#mischeif movie night
flustered-art · 1 year
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Mischeif movie night keychain!
It’s officially happening! These guys are going to get sent to manufacture this week!
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emeritus-fuckers · 10 months
hello i was wondering if i could participate in the match up event?
I am afab and nb, I use any pronouns :) I'm cool with being any gender or being with any gender neither matters much to me
I lov the ghouls and their silly little shenanigans :)
I'm pretty feminine looking, I'm 5'1 and I'm built like a comic book male superhero like broad chest and shoulders but a straight line from the ribs down like a upside down dorito w legs
I'm asian so my eyes and hair are dark, my hair's like a shoulder-length wolf cut ish thing... idk I just hack at it. sometimes I wear glasses, but sometimes I just feel like being blind. When I get dressed I pretend like im dressing up in a fun little costume so my day is more whimsical and silly my go-to is like sailor uranus prince-type girl crush but a wizard or a wizard who is going on an epic expedition to recover lost artifacts but no matter the outfit the key is that I look like I'm secretly a merlin-style cartoonishly evil wizard. So i guess maybe like goth grunge academia something something pinterest buzzword Oh and I have major rbf, and it makes ppl scared of me
I'm an introverted person and I tend to be very logical but. I think different from a lot of ppl apparently. I've been described, to paraphrase, as "sort of ominous and mysterious but actually funny", "uncanny and unsettling in a good way", and "awkward and weird but its endearing" which just sound like insults. I like to live in my head and make silly stories and things to play with. Like every tumblr user I've got fucked up mental health and bad parents so I am kind of like one of those freaky ass chihuahuas that is always scared and shakes and bites people and has digestive issues. I tend to be hard to read or sort of deadpan so I like fucking w people since they can't tell if I'm joking bc i love mischeif and japes. I want to be a silly not-quite-supervillain like Dr doofinshmirtz or like a trickster archetype sort yk
I was a pretty intense synchronized swimmer for like 9 years I competed at like opens and nationals and all that when I was in school but my university doesn't have :( I'm on the rowing team now but I would rather do synchro esp since being my main thing was being flexible and it has no advantages in rowing lmaooo I've been a huge vocaloid fan since elementary school so I've been around in that community for a while (I am so well-adjusted). I like to make vocal synth covers and draw, especially when I'm able to work with producers to provide art for their vids it's so cool hehehehhe I mostly listen to vocaloid music but I like a lot of metal stuff as well that's how I found out abt gonst. I also like 2 play video gamez, I'm so fucking bad at them but I think it's rly funny so I just spend hours giggling and watching myself get mauled over and over.
I love horror a lot but I'm less a slasher girlie and more of a supernatural psychological tormet girlie esp if its got mythology or religions shit involved. Im majoring in history bc all good history ppl like silly metal and I wrote this instead of my abstract that's due in like an hour bc I have no idea what to do for the topic 🥲🥲
- the fuckin wizard
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is... Zephyr
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They like listening to you talk about your major and interests. He's a very good listener.
While they might not be the best swimmer, they enjoy the activity and if you want to show off, they'll absolutely let you and be super proud.
He doesn't mind how unique your style is. He probably wouldn't really try to match clothes with you, but they'd try their best to buy you stuff you'd enjoy.
Since he doesn't really walk much, they picked up drawing and started doing it with you. They're surprisingly good at it for someone who just randomly said "I'm bored, maybe I should start drawing".
Also, horror movie date nights! They're also much more of a psychological horror person, but his favorite is of course the paranormal (he finds it hilarious) so you two take turns picking the movies.
Video game dates included, too. He's got a PS3 and the first three Uncharted games, as well as some others. Their favorite is Uncharted 3.
He'll insist you wear your glasses. He knows the consequences of ignoring his health. It's not fun.
Written by Nosferatu with the help of the wonderful and of @ask-zephyr-ghoul (ilysm pookie).
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Godsides Ref Sheet
I've been working on my own version of the godsides idea (sanders sides as gods), and this is what I've got. (kudos to @thegoldenduckie for helping! I couldn't do this without you!)
This is going to be a long post, so here:
First up we've got the characters themselves! (this does include Remy and Emile, I know that they aren't sides, but I love them)
God of: intelligence, wisdom, strategy, memory, time, and space
Style: like an ethereal, noble, starcore, gay ass bitch
Age (as of Thomas): as old as the universe itself
Interests: poetry, science, mathematics, astronomy, Patton
Animal counterpart (+features): Raven, he has the wings of a raven
God of: emotion, empathy, health, animals, life, justice (morality)
Style: dad x kid core gay x that one nice librarian you met when you were five and have never seen since that one fateful afternoon but the memory of them has stuck with you forever x flowery cottagecore dresses
Age (as of Thomas): as old as there has been life on earth
Interests: baking, cooking, sewing, knitting, hanging out with the other gods (and Thomas!), gardening
Animal counterpart (+and features): dog, specifically a golden retriever, and he has the tail and ears of one (you fucking furry)
God of: fear, instinct, paranoia, anxiety, monsters, weather (especially storms)
Style: a 2005 emo, but make it fancy
Age (as of Thomas): as long as humans have been around, is our best guess
Interests: watching horror movies, baking with Patton (don’t judge, okay?), keeping up with his anonymous tumblr blog (shh, the mortals don’t know it’s him), embroidery, cosplay, shitposting
Animal counterpart (+features): spider, multiple eyes/limbs?
God of: creativity, love, passion, the arts, honor, pride
Style: pretentious fuck at a ren faire
Age (as of Thomas): since art could be found (wow, so fancy you flamboyant little shit)
Interests: acting, poetry, writing, cosplaying with Virgil, dnd, fashion design/putting together outfits, pottery, photography, fencing
Animal counterpart (+features): lion, has a tail, ears, mane like hair?
God of: deception/deceit, puzzles, riddles, tricks, theatre, outcasts
Style: Victorian-era conman outlaw (now with added capes!)
Age (as of Thomas): since the first lie fell from a human’s mouth
Interests: fucking with the other gods, chess, gardening, witchcraft, winetasting, turning into a snake at zoos to freak out mortals (remus is with him obvi)
Animal counterpart (+features): snake, has his lil scalies, snek tongue, and eye.
God of: creativity, sex, the abandoned, chaos, mischeif
Style: fancy, alternative, androgynous, grunge
Age (as of Thomas): same as Roman (they’re twins, what’d you expect)
Interests: fucking with other the gods and mortals (but different), pole dancing, cooking/baking, solving cold cases from decades ago because he can, acting, drawing, painting
Animal counterpart (+features): octopus… (please help, what features should he have?)
God of: sleep, night, dreams (kinda)
Style: he looks like the vines and only that. No joke this god came into existence thirty minutes late with a Starbucks in hand
Age (as of Thomas); the first time someone slept ig???
Interests: going for walks/drives, stargazing, listening to podcasts, chatting, drinking coffee, talking with Emile
Animal counterpart (+features): raccoon, he’s got the bags under the eyes, but he chooses not to have any other features, and those are just cause he’s an insomniac
God of: the mind, illustrative arts, language
Style: similar to Patton’s, but a bit more masculine(?)
Age (as of Thomas): since humans evolved their mind enough to speak words everyone knew
Interests: watching cartoons, animation, pet care, crocheting, 
Animal counterpart (+features): ram, he has horns!
Thomas himself is a mortal in this, but the gods have chosen someone to speak through every lifetime, and they chose Thomas. He's honestly pretty much the same as he is in the videos, though.
Ships include: Logicality (kinda going to be the focus), probably prinxiety and dukeceit, but there might be a bit of princeit. Logan acts as the "main character" seeing as he'll be around the longest, but all of them will be a focus.
That's most of what I've got for now, but I'll keep you updated as things progress.
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seanfalco · 2 years
Trick ‘r’ Treat
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an oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco​ & @super-unpredictable98​​​
Word Count: 4.1k Tags/Warnings: suggestive themes, alcohol, underage drinking, confronting bullies a/n: For @sheehalloween​ for Day Two: Trick or Treat
[ masterlist ]
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"I don't care about the Wizard of Oz!  I'll wear blue like Glinda in Wicked!" Lydia exclaimed, crossing the flat in her enormous blue gown and long blonde wig with perfect curls, waving her sparkly wand around. 
"But in th’movie she wears pink!" Nate followed, already in his Tin Man attire. "With th'big crown." 
"That movie is anti-Elphaba propaganda!"
"Lyds, y'look so beautiful," Win cried, jumping up from the couch to fawn over her wife as she joined them. 
"Do we really hafta wear these?" Nats asked, pulling the straw hat from his head.  “It’s itchy!”
"Do you have to wear a costume on Halloween? Oh, I don't know, did we get married in flip-flops?” Lydia countered, sarcasm dripping from her words.  “I wanted to dress you up as the scarecrow before he became the scarecrow, but someone keeps preaching about the stupid movie." 
"Hey! I'm just sayin', if it's meant t’be recognizable..." Nate grumbled. 
"Ugh, you're getting on my nerves," Lydia huffed, stopping to admire Win, dressed as Elphaba, complete with green skin.  "You’re so beautiful, baby!  Absolutely gorgeous!"
"Thank you, Lollipop," Win laughed, taking Lydia's hand and spinning with her. "Now stop bickering you guys," she added. "I think everyone looks good. Let's go pick up Blossom and her little boyfriend."
"I promise I won't say another word until y'have some candy t'calm you down," Nate teased, turning Lyddie so he could kiss her cheek.
"Silly…"  She finally smiled. "Let's go, you all look great, you too, Nats."
"Thanks," Nats mumbled, letting Win pull him to his feet and stick his hat back on his head.
Outside their flat, it seemed trick or treaters were already on the prowl, scouring the streets with purpose, hunting for their sweet rewards. 
"What's goin' on over at th'Community Centre?" Win wondered, noticing the crowd of people lingering outside the courtyard. "Are they havin' a Halloween party or somethin'?"
"Probably, they always do something to keep people from causing too much mischeif... I miss hanging out there every day with the gang," Lydia murmured, looking wistfully back at their rooftop. 
"We spent last Halloween in New York and  y’still miss the Centre? You're too adorable," Nate laughed. "Maybe we can drop by after Blossom is done with the trick or treating."
"Yeah, sounds like fun," Win agreed, hooking her arms with Lydia's and Nate's as they walked. 
It wasn't long before they arrived at the Bellamy residence, and it seemed like their neighborhood was busier than most others. 
"Jay-sus, there are fuckin' ragamuffin's everywhere y'look," Nats exclaimed, having to quickly step out of the way of two kids that raced past, almost running right into him.
"It's because people over here are loaded, they give out the best stuff," Lydia explained, waving at a group of little girls admiring her dress before ringing the buzzer. 
“Yeah, full bars,” Win added. That had been one of the things she’d actually liked about living in the neighborhood during her teenage years.
"Trick or treat!" Nate called when Blossom opened the door, already in her Dorothy costume. "I'll take this Lollipop, we're done for the night.  Send your boyfriend back to Australia!" he called, hoisting her over his shoulder as she laughed.
"You look so cute! Did Cormac come too?" Lydia asked, taking a look at her younger clone. 
"No, he's on some school trip to a castle or something."  She grabbed her basket and pulled Brett, dressed as the cowardly lion, outside as soon as Nate let her down. "We're leaving, dad! I love you!" 
"Love you too, honey, be careful!  Have fun!" Charles called back.
“Now I guess th’group’s complete,” Win said, looking around at all of them. 
“Yeah, now which way d’yeh wanna head first?” Nats asked, looking down both sides of the street to see which way seemed to have more porch lights on.
"Hmmm the backstreet has that old lady who always has Twix and Mars Bars," Blossom pointed out, "so maybe there?" 
"Lead the way, baby."  Brett took her hand, earning an eye roll from Nate. 
"I think I liked the specky git better, he was more respectful," he muttered.
“No kiddin’, wasn’t as handsy either,” Nats agreed, scowling as they followed the two teens down the sidewalk.
"Stop being so jealous, don't you remember what you used to do with girls when you were fifteen?" Lydia snorted. 
"Yeah! That's exactly why I don't like this fella," Nate cried in a hushed voice, pointing at them— Brett already had his arm around Blossom's waist, leaning to whisper in her ear.
“Yeah, and we ain’t jealous!  We’re just lookin’ out for her, guarding her purity and all that,” Nats exclaimed. 
"You don't need to guard her purity, she has a wall covered in manga and a collection of musical theatre songbooks that do the job for you," Lydia laughed, slipping her hand to Nats' ass, giving him a squeeze. 
Nats’ eyebrows rose and an impish grin spread across his face. “I guess yeh have a point,” he agreed, turning his face to press a kiss to Lydia’s jaw. 
“Would it help I let y’get a little handsy yourself?” Win purred, slipping closer to Nate’s side and pulling his arm around her waist.
"Definitely," Nate gave her a squeeze, unabashedly looking down her cleavage. "This glamour y'have on... are you green all over or just the exposed bits?"
“Why don’tcha find out later?” Win teased, smirking up at him.
"I told you they'd be distracted," Brett chuckled. 
"I still don't think they'll say yes," Blossom murmured. 
"Say yes to what exactly, young lady?" Lydia asked, somehow knowing what was marinating in her mind. "The party at the Community Centre is for grown ups, they won't let you in."
"Aw why can't they come?" Win asked, looking between Lydia and Blossom. 
"Are y'kiddin' me?" Nats exclaimed, gaping at her. "They'll be rubbin' up all over each other at that party!"
"It'll be kinda hard t'control where they go, they could sneak out and drink and—" Nate lowered his voice,"—y'know, snog and-and who else knows!" 
"I was drinking at th’school dance when you two were my dates, and we were sneaking around too!  We won't do anything bad!" Blossom whined, looking back at them with puppy dog eyes. 
"Right, I'll take good care of her, Nathan," Brett insisted. 
"Say that again and I'll make you shit a frozen turkey," Nate threatened, narrowing his eyes.
"What d'you think, Lyds? You know her best," Win murmured. "As long as they promise not t'go off on their own..."
"Fine, mostly because I would've killed for this opportunity when I was her age.  Let's get some of that candy and go."  Lydia smiled, leaning in to whisper in Win’s ear.  "When we get there can you make my dress sluttier?" 
"Yeah, course, my slutty Glinda,” Win smirked, squealing excitedly. 
“Blossom, two drinks, no drugs, and no funny business.  Stay close," Nate said firmly, catching himself being responsible for once.
"How many drinks have you had before we even left?" Nats exclaimed, eyeing Win. 
"None!" she cried, feigning offense. "I can't be excited without bein' drunk?"
"I was with her the whole time!" Lydia added, vouching for her while wrapping her arms around her wife.  "Me, on the other hand... one, I only had one beer." 
"That's like any of us havin' three," Nate scoffed, watching as Blossom and Brett ran to ring the buzzer and get their candy.  "Just be careful, remember last Halloween?"
"Barely," Win winced. "I'll be good, I promise," she whined, pouting at Nate.
"Good girl."  He held her chin up and smirked, blowing her a kiss. "I believe yeh." 
"But not too good though, right?" Nats asked, smirking at the girls. 
"Hush, don't let th'kids hear," Win laughed. "We gotta set a good example for 'em."
"I don't know what you're saying, I'm the best girl.  I'm so good I don't even know how I do it," Lydia laughed. 
"Oh yeah, you’re an angel, Lollipop," Nate teased, winking as he bit his lip discreetly. 
"Okay, this block is done!" Blossom exclaimed excitedly, joining them, followed by her boyfriend who was definitely more interested in the party than anything else.
“Shit,” Win swore under her breath as she realized which street they’d just turned down. “Let’s avoid that one,” she said, nodding to the large house nearby. 
“Ain’t that your step-mum’s—?” Nats asked, cutting off at her glare.
"Yeah, I don't wanna go there either," Blossom agreed, keeping her head low. 
"I can go," Brett offered. "They don't know me." 
"No, please, I don't want anyone to see me. Let's just keep moving. A lot of my bullies live around here too, we better skip this area."
“C’mon,” Win urged, placing her hands protectively on Blossom’s shoulders and steering them down a different street, heading back toward the Community Centre.
"You should let me sort it out with those assholes," Brett frowned. "That's what I'm here for, right?" 
"I don't want any trouble, especially after what happened at th’dance... they were furious that their prank didn't work," Blossom muttered, taking Lydia's hand, which always made her feel safer.
Win stepped back when Blossom reached for Lydia, her stomach dropping slightly. 
“Guess now’s as good a time as any t’hit up that party, huh?” Nats suggested, noticing the look on Win’s face.
"Yeah, sounds good.  I just hope none of them will be there," Blossom murmured—she’d only been to the Centre a handful of times, but had never actually gotten to visit the famous rooftop or been to a party like that. 
"Don't worry, B, we're all here," Nate assured, kissing the top of her head gently before noticing the look in Win's eyes. "You okay, baby?" he whispered.
“Yeah, m’fine,” she assured him quickly, taking his hand to practically drag him toward the front door. “I just really want a drink.”
There wasn't security or anyone to stop the youngsters from entering the building, the probation office was empty, which was unfortunate as Lydia was looking forward to taunting Shaun like she always did. 
"What d’you want? Vodka cranberry, Lyds?" Nate asked, eyeing the bar and she nodded. 
"I want whiskey and coke!" Blossom shouted back. 
"Fine, but I'll make it flat!"
“Whiskey double,” Win ordered for herself, slipping a tenner to the bartender as he handed her back a plastic cup with her alcohol. 
“Just a beer for me,” Nats added, looking around, wondering if he knew anyone else there.
"Me too!" Brett added, trying to make his voice sound deeper than it was. 
"Thank you," both Lydias said at the same time as they got their drinks. 
"Hey, I love you," Lyddie, the older one, said before stealing a kiss from her wife. "You look so hot right now."
“Thanks, so do you,” she replied, discreetly altering Lyddie’s dress, making it shorter and more form fitting.
"Wanna dance, baby?" Brett asked, taking Blossom's hand, guiding her to the dance floor. 
"Sure, we'll be right over there!" she waved at the quad as she followed him.
"Wait until I tell Wayne about this, he'll be so jealous," Brett giggled, pulling her into his arms. 
"That doesn't matter, I'm here. Why would you think about him?" Blossom drawled, pulling him closer for a kiss. 
"D’you wanna dance?" Nate asked, draping one arm around Win's shoulder.
Win downed her drink and nodded, leaning against Nate as she steered him toward the packed floor. “Yes please!” she cried. 
"C'mere, beautiful," he brought her closer, making so she would lean against his chest as they danced. "Y'make my non-existent heart race." 
Win couldn’t help but grin up at him, affection squeezing her heart. “We better go get your heart from that damn wizard soon,” she joked, raising up on her toes to steal a kiss. 
"Dunno... got a feeling that bastard is a scammer," Nate laughed, forgetting completely to watch Blossom and her Australian wanker fella. "I love you so much, Winnie." 
“I love you too, babe,” Win breathed, glad to be in his arms and oblivious to anything else. 
“And you, Lollipop?” Nats asked, grinning at her and waggling his eyebrows.
"How can I say no to that face? You're so charming it makes me wanna scream," Lydia wrapped her arms around his neck. 
Nats chuckled, lifting her off the floor to spin her in a circle before setting her down, his hands sliding down to her ass. “Y’look breathtakin’ tonight,” he said over the loud music.
"Thank you, you look quite dashing yourself. You might just give me a scarecrow kink," Lydia teased, even though the idea of a straw cock terrified her.  He did look sexy, and she couldn't look away from his adam's apple as he swallowed his drink.
Noticing her watching, Nats took another drink and held the liquid in his mouth while he crooked a finger, beckoning her closer.  "You know me too well," Lydia sighed, closing the distance between them and letting him flood her mouth with beer. "Tastes so much better that way."
"Yeah, I bet I know yeh better than y'know yourself by now," Nats joked, spinning Lydia in his arms. "Oh shit, where did little Lyds and that wanker go?" he asked, suddenly remembering they were supposed to be keeping an eye on the younger couple.
"I don't know..." Lydia looked around, in that sea of crazy costumes a tiny girl like her could easily get lost. "Let me call her." 
"Tried it already, she left her phone at home," Nate cut in, noticing they were gone not long before his twin. "I knew this wasn't a good idea."
"Well sorry for wantin' th'kids to have a little fun," Win grumbled, stepping away from Nate's side. "Does anyone have Brett's number?" she suggested, barely tall enough to see through the crowd herself.
"It's not your fault, it's not what I meant!" Nate frowned—sometimes he forgot how prickly Win could get, her walls instantly going up.
"I don't think so, but we should stick together, they can't be very far.  And she's almost fifteen, she's not a child," Lydia exclaimed, trying to keep herself calm. 
"C'mon, let's check any of the places they coulda snuck off to," Win suggested, ignoring Nate and patting Lydia's shoulder soothingly. "They'll be alright, they're probably just snogging." 
"Oh yeah, just snogging, as if that's not bad enough!" Nats cried, but he followed Win's suggestion and pushed through the crowd toward the storage room.
"That bastard, she's a lightweight!" Nate growled, filled with anger. "And he's older!" 
"Six months older," Lydia mocked. 
Win rolled her eyes as they checked the locker room next, finding it empty except for some drunk party goers that definitely weren't Blossom or Brett. 
"Wait, the music room," Lydia suggested. "It's our favorite place!"  However, when they burst into the music room, it too was abandoned.
"It looks like the only place left is the roof," Win muttered, wishing she could still be out dancing.
"There you have it, the infamous rooftop, best view of that disgusting lake," Blossom exclaimed, closing the door behind them. 
"Ah well, the view seems gorgeous to me," Brett smiled, looking at his girlfriend instead.
"You're such an idiot," Blossom laughed, following Brett to one of the armchairs and sitting on his lap. "I kinda like that." 
"I know," he smirked before his lips were on hers.
"Don't you think the others are worried?" Blossom murmured in between kisses. 
"Eh, they're probably doing the same thing, don't worry about them."  Brett placed his hand on her thigh and she nearly jumped, convinced she'd never get used to that. 
"Stop, I hear someone coming." 
"We're not doing anything wrong..."
When the door to the roof flew open, banging loudly against the wall, it wasn't the quad that stepped out, however, but Delilah and a couple of her friends, drunkenly stumbling out onto the roof. "Oops, looks like this spot's taken," one of the girls slurred while Delilah rolled her eyes and glanced over at the couple on the couch. 
"Not for long. Scram!" she exclaimed, until she got a better look at Blossom. "Hey wait, I know you..."
That voice was enough to make Blossom sick to her stomach and she flinched back, recognizing some of those faces. "You think?"  She took her glasses from her basket and put them on. "Better now?" 
"We're not leaving, we got here first," Brett argued, unimpressed by the group. 
"Ugh, it's the younger Bellamy, little sister of that pyromanic creep," one of the girls giggled. 
"Do NOT talk about my family, you cunt!" Blossom jumped from her seat, a familiar rage compelling her to react.
“Aw whatcha gunna do? You gunna fight me?” Delilah asked, adopting a pitying look. “As if,” she laughed and her friends laughed with her. “You and your little boyfriend can find somewhere else t’snog.”
"Hey, don't talk to her like that!" Brett also got up. 
"I never understood why you seem so bothered by my existence alone, but I guess now I realize you must be so jealous of me!" Blossom taunted, the alcohol taking away any restraint. "I have a sibling and a dad who love me, I'm infinitely more intelligent even at my age than you ever will be! I'm so sorry the highlight of your pathetic life was being punched by Lyddie Young."
“It’s not just you,” Delilah laughed. “As if you were that special,” she scoffed. “It’s anyone and everyone who’s beneath me. And who cares if my stupid stepsister or her pathetic father like me or not, I could care less about them.” 
Win heard the end of Delilah’s tirade as she walked up the steps to the roof access. “Thought I smelled something foul,” she muttered, shoving her step sister out of the way.
"Winnie!" Blossom ran into her arms, the knot in her chest finally loosening. "This twat wanted to kick me out. Sorry we ran away, we didn't mean to." 
"Look who's here on our rooftop," Lydia sneered. "Why don't you pick a fight with someone your own size? Are you scared to need another trip to the hospital?"
"It's okay, we were just worried about yeh," Win murmured, squeezing her tightly to her, completely ignoring Delilah and her friends. 
"I ain't scared of you, slag!" Delilah scoffed, tossing her hair over her shoulder, her gaze taking in the two Nathans. "Aw, isn't that cute, you all dressed up like the dorks you are."
"I know you're not the brightest, but everyone here is dressed up!  C'mere, prick," Nate pulled Brett closer.  "Did you defend her? At least tell me y'said something!" he hissed and the boy nodded. 
"Did the last beating I gave you make you lose your fuckin’ memory?" Lydia held Delilah by the straps of her top. "Don't ever talk to my sister, don't even look at my sister or you won't live to regret it!  And any one of you fuckers who wants what she's having, get in line!" she growled before letting go.
Fear flickered in Delilah's eyes for a moment as she backed away from Lydia. Once she was flanked by her friends once more, however, she shook it off and tossed her hair again.  "Whatever, you're fuckin' crazy. You and Winrey both," she sneered. "C'mon, let's find somewhere less lame to get high," she said to her friends, flipping Win off as she walked back down the stairs.
"Fuck off!" Lydia shouted before going to check on Blossom. "You okay?" 
"Yeah, nothing happened, I was just angry cuz they said Simon’s a creep." 
"Well fuck ‘em, he might be a creep, but he's our creep," Nate joked. "Who cares what they think?"
"I'm sorry she showed up, I didn't think she'd be here," Win murmured, stroking Blossom's hair.
"Maybe we should call it a night and take you guys home," Nats suggested, checking the time on his phone.
"That's not fair! I gotta go home because of her?" Blossom pouted. "You promised me two drinks, I only got one!" 
"One and y’ran away t'do God knows what with your boyfriend!" Nate scolded. 
"No need to freak out, it wasn't even second base, it was like first base and a half..." 
"Y-yeah! Even when she stays over, we don't do anything bad, we just kiss and cuddle," Brett blurted out, before noticing his mistake when he saw the look in the boys' eyes.
"What d'you mean when she stays over?!" Nats exclaimed, gaping at Brett.
"You're so dense sometimes," Blossom groaned, giving her boyfriend a shove. 
"What? I didn't think it was a big deal! The portal comes into my room so she spends the night sometimes..." Brett murmured. 
"Does dad know about this?" Nate asked, folding his arms. 
"Yeah, he gave us condoms but we never used them. The most we ever did was touch ourselves at the same time–" 
"Jesus! Stop talking!" Blossom screamed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Win couldn't believe how upset Nate seemed. She thought about telling him she did much worse at that age before deciding against it, not wanting to rile him further.
Nate took a deep breath as he realized there was absolutely nothing he could do to change the situation or stop them. "Well, I guess you're right, brother, we should go home," he nudged his twin's arm before heading to the door.
"Wow, I'm surprised how quickly he let that go," Win muttered, sharing a look with Lydia.
"You really think he let that go? He's furious, you know when he gets so angry he shuts down," Lydia whispered.
Win let out a sigh. “Y’know, after we take the kids back, we don’t have t’go home just yet…” she said, wrapping her arms around Nate’s waist from behind.
"Y'wanna come back here?" Nate asked, still pretty much heartbroken to know his precious little Lollipop was not as innocent as he imagined.
“Whatever you wanna do, babe,” Win murmured, squeezing under his arm to look up at him. “Whatever will cheer you up.”
"You're being more mature than I imagined," Lydia turned to Nats. "Come on, Blossom, we can do a sleepover next Friday.  It's getting kinda late and dad will be worried." 
"Okaaaay," she whined, following them.
“Me, mature?” Nats laughed, though it was strained. “Yeah, I’m takin’ this news super well.”
The walk back to Lyddie's old home was awkward to say the least. The boys were as quiet as they had ever been, Blossom was giving Brett the cold shoulder and the girls didn't really know what to say to make it better. 
"Well, I have work pretty soon, so I better get back," Brett mumbled. "Are you still coming for our date tomorrow?" 
"Yeah, I'll be there," the girl nodded with a sigh.
Win waved as Brett left to go take the portal back, looking between the boys and Blossom. “I hope you had a little fun tonight, despite everything…” she murmured, pulling the girl in for a hug.
"Of course I did," Blossom hugged her back before giving Lydia a hug and stopping in front of the boys. "Hey, I'm still me.  I'm sorry you had to find all of that out, especially like that, but I also don't like keeping secrets from you." 
"Don't let him pressure you t'do stuff you don't wanna do," Nate murmured, pulled her into his arms. "Trust me, make sure he respects yeh." 
"I will, don't worry. I'm still too young for that."
Nats joined in on the hug as well and Win felt her heart clench with affection at the sight.
Who knew Nathan Young could be so… fatherly?  What happened to ‘goin’ after young impressionable girls while they were drunk’?
"I think my ovaries just exploded," Lydia whispered to her wife. 
Blossom gave each of the boys a kiss on the cheek before heading to the door. "I love you guys." 
"We love you too," Nate waved.
“So, what now?” Win asked as the boys rejoined them by the curb. “Any last Halloween tricks we wanna play?”
"I need another drink," Nate wrapped his arm around Win's waist. "And t’get you out of this costume." 
“That’s more like it,” Win laughed. “I’ve got some treats for you under here, after all,” she purred, winking up at him. 
"So much better than a stupid party," Nate leaned over to kiss her cleavage.
"Things might change, but never how much I love you... or how fuckin' hot you are." 
"I'm proud of you," Lydia giggled, taking Nats' arm.
“For what?” he asked, throwing Lydia a confused look.
"For not freaking out, for being supportive," Lydia leaned against him. "That's definitely a huge turn on."
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Taglist: @salvador-daley​ @firstpersonnarrator​
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vinecovered-mech · 2 months
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taem-min-archived · 3 years
Porcelain || k.ji
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PAIRING || Kai x female reader
GENRES || Angst, Horror
SUMMARY || You sent your boyfriend a porcelain doll. Or did you? 
WC || 973
WARNINGS || horror, character deaths
A/N || I’m horrible in horror, apologies in advance
TAGGING || @fifty-shades-of-mischeif ​​​ @xavi-in-kpopland​​​ @whatudoing​​​ @midnightmoi​​​ @moonswhite​ @shrutiajit​ @cerisetalks​ @exoxobsession​ @nctisthecity​ @woo-minhee02​(If you want to be added to my taglists, fill in this form)
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"Why do you even need to go?" He whined, nuzzling his head in the crook of her neck.
She sighed impatiently before pulling away from him to meet his face.
"We talked about this Jongin."
Jongin pouted. 
Yes, true they did talk about it, but he was still going to try his little luck left to convince her to stay back for the weekends.
"We could have watched some zombie movies whilst cuddling on the couch. Heard they are a great couple plan for Halloween."
She rolled her eyes, but Jongin could see the small smile on her lips.
"You know I hate those movies right? I'll probably only be clinging to you."
"Exactly my point."
At this she laughed lightly, playfully slapping his shoulder.
"Cheer up, Nini. I'll be back by Monday night. It won't hurt to have a post Halloween celebration."
"But I don't want to spend Halloween all alone! What if something happens to me?"
"Oh shut up, you big bear. Who could possibly want to hurt an angel like you?"
"But I'm serious." He said, the tone of his voice dropping all its playfulness. " I don't like the fact you are travelling all the way to your grandmother's all alone. And I don't like the town even one bit."
At this, she didn't complain but pursed her lips.
"It's just...a bit lonely and sometimes dark. That's all. Nothing more Jongin. It's not...haunted like people say it is."
He could hear the uncertainty in her voice and he felt guilty for scaring her more.
"Hey." He whispered, pulling her into a hug. "Just be careful, okay? Nothing bad is going to happen to you, I promise."
She let out a breathy laugh before burying her face in his chest.
"I'll miss you Jongin."
He kissed her forehead lightly.
"What's  this?" She asked, eyeing the small velvet box in her boyfriend's hand with a smile. "Are you finally going to propose to me?"
"I'll miss you too."
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Jongin laughed, placing the box in her hand.
"Come back safely then I'll propose to you properly."
She carefully opened the box and let out a small gasp when she saw the content.
"This is beautiful  Jongin! I love it!"
"Really?" He asked and she nodded her head vigorously, her smile causing his heart to flutter.
She gently took out the necklace from the box, smiling at the heart shaped pendant.
He moved behind her, gently raking the ends from hands and clasping the necklace for her. He then kissed her neck softly and she shivered in his arms.
"Stay safe, okay?" He whispered.
"Okay. I love you."
The elevator dinged open and Jongin stepped out, stretching himself to get ready for a good horror movie marathon when his eyes fell on the parcel kept in front of his door.
"I love you too, Y/N."
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He bent down to pick it up, frowning at first but soon his face broke into a smile when he saw who the sender was.
“About time she bought me something.” He mused, unwrapping the gift. She did buy him small gifts from time to time but for him the best gift she could ever give was her time to him.
The last wrap fell, and so did Jongin’s face. 
He picked up the small porcelain doll and he felt his heart falter. It had such an uncanny resemblance to Y/N. Right from the eyes, to the hair and down to the dressing style, the doll was a twin of hers.
That wasn’t the part which scared him though. It was the way the doll stared back at him, like it actually had life in it and was trying to find his fears.
The hair on the back of his neck stood up, and he hastily kept the doll aside and picked up the note inside the box. He recognised her handwriting immediately.
“Hi Nini!
How are you doing? I’m okay...gran isn’t though. Here’s a small gift for you so that you don’t get too lonely without me!
Can’t wait to come back home and watch those movies with you.
Jongin smiled, folding the letter gently. He shouldn’t overthink about the doll. She gave it to him and he should be taking care of it.
And yet when his eyes fell on it he felt the cold shiver run through his body again.
Uncertainly, he picked up the doll again and inspected it. There seemed nothing wrong about it.
Yet, there was something about the way it was staring back at him with its icy cold eyes that caused this uneasy feeling in his stomach.
Brushing it aside with thought that it was just jitters of Halloween night, he walked into his bedroom and placed the doll on his bed before entering the bathroom for a quick shower before his pizza dinner and movie marathon.
Even though the warm shower was helpful in releasing some tension from his shoulder, he still shivered from the cold. He still couldn’t get rid of the unsettling feeling like something was going to happen. Something bad.
I should call Y/N. He thought.
Quickly getting dressed, he stepped out of the bathroom, eyes on the table for his phone when he stopped dead in his tracks.
The doll was sitting on the table, smiling at him.
Was the doll smiling before? No, wait he had kept it on the bed, right? How did it-
He inhaled sharply as his eyes fell on the floor, right below the doll.
There, lying shattered on the floor was Y/N’s pendant from the necklace he had given her.
He edged closer, his heart beating rapidly as he saw some words carved on the wooden table beside the doll, his blood running cold when he read it.
You're next.
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A/N: Please do tell me what you think about this story!! I worked really hard on it and I would love to know everyone’s thoughts on it~ Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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Line without a hook
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Loki is always there to comfort you. One day you return the favour.
Fluff, hurt/ comfort
It was a cold night at the Stark Tower you were in your favourite jumper in front of the TV trying not to worry
The mayority of the Avengers were out fighting the latest threat of destruction to the Earth this week.
You had been asked to stay back to rest your leg after a particular tough battle the week before that had really damaged your knee.
You felt guilty that you weren’t there helping your fellow team mates.
Loki had offered to look after you, you weren’t quite sure why as you hadn’t spent much time together. You trusted Him though. You knew Him joining the Avengers had been a little rough on Him, not everyone had warmed up to Him after What he had done to New York. You weren’t an Avenger at that time so you didn’t have to fight Him.
I you weren’t exactly friends but you were always hesitant to talk to Him. You never quite knew What to say and you never talked unless you had something meaningful to add to the conversation
You were watching an episode of our planet about forests
When Loki walked in and started boiling water
Ahhh his usual cup of tea
You smiled to yourself. Being apart of the Avengers you started to notice People’s usual habits and behaviours. You found other people facinating and you had such fun watching Them.
Loki put a cup of tea Down in front of you and you looked up at him with a questioning look on your face
‘Thank you’
He nodded at you and sat Down a few seats away from you and started to read his book.
You noticed he didn’t have any cup infront of him
‘Where’s your usual cup of tea?’
Loki smirked
‘I’m not the one who is anxious’
‘I’m not’
He looked up from his book and raised his eyebrows
‘The tea will soothe your soul’
‘I’m fine’ you insisted stubbornly crossing your arms at your chest almost like a child
‘ clearly’ Loki added dryly going back to Reading his book
‘Fine i’ll bite.. What Makes you Think I’m anxious?’ You Said and gave Him a look
‘The jumper, the Nature documentary and the look of panic that graces your features’
You sighed
‘Am i really that transparent?’
‘Fantastic’ it was your turn to dryly say
‘So Can i ask why you are anxious?’ Loki asked almost carefully
You looked at him for a minute almost debating with yourself if you should tell him or not but shrugged your shoulders and gave in.
‘I’ve never missed a mission, I’ve always been in front of the action. What if it’s actually better without me there. What if I’m -‘
Not Cut out to be here? Not good enough?Useless
You thought sadly.
Loki gave you an a look of disblief
‘ you Can’t possibly Think you Don’t belong’
You shrugged
‘Sometimes I wonder if I’m cut out for it. If I had moved out the way or been faster or stronger maybe I wouldn’t have gotten hurt’
‘You’re human. It happens’ Loki said trying to reassure you
‘Wouldn’t have happened to you’ you said back Defensively
‘That’s different I’m a god. You are a midgardian’
‘Sadly yeah. I don’t like how weak it makes me feel’
‘ you might be many things y/n but weak is not one of them’
Your cheeks flushed
‘What do you mean?’ You questioned
‘You are an excellent fighter, you always give it your very best and I think that’s quite admirable and definitely worthy of being part of a team ’
You shivered partly due to being cold partly because this was probably the most you had talked to the god in all the time you had been apart of the team.
With a flick of his finger your shoulders were covered in dark green blanket.
You smiled a wide smile for the first in a while.
And reached out to put your hand on his shoulder
‘Thank you’
Loki looked at your hand for a moment before looking into your eyes with an unreadable look on his face.
Before going back to reading his book and you went back to watching your documentary.
Both of you just sitting in silence and you reached over and Grabbed the cup of tea and took a sip
Mint. Your favourite flavour.
you didn’t think much of it and kept watching your documentary while you enjoyed Loki’s company.
One day you found him in the library looking for another book to read. you were in a better mood than the day he had joined you on the couch but you didn’t feel amazing either.
You gave him a nod before going over to the book shelves to browse.
You spotted your favourite book of all time and took it and sat down on the ground next to where Loki was standing and staring to read
‘To what do I owe the pleasure of your company’ Loki commented before going back to look for a book
you shrugged
‘If you don’t want company I can leave’ you suggested but he shook his head.
‘Are you anxious?’
You nodded your head
‘ what’s wrong’ he asked before sitting down next to you
‘Nightmare’ you added
‘How bad? Slight trauma or watching your family die in front of you?’
‘Burning alive kind of bad’ you shuddered
Shaking slightly
Loki flicked his fingers and a green blanket
Was around both of your shoulders.
Before he could ask if you wanted to talk about it you had already started to rant
‘ it felt so real. The flames. The burning sensation. I woke up gasping for air’
Loki hesitated before lightly touching your hand with his and he squeezed your hand in a reassuring way
‘It’s not real. You’re safe’
‘ I know’ you admitted before knocking your shoulder against his and going back to reading your book. He stayed by your side as you read.
Loki could somehow always sense when you had a bad day.. he was always ready with a book, a cup of mint tea or a blanket You had no idea how or why he cared but it was actually really sweet of him and it made you want to talk to him more.
This time you stumbled upon him having a rough day.
He hadn’t left his headquarters in days and you had become worried. So you had made him a cup of tea and had knocked on his door.
‘Loki?’ You asked
He opened the door and let you come in
He was sitting on his bed reading.
You sat down next to him and handed him the tea
‘Everything okay?’
‘Yeah I’m grand’
You gave him a look that suggested you knew he was lying
‘You might be the god of mischief but you are a terrible liar’
‘Me? A terrible liar’ he said pretending to be offended
‘Do you want to talk about it?’
‘It’s stupid’ he reassured you
‘I doubt it’
‘Sometimes I wish I was as likeable as my brother’
You looked at Him for a moment trying to decide if it was okay to make a joke
‘The god of Mischeif jealous ?’ You joked
Loki sighed
‘I know. Stupid’
‘No! I’m sorry ‘ you Said and leaned your body next to his and he leaned into the touch.
‘Can i ask why you feel that Way?’
‘All my life people have always favoured Him over me, our parents, our friends, even the Avengers not that i blame Them though’
‘I understand How you feel. Sometimes it’s so easy for people to be so easily Well liked but harder for you’
‘Because they don’t let the burdens of the world bother them’
‘I think it’s because they push it away rather than deal with it you know? But it’s far better to deal with it than to bury it. As for the avengers- give them time and they will see how great you are’
‘You really think so?’
You nodded
‘Also not all the Avengers favour Thor over you. I happen to think he is slightly overrated. I mean he can’t magically get me a blanket when I’m cold’ you added looking into Loki’s eyes and he stared back at you with the softest smile but didn’t say anythinng
You got up from his bed and held out your hand
‘Where are we going?’ He asked as he took his hand in yours and dragged you to the kitchen where you made him sit down.
‘What are you doi-‘
‘ I’m going to make you cookies’ you added and shot him a look as to say there would be no arguing with you.
Loki sat down on the counter And watched you put all the ingredients in a bowl
‘Can i atleast help’
‘Nope just stay where you are’
‘Yes maam’ Loki Said in fake salut and you rolled your eyes but smiled.
You rambled on about your life before the Avengers. About your favourite things in the world.
When you were done you put the cookies in the oven and sat on the counter next to Loki
you were deep into a conversation when Thor came into the room
You laughed and Loki rolled his eyes but tensed up a bit. You hand touched Loki’s gently giving a reassuring squeeze and Loki relaxed
‘Ah lady y/n and brother! How are yo-‘ he didn’t finish his sentence as he spotted your hands on top of Loki’s
‘Actually i just remembered i need to go ask the Captain about something’ Thor Said with a wide grin as he left the room
‘What was that about?’ You asked confused
‘Heaven knows ‘ Loki shrugged
You let out a laugh.
‘Perhaps you could crush me with your thighs’ your date said giving you a suggestive look
You regretted going on this date. Put yourself out there they Said. It Will be fun they Said.
it was definetly the last time you would listen to anyone ever again. Even Loki had encouraged you to go for it.
If you were honest you would rather be here with him instead but you didn’t know if he liked you. You had grown close lately and you saw him as a good friend if not maybe something more. You just didn’t know if he felt the same.
Your date kept making more more sexual innuendos even though you had made him aware you were uncomfortable.
You had had enough.
‘This was a mistake’ you said as you got up
Your date grabbed your hand
‘Let me go or you’ll regret it’
‘Oh come on! Things were just about to get good’
You turned around and punched him in the nose with your free hand
‘Fucking bitch’
‘ if you ever come near me again I’ll show you what a real bitch does’
And with that comment you turned back around and walked back to the headquarters in a fowl mood
Loki was on the couch reading like usual, Thor was watching some action movie with Natasha and Bruce.
‘Y/N’ Thor greeted loudly as you walked past them all in pure anger
Loki noticed this and approached the kitchen slowly he had never seen you this angry before
You Leaned against the counter trying to catch your breath while holding a drink of water
‘Y/n?’ Loki asked
You looked at him
‘I’m never going on another date ever again’
‘What happened’
‘ lewd sexual comments thrown my way and the fact that I was grabbed and held back as I decided to leave makes me never want to date another person ever again’
‘Are you hurt?’ Loki asked concerned and he was looking for bruises on your body
You looked at him with an unreadable expression and the anger from before vanished
‘I’m okay’ you reaffirmed
‘How did you get away from him?’
‘I punched him in the face’ you shrugged as if it was no big deal
‘That’s amazing. Well done’
You smiled at Loki
‘I will never date again’ you swore
‘You will find someone.You just haven’t found your person yet. Give it time it will happen ‘
‘What when I least expect it?’ You said and took a sip from your glass of water
‘PERHAPS YOU SHOULD DATE A GOD INSTEAD’ Thor exclaimed over from the couch
Loki gave him a dirty look from his place over at the counter like he was throwing daggers at him with his eyes.
You spat out your drink.
‘Ignore my foolish brother’ Loki commented and you nodded your head in agreement.
‘How about we all go out for a drink tomorrow night instead?’ Natasha asked
‘Sounds good’ you agreed.
The next day you were getting ready to go out so you got dressed in a dark green satin v neck dress that reached your ankles, it had a slit in the right side. You were wearing a long silver chain with a moonstone pendant and moonstone earrings.
You had dark lipstick on, mascara and winged eyeliner. Half of Your hair was in a messy ponytail in a half up half down kind of hairstyle.
You walked into the living room area where the others were staring at you In shock but you only noticed Loki.
You were absolutely gobsmacked, you had never seen anyone or anything so beautiful in your life. He was wearing fitted black trousers and a fitted black shirt with his hair tucked behind his ears.
You were breathless and absolutely taken back because wow just wow and he was staring back at you with the same look in his eyes as you
You needed drinks tonight and many of them to distract you from doing something stupid.
Loki walked over towards you and stopped in front of you
‘You clean up nice’ he commented before giving you the brightest smile
Fuck my life
‘I could say the same about you ‘ you said nervously before your cheeks turned a dark shade of red.
‘Come on Lovebirds! Let’s go’ Tony called over his shoulder causing you both to jump a bit as you had forgotten the other Avengers were there.
Without much thought you took Loki’s hand in yours and walked out with the others, Loki hadn’t pulled his hand away but was looking at your hand in his.
Tony, Steve, Wanda and Vision had joined the rest of you for a drink at one of the local bars. Everyone was having fun and talking about anything and everything. You were finishing your second drink before deciding you needed a third.
‘I’ll get the next round you yelled before getting up.
You saw Loki being in the middle of a conversation with Thor, Bruce and Natasha, you smiled in his direction. You were happy for him. It seemed like people were finally warning up to him.
You went to the bar when you spotted your date from the other night but before he noticed you you rushed back towards the table.
‘He’s fucking here’ you breathed out
Loki looked over at you worriedly and walked over to you and Gently held your hands in his.
‘Who’s here?’ He asked calmly
‘ the jerk from my date yesterday’ you shook a bit as you spoke
‘Do you want me to take you home?’ Loki offered
You shook your head
Do you want to get revenge?’
‘No that’s childish and stupid and ‘
‘But do you want to?’ Loki asked you with a mischeivious grin gracing his features
You thought about it for a second.
‘What’s your plan?’ You asked with an expression that matched his.
Loki lead you out unto the dancefloor and you started to Dance next to each other
‘Loki How is this Revenge exactly ?’
‘Show Him that you can do whatever you want with your body. Trust me it will get under his skin. Follow my lead okay? If you are uncomfortable at any point let me know?’
You nodded
You danced for a while. A slower song came on, Loki looked at you slightly nervous.
‘One more thing? Do you trust me?’
‘Yes. With my life’
Loki looked at you somewhat differently at that moment than before but you weren’t sure what it meant.
He put his hand on your hip and his other hand in yours while your other hand was resting on his shoulders and your head was on his chest as you slowdanced on the Dancefloor.
‘Is that the guy from Yesterday?’ Loki asked
You looked in the direction Loki was looking at a guy watching Them intently
‘Yep that’s the creep’
Loki looked Down at your lips then back up at you as if he was asking for permission
‘Yes’ you Said in a raspy voice
Loki leaned down and kissed your lips and you kissed him back with full force to the point where you were just passionately making out.
As the Slower song ended you pulled your face away from his face.
‘Is he gone?’ You asked looking in the direction of where the guy had been sitting before
You pulled Loki into a hug resting your head on his shoulder
‘Thank you. So much’
‘Anytime y/n’ Loki said hugging you back fiercely
After you broke apart from the hug you went back to the others.
Loki and you held hands the rest of the evening.
The next day you woke up in the best mood. But that all changed as soon as you saw Loki.
He was reading on the couch like usual so you went over to the couch and sat down next to him.
‘Hi’ you greeted warmly
Loki didn’t look up from his book but just gave you a nod
‘Everything okay?’
Loki nodded once again and you felt your heart sinking.
Did last night mean nothing
You tried to engage in conversation with Loki a few more times but he wasn’t interested
You sighed and said
‘Didn’t realise I was that unwanted. I thought we were friends. I guess i was wrong’
You left the room before your eyes Got glossy
You avoided everyone for the rest of the day. You hid in your room.
The one person you had ever cared this much about was icing you out.
Yesterday didn’t mean anything to him and you would have to get over this stupid crush.
You were curled up in a ball in your room crying your eyes out.
Had all the times you had bonded lately not meant anything to him? Had all their moments and shared looks been for nothing.
You weren’t even sure what you were to Him now? An acquaintance?
Surely you were more than that though, you had come to Him for comfort and he had opened up to you at least a small bit?
Or were you wrong about that too?
How were you supposed to act around him now?
As the evening approached you went up to the top of the roof and sat down with a blanket wrapped you and you looked up and gazed at the stars.
You don’t know How Long you were up here for until you noticed Loki sit down next to you
You felt bad. You tensed up a bit and Got ready to go back into the headquarters.
‘Y/n please stay’ Loki pleaded almost desperately
You sat down next to Him and looked at Him expectantly
He looked Down at his hands and seemed to be shaking a bit.
Was he nervous?
You gently put your blanket around his shoulders and he looked up at you
You gave him a small smile. You knew that he didn’t get cold with being a frost giant and all but you figured it would at least be comforting and maybe it would give Him the strength to say whatever he needed to get out. He looked at you a bit more confidently now
‘ i shouldn’t have kissed you’
‘I kissed you back’ you reminded him
‘I’m sorry y/n i took things too far and i dont want to ruin our friendship ‘
You swallow a lump in your throat
‘Do you regret kissing me?’ You asked your eyes searching his
‘No! I wanted to kiss you all evening”
“Really?�� You asked as your cheeks coloured
“Yes. You looked so beautiful yesterday that i couldn’t take my eyes of you”
“I felt the same way too. You took my breath away yesterday”
Loki gave you a playful grin, his eyes looking looking down at your lips and back up to your eyes
You leaned in and captured his lips with yours, kissing him with as much passion as you could muster and he kissed you back just as fiercely.
After a while you broke apart and smiled at him, your eyes gleaming.
‘If I’m being honest i agree with Thor. Perhaps i should date a god next’
‘ do you have anyone In mind?’ Loki asked and pretended to think but he had a genuine smile on his face
Your heart beated very fast in your chest
‘ a certain god of Mischeif if he is interested’
‘That Can be arranged’
You leaned over towards Him and met Him halfway until your lips touched in another kiss.
Afterwards you leaned your head on his shoulder
‘The stars are so beautiful tonight’
‘Their beauty is out of this world’ Loki agreed but he wasn’t looking at the stars. He was looking at you
The two of you managed to Fall asleep against each other
Thor, Natasha and Bruce found you two in the morning cuddled into each other
‘Oh piss off’ you mumbled tiredly and snuggled closer to Loki’s chest being slightly annoyed that he had woken you up
Thor, Natasha and Bruce laughed
Loki kissed your forehead and wrapped his arms closer around you. He was smiling and ignoring his brother.
A/N: I was desperately craving some hurt/comfort in my life. Also I see Loki as more soft after he joins the Avengers, hard to get to know? sure- but softer none the less especially if he starts to care for someone. As the quote in Frozen goes ‘some people are worth melting for’
Also enjoy line without a hook because Ricky Montgomery is👌🏻
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personinthepalace · 4 years
one of my fav things about mischief movie night so far is that shields seems so happy. like all the photos and interviews i've seen of him he looks just so exhausted and generally stressed out so its nice to see him having so much fun with his friends. also i just love watching the entire mischeif group interact together they look like they have such a great time. and is it just me or does dave seem like he likes to abuse his friends in a friendly way lol
Agree! Shields seems to be having lots of fun during the shows! (even if he’s not helping to keep the shows family family haha). It’s so much fun to see all of them together!! Haha I don’t know about Dave- I’ll say Jonathan really seems to enjoy “torturing” his friends (especially Harry haha)
I’m glad that you’re enjoying the shows!! Here are some screenshots of Shields, Dave, and the rest of the cast from the shows I got to watch :)
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canyonmoonlily · 5 years
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| What Goes Up |
live! on tour series
A/N: Here comes the Smut ;)
“What?” your entire body lurched upright at the sound of your name. You could hardly see thanks to the blinding sunlight streaming in through the unfamiliar window. You hardly remembered what the hotel you were staying in looked like you’d been so inebriated the night before.
“Alarm!” The same voice that had woken you from your slumber called from beyond the closed door. Oh. It was only then you noticed Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin was playing very loudly. At first, it had worked great as an alarm but you’d grown used to it and could sleep through it like a pro now.
The voice that had called for you to turn it off must’ve been one of your bandmates. According to your phone, it was already 10:30 am so you might as well start your day. You stretched and moved to get out of bed after turning it off only to find you are, in fact, stark naked.
Oh fuck. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck.
You hurriedly grab your robe you’d hung on the bathroom door and wrap it around you. You were scared to look in the mirror and see hickies or some indication of promiscuity from the night before. You had nothing against sleeping around, but considering you’d still only ever slept with someone once, you weren’t usually bold enough to sleep with a stranger. Which only means that if you did, in fact, have sex last night it was with someone you knew.
Like Harry.
The last thing you can remember is Harry singing along with George Harrison’s voice as you cried into his chest. Like the emotionally unstable psycho you are! your brain added.
You ripped the metaphorical bandage off and took a glance at yourself in the bathroom mirror only to find no evidence that anyone had touched you the night before. You also didn’t feel sore other than a slight headache. Considering you hardly ate, it took nothing for you to get drunk so hangovers were never really an issue for you.
You feel like you’d know if something had happened the night before. It had been a hot minute since the one and only time you’d had sex before. The only obvious differences in your appearance seems to be the absent of the makeup you’d worn the night before and your clothing. Had Harry taken off your makeup for you? Your chest contracted at the thought of him taking the time to play caretaker to drunk you.
Then you remember the way he’d kissed Kendall the night before, and remind yourself that despite the Game Night events, you were only friends. And that was all you’d ever probably get out with him. You needed to place your mental emphasis on the fact that you had him in your life at all and be grateful for that. There was no point in stringing yourself along on the hopes that one day he’d fall in love with you and the two of you would live some kind of happily ever after. Your life was far from a movie and you were far too old to be entertaining such fantasties anymore.
Harry watched you slip out of the green room with a heavy heart. You were like no one he’d ever met before. Last night, with all of your drunken ramblings and your little hands grabbing at his hair, calling him pretty. You had laid with your head in his lap for hours, going on about everything from George Harrison to the inherent good or evil of human nature.
He’d gazed at you adoringly, laughing the night away while the party died downstairs. He’d left Kendall alone but he wasn’t worried about her, she knew he didn’t love her. It was purely a publicity stunt, as always.
Harry shouldn’t love y/n. He knows this. Columbia records was considering signing a deal with your band, a major one that would launch your group even further into music stardom. You’d only released one album, and already had a huge fan base. Harry’s opinion the matter was of great value to the record label, and he’d been given specific instructions not to go and “make any unprofessional or romantic connections with the three of those girls.”
Harry had agreed to those terms, but that was before he knew you.
The first time you stepped into the pre-tour production meeting room he thought he was going to vomit. You’d all stumbled in late, being scolded by your manager, John. You hadn’t noticed Harry was even in the room.
You were slightly shorter than average, with all of the right curves and long, golden hair down to your waist. You donned an old Ben Folds Five tshirt and high waisted denim. You couldn’t seem to keep your hair out of your face. Your bandmates looked pained every five seconds as you whispered what was clearly absolute nonsense into their ears throughout the meeting. The way your eyes sparkled with mischeif, your unabashed goofiness nearly smacked him out of his chair. You were nothing like what he expected when he’d been told he’d be touring with an all girl band. You were the most alive thing in the room.
He knew why you were upset. It was because Kendall was wrapped around him like a fucking sloth after tonight’s show in Cleveland.
His feet didn’t consult with his mind before he found himself following your fleeting figure.
“Y/n!” He called.
You stopped dead in your tracks, refusing to look back at him.
“What is it, Harry?” Your sweet voice was a bit hoarse.
“Where are you going?” Harry’s voice was small, reminding you of your younger brothers back at home. You felt the cold armor you’d wrapped around your heart bend a little.
“To bed.” You responded simply.
“Listen, Kendall and I...it’s not—“
“Harry I didn’t ask. You don’t know me an explanation.”
“I do, though. What happened after game night—“
“—doesn’t need to be talked about it again. I’ve already erased it from my mind. Your secret is safe.”
“Secret? Y/n what the hell are you going on about?” Harry’s voice broke a bit, at that you finally turned to face him.
“I know you probably don’t want her to find out about that—or anyone to for that matter. It wasn’t very professional of us.” The shining of tears on your face took Harry by surprise, as you’d melt your words void of all emotion.
“Y/n I don’t give a shit about her!” Harry nearly yelled. “Well, no, I do care about her but not in that way.”
You narrow your eyes at him. “Then why are you two making out every time I see you together? Harry, you’re not making me feel any better.”
“It’s a stunt. It’s for publicity. To keep the paps entertained.”
“I....y/n, these last few months we’ve spent...” Harry can feel himself getting choked up as he struggles to meet your eyes. When he does, you can see he’s fighting back tears and you don’t know what you expect him to say next. “I think—no. I know that I am in love with you.”
Your breath gets caught in your throat. The skin tight, bell bottom jumpsuit you’re wearing seems to be 100000x tighter than you remember it being a few hours ago.
“You don’t have to say it back, you don’t owe me anything, I—shit. Shit I’m sorry.” His chin is wobbling now and the world’s biggest rock star is falling apart right before your eyes. But in a second, your lips are on his before the first tear can fall.
His whole body caves into yours, pulling you closer then you think you’ve ever been held in all of your 22 years on this planet. Your hands find his hair as his lips move in sync with your own. They’re soft and sweet and suddenly the only language you know how to speak. He is clinging to you like a man starved, though you know he is anything but.
“I love you. I thought it was obvious already but, I’ll say it a million times if you need to hear it: I love you. I love you. I love you.” You day in between kisses. Harry pulls away slightly to meet your eyes and can feel himself going cold. “What?” Your brow furrows at his expression.
“I just never want to forget the way you’re looking at me now.”
Then your back is against some nearby wall and his lips are on yours again faster than you can register anything that’s happening. The kiss swells into something more urgent, more passionate than before as your tongues begin their dance. His hands are everywhere, and you forget where yours end and his hair begins.
His lips begin trailing to the underside of your jaw and a moan slips out before you can stop it. He groans a response, and you swear you can feel something hard pressing against your lower stomach. Harry’s entire body has caved into yours, you standing on your tippy toes to press yourself more firmly against his willow-y frame.
“Shit-shit. Harry, someone could see—“ it suddenly dawned on you that you’re just passionately making out with in the middle of the hallway.
“Oh—oh.” Harry’s brows furrow and you see a glint of hurt in his pretty green eyes. You gently cup his face.
“No, I don’t mean it like that!” You whisper yell the reassurance. “You know I’d love to be seen with you. I just, H....I’m insecure about this kind of stuff.”
Amusement paints a pretty smirk on Harry’s face.
“You mean....sex?” He teases and you swear you could wrap your hands around his throat and throttle him if you had another 5 inches of height and actually stood a chance.
“Yes, sex, now come on.” You mock his accent and tug him away from the wall, the two of you giggling like horny teenagers.
Within a minute Harry has you pressed up against the door of his private bus. He’s fumbling with the strange lock and kissing you like he’s dying at the same time. You’re floating.
Once the latch clicks into place, your feet leave the ground again and your laid against something soft. The warm lighting is hitting Harry in a sinful way—he looks like the color gold personified and he’s smiling at you like you’re the Sun. He towers over you and you’ve never felt smaller. You start to wrap your arms around yourself but he stops you.
“Just let me look at you for a sec, y/n/n.”
With one last heated look he dives back into you and you’re a mess of tangled limbs again. You can feel his hands ghost over your clothed breasts and his lips ghosting over your neck again.
“God, I can’t get enough of your neck. Ya’ve got tha prettiest neck ‘ve ever seen,” he groans with a grind of his clothed, hard cock into your own clothed heat. You’re making noises you’ve only ever made before that time after Game night. And you know you’re ready to give it all to Harry. Anything he wants from you you’re willing to give.
His hands roughly grope at your breasts and you nearly scream. He’s pulling his shirt off and unzipping the top of your jumpsuit before you can do it again. Harry sucks in a breath of air at the sight of your naked chest.
“God—those tits. Just like I imagined ‘em,” he says before taking a nipple in his mouth, suckling on you like some animal. You whimper under his attention and he stops briefly.
“Angel, is this alright?” Harry looks into your eyes and holds your gaze.
“Yes, yes. T-take what you want from me.” You nod vigorously and submit yourself to him. His response is a growl you feel travel straight down to your core.
He goes back to your breasts, leaving lovebites and growling out the occasional “mine.” His lips trail down to your hips, right above your pelvis as he shimmies the rest of your jumpsuit off your legs.
Then the warmth of his breath is on your pussy and a single kiss is pressed to the front of your lace panties.
“H, you don’t have to—“
“I want to. Please.”
You nod and gulp. At this point, Harry’s seen more of your body than anyone else has and seems to be enjoying it. The only other time you’d had sex all the lights had been off and there was next to know ForPlay.
“I’ve just never had someone—do that.” You offer you an explanation. Harry freezes.
“No one’s ever eaten you out?” He asks incredulously, his head poking up from between your thighs. “What the fuck, why?”
Your cheeks heat up and you suddenly can’t make eye contact with him. “Well my ex, he and I only ever did it one time and he just...didn’t.” Harry nearly chokes on his own breath.
“You’ve one ever had sex once?” his hands are gripping your thighs now and he’s subconsciously moving closer to your face.
“Y-yeah. God this is embarrassing.” Your hands cover your now red face and tears gather in your eyes, lower lip trembling. This is not a conversation you wanted to be having but you also didn’t want to lie to Harry.
He pulls his hands away from your face and nearly crumbles at the sight of your glassy eyes. “No, no. Why is that embarrassing? You have nothing to be embarrassed about.” He coos softly, brushing away any tears that had fallen. You felt so small and seen in his embrace.
“Because I thought that maybe I was the problem? That something about me was ...off so he left me after we...you know.”
Harry audibly scoffed and cradled your face in his hands. “I’ve wanted this, I’ve wanted you for so long,” His voice is gruff and honest. “There is no one I’d rather be with right now. And that idiot ex of yours is a fucking madman because you’re never getting rid of me after tonight.”
You kiss him and feel something in your chest ache in an almost foreign way. You didn’t know you could feel like this. He kisses you back harder and the heat between you builds again. His hand cups your lace covered pussy and rubs gently over your clit and you jolt. His lips trail back down to your heat and before you can register what is happening his nose is pressed against your mound and inhaling you like some meal. A growl resonated in his chest and he begins tugging your underwear down your legs.
His tongue delves into your folds gently, teasingly. He finds his way to your clit and then sucks the breath from your lungs. You go pigeon toed and nearly scream at his assault on your most private area. You’re making noises that feel foreign as they leave your mouth but Harry laps them up along with your heat. He’s growling and letting out little sweet comments about how good you taste and you don’t know how you’re going to ever look at him without blushing again.
“H, H I’m close,” you whine out, little body shaking under the weight of his arms holding your torso down. Your hips are bucking up wildly but Harry is comepletely unbothered, giving no indication that he’d heard you at all. It isn’t until he sucks un your clit with a new vigor that he makes his intentions clear.
You’re screaming, toes curling, his name falling from your lips so loudly you’re sure everyone in the stadium can hear you. You’re fucked and you don’t even care, Harry’s cooing in your ear as tears fall from your eyes, descending from your high. He pulls your body into his and whispers sweet nothings in your ear until you come back to reality.
“Are ye alright, angel? We could just go to sleep?” Harry asks gently, warm breath in your ear.
“No, no. I want you. I’m just a little overwhelmed because no ones ever...he didn’t... make me you know.” Your face is heating up again.
“Why are you still talking about sex to me like we’re in middle school, y/n?” He laughs loudly. “I just spent the last 10 minutes face first in your pussy. You can say the word orgasm around me.”
You can’t help but laugh but also swing an arm around to sock him in the chest but he catches your hand and steals your breath with a kiss. His hands slide up the smooth expanse of your back and he straddles you, caging you to the end with his body.
You buck your hips into his, a hand snaking down to palm his rock hard member through his briefs. It feels, much larger than you anticipated. He growls and ruts against your hand like an animal.
“Please, Harry...” your eyes are hazy with desire as they meet his nearly blackened ones. He whips his briefs off and settles himself at your entrance.
“Are you sure? You’ll be stuck with me after this.” He half joked, looking into your eyes with a choking intensity.
“I’ve never been more sure. Please.”
He lets out a loud cry at the feeling of your heat around him and you’re whimpering uncontrollably at the intrusion. But you love it, God it hurts but you love it. Harry had not prepared himself for how tight you would be. It was like bedding a Virgin. Your ex must not have been well endowed, Harry thought.
Harry can’t believe how good you feel, and he’s never been particularly loud, but he’s crying out with every movement. You’re trembling beneath him, whimpering and yelping. Both of you just consumed with the other. You take his hand and place it around your throat, and his eyebrows shoot up in an expression of utter shock. He grips your throat in his hand and builds speed quickly. Milking his cock in your tight heat.
“You feel so fucking good. You’re mine now, mine.” He growls through clenched teeth as his hips snap into yours. You’re practically in tears.
“Yours. Yours yours yours.” His cock has reduced you to a weeping echo chamber.
When the two of you climax it is like the clash of a symphony and he collapses into your body, holding you closer to him than anyone’s held you before.
As you drift off in his arms, one nagging thought plagues you,
What the fuck were you going to tell your bandmates?
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crystalk17 · 4 years
Mouse Of a Time
There will be very little G/T in this chapter, but next chapter I promise there will be. This is an AU were Sander Sides are Animal Shifters. Got the idea from anonymous asks from @delimeful page. Warning I did change Patton into a dog and Roman into the cat instead of the other way around. I just though it fit a bit better. Roman can turn into a grey and white cat, Patton into a Golden Retriever, and Logan can change into a White Cockatoo. The Light Sides think Dark sides just can’t shape shift. In reality Virgil can transform too. Just into a tiny/ defenseless mouse. Any of those animal his fellow sides can turn into can harm him in anyway…and doesn’t help not all Light sides are that friendly with a Dark side hanging around. All Virgil can do for now is hope Thomas does not tell his fellow sides his secret, none of them catch him, and stay hidden. In human form he can talk to any of them. He’s actually pretty close to Patton and getting there with the other two, but once he sees the animals his mouse instincts come into play and he gets anxious. 
What’s His Problem?
First Chapter. Just an introduction to Virgil
Encounter With the Only Human
Second Chapter! This is a chapter about how Thomas found out about Virgil’ s transformations. So far he is the only person that knows he can transform like the others. All this time Thomas has been a great Creator and friend by keeping Virgil’s secret. He wants Virgil to talk about it, but he stresses how much he doesn’t want the others to find out. Not yet.
Understanding Along with Secrets
Third Chapter! Thomas and Virgil talk about the events that transpired. Virgil practices to control his shifting powers. He also stumbles into a place that was a bit too tempting for him leading to some more mischeif and another secret.
Cat at Movie Night
 Fourth Chapter! Virgil explores Roman’s room as a tiny instead of a mouse. This does lead to some feelings that were not suppose to come out. When this is all over at least everything calms down with a Movie Night! Well we thought they would calm down. 
Interactions Between all of the Sides
This chapter is more about the interactions and relationships between the sides. Explaining how all of them feel about each other. I know kind of boring, but it is needed to understand what is going through Virgil’s head. I promise Virgil being a mouse is in here, but not till ¾ths in. 
Dog’s Best Friend
Dog!Patton and Mouse!Virgil have an interaction. That’s all I can say about this chapter. I mean Logan is doing typical Logan actions and looking too far into things he’s not supposed to. Please let me know how I did with this chapter. It took a lot longer than planned because writing an interaction between animals is a lot harder than I thought, especially since we only hear the thoughts of Virgil. Please be brutally honest. It helps me better as a writer. I promise to add more angst and inside thoughts of the characters in the next interaction since that is what a few of you requested for the interactions. 
The Talk
Thomas and Virgil talk about his options but face it. There is only one option and Virgil hates it. 
Heart or Logic
Virgil and Logan finally talk. The moment we have been waitng for. This is probably the most anxious and tiring moment he has had in a long time. Even worse then talking to Thomas.
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awellboiledicicle · 6 years
so idk if y’all are up on your ‘local history of small northwest towns’ but for a long fucking time in this area we had so many kids to teens dying on and around halloween from drunk drivers or drug overdoses that it was a habit for emergency services to have a meeting beforehand to talk about who was more ok with handling a dying kid over handing out candy at the station so they could be on standby. 
It’s partially why we have the haunted house at the fire hall-- out here, 8 miles from the actual town, there’s literally nothing to do and nowhere to go. Haunted houses and like mischeif night trick or treating for all ages things cropped up specifically to keep kids and teens occupied or out of trouble. I know a bunch of teens that go through the haunted house several times over jsut to ask for progressively more scary runs before sitting and watching the movies we have on. Because it’s that or fuck around at a friends house who doesn’t have plans either.
The idea that towns across america are going “we recognize that teens and young adults without something to do-- and are in fact barred from a wholesom passtime such as getting candy BY LAW--will get into trouble and endanger themselves or others. We just don’t care.” is just. fucking bizarre.  Like, obviously not every teenager is gonna default to “lets experiment with drugs i’ve never tried before” and “i bet i can drive drunk/high”, but there’s enough out there that might. And even one person losing their lives because they could be otherwise occupied is just. not acceptable.
Like, if i hit 30 and have to deal with the community having another crime wave and drug rash, i’m gonna be pissed. I mean, honestly in 5 years im gonna still be pissed about a lot of things but this’d be a crying shame.
im just so mad at this. I remember walking around the trailer park and being steered away from houses where people were passed out on porches and they were like 16. its just. i know its not like a direct correlation but it’s unnerving to think about it happening again. 
Hopefully kids’ll just stay home and watch shitty horror movies but i just. it feels wrong
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crappywords · 6 years
Celestial Love idk
So here’s a thing I had for the longest time and I don’t really like it but I hope someone does! It’s about a celestial god like creature cursed to live amongst us. 
He sat down slowly, placing his journal on the seat next to him. He sighed, cursing his ever-kindling candle of life.
He wished his luck was like the other celestials, placing him not here, in this grim self-destructive world.He wanted to be a part of a prosperous civilization, he deserved it, he knew he did, but his father did not grant wishes to those like himself.
"Class, I hope you did a bit of backup reading like I told you to because this will be difficult to understand."
He cursed. His hair was all over the place as he rummaged through his satchel to search for his book. What was he doing yesterday that was so important, it made him forget his philosophy reading assignment? He could not get drunk and he did not have any friends. The lord forbid that ever happens. It was not like he wanted any "friends" anyways. He was alone yes, but he was not lonely, another person in his life would be a burden and a weakness. He was well aware of the phylosophies of mankind, he knows each and every single one by heart, but he was quite forgetful you see, for his father was not one to make life easier of the likes of him.
He forgets a alot. Unlike his other fellow celstials, who seem to be all-knowing.
He knew more than all of them did. Far more.
He was quiet forgetful.
Perhaps his father does not like him.
He groaned internally and stared at the person in front of him, surely he must know something. This boy looks well-dressed and even wears spectacles.
That is a sign of intellegence in this race, is it not? He thought as he focused to look inside the boy's head.
That bastard dragged me down with him, why the hell am I so stupid? I should've stayed and read what was assigned to us but no- god forbid you do something on time. Edward Cross you are a dumb fuck and you will not pass. All I wanted was one stupid beer, one. Ah fuck it, I'll ask if he'll give me extra credit work later. I just-
Why did I assume you know anything? Thought the celestial.
The boy jerked and let out a yell. Heads turned, eager for a distraction from the terribly agonizing lecture.
"Mr. Cross, do you have anything to share?" Asked Professor Denson. "I assume you yelled out because you have an answer to my question?"
"I am sorry sir, and uh... no, I can't answer the question, I'm sorry..." he trailed off before looking down.
Stupid waste of life. A literal excuse for idiocy to exist on this planet. Thought the celestial. And I remember a time where your civilization asked and begged for immortaily. He scoffed. Now imagine if I granted that to the likes of your ancestors, ca-ta-stro-phe.
"Don't waste my time then boy." The professor turned to the rest of the class and the attention was turned back to him.
The celestial turned away to look at the professor and tried to rummage in his brain, he smirked to himself, obtaining what he needed. He knew he was forgetful so he skimmed through his journal for an empty page and started scribbling down all the information he obtained.
By the end of the class, the he had the questions to next week's exam. Now all he had to do was answer those questions and spend the rest of his day at his room, alone, marvelling at the small entertainment miracle of a light box, his laptop.
As he slowly walked down the stairs of the lecture hall, something- or rather someone- caught his attention. It was that boy, Cross, humming and walking at snail speed. He did not like it when they did that, hum, sing, try to forget sorrow by making animal like sounds. Music they called it.
The celestial smirked and focused on the back of the boy's head, fastening his pace to get closer. He was going to mess around with this little animal.
The boy gasped, his feet gave in and he tripped. The celestial chuckled, and with a swift move, grabbed the boy's shirt.
"Careful." He said, letting go of the boy's shirt once he felt like the latter's balance was regained.
The boy looked at him, his face was still in shock. The celestial almost felt sorry for the sad excuse of a creation.
"Th-Thanks." He muttered, avoiding his gaze almost instantly. "Well that makes my shitty day even shittier." He muttered slowly , expressing greatly his hate to whatever was happening to him.
"I am Edward." He stopped to meet the taller man's eyes, but for some reason he couldn't look into them directly.
"My name is Valiant."
"Cool indeed."
Edward watched Valiant walk away. Weird. Something jolted his brain suddenly and he remembered the fraternity. Shit. Shit. The hazing. Why do they host weekly hazings? He sprinted, reminding himself of why he was doing this.
The celestial sighed as he stepped out of the classroom, finally. That little homo sapien was fun to mess around with and he was going to make sure he repeats today's little mischeif next class.
He started picking up his slow pace, eager to get to his room and wither away in front of the light box.
Something caught his eye, the coffee place. He has never liked coffee, in fact he has found it to be one of the most atrocious human discoveries. So bitter, he felt his stomach twist at the thought of that demonic liquid.
Evil celestial liquids are much more delightful, comparing this to their drinks would make them very angry. And that was not something he wanted to do.
He suddenly felt his brain jolt and a memory trigged, he remembered why coffee was not very appealing to him. Lord of the skies above, why do my past lives haunt me like this? I must go on and pretend that it did not matter, I will not let them get in my head.
He pushed the door and went into the coffee shop anyways, trying not to gag at the smell. He wanted human junk food and human junk food was what he was going to get. Human junk food was comforting. He stood in front of the shelves and his eyes lit up at the sight of the attractive packages.
"You shall come with me." He whispered softly grabbing seven bags of gummy bears before continuing to stare at the rest of the merchandise with an awe. His eyes trailed over to the crisps.
The sight of the packages made him smile.
The tall celestial dropped the packets he had on the cashier desk, and heard a soft gasp coming from the woman. He looked at her and like most of them, they avoided his gaze for reasons only he knew of.
"That would be seventy eight dollars sir."
He paid for the food, shoving all of it into his satchel.
All set. He smiled to himself.
He had a date you see, with a certain light box.
He liked to listen to the mortals' thoughts. It was fun. His inhibition would always be directed towards those movie or show fanatics he would overhear in the corridors. They always gave him a name to something new he should watch. He sometimes wished he could talk to them, but friends were nothing but a burden. He could not bring this pain upon himself. He knew his father is watching him, he knew that his father did not want him to feel joy.
He had one before, a friend. This friend meant everything to him, his friend was so gullible and naïve, so innocent. Long ago, the celestial loved nothing more. His friend was important to him and he resulted in his own love's murder. He was the cause of his friend's pain and suffering. That was when he decided.
No more.
No more pain for those who did not deserve it.
He was responsible for all what all these mortals were going through. He decided that he will no longer seek comfort between their kind, for his comfort will bring nothing more that suffering upon them.
He planned on avoiding relationships for the rest of this Earth's life.
Sighing, he grabbed his food and turned the light box on. It was a smart light box. He pressed the a small button, and chose "Netflix". The girl he overheard yesterday spoke about something called "Anne".
"Ah, there it is. Anne of green gables. What is this? When did they start celebrating the orange heads?"
I thought they hated the orange heads. How peculiar. These mortals change their standards so often, I need to keep up. I've always found orange heads beautiful.
The celestial started laughing as soon as he remembered how awful his perception of time was. He felt something poke at his heart when he thought about time. Time. He acted like time did not matter to him, but it did. The immortal one just wanted to not remember- he wanted to forget how fast time flies by. To pretend it did not exist.
And that's what he did the next 10 hours, he sat still, consuming one sweet thing after the next. The orange head turned out to be quite the charming character. He stared at the light box as the last episode ended.
He huffed and stood up, he needed a walk after this trash ending.
It was eleven, he sighed tying his hair back and puffing out the air in an aggravated way. He kneeled down to pick up his shoes, slightly losing balance. He put them on and slammed the door on his way out.
He steadied himself as he walked down the stairs, trying to shut away his brain.
This was going to be a long night. A long, long, night. He hoped the night would not be inviting strangers, innocent strangers, to speak to him, but he was wrong, oh so wrong.
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taem-min-archived · 3 years
Never Left You || l.tm
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PAIRING || Taemin x female reader
GENRES || Horror, major character death.
SUMMARY || You never left Taemin, not your presence at least.
WC || 0.8k
WARNINGS || horror, character deaths
A/N || Yeah...they all are going dowhill :(
TAGGING || @fifty-shades-of-mischeif @xavi-in-kpopland @whatudoing @midnightmoi​ @moonswhite @shrutiajit @cerisetalks @exoxobsession @nctisthecity @woo-minhee02 @roroswitherose @lovesickgyu @en-sun (If you want to be added to my taglists, fill in this form)
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"I don't want to watch horror." She whined, causing Taemin to look up at her questioningly.
"But don't you like horror too, baby?" He asked.
She wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her face into his chest.
"I do but…" her voice trailed off.
Taemin wrapped his arm around her shoulder, kissing her forehead lightly.
"I'm scared." She whispered.
Taemin frowned. They both loved horror, sometimes even making fun of it. What had happened?
"What happened?"
She looked up at him, biting her lips worriedly.
"You don't believe me."
"Try me. "
She sighed, sitting up straighter only for Taemin to engulf her in his embrace once more. He didn't want her to feel scared.
"I don't know...I feel like my apartment is haunted...like someone else is living here with me too. I know it's stupid and it's probably something else...but I keep hearing footsteps and I can swear someone is always whispering your name."
He frowned at her.
"Do you want to move in with me?"
She shook her head.
"No, I'm pretty sure it's just in my head. But can you...stay with me tonight?"
Taemin's face softened as he smiled at her.
"Of course love. I'll stay with you. Now do you want to watch some comedy movies?"
She smiled, placing a soft kiss on his cheeks.
"Yes, please."
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He groaned in his sleep, not wanting to wake up.
His eyes fluttered open, panicking at the thought that she might have been calling him. So he jolted up, the darkness pressing against him as he looked beside him.
But she was sleeping. Sleeping peacefully. So who had called him?
"Taemin, look at me."
He felt his blood run cold.
Hadn't Eunha told him about someone whispering his name in the dark?
Taemin looked around in fear, his heart hammering loudly against his chest. But he couldn't see anything in the darkness, it was like the night was darker than ever.
"Taemin?" He jerked at the sound of her voice, turning quickly to his side only to see Y/N staring at him with concern etched all over her face.
When he didn't respond she immediately sat up, switching on the lamp.
"Baby?" She asked, moving closer towards him, wrapping her arms around his torso. "What's wrong? Why are you awake?"
Taemin hadn't realised how classy his hands had become until he grabbed her t-shirt, burying his face in the crook of her neck.
"I heard the voice."
She stiffened, visibly tensing with fear.
"Y-you did?" She asked, her voice shaking. "Maybe it's because I told you about it so your mind is playing tricks?"
He could see the uncertainty in her eyes.
"Maybe." He said slowly. He pulled her closer to him, covering the blanket over them fully.
"It will be alright tomorrow." He whispered, kissing her forehead lightly.
"I hope so." She whispered back.
Taemin shuddered once more, before closing his eyes and forcing himself to fall asleep.
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"Hi baby. How was work?" Taemin asked, stepping inside her apartment. 
Silence greeted him and he frowned in confusion.
Hadn't Eunha said she would be home early today? He took out his phone but there were no messages from her or missed calls.
Thinking there must have been some last minute meeting, Taemin walked into her bedroom, wanting to freshen up after the long day of work.
He sighed loudly, and looked into the mirror, when his heart nearly stopped beating.
There was someone standing beside him in the reflection.
And he knew that someone.
She smiled at him, her torn mouth growing wider as his fear stricken eyes took in her form. As slowly she could, her head lolled on the side until it was resting over Taemin’s shoulders.
And he could feel her.
But before he could scream, the reflection disappeared, leaving him all alone in the dark.
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He jumped at the voice, heart hammering in his chest but calmed down once he saw Eunha poking her head through the bedroom door. He must be looking shaken, because she immediately came and sat down beside him, wrapping her arms around him.
“What's wrong?” She whispered.
Taemin gulped. Should he tell her?
“I saw someone in the mirror today.”
She looked at him, concerned.
“Oh you saw her? Did she talk to you?”
“No- Wait, have you seen her before?” He asked.
Eunha sighed, taking his hands in hers.
“Taemin. Why didn’t you tell me you had murdered your ex-girlfriend?”
He felt his throat dry up.
“Why didn’t you tell me you murdered Y/N? You lied to me saying she died of car crash. When were you going to tell me? After you killed me?”
Taemin could feel the room spinning. Suddenly he felt a stab of pain down on his hand. He looked down scared, and saw blood oozing out of his now slit wrists.
When did Eunha get that knife?
“She told me everything, Lee. And before you killed me, I had to get rid of you.”
He felt his body slip, as his eyes fluttered close.
“But I wasn’t going to kill you.” He muttered, the darkness slowly taking over him.
“Goodbye, Lee Taemin.”
And this time, she sounded like Y/N.
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A/N: Please do tell me what you think about this story!! I worked really hard on it and I would love to know everyone’s thoughts on it~ Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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Had a great time these 2 days partying and getting into mischeif with @mallory62397 and @vegas-revised among other great people, but now I have some alone time and I think I’m gonna just have a chill movie night with myself 😊🍹
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padmeisqueen · 8 years
tagged by @droo216 (thank you so much!!)
tagging (if you want): @ohmy-leia @mischeif-managed77 @i-dream-of-fairytales @nathyfaith @belovefreeindeed @welcometothefandxm @sanjiago @imalittlefluttershy @flarya93 @meganasaurus @sirikenobi167 @timelordwithoutfear @cometothecatbureau and anyone else who wants to do it!!
RULES : ANSWER all questions, ADD one question of your own and then TAG as many people as there are questions
coke or pepsi? coke
disney or dreamworks? disney
coffee or tea? coffee
books or movies? both
windows or mac? windows
dc or marvel? both
xbox or playstation? playstation
night owl or early riser? night owl
cards or chess? cards
chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
vans or converse? neither
star wars or star trek? star wars
one episode per week or marathoning? marathon
gandalf or obi-wan? obi-wan
heroes or villains? heroes
john williams or hans zimmer? hans zimmer
disneyland/disney world or six flags? disney world
forest or sea? sea
flying or reading minds? flying
twin peaks or northern exposure? neither
harry potter or lord of the rings? harry potter
cake or pie? pie
you are banished to a desert island, which benedict cumberbatch character would you choose to take with you? vincent van gogh for company but sherlock to get off the island
train or cruise ship? i’ve never done either, but I want to go on a cruise
brian cox or neil degrasse-tyson? neil degrasse tyson
wizard of oz or alice in wonderland? the wizard of oz
fanfiction or fanart? fanart
the hunger games - books or movies? books
be able to see the future or travel into the past? travel into the past
han solo or luke skywalker? han
lilacs or sunflowers? lilacs
spring or autumn? spring
campfire or fireplace? campfire
french fries or onion rings? onion rings
truth or dare? truth
winter or summer? summer
vampires or werewolves? vampires
red or blue? red
eyes or lips? eyes
burgers or sandwiches? sandwiches
friends-to-lovers or enemies-to-lovers trope? friends-to-lovers
pizza or pasta? pizza
ancient rome or ancient greece? ancient greece
foxes or wolves? foxes
mermaids or dragons? mermaids
kate bush or madonna? madonna
the office or parks and recreation? the office
my question: sci-fi or period drama?
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kinkycritters · 8 years
Little Tally Pt. 2
Mama and Daddy think it’s a good idea to get some fresh air. Tally does not.
Warning: non sexual discipline/spanking And fluff. Cute fluff.
Stick around, in the next part, Brian will come over for a play date with Papa Sam and Daddy Liam. 
DO NOT tag this with anything that will be seen by the CR fans or cast.
Taliesin groans softly as he rolls over in bed. He is in the guest room, which often times serves as his bedroom for long periods. He doesn't bother with checking the time as he gets out of bed. The bright sun pushing through the slats of the blinds tell him it's plenty late into the morning and time to get up.
The house is quiet, Tal doesn't here talking or the tv, and he doesn't smell cooking. Shuffling around the room for a moment he grabs his cellphone, headphones, and Mischeif, before going out to the living room. Sure enough, no one is up, and the master bedroom door is closed. He isn't very suprised, sense they had got home late last night after the premier.
Taliesin dumps his things onto the sofa before changing direction to the kitchen, where he finds himself a package of poptarts and a juice pouch. With his breakfast found, the boy returns to the sofa which is warmed by the morning sun shinning bright through the front windows. He puts his head phones in, starting up a video on his phone to watch some gameplay as he eats.
After a couple of videos and the long gone poptarts, Marisha appears in the living room doorway in her tanktop and sweats. Taliesin takes his head phones out in time to hear her call, "he's in here babe." She comes over to the baby. "What mess have you made?" She brushes crumbs off his tshirt. "Sticky. You made yourself some breakfast huh?"
Taliesin nods, "mmhhmm. Yup. Was hungry."
"Yeah. Sorry mama and daddy didn't get up till now. You want some fruit salad?"
Taliesin scrunches his nose a little. "Is it pineapple?"
"Nope. None. Its got kiwi though." She assures.
"Oooh. Kiwis." Taliesin abandons his spot on the sofa, grabbing his garbage to toss as he heads to the kitchen. Mama grabs a bowl and the large bowl of chopped fruit from the fridge.
"Too much." Taliesin says as she scoops a rainbow of fruit pieces into his bowl.
"You've had alot of junk. Do your best to finish this." She kisses his head and hands the bowl over.
"Okay mama." Taliesin nods.
Matt comes in as the little is sitting down with his fork. Matt wordlessly sets a small pill planner down next to Tal. Most of the compartments were open and empty, with only Saturday sitting shut with the three pills and a gummy vitamin. Matt goes to the fridge and returns with a big cup of chocolate milk. The nice premade kind from the glass bottle.
With a kiss to his head from the other man, Taliesin then opens up his pill box. He chews the vitamin up for a moment then pops the three pills, swallowing them down with big gulps of choclate milk and a small shiver.
"Good boy." Matt pinches his cheek abit.
Taliesin just nods, saying nothing about his medicine as he returns attention to his bowl of fruit. "What we gonna do today?"
Matt moves towards Marisha where coffee is being handled. "Not sure yet bug. Is there something you need to do?"
"No. But wanna do something."
"I'm sure we will do something." Matt assures.
Marisha speaks softly. "We've been meaning to go to the art museum over by old town."
"The Spencer?" Matt whispers too as he fiddles with his mug. "I don't know if Tal is gonna be up for something like that."
"Taliesin loves that kind of crap."
"Yeah, but Tally can get antsy in places like that. We don't want to set him up for a bad day. We don't know where he is."
"He seems plenty big enough for a museum today." Marisha looks at the back of Taliesin who is still only dressed in his pajamas of a tshirt and underwear.
"We have to make sure." Matt shakes his head. "He had a rough patch yesterday and it breaks my heart to see him so upset. He really is trying to just be good this weekend. I don't want to push him to much."
"Of course Matt. I don't want to just set him up for failure. We wait till after lunch. If he seems up for it then we go. If not...maybe see if there is a craft class in the arts district?"
Matt nods slowly. "Okay. Sounds good. Sounds like a plan." He finishes fixxing his coffee just in time for Taliesin to scoot up behind them.
Taliesin is looking at them both expectant but quiet.
"Hmmm. What is happening inside the babies head? Looks like he wants something." Marisha smirks a little before sipping at her mug.
Taliesin pouts at her and holds his hands up, cupping them.
"You look plenty awake baby bug," Matt shakes his head.
"But but...please?" The little pleads, trying to keep himself from whinning.
"Asking so nicely," Matt grins. "Go ahead buddy."
Taliesin grins and starts up a coffee for himself as well. When they had first started playing together, Matt and Marisha had attempted to cut Coffee from Taliesin when he was little Tally. But all that got any of them was more trouble. Grumpy, jumpy, jittery Taliesin and two thread bare care givers who couldn't handle the fits and sour additude of someone who depended on the caffine drug as much as they did. Taliesin was allowed coffee, though still less of it then he drank when working as an adult.
"Do you wanna just lay around the house for now baby?" Marisha ask, "we will go out and do something tonight. Kay?"
"Okay. Busy mama?" Taliesin twists his mouth up.
Marisha just laughs. "I'm allways busy baby. But just a little bit today. Daddy will play with you. You guys can play some games."
Matt grins at Taliesin and nods. "Wanna do some co-op, buddy?"
"Yeah!" Taliesin grins and takes a quick drink. "And maybe a little craft? With mama. When she's not busy."
Matt looks skeptical. "A little craft? How little?"
"Bracelets?" Tally grins.
"Alright. Bracelets sound not too messy." Matt allows. "We will play games then mama will make bracelets with us."
"Sounds good to me," Marisha nods. "I gotta sort through emails baby. Be a good boy for daddy." She kisses Taliesin's cheek then kisses Matt before leaving them to go hide away in her office.
Taliesin look up at Matt for a moment before taking another drink and returning to his breakfast. Matt gets himself a matching bowl of fruit before sitting with his boy. The conversation quickly turns to the Spiderman movie, and Matt thinks that Marisha may be right and Tal might be feeling pretty big today.
After a few dozen rounds of OverWatch, Taliesin makes a break for the bathroom. "Can't hold it any more. Be right back." He sets his controller aside.
As Tal leaves, Matt can't help but think that yeah, Taliesin was hardly down in his little space at all. He wasn't sure what has pushed the boy up this morning, but it was fine. They let Taliesin move around his head space naturally. He just has to abide by the rules unless explicity stated other wise.
Matt sends Marisha a text, checking to see if she wanted anything to drink or was ready to come do that craft.
'Tally needs to go outside and get fresh air. We all do. Ill come out and have a walk with you two. See if he wants to feed the ducks.' -Marisha
Matt glances at his watch and sees it is nearly lunch time. 'Sounds good,'-Matt. He shuts everything down and gets up to go get ready.
"What are you doing? Aren't we gonna play some more?" Taliesin is standing at the door now, hands fiddling at his chest.
"Maybe later. Marisha is about to come out."
"Oh! Bracelets!" Taliesin cuts in with a big smile. "Ill go get the stuff."
"Whoa whoa little man. New plan. We all need some excersize. Family walk to the park. You wanna feed the ducks?" Matt tries to bribe, watching Tal's face fall.
"But. We were...gonna do bracelets." He frowns. "I don't wanna go out. It's gonna be hot."
"It's not that hot, we just walked yesterday. We are gonna go to the park. It'll be nice. You love the park." Matt is hopefull, trying to think of the right way to talk Tal into going on this walk. "We are gonna do the craft later."
"But I wanna do bracelets. You said we was doin' bracelets!" Taliesin grabs the bottom of his shirt, twisting it in his hands.
Its pretty clear that Taliesin was dropping fast and needed to calm down even quicker. "Tal. You wanna go sit down for abit before we talk about this any more?"
"Only if you're gonna change your mind," Taliesin snaps, nose scrunching.
"Hey. Watch the tone, you are not gonna be happy if you keep this up." Matt warns.
"Not gon' be happy either way cause you're being dumb and making me go walk." The boy spits his words out like he is being made to do a much worse offence. Matt is entirely unimpressed by the little boy's sour mood.
"I think you need to go right to your bed and go have a time out before you get yourself in some real trouble little boy." Matt straighten's up, making sure he stood above Taliesin as he puts on his best stern look. Inside he was pleading with Taliesin to go calm down before this escalates any further. No luck.
Taliesin whines for a moment. "Thas' ..thas' not fair! I can't be in trouble jus' 'cause I don't wanna walk."
"You're gonna get introuble for your smart mouth mister. Come on. Time out." Matt holds his hand out, "you can go sit with Mr.Mischeif and calm down." As Matt reaches out to take Tal's arm, the boy whines again and stomps his foot. Matt tries to grab Taliesin before he can go down, but it was no use. As soon as the foot stomps the living room rug, Tally goes down, sinking down onto his bottom with an 'oof.' Taliesin looks up at Matt with wide eyes for a moment, suprised to find himself on the floor. Matt opens his mouth but before he can get a sound out, Taliesin escalates the situation by flopping down on his back, covering his face with both hands.
"Taliesin. No. Knock it off right now. You are not going to have a trantum about this." Matt snaps.
"Not!" Taliesin barks back, kicking one foot.
Matt has no chance of pulling Taliesin off the floor. "Yes you are. You are being naughty. You're gonna be in big trouble if you dont take your bottom to the bed room immediately."
"It's attached!" Taliesin sticks his tongue out at Matt.
"That's it." Matt grabs Taliesin's wrist. "Up. Now. You're getting a spanking. I'm done being nice."
"No! Nooo!" Taliesin tugs aganist the hold. He gets his hand back and flips onto his hand's and knees to flee.
Matt catches him by the shoulder, landing two smacks joined by Taliesin's loud protests. The little boy reaches back to try and stop his daddy. It only causes him to fall onto his belly.
"What are you two-," Marisha comes in, prompted by all the noise. She is cut off by the sight, face settling into her own firm mask.
Matt says nothing to his fiancé as he swats Taliesin over his Minecraft sweats.
"Daddy! Daddy stoooop! Ow ooow!"
Matt grabs the boy's arm above the elbow and tugs, getting back to his feet. "Up. Now."
Taliesin scrambles up with Matt's help.
"You are going to go to your bed for your time out." Matt continues to spank Taliesin now that he's standing, keeping a firm hold on the little's arm.
"Ooow. Yees daaady! Yees!"
Matt let's him go, and Taliesin immediately rushes past Marisha, not looking at her as he scrambles into his bedroom.
The door closes down the hall, and there is a beat of silence befor Matt sighs heavily, rubbing his face for a moment. Marisha crosses the room and puts her arms arouns him. "You're such a good daddy." She says softly.
"Yeah yeah." Matt hugs her and shares a soft kiss. "I'm alright. Just had to calm down for a moment."
"What happened?" She keeps her arms around Matt.
"I told him we were going to go to the park and he got upset that we weren't doing crafts. I told him we could later. Gave him plenty of chances to calm down. But he really pushed me." Matt shakes his head.
"He's good at that," Marisha smiles a little. "And you're much more patient then I can be. I would have smacked his butt long before he got a chance to get to the floor like that."
"I know I know. Sometimes if I keep calm he will break through and he tells me what's wrong and we can skip any trouble. Other times it just bites me in the ass and he just gets worked up." Matt let's Marisha go and heads over to the table to straighten up their game stuff and some glasses. He pauses and catches sight of the beloved purple cat abandoned on the sofa.
"Go. I'll clean in here." Marisha shoos Matt. "You need to check on him anyway."
"Yeah." Matt grabs the cat and takes a deep breath before heading towards Taliesin's designated room. When he pushes the door open, he spots Taliesin down on the floor on floors, rooting around beneath the bed. His little boy yelps at being spotted out of his timeout spot, and leaps onto his bed, starring at Matt with wide eyes.
"What are you doing off your bed little one?" Matt's voice is calm now, gentle.
"I - I was jus' um...oh." Taliesin is stammering before he spots his kitty and holds his hands out. Matt hands it over and watches the boy cuddle the toy close.
"Were you looking for your kitty?"
"Yes daddy."
"Okay baby." Matt sits down by him.
Taliesin is still sniffling, cheek pressed  to his kitty now. Matt sits down next to him, folding his hands in his lap as he watches Taliesin hiccup.
"Am I in trouble?" Taliesin finally breaks their silence.
"Are you still gonna brat off or are you gonna be behave like the good baby you are?"
Taliesin manages to blush under his big, crocodile tears. "I'm gonna be good."
"Alright. Then you aren't in any more trouble." Matt reaches over now, pushing back Taliesin's hair. But Tal won't stop crying. It's not praticularly hard sobs, but it's steady whines and whimpers and lots of fresh tears.
Matt gets off the bed and goes to the long vanity. When he opens a top drawer, he can hrar the babie's sobs pick up behind him. "Hush. Daddy is just getting your paci. No more tears." He returns with just that. Poping open the plastic container it was stored in.
"Open," Matt holds it up to Tal's lips. The boy hesitates just a moment before accepting it. Matt hopes, as he sits down, that the pacifier will help push Taliesin down in his head space and ground him some. The poor baby was so worked up. He just needed to be a baby, then he would calm down.
"So," Matt starts to speak again. "Mama and I will help you clean up and get changed before we go on our walk. Do you want to feed the ducks?"
Tally just nods now, not even trying to speak around his pacifier. The one he's been given is navy blue and red, and it bounces rhythmicly as he sucks.
"Okay. You can't take the dummy but you can take Mischeif. Sound good?"
Tally nods again. His tears have stopped, leaving him with just little sniffs and hiccups.
Marisha knocks softly before coming in. Her face falling into a warm smile as Tally holds his hands up to her. She coos softly as him as she takes his hands and kisses his forehead.
"Oooh look. Look at my baby. He is so cute." Marisha smiles at him. Tally just shakes his head in response. "No? My baby isn't cute? Oh but he is. So so very cute."
Matt reaches over and starts to poke at the boy's sides, then begins to tickle him. Taliesin lets out a squeal from around his pacifier and falls back on the bed trying to retreat. Matt stops but Marisha leans down and kisses his belly.
"That was very cute."
Tally is panting softly as his caregivers spend a few minutes petting and coddling him in the bed. Kisses exchanged between them all.
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