#misce people
pack-the-pack · 10 months
I realized the other day that I don’t think I know what ‘miscefelis’ or ‘misceanimalis’ means. Like, I see it as a tag on miscecanis posts, I think I’ve even used it myself, but I never actually Questioned it. And in the official (dare I say iconic) post where you coined the term ‘miscecanis’ and ‘miscelupus’, those terms weren’t featured (not even in the reblogs).
So I was wondering:
1) do you know who coined the term(s) ‘miscefelis’ and ‘misceanimalis’? Was that also you, but just in a later post?
2) What’s your interpretation of those terms? My best interpretation of it is ‘omegaverse lifestyle but it’s not wolf/dog inspired’ but now I’m doubting myself
I was not the one that coined miscefelis or misceanimalis, and unfortunetly I also do not know who did. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was more than one person at the same time, or if it had many points of origin. Because le'ts be real, my lousy latin construction of Miscecanis and Miscelupus wasn't that difficult to branch out from hahahahaah. They seem to me just like natural progressions. And as I interpret them is: Miscefelis: People that may identify with A/B/O but not necessarily with the more canine/dog-like behaviours and would rather mantain the poise of felines because it suits them better within the verse. Misceanimalis: This to me is like saying "miscellaneous²" hahaha. When you have too many characteristics from too many different animals to pin it down as just one. Birds, reptiles, canines, felines, etc. So you use this catch-all term. If you're still in doubt on what the hell it's all this miscecanis thing ahahaha I'll link you to this question I just answered that kind of sums it all up and has links to other things related to it I made in the past.
Hope it helps, cheers.
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revvetha · 1 year
I am loved! 😊 [white knuckle gripping the sink unable to meet my own bloodshot eyes]
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haridraws · 11 months
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I found the order Astarion info was revealed to me very funny
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naofaun · 8 months
gay people will see 2 men (or women) who hate each other and would rather tear each other apart than be nice and proceed to ship them more than anything
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itwaslegendary · 4 months
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Taylor Swift's interview on CBS Sunday Morning; 25/08/2019
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stupidscav · 3 months
yeahh artfight yeaaa artfight @kosss369
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Y'all really need to work on getting over the fact that a person can agree with you on one topic but disagree with you on another.
That's fairly normal tbh and not some heinous crime against humanity that you're making it out to be.
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musubiki · 3 months
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windy 💨🍃
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kimabutch · 8 months
So I used to have intense cooking anxiety, to the point of frequently crying and/or having panic attacks in the kitchen — and now I love cooking and it rarely stresses me out. In case anyone else is going through that same struggle, a) I’m really sorry, that sucks immensely and don’t let anyone tell you it’s silly and b) here are a few rules I’ve made for myself that have helped me tremendously.
Never cook while hungry. Ever. It makes me sad, tired, and frustrated, which makes me try to go faster than I should, which just makes me more sad, tired, and frustrated. I keep small snacks on hand at all times.
Abandon the oppressive clutches of time. Trying to cook at a “normal” pace was one of the biggest sources of anxiety for me, so I don’t try to do that anymore. The recipe says it’ll take X minutes? Fake number, ignore it. It take a million years to cut a clove of garlic? That’s fine, I’ll get better over time. Other people are hungry? They can have one of my small snacks. Doing two things at once is too stressful? Do them one at a time, fuck efficiency. I’m feeling overwhelmed in the middle of a recipe? Almost all recipes can be completely paused in the middle of cooking by simply taking them off the heat, with very little effect on the final product.
Look up anything and everything. The internet sucks in many ways, but it has also allowed me to search for “skillet” or “scallion” dozens of times when I’ve forgotten, without anyone else knowing. If I’m anxious about making a substitution, I look it up. If I don’t know why something’s taking so long to cook, I look it up. There’s no shame in it.
My kitchen, my rules. And when I’m cooking in a kitchen, it temporarily becomes my kitchen. I kick people out if I need to. I put on my music or stay in blissful silence. I know not everyone can do this one, but even something like putting on noise-cancelling headphones and asking people not to talk to me as I cook has been helpful in decreasing my stress when sharing a kitchen.
Repeat recipes. Making something I already know I can make is so much less anxiety-inducing than making something new. It lets me actually practice the techniques they use and eventually, to tweak the recipe (something that used to make me super anxious), and eventually go faster or be more efficient. Anyone who doesn’t want to eat vegetable fried rice once a week for a whole month doesn’t need to eat my cooking.
Hope that helps someone and good luck out there!
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stormxpadme · 2 months
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so has this been done or
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pack-the-pack · 10 months
Hey! I'm trying to start a pack with my alpha but I honestly have no clue how to go about it. Do you have any tips or pointers?
Mate, imma be honest, I don't even know how I made mine hahahahahaha I made a discord server, put a lot of effort in it, and then invited people with my blog and on disboard. And that was it hahahahaha. I have no better advise I'm so sorry ;-;
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bytedykes · 5 months
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[ID: Devil Venerable sketch. Wenren E looks at Yin Hanjiang with a concerned look. He thinks, "Poor Yin Hanjiang... i never realized that my death would be so distressing to him... i wonder what he's thinking about right now". Yin Hanjiang, who is standing behind him to his side, is looking away with an intense stare. He's blushing. He has a large thought bubble with "GAY THOUGHTS" written comically large in it. /end ID]
doodle of them before bed
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666-n3k0-666 · 5 months
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naofaun · 11 months
dry texters are my worst enemy. do you hate me and wish me dead? do you find texting me incredibly boring? how dare you. at least try.
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grabyourpillow · 7 months
"why are we as a fandom not aknowledging—" *tired sigh* look. Personally I'm rather busy trying to one, have a life, and two be a decent person to actual people, so when I come to fandom I have one objective: chill and be entertained. Which makes two objectives really. Point is you're trying to make me write a socio-economico-geopolitical essay, I'm just over here mushing highlighters together pretending they're my fave characters. We are not the same
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