, testing the waters.
Hermione moves back against him, urging him to be faster, harder. Draco notices and, with a soft grunt, starts to move with heavy and deep thrusts. She is trying to grab onto the sheets, the blanket, anything she can grip. He is placing sloppy kisses onto the side of her neck, and whispering things into her ears.
“Perfect, you feel perfect,” he says, biting her earlobe as he moves into her. He is consumed by how tight and wet and warm she is, how soft her skin is, the way her hair smells, the small noises she’s making. He is thrusting heavily, trying to be as close to her as he can. Her small body underneath his, writhing and rocking against him.
Hermione can’t think of anything but the way he feels in her. She is moaning nonsense, cursing and swearing and saying his name in this breathy voice that she doesn’t recognize. He is moving against her ass, her clit rubbing on the sheets every time he moves into her. It should be impossible to feel this full this good. There is hair in her face, tears streaming down her cheeks, her hands are tangled in the blanket. She loves it.
“Fuck,” he says, and she feels him stutter in his movements. He slows slightly, but she moves against him. “It’s okay,” she says, gasping at how all consuming he is in her.
Draco understands, and resumes his deep, full motion inside of her. He attached his lips and teeth to her shoulder, her neck, wherever he can as he says her name over and over again.
Hermione, Hermione, Hermione.
Hearing her name, her first name, on his lips is the death of her. She cries out, tightening around his length, and her legs shake. He stutters again, groaning at the sensation. Draco gives one, two, three more motions before he stops, coming inside her.
They lay there for a moment, his body on top of hers, before he pulls out of her. She feels warm and wet in between her legs, and her face burns brightly. He is moving around, and she feels him get up off the bed. For a moment, she wonders if he plans to leave her like this.
Draco takes in the full view of her, laid out with cum on her thighs. He spots tissues on the nightstand and, after gazing at her one final time, reaches to wipe her legs clean.
The feeling makes Hermione shudder, who feels as though she has no more bones or muscles in her body. She rolls over once he is done, and she watches as he walks to the attached bathroom to toss the tissues away. She takes in his body, full and tall, as he does so.
Draco sees her, propped on her elbows, when he returns. Saying nothing, he bends down and kisses her. Lightly, gently, as if saying job well done. He scoots her over to one side of the bed, climbing next to her and letting her mold her back to his stomach.
Hermione’s body feels dead, and the heaviness from Draco mixed with his breath on her neck sends her into an all consuming slumber before she can process a new thought.
Waking, Hermione finds the bed to be empty beside her. Stretching her legs, she looks over at the small clock to find that it is just past four in the morning. A small pang of anger, sadness, whatever, fills her chest as she realizes that he has left.
Sitting up slowly, she stands to go get a drink of water from the kitchen. Opening the door to her bedroom, she is surprised to find the light on in the kitchen.
She is even more surprised to find him there.
“Sorry,” he says, glass in hand. “I thought you were still sleeping.”
“I thought you left.”
He stares at her, his expression unreadable. “Why?”
Hermione stands and looks at him. She shrugs, not even knowing what to say. “Felt like it was that sort of arrangement.”
Draco set his glass down. “There was no ‘arrangement’. I came to get water. If you prefer I leave, or sleep on the floor, tell me now and I will listen.”
Hermione shakes her head. “No- sorry. I don’t normally do this.”
“Neither do I.”
“Okay,” she says, watching him drink the rest of his water. He sets the glass down as she grabs a new one from the cupboard. “I’m going back to bed,” he says, before leaving her in the kitchen.
Drinking water, she watches him leave. She suspects that, in the morning, there will be awkward glances and few words. Perhaps then the feelings of regret will settle into them. But for now…
Hermione put the empty glass down, next to his. As she looked at the two glasses, she couldn’t help but feel glad. Glad that someone wanted her, glad that someone shared her bed tonight, glad that someone touched her and made her feel alive.
Even if it was him.
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wafflinglumos · 9 months
Hey guys when you’re ranting about a ship, which is well in your right! I do it too! Don’t tag THAT ship, that’s annoying, sure you might hate that ship but tagging it without “slander”/ “bashing”/ “anti” you’re just being a bit of a dick, you’re pushing your slander of said ship onto the shippers who just want to enjoy it; so cut that out.
On that note, STOP shaming ao3 authors and their works, they are NOT the same as published authors. On that note, slandering ATYD or Manacled is ten times more different than slandering something with 100-10,000 hits, hell it’s different when that other fic has 100,000! And that difference is that the former fics mentioned, have millions, MILLIONS of reads, ATYD has TWLEVE MILLION reads, Manacled has half of that, and even then, TAG THE SLANDER, if you’re talking about these either INSANELY POPULAR, OR INCREDIBLY HARMFUL fics, tag it, don’t just put it under the FIC’S NAME TAG.
Fandom etiquette and general fanfiction etiquette are important.
Unless it’s harming someone or endorsing something harmful, it’s not that big of a deal.
(Edit: Said something contradictory last time so I changed the tags a little bit, I’m very anti censorship there are no exceptions like I made it seem like I was saying, lmao sorry for the confusion)
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skiitter · 1 year
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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Epilogue.
And so we've come to the end.
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browneyesandhair · 4 months
One in a Thousand (Years) by Browneyesandhair
To torment Harry Potter, the Lestrange brothers curse him with an ‘endless burning’ from a centuries-old ritual. It … doesn’t go according to plan.
Chapter 1: ao3 | ffn
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kitsune024 · 8 months
More Harry Potter Recs
Dramione Fic Recs
Dragon's Heartstrings by pinkinku I Chapters: 33/33 I Completed Inspired by Manacled, Wartime, Forced Marriage, High Reeve Draco, Nobody Wins the Battle of Hogwarts and The War Goes On, Dark Fic, Minor Pancy/Harry
High Reeve Draco Malfoy is not only Voldemort’s most trusted Death Eater but an undercover agent for the Order, plotting Voldemort’s downfall from the inside out as well. After a fair trade with the Order, the High Reeve asks for the highest sacrifice – to make the brightest witch of her age Hermione Granger his wife.
A Year and A Day by AMLKoko I Chapters 86/86 I Completed CEO Draco Malfoy, Arranged Marriage, Marriage Contracts, Slow Burn
Hermione had hit rock bottom when Narcissa Malfoy offered her something she couldn't refuse. She was without a job, without prospects, and nearly homeless, so she had to say yes. But Hermione regretted ever opening that door to Narcissa Malfoy because falling in love hurt, especially when she knew her marriage to Draco Malfoy wasn't built to last forever.
This Time Around by Burntbeachglass I Chapters 3/? I Death Eater Draco, Spy Draco, Time Travel Fix-It, Draco is terrifying, Bamf Hermione
Draco Malfoy switches sides halfway through the Second Wizarding War, but by the time he does, its too late. When the war ends in a final, bloody battle that leaves Draco the last man standing he uses the remnants of the spell they had sacrificed everything to keep Voldemort from casting to send himself back in time. When he wakes up two years in the past he only has one goal. Hermione Granger died to end the war the first time around. This time—he’ll do anything it takes to make sure that never happens.
Reborn by AnnaJohnson72 I Chapters 11/? I Gryffindor Draco, Disowned Draco, Depressed Draco, BAMF Draco, Hogwarts Fifth Year, Hogwarts Sixth Year, Ron Weasley Bashing, AU - Canon Divergence
Despite popular belief, Draco isn’t a coward. He is sly and ambitious, he's the perfect Slytherin. At least he's supposed to be. But he’s also smart, and he can be loyal. And believe it or not brave too. When Draco's 5th year goes off the rails, he's forced to show the world who he really is. Includes disownment, re-sorting, successful BAMF Draco.
Metanoia by isobelx I Chapters 46/70 I Draco Malfoy Redemption, Slow Burn, AU - Canon Divergence, Hogwarts Fourth Year, Hogwarts Fifth Year, Hogwarts Sixth Year, Horcrux Hunting
When it becomes clear the path his father has chosen for their family will lead to nothing but pain and suffering, Draco Malfoy is forced to question everything he's ever been taught. In his quest for survival, and with the help of an unlikely ally, he'll embark on a journey of transformation and self-discovery, that will ultimately change the very foundations of his identity. or What if Draco Malfoy decided he did not want to be a servant to the Dark Lord long before he was forced to join his ranks?
Antinomian by thestarsoforion I Chapters 37/? I AU- Canon Divergence, Secret Relationship-Well Not That Secret, Harry And Ron Are Oblivious, Unhealthy Relationships, Obsessive Draco, Obsessive Hermione, Morally Grey Draco, Morally Grey Hermione, BAMF Hermione, BAMF Draco, Death Eater Draco, Ron Weasley Bashing, Remus Lupin Bashing
He's always watched her. He can't help it. Merlin help him, he's been fucking trying though. She hates him. He's a vile, bigoted arsehole. Of all the people who have made her feel small, who have made her have to fight and scrape and claw for her place in this world ever since she was eleven, he's the worst of them all. But when things take a turn at the Yule Ball, Draco Malfoy decides he's done fighting himself, and Hermione Granger is left floored, struggling to understand this new, strange version of him.
Dramione with Fanart
Secrets and Masks by Emerald_Slytherin I Chapters: 75/75 | Completed READ THE TAGS High Death Eater Draco, Smut, Inspired by Manacled, Violence, War The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy by speechwriter | Chapters: 33/33 | Completed Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Redemption, Horcrux Hunting, Draco with the Golden Trio Timeless by alexandra_emerson I Chapters 50/50 I Completed Time travel, Time Loop, Drama and Romance, Married Couple, Redeemed Draco, Tearjerker, mystery Love In A Time Of The Zombie Apocalypse by rizzlewrites. I Chapters 84/84 I Completed High Reeve Draco, Post-Apocalyptic, Zombies, Slow Burn, scientist Draco, Horror, BAMF Draco, BAMF Hermione, BAMF Harry Things Without Remedy by onebedtorulethemall I Chapters 32/32 I Completed Time Travel, Auror Draco Malfoy, Time Turners, Draco Redemption Manacled by senlinyu I Chapters 77/77 I Completed READ TAGS High Reeve Draco, Post-War, AU Voldemort Wins, Harry Potter Dies, dark fic Remain Nameless by HeyJude19 I Chapters 51/51 I Completed Slow Burn, Past Drug Addiction, Healing, Fluff and Angst, Romance, blueberry scones Regression by WritexAboutxMe I Chapters 32/32 I Completed Murder Mystery, Auror Draco, Slow Burn, Tattooed Draco Malfoy, Draco loves muggle pens, Past Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley Let The Dark In by senlinyu I Chapters: 33/? I No Voldemort au, Durmstrang Student Draco, Dark Magic, Slow Burn, Triwizard Champion Hermione Granger, No Voldemort Does Not Mean No Bigotry, Morally Grey Hermione The Choices We Make by Stacygenesis I Chapters 49/49 I Completed Hogwarts Sixth Year, AU - Canon Divergence, Memory Loss, War, Slow Burn, Light Ron Bashing, Protectiveness, Pining, Eventual Smut
Bookmark Series
This World or Any Other by @olivieblake I Part 1-3 I Completed hermione is the one to find draco in the bathroom, Canon Divergence
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freaksnvans · 2 months
A 30-year-old Christian Fujoshi With a PhD's Thoughts on Team Fortress 2 Shipping.
Here I will be providing my thoughts and opinions on my personal favorite Team Fortress 2 ships. I do not know who will be interested in my speakings, but I am branching out into this beautiful fandom like a great oak tree. Haters can "suck an egg," and I do hope that saying is not an euphemism for anything of the less appropriate variety! Please be ready for a very long and verbose post.
How Did I, freaksnvans, Become Interested in Such a Thing?
An Introduction to Me.
I am indeed a Christian woman, and I self-identify as a Fujoshi. That may seem contradicting, but it is not. I ship the mercenaries from Team Fortress 2 in a good and god-honoring way, and I will not tolerate any negative speak of the Lord in my comments and/or reblogs. As for myself, you may only know me as freaksnvans. I chose that name because My favorite ship, as you may be able to discern from such a screen name, is Trucks n' Vans. The "Freak" part comes from a childhood nickname I was given in elementary school... the Freak. That is very traumatic to me, so I mustn't delve into the details. Moving on.
Where It All Started.
In 2007, I was vaguely interested in the game, having heard whispers of it from sites like YouTube as well as my male classmates. I was Thirteen years old, therefore in middle school. Team Fortress was, without a doubt, popular with middle school aged boys at the time of its release. Being curious as to what the "hype" (am I using this Gen Z slang correctly?) was, I googled Team Fortress 2. I had no, and will still never have any, interest in first-person shooter games. I do not like to kill things. I am a god-honoring woman. However, seeing the image of seven strong and mysterious men, (I am indeed disregarding the Scout, as he is not strong nor is he a man, he is a weak and pathetic boy.) I was indeed intrigued.
I, before then, had minor experiences with fandom spaces, having been interested in Harry Potter at the time. I read fan-fiction occasionally. However, I felt no interest toward fan-fiction and pairings of the homosexual variety. My favorite ship to read fan-fiction of was Dramione. I imagined myself as Hermione. My readings of fan-fiction were in fact very self-serving. I became gradually interested in Team Fortress 2 when the fandom was in its infancy. (If you are wondering as to how I never interacted with the fandom before now, or used "social media," that is because I was not allowed to at such an age, and had a fear of doing so up until adulthood. Please do not shame me.)
Back to the topic of Team Fortress! I began searching for fan art of my favorite characters - which, then, were Medic and Soldier. I longed for the Soldier to hold me in his strong arms. I secretly desired for Medic to perform cruel and unusual acts of surgery upon my body. That is a common sentiment shared upon fans of Medic now, I have found. I thought I was alone!
Anyways... At some point, I began to discover Team Fortress fan-fiction. I was extremely intrigued by my discoveries. I, being a pre-fangirl with no real interest in shipping between the mercenaries yet, read "x reader" fan-fiction. However, the extreme abundance of slash fiction made stories of the homosexual variety completely and utterly unavoidable. I naively decided to read just one story of such a kind. I do believe it was a HeavyMedic fic. It was like a fujosplosion inside my mind. I quickly became hooked on reading M/M Team Fortress fan-fiction, scouring sites such as FFN to find more.
That does seem to be how I became interested in gay pairings in Team Fortress 2.
Ok, then what are your favorites? Stop rambling, woman.
Why would you say that to me? Anyways, over the years, I have been particularly drawn to three different pairings.
the first would of course be Trucks n' Vans.
It may be obvious that is my favorite. Actually, I think I already mentioned that it is, ha ha! Anyways. Trucks n' Vans has captivated me ever since I was a young girl. First of all, Sniper is skinny and mildly pathetic, while Engineer is a beautiful fit man. He is also Southern, which I am too. I became interested in this pairing because I imagined Engineer teaching Sniper the ways of God and life in the South. He would show Sniper the beauty and joy of a good old peach cobbler. Which he clearly needs, because I do have a burning hatred for Australians. Sniper is an exception. Anyways.
I have also found great interest in HeavyMedic.
Of course I have. I was interested in this fandom from the day it was created, you silly goose, of course I love HeavyMedic. They were meant to be. Please don't tell God that I said this but I wish I was between them as they kissed. I am short enough for that, being a meager five-foot-one, and generally petite. Well, um, sorry to cut that short, but I am having an extremely bad nosebleed at the moment. Because I thought too hard about HeavyMedic with me sandwiched int he middle. I may as well complete typing this post up, because it's not that bad, but I may make typos here and there. There is blood on my keyboard. Oh Dear. LOL!
My Other Thoughts.
I do believe that Team Fortress shipping is what made me more tolerant of people leading a homosexual lifestyle. When I see gay people in the streets I no longer recoil in disgust as my parents taught me, but I remember that they are people too. Just like Team Fortress 2 in real life. I did meet lots of gay people in college, when I was learning and working toward my PhD in philosophy. Most of the men there did not interest me, because they looked too much like Scout and not enough like a handsome Soldier.
As detailed in my previous post, there are many people who hold disdain for fangirls, or generally people who ship and read fan-fiction. I did experience some of this in college and high school. In middle school, I was very secretive about my fan-fiction and fandom activities. I didn't even have any online friends. The only people I knew who had any interest in Team Fortress 2 were boys at school, who thought I was a freak of nature for being interested in gay scenarios between the mercenaries. I once had lemonade thrown on my brand-new white pants because I was caught reading a HeavyMedic fan-fiction in class. I wanted to die. Please, Lord, excuse my language...FUCK you, Jared. I have violent fantasies regarding him sometimes. As a result of that, I was called gay pee-girl for the rest of the year. I had to move schools because nobody called me by my name, and I was only known as the gay pee-girl. It was definitely worse than "freak."
That may be it from me today. There's so much blood. I think it is not just a normal nosebleed. Oh goodness
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dramioneasks · 9 months
Top 10 Most Favourited (Completed) Fics on FFNET of 2023:
Wilted Rose and Muddy Blood: A Dramione Fic by Raptor.Elephant - M, 25 chapters, Words: 34,001 - Lavender Brown makes a bet with Hermione that she can't win over the Slytherin Prince in a month. Hermione wonders why she agreed... she could never stand a chance of winning, right? Rated for minor adult themes and language. R&R. COMPLETE... FINALLY!
The Education of a Lady by thewanderers'wanderingdaughter - M, 34 chapters, Words: 365,605 - COMPLETE. Fourth and final (for real this time) part in the His Little Bird series. The story of survival, betrayal, and tragedy. A monster took everything from her. Now she's expected to be a willing participant in the world he's built for them. They want her to become one of them. She only wants vengeance, and now that she has her power back, she can make that a reality.
If Only by SarahFraser - M, 25 chapters, Words: 99,891 - Fourteen years after Draco and Hermione break up, Draco accompanies his son, Scorpius, to Kings Cross for his first year at Hogwarts. Thirteen-year-old twins, Mila and Milo, get their first in person glimpse of the father that abandoned them before birth. After Mila confronts her father for abandoning them, Draco seeks Hermione out on the platform to find out what the hell is going
I'm a What? He's My What? Well Hell! by clumsydolphin - T, 18 chapters, Words: 34,168 - This is a very unusual Veela tale! I promise if ya peek inside it's a surprise! Now complete!
Blackmailed by Mistress Lynn - M, 14 chapters, Words: 49.867 - Draco finds out something pertaining to the war that Hermione would do anything to prevent from getting out. How far is she willing to go to protect her secret? DM/HG, Draco M./Hermione G. 7th Year Hogwarts, war AU, Dramione, lots of banter! COMPLETE! WINNER: 2022 Top Dramione Fics on Reddit, 2nd Place Dom!Draco (but he's totally a switch here)
Mother: Unknown by HufflepuffMommy - M, 42 chapters, Words: 108,211 - After the battle, Draco Malfoy was given something he never thought he wanted—a daughter. The only problem? He didn't know who the mother of his child was. Six years after the war, Hermione Granger moves to the states, to a small coastal town in Maine. There, she runs into a familiar wizard—along with his outgoing, precious daughter. NOW COMPLETE!
Fireworks by cleotheo - T, 10 chapters, Words: 25,510 - A party at the end of seventh year results in major life changes for Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, including the loss of their best friend, Ron Weasley. Can a reunion several years later fix the rift, or are some things too broken to ever be fixed? Reunion style story.
Old Friends by cleotheo - T, 10 chapters, Words: 25,453 - When Ron Weasley returns to Wizarding Britain after five years away he is dismayed to find his place in life seems to have been usurped by a certain former Slytherin. But how far will Ron go to get back the life, and the witch, he believes should be his?
Teach Me How to Forget by scullymurphy - M, 20 chapters, Words: 110,321 - Hermione Granger is 27 years old when her life falls apart. Cheated-on, flatless, in a dead end job, she decides to change one thing she can-take a class and try for some career advancement. But change is never easy, especially when an old enemy is the catalyst-and the class instructor.
Designations by sbz0702 - M, 35 chapters, Words: 85,293 - In the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts and the end of the Wizarding War, all Seventh- and Eighth-Year students are required to return to Hogwarts to complete their magical educations. When they arrive, they discover that the Ministry has been tampering with nature and biology...and they've all been affected... EWE, non-Canon compliant
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makaykirei-art · 5 months
Part II of the College AU! Even though Draco’s a bio-chem major and psych minor, he still finds time to be a band member of “Don’t Mind If We Slither In,” aka, Theo Nott’s pride and joy.
Draco has to get his sweatshirt back, right? 😉
#dracomalfoy #draco #dracomalfoyfanart #fanart #collegeau #au #harrypotterau #hpfanart #dramione #dramionefanart
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kaysungshine · 3 months
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MDNI 18+/21+ | for the love of god please have your age in bio or pinned. I won't risk minors on my blog, and you will get blocked.
You can call me Kay! I'm 28. And I'm most definitely a baby stay as of the beginning of 2024.
In all my world of fic writing, I've never thought to make a tumblr account for it. I have three different wattpad accounts. And an AO3 account. I keep my writing for each fandom separate so for example; one wattpad account is where I used to write bandfics for what me and my friends call the "warped tour era". So for ATL, PTV, SWS, etc. that's where I'd upload those, but god I haven't logged in, in probably over 10 years. Another wattpad account and my ao3 account is for my Dramione fics, I'm a huge HP fan. No one will ever beat my dramione ship lol. I do have a third wattpad account under the same username as here, and I did intend to eventually upload fics on there, but idk. However, I like the community on tumblr better. In addition to writing for 14 years, I've had tumblr for 15 years. I've seen this damn website through thick and thin dammit.
My ask box and submissions are always open (and if I haven't answered you yet, it's because I'm still working on or haven't gotten to your story yet), and so are my dm's. I hope you'll welcome me ♡
CW banner cred - cafekitsune ♡
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alexandra-emerson · 7 months
Some Thoughts
(For readers horrified by what’s been going on in fandom who want to help)
I’m sad that some authors have been pulling their works from AO3, though I totally get it. But I’m not going to add to the “don’t sell fanfics” commentary much. I’m working with a lawyer to get mine taken down from Etsy, and it sucks, but I think this is an opportunity to talk about the fandom community as a whole. Specifically, what you can do to keep it alive and healthy.
I think it’s easy to sit at home, read about this illegal fanbinding drama with interest, run to AO3 to mass download your favorite fics, pat yourself on the back for not buying or selling fics illegally or not adding them to Goodreads, then move on with your life. But I would argue this passive attitude is just as harmful to the community, in some ways.
The Criticism Ratio
You all have probably heard that you’re supposed to deliver compliments and criticism with a ratio of 5:1. This is because negative comments stick in our heads more, so even if you were balancing the good and bad, or giving twice as many good comments as bad ones, the bad ones carry so much weight, they still seem to be winning.
With writing, I would argue this ratio is probably more like 10:1. Because it’s so personal. And most of us are so new to it. And it’s so much freaking work. I timed it once, and one chapter typically takes me 12 hours to write. That doesn’t include editing, or the hours my beta puts into editing. Then, to float all that work out into the world and get negativity back … oof, it makes embarking on the next 12 hours, and the next and the next VERY difficult.
My Experience
I’ve been an author of some popular fics in both the Harmony and Dramione spaces. On the Harmony side, I’ve dealt with personalized attacks, not just against my stories but against me as a person. And when that was going down, there weren’t a ton of fans speaking up on my behalf. I got a lot of DMs telling me those bullies were just the “loud minority” but from my point of view, with my supporters sounding like crickets, they felt like a majority. 
(Quick note to my Harmony readers: No I’m never writing Harmony again, get over it, and stop following me to every work I write next to ask me when I’m writing Harmony again. You had your chance to support me, and you fucking missed the boat.)
On the Dramione side, the public spaces are more moderated (thank God) so I’m less likely to stumble upon downright bullying. But this space is overwhelming in how BIG it is and how much conversation goes on about my fics. I always feel like the last to know when there’s some big Tik-Tok boom happening with one of my stories, when a story gets added to Goodreads, when there’s a reddit thread discussing the flaws in ‘Timeless’, when it gets posted for sale on Etsy, when someone popular binds it. It’s very hard to keep up with this giant fandom and it’s too much to handle at times. Which means if people don't send us things directly, we don't see it.
I also get this thing in Dramione that I didn’t get as much in Harmony where people act afraid or embarrassed to reach out to me. They’ll say things like, “I’m so sorry to bother you…” or “I’m sure you hear this all the time, and I know you don’t need to hear it from me too, but your works are great…” I think in Dramione people assume because it’s so big, other people are taking care of things, but that’s not the case. There is a lot of activity, for sure, but not much of that is making it back to the author.
My Ask
So anyway, think about the role you play in fandom. Are you contributing to the compliment bank, or the criticism one? (Remember, abstentions go with the majority. And in this case, every negative experience holds x10 weight).
Good things can be as simple as sending a quick note like, “Just letting you know I thought about your story today” or “Here’s another kudos because I just reread this gem!” It can be correcting a negative comment or review you see out in the wild, so that if the author ever stumbles across it, they see that their people are out there, sticking up for them. Ten people can instantly negate a bad comment with ten positive ones. Then if the author ever finds it, no harm done.
We all know the bad things that harm fandom, so there’s no need for me to rehash them here. But don’t forget that the passive things can be just as harmful. Things like: Rating a fanfic on Goodreads, because it’s already there, and you really want it to count towards your goal. Downloading a story, loving it, and never letting the author know. Reading rude comments online, complimenting yourself for not being that mean, then scrolling to the next thing.
My challenge to fandom is this: Let’s fill that compliment and support bucket so full that when an author does encounter a negative experience with one of their fanfics, they have a giant, fluffy pillow of endless love to fall back on. Let’s make those rare moments of nastiness truly feel like a minority to our creators. It’s not a ton of work. Our fandom is so flipping large, it just takes a tiny comment from each person to keep our community feeling like a fun, positive place to play.
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greenerteacups · 5 months
forever grateful to you for sharing your musings, as if the book writing weren't great enough and hard work enough, you truly spoil us and i love you.
I'm popping in here to ask if you would like to talk about how you see Dumbledore. Sometimes I feel his manipulative side is abused in fanfiction, depicting little more than a heartless chess master.
And well, I guess I'm curious to find out if Lionheart Albus has a heart and will we get to see it. Maybe the more generous glimpses you give us of Snape and his interactions with him will shed some light on his hidden depths? Or will his appearances remain fleeting and enigmatic, always far and above all the little people we do know and adore?
Sorry, I know you can't possibly be completely balanced in your portraying of the whole cast, or they would spread too thin. I am here for the plot, for the Dramione and the Blacks, but I deeply enjoy all the character building (I truly live for all of them, not only our loved ones, I even cherish Warrington with sincere hate and am waiting for his comeuppance ) so I thought I would ask if you wouldn't mind a few comments on our opaque headmaster.
Thank you, friend! You're really kind.
Dumbledore has a relatively minor role in Lionheart for a few reasons — chief among which is, as you point out, that we just don't have time for everybody to get the same level of characterization the mains do. I have plot justifications for that, but it'd be disingenuous to suggest otherwise: Dumbledore's minor because I'm less interested in him than I am in Snape and Narcissa, and Lionheart is much more about Draco's sphere of the world than Harry's. That being said, I think some people forget how small Dumbledore's role is in the original books. He pretty much exists to deliver exposition and tell Harry how to beat the final boss; dude doesn't even get a gesture at a backstory until he's already dead. In fact, it's kinda weird to me that everyone (including a lot of people in the series) treats Dumbledore like he's some kind of guardian for Harry, especially with respect to the decision to keep him at the Dursleys. I know it's set up in the prologue, but if I'm Dumbledore, and I'm catching strays for Vernon Dursley being a piece of shit, I'm gonna be like:
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The TLDR on Dumbledore is he's blamed way too much for stuff he doesn't do instead of the stuff he does. People seem to blame him for everything bad that happens to Harry because he's a competent adult in the general vicinity of the kid. But with the possible exception of hiring Lockhart — a bad decision I attribute to Early Installment Weirdness and, just maybe, a certain scarcity of applicants for a position where the last dude Literally Fucking Died — there's not a whole lot of shit that happens to Harry in the first few books Dumbledore could've prevented. Plus, he does in fact have Other Shit to be Doing. Is he a really powerful wizard who probably could've saved Harry's ass in a lot of the fights he gets into? Yes. Does he also have a whole school to run, a secret guerrilla group to direct, a Ministry full of political enemies to placate, and — oh yeah — a snake-faced immortal evil sorcerer he's playing 4D chess with at all times? Yes!
The whole lamb-to-slaughter thing with Harry is admittedly quite dark, but I don't read it as machiavellian. For one, Dumbledore obviously comes to this conclusion after a lot of deliberation, and to his death, he refuses to tell Harry about it, because (one assumes) he never intends to kill Harry himself. He's willing to hinge the fate of the free world on his respect for Harry's autonomy and/or his faith that Harry will make the "right" choice. That's pretty humane, given the circumstances. And he holds off on telling Harry about the horcruxes because... he doesn't want to inform a literal child that he'll eventually have to kill himself for the war effort. Oh, GOD, what a SCHEMING MONSTER. Surely this is motivated by menace, and not the grieving reluctance of a seasoned veteran who wants to preserve whatever few years of happiness this kid can eke out of life.
The areas where Dumbledore is morally shady come out most in his interactions with other adults. His conversation with Severus in 1981, for instance, is the one time in the books where I was legitimately frightened of him, because it's a rare time he's completely without mercy or grace. "What will you give me in return, Severus?" is a character-defining line, because Snape has just told him that two twenty-somethings and their infant child are about to be murdered, and Dumbledore's hit back with the subtextual equivalent of: "Tough shit. Why is it my problem?" Which is COLD AS FUCK! And we can kind of infer that he's not in earnest here, that he's manipulating Severus by making him think Dumbledore won't protect the Potters (even though they're Order members, which this theory requires us to assume Severus doesn't know) so that he can get him to work as a spy — but we don't know that for certain, right? It's all inference. We hope that his implicit threat isn't genuine, but what would happen if Severus said no, and walked away? How much did Albus understand about Snape's feelings for Lily, and what kind of person does it take to bluff like that in front of a known Legilimens? That line is intimidating as fuck whether or not Albus means it.
It's bits like these, where he's talking to people that he actually dislikes, where we get hints of the real Machiavellian Albus Dumbledore, and it's absolutely fascinating. He's the veteran of two wars, going on three when he dies, and you can tell in how he conducts himself. That includes, by the way, his gentility with children and his respect for innocence. But he's not just Good Funny Grandfather Dude or Crafty Mastermind. He's a general. He's been waging wars from the back lines since his twenties. That does something to your brain, and it doesn't leave a lot of you left over for anything else.
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browneyesandhair · 4 months
One in a Thousand (Years) by Browneyesandhair
To torment Harry Potter, the Lestrange brothers curse him with an ‘endless burning’ from a centuries-old ritual. It … doesn’t go according to plan.
Chapter 2: ao3 | ffn
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screamingmandrakes · 23 days
Posted my server before but doing it bc we’re rebranding!
Voldemort Brain Rot is 18+ and a dead dove space, Full disclaimer, we discuss dead dove in there and it is not censored. It is Voldemort Centric, but is currently being expanded to also have a Death Eater section. Feel free to come in and suggest things right now, we are right in the middle of rebranding
• pro-ship
• includes writing spaces (sprints, etc)
• character specific channels (still WIP)
• custom roles and emotes
• a smaller non-death eater ship section, for ships like Sirmione and Remione.
• basically if you want a place to say disturbing things about your favorite characters, this is your server.
• currently has tomione, volmione, tomarry, and harrymort as ship channels but am expanding.
• open to ships not involving voldemort (dramione, drarry, lumione, etc)
Hope to see you there :) and a reminder that this is a no minors zone. I am an adult who engages with adult content — none of my spaces are child friendly.
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quillofslytherin · 3 months
Day 12 of 100 Days of Smutty Dramione Drabbles
100, 100 word, smutty Dramione drabbles inspired by THIS prompt list.
A/N: Bro. June has been awful. I’m finally free from corporate hell so here goes day 12! Like I promised, I’ll be posting the completed oneshot soon, so keep an eye out!
Find the masterlist HERE
Day 12: "I'm trying to hard not to fuck you senseless right now."
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“Fuuuck, Hermione,” he growls.
“I’m trying–” he gasps, “–so hard–” he moans, “–not to– FUCK–” he swears, “–you sense– senseless–” he stutters, “–right now.” Finally punctuating the end of his struggle with a desperate thrust into her clenched fist.
With their eyes still locked, she dips her head down once more, her deliciously pink tongue poking out between swollen lips to swipe teasingly at the salty bead patiently waiting for collection from his equally pink tip. 
He nearly, nearly, whimpers at the sight.
Smirking, she withdraws back onto her haunches, her hand unceasing. 
“Then stop trying. When has a Malfoy ever tried?”
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tomionefinds · 1 month
Hi! Any recs that is royalty-themed? Either Hermione or Tom is from royal blood. Even better if there’s a possessive/jealous Tom. Thanks!
Here are some royalty recs! - Haus
Light of the Moon by Maloreiy (admin favorites)
T | Complete | 69k
King Riddle needs a bride, and he has declared he will marry whoever is smart enough and strong enough to solve his magical riddle. Written for the Tomione Fest, hosted by the Tomione fanfics Facebook group. Tied for the winner of Best AU, and tied for the runner-up of Best Cover Art.
Nobility by Olivieblake
M | Complete | 148k
When a tyrannical king takes the throne by the blood-stained tip of his sword, two women find themselves tangled in his search for power. Who is the pawn and who is the queen, and what will they sacrifice for love? Hansy/Tomione, eventual Dramione. Royalty AU. COMPLETE.
The Girl with Everything and the Boy From Nothing by bunnystealsyourcarrots (also an admin fave)
M | Complete | 36k
A Tomione Medieval Au where a lord from nothing and nowhere surrounds the castle of a princess with the intent to take everything from her brick by bloody brick.
Serpentine Moves by Betagyre (not quite royalty but peerage)
E | Complete | 357k
Medieval Norman Conquest AU. Fourteen years after eloping with a Muggle, Merope Riddle, of an English wizarding noble family, discovers that she and her son are the last of the line, so she petitions for her title and fiefdom back. Meanwhile Lord and Lady Granger are minor nobility who want their daughter taught magic, but Lord Malfoy, appointed by William the Conqueror to rule English wizards, won’t allow an unattached Muggle-born to study alongside young purebloods at Hogwarts. Merope and the Grangers make common cause and betroth their children, thwarting him for now. But war is coming, and a long, dark path lies ahead.
No Grave Can Hold My Body Down (I'll Crawl Home to Her) by TMRiddles
T | One-Shot | 4k
He's her bodyguard with a nasty secret, and she's the heir to Magical Britain's throne. This is the five times he saved her and the one time he couldn't.
Pearl by Imotales
M | One-shot |3k
In search of pearl Tom Riddle finds his treasure. Inspired by a scene of an incredible Indian movie 'Padmavat' Regency era romance between king Tom aka Voldemort and princess of a small country. Tom doesn't fall in love. No, he only seeks to use and covet. Or is he? Is it the greed of a king or falling in love at first site wrapped in the skin of want by a dark wizard who doesn't know the meaning of love?
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