#misty: [fuming] right back at you
warningsine · 1 year
The YJ girlies when their huntress gets doomed in a deadly game they invented:
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The YJ girlies had it been Melissa or Gen pulling the Queen of Hearts instead:
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The YJ girlies two minutes later after their huntress gets doomed:
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jyoongim · 3 months
This isn't exactly a request but a thought that had been so heavy on my brain. Hellborn royalty reader x Alastor who's stronger than he is. I just can't stop thinking about it. Maybe even Goetia reader whew they are stronger and protect him from something and I just go FERAL at the thought.
Some background context:
The Ars Goetia are a royal dynasty of noble hellborn demons who serve as prophets, messengers, and observers of the mortal plane for the King of Hell. They are responsible for maintaining stability within the seven rings. They are highly knowledgeable in the heavens, society, and prophecies of all domains.
The hotel was a wreck.
The Angels had made it their personal mission to eliminate those who resided in the hotel.
The Princess of Hell had acquired your assistance if things got shaky for them.
And OH things were shaking.
Alastor had took it upon himself to fight Adam, when you suggested you could of great help he turned you down. Stating that he would be able to handle the Angel himself.
But things were not looking good for the Radio Demon.
You admired the confidence he had, but the demon was in a sticky situation and you would be damned if anyone hurt YOUR demon.
You were fuming and it was showing.
You calmly walked through the fighting, every attack thrown your way didn’t even touch you as you quickly dispatched your attackers. 
You appeared in front of the injured deer in a cloud of smoke. 
“Hehe who the fuck are you?” Adam asked, but you ignored him as you checked on Alastor.
He was bleeding and weak, you placed your hands on his face, scowling softly “Oh Alastor my sweet. You did good my love but Ill take over from here” he tried to object, but with a wave of your hand, you dissolved him in mist to keep him safe.
You turned to Adam, who was smirking “Tch! You think you can take me? Ha! If your best couldn’t scratch me what thinks you can?”
You smiled, your body morphed into mist “who said he was our best?”
He attacked, swinging his axe and trying to bring it down on you. Your eyes glowed white and with a flick of the wrist he was frozen to the spot. You curled your fingers and watched as the Angel contorted in pain. You hissed “I am the judge and executioner and you, you arrogant pig have no authority here. Divine violence is my right for power belongs to those who take it.” At your words, the sky formed dark clouds and the realm shook.
Adam let out a scream as your magic crackled along his skin, searing pain riddling his body as you burned his wings and corrupted his every soul.
“YOU CANT DO THIS! I AM ADAM! THE FIRST MAN! YOU BITCH! NO NO NO NO!” Your mist enveloped his body and he slowly morphed to black as you took his life. You watched as his soul screeched and struggle. 
You pulled him towards him and smirked, sneering at him with sharp teeth
“Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord” 
And with a soft blow from your lips, he dispersed. His soul crying as you sent him to Limbo.
Hell shook as your magic rocked the cosmos.
The remaining Angels let out a cry as they were struck with pain, felt in their soul.
You were sucking their power and in an attempt to save themselves they retreated back to Heaven.
You morphed back to normal and your misty shadows revealed Alastor to you.
You picked up the red demon and nudged him with your nose, he grumbled ”Y-You didn’t have to intervene. I had it under control”
You hummed, a soft smile on your face a his stubbornness “completely but I wasn’t going to stand around when you clearly needed my help.”
Your face dropped to a pout “don’t tell me that me being stronger hurts your pride? You should be honored. A woman willing to protect her love is a powerful thing to behold”
Alastor sighed, relaxing against you, feeling the exhaustion of the battle overtake him.
You cooed at him, pressing a kiss to his forehead, “Don’t worry I don’t think anything less of you. I think you’re the strongest man I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting”
The Radio Demon might have been a prideful soul, but it was you who was the strongest.
And really…he was ok with that fact.
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shaunamilfman · 7 months
Everything Has Changed
Summary: "You’ve never really been close to Nat, but the two of you strike up a surprising friendship after sitting next to each other on the game bus one day. The more you hang out the more you realize that you want more from her, but does she want the same?"
You're practically wheezing by the time you reach the bus. You don’t know why Jackie insists on the team leaving five minutes after the last bell, but in the back of your mind you wish she stubs her toe for it. Fucking calculus always had to be clear on the other side of campus, and 3 flights of stairs away. You think Jackie should count herself lucky you decided to walk all the way over in the first place.
You slow down to a stop next to Lottie, breathing heavily. She turns her head to look at you, a pleased expression on her face. “We can’t lose now! Y/N’s brought their best Michael Myers impression!” Van jokes, shooting you a quick grin. You go still and hold your hand up as if you were holding a particularly large knife. Van laughs so hard that you almost miss it. You can faintly hear muffled laughter and you glance around to find it. You’re strangely pleased when you realize it was Natalie. You grin at her but she quickly hides her own beneath her patented cool girl look. 
Your jaws clenched tight when Jackie shows up five minutes late to her own bus schedule with Shauna in tow. Deep breaths. You remind yourself. “You’re late, Jackie.” Natalie says wryly. “Did someone forget to tell you what time we’re leaving?” You decide to skip the inevitable confrontation and quickly step on the bus after Lottie, intending on taking your usual seat next to her
You can faintly hear Jackie scoff and make, what you assume to be, a disparaging comment towards Natalie. You aren’t particularly concerned about it. You’ve had a long day and you can’t wait to sit do-. Your eyes narrow when you realize that Laura Lee is sitting in your seat. You speed up intending to take your seat back when Lottie shoots you a pleading glance, eyes moving between the two of you. You give your best friend a hard look but she pouts up at you from her seat. You sigh and turn around to look for another seat.
Of course, the only seat left is next to a fuming Natalie. Even Misty had snagged a seat next to Coach Ben at the front. You slip into the seat next to her and she looks over you and gives you an assessing look before deciding not to bother with you. She stares out the window with her jaw clenched hard. 
You zone out for a while as the bus pulls out of the parking lot thinking about your upcoming game. After a while you notice that the sun keeps reflecting off your watch to the other side of the bus. You watch the beam for a second and start to smirk as you come to an important realization. 
You slump down a little further in your seat, trying to get the angle just right. Shift a little left, a little more… There! You Think. You nudge Natalie in the side gently and she turns her head to look at you, her expression stiff. You make quick eye contact with her and glance down at your watch. She follows and looks at you a little confused. 
You nudge your head over towards Jackie. She looks over just as Jackie groans in annoyance, holding her hand over her eye. It seems that someone was reflecting sunlight in her eyes. She shifts positions thinking it’s from the window, but you just change the angle of your watch. Natalie shakes with silent laughter next to you and turns her face towards the window to stifle her cheeky grin.
You don’t speak for the rest of the drive, but when you catch her eye later she nods at you in greeting. You’re pretty content with it, to be honest. It’s the most contact you think the two of you have ever shared. You put it out of your mind and don’t think about it for a long time. It didn’t seem all that important at the time.
“There’s no way,” You argue. 
“No! I’m telling you it’s true!” Lottie says excitedly. The two of you walk out of the building with your arms linked at the elbow. 
“Mari’s boyfriend seriously left her for her cousin?” You ask incredulously.
“No,” Lottie draws out dramatically. “He left her for his cousin!” You can’t even stifle your surprised gasp. 
“His own cousin?” You ask laughing hard against her shoulder. Lottie’s grin is so wide that it splits her face. She starts to reply when she looks around and stops curiously. 
“Why is Nat waiting for you by your car?” She asks. You lift your head and look confused.
“I mean surely she’s just waiting near my ca-” You start. Huh. You think. She’s leaning against your car, unmistakably waiting for you. “I don’t know. I should probably go find out though.” You say.
Lottie hums in agreement and gently runs her hand down your arm as she lets go of you. She pulls you into a tight hug for a long moment before letting go. “My parents are still out of town,” She says darkly. “Call me later?” You nod quickly and squeeze her hand before the two of you separate to your cars. Or, rather, she goes to her driver's car. Rich people.
“Hey,” Natalie says cautiously as you walk up to her. 
You flash her a quick smile. “Hey.”
The look on her face is unreadable as she carefully says, “Do you wanna like… Hang out, maybe?” The surprise must be clear on your face because she scoffs and immediately pushes away from your car as if it burnt her. “Whatev-” She starts.
“Sure.” You interrupt, unlocking the doors to your car. “I’d really like that, Natalie.” She reaches for the handle and plops down in the passenger seat next to you.
“It’s Nat. None of that Natalie bullshit,” Nat warns, waving her finger at you in a mocking threat. 
“Nat.” You repeat softly. Louder you say, “It suits you.” She looks at you unsurely before shrugging.
“If you say so,” She says, leaning back in her seat.
You start the car and gesture towards the glove compartment. “CD’s are in there if you want to pick one.” She looks you up and down and snickers, but opens the glove compartment anyways. She riffles through it for a bit, looking bored until she finds it.
Her eyes light up as she pulls it out to look at it. “You like Nirvana?” She asks, grinning at you. “I do too.” You can’t help but laugh at her.
“No,” You say, as if astonished. “Nat Scatorrcio, liking Nirvana? There’s just no way. I don’t believe it.” She scoffs and turns to look out the window, but you can see that she’s blushing a bit out of the corner of your eye. You grin at her and hold your hand out for the CD. 
“What if I don’t want to listen to it now?” She says as she moves the CD out of your reach. You shrug.
“Suppose we could talk about our feelings. Any special boys in your life, Nat?” You ask mockingly. She huffs a laugh as she hurries to put the CD in, effectively ending that particular line of questioning. You can’t hide the smug look of satisfaction on your face, but choose not to acknowledge it aloud. Judging by the way she crosses her arms moodily, you think she’s got the point anyways. 
“So…” You say as you unlock the door, “Was there anything in particular you wanted to do?” Nat walks in with the strap of her bag on one shoulder and looks around your house slowly. She steps towards the wall of family photos and seems to fixate on it for a while before she can tear her eyes away. 
She looks a little unsure, like she feels out of place. “Not really,” She admits dryly, “Didn’t really plan that far ahead.” You smile softly at her as you try to seem welcoming. She relaxes and seems to appreciate the gesture. 
“A movie then?” You ask. She grins mockingly at you. 
“How about,” She says slowly, like she’s deep in thought “We watch Halloween?” You scoff and push gently at her shoulder in reproach.
“Oh great,” You say, “She’s funny.” You start to reach for her arm to drag her off to the living room, but quickly stop the motion when you notice the wary way she watches your hand. “Hope you're committed to it, Nat. We’re definitely watching it now.” You say as you gesture towards the living room. She grins quickly as she smugly walks off.
You're laughing so hard it's turned into wheezing as you desperately try to stay upright. Van, who's laughing just as hard, grabs onto your forearm to steady herself. Tai stands there grinning smugly, happy to have made the both of you lose it so completely. You're not sure that you could explain the joke if prompted, but you swear it's one of the best you've ever heard. Van clearly agrees, but she thinks all of Tai's jokes are funny. 
You're trying to catch your breath when you get the sudden feeling someone's looking at you. You glance curiously at Nat as you catch her watching you out of the corner of your eye. She's watching you with an unreadable expression and turns away the second you look back at her. You've noticed her looking at you like that the last few weeks since you've become friends. You're not sure what her deal is, but you figure she'll bring it up when she's ready. 
You and Lottie are arguing in low tones by your car as Nat walks over. You snap out of the argument immediately when you see her. "Hey," You say. 
"Hey," She returns. Lottie gives you a significant look as she glances towards Nat. You shake your head quickly and pull her into a quick hug before walking off with Nat. 
You drive mostly in silence as Nat is clearly deep in thought. You're just about to turn off onto the side road when she turns to you and asks, "Do you wanna come over?" You stiffen in shock, unable to hide your surprise. You nod slowly and keep driving. 
You've taken Nat home plenty of times since that bus ride, but she's never allowed you near her home. She always made you drop her off on the side road. You're interrupted from your musings as you pull into the grass near her trailer and turn the car off. 
You're undeniably curious but quietly follow behind Nat as she leads you inside. You fight hard to keep your eyes level even though you're burning with morbid curiosity. You knew her dad was shot right outside. Everyone did, even if no one was brave enough to mention it to her face. You got the strangest sense that she was testing you though, so no matter how curious you were you didn't let it show on your face. 
You couldn't help the way your lips quirked up as you surveyed the posters on her walls. It was so undeniably Nat. You flopped down on her bed dramatically, throwing your limbs out so she had nowhere to sit. She scoffed as she pushed your legs off the bed and nearly took you with them. 
"Were you raised in a barn?" She asks with a grin. You hold your hand over your heart as if shocked and make an offended gasp.
"I'm telling my mom you said that." You say. Her eyes widen. 
"Don't! Don't tell Mrs. L/N." She complains, looking a little panicked. You smile softly at her. She'd taken a real liking to your mom the few times she's met her, and your mom felt the same. 
"I won't." You promise. "It would be fine. She probably wouldn't believe me. I think she likes you more than me, anyways." Nat shakes her head but looks strangely pleased nonetheless.
You shift a little awkwardly on her bed, trying to get comfortable with only half your body on it. She watches you quietly with that same strange look as earlier. "What is it?" You ask. 
"Why don't you touch me?" She asks quickly, like she had to spit it out. You sit up and cross your legs so you can see her better. You tilt your head to the side in an expression of confusion. She shifts uncomfortably as your continued silence makes her anxious. 
"You don't touch me, ever. You touch Van, you touch Lottie, but you don't touch me. You went full contortionist rather than put your legs in my lap just then, which I've seen you do with Lottie." She says, seemingly gathering steam the longer she talks uninterrupted. 
"Am I not good enough for you to touch or something? Too afraid to get your hands dirty?" She accuses. You stare at her in utter shock. 
"What," You say slowly. "Are you even talking about?" She seems to deflate right before your eyes as her righteous anger leaving her in the face of your disbelief.
"You don't touch me, ever. But you touch them." She says softly, right on the verge of a whisper. 
"I didn't think you liked to be touched. So I didn't." You say simply. 
"I don't." She says frustratedly. You give her an exasperated look. She sighs loudly and says slowly, "I want you to touch me. Just you. Okay?" 
You lean forward and place a calming hand on her forearm. She inhales sharply at the contact, watching your hand closely. She nods, slow and unsure, seemingly surprised by her own reaction. You laugh quietly at her and she looks up quickly. "Were you going to tell me you were upset? Or was I just expected to know that, Nat?" You question. 
She hums in acknowledgement. "Maybe I could work on… communicating better." She admits as if it pains her. You pat her arm gently in reward and flop back against her bed. You exaggeratedly throw your legs in her lap this time and she rolls her eyes. She tentatively sets a hand down on your lower leg and gently strokes her thumb back and forth. You close your eyes and listen peacefully as Nat starts talking. 
You storm down to the living room, undeniably pissed. When you got your hands on whatever fucking loser has called your house three times in a row at 2 AM you were going to kill someone. "Y/N?" Nat asks as you pick up the phone. 
You instantly let go of your anger at the sound of the obvious fear in her voice. "Hey, Nat." You say cautiously. 
"Are you busy?" She asks unsurely. You laugh softly as you answer. 
"I can 100% promise I don't have any plans." You answer, leaning against the wall as you twirl the phone cord between your fingers. 
"I'm on a payphone. At a gas station." She says slowly. Your eyes widen as your body tenses. What the fuck is she doing at a gas station alone this late? 
"Which gas station?" You ask. "I'll come get you." She sighs loudly, relief obvious. 
"I was hoping you would." She admits. "It's why I called you." She gives you the address and you rush out to get her, still in your pajamas. 
You unlock the front door and Nat walks in quietly behind you. You watch her closely, the concern evident on your face. You knew she wouldn't call you like this if it wasn't an emergency. She's been so despondent though that you haven't bothered to ask her. By the time you got there she was soaked from the rain and shaking from the cold. 
She stands in the middle of the living room looking uncharacteristically like a lost child. You reach for her hand and gently tug her up the stairs behind you. She lets you pull her without a fight up into your bathroom. 
You push her gently back and she takes the hint and lifts herself up to sit on the bathroom counter. You step back to look through the cabinet and hand Nat a makeup wipe. She grasps it as you set it in her hand but makes no move to use it. 
You watch her for a moment, considering. You take it back and start to gently remove her ruined mascara yourself. She doesn't react to it one way or the other as she stays deep in thought. 
You're in the process of blow drying her hair when she seems to be more responsive. She watches you with an unreadable expression as you turn the hair dryer off and start running a brush through her hair to straighten it out. "See?" You say comfortingly. "All better."
You step out of the bathroom to go get her something to change into. She really does need to get out of those wet clothes. She's watching you with an almost desperate expression when you walk back in, as if she's surprised you came back. 
You step up to her and pull her into a tight hug. You trace your fingers gently over a faint bruise that's slowly appearing on her face. "Does it still hurt?" You ask softly as you look into her eyes. She's sitting unnaturally still as she watches you.
"No." She says quietly. You think it must still hurt, but you allow her to have this lie. You nod slowly and set the clothes on the counter top. You gesture towards them and walk back to your room.
She steps into the room after you a few minutes later and you barely manage to stifle your gasp. Nat stands unsurely in the middle of the room in a big t-shirt and shorts of yours, her face lacking her usual makeup. 
This is a Nat you've never seen before. You think she looks so much smaller without her usual armor. You've always thought Nat was beautiful, but she looks almost ethereal right now. She starts to fidget anxiously when you snap yourself out of it and lift the corner of your blanket invitingly. 
She slides in and lays on her back shifting uncomfortably. "I don't know how to do this." She confesses shyly. You laugh. 
"Not the sleepover type?" You ask. 
She scoffs. "You could say that." You scoot closer towards her and push gently against her arm. 
"You've got to face the other way if you want to cuddle, Nat." You say. She hesitates before slowly moving to lay on her side. 
"Who said I wanted to cuddle?" She says grumpily, but makes no move to escape you when you throw an arm around her and pull her against your body. 
She's quiet for a long while before she says, "Just get it over with, Y/N?"
"Get it over with?" You ask. 
"Ask me what happened. I know you want to." She mutters. 
"Do you want to tell me?" You ask. You can feel, rather than see the way she shakes her head. "Then I won't ask." You say. 
"Stupid of you, being that nice." She says, but invites no further comment on it. 
You tentatively reach a hand toward her hair, remembering all too well how brittle it looked after she first bleached it. You worried for naught as it was surprisingly soft. You smile softly as you begin to stroke her hair. She makes a quiet noise of contentment as she wiggles further into you. 
"Goodnight," She murmurs sleepily.
You're sitting at a party a few weeks later broodily sipping your soda. You promised Nat you'd drive her home afterwards as you knew she always got wasted at parties. Your feelings for Nat had decidedly changed the more time you spent with her, but you weren't sure what you should do with them. It didn't seem to stop her, You think jealously, From letting fucking Kevyn Tan flirt with her. You sigh sullenly and decide that you might as well put yourself out there. 
You catch Lottie's eye as you leave the kitchen. She raises an eyebrow in an expectant look, but you just roll your eyes at her. She's tried to convince you for weeks just to talk to Nat. It's easy for her to say, when she already has a girlfriend. You think, glancing at Laura Lee on the couch next to her.
Laura Lee waves exuberantly at you as soon as she sees you. You can't help the way the corners of your lips quirk up as you raise your hand to wave back at her. You were pretty surprised when she started tagging along to Lottie's parties, but she seemed to have a really good time with the team even if she never drank.
"Hey," You hear a quiet voice from behind you say. You turn around curiously to see Shauna standing behind you. 
"Hey," You answer a little cautiously. You can't say that you've ever really spoken that much too Shauna; You can't say that anyone beside Jackie has ever really spoken much to Shauna. She's always struck you as the broody poet type so it wasn't surprising that she mostly kept to herself. 
"I think you look really nice, tonight." She says awkwardly. Her eyes widen slightly and she adds in a rush, "Not that you don't always look nice." You stare at her blankly, unable to hide your surprise. 
"You… You look nice too, Shauna." You offer carefully. "I like your flannel. It's a really nice pattern. Brings out your eyes." Shauna smiles genuinely at you. 
"Thanks," She says. "Jackie picked it out." Jackie's head turns towards you from across the room, almost as if she could sense her name being spoken. Her eyes narrow imperceptibly in anger as she watches the two of you. You glance at Shauna and see the subtle twitch of her lips that's hidden from Jackie. Ah, You think. That's what this is. 
You slap Shauna's bicep playfully as you give her a flirtatious grin. "Are you using me to make Jackie jealous? You could have just asked, you know." You say, always happy to piss off your favorite captain. Shauna looks surprised that you caught her that quickly but nods embarrassedly, the blush on her face only adding to the illusion that you're flirting with each other. 
You spend the rest of the party making Jackie jealous, both of you blissfully unaware of the scathing glare being sent Shauna's way by Nat. 
You reach a hand out to steady Nat as she nearly trips for a second time on the walk from your car to your house. "Jesus, Nat." You say fondly. "Got really fucked up tonight, huh?" 
Needless to say you're pretty surprised when she rips her arm out of your grasp with a scoff and sharply says, "Whatever. You're not my mom." You stand there slack-jawed as you watch her storm up the stairs to your room. 
You hesitantly follow her up the stairs and stand unsurely in the doorway as she sits on your bed fuming. "Nat?" You ask tentatively. She looks up at you. "I was just joking, you know? I don't mind taking care of you if you get too drunk." You say. 
She softens and sighs loudly. "Why do you always have to be so…" She trails off. 
"So what?" You ask. 
"I was being such a bitch and you're still being so nice." She says honestly. 
You shrug. "I wouldn't say it like that, but." You tease and she gives you a meaningless glare. "Why are you mad?" You ask. 
"Saw you." She admits. "You and Shauna, I mean." She adds at your confused look. 
You can't help the way you tense up at her words. "You didn't strike me as the homophobic type, Nat." You say softly. 
She nearly gasps in surprise. "What?" She asks incredulously. "I was jealous, loser. Not homophobic." She looks as surprised as you do as she says it. Clearly you had shocked her so much that she spoke without meaning to. 
"We weren't seriously flirting." You admit. "But Shauna likes Jackie, Nat." She groans as she buries her head in her hands. 
"I was jealous of Shauna." She says tiredly. "How much clearer do I need to be?" She mutters quietly to herself. 
You watch her desperately. There's nothing in the world you want more right now than for her to mean it. "I only did it because I was jealous of Kevyn." You admit. Her face splits in that cocky grin of hers. 
"Do you wanna kiss about it then?" She asks happily, her voice right on the edge of slurring Maybe Lottie was right. You think. She does always seem to have a sense for these things. Still. 
"You're drunk." You deflect. "Probably won't remember this tomorrow, anyways." She lets out a long exhale as she flops back against your bed. 
"Kiss you in the morning then." She mutters moodily. You shrug and climb into bed next to her, watching her for a long moment.
"If you want." You say simply.
You're startled awake by someone shaking your arm. Your eyes open blearily as the early morning sun peers through your window. "Whatsit?" You ask drowsily. You feel the bed move as Nat shifts her weight. 
"Look, here." She says. You turn to her sleepily. "See? Very sober." She teases as she leans down to kiss you. You hold still for a moment as you try to surmise if you're really awake or not. You surge forward as she starts to uncertainly pull away and continue it. 
You pull back panting after a few long minutes. Flopping back against your pillow and laughing deliriously. You squeeze her hand softly as she grins down at you, shifting to straddle your hips. 
"How was that?" She asks with a look just a touch more smug than she has a right to. 
"Mm, I don't know." You say playfully. "I think you might still be drunk. Should try a few more times just in case."
She sighs dramatically as if assigned hard labor. "If I must." She murmurs, leaning down to meet you. 
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lacyscabinet · 9 months
HI could you write nat x reader where shauna blames reader for her baby dying for some reason and she beats up reader instead of Lottie and nat pulls her off of reader and gets mad at everyone for not interviewing, and takes care of reader as she heals and just generally takes care of her and is super protective
A/N: THIS IS SO CREATIVE! 10/10, here's little headcanon!! Hope you enjoy!!!! <3
As always, not proofread
MASTERLIST (link doesn't work yet)
The baby
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The baby was on the way
Shauna was delivering
It was surreal
And when you all needed her the most, Misty panicked and ran away
f course, having the highest grade in biology class out of the team, they sent you in front of Shauna's legs literally trying to pull an human being out of her
All the blood that was coming out from Shauna was scary
And you could only do as much as a teenage girl could
"Okay Shauna breathe and push, got it?"
When the placenta came out before the baby you knew something was definitely wrong
Nat hurriedly cut it off and carried it away
While the others tried to make Shauna stay calm
"I see the head!" You yelled
At that Shauna made a big last push and the baby came out
In that instant Shauna's body couldn't take it anymore and she passed out
While her baby wasn't crying
The moment Shauna woke up, the chaos began again
She was hysterically shouting,and how could anyone blame her
But then
She yelled at you
And even after trying to explain that her baby wasn't breathing when he came out she kept yelling at you
A couple of days later the grief was still strong in the group
And Shauna was still looking at you with hate, spite and disgust
You tried your best to tolerate her behavior, understanding the horrible situation you were in
But one day, the girl snapped
You were all sitting in the living room, minding your business
Natalie was fixing the blanket around you while you sharpened the knives
At the moment you got up, satisfied with your job you felt something, someone, tackle you to the ground
"YOU KILLED IT!" was the last thing you heard before a punch hit you right in the nose
Followed by multiple other punches and slaps
As soon as Natalie realized what was happening she jumped into action
Just to be shoved to the ground by Shauna when she got closer
"You fucking idiots! Don't stare! help me!" She yelled at her teammates
"No!" Lottie said "Shauna needs to release her emotions"
Natalie scoffed and ran in your direction swiftly pushing Shauna off your body and shielding you
Then she picked you up bridal style and carried you to the small room with the bathtub
You were barely conscious at this point and she tended your wounds as best as she could and then brought you upstairs to the attic, letting you rest
For the next few days Nat barely left your side, taking care of the gashes and the bruises left on your body and comforting you
She made an extra comfy makeshift bed in the attic just so you could lay there as much as you wanted without getting back pain
Lottie tried multiple times to approach you, offering you a cup of tea or trying to mumble some prayers to the wilderness while holding your hands
Nat always swatted her hands away
"if you really care about her you could've done something instead of defending Shauna, Lottie"
Nat wasn't mad at the other girls, she was PISSED
When she gathered food downstairs she looked at everyone with fuming eyes and never spoke
After weeks your conditions weren't the best yet, she helped you with everything
Getting up if you needed
But Nat is a softie inside, so she doesn't mind
She would cuddle you every night, trying to make you feel a bit better
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amoosarte · 11 hours
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SUMMARY, after a brutal breakup Loretta has had enough time to be cooped up on her ranch, leaving her friends to drag her out to have a fun night out, since it's her first time being out since her break up, many eyes follow her every step, until she meets an unusual man at the club.
WARNINGS, this contains explicit language, mention of cheating, alcohol, sexual intentions, making out to sex, and the mention of one night stands.
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   Loretta didn’t know what she did to deserve what was happening to her right now. The twenty-five-year-old was about to lose it when she saw her now ex-boyfriend fucking a stupid redneck in her truck.
The ounce of disgust that spilled all over her face when she open the back of her truck to some ass. Making the unfaithful bastard gasp and pull the girl off of him, calling out to the girl who slammed the car door shut.
Loretta ran back into the house, making the pair in her truck hurry up to dress themselves. The redneck gasped in horror when she saw the barrel racer fuming back outside─only this time she wasn't playing.
Loretta knew it wasn't the smartest move, but she didn't give a fuck when she loaded her shotgun. Cocking the gun, letting a new round of ammo prepare itself to be fired.
"Darling, please, let's talk about this!" The man tried to reason with her, but it only her aim the gun towards him. "You and your bitch get the fuck off my property!" Loretta's eyes spoke anger, making him drag the girl out of the truck.
"Darling, let's talk about this please." He tried to reason with her, making her lose her cool. She fired the weapon right next to the ground where they stood, making them scream. "I ain't playin’ with you! Take your bitch home and expect your shit to be dumped out by the road." Lorette screamed.
"Y-You're fuckin' crazy!" The redneck screamed, clutching the back of the man's shirt. Loretta laughed at her remark, not faltering the gun once. "You're fuckin' stupid for messin' around with a barrel racer, don't think I don't know you, you're the little bitch who picks up the cow shit." Loretta laughed at her as she got red.
Loretta allowed her eyes to shift to the man guarding the girl. "Well then, scram!" With that the pair scrambled away, making the girl form a frown. Once the pair left in his truck, Loretta sighed, what was she going to do now?
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Did the breakup affect her? She would say no, but to her workers, they would say it did. Loretta never left the ranch after the confrontation. She tended to her job, gathering the sheep, leading the herd of cows to their designated land, training the horses, and much more.
She worked herself to the bone, not wanting to talk to anyone at all. She sold her truck with the help of a friend, she dumped everything she found that was his. She refurbished her home like she always wanted, and she changed her way of life.
She changed, she had given herself a makeover. She wanted to enter a new era of her life, after 5 months, she was glowing.
The blonde woke up when her rooster called out, jumping out of bed and readying herself for some horseback riding. It was a good way to start her morning, the misty morning allowed fresh air into her lungs.
Watching the sunrise made her warm as she looked at the oranges, pinks, and yellows scattered around the sky. She would greet the group of men who worked with her to keep the land tightly. It was a normal day for her until her friends showed up.
"No."She bluntly told them, making them roll their eyes. "Yes, you are coming out with us tonight," Heidi told her, making the blonde huff around her office. Daniel was standing by the door as he watched his girlfriend and his friend bicker back and forward.
"C'mon Loretta, it would be nice if you got out of the house once in a while!" Daniel called out, making the girl glared at him. "You guys know, I don't want anything right now!" Loretta established her statement with her friend.
"Yes, we understand you on that, but you can still go out as a single gal!" Heidi smiled as she watched the girl consider it. "Please! You've just been cooped up on the ranch! If it's not here you're either at the bar or doing barrel racing!" Heidi begged her friend, making her groan.
"Alright, I'll go! But don't make me third wheel!" Loretta pointed at the couple, making the girl scream in delight and the man laugh.
"Okay, we'll see you there! Don't be late." Heidi smiled and walked away with her boyfriend. Loretta smiled at her friend's attempt, now she sighed. What was she going to wear? She hadn't gone out in a long time, perhaps if she dug around well, she could find something.
When the time came nearing, Loretta dismissed the workers, telling them they had the day off tomorrow. She wore a flared jean jumpsuit that had a slit opening near her chest, exposing her breast a tad, then added an aqua-detailed western concho belt and her cleanest boots under her pants. She styled her hair in a blown-out style before fixing her makeup, and then running out the door into her new truck.
To say the least, Loretta was pissin’ her pants as she walked into the bar. Trying to find her friends in the crowd of people, she tried her best to go into a crowd of people, but after being pushed around and whistled down on, she huffed and pulled out her phone. 
Loretta sat at the bar, telling Heidi where she was at. She told the woman behind the bar she wanted a beer, wanting nothing but to chug the shit down, and she did. “Woah, shouldn't you savor the flavor?” Loretta swallowed the bitter liquid down before looking at the man beside her. 
He was wearing a black button-up, one of the expensive ones she thought, and a pair of white fancy pants and to her surprise shoes, and not a pair of boots. She finally looked at the man who caught her attention, a nicely tanned man, who had a growing goat tee and the most remarkable pair of aquamarine-colored eyes. 
“Why would you want to savor such a bitter flavor?” Loretta asked him, making him raise an eyebrow. “It’s more about the nice cold liquid that does down my throat that I like,” Loretta told him before finishing the bottle. “Say, why are you dressed like that?” She asked him, making him smile. 
“My friend never told me the dress code, his fault I’m standing out so much.” He said before flagging down the bartender. “Ah, they dragged you down here?” Loretta asked him, making the man nod. “Two beers, Honey,” Loretta told the bartender, making the man right next to her confused. “It’s on me since I’m guessing you're more of a whiskey type of man?” Loretta assumed, and oddly she was correct. 
“The beer here is the best, in my opinion, you ought to give it a try.” She placed the beer bottle in front of him before taking a swing for herself. “Lorry!” A sweet voice called out behind her, making her turn over in her chair. “Ah, We finally found ya!” A male voice called out right behind the sweet one. 
Daniel and Heidi smiled at the pair, making them look at each other. “Lando this is Loretta, Loretta, Lando, if you guys haven't introduced yourselves yet,” Daniel said. Lando looked at Loretta before raising his hand for her to shake. “Pleasure.” 
“Likewise.” Loretta smiled at the man, then took a swing of her beer before hopping off from her seat and dragging Heidi towards the dance floor. As the pair of men watched as the girl danced, they soon turned to themselves to bicker.
“Why didn’t you tell me about the fucking dress code!” Lando scolded him, making Daniel laugh. “You told me we were going to a club!”Lando playfully shoved him, making him turn red. 
“We are, aren’t we?” Daniel sent him a smirk, making the man groan. “Man, you know what I’m talking about! Plus why didn’t you tell me she was hot too!” Lando wanted nothing but to shrink down and hide. “I have a girlfriend.” Daniel rolled his eyes at his dramatic friend. 
“Either way!” Lando looked at the pair who was having the time of their life, making him think hard. “Is she single?” Lando asked, making Daniel nod. “Yup, but she said she ain’t ready for another relationship, perhaps you can change her mind, eh?” He told him. 
The night had worked in Loretta's favor, she will admit, she was having fun. As she made her way back to the bar, she noticed the same man parked in his seat. “Have you just been sat there?” She asked, getting his attention. “A beer please.” She said as she sat right next to him again.
“I’m a bit embarrassed, to be honest,” Lando told her, taking a sip of his margarita. “Why? Is it because of your outfit?” She asked, and she got her response when he nodded. “Please, you look fine, y’know what?” Loretta once again chugged her beer down, it was a nasty habit of hers. Lando got confused as she pulled him out of his chair. 
“We are going to dance,” Loretta told him before spinning around and leading him to the floor. Lando looked around him, seeing a bunch of country folk dance together. “Sorry, but I don’t know how to dance like this?” Lando looked at her nervously.
“It’s fine, I got boots, feel free to step on my toes.” Loretta joked around, trying to ease him up. 
As they stood in position, she looked at him once again. “Honestly, I don’t know how to dance this too, but let’s go with the flow?” She smiled, making him ease up. They dance, well actually, they move to the rhythm of the song, and they end up having fun.
“You know, you look really good tonight,” Lando muttered into her ear as they tried to the now crowded dance floor. 
Loretta was about to thank him when someone tapped her ass, making her spin around to see who did it, and to her surprise, it was James, her ex. “Wow, if it isn’t Loretta, always knew you were a whore, just look at how you dress.” He scoffed, making her roll her eyes in annoyance.
“Hey man, leave her alone.” Lando stepped in but was held back by Loretta. “Is this who you’re sleeping with now?” James eyed down Lando. 
Loretta scoffed, “So what if I am, why do you care? You cheated remember? You’re lost.” She said, a smirk growing when she saw the man become mad. “Whatever, let’s go Lando.” Loretta dragged Lando away before she felt someone snatch her hair, making her scream. 
“You bitch, what makes you think you can speak to me like that?” James had pulled her hair, making the girl visibly mad. Lando’s mouth dropped at the scene but before he could step in, Loretta defended herself. She threw a punch, making the man tumble a bit. “I can talk to you however the fuck I want, you ain’t no one but a bitch.” Loretta spat near him, making him more visibly upset. 
James grew red but before he could lay a hand towards Loretta, a couple of men held him back, probably the security. Loretta watched as he was dragged away, she groaned as she massaged the part where her hair was pulled. “Sorry about that.” She apologized to Lando, but he shrugged it off.
“Please you have nothing to apologize for, it was lowkey hot.” Lando blurted but mumbled the last bit. 
 “Sorry, I'm going to leave now.” Loretta blurted out, making her way towards the bar to pay. Lando stopped her, making her confused, “Don’t worry about it, I paid for it.” He told her, making her shocked. “Oh god, you didn’t have to!” Loretta pulled her phone out to pay him back before Lando laughed. 
“Honestly, It’s fine.” Lando smiled, before asking her something. “Can I walk you to your car?” Lando asked, making her red but thanks to the dim lights it wasn’t that noticeable. Never in her life had anyone offered, even when she was in a relationship, it was her first. 
“Uh, sure.” Loretta smiled, and they waved Heidi and Daniel goodbye as they walked out of the club. “Thanks to you and the others, I had fun tonight,” Loretta smiled as the air touched the layer of sweat on her skin. “Same, It was a nice difference to what I’m used to.” Lando smiled at her too, before walking her to her car. 
“Oh, you drive a truck.” Lando laughed as the girl laughed as well. “Yeah, it’s for work.” Loretta smiled at his amusement, before turning towards him. “Uh, then goodnight.” Loretta smiled at him, making him turn towards her. “Uh, I meant what I said, you looked really good tonight.” He told her, and it shifted the air. 
“If you don’t mind, do you want to go out another day? Uh as friends if you want! It's honestly fine, you seem like a nice–” Lando rambled but was interrupted by Loretta as she kissed him. 
Was it weird to kiss a stranger? Honesty Loretta felt new to this, it’s been a long time since she tried something. Then again, it felt nice interacting with men again, especially someone like Lando. She was about to pull away until Lando kissed her back, lips tasting like the bitter beer she chugged, but the strawberry lipgloss she applied every time she wandered off masked it right. 
Lando wasn’t going to fucking lie, he was attracted to the girl. Wanting nothing but to take her out, get to know her, and just be around her. How he loved how his night shifted. 
He gently pinned her to her truck door, letting his lips kiss her nicely, but her plum lips harshly wanted more. Loretta was deprived of some action and wanted more. She moaned lightly as Lando placed his hands on her hips, as she ran her fingers through his curls. 
Then the noise of a car unlocking scared them, making them jump off from each other.  “Uh, sorry.” Loretta fixed her hair, but she could feel her face become beat red. Lando nodded and cleared his throat, he felt like he was on fire. 
The pair looked at each other and smiled. “Do you, uh– do you want to go to my house? We can pick up from there if you want.” Loretta boldly asked, making the boy speechless and now very red, but he managed to give her a nod.
Loretta had no fucking clue what she was doing, she was shittin bricks when she pulled up to her front lawn, then saw his car pull up behind her. Lando felt her nervousness, and he wanted nothing but to reciprocate those feelings. But when they stood in front of each other, everything seemed to click. 
Loretta loved the texture of his curls when they were in her fingers. She didn’t let go of his lips for a second as he walked her through her front door, clinging lightly to her clothes. She broke their kiss when her back hit the stair railing, making her look at him.
She closed the front door before pulling the clueless boy upstairs. Lando chose this tiny adventure to study Loretta’s home, it was nice and homey. Then before he could look around more, Loretta pulled him into her bedroom, pulling him from his thought process by kissing his lips once again.
She had started to unbutton his black button-up as he too unzipped her jumpsuit, making them both look at their exposed skin, wanting nothing but to run their hands across it. Lando was the first to take off an article of clothes, ducking his head down to kiss her neck and collarbone. 
Loretta moaned as she felt his lips suck on her deprived skin, then the feeling of her hands running across his bare tan back. She plopped down onto the bed and she let him pull her arms out of the straps of the jumpsuit, exposing her tender breast. 
It’s been so long since she was able to expose herself to someone, so long since she tasted someone. She inhaled as she looked up towards Lando as he held himself back, making her pull his belt loops towards her. 
Allowing him to touch her, she gasped lightly as he touched her so softly and gently. She was so new to this, making her want to cling to him as much as possible.
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꒰𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁: @landitolover, @d6za1, @ch3rryknots @louvrepool @thearchieves @moneygramhaas ꒱
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basilone · 3 months
Hi Killy? How about #20 caffeine, dealer's choice for characters. Thank you!
Ooo, thank you for this one! 💙 I'm delighted at it being dealer's choice, as this got me to try my hand at writing my fave of faves: Rosie. I do hope I've got him down right! (Slight, slight spoilers for the most recent ep apply!)
The base is somewhat beautiful when the sun’s still low. There’s a slight haze hanging just above the dewy grass, too thin to be a full-on fog but lending this early morning a particular enchantment all the same. Gold streaks flicker through the last vestiges of night. If she squints at the treeline hard enough, its greens will mingle with the twinges of red in the dawn. Like Christmas painted through a misty window.
It’ll be a while before Christmas comes, now, though the mornings aren’t getting any warmer.
Imogene puffs up her cheeks. Blows warm air between her hands, then rubs them together briskly. She’s forgotten her gloves again. Margaret’s not about to loan out her perfectly good set of spare gloves, either, if that glare from earlier is anything to go by. And Jeannie is nice and all, but the knitwork on her gloves is absolutely drenched in perfume. Imogene lets out a sigh. Contemplates the risks associated with running back to her bunk and praying her own gloves will be in the place where she put them last.
Truth is, she hasn’t got the time. Jeannie’s already taken off at a dead run for the bathroom for the second time in an hour, which has got Margaret fuming in a way that’ll at least make sure the sink’s going to be so spotless you could eat out of it. Imogene would be more worried about Jeannie if this wasn’t already the fourth time a girl like her was prone to retching her guts out in the morning and being just fine and dandy in the afternoon.
These girls, like some of the men, barely stay long enough to learn their names.
And then, of course, there are those few who seem to stay a lifetime.
“One for the road, Captain Rosenthal?”
His answering laugh is soft, but his joy somehow never fails to meet his eyes. “If you can spare me a cup, yes. Thank you.”
“It’ll be a little minute, sir, sorry.” Imogene shoots him the closest thing she’s got to an apologetic smile. “I hope you can wait that long to get your latest dose of caffeine. These new coffee makers are a bit slower on the uptake.”
Captain Rosenthal hums a little to himself. “I believe I can find the time for it this morning, Imogene.”
“Glad to hear it, sir. Congratulations on your twenty-fifth, by the way!” She’d meant to say that about five days ago, but the party had turned raucous and strange in equal measure before she’d had the chance. And the men had been pretty tightly knit around him, at least before the mood had taken another tailspin downward. “When are you due to go home? Is it a ways away yet?”
He shifts his weight from foot to foot the way he always seems to do when contemplating something important. His gaze fixes on the horizon. Well past the planes on their hardstands, beyond the line of trees and buildings. Like there’s something in the early morning sky only he can see.
Imogene waits him out the way she always does. There is no hurrying Robert Rosenthal, not when he is pondering something important before his first coffee of the day. He might have something interesting to say once the idea lands and takes root inside him. Last time, he had made a small comment about bird migratory patterns that had somehow evolved into a conversation about penguins at the zoo. The time before that, he had asked her something about hairpins – not a topic for a man, or so Margaret had scoffed after – before he’d leaned forward ever so slightly and told her some of his men might have gotten their hands on a second helping of chocolate through the cunning use of hairpins. (DeBlasio, if she had to name one. It’s always the goddamn Italians getting into trouble on this base.)
“I’m not too certain Florida will agree with me.” His smile is almost remorseful, as if he has contemplated the idea and found himself to be rather like a fish out of water. “I’d miss this weather. Gruesome chill in the air this morning.” He shudders just a little, more to himself than to her. “And I have to say, Imogene, I’d be hard-pressed to find better coffee than this.”
“Now you’re just flattering me, sir,” she laughs, grabbing a pristine white cup for him. “We do what we can, but the stateside coffee just tastes better if you ask me. I dream about it sometimes.”
“The perfect cup of coffee? Bit of milk, two sugars. Little bit of foam on top, perhaps.” There’s a twinkle in his bright eyes as he steps closer, keenly awaiting his morning shot of caffeine. “What is your poison of coffee choice in this world, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Imogene hums to herself. “Bit of milk, bit of caramel, sir.” She almost wishes she had enough time to foam the milk up a little, give it a bit of a whisk before stirring it into his cup. “The sugar’s too cloggy. Caramel syrup works just as well to sweeten it.”
“I take it there is no secret stash of caramel syrup on base here?”
“You”– she gestures with the little spoon –“would be correct, Captain. Perhaps you can sneak me some, once you’re back home?”
The shadow that passes over his face is gone as swiftly as it came, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t see it. Imogene sucks in a rather noisy breath. Feels a chill swoop down and back up her spine in a way that’s got very, very little to do with the morning cold of early March. He glances back at the horizon a moment. Wistful, her mind supplies. Then: yearning.
She’s seen it before. In Major Cleven and Captain Rivers, every time they were kept on the ground too long. In Major Egan, once Major Cleven had vanished and left a hole in the fabric of reality itself. In Stella Lombardi, whose eyes never quite seem to meet the ground anymore, and in Two, who might just survive them all. There’s something in the set of their shoulders. Something in their eyes, once you know where to look.
Imogene looks. Sees. “You’re not going home.”
Blue eyes, brighter than any morning, meet her gaze. “Not just yet.” His confession hangs in the air between them a moment. She fills up the space with a mostly full cup of coffee, milk and sugars already stirred in, and is proud when her hand does not tremble. “We have work to do here, don’t we, Imogene?” His bare hand brushes her own before he lifts the cup in clear gratitude. “Thank you for the coffee, as always.”
She takes a deep breath. Steadies herself on the counter, just out of his keen gaze’s reach. “You’re very welcome, sir. Same time tomorrow, then?”
A laugh startles out of him, bright and beaming and so alive that she wants to cry. “Same time as always, ma’am.”
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Shiv and Misty could be such a power couple for real, Misty has so much of what Shiv loves about Tom while also being content to get kicked as long as she can always come back. Question is how they would get together, but maybe in school when Misty caught on that Shiv didn't have any real friends.
I desperately want to write a Shiv/Yellowjackets au, but I kind of want to wait until the show is done so I can have a better picture of just what the girls brought with them out of the wilderness. But I'm also super impatient, so I may start something anyhow and add to it as the show progresses.
Anyway, that's a roundabout way of saying I'm using your ask as an excuse to dump a half fic/half meta snippet as I work it all out in my mind.
Instead of a New Jersey public school, this would have to be an upscale New York private school, because otherwise no way would Logan let his Pinky attend. So in this au, Misty's family would have to be at least a little bit loaded for her to afford to go there. It doesn't help her lack of popularity and friends at all, but she does have a little money. Ooh, unless she's there on a scholarship!
Shiv is by far the richest girl, taking Lottie's place in that regard. I'm going to age Shiv up just a tiny bit from Sarah Snook, giving her a birth year of 1985. So it would place all this around 2002/2003.
Anyway, it all starts when Misty is approaching the girls in the hallway before the bell rings, handing out invitations to her birthday party. So far, the same laughter as always, the same little digs that she deliberately ignores. Her heart skips a beat when she sees Siobhan Freaking Roy getting books out of her locker. The richest, smartest, most beautiful girl in the school (that shiny hair! Those eyes! That smile!). Shiv doesn't hang out with any of the other girls that much, not even the ones on her team. She's so...aloof, alone, but on purpose (right?), unlike Misty. And she actually engages with their teachers in History, English, and Poli-Sci, just like Misty. She'd never called Misty up to ask her if she did anal and laugh at her. She ignored her, because why wouldn't she?
But maybe this is the day that changes everything.
"Hi Shiv! Would you like to come to my birthday party on Saturday? I'm baking a funfetti cake. And my mom says we can use the pool! We can" --
But what Misty doesn't know is that Shiv is fuming. She had a really ugly morning with her brothers.
Since joining the Yellowjackets, she's been ever more the apple of Logan's eye. He's even come to matches (not once has he attended any of Ken or Rome's few after school events). He'd embarrass her from the sidelines when his inner Hibs fan comes out, if she weren't just so thrilled he's there. He usually never stays through the whole match because as always, something comes up at work. But he will often play the obliging king and pay for the girls to get pizza after. The girls start teasing Shiv by saying "Thank you, Mr. Roy" in unison whenever word comes down their dinner is covered.
Nothing fills Shiv with more fierce joy than after winning a match, feeling her father's hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. Seeing that fond twinkle in his eyes. "You did good, Pinky."
But there's a flipside to all that. A flipside Kendall and Roman enlightened her on this morning.
Logan had actually eaten some of his breakfast with them. Kendall was home from college for conferences. Roman was done with military school, and was half-heartedly working on college applications ("Why do I even have to do this? I could send my dookie wrapped in the application and they'd still give a Roy son admission.").
Their father scoffed as usual when Ken tried to talk to him about his econ class. He'd dart a withering glance at Rome whenever he'd giggle in that high voice. But again that light in his eyes when his gaze fell on Shiv. "So what's that idiot Scott got planned for today's match? He has no fucking clue about form. When is Martinez going to get his head out of his ass and actually coach you girls, for Chrissake?"
Of course he didn't stay for the whole breakfast. He glanced at his watch after grilling Shiv and left for the office.
Shiv was left with her brothers' dark dead eyes staring her down.
"You're real cute, Shiv, y'know? Daddy's shiny little bait he dangles over our heads."
"Fuck you, Ken. What does that even mean?"
Roman snorted. "Come on Shiv. You know why Dad puts on this big fucking display whenever we're all together, right?"
Kendall laughed into his coffee. "No, she doesn't."
Shiv's neck and face muscles tightened. She was on the lookout now, on the defense. "Know what? Just fucking say what you mean."
"Aw Shivy," Ken laughed in that stupid sinister way that really gets under her skin. "He's using you to get at Roman and me. I mean, he doesn't really take you seriously, you get that, right? But he plays it all up because he thinks that will make me and Roman fuckin', I don't know, start wrestling for his attention or something."
Roman imitated Logan's Canadian-Scottish brogue. "If this pair of dumb walking tits can kick a ball, you two pricks can stop jerking it for two minutes to do something manly, manly, dirt, blood, fuck, fuck, fuckety fuck." He took a delicate sip of his orange juice. "And so on."
Shiv heard buzzing in her head. Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz...
"That's the most paranoid, deranged shit I've ever...what, did he say that?"
Roman and Kendall didn't reply. Instead, they gave her that look.
Her breath hitched.
It was the look on her father's face just before he left for the office. He'd given it to the boys. Shiv ignored it at the time, but now she knew...
He'd raised his eyebrows at them, then pointed his gaze toward Shiv. As if telling them, look at her. Look. Your little sister. What are you going to do about it?
The blood rushed to her face. She pushed her plate away and grabbed her backpack. "You don't know what you're talking about."
She saw murder when they laughed as she rushed away.
The buzzing and the blood and the murder follow her to her locker, so when she sees Misty fucking Quigley staring at her with those stupid fucking saucer eyes like a puppy with rabies --
She laughs the same laugh as Kendall and Roman. "Oh, yeah, Misty. I would love to come. I would just love nothing more than to go sunbathing with you in your Little Mermaid one piece and eat your clown cake. But, see, I've got something I'd rather do that day, which is to get as far away as possible from that shit show. Don't worry, I'm sure Teen Vogue will cover the whole thing, talk all about your custom Lisa Frank sweater dress."
She slams her locker door.
Then she sees Misty's face. It doesn't change expression, but Shiv sees the blood drain away.
Like how she felt this morning.
But Misty bravely swallows. That's not the worst thing she's ever heard. Not at all. It's okay. It'll really be okay. She'll just throw away all the rest of her invitations and try to grab one of the pigeons pecking at crumbs outside --
"Ah, shit."
Misty turns around. Shiv's eyes are closed and she shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Misty. That was -- that was horrible. Awful. Bad. Whatever. I'm...yeah, I'm really sorry." She opens her eyes and they're looking directly into Misty's, Misty's, and they're-- beautiful. And kind. "Just -- I hope you have a nice party."
Misty's had prank calls, filthy and degrading, had guys knock her science fair volcano out of her arms, had girls who've said things that Shiv's insult couldn't even touch.
None of them ever apologized.
She stands in the middle of the hall, watching Shiv walk away.
The most beautiful, intelligent, kind girl in the whole world.
The next day Misty asks Coach Scott if she can be the team's equipment manager.
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piratewithvigor · 1 year
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BCC!Bryan x Retired!Kane celebrating May 19th
“Thank you… for coming back.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“I just want you to know I appreciate it.”
“But that isn’t like you. You don’t… I’ve never known you to get mushy over stuff like this.”
“Things change. It’s not exactly like you to be so team-oriented. Let alone a stable.”
His stable. His boys. They were all at home, probably all snuggled up together… probably wondering if he was okay.
They hadn’t exactly approved of this idea. They didn’t approve of him taking Kane’s call. They definitely didn’t approve of the fact that Bryan hadn’t blocked Kane’s number yet. But that was where the problems started coming up: Daniel hadn’t blocked his number. Daniel was the one who got a boner from yelling matches. Daniel was the one who would get misty-eyed if he was cuddled too tightly and got too warm overnight. Daniel was the kid who couldn’t figure out what a healthy relationship was.
Bryan was supposed to be better than that. The good example of what a respected veteran should be. He was the one Yuta was looking up to now that Regal wasn’t traveling with them anymore. Coaching him through the nights where he began wondering if he should check on Chuck and Orange. Reminding him why he’d swapped teams. That they were weaknesses. Parts of his past he had to let go. Yuta had to be cured of his past. Hypocrite as he was, Bryan couldn’t do the same.
He would chastise Yuta for his weakness– letting his emotions get the better of his career. Yuta would have to ignore countless messages and delete endless voicemails… Bryan had somehow been summoned to Kane��s bed with a single call. 
It was Daniel’s weakness. Under his years of being The Dragon, he kept feeling like Daniel. Daniel, who didn’t even have the strength to fight for the right to use his own name. The only person left who called him Daniel was Kane. The way he said it made it sound like it was the only name he’d ever have or ever want to have.
“It’s not like we’ve spent much time together lately. People change.”
“Don’t I know it.” It’s an attempt at a joke, but it’s a poor one. Kane’s changing was what ripped the two of them apart in the first place. When he’d taken off his mask and put on a suit and became this fake, plastic thing. Their team had broken up, but their relationship grasped at fumes for almost another seven years. Even after he changed back. He’s more like how he was in the beginning. Still not a good man, but a real one. One who’s aware of how big a deal it is for Bryan to be there. He’d practically begged, after all. When Bryan accepted, he resolved to play nice. No fights. The one issue remained that since their relationship had been built on fighting, the awkward silences are all the more awkward. “How are they?”
“Your boys. Dean and Cesaro and Regal and the little one… Yuta?”
Daniel would have been touched that Kane even remembered. Probably even initiated a second round in gratitude. Bryan can only remind himself that he’s told Kane a number of times who his boys are. Daniel would have made excuses, citing memory problems resulting from the very reason he agreed to show up. Bryan begged his resolve to stay strong. His boys needed his resolve to stay strong. 
“They’re okay. Regal’s retired now. Keeps sending us old man selfies from gray English beaches.”
“Been meaning to do some of that myself.”
“What’s stopping you?”
Kane shrugged, tracing a finger over the dip in Bryan’s hip. “Guess I’m not ready to go back on the road. Not when I’m finally home.”
It’s a nice home, it really is. A few miles away from Taker, deep in the woods with a big lake in the backyard. It’s secluded, but not so far from the main road that it’s inaccessible. He built it himself, custom-built for his own comfort. The doors and ceilings are higher, most of the walls are primarily windows to let in natural light and almost all of the furniture is custom as well. The only piece Bryan recognizes is the bed they’re in. It’s the one from their old shared apartment; long enough for Kane to stretch out in, wide enough for them to each have their space (even though they always migrated to the middle and became a tangled mess of limbs) and their initials carved into the headboard, the result of a slightly tipsy night of foodplay. It’s a nice moment that Bryan doesn’t fault Kane for wanting to keep. God knows the genuinely good memories aren’t frequent.
Both of them want to break the silence. Daniel wants to bring up more of the good times. Reminisce on how much fun they had together. If Daniel had his way, he’d talk himself into wanting to move right back in with Kane. All Bryan wants to say is that this can’t happen anymore. When people are divorced, they need to stay divorced. No more going back and no more yearly calls. If it were Yuta, he could say it. He could tell him to stop living in the past and move on. He could tell Mox to tough it out. Claudio wouldn’t need to be told, it was what made him the best. 
Bryan tilts his head up and it feels obscenely familiar. Daniel would lace his legs together with Kane’s, more or less straddling one to be curled along his side, using his chest as a pillow. He’d tilt his head up and get kissed so softly, it would make his heart ache. It almost feels wrong that Kane doesn’t kiss him, just looks at him expectantly. 
“We can’t do this anymore,” Bryan murmurs, barely able to make out the words. Daniel almost regrets saying anything when that damn heartbreaking look reaches Kane’s eyes. He doesn’t say anything for a while, just tilts his head back and sighs deeply enough that Bryan can feel it through his bones. 
“I know.”
He didn’t want to have asked. He’d probably felt fine on May 16. He’d probably distracted himself with household tasks on May 17. May 18 got him dialing Bryan’s number more than once before finally daring to call. Bryan had taken the next flight to Texas and made it to Kane’s doorstep the morning of the 19th. Taker mourned in his own way by tending to the graves of their parents. Kane mourned by darkening the house as best he could and sitting on the floor in the darkest corner. The makings of breakfast were already out by the time Bryan arrived; proof that he’d tried to make it through the day. That he’d sworn to himself that he could handle it this year and still came up short. 
Calming him down was arduous. But it always had been. The steps never changed. He hadn’t used it in years, but Bryan still understood the sign language Kane used when he couldn’t speak. He got him fed as best he could (which involved cooking meat, but all the time around Mox lately had gotten rid of most of his avoidance to it), then to bed. He’d cry a little, sleep a lot, then it was a gamble on how he might be feeling afterwards. Thankfully, this year was one of the easier ones. Kane felt up to talking afterwards, then up to touching. The sun was almost down when he felt up to going beyond. By that point, Bryan had taken a backseat to Daniel and allowed himself to be bent over for one of the few times since their divorce.
“Please don’t call me next year.”
“I don’t want to.”
“But you might?”
“I can’t promise I won’t call. I won’t want to.”
“But you want to be alone less.”
“I don’t want to tell you how to grieve-”
“Why does it sound like you’re about to?”
“I think it’s time you and Taker acted like brothers about today.”
“Don’t call me that.” It feels biting. More than he intended it to. It’ll be a fight he doesn’t want to have. Bryan takes a breath and settles his weight onto Kane a little harder. “Don’t call me that anymore,” he repeats, softer this time.
“I know, I know, you’re Bryan now. I’ve just called you Danny for so long…”
“Yeah. But I’m Bryan now. Just like I was before we met. You called Danny and he showed up, but I can’t keep letting him show up. Danny shouldn’t exist anymore.”
Kane tilts his head. An old gesture he never quite grew out of. It makes Bryan sigh and push up onto his elbows so they can look at each other properly.
“You married Danny. You loved Danny. I’m not him anymore. Danny doesn’t exist anymore. It’s not good for us for him to exist any longer.”
“...is it wrong that sometimes I feel like I’d do anything to have him back?”
No. But he can’t say it out loud. To feel the ghost of his former husband everywhere he goes. To wish he wasn’t a ghost, but flesh and blood and warmth that could be touched. He feels Kane’s ghost all the time. Feels him every time he’s looking at someone a little too tall. His radiating heat permeates every scorching night and sends Bryan away from the arms of whoever is trying to care for him. The ‘I love you’s that used to get whispered mid-tag echo back when Yuta tries to say it on occasion, desperate for a returned one, or even an acknowledgement that it was said. 
“Try and stop. The wishing will drive you crazy.”
“...then I guess tonight’s our last night.”
Daniel’s begging for the opposite. That maybe they can spare one night a year. Skip out on the week before the week before Double Or Nothing. He’ll be there for the go-home show, that’s what matters. But nothing of note happens on the 19th. The only thing that ever happened on the 19th for the last decade was that he’d be in bed with Kane. He can’t do it anymore. 
“Yeah… guess it is.”
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zedpercyfan · 2 years
PS Week Day 1 - Scuba Diving (Free Day)
What’s up, dudes, dudettes, and others.  I’ve been busy with college but here’s Day One of Pokeshipping Wekk while I work on the others for ya.
Seaside Fumbles
           MISTY WATERFLOWER blinked and did a doubletake. She wasn’t sure if she had heard correctly.  “Could you, um, say that again, Ash?”
           The black-haired Trainer raised an eyebrow and gave a silent snort.  “I said, ‘would you like to accompany me on an expedition to see a Dhelmise in a wrecked ghost ship outside of Cianwood City?’ and then you went silent on me.”
           “Ah, okay. Just wanted to make sure I was hearing correctly,” replied Misty.  “But why me?”
           “For a start, Goh decided he wanted to go looking for Tauri instead of helping me with this, and-” he gave her a tiny smirk, “I figured that we’d need the greatest Water-type Trainer to assist us on such a dangerous adventure.”
           The Ceruluean Gym Leader felt her heart skip a beat, but she suppressed her emotions and smirked right back.  “Aww, isn’t that sweet?  Finally admitting to what I really am, huh?”
           But Misty was wrong.  “Well, that was my plan,” explained Ash.  “But Wallace was occupied with the Hoenn League, so I just decided to ask the next best Trainer I know.”
           “Ash Ketchum, you dirty little liar-”
           “Kidding, kidding. I’m kiddin’, Mist!” laughed Ash as he waved his hand at her through the screen.  Misty fumed with rage.
           “Go jump off a cliff…”
           “So, you want to come or nah?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’d like to go.  When is it?”
           “About a week from now.  I’ll send you the finer details by email.  Anyway, I have to get going.  I’ll see you at Goldenrod harbor if we can’t call again, oh, and I was still going to call you regardless, I wasn’t going to ask Wallace, okay bye.” And before Misty could answer his sudden incoherent speech, Ash had already hung up.
           “Huh,” was all that came out of the girl’s mouth for a minute.  Ash’s call had really come out of nowhere.  She’d heard recently that he’d become a research assistant at the request of Professor Cerise, a prodigy of Professor Oak’s. Getting called out to help with some research had been very surprising.
           “Still,” she said quietly as she yawned and headed off to get herself some dinner, “even if it’s just to go see some Pokémon, it’s nice that we can spend some time together.”
           Time passed quickly.  Misty’s excitement grew and grew.  The thought of seeing a Pokémon rare to the continent was an enticing prospect.  She wondered how well the Alolan Pokémon was adapting to its new climate or if there were any more nonnative Pokémon species aboard the ship.  That was all well and good, but seeing Ash was a reward enough – not that she’d tell him. They met at the port as arranged and were soon out at sea.
           “Ah, this must be the place,” said Ash and Misty together as the boat slowed down and they dropped anchor.
           “Right,” said research assistant Chrysa.  “We’ll go down with the submersible and use that to check inside the ship.  If you two can monitor things from the outside, that’d be a huge help, and in case things go up sticks with Dhelmise.”
           “No trouble,” Ash declared.  “I choose you, Dracovish!”
           “Go my blue sweetheart, Gyarados!”
           Ash and Misty took the lead and swam alongside the submersible to the ship. It was large and very much in a sorry state, taken back by nature.  Beautiful yet ominous and rife with tension.
           “Careful,” Chrysa advised over the two-way radios they had attached to their goggles. “We can’t risk causing any instability with the ship, let alone angering Dhelmise.  Let the sub in and stand by.  Over.”
           “Roger that,” said Misty.  “Standing by. Over.”
           “Looks like it’s just you and me then, Mist,” said Ash as he pushed the sub toward the hole in the ship before swimming back her.
           “Dracovish, Draco?”
           “Sorry, buddy.  We’re just here to make sure things go right.  You might not see any battling today.
           Both Gyarados and Dracovish seemed discouraged by that.  Misty decided to offer up a different perspective.  “Hey, it’s better that things go right instead of wrong, yeah?”  The two Pokémon didn’t argue but were still feeling down.
           “I know, why don’t we say hello to the native Pokémon?”  That cheered them.  Misty sighed inwardly; it was always nice how Ash could quickly come up with ways to appeal to Pokémon.
           They went off, greeting schools of Goldeen and the traveling Tentacools.
           Suddenly there was a commotion from the ship.  First a shockwave that felt like an earthquake, followed by a burst from the hole where Ash had let the submersible inside.
           “Ash?  Misty?” said Chrysa frantically.  “There’s trouble.  Dhelmise has started to attack the sub!  Please go and see what’s wrong.  Me and the others are coming to retrieve the sub.”
           Ash quickly turned and began swimming to the ghost ship.  As he approached, however, part of the hull disappeared and Dhelmise’s anchor shot out in front of him.  “Guh!  So that’s how it is…” said Ash grimly.  “Dracovish, use Ice Fang!”
           “You go too, Gyarados.  Crunch!” Both Pokémon went in but then dozens upon dozens of other Water-types like Tentacools and Seels shot out from both in and out of the ship.  “I guess this must be their home!  They must not want us disturbing them!”
           “It’s not like we mean them any harm!”  Ash swam quickly out of the way as he said that.  “Dracovish, come back!”  His Pokémon came over but just then Dhelmise roared from within and more Pokémon emerged from the rocks.  “You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me…”
           “Gyarados, Hurricane!” yelled Misty as the Pokémon went for her.
           Dracovish meanwhile was taking care of the Pokémon attacking Ash and it.  Ash monitored the situation; it was luckily going in their favor.  Soon he saw the sight of Goh’s Dewgong, whom he had left at the Cerise Lab for any missions he was needed on, and sighed with relief as that meant help was coming.
           Then came some attacks, Ash got hit and as he disturbed some remains of the ship that had drifted away, he got a huge surprise!  “MAR!”
           “Wow!” yelled Ash as a Mareanie popped out at him from the rubble.
           “Mareanie!”  It lunged at Ash, hugging his face hard with its spikey tentacles and sent him into a panic. As the Mareanie let go, it had pulled the oxygen mask and goggles off.  Ash held his breathe but it went to waste when a drifting Tentacool fired a Poison Sting that shredded a small tear into his gear, piercing his skin, causing him to let all his air out.
           Misty heard a commotion, looked over, and panicked on seeing Ash’s situation. She had Gyarados clear a path and swam quickly over to Ash just as he was fumbling the mask back on.
           “Oh Mew, oh Mew,” muttered Misty as she helped him, placing the mask’s band back around his head before reattaching his goggles.
           Ash groaned oxygen flowed into his lungs.  “Ugh… Thanks, Mist.”  Just then, Chrysa and the other hired hands arrived on the scene, summoning their own Pokémon to help with the situation.
           “You have to get back to the ship for medical aid…”
“I know.  Dracovish, look after things here, okay?”  He gave a “Draco” in agreement.  Then Ash cringed as the poison sent painful signals down his nerves. Misty gave him a gentle push up before informing Chrysa over the radio that Ash was pulling out.  With some effort he began to swim back up.  Then Misty followed him.  “What are…you… Misty, I can make it on my own.”
“I know,” she replied, watching him swim unevenly yet consistently toward the surface, “but I’m helping anyway.”
“You…don’t…have to…”
A shockwave was felt, before they heard the cry of Dhelmise as it was attacked by one of the researcher’s Pokémon.  “Come on, before things get ugly,” said Misty, before grabbing Ash around his waist and pulling him up quicker.
“I…told ya…I’m fine…”
“Poison travels up the bloodstream quicker when you move, it’s better this way.”
Ash didn’t answer, he found breathing too hard and just quietly accepted Misty’s help.  They reached the surface.  Misty pulled Ash into the boat with help from Pikachu before beginning to administer aid. She held Ash’s hand tight when he cringed from the disinfectant touching the wound.
By the time she finished, Ash was pale and breathing hard, but only from the pain.  “Jeez,” said Misty, “leave dealing with Poison-types to your Pokémon.”
“It surprised me, that’s all…”
“Just be careful next time.”
“I’ll keep that in mind…when the next Beedrill hive chases me.”
“Yeah, yeah.”  Misty then sat down next to Ash and just stared at him.
“I’ll be fine,” he said upon noticing her.  “You should really get back to Chrysa and the others.”
“No.  I’m staying here with you.”
“I told you, I’m fine…”
“But didn’t you come to see Dhelmise?”
“Compared to making sure you’re okay?  You’ve just been poisoned, Ash!”
“It’s your chance though to get a good look at a rare Pokémon in the Johto region!” wheezed Ash.  “Remember all the buzz around Harrison?  Blaziken was hardly a common sight and…”
“I’m not going.”
“Are you sure?  I mean, it’s why you came along, right?”
Misty paused before muttering in a quiet voice, “I joined because of you.”
Ash faltered when he heard that.  He blinked a few times before turning his head toward her.  “Me?”
“Yeah.  I mean…I was just…y’know… Ugh…when I heard you came home from Alola and joined Professor Cerise’s lab, I thought I’d at least get a few visits from you now that you’re close by.  I was just missing you, that’s all.”
“Ah, I…I see…”
“Sorry.  I really must’ve messed things up then by letting this happen to me.”
“You’re one to talk.  I seem to remember you going headfirst into a lot of things and ending up injured.”
“Yeah…” said Ash with a tired smirk.  “Everyone tells me I should cut that out.”
“You should.  Think about what others want of you.  You and I barely get much time to talk and here you go putting yourself in danger.” Ash didn’t reply.  Misty sighed to herself and allowed herself to be honest. “I miss you a lot sometimes, y’know…”
“I miss you too.  You’re not alone in that feeling.  How about…when we get back to Kanto, would you like to go to a ramen place with me?”
           “You mean it?”
           “Yeah!” he said with as much energy as he could through the poison.  “To make up for missing out on Dhelmise.”
           “His minds on Pokémon as per usual,” Misty said to the sky.
           “Mm. But…I do think of you, too,” said Ash. “Really, you’re right, we should be hanging out more.  That’s...kinda why I asked for your help, I just wanted to see you, too.” Misty didn’t reply and just stared quietly at Ash.  “So…we good to get ramen and hang out?”
           “Yes,” she said a bit too quickly, “we are.  Even though we’re technically hanging out already.”
           “Yeah, yeah, I s’pose we are.  I…I just meant, more like a…a…”
           She considered for a moment, unsure if she ought to say it, but decided to. “Date…?”
           “Yeah, that’s…more or less what I mean.”
           “Awesome.  Then…we have a date, I suppose.”  She felt her cheeks burning red but didn’t stop herself from blushing.
           “I…would’ve asked you to go for ramen afterwards anyway,” confessed Ash. “I kinda realized I was thinking of that this morning.  Just as an excuse to be with you more beyond just helping with this.”
           “Ash Ketchum…you sure have a weird way of saying you want a date.”
           The Trainer from Pallet Town just snorted and went red.  “You got a problem with that?”
           “Well…given that I’ve got a date to look forward to after this…no, not really,” replied Misty softly.
           “Awesome.”  Ash game a small smile before sighing.  “Still, I could’ve done without the poison.”
           “Yeah, that’s true,” laughed Misty.  She gently poked his shoulder.  “Now then, just you hold it together.  We’ve got a date coming soon and you better be feeling okay when it’s time – don’t fumble on me like you did back there.”
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dreadreflection-if · 2 years
Quick question are you aware of a dnd magic item called the ring of spell storing just in case you don’t know it’s a ring were a spell caster could store a spell then they could give it to non-spell castors to use a spell
So imagine the chaos ensued if a necromancer MC gives these rings to their undead servants and store all the rings with fireballs
🤣 I hope you don’t mind, anon, but the thought of this was too funny - I had to write it out.
“We need to talk,” E declares, falling into step beside you as you search the misty graveyard. Their voice is determined - the one they use when they’re preparing for an argument. On your other side, Noel silently appears with a glint in their eye - never a good sign.
“About what?” you ask, though you already know the answer. You’ve been subtly trying to avoid this conversation for weeks. It’s unfortunate the suspect of your current case decided to flee to such a deserted location - it’s given your companions the opportunity they needed to strike.
“Your servants,” Noel states plainly, confirming your fears. “They are becoming a liability.”
Before you can begin to protest, E interjects. “There’s nothing wrong with using whatever spells you want! We just think it’s gotten a bit… excessive.”
“I don’t think so,” you pout.
Noel gives you a blank stare. “They nearly burnt our wagon to a crisp last week - as well as the entire forest around it. Is it truly necessary for them all to cast Fireball?”
“That was an accident! And they took care of all the dire wolves, didn’t they? They’re useful!”
“They are a menace to society,” she replies.
“…Uriel likes them,” you grumble petulantly. You know that might be proving their point, but you feel you have to defend yourself somehow.
“Look,” E begins, placing their gauntleted hand on your shoulder. “We aren’t saying to get rid of them. All we’re asking is for you to rein them in a little. Maybe cut back on the explosions.”
“Absolutely cut back on the explosions.”
Two sets of eyes stare at you expectantly, one pleading and the other exasperated. This is exactly why you wanted to avoid these two - their combined pressure is suffocating.
“…I suppose I could do that,” you acquiesce, and watch as E’s face lights up with a bright smile.
“That’s great!” they exclaim, relief palpable. “Even though your zombies aren’t here right now, I was still kind of worried about being set on fire.”
“About that -“ you begin to say, but a guttural howl drowns out your words. A hulking monstrosity of flesh and bone bursts out of the crypt just a few yards away, oozing both blood and malice. Your runaway suspect, you assume.
E immediately brandishes their shield - physically blocking you from the creature’s sight - while Noel tightens their grip on the handle of their cane, poised and ready. Before either can make a move, however, they both go rigid with shock - though not because of the creature.
You imagine they weren’t expecting the sound of half a dozen spells dissipating to fill the air.
“MC, no - “
“I can explain!” you frantically shout as your undead servants materialize around you.
“You gave them invisibility spells?!” Noel splutters. You believe this may be the most emotion they have shown since you met them.
“I thought it was a good idea! Then they could come with me wherever I go!”
“Belenus’ balls,” is all E says, their face white.
“There were still some slots left in the rings,” you try to explain. “What was I supposed to do, just let them go to waste?”
“Yes.” Noel grits out, fuming. You think you hear something sounding suspiciously like ‘incorrigible idiot’ muttered after, but it’s too quiet to tell.
“It could be worse,” E supplies, trying to be optimistic. “At least it wasn’t the other spell!”
Their smile fizzles out when they see the look on your face.
“Run, now,” Noel orders, immediately sprinting away from the scene. E is quick to sweep you into their arms and set off behind them. The explosion of fire that follows a few seconds later is near cataclysmic - the heat sweltering even dozens of feet away. Your ears are still ringing when E eventually lowers you to the ground, the three of you (plus six singed zombies) surveying what used to be the graveyard - now reduced to a burning, smoldering ruin.
“Well,” you say brightly when the incredulous silence becomes uncomfortable. “Whatever that was, it’s definitely dead now!”
E mumbles a prayer beside you, and you can almost physically feel Noel rolling their eyes. Your zombies continue to stare dead-eyed into the distance, uncaring of the terrible destruction they just wrought.
“Like I said earlier,” Noel deadpans, giving your servants a wary look while smoke rises in the distance. “A menace to society.”
This time, you’re not sure it’s the zombies they are describing.
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wisteriabloomz · 10 months
It’s as if I have walked through those lanes multiple times. Like I have lived in that misty weather and deep green forest and heard the wood crackle in the fireplace my entire life. Sometimes it will be some music, or some fragrance, or some figment from the deep recesses of my subconscious that I am beckoned to that place. Maybe somewhere in England? Scotland? Or Ireland?
There is a sight, I am walking back to my cottage, wearing by black coat and handbag and an umbrella coz the roads are still glistening and reflecting the warm streetlights.
And then the mist blankets the whole town. The warm lights from the windows of the lone bookstore, and the fortune teller’s attic room smudges with the twilight. It’s as if Neptune and Venus were undergoing a benevolent aspect and creating this half visible half make-believe scenario. Is it a dream? Maybe go visit the Buddhist cafe where calming chants just elevate your vibrations and the ginger honey tea will take you back to a bittersweet memory of sipping tea with your parents at a parking lot outside a cafe in some average town when a life-threatening pandemic had restricted the movement.
You are knitting; a muffler for it’s so simple to make and gives off an impression that you care for whoever you are gifting it to. Now crocheting an envelope to keep a love letter warm for the man you love(d?) has been so cold you think if you send it off the feelings weaved in like the first knot knit by a toddler’s hands, may just disintegrate and fall through. Failing its purpose. But at least you learnt how to weave, knit, create, think because your heart compelled you to devour whatever morsel of hope, whatever little glimmer of basic decency made you think that yhos was worth knitting and making that man feel the warmth that resides in your heart.
But is it warmth? Or just fumes of a deeply suppressed inferno scarring your insides coz if you let the lid off all shall be consumed. Better to implode and shattering yourself to pieces, right?
Complexities. I am back to the shaman’s cafe. Of course I am carrying my crochet needle. Because I am always weaving. When I was seven I weaved a string of thoughts to create an entire script of how love will fill my life once I grow up and not every relationship is about not talking for months, violence, strangling your lover with the same hands that you held while you palpitated before entering a dark room. I have been weaving these thoughts into scarves, sweaters, sometimes they are red sweaters with stains of orange and black because the story always needs variation. The good, the bad. Sometimes they are bright pink bikinis made when I feel like exploding in my sexuality and intense hunger for a warmth. But it’s always an implosion, fireworks going off in my brain, a deep sigh of relief once I free all that fantastical image of making love with the actor/singer you saw on your YouTube shorts.
I always carry a stock of loose yarn because I am always ready with a crochet to create something. Doesn’t matter if some knots are too tight and too loose. When I finish knitting my work, it is a continuation of thoughts committed to create something. Of course I will always knit tangible intangible things/feelings/entire worlds. They have been my only true companion since I was a child. I am after all my mother’s child who wore sweaters, caps, mufflers she knit to keep me warm in winters.
And I am back to that intrinsic feeling: mist, warm lights, tarot, Buddhist mantras, tea, and always a yarn and a needle.
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cruorlupus · 10 months
I’m an idiot and forgot to record it but the Baelen thing was bothering me so now I’m giving up another 3 hours of progress and kinda glad I did, partly due to helping someone on Reddit.
Long story short: Talk to Baelen, misty step to his bag, pick up the torch, toss bag to Baelen, run through fumes, grab Noblestalk mushroom to your right (toward those lolth candles), head out of fumes, and THEN toss the torch into the fumes to detonate them.
This should not only get you the Outlander Inspiration - Mushroom Enthusiast, but if Wyll is close enough he should get Folk Hero Inspiration - A Lethal Endeavor.
I can’t get the carrier devourer inspiration to proc so my next playthrough I’ll probably fine tune a Tav to see if I just lack the skill points to get it.
Now back to redo the arcane tower, need that giant’s club so Wyll can jump further, bless staff is okay not needed for my crew but I’ll take it anyway.
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gayspock · 1 year
ok some thoughts
ok i do have complicated feelings on nat's death. firstly like air this one out rq: real fucking fuming that some ppl serioussllyyyyy are attacking freaking juliette for it, like? ok.... so your response to "its really fucked up that they killed nat who had finally found peace and was starting to overcome her addiction etc." was to attack the actress who has every right to leave a job if she wants to. i guess in other news 1+1=4.
but anyways sigh i have mixed feelings like.... i think theres a Part of me that kind of. ok. super unpopular opinion bc i know this ME & my own cyncism and "issues" or whatever & kinda shy to say this both bc it makes me look edgy as fuck but also like.... idk as someone whos had mental health problems, lets say, and has sort of resigned to this idea of like. oh i died a long time ago & theres a point in my life where i just think i stayed , and i dont think theres any way of going back, something something about living on borrowed time and it feeling meaningless . or whatever. stares at you pretend i didnt say all that. my point is i dont know i kind of- its bc i dont wannaaaa say ppl cant recover, that natalie was too far gone, this that and the other, bc i dont think you can make those judgements abt others (fictional or not) only yourself but... idk my point is. i fuckin get it when shes on the plane like that, as shes dying or just dying when she felt like she should have bc ever since its just been fucking horrible and well okay. sorry man i do kinda feel it even though i acknowledge its a shitty message.
i dont think it helps either that her "recovery arc" wadnt my favourite not bc i like. AGAIN im not saying this bc i dont think you can recover or get better its more like.. i was never a fan of the execution of it. i felt like it happened a bit too fast, and i would have preferred more scenes with natalie and lottie rather than natalie and lisa and natalie and the rest of the cult and i feel like that would have been more powerful to me bc the cult themselves feel kind of just... underdeveloped, and very much functional as a means for lottie and whats going on with her . i fully expect them to never be mentioned again after some point and to be completely ignored with the way this show has been going
and like i dont mind lisa that much but i dont now im kinda uninterested in characters that just get introduced and we immediately get SO much focus on them when theres, as i said , other more interesting and efficient ways to explore similar things (natalie and lottie a better dynamic for example) AND other stuff thats getting ignored big time.
like as an aside. i dont mind lisa as much BUT one example is also fucking walter and i dont like how theyre using him to kinda reduce misty to a bit of a joke AND cheap out on her own development (i think she can carry fine on her fucking own without him) but also bc he takes up so much runtime with his goofy little bits that just dont do it for me when again we're missing other shit from, like, FUCKING SIMONE FOR EXAMPLE whos barely been mentioned which is crazy. actually crazy. that she has barely been mentioned and tai's whole storyline has been ignored like that
but anyway even with lisa, i dont know- the whole thing with going to se her family, ugh... call me a jaded asshole, but like it just felt so. unsubtle. with the waythat whole scene was kinda executed. is that a cunt thing to say. but i dont know theres also other parts of the cult i just cant fuckin vibe with- i just feel like its so... clumsily done at times, and i cant quite articulate why i think that.
anyways . i get why a lot of ppl dont like natalies death in the end bc yeah it is kinda... a shitty message to send, even if i do kinda feel like well yeah damn yeah you know. but like also i do think theres the other obvious issue of like... with the way this show is, and as good as it is, i feel like theres gonna be more problems that develop and exacerbate over time. i really feel like they needed to introduce more characters earlier on and/or reveal less in present day bc whilst i dont think the tension is everything , and i dont think the shock value of ppl being hunted/dying in the past timeline is everything i do think its gonna have effects on the present time line and them trying to compensate. nd anyway now theyre just gonna do shit like try to tragically kill the women in the present vis a vis nat for like kinda no reason imo bc i do think it was . ultimately such a weird fucking way for her to die and to end even if i did resonate with her dying scene
and i do think there IS some bite that kinda being lost and its a bit weird when they write themselves into holes and have to try and flesh out new characters in the past that we know are just gonna straight up die so soon. a
its why i also didnt really like the idea of krystal. fuck i dont like the idea of krystal and walter being introduced to have a rapport with misty and i think thats just bc i LIKED her being alone . i liked no one fucking liking her. maybe its bc i projected too hard, but also its just like... i dont know it feels so fucking WEIRD that misty has had 0 friends and then she incidentally only just realises that some girl on the soccer team shes been orbitting for forever is like her type of weird and whatever whatever bah bah bah LIKE... theyre clearly trying to spin stuff for her to do, the same with the inclusion of walter, and its like. i dont know again in MY opinion and maybe its my fault for both projecting and setting an expectation but... i think a much more interesting thing to explore would be ownership of herself and her own fucking weirdness and being able to do that alone without needing the validAation of the others . am i crazy. like again i keep thinking abt her in the future and her and walt and ugh how much more i would love it if it was her fighting by herself to try and get natalie out of there. YES its harder to execute in a tv show but i do think it owuld be so much more interesting than taking the . in my opinion lazier route of just sticking in other characters to use to give her storylines
anyway what else was i gonna say fuck this was meant to be about natalie yeah like. thats also what im kinda mad at and why i dont like the inclusion of the extras like walter and lisa, like... i thinkits so much stronger when its just focussing on the dynamics of the girls (and their established ties, from the beginning of s1, i.e callie or simone, etc.) and i think mistys arc this season would have been better if it was a focus on her and nat, even if it was totally onesided rather than fucking walter and
ok im done can i also say. cant wait for shauna to ascend to antler queen in the current timeline. let her go fucking insane i say
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hxzelwallflower · 1 year
@thebigshotman cont. x
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Their escape to Castletown wasn't as easy as it seemed . Navigation is a whole other story , specially with some of those dents were from her own doing . Turning a corner too fast , bumping into objects that cluttered her escape route , all with mumbled apologizes .
By the time she reached her doorstep the last of her magic had fizzled out , resulting in a nasty coughing fit as the fumes from Spafnir's smog were still lingering in her nasal cavity . Nevertheless , she made it .
Fingertips moved along his arm , running over the bandage she'd tightened just to prevent anymore leakage . While it's unclear what treatment would be the most effective she's more focused on making sure his body doesn't lose anymore oil .
Then among the static , her name . Barely a whisper but profound enough to cease her work .
Maybe that sound really did have something to do with his reboot , which she further appreciates on account of Spafnir's "handiwork" . That said , she leans forward . The gentle lacing of her fingers through his stained pair as faint outlines from his lenses danced among the glass .
❝ I'm here ... ❞
Surely Eileen wasn't hearing things , only other time the Darkener addressed her like that is in a state of forlorn . Unless that fight knocked his system back on track she was practically use to the nickname . Placing the gauze aside Eileen tried to contain herself , but one could only hold a misty gaze for so long .
❝ I'm right here , Spaul . I can hear you . ❞
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vapehk1 · 1 month
Hunting Down the Elusive Fume Vape Near Me: A Light-Hearted Guide
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Ah, the quest for the Fume Vape Near Me! It's a journey many brave souls undertake, but not all are prepared for the humorous twists and turns along the way. Whether you're a seasoned vaper or just dipping your toes into the fragrant mists of vaping, finding the right spot to buy your fume vape can feel like an epic saga right out of a sitcom. In this guide, we'll take you through the highs and lows, the do's and don’ts, and even some "you've got to be kidding me" moments in the hunt for that perfect puff. Buckle up and prepare for a few laughs; you're in for a delightfully aromatic ride! The Great Local Vape Shop Safari Navigating the concrete jungle in search of a local vape shop is an adventure of its own. Picture this: you, equipped with nothing but your smartphone and a strong desire for nicotine, stepping out into the wild (also known as your local neighborhood). The first stop? That tiny shop squeezed between a fast-food joint and a laundromat, where the scent of e-juice blends with the aroma of fried chicken and fabric softener. It’s an olfactory overload, but hey, that’s part of the charm! Exploring these local haunts not only supports small businesses but also gives you a firsthand look at their vast, colorful selections of fume vapes—each promising clouds bigger than the last. In every local vape shop, there’s always that one enthusiastic clerk who seems to have tried every flavor under the sun and insists on giving you a rundown of their top picks. From 'mystical mango' to 'bizarre butter rum', their descriptions are so vivid you can almost taste them. Engaging with these passionate purveyors provides insights into the vaping community and, often, better deals than you might find online. So, while you’re out there, make the most of the personal touch—they might just point you to the Holy Grail of fume vapes. The Online Odyssey Now, let’s shift gears to the digital domain, where the search for "Fume Vape Near Me" transforms into an online odyssey. Here, you're greeted by the endless scroll—a modern-day river Styx filled with vape shops, review sites, and more advertisements than a Super Bowl break. But fear not, for this is where comparison shopping becomes your greatest weapon. Scrolling through pages of vape shops, you weigh the pros and cons, hunt for the best prices, and chuckle at some of the most outrageous product reviews left by anonymous internet comedians. One of the beauties of online shopping is the sheer variety of fume vapes available at your fingertips. Whether you're looking for limited edition models or the latest in vape tech, the internet has it all. Just be wary of the dark side—pop-up ads! They appear out of nowhere, promising deals so good they feel like the internet equivalent of a back-alley deal. Always ensure you're buying from reputable sources to avoid the classic "great deal, bad product" fiasco. The Social Scene and Vape Culture Vaping is not just about inhaling vapor; it’s a lifestyle. For many, finding a "Fume Vape Near Me" is as much about the product as it is about immersing oneself in the local vape culture. Picture the scene: a cozy shop filled with the hum of conversation, a group of friends laughing over the latest vape memes, and clouds of vapor that almost make the room look like a misty forest scene from a fantasy movie. Participating in this culture can lead to new friendships and a deeper appreciation for the artistry behind vape flavors and designs. Local vape meetups and flavor testing events offer opportunities to engage with fellow enthusiasts. These gatherings can be a delightful mix of informative discussions and hilarious personal anecdotes about vaping mishaps. Just remember, every cloud has a silver lining—sometimes literally, depending on your vape juice. Safety Tips and Best Practices Amidst the fun and frolics of chasing the perfect vape, let’s not forget the importance of safety. Vaping, like any hobby, comes with its set of rules to ensure everyone has a good time without any "oops" moments. When searching for a "Fume Vape Near Me," always check the authenticity of the products. Counterfeit vapes can be not only ineffective but also dangerous. It’s like getting a whoopee cushion that deflates too soon—disappointing and slightly embarrassing. Educate yourself on proper vape maintenance to keep your device in top-notch condition, ensuring that every puff is as good as the first. Proper cleaning and storage will prevent common issues such as leakages and battery failures—common culprits behind vape horror stories. And, perhaps most importantly, stay informed about local regulations to ensure that your vaping adventure doesn’t end with a surprise cameo by local law enforcement. Conclusion Embarking on the quest to find a Fume Vape Near Me is an adventure filled with local shop explorations, online shopping escapades, cultural immersions, and a commitment to safety. The journey starts in the heart of your neighborhood, where you might encounter enthusiastic clerks in quaint vape shops nestled between everyday storefronts. Transitioning to the digital world, the search expands as you navigate through countless options and customer reviews, aiming for the best deals while dodging the pitfalls of online advertisements. Beyond the products, the vape culture offers a community of fellow enthusiasts, where local events and meet-ups turn into scenes of shared experiences and humor. However, amidst the fun, prioritizing safety through informed purchases and proper maintenance of vaping equipment is essential to ensuring a fulfilling and hassle-free experience. This guide, with its light-hearted tone, not only directs you on where and how to find the best fume vapes but also embeds you into the lifestyle and community that come with it, making the journey as enjoyable as the destination. FAQs 1. Where can I find a fume vape near me? To find a fume vape near you, start by visiting local vape shops in your area, which you can find through online maps or vape store locators. These shops not only provide a variety of products but also offer the chance to interact with knowledgeable staff who can guide your choice. Alternatively, you can search online vaping forums, e-commerce platforms, and the websites of vape manufacturers for delivery options directly to your doorstep. 2. What should I look for when choosing a fume vape? When selecting a fume vape, consider the device's battery life, tank capacity, and ease of use, especially if you're a beginner. Flavor options and nicotine strengths are also important based on personal preference. Always ensure the product is from a reputable brand to avoid counterfeit items, which can be unsafe and less effective. 3. How do I know if a vape shop is reputable? A reputable vape shop typically has a wide selection of products, knowledgeable staff, and positive reviews either online or through word-of-mouth. They should be willing to answer your questions, provide information on product warranties, and adhere to local laws regarding vaping and nicotine sales. Checking if they follow age verification laws is also a good indicator of their compliance and reputation. 4. Can I attend vaping events or meetups as a beginner? Absolutely! Vaping events and meetups are great for beginners looking to learn more about the culture and different aspects of vaping. These gatherings can provide valuable information, allow you to sample different flavors, and offer the opportunity to meet more experienced vapers who can share advice and tips. Just ensure to check the event’s target audience and whether it is beginner-friendly. 5. What are the best practices for maintaining my vape device? Maintaining your vape device involves regular cleaning of the tank, proper charging of the battery, and replacing coils or pods as needed to ensure optimal performance. Always use the manufacturer's recommended products, like chargers and replacement parts, to avoid damaging your device. Store your vape in a cool, dry place when not in use, and ensure that it is turned off to preserve battery life and enhance safety. Regular maintenance not only prolongs the life of your vape but also improves the quality of your vaping experience. Read the full article
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chickenroost · 2 months
Chapter 6 – Fleeing into the Darkness
Creed huffed. "Old man...I wanted to fight. Damn...Stick me with the luggage." He looked to the three of them. "Whatever, let's get out of here. It's too risky to fly, so we should get out of the town, then go. I'll take point." He sniffed the air, looking around, and started off, heading to the back roads around the homes.
Keir looked to the two of them and then to her. "Keep close. Don't stop. Let's go!" He moved after Creed, keeping close to the girl.
She ran after Creed as Xial took up the rear, keeping an eye out as they hurried. "R-Right!"
The six riders dived out of the skies, splitting off as they disappeared into the city streets near those that they were running through. Xial spoke up. "I don't like the look of that...They are going to try to surround us and more are coming!"
Creed growled and looked around. "Tsk..." He smashed the side of a house and pushed the girl in softly. Then, he spat a large fireball at the group into the air past the riders. It exploded, raining down rock-sized fire balls at them, as several hit the houses nearby and disappeared into ash.
Three of the riders were incinerated but several dodged the fireballs, along with two of the mounts. One was sent crashing into one of the nearby houses. The two mounts flew off to rejoin the slayers, but the remaining three hovered overhead as she peered out from behind Creed, clutching the egg nervously. Together the three mounts spewed out their attacks at Creed, melting stone of one with the flames of the other two.
They were targeting him as the other two mounts suddenly reappeared.
One was lunging at Keir, snapping at his arm, and the other was veering towards Xial, gnashing its jaws at his legs from below suddenly.
Creed smiled, looking up at the fumes with a grin. He blocked the attacks by folding his arms and engulfing them in fire. The attacks sent out a shock wave, knocking back the girl. They focused on him as the fire was absorbed completely. "My turn, hurrah!" He suddenly jumped on top of the house and sent out a giant fireball of flame at them as it grew in size and eclipsed the sky heading towards them.
Keir jumped up, avoiding the first mount's attack and formed a water spear in his hand, stabbing the human on top. Then he transformed and sent a ball of water to the other one, bursting as it hit him. He then moved next to the girl. "We'll just have to fly. Get on my back!"
The girl climbed up onto Keir's back, wobbling as she got up at first, but hurried to as best she could with the egg in her arms, clutching to him like before. "Ah, alright! I'm on!"
Keir then sent out a ball of water at Creed. He then turned and sent out a large fireball at him. The two clashed as a misty haze filled the air and covered the area. In the mist the four of them set out , heading away from the stone city to the black dragon kingdom. Creed flew next to Xial. "Better hope the black dragon kingdom isn't in the same state as this!"
The girl shivered on Keir's back where she was holding on, gently clutching tight to the egg. "This...This is downright war that their starting."
Xial huffed. "While their hardly to be taken aback by an attack or caught unawares, I do doubt their going to be any more welcoming towards that girl and that egg you've got with you than that earth king was. My uncle doesn't exactly have a fondness for those who are kind towards any of mankind."
Creed laughed. "My kind of guy. Still, we can't kill her as long as she's latched on to that egg. More than that, after we get there, I'll send a message home. My father will be happy to see the water dragon king struggle. Who knows, he may even join in and wipe both sides out." Keir growled. "Creed! You people are nothing but snakes. You'd eat each other even if you weren't starving! I doubt the king would go down easily, besides those humans were using dragon killing weapons. Look to your arm!"
He looked to his arm and saw scales missing in the area around it. It was also darker than his skin. "What?! When did I get hit?"
Keir smirked. "One of those humans had arrows. Those arrows must have dipped in Ghuln juice. The plants are lethal to dragons. Lucky, you only got a scratch."
She shifted uncomfortably on his back but looked towards them all with downcast eyes. "I'm sorry."
Xial spoke up. "You should really heal that soon. Don't need you passing out on us before we get to the lands."
Creed smirked. "Heal? What am I, a weak water dragon?" He gripped the wound then growled, pulling it until a small lob of black flesh was ripped away and blood slowly leaked out. It hardened in reaction to the air until it started to reform scales, quickly healing. He then tossed away the torn flesh and burned it to ashes. "A dragon like me is born with a high healing rate. I could easily replace my entire tail in a matter of hours if I needed to. That's the perk of being a supreme fire dragon."
The girl looked to him in amazement. "I never thought anyone could do that. So there's different kinds of fire dragons?"
Keir groaned a bit and gagged. "That's pretty disgusting too…Ecch…"
Creed nodded. "There are many, from lava dragons to ash breathers. We exist by power and the strongest is flame dragons. Of course, I'm the rarity. A supreme dragon is one born into power at birth. Don't lump me in with all the others."
Keir huffed. "It's true you have almost unlimited power but your problem is you have no control of yourself. That's how that giant crater that used to be the fire dragons' first home was made and why you're not allowed too close to home."
Creed hissed. "Pah. You water dragons always run your mouth about things you know little about." He blinked, seeing figures ahead. "Hold on, someone's ahead of us."
Flying straight out to greet them was a small number of black dragons, led by none other than Onya's father, as well as Onya herself. Neither looked pleased but their expressions softened some as their gazes fell on Xial, who called over to them. "Ah, Onya, Nalfar, what are you doing out this way?"
Onya moved to speak, but was cut off by Nalfar. "The time to speak will come later, for now, you all are to be taken to the court of the black dragons. Come with us, we will be escorting you there." Xial blinked. "Orders of my uncle, no doubt? We better follow them, he's not a fool. They must have heard news of the attack already." The group agreed and followed them calmly, but were wary for any further attacks.
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