#miss mini sorbet
extrashortshorts · 1 year
Miss mini sorbet from @sualne crocodad au is so precious...
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I had to, i just had tooooo 🫷
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(no "background")
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sualne · 3 months
unrelated but i want to apologize to all the ppl who've sent asks i've never gotten around to answers i still think about most if not all of them, eventually maybe i'll answer them or never i have no clue but ily and thanks yknow
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
I had this idea that, what if Y/N one day just got SLIGHT baby fever from hanging around Sorbet cookie, Custard Cookie III, ect, alot around the kingdom and how all the young cookies love them...One day they mention how they want a kid themselves one day, and word gets out to the whole kingdom...I imagine all of the Y/N simps rushing to their residents acting all like "I VOLENTEER!! I VOLENTEER AS TRIBUTE!!" Because they wanna be the other Parent/Mother/Father to Y/N's future kid
(I don't know how kids come about in the cookie run kingdom world since their is obviously a mixing of genetics, but on the same side they're COOKIES LOL)
Dough from both parents, mix them together, bake it in a mini-oven, one child cookie is made!
“Ha ha! I’m glad to have such great subjects!”
“Oo 0oOo0o00!”
“Let’s have another tea party soon, Y/N Cookie. Pompon agrees with me…”
“I’ll bring even more shroomies next time, Y/N Cookie…!”
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You waved the little ones off with a smile as you returned to your bedroom in the castle, Financier Cookie was standing guard next to it. She greeted you politely with a snake on her face.
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You thanked Financier Cookie for safeguarding your living space, she didn’t really have to, this castle is the more secure spot in the kingdom.
“It was my pleasure, Your Majesty. I’m always available to assist you in any way I can, the young cookies in this kingdom need someone like you to watch over them.”
Yeah, taking care of the kiddos filled you with a sense of pride and joy. You did miss that feeling when it came time for the tea parties and play times to end, sometimes you wish you had a child to watch over, you’d do nothing but spoil them!
“I’m sure you’d make a wonderful parent if you do decide to have children, Your Majesty. The cookie who has you as the other parent is a lucky one from my perspective.”
Around the corner, someone was listening in. Y/N Cookie? Wanting a kid?! This was surprising news, but good too. Having a child with Y/N Cookie will be ultimate proof of the love they and the other cookie shared!
“I will not allow you to enter Their Majesty’s quarters! Stand back!”
“Let me speak to Y/N Cookie! They’ll clear up everything! Please!”
“You are trying to get in without their permission! I suggest you leave now!”
You woke up to shouting outside your room door to see a line of cookies in anticipation, Financier in a defensive stance as she glared at them.
“My deepest apologies for having woken you up, Your Majesty. But these cookies have disrespected you by trying to sneak into your room, I was just about to tell them that-“
You patted her shoulder, telling her you’ll take care of it from here. Financier looked at you with concern, but ultimately nodded her head as she went to your side.
The first cookie, eager with their proposition..
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“Y/N Cookie darling! I’ve heard you were in need of a child and I am here to grant you that wish! Please treat me and our child with all of your kindness!”
Y/N Cookie + Kumiho Cookie = Marshmallow Fudge Cookie
Marshmallow Fudge Cookie, having both Y/N Cookie’s charisma and Kumiho’s charm, means they’ll be in a cookie’s good graces in no time!
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“Y/N Cookie, it would be the greatest honor to have a young child with you. I’ve seen you take care of the ones in the kingdom, I’d love to travel that path together with you.”
Y/N Cookie + Caramel Arrow Cookie = Toffee Cookie
An honorable Cookie who’s a natural born leader that inspires his fellow cookies with courage and bravery!
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“I promise, with every piece of dough I have, to protect both you and our young one, Y/N Cookie. Nothing will get past me.”
Y/N Cookie + Lilac Cookie = Olive Cookie
Olive Cookie will take after Y/N Cookie’s traits of wishing the best for others and friendship, but she will resort to the swift and deadly tactics of her father if things go south.
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“Our kiddo is gonna be the hardest working cookie in the whole kingdom! Please give me a chance, I promise to make you and our child the proudest!”
Y/N Cookie + Carrot Cookie = Hutspot Cookie
While Hutspot does have that farmer side to her, she actually wishes to be a scientist instead. She does promise her mom that she’ll still have a garden to tend to for her!
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“My heart is at the warmest when I see you, a young one with you will make me the warmest I’ve been since forever. Y/N Cookie, I cherish you and I want our young one to be proof of my affection for you..”
Y/N Cookie + Sea Fairy Cookie = Pure Water Cookie
Pure Water Cookie will carry the torch for her mother when the time comes and the same for Y/N Cookie. Land and sea will have Pure Water Cookie, a responsible and dedicated cookie who watches over both with all her strength.
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queen-rainy-love · 11 months
The Revenge of the Captain Part 3
Let's go!
*Bubble Pearl and Sorbet Shark continued to race to the closest coral reef while Oyster swam behind them. As soon as they reached the coral reef, Sorbet Shark swam quickly to the tallest coral and touched it.*
Sorbet Shark: Ha! I win!
Bubble Pearl: *giggles* Yeah, yeah. But one day, big sis will beat you in a race.
Sorbet Shark: Hahaha! Did you see that mom?!
Oyster: *giggles* I did and you both did a great job. But we should get back soon. We did swim a bit far from the ship and we do need to head back to the Republic soon.
Sorbet Shark: But mom!!! We just got here! I want to show you two around a bit!
Bubble Pearl: Please mother. Just a few more minutes then we'll head back. Please.
*Oyster sighs but nods her head. The two siblings cheered and explored the reef. Bubble Pearl laughed and forgot about all her problems above. She never wanted to leave any time soon. But...a deal's a deal.*
Bubble Pearl: Alright. I think we've done enough exploring. Let's head back.
Sorbet Shark: Ahhh. But there's one more thing I wanted to show you! Real quick! Please!
Oyster: *looks up before looking back* We can quickly take a look.
Sorbet Shark: Yes! Come on! It's up here! *quickly swims up to the tallest coral*
*Both Oyster and Bubble Pearl follow them up to a hole at the top of the coral. Inside it were mini little pearls of all shapes. It was beautiful! Bubble Pearl reached in and pulled out two misshapen pearls.*
Bubble Pearl: Oh my...I've never seen pearls like this. They're beautiful!
Sorbet Shark: Yeah! I found them here one day and no one claimed it as theirs. They're very unique!
Oyster: Yes, very. Unfortunately, no Cookies would ever want to pay for a misshapen pearl. They are worthless in the market. And we should also leave this here. Someone may come back for it.
Sorbet Shark: But no one has claimed them! They won't miss them!
Oyster: Now Sorbet Shark. We are not pirates. We do not take from others without a trade. Unless you have something we can trade for them, they are staying here. Now please put it back, Bubble Pearl.
Bubble Pearl: Fine.
*Bubble Pearl reaches back in to put the pearls back. Just as she was about to back away from the coral, a large shadow loomed over her. Before she could process what was going on, she was engulfed in a fishing net.*
Bubble Pearl: What the?! *starts squirming*
Sorbet Shark: Sis!
Oyster: Bubble Pearl! Hold on! We'll get you out! *starts pulling on the net* Sorbet Shark! Find a sharp object we cut with!
Sorbet Shark: Got it ma! *quickly swims below*
Oyster: Now sweetie. Swim down with me. *pulls the net down*
*As the two swim down, up above was the ship the net came from. Two crewmates tried to pull the net back up but were met with resistance. Not far off, stood the captain of the ship: Braised Abalone.*
Braised Abalone: *notices the two crewmates* What are you two doing?! How difficult is it to get some measly fish?!
Crewmate 1: They're fighting back! They don't want to come up!
Crewmate 2: How are fish this smart?!
Braised Abalone: For the love of-! *Grabs the rope* Pull harder!
*The three Cookies start pulling on the rope. Meanwhile, down below, Oyster and Bubble Pearl were still trying to get away. Sorbet Shark came back with a broken sharp coral. They start to cut the rope but it doesn't work.*
Sorbet Shark: It's not working mom!
Oyster: Keep going dear! Bubble Pearl! Keep swimming down!
Bubble Pearl: I'm trying!
*The net started to pull up, nearly separating Bubble Pearl from her family. As the net started to lift out of the water, her tail popped out of the water. Braised Abalone was the first to see it, his eyes widened.*
Braised Abalone: That tail...
*Back in the water, Oyster and Sorbet Shark kept trying to pull the net down and cut it. But to no avail.*
Bubble Pearl: *scared* Mother!
Oyster: Hold on dear! We'll get you out!
*Bubble Pearl was about to reply but instead a scream came out. Something, or someone, had grabbed her tail. She tried to free herself but the grip was still strong.*
Sorbet Shark: We need to pull more!
Bubble Pearl: Easier said when your tail isn't caught!
*The net was nearly halfway up when two pairs of hands grabbed it and pulled it down with Oyster and Sorbet Shark. They turned around to see two beings that looked like jellyfish. Out of the corner of her eye, Bubble Pearl saw an off-white blur. Up above, a thin tentacle shot out of the water and stung both Braised Abalone's hand and a bit of Bubble Pearl's tail. The captain yelped and let go of Bubble Pearl. She quickly swam down and pulled the net with her. Sorbet Shark tried to cut one more time, this time successful.*
???? Mauve: Come on! Get out!
*Bubble Pearl quickly swam out of the net, trying to ignore the sting on her tail. The three Jellyfish pulled the family further down the reef.*
???? Magenta: You need to go! All mermaids know that this is an unsafe area! Pirates hunt fish here.
Sorbet Shark: It wasn't like this the last time I was here!
???? Ivory: Doesn't matter! Go!
*The three Jellyfish quickly swam away without missing a beat. Oyster looked up at the surface before pushing Sorbet Shark and Bubble Pearl in the direction of their ship. Bubble Pearl looked back at the pirate ship, feeling unease from it. She shook her head before quickly swimming after her mother and sibling.*
Bubble Pearl: (That ship...I hope I never see it again.)
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pixieperson19 · 2 months
I was reading an allergies/dietary needs awareness string of reblogs and literally started crying because I remembered this one time‼️
note: everything on the “menu” they had given us was pre-prepped food, with two or three options on what we could order, except for dessert; that was one option.
I was in a different country a couple months ago, on a trip through the school, and while eating dinner one night, I noticed on the menus that with the dessert we were given, the menu said that it contained nuts in the crust. When it was brought out, I was served a plate of three little mini desserts. I could have surely carefully eaten two of them, given that only one had ‘crust’. But I didn’t, I spoke up and asked a waiter to confirm the dessert had nuts in it, and it had gone like this:
“I just wanted to check, does this dessert have any nuts in it?”
“you are allergic to nuts?”
“uh- yes, peanuts and treenuts.”
A simple exchange, but quick and to the point, she had responded to me saying I have nut allergies by taking away my plate, and starting to walk away before making eye contact with me and asking, “ice cream or sorbet?”
I said sorbet, and five minutes later, I got to eat dessert with my family.
Even though it’s been months since that happened, I still remember the interaction clearly, down to the what the waiter looked like and the taste of the sorbet.
It genuinely meant and still means so much to me, because that was the first time my allergies had actually been recognized, and then accommodated. Usually, I would have expected my plate to be taken away, and I wouldn’t have dessert at all. Not that dessert is a big deal, but to someone who is used to missing out on things due to allergies that I can’t control, nor asked for, it means so much.
sorry for the long post, I just really cherish this experience‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🗣️🗣️💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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stampwithtami · 6 months
up to 60% OFF Last Chance Sale Begins Now
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2024 LAST CHANCE SALE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST The January–April 2024 Mini Catalog and the 2023–2024 Annual Catalog are retiring soon! Don't miss out on the chance to snag your favorite goodies from the January–April 2024 Mini Catalog and the 2023–2024 Annual Catalog at discounts of up to 60% off! 🛍️ Things are already selling out! I've got a retiring list for each catalog down below, so be sure to check it out and seize the opportunity to grab those must-haves before they fly off the shelves. And remember, it's a race against the clock as inventory is limited—once they're gone, they're gone!  Oh, and let's not overlook stocking up on those beloved retiring In Colors! 🌈 And hey, if your wishlist is as long as mine, consider diving into the demo kit—it's seriously the ultimate steal! Orchid Oasis Parakeet Party Starry Sky Sweet Sorbet Tahitian Tide Curious about getting your hands on the shiny new catalog? Keep reading to find out how you can score your own copy.  - Any remaining products discontinued after April 30     LEARN MORE ABOUT THE RETIRING IN COLORS! Join Linda and I in this must-watch video as we unveil crucial details about the Stampin’ Up 2022-2024 In Color Collection’s retirement. Say goodbye to the vibrant and beloved colors: Sweet Sorbet, Parakeet Party, Tahitian Tide, Starry Sky, and Orchid Oasis. It’s your last chance to complete your collection! Orchid Oasis Parakeet Party Starry Sky Sweet Sorbet Tahitian Tide 🎨 What You’ll Learn: - Overview of Retiring Colors: Dive deep into each retiring color—Sweet Sorbet, Parakeet Party, Tahitian Tide, Starry Sky, and Orchid Oasis. Discover what makes each one unique and how you can use them in your projects. - Inspiration: We’ll be sharing inspiration and over 30 different ideas.  - Stocking Up: Essential tips on how to stock up on ink pads, refills, paper, and more before they sell out. Learn why it’s crucial to act fast. VIDEO SHOP RETIRING IN COLORS LAST CHANCE LISTS ANNUAL CATALOG LIST PDF ANNUAL CATALOG LIST EXCEL FORMAT MINI CATALOG LIST PDF MINI CATALOG LIST EXCEL FORMAT Read the full article
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missvifdor · 3 years
My MC /OC /YUU, in the doorframe of the entrance to Ramshackle:
My MC /OC /YUU: W -Why ..? Grimm, I'm not crazy, it's not my birthday. Or yours yet?
Grimm: No but I'm not going to complain, it smells so good! * Dive into the assembly of packages and gift packages in pink and red *
* The First Year Gang arrives to look for MC for classes like every morning *
Deuce: Eh! I didn't know you were so popular MC!
My MC /OC /YUU: Me? Popular? I reassure you right away, in my world I was considered as the weird and silent child of the class. So popular I have never been very popular.
Ace: Do you know at least what day we have?
My MC /OC /YUU: No ...?
Jack: It's Valentine's Day * Sniff the air * Ugh! All this sugar gives me stomach ache and toothache ...
Grimm: It's so good MC! * Eyes that glow * Free chocolate! I'm going to be happy to eat it all!
Epel: Easy, Grimm, they're at MC you should ask her before you binge without permission.
Grimm: * Touching eyes and adorable gaze *
My MC /OC /YUU: * Sigh * Isn't that risking your health at least? I mean .. you really look like a cat and chocolate is poison to them.
Grimm: Who do you take me for? A vulgar animal? I'm a monster, obviously I can eat anything!
My MC /OC /YUU: Alright. You can take it but out of the question that you abuse it and fall ill afterwards, understand?
Grimm: You are the best Dorm Leader! Yahoou! * Plunges back among the packages happily *
My MC /OC /YUU: Sorry, Sebek, I'm making you late ... Go ahead I'll take the packages inside and I'll join you!
Jack: Do not be ridiculous, we will help you it will go faster.
* Our happy group of friends are going to their first class of the day *
* My MC /OC /YUU going to sit in his usual place *
My MC /OC /YUU: Is it really happening ...? * Turns all red * I even get flowers, now.
Ace: * Smirk * You look so shocked, like this is the first time this has happened to you, Hehe!
My MC /OC /YUU: ....
Deuce: Is this the first time this has happened to you ?!
My MC /OC /YUU: I told you before, I was not very popular and not very pretty. Boys and girls aren't really used to looking around in my path and neither am I.
Ace and Deuce: * Mumbles * His world must be filled with blind people ...
* Later that day they pass Cater, Trey and Riddle *
Cater: * Put his arm around MC's shoulders * Hello lovely young lady! What are you planning to give me for Valentine's Day? Although, you know I prefer the salty.
Riddle: Cater! This is inappropriate!
My MC /OC /YUU: Don't worry, Riddle. Well Cater, I completely forgot that it was today and I don't have a present for you, I'm sorry. Besides, why do I have to offer you one, we are not in a relationship?
Trey: Tradition has it that girls give chocolates to their friends and loved one. Doesn't that work in your world?
My MC /OC /YUU: Actually, no. Valentine's Day is only a day for couples, at least that's how it is in my country but I know that in Japan, another country, it works the same as Twisted Wonderland. But if you really want chocolates, I can make some for you, that makes me happy! I'm only sorry I didn't give them to you on the right date ...
Riddle: Don't bother if you don't want to, MC!
My MC /OC /YUU: I really don't mind, I would only need to borrow the kitchens from Heatslabyul. That of Ramshackle is not sufficiently equipped or even in good condition to work in good conditions. Dust is falling from the ceiling all the time, I wouldn't want that to end up in the preparation.
Trey: It works, come see me after class when you finish I'll give you the keys to the kitchen.
* Later that day, in Heatslabyul's kitchen *
My MC /OC /YUU: Well let's see ... Rose and violet chocolates are for Riddle. The orange and blood citrus ones are for Trey. The spicy beef and chicken mini skewers are for Cater. Ace has his pastry cream strawberries. Deuce to his red berry and chocolate pancakes. Leona ... Her filet mignon meal basket with sweet and salty honey. Ruggie his donuts and donuts are ready, all they need to do is garnish and fill them. Jack doesn't like things that are too sweet or unhealthy ... so a mango and coconut sorbet. Azul pays close attention to her figure, so poached pears in honey. Jade un Canteloupe and blueberries with green tea and lime. Floyd strawberry chocolates in the shape of shrimp and sea animals. Kalim and Jamil hot chili chocolates and rhubarb and date jam that they can put on homemade brioche toast. Vil, Rook and Epel fresh fruit salad, French pancakes with rum and apple clafoutis. Idia ... chocolate and peanut butter pop cake with a Bubble Tea with tapioca pearls and mango and candies for Ortho. Malleus popsicles in the shape of a gargoyle and a bouquet of chocolate in the shape of roses, Lilia macaroons with mint and vanilla in the shape of a bat, Sebek ... A mini figurine of Malleus in dark chocolate and food coloring, for Silver it will be passion fruit Pasteis De Nata. And Grimm ... Squid with seafood and vegetables. Lord! I've never cooked for so many people! I'll put it all in the fridge and go home!
* My MC /OC /YUU coming home exhausted *
My MC /OC /YUU collapsing on Ramshackle's living room couch: Lord! I am so tired!
Grimm: Your hands smell full of delicious smells! Am I going to have some too?
My MC /OC /YUU: * Smells his hands and grimaces * Ugh! It especially smells like chocolate fish! It makes me sick ... I'm coming back I'll try to make this smell available, by all the gods ...
* Grimm who decides to wait for him while eating another packet of chocolate intended for MC *
Grimm: * Starts at coughed, disgusted * Yuck! These taste too weird !!
My MC /OC /YUU who comes back with his hands washed aggressively: You make a funny face, what's happening to you?
Grimm: These chocolates are too weird, I don't like them.
My MC /OC /YUU : Let me see? * Frowns and takes a chocolate to eat it * * Chew gently * Hmm ... it's true they have a weird aftertaste ... I feel weird ... M-My head spinning ... I can't feel my legs anymore ... * Fainted on the ground *
Grimm: Nyah! MC! Don't move, I'll get help!
* A few hours after taking MC to the infirmary, the strange chocolates were analyzed and an emergency meeting of the leaders and vice-dormitory leaders be given *
Professor Crewel: The results are clear ... The chocolates contained a love potion prepared in the most mediocre manner I have ever seen. So this has the effect on the Prefect of Ramshackle that she is falling into a deep sleep.
Kalim, with tears in his eyes: Is there no cure ?!
Crewel: Yes.
Leona, hiding her concern with aggression: And ?!
Crowley: The only solution for my dear MC to wake up is the ... The kiss of true love ...
Azul: I thought it only existed in children's books .. What if it doesn't work? How is it supposed to work?
Trein: That's the problem. The person kissing MC must be the person they love.
Ace who holds Grimm in his arms because the poor thing is absolutely devastated: Does MC at least love someone ?!
Jade: You are his closest friends, you should know that.
Deuce: MC never talks to us about that kind of thing and neither do we, she says all the time that it's her private life and that it's none of our business .... Oh MC ...
Jamil: Grimm, do you know?
Grimm who sniffs and holds back his tears: NOOooOoo ...!
Ace: Don't worry Grimm, we'll find the person who did this to her and she better be sorry for even entering this school.
Azul: Floyd will certainly be happy to help you find him, he has a special affection for MC.
Riddle: You can count on us too! We will make him regret acting in a manner so disrespectful and dangerous towards MC and the school rules!
Crowley: Come on gentlemen, let's try to act in a neutral and professional manner * Whisper to himself * If I find this little fool I'll be happy to kick him out of this school forever!
Malleus: If you let me deal with this man's case personally, I can assure you that he will never return to this school. Because he won't have any legs at all.
Idia: I'm still going to do some research approach to find out if there are no other solutions with MC!
Ortho: Big Bro, you'll have to come and try to wake MC up with a kiss first.
Idia panics immediately: I- I don't think it will work w-with me! How could MC love a geek like m-me ?!
Ortho, happily: Don't devalue yourself, Big Bro ! You have all your chances!
Rook: Oui, Mon cher, you have every chance! MC must obviously have noticed your unique charm!
Ruggie: * Whispers mockingly * Ah that, to be unique, he is! Shishishishi!
Lilia: * Laugh slightly * Let's see if our dear Idia has the courage to come out of his den.
Vil: That's enough you two, what we're talking about is serious. It is not time for jokes!
Trey, whispering sadly to himself: And to think that a few hours ago MC and I were talking in the kitchen and cooking like nothing had happened ... She had put so much heart into her preparations...
* Everyone is gathered in the infirmary plus the rest of the boys *
Riddle who blushes a lot: So uh ... how do we do it? Are we in line?
Crewel: The best is if you all wait outside and come one by one to Miss MC. If either of you ever wakes her up, I think you both need to discuss it.
The boys went by one by one and finally ....
Twisted boy: Okay ... It's my turn. * Enter the infirmary and approach MC * Hi MC. I'm sorry to kiss you without your consent but ... we have no other solutions at this time. Please forgive me .. * Kiss her *
My MC /OC YUU: * Wakes up coughing very hard until spitting out a piece of half-melted chocolate * WHAT THE HELL ?!
Twisted boy: You're awake! * Hugs her *
My MC /OC /YUU: * hugs him back * What's going on ?!
Twisted boy: * Explain everything to her * That's why I kissed you. Aren't you angry?
My MC /OC /YUU: No, no! I understand that was the only solution, thank you for freeing me from the negligence of the fool who gave me these cursed chocolates!
* My MC /OC /YUU finally realizes what it means *
My MC /OC /YUU: So uh .. Yeah I love you I guess ... But if you don't feel anything for me I totally understand and we can stay like we are now! I promise not to make this awkward or weird!
Twisted boy: Actually, it's good because ... I also feel the same way but I didn't know how to tell you.
My MC /OC /YUU: ... So ... you wanna go on a date with me?
Twisted boy: I would love that!
* Grimm who goes into the infirmary like a cannonball *
Grimm: MC! YOU ARE ALIVE ! MY HANDMAN, YOU WON'T EAT ANY MORE WITHOUT I TASTING IT FIRST! * Hopped into MC's arms to give her a hug *
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tenthgrove · 3 years
Small ask (but only if you're comfy with it): how would yandere la squadra react if they found out that while they were away on a mission their darling not only ended up having an ons but it also lead to a pregnancy scare? Would they be mad at darling or at the other party? Would they take it as a sign that their darling needs to be brought to safety (*cough* abducted *cough*) immediately? Or would they try to console darling instead of getting angry because they went through something scary?
Near Miss
La Squadra x Reader (GN), Yandere, SFW
(A/N: This wasn't my intention but I ended up writing so much for this I may as well package it as a full headcanon request. Sometimes an idea just carries me away lol. Also just a reminder that full requests are closed for a few more days so please don't send any. Mini requests are still being accepted though.)
Formaggio- Oof, he knows the feeling. He can name several chicks he almost knocked up on accident, and he can only hope the asshole at least gave you the common courtesy of paying for any related medical costs like he did. Commiserations aside, Formaggio isn't too bothered by the incident, treating it with a 'these things happen' attitude, and going about his plans to obtain you at the same pace as before.
Illuso- Like the symbolism of his stand's domain, Illuso is the prince of envy. Any interactions you have with a potential other suitor cause him great panic. On the odd chance he actually stopped stalking you long enough to let you get down with someone, he completely freaks out and moves to abduct you at once. Though he makes clear what spurred him to do this, he does make clear he isn't mad at you, at least. You almost-baby daddy is probably dead though.
Prosciutto- As the kind of yandere to get to know his darling prior to showing his true colours, Prosciutto is a little hurt by your one night stand as it demonstrates you probably aren't attracted to him yet. Still, he's slept with plenty of prostitutes in his time so he can't really be mad at you, although he is a little disappointed you would be careless enough to almost get yourself pregnant. Probably still speeds up his abduction plans though, as he can't help his jealousy.
Pesci- Even if you aren't well acquainted yet Pesci will fuss over you excessively, making sure the hookup didn't make you do anything you're uncomfortable with and you aren't traumatised by the near-pregnancy. This aside, the incident really stoked his fear of losing you to another man. If his attempts to talk you out of more one-night-stands for the sake of your safety fail, expect an abduction in the coming weeks.
Melone- In spite of the way he acts with his stand Melone takes the issue of real-life reproductive health very seriously and is disturbed by the concept of you almost getting pregnant with a child you aren't emotionally ready for. He won't jump to abducting you as he is a yandere against rash decisions, but you may find little gifts of contraception added to the usual trinkets he leaves around your house.
Ghiaccio- An insanely jealous yandere, Ghiaccio is incredibly livid at the thought of you getting into a one night stand. He isn't angry at you per say, but he's terrified this could somehow lead to him losing you so he kidnaps you at once without much forethought. As for the near-miss pregnancy, he feels no extra bother because of that and will be happy to offer you comfort for your scary experience, once you are safe within his home.
Risotto- To be angered with you for pursuing other lovers when you had no idea he even existed would be just foolish, and Risotto knows it. Provided there's no risk of you running off with the almost-father and your taste in hookups isn't a danger to you, Risotto does not adjust his plans. Once he has you, he is happy to offer you reassurance that if you had become pregnant, he would support you in whatever choice you made.
Sorbet and Gelato- Are you sure you're not really pregnant? It's just that Sorbet and Gelato have been wanting a kid for a really long time and they don't care about genetics. Not that they'd force you to carry it if you didn't want to, of course. Anyway, ignoring the pregnancy scare, Sorbet and to a lesser extent Gelato aren't really the jealous sort so they don't mind you had a hookup. There is a debate about whether to speed up kidnapping you just in case this somehow creates problems, but it ultimately is not the deciding factor about when the time will come.
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ellemany · 3 years
Sleepless - Act 2
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<<< Act 1
Recommended Music: Talk me Down - Troye Sivan
Skye was no longer there. And, at the bottom of the tub, the nightmare came back like a lightning. He didn't want to relive the terror, but he couldn't get away from it either. It was confusing and agonizing. Yoru was unable to understand himself at the time.
He came out of the water only when his lungs burned, begging for air, and thoughts seemed to trap him in his own head. Yoru took a deep breath, passing his hands through his hair. He opened the drain of the bathtub, watching the mini swirl of water form. It turned his stomach, remembering a nightmare before the last. He soon dried himself as he came out of the tub, rubbing the towel in his hair, trying to dry it. He looked in the mirror and remembered why he didn't want to look at his reflection.
His dark circles, along with the scruffy hair, left him in a deplorable state. His face demonstrated how tired and worried he was, appearing much older than he really was. He had to love Skye very much to let her see him that way. He would not wish such a horrendous vision even for his worst enemy. And Yoru hated the mere existence of Breach.
After dressing up in a boxing underwear and a baggy blouse with delinquent pandas print (a gift from Skye), Yoru walked out of the room. The apartment wasn't big, but it was cozy. The kitchen was right at the entrance, with opening to the living room which had a balcony connected with the single bedroom. Yoru went to the living room couch, throwing himself into this, where he could see Skye in the kitchen, stirring quickly in a pan. The air was impregnated with the smell of cocoa, hazelnuts, and vanilla, which left Yoru with mouth water.
The Japanese sighed, wandering the look through the picture frames of the sides of the TV. There were very beautiful pictures of Skye and Yoru there, as well as several selfies with the other agents. Most of it was Yoru who had taken it out, but his favorite was a shake one that Skye took, portraying moments before Sova, Phoenix, Cypher and himself thrown Viper in the sea of a beach. They've never run as much in their lives as they did that day. And Yoru thought Viper was planning their murder until these days.
That had been a good day. The well-deserved vacations after months in successive missions. If Yoru closed his eyes, he could hear his friends' laughs from that day. Sova and Jett forgot their sunscreen and were completely sunburned, red as chilies. Yoru and Reyna beat Phoenix and Raze in volleyball. Brimstone and Skye fought over because he wanted to have a regular barbecue and she wanted a vegan barbecue. Killjoy created a sorbet machine that supplied all the agents all afternoon, until Raze tried to turn it into an edible fireworks machine. The explosion was inevitable. And, looking at the sunset by the sea, he asked if Skye wanted to live with him. She kind of got too excited when it came to saying yes and they almost drowned because of a strong wave that hit them right at that time.
He missed when he could pretend that everything was fine.
- Let's stay on the hammock.
Yoru was so lost in thoughts that he didn't notice when Skye approached him, with two hot chocolate themed mugs steaming in her hands. Her mug was Lumpy Space Princess of Adventure Time and his mug was a TARDlS of Doctor Who. Actually, it was already Thursday, so it was the day to use the mugs of Peach and Mario, that complete each other. They had an admirable set of mugs because of Yoru's addiction to collecting things. Skye, who was trying to adopt the minimalist lifestyle, only let him keep that habit if he used everything he collected. And when I say everything, it's everything. He had to read the same books at least three times so Skye didn't give them away. At first it was irritating to Yoru, since the messing one was her, however, he soon adapted. After a while, he was shocked by the amount of sneakers he kept to wear with just one outfit rather than investing in different combinations.
- Tell me that this isn’t the disgusting milk. - Yoru looked suspiciously Skye, rising from the couch.
The redhead popped her tongue in disapproval, giving him his mug. She drank some of her chocolate, heading for the porch.
- It is the one that you like. But they're all good. - Skye made an ugly face, which Yoru didn't see because she was on her back and he was distracted looking at her butt. She was exposed by the way she put his old Nirvana t-shirt, showing off the panties with little flowers print, that Yoru thought was hilarious and cute.
- They are not… – He grumbling, lowering his gaze to his mug, following Skye.
Eating something from Skye was a Russian roulette. You could end up with a party of completely new flavors in your mouth or have to swallow a weird vegan stuff, because she would hit you if you wasted food. Yoru even enjoyed some recipes, however, it was impossible to live that way. He admired the redhead's resilience in denying everything that came from animals. He tried to survive like this once and lasted two days, until he found out that his favorite desserts were not vegan. He was very happy to give up veganism for a pot of mint chocolate chip ice cream.
- Stop being so picky, man. - Skye took the towel out of her hair, extending it on the rope on the balcony. She touched her hair with one hand, loosening her damp locks.
Skye passed her fingers gently through the leaves of some plants scattered across the balcony. Being minimalist meant that she should have only necessary things and, for Skye, it was completely necessary to have an immense variety of plants scattered around the house. After she finished styling Yoru's apartment, Phoenix joked that the New Mexico Kingdom base was not half deserted and half reforested by an interdimensional collapse. But because Skye thought there was a "touch of life" missing in place. Skye didn't confirm that information.
Yoru waited for Skye to sit in the hammock first, straightening the pillows she left there to make it more comfortable. He hated to sit in the hammock. He always thought he'd fall if he moved or the cloth would burst under his weight and he'd have a ridiculous death with a broken neck because of a hammock. Okay, it was a silly fear, but he was used to sleeping on the floor and not above it. It took Skye a long time to convince him that it was safe, but he would only sit there if she was with him. If he was going to have a ridiculous death, it would be with her.
And she liked the fact that she could stay with him there, purposely swinging the hammock to leave him in agony. Everybody wins.
-I’m not picky. I have a sense of self-preservation. - Yoru sat slowly, squeezing the mug, watching the hammock move. - Kuso, why do I still try? - He whined.
Skye laughed and pulled him gently closer to her. She leaned her head on his chest, drinking some of the chocolate. She sighed, feeling the warmth on her lips.
- Just try it. - She spoke, looking at him with expectation.
Yoru rolled his eyes and approached the mug from his lips, drinking the liquid. He made a grimace of disgust, wrinkling his nose and put his tongue out.
- Oh Honey… - Skye kept looking at him patiently. - It's really good. - He shrugged, drinking a little more. - It looks like Nutella.
- I know. I made it. - The redhead nodded, satisfied, snugging into him.
- Snob. - Yoru grumbled, passing an arm around his beloved, stroking her hair.
Skye smiled slightly, feeling Yoru's heart beating. Calm and steady. As it always should be. They watched the distant city together. The Protocol and the agents' apartments were far from the center, hidden on an artificial island. However, the strong lights of the distant buildings still came to them, looking like stars dotting the horizon. Skye missed seeing real stars, but she was content with the stars of the earth, as Yoru called it.
He liked to look at the silhouette of the city, with its constant lighting. Remembered him of Tokyo in a good way. He could pretend he was a few miles from his natural habitat and not a continent away. He was one of the agents who suffered the most from homesickness. Until he has Skye with. There, with her, was his home. It could be in Tokyo or in the middle of the Saara. If he were with her, everything would be safe and sound.
>>> Next Act
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+Bônus: Skye's Vegan Hot Chocolate do exists, but for the story, i mixed the ingredients with my own way to do hot chocolate. If i found any similar recipe on internet i'll put here.
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sims4historicalhq · 4 years
Aug 2020 Historical CC Releases - CAS
1843 AF day dress
Abigail outfit
Adult Lydia Dress UPDATE
BFW Elizabeth Winter Dress & Hat Recolors
Calf-Length Flared Dress
Dickey Button-Ups
“English Roses” - A 1780’s inspired Set.
Event Suit Recolor
Georgetown Prep Football Outfits
GP07 Collared Dress
Helena Apron Skirt - Patterns and Solids
Iverness: A Cloak by Eggy and Bats of Westeros
Medieval Tredony Feather Cape Conversion
Sifix’s Katarina Lace Recolors
Medieval / Plague Doctor Outfit
Toddler Dresses
Turtleneck Suits
Vive La France Set
From the amazing prolific @simverses, who it’s easier to link to her download page and tell you what’s new:
TS2 Wawa Renaissance Baghat Small (kids, toddlers, adults)
TSM Bard Cape Outfit (toddler boys, boys, men)
TSM Floppy Feather Hat (toddlers, kids, adults)
TSM Bard Diamond Cape w/ & w/o skirt (toddler girls, girls, women)
TS2 Wawa Renaissance Cap (toddlers, kids, adults)
TSM King Stripes Outfit (toddler boys, boys, men)
TS2 French Hood by Bipsouille (toddler girls, girls, women)
TS3 Tudor Garden Dress (toddlers, girls, women)
TSM Leather Hood (toddler, kids, adults)
TS3 Humble Peasant (toddler boys, boys, men)
A Headscarf (toddler girls, girls, women)
S3 Humble Poor Dress (toddlers, girls, women)
TSM Simple Crown (toddlers, kids, adults)
TSM King MultiShin (boys, men)
The Balzo Headdress (toddler girls, girls, women)
S3 Court Dress Lady in Waiting (toddler, girls, women)
Royal Crown (toddlers, kids, adults)
TSM Queen Cape Dress (toddlers, girls, women)
TSM King Fur Coat (toddler boys, boys, men)
TSM Commoner Nomad Vest Outfit (toddler boys, boys, men) (2 types)
TSM Commoner Collar Dress UPDATE
TSM Commoner Vagabond Dress v2 (toddlers, girls, women) (2 types)
Medieval Double Horned Hennin (toddler girls, girls, women)
Accessories, etc:
Bead Drop Necklace
Dishonored Swords Set
Mod Madness Makeup Set
SP13 Over Knee Socks
The Victorian Collection, Part Three: Bustles & Hats
Tamagotchi Necklace for YAM & YAF.
Tudor Flatcaps
1000 Followers Gift! - Royaltysimblr (Victorian + 1920s)
The Anglesey Tiara
Archduchess Bow Tiara
Chaumet Meander Tiara
Connaught Diamond Tiara
Diamond and Pearl Meander Tiara
Dutch Sapphire Tiara
Garrard Oak Tiara
Khedive of Egypt Tiara
Pearl Poire Tiara and Necklace
Prussian Meander Tiara
Queen Amelie Sapphire Parure
Queen Mary Collection - RoyaltySimblr X BatsfromWesteros Collab
Russian Large Pearl Pendant Tiara
Simspain Tiara Collection
A Modest Bun
Allison Hair
aura hair // recolor
Constance Hair by Aniraklova
Curly bun F
Dolly Hair
Greaseball Hair
Farrah Flip Hairs recoloured
Fonda Finesse 
Isabel Hair
Oh Whale! Hair Sorbet & Elderberries Recolors
Rirrier Hair
Tete de Mouton a lá Hurquier
Early Access Ended:
Acanthus Sims’ June Mini Set, Teardrop Pearl Earrings, Fichu, Pearl Necklace
As always, please let me know if I missed anything! :)
151 notes · View notes
abbacchiosbelt · 4 years
🌟 Abbacchiosbelt Masterlist - 2020 🌟
An updated masterlist of all my works on this blog. Hopefully, I didn’t miss anything! ♥
Under the cut for length!
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All Writing 📝
AO3 Archive [A majority of my works on AO3 have been archived on this blog, though not all of them are. If you’d like to check out my AO3, here’s the link!]
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BY CHARACTER [Fics, Headcanons, Ask Prompt Responses]
Part 1 - Phantom Blood ☀️
Jonathan Joestar
George Joestar 1st
Part 2 - Battle Tendency 🧣
Joseph Joestar
Caesar Zeppeli
Lisa Lisa
Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders 🔪
Dio Brando
Noriaki Kakyoin
Part 4 - Diamond Is Unbreakable 💎
Rohan Kishibe
Jotaro Kujo
Yoshikage Kira
Tomoko Higashikata
Josuke Higashikata
Okuyasu Nijumura
Yukako Yamagishi
Part 5 - Vento Aureo 🐞
Bruno’s Gang
Bruno Buccellati
Leone Abbacchio
Giorno Giovanna
Guido Mista
Narancia Ghirga
Pannacotta Fugo
Trish Una
La Squadra
Risotto Nero
Unita Special
Part 6 - Stone Ocean 🕸️
Jolyne Kujo
Hermes Costello
Weather Report
Narciso Anasui
Part 7 - Steel Ball Run 🏇
Johhny Joestar
Diego Brando
Gyro Zeppeli
Hot Pants
Funny Valentine
Part 8 - Jojolion ⚓
Josuke Higashikata 8 (Gappy)
Yasuho Hirose
Confession Session ❤️
Phantom Blood ☀️
Jonathan Joestar
Erina Pendleton
William Zeppeli
Battle Tendency 🧣
Joseph Joestar
Caesar Zeppeli
Lisa Lisa
The Pillarmen
Stardust Crusaders 🔪
Daniel D’arby
Terence / Telence D’arby
Mariah Confession
Vanilla Ice
Hol Horse
The World
Star Platinum
Silver Chariot
Hierophant Green
Magician’s Red
Diamond Is Unbreakable 💎
Yoshikage Kira
Killer Queen
Vento Aureo 🐞
Sticky Fingers
Moody Blues
Gold Experience
Sex Pistols
Purple Haze
Bucci Gang / Bruno’s Gang
La Squadra
King Crimson
Squalo & Tiziano
Part 6 - Stone Ocean 🕸️
Jolyne Kujo
Hermes Costello
Foo Fighters
Weather Report
Narciso Anasui
Steel Ball Run 🏇
Diego Brando
Johnny Joestar
Gyro Zeppeli
Hot Pants
Funny Valentine
Jojolion ⚓
Gappy (Josuke Higashikata 8)
Yasuho Hirose
Jobin Higashikata
Fluff Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
Ask Prompt
Yandere Prompt
JJBA Headcanons
Mini Fic Headcanons
Valentine’s Day 2020
Monster AU
General AUs
Unwrap Me, Baby | Joseph x F!Reader [NSFW]
Portraits of Home | Family AU - Jonathan, OC Elisa Joestar, and Dio [SFW]
Still Breathing | Cioccolata x F!Reader ! Please read the tags ! [NSFW]
Your Hand In Mine | Kira x F!Reader [NSFW]
See You Again | Prosciutto x F!Reader (Shae ☻) [NSFW]
Stay And Love Me | Bruno x F!Reader x Abbacchio [NSFW]
Easy To Please | Joseph (Part 3) x F!Reader [NSFW]
Sweet Spot | OC x Risotto [NSFW]
Happy To Say | Abbacchio x F!Reader [NSFW]
Lights Out | Mista x Reader [NSFW[
In Care Of | Proscitutto x F!Reader x Risotto [NSFW]
Give In | Dio Brando x M!Reader [NSFW]
Paradise Isn’t Far | Guido Mista x F!Reader [NSFW]
Stolen | Diavolo!Bruno x F!Reader [NSFW]
Always Forever | Bruno x F!Reader x Abbacchio [NSFW]
Hold My Love | Diavolo x Doppio [NSFW]
Disregard | Prosciutto x F!Reader [NSFW]
Anything For You | Prosciutto x F!Reader [NSFW]
Just Like That | Prosciutto x F!Reader x Melone  [NSFW]
Full | Risotto x F!Reader [NSFW]
Need | Risotto Nero (Solo, F!Reader S/O) [NSFW]
Drift to Me | Jotaro Kujo x F!Reader [NSFW]
Reckless | Tiziano x F!Reader x Squalo [NSFW]
Purple Breeze | Merman AU w/Jotaro & Star Platinum [SFW]
Violent Intimacy | Cioccolata x F!Reader x Secco [NSFW]
Unfinished Business | La Squadra and Cioccolata [NSFW]
Human Nature | Mikitaka x Reader [SFW]
Amore Carino | Doppio x F!Reader [NSFW]
When I’m With You | Jotaro x Reader [SFW]
Moonlight | Abbacchio x F!Reader [NSFW]
Show Off | Prosciutto x F!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
Control Yourself | Sorbet x F!Reader x Gelato [NSFW]
Lovely Beings | Kars x Reader [NSFW]
I Want It All | Doppio x F!Reader [NSFW]
Feels Right | Abbacchio x Reader [SFW]
Bomb Pop | Polpo x Reader [NSFW]
Process | Melone & GN!Reader [SFW]
Lucky You | Bruno x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
Midnight Snack | Gyro x GN!Reader x Johnny [SFW]
Ride With Us | Gyro x F!Reader x Johnny [NSFW]
Hold That Pose | Jonathan x F!Reader x Dio [NSFW]
Try | Guido Mista x GN!Reader [NSFW]
As We Believed | Merman!Risotto Nero x GN!Reader [NSFW]
Say You Will | Siren!Abbacchio x GN! Reader [NSFW]
Morning Surprise | Johnny x F!Reader x Gyro [SFW]
Tomorrow Is Safe | Naga!Doppio x F!Reader [NSFW]
Teacher’s Pet | Professor!Diavolo x F!Reader [NSFW]
Il Mio | Cioccolata x GN!Reader [NSFW]
Coming Untouched | Melone x F!Reader [NSFW]
Soft | Jotaro Kujo x GN!Reader [SFW]
Prompt Responses 💌 
“Hold my hand tight. I’ll protect you.” - Leone Abbacchio x GN!Reader [SFW]
“I was wondering how long you were going to keep making out like that until you realized you weren’t alone.” - Leone Abbacchio x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
“Were you just touching yourself?”  - Funny Valentine x GN!Reader [NSFW]
“Try to stay quiet for me. Can you do that?” - Devo the Cursed x GN!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
“When do you think help will come?” “Not for a while, I guess we’re stranded here alone for the time being.” - Pannacotta Fugo x GN!Reader [SFW]
“I’m in love with you.” - Diavolo x GN!Reader [SFW]
"I'll keep you warm. Hold me closer!” - Gappy x GN!Reader [SFW]
“Spread your legs. I want to feel how turned on I made you.” - Diego Brando x F!Reader [NSFW]
Do you want to continue this in the shower?” + “Harder, Deeper…” - Weather Report x F!Reader [NSFW]
“Are you my secret admirer, the one that’s been sending me all the flowers and notes?” - Ghiaccio x GN!Reader [SFW]
"Say my name" and "I love hearing you moan" - Guido Mista x GN!Reader [NSFW]
“Bite me,” “Where?” - Dio Brando x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
“Does this kiss tickle~? Haha. Why are you laughing so much?” - Jonathan Joestar x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
“I want to hear you beg for it.” - Diego Brando x F!Reader [NSFW]
“Your nipples are so sensitive today.” - Prosciutto x GN!Reader [NSFW]
“I want to kiss every inch of your body before I fuck you.” - Kars x GN!Reader [NSFW]
“You’re my perfect match.” - Bruno Buccellati x GN!Reader [SFW]
“So, do you want your underwear back?” - Melone x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE, YANDERE]
“I hate the way they look at you... so fucking much.” - Joseph Joestar x GN!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
“I could fucking kill you right now, you know that?” - Yoshikage Kira x AFAB!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to you.” - Leone Abbacchio x GN!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
“I wish you would just me have you.” - Risotto Nero x GN!Reader [SFW, YANDERE]
“Just give into me, love.” - Formaggio x F!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
“Don’t worry my love, I’ll protect you.” - Steely Dan x GN!Reader [SFW, YANDERE]
“You’ve been so good to me lately, pet. Don’t make me punish you.” - Dio Brando x F!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
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Mystic Messenger
MysMes Fics 💌
Finally Yours | F!Reader x Jumin x Zen x Yoosung x 707 [NSFW]
In Your Hands | F!Reader x 707 x Yoosung [NSFW]
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Boku no Hero Academia
BnHA Confession
BnHA Fics 💌
Chapter 1 [NSFW]
Chapter 2 [NSFW]
Chapter 3 [NSFW]
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Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem: Fates
Fire Emblem General Tag
Fire Emblem Confession
FE Fics 💌
Chapter 2 
Prompt Responses 💌
“You’re so cute when you’re struggling.” - Hubert von Vestra x GN!Reader  [SFW, YANDERE]
“I’ll consider kissing you if you beat me.” - Edelgard von Hresvelg x GN!Reader [SFW]
“…Do we always end up on top of each other?” - Lorenz Hellman Gloucester x GN!Reader [SFW]
"You're really red right now." - Sylvain Jose Gautier x GN!Reader [SFW]
"[pins __ to floor]” / “[pins __ to wall]”? - Sylvain Jose Gautier x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
“You’re…really close right now.”  - Ferdinand von Aegir x GN!Reader [SFW]
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Hunter x Hunter
HxH Confession
HxH Fics 💌
Complex Flavor | Hisoka x F!Reader [NSFW]
Prompt Responses 💌
“The world doesn’t deserve an angel like you.” - Knuckle Bine x GN!Reader [SFW, YANDERE]
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Boyfriend to Death
BtD Fics 💌
A Reason to Stay - Ren Hana x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE, YANDERE]
The Fox and the Bunny - Ren Hana x F!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
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KLK Confession
Kill la Kill
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The Arcana
The Arcana Confession
Prompt Responses 💌
“I want to tell you I love you until my throat bleeds.” - Julian Devorak x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE, YANDERE]
“You’re such a pretty little thing tied up like that, baby.”  - Asra Alnazar x GN!Reader [NSFW, YANDERE]
433 notes · View notes
whateveriwant · 4 years
Just a Glance
Summary: Your anxiety’s been getting the best of you lately, feeling as if you’re being watched. Is your mind playing tricks on you, or will your fears be realized?
Pairing: Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: ~4.5k
Warnings: stalking, paranoia, implied NON-CON (no descriptions)
A/N: Hello! So, this is the follow-up to “Just a Taste”, but told from the reader’s perspective this time. While it’s not imperative you read that story first (or at all, really), I highly suggest you do so. As always: heed the warnings! And as a general disclaimer: I DO NOT condone the actions depicted below. To any and everyone who reads this, I hope you enjoy! Gif found here.
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It’s Saturday morning – time to do your weekly grocery shopping. As always, the first stop is at the local farmer’s market. You like coming here not only for the fresh produce, but also to chat with the vendors you’ve become friendly with. You could spend all day talking with them – almost have once or twice – but you have other places you still need to hit today.
It doesn’t hurt to note that making good with the vendors may have some monetary benefits for you, but that’s just an added bonus – the cherry on top. Talking animatedly as the vendors package your slightly reduced-price items, you accidentally whack a few unsuspecting customers while gesturing wildly. You cringe and apologize profusely for your carelessness. Despite being assaulted, the patrons accept your apologies and wish you a good day – letting you off scot-free.
Next stop on your shopping trip is the supermarket. You buy the bulk of your items here: frozen goods, dairy products, various non-perishables. This store has almost everything you need, apart from a few essentials – some absolute necessities: your favorite madeleines, strawberry sorbet, and chocolate-covered pretzels amongst other things; these you can only get from one particular store. But, thankfully, it’s on the way home – your perishables won’t spoil while you run in and grab your few items.
You drive to the store, humming along to your playlist coming through the car’s speakers. When you arrive at the shop, it’s as bustling as ever. Many people must have similar mindsets to you: thinking this shop offers some of the most delicious treats in town. You walk through the familiar aisles knowing exactly where your favorite snacks are housed. You find the pretzels and madeleines easily enough, but can’t find the sorbet. It’s always on the same shelf in the same freezer, but not today. 
You start strolling past the freezers, looking through each one – desperately hoping the sorbet’s just been moved and not sold out. Or worse, discontinued. As you search, you pay no mind to the other shoppers around you – your brain totally focused on your mission. Out of nowhere, you walk face-first into what seems to be a steel wall – almost falling on your ass and dropping your basket. 
Upon steadying yourself, you realize you didn’t walk into a wall but, rather, a man. A very handsome man, at that. Damn, how did you miss that? Strong jaw, piercing blue eyes, built like a tank – he could be very intimidating if he wanted to be.
You apologize for bumping into him, explaining that you weren’t paying attention to where you were going. He brushes off your apology – all but warning you to watch yourself next time – before he continues past you. He wasn’t as friendly as the people from the farmer’s market, you remark. But it was your fault anyway, so you can’t really blame him for being terse with you.
You continue down the aisle until – hallelujah – you spot your prize. It seems they’d simply moved the sorbet to a different freezer. You grab it from the top shelf, dispense it in your basket, and finish shopping – easily finding the rest of your goodies. After purchasing and loading the items into your car, you drive home – absentmindedly singing to your music.
The following week passes by as usual. On Sunday morning, you meet with your friends for brunch. While Katherine had originally suggested checking out the new omelet place in town, you sided with Layla on wanting to go to your regular pancake house. Thus, you three catch up over fluffy, syrup-y flapjacks – discussing how your respective weeks went.
Nothing incredibly remarkable happened to any of you. Katherine mentions how her boss is hounding her lately, making an ugly face to mock him. Her expression makes you laugh, choking on a bite of pancake. Layla had a saucy date night with her boyfriend on Friday. Her descriptions cause you to pause mid-chew, imagining the position she's graphically detailing. 
Your most exciting contribution to the conversation is the mini heart attack you had at the store yesterday. Your friends understand your reaction; having had a taste of your favorite sorbet before, they know why you went feral when searching for it. After eating, splitting the bill, and promising "same time next week", you all head in your separate directions.
Following Sunday brunch, you go to the bookstore – seeing if they’ve gotten any new titles in since last week. Browsing the shelves, you spot a new mystery novel that piques your interest. You buy the book, planning to read it during your lunch breaks and after work.
The remainder of your week follows in monotony. Work Monday through Friday, Netflix and novels during free time, occasional morning runs to burn off the calories from your insatiable sweet-tooth – your routine is well-ingrained into your system. On only one occasion did you forget to bring your new book to work – instead, bringing the one you finished the previous week. It’s not the first time this has happened. You can be forgetful when deviating from your routine.
Come Saturday, it's time to go grocery shopping again. As usual, the first stop is the farmer’s market, second is the supermarket, and third is your favorite store. Luckily, you haven’t run out of your pint of sorbet from last week. Thus, you don’t bother traipsing the freezer section. You did, however, gobble through the madeleines and pretzels – forcing you to replenish your stock.
Wading through the busy aisles, you zero in on your target: pretzels – top shelf, right-hand side. The aisle is crowded, making you have to squeeze past a few shoppers in order to get to your prize. As you reach up to grab the bag, you feel someone brush up against you – likely trying to squeeze behind just as you had done moments ago.
The scent of cedarwood and mint trails after the person, overpowering your sense of smell. That guy wears too much cologne, you chide. You turn your head to look at him, seeing his jacket-clad broad shoulders and blonde hair peeking from under his baseball cap. He must be in a hurry since he swiftly departs the aisle. But you’ve been in his place before: running into the store for only one or two items. In those instances, you didn’t bother grabbing a basket – just as he hadn’t today.
You purchase your few items, load your car, and drive out of the parking lot. Glancing in your rearview mirror, you notice a couple of cars also leaving the grocery store and heading in the same direction as you. You blast your playlist as you drive, impatiently waiting until you can get home and dig into your snacks.
The next few weeks pass more or less the same. Sunday mornings are spent brunching with your friends. You eventually cave and agree to try out the omelet place Katherine suggested; but, upon finding the meal lackluster, you all decide to stick with your usual restaurants next time.
You finish the novel you've been reading. The book was so intriguing that you decide to check out more of the author's work, buying another title from the bookstore. This one is similarly a mystery novel, but it's supposedly more chilling – has much more suspense that builds the feeling of dread in the audience.
You go on morning runs after you have one too many scoops of sorbet the prior night. Running your usual route, you pass by an unfamiliar car parked outside your neighbor's house. You didn't realize Mr. Nelson's son was in town again, assuming that's who the vehicle belongs to. You've never met the man before, but he must be kind-hearted seeing as he's willing to visit and care for his elderly father. Maybe you’ll get a chance to meet him soon.
The days come and go. Working through the week, shopping on the weekend, reading in your free time – nothing is intrinsically different. And yet, something feels off. You can’t explain it. You just have a feeling – a sixth sense, almost. And the sensation only grows as the weeks progress.
At times, you feel as if someone is watching you – boring holes into you. No matter where you are – home, work, shopping – you feel like there’s a set of eyes on you, observing you closely. Furthermore, sometimes you swear you can see a shadow lingering in the corner of your eye. But when you turn to look directly at it, it’s disappeared – vanished in an instant.
Your friends and coworkers notice you getting lost in your thoughts, having to snap you from your daze. When you explain the sensation you’re experiencing, they brush you off – none of them finding any evidence to support your claims. You also don’t have any tangible proof for your assertions, just that feeling in your gut.
You decide to chalk it all up to the novel you’re reading. Must be the book’s foreboding feeling carrying over into real life, you rationalize. Resolving to ignore the pestering thoughts popping up in the back of your mind, you try to continue about your days as normal.
It’s Monday morning – time to go to work. On the drive there, you stop to get your coffee – turning down your music so you don’t have to scream your order through the drive-through. Once you reach the office, you make busy at your desk: going through your emails, checking your calendar; all the usual routine.
A couple of hours into your work, you have that sensation you’ve been feeling the last few weeks. You’ve gotten pretty good at ignoring it lately, but you occasionally happen a glance just to humor yourself. When you turn to look towards the shadow – expecting to see nothing as usual – you gasp. 
A burly man stands outside your office window, inches away from the glass. His face is partially obscured by his aviators and baseball cap. Though you can’t see his eyes, you know his gaze is directed at you. You stare back at him, a look of confusion crossing your face. He curls one corner of his lip up before walking away – out of your line of sight.
Swiveling your chair to face your coworker, you ask her if she saw that man outside the window. She doesn’t know what you’re referring to, being too wrapped up in her work to notice anything else. Despite her lack of confirmation, you know you’re not going crazy; there was most definitely a man out there watching you. An uneasy feeling washes over you. Maybe those pestering thoughts aren’t so unfounded, you worry.
Throughout the rest of your day, you continue looking towards the windows – expecting him to show up again. He doesn’t return that day. However, the following morning, you see him again – standing outside your office wearing his hat and sunglasses like last time. Once he catches your eye, he smirks, before turning to walk away. This routine continues through the rest of your work week, making you more anxious as each day passes.
Come Saturday, you desperately need to go shopping – having stress-eaten all of your snacks throughout the week. Your anxiety not only affected your appetite, but also your sleep. Over the last couple of days, you’ve come home from work to find your front door unlocked – it apparently having slipped your tired brain in the morning. You double-check that you’ve locked the door before going shopping.
At the farmer’s market, you happily chat with the vendors – feeling much less perturbed than you have all week. That is, until something – or rather, someone – catches your eye across the way. It’s that man again. He’s here, at the farmer’s market, watching you.
Your voice catches mid-sentence as your breath is stolen from you. You stand stock-still, unable to remove your wide eyes from him. The vendor notices your change in demeanor and waves a hand in front of your face, trying to regain your attention. The distraction pulls your gaze from the man in order to pay for your produce. When you look back across the way, he’s gone – leaving no trace that he was ever there to begin with.
But you know better – know your eyes weren’t deceiving you. That was the same man that’s been at your office all week. The same man that’s been watching you all week. And now, he’s seemingly followed you here.
Panic starts to rise as you walk to your car, contemplating just cutting your shopping trip short and going home. But you can’t do that; you need to buy groceries and this is the only day you can do so. You decide to continue with your normal shopping routine and just be quick about it – no dawdling.
You play your music at a low volume as you drive to your next destination. Doing a speed-run through the supermarket, you practically rip the items off of the shelves in your haste. Every now and then, you peek around the corners of the aisles – expecting to see him standing at the end. You never do, and that makes you release a sharp exhale each time your fears are rejected.
Your drive to your third shopping location is less tense, humming slightly to your playlist. At the store, you still chance a look down the aisles just in case, but you never find him waiting there. Unfortunately, you also don’t find any of your normal goodies – the madeleines, sorbet, and pretzels all gone. 
You wander the aisles for what feels like hours, hoping to find the items stocked elsewhere. Upon realizing they are indeed sold out, you become crestfallen. It’s already too late into the day to hit up another store and your frozen goods are likely starting to defrost in your car. Thus, you decide to find some replacement snacks to tide you over until next week – just until you can return and hopefully repurchase your normal treats.
The drive home is worry-free as you sing loudly to your music. You continue humming the tune as you collect your groceries from your car, making your way to the front door. When you go to open it, you find it’s already unlocked. Strange. You swear you locked up this morning. 
You step through the threshold, closing the door behind you. As you walk towards your kitchen, you smell something in the air – almost an earthy-toothpaste kind of scent. Strange. The smell differs greatly from the normal lavender air freshener you use. Perhaps, not only did you leave the door unlocked, but maybe you also left a window open and the scent is wafting in that way.
You unload your groceries, putting everything on their appropriate shelves and cabinets. When you open the freezer to dispense your frozen goods, you halt your movements. Sitting on the shelf is a pint of your favorite strawberry sorbet. Strange. You swear you finished off the carton last night. Regardless, you celebrate the revelation – knowing what you’re going to snack on tonight. You finish putting away the groceries before going to spend the rest of your day reading.
Later that night when you’re getting ready for dessert, you reach into the freezer for the sorbet. As you grab it, you notice the weight of it – seemingly a full pint rather than an almost finished one. You look the container over, seeing for the first time a small note taped to it. You definitely didn’t leave that there; you’d have no reason to leave yourself notes on a pint of sorbet. You read the few words of the unfamiliar, looped handwriting: “I hope you taste just as sweet”.
You gasp, dropping the carton onto the counter. It all makes sense now: the unlocked door, the lingering scent, the note on the carton – someone's been in your home, and you have a sneaking suspicion you know who the intruder is.
You grab your phone, frantically dialing the police and explaining the situation. You stay on the line as they send a couple of officers to your home. They search every inch of the house, finding no signs of forced entry and no other evidence someone has been there. With nothing else to offer you, they suggest investing in new locks before leaving you to stew in your anxiety. You sleep uneasily that night.
The next morning, you’re hesitant to leave your house – not yet having told your friends about your discovery last night. However, you figure telling them in-person over brunch is as good an opportunity as ever. Reluctantly, you make your way out the door – triple-checking that you’ve locked it. You drive to the restaurant with your music playing low, frequently checking your rearview mirror.
Upon greeting your friends, they can immediately tell something is off with you – your usual cheery demeanor completely absent. Attempting to keep your composure so as not to work yourself up more, you carefully explain everything that’s led up to today. Remarkably, you don’t break down in tears as you detail your experiences from the past week.
However, your friends fly off the handle at your confession – concern flooding their every feature. Layla offers to help you book an appointment with a home security company – her boyfriend having previously worked there. Katherine advises you on ways to get your stalker off of your trail: changing up your routine, taking complex routes to your destinations, and always staying vigilant. You thank them for their help and take their words to heart.
Brunch passes in uncomfortable silence – at least, from your end. Your friends try to pick up your mood – try dragging you out of your swirling thoughts – but to no avail. You pick at your food, your appetite not having fully returned since last night. Most of the conversation goes in one ear and out the other, your attention too focused on the bodies passing by the restaurant’s windows. As you take your leave after the meal, your friends each give you a firm hug – telling you to call them if you need anything or if anything else happens.
You decide to forego stopping by the bookstore, just wanting to quickly return home. You take different streets back, heeding Katherine’s advice. The drive is silent as you focus your attention on the road – your eyes frequently flicking to your rearview mirrors. You didn’t see him at the restaurant and you don’t notice any cars obviously following you, but that doesn’t dissipate your fears.
The drive takes longer than usual, but, eventually, you arrive back home. Your hand shakes as you reach for the door, hoping – praying – it’s just as you left it. The door is locked as you try the handle. You let out a sharp breath, relief flooding your veins.
You check through your house anyway, finding nothing out of the ordinary in any of the rooms. You sigh in contentment, reassured that no one else has been here. Walking towards the back of the house, you notice a smell get stronger and stronger as you approach your bedroom. The scent is familiar – calling back memories from yesterday – and your fear renews tenfold.
You push on the door, letting it smack against the wall as it swings open. In the center of your bed lies a small, white box. You walk towards it, feeling your heart beating frantically. On the box rests a note – the same looped script from yesterday defiling the otherwise pristine paper. “I can’t wait to have a taste,” the writing reads.
Lifting the lid, you peer into the box’s contents. A package of your favorite madeleines – the ones that were sold out the other day – await you. Tears spring to your eyes as you dash out of the house, once again phoning the police.
The following week passes by in a frenzy. After the police could again find nothing of value – apart from the two notes now in your possession – you take Layla up on her offer, scheduling a new security system to be installed as soon as possible.
It takes a few days for the workman to show up. In the days that pass, you're greeted with another treat-filled box each night you return home from work – the attached notes bearing more and more cryptic and chilling sentiments.
Once the high-tech system is installed, you're given the walk-through on how to operate it. It's a bit complex – all the buttons, codes, and alarms differing greatly from your former lock-and-key mechanism – but it'll give you some peace of mind. It takes some getting used to over the first couple of days, but it starts becoming second nature to remember to set the alarm. The notes stop appearing after the system is installed.
All the while, you follow Katherine's advice to a T. You change up your routine. With some coaxing, your boss agrees to change your hours – having you in the office much more frequently. You stop going on morning runs, choosing instead to work out in the confines of your house. When you do find time to go shopping, you try new stores. The aisles are unfamiliar and the items aren't as delicious as what you're used to, but you'll settle for just about anything at this point.
You start taking long, complex routes anytime you drive somewhere: work, the store, home. A couple of times, you find yourself driving your old routes – absentmindedly listening to your playlist; you chastise yourself on those occasions, having to double around and take twice as long to reach your destination. To make it easier on yourself, you start opting to drive in complete silence – focusing all of your attention on your surroundings.
You try abiding to Katherine's final piece of advice most strictly: staying vigilant. You haven't seen him since that day at the farmer's market, but you still have that gut feeling that he isn't far away – that he'll catch you if you slip up.
You check through your house every time you come home, making sure no more "gifts" have been delivered in your absence. You watch your rearview mirrors almost as much as you watch the road, making sure your car isn't being tailed. Every thorough search and paranoid glance always comes up empty, but you can’t stop yourself from doing them.
It gets a bit tedious at times – going to such extreme lengths over this whole matter. But it's better than having to constantly look over your shoulder, you remind yourself. Though, that's exactly what you're doing. Only, you don't realize it.
The past week has been killer on you. With your new work hours, you’ve been at the office non-stop – sacrificing many hours of sleep. The sleep-deprivation coupled with your ever-present anxiety have taken a toll on you – your body exhausted and brain fried.
On several occasions, you’ve caught yourself slipping back into your old routines: driving the direct rather than extended route to work, forgetting to set the alarm until hours after you’ve already been home, visiting your old stores rather than new ones. You’ve been trying to keep a watchful eye out for yourself, but it’s getting more and more difficult to keep your eyes open at all as the days drag along.
Thus, when you get home tonight, all you want to do is slump into bed and sleep the night away. You unlock your front door – immediately kicking off your shoes and throwing your purse on the entryway table. You kick the door closed before slinking away to your bedroom – barely being able to ready yourself for bed. Once you lie down, sleep promptly overtakes you.
You rest deeply for a few minutes, finally finding some peace. That is, until a sudden noise snaps you awake: the sound of the front door clicking shut. Your eyes fly open, sleep now the farthest thing from your mind. Shit! Someone’s here. Someone’s in your home. 
Upon instinct, you know exactly who it is. It’s that man. The man who’s been following you for weeks. The man who’s been terrorizing you for weeks. The man who’s been haunting your dreams for weeks.
You reach over to your nightstand, searching for your phone. It’s not there. You failed to take it out of your purse when you got home. Just like you failed to set the house alarm when you got home. Just like you failed to see the black sedan following you home.
With no other choice, your best option is to hide and hope he goes away – hope he doesn’t find you. You carefully step out of bed – the floorboard making an unholy creak as you gingerly place your foot down. He’ll definitely have heard that, and he’ll be on you any second. In your panic, you fly under the bed – deciding it’s the least obvious hiding spot.
Even in the darkened room, you can see your door swing open and his shoes approach the bed. Your heart beat is thunderous – pumping so much blood through your ears that it drowns out the noise of his footsteps. You put a hand over your mouth as tears begin to fall, trying to choke back the sounds of your whimpers. The tears spill over your cheeks as you watch him move carefully.
He walks to your closet, rifling through it before obviously coming up empty. Next, he moves to your bathroom – spending only a few moments before, again, coming up empty. He walks back towards the bedroom door before stopping at the foot of the bed, directly in front of you. You hold your breath, not willing to make a single sound. The room is still for a moment.
Then, with lightning speed, he crouches down – snatching you out from underneath the bed. His hand quickly replaces yours, covering your mouth and nose. He falls on top of you – his body weighing you down on the bed, trapping you beneath him. You try to scratch at him, but he easily captures your wrists – pinning them between your bodies.
He adjusts his hold on your face, maneuvering his hand to let you breathe through your nose. You intake a sharp breath – the scent of his cologne stings your nostrils, suffocating you. He leans forward to sniff along your neck – causing an icy chill to run up your spine.
He lifts himself slightly, allowing you to see his unobstructed face up close. His irises almost glow in the dim lighting – his eyes peering down at you, penetrating you. His tongue darts out to wet his lips before speaking.
“Just a taste,” he purrs against you, calling back to those notes he left you weeks ago. “That's all I want. Just a taste."
Though his words are innocent enough, the hungry glint in his eyes betrays him. That look tells you what he’s really thinking: he’s finally caught you and this is only the beginning.
A/N: Sorry if you wanted to see exactly what happens next, but I’ll just leave that up to your imaginations. Regardless, I’d love to know what you thought! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
Tags: @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @charmed-asylum​ @mcudarklibrary​ @delicioustar (strikethrough won’t let me tag)
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sualne · 1 year
blease tell me miss mini sorbet will be alright......................
she Will be, just one bad day and everything afterward is fine, she's very loved and everything dont worry efksfhfhf
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rookieinbflat · 5 years
Ethan x MC (Levin Stern)
WC: ~1700
Tags: @writerapprentice @vickypoochoices
Summary: you guys apparently love the domestic fluff so I’m going to be doing a little mini series about some Mini Ramseys
Levin can barely contain her excitement as she walks down the halls of Edenbrook, towards Ethan’s office. She’s basically running at this point, manoeuvring her way through the patients with a huge smile, the sort of smile that hurts your cheeks. Levin and Sienna had done the blood tests yesterday and the results just came back in. Curling her fingers into a loose fist, she raps her knuckles on the door to his office gently. He calls out for her to enter and when she opens the door, he looks up at her over the lenses of his glasses, he looks so hot in his glasses, she thinks to herself silently, though she’s said it to him out loud numerous times.
He smiles softly, her beauty never failing to impress him, “To what do I owe the pleasure?” She smirks at him, walking over to his desk and preaching herself by his left side, the skirt she’s wearing rides up over her legs and Ethan has to remind himself that they’re in the workplace. Ethan’s desk is littered with papers and medical journals, he’s writing his new book and the research seems almost endless, if only he could pull out of the contract with the publisher.
“I have some test results I wanted you to look over, the patient has been complaining of lower back pain, abdominal cramps and occasional nausea,” Levin hands him the stack of papers, printed in black and white.
Ethan looks over the blood tests, “Hm, I can't see anything wrong,” he murmurs, “except for here, c’mon Rookie, these are hCG positive,” he shakes his head, surprised she missed such obvious results, his eyes scan up to the corner of the page and looks at the patient name and age.
Stern, L E 17/09/1992
Levin braces herself as he puts the pieces together, his brows furrow and then he shoots out of his chair, gathering her in his arms and spinning the young doctor around his office. Levin squeals loud enough for the entire hospital to hear, but she doesn’t care, she’s excited and full of love. Ethan places her back down on the floor and holds her by the hips, “We’re gonna have a baby?” He asks with a twinkle in his blue eyes, the last time she saw this exact look was their wedding day.
“Actually, Dr Ramsey, I think you missed something in these results,” she smirks and picks up the results from the large oak desk, showing him the paper and pointing out numbers from the blood tests.
A small whisper escapes from his lips, “Twins?” Ethan is shellshocked, a baby was one thing but twins, my god, they were going to need to move, not to mention the cost of baby supplies and getting them on a waiting list for a good daycare, had Levin been taking prenatal supplements? She’s going to need a new car with a higher safety rating and cut back on the caffeine.
Levin looked up at him in awe, her gorgeous husband had been in this hospital since he was twenty-six and had rarely let his guard down, until now. Levin reaches up and places her soft hands on his cheeks, gently caressing them with her thumbs, “Babe, we're gonna get through this,” she reassures him with kind eyes, her voice is calm and soothing and Ethan feels like they’re the only two people in the universe, “together,” he lets out a breath he didn't realise he was holding and leans down to kiss her softly, his stubble tickling her lips.
He sighs, “We're going to have a family,” he says the words like he almost doesn’t believe them, “how far along?” He queries, his gorgeous wife looking up at him with chocolate brown eyes.
“About three months, we’ll need to ultrasound to confirm twins, but they run in my family so I’ve got a pretty good idea,” she chuckles and he throws the paper over his shoulder and all but drags her to obstetrics, plants her in a chair and boots up the ultrasound machine.
The gel he spreads across her torso is cold and she shivers, but when two little blobs start to show up on the ultrasound screen, she’s struggling to hold back tears. The increased hormones haven’t really helped the fact that Levin cries at just about anything, from a cute dog on the sidewalk, to mildly sad stories she sees on the internet. These babies were going to change their life, Levin has wanted this since the day they started going steady, after growing up in a big family, she’d always dreamed of starting her own and now here they were - at the beginning of that journey.
Ethan reaches over to take her hand in his and he squeezes it hard like she’s the only thing keeping holding him to Earth, “Ours.”
The months that follow are a blur and Ethan has launched into full doctor mode - it's endearingly annoying. Levin sighs and rolls out of bed, it's a little past five am and even though she has a day off today, she can't bring herself to sleep in. She sits on the edge of the bed and stretches out of arms and shoulders before standing up to look in the mirror on the vanity. She’s showing now, her belly is round and stretch marks are littered across her hips, she’s had to buy maternity bras which probably run the same price as their utility bill. Levin runs her hands across the skin there, picturing the two little babies growing inside of her. Pregnancy has been both a miracle and a really weird experience. No one prepared her for the feeling of having twins do somersaults in her body, kicking and moving all the time.
Seven months down, two to go.
Levin used to cry a lot - sad movies, cute dogs, adoption videos, you name it and she’s probably cried over it, but since the ultrasound, she hasn’t cried once. Ethan jokes that the pregnancy hormones were better than any anti-anxieties he could prescribe. Ethan has cut back on work, he only goes in five days a week now, he leaves early in the morning and is always home by seven, usually six. They spend their weekends in the park or wandering around the city, looking at boutique baby stores and figuring out what they want their future life as a family to look like. He comes home with sorbet a lot, draws her baths and massages the tension out of her shoulder. They day he tells Naveen the news is the best day of his life, Naveen looks between the two of them with stars in his eyes, his dream of seeing his mentee living his life to the fullest more rewarding that any case he’s ever solved.
Levin attempts to pull her robe around her and walks out to the kitchen where Ethan is preparing breakfast. He does this every morning, no matter what time he has to be at the hospital and he's back every night for dinner. Levin thinks he's more nervous about the pregnancy than her, he spends all his spare time reading parenting books, medical journals on parenting, talking to obstetricians at the top of their field, childhood behavioural analysts. She knows that he's worried about being a good dad, but Levin has no doubts at all. She wouldn’t have gotten this far if she wasn’t completely and utterly sure of the fact that he was going to be the best dad for their children. Levin smiles and turns down the radio slightly, its Mozart and just a little bit loud for five am. She walks over to where he’s cooking eggs on the stovetop and wraps her arms around him, despite the obvious protrusion coming off of her torso.
“Morning,” she sighs lazily and he turns the heat off on the eggs so he can turn around to face her, kissing her softly.
“Morning Rookie, sleep alright?” Ethan brushes stray hairs out of her face and watches her with blue eyes that make her weak at the knees, “sorry if I woke you,”
“No, my body clock is still running on early morning wake-ups,” She shuffles him out of the way and places two eggs on her plate, along with a side of veggies and baked tofu. Ethan hands her a capful of the three different prenatal vitamins he's got her on and she washes them down with some water, “Thanks for making breakfast,” his smile could light up the city, she’s sure of it.
They sit down at the table and Ethan is flicking through his emails when something catches his eye, “Lev,” he lifts his chin, asking her to join him on the other side of the table, “the realtor just sent me this,” he turns the iPad so she can see and her eyes light up.
She gasps softly, “Oh my god, Ethan, it's beautiful,” she tells him, her smile is stretched bright across her face. They’ve been looking for houses since they found out she was pregnant but they’ve struggled to find the perfect place. Everything was too small, or too big, too far out of town or not enough space. Great real estate in Boston was not an easy thing to come by, and when it did come around it often didn't stay on the market for long.
Ethan feels anxiety bubble in his gut - it's getting closer and closer to go time. They were talking about baby names, nursery colours, preschools to send them to. He’s wracked with nerves but then he glances at Levin from the corner of his eye and he sees that smile that gives him a reason. If angels exist, she’s got to be one of them, Ethan is sure of it.
He wraps an arm around her and uses his other hand to navigate the webpage, “They have a viewing on Saturday,” he points out the dates and times, “I’m supposed to be at work but I’m sure I can swing an hour or so off to go with you,” he's smiling now too.
“If you can't make it I’m sure Sienna would come with me, it's not a huge problem,” before she can argue anymore he cuts her off with a kiss, his eyes soft.
“I’ll be there.” He says it with no room for protest so she relents, leans in slowly and tells him she loves him.
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pobopolybius · 5 years
I miss La Squadra so much, like.
They were FAR from being major characters but they were all so incredibly fleshed out, especially in the anime!! Their extra scenes built their characters up so much more, gave them nice little quirks and character development, and just made them so interesting! Melone and Ghiaccio always being next to each other, Prosciutto’s inability to put things down normally and tossing them across the room, Formaggio’s and Illuso’s mini rivalry, Risotto’s trust on ghiaccio, Pesci not being able to drink coffee, how they all grieved Sorbet and Gelato for two years, all that stuff.
La Squadra is.. so good I love those funky bitches so much 🥺🥺🥺
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stampwithtami · 6 months
VIDEO: Must Have Retiring Projects
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CELEBRATING OUR MUST-HAVE RETIRING PRODUCTS On this Stampin' Scoop Video, we embarked on a heartfelt journey, bidding adieu to some of our most cherished products from the 2023-24 Stampin' Up Annual Catalog and the 2024 January-April Mini Catalog. It was an event filled with laughter, creativity, and a trip down memory lane as we count down our Must-Have Retiring Products. A Mega Share Episode:The video is a mega share episode, where we showcase over 50 incredible projects. Each project highlighted the versatility, beauty, and unique creativity that Stampin' Up! products bring to the table.  Learn & Create:For those who missed a project or would like to revisit some of the projects we shared, we've got you covered! Below, you'll find photos of the projects shared on the video, along with links to tutorials and videos. These resources are your gateway to replicating the stunning projects we showcased, allowing you to add your personal touch to each creation. Exclusive Insights & Important Updates:Beyond the fun and creativity, the livestream served as an essential platform for sharing crucial updates with our community. We discussed early sell-outs and price increases, highlighting the importance of grabbing your favorites before they're gone. Additionally, we shared important dates to mark on your calendars, ensuring you're up-to-date with the latest from Stampin' Up! PRICE INCREASES COMING - Consumables: Card Stock in both 8-1/2” x 11” and 12” x 12”, Memento Ink Black, Ink Refills, Stampin’ Blends Markers, Envelopes: White, Vanilla and Clear, Mini Glue Dots - Tools: Purple Shammy, Paper Snips, Bone Folders, Take Your Pick Tool, Stampin’ Cut & Emboss Machine & Cutting Plates IMPORTANT DATES - Catalog is available now to demonstrators  - April 2: Demonstrators can now pre-order from the catalog - April 2: Customers will be able to choose pre-order products in a demo kit (as well as retiring products) - April 6: Sale begins on select items (if they are still available) - April 30: Last day to purchase any remaining Last Chance products - May 1: New 2024-25 Catalog available to customers in the online store Our our video is a celebration of creativity, community, and the art of saying goodbye to beloved products. We laugh, we share, and we create memories that will inspire us as we move forward. As we make room for new products and colors, let's not forget the incredible journey these retiring items have taken us on. Keep crafting, keep creating, and most importantly, keep sharing your love for Stampin' Up! with us. Thank you for joining us on this unforgettable adventure.  Tami   SCOOP VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tX-2-wte7M DOWNLOAD LAST CHANCE LISTS ANNUAL CATALOG LIST PDF ANNUAL CATALOG LIST EXCEL FORMAT MINI CATALOG LIST PDF MINI CATALOG LIST EXCEL FORMAT LEARN MORE ABOUT RETIRING IN COLORS Join Linda and I in this must-watch video below. We will unveil crucial details about the Stampin’ Up 2022-2024 In Color Collection’s retirement. Say goodbye to the vibrant and beloved colors: Sweet Sorbet, Parakeet Party, Tahitian Tide, Starry Sky, and Orchid Oasis. It’s your last chance to complete your collection! Orchid Oasis Parakeet Party Starry Sky Sweet Sorbet Tahitian Tide 🎨 What You’ll Learn: - Overview of Retiring Colors: Dive deep into each retiring color—Sweet Sorbet, Parakeet Party, Tahitian Tide, Starry Sky, and Orchid Oasis. Discover what makes each one unique and how you can use them in your projects. - Inspiration: We’ll be sharing inspiration and over 30 different ideas.  - Stocking Up: Essential tips on how to stock up on ink pads, refills, paper, and more before they sell out. Learn why it’s crucial to act fast. VIDEO GIVEAWAY & HOW TO ENTER Enter to win the On the Ocean Stamps and Die Bundle Giveaway. No purchase necessary. To enter subscribe to my Youtube Channel and leave a comment on the Stampin' Scoop Show Episode 170 video. See all of my active giveaways and Winner List and Entry form for all recent contests on my Winners Page. PURCHASE THESE PRODUCTS Get 'em before they are gone. JOIN MY VIP MEMBERS CLUB & FREE GIFT Join my online VIP Member’s Club and collect your wish list in smaller increments while getting perks from the club. Free catalogs, stamps, exclusive online classes and more.  TAMI'S VIP MEMBERS CLUB WHAT IS THE STAMPIN' SCOOP SHOW? The Stampin' Scoop Show is a captivating and interactive livestream program hosted by Stampin' Up! Demonstrators Tami White and Linda Cullen. This live video broadcast invites viewers to become an integral part of the show, fostering a dynamic and engaging experience. Each episode is a delightful blend of the latest news, updates on upcoming and current Stampin' Up! products, and an array of inspiring projects that showcase the versatility and creativity of Stampin' Up! materials. The hosts, Tami White and Linda Cullen, infuse the show with their infectious enthusiasm, creating an atmosphere of fun and laughter. Viewers not only gain valuable insights into the world of stamping and crafting but also become part of a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for creativity. One of the highlights of every episode is the exciting giveaway, adding an element of anticipation for the audience. Whether you're a seasoned crafter or a novice looking for inspiration, the Stampin' Scoop Show provides a delightful mix of information, entertainment, and the chance to win fabulous prizes. Join in for an entertaining blend of creativity, camaraderie, and the latest Stampin' Up! updates—all in a live, interactive format that makes crafting a shared and enjoyable experience. FOLLOW TAMI ON YOUTUBE SEE PAST EPISODES PHOTOS OF THE CARDS WE SHARED ⬇ PAPER FLORIST DIES CLICK FOR VIDEO CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CHRISTMAS PINECONES DIES CLICK FOR FUN FOLD PHOTO CARD TUTORIAL CRACKER & TREAT BOX DIES CLICK FOR BOX TUTORIAL CLICK SNOWMAN FOR TUTORIAL ZOO CREW SUITE CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CLICK FOR JOY FOLD TUTORIAL CLICK FOR DOUBLE POINT TUTORIAL ENJOY THE RHYTHM STAMP SET CLICK FOR THEATER CARD TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TRIPLE TIME TUTORIAL CLICK FOR ACCORDION FOLD TUTORIAL CLICK FOR EASTER BUNNY TWISTED EASEL CARD WAVES OF INSPIRATION STAMP SET AND WAVES DIES CLICK FOR VIDEO TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CLICK FOR VIDEO TUTORIAL CLICK FOR SIDE STEP TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TUTORIAL ON THE OCEAN STAMP SET & DIES CLICK FOR ACCORDION TUTORIAL CLICK FOR POP & TWIST TUTORIAL CLICK FOR POP & TWIST TUTORIAL CLICK FOR THEATER CARD TUTORIAL STARGAZING SUITE CLICK FOR VIDEO TUTORIAL CLICK FOR VIDEO TUTORIAL CLICK FOR DOUBLE POINT TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TRIPLE TIER TUTORIAL EVERYDAY THANKS & APPLE HARVEST STAMP SETS CLICK FOR VIDEO TUTORIAL CLICK FOR VIDEO TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CLICK FOR VIDEO SWEET CITRUS BUNDLE CLICK FOR POP OUT SWING TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TUTORIAL HEY LADYBUG STAMP SET & LADYBUG BUNDLE CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CLICK FOR TUTORIAL CLICK FOR VIDEO SWAP CARDS Read the full article
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