#miss her but I know my grandparents would be happy how well I took care of her she lived for quite a while after they passed
multifan2022 · 1 year
Golden Lies
Heres another new one that has been in my wips for who knows how long.. Let me know!!
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“I volunteer!” 
The first thought through your head after hearing that is ‘who said that?’ Who would volunteer for the 69th Hunger Games.. Well the games at all, but why now? 
It isn't until people start turning around and looking at you, the 17 year old who almost escaped being reaped, that you realize whose voice you heard. You heard your own, because as soon as you saw little Cissa being pulled onto stage your heart broke. 
Cissa was your neighbor, she had just turned 12 the day before the reaping. You would be turning 18 in a week and a half. The poor girl cried for twenty minutes when she got a papercut opening seeds, she wouldn't last in the games. 
Not that you had a much better chance when it came down to it. The biggest difference was the only family you had was two grandparents, both very old and one sick. Cissa was the middle child of 5, her older twin brothers and her younger twin sisters. It would devastate them all if something happened to her, your grandparents wouldn't live long to mourn you. 
The peacekeepers hands on you barely caught your attention as they forced you to switch places. The only good part you could see out of this, was that Cissa wouldn't be rereaped. You had saved at least one of their kids, a small payment for all the times they watched your grandparents during the harvest for the last 8 years. 
Cress Amberpath, the light pink skinned Escort of your district, is practically vibrating with happiness when you reach the stage. There had never been a volunteer from your district while he worked here. He pulled you into a weird hug congratulating you before pulling you towards the mic. “Is there anything you would like to say to little Cissa, Dearie?” 
You nodded, pulled yourself together and looked at her family. Her mother was already in tears, you being like a niece to her, while she clung to her daughter. The older twin boys who were your age nodded, letting you know they would take care of her. While their father nodded, letting you know he would take care of your grandparents. It all happened within seconds, and suddenly you were ok. 
Everything was going to be ok. So you laughed and nodded again “Hey Cissy, take care of Finnick for me ya?” Cissa turned back to you, tears streaming down her face as she nodded and cracked a smile at the inside joke. When her family started laughing along with you, Cress spoke again “Whos Finnick my dear! Do you have a beau we should all know about!” 
You knew this next part would maybe piss some people off, but you were off to die so who cares. You shook your head “It's my dog.. Because there was a magazine we found the same day I found this puppy, and on the cover it said ‘Is golden boy Finnick Odair, a dog?’ Cissy thought it was a sign that we should name him Finnick.” 
To your utter surprise, Cress laughed.. Hard, like bent over laughing a genuine laugh before speaking “I wish we could see that man's face when he hears this, it would be priceless! But onto the boys!” When he left you in your spot and walked towards the other bowl, you scanned the crowd for the one friend you had. 
Hardin Bellbrand. 
A boy you went to school with, who worked the same field as you. He was your only confidant, the only person you trusted fully in this world. He was there when your parents died, you were there when he was diagnosed with an untold disease a few years ago. Hardin had been pulled from the fields, and was treated. Perk of being the Mayor's son, you guess. Now he could be out and about as long as he took his pill everyday. 
If he missed his pills within a few days he would start to have severe pain. Next would come the sweats and puking alongside hallucinations. He wasn't fit to be in the games ethier, and thankfully he is a year older than you so this is his last year. 
You finally made eye contact with him, and could see the heartbreak and sadness in them. Your ears start to buzz when he nods and looks away. You're frantically shaking your head as you hear Cress call some name you don't know. Your feet are moving before you realize it, mouth open screaming “NO” as you realize what Hardin is thinking. 
 Over your painfully screams to your sick friend, his voice rings clear “I volunteer as tribute!” The Mayor and his wife start screaming now as well, neither wanting to lose their only child. Both knowing even if he was fit and healthy, he's not a killer. While they are getting drug off stage by peacekeepers, Hardin is making his way to the stage. 
He completely bypasses Cress who is practically dying in excitement and walks straight to you. While you're shaking your head, he smiles sadly and wraps you in a hug whispering over and over that it's ok. Even though it's anything but. Cress pulls him off you and towards the microphone. “Well!! What a turn of events!! Not ONE but TWO volunteers!! Why did you volunteer young man??” 
Hardin turns his head and looks at you, that same sad smile present. “Couldn't let my best friend go off to fight without me.. She was gonna leave me in the fields to do all her work, can you believe that Cress?” He jokes and you know that he's going to make it through the process just fine. The struggle will be when the two of you are trying to survive in the arena. 
But you're dedicated to keeping him alive.. Even if it means killing yourself in the end. 
Hardin Bellbrand will be coming home. 
The train ride was excruciating, listening to Cress gush about how your ratings were already up due to there being volunteers in an outlying district. But since there were two of you, and you were best friends, he swore that it would be an easy win. There hadn't been a victor from District 9 in 25 years and he was dead. 
You and Hardin would be alone going into training, Cress would be your only guide during the next few weeks. You're both thankful for the fact the train rolls at 250 miles an hour, making your trip only a handful of hours. But your head was still pounding when you arrived. 
Cameras flashed and people screamed questions at you both as you were practically shoved from the train and into a car. Just to have it all happen again between the car and the tribute center. The only difference was this time you saw people holding out flowers. Cress stopped and gasped, turning back to you both, “We have never had gifts given to us before the games! This is such an honor, graciously accept them and show your love for the capitol!” 
You turned and nudge your head to one side, Hardin nodded and without speaking each of you took a side of the walkway. Men, women and children all screaming your name and touching your face or hair. Some had flowers that you would take and offer a smile and kind words back. You shake every hand you can reach, and even stop taking a few pictures. 
Somehow you even look happy, excited even to be here, which only drives the crowd crazier. When you and Hardin meet back up by the doors, you each have a handful of flowers and messy hair. Your hands find each other, fingers intertwining as you bow and smile to the crowd who just screams louder. 
Another car pulls up so the peacekeepers finish escorting you inside the huge building. Hardin looks around in amazement at the architecture and the size but all you can see is the bodies in the corner. A group of people who you assume are here to size up the competition and try to intimidate them. 
Cashmere, Gloss, Brutus, Enobaria, Finnick and Augustus along with their tributes are all sitting there glaring at you. Well all of them besides Finnick, who is the same age as Augustus who is the same age as you and Hardin. Just a bunch of 17 and 18 year olds that deserve to be anyone but here. Finnick was smiling at you, looking you up and down before leaning over and making a comment to Augustus who then smirks. 
The look on their faces makes your skin crawl, but you dont show it. Your upper lip pulling into a sneer as you fake gag in their direction causing Hardin to laugh as you keep walking towards the elevator. Thankfully disappearing from the Careers sight. 
Finnick was tired.. 
Tired of being in the Capitol. Tired of kissing asses, tired of sleeping around, and tired of pretending like he hated every other tribute who walked through the door. But mostly he was just tired, he really needed a nap and a good shower. He was practically sleeping with his eyes open not listening to the others when he heard the crowd outside start screaming. 
He looked around quickly, thinking maybe one of the other careers had made their way outside. But no, the whole group was still there. As they all turned towards the door and waited, Finnick was stuck between relief and jealousy. Relief that maybe the people of the Capitol had found a new favorite and would leave him alone, and jealousy that the crowd was honestly being louder for whoever was outside than they were for him. 
The jealousy washed away though when the doors opened and a beautiful girl walked in with her escort and who Finnick assumed was her district partner. Arms full of flowers, hair ruffled from fingers running through it and cheeks pink from embarrassment. 
He knew right away by the lack of a Victor and the pink man escorting them that they were the tributes from District 9. While the guy looked around clearly amazed with the building, which to be honest happened to most of the tributes, the girl looked unimpressed. She rolled her eyes at her district mate, shouldered him a little before turning and noticing the group. 
Which also seemed to be unimpressive to her. 
While she looked them over, Finnick looked her over. She was tall for a girl, probably 5’7 or 5’8. Her hair was clean and down to the middle of her back, she was thin but not thin like most who came from her district. Definitely not thin like those from 12. More like the type of thin people get when they work the fields, which is probably what she did coming from 9. 
They both looked in shape while the girl looked a little healthier and a little stronger, Finnick knew that appearances were deceiving. While he was sizing her up she turned and locked eyes with him. By the look on her face, she yet again was not impressed. Finnick leaned over to Augustus and whispered “I think we should probably watch out for that one. But smile, make her think we are making fun of her.” 
Augustus, who was new to all of this, smiled condescendingly at her before she sneered at them. Laughed with her district mate and left, the two teens turning back to the other careers. “We need to watch them, that's the first time 9 hasnt been scared shitless when they walked in. Plus for whatever reason the crowd loved them, and that's always a problem.” Cashmere said, looking down at her nails before looking over at her brother who nodded. 
That was all that passed between the group before they all went up to watch the reapings. 
After hair was ripped out that you didn't even know existed, you were bathed and rubbed with an oil that made your skin seem tanned and shimmery. Makeup was smeared across your face as someone else was pulling at your hair. You sat quietly knowing that fussing was just going to make the process longer. Soon enough, but not soon enough you were left in just a robe in an empty room with nothing but a cot, a chair and a wardrobe. 
When the door opened, a dark skinned woman with her hair back in box braids stepped in. She had just a little gold makeup on, and a small gold rose tattooed behind her ear. She smiled genuinely at you before pulling you into a hug, when she pulled back she squeezed your shoulders. “I'm sorry you have to be here.” She said so quietly you almost missed it. 
All you did was nod and look down, but she put a hand under your chin and lifted your face. You could tell as she turned it and then looked at your hair that she was examining the team's work. Your eye make up was dramatic, a medium dark green on the lid, with orange brushed into brown that reminded you of leaves changing color. Your bottom lid had the same orange and brown along with dramatic winged eyeliner and false lashes. 
Your hair had a thick but slightly messy fishtail crown braid with the rest waterfalling down your back in waves. Small clips that had butterflies, bees and dragonflies on them had been placed seemingly at random around your head. A crown woven with flowers such as Cardinal flower, wood lilies, dotted gayflower, and multiple colors of milkweed rested on your head. The smell was amazing, they looked and smelled like they had just bloomed in the fields behind your home. The mulberries and huckleberries looked like they had been picked at their peak and preserved perfectly. 
“My name is Lavanna, I'm your and Hardin's main stylist. I will be designing all your outfits, I'm fresh out of school, this is my first game. But I plan to put you out there in a big way. Not to sound full of myself but I think the only person who could out do what I have planned for you is my younger brother Cinna.. And thankfully he's still in school.” Lavanna smiled at you before turning to the wardrobe and pulling out what you think are pieces of a dress. 
She helps you into a dress that is skin tight from the shoulders, down your arms and chest. Tight all the way to your hips where it had just enough room and stretch to walk before it reached along with a slit that went very very high up your right leg. The top, including your arms, was green like the forest then it started to mix and fade into a dark amberish color. Then it ombred down into a beautiful bright orange that reminded you of the sunsets back home. Again it felt like you were looking at the leaves changing. 
She helped you into orange heels that wrapped up your legs but thankfully had a thick heel. Last but not least she told you to raise your arms as she wrapped a belt around your waist. It perfectly blended in with the color of your dress, and attached was something out of a book. It looked like it belonged to royalty or a goddess, not you. 
Behind you was a long tulle train, the tulle barely colored to match the dress where it needed too. But at the bottom was leaves, they started green but turned into rich reds and bright vivid oranges and yellows. Leaf shapes stood out to you, yet again from back home. 
Birch, black walnut, black and red maple, northern pine oak and cottonwood leaves. Entwined into the leaves were other plants like fluffy cattails, golden wheat, and pampas grass. The only thing you could recognize that wasn't from your district in the entire outfit was pampas grass. All the flowers, all the leaves, even the berries in the crown were all something that grew in your district. 
When she turned you around and you caught sight of yourself in the full length mirror you had to step closer and touch the glass. You couldn't believe this was you, sure you had always been told you were pretty, but this was something else. With just some make up, a good proper shower and some fancy clothes you looked like a goddess. You wanted to cry, but couldn't bear to ruin the hours of work you had just gone through. 
Lavanna could tell you were at a loss for words, so she stepped forward, careful of the huge train she had created. She smiled at you in the mirror and spoke softly trying not to spook you. “I decided to go a different direction.. The whole farmers thing is a little played out, plus you volunteered for a young girl. And your friend volunteered to stay with you, so I thought you guys deserved something really special.” 
When you spoke, it was a whisper “I look like some type of goddess or something.. Like something out of the books in the district library.” You turned to her when she started chuckling, unsure if she was laughing at you or not but she shook her head. “That's what I was going for. Ceres and Saturn, the Goddess of Grain crop and Agriculture. She was also a fertility goddess but we don't need to get into that. And then Saturn God of abundance, wealth, agriculture and a few other unimportant things. Would you like to go see his outfit?” 
 You nodded silently, still stunned as you looked at yourself one last time. Then you followed Lavanna out into a hall, then down into an area outside that was full of people in costumes and chariots. You turned away refusing to look at the other tributes as you looked for Hardin. And when he appeared you were just as awestruck by his outfit as you had been by your own. But also by him, because he looked so much healthier than he had before. 
Hardin had gladiator sandals on with a toga that was tight to his chest and showing part of it. It was the same colors as yours but without all the filigree. He had a crown of leaves that matched the bottom of your train, it had the same berries and some branches on it. His dark curly hair was shiny and tamed for the first time, probably ever. He was also holding a very sharp looking scythe.  He looked like the god that would stand next to you, and in this moment he would. 
He stared at you in a daze, watching as the train and the bottom of the dress swished around you. He had always told you that you were beautiful, really one of the best looking girls in your age group back home. But now you really looked beautiful, not sweat covered and exhausted from a day in the fields. Even more tired because you knew you would need to come home and care for your grandparents before getting a few hours of sleep and doing it again. You looked like someone who could actually win. 
Finnick watched from the district four chariot. He had to force his jaw not to drop as he turned to the sound of heels clicking. His tributes were already waiting on the chariot, one dressed like a fisher the other like a mermaid. They looked great but nowhere near as breathtaking as you looked. 
It literally felt like someone slapped Finnick in the face when you walked in. The color of the dress perfectly sets off your skin tone. Your hair fell in just the right way to frame your face. The makeup was dramatic and made the color of your eyes pop. Whoever was styling you had done a fantastic job, but Finnick knew they had a gorgeous model to work with. 
He figured you would have looked beautiful in the normal farmer garb your district normally wore. He watched with slight jealousy as you laughed with the male tribute whose name he learned was, Hardin. Watching with a curious mind as the two of you pointed out leaves on your dress with bright eyes and laughed. 
He wished that he could be as carefree as you were in that moment. His thoughts were interpreted by a whack on the head. When he turned rubbing the sore spot Mags was smiling up at him with a knowing look. “You like her don't you.” She said as a statement and not a question. 
Finnick shook his head and looked around frantically, “First off, you know not to say things like that. Second, I dont even know her.. I just think..” his voice trailed off as he turned back to look at you. A woman who he assumed was your stylist was flitting around you tapping on things placed in your hair. He watched as small insects began to flutter their wings. 
His mouth moved without his brain telling it too, he felt so comfortable around Maggie that the facade he put up every single day outside of his home slipped. “I just think she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.” As soon as it was out he coughed and rubbed the back of his neck. He had never said something like that, or felt so inclined to talk to someone. 
He watched as you and Hardin stepped up onto your chariot, you were now holding a small basket woven into a cornucopia. Your stylist team shoved small flowers and foods into the basket as the main stylist  moved the train of your dress to flow behind you. Lavanna held it up with the help of one of the others as your chariot moved. Mags gasped when the wind from the ride caught the ends of your train holding it up. The tulle had folded out giving the effect of leaves and grass flying out behind your chariot. All he wanted was to catch your scent on the air, to feel your warmth radiate around him like the sun. 
Taking a step back he forced his brain to remind his hormonal heart that he no longer had the luxury of thinking like that. 
He belonged to the Capitol. To Snow. And to the people who threw money away to spend time with him. No matter how disgusting he felt when he crawled into bed at night, it didn't matter. He had people to protect, parents and a friend or two. He couldn't allow himself to feel things towards those he couldn't have. 
And he couldn't have you.
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whiskeynwriting · 1 year
More rough and feral dom daddy whiskey please? <3
Colombian Cowboy
Agent Daddy Whiskey x Reader
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Dirty talk, praise kink, daddy kink (obvi, it’s sacred at this point), spit kink, dom daddy, choking, hair pulling, degradation, oral fixation, oral sex (m receiving), unprotected vaginal sex, rough sex, brief mention of hair, established relationship/marriage
A/N: co-written with @phnyx once again, and are y’all even surprised at this point? Also, this takes place before babycakes gets preggers, but her and daddy are still married. 
Thank you to @fishingforpike for always being an amazing beta reader <3
Inspired by this picture because… dear god, dear GOD. If anyone knows who originally created this picture, please let me know and I will tag them ASAP! I did not make this picture!
Agent Daddy Whiskey Taglist
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There was something different about the architecture here, something different about the way everything was put together. The arches, the entryways, even the brick wasn’t like anything you’d seen in the states, well, not in Kentucky, anyway. And it makes sense, because right now, you’re miles away from the United States.
You didn’t often see Jack’s family; his many aunts, uncles, and grandparents were older now and couldn’t make the trip. So, Jack had brought up the idea of visiting them more often to you, and you were thrilled to accept it. How could you not? Not only did you love Jack with your whole heart and would do practically anything in the world for him, but you also loved his family. His grandparents in particular were the sweetest couple you’d ever seen, and they welcomed you into the family with open arms well before you’d even gotten married.
“Mi bonita chiquita!” (my pretty little girl!)
Smiling, you pick up your pace to a jog, meeting her halfway. She didn’t need to be walking any faster than she could muster.
“Abuelita,” You say as you lean down to give her a hug. “Te extrañé.” (Grandma, I missed you)
“Abuelo,” Jack greeted his grandfather, hugging him as he too joined you all on the porch. (Grandpa)
You wouldn’t guess by looking at him or honestly even meeting him, but Jack spoke Spanish. He not only spoke Spanish, but was from South America, too. His mother’s side is Colombian, with his father being from the states. That’s where that famous southern drawl comes in. A Colombian cowboy; quite the peculiar taste but one you’re more than happy to savor.
“¿Cómo estás hace poco?” He asks, breaking the hearty embrace. “Bien?” (How are you lately? Good?) 
“Más o menos,” Abuelo frowns, waving a hand in the air. “Mi nieta! Cómo estás, hermosa?” (More or less. My granddaughter! How are you, beautiful?)
It’s humorous how easily he pushes Jack’s inquiries aside just to come over and say hi to you. They really do love you. And if Jack took it to heart, he’d be annoyed, but he’s not. He’s thrilled his family loves you. They see you as one of their own and to be honest, you really are.
Before long, they’re corralling the two of you inside, and as soon as you’re through the front door, you can smell the masterpieces Abuelita has been preparing. It’s clear she’s spent all afternoon making the dishes, each one being a favorite of either yours or Jack’s. You feel bad that she’s gone through so much work just for the two of you. You’re sure she’s remade the entire guest bedroom for both of you, too. She can’t get around as easy as she used to, so putting in that kind of effort takes a toll on her. But even if you told her to stop (and in the kindest ways, you have), she never would. She’ll never stop caring this much about either of you.
While you help Jack’s Abuela set the table for dinner, he takes it upon himself to carry your bags upstairs. There are only three rooms on the upper level, his grandparents’, the bathroom, and the spare room. And when he opens the door, what he sees brings a smile to his face. The bed is made with new sheets that he’s sure his grandmother made, and resting atop the orange and beige quilt is a bouquet of carnations and tulips. The décor along the walls has also changed. Each one of the numerous pictures in the hanging frames have been swapped for new ones, some of you and Jack, and some of Jack from his past. There are a few that show Jack as a child when he'd spend summers on his grandparent’s farm. The memories that flow into his mind make his heart fill with a sense of somber joy.
“Yeah?” You holler back, glancing over at the stairs. And although you can’t see each other, he keeps talking.
“C’mon up here for a minute.”
“Ya vuelvo.” You then smile, placing a hand on his grandmother’s shoulder. (I’ll be right back)
“Tome su tiempo, mi amor.” (Take your time, my love)
In a few short steps, you’re at the bottom of the stairs, but you don’t see him anywhere. With a sigh, you follow the sound of Jack’s low hum. What does he have in mind?
“Hey baby, what’s up?” Entering the room with a gentle push on the door, you finally see the husband you’ve been searching for. “Oh, wow, those are beautiful.”
“They really are,” Jack says softly, watching as you walk over to the bouquet his grandmother had left on the bed. “Honey, look at this.”
“Hm?” On your heels, you spin to face him, your eyes following the finger pointing at the wall. “Oh,”
You don’t often see pictures of Jack, not from his younger days, at least. He just doesn’t have many, if any at all, in the penthouse. Most of them are with his family, and with all of them living so far apart, the times you do get to see pictures of baby Jack are rare. Only… this isn’t baby Jack. Oh, no. This is… this is grown Jack, young adult Jack.
“Baby, how old were you here?”  Pointing to a specific picture on the wall, you quickly become entranced. 
In the picture, it looks to be in the afternoon, possibly at the end of a workday. He has his signature white shirt and blue jeans combo on, but with a shockingly dull belt buckle. He’s also wearing a white cowboy hat; one you’ve never seen him wear before. He’s sitting halfway over a metal fence, his right leg on one side, his left leg on the other, with both hands gripping the top railing. It’s a nice view of his side profile as he’s looking ahead at something you’re not able to see. But to be completely honest, you’re not really interested in whatever he’s looking at, because you’re too busy with what you’re looking at.
There is such a clear outline of his muscles through the fabric of that shirt, such definition in his forearms and biceps. You can see his pectorals and the muscles along his shoulders through the shirt, the veins in his forearms bulging slightly as he grasps the railing. The way he’s sitting looks so… dominant. So strong and just so… Jack.
“That one?” He asks, rubbing his jaw. “Dunno, sugar. Maybe my late twenties, early thirties?”
Then, he looks to his side, smiling widely when he sees your mesmerized expression.
“You like how I look there, babycakes?” He asks you sweetly, taking you into his arms while you continue to stare. “Hm?”
You can’t bring yourself to make eye contact with him, your smile bursting fully across your cheeks when he nuzzles himself into your neck. Sensually, he grinds himself against your hip, and chuckles. Those beautifully plush lips press to the skin of your neck, but only for a moment before he huffs out a breath, shaking his head.
“It’s that easy,” He murmurs seductively. “It’s that easy for you to get me.”
“Daddy…” You whisper in return, briefly forgetting exactly where you are, and where you’re supposed to be.
“Baby,” He returns, the hook of his nose running along your jaw as he just barely lifts himself from your neck. “My sweet baby.”
It’s taking everything in you to not spiral, to not throw Jack on the bed and have him all for yourself. Seeing the younger version of him made you hot, but having the older version of him right here next to you? That made you hotter. But still, you can’t help but think what he would’ve been like back then, how he would’ve treated you in bed. He looks so serious in that picture, so focused and tanned and broad… fuck, you’re trying not to get carried away, you’re really trying. But his next words, they drag you down quicker than the hounds of hell.
“Do you want it now, babycakes?” He whispers, teeth tugging gently at your ear. “Or later?” You can already feel yourself leak between your thighs, his words making your heart rate increase until you’re sweating with anxious excitement. 
The hand he uses to grab your jaw is musty and half-covered in dirt, yanking your face upwards to look him directly in the eye.
“I said now, or later?” He grits out, raising his brows authoritatively as he expects a response.
Staring up at him, he’s backlit by the sun like some sort of Greek god. His hat blocks the main rays of it, shielding you from the direct and blinding light. He looks sweaty and tired, but more than ready to handle you. 
“Now,” You whimper out in response, breath-taken by the current state he’s in. “Please.”
“Good.” It comes out thick and low, his voice always rich with that southern drawl.
All too easily, he forces you to step back, walking forward until your back hits the outside wall of the barn. Without hesitation, he immediately grabs your throat, the tips of his fingers on his free hand then flying to your mouth. 
“Get these wet for me.” He demands, shoving them inside.
“Mm,” Mumbling, your eyes go wide when you gag involuntarily.
It makes him smile, towering over you and squeezing your neck while he shoves his fingers down your throat. Both of your hands reach for his forearm, clinging to him tightly while you moan. When you gather your bearings, you begin to suck, unable to tear your gaze from his eyes while doing so. It makes your center pulse, already weeping for him. Jack’s eyes focus on you, his brow furrowing slightly as he pumps his two fingers in and out of your mouth. He rubs the pads of them down on your tongue, grinning wickedly when you gag on them again.
“You’re doing so good,” He grumbles, eyes dipping down to your currently occupied mouth. And listening to Jack’s praise while his fingers are in your mouth makes you burn bright inside.
It makes him so happy to see you like this, so willingly submissive. You like it, too, he knows you do. You live for it, and honestly, he does too. 
Jack sighs deeply, contentedly. Slowly, he tilts his head to the side, a sinister smile growing on his face. “I want you to do somethin’ for me, honeybee.” 
“Mm?” You mumble, doe eyes staring directly into his, into those increasingly dark brown orbs. 
He retracts his fingers from your mouth, giving a short chuckle of delight when he witnesses your small spit trail. Then, he nods. 
“Open that pretty fuckin’ mouth.” Licking his lower lip, his eyes dart down to your own as they open widely for him. And with one hand on your throat, he purses his lips, spitting onto your tongue. You whine in surprise, in utter shock. But the second time he does it, you’re expecting it, his grip on your throat tightening as he does it. 
“You like that?” And his jaw is clenched, eyes flickering back to your own. But when you move your lips to answer, his grip tightens again. “Uh-uh, don’t swallow it. Not yet… let daddy taste it.” 
Leaning in, his tongue dives into your mouth, swiping over the wet mess of his own saliva. With your eyes rolling back to a close, you moan, hands trailing up his chest to meet behind his neck. Thankfully, he allows you to pull him in, those broad hands encircling your back. His tongue dominates your mouth, the intrusion of the thick, slick muscle prompting a sudden need for it to be elsewhere. 
What you don’t expect is for his wet fingers to find your sex, making their way beneath your skirt and to the thin covering of your panties. He grunts against your mouth when he rubs you through them, fingertips pressing against your clit. 
“Mm,” Jesus, he loves when you whimper. 
Already, your hips are rotating into his hand, and within seconds, he’s shoving your panties to the side. One single, deliciously thick finger slides up through your folds, circling your already reddened bud. He rubs your slick over it, your pretty pearl, feeling you tremble in his hold. 
“You’re already so close, aren’t you?” Jack whispers against your mouth, and you can just smell the sweat on him. It’s salty in your mouth when you attach it to his neck.
Again, you’re shoving yourself into his hand, desperately seeking more. And he complies, grinning while he slides one finger inside. “Needy fucking thing.” Jack grunts, the tip of his digit finding your most sensitive spots. 
“Daddy,” Hips jerking forward, he rocks his hand with you, finger moving in and out with every movement you make. 
“Yeah? You gonna fuck yourself on my hand?” It’s not what he originally had in mind, but he’d be damned to stop this.
“Mhm,” Whining, your eyes open, staring directly into his. And the innocence they reflect absolutely kills him.
“Mm…” He groans, that handsome face focused entirely on you. “Then do it.”
With a single nod, he leans in, angling his hand to rub against your clit. And the more pressure he applies, the more you whine, the more you squirm, breathing out desperate puffs of air for him. He can see how riled up you’ve become, how fucking feral you get - you’re so wet he can smell it. And it’s from him, all from him. Only from him.
“Cum on daddy’s hand.” Jack whispers into your ear, the timbre of his voice breaking you open from the inside. 
For once, he allows your eyes to close, watching as your head tilts back. Jack loved to make you hold eye contact through your high, he just had to see how dumb you could get. But right now, he lets you savor it, your jaw dropping fully as you moan, those beautiful wafts of air floating right from your mouth and into his. Because as soon as you started to shake, he attached himself to you again, shoving his tongue into your mouth so he could steal every one of your breaths. 
He almost can’t handle the sensation of it, feeling your juices drip down his hand. Removing them, they instantly find his lips, sucking them inside so he doesn’t waste it. He yearns for the taste of your center, the dampness of it, the tangy smell of it. 
“Oh…” He growls happily, lazily grabbing your jaw. Your lids are heavy as you look at him, watching that beautiful tongue roll over his digits. “Daddy loves when you get that dumb little look on your face.
And when he realizes you’re still too fucked-out to say anything, he speaks again.
“Get on your knees.” 
It’s immediate, your compliance, your center burning bright from his authority. Even though your back is against the barn, you slide down the tattered wall, landing on your knees. He doesn’t move either, doesn’t give you anymore space as he keeps his stance directly in front of you. And as you fall, Jack’s eyeline follows you down, strong and calloused hands already undoing his belt. 
“Mm…” Whimpering, your fidgeting fingers play with each other, anxiety brewing in your belly from the sinful heat continuing to rise in your body. 
While he stares down at you, he can feel the adrenaline racing through his blood. You’re so cute, so pretty on your knees before him. But the sight of your doe-eyed expression doesn’t make him want to be sweet, it makes him want to be fierce, to withhold any sense of mercy from you. Jack wants to watch you crumble, force you into submissiveness and watch as you let him make a mess of your existence. 
“Baby,” Growling quietly, he bends down, leaning in to roughly take hold of your jaw. And he sighs out in satisfaction when you move with him, rising a little higher into his grasp. “Open your mouth for daddy.” 
With a smile, you comply, opening your mouth wide while staring up at him. 
“Yeah…” Jack sighs, returning to his full height. And once he’s standing tall again, he resumes the undoing of his belt, finally pulling himself out. “Get that tongue out.”
Staring at the thickness of his length weighing heavy in front of your face, you do as he says, refraining from licking his head. Happily, he grabs himself, holding his erection at the base while moving to tap it against your tongue. The wet slap of it makes him moan, the sight and sound something you’ll never forget. He looks amazing like this, towering over you, his toned and tanned pelvis on display. And his cock, the same cock you’ve taken dozens of times, just waiting to force its way inside you. 
But your impatience betrays you. Your body yearns to feel the same tingle of excitement Jack forced through your body mere seconds ago. And you’re wondering if he’ll let you pleasure yourself while sucking him off. Curiously, you shift, spreading your legs wider and settling your covered crotch directly onto his boot. The leather’s cool sensation makes you sigh, your eyes closing as his precum leaks onto your tongue. And before you even realize it, your hips are swaying, your small hands rising to cling to his calf, his thigh, holding onto him desperately. And the sigh of you getting yourself off on his boot while he smacks the tip of his dick against your tongue is making him feral all over again.
“Pretty girl,” That southern drawl coos to you, beckoning for your attention. And when you gaze up at him, he finishes with, “Are you begging?” 
Upon hearing his words, you sigh, a look of concern washing over your face. Is he mad at me?
“It’s okay, sugar.” Your lover grins, reading your mind. “You can rub yourself on me. Yeah… rub yourself while you suck on daddy.”
Instantly, your eyes are shutting again, lips suctioning around his tip as you move forward to take him in. And your quick compliance forces a groan from within his chest, his lips parting in awe as he witnesses it. 
With happy and eager movements, you swallow him, feeling the firm twitch of his tip at the back of your throat. Already, spit collects in your mouth as you move back and forth, feeling every ridge of vein of his length slide along your lips and tongue. And you continue to cling to him, breathing through your nose as you bob your head along his length. 
“Yeah, that’s what I wanna see…” Thick fingers move forward, curling into the hair at the crown of your head. “God.”
Jack was always such a vocal man, you loved hearing the noises he made during sex. They make your heart thump with excitement, your center tingle with arousal, knowing you’re pleasing the most important man. 
“Fuck daddy, baby. Fuck daddy with your mouth.” 
And when he says it, you look up with him, a tear from each eye streaming down your cheeks. Drool finally pours past your lips as his free hand cups your cheek, shoving his thumb into the corner of your mouth and watching more stream down your chin. 
“You always make such a fucking mess.” Your lover seethes, gritting his teeth. 
Moving both hands to your head, he shoves you back against the wooden slats, choosing to fuck your face instead of letting you choose the pace. Harshly, he thrusts into your mouth, reveling in the suction of your throat around him. It’s now that he finally hears you gag, one of his absolute favorite things when it comes to you going down on him. The wet suck of it forces his eyes to roll back into his head, your hands now pushing him away instead of pulling him in. But he’s so much stronger than you, it really doesn’t matter what you do. His digits grip your hair so harshly that it stings, keeping you in place for however long he needs. And it won’t be much longer, not with the way you’re taking him.
“Baby, babycakes.” He gasps, jaw dropping as he stares down at your gorgeous face. “You take it so well, honey.” And that little bit of babbling praise tells you that he’s close. It’s his next words that send him over the edge.
“Daddy’s little cum slut.” His words make your insides burn with shame, worrying over the possibility of someone else hearing. 
Quickly, he pulls himself out, jacking off over your waiting face. Your sloppy gasp, the wet sound of your choking throat, it’s all too much for him. Leaning one hand against the barn, he cums, watching it shoot onto your face. It leaps onto your nose, but that isn’t good enough for him. So, he turns your head, wanting to rub it over your cheeks and lips.
The gooiness of it sticks to your skin, the smell of his musk and sweat flooding your senses. You’re still so close that the hairs of his pelvis scratch against your face, his balls rubbing over your chin. And as he starts to come down, his chest heaves from the force of it, his high prompting a subtle shake in his legs.
“Don’t taste it, baby.” He gently commands. Jack always did come across soft in his post-orgasmic bliss. 
“Daddy, no.” It comes out before you can stop it, your whiny words and bratty pout. Not only do you want to taste it, you want to clean it. It makes you feel shameful, having your face painted when out in the open like this. 
“No?” He questions, his voice playful yet threateningly low. “Baby doll, you better watch your fuckin’ mouth.” At this, your eyes widen, brows dipping in the center ever so slightly. 
With his anger rising, he leans down, grabbing you by the throat and hauling you onto your feet. “Daddy.” Grabbing onto his forearm, you gasp before his hands are on your hips and spinning you around. 
“Hush up.” He returns almost playfully, reaching down to grab a handful of your ass. “Daddy needs to use your sweet little hole.”
With that, he’s flipping your dress up and over your backside, scrunching it around your hips so he can see every bit of your skin. Briefly, he licks the pads of his fingers before dropping them to your sex, rubbing you for just a moment. 
“Still just as wet,” He murmurs, and practically to himself. 
Leaning in, he rests his chin on your shoulder, sighing out a heavy and hot breath. With one hand on your hip, he uses the other to spread your cheek, feeling his tip touch your lips. 
“Oh…” Dropping his head down, his forehead rests against the back of your head as he moves, sliding his entire length inside. 
Your small yelp is muffled by his hand as he splits you open from behind, sinking every inch into your center. And when he bottoms out, he almost laughs, so overjoyed from the feeling of being surrounded by your insides.
“God, I can reach so deep inside, can’t I?”
“Sh,” He returns, just as he’s beginning to move. “You stay here, stay here and let daddy fuck you.” 
And just like that, he’s slapping his pelvis against your ass, the thickness of his length plunging inside. At first, it’s overwhelming, entirely blinding bliss. The feeling of his veins rubbing against your walls, his fat tip hitting your most sensitive spot. And his grunts, his hot breaths and deep moans. It’s too much, it’s too much.
“Daddy, you’re making me feel so good. It’s, it’s so much.”
“Yeah? You want daddy to stop?” Jack immediately questions, words ragged and breathless. But all you do is whine. 
“What have I told you? Huh?” And now, his hand curls around to your neck, tighter than before as he shakes you a bit. Gritting his teeth, he demands, “Tell me.”
Quietly, pitifully, you squeak, “I’m not done ‘till daddy’s done.”
Instantly, a bright smile breaks out across his face, and he’s planting a sloppy kiss on your cheek. “That’s right, babycakes.”
Your body rocks from the force of it, the barn he helped to build so many years ago creaking from Jack’s genuine strength. His muscles ripple and flex as he fucks himself into you, listening to the lewd squelch of it. He wishes he could do this every day, shove you up against the barn at the end of a long work day and fuck your throat, your pretty face, before taking your cunt. Day, after day, after day. It’s all he wants, all he’s ever wanted. You. 
“Oh baby,” He huffs, his groans turning into guttural growls. “Baby, you got daddy so riled up. You’re perfect angel, you’re so perfect, and you’re mine. You’re daddy’s perfect little play toy.”
“Daddy, I l-love, I love you.”
“Oh, honey. Daddy loves you, too. So, are you gonna answer me?”
“Hm? W-What?”
“I asked you a question, sugar.” And when you still don’t respond, he refreshes your memory. “Do you want it now, or later?”
Back in Jack’s childhood room, his fingers find your chin, tilting it toward him gently. And when your eyes meet him, you feel taken aback. He’s so beautiful, such a genuinely gorgeous man. And with everything in you, you want him, desperately and right in this moment. 
“Mis amores! La cena está lista!” (My loves! Dinner is ready!)
Jack then tuts at you, tapping the underside of your chin. With a wink, he decides, “Guess it’ll have to be later.”
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
If I Can Dream
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16 - Too Much Rain
art credit: @lazylittledragon on tumblr/lazyjunebug on twitter
cw: mentions of divorce
Year: 1992
Pattie and John finalized their divorce in January of 1992. Per their lawyer, they had to try couples therapy, amongst a few other things, prior to their official split. When nothing took, they officially called it quits.
While John never came around quite like Pattie did, he still tried addressing everyone by their proper names and pronouns. He never stopped by or gave anyone the time of day, but when he remembered, he would send birthday gifts or vague holiday cards to try and act like he cared (mainly to spite Pattie, showing her she wasn’t the only involved grandparent).
But, Pattie didn’t care. She had finally connected with her son and her granddaughter—she couldn’t care less what her ex-husband did.
Pattie often found herself stopping by once every weekend to bring the boys a meal and a little gift for Bobby. Since tensions had been resolved, Pattie hadn’t misgendered Eddie or even slipped up on his deadname. She addressed and introduced him as her son’s husband and Bobby’s father. She earned strange looks from people who think the way she used to, but it was second nature to her at this point.
Her son was married to a man, who also fathered her granddaughter. Totally normal, right?
Ever since she left John, she could give two shits about what others perceived as “normal”—she loved her new, free life and she’d be damned if anyone took that from her. For the first time in her adult life, she was happy—she didn’t care about the rest.
One weekend when Pattie dropped by, Eddie was getting his belongings together to head over to The Hideout for his weekly gig. Corroded Coffin hadn’t performed nearly as much since Bobby was born, but his band mates didn’t mind—they all understood where Eddie’s priorities were.
“Alright, I’m heading out!” Eddie called.
“Good luck tonight, Ed,” Pattie chirped.
“Thanks, mama.”
That was a newer development—mama. Eddie had never been close with his own mother, so once Pattie started coming around more often, she very quickly took on a motherly role for her son-in-law. He called her mom or mama, and she had an array of pet names for him that she used interchangeably.
In all honesty, it made Steve sick to his stomach hearing how gushy they were towards each other, but he figured it was better that it was happening to Eddie rather than him.
“Do you have everything?” Steve asked.
“I think so. What would I be missing?”
“I don’t know, you’re forgetful,” Steve shrugged.
“Well, if I forget something, then I’ll just call you and make you come down to The Hideout. Sound good?”
“Great. Love you.”
“Hate you too, stupid.”
The two quickly kissed each other as Eddie ran out the door. Bobby was put to bed about an hour ago, so Eddie had covered all his goodnight bases for the evening.
“I should probably head out, too,” Pattie sighed as she slipped her coat on. “It was a pleasure, Stevie.”
“Always nice to see you, mom. See you next weekend?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Later that night, when Eddie got home from his gig, he burst into his bedroom and started bouncing on the bed, urging Steve awake. Steve grumbled to himself and hesitantly turned over to face Eddie.
“For the love of god, what, Edward?” Steve mumbled.
“Guess what!”
“Steven Michael, guess!”
“No! Now shut up before you wake the beast down the hall.”
“Please, just one guess.”
“For the last time, no.”
“You’re no fun.”
Steve sighed and rolled back over, burying himself in their covers. Eddie straddled his husband and ripped the covers from his face. Steve hissed at the cool air and eventually gave up, caving to his spouse’s antics.
“How many guesses do I get?” Steve whined.
“I’m only guessing once.”
“Then why’d you ask?”
“I don’t know, Eddie, for god’s sake, I want to sleep!”
“Come on!” Eddie started bouncing up and down.
“You better behave, I swear on my life.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Regardless, I’m too tired to deal with you.”
“Come on! Guess!”
“I don’t know—you bought the bar?”
“No! We got a gig as openers at the Hoosier Dome next weekend!”
“What‽” Steve was suddenly jolted awake in excitement. “You’re bullshitting me.”
“I would never,” Eddie guffawed.
“You’re really playing at the biggest arena in the state?”
“Sure am,” he smiled proudly. “You and Bobbs get to come backstage and all that. Isn’t that exciting?”
“Won’t it be past her bed– what the fuck am I saying? Screw her bedtime—she gets to see her father perform at the dome! Ugh, I’m so proud of you, Eds! Who’re you opening for?”
“Oh, no one big—just Gun N’ Roses,” Eddie said nonchalantly.
“Eds, that’s huge!”
Steve cheered as he pulled his sweaty husband down for a kiss. Eddie held onto Steve’s face and deepened their kiss, reducing it to teeth and tongues. Eddie rutted his hips into Steve, but Steve held onto him, holding him in place.
“Sweetie, I’m sorry, but I’m so tired. Maybe tomorrow, okay?”
“But Stevie,” Eddie whined.
“What, Eds?”
“We haven’t had sex in ages… making me think you don’t find me attractive anymore.”
“Okay, first and foremost, that’s asinine. You’re literally a smoke show—always have been, always will be. Second, I know, it’s killing me too, but Bee has been running me into the ground. She’s just at that age where she has endless energy. You can understand that, can’t you?”
“Yeah, yeah… but even when she was a baby, and we were going days without sleeping, we still did stuff,” he pouted.
“Ed, ‘stuff’ was just you giving me head.”
“Yeah, and? You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“You’re impossible.”
“Do you not like how I give head?”
“What? No, I… what?”
“It’s a simple question.”
“Eddie, there’s nothing wrong with how you suck my dick, okay?”
“So, like… can I, then?”
“Eddie, for the love of all that is holy, it is three in the morning. Please, for my sanity, let me sleep.”
“It’ll take like five minutes.”
“Hey! I don’t finish that fast.”
“Oh, Stevie,” Eddie smirked, cocking his head to the side.
“I don’t!”
“You have since we had the baby.”
“No… that can’t be true… can it?”
“It can be and it is. However, if you’re up for a challenge–”
“Okay, yeah, more so because I want to prove you wrong.”
Eddie chuckled to himself as he started shimmying Steve’s boxers down. The couple became intimate for the first time in ages and, much to Steve’s dismay, Eddie’s point had been proven right.
“Stevie, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. It’s infuriating. I had no idea I lost so much stamina!”
“It’s okay! Just an excuse to practice a bit more—get your times up,” Eddie teased.
“Very funny, Ed,” Steve scoffed.
“Listen, my offer with pegging still stands if you’re ever feeling lazy and just wanna lay there. Wouldn’t have to worry about anything.”
“Okay, we were talking about how I can’t last longer than five minutes. How on earth did you go from there to pegging?”
“I dunno.” Eddie shrugged as he cuddled up to Steve.
“No, you do know.”
“Didn’t you want to go to sleep?”
“Well, now I’m awake, dickhead. How long have you been thinking about this?”
“I don’t know, a few years, maybe.”
“Uh, yeah? You know how frustrating it is to be a dude without a dick? I just wanna do what you get to do. It’s not that deep.”
“Okay, well, let’s put that on the back burner for now.”
“Can we try it after my show next week?”
“Yeah, fine, whatever.”
“Oh, god, how I love you.” Eddie gently kissed Steve’s neck as he rubbed circles into his chest. “Get some sleep, big boy—it’s your morning with the beast tomorrow.”
As the couple fell into a deep slumber, it was soon interrupted by their daughter screaming at the top of her lungs from the end of the hall. The boys were stirred awake, trying to gain a sense of where they were and what was going on.
“Is that Bobby?” Steve grumbled.
“Yeah,” Eddie sighed. “It’s your night.”
“I know,” Steve mumbled, sitting up in bed. He trekked down to Bobby’s bedroom where he flicked on the light and knelt next to his toddler’s bed. “What’s up, Bee?”
“There’s ghosties under the bed!” She cried.
“What do they look like?”
“They don’t have faces…”
“I, um… what are they doing?”
“They have scissors and, and, and they’re cutting up the carpet. Daddy, I’m scared!”
“Okay, uh… hold on…”
Steve’s eyes were bulged out of his head as he made his way back to his bedroom. Sweat was collecting at his brow as he stood in the doorway of his room.
“You good over there, big boy?” Eddie teased.
“Nope, this one is yours.”
Eddie rolled his eyes as he climbed out of bed to tend to his daughter. As the couple walked back down the hall, Eddie was desperately trying to figure out what was going on.
“Why was she screaming?” Eddie yawned.
“She saw ghosts under the bed. She said they were cutting up her carpet.”
“Dear lord.” Once Eddie crossed the threshold, he embraced his daughter in a warm hug, gently kissing the crown of her head. “Papa’s here, baby girl.”
“Papa, daddy! Make the ghosties go!” she sobbed.
“Okay, okay.” Eddie got down on his knees and peered under her bed. “Hey, guys? I know you’re having fun under there, but it’s late, and she’s little, so you’re scaring her. So maybe calm down on the carpet cutting for tonight.” Eddie popped his head back up and smiled at Bobby. “They said they’re sorry and they’re going to bed. You should get back to sleep too, princess.”
“But papa, I’m scared!”
“Do you want me and daddy to stay until you’re asleep? Just to make sure you’re safe?” She nodded profusely. “Okay. Do you want a lullaby or a bedtime story?”
“Both…” She said with a slight lisp, clutching her bumble gum pink comforter close to her chest.
“Okay. Stevie, do you wanna grab a book?”
“Sure. What do you want, pumpkin?”
“Goodnight Moon, please.”
“Alright. Do you want story or song first?”
“Story, please.
Steve crawled into the bed, pulling Bobby into his lap. He straightened out her strawberry printed nightgown and made sure she was cozy in his embrace. Bobby pushed her messy curls out of her face so she could get a better look at the pages. Steve began reading in a soft, calming voice, slowly easing his daughter’s nerves. By the end of the book, she was half-asleep.
Steve shimmied her over to Eddie’s lap where he held her close against his chest, similar to when she was younger. He rubbed small circles into her back, making her melt further into his touch. Eddie started out by quietly humming before he finally started singing.
“Once there was a way,” he started, but was quickly stopped.
“I don’t want Golden Slumbers, papa,” Bobby mumbled.
“Uh, okay… but I always sing it to you…”
“I want the other one,” she whispered. Steve and Eddie looked to each other, puzzled—they had never sung anything else to her.
“What other one, honey?”
“The one pop-pop always sings,” she said into his chest.
What does Wayne sing? Steve mouthed.
I don’t know! Eddie mouthed back, panicked.
“Do you know how it goes?” Eddie asked.
“I dunno...”
Then it hit Steve—it was the same song that brought him and his husband together all those years ago. He had heard Wayne sing it from time-to-time when he insisted on putting Bobby down for a nap.
“If I Can Dream,” Steve smiled. Tears brimmed at Eddie’s eyes—their first date; their song.
“I can sing that, pumpkin,” Eddie whispered. “There must be lights burning brighter somewhere… got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue… if I can dream of a better land…”
Eddie sang the song in a slow, low voice until Bobby was fast asleep. He slipped out from under her, turned off her bedroom light, and the couple walked back to their bedroom for the night.
“How were you so calm?” Steve grit his teeth.
“Are you kidding‽ I fucking shit myself!”
The following days were filled with more or less the same. The boys would go through their morning routine, drop Bobby off with either Wayne or Pattie before heading off to work. Then, pick their little one up, have dinner as a family, put Bobby down for the night, then switch off who had to deal with her night terrors.
But then, finally, the fateful Saturday had come—Eddie was performing at the Hoosier Dome. He had to be at the arena for sound check around noon, which Steve and Bobby tagged along for. Once that was all set, it was Guns N’ Roses’ turn to take the stage and rehearse until the show that evening. Corroded Coffin was free to roam around Indianapolis until four or five—as long as they were back by six, management couldn’t care less what they were up to.
The Harrington’s roamed around the city, taking Bobby anywhere she wanted to go. Around three in the afternoon, Bobby started to get a bit tired, so she urged her dads to sit down and rest. Eddie found a quaint brick wall that he happily hopped onto, hauling Bobby up onto his lap shortly after.
The cool breeze brushed through each of their curls and Steve couldn’t help but stare at his beautiful family. All he could think was how he got so lucky. How he ended up with such a gorgeous, loving family.
As Steve was off in his own la la land, Eddie adjusted Bobby’s bright yellow puffer jacket and her pale pink skirt (which was layered on top of some thermal leggings to keep her from catching a cold). She insisted on dressing herself for this momentous occasion, but Eddie and Steve would be damned if she’d be left to freeze.
In protest of her warm outfit, Bobby demanded she’d bring along her heart-shaped sunglasses—while Steve thought it was ridiculous, Eddie fed into his daughter’s antics and brought along his black shades as well. Oh, how the two troublemakers were similar in endless ways.
By six, Eddie was back at the arena for a final run through with Corroded Coffin, while Steve took Bobby out for dinner. They weren’t going on until eight, so Steve figured they had time to kill. At seven forty-five on the dot, Steve brought Bobby back to the dressing rooms to wish her father good luck on his set.
Eddie held Bobby close in an embrace, hugging her so tight you’d think it would be the last time he’d ever see her. He pressed a kiss into her forehead before placing giant, noise-cancelling headphones over her ears to protect her from the booming chaos of the arena. The stage hands ushered Corroded Coffin to the stage-wings, with Steve and Bobby tailing closely behind.
At eight sharp, the band stormed the stage, screeching their instruments to get the crowd going. Shortly after, Eddie boomed into the microphone: “hello, Indianapolis!” The arena erupted with cheers—Eddie couldn’t help but smile.
“How’re we feeling tonight?” Everyone cheered again. “Love it, love it! You guys should know, you’re our first big gig. Make some noise for yourselves, come on!”
And they did—Steve did his best to clap for his husband as he held Bobby up on his hip. Bobby held her hands firmly against her headphones, stunned and overwhelmed by all the commotion. Steve gently bounced her up and down as he pointed to his husband on stage. Bobby eventually put two and two together and screamed at the top of her lungs.
“Papa’s on stage!” She cheered. “Daddy, look! Papa’s on stage!”
“I know, pumpkin, I see him,” he chuckled.
Corroded Coffin played their first few songs before Eddie decided to speak to the crowd again. It was when he stopped to take a sip of water, shortly chased with complimentary beer the arena provided.
“How’re we feeling, Indianapolis‽” Cheers erupted from the audience once more. “Good, good,” Eddie chuckled. “Before we sing our last few songs, I’d like to take a second to thank everyone who made tonight possible.” Eddie started rattling off names of managers, event coordinators, Guns N’ Roses themselves, and finally, his own family. “Last, but certainly not least, my own beautiful, supportive, amazing husband—and yes, you all did hear that correctly. He’s supported me since we met back in ‘85 and he hadn’t missed a gig until we had our gorgeous daughter, and even then, he told me to get back to performing as soon as I was able to. Everyone, please, give it up for my husband. None of this could’ve been possible without him.” The crowd applauded weakly. “Oh, come on, I know you can do better than that! Give it up for my husband, ladies and gents! Come on!” Cheers and applause flooded the arena. “Yeah, that’s more like it! Alright, I think you’ve earned this last song. Hit it!”
As the band closed out with their grand finale, Bobby started kicking at Steve’s stomach, wanting to be put down to dance. She ran over to the stairs leading up to the stage and eagerly jumped up and down to the beat.
When the song finished, and everyone went to go bow, Bobby slipped through the cracks of all the production coordinators (and Steve) and ran onto the stage to smother Eddie with hugs.
“Bobby, no!” Steve yelled.
But it was no use—she couldn’t hear him through the headphones. Eddie spotted the brightly colored girl out of the corner of his eye, dropped to his knees, gingerly setting down his guitar, and wrapped his daughter in a warm embrace. She tackled him to the ground, and Eddie couldn’t help but laugh.
He squeezed her tight, running his hands through her tight ringlets, and placed a million kisses all over her face. Tears prickled are Eddie’s eyes as the entire audience faded into the background.
At the end of the day, she was what made it all worth it.
“Papa, you did so good!” She yelled, not knowing the volume of her own voice.
“Thank you, sweet girl,” he beamed. He sat up, still hugging her, as the stage crew started setting up for the main act. “We should go before we get in trouble. C’mon.”
He stood up, hiking Bobby up onto his hip, as he handed his guitar to a random stage-hand. He held her close as he headed for the stairs, meeting Steve with a warm hug.
“You did so good, baby,” Steve said.
“Thank you,” Eddie whispered.
“And you!” Steve started, pointing sternly at his toddler. “Never run away from me like that again, do you understand? Scared me half to death, Bobby.”
“Sorry, daddy…”
“Oh, give her a break. She was just excited,” Eddie said. “I appreciated the hugs. I wouldn’t mind if it became a post-show tradition,” he teased.
“Let’s not get carried away.” Steve rolled his eyes, hand rubbing up and down Eddie’s sweaty back.
“So, Harrington…” Eddie leaned in to whisper in his husband’s ear. “Our deal still on?” Steve’s eyes widened as he blushed up to his ears—Eddie smirked proudly. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
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gennyanydots · 2 years
Under Two Minutes
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x wife reader Spitfire Universe
Spitfire universe masterlist
AN: Based off the TikTok @cybersry sent me the other day of a clip from Yellowstone
It was Jake’s mother’s turn to hold the Seresin thanksgiving, so off to Texas you all went. You made sure to get there the night before thanksgiving to help if his mom needed anything. After a few hours of decompressing from a flight to Texas with a one year old, Jake happened to mention to his father that his buddy Joey had invited you and Jake out with his wife and him. Immediately his father was trying to rush you both out the door.
“Y’all need to go! Get out! Go hang out with people your own age! Eli needs Pop Pop time,” his father explained.
Jake looked at him confused, “No we couldn’t ask you to do that. Mom is trying to get everything ready for tomorrow. We don’t want you to have to do everything.”
Jake’s dad looked at Jake unimpressed, “Son. You’re an involved father, right?”
Jake nods, “Yeah.”
“Where do you think you got that from?” His father asked.
“Yeah but that was a long time ago!” Jake said.
“I haven’t forgotten how to change a diaper. I know how to take care of a baby. I want to spend time with my grandbaby. Please leave,” his dad said holding his hands out for Jake to hand him Eli.
Jake sighed and handed Eli off to his father, “Guess we better get ready, darlin.”
You squeal and run upstairs to go get ready making sure to put on the boots you keep here at the ranch. Jake followed you and changed from his traveling outfit into something he can wear out.
Soon enough you had left the house, leaving Eli with his grandparents who were happy to have you guys leave and have snuggle time with their favorite baby. Even his mom had taken some time from getting things ready to snuggle your baby. Jake’s dad even threw Jake his truck keys to get you guys out of the house faster. Clearly Pop Pop and Nana have been missing their baby.
You met up with Jake’s friend Joey and his wife Amanda at a local bar. You were excited because Jake had said there was line dancing at that particular bar. Jake said he might dance with you but he needed to get some drinks in him first.
When you got there and met Joey and his wife you didn’t even care if Jake was going to dance with you. Amanda was happy to teach you all the dances. You both took a couple shots before she was grabbing your hand and leading you onto the dance floor to teach you.
Jake hung back at the bar with Joey and each got a beer. He leaned over and asked Joey, “Hey, can you help me keep an eye on my wife?”
Joey gave him a funny look, “Yeah man, I guess. Why do I need to watch her?”
“Well….see…..sometimes she can be a little feisty,” Jake says.
Joey laughs, “Good to know.”
Joey sees a friend and waves then turns to Jake, “Hey, I’m gonna go say hi to a coworker and I’ll be right back. You good, man?”
Jake nodded and takes a drink of his beer, “I’m good.” He leans against the bar watching you and Amanda having fun. He grins watching, happy that you both were able to go out and have fun.
He felt a presence next to him and glances beside himself seeing a woman.
“Well hello, cowboy,” the woman says.
Jake nods to her, “Hello.”
“What’s a guy like you doing all alone tonight? You’re really cute,” She says putting a hand on his shoulder and leaning her body against his. “I sure would love to spend my time with you.”
“I’m not alone. My wife is right there watching you,” he says pointing to you and grinning. You’re dancing still next to Amanda but your eyes are on Jake and the woman.
“My husband is out of town,” she says with a wink at Jake. “I’ll take care of your wife then how’s about you and I have some fun?”
“I would rather you not. Please don’t do that,” Jake says groaning taking a step towards her but she kept walking towards you and he’s shaking his head watching and groaning. You’ve been so good! Haven’t gotten in a fight in so long. Not since way before Eli.
“Joey!” Jake yells and nods his head towards you and Amanda. “Hey Joey!”
“Fuck!” Joey says groaning and stands up.
You’re grinning as you watch the woman come walking up to you. Clearly this woman wanted to play and golly it’s been a minute since you got to.
“Your pretty boy over there told me you’re standing in the way of me and him getting together,” the woman says as she stands in front of you.
“Oh yeah? That what he said?” You ask raising an eyebrow.
“Yep. If I get rid of you I get to have him all to myself,” she says smirking.
“Ya know I’ve been kicked out of a lot of bars. Never been kicked out of one in Texas before,” you said with a chuckle.
“We do things a little different round here,” the woman says crossing her arms over her chest.
“Naw pretty sure I can get kicked out of this one. In less than two minutes. Want to time me?” You ask grinning, practically giddy.
“Sure I guess,” she goes to pull out her phone to start a timer and you take that opportunity to smash the bottle you were drinking over her head. She gasps and your hand is in her hair immediately yanking her head back and pull her against you facing towards Jake.
“That is my man. Do not touch him, bitch,” you whisper to her and she whimpers out a response that you really don’t care about as you kick her feet out from under her then quickly get in front of her to punch her before you’re being pulled away from her as the bar descends into chaos.
You end up being shoved outside of the bar. When you realize you start laughing. Very soon after Jake is coming outside to meet you with a stern look on his face.
“She thought I couldn’t get kicked out of the bar in less than two minutes. What was I supposed to do? Not get kicked out?” You say laughing.
Jake chuckles and shakes his head, “I can’t take you anywhere, darlin’.”
You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his neck, “At least I’m pretty?”
“Oh you’re the prettiest. We gotta get goin though. Don’t want no trouble with the cops,” Jake says and wraps his arms around you quickly and gives you a kiss then starts towards the truck which you both quickly get in before Jake starts the ride back to his parent’s house.
“We can’t just go to a bar can we?” Jake asks you chuckling.
“Nope. Sorry. Plus you knew this before we got married so you’re stuck with me,” you say smiling at him.
He shakes his head, “There’s nobody I would rather be stuck with.”
Jake is just opening the front door when he hears his phone ding. He takes it out and sees a text from Joey that says “That’s what you call feisty?!?!” Jake laughs and sends back “At least I didn’t have to fight anyone this time.”
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Lost & Found - Chapter Nine.
So then, my beautiful, wonderful audience. Those who are not new around these parts know that sometimes, treats are given in the form of a double update day with my stories, and guess what? Today is one of those days! I know you've all been waiting patiently for the sexual side of Emma and Guero's blossoming relationship to finally flower, so I thought I'd share it today in the next chapter! Has that made you smile? I hope it has! :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight
Words - 3,434
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, Minors DNI. Recounts of kidnap, child trafficking, physical/verbal/sexual abuse.
The more she revealed, it seemed, the more comfortable she became with sharing memories of her nineteen years held prisoner. Guero lay there and let her recount it all, being exactly what she needed, somebody to simply listen.  
“Marie taught me how to shoot.” He had wondered at how well she seemed to handle the Beretta she’d pointed at his head, her handling of the firearm steely and confident. “There were guns kept all over the house, so there’d always be one within easy reach, just in case. With whom Rocco was, he was a target, or rather his family were. He routinely pissed off other mob families, so of course anyone he cared for became a target, a weak point.  
“She wanted me to be able to protect myself from such a threat, but mostly, if Rocco himself ever became so unhinged that I felt my life was in danger. “Shoot him dead, and we’ll figure it out somehow afterward”, is what she used to tell me. How we would have figured that out beyond running for our lives, I don’t know. His guys would have hunted us down.” 
She paused for a moment, tears beginning to swim within her eyes. “I hate myself, for leaving her. Joey, Alessia and Mikey, too. I loved them so much, they were like my siblings for Christ’s sake! It’s a guilt that’ll never leave me, that I ran and they’re all still stuck there! She became my mother, and I abandoned her!” 
“Hey, no,” he began, touching his fingers under her chin, gently lifting her head. “You don’t have to feel guilty about a thing. I get that you miss her, she made the hell he put you through bearable where she could, but Marie chose that life, Emma. Nobody forced her. 
“She knew who she was marrying, and I’m not saying that in the end she had an easy choice to get away from him, ‘cuz I can see from what you told me he’d have killed her for it, but you found a way out. You took your chance, and you got free. If she loves you as much as it seems she does, then she’ll be fucking happy as hell the girl she counted as one of her own got free of him.” 
She absorbed his words, realising that no matter how unpleasant it felt, what he’d said was the plain, simple truth. If she didn’t assume her to be dead via Rocco’s hand, Marie would be quietly rejoicing her escape. “Is it wrong that I feel more of a maternal bond with her than I do my actual mom? I feel guilty for that, too. When I hear the word mom, I think of Marie, not Cassie.”  
He shifted slightly beneath her, Emma moving a little as he turned onto his side, resting his head on his arm. “It might sound cold, but it’s fact. Marie was in your life longer than your birth mom. I kinda guess it’s only natural you’d think that. Doesn’t mean you love Cassie any less, or that you can’t reconnect with her now you’re free.”  
“But, but,” she began, her throat swelling on a rising lump, “that’s the thing, there is no Cassie. When I was twenty-five, we sat and looked on the internet, I begged her to look up my family. I just wanted to know if they were okay. Mom died back in two thousand and thirteen from breast cancer. My dad, he passed away six years ago, motorbike accident. All I have left is Dylan, who is still in Spokane. My grandparents, too, unless anything happened in the interim. 
“I’ll never see my mom and dad again, and I loathe him, I detest him completely that he robbed me of those years with them, that they both died not knowing what had happened to me! As if me being taken wasn’t bad enough. It left Dylan all alone, no immediate family, and it’s all because of him!” 
She fell apart at that point, naturally so, sobbing against his chest as Guero held her. Again, he had no idea what to say to that, knowing it would take a man greater with words than he was to offer verbal comfort. Instead, he was just there, not knowing that truly that was all she needed from him, just someone to be there. It wasn’t about words. Listening was enough, as he continued to do, Emma sharing more with him about her life within the gilded cage prison that was the Lombardi mansion.  
“He used to virtually pimp me out to his friends too at parties.” Once again, Guero felt his anger flare like a firecracker, grinding his teeth as his jaw tightened. “I always wanted to enjoy sex, but none of them ever made it feel good for me, all too consumed by their own pleasure to give a damn about mine. As long as they got to lie between the legs of a pretty, young blonde, that was good enough. 
“There was only one of them who was different. His underboss, Vincent Calabrese never laid a hand on me. I was offered to him, and for appearances in front of Rocco and the others he always accepted, but once we got into the bedroom, he just sat down beside me on the bed and we talked. He said he wasn’t in the habit of defiling little girls, but even when I was over the age of consent, he still wouldn’t.  
“He staunchly disagreed with what was being done, the child trafficking. ‘It’s an affront to god, snatching children from their families’ is what he always used to say. He always opposed it, and Rocco knew that, but ultimately went along with what was being done for the sake of a quiet life, and I guess not ending up with a bullet between his eyes either. This leads me to something that you guys should all know, EZ especially. 
“You’re running heroin for him now, but all that will change if Rocco has his way, and believe me, he will. You guys are in his pocket now, which means in his mind, he owns you. You’re all to do with as he pleases, and what he pleases is to start bringing children across the border. Undocumented migrants are much easier to move, and get away with moving, too. I overheard him talking about it, it was always a two birds with one stone deal for him. He’d get you used to the money first, and then tell you that your consignment would begin to include kids as well.” 
Guero pushed himself up, his eyes rounding as he looked down at her. “For real, that motherfucker wants us in on trafficking kids?” 
His horror at the very suggestion was telling over the person he was. Although still a criminal, he was a man with the kind of morals that had been few and far between in the world she had escaped from. “Eventually, yeah.” 
“And if we refuse?” He didn’t need to ask, really. He could guess. 
She made a gun motion against the side of her head, couple with a soft exclamation of ‘pow’. “He’d wipe you all out and move onto the next nearest charter, using your eradication as an example of what happens when people push back against him.” 
The weight of the mafia. That was a war they definitely wouldn’t win, and he knew that for sure. Rocco Lombardi could crush them all, very easily, too. “I have to take that to EZ. Not now, of course, but at some point over the weekend, call a templo. Will you be okay to come and tell us what you know?” 
She smiled, reaching to stroke his hair. “Of course, I will.” 
They remained quiet for a time after, Emma needing the silence. Her legs remained in tangle with his as she reached for the tequila bottle, taking a long glug, the alcohol burning her throat. She felt a little drunk and numb, which was what she had needed in order to sit there and offload it all to another person. “There’s more I could tell you about my life, but right now, I feel drained. Like I need air, too. Can you give me a minute?” 
“Yeah, take as long as you need.” He reached to stroke her face, Emma turning her head and kissing his palm, getting up and letting herself out of the front of the house. The cool air hit her, soothing to her frayed nerves, the residual effects of her revelation hanging onto her, though.  
“Hey, boo.” Of course, Tyrone would notice her out there, always keeping the watch. She walked over to his window, her shoulders heavy, watching him emerge from behind the swathe of curtain fabric. “Damn, you look all sad and shit. Fuckboy bin’ actin’ up?” 
She shook her head. “No, no he’s great. Listen, I know you deal, so I figure I’m in the right place. Can you sell me a joint? That’s all I want, just one.” 
He looked entertained at the naivety of her question, that it was the norm for dealers to exchange such a small amount. Tyrone, for all of this mouth and uncouthness was kind, though. “I ain’t selling you shit, white girl. This is on me, hold on.”  
She smiled. “Thank you, you’re great.” 
He beamed, reaching to grab his rolling tray, locating one of his pre-rolled joints. “Ain’t I, though? I know fuckboy rarely smokes it, so just remember I gotchu if you ever need a lil’ hit.” The truth was, neither did she. She’d occasionally partook of it back in her old life, secretly taking from Rocco’s personal stash which he smoked to ease his chronic migraines. It helped her feel more relaxed in the utter brutal chaos of her life. It smelled and tasted awful, but she enjoyed the calming buzz.  
Tyrone passed a joint and a lighter through the window. “Enjoy, boo.” She smiled, leaning in and kissing his cheek. “Aw, lawdy! I gotta kiss from a pretty girl, hell yeah!”  
She laughed softly, shaking her head and lighting up, moving to sit on the front step of Guero’s side of the house, taking a long drag. God, that was some nice weed. She coughed a few times, the usual, barky rasp associated with smoking weed, her throat tickling.  
“Yo!” She turned to see a large arm thrust through the window, a can of soda proffered forth. “If you don’t like mango then I can’t help you. Oh, hold up. I might have a Fanta somewhere.”  
Walking back over, she took the can. “Thanks, Tyrone. You keep your Fanta, mango and I are good.” She moved back to the step, opening the soda and sipping it, the tickle clearing nicely before she took another little puff, looking out across the street into the darkness. The only sounds audible were that of the game Tyrone was playing, and the chirp of cicadas. It was somewhat relaxing in ambience.  
The weed had an instant calming effect upon her, all of the brutality that would endlessly echo through her memories placated and pushed back again, back behind the fortress walls in her mind. She’d had to keep it there for years to have even had a chance of remaining sane through her ordeal. God, she couldn’t believe that she’d actually escaped it, found somebody who she could trust, someone who for all intents and purposes was slowly becoming all hers, too.  
“As if you’re out here getting high on my front step. Not even I do that.” Turning, she saw Guero emerge from the house, moving to sit behind her, his legs flanking her body as he stretched.  
“Well, that’s because you don’t smoke weed,” she chirped, watching him frown before plucking the joint from her.  
He took a few puffs, handing it back, holding in a cough until the tickle passed. “I do, but not often. It has too much of an effect on me, and I can never get the balance right.” 
“The balance between what?” 
“Between a nice buzz and ragingly horny.”  
“Ahh.” She nodded, looking entertained, the stoned giggled welling up within her. “I somehow don’t think you need any extra boosting in that department.” 
He moved her hair, kissing the side of her neck. “A hundred percent correct, mamacita. And since I guess you’re probably drunker now than you were earlier, I’m not risking that balance any further, so you finish it. Kinda figure you need the sedation after everything you told me.”  
“Oh, you’re not wrong there,” she spoke, eyes widening a little as she leaned back against him. “Even if I was sober, sharing all of that has kinda dampened my desire.”  
He snorted softly, arms tightening around her. “Understandable. S’okay, I can wait.” 
“Can you?” she giggled, the sound joining the noise of the cicadas. 
“Mm.” he hummed, kissing her neck again. “Just.”  
Just then, the curtains next door began moving, Tyrone’s boom sounding. “Goddamnit, will you two go back in that house and bust some furniture already? Shit!” They both snort laughed, Guero resting his forehead to her shoulder, Tyrone continuing. “You better sort yo’ damned mess, fuckboy! Because I am one pretty smile away from makin’ that fine assed lil’ honey mine, you hear?”  
“Yeah, I hear,” he called through his laughter, “and I see, too. Plying her with weed and soda.” 
“I know what the ladies like! If she’s still out here in a half hour, she gets the first slice of my pizza, too!” 
“Exactly, you gotta give me a head start against your half ton of raw charm, dog,” he chuckled, Tyrone emerging further from the curtains.  
“Hey, I might be a big fella, but I’m no fuckin’ half ton! I’m thick and juicy, drives the chicks wild!” 
“Tyrone, you ain’t thick, my man. Your ass is so fat, if I swerved my bike to miss you, I’d run outta gas.” There was a pause, a squawking laugh emanating from the window, Emma thinking it hilarious a man with such a low, rumbling voice had a laugh so high in pitch. All banter with their hilarious neighbour aside, they remained outside until she had finished the joint, heading back in and returning to bed.  
“Do you feel better for telling me everything?” 
Resting her head against his chest, she nodded, her nails tracing the outline of one of the spiderweb tattoos that spread out across each of his shoulders. “I do, you know. Whether the nightmares will stop because of it, I don’t know. I think I might need further help to recover from it all. Kinda scared about registering with a doctor, though, putting my name back out there. He’ll be looking for me, and if he finds any record of a twenty-nine-year-old woman named Emma Louise Taylor anywhere, he’ll come for me.” 
Her muscles stiffened at just the thought, Guero turning to wrap both arms around her, feeling her relax into his embrace after a few moments. “We’ll work something out.” She fell asleep in his arms, those early morning hours passing dreamlessly, neither waking until 10am the following morning.  
Rising from her place curled against him, Emma rubbed her eyes, looking down at the chiselled tattoo canvas that had been her pillow. Her safe person, the kind of man she’d dreamed would one day save her from her fate, and there he was... snoring like a brontosaurus. She couldn’t help but giggle softly, thinking that was a part perhaps not strictly included in the romanticism of her fantasies.  
He cracked an eye open, his grin widening. “What are you laughing at?” 
“Isn’t it obvious? The noise! You snore like something hell spat up for being too loud.” 
“I wasn’t snoring,” he began stretching, the other eye opening eventually. “I was doing mindful breathing.” 
Immediately, she cracked up, leaning to place a kiss against his stubbly jaw. “There’s nothing mindful about those sawn logs.” 
She had a point, he guessed, Guero turning onto his side and wrapping his arms around her. “Yeah, but I’m cute. I get away with it, don’t I?” 
“Yeah,” she agreed, turning her head back to kiss him, “you do have that going for you.” 
“And a whole lot more.”  
Biting the corner of her lip, she shifted against him, a little wiggle that stirred him exactly where she intended him to be stirred. “Feel like showing me?”  
“Mm.” His arms tightened around her, kisses scattered against the side of her neck. “I need coffee and a shower, then trust me, I’ll spend all morning showing you.” 
Now that was a statement definitely on a par with her fantasies. He left the bed first, taking a shower, calling to her that he’d left in on for her as he made his way through to the kitchen. It was while she was under the warm water looking down at herself that a stab of panic prickled against her guts.  
He’d see her naked. All of her. 
While she had body confidence in her shape, the littering of scars that marked her sides and lower back made her feel ugly. Some had faded to white, but there were still a few dark pink markings that remained. All were raised scar tissue, triangular shapes of knife points pressed into her skin, the burning brand of a hot blade searing Rocco’s displeasure branded onto her skin forever.  
As she dried off, her eyes found them again, wondering if they’d really be all too noticeable if the blinds remained drawn in the bedroom.  
“Of course, they will," she muttered, beginning to sniff. All she wanted was to move on from it all, enjoy the basic human right of a consensual sexual relationship with another adult, someone of her actual choosing, yet the literal scars of the past held her back.  
A soft tap sounded upon the partly open door. “Em, you want a coffee?” 
Em. No one had ever called her that before. She liked it. “No, thank you.” 
“You alright.” 
Her pinched voice alluded to the contrary. “No, you’re not. Can I come in?”  
“Yeah.” Tightening the large, white bath towel around herself again, she wiped her eyes on the back of her hand, trying to compose her upset.  
“So, people who are alright stand here crying, huh?” Him and his smart mouth. He was right in his light sarcasm, though. “What’s wrong, baby?” 
Baby. He'd called her that back when he’d first found her. How different the intent behind the word was now. “The scars I have,” she began, gulping, hoping she could swallow down the lump she had painfully swelling in her throat. “You’ll see them, and they’re hideous. They make me ugly. You’ll think they look ugly.” 
He frowned, lifting her chin with a gentle touch of his fingers as he began shaking his head. “I’ve never liked people making my mind up for me. That includes you, mamas.” His hands pressed softly on her shoulders, resting his forehead against hers. “I’ve got no problem with whatever scars you have, and I’m not gonna think you’re ugly because of ‘em. Only thing that is, is that low opinion you have of yourself. If you want, leave a t shirt on. I don’t mind. I’d prefer you naked, but whatever makes you comfortable, I’m good with.” 
She could fetch a t shirt, or she could just be brave and let him see her. All of her. She’d bared her soul to him already, after all. Indecision made her heart quicken, the soft stroke of his fingertips at her upper arms soothing as she reached for the towel and untucked it, letting it fall. Fighting the urge to cover herself with her arms, she looked anywhere but him as he took in her nudity, her body tensing when he moved his hands to stroke the scars she detested so much with careful attention.  
Leaning close, he kissed the side of her head, his lips soft against her ear. “They aren’t who you are, and you’re not any less beautiful. They’re only the map of the journey that finally led you to me.”  
Her throat tightened with emotion, his words so beautiful, she wanted to cry. The desire in his eyes as she finally looked at him dictated it might be poorly timed, though. This was not a time for lament and sadness. No. This was the time to plant her lips upon his and let him carry her to the bedroom.  
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aleksa-sims · 9 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
CW: Pregnancy, Depression
Another week passed and I was still at my Grandparents. I’ve been here for 3 weeks now. Even my Cuz went back to university. Yesterday I had my exam. At least this thing went well. I passed it with almost maximum points. And yet I couldn’t be happy about it for long. I wasn't feeling well. My depression had reached its peak again, so I couldn't go to work this morning. I lay in bed all day long, staring at my walls. This still felt better than leaving my room. Just thinking about it, overwhelmed me. But I called my therapist. I told her I was pregnant. I haven’t seen her in weeks. Those group sessions I once mentioned, were okay, but I missed much. Anyway, she wanted to see me. She asked me to come to her practice tomorrow, to talk about my panic attacks and some other stuff. She also advised me to continue my medication.
 My Grams was worried about me. She noticed that Nico didn’t come to me anymore. So I told her he broke up with me and that I had to divorce Daniel. And I’m going to file the divorce petition, but getting a divorce is not as easy as I thought. Tbh, it seemed impossible!?? That... person/DA, who handled my divorce, simply did not accept the reasons I gave her for my divorce. She said it would take at least a year, bcs Daniel wasn’t there, and who knows? Maybe we’ll make up, she meant. 😡...Agh, it's going to be complicated. And Daniel will be back soon anyway. Nevertheless, we will not divorce, but we’re not gonna be together either. 😫
That evening, my Parents and my Sister came by at my Grandparents. My Mom wanted to know what’s wrong with me? Why don’t I come back home? My Grams was a little tense when my Mom started to get upset about me. But my Mom was just worried. I was pregnant! What happens now? Do I keep the Baby or not? This was still not quite clear. I had an abortion appointment in 3 days. My Grams got so mad at my mom for talking about that! But my Mom never told me to abort my Baby neither my Dad! They just didn’t know what I really wanted!!??... Am I getting a divorce? Am I keeping Nico's Baby? Why isn't he here? Are we even together? And why am I alone in my room crying? My Parents wanted answers!
And Ana was still confused about my pregnancy. She still thought Dennis might have knocked me up. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️Ana thought I was so sad because of that. So she finally decided to talk to me about this thing! She came over to my room. But somehow we both did not succeed in talking to each other. I admit, it was hard for me to look at Ana, without having to think about Adam. I mean..... I don’t hate Adam. Still, what he did to me was disgusting. And Ana also had that gross pic of Adam and me in her mind. She didn't feel comfortable around me. Ana & I weren’t mad at each other, we just needed some time, I think. 😞
Ana: Hey, A..... You ok?
Me: Hi 🫤
Ana: I’ve known you were pregnant for 4 weeks, I noticed when you took a pregnancy test. I didn’t want to ask you about it. You know?..... I’m happy for you, if you want a Baby, but... I’m not happy for Daniel. 😞
Me: Yea, that’s why I can’t be happy about it, even though I want a Baby.
Ana: You don’t have to...... do this, if you’re not sure. 🙁
Me: I love N. 😞
Ana: Honestly, A.! Can it be that you do not know exactly who you are pregnant from?? Dennis, you know? You were totally high! Maybe you slept with him and don’t remember?
Me: It's Nico's Baby. Trust me, I know when and how it happend! And I didn't sleep with Dennis!! We were going to, but... well, you know what happend. Adam interfered. And before you ask.... NO, I didn’t sleep with Adam!!
Ana: I know! He was just a few mins alone with you.
Me: You staying here tonight?
Ana: Why don’t you come home?
Me: Um.... I’m tired.
Ana: Ok...... I go back over.... Grama fears Mom and Dad will soon get divorced too, like our stupid uncle....
Me: I don't care. They are 41! They’ll know what they’re doing.
Ana: Whatever you say.
Like I said, I wasn’t really in the mood to talk to Ana. Honestly, I also felt a bit humbled because she thought I didn’t know who I was pregnant with.
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welldonebeca · 2 years
Miss, PhD (XXIV)
WC: 1.2k words Warnings: Fluff. College AU. Angst. A/N: For those who are curious: the house.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Steve pushed your arm from over him as he woke from his nap, a little warmer and rested, and pressed a little kiss to your temple before putting something more proper before brushing his teeth and walking out of your bedroom.
The house was quiet and warm - he couldn’t hear or see your father as he walked down the stairs, but quickly caught sight of Mister Jarvis the moment he stepped on the first floor, finding him pouring himself tea, and your ‘friend of the family’ only took a glance of him before pouring him some just as well.
“Good afternoon, professor Rogers,” he greeted him. “I hope you like Earl Grey tea?”
“Earl Grey is great, sir,” he agreed.
Mister Jarvis hummed, and gave him a mug before walking to an armchair, and placing his mug on a side table before sitting down, grunting as he did it.
“My joints aren’t too much of a fan of Christmas,” he chuckled. “I hope you don’t mind the house being warm, I can lower the temperature if you want to.”
Steve smiled a bit. You had told him about how Jarvis was much more present in your father’s life than his own parents, and had been a true grandparent to you. Now that he was in his later seventies - or early eighties - your father had been trying to do the same for him he had done for your family, and caring for him as one would do for their elderly father, and Steve appreciated that very much.
“It’s alright, sir,” he assured him. “This is perfectly comfortable.”
Sure, the house was a little arm, but after nearly a decade living in California, this wasn’t something that would bother Steve.
“I like you, Rogers,” he sipped his tea. “Y/N says you are a very decent man.”
He nodded, feeling a little awkward, but still happy that your family liked him. It was important for him that they did.
“Thank you, sir. I’m glad she had good things to say about me,” he smiled. “I try to be a good partner.”
Jarvis hummed drinking his tea, and Steve held his mug a little awkwardly, and looked at his side when he heard the noise of your mother coming down the stairs, carrying boxes, and was quick to leave the mug somewhere to go help her.
“Thank you,” she spoke as he took a few things from her hands. “Just leave them over one of the tables or the couches, I haven’t decided what to do around the tree yet.”
He confirmed with a hum. If she was anything like you, it was best that he didn’t try to help with that part.
“I can get the gifts from upstairs,” he offered. “And you can set the tree?”
“That would be great,” she agreed. “Let me show you the room where I hid them.”
Steve followed her quickly and soon occupied himself with taking the many Christmas’ gifts, and stopped for a moment once he was met with his gift to you, wrapped in a very discreet paper that he hoped you would miss.
He had worked for months painting you, trying to make it perfect, and decided to give it to you as a Christmas gift.
Hopefully, you would like it - you always told him that you’d love to see him painting more.
“What is that?” your mother asked as he set it behind the tree. “I remember Tony said you sent it over so Y/N wouldn’t see it, but he never told me what it was.”
He looked behind his back and looked up to check if you were there.
“A painting,” Steve whispered. “I’ve been working on this portrait of her since July, and I think it’s ready.”
Your mother smiled, surprised.
“Well, that is a great gift,” she told him, looking very pleased. “Y/N will love it.”
Steve grinned a bit. At least there was something good in this holiday.
“I didn’t know you painted,” she noticed. “I mean, Y/N told me you teach art at Stanford, but a lot of people teach things they don’t practice.”
He nodded, feeling awkward all over again.
“She was telling the head of the department emailed her about hiring her to teach there,” she continued, kneeling to organise some gifts under the tree. “Do you think it is a good place to work at? She is not considering it, but maybe it is a good use of her time.”
He hesitated a little, pressing his lips together.
“Well, actually,” he breathed in and out. “I was fired, like… 10 minutes after our plane landed.”
Pepper turned to him with wide eyes, shocked, and he scratched the back of his neck.
“Budget cuts,” he explained and looked over in your room’s direction. “I haven’t told Y/N yet.”
She stood up, and gave him a motherly look.
Your mother couldn’t be much older than him - actually, Steve doubted she was completely out of her 30s yet - but yet, her energy was so different from the one he got from the most people he was around.
She really felt like was the mother of someone your age.
“I’m sorry, Steve,” she told him. “Do you need help with anything now? Maybe a lawyer to help you with your rights or a recommendation letter if you want to apply to a different workplace or position?”
He shook his head, a little relieved that she wasn't offering him money or a position in your father's company.
"No," he answered, putting his hands on his waist. "I'm actually considering what I'm going to do now."
Steve was a good planner, and had saved enough money that he wouldn't need to worry about working for at least six months.
"Y/N actually suggested that I should quit my job and just become a full-time painter a while ago," he chuckled.
Your mother looked very interested.
“Well, are you interested in doing that?” she asked. “Do you think it’s something you’d enjoy doing?”
He pressed his lips together, thinking a little bit.
“I don’t know yet,” he lied.
When Steve was young, he loved the idea of being a painter. He loved painting and being an artist… but he had bills to pay, his family could need his help at any second, and he didn’t even know if he would be successful!
There was a lot that came into question aside from just enjoying it.
He was a man! And maybe that was a little bit of inherited sexism in him, but a man should be a provider!
Steve had grown up in a family that struggled economically, and he was terrified of living like that again or having his folks going through that again.
Poor guys couldn’t be artists.
“If you ever do,” she pulled him out of his thoughts. “I have a few friends in the right places I would love to introduce you to.”
Steve smiled a little and nodded.
“Thank you, ma’am,” he told her. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“And we won’t tell that to anyone,” Jarvis added. “We both know Tony is… Tony. And you should tell it yourself to Y/N.”
“Thank you,” he spoke to them.
He breathed slowly, looking for words, wanting to change the subject.
“I’ll go check on Y/N,” he decided. “Bring her a snack.”
“Try something sweet,” Jarvis suggested. “It pairs well with bad news.”
Steve cringed with himself, but nodded. Yes, it was best that he told you now and didn’t wait so much.
“Yes, sir.”
No matter what happened, he knew you two would work it out together.
. .
"Miss, PhD" was posted on my Patreon back on January! To read the full story before anyone else and have early access to all of my works, subscribe to my page! It's just $2 a month!
. . .
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justtluffythings · 2 years
Veronica had woken up on Sunday afternoon, almost 24 hours after the incident, and while she felt fine by that evening, Madam Pomfrey refused to discharge her from the hospital wing. She insisted on keeping her overnight and all through Monday to make sure that everything was okay.
Veronica had been anxious about missing classes, but Dumbledore wouldn’t hear it. He urged her to rest and explained that her professors would have no problem explaining anything she missed, not that she really needed it.
Charlie had been adamant that he would also skip classes and stay with her, but Veronica didn’t want him to miss anything, especially not Quidditch practice. Upon hearing this dispute, Dumbledore offered to stay with her, and he promised Charlie he would inform him immediately if something happened.
That was how she had found herself spending her Monday alone with the Headmaster. They had both spent most of the morning reading, but something had been bothering Veronica since she woke up the day before, and she couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Headmaster, can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
Looking down into her lap and picking her nails, she sighed. “Why would my grandparents let me stay with my parents after what they tried to do?”
Dumbledore avoided looking in her eyes as he sat on the edge of her bed. “You know Veronica, your grandparents came to me when this happened, and they mentioned wanting to take you from your parents and bring you to live with them. But we were in the middle of the First Wizarding War, and your grandparents were actively fighting against Voldemort in the Order of the Phoenix. We were all targets, and they didn’t want you to be in danger. Voldemort and his followers would not have cared that you were a child; they would have used and hurt you to get your grandparents to submit and join their cause. They didn’t want that. They knew you weren’t happy or loved with your parents, but at least you were safe, especially after the spell they put on your parents that prevented any serious harm from being done to you.” Dumbledore patted her leg gently, and that was when Veronica realized she was sobbing. She wiped her tears and took deep breaths, trying to calm herself. “They planned on bringing you to live with them once the war was over, but unfortunately, they passed before that could happen.”
Veronica sniffled and wiped her eyes roughly. “Professor, can you tell me how they died? My parents said it was a car crash, but I’m sure that’s not true.”
“No. That was the muggle reason. But I think you should wait to know the truth when you’re older.”
Veronica shook her head adamantly. “Please professor, I need to know what happened.”
Dumbledore looked into her eyes for a moment, and once he was convinced she wouldn’t back down, he sighed. “Very well. Voldemort wanted to capture your grandparents and torture them for information, so he sent his most trusted follower, Bellatrix Lestrange, to capture them, but he had underestimated your grandparents by sending her alone. They put up a bloody good fight, your grandparents, and Bellatrix was outnumbered. She fled, but she was too embarrassed to admit defeat, so she ambushed them… and killed them.”
Veronica’s head leaned to the left and her eyebrows furrowed as she looked over at Dumbledore. She could tell he was hiding something. “What aren’t you telling me, Headmaster? I know there’s something else.”
“Professor, I’m not a child. I can handle the truth. Please!”
“Alright, alright, Veronica.” Dumbledore shook his head softly as he looked away from her. “They were outside your house.” Dumbledore’s head shot up at her when she gasped.
Veronica had her hands over her mouth as tears streamed down her face. “What do you mean?”
“They had come to see you to make sure you were okay. I believe their close call with death made them anxious to check on you, but before they could get to the front door, Bellatrix snuck up on them from behind and killed them before they could even reach for their wands.” Dumbledore hesitated, wondering if he should continue. But he knew Veronica deserved to know the full story. “You were the one that found them.”
Veronica’s eyes widened as she stared incredulously at Dumbledore. “What?”
Dumbledore nodded sadly. “You had been home alone when you heard screaming outside. You came out to the front yard and found them there. Luckily, I had already gotten there, so I took you inside and erased your memory. We moved their bodies before your parents got home and fed them the false car crash story, which they then passed on to you.”
Veronica held her head in her hands as she processed this information. In the last 48 hours, she found out that she had had two important memories hidden from her, and she didn’t know how to feel. She was glad that she hadn’t had to live with those memories throughout her entire childhood, but she also wondered if there were other memories that were hiding in her mind. While she was conflicted with her emotions, there was one thing she was certain of… she would make Bellatrix pay for what she did. That was a promise to her grandparents that she vowed to keep.
At that moment, the doors to the hospital wing burst open, and a cheerful Charlie came prancing into the room. However, his smile dropped when he saw Veronica’s red, puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks, and he ran to her side, looking between her and Dumbledore questioningly. “What’s the matter, Ronnie? What happened?”
Veronica’s head fell onto Charlie’s shoulder as she told him everything, and he wished he could take away her pain. He would do anything to take away her pain.
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landosfishbowl · 6 months
I was a child when I fell of my bike – as many children do. You’d think it’d be a funny memory to have, but I’m not as fond of that memory as some may think. That crash killed me. I was only ten years old. I told my mom I’d be back in fifteen minutes, is was “gonna try out my new bike” that I had got for my birthday. It was the nicest bike that I could’ve gotten at that time. It had strong frame, some grippy tires, technically advance shocks, and it was blue! It had all the gimmicks of something could jump across the mountains. I was so excited that I took to the roads without thinking twice. The bike was amazing. I hadn’t been that happy as a kid since I got my first knife from my grandpa. That was a nice day –
I was nine years old, it was a damp summer’s day. I was dropped off at my grandparents house for the day. My mom had jury duty and I wasn’t able to go. I stood on the porch with my grandma as my mom drove away. It was only a few seconds, but I already missed my mom. I think my grandma felt my youthful angst, so she knelt down and said, “Hey Buzz…” Buzz was my nickname from my grandparents who had bees, and a special someone thought they could pet the bees by ‘blending in’ and making a buzz sound – nicknames always come from someplace humiliating. Anyway,
“… how about you go help your grandpa out. He’s cleaning up the garden and could use some help, especially from a big strong boy like you!”
“I am a strong boy!” I said. Now distracted, I ran as fast as I could to my grandpa. I turned the corner of the house, and there was my grandpa by a somewhat messy garden. “Grandpa!” I shouted.
“Buzz, my grandson, how are you?” he said with his slight southern Mexican accent.
I completely ignored his question and when straight to the point: “I’m here to help!”
My grandpa just smiled and understood. “Well, I got a lot of weeds and old plants that need trimming, could you help me with that?”
I nodded yes.
“Perfect! You could start over there by pulling the weeds for me. You’ll need some gloves so you don’t get poked.” grandpa threw me a pair of gloves, then smiled. “Alright, get to work! We got till lunch!”
I laughed – felt important. I ran over to the other side of the garden and got to work. I started pulling some small dandelions, then after some time, onto the bigger ones. I found a huge poky weed, I had my gloves so I knew it would hurt. But right as I was grabbing the big weed, I felt a burning, itching feeling on my arm. Then with a wave of horror, I saw a spider scuddling away from the root of the weed. I began to scream my little lungs out. I ran over to my grandpa and continued to explain to him how I thought I was dying. “I’M GONNA DIE! I WAS BIT BY A SPIDER! MY ARM! I – I’M SCARED!” My grandpa got down to my level and grabbed my arm and took a quick look, looked at me:
“Uh oh… this looks bad.” bad decision, I started screaming so hard it wasn’t even loud. “Hey hey! I’m just kiddin’! Look Buzz…” grandpa pointed at my arm. A couple fire ants were crawling on my arm. “… It wasn’t a spider, only a couple of grumpy ants. You probably didn’t feel them crawling up your arm because of those gloves I bet.” my grandpa was diffidently holding back some well deserved laughs. “You’re going to be just fine.”
My grandma poked her head out from the back porch, “Everything okay?”
“Yup, just some pesky ants. Buzz took it like a champ, he’s a strong boy,” my grandpa said as he patted my head. I guess the wiping of tears told my grandpa that it was time for a distraction. He reached into his back pocket and said, “Hey, Buzz…” I looked up at him, “… I got a surprise for you, put your hand out.” still in shock, but with the taunting of a possible gift, I put my hands out. My grandpa put his folding pocket knife in the palms of my hands. I didn’t know what it was at first, until my grandpa took it, then opened it, “I think you’re old enough for this now. You have to be careful with this, but you’re a big boy, I think you can handle it.” he put the knife back into my hand, and I smiled. I felt just like one of the big boys. “How about you use that to cut down some of those old plants for me? I think that knife will work great in the hands of samurai master.” my grandpa smirked.
Without a moment to think twice, and a sniffle, I cheered up and said, “Okay!” and I imminently went to work. I’m strong, my grandpa said so.
I was pedaling extra fast, just to test all the gears on my new bike. I could feel the chilled wind on my whole body – it felt like I was Lightning McQueen. I was just going around my neighborhood. I past my friend Johnny's house, then I saw the mail-lady, then I pasted my favorite park. The leaves sound like a running river, the car tires on the asphalt roads sound like a warm breeze full, a crow caws. It’s all going too fast. I was hit by a car. Nobody saw it coming. I saw dark before anything I could even feel the pain. Crazy how life can catch up to me when I was at my fastest. I saw my young body lifeless just in front of the car. I was bloody. I honestly don’t feel any way, I was just done, floating away from where I once was. I wont be home tonight, but at least I felt happy. I know I was strong. In someway.
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simonsholidays · 6 months
Simon's holidays - Part 1: Dilemma
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"Simon, come down, please."
Dad is calling me from the ground floor of the house, and he's annoying when he does that. If he wants to talk to me, he can come upstairs. I decide not to respond, to act as if I didn't hear him. It hasn't even been an hour since I got back from school, and I just want to be alone.
Once again, I decide not to respond and put my headphones in my ears. This way, if he comes up to my room, I'll have an excuse for not having heard him.
As I lay on my bed with my headphones in, I see the door suddenly swing open.
"You could answer when I call you!" my dad says, clearly a little irritated.
"I didn't hear you," I say as I take off my headphones. "I was listening to music."
These past six months have been a bit complicated for both of us. Mom died of pancreatic cancer. Everything happened fairly quickly between her diagnosis and her death, in less than a year, she was gone.
My name is Simon, I'm 11 years old, and I'm an only child. Before, we were a typical family and had great moments together. Since mom's death, nothing is the same. Dad is always on my case, asking if I've done my homework, telling me to go wash up, waking me up early, even on the weekends. I really miss Mom. Besides, Dad might have found a job recently. He stopped working to take care of Mom and remained unemployed for a few months after her death.
Dad seems a bit upset, and I'm not sure what he wants to tell me. Is it to say that his interview didn't go well?
"Like I mentioned, I had an interview today. I just got back from their place. It's not very close, and the trip took me about 45 minutes, but I like the job they're offering, and I'm going to say yes."
I'm glad. If Dad works again, he'll be away from home more often, especially if it's far. At least he won't be home when I get back from school, so I can play video games. He's strict about it; he always wants me to do my homework first, and he doesn't want me to play for more than 30 minutes a day.
"That's great," I say without really explaining why I'm so happy.
"I am happy, yes. It will be good for me to get out of the house and see people again. You know, Simon, we've talked about this before, and I know these past months haven't been easy for you, but they haven't been easy for me either."
I know that all too well, yes! It has affected both of us, even though we didn't experience it the same way. We weren't necessarily very close before Mom's death, and it hasn't improved afterward. We only talk when it's absolutely necessary, and we don't share much with each other.
"It's almost the holidays," he continues, "they're coming up really fast. It's Monday, and they start on Saturday."
Oh, yes, I had almost forgotten about the holidays. That's great; I'll be home alone for a week. I'll be able to sleep in, eat whenever I want, and play as much video games as I please.
"I know you wouldn't mind staying home alone, but I don't want it to go that way." "Why? Don't you trust me?" "It's not really a matter of trust," he says, "but more about safety and lifestyle. I can imagine how it would go; I wasn't born yesterday, I was young once too." "Ah, so because you didn't follow your parents' rules when you were my age, you think I won't either?" "Simon, don't take me for a fool either. We both know how it would go. Anyway, that's not the point of this conversation; I don't want you to stay home alone."
I'm disappointed by what my dad is telling me. I could have had some peace, but it seems I won't.
"So, where am I going, then?" "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I see two possible solutions. The deadline is very short, and these are the only options I have."
I wonder what my dad is going to propose, and I'm somewhat anxious. I'm really afraid that I won't like what he's going to say.
"I haven't called them yet to see if it's possible, but the first option is to go to your grandparents." "You mean grandpa and grandma?" "Don't call them that; you know they don't like it. But yes, I'm talking about your mom's parents." "The answer is a straight 'no,' I absolutely do not want to go there. The last time didn't go very well."
The summer before, I had gone to stay with them for the holidays. I had never been there alone, and my parents had told me it would be great. Well, it was far from great. I wasn't allowed to do anything; they were stricter than my parents. I even asked my parents if I could come back early. I was bored like I'd never been before! On the second day, we had a big argument, and I stayed locked in my room, not wanting to come out.
On the day of departure, I didn't even say goodbye to them, and Mom was quite angry with me. I'll never set foot there again.
"I knew you'd say that," he replied. "The second option I have is the leisure center."
"But leisure centers are for little kids. You go there when you're in primary school, not when you're in middle school!"
"I'm almost certain it's not a matter of academic level but rather an age-related issue. I believe they can accommodate children from 3 to 12 years old. I inquired about it three years ago, and that's what I was told."
"But Dad, none of my friends go to such places!"
"You can make new friends there! Or even suggest that your friends sign up too."
What a bummer this leisure center thing is! I might end up with little kids, doing little kid activities.
"What's your decision, Simon?" Dad asks me.
"Well, I don't really have a choice. I'll go to the center."
"I just hope they have space. I'll call right away. And if they don't, you'll go to your grandparents'."
Dad then leaves my room, and I hear him go down the stairs. I also step out of my room and head to the landing, so I can eavesdrop on the conversation. From where I am, I can see him, but he can't see me. He taps on his phone for a few seconds, probably looking for the phone number, and then he puts his smartphone on speaker.
"Youth Service, Constance speaking."
Dad then explains the purpose of his call.
"I won't hide from you that it's going to be very complicated," the lady explains. "We already have a lot of reservations. I'll check the various leisure centers in the community. Can you remind me of your son's age?"
"He's 11 years old."
A few seconds pass before the lady responds again.
"In this category, I'm afraid we don't have any available spots left in any of the centers. I'm really sorry. Unless... let me take a few more seconds to check..."
"Yes, please tell me."
"After checking, I have one spot left in the Marots leisure center, but it's reserved for children with disabilities."
Dad doesn't respond immediately; it's as if he's thinking about what to say. I'm not disabled, so he can't answer yes; it would be immediately noticeable.
"I didn't want to bring this up to avoid highlighting it," my dad says, "but my son has issues with incontinence. Does that classify him as a child with a disability?"
I can't believe my ears! Dad is saying that I'm handicapped? That can't be true. Besides, I don't even know what "incontinent" means.
"Yes, of course," the lady responds. "That's perfect, then. We need to fill out a form as soon as possible to secure the date. When can you come?" "Wednesday afternoon, is that possible for you?" "I have a slot available at 2 PM." "Very well, I'll take that slot then. I'm Mr. Mitonno." "I've noted that in my calendar. Please take notes; I'll give you a list of the documents you'll need to bring: vaccination certificate, family record book, tax statement, proof of address, and a doctor's certificate stating that your child is disabled." "I've written it all down. Thank you. See you on Wednesday. Thank you, ma'am, and have a good day."
As soon as Dad hung up, I went back to my room. I don't want to show Dad that I overheard the conversation, and I prefer to wait for him to come to me. What I did catch, though, is that he'll need a medical certificate, and that's bound to be a problem. What doctor would be willing to provide a false certificate? Certainly not our doctor; Dad really doesn't like him, and I can't imagine him asking for that.
As soon as I closed the door, I grabbed my phone and typed the word "incontinent" into the search bar. Fortunately, the autocomplete feature helped me find the correct spelling. I started the search and found the definition.
I read the first result: "Lacking restraint or moderation," and I didn't really understand the meaning; it can't be that. I read the second definition: "Unable to control the discharge of feces or urine," with an example sentence: "An incontinent child."
My throat tightens. Is my dad trying to send me to a leisure center by making me out to be someone who wets or soils themselves? No, it can't be possible; he can't do that! I really can't believe what I just heard.
Shortly after, while I'm still lost in my thoughts, Dad enters my room. My throat has been tight since I overheard the conversation.
"I found a spot," Dad says without saying more.
"Where is it?" I ask.
"In a leisure center, very close by, actually."
"And was there space?"
"Yes, we have an appointment on Wednesday afternoon to complete your registration."
Dad doesn't seem to want to address the question that has been on my mind for a while. I'm not sure how to make him talk about it without telling him that I overheard the conversation. How does he think it's going to work if I'm at the center and I don't have the disability he told them about?
He does seem to hesitate, and I think he's afraid to talk to me about it, especially about my reaction.
"It's just that..."
"That what?" I ask impatiently, eager to see how he's going to broach the subject.
"I told them that you have a disability, that you have accidents... or more precisely, urinarya leaks."
"But that's not true! I'm not incontinent!"
As soon as I blurt out that word, I know that Dad understands that I overheard his conversation with the lady.
"You eavesdropped on my phone call, didn't you?"
"Yes, I listened, and it's ridiculous! You're willing to lie to get me to go to that leisure center."
"Simon, I did it for your sake! So you wouldn't have to go to your grandparents."
I can't believe he's saying he did it for me!
"But wait, if you tell them that I wet myself, and they see that I don't, they'll realize you lied to them. And how are you going to get the medical certificate? You're not going to do it yourself, I assume?"
"I'll take care of the certificate. I think I can manage to get one. As for the accidents, you'll have to actually have them, or they'll figure it out, yes, you're right."
"So you expect me to wet myself in broad daylight in front of everyone? In front of adults, but also kids? They'll make fun of me, I'll be the laughingstock of everyone. There's no way I'm doing that!"
I'm angry, and I think my tone of voice makes it clear to my dad.
"That's why I thought about the solution of wearing protections..."
"What is that?" I ask, annoyed.
"They're also called diapers."
"I'm not sure I understand what you're telling me. Let me rephrase: you want me to wear diapers like babies, is that it? I'm 11, Dad! I'm too old for that."
"Yes, that's exactly it, you understood perfectly."
"Even if I did, and I emphasize the word 'if,' the others would make fun of me! Can you imagine a boy my age in diapers?"
"You know, this condition actually exists. There are really people your age, and even older, who suffer from it and wear protection to make it inconspicuous. Because, yes, wearing a diaper is not visible. No one sees what's under people's clothes."
"I'll follow your thought," I say. "Let's assume I wear one, and it's not visible. If I don't pee in it, the leisure center staff will also realize it's fake, and they'll kick me out."
"That's why you'll have to play the role of an incontinent boy. If they ever catch on that we made a fool of them, they'll terminate the contract, and you'll be forced to go to your grandparents."
Dad is really putting me in a tough spot. He wants me to lie, to make a fool of myself by wearing diapers and wetting them. I can't accept that.
"I can't even believe you're asking me this; it's out of the question." "So, do you prefer to go to your grandparents?" "I don't prefer anything. I can't accept either of your two propositions." "And if I offered to buy you the new gaming console you've been asking for for over a year, would that help you decide?"
Dad is trying to buy me, offering me a deal! I really want that PS5. I've been bugging him for months to get it, and he always says it's too expensive.
"So, if I go to my grandparents, you'll buy me a console to take with me?" "No, of course not. If I offer to buy the console, it's for the option of the leisure center. Sending you to your grandparents would cost me money, and I don't have much right now. The leisure center option is much less costly, and the difference could cover the purchase of your console."
It's a tough dilemma. In essence, either I go to my grandparents and don't get my new console, or I go to this leisure center for five days and get a console.
"Okay, I'll go to the center!" "Be careful; let's be clear about this. You will need to genuinely appear as a child with incontinence until the end of the week. I'd even say until your 12th birthday and you're no longer eligible for a leisure center." "What do you mean?" "If, during other holidays, you can't go to your grandparents either, you'll have to return to that leisure center, and they must have no doubts that you faked your incontinence issues."
Oh yeah, so it's not just five days, after all... But we'll see about that when the time comes.
"And will I be allowed to play for more than 30 minutes a day?" "Don't push your luck; we'll see when the time comes. Just succeed in what I'm proposing first, and we'll decide." "The deal works for me; I accept."
As my dad says, no one but the center staff should see my diaper hidden under my clothes. And even if a 5-year-old did see it, why would they tell anyone? Plus, I can probably go to the bathroom discreetly. What bothers me the most is having to wet my diaper at least once a day. But if that's all it takes to get a new console, I'm willing to make that sacrifice!
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DRPG - Character Episode - Prinny
A downtrodden staple of the Netherworld. It's fated to be thrown and explode!
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Level 1/New Summon
Hello! I'm a Prinny, dood! Don't let my cute penguin appearance deceive you, dood. I'm actually an envoy of the Netherworld. Don't come too close to me if you know what's good for you, dood. You should be clear what you're taking on if you want to hire me, dood.
And my rates aren't cheap either, dood. I can work all year round without taking a rest! 22 hours a day! Here are my conditions....You need to give me 5 Sardines! What do you think, dood!!!?
...........................................Sorry, dood. That was too greedy of me, dood. 1 Sardine will be enough, dood. And try to take good care of me, dood.
Level 100
Did you know, dood? Inside every Prinny is a sinful human soul, dood. That's right. We were the same as you, [Player]! We were humans too, dood! I'm not sure how it all works.
After I died I became a Prinny and was sent to the Netherworld. Demons (mostly Etna) boss us around and force us to work for them, dood. We've been given this fate because we committed sins in the Human World, dood. Any human who commits a sin will turn into a Prinny after death and be sent to Celestia or the Netherworld to atone for their sins, dood. Day after day, all we do is work..... After we have paid our debts, we can reincarnate and be reborn with the help of the Red Moon, dood.
Huh? You want to know what sin I committed, dood?....That's a secret, dood....If you want more details, I'll tell you once I have reached Lv500, dood.
Level 200
Sigh... A Prinny's life is not easy, dood.... Just today I gotta clean the bathroom, wash clothes, and cook. Lady Etna wants me to buy her dessert and Miss Flonne has asked for my help recording a cartoon. I also have to play games with His Royal Highness, Laharl. I don't even have time to catch my own breath, dood. Sardines are the \nonly pleasure I have in life, dood.
Fortunately, Lord Valvatorez recently taught me a bunch of \nnew recipes that contain Sardines. With this new knowledge, both my soul and stomach are well nourished, dood....Ah....But, as I was saying, I only feel truly happy when I'm eating Sardines....Looking back.... I really wish I never did those things when I was a human....
Level 500
Looking back.... I really wish I never did those things when I was a human.... I guess it's time, dood. I'll only reveal the truth to you, [Player], dood.
Actually.... when I was a human, I was a thief, dood. Well, not really a thief, dood. I just used to steal stuff, dood. If you believe what the law says, then being sentenced makes you a criminal, dood. Even just getting a fine, dood. If you wanna know why I did it.... it was all about revenge, dood.
When I was in middle school, there was this bully who used to steal from me, dood. He took all of my pocket money and ran away. I had to steal from my parents, dood. His family had a shop, dood. I didn't know if his parents had died or just run away, dood. He lived with his grandparents, dood.
I wanted revenge, so I stole from their shop, dood. At first, I was worried that if he found out about what I did, he would make my life miserable, dood. But I got away with it squeaky clean, dood. I tried to steal enough stuff so that the total worth was equal to what he had stolen from me, dood. But...A year after that...His family's shop had to shut, dood. He had to leave school, dood. With him gone, the school that was once hell for me had become a paradise, dood.
I didn't know if the shop closed down because of me, dood...But... that kind old grandfather, and his smiling wife....I kept thinking about their faces... and I've never forgotten them, dood.I was so stupid, dood!
Level 1000
[Player]! Thank you, dood! Being a small Prinny, I can't believe I've reached Lv1000, dood! Although I've sinned, you never abandoned me and have continued to train me. I am eternally grateful, dood. In the future, I will not see my work as a Prinny as a burden. I will carry it out diligently, dood! Until I am reincarnated....!
.....Oh right. I forgot to tell you. I bumped into that bully recently, dood. Did you forget all that? What I told you about the bully who stole money from me, dood. As you might expect, he also became a Prinny, dood .But he's really different now. He even apologized to me for what he did in middle school, dood. Out of concern, I asked him how his grandparents were doing, dood. He explained to me that his store never closed down. It had just been sold to someone else, dood. It was sold at a good price too, dood. Even better, his grandparents were able to retire with a great pension and live happily, dood......
But, did he tell me the truth, dood? Somehow I got a feeling that he knew about everything that happened.... Maybe he lied to me, dood. But, even if it is true, I will continue to work hard to redeem myself. I will be a good Prinny, dood. You're the one who gives me courage, [Player]. No one else, dood. Thanks for all that you do for me. [Player].
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imwritesometimes · 2 years
The little cat in Stray reminds me of my grandparents' cat that they left in my care after they passed
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She had the prominent little lower lip and she was so small and dainty but mischievous 💖🥰
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
1,000 Follower Special
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Members of the DreamSMP simping for you:
Dream, GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, Technoblade, Phil, Wilbur, and Fundy
~No minor members obviously~
When the both of you started dating he knew he couldn’t let anyone know about you.
The only two people who he trusted to know about you were George and Sapnap, solely because they knew who you were before the both of you dated.
Dream met you during Wilbur’s revolt against the SMP, you were a member of one of the villages he frequented.
Dream would constantly trade with your grandparents for ender pearls. They happened to sell the cheapest ones.
One day instead of them you were standing in their place.
The both of you clicked instantly, you laughed at his jokes, and were filled with a certain spark and fire, that had him hooked.
It was safe to say he was addicted.
He adored you, when the time came for him to cut off all the things he loved he couldn’t leave you behind.
Therefore you were the only person he’d allowed himself to have when he had to get rid of all personal attachments. 
To him you were a goddess who could do no wrong, he’d kill for you.
If anyone hurt you all their lives would be gone in an instant. 
He still remembered the first kiss the both of you shared, he had just gotten back from a rough battle. 
Dream was practically bleeding out on your floor, you were screaming at him calling him an idiot. 
You were fretting over him like a mother hen, he just felt so warm and cared for, he took off his mask to give you a crooked smile before falling into your arms. 
He couldn’t help but think you looked gorgeous in your grey sweatpants, hair all messy, eyes glassy from sleep.
Another string of curses fell from your mouth as he leaned forward and captured his lips with yours. 
He felt fireworks pop against his lips and you for sure tasted the blood staining in his teeth. 
He then promptly passed out in your arms.
Dream woke up wrapped in your arms and on a cushy bed. 
He knew you tended to his injuries he also knew when you woke up you’d beat his ass.
At the moment, he felt nurtured and tended to, Dream buried his face in your chest and smiled to himself. 
You were his good girl.
Waking up in the woods to a girl standing over him was certainly not how he envisioned the next stage of his life going. 
She glared down at him and he hesitantly adjusted the glasses on his face, he greeted her meekly and she huffed. 
She introduced herself to him and called him a pretty boy in such a condescending manner that it made his stomach wrap up in knots. 
Oh no she was mean and hot. 
You apparently lived very far from the SMP and had no idea how he got to where he was, maybe he slept walk or something. 
You knelt beside him and grabbed his cheeks between your fingers eyeing him like you were trying to see into his soul.
He passed whatever test you had because you helped him to his feet and offered up your home to him. 
Having no other options he agreed to go with you.
As months went by he realized you weren’t all that bad. You could cook, and let him sleep all he wanted. 
(Mostly to try and get his energy back, but still)
He learned you knew a lot about nature and loved animals probably more than anyone else he knew. 
You really were soft under that tough exterior and George loved that it was him who could make you like that.
As much as he enjoyed himself he couldn’t help but miss Sapnap and Dream.
Were they even looking for him? Dream had to care at least...right?
He felt guilty for being happy here, for being happy with you.
It took another month for George to recognize his feelings for you and as soon as he did Sapnap and Dream found him. 
They both seemed to like you after he clarified that, no you didn’t kidnap him. You were a kind soul who opened your home up to him.
Dream and Sapnap looked at one other with a smirk and George’s face turned red. 
The two of them left the house to let the both of you say goodbye to one another. 
George wrapped you in a hug and pressed a soft kiss against your lips, much to his surprise you kissed him back. 
It was hesitant and he could feel the nerves radiating off you. 
He pulled away and rested his head on your forehead, he loved the flush on your face. 
“Don’t be a stranger, pretty boy.”
“I won’t my savior.” 
At first, his flirting was just good fun, after all, he flirted with everyone. 
What he wasn’t expecting was for you to flirt back just as hard and confident as he did.
It was Karl who pointed out that he’d get a faraway look in his eyes whenever he talked about you. 
Sapnap didn’t get his point and Karl glared at his denseness. 
“You like her Sappy Nappy.”
“What no I- Oh shit.” 
That’s how Sapnap knew he was fucked, cause now all he could ever do was think about his crush on you. 
Sapnap at first tried to avoid you and Karl had to knock some sense into him, saying that, that was not the way he would win you over. 
Ironically, you pinned him to a tree and confronted the fire demon about his behavior.
Out of pure panic, he pressed his lips to yours, when you kissed back he was so flustered his hair caught on fire. 
You had to help him put it out with water because he couldn’t calm down enough to stop the flames from shooting out of his head. 
He was so flustered when you said you’d never let him live this down, but got over it the moment he felt your lips on his cheek (His hair almost went up in flames again).
From that moment on the both of you started dating.
You never minded his constant flirting with other people, he was glad too that was like some weird form of a love language to him. 
When Dream betrayed George and him you were there to comfort him. 
You assured him that you’d never leave his side no matter what happened. 
You would kiss him all over his face and whisper sweet nothings to him whenever he looked too lost in thought. 
He loved it. He loved being spoiled rotten.
When Karl and he moved to the Konoko Kingdom you were right by his side, you helped build your shared home from the ground up. 
You were his little Firecracker. 
You were Phil’s little helper.
For as long as Technoblade knew his old friend you were by his side, you were quiet and tended mostly to the angel’s flock of crows. 
At first, The Blade thought nothing of you just the girl who always followed Phil around. 
Until he saw you stab through the chest of one of the Butcher’s army soldiers like they were butter. 
The blood that splattered your face and the unbothered look shook him to his very core. 
Oh no, you were hot. 
Technoblade was shaken out of his stupor by you handing him one of the weapons he had lost in the fight. 
You softly asked if he was alright to which he responded with a soft nod, his face was red and you raised an eyebrow.
He noticed a cut across your shoulder blade and reached out to touch the wound. 
You flinched at the touch and cradled the wounded shoulder with your hand, with a soft grumble he offered to patch up your shoulder. 
In the bathroom of his house he stitched up your shoulder, you let out of whines of pain.
The voices liked that way more than they should’ve and it made his face turn beat red. 
You looked up with him through your long lashes and he melted, the voices assuring him that he was ‘down bad.’
Phil came home and caught the both of you staring into one another’s eyes and he gave Technoblade a knowing smirk.
 The glare he sent his old friend was piercing. 
As days rolled into months his feelings for you never faded, especially since the both of you had grown closer. 
Eventually, Phil had forced Technoblade to at least ask you on a date, you dropped the birdseed at your feet and flushed up to the tips of your ears. 
You agreed eagerly and Technoblade was relieved. 
He had kissed you that night under the stars, it was a spur of the moment thing, the moonlight illuminated your best features. 
The voices couldn’t help themselves and he just listened impulsively 
Technoblade was relieved when you kissed him back, he’d protect you from all the horrors of government. 
You were his Princess. 
He’s lived for decades, seen those he loved grow old and pass away. 
That’s why he liked Technoblade, he lived as long as he had, had the same experiences as the angel of death. 
Phil swore he’d never love again, then he met you.
You lived next to him when he was living in New L’manburg and thought you were very pretty as well as very friendly. 
He didn’t know much about you only that:
You were fond of Ghostbur and he seemed to be fond of you.
It made Phil happy that someone else was looking after his dead son when he couldn’t.
Ghostbur had officially introduced the two of you a few weeks before Technoblade’s execution. 
After that moment, you both were practically inseparable.
You bonded over your love for building and all things shiny, he broke his own rule. 
He fell in love with you. 
When he caught wind of what the butcher army was planning on doing to Technoblade he frantically sent a crow to his companion. 
He was promptly placed under house arrest. 
You snuck in through his window once everyone departed for Technoblade’s retirement home and helped Phil disable his ankle bracelet. 
Phil pleaded for you to join him when he went to check up on Technoblade and you agreed wholeheartedly. 
The both of you flew towards Techno’s but it was already too late, they had him. 
You and Phil didn’t intervene. 
After the execution, he introduced you to Technoblade and he seemed satisfied with you sticking around.
Anyone who helped Phil out was a friend of his
You both acted like an old married couple.
Technoblade was dumbstruck to find out the both of you hadn’t had a first kiss yet let alone started dating. 
Phil hit him upside the head for that comment but it urged the old man forward to make his move on you. 
He set up a lovely dinner date, a homecooked meal by the fire was just what the both of you needed. 
You kissed him at the end of the night. 
It was soft and sweet just like you were, his hands tangled in your hair as he pressed close to you. 
You were his angel
After Sally, he was sure he’d never love again.
That mantra lasted years, but after he won freedom for L’manburg, he had met you. 
You were a crew member of Captain Puffy’s ship and he always did love watching the boats come and go from the ocean. 
You had arrived in L’manburg alongside Puffy and he fell for you hard and fast.
He was a blushing, stuttering mess as you smirked over at him. 
You were strong and tough and he wanted nothing more than for you to pin him against a wall. 
After talking with Puffy you decided to stay in L’manburg and get a feel for the country, Wilbur was ecstatic. 
He showed you around all proud of what he created, you interlocked your hands with his and he felt faint. 
The two of you were an item not soon after.
Fundy approved, happy his father was finally moving on plus he loved your take no shit attitude. 
They both loved when you sang the best. 
You always had a wide assortment of sea shanties to share, and a plethora of stories to tell. 
You had taught a few of them to Wilbur so he could play them on his guitar, another great bonding moment he remembered fondly. 
When you sang it was the only time he ever considered you soft. 
Before Wilbur announced the results of the election you had done the very thing he hoped you would do when he first met you.
Grab him by the hair, pin him against a wall and give him a heated kiss that made his knees weak.
“Go get them, Wilby.” 
“Yes ma’am.”
Losing was not something either of you foresaw. You ran away with him and Tommy to join Pogtopia. 
You were by his side in his slow descent into his eventual madness and stayed by his side up until his inevitable death. 
As he slowly died in you and Phil’s arms you sung to him one final time.
He told you he loved you on his last breath.
You were his muse.
Being left at the altar was one of the most horrifying experiences Fundy had ever had the displeasure of going through.
You’d been there when Dream left with George, you had threatened to stab out the man’s eyes. 
You stayed beside him the entire night, you refused to take no for an answer. 
Fundy had never been more vulnerable than he was with you that night.
He was embarrassed at first but you shushed him and assured him it was alright.
Fundy flushed and felt guilty for doing so, he shouldn’t feel that way around you. 
Your hand reached up to pet his ears and he began to purr loudly in your arms. 
Eventually, Fundy realized he had feelings for you.
Much like Sapnap, he went to immediate Panic Mode.
He didn’t want for this to end up like Dream again, not that you were anything like him, but at the same time, he didn’t want to ruin your friendship. 
However, much to his surprise it was you who confessed to him. 
Fundy said he felt the same before you even finished your confession. 
His tail was wagging rapidly and he had to physically hold it down to stop it from wagging 
Which was something you laughed at but he felt embarrassed about, you had to assure him that you thought it was the cutest thing in the entire world.
He whined at that but you kissed all over his cheeks so he had to immediately forgive you. 
Fundy introduced you to Wilbur who grilled you about your love for Fundy, he wanted to kill his dad. 
You assured him that you loved Fundy, and would never want to hurt him. 
Wilbur seemed satisfied with your response and wished both of you well. 
After Wilbur left, Fundy kissed your lips softly, his tail once again wagging rapidly.
As he pulled away you leaned back in and kissed him back, your hand gently stroked his ears and he purred again. 
He knew for sure he was going to marry you, and it wouldn’t end up like Dream and his wedding.
However, that was still a long way away.
For now, he just had to settle for you being his dream girl.
Hey guys! Thank you so much for 1,000 followers??? I am honored and shocked thank you all so much! Thank you to everyone who send me supportive messages and my amazing anon’s who member fail to cheer me up. Many more stories and projects are in the works but I wanted to do something special and different for the big 1,000. Thanks again and I hope you enjoy 😊
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beauvibaby · 3 years
Purple and Yellow – j.oleksiak
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• Jamie Oleksiak goes through heartbreak and challenges along with his daughter but then he meets a woman who seems to catch both their hearts •
a/n: ok this is NOT proof read at all I’m sorry but I knew if I went back and did that I’d end up hating it and not wanting to post it but I know y’all wanted it so here you go!
Word Count: 6.1k
Jamie knew he was going to Seattle, and he’d be lying if he said the proposition didn’t excite him, but once his name was inked on that paper, reality came crashing in. He had to up and move his daughter, she was only three, maybe it wouldn’t be that hard. But who was he kidding, everything is hard with a three year old. And how would he explain that they wouldn’t be able to visit mommy every weekend, just like they did every weekend since. That’s all that plagued his mind as he drove home from the airport, Ivy was waiting for him, but he knew she’d succumb to her sleepiness before he could get there. His parents already texting him with a picture of her half asleep on the couch.
Then, the cars on the other side of the road slammed on their brakes, the sound of tires spinning out made everything come rushing back.
“Is this the father of Ivy Oleksiak?” Jamie didn’t even have a chance to speak before the words came across the phone, “yes, who’s speaking?” Jamie replied, heart rate picking up at the soft sigh the woman let out. “Your daughter and Miss Cora Hadley were brought into Medical City from a car accident scene.” All she said were those words before he was rushing to his feet, “are they ok?” He asked quickly, never getting a pair of shoes on so quickly in his life. “Sir, I’m not–“ “Bullshit! Is my baby and my fiancé ok?” He snapped, based on the way she whimpered, a rather young woman on the other end of the line. “Your daughter will be fine, just some scratches, the car seat did it’s job.” She spoke slowly, her breath hitching. “I think it’s best you get here as quickly as possible.” She spoke carefully, and in that moment Jamie’s heart fell to his feet like an anchor, he could feel his stomach twisting and his eyes burning. He knew what those words meant. Then he thought of Ivy and that snapped him out of his daze, he had to get there, now.
Jamie pulled into his driveway safely this night, parking beside his parents car, a sigh escaping his lips, forcing the terrible memories from two and a half years ago away. He gathered his bags, and lugged them inside, smiling at his family all asleep in the living room. That made him forget that oh so familiar ache in his chest just a little bit more. He put his bags in the corner, those could wait, but right now all he needed was to hold his baby girl. He scooped Ivy up, smiling as she fluttered her eyes open just enough to see him. “Daddy.” She murmured, “hi bug.” He inhaled the scent of her toddler shampoo, his mom always taking care of her hair the best, brushing the detangler through the unruly hair she got from her father. “Sleep with you.” Ivy whined when he started heading for her room, normally he didn’t give in, not wanting her to be dependent on him to sleep, but he needed her tonight too. “Just tonight princess.” He gave in, bringing her to his room with him, where she fell asleep instantly when he placed her on the plush bed.
Jamie laid awake, staring at the ceiling for a little while, thinking of how he would tell Ivy about having to move. “I hope you’re proud of me.” He whispered out, his tears staying pooled in his eyes as he forced himself to calm down. “Sleep daddy.” Ivy complained, nuzzling closer to him. “Hold me.”
“Jamie.” Cora whispered, hoping he was awake despite the late hour, he grunted in response, being a light sleeper ever since he found out Cora was pregnant. “Hold me.” She demanded with a light tone, her back aching and stomach bulging as Ivy kicked around in there. Jamie blindly opened his arms for her, letting her settle into his chest. “Always.” He murmured, already half asleep as she sighed in content.
“Come here baby girl.” Jamie murmured at Ivy, letting her rest her head upon his chest, Ivy was a very cuddly little girl, the second she was comfortable with you, she’d be sitting in your lap and telling you stories and anything to be touching you. It was one of Jamie’s favorite things, especially when he came home from a roadie and all she wanted was to be held by him.
“Daddy!” Ivy called, she managed to climb onto the bathroom counter to brush her teeth but now she was too scared to get down, “daddy!” She shrieked again, Jamie’s eyes fluttered open as he quickly took in his surroundings, “daddy, I stuck!” Ivy called, this time sounding annoyed by his lack of response. He threw the blanket off as he knew where she was stuck, this was a common occurrence. He appeared in the bathroom doorway, arms crossed over his chest, “and just what do you think you’re doing?” Jamie asked his daughter as she made grabby hands for him, she grinned brightly at him, “I brushed my teeth!” She answered in a duh tone, she grabbed his face once he scooped her up, kissing the tip of his nose, and he the same to her, “I’m very happy you brushed your teeth, Ivy, but you know you’re not supposed to get on the counter, that’s why we got you a stool, remember?” He explained, for easily the tenth time in the past month. “I know.” She huffed, dramatically pushing her hair back, making Jamie chuckle as he walked down the stairs, hearing his parents talking in the kitchen.
“Well, good morning sleepy heads.” Alison teased as Ivy gasped at the sight of pancakes on the counter, Jamie shook his head with a smile, placing her on the seat beside his dad, “I’ll make you a special plate.” Richard quipped to the little girl, which really just meant drawing a smiley face on it with whip cream. “Thanks mom.” Jamie gave his mom a kiss on the cheek before shuffling around to get his coffee, desperately needing the sleep kicked out of his system. “When are you going to tell her?” Alison asked, taking a small bite of her food, giving her son the side eye when he hesitated. “Today.” He gave in, knowing he absolutely had to start packing now, otherwise it would never be done in time. “So, Ivy, do you have any plans for today?” Alison shifted her attention to her granddaughter, figuring they could take her out to do something so he could get more done. “Gonna go see momma!” She cheered, some syrup smeared around her mouth.
Jamie froze, it was Saturday already, he checked his phone and felt humiliated that he had forgotten his promise to take Ivy to the cemetery. Evidently the panic was written across his face when both his parents stared at him. “Why don’t grandma and I bring you? We haven’t been there in a while.” Richard offered, rubbing Ivy’s back when she looked to Jamie for permission. “I think that would be nice, right baby?” Jamie finally found his voice, and Ivy nodded brightly, anytime she got with her grandparents was cherished. “Daddy coming to?” She asked, tilting her head as he sipped on his coffee, “I’ve got some work to do, alright, I’ll go next time.” He assured her, shooting his dad a thankful look as he quickly changed the subject before she could pester on any further.
“Ivy, I need to talk to you.” Jamie announced, he couldn’t wait any longer, he had to do it and be done. Alison nearly choked on her coffee and Richard looked at his empty plate like it was suddenly the most interesting thing. Ivy nodded, munching away on her pancakes, not understanding the severity of what was about to be said.
Jamie cleared his throat and pulled out the chair beside her, “you know how I had to go away to this new place for work, yeah?” He reminded her, “Seattle.” He said, and she nodded, “Seattle.” She repeated, not entirely perfect but good enough. “I got a job over there.” He spoke, waiting to see what she thought. “Hockey?” She asked, confusion lacing her tone. “Yes, still hockey.” Jamie chuckled softly, “it’s with a new team.” He paused, glancing away for a second, “we have to move there.” He concluded. Ivy nodded slowly, “new house?” She asked, she might be young, but she knew that moving meant not in this house. “Yeah, new house, new city, new people.” Jamie explained, panicking when she went wide eyed, “what about uncle Ro-Ro?” Ivy asked, referring to Miro, she was closest to the young defenseman as she always saw him beside her dad on the ice. The nickname had been dubbed upon him when she was learning to speak and liked to repeat things. “We can visit, baby.” Jamie spoke softly, heart breaking as she began to sniffle. He could practically see the wheels turning in her head, he knew the realization was coming. “But Momma!” She sobbed.
And that completely shattered his heart.
“I know.” He picked her up, feeling her sob into his neck, “momma.” She whimpered, though she didn’t remember her, Jamie made sure to keep her an important part of her life. Ivy didn’t know that she loved going to a gravestone that much until this moment. “Hey, look at me, bug.” Jamie demanded gently, situating her to be in front of him. He sat her on the countertop and stood in front of her, “momma will always be with us, right? Isn’t that what I always say?” He explained to her. Ivy nodded slowly, she was so young but always acting older, trying to wrap her head around this. “Yeah.” She mumbled sheepishly, cheeks red and eyes puffy, she felt shy under the gaze of her grandparents. “It’s alright, daddy’s sad too.” He assured her, lowering his head to be eye level with her. She stared into his eyes, reminding him so much of Cora in that moment, and once again she kissed the tip of his nose. “No sad daddy.” She demanded, drumming her fingers on his cheek. He pecked her forehead, “alright baby.” He agreed, if she could do it, so could he, right?
Ivy slept the whole plane ride, which is what Jamie was hoping for as they would be meeting the moving truck at the new house, plenty of things to be done asap.
“Come on Ivy.” Jamie mumbled, carrying her off the plane as she groggily woke up, looking around slightly confused until she remembered what was going on today. “Daddy, Seattle?” She asked, lifting her head from his shoulder, he chuckled, lowering her so she wasn’t so high up on his chest. “Yeah, Seattle baby.” He assured her, her pigtails bouncing as she looked around rapidly. He smiled at her reaction to the airport alone.
“What do you think, Ivy?” Jamie asked, raising his eyebrows as the three year old spun to face him. “Love it!” She squealed, her room was twice as big in this place than her bedroom in Dallas, and Jamie told her she could pick whatever color (within reason) to have her walls painted. Of course she would love it here. Jamie looked around their new-but-empty-house one more time, sighing as he could picture Ivy growing older in this house.
Time to make it a home.
“Hi.” Ivy grinned up at one of the movers as he placed a stack of boxes in her room, Jamie just being outside the door heard her speaking, he raised an eyebrow waiting to hear the guy speak. “Hello.” The young guy spoke sweetly, chuckling at the little girl. “I’m three.” She spoke, “how old are you?” She asked, Jamie held in a snicker as he walked in. “Ivy, leave him alone, bug.” He laughed softly, the guy taking it as his excuse to go get more boxes. “Ugh.” She huffed, flopping down on her bed dramatically, Jamie rolled his eyes, looking around. “What color do you want?” He asked the opinionated little girl, he sat beside her, smiling as she stood next to him, being eye level with him. “Hmm, purple!” She gasped, looking around the currently beige room, Jamie nodded slowly, “light purple.” He countered, knowing she would want to choose the darkest shade. “Fine.” She giggled, “we can go tomorrow, alright? Today we need to focus on finding all your stuff.” He tickled her sides.
Ivy was tugging on Jamie’s hand, somehow spotting the paint section quicker than he could. “Slow down!” He laughed heartily, his daughter shooting him a glare as he purposely slowed his feet down. He hoisted Ivy up to see the purple swatches along the top row, she reached for a dark one, just like Jamie knew she would. He sighed, “Ivy, we agreed on light purple, what about this one?” He offered, grabbing a lavender type color, she grunted in disgust, shaking her head dramatically, her blonde curls hitting his face. “Love this one.” She pouted, holding it in front of his face.
Jamie held in a sigh as you walked past him, stopping to look at paint swatches as well. “What about this one?” Jamie compromised, it was darker than he wanted to go, but still light enough to not feel like a dungeon. Ivy’s lip began to quiver, quickly catching both Jamie and the woman’s attention. “Ivy.” Jamie sighed softly, you intervened, “you know, I wanted a dark purple room when I was your age too.” You spoke to Ivy, catching her attention as she lifted her head, Jamie shifting slightly, giving you a smile. “My dad wouldn’t let me do it.” You made a face, getting a giggle out of Ivy, “he was right though, but guess what we compromised?” You mused, holding your hand out for the paint swatches that Jamie had. He handed them over with ease, “we painted one wall, dark, the wall I had my bed on, and the rest we did light.” You explained, Jamie giving Ivy a bright smile when she looked at him like it was the greatest idea ever. “We can do that, Ivy.” He agreed, and you giggled, “glad I could be of help.” You added.
“Thank you,” Jamie paused, waiting for a name. “Y/N.” You told him, smiling at the pair, “and your name is?” You asked, already figuring the little girl's name was Ivy. “Jamie.” He introduced himself. “What are you painting?” Ivy asked boldly, not one to talk much around new people, Jamie set her down so she could look at other colors, amused by her sudden interest. “I’m painting my dining room.” You answered, squatting down to her level, “do you have any color suggestions?” You asked Ivy. Jamie gave you a look that said you really don’t have to entertain her but you just gave him a smile. “Yellow.” Ivy announced, looking at the wall and grabbing actually, a very nice swatch, it was just yellow enough. You tilted your head as you looked at it, imagining it in your space. “That’s a very pretty color, Ivy.” You told her, smiling brightly as she blushed, handing you the color sample. “Thank you, Y/N.” She spoke politely, even though the words didn’t come out perfectly, it was a great attempt. “You’re welcome.” You stood to your full height, shocking Jamie by walking over to the counter to order the paint, no hesitation that a random little girl picked it out.
“You don’t have to-“ Jamie started to say, but you shrugged, giving him a happy smile, “I just got a new place, a fresh start, yellow seems fitting.” You told him. Jamie gave you a lopsided smile, if only you knew he was doing the same. “Daddy, this ones.” Ivy gasped, giving him two swatches, he chuckled at her grammar, squatting down to her level, “you’re sure?” He asked, he knew after all it was just paint, and if it turned out so terrible, they could paint over it but he didn’t want to have to do this twice. “This one looks like momma's dress!” Ivy explained, Jamie looked at the dark purple in his hand, instantly remembering Cora in that dress, Ivy’s favorite picture of her that she kept in her room. Suddenly her color choice made sense, you couldn’t help but eavesdrop, your heart stopping at Jamie’s next words. “Yeah, I think momma would have loved this.”
Was she… dead? You tried to knock the thought from your head, they were so young, but you knew accidents happened. You quickly looked away as Jamie stood back up, “here you go ma’am.” The teenager behind the counter spoke, you took the gallon from him, shooting him a smile. “Have a good day.” You told him, offering Jamie and Ivy a wave. “Will I see you again?” Ivy asked, Jamie nearly had heart failure right there as you stopped and giggled. “Oh I don’t know sweetheart, Seattle is a really big city. But don’t you worry, if I ever see you out and about I’ll be sure to say hello.” You assured her, watching as she got all giddy and slightly hid behind her father again. “Bye.” You told him, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from smiling any wider. “Bye, Y/N.” He mumbled, seeming a little dazed as he made his way up to the counter.
It had been nearly a week in the new house, the walls were done, almost everything was unpacked and they were starting to feel a sense of normalcy. Jamie loved the neighborhood they ended up in, a true mix of all different people, yes their house was rather large, but it was still homey. The community was sprawling, having a little bit of everything, stand alone homes, townhomes, even some condos, there were plenty of kids around which made him feel good about his choice as he followed Ivy down the road as she rode her bike. “Slow down, Ivy.” Jamie cautioned as she was getting a good bit ahead of him, she huffed dramatically and slowed down, waiting for him to catch up. She was looking around at the houses, confused as to why they were attached, even though Jamie had explained it to her plenty of times. Ivy gasped so loudly, that you could hear it from your front lawn where you were spray painting a piece of furniture. You glanced over and did a double take.
There was absolutely no way, you refused to believe you were actually seeing this, then you saw Jamie and you were convinced the universe either loved you for letting you see him again, or hated you, as you were in ratty old painting clothes.
“Ivy!” You grinned, laughing when the little girl flew off her bike, letting it fall sideways, making Jamie groan, “hi Y/N!” She squealed running up your lawn. You smiled brightly as she hugged your leg, “Ivy.” Jamie called, giving you an apologetic smile but you shrugged it off. “Did you paint your room?” You asked the little girl as she pulled away, a pink tint to her cheeks, she nodded, her blonde curls bouncing in her ponytail. “Yay, that’s great!” You cheered, Jamie walked up behind her, “hi, Y/N. How are you?” He asked, his daughter leaning back against his legs as you two spoke. “Good, been busy making this place my own.” You laughed, motioning to the small townhome behind you. It was your first solo place, and you absolutely adored it, even if it needed some work. “Yeah, you always forget how much work it is moving into a new place.” He agreed, chuckling softly. “Did you do yellow?” Ivy asked, rocking on her feet. “I did.” You assured her, “would you two like to go in and see it?” You asked, cringing internally as you waited to look up at Jamie. “Sure.” He answered, grabbing his daughter's hand, following you inside.
You led them to the dining room, giggling as Ivy gasped, “so pretty!” She cheered, the yellow paid off, it made the space feel much more happy. “All because of you.” You told her, she asked if she could look at the pictures you had sitting on the entry table and you gave her a quick nod, giving you and Jamie a chance to talk. “Same neighborhood? If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were stalking me.” You teased him lightly, getting a hearty chuckle out of him. “It is quite the coincidence.” He agreed, he felt butterflies in his stomach for the first time since he had met Cora.
It absolutely terrified him.
It had been a few weeks since that day, and you’d seen Ivy outside playing with another woman, Jamie not to be seen. You came out to grab your mail as she went riding by, “hi, Y/N!” She called, continuing to pedal away. “Hi, Ivy.” You spoke, you went over and introduced yourself to the girl, Taylor, finding out she was her babysitter. “Jamie must go out pretty often.” You commented to her, she shook her head, “oh no, he never goes anywhere without Ivy aside from work.” Taylor told you, “he plays hockey, I'm surprised you didn’t know that.” Taylor added, smiling as Ivy came up to the two of you. “We should be going, it’s almost dinner time.” Taylor spoke, she couldn’t be older than 20. You gave them both a smile, “yes! You don’t want to miss that.” You chuckled, bidding them a goodbye before going inside and googling Jamie.
What you found shocked you.
Jamie Oleksiak taking personal time to mourn loss of fiancé.
Jamie Oleksiak, will he be able to balance a professional career and a baby?
Will he bounce back from this?
You clicked the first article, bracing yourself as it loaded.
The date was from almost three years ago, you scrolled down and began to read…
Jamie Oleksiak has announced the sudden passing of his fiancé, Cora Hadley. Together they shared a daughter Ivy, who was also involved in the incident, she is expected to make a complete recovery.
A close friend tells us it was a severe car accident.
Our condolences to the family.
You clicked away from the article as tears burned your eyes. That was terrible. You read some of the other articles and only grew mad at how the reporters belittled his pain, only talking of how poorly his game play had been since then. And though you’d never wish that kind of loss on anyone, you know they wouldn’t be writing like that if they had felt it.
You and Jamie exchanged numbers, citing that it was for “neighborhood emergencies” you giggled at the thought as he was currently asking you what he should get Cora for the upcoming Christmas.
She’s the pickiest three year old ever, everyone always tells me that.
Well, what does the pickiest three year old ever like to do?
She’s either riding her bike and getting absolutely filthy or she’s inside playing dress up and being a little princess
Princess car?
They make those?!?
Oh, Jamie, I really need to take you shopping 🤦‍♀️
Tell me when and I’ll be there…
You tell me hot shot, you’re the one that plays hockey for a living.
How did you find out?
Google is a powerful thing… just kidding, Taylor told me.
Of course she did
Saturday afternoon? My parents will be in town and they want to take Ivy out for the day, so it’s a perfect excuse.
You know where I live, see you then!
He started typing, but then the dots went away and you never received another message.
You brushed it off, feeling butterflies in your stomach for the first time in years as you thought of merely shopping with Jamie for Christmas.
“You like him!” Your friend gushed to you as you spoke on the phone while getting ready, “no!” You rushed, only proving her point more. “Y/N, really.” Your friend, Amanda, spoke. “There’s nothing wrong with that, he’s clearly attractive and he’s a dad! He’s not going to be a jerk that just messed around with girls! It’s great.” She rambled, you sighed, pulling your jeans on with a little jump, “his fiancé died, Amanda. He could very well not be over that yet, and I wouldn’t blame him.” You explained, she went silent, “well you left that part out, how was I supposed to know.” She mumbled sheepishly. “It was almost three years ago, their baby was only six months old.” You whispered, cursing when your doorbell rang down the stairs. “Shit, shit, I have to go Amanda!” You rushed, hanging up as soon as she said bye. You adjusted the sweater you had on as you rushed down the stairs, careful not to fall flat on your face. You grabbed your purse as you walked past the counter, yelping as you stumbled and landed on your butt. So close.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” Jamie called, hearing the thud, “yes, yeah, just a second.” You called out, wincing as you stood up, that was definitely going to hurt later. You finally, finally reached the door and unlocked it, pulling it open and giving him a bright smile. “Did you fall?” He asked instantly, bursting into laughter when your face went blank. “We’re not going to talk about that Jamie.” You chastised, stepping onto your little porch to leave with him. “Sorry, sorry.” He chuckled, giving you a once over as you locked the door. “Is Ivy excited to be with your parents today?” You asked him, Jamie laughed under his breath, “so excited, she didn’t even care that I was going out.” He told you as he opened the passenger side door of his truck for you. “Thanks.” You mumbled as you slid in, your heart pounding in your chest. He shut the door and made his way around the truck as you adjusted in the seat.
“So, where to?”
Jamie was shocked and grimacing at the price of the princess car that he and you both knew Ivy would love. “Is she the type to give up on new toys quickly?” You asked, tilting your head as you both stared at the display, he shook his head as gave in. He had been leaning against the shelves and as he walked away you noticed his phone had fallen out of his pocket, you picked it up so no one would steal it as you waited for him to come back with a cart, and hopefully someone to help him with the box because it was not something you’d be much help with. His phone began to ring in your hand, the contact flashing across the top said mom, you let it ring, you’d tell him as soon as he came back. As soon as it stopped it was ringing again, you panicked and swiped to answer it, worried that something had happened to Ivy. “Hello?” You spoke into the phone, hearing Ivy wailing in the background. Fuck.
“Who is this?” His mother rushed, “I’m Y/N, Jamie forgot his phone he’s walking around the store– is everything alright?” You asked, cutting straight to the point, “no, we’re going to the emergency room, Ivy fell at the park and I think she broke her arm.” His mother rushed, and thankfully you saw Jamie approaching, “Jamie!” You shouted, rushing over, he furrowed his eyebrows seeing you on his phone.
“It’s your mom.” You rushed, giving it to him and you could see the wheels turning in his head as he listened to her speak over Ivy crying. “Shit, alright I’ll meet you there.” He told her, shooting you an apologetic look. “Go.” You assured him, he shook his head grabbing your hand and pulling you along, he wasn’t going to leave you stranded in a department store. “Sorry, he’ll purchase it another day!” You called to the employee who had a blank look on his face. “Let me talk to Ivy.” Jamie demanded after his mom had said something else, “daddy, it hurts!” Ivy got out between cries as his mother held the phone to her ear. “I know, princess. I’ll be there soon alright? I promise.” He assured her, finally releasing your hand as he realized he’d been holding it this whole time.
He managed to get off the phone so he could drive to the hospital, repeatedly apologizing for you being stuck with him and that this happened. “I was going to take you to lunch and ugh I’m just sorry.” You raised an eyebrow at his ramblings as you guys got stuck at a red light less than a mile from the hospital. “Jamie, stop apologizing. She’s your daughter, she always comes first, that’s how it’s supposed to be.” You soothed him, he glanced over at you, nodding softly, “reschedule the lunch?” He asked, despite the panic in his head, he still wanted to make sure you saw that he was interested in you.
“Yeah, we can reschedule, let’s just go see your baby.” You leaned over the center console, kissing his cheek as the light changed, doing a little happy dance in your head at how he blushed deeply at your actions.
“Family only.” The nurse remarked as you were about to follow Jamie to the room Ivy was in. He gave her an incredulous look, “it’s fine, go.” You assured him, pulling away from him to stay in the waiting room. He hesitated but went along, disappearing behind the doors as you picked a seat in the corner, making sure you had a sight line to the doors he went through. Over an hour went by as you sat there, scrolling through your phone, not hearing from Jamie, which you assumed was because he was being bombarded with questions of the girl who answered his phone, while also dealing with Ivy who was not going to enjoy the process of getting a cast.
Your phone chimed with a text just as you had finally decided to get off of it,
Finishing up now, sorry if my parents are a lot
You chuckled at the message, making sure you had all your items, including the little stuffy you’d bought at the hospital gift shop during your time sitting here. You stood up as you saw them walking out, Ivy draped over Jamie’s chest, half asleep with her head on his shoulder. “Y/N, it’s so nice to meet you.” His mom spoke, offering her hand, you repeated the sentiment, as well as with his dad. “Ivy.” You whispered, placing a hand on her back, holding the small stuffed animal in your hand, “I got you a little gift for being such a big brave girl.” You mumbled, she shifted to look at you with her puffy eyes, and pout settled deep on her lips, “thanks.” She whispered, taking it and holding it close to her chest, she kept her eyes on you as you walked behind Jamie, keeping up a conversation with his parents. And he was right, they were kind of a lot, but you pushed through, smiling when Ivy finally fell asleep in the car.
You sat in the back with Ivy, Jamie insisting you didn’t have to but you wanted to. “She handled it pretty well.” Jamie commented as he glanced back to see her asleep with her hand in yours. “She’s a tough little thing.” You agreed, glancing over at him, he gave you a heartwarming smile. “Thanks for coming with me today, I know it didn’t go to plan, but it was nice, you know… before she broke her arm.” He trailed off, pulling into your driveway to drop you off. You carefully pulled your hand from Ivy’s, she didn’t budge as she was exhausted from today.
Jamie got out to say goodbye, surprising you with a quick kiss to the cheek and a promise of that lunch date.
“Did some research?” You asked teasingly as Jamie took you to your favorite restaurant, you gave him a sideways glance as he parked the truck, “I may have had some assistance.” He shrugged, making you realize that’s why Ivy was grilling you the other day, when you had offered to watch her since Taylor was unavailable. “You two are trouble.” You quipped, watching him slip out wordlessly before opening your door for you. “But I’m a gentleman.” He reminded you, “a very good one at that.” You agreed, steadying yourself with his shoulders when you hoped down. “I’m going to kiss you now.” He declared, had you not wanted to kiss him so badly you would have teased him for the nervousness in his voice, but you simply looped your arms around his neck and let him sweep you off your feet with a wonderful first kiss.
The first of many.
Two months, and many, many, sneaky dates and stolen kisses later…
You were over at Jamie’s house, having dinner with him and Ivy, you and Jamie had gone out here and there, but most of your time was spent together with Ivy, and that’s what told him that you were the girl he needed to hang on to. Jamie wanted to take tonight to explain to Ivy that you two were dating, but he was scared, petrified even, that she would become upset and confused. You kept telling him nothing had to be done yet if he wasn’t ready, but he was, he swore he was.
“What’s your favorite color?” You asked Ivy, dinner was long gone and you were playing a game of twenty questions, she wasn’t entirely aware of that but she was having fun nonetheless. “Purple! Like my mommas.” She declared, you gave her a smile, glancing over at Jamie to see how he handled it. Many conversations had happened between you two about the loss of Cora, you never wanted to rush him, and as he only gave Ivy a proud smile, you could tell he was truly ready to start the next chapter of his life again. You liked to think Cora was proud of him, for choosing you to be in their life.
“What’s yours?” Ivy countered back, giving you an inquisitive look, the closer she got to age four, the more like Jamie she seemed, and it always made you chuckle. “Yellow.” You told her, watching as she grinned, Jamie winked at you as you turned sheepish under their gaze. “Because of me?” Ivy gasped. “Yes, because of you.” You giggled, welcoming her hug when she bounced over to you. “Ivy, do you know what it means when people are dating?” Jamie asked his daughter as she stayed seated on your lap, she rested her elbows on the table, holding her head in her hands. “No but you said I’m not allowed to do that.” She spoke in a serious tone, sending you into a hysterical fit of laughter, not expecting her to be so blunt. Jamie tried not to but he joined you with a deep laugh, tipping his head back as Ivy grew impatient. “Ok, besides that.” Jamie cleared his throat, “when I say I’m dating someone that means that I really really like them and I want them to be part of our life.” He explained as best he could, you smiled from behind her at his words. Encouraging him to go on.
“Y/N and I are dating.” He spoke officially, you both held your breath as you waited for her reaction, she turned and looked at you, and then back to her dad. “You love her!” Ivy grinned, sending Jamie wide eyed and you into a wide smile as he blushed, “you love my daddy!” Ivy gasped turning to you, now he was the one grinning as you opened and closed your mouth trying to find the words to say. You gave her a nod, “well, it’s a bit more complicated than that when you’re our age, but yes.” You agreed with her, Jamie grabbed your hand from across the table, giving it a squeeze as Ivy climbed off your lap and started dancing around.
This had gone so much better than he had hoped.
When he was tucking her in that night while you were waiting for him on the couch, she said a few words that made him one hundred percent sure that everything was going the way it should, and that Cora even played a hand in this. “Can I have two favorite colors daddy?” Ivy asked, looking up at him sleepily as he pulled the blanket up her body, she was clinging to the stuffy you’d bought her. “Of course, bug.” He assured her, thinking that was that, but as he kissed her forehead she said, “purple and yellow are my favorites.” By the time he pulled his head back, her eyes were shut and her breathing was evening out. “Yeah, I think those are my favorites too.” He whispered.
Taglist: @boqvistsbabe @tortito @2manytabsopen @heybarzy @barzysreputation @yzas-stuff @iwantahockeyhimbo @hockeyunits
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iwalc · 3 years
Surprise- Brian May x Reader
It was late. You sat on the sofa reading a book in front of the fireplace when you zoned out. You started to look around you and saw how beautiful your life had become. You were married to the one and only person you ever loved and together you had built this beautiful, incredible life. 2 years ago, 3 years into your marriage with Brian, you decided to have a child, a token of your love for each other. It was a rough start. There were numerous times where it didn't work at all, other times when you peed on the stick, soon after seeing a positive test, the excitement was immense and when you told Brian he got so excited, all of this to then be broken by the news of miscarriage. It broke the both of you but somehow you still managed to carry on. And for the reward of not giving in you could finally tell Brian once again that you were pregnant, and that time, all went well. In August 1980 you could finally give birth to a bouncing baby girl. It was a strange feeling, suddenly the gravity of your universe shifted and everything revolved around this tiny human, the beautiful Amanda that you and your husband, the love of your life had created and would cherish forever.
You had Brian, your beautiful girl Amanda, you had a beautiful and warm atmosphere you could call home, and there was nothing more that you wanted in life. Until a few months ago.
Your husband had started to secretly give you hints until he finally sat down with you and spat it out.
"Love?" he called silently since Amanda was sleeping, from the living room as you were in the bathroom catching up some laundry. "Yes, gorgeous" you answered just as you accomplished the task at hand. "Could you come here for a minute, there is something I'd like to talk to you about", "Ofc, I'll just wash my hands first". You thought about it as you washed your hands in the warm water. It must be something that's been on his mind for a while since whenever it's something ordinary he just spits it out, out of nowhere. You were curious.
When you walked towards the living room you saw him sitting on the sofa, his elbows resting on his knees, face in his hands. This worried you quite a bit. "Hey, what's up?" you asked as you sat down next to him, your hand automatically landing on his thigh. "I uh, I... There is something that's been on my mind" he started, looking down at his feet signalling his nervousness. "Well, I figured, I've noticed there's been something on your mind lately, but I didn't want to push you into talking with me if you didn't feel ready to." you gently said as you squeezed his tight gently. "I haven't found the right time to tell you and talk to you about it" he continued. "I want to know what's on your mind, love" you answered, really wanting to know. He turned his head to look at you for a moment, his curls falling off his shoulder, a smile tugging at his lips. "Do you want me to just spit it out or with some background information?" he asked chuckling a bit, "Do you think background information will be necessary?" you asked him smiling while adoring his beautiful features. His hazel, soft eyes, his prominent cheekbones, his jawline, his beautiful dark curls framing his gorgeous face. "No, not really. I uhm", "Brian, love, I know you are nervous but it's just me, spit it out", "I want another baby Y/N" he blurted out, waiting worriedly for your reaction, a small smile daring to tug at his lips. You were quite shocked, to be honest, it wasn't what you thought your husband had been thinking so much about. "You know Amanda is growing quickly, she's almost 2 years old now and I uhm, it would be nice to give her some company and" he didn't get to finish his explanation because of you interrupting him with a kiss. Taking him by surprise.
It was a brilliant idea. It made your stomach flutter with butterflies. You pulled back from the passionate kiss, seeing his chocked state made you laugh. He smiled at you, adoration poured into the gaze that reached your face. "I'd love to expand our family and have another child with you!" you squeaked, flying into his arms, which in turn led to chuckles escaping Brian's throat. The sound filled your heart and once again you thought about how perfect your life had become. You were so in love with everything, but most importantly Amanda and Brian.
The way he got so excited. The way his hazel eyes got deeper with adoration and excitement. The way his smile reached his eyes. The way he hugged you, telling you how happy you made him, how in love he was with you and to share his life with you. The way he existed. Your heart ached with love for this man.
And that day, it was set, you were going to try for a new baby. It wasn't always easy, already having a child to take care of, as well as Brians sometimes strange working schedule. However, to you, it was quite obvious it had worked. You were experiencing some symptoms, which reminded you of your first pregnancy: Absent period, hormonal imbalance, tender breasts, bloated, nausea in the mornings. Even Brian noticed some changes:
You had just gotten out of a late-night shower and were just going to change into your pyjama shirt when Brian suddenly commented something you found very strange. "Love, have you been missing your period?" he blurted out. This was something you never ever thought he'd ever think of, never the less keep track off. You turned around to stare at him, "Yes, in fact, I have, why?". "No, I was just thinking, I reckon you told me last month that we had to buy more pads and tampons til' this time, but neither of us has bought any and you have been feeling quite fine compared to how you use to feel when the time of the month comes around." he said like it was nothing, you just starred at him incredulously, at awe of the attention he had paid. "What? Did I say something wrong?" he asked as his face fell. "No, no you didn't. I'm just amazed by the attention you pay to those kinds of things. I wasn't prepared for the question nor the explanation for it." you said and chuckled as you dragged the shirt over your head. Walking to the bed you smiled to yourself, wow, what a man. As you buried yourself under the quilt, snuggling up to Brian who gladly put his arm around you he blurted out another incredulous comment. "I also can't help to notice that your breast has gotten bigger". You laughed at the comment. "I don't know if they're bigger, but tender they definitely are. How do you notice all of these things?" you couldn't help but ask as you looked up at him. "Well, I don't know, I guess I just do. And I've known you for about ten years now, and we've been together for almost eight of those. I would like to say I know you very well" he stated. "Well yes, you definitely do, and I love you for it!" you said as you reached up for a kiss, he chuckled a bit and smiled into the kiss.
Brian didn't ask anything after that, you know he had his suspicions but neither of you wanted to get the hopes up too early, regarding all of the tries before Amanda. However, after emptying your stomach one morning, you decided that it would be time to take a test. Brian couldn't be with you this time since he had work at the studio that had to be done, and since Amanda was spending time with her grandparents, Ruth and Harold, you figured it would be a perfect time. Since Brian wasn't home, nor did he know you were going to take a test, you decided to keep it a secret until you knew the result and decided to take it from there.
You had pregnancy tests laying around in a draw in the bathroom. You took one, peed on it, and while waiting for a result you went to eat some breakfast. Coming back to the bathroom to look at the test, you suddenly became very nervous, you really wanted it to be positive! You would hate to break the news to Brian, telling him that it was negative and that the symptoms had been a result of something else. You took a deep breath and grabbed the test. You slowly turned it around, feeling the nervousness clearly increase. All the fear suddenly washed away, it was positive.
Suddenly you felt all the emotions in the world all at once. Tears started to drip from your eyes as you smiled like crazy. The excitement was a fact which resulted in several exited screams and runs throughout the house. If anyone could see you they'd probably think you'd be crazy. But you didn't care because you were the happiest. You had more than you would ever wish for.
Before taking the test you were thinking about waiting to tell Brian until you've seen a doctor etc but now, there was no way you could make that happen. You tried not to call Brian at the studio to tell him. Instead, you rushed to the phone and decided to call Ruth and Harold.
It felt like it took forever before anyone picked up the phone. "The May household" you heard Harold answer. "Hi Harold, it's Y/N, how are you?", "Hello Dear, I'm fine thank you, how are you?" he asked, he sounded happy, it warmed your heart. You contemplated whether telling them or waiting. Apparently, you had been quiet for too long, "Is everything alright?" he seriously asked. You hesitated a bit, "Yeah, I uhm I think so", "You doesn't sound too sure about that dear, would you like to talk to Ruth?", "That would be nice, thank you, Harold". Harold was a great grandad and a wonderful father in law, however, you had always had a better connection towards Ruth.
You heard Harold calling for Ruth and some muffled noises. "Hello dear!" you heard Ruth's voice cheering through. "Hello Ruth, how are you? And Amanda?" you gently asked, not really levelling with her enthusiasm. "Oh I'm fine dear, thank you for asking. Amanda just ate some soup, so she's full and satisfied" she laughed. "That's great! I hope you're all having a good time and that she's behaving" you chuckled. "Oh dear, don't worry, she's the best!" you chuckled as an answer. "Now, Y/N, will you tell me what's wrong?", "I uhm, I was wondering if I could pick Amanda up a bit earlier than planned? Like today?", it was quiet for some time before she answered. "Oh, well yes of course you can! Is there something wrong?" she asked. "No, I don't think so at least" you chuckled, "I just want her home for tonight when Brians getting home.", "Y/N, I'm sorry but I can see right through you, there is something on your mind.", "Well yes, there are, I just don't know if I want to tell you before I tell Brian.", "Oh" and with this, you knew she understood. "Ok, I think you know by now anyway, I uhm, I'm..... pregnant, and I wanted to" you didn't get to finish your sentence because there was a scream on the other end and it made you laugh. "Oh my heavens, Congratulations!! I am so happy for you two!" she almost screamed. "Don't get too excited Ruth, it's still pretty early" you voiced your fears. "Oh dear, I understand your fear, I really do, but it will be alright in the end, I promise!", at this you got emotional, tears started to stream down your cheeks and you sniffled, "Oh love, It will be alright! We'll pack Amandas things and then we'll be right over, okay?", "Okay" you sniffled, "Thank you Ruth!", "No worries dear!", "Ruth before you begin packing things up, you don't have too, you can have her back tonight or tomorrow if you want.", "That sounds nice if it's alright with you two, but I guess you would appreciate some time alone to talk and everything, so we'll happily come and pick her up tomorrow again!", "That sounds great, I know she loves being with you two! I won't hold you up any longer, see you soon then", "Yes darling, see you soon!"
You took a deep breath. Wow. This was a rollercoaster.
You were so happy and so appreciative for Ruth and Harold. Brian and Harold haven't always been on great terms but the last year things have been amazing between them and both Harold and Ruth have always been amazing towards you. They are great, amazing! And there is no wonder why Brian is so great.
You were in the bedroom and looking for a specific body that Amanda had, knowing that Brian would know exactly when he saw it, when you heard knock on the front door. You quickly ran downstairs and opened to great your baby and parents in law.
"Hi," you both said at the same time as you opened the door. Ruth walked inside first and greeted you with a big smile, embracing you in a hug only a mother could. "You look great!" she happily said as her hands went to your cheeks, you chuckled a bit "Thanks, I don't feel great" you laughed, hoping not to get further questions. Harold stepped inside and handed you your baby girl, oh you had missed her. "Hi baby," you said in a squealing voice before showering her in kisses, making her laugh. Harold walked up to you, and to your surprise leaned in for a hug, he's not a hugging person normally, you gently hugged him and received a happy congratulations wish. "I'm happy for you both," he said, "Thank you so much, Harold," you said and gave him a joyous smile, just as you also felt tears streaming down. "Oh wow, I'm a mess" you laughed as you brushed the tears off. "No worries dear, I was the same when I was expecting Brian" she laughed and Harold agreed, not pleased with the recall of memories. You all broke down in laughs.
You welcomed them inside and as always they made themselves feel at home as you served some tea and biscuits. Ruth was playing with Amanda on the sofa. "Has she taken her nap today?" you asked as you saw how Amanda started to get cranky and sleepy. "No she hasn't, she was about to fall asleep in the car on our way here but we thought it was better to keep her awake so she could sleep here.", "Maybe we should go take a nap, baby girl," you said as you approached them on the sofa. Suddenly, Harold stood up, "I can take her to nap, if that's ok?" he asked, "Yes of course," you said as you walked and picked Amanda up and handed her to Harold. "I'll be upstairs with the bottle in a minute," you said as you walked to the kitchen to prepare the bottle.
Amanda was happily asleep upstairs and Ruth and Harold had just left. However, before they left they handed me a little box and you thought that now would be a good time opening it. Inside you could see a yellow shirt, in Amanda's size. When you unfolded the soft material you saw the cutest thing. The shirt had "Promoted Big Sister" embroidered on the front. You chuckled slightly as an idea about how to reveal the news to Brian popped up in your head.
This will be perfect.
Amanda was seated in her chair as you finished up the rest of the dinner. For the occasion, you had made Brians favourite dinner.
You had been so distracted by the food that you hadn't heard Brian coming home. You only noticed when Amanda squealed when she saw him entering the large kitchen. You turned around and was treated by a sight that could melt your heart a thousand times over. Brians had picked her up and were showing her with hugs and kisses, making the baby girl let out belly laughs. You felt how you were about to cry but quickly turned around again to brush them away.
Brian put Amanda back in her chair for a moment and approached you. Wrapping his arms around your waist, his lips brushed against your neck and kissed your temple. "Hi" you gently voiced. "Hello, love," he said and kept kissing your cheek. "It smells delicious," he said and placed one last kiss on your ear. "It's your favourite," you said and put down the spatula to turn around and greet him properly. "I noticed, what do I owe the pleasure?" he said as you wrapped your hands around his neck, his hands placed on your waist. "nothing special" you lied. "How was your day?" you asked as you leaned in for a hug, hugging his waist, his hands brushing your back. You could smell his cologne, feel his arms tightening around you. "It was okay, nothing special," he said, his voice low. He pulled away from the hug to look at you. One of his hands stroke some hair behind your ear to then cup your cheek. "How was your day? And why's Amanda home, shouldn't she be at my parents?", "They came to visit earlier and I wanted her home, but she's going back tomorrow," you said as you adored his face. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss you. The kiss was like nothing else, your whole body tingled. You felt the excitement again.
The dinner was nothing special. Brian kept complimenting the food, which warmed your heart. Throughout the whole dinner, you just kept adoring the little family you have and the excitement to reveal that one more was on the way kept getting stronger and you were growing impatient.
Amanda played with a rattle toy while you and Brian both cleaned up after the dinner, stealing hugs and kisses here and there.
When the kitchen was done cleaning you honestly felt exhausted, and Brian, being the wonderful husband he is, sensed that. He walked up to you and kissed your forehead as he hugged you. "You go sit down and relax and I'll take care of Manda" he said and kissed you again. "Thank you" you whispered.
Brian kissed you once more and walked excitedly towards Amanda, "Come here baby girl, it's time for jammies" he said as he picked her up and threw her up in the air, making her laugh once again. You felt at peace and happy as you saw them giggling, making their way down to the nursery.
It was getting quite late. You sat down on the sofa reading a book in front of the fireplace when you zoned out. You started to look around you and saw how beautiful your life had become. You were married to the one and only person you ever loved and together you had built this beautiful incredible life. And the excitement for the news Brian is left to find out is very much evident.
You couldn't focus on reading the book, you just sat there biting you lip slightly and listening to what was happening in the nursery. You heard Brian talk to Manda and her giggles. Until it all stopped.
Silent took over the house, the only thing you could hear was Mandas joller and the fire in the fireplace.
"Love?" Brian called for you. You didn't answer, you wanted to see his reaction without you interfering to early. "Y/N" he almost shouted. Silence took over again.
Apparently, he grabbed Amanda and the shirt he had discovered and worked to the living room. "What is this?" he said, trying to hide his excitement if it weren't true. "It's a new shirt I bought for Manda" you chuckled. He looked so confused. His eyes went from looking on Amanda, to the shirt, to you. "What?" he blurted out, confusion written all over him. You rose up from the sofa and approached him. He had put Amanda down on the floor as he inspected the shirt.
You walked towards him and when there was almost no space between you he looked up at you, studied your expression. You smiled and took the shirt out of his hands and folded it and put it on the table. You walked up to him again and smiled. He tilted his head a bit, once again showing his confusion. You took his hands and brought them up to kiss them and then placed them gently on your lower stomach to get the message through. He caught on immediately. His eyes widened and he let out a breath. "Ooh my lord" he breathed as he adjusted his hands slightly, his gaze fixated on your belly. You chuckled and once again felt tears forming in your eyes. "I'm pregnant, Brian" you said smiling as the tears ran down your cheeks. He looked up at you and a smile spread across his face, "Really?" he asked as he looked at you. "Yes, I took three tests and all of them was positive".
Brian moved his hands and embraced you in a loving, comforting hug. His head was placed in the curve of your neck, his hands wrapped around you, your hands on his back, feeling his warmth, feeling the soft curls against your cheek. What you discovered next melted your heart. You heard sniffles coming from Brian.
You broke the embrace and looked at him, your hands holding his cheeks, your thumbs brushing away the tears, as more tears streamed from your eyes. You both were crying out of happiness, and soon enough you were both laughing. Brian held your waist, "Oh boy I love you!" he said as he laughed and kissed you. "I love you more" you gently said, looking into his hazel eyes. "Thank you" he then said as a wave of more tears streamed down his rosy cheeks. He leaned his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes. "I.. I don't even know what to say. I love you so much and there is no other I'd want to share my life with. You make me happy, you're keeping me on track, you are my universe. I love you so much and I am so grateful for you! You have given me the best gift of live already once, and now again. I... I'm speechless. I love you so much! And I am so excited" he laughed. "I am so excited. Im so excited for all that the future has to bring us. To see Amanda grow up, to see this little bean grow" he placed his hands on your stomach, "I love you, so much!" he started to cry again. This hit you hard. How did you end up with this fantastic man? If only you could show him how much you meant to him so he could really understand.
"Baby, I love you! So much! And I am so happy. I have more than I could ever have asked for. I have a wonderful husband, who's also my best friend. You cheer me up when I'm down, you comfort me when I'm sad, you laugh with me when I'm happy. I am so glad and grateful that I get to share my life with you too. I love you so much it hurts!" you said and kissed his swollen, red lips to then hug him tight.
You were so excited for what the future would bring. You would never want to do this with anyone else. This was perfect.
I hope you liked this one! I surely do! If you guys want maybe I could build this story further, maybe to follow them throughout the pregnancy or something? Let me know what you think!
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sdvvillagers · 3 years
Families reactions for bachelorettes and bachelors expecting a baby? (。◕‿‿◕。) Who would be extatic about becoming grandparent/auntie and so on, and who'd be scared of new role?
First off, I am SO DANG SORRY for how long it took me to answer this.  Seriously, this ask has been in my inbox for months (along with another one that I SWEAR I’ll get to!  I’m sorry!).  Long asks like these make my brain seize up and it takes awhile to kick my brain in the pants and reboot it.  I tried to keep all responses vague in terms of spouse (for male or female partner) as well as vague in terms of pregnancy versus adoption.  Enjoy!
Alex - Evelyn and George never thought they’d see the day that they would become great-grandparents.  It seemed so far-fetched that they’d never really considered it as an option, not even when Alex got married.  It wasn’t until they actually heard Alex announce that he was going to be a father that the reality set in.  Evelyn was so overjoyed she burst into tears, beckoning Alex over to her so she could squeeze him as hard as her frail arms possibly could.  George was happy, of course, but more than anything he was proud.  Not only proud of Alex and what a wonderful father he would be, but admittedly proud of himself for living so full a life that he lived long enough to see himself become a great-grandfather.
Sam - Jodi has been excited about the prospect of having grandchildren ever since Sam was born.  Having a family and children of her own is rewarding, she can’t deny that, but there’s something different about grandkids.  She saw the way her own parents interacted with Sam and later Vincent, and saw a far more carefree relationship.  Grandparents don’t have to be disciplinarians, they don’t have to enforce strict bedtimes or limit sugar intake, they don’t have to clean up after messes or potty train.  Jodi loves being a mother when it comes to interacting with her children, it’s everything else that gets overwhelming.  Jodi definitely shrieks in excitement when Sam announces that he’s going to be a father.  Kent, usually a quiet and stoic man, will struggle to hold back his emotions as he congratulates his son.  It isn’t until later when he has a moment alone that he properly processes the news and finally allows himself to feel properly excited about it.  So much of his own children’s lives was missed by him, he hopes he can be a more present in the life of his grandchild.  And Vincent… well, Vincent is just tickled by the idea that he’ll be an uncle before he even turns 10 and will insist that everyone start calling him “Uncle Vincent” before the baby even arrives.
Seb - Robin has NO CHILL when it comes to Seb announcing that he’s going to be a father.  For years Robin worried about Seb, concerned that he would be a hermit forever and would never live a life outside of the basement.  Seeing Seb flourish the way he has and meet someone new was rewarding enough and even once Seb was in a relationship, Robin wasn’t sure if children were ever on his radar.  He didn’t seem like he wanted kids in his life and Robin still would have been happy for him even if he never pursued having children… at least that’s what she thought until the moment Seb announced he was going to be a father.  Full-on freakout on Robin’s part.  Demetrius is outwardly proud of Sebastian and congratulates him, but a part of Demetrius is worried.  His relationship as a father figure to Sebastian never really worked out and he wonders what his place will be in the life of Sebastian’s child and whether he will be treated as a grandfather or not.  Maru is SO excited to become an auntie, already she starts thinking of all the cool and fun things she wants to do with her niece/nephew.  She’s bound and determined to be the stereotypical “fun aunt”.
Shane - Marnie has spent most of her life worrying about Shane for various reasons; worried about his alcohol dependence, worried about his depression, worried about his loneliness, worried about his future.  When Shane finally does meet someone, Marnie is ecstatic.  Of course someone new will never fix a person in itself, having a partner at least helps to motivate Shane to get his life on the right track.  Marnie is absolutely thrilled when Shane announces he’s going to be a father and this is one area where she’s not worried one bit.  She’s seen how he is with Jas and what a wonderful father figure he’s been to her, Marnie’s just happy that he’ll have the chance to have this experience from the beginning.  As for Jas, she couldn’t be happier.  It’s always been a bit lonely for her, it’s been tough for her to find her place in the family dynamic.  But with Shane getting married and now a new baby arriving, Jas finally feels like she’s settling into a family and becoming part of something she’s always wanted.
Abigail - Caroline and Pierre are so proud of the woman that Abi has grown into.  Yes, they had their disagreements as Abi was growing up and even into her young adulthood, but those were all overcome once Abi started to make a life for herself.  It was worrisome to both Caroline and Pierre when Abi was so carefree and didn’t have a direction she wanted to go in life, it seemed like the last thing in life she wanted was to settle down and live a domestic life.  Apparently all Abi needed was to find the right person to complement her and everything fell into place.  Abi is still the somewhat rebellious girl she had been and there’s still many things Pierre and Caroline will never understand about her, but it at least brings them comfort to see her happy.  When she announces that she’s going to be a mother, Pierre and Caroline are relieved and overjoyed.  It was never anything they thought would happen to them when their only child was so outwardly against domesticity, but they’re so happy that she found a way to live that life and still be happy.
Emily - When Emily announces that she is going to be a mother, Haley literally SHRIEKS in excitement.  At this point in her life Haley might not be ready for a baby, but that doesn’t mean she’s not completely excited to have one in her life.  What follows is the biggest shopping trip of Haley’s life, she finds herself buying more in preparation for the new baby than even Emily does.  No niece or nephew of Haley’s will go unspoiled.  She can’t wait to be the cool aunt.
Haley - It’s strange for Emily when she hears that Haley will be a mother.  Most of Emily’s life was spent caring for Haley more as her mother than as her sister, it isn’t until recently that they’ve been able to find a happy place in their relationship where Emily can finally feel like a sister.  Now the dynamic is changing once again and Emily feels more like a grandmother than an auntie, the connection to Haley and her child is that strong.  Somehow calling herself an aunt just doesn’t seem powerful enough, it doesn’t seem worthy enough.  Emily knows she will be more than just an aunt to Haley’s child and has ever intention of treating her niece or nephew the way any grandmother would.
Maru - Robin and Demetrius beam with pride when Maru announced that she’s going to be a mother.  While Demetrius always focused more on Maru’s success in her studies and her career, Robin always worried in the back of her mind if this measure of success was the only one Maru would cling to.  Robin hoped that Maru would learn that her success could be measured just as much by her personal relationships and family life and that Maru was smart enough and driven enough to have it all.  Seeing Maru in a happy relationship and hearing the news that she’s starting a family is a relief to Robin to see that she never devalued having a family and it’s a relief to Demetrius to see that his motivated daughter is living a full life.  Sebastian isn’t outwardly excited about the prospect of being an uncle, then again there isn’t much he’s outwardly excited about.  Inwardly, though, he’s strangely looking forward to being an uncle.  Yes, it will be awkward and he’s certainly never been a fan of babies or even small children, but somehow the idea of playing Solarian Chronicles with his niece or nephew many years from now is a vision he can’t stop seeing and enough to get him actually excited.
Penny - Pam knows how long Penny has waited for this moment and it’s for that reason that Pam is actually quite worried for her.  Pam knows how much the idea of being a wife and mother has been glorified in Penny’s mind but Pam understands from experience just how difficult parenting can really be.  It’s hard to truly make someone understand just how hard parenting can be and that it’s not the beautiful, rewarding experience it can sometimes be painted as.  Parenting can be soul-crushing, it can be exhausting, it can be overwhelming, and Pam worries that Penny might not be ready for that aspect of it.  Of course Pam is thrilled at the news that she’ll be a grandmother, but a part of her is also worried about what kind of grandmother she’ll be.  She fully acknowledges that she wasn’t exactly the best mother in the world and that somehow Penny turned out okay in spite of that.  Being told that she’ll be a grandmother gives Pam some relief that maybe she’ll get a second chance… she just hopes she won’t screw it up.
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