#mitsuki is a good mother in her own way
amjustagirl · 3 months
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title: to rebuild a home pairing: kuroo x f! reader genre: angst / fluff, post timeskip! wc: 6.8k m.list
a/n: companion piece to the original love knows not its depth, from kuroo's perspective.
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Kuroo Tetsuro is doing alright. 
He’s deftly juggling the roles life has handed him. His tenth wedding anniversary is coming up. He’s gotten a nice pair of earrings and a reservation at Tokyo’s hottest omakase for you to celebrate. The girls are doing nicely at school - Aiko’s grades are excellent, and Fumiko’s not gotten into any schoolyard fights unlike Bokuto’s trio of sons. His bosses seem happy with him too, paving the way for him to climb the corporate ladder rung by rung. He’s earned each promotion by burning days in the office, nights in the izakayas schmoozing with his bosses, but it’s worth it, even if it admittedly comes at the expense of being with you and the girls. 
It’s a sacrifice he has to make so he can provide you with the fairytale life he’s always promised you. Not that you’ve ever complained about the trade-off.  
“She’s the best wife and mom I could’ve asked for”, he tells Kenma, when the former setter asks about you. “I don’t know how she does it.” 
Kenma frowns. “You make her sound like a video game character.” 
“That’s cos she’s amazing -”
“Kinda sucks that she pretty much has to juggle a full time job and the kids on her own most of the time.”
“She manages perfectly well”, Kuroo enthuses, oblivious to the barb in his friend’s words. “By the time I get home, the girls are in bed, the house is clean, and there’s even a lunch box packed for me each day. She’s a rockstar at work too - should be up for a promotion next financial year.” 
“Huh”, Kenma sniffs. “I wonder when she gets a break.” 
Kuroo’s too distracted by the round of beers that’s delivered to his table to think deeply about his best friend’s apprehension. When he stumbles through the front door that night, he finds you crouched over the coffee table, frantically typing at your laptop. As expected, the girls are in bed, there’s nothing out of place. 
“All good?” he asks you in passing, his mind already filing the tasks on his plate for tomorrow - organising a publicity event jointly held by the JVA and Bouncing Ball Corporation to introduce new national team members, reviewing the proposed budget for this year’s international competitions, popping by the under-19 team to see if there are indeed any promising candidates - he’s already one foot in the bedroom, ready to call it a night. 
He doesn’t notice the violets blooming under your eyes. 
“Mm.” You don’t look up. “Have a good night.”  
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Kruoo Tetsuro thinks he’s doing alright. 
Bokuto Kotaro, for some reason, doesn’t think so. “Mitsuki said you’re lucky you’re not married to her cos she’ll skin you alive”, he informs him, as if Kuroo shares his love for women capable of chomping his head off in one bite.
Maybe the Bokutos operate on a different metric - because yes, they’re the model of egalitarianism with Mitsuki the high powered general counsel for Kenma’s Bouncing Ball Corporation (based on his referral, he likes to add, cos’ it’s funny to watch Mitsuki growl) and Kotaro the part time coach, full time stay at home dad to his wolfpack of sons, but that doesn’t mean his marriage is on the rocks. 
As a child, he was the unwitting witness to his parents’ fights, which culminated in his mother walking out of the door, his father crying over a thick stack of divorce papers. His grandparents took him in, gave him stability and love and comfort but he swore to himself he’s never going to put his daughters through that. 
Sure, it’s been a while since you’ve had a night to yourself. The last time he remembers you taking time away from the girls was to go out for dinner with him to celebrate his latest promotion - his conscience stings a little that he can’t remember the last time you’ve taken a break from everything you’ve been doing for him and the girls, but he’ll make it up to you once he has time. You always understand. 
Still, just to be sure, he checks in on you again. 
“You alright?”, he reaches for your hand, when he climbs into bed that night. 
You’re lying in bed. He should find it odd that you’re still awake at this time of the night, staring up at the ceiling as if there’s something to be found there, but he falls asleep in the slow seconds, doesn't hear your response. When he wakes, you’ve already taken the girls to school. He gets himself ready for work, loops his tie around his neck, grabs his briefcase and the bento you’ve so lovingly packed for him, and hops on the train. He runs through his routine like clockwork, but there’s a niggling feeling that he’s missed something important, possibly something to do with you. 
Did you say something to him last night? 
It doesn’t matter. He makes a mental note to purchase a spa day for you - but that’s promptly forgotten when he’s greeted by a flood of emails and an invitation from his boss to go out for drinks that night. 
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Kuroo still thinks he’s doing alright. 
“You’re lucky”, his boss toasts him. “Your wife doesn’t complain like mine when I go out drinking, even though I tell her I need to do it for work.” 
“She’s an angel”, Kuroo replies, quietly bursting with pride. “Never complains.” 
“Lucky man”, his boss says. “My wife is such a nag.” 
He misses the last train home that night, drops you a text not to wait up and stumbles around Shibuya trying to find a cab. It must be a busy night because by the time he manages to flag down one, it’s three a.m. and his head is pounding from the excess of alcohol and lack of solid food and water. He fumbles with his keys, almost falls through his front door when the lock gives way. “Tadaima”, he says out of habit, too-loudly, before his stomach lurches and he has to make a mad dash for the kitchen sink. 
He wants to respond, but he’s too busy emptying out the contents of his stomach. He shouldn’t have woken you up. He shouldn’t greet you with a mess for you to clean up. He shouldn’t lean so heavily on you that you stagger beneath his weight. 
He shouldn’t do all of that yet he does so anyway. You tuck him, a grown man, into bed.
Tomorrow, he’ll apologise. Tomorrow, he’ll make it up to you. 
Tomorrow comes. He wakes up. 
You’re gone. 
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Kuroo Tetsuro is not alright.
He’s ashamed to admit that he doesn’t even notice you’ve taken off until it’s way past lunch when your mother drops him a text to ask if he’s picking up the girls or if he intends to leave them with her overnight. 
“What d’you mean?” he texts her, confused.  
His heart stops when your mother responds to say you dropped off the girls at her place without much of an explanation, an overnight bag slung over your shoulder. You don’t pick up your phones, his calls going straight to voicemail. For the first time in forever, he sheepishly asks his boss for urgent leave from work so he can rush home to figure out what’s going on. 
You always take your laptop with you, but it’s sitting at home. He knows it’s an invasion of privacy, but he types in your password (his birthday), and your web browser reveals a booking for a ryokan in Hakone, where the both of you honeymooned almost a decade ago. It’s an hour away by train, far too much time for him to sit and stew in his thoughts. He wonders if you’ve become sick of your life with him, whether you’ve found someone new, and by the time he’s reached the ryokan and charmed the receptionist to let him into your room, he’s teetering on the edge of giving into his frustration, entertaining thoughts about yelling at you for being so goddamned irresponsible, cos how could you just walk out on him and the girls -
Until you walk in, thankfully alone. 
It strikes him that it’s the most refreshed he’s seen you look in a very, very long time. Your cheeks are glowing, your eyes sparkle, and there’s a spring in your step that he hasn’t seen since you’ve had the girls. 
Still, he can’t help but remain a little peeved. “I’ve been calling you all afternoon”, he informs you. “I was worried.” 
He immediately regrets his words as he watches the light die in your eyes. 
“Were you?”, you ask, as if you were addressing a stranger. “Really?” 
“Of course”, he frowns, slowly getting up to approach you, concerned when you start to sway. “You’re my wife and the mother of our girls, of course I care.” 
Laughter spills from your lips, an undercurrent of bitterness and contempt that’s threatening to drag you under before his very eyes. “If you really cared, you’d have noticed that your wife is broken”, you tell him between gasps, your shoulders caving in. “I tried fixing myself with a break, but you can’t even give me that.”  
He’s starting to realise that things aren’t alright at all. You flinch when he takes a step towards you, an action which stabs him clean through his heart because he’s your husband, your Tetsuro, your person. Tea, then, a neutral offering that manages to calm you down enough to take a seat, even if you’re still shaking, falling to pieces while laughing, laughing -
“Tell me what’s wrong”, he begs. “Tell me what I can do to fix you.” 
You take a sip of tea. It’s hot enough to burn you, but you don’t seem to notice. 
“I can’t do this anymore, Tetsuro.” 
“Don’t say that”, he snaps, his inner child recoiling because he can’t bear to have his girls go through what he went through, wondering if it was his fault, his very existence that caused his parents to split up. “The girls and I need you -” 
You don’t seem to hear him. 
“Princess”, he falls back on his pet name for you, rusty from lack of use. “Come back to me.” 
You’re unmoved, your eyes unseeing, deaf to his pleas. Sip after sip, you gulp down scalding tea, each action jerky, mechanical. Frozen, in an impenetrable placidness that he can’t read. You’re sitting right in front of him but you’re not really there at all.    
“Let’s talk when you’re back home”, he finally says. “Have a good break.” 
The immature little boy that still lives in his psyche is still unconvinced that it’s a bad idea to drag you back home with him posthaste, but you asked for a break, and it’s the least he can give to you.
You allow him to roll out your futon for you, to swaddle you in layers of blankets as if that would keep you from falling apart any further. As he kisses your forehead to bid you goodnight and goodbye, he feels the brittleness of your bones, the thinness of your skin beneath his palms and he spends the hour-long train ride home wondering how he managed to look away long enough for you to turn into a shadow of your past self.   
He goes straight to your mother’s house to retrieve the girls. As penance, he stands at the front door, head bowed, letting your mother yell at him in front of the neighbours for being a useless husband and an irresponsible father. After all, he deserves every word she flings in his face. He’s just thankful that she doesn’t ream him out in front of the girls. 
“Where’s mama?” Fumiko mumbles half asleep into his neck. “Want mama.”
He cradles her closer. “She’ll be home tomorrow”, he tells her, hoping with every fibre of his being that that does not turn out to be a lie. Aiko, older and wiser, just stays quiet, so he forces a smile on his face for her sake.  
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Kuroo Tetsuro is far from okay.
The strain of the day wears on him and he’s sure there are burning emails in his inbox for him to firefight, but there’s a long list of chores to be done in your absence. The girls’ school bags need to be packed (in the case of five year old Fumiko) or checked (for ten year old Aiko), their uniforms to be laid out, the laundry sorted and folded. He barely gets any sleep before he has to hop out of bed to throw together a cold breakfast of milk and cereal that makes Fumiko burst into tears and Aiko’s face droops. By the time he shuffles his two cranky children out of the house and into their respective schools, he’s late for work. 
He meets Bokuto and Kenma for lunch since there’s no lunch bento waiting for him in the fridge, though he regrets the decision to leave the refuge of his work desk for the boardroom of Bouncing Ball Corporation when Mitsuki joins them and, sharp-eyed as ever, sinks her talons into him. 
“You look like shit”, she says to him as a greeting. 
“Thanks”, he grounds out. The girls demanded he work their hair into the neat braids they insisted you always do, so bedhead would have to do for him today. 
“I’ve never seen you without hair gel before”, Bokuto marvels. “You look weird.” 
“I had a crap morning, okay”, he snaps, biting the head off the karaage fish in his store bought bento, which he resents for tasting worse than those you usually make for him. “So I’m sorry if I look slightly less than presentable -” 
“You look like a man whose wife just left him - “ 
Mitsuki’s just stepped right on the wound he’s tried to keep hidden, festering and bleeding beneath his skin, so like an animal lashing out when it’s hurt, Kuroo slaps the table with both palms and snarls. 
“Don’t - don’t fucking say that, okay? She’s just taking a break. She’ll come home.”
He can’t stand to see the shock and pity on his closest friends’ faces. “She’s coming home today”, he repeats softly, almost to himself, as if he’s little Fumiko in need of reassurance that the person she needs most in the world hasn’t just abandoned her. “It’s gonna be okay.” 
Perhaps it’s the maturity that comes with fatherhood, because Bokuto is the first to react. “That’s right, you’re gonna be okay”, he soothes, pulling Kuroo into his seat. “Kenma’s gonna call your boss and tell him that you’re gonna spend the rest of the afternoon here to plan some event - “
“Sponsorship for the Under-19 team, done”, Kenma snaps his phone shut.
“Guys, I’m fine - ” 
“Pretending everything’s okay isn’t going to help.” 
Kuroo deflates. “Thanks, Kenma.” 
Shelving his worthless pride to lay bare the situation he’s found himself in, that by neglecting his duties as a husband and father, he’s forced you to the brink of a mental breakdown, bad enough that you’ve left him - temporarily, he hopes. In the span of a few hours, he’s already found himself at his wit’s end, struggling to handle both the demands of the kids and his job, something that he realises he’s left you to bear, alone. 
“But I can’t figure out why she didn’t just tell me she was feeling overwhelmed”, he says, pulling at a fraying thread in his shirt. “I would’ve listened. I would’ve done better.” 
“She shouldn’t have to tell you to do your part”, Mitsuki waves away Bokuto’s desperate gesture for her not to kick a man when he’s already down. 
“But I didn’t know -” 
“Y’know, I really can’t stand men like you. You guys are amazing at work, able to anticipate your bosses’ and clients’ needs. At this point, you don’t even need to be told by your bosses  to jump, you don’t even ask your clients ‘how high’ - yet, for some reason, you manage to turn off your brain the minute you walk in through the front door at home.”
 “Maybe I should ask her for a list of things I can help her with -” 
Bokuto claps his hand over Mitsuki’s mouth. “Ehhh..you might not wanna finish your sentence or Mitsuki might really bite your head off.” 
Kuroo winces, snapping his mouth shut. 
“Maybe you can think of it in a different way”, Bokuto says. “Instead of ‘helping’ her - cos that’s just placing the mental burden on her - at least, I think that’s the term Mitsuki-chan used when she explained it to me -” the affronted lawyer nods begrudgingly, and beaming, he continues - “you gotta do your half of the work!”
“Level up”, Kenma provides, rather unhelpfully.
“Open your eyes and use your brain”, Mitsuki says bluntly, rolling her eyes, though her tone is less sharp.
“Where do I start?” Kuroo asks. 
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Step one. 
He picks the girls up from his mother in law’s place, bears with the lecture that’s awaiting him, and sheepishly asks them what their mama usually feeds them for dinner and breakfast, making a mental note of it. Tonight, he’ll cheat by feeding them gyudon at Sukiya, but he drops by the supermarket to procure the ingredients he needs for tomorrow’s breakfast and a bouquet of pink roses, even though he knows it’s probably too little, too late. He counts himself lucky that Fumiko loves bathtime, only needing supervision to wash and dry her hair, and Aiko’s responsible enough to work through her homework without prompting, but he’s still exhausted by the time they both head to bed. 
His job doesn’t end there. Running through the checklist Mitsuki begrudgingly allowed Bokuto to give him, he surveys the apartment, comparing it against the mental image of how everything was before you left it. Toys scattered, to be put back in place. Dust on floor, to be vacuumed up. A heap of laundry in the basket, to be hung, dried, ironed. 
Just as he finishes all these tasks, the front door swing opens. 
“Tadaima”, you call out, voice hushed. 
He nearly trips over his feet in his haste to relieve you of your luggage, usher you into a seat by the kitchen counter. “Okaerie”, he breathes, 
“The girls?” you ask. 
He’ll buy Bokuto lunch next time. “I picked them up from your mom”, he responds. “Don’t wake them up, I just put them to bed.” 
You peek into their rooms nonetheless. “Thanks”, you say, heading next to the fridge. “By the way, I’ll pay you back for the hotel room from my own money, don’t worry.” 
That’s the last thing on his mind. Besides, his sin is being a neglectful husband, not a miser. “It’s fine, I’ll cover it”, he scratches his head, embarrassed that you’re even bringing it up. “I should’ve realised you needed a break.” 
That makes you frown, but you accept anyway. He watches you stack bread, eggs, ham, cheese, and it strikes him that you’re already worrying about the girls’ breakfast when you look as if you haven’t even had your own dinner. 
“You haven’t had dinner?” he asks. 
You reply carelessly that you’ve had a bento on the train back. You don’t even bother to look at him. 
“I’ll take the girls in the mornings from now”, he tells you. “Sleep in and take a break.” 
That gets your attention. 
He plasters a confident smirk on his face to reassure you that he’s got it all in hand. 
“Oh”, you’re adorable when you’re confused, but he hates that he’s given you reason to doubt him. “Wake me up if you need my help?” 
“I won’t”, he promises. 
It’s time for him to level up.  
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Step two. 
He’s not going to lie to himself that he finds it difficult to do even half of what you used to do. Taking over the responsibility of wrangling the girls out of bed and into school, coming home early enough for dinner with you, that requires him to have hard conversations with his boss about not being able to go out for drinks or come in early anymore which probably hurts his chances for his next promotion, forces him to give up an hour or two of sleep, but it’s worth it if it allows you to heal. 
“Don’t expect a gold star for your efforts”, Mitsuki warned him. “It’s just what you should’ve been doing before, so it’s time for you to go above and beyond.” 
He takes her words to heart. You deserve to go to work well-rested, to wind down at night with a hot bath. He’ll buy a robot vacuum and pour over its manual that’s thicker than a textbook, do laundry loads while hopping on and off conference calls, wrestle the iron to press down his own shirts. 
You seem baffled by the sudden shift in the winds, but he just pretends everything is normal. Business as usual. Things are just as they should’ve been. 
In his next push to right his wrongs, he organises a Saturday dinner date with you. The girls are packed off with your mother, he makes the reservation, books the cab, compliments your dress. He asks you about your work (tiring), your boss (a micro-manager), the books you’ve read recently (nada, zilch). In the uphill battle to keep the conversation from being stilted, he makes a fatal mistake. 
“We can make it work if you want to quit your job and stay home full time with the children.” 
In his mind, that was a reasonable suggestion to make since you seem to hate your job and boss with a fiery passion. But you stare at him wide-eyed, your initial confusion hardening into anger. 
“Did the guys at work tell you it’s easier to have a housewife instead of a working wife? Are you saying this because you don’t think I’m a good enough mother to our girls?” 
You don’t give him a chance to backpedal, shooting a sarcastic apology for being selfish enough to refuse to be reliant on him, so he just slumps back in his chair in defeat. 
“I just want you to be happy”, he murmurs. “Forget I ever said that.” 
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Step three. 
To figure out step three, he schedules an emergency lunch meeting on Monday. The troops convene in Kenma’s boardroom to listen to his sorry tale with Mitsuki in charge of the post–battle analysis. 
“And remind me again, where did you two meet?” 
His face lights up at the memory of his first meeting with you. “Finance 102”, he replies. “We used to be academic rivals turned teammates after I convinced her I was smart enough for her to work with on projects.”
“What made you fall in love with her?” 
“As much as I hate it, I have to admit she’s probably smarter than me”, he says, though the fond smile that creeps onto his face betrays the fact that he loves that about you. “She’s just - her, she’s headstrong and funny. Did I tell you how she tried to stab me with her fork when I stole food off her plate -” 
“Only a million times”, Kenma interjects. 
“She’s always been independent and ambitious, with big dreams and an even bigger heart.” 
“Well”, Mitsuki says, adopting the mildest tone she’s used on him this month. “Does that sound like a woman who’d choose to stay home and depend on her husband? Not that there’s anything wrong with being a stay-at-home parent - Koutaro makes my career possible, and I’m the luckiest woman in the world to have him as my husband.”
“Babyyyyy.” Bokuto bawls, looking at MItsuki as if she hangs the moon in the sky. 
Gross. Kenma seems to agree. “Let’s get back to Kuroo’s failing marriage”,
“So I shouldn’t bring up the suggestion that she quit her job again?” 
His three person council shake their heads in unison. “Just keep what you’re doing”, Bokuto pipes up. “Sounds like you’re already doing the right things! Just gotta keep making sure she’s not holding up the sky herself.” 
He can do that. 
“And maybe talk to her?”, Kenma offers.
That’s the suggestion that he wants to dismiss right off the bat because he’s too much of a coward to even face the possibility that you might leave him. He doesn’t want to become his dad so he resolves to keep his head down and continue pushing ahead with his efforts to prove to you that he can be the husband you deserve, so you won’t wake up one day and decide to walk out on him again. 
But his subconscious fears force his nightmares into overdrive. Dreams of packed bags and stacks of divorce papers makes him yelp loud enough for you to roll over and shake him awake. He’s a terrible husband for disturbing your sleep, but in his sleep-dazed state of confusion he just sinks back into the pillow, exhaling a sigh of relief. 
“Thank the gods you haven’t left.” 
“Why would I leave?”, you mumble, turning away again. “It’s my home, isn’t it.” 
He sits up, rubs the nightmares away from his eyes. “I was afraid you left me.” 
The silence nearly suffocates him. The sudden need to know exactly where you stand eats away at him and he crawls towards you. “Are you going to leave me”, he asks, praying to all the gods in the universe that you’ll reassure him otherwise. 
His heart breaks anew when he hears a small sob, buried in the bedclothes. “I don’t know, Tetsuro”, you finally say. “I’m tired of being alone in a marriage when it’s supposed to be us working together.” 
“I’m sorry.” There’s nothing much he can say. 
A broken whisper. “I’m tired”, you exhale. “I think I deserve better.”
“I’ll make it better”, he promises. 
He will. He will. 
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Kuroo Tetsuro is trying his best. 
He takes a cooking class on the weekends to learn how to prepare bento boxes that are nutritious and easy on the wallet. He takes over the ferrying of Fumiko to her swimming lessons, work on Aiko’s art projects with her. He hires a part time cleaner to pick up the deep cleaning, so you and he have time to take the girls out on weekend outings instead of spending all day on a week’s worth of cumulated chores. A dishwasher appears in the house. He makes it a game for he and the girls to load and unload dishware each night. 
“There’s a networking wine night for finance next Wednesday”, he tells you casually. “I’ll make sure to be home so you can go, if you want.” 
You goggle at him. 
“Go schmooze so the world knows you’re as amazing as I know you are.” 
You trust him enough to leave the girls behind in his care and go. He counts that as a win. 
Some nights he still can’t get home in time for dinner, but he always makes sure he’s home in time for a bedtime story and a goodnight kiss. Aiko avers that at the grand old age of ten, she doesn’t need her papa to tuck her to bed anymore, but she sidles into Fumiko’s room everynight and sits in the corner of her little sister’s bed as the littler girl listens to his tall tales. 
“I met a princess when I was eighteen”, he says with a grin when he notices you listening in. “Instead of a crown, she armed herself with a fork, ready to cut down anyone who’d cross her.” 
His heart skips a beat when he hears your voice from the doorway. “Don’t be dramatic”, you interrupt, a small smile growing on your face. “You were trying to steal my food and didn’t stop ‘til I stabbed you.” 
Fumiko huffs, unhappy that her story’s being interrupted, but he can’t seem to tear his gaze away from you. “You left it on the table, princess. I consider that fair game.” 
“Let ‘to-san tell the story, ka’san.” Aiko grumbles. 
He savours your laughter. It tastes better than the finest wine. 
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“I can’t believe I have to fly all the way to Italy just to meet Kageyama-kun”, he huffs. “At least Hinata is meeting us there, I’ll revolt if I had to go up to Brazil as well.” 
“You know it can’t be helped”, you reply. “The promotional activities planned need your presence, and it’s only for a week.” 
“Will you be okay when I’m gone?” 
His fears melt away when you hand him his suitcase, a flask of his favourite tea. “I’ve always managed fine. Nothing’s changed.” 
His little monsters, realising that he’s about to leave, decide to launch a synchronised attack on him. Aiko throws herself at him in a bear hug. Fumiko yanks at his sleeve demanding a thousand kisses. 
“Yes, well. I’ll be home soon. Please wait for me” he says to you when the girls finally release him. The expression on your face is unreadable, but you don’t pull away when he takes the liberty of taking your hand in his. 
He feels your heartbeat accelerates. You glance up at him, almost shy. “I’ll see you soon.” 
He’s so tempted to call his boss and pretend that he’s too ill to get on that damned flight, but he’s pretty sure that would get him fired. Instead, he calls you and the girls every day, and brings home a luggage full of presents for all of you. 
When he’s home, he celebrates by putting on the frilliest pink apron he’s ever seen (courtesy of Yaku, who sent it to him all the way from Moscow as a joke) and throwing an elaborate takoyaki party, replete with customised toppings - octopus, cheese and shrimp, which the girls enjoyed even if he burnt the first batch and had to call Fukunaga frantically for tips to rescue the rest. It turns out to be such a success that he makes it a weekly event. Okonomiyaki is next, which he flips with expert confidence on a hot plate to the applause of you and the girls. 
“Itadakimasu”, you clap your hands together. “It tastes good.” 
He nearly melts into his pan. “Thank you”, he replies. “It means a lot, coming from you.” 
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His nights are still plagued by nightmares.
Things are better with you, he likes to think. The violets beneath your eyes are replaced by roses in your cheeks. He hears you humming about the house again. You pick up reading again,  the shelves in the house start to groan under the weight of books belonging to the girls and you. You’re as eager as the girls to go on the next adventure, whether it be a summer night out in the park with sparklers, or a nerf gun battle at home on rainy days. 
Still, he doesn’t know for sure what he’s doing is enough for you and he’s too much of a coward to check. So he’ll wake up almost every night, fumble in the dark just to make sure you’re there. 
You’re there, until you aren’t. 
It’s three in the morning. The space beside him is cold and empty. 
He throws off the blankets, trips on his bed slippers. He crashes through into the living room and oh, there you are - sitting at the dining table, typing furiously at your laptop while mouthing off to yourself about the ridiculous demands your client makes. 
“What’s wrong?” you frown. 
He walks towards you, trying to discern that you’re real, you’re there, not some trick of the light.. 
“You’re - you’re still here.” 
You nod slowly, eyeing him strangely. “My boss called and asked me to send out an urgent email. I was just about to go back to bed.” 
He exhales, tries to force his trembling heart back into his chest. He thinks he’s doing a good job trying to act nonchalant, smoothing back his frazzled mane of hair, but you see right through him as you always do. 
“Tetsuro”, you say slowly. “Is everything alright? 
The truth tumbles out of his mouth. “I thought you were gone.” 
Then he hangs his head, looks at his feet, afraid that he’ll only see rejection in your eyes. He’s a pathetic failure of a husband who has a decade’s worth of sins to make up for, and there’s no justification for him to selfishly to seek your absolution. 
It comes anyway, in the form of soft hands pulling him forward. 
“I’m here”, you say, pulling him into your embrace, letting him rest his heavy head in your lap.
He doesn’t allow himself to sink into your warmth. “Are you happier now? Are things better for you?” 
“Yes”, he hears you say. The tension he’s been carrying around these few months lifts. “Thank you, Tetsuro. I appreciate it. I really do. You don’t have to work yourself to death - that’s never what I was asking for. If you’re tired -”
He shakes his head at your suggestion. He’s got a long way yet before he earns any reprieve. 
“Tetsuro -” 
He sits up abruptly, takes your hands in his. 
“Promise you won’t leave me”, he pleads. “I know you’ve had to carry what must’ve felt like the weight of the entire world on your own, and I don’t have any excuse for that.”
“You don’t”, you agree. 
He accepts the blow but he takes comfort that you don’t pull away. “I know that now. I know now how fucking hard it was to do it all alone.”
“It was hard. It was so, so hard, Tetsuro. I became numb to the pain. I don’t think I was functioning, I haven’t been for a while. For a long, long while.” 
“I’m sorry”, his voice cracks. 
“I know.”  You cup his face in your hands, offers him comfort he doesn’t deserve. “That’s a chapter of our marriage that’s past, that can’t be unwritten. But the past few months have been different. You’ve shown me that you’ve changed.” 
The first glimmer of sunlight after a long, dark winter. Hope blooms with your smile. 
“I think”, you say. “I think we can make this work again.” 
He stares at you, dumbstruck. Then the fact that you’re giving him another chance dawns upon him, and he crashes forward to rest his head on your shoulder, unashamed to cry tears of relief. 
“Thank you”, he exhales brokenly. “I won’t fuck this up again, I promise.”
You press a kiss to his forehead, curl up trustingly in his arms. “Don’t thank me”, you laugh. “Thank yourself for making me believe in you.” 
 He drinks up each drop of your affection, falls asleep in the cradle of your arms. 
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“Is this what flirting is like?” 
He wakes up to Aiko’s impertinent question, her hands on hips looking distinctly unimpressed at finding her parents asleep on the sofa, entwined together. 
“Who taught you that word?” Kuroo asks, aghast that his ten year old daughter even recognises the existence of the opposite gender. 
Aiko sticks her tongue at him, and he’s too distracted by Fumiko taking a flying leap onto the sofa with them, chattering a thousand miles an hour about what’s for breakfast and whether they can go to the zoo this afternoon - though he pins his suspicions on Bokuto’s trio of sons. 
“Monsters”, he says. “Can’t even give your to-san a break to snuggle up to your pretty ka’san.” 
The girls shriek in dismay - Aiko, at being a witness to further gross displays of affection between her parents, Fumiko, at being called a monster despite being a self-proclaimed princess. You prod at the soft flesh between his ribs. 
“Don’t be mean”, you admonish him. 
He sniffs, taking the chance to draw you closer. “I’m cranky in the mornings unless I get a morning kiss.” 
You snort, swatting at him. “You make it sound as if kisses contain caffeine.” 
The girls giggle, but he protests. 
“Full of nonsense”, you tease, but you kiss him, again and again and again. 
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Things settle into a steady, sustainable pace. 
You refuse to allow him to bear the weight of the household on his back alone. There are frank conversations to be had about what each of you can realistically handle without burning out. He leads the charge in the mornings, whipping up breakfast with the aid of his two sous chefs, building an expertise in braiding and french twists that could possibly allow him to moonlight as a hairstylist. You, on the other hand, take charge of evening pick-ups, cooking dinners, supervising homework and art projects until he comes home and tags you out. 
Chores are evenly split. He doesn’t allow you to assume the mental load of organising the household by yourself. “We both have a degree in business management”, he likes to remind you, because he now knows that remembering to run errands, scheduling appointments - all of this is work too. 
You force him to take breaks. If you get to relax with your friends, so should he. “If you get too stressed, you’ll lose your hair and we can’t have that.” He yelps when he imagines himself bald and obediently complies when you call Kenma up, talk him into getting him and Bokuto and Akaashi (when he’s feeling less morose about his singlehood) to go for a round of pick up volleyball. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself”, you note wryly when he returns home crowing about how he stuffed an Olympic player with a kill block. 
“I did”, he replies, catching your hips to pull you in, cheekily ignoring your complaints that he’s sweaty. “But I enjoy coming home to you even more.”
“Gross”, you grumble, but you seem content to remain in his arms. 
It’s another small moment he treasures. Life, he learns, is made of moments, both big and small. He’d made the mistake of only focusing on the big ones - graduation, playing at nationals, the day he was lucky enough to marry you, each of his daughter’s birthdays. Now, though, he cherishes each moment, each second he has with you and the girls, no matter how little, no matter how small. 
He likes to come into the bathroom each night, leaning his elbow on the edge of the bathtub as you chat to him about your day, luxuriating in the bath he drew for you. You and he take turns to complain about life’s inconveniences as you clear emails once the girls have gone off to bed- colleagues who shirk their work, bosses who nitpick overmuch, washing everything down with steaming cups of herbal tea. 
“Are you happy?”, he asks you, night after night. 
“Mm”, you say with an impish grin. “I’d be happier if you let me put my toes on your calves.” 
“They’re freezing”, he groans but scoots over anyway. “Better?” 
“Much better”, you hum, content. “Life is good.”
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He’s not remiss in planning the big moments too. 
A year passes quickly to your wedding anniversary. He packs your suitcase, books the train tickets and whisks you back to the ryokan in Hakone, though this time he upgrades you both to their largest suite. “I feel like a princess!” you exclaim, twirling about the room. 
Your happiness is worth every yen he spent. 
You spend the day strolling down avenues lined with cherry blossoms, Mount Fuji looming in the backdrop, the evening exchanging heated kisses in the private onsen he booked. You’re older now, with laughter lines creased into your forehead, grey streaks in your hair, but you’re still the same girl he fell in love with all those years ago. 
“And you couldn’t wait ‘til we got back to our room?” you smack him. 
He also loves how there’s fire burning bright in your eyes, the way it always used to. “You kissed me first!” 
“You kissed me second!” 
“I don’t hear you complaining”, he cackles. 
You try to shush him, to no avail, as he draws the attention of everyone around him.
“What a happy couple”, an obaa-san remarks out loud. “They must be newlyweds.”  
Well, she’s not wrong. You’re as radiant as you were fifteen years ago, his spring bride, but he’s an old man doddering on, hopefully with his edges sanded off with time. “Just your regular old, married couple”, he chortles when you’re safely back in the room. 
“A happily married couple”, you reply, serenely sipping your tea. “That obaa-san definitely got that part right.” 
There’s a lump in his throat that he can’t swallow. “Are you happy?” he manages to ask anyway. 
“With you?” Your smile is warm, bright. Always.”
Both of you are doing alright.
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a/n: it's been a while, hasn't it. i've been alright - how are you guys doing?
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 3 months
Crying bc that could never be me bc I never really had close guy friends when I was young please write a one shot or something of childhood friends y/n and Katsuki of Katsuki being immune to cooties and bringing these tendencies to UA together 😭
eeeee i was secretly hoping someone would ask me to talk about this more tehhehehe here you go ! I didn’t rlly get what you meant with him carrying the cootie thing to high school so i wrote this around your ask a lil, hope you don't mind ! i tried honoring your request as best i can, hope you enjoy !
fem reader, polar opposite’s trope except not POLAR opposite’s cus yn is a little shit on the low, mitsuki favoritism lol, mitsuki and katsuki arguing n bein sassy, katsuki gets embarrassed, mitsuki is mischievous, katsuki calling his mother old, yn calls mitsuki ‘miss’, pure fluff honestly, say it with me CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS TROPE WOHOOOO, mentions of making out n kissing, established relationship, cooties lol, lemme know if i missed sum else <3 !!
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katsuki wants to do one of three things right now : dissapear, sink into the floor or die—and the more he hears his old hag babbling on and on to you with a familiar photo album in her lap, the more he's starting to find the all three options tempting.
" oh look, this was at you guys' kindergarten graduation ! you were both soooo small, do you remember that ?! "
he hears his mom gush from the other bigger living room couch she's sitting on with you. it's been 15 minutes since you had come over to his house and the plan was for you guys to hang out, watch a movie and get a make out session in before you leave or preferably have you sleep over.
that was the plan, until his old hag came and fucked it up.
15 minutes since she'd dragged you over to the couch and talked your ear off about whatever the fuck moms talk about and you, being the sweetheart that you are, listened patiently the whole time, chatting and giggling out jokes easily. katsuki really, really doesn't know how you do it but he sure as hell respects you for it.
you'd always insisted on being polite with his mom, something about staying in her good graces after you guys had started dating. katsuki thinks that's extremely stupid because his mom has loved you since that day in elementary school when he'd dragged you over to her, his little hand gripping yours tightly and proudly exclaiming you were the one he was gonna marry. you were sweeter and calmer than he was by far and she was immediatly enamoured with you. katsuki's damn near sure she loves you more than she loves him. that in itself isn't the problem. the problem was that she's been hogging you ever since you walked in the door.
usually, katsuki's fast enough to drag you up to his room before she can get her claws in you, but he wasn't fast enough today and that's how he ended up in his current predicament.
" and this one when you came over for christmas—oh, katsuki begged me to let you stay over, you know ? you cannot believe how loud he can get when he doesn't get his way, started rolling around on the floor n' everything ! "
katsuki feels his ears redden the more he listens to this conversation and he wishes so bad for you guys to just fucking go. he could go to his room and avoid this entire conversation in theory, but he'd rather avoid his mom telling you some other embarrassing stories that you absolutely do not need to know about, so he concedes and tries his best to drown the conversation out, scrolling on his phone.
"ou, i have an adorable picture of katsuki in the bath let me find—"
" DON'T FUCKIN’ SHOW HER THAT, HAG ?! " katsuki shrieks, startling you, his mom looks surprised for no more than a milisecond before shooting him a nasty glare unphased by her son's outburst. "what's got you pipin' up now, brat ?" she asks unimpressed.
katsuki practically zooms over and snatches the album away from his mother's grip, shooting her a glare identical to her own. " i'm gonna burn this in your sleep one of these days, i swear. " he grumbles, trudging off to put the album back on one of the shelves of his living room and ignoring his mom wishing him good luck with that. katsuki feels like he's lost a battle when he hears you giggle quietly when he turns away, no doubt his mother had said something about how he was embarrassed to have you see his baby pictures. he vows to get revenge and thinks the best way to start is by throwing this cursed collection of pictures on an open fire. he decides to just put it back on the shelf for now.
“ what a spoilsport, am i right ?” mitsuki nudges you with her shoulder and you giggle at what katsuki personally finds a horrible joke. to each their own though, or whatever.
katsuki scoffs to himself. he makes his way back to the couch and stands in front of you both, arms crossed.
“you done hoggin’ my girlfriend now or are you gonna keep yappin’ some more ?” mitsuki scoffs at her son’s words, wrapping her arms around your frame and pulling you against her tightly when she sees katsuki’s hand creeping towards you, assuming he'd try to pull you away.
“ i’m sure you can be patient for a little longer, as hard as i know it is for you.” you hear katsuki scoff out an insult under his breath, mitsuki pays it no mind. “besides, yn has been enjoyin’ our conversation so far, haven’t ya sweetie ?” she asks. you, again, being the sweet thing that you are, happily nod with a smile. mitsuki looks up at her son with a smug look, her expression screams “see ?”.
“ she’s only agreein’ cus yer fuckin’ holdin’ her hostage.” katsuki grumbles. he feels his patience dwindling at a pace that should definitely be alarming. he looks at you and feels his heart flutter when you offer him an apologetic smile. his patience returns the slightest bit.
“hostage ? don’t be ridiculous katsuki—” then it’s as if a lightbulb goes off, katsuki can practically see it gleaming above her head and he really doesn’t like it.
“he’s always been like that y’know ? all clingy—you remember that right ?!”the excitement in her voice becomes more prominent when she sees you nod enthusiastically. katsuki has a strange, foreboding feeling about this.
“ i remember he’d constantly want you around holdin’ his hand everywhere. one time—" she pauses as she bursts into giggles that, to katsuki, sound more like witch cackles than anything.
“one time you refused to hold his hand because you got scared he’d get cooties” she chuckles. katsuki feels his stomach drop.
“but he said that wouldn’t happen because he was too strong to get them !”
fuck patience.
katsuki grabs you and stalks off so fast you feel like you’re floating a little bit. he quickly yells out a “we’re goin’ to my room, don’t fuckin’ bother us !” then he’s quickly running up the stairs with you in tow. it’s only when you get to the hallway that leads to his bedroom that he looks back at you. he rolls his eyes when he sees you clearly fighting back a laugh.
“be quiet.”
“i didn’t even say anything yet !” you defend, giggling at the same time. katsuki fights back a smile at the sound.
“yeah, but you were going to and i don’t wanna hear it.” he bites. he squeezes your hand afterwards, telling you it was a joke in his own way. in actuality, katsuki could listen to you talk for hours and hours, days on end without getting bored. you’re being a brat right now though, so he won’t tell you that.
you smile at his back as katsuki drags you along muttering to himself about how he “never should’ve left you with that old witch for so long.”
“i remember that, y’know ? the cootie thing.” you admit jokingly. walking up a little faster you catch up to him and walk side by side. he glances at you from the corner of his eye then looks away and scoffs “of course you do.” he groans.
“ you’re mom didn’t mean to embarrass you, i’m sure.” you try to console him despite still snickering at the memory of his face going beet red after his mom had ‘exposed’ him. “and it was nice to see those pictures. it felt all...nostalgic.” you reminisce about the summer days you’d spent over the years with your katsuki with a smile. remembering the days of adventures and melting ice cream. of waterparks and bandaged covered knees.
katsuki doesn’t make a sound next to you and you think he’s just ignoring you until he speaks again, the scowl on his face threatens to melt away. “that old bat had it out for me the entire time. she’s fuckin’ evil incarnate, just doesn’t show it to you.” he feels prideful when he hears you laugh “that’s mean !” you scold through giggles, but his smirk says he’s seen through you. he comes to a stop and backs you up until your back is against the wall.
“yer laughin’ though. not as much of an angel as you’re pretending to be, are ya ?” he teases, leaning in closer to you until your noses brush. you try to fight back the smile that pulls at your mouth but it doesn’t work and after a moment you’re giggling again. katsuki swears every time you laugh an angel gets its wings. he steals a sloppy kiss to hear the sound again.
your hands play with the hem of his plain black shirt. he’s handsome, too handsome. his outfit consisted of a plain black t-shirt and some sweatpants yet he still looks like a model and it makes you want to kiss him silly, call it revenge for looking so good.
“ i’m not pretending to be anything, definitely not an angel.” you chuckle “unlike you, i’m just being nice.” you stick your tongue at him and he chuckles. rolling his eyes, he scoffs. his warm hands reflexively start running up and down your waist.
“yeah well, that’s cus unlike me your ass gets to go home. you’d be less nice if you were stuck in here like i am.” you playfully roll your eyes at his dramatics
“i doubt that. besides, miss mitsuki likes me !”
“she’ll get mad at you for callin’ her miss again.” you gasp, quickly clasping your hand over your mouth as if his mom would hear you from here. katsuki’s snort makes you snort as well.
“c’mon” he urges after a minute, grabbing at your hand and tugging at it “we’re goin’ to my room.” he mumbles out a “fuckin’ finally” and you laugh.
then you get an idea.
you suddenly rip your hand from his and katsuki immediately stops dead in his tracks to stare back at you like you had just insulted him. you let out a tiny snort at his expression.
“the hell are you doin’ ?”
you clasp your hands behind your back and sigh, even looking down at the floor sadly for extra dramatic effect “we can’t risk it, suki.”
“hah ?” katsuki fully turns to you, slowly starting to grow worried at your sudden shift in attitude. “what’re you talking about ?”
“i mean..if we hold hands..” you slowly look up at him, revealing your shit eating grin “you might get cooties..”
katsuki looks at you for about 15 seconds with an incredulous look on his face and you burst out laughing. he’s definitely one of the most expressive people you’d ever met, so seeing what kind of faces he’ll makes next is always fun.
he walks over, grabs your hand and squeezes hard, as punishment you assume. you yelp through giggles.
you hear him let out a disappointment sigh when he turns his back to you and drags you to his room again. you happily follow along behind him like you’d done for years now.
"i really shouldn't have left you with that old hag for so long." he mutters bitterly. you let out a snort and smile to yourself, content that your plan to mess with your boyfriend ended up being succesful. you perk up when he suddenly huffs out a laugh.
" and anyways, i won't be gettin' any cooties. m'too cool for 'em." you laugh out loud and the way he grips your hand a little tighter tells you you don't need to see his face to know he's proud of that.
"what if i have them ?" you challenge in between snickers.
katsuki scoffs dissaprovingly, you can basically see him rolling his eyes despite his back being to you.
"you don't. only losers get cooties. and as far as i know, you're not a loser." he's a little embarrassed because this is reminding him too much of when you were kids and it makes him cringe. when he'd come up with excuses like him being 'too strong' or 'too cool' to get cooties because he just couldn't admit he simply wanted you close. "yer anythin' but." you hear him mumble.
you walk up next to him with a somewhat shy smile "i'm flattered you think of me that way." you confess.
"don't let it get to your head." katsuki quips. you respond by sticking your tongue at him again. he tries to ignore the loud thumping of his heart but it's not going too smoothly for him. his cheeks slowly redden and he looks away from you again, not before shooting you an eyeroll.
"hope you know you owe me extra cuddle time for wastin' it talkin' to my ma." katsuki adds, changing the subject. you smile up at him in response and offer him a sweet 'mhm !'
his mom may have embarrassed the shit out of him, but he figures it wasn't all bad. he's still deadset on destroying that photo album before she ends up showing you that picture of him in the bath, though. he'll think about a plan later but right now he plans to enjoy his cuddle time with you, cootie free.
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izvmimi · 1 month
cw: angst. character death. you and izuku are married and have a young son. godparent!katsuki. katsuki has an unnamed wife.
Your son always starts a fuss when you bring him to his grandmother’s house, but for some reason, as you slowly trudge up the steps to your mother-in-law’s modest home (she’d refused to let her son move her out into your large shared home or even a much larger, more roomy domicile of her own), you find that your son is eerily quiet, as though he can sense the turmoil inside of you and is choosing to give you a much needed break. 
By the time he makes it into Inko’s arms, he’s always less fussy, but today he’s quietly looking at you, curiously, as if he’s waiting for you to break down and cry. He’s unnerving that way, gifted with practically the same emotional intuition as your sweet husband, and it doesn’t help that he has practically the same face. Inko is quick to take your behaving not-yet-toddler from you, and gives you a sympathetic look. She is not going to the funeral yet because she plans to watch your son, but she’s spent practically every night this week at Mitsuki’s house, preparing food and helping her through her tears. You’ve helped your best friend, Katsuki’s wife, grieve similarly, but now that the final moment has come to lay him to rest, you feel dread rising in the pit of your stomach. 
You should not show your face. After all, you killed Katsuki Bakugou.
After you repeat this statement again out loud to your mother-in-law, shaky hands folded in your lap as she hands you a glass of water and tries to steady your nerves, she reminds you, as all good mothers would, that it wasn’t your fault.
He’d meant to save you. You hadn’t been the one to force an unclosable hole through his chest, and if it hadn’t been you standing and vulnerable in that particular spot, it would have been someone else he’d have aimed to save. 
Perhaps that last part is true. Or perhaps, because you are one of his closest friends' treasures, he fought a little bit harder, moved a little bit quicker and a little bit more recklessly to ensure that you made it out, that you’d be the one to explain to your best friend why her husband is not coming home to dinner, rather than he have to explain to Izuku why the mother of his child is no longer of this world. It’s a moment that plays in your mind constantly ever since you first heard the sickening crunch of bone and sinew give way, the spray of your child’s godfather’s blood soaking your clean clothes.
You’d just been at the grocery store and run into each other by chance. It’s been over a decade long gag now to pretend you hate each other more than everything while acknowledging that you’ve both intertwined your lives with a person the other holds terribly dear. When you saw Katsuki you crinkled your nose, a joke akin to ‘look what the cat dragged in’ muttered in some variation by you both, before walking side by side and catching up. The four of you had dinner plans that weekend anyway and Katsuki takes the idea of godparent far too seriously for being an only child, and thus was far too interested in what you were putting in your cart.
“I read kids develop their tastes early in life and I don’t think this” - he picks up a six-pack carton of juice that was admittedly laden in sugar from your cart - “is particularly conducive to healthy development.”
“Katsuki, I didn’t ask you,” you hiss, snatching it out of his hands, then sheepishly add, “in fact, that was mine.”
He laughs and shakes his head.
“Figures for all that chaotic energy you have,” he jokes. 
You had more to say to him, and then merely ten minutes later, in a flurry of explosions and debris, screams and scattered people,  you were staring straight through his chest to the other side.
Fuck? You thought. Katsuki looking at you, then looking at the gaping wound in his chest, then looking at the incapacitated villain and the destroyed supermarket, then looking back at your hands deep in his wound, pressing down at his chest desperately to stop the bleeding as best you can, tears running down your cheeks. You who so often were joined at the hip with the one he loves, who’s grown to merge their natural smile with Izuku’s over time, whose face is distorted in fear and shock and desperation to keep him alive so you don’t have to tell your best friend that you are the reason he’s no longer here to protect her.
Because he was protecting you. For his friend. For his wife. For the kid you’ve entrusted to him in case something happens to your or Izuku's child, who better not get that goddamn juice box.
“Hey, it’s okay.”
You want to scream, no it’s not, it will never be, how am I supposed to tell her-
“I forgive you. I’m not mad. Just take care of her, okay?”
Katsuki’s voice was the quietest, calmest you had ever heard it be since you’ve met him and you hate that he smiled, and you hate hate hate that Izuku would have done it for him, too. 
The shaking turns into sobs again and Inko holds your hands tightly. Your son is upstairs, too occupied with toys, again far too polite and considerate, and you wonder if he’ll remember how hard you are crying right now. If he’ll remember his father crying and holding you that terrible evening. You wonder what he’ll do when he’s old enough to know why his auntie doesn’t have a husband and why there are four people smiling in that wedding photo that hangs in your home instead of the three he knows, and who bought him nearly half of his books and toys. 
“I can’t go there,” you whisper again. 
Inko tilts her head. 
“But she needs you,” Inko murmurs. You wipe your tears with the back of your hands. Your husband, who isn’t the coward you are, is already at the funeral, working through funeral arrangements. Your throat dries up at how much he must be apologizing again, or perhaps he’s not apologizing at all, keeping his head up high and reminding everyone that Dynamight died saving someone important to him and what he did was not a mistake. 
“Kacchan is a true hero.” Izuku repeated softly into your ear, then to himself, then to you again, then to the world, then to his wife. His wife who should hate you but is too mournful to bother.
“I can’t go there,” you repeat. “I cannot look her in the eyes.”
But your best friend needs you and cried in your arms that very first night.
Inko nods.
“But she’d do it for you,” she says, softly.
She would do it for you, the same way Izuku would have done it for Katsuki. 
Moments later, you’re squeezing Dynamight’s widow’s hand as Izuku praises him, and you wish it hadn’t turned out this way but you’re at least fulfilling your promise.
Just take care of her, okay? 
You will, for the rest of your life.
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little-fairy-forest · 3 months
Stitches of love
-> bakugo x fem! Reader
-> domestic, fluff, romance, she / her
-> reader finds herself going crazy over what to get her mitsuki for motherday, little does she know she had a helping hand all along.
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"Katsuki please just give me some ideas what to get her" y/n pleaded as she rests her head in her hands. The list infront of her started back as she scratches out all her ideas so far on what to get her mother in law for her birthday. Jewellery? No she had so much, a holiday? Seems like a large present for your first year as her official daughter in law, home made jam?–
"She'd love anythin' if you gave it to 'er" Katsuki grumbles as he sips his coffee staring at y/n. They both knew he was right, y/n could give mitsuki a lump of dirt and She'd be so greatful you'd swear it was a lump of gold. But if katsuki gave it to her? He'd never hear the end of how thoughtless it was...
"What are you getting her? Surely you've ran out of ideas aswell?" Y/n rubs her face in defeat as she realises she only has 3 days to find a present. The clock is ticking, especially since you have to buy it, wrap it, and pray its good enough.
"Got her and the old man tickets to that candle lit concert in Tokyo, gotta meal for them aswell before the show" katsuki says as it's the most obvious thing ever... because everyone can afford to get expensive tickets to a private showing of the Tokyo orchestra at candlelight. Y/n huffs as she moves herself away from the table, frustrated as her plans were coming to a dead-end. Katsuki shrugs as suggests they can share the present as that wouldn't be a problem, but for y/n , she wanted her own present for her own mother in law.
"Back to the drawing board"
2 days to go
The dim lights of the lamp cascade over y/n as she tries to pull out another knott that's found its way into the ball of yarn.
"Stupid thing, why are the strings so thin–"
"Why are you still awake?" Katsuki emerges from the kitchen, peeping his head into the living room to find his wife tangled in balls of yarn, frustrated at the pattern in front of her. Who know making a blanket was so difficult?
"I can't figure the pattern out, why is knitting so hard katsu! Why do people do this to relax"
"Cuz old hags have all the time in the world to do that stuff, now get your ass to bed"
The small half-arsed square that was meant to be a blanket falls flat into y/ns lap as she realises this was another failed attempt at a present for mitsuki. The blanket would've had to of been perfect, can't give a seamstress a rag and pass it off as a blanket made out of love. What symbol would that give?
"Stupid yarn"
1 day to go
The perfect way to a person's heart is through their stomach, is that how the saying goes? Doesn't matter! Either way you found yourself 3 cakes deep into perfecting this stupid old recipe. katuki claims " the old hags loves "... but why is it so hard to master the recipe?
Many hours into baking whatever is in the oven, because there's no way you can even call the lumpy mess a 'cake'. Katsuki takes over as he cannot let anything to be made in his kitchen be considered inedible. You watched as katsuki whipped around the kitchen, making dinner and cleaning up the mess you made. What are you going to do now? The deadline is near, and you've nothing to bring to the dinner tomorrow for mitsuki?
Great way to impress your mother in law
"Listen, she won't care if you've nothin in your hands sweets, trust" Katsuki says to distract you from your storming thoughts.
"I just don't know what to do babe, I've tried so many ideas. I don't have to give up but what choice do I have–"
"Quit your ramblin and go wash up before dinner," katsuki cuts your rambles with instructions. He knows it's best to distract you if you're having working thoughts.
You make your way to the bathroom to wash up before dinner. Your head is still flooded with last minute ideas of presents to give mistuki.
"Where's all the soap gone? Why doesn't katsuki refill the container when it's empty? Typical" you say, reaching into the press to grab and refill the soap dispenser. You make a quick note of things you need to get in the shops before you go to dinner tomorrow as you're almost out of some essentials.
As you rummage through the bathroom cabinet, your fingers brush against a small, inconspicuous box tucked behind some toiletries. Curiosity piqued, you retrieved it, your heart quickening as you read the label. With a mixture of trepidation and hope, you take a gamble with this last chance of a home made present.
Birthday dinner
Mistuki has been filling yous in on her latest fashion looks she has been in the process of designing since last spring. Masaru has just set down the tea post dinner as you've all settled into the sitting room to unwind after that very tasty dinner katsuki scrubbed up. Who knew your man was so kind?
"Here's your present ma..." katsuki sheeply hands over his gift knowing his mother will make a deal out of the concert he has gotten her tickets for. You watch as mistuki stumbles over with glee as she hugs? Katsuki and thanks him. You haven't seem them hug since you had gotten married!
Masaru thanks katsuki for getting him a ticket also, placing the present aside waiting for the two blonds to settle down.
" it's something small, hope we can all share this special present" you hint towards the box you hand over to mitsuki. Katsuki looks at you knowingly you done fucked up the blanket and the cake, so what did you get her?
Mistuki opens the box to find a tiny baby blanket you had hand knitted from the rags you started with, paired with a tiny test signaling your little life growing within.
Mistuki stumbles over the test, clarifying with you that what she is reading really is coming true!
"YOUR PREGNANT?!"  She gleams as she jumps from her seat shuffling over to hug you. Katsuki looks at you with hope in his eyes, why hadn't you told him?!
"Yes , I hope this trumps katsuki present mistuki" you hug Mistuki back as masaru looks into the box reading the little note beside the blanket
"Cant wait to snuggle you in this blanket made out of love, sweat and tears,
Love, baby bakugo due 2X25"
Yep. You've finally outdone your husband in gift giving.
Now how will you out do Masarus birthday..
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What did I just write...
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2kmps · 10 months
bakugō picks you up from his parents' house following a petty argument.
notes; 0.4k, aged up! + husband!bakugō, happy ending
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"come get your spouse. i'm about to go fucking nuts."
it was the call from his mother that he had been dreading all week. bakugou knew it was only a matter of time before you whittled her nerves down to a fine, frayed string and she'd have him take you away, or forcibly remove you herself. as much as mitsuki adored you, excitably encouraging each milestone of your relationship even up until now, you had a bit too much of dependency on her when things went awry in the marriage.
so, it wasn't any surprise to see you standing on the one-step stoop outside the front door, duffle bag in hand with mitsuki's famous guilt tupperware in the other. while walking in stride with him, he had wordlessly pried the straps of your overnight bag away and had them slung over his shoulder.
he didn't try to talk to you for most of the trip home; it would've been an unreciprocated effort based on how you kept your eyes down and averted.
these fights were stupid and you both knew it.
finally, he tried.
"what'd that hag send you away with?" he saw you stretch your lips taut, glancing from your face to the container. "looks good."
"don't call your mother a 'hag', katsuki," you continued, "she made pork katsu with some picked vegetables. I think some of her grilled salmon is in there, too."
he clicked his tongue, keeping his face straight ahead while reaching for your hand, testing the water by grazing the chapped peaks of his knuckles against your fingers. "that woman spoils you way too much."
there was a clapback sitting on your tongue, he could see it in the way you moistened your lips and clenched your jaw, but any words died in your throat. pushing his luck further, he tucked a finger around two of yours until they were all intwined, palms resting flush together.
"it really hurts that you won't take more time off to be with me, katsuki." it was always the same fight, just recycled in different ways. "I'm not asking for weeks, just a few days here and there."
bakugou gripped tighter, his fingers felt hot threaded through your own. "it's not that easy for me to just bail on the agency whenever I feel like it. there's a lot of legal stuff wrapped up in there."
it wasn't what you wanted to hear, he knew that, felt how you tried to reclaim your hand from him but he held on. "that's why I decided to say 'fuck it' and let that scrawny-ass assistant do some work for once. you got me all to yourself for the next two weeks."
you finally relaxed, finally looking at him after a long four days. everything about your face had lightened; that air of glum eclipsed by a wet glisten in your eyes, red forming behind them.
"katsuki, thank you!" he was careful not to let you see him smile too much as he stooped his neck, letting your arms fly behind him. the tips of your shoes just barely scuffed the concrete below when he straightened up, his lips catching onto the rhythm you placed on them. "I love you. I love you so much."
"mm-mhm~" he would have to give mitsuki a call later to let her know you wouldn't be coming back for a visit for a while.
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divider; @/rookthorneartistry
repost from my deleted blog; cardeneiv
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YN Bakugo: Big Sister
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Bakugo featuring Class 1-A and various cameos x female! Yn Bakugo (she/her pronouns)
Warnings:light swearing, 99% fluff with mild angst, Bakugo being soft 🥹
AN: This is an anon request!
Ahh good ole UA high
A wonderful place for training up the future hero’s of the world
It also happens to be the home to our resident boom boom boi, Katsuki Bakugo 🥰
Ahh how we adore this little fire ball
Katsuki might be rough around the edges, but deep down inside we all know he has a soft side
And you know who knows that better than anyone?
That’s right, his lovely sister, YN Bakugo
Now, looking at you, one would never guess that you were related to Katsuki
Why you might ask? 👀
It’s definitely because you look and act just like your father, Masaru Bakugo
Your calm, cool and collected
While your brother and your mom, Mitsuki Bakugo, are more outgoing and loud
You prefer to keep a level head, especially in high pressure situations
You got along well with your parents, unlike your brother who was more arrogant and self-centered
“Katsuki you should act more like Yn! She’s an amazing hero!” Your mother would say
“The queen of the nerds? I will absolutely NOT be like YN!” Katsuki would argue back
You and your dad simply ignored them at this point
You quirk and calm ability helped you in everyday life
Which is perfect because like Katsuki, you followed down the path of becoming a hero
While you were a few years older than Katsuki, you still made a name for yourself
However Katsuki did his part to distance himself from you
“Bakugo, how is Yn doing?” Aizawa would ask after class
“No clue who you’re referring too,” he’d say, walking out
You were essentially the nerdiest of the nerds
And while Bakugō did love you, in his own Bakugo way
He also didn’t talk about you
He liked that his family life was separate than his school life
However that was all about to change 🙃
Now Katsuki knew Sibling Day was coming up but he simply chose to ignore it
He managed to intercept all of the flyers that were going to be sent to your parents home
He made sure that there was absolutely NO WAY you could find out
The last thing he wanted was for you to show up
Thank god a certain noisy someone would never tell you 😅
“Hey YN, did you hear about the sibling even at U.A. this weekend?” Hawks asked you on one of your nightly patrols
“No, I had no idea! Katsuki didn’t mention it,” you said, figuring your brother probably didn’t want you to go
“You should definitely go YN! It would be cool for all the kiddos to see your quirk and stuff. I’m going to be there because it’s open to all pros,” Hawks said as you nodded
The night came and everyone was dressed and ready to mingle
A bunch of Bakugo’s classmates siblings showed up
Some of them were hero’s, others weren’t
It was really a great opportunity to get to know everyone
“Hey Kacchan!” Midoriya said : D
“What do you want nerd!” Bakugo responded
“I figured since neither of us have siblings, we could hang out!” Midoriya : D
“Like I’d ever hang out with you Deku!” Bakugo scoffed as he turned, stopping in his tracks when he saw you
Bakugo 👉🏻😠😐😳
You 👉🏻😁👋🏻
Bakugo 👉🏻😐😠😡
You 👉🏻😌🥰
“YN what the hell are you doing here?!?” Katsuki growled as you went in to hug him 🫂
“Suki it’s so good to see you! I missed you!” You said hugging your brother as he stood there, stiff as a pole
Everyone around you started murmuring
“Hey that’s Yn! She’s a huge pro!” Mina gushed
“She’s gorgeous and super popular,” Denki added
“Is anyone wondering why she’s hugging Bakubro?” Kirishima asked
Everyone 👉🏻😐🤨
“Ahh YN! It’s good to see you again!” Aizawa came up, giving you a small hug
“Erased, great to see you! I’m so glad I get to be here!” You say 😊
“I’m surprised your here Yn, I was sure Katsuki would have tried to stop you,” Aizawa said
“Oh I’m sure he did but hawks told me!” You said
Bakugo looking at Hawks rn 👇🏻
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“Well I’m glad you could come!” He says as Bakugo stands there, glaring at you
“Did you ever think maybe there was a reason I didn’t want you to come?” Katsuki says as you stare at home
You 👉🏻 Nope : D
“Bakugobro whats up?” Kirishima says and him, Denki, Sero, Mina and Midoriya approach
Bakugo rn 👉🏻😐🤦🏼 why me
“Omg hi!! You must be Katsuki’s friends! I’m Yn Bakugo, his big sister!” You smile
“His… SISTER?!?!?” They all shout as you just smile and wave
Sero looks at you both, so confused, “umm I don’t get it. You two look and act nothing alike.”
“I know right? But it’s true, we are brother and sister,” you say, hugging Katsuki who is totally stiff as a board
You 👉🏻🥰🥰🥰
Katsuki 👉🏻😐🙄
“I gotta say, this is super weird,” Denki commented
“Try being related to her,” Bakugo adds
“Awe Katsuki, you know you love your big sister! Now come on, say it!” You sing
“Absolutely not,” he says
“Come on,” you say : D
“No,” Katsuki 😐
Suddenly, you hear an explosion happen right outside
The entire hall rocks with the aftermath of the loud boom
“Shit!” Katsuki yelled as everyone tried to get their footing
“YN let’s go!” Hawks yelled
“Katsuki, stay here and protect everyone! Leave it to your big sister to handle this!” You said, taking off before he even got to respond
“Alright nerds! Everyone stay put!” He screamed
“Uhh Kacchan, I don’t think calling everyone a ‘nerd’ is super reassuring,” Midoriya adds
“Well it got everyone to shut up didn’t it?” Katsuki shouted back
Midoriya 👉🏻 noted 📝
Meanwhile, you were outside, fighting off the criminals who caused the explosion
“YN look out!” Hawks shouted as suddenly your works went black
“Holy crow YN got hurt!” Someone shouted as Katsuki turned and ran towards the window
“What happened?” Mina asked
“She was fighting when someone threw a car at her!” Someone answered
Katsuki’s blood ran cold, he had to get to his sister
“Move nerds! Kirishima, make sure nobody leaves and protect everyone!” He shouted as he took off towards you
When he entered the steer, he saw you weren’t moving
He needed to get to you
“Bakugo no! We don’t need you to get hurt too!” Aizawa said as Katsuki watched hero’s race in to help
Someon grabbed you, quickly whisking you to an ambulance and taking you to the hospital
“Get out of my way!” Katsuki said before blasting off into the air and heading towards the hospital
Your parents were there, waiting when he arrived
“YN’s ok right?” He shouted
“Katsuki this is a hospital! Will you keep it down?” Your mother whisper yelled
“They are looking her over now Katsuki, but the hero that brought her in said she was conscious,” your dad said as Katsuku let out a breathe he didn’t know he was holding
Later, your parents went in to see you
You were pretty battered up but thankfully, you were able to protect yourself from any major damage
Katsuki stood by the doorway as your mother fawned over you
“Katsuki! I’m so sorry I ruined your night with your friends!” You cried
“Yeah whatever nerd, im just glade your ok,” he scoffed
You 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
“Katsuki got here as fast as he could Yn! Aizawa said he tried to get to you while uou were still knocked out!” Your mom said
“Mom will you be quiet!” Katsuki growled
You 👉🏻😐🥹
“Get over here and give me a hug?” You shouted as Katsuki looked at you like you had two heads
“I don’t do hugs nerd!” He said as you wiggled your fingers
“Come on, bring it in!” You said, still extending your arms
Katsuki 👉🏻😐🙄 fine!
He came over, giving you the worst most lack luster hug ever
But it didn’t matter, you knew your brother loved you ♥️
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marunalu · 6 months
So after calming down a bit, I need to say something about the newest chapter. As horrible written as this chapter is, there is at least ONE thing I liked about it and I feel hori did a good job at. And thats the portraying of the contrast between a child that grew up being loved by his parents and his enviroment and a child that grew up without any love in his life and an enviroment that wanted to see it DEAD.
Thanks to this chapter all this stupid takes about mitsuki being abusive to excuse bakugous abuse towards izuku can finally die now! Bakugou was loved by his parents before he was even born and you can see his parents happiness and love for him when he was born. Meanwhile afos mother didnt even know she was pregnant and its strongly hinted that she dried to get rid of her children in the river but died in childbirth. From the very moment he was born afo was forced to do everything he could to survive on his own, because there was NO ONE there who would take care of, protect and love him. He was almost eaten by rats, almost drown in a river and the following years had to survive on the streets with nothing but wearing a trash bag, clearly malnourished against people who either refused to help him or wanted to see him dead and at the same time had to take care of his weakly twin brother who would have died in this cruel world without him. In contrast bakugou grew up deeply loved in a beautiful home, got spoiled and adored by everyone. Bakugou got absolutely everything afo ever dreamed to have. Its the exact reason why he killed the grown up glowing baby out of jealousy. Its the whole reason why he cant let go of yoichi, because yoichi was the only thing he ever had and as toxic as their relationship was yoichi DID love his brother! It makes sense why afo wants him back so badly (Im NOT saying its right!)
And this may sound controversial, because while afo is BY FAR a more horrible person then bakugou EVER was (and Im saying this as someone who REALLY hates bakugous guts) I can not help but feel far more symphaty and pity for afo then I could ever feel anything positive for bakugou (but thats mostly because of the horrendous writing of his character)! He is an absolute horrible, despisful man, but who knows maybe if life would have been kinder towards him in his childhood, he eventually wouldnt have turned out the way he did and I think thats very tragic and sad.
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anniebear-92 · 11 months
Makeup And Coffee
As I promised I would release a little short for being non existent for a bit :)
Summary: Katsuki is your best friend and neighbor that has lived next door since you were small. You both have a crush and are too dumb to make a move. <3 He comes over to bother you and ends up having soft boy time with you.
Katsuki opened his eyes as his consciousness awoke from slumber, his arm draped over his eyes to shield from the glare of morning light. He let his arm slide to the bed, blinking rapidly before catching the red numbers of his clock indicating it was early in the morning, just a few minutes before 8 Am.
With a deep groan he lifted himself from his bed and shuffling into the bathroom. As he brushed his teeth with one hand and rubbed the remaining sleep from his eye, the events from the previous evening brought him back to full awareness. His parents had indicated they were going to be out early this morning and running errands for their clothing brand all day. He was set to be all alone and was determined that was not happening.
After finishing his business in the restroom, he threw on some clothes for the day and his favorite sweater over that faded skull tee shirt he has had for some time. Closing the front door behind him he took a turn around the corner of the wall that stretched crossed his yard into yours, making the journey next door to your front door.
Instead of knocking he turned the knob and let himself in, knowing full well he was welcome anytime just as you were in the Bakugo household. Inside he could hear the chatter coming from the kitchen pause as the front door opened. Your mother poked her head out and flashed a bright smile that he recognized as a mirror of your own. Clearly you got your mother's looks as a majority.
"Ah Katsuki! Come in and join us for coffee!" She waved him in and he strolled with hands in his deep pockets into the kitchen where your father sat at the island, cup in hand himself. He lifted the cup in salute while his eyes scanned over the paper laid out before him.
"Good morning young man."
Katsuki nodded in response as a cup was placed before him, "Here sweetheart, have you come to hang out with our daughter today? Surely you didn't come to drink coffee with old people like us!"
Your father snorted with a small "Speak for yourself." earning a softswat from his wife's dainty hand. "Parents are out today, figured I didn't want to be alone." Katsuki took a sip of the dark drink, the warmth sliding down his throat and waking him even more.
She nodded in understanding, his mother and yours had been best friends for a very long time at this point. Meeting and bonding over their mutual children's bad behavior when they were called into the office of your primary school. Both Katsuki and you sat on the small plastic chairs, in your blue uniform with a star embordered over your chest. Dirt and cuts all over from your brawl after a disagreement over who would be All Might in your Heroes Vs. Villains game.
"Mitsuki did tell me she had a few errands to finish up today, you're welcome to hang out here." He grunted in thanks, head swiveling around as if he had realized you were no where to be found as of yet.
"Where is she anyway?" He sipped at his drink as your father lifted a finger towards the second floor above him.
"Still in bed after playing video games all damn night with her friends. If you plan on waking her 0 out of 10 would not recommend."
Katsuki snorted, almost inhaling his drink and earning a look of concern from your mother. He held up a hand to indicate his was just fine and she backed off onto her stool once again. He had to admit your father's humor was top notch for an extra.
"Oh if you're going to wake her you'll want this." Your mother slid a cup across the table, steam wafting from the liquid inside mixed just the way you like it.
"Think of it as a peace offering, so she doesn't rip your head off."
She finished placing the cup in his hand with a wink and began reading the newspaper over her husband's shoulder. Taking both cups he made his way up the stairs with a small smile on his face. If anything he hopes that one day your relationship was anything like your parents', even his own would be fine... He just needed to get the courage to ask you out!
Up the stairs he found himself outside your door just like many times before, instead of knocking he slid the door open slowly to confirm if you were still sleeping or awake. His crimson gaze landed on the bed, you were wrapped up like a little caterpillar all cocooned in the blanket. The only thing visible were your closed eyes, forehead and hair that stuck each way from the pillows. Snug as a bug in a rug.
Stalking over on his tip toes, socks slipping over the carpet quiet as a mouse in order not to wake you early. Setting down the cups he smiled softly at your serene face, wishing he could've been the stuffed bear clutched in your arms instead.
Sitting on the side of your bed he must've been having a soft moment by leaning over and poking your shoulder softly. However still being Bakugo he whispered, "Oi, dumbass. Wake up."
When you didn't move in the least he huffed, trying once again he placed his hand on your shoulder and gave a little shove. "Oi! Dumbass!"
With a groan you flipped over, hand shooting out in a stretch while catching Katsuki upside the cheek. He flinched back in shock, his own hand rubbing the affected area. Losing the softness from before he now stood to brace himself for the next steps. He jumped onto the bed, full weight crashing down on you as the next sounds became colorful curse words.
"WHO THE FU-" You started, arms flailing at your attacker. You hands connected a few times as Katsuki struggled to block and catch them, repeating over and over "Oi! It's me! CHILL OUT!"
The struggle continued for a few moment before he finally whisper yelled "Stop! Your parents are going to think I'm doing freaky shit to you!"
He placed a hand over your mouth, your e/c eyes now glaring holes into his face as he gave a triumphant smirk of accomplishment when you went still.
"Morning dipshit."
"Gerr Ouph!" You attempted through the warm palm of his hand. He smirked even larger as he let his full weight drop on you once again, a oof leaving you along with the air.
"Dammit Katsuki! Get your fat ass off me!" You growled against his palm as he shrugged, "Nah, your bed is comfortable even if a bit lumpy."
Your response was a quick swipe of your tongue against his skin, the hand shooting back like you burned him.
"EW BITCH!" He snarled as you took the opportunity to use your weight against him, earning him flailing backwards onto the floor with a thump. Leaning over the bed triumphantly you smiled wide.
"Good, where you belong. Night night." Wrapping yourself back into the burrito of blankets, a knock at the door startling you both.
"Everything okay in here kiddos?" The voice of your father made it though the crack of the door, opening it slightly to see Katsuki flattened on the floor and your barely open eyes.
"We have a bed bug problem apparently and I delt with it." You waived your hand at the floor at the boy laying still on his back, a hand over his eyes in annoyance.
"Well do I need to call pest control?" Your father's eyebrow raised in amusement as you shook your head. "Nope Call me able, because I was able to take care of the pest."
Your father chuckled at your silly response while closing the door behind him, Katsuki took the opportunity to hop onto his feet, glaring down at you with a vengeance.
"The hell was that for?"
You showed your favorite finger to him, "It's way too damn early for your shenanigans."
He leapt towards you again, earning yet another wrestling match.
You finally squirmed from under him and managed to get a foot into his side, kicking him to the floor once more.
"It's too early for your shit Katsuki!" You crossed your arms glaring down at him, he mirrored easily as he shrugged. "It's 8:30 you lazy shit."
"It's 8:30 am on a Saturday you absolute twat!"
Picking himself off the floor for the second time that morning he grabbed the cup meant for you, eyes lighting up from the sight of the hot drink you made grabby hands for the cup.
"Your mom made you coffee." He slipped the beverage into your hands as you squealed and took a sip, your mother really got you.
"Delicious." Speaking in your best Elmo voice, you grabbed your phone as Katsuki invaded your bed, flopping beside you on his own.
His eyes began flipping between you and his screen, watching as you sat up and scratched at your hair with a large yawn. It was only now he realized your attire, a tank top and itty bitty shorts. Not a bra to be seen, his face heating up as he returned his attention to his phone to avoid being considered a perv.
"Who were you playing games with last night?" He finally started as your yawn completed.
"Kami, Sero and Kiri. Everytime I said I was going to bed I got 'One more game! Yeah come on it's not that late!' " You mocked with an attempt at a deep voice earning a snort from him as your phone pinged with a notification.
Picking the device back up and reading the message a small smile crossed your lips. Who the fuck has you smiling like that?
Katsuki took a sip of his coffee to avoid jealousy when another ping signaled a response to your own. He let a few more notifications go on while you continued a conversation when he finally couldn't take it any longer.
"Who the fuck is bothering you this early?"
Your eyes turned to his, narrowing as you curled a lip in a snarl. "you are you dumb bitch!"
He bared his own teeth at you while leaning forward, "I'm not a dumb bitch you are!" Before he could even finish another ping came from your device, his large hand snatching it from your fingers.
You squealed a protest as he began searching to find out who had taken your attention from him.
He growled as non other than his green haired rival smiled from his profile picture a top the thread. "That nerd has been messaging you?"
He texted something while avoiding your snatching hands in attempts to reclaim the device.
Once finished he tossed the device into your waiting hands, "What the hell did you say to him?"
He let a small smirk cross his lips without vocalizing what he wrote.
"Oi, Fuck off she's busy?" You read aloud in an incredious tone.
Sorry, didn't mean to bother? The response came in almost immediately you shot a quick apology for Katsuki's attitude and indicated you'd catch up with your friend later.
"Well anyway since I'm clearly not getting sleep, it's time to de-troll for the day."
Katsuki nodded along as if what you said was the absolute truth. "You do be looking like a gremlin this morning. Though that's nothing unusual."
A pillow smacked him right in the face and his phone from his hand. He growled as he caught your annoyed glare. "Just proved my point dumbass." He leaned over and poked your arm, "Besides are you going to apologize for licking my hand earlier you nasty bitch?"
Cocking a brow you sized up his stupidly handsome face. "Apologize to you?" He nodded as you snorted, "Apologize is a big word for Elmo."
Smoothing down your hair, you stood from the bed finally to do business in the restroom for the day. Stopping at your closet you began pulling out garments, starting with a bra. Katsuki's eyes quickly averted upon seeing the item and heat rushed to his face once more. His eyes returned to your rear barely contained by the shorts as you turned around when a small "Damn." slipped from his lips invoulntairly.
He turned his head as quick as possible back to his phone, he wasn't looking at your ass. Him? No...
"Get a good look did you?" You popped out a hip with a grin and he huffed. "Meme on my phone."
"Sure it was." Rolling your eyes, you made your way to the restroom to change into your clothes for the day. After a shower, brushing your teeth and dressing, you re-entered your bedroom to find Katsuki still scrolling away on his phone.
His eyes raised to you and landed on the large bag clutched in your hand. "The fuck is all that?"
You set the bag down on the bed beside him, grabbing a travel mirror and plopping down yourself. "My essentials for the day."
His eyes rolled so hard you thought they would pop out of his head.
You began fixing your hair out of your way in order to begin making up your face as he watched. "Still look like a gremlin."
You gave an amused snort, "Look like a gremlin and yet you're the one looking at my ass."
He balked, dropping his phone. "The fuck I was! It was a meme on my phone!"
You chuckled a bit before leaning over slightly to become eye level with the red faced boy. "Didn't know your phone was attached to my shorts."
He pushed your head back with a growl and manical laughter on your part. "Whatever... you got a nice ass okay?" He huffed the quiet comment and you pretended not to hear.
Opening your bag finally you set up the mirror ahead of you and began your moisturizing routine, once all finished you moved on to foundation and bounced it into your skin with the beauty sponge.
Katsuki had reverted to his phone, eyes shifting to you every so often before he finally asked. "The fuck are you doing?"
You lowered the sponge and looked at him with half face covered. "Make up? Beauty takes work and time."
He clicked his teeth while looking you over, heat filling your face as he scrutinized your work so far.
"Don't need that shit. you're pretty without it." He mumbled, barely audible but you caught it. Heat flushed your face as you whispered a Thank you.
"I like make up, it makes me feel good wither I look good without it or not."
He grunted in response and you went back to bouncing the blender to blend the foundation in.
You were now blending concealer with the previous layer when you noticed Katsuki blatantly staring. "You are beating the shit out of your face, how does that make you feel good?"
A loud cackle left you as he began digging into your bag, his curious nature shining through. You had already set out what you planned to use, extras still in the bag as he began picking out objects and inspecting them. He paused to check your progress, seeing the light lines and dots you had placed along your face he smirked.
"You look like you're going to war with all that paint."
You paused to glare, raising the sponge towards him. "Watch it, or you're next!"
His glee dropped into defiance. "You wouldn't dare."
You gave a smug expression before reaching the sponge out threateningly towards his face. "Want to test that theory?"
He shook his head before returning to rummaging in the bag.
You continued your makeup routine as he began pulling things out of the bag and asking what they were. You found yourself giving answers as he demanded them.
"Eyeliner. Mascara. Another Mascara. Yes I have two of them! Actually three."
He finally put the bag down as you began flipping open pallets looking for colors you wanted to put on eyes for the day. He began picking up the pallets as you dropped them, his nose crinkling in disgust.
After finally finding the one that satisfied you, the rest were discarded towards him in a pile. Lifting a brush you began to blend in the first color while he watched shamelessly now. Moving to add another color Katsuki commented mindlessly, "Bet I could do that shit better than you."
The brush paused at your lid as you turned towards him. "Bet not."
His eyelids lowered in threatening manners. "You looking down on me?"
Shaking your head you resumed your brush strokes. "No, have you done make up before?" He shook his head and mumbled "Just that shitty black eye crayon for the mask..."
You knew it! He finally admitted to using eyeliner!
"My sweet Kit Kat, I've been doing make up for a few years now. Which is longer than you mind you. I know you can't." You gave him the sweetest smile knowing exactly what you were provoking.
"Give me that shit. Move." He snapped his fingers at the brush, grabbing back my bag and pallets as he began digging out things that interested him. Letting out a sigh you grabbed a bag of make up wipes and wiped away your hard work. Just the eyes though, the rest was too perfect.
Katsuki went through your brush set and confirmed what they were for with you and once he was satisfied he began dipping softly into the color with the bristles.
He first attempted one handed, however annoyed by the subtle movements of your head he finally raised his free hand to grip your chin gently between his long fingers. The music you had turned on upon leaving the bathroom turned into a soft song, his rough fingers adjusting you with gentle presses and squeezes as he added color after color. You peeked one eye open to watch the determination on his face as he concentrated to prove your ass wrong.
"Close." He snapped gently and you listened. He finished up his last strokes and then tapped your knee to get your attention. "Where's your liner shit?"
You grabbed the liner you preferred and handed it to him as he inspected his work. He removed the cap with his teeth and held it gently between his lips. Your face heated at his serious eyes, while he waited for you to close your own once again.
You listened to his soft breathing, feeling absolutely serene with your best friend, okay long time crush pampering your face.
He was half way through lining your first eye when your door cracked unknowingly to both of you. A soft smile upon both of your lips as he worked, a flash and click of a phone camera startled you both. Your eyes flew open and Katsuki luckily pulled the liner away before it could smudge. Both of your jaw dropped expressions were candy to your mother's eyes.
"And that one goes to Mitsuki."
Katsuki groaned, "No! I'll never hear the end of that one!"
She chuckled, it was already sent and long gone. "Sorry dear, I came to let you know dad and I are going to grab some groceries for dinner." She leaned against the frame while watching us closely. "Will you be joining us for dinner Katsuki?"
He gave a shrug and she smiled. "I'll just plan for you. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
You groaned loudly as she left with a loud cackle, heading downstairs to her waiting husband.
Katsuki sighed heavily and grabbed your chin one final time. He finished the liner and mascara before he handed you the mirror once more. "Well?"
you turned your face back and forth, inspecting his work. "Not too horrible I guess."
His smug expression dropped into annoyance as you chuckled. "I'm kidding! It actually looks nice."
He rolled his eyes as you crossed your arms. "Question is though... can you match it?" You pointed towards your clean eye and he huffed. "Of course I can."
After finishing his work he watched as you added in your normal highlighter, blush and set it all with your favorite mist. He coughed deliberately as you rolled your eyes. "It's just a mist to set the makeup chill."
You grabbed his chin just as he did and he scrunched his eyes closed as you lightly misted his face. "See? Big baby."
He pouted when you released him and you snorted. "You're adorable when you pout."
His face darkened as he turned his face away, flopping onto the bed.
"Shut up."
"Anyway you're taking me to breakfast."
He shot upright with a scowl, "Who the fuck said so?" You smiled brightly and he felt his heart flutter at your beautiful face, knowing he had done your look today.
"I did. It's payback for my rude awakening!"
He huffed sitting up. "Fine hurry the fuck up."
Brightening up at the promise of food you grabbed your must haves before opening the door. "Way to my heart? Food."
You exited the room to leave a flustered Katsuki in the room. He took a deep breath and followed you. Maybe he would confess at lunch.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 10 months
Fic title: memories fade away, clouds of yesterday
When Izuku was born, he had a fluffy blue cloud on his arm outline in a copper colour. He possessed another mark of an engine surrounded by gold. His mother smiled at seeing the marks. A parental or mentor soulmate and a romantic one. Perfect for her son.
 When Izuku got older however the cloud twisted. At first it went grey and the toddler cried out in pain. Inko, his mother, cried out in shock. Grey meant dead. 
 Her baby’s parental soulmate was dead. It broke her heart. She sobbed, holding her child to her chest. Izuku didn’t understand, but he cried to. The grey cloud attracted attention from many, and sad looks were given to him and Inko. She tried to ignore it, raising her son as good as she could.
 It would be two months after the cloud changed she saw it changed once more. The cloud had morphed into a purple one, flecks of blue within. The cloud looked thinner in a way, much less fluffy. Inko wondered about it. Grey meant dead after all, and the change confused her after happening.
 “It’s possible that his parental soulmate was in a coma for a brief time.” A soulmate specialist said. “And their Quirk twisted into something new. It has been known to happen.” Inko felt relieved for that, and more or less put it out of her mind.
 Things got busy later on, when Izuku didn’t gain a Quirk. When he came home sobbing after little Katsuki had tried to use his explosions to burn the marks off of Izuku. Inko went to tell Mitsuki and Masaru who apologized. However it happened again. Katsuki seemed focused on the cloud mostly, and Inko wondered if it was because the boy wanted his own mentor. He didn’t have any parental marks, and the blonde tended to be very egotistical to Inko. Perhaps it was a little much to say about a toddler but he did seem to obsess over his own worth and how cool he was.
 Inko didn’t put up with it twice and refused to allow Katsuki around until he learned. Something he hated. “You’re MY AUNTIE!” He screamed when she refused to let him into her apartment, Izuku in the living room.
 “And Izuku is my son,” she replied. She closed the door and refused to let him in. 
 The next school day, Izuku came over covered in burns. Inko raised hell, and threatened to go to the media for the school to admit fault. She got it in writing.
 Then she went and told Mitsuki to get her son in line.
 “He’s just upset you abandoned him!” Mitsuki huffed.
 “I abandoned him because he decided to hurt my son.” Inko snarled. “Izuku is more important then your son to me. And he always will be.” 
 Katsuki heard it. Inko ended up taking her son to the hospital after Katsuki found him at the park. She called Mitsuki and said she would not speak with her or her family again.
 She meant it. Her boss had asked her to consider a promotion that would require her to move, and she’d been thinking of refusing as she thought Izuku was friends with Katsuki.
 After the park incident, she accepted the job and moved without acknowledging Mituski or Masaru’s attempts to reach out. She simply left and blocked them.
 A week into the move, Izuku came home with a little boy who had blue hair and engines in his legs. A young man was with the two, who also had engines though his were in his arms. 
 “Mom! This is my soulmate!” Izuku beamed. His romantic mark was obvious in his rolled up shirt sleeve, and the other boy showed his own mark on his arm. A notebook and a pen, which slightly confused Inko. At first. She would learn exactly why it resembled Izuku later. 
 Inko smiled at the two boys. “It’s lovely to meet you…”
 “Iida Tenya ma’am!” The boy said. The young man smiled at her.
 “I’m Iida Tensei. I have custody of my brother.” 
 “Midoriya Inko,” Inko bowed to the man. “How about you stay for dinner?” 
 “Of course!” Tensei laughed. 
  Kurogiri had two marks in silver and two in gold. The gold ones were a microphone and a red eye, and he didn’t often think of them.
Hey, Oboro! Wanna go out with me and Sho later?
 The ones in silver he did focus on. A dusty hand. Young Master Shigaraki. But then there was a notebook and a pen. Kurogiri didn’t know who they belonged to.
 Shigaraki often said it would be player two, his sibling, and Kurogiri agreed but who was it? 
 I ended up running out of steam. Basically I’d been reading though my old soulmate shorts, and then upon seeing this it came to mind.
Pariing: IiDeku, EraserCloudMic. 
Notes: mostly fluff
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doodlegirl1998 · 10 months
(Sorry for cluttering your ask box so much)
I am fully aware that Mitsuki isn't a horrible parent, but that doesn't make her immune to criticism and talking about how she failed as a parent with how Bakugou turned out.
With how she talked during their conversation about moving into the dorms, it was almost as if she expected the SCHOOLS to do the disciplining for her instead of actually sitting him down and getting onto him for how he acts!
I don't know if it's because they butt heads so much that it just becomes a screaming match or if she's just as clueless as Inko when it comes to realizing what's going on in her son's life, but you WOULD think they would be getting complaints from other parents of the kids Bakugou picked on or even the elementary teachers concerned with how he acts after getting his quirk.
Either way, while Mitsuki isn't an abuser or a horrible person, she still failed as a parent with how Bakugou became a horrible person.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
I agree with this. In fanfics, from what I see people either make Mitsuki the worst mum ever as an example - I've seen a story that made her an physically and emotionally abusive alcoholic to BKG just to justify his own abusive behaviour to Izu which was vile. Or a good parent (a trope used by a some AntiBaku's to directly contradict the Mitsuki bashing that Bkg stans use to justify him.)
Whereas the truth is this
1) She's a joke character - she's literally a toned down and female Bkg (ironic that the BKG stans hate her given this fact.)
2) She's neither an amazing parent or the worst ever. Mitsuki is a bad parent just not an abusive one.
Mitsuki failed Bakugou. Thats one thing the stans have right - what they don't have right is in which way.
As you rightly pointed out she failed him through spoiling him rotten and expecting the schools to discipline her child rather than doing so herself.
Bakugou is that spoilt, privileged kid everyone had in class that treated everyone like shit because he felt like he could. He got no pushback from School or from either of his parents.
Logically, you would think that children would complain to their parents about their bullying at Bkgs hand who would complain to Bkg's parent (since Izu wasn't the only victim of Bakugou, nothing prevented this.) Yet they are never shown to. Why? Well, Hori doesn't care about them (or Izu THE MC's previous bullying by Bkg) so we are left to speculate.
Maybe the other victims were scared into silence like Izu?
Maybe the parents complained to the school and it never went anywhere?
Maybe the Bakugou's were instead ostrasized by Bakugou's b.s? Or maybe they were told a limited amount of it occurred so they had some idea just not the full extent?
This is so frustrating. Because realistically for a chronic bully character like Bakugou - this should come out, this should impede his progress at U.A. This should...do something to Katsuki! But no...
My speculation regarding Mitsuki's parenting is this - she had a very rough style of affection, wrestling, play fighting as heroes with Bkg as well as being very caustic and loud. This rubbed off on Bkg but he took it to mean extremes with others, that his mother didn't.
P.s Dont worry about the amount of Asks you are sending. I enjoy answering :)
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pocketramblr · 11 months
Ask Game: Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shouto are the children of the stable happy marriage of Rei and Masaru Bakugo. Touya and Katsuki are the children of Enji and Mitsuki Todoroki.
Well this just feels targeted...
1- the night before his meeting with the Himura family, Enji has a hero event with a few support designers. One of them spends fifteen minutes telling him why his is stupid. (And honestly, Mitsuki could have gone on longer about why he shouldn't be wasting energy on his quirk to set himself on fire decoratively - I mean sure if he wants do that with his face it's his right and his face, whatever, but the flaming shoulder pads? When his biggest problem is overheating? Why add to the problem when a good costume is supposed to help, not hinder him. And don't give her the excuse about being strong or whatever, she won't have her work insulted just because it keeps pros at top shape instead of making their quirk the focal point when it should be how they use it: and he needs to use his more intelligently.) He talks with her for hours afterwards, and tells the Himuras he won't be there to meet with them tomorrow.
2- when Rei suddenly isn't needed and she has a free day, she tends the gardens and listens to her parents and aunts discuss why their big hero offer wasn't interested anymore- it can't have been the girl's fault when he didn't even give her a chance, and her quirk is as strong as ever. Maybe they need to find another match, but they're desperate, and the other options are... worse, not with the reward this catch was supposed to have. Rei is sent to a cousin's place for a week while they search for another match. She doesn't arrive, taking the sudden cancellation for a sign and going to her old teenage sweetheart instead.
3- when Mitsuki gets pregnant with Touya, she informs Enji they're getting married. He had plans for a whole big thing and she said "yeah in a year so we can actually plan it and design a dress I won't look like I shoved a watermelon in, in the meantime we're changing our family registration today let's go." Rei and Masaru didn't get married quite as quickly, but they also played a more medium wedding. Rei didn't invite anyone from her family, so Masaru invited a lot of his. They reunite with Inko, who was in Masaru's highschool class at the wedding.
4- Fuyumi got her mother's ice, Natsuo his father's oxidizing sweat, and Shoto got a perfect mix- where Fuyumi can generate ice from anywhere on her body, he can only do so from his hands. However, his ice is more... Explosive, especially when cracked. The only safe way to really remove it is to very slowly melt it, or to let him do so. Meanwhile Touya's sweat makes him fireproof, and Katsuki's body in general is fireproof where his sweat is extremely flammable.
5- Mitsuki's reaction to Enji's whole mini eugenics experiment was "well that's stupid and not how kids work. They're only going to be strong if THEY want to be, not if it's about YOU. Just because you've got a weird thing for All Might doesn't mean they will, I mean statistically he'll have retired by the time the graduate." Which is like. Definitely better than being on board with it, but also missing large parts of why it's really bad, and she got her own brand of not great parenting that is going to clash with Enji's and make some kids who are messed up in new and exciting ways from canon. Like yeah inferiority/superiority complexes in colors shrimp can see, but also like. I don't know if Katsuki will have ever heard the words "I'm" and "sorry" in that order before the age of 11.
Meanwhile Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shoto will grow up in a home that's so conflict avoidant that "I'm sorry" will be in the top twenty most frequently spoken phrases each week.
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writersmorgue · 4 months
Febuwhump Day 29 - not allowed to die
TWs in tags || read on Ao3 || wc: 840
Inko can hear them. 
Inko knows that they know she can hear them. 
She takes in a deep breath, suppressing the urge to scream at the nurses. 
He’s gone, it’s just cruel at this point. 
The only thing that’s keeping him breathing is the machine…
She needs to let him go. 
He’s taking the room from people who need it. 
Standing, she pats her son’s bandaged hand before making her way swiftly to the door. She sticks her head outside and smiles at the nurses. 
“Hello, would one of you darlings mind grabbing me a cup of coffee? I don’t have anyone to take a shift with Izuku in case he wakes, and I’m in desperate need of some energy.” 
They have the decency to look guilty. 
“Of course, Ms. Midoriya. Any add-ins?”
She shakes her head, leaving the door cracked, and walks back to her son. 
Inko has no qualms about using her situation to shame the young women. Of course, they don’t understand what she’s going through. 
Her only baby was attacked on his way to school by a nefarious villain. It was so cruel that her quirkless child was the victim. She wishes it had been Katsuki, he was always violent and good at fighting.
Izuku wasn’t breathing when they arrived at the hospital, but thanks to All Might he was transported just in time to be revived!
She’s sure one of these days her baby’s pretty green eyes will open and he’ll apologize for worrying her. He should be sorry! She works her butt off to give her son a happy life on her own, and if he were to go- well she would have nothing left!
Inko smiles to herself, but that won’t happen. 
The door creaks open all the way and the flighty footsteps of Izuku’s main doctor approach behind her. 
“Ms. Midoriya,” The man thrusts the cup gently into her space, and she takes it with a grateful smile. “I’d like to speak with you about your son’s… care plan.”
“Yes!” She glows, taking one of her son’s hands in her own, feeling his cold fingers. She listens to the soft hiss of his oxygen tube pumping air into his lungs. He'll have such a bad sore throat when he wakes up, poor thing. 
“Well,” He starts, sitting down on the other side of Izuku’s bed, “Just that I think it would be in Izuku’s best interest to… let him go. I would suggest you bring in any family or friends to say-”
“To check on him, yes. I think I will invite some school friends. He has one boy he’s particularly fond of.”
“Ms. Midoriya-”
“Doctor.” She responds, smile dropping, “Need I remind you who is in charge of the final decisions here? I am his mother.”
He sighs, looking down at her son. She almost wants to demand he look away as if the simple gesture will harm her child. 
“Of course, ma’am. I’ll let the nurses know to expect visitors?” He asks, standing and walking to the door. 
“Yes. Friends will do him good.” She agrees, taking a sip of her coffee. 
It tastes like dust. 
Mitsuki and her son stop by the next day. Mitsuki brings a beautiful vase of Michaelmas Daisies. They brighten up the room significantly, and Katsuki spends his time sitting in the corner holding them. 
He’s quieter than usual and doesn’t say hello to Izuku, but Inko figures that Katsuki wants to let him rest. 
She hums, letting Mitsuki know she’s paying attention as she brushes her fingers through Izuku’s hair. 
Her friend huffs, taking Inko’s hands and pulling them away from the bed, “Inko, you should go home.”
Inko laughs airily, “If you’re offering to watch after Izuku, that’s very kind but I’d rather be here-”
“No Inko, you should go home, and you should let Izuku go.” She says seriously, squeezing Inko’s hands. 
She frowns, eyes flicking to her door, “If that doctor told you something-”
“No,” Mitsuki shakes her head, chewing on her bottom lip. Her eyes look tired and red-rimmed. “Izuku isn’t going to wake up. It’s been three weeks, if he were going to wake up he would’ve when they resuscitated him and you know that. There’s no more damage to heal, he’s just gone.”
Inko scoffs, “None of you know my Izuku like I do, he’s strong. He’ll wake up within the week, I’m sure of it. He just needs a bit of time to sleep.”
Mitsuki drops her hands, clasping a hand on her mouth and looking over at Izuku. 
She turns around suddenly and grabs Katsuki by the arm, “C’mon, we’re leaving. Put those down.”
Her son flounders but doesn’t argue, haphazardly sliding the vase onto the small desk in the corner. 
The hospital is silent when they leave, and Inko turns back to her son, determined to stay at his side. 
“Mom,” She hears distantly, Katsuki’s voice calmer than she’s heard it in years, “is he really…?”
“Yes baby, he’s gone.”
And Inko cries.
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eventinelysplayground · 7 months
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This is an entry for @aquagirl1978 event A Series of Firsts. I haven't finished Shakespeare's route yet so hopefully I got his personality and the vibe down right going off what I have gotten through and the event stories I have. Possible TW it mentions death, no details just that a death has happened. I may also do another entry but not sure about that one yet.
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Merry Christmas my Juliet
Snow blanketed the outside of the villa. It was the afternoon of Christmas Eve and Shakespeare sat in his chair by the roaring fireplace with a cup of tea in his hands. As he sipped his tea he looked around the room that was decorated for the holidays and decades worth of memories came flooding in.
Look Will I made a skirt to go around the bottom of the tree! Do you like it? Aye verily much so though it seems mine eyes aren't the only ones that admire it. Huh? Ahhh Puck stop chewing on it. What a bad little rabbit! If you keep that up Santa won't bring you any presents.
Can you grab the stockings for me please. Thy wish is my command…My Juliet there seems to be an extra this year or did you decide Puck has a need of one. No it's not extra and it's not for Puck either. Though they will likely be Pucks size at first, hopefully not as mischievous though.
Ahhh no no no don't pull on that! Will I need help! Mitsuki are you alright? Let me hold the tree,what is going on? Your daughter nearly pulled the tree down on herself grabbing at that bell ornament! We're going to have to take them all off the bottom branches. Aye I think tying it to that beam would be prudent as well, lest a tragedy befall us. What a bad little girl scaring your Father and I like that Elizabeth, if you keep that up Santa won't bring you anything.
Look at that ornament father! I think mother would like it don't you? Hmmm I believe you are correct Edward, shall we buy it for her then?
We made these cookies all by ourselves Father! I helped decorate them. My they appear so….festive. Here have this one Father, aren't they good? My sweet Jane I am at a loss for words truly. Now off to bed with you all the hour is late. Tell me my darling, do we have any strong drink about?
Grandfather! Grandfather! Well well such excited little children today! Now since you've all been very good children I'm sure I have something for each of you. Elizabeth, Jane these are for you. Thank you Grandfather! Now Thomas this for you. Gah gah bllth! Yes yes you are very welcome my boy and for you Edward…Wow a train set, thank you Grandfather! Comte you spoil them too much. Nonsense Ma Cherie it's Christmas after all, also this is for you. Good Comte you seem to outdo yourself every year. I enjoy it Will, this one's for you.
Will I'm glad you waited until after the festivities but you really don't need to sulk. Then tell me what I am to do? My daughter has not only found a lover but it is another resurrected by he who carried out my own. Think of it this way at least since he knows everything already we don't need to hide anything. We'll be able to stay in their lives and when they have children one day... I pray thee stop right there! Oh Will, how about I give you your favorite present now. My mood will not be improved by that. Oh really now?
Wills reverie was interrupted by a cheerful voice calling out to him.
??: Father are you home? We came early to see…
??: Grandpa! Grandpa!
Shakespeare: Hark I doth hear the voices of little angels calling.
Two smiling little girls came bouncing over to Shakespeare and clamored into his lap. Following close behind them was a young woman who slowed her steps as she took in her surroundings. As she surveilled the scene in front of her an expression of shock and then a big smile graced her face.
Shakespeare: My sweet Jane, what is with your expressions today?
Jane: I'm sorry Father just I wasn't expecting it to look so nice in here.
Shakespeare: Do you not have faith in me?
Jane: It’s not that…
??: She’s been convinced you'd be sitting here wallowing in grief and despair and insisted we come early. This is from Le Comte.
Jane: Wolf!
Mozart just shrugged and handed Shakespeare a small wrapped box before walking over to examine the Christmas tree.
Jane: Oh it looks like you're running low on firewood. Wolf why don't you and the girls go and get some from out back. Perhaps you can even make snow angels for Grandpa while you're at it, I'm sure he'd love that.
Shakespeare smiled at his youngest daughter's clumsy attempt to get everyone out of the villa. All Mozart could do was sigh as he called for his children to follow him back outside. Jane fidgeted for awhile before sitting down on the sofa placing her hands in her lap. They sat in silence for a few moments, Shakespeare watching his daughter whose attention seemed captivated by the tree.
Shakespeare: Speak plainly Jane. Your words will not offend me.
Jane: Father…..all right. I was worried about you, we all have been. You've seemed so lost and not like yourself since Mother died and well this is the first holiday since then and…
Shakespeare: Thou hast always been so sweet and empathetic Jane. Too much so I think at times much akin to your mothers spirit, yet it has served you well it seems as it did her.
Shakespeare smiled weakly as he looked at Jane, her face very much like her mother's. He could see the worry in her eyes for him and he turned his attention to the tree to try and lessen the pain.
Shakespeare: Shall I speak truth to you?
Jane nodded silently.
Shakespeare: Twas not my original intent to partake in festivities this year. Indeed this life of mine has lost much of its splendor with your mother's departure from it. Fate would seem to have other ideas though and rest the pen away from me. I happened upon a most peculiar sight the other day.
Jane: What did you see?
Shakespeare: Nothing spectacular just a couple walking beside the Seine one afternoon. The lady was lamenting though about the extravagant gifts she'd just been lavished with and how she could not possibly accept another much to her gentleman's protests otherwise. It plucked at my heart and my memories sinking me further into despair at first. That night my dreams were filled with words and images of my departed love, when I awoke I was momentarily overcome with sadness but then a strange comfort overcame me.
Shakespeare took another sip of his tea before turning back to face his daughter.
Shakespeare: Undoubtedly grief still grips me yet however my dreams although sorrowful also offered me continued hope. I am but a humble poet yet because of your Mother I wrote some of the most wonderful stories. Not just to play out upon a stage but that played out in every moment of this near eternity of mine. Do you think your Mother would go easy on me if I put out such works now as to disappoint my fellow players?
Jane: No I don't think she would.
Shakespeare: Aye henceforth although they may not be worthy of a standing ovation I must continue to pen more works, to carry on our story lest once my time finally does come to an end and we are reunited I will be unable to face her. So I started by deciding to decorate as we had every year.
Jane: Mother always loved everything about Christmas. I'm so glad you're feeling even just a bit better Father.
As the afternoon turned into evening Shakespeare found himself surrounded by all his children and grandchildren basking in their soothing warmth and fond memories of Christmases past. Before he retired for the night he paused once more in front of the Christmas tree. He reached out to a ribbon tied around one of the branches in a bow, another memory of his departed beloved filtering through his mind.
Merry Christmas Will! How did you divine my heart's wish for this merriest of days? Hehe it wasn't too hard you always say you want me and well every present has to have a ribbon.
Shakespeare smiled to himself as tears welled in his eyes.
Shakespeare: Merry Christmas my Juliet.
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quietlyinlife · 1 year
Bad Attitude (Yandere Bakugo x reader)
tw- implied threats, rude behavior, rushed ending
You can’t stand his attitude anymore, so rowdy and so annoying. Even after meeting each other again when you finally came out of the house and him coming from UA, he still is the same bratty boy you encounter years ago as a child; you met him only because your parents bought a new home to move in because of your father’s new job.
Your mother was the one who forced you to go out in the playground since the neighbor’s son is out there too. It was in the playground when he decided to bother you along with his friends, including Izuku who just stood there and watched with a worried look. You never expected the boy to be so arrogant.
“Hey! This playground isn’t for girlies like you! Get lost!”
“You’re fragile, you’re gonna get hurt if you played around here!”
You still remember those words like yesterday. Instead of speaking up for yourself and shout at him, saying you’re not fragile and weak—you immediately left the playground. Not wanting to continue this drama in the future, it seems fate has other plans for you.
He probably said all of that was because he would see you being so clumsy around his house that you end up getting hurt when your mom is over at Mitsuki’s house with you, in hopes you can get along with Bakugo. It was nice that he didn’t have been rude to you that much as you two got older.
But he would still see you as fragile and he considers you are when if you’re more aware of your surroundings now.
It was a good thing you didn't have to go to the same school as your neighbor did and you can tell he also had a grumpy face each time you saw him. To you, he’s thinking about many ways to torture you when Katsuki catches sight of you while the two of you were on your way home. But in reality, he just wants to talk to you.
Bakugo never seems to learn when to shut up while on the way home, he tries to pull up a conversation but you barely even listen which annoys him.
 You complained about him a lot to your mom who always tells you to ignore it. So this time you decided to take her advice. You stayed seated in the chair of the café you were in, taking a bite out of the small strawberry cake you ordered before.
You enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere with some people chattering with one another. Until a certain boy sat down in front of you, you didn’t look up to meet his intense gaze--you were going to ignore him even if the plan fails. 
“Hey.” His loud voice called out to you, while you were too busy eating the cake; you ignored him. Eyes stayed glued to the cake until his hand grabbed onto the edge of the plate and slid away from you. The plan of ignoring him did n’t work on you, you really want to finish eating the cake. No one seemed to notice him as they are busy doing their own business.
You clasped your hands and intertwined your fingers together in front of you; you looked up at him in the eyes. His eyes left yours for a brief moment before gazing back at you again after finding what words to spill out.
“I was wondering if you and I would like to go out together tomorrow since that time I’m free?” Awkwardness and hesitant laced in his voice but he did his best to cover that up but you could tell by how he would sometimes advert his eyes somewhere and his body language stiffens.
“I don’t know, never been on a date before.” You answered back before pulling the plate away from him to continue eating the last piece. His red eyes narrowed, unpleased with your reply.
“It’s either yes or no.” His tone becomes harsher but Bakugo is still trying to keep in control. His anger is starting to rise with each second.
You glanced up at him before speaking again.
“I have a lot of homework to do. It’s going to keep me busy and it’s best if I do it so I don’t have to worry about that.”
He scowled and harshly got up from his seat, earning the attention of others who heard the noise.
Bakugo harshly glared at them, making the people look quickly away. Back at you, you narrowed your eyes at him with your arms crossed over your chest.
“Fine, play it that way,” Bakugo said, irritated, “I guess I’ll have to force you.
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best-underrated-anime · 8 months
Best Underrated Anime Group H Round 1: #H2 vs #H7
#H2: Girl is sent to family hotel in the country
Ohana Matsumae is an energetic and wild teenager residing in Tokyo with her carefree single mother. Abruptly, her mother decides to run away with her new boyfriend from debt collectors, forcing the young girl to fend for herself—as per her mother's "rely only on yourself" philosophy—in rural Japan, where her cold grandmother runs a small inn. Driven to adapt to the tranquil lifestyle of the countryside, Ohana experiences and deals with the challenges of working as a maid, as well as meeting and making friends with enthralling people at her new school and the inn.
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#H7: Isekai subversion, now with more women and good writing
Average student Mitsuki Mutou suddenly finds himself transported to another realm. Summoned by the king of this world for the remarkable power he is supposed to possess, Mitsuki is thrown out when it appears that he lacks a Special Concept. Moping about, he encounters a priestess named Menou who explains that Japanese people like him are known as Lost Ones, and such individuals never fail to have Special Concepts.
Menou elaborates that she is part of a church that helps abandoned Lost Ones integrate into society. She invites him to spend the night at her church, where the two can probe the nature of his ability. Eventually, they discover that Mitsuki's Special Concept is actually incredibly powerful and dangerous.
But is Menou's true goal to assist Lost Ones—or the opposite?
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#H2: Hanasaku Iroha: Blossoms for Tomorrow
It’s a really great one season show about a teen girl figuring out who she is and what she wants out of life. She makes friends and creates a home for herself despite having no dad and a lackluster Mother. She grows and blossoms into a better, kinder person who enjoys life. It’s a genuinely sweet anime, and everyone in it is trying their best. It’s a feel good show, and if you need a smile, give it a shot. Frankly, it’s very much character-centric, and you can’t help but root for them and feel for them when they suffer.
Trigger Warnings: Mild Emotional Abuse in the past. The Mom isn’t abusive physically, but she does suck and neglect her kid emotionally, so maybe Child Abuse?
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#H7: The Executioner and Her Way of Life (Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road)
Propaganda 1:
An isekai that forgoes the usual tropes and exceedingly dull, whitebread protagonist in favor of a cast consisting more or less exclusively of varying flavors of deranged lesbians.
As a bonus, a certain scene halfway through the first episode made a lot of the worst parts of the anime community SO mad, and I feel like that’s worth something in and of itself.
Propaganda 2:
An isekai subversion that doesn’t feel like it’s subversive for the sake of being trendy! All of its unique parts have lore to explain them, and the world building of the series is super intriguing. The power mechanics are well-thought-out, and the fighting is unique and beautifully animated! Another strong part is the character relationships; I love the various dynamics between the main cast, and I love how none of them are reduced to mere tropes, as anime loves to do with its women. It’s also very funny, and the protagonist is one of my favorites <3333
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Suicide. Suicide is basically a deuteragonist’s goal, but it isn’t shown.
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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insanesanitysparks · 8 months
Katsuki Bakugo is an Introvert
Inspired by an interesting conversation with my twin (who is an introvert). She isn't as obsessive over the anime as me, but from what she does know she casually noted that Bakugo had some introverted tendencies. So obviously I'm going to write a "quick" spark about it.
He's not an introvert in the traditional sense. He doesn't hide away in his room, not all the time at least, and he doesn't completely avoid people. He wants to be a hero and not even his introverted tendencies are going to stop him from following his dream!
When it comes to dealing with people, Katsuki gets exhausted being around large numbers of them and that makes him moody. Moody enough to hurl insults left and right and attack anyone that invades his personal space. In Junior High, he enjoyed all the attention he got from being the best but is also wore him out. And of course Deku ALWAYS had to follow him when he was trying to find some space to breathe. Katsuki doesn't want to admit that he needs a break from the spotlight, so he kicks the nerd away. He doesn't want to talk about his feelings. He just wants quiet.
When it comes to family, Katsuki is in constant conflict with his extroverted mother. She's a strong woman who loves the spotlight and loves showing off her perfect family, but Katsuki hates it when she drags him out of the house. He grumbles and groans the whole time until he can come back home and seal himself off in his room. It's different with his father though. The older man being a similarly quiet individual. On days when Mitsuki goes out by herself, the two men will often just sit in silence. No words are needed. They know the other is content just knowing that they are there. It's a time for them both to recharge. Sometimes, Katsuki will even smile after these gentle moments with his father.
When it comes to friends, Katsuki is picky. Extroverts can be loud and pushy, two things that he doesn't need when he's ready to isolate and recharge. While he likes being the center of attention, usually there's no more than two or three people that he allows to stay really close to him. Deku is not one of them. On top of just being downright annoying, there's just something about Deku's presence that drains Katsuki faster than with most people. In Junior High he had two somewhat close friends, but even they weren't perfect. They made dumb decisions unbecoming of a future hero. He had an inkling that the friendship wouldn't last, a feeling that proved to be true when his friends bailed on him when the sludge villain showed up. And of course the only person willing to risk their life to help him was the damn nerd that exhausted him just by existing!
Then he gets to UA and is confronted with a hoard of loud, excited individuals that rub him the wrong way with just about every damn word out of their mouths. It puts him on edge. He can't escape them and that bothers him. There's no place to recharge and as soon as school is over he's the first one out the door, eager to go home and collapse in solitude.
But then they're moved into the dorms. He'd be thrilled about not having to interact with people on the way home anymore except now he has to share his mornings, afternoons, and evenings with this group of clowns. At least one good thing seems to come of being kidnapped and moving into the dorms, and that's Kirishima. The extroverted dumbass can be a bit of a blockhead at times, but he's often just what Katsuki needs. In fact, maybe Kirishima isn't actually an extrovert. Maybe he's an ambovert? Switching between social and silent as he deems necessary. Kirishima always has his back too. At the USJ, the sports festival, and then coming to try to rescue him from the League of Villains...spending his own money to do so.
Eventually, Katsuki will invite Kirishima to his room. The first person to see his dorm since they'd moved in. Kirishima doesn't judge his taste. He points out what looks cool and then they sit in silence, Kirishima messing around on his phone while Katsuki reads a book. Occasionally the red head will lean over to show him something cool that he stumbled across but otherwise Kirishima is fine just chilling.
And then Kaminari joins the party. Katsuki had no intention of letting the ditsy, loud blond anywhere near him but Kaminari made fast friends with Kirishima and seemed to look up to Katsuki. No matter where he went, Kaminari was always tagging along after Katsuki and Kirishima. It was annoying, but the other blond gradually began to grow on him.
So then they were three. Kirishima would make himself comfortable wherever, usually on the floor since it was the "manly" thing to let his friends have the bed and chair. Katsuki usually took the chair since it allowed him to prop his feet up on the desk, no stick-in-the-mud Iida to stop him. Kaminari usually took the bed, though that phrase never quite adequately described the situation. Most of the time, Kaminari laid upside down while hanging half off the bed reading manga.
Katsuki still enjoyed his solitude, but there was something about these two extroverts and the way they could seemingly shut off their loud, energetic side that made Katsuki like hanging out with them. Maybe it was their quirks? They paired well with him in training. Or maybe it was the fact that they were dumb enough for him to maneuver them as needed? Either way, Katsuki found himself eating lunch with them, training with them, and sharing his personal quiet time with them.
And he was happy. He wasn't exhausted like with his friends from Junior High. Kaminari and Kirishima didn't wear him out like they did. They were the type of friends that could talk him into going out to eat and he would actually enjoy the experience. Kaminari could talk him into a board or card game and he would actually have fun playing with the two. Kirishima could keep him in line without making him feel like piece of shit for exploding when he got overwhelmed.
But what really drew Katsuki to the two dumbasses was their need for him too. Kirishima especially. When they doubted themselves, it was always Katsuki who pointed out their strengths and what made them useful. It was always Katsuki who pushed them to be their best and helped them train more efficiently. And the way they looked to him for guidance but didn't just follow him blindly...well, gosh darn it if it didn't warm Katsuki's solitary heart up just a little.
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