#mitsuki x masaru
httpsem · 2 years
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I want what they have
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habken · 8 months
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forced reconciliation through becoming family
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kuwkedits · 11 days
💥Bakugou Sibling Sunday💥
Yn goes away for a mission and ends up in a hospital.
Part 2 of 3
🔗Part 1 of 3
Tags: Bakugou Siblings💥 / angst⛈️
⚠️CW: mention surgery, mentioned lack of self care
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
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There would be NO DOUBT that they would ALL be HELLA OVERPROTECTIVE about you 
I mean, Masaru would be kinda chill actually compared to Mitsuki and Katsuki. He won't freak TF out if you talk to other people and have fun with your friends and he's the most lenient one in the family and he doesn't give a damn what you wear. He likes seeing you in all sorts of clothing and thinks his darling little daughter looks good in whatever she wears and won't force you to do anything 
But when it comes to the question of sleepovers and going to other people's houses WITHOUT EITHER one of the Bakugou's to accompany you is a big no go. They're worried that something might happen to you if you step out of the house and they half wish you'll stop trying to be apro hero. Why be a hero and put your life at risk while you have the big strong Ground Zero as your brother and 2 parents who are perfectly capable of protecting the youngest Bakugou?
Mitsuki, on the other hand will treat you like a child along with Katsuki. Everyone loves spoiling the shit outta you and Mitsuki likes dressing you up in cutesy cutesy little outfits. Mitsuki however will NEVER allow you to break rules like disobeying her when she says no to something and sneaking off with your friends. She simply will NOT tolerate rule breaking and even if you DO manage to sneak around her back, your brother Katsuki will always be there to 'get you on the right track' even if he has to use his quirk on you. They just want what's best for you after all
They are self aware yanderes and their relationship towards you is unhealthy and delusional and they KNOW it but they have to protect you from the horrors of the world. If you used to attend the UA, you bet Katsuki had something to do with why your mom suddenly wanted you to drop out and take a break for sometime and soon that 'break' turned into a never ending relaxing vacation at your home for you. You won't be working anytime soon while they're around that's for sure and while Masaru talks to you, Katsuki and Mitsuki will be busy preparing food for you guys to eat. They don't want you going in the kitchen, what if you accidentally hurt yourself or boil or burn yourself?
They'll love cuddling with you and making you feel safe and comfortable in their presence. They have NEVER hit you till date and never will either. And WHO expects parents to starve their own kids? Cuz, they aren't those types of parents
For punishments, they'll just restrict your usage of your favorite items but they won't leave you isolated or without food and water. They aren't THAT heartless psychopaths 
Katsuki is the world's MOST short tempered brother one can have and you BET he's gonna cling to you 24/7 and tell on you to your parents what you both did the entire day (This boi should come with a blabbermouth and a tattletale warning label). You can hate him all you want for it but he just wants what's best for his youngest sibling. He loves and cares about you too much and he won't cuss around you so much either since he actually rather enjoys your innocence. His blood will BOIL when you talk to other people ESPECIALLY other GUYS and he'll obviously threaten to blow them up, even if you talk to Kirishima
 Being in relationships is COMPELTELY off the table for you. They will NEVER allow you to date and if you are in a relationship in secret, oh... what a shocker, that scumbag broke up with you the next day? Well, you can BET your allowances your OWN family was behind it but they'll just comfort you as they get you and give you whatever you want
The house will be full of baby pictures of you and Katsuki and you all as a happy family. They'll have guests over a few times but they can't ever let someone try taking you away from them so they'll try limiting the time of the guest's stay in their household instead of maniacally killing them. They won't let pro heroes enter their house either and will come up with INFINITE excuses as to why they can't come in. They just don't want to lose you 
Just let them take care of you and everything will be all right after all, family ALWAYS knows what's best for you...
''Come on little firecracker, you'll look cute and adorable in that dress and I think we should CERTAINLY put up some pictures of the wall after this. What do you think Masaru?''
''Sure, our little angel looks nice in whatever they wear''
"Tch... you don't look THAT bad firefly..."
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katsuizu-stuff · 4 months
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No because not only did Izuku get to hear, “I guess I thought… …we’d be competing… …and I’d be on your heels… …for the rest… …of our… …lives…”
All Might also heard Katsuki confess this to Izuku since All Might was in the same room and right next to Izuku
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but the real shocker here is that his parents, Masaru and Mitsuki Bakugo, also heard their son confess his feelings to Izuku
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yutxsgf · 1 year
Reader meets the Bakugous
Cw; Fluff, established relationship, Aged up AU, Fem!Reader
"Baby, calm down, they're not all that bad." He lightly comforted, kissing the top of your head with a concerned frown as his thumb caressed your hip.
"But what if they don't like me?" You deeply frowned at the thought.
"They'll love ya, swear it." He whispered.
You hummed, still concerned, but wanting to get this over with already. It's better to deal with it than fret more than needed.
Katsuki put his large hand on the small of your back as he coaxed you closer to his home, where he lived before becoming a hero.
He glanced down at you when the both of you were directly in front of the door, rubbing his thumb against your waist instead.
"You ready, princess?"
You hesitated before taking one final shaky deep breath,
The both of you flinched at the loud, booming voice from within the house followed up by the sound of padded feet sprinting towards the door.
You stared dumbfoundedly at the Katsuki-looking woman, watching as the rabid look on her face quickly shifted to one of sharp yet fond.
She glanced back and forth between Katsuki and you, seeming to examine what was going on before an exaggerated gasp left her lips.
"Katsuki, is this your new little girlfriend??"
"Fiancée." He corrected, looking down at you with the same loving gaze you've learned to love.
The woman squealed before taking your arm and bringing you inside with haste, dragging you towards the living room couch.
Katsuki chuckled behind you before making his way after you after closing the door behind him.
"So, how has he been treating you? Has he ever yelled at you? What're your thoughts on having kids?"
She continued to bombard you with questions with an eager-ish face, cupping your hands in hers as she sat beside you.
Katsuki blinked before lightly scowling at his mother, followed up with a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Damn it, old hag, you're scarin' 'er."
"Quiet." She retorted, glaring over her shoulder at the large hero.
His eye twitched with annoyance before he glanced behind him at the sound of sniffling, looking slightly down to see his father looking proudly up at him.
"Dad." He said simply before enveloping him in a hug,
You and her watched this bondful moment unfold with a soft smile, the sharp features mostly disappearing as she practically melted at the sight.
"I've missed you, son."
"I've missed you both, too."
"Damn it, Katsuki! Just had ta burn the chicken cutlets, didn't you!?"
"Wasn't my fault, you old hag!"
"Hey, hey, let's all calm down now."
"Shut up!"
You watched in silence as the family bickered, gently fiddling with the utensils as you awkwardly stared.
You flinched when you heard a slap, gaping when you saw your Fiancée's head lightly bowed down.
"Language everyone–"
You sigh, shaking your head before clicking your tongue and smiling lovingly once more.
Maybe they aren't all that bad afterall.
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aitchhdee · 11 months
Alright, imagine you and Bakugou are patiently waiting outside the registry office, along with your loved ones under their umbrella as the rain gently fell from the overcast sky. The moment was finally here, the day you and Katsuki would officially become married.
Your mood had been down a bit in the morning since it was raining, but hearing your family and friends talking happily, not minding the rain at all, did improve your mood. Glancing around, you eyes landed on Bakugou's mother, a bit further away from everyone. She was lost in her own thoughts, a serene smile gracing her lips as she absentmindedly toyed with the end of her umbrella. Your expression softening at that, seeing the fierce mother all calm and happy. Probably thinking of her son's journey along with all the memories with Katsuki since he was little and how far he has come now.
You couldn't help but feel a wave of warmth and gratitude wash over you, your eyes getting glassy with he though of how time has passed. Even though Bakugou's mother had been fierce and would bicker with his son constantly, she was a pillar of support throughout your and his relationship, always there with words of encouragement and a caring presence, along side with his father Masaru. You knew the Bakugou family care and love each other dearly. Seeing her lost in reflection, with a soft smile etched upon her face, filled your heart with a deep appreciation for the love and acceptance you had received from Bakugou's family. You had been nervous when you had to meet them for the first time.
Your attention shifted to your friends and your own family members, who were waiting nearby, engaged in lively conversations. Laughter and warm exchanges filled the air as their loved ones shared anecdotes and cherished the moment together, even though it was raining. Bakugou had told you in the morning that even with rain it had something unique in itself adding it's own little beauty to this moment.
In that moment, your gaze met Bakugou's, and a shared understanding passed between you two. Meanwhile, your friends were capturing the essence of the day, eagerly snapping pictures to immortalize the precious moments not minding the rain at all. Their cameras clicked, freezing fragments of happiness and love in time. The rain continued to patter overhead, you felt a gentle squeeze of Bakugou's hand. Your eyes meet his vermilion eyes, a smile on your lips.
You were ready to take this step with him. Ready to embrace the beautiful journey that awaited you as you and Bakugou stepped into the official marriage
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alythekitten · 2 years
Busted under the mistletoe ~
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The Bakugou having polar opppsites reactions to the situation ❤️🧡
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haztory · 1 year
sorry for being absent literally always, but i had to get this out of my drafts.
goddess!reader x mortal!bakugou; warnings: blood, mentions of sex, murder, unhappy relationships, unhinged reader and bakugou (tiny bit), not beta’d
(w.c. 2.1k)
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Rapacious, your father would call you were he to see you now. Salacious, acting in behavior once thought deterred; The kind that he meant to have stamped out of you in an effort to cultivate you into the pious cog in of his senseless grandeur. His promise of destiny. 
Your father’s lips would be turned in that virtuous frown, eyes narrowed as he sat from his throne in the great pantheon of Gods. Validated by their fealty. The model figure that is woefully negligent as he speaks of the sanctity of commandments that have seen his betrayal one too many times before. Sanctimonious in his rectitude, righteous in his hypocrisy, your father is.
He meant to cage you, raging at your freedom and its significance—angry that you were wild, changing the tides of human wars with the gentlest of smiles and lulling whispers; Rampaging that fellow Gods, his own brothers, were victim to the whims of your games with the mortals; Furious that the power you wielded began to rival that of his own; Murderous that you were too much like him: untamed, greedy, victorious and still, adored. 
You have never known his anger to be long-lasting, especially not in a manner of great meaning when you could falsely promise your way out of it. Batting eyelashes in truce—but, this is beyond punishment for the defiance of a rule. He means to break you. 
A husband. 
One bound to you without your consultation, much less knowledge. Promised in hand and divinity to be half of a whole to this pitiful excuse of God. 
There was hardly an expectation of satisfaction within the marriage on a good day, much less pleasure in the ways that physically mattered; Could such a thing ever truly be expected from a man who only knew how to hammer metal? Up, down, up, down until the glowing steel was forged.
Your husband is a man of great fortitude, who knows and will only know that of the fire he works with. The flames reflected in the dullness of his irises being the only exciting thing about him. He is monotonous within his construction. Routined and boring. 
How could there ever be the expectation of fidelity from you, the Goddess of Love? 
How could you be shackled to the bedside of a man who has never known the strength of the sea from which you are born? How can you love a man who does not know the impact of the tide and draws no desire from its power? How can you be with a man who does not know and adore you as you are? For a millenia, nonetheless! 
You've come to know of this arrangement as a curse; A woeful attempt to tame you from the wild and lustful by forcing you to make acquaintance with the bland and boring. Binding you to the shore, never to make acquaintance with the push and pull of the forceful nature. 
Credit must be paid your way. You had tried. In the depths of shame and sorrow, you tried to do as your brothers and sisters and settle. Gave in and let yourself  believe that love and happiness could be found within routine, eventually. It is your novelty, after all. And yet, it still finds you. This yearning for more, the urge to love and be loved. Your nature still rises from the swaying tide and dares to edge the coast. 
Your father would not approve were he to see you now, watching from your high plane in the heavens to the happenings of the mortal world. Surely, your husband would violently disapprove too, convinced that he has you loyal. 
You shouldn’t fixate; Had promised in low lights and empty words in your husband’s grimy embrace that you have seen the errors of your ways; That you have and will change. For his sake. But he does not know what happens when he is away in his cave of brimstone. 
Your attention is caught. And the object of your fascination is a marvel.
Sculpted from clay himself, you have half a mind to believe that one of your siblings has had a part in his creation. Broad and muscular, sharp and angular in all the places that deem him a man. This mortal has caught your eye since his ascension from boy to man. He is a village soldier. Fiercely protective and eager for a fight, and yet always looking to the heavens. As though there was something there waiting for him, beckoning him closer. You suppose he isn’t wrong, as you peer down to him just as he looks up. 
There have been whispers of his fate amongst the crowds since he was a boy, certainty issued in his great destiny.  No one is more sure of it than he. 
Which may be what finds him in your temple. 
Sanctuaries have never known themselves to be exclusive, but you must admit that it is certainly strange to have a man of his designation pray to the Goddess of Love. Surely he must have found some alignment more towards that of your stoic sister, emboldened by the desire for courage and brawn. And yet he is here, treading the halls in the stillness of night and giving small offerings to each of your priestesses and holding one large offering basket for your statue.
He stands beneath the colonnade, staring pensively at the intricate designs of your image on marble. He speaks only when the room has been cleared, the priestesses giving him the space to pray in solace.
“I hear you.” His timbre is gruff yet smooth. Commanding as it echoes. “You are calling to me.”
You remain still, almost taken aback at his forwardness. The waves of temptation creep at your feet. 
“I intend to find you, whether you show yourself or not.” He speaks again. He looks up, and although you know it improbable, you swear eyes of vermillion have pinpointed your location in the sky. And so, it comes crashing.
It has been so long since you have last appeared before a mortal, and appearing before him transcends all relatability. To see the fixation, your desire, and to have him see you. If he is surprised by your arrival, he doesn’t show it. Eyes strong in their stoic gaze, lips almost curled in a sneer. One would think you were his enemy, but you know such a charge to be false. It’s a charge of electricity, the cooling nighttime air suddenly warming at the meeting of your gaze. 
He is no enemy to you, and you are certainly no stranger to him.
“No one has ever commanded me so directly. How did you know?” You ask. of genuine curiosity.
“I dream of you.” He says the answer so plainly, as though it were a common occurrence. You can’t help but raise a brow. 
“I have for years. It was only a matter of time before you showed yourself.”
The chains forged by your husband suddenly feel the lightest that they have ever felt. Metal rattling against each other, pushing and pulling as something brews within you. You wonder what this mortal thinks of you. If he finds you as beautiful as you find him; If the power within him is as strong as you think it is. 
If he is strong enough to cut through steel.
“And what did you dream of?” You ask, taking a step forward. Feeling elation fill you like the swirling breeze as his eyes quickly watch you step forward.
“Tch. Like you don’t know.” His jaw flexes and with it comes the bloom of a subtle blush on his cheeks. “Didn’t you plant the damn things?” 
No, you didn’t. You could certainly look to see what it is he dreamed of, but this is more fun. Finally, finally, you feel the remnants of yourself pulse alive. 
“Have you come to give me a greater purpose?” He asks quickly, in diversion. You let him, too satisfied with the newfound freedom to care much about his attempt at modesty. 
You step closer to him, watching as his eyes cascade down the sheer chiton adorning your body. “Is that what I did in your dreams? Fill you with purpose?”
You find yourself almost chest to chest with him, his eyes never leaving yours, “Or did you fill me?”
You laugh when his eyes widen, turning to take a chocolate from the offering basket held still in his hands and plopping it into your mouth. Marveling at its taste, deciding that it must be homemade.  “Is that what you are in search for? A greater purpose? How about a culinary artist? Your skills are impeccable.”
He doesn’t laugh. “I am destined for more.” 
He knows he is. You know he is. Have not eyed him for so long to have not known. He stands firm before you, a soldier waiting for instruction. In any other instance you would rebuke such a stand, revolt at the rigid and serious, and yet with him—
Well, in devotion to you, who can fault you for testing its limits? Especially when there is something that has sat within you, waiting for the opportune moment. 
You meet his gaze, deciding to no longer tease. “How much more?”
“Anything you will give me.” He quickly responds. 
“And this destiny you seek, do you do it for pride or service?”
“I am your loyal follower and patron, Goddess Divine. What I do is for you.”
“A man like you, patron to me. How lucky am I?” You smile, but it is quickly assumed by the sneaking tendrils of your dark desire. Your voice stills, “The task I have for you is very arduous. Unyielding, difficult, and not aimed for the weak. Destiny setting, to be sure.”
The man seems to preen at those words, a smile finally finding its way to his face. It curls, dangerously, hungrily. “Name it.”
“Once it is spoken, it cannot be undone.” You warn.
“The task is mine alone.” He insists.
You find yourself before him again, and he leans in to listen closely. You can sense the fight in him, smell his musk. The promised freedom teeters on the edge of your words. 
“...kill Hephaestus. Free me from the shackles of my constricting punishment.”
He doesn’t blink, doesn’t balk, doesn’t shy away from the treasonous words. He does as you have seen him do and stands firm, almost vibrates with his desire to act. 
You can almost feel the brush of the sea on your skin again. 
“And my reward?” He asks, confidently.
“Is my eternal patronage and favor not enough?” You laugh, eased in his presence rather than tight at the admittance of your evil. Circling around him, you drag your finger across the broadness of his bare and unmarred shoulders. You wonder if the purity of his skin is a reflection of his valiance. Wonder if your desires are steered correctly, that he is the one to have the strength to carry him to victory. 
He glances to you over his shoulder, “Surely, the Goddess has more in plan for the man set to kill her husband than bragging rights?”
Curiosity clouded with the tendrils of lust at the man who holds your fate in his hands, you place your chin on his shoulder, meeting his vermillion gaze as your nose scarcely brushes the smooth expanse of his sculptured chin. Intimacy with a man who isn’t your husband, intimacy that is natural and wanted rather than forced.
“Cheeky.” You murmur, and his grin widens. A veil of clouded air blurs his vision before you reappear in front of him, your weight placed onto him as you wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Bring me the head of my oppressor,” You begin, said so airily it could be mistaken as a light conversation rather than a plot for murder, “And I will make you a God in his place. Meant to enact your own destiny, made to rule beside me.”
You lean your forehead closer, meeting him as your noses brush in meeting. Tracing one another, you whisper, “Can you do it?”
Without hesitation, he breathes into you. “I am yours, Goddess Divine.”
“And your name, O Great Warrior?”
“Bakugou.” A storm brews mightily in his irises and you can taste the salt of the spray, feel the ocean beckoning you home. 
Your release from the cage is so close to the touch, the hilt of the sword dealing the victory blow to your freedom held by him. 
You smile, wide, and true, and lustful for blood. “A fitting name for a God.” 
It comes as no great surprise when the mortal appears at your temple a few weeks later. He is limping through marbled halls and dripping with blood, the key to your cage held in his hands. Your husband's severed head held by his bloodied and mangled fingers, a wicked smile on his face as he beckons you down from the heavens. You find yourself once again, marveling.
And finally, in love.
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mhaxwishxgranter · 2 years
You reap (what you sow)
Summary: To say that dinner with Katsuki’s parents, especially his mother, was a tense affair, would be the understatement of the year.
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Mitsuki Bakugou, Masaru Bakugou
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, light angst, consequences of actions
Note: Mitsuki is a very petty woman in this and I enjoyed writing her dialogue
Word Count: 723
Tag/mutuals list: @kuromi-kouhai-blog @olenoname @mysticpisces @craftycheetah
“Deku and that damn half and half bastard are going to do what?”
The sound of utensils against plates had come to a stop and whatever conversation they had came to a standstill at the announcement that came from Mitsuki Bakugou.
“They’re planning on courting y/n. That’s what Inko told me when we had our weekly lunch together at our favorite restaurant. And she looked so elated at the prospect of having y/n as a daughter in law.” Mitsuki continued, after taking a sip of her wine. “Not that I can blame her. Who wouldn’t want y/n as a part of their family? She is quite the sweetheart, after all.”
“They can’t fucking do that.” Katsuki said and his expression was murderous.
“And why not? The three of them have been inseparable. They spend so much time together. It’s natural that this would eventually happen.”
“Why wouldn’t y/n tell us? Tell me?” Ochako finally found her voice after the shock of the news that Deku-kun and Todoroki-kun had plans to court y/n seemed to wear off. “We’re friends!”
“Are you, really?” Masaru Bakugou, the voice of reason whenever Mitsuki and Katsuki would butt heads, spoke up and the expression he was wearing sent a chill down Ochako’s spine. “You stabbed her in the back. In the worst possible way. There’s nothing you can do or say to come back from that. She trusted you. The both of you and you threw that trust away when you did what you did.”
He sounded as if he was speaking from experience.
“What’s your point, old man?” Katsuki’s voice came off as gruff, like he was trying to run from the guilt that came from his actions.
He hadn’t been alone of course.
“The point is Katsuki, that your wife can't pretend to know why y/n didn’t tell her business and what’s going on in her private life when she’s the reason why.”
Ochako had been an active participant in that as well.
It was one thing if Katsuki and Y/n’s didn’t just work out in the end. That was normal. And it happened to a majority of relationships.
Breakups were a part of life.
But when Katsuki had told them exactly why he had called off his relationship with Y/n, in order to climb the hero rankings so he could eventually become number one and how he couldn’t do that with y/n as an underground hero, Mitsuki had given him such a verbal lashing, Masaru hadn’t even tried to stop her.
And to rub salt in the wound, he had shown up with Ochako as his girlfriend, not too long after the breakup.
Mitsuki and Masaru had been cordial to her, but Mitsuki made her opinion known of exactly how she felt about the way Ochako had stabbed her supposed friend in the back.
“I’ve tried apologizing!” Ochako defended herself. “But y/n doesn’t want to be in the same room as me.”
“Why would she? Especially after the way you threw her trust back in her face by doing what you did. The both of you are facing the consequences of your actions.”
Like right now.
Mitsuki turned her gaze from Ochako to her son. From the expression he was wearing, she had a suspicion of what he planned on doing. “And Katsuki, don’t even think of trying to stop Izuku and his mate from courting y/n.”
“Like I give a damn what shitty Deku and half and half decide to do.” It was obvious to everyone at the table that Katsuki was putting up a front, trying to pretend that the news of y/n about to be courted by the two people who got under his skin the most didn’t bother him.
He was obviously failing.
And it was obvious that he did care. A great deal.
“Keep telling yourself that, Katsuki.”
From there, dinner continued but it was filled with obvious tension.
And overwhelming guilt.
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nagisa-666 · 1 year
《WARNINGS!: Mentions of death, kind of crack fic, curse words, kind of explicit words, slight angst, lazy writing, crossover MHA x Blue Lock》
Of course. Early to bed and early to rise makes (Name) a massive bitch.
You'd think that for a guy with such a good reputation among his fellow football players would have a good personality, wouldn't you?
No, turns out they were only talking about his skills. In real life, his personality is worse then trash. With anger issues, a superiority complex, and an inferiority complex, he also has a foul mouth that goes with his foul attitude.
"Who are you call a loser, PUNK?!" And Raichi, an equally hot headed football geek.
No, he's not a pokemon.
With how hot headed the both of them are, they're constantly butting head in disagreements, sometimes even getting into physical fights because of such disagreements.
Everyone is annoyed by it.
"YOU HEARD ME, SHIT HEAD! OPEN UP YOUR DAMN EARS FOR ONCE AND MAYBE YOU WON'T BE DEAF!" (Name) shouted incredibly loud, making everyone wince as he glared at Raichi fiercely, his red eyes almost glowing from rage.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, HUNK OF JUNK! YOU AIN'T WORTH SHIT!" Raichi fired back, showing off his sharp teeth with a scowl while (Name) scoffed, everyone in the room with them sighing annoyed.
"WORTH MORE THAN YOU, OBVIOUSLY!" (Name) snarled like a dog, eyes enlarged with veins showing while Yoichi sweated in the back, trying to hold him back before (Name) threw him back effortlessly. Damn. RIP Yoichi, you will be missed. But some were eyeing his muscle with faint blushes.
"SAY THAT TO MY FACE, BITCH!-" Pokémon bitch attempted to shout, before a someone got annoyed and interrupted.
The girls were fighting.
"OH MY GOD WE GET IT YOU'RE BOTH GAY SHUT UP!" Bachira shouted, quickly quieting everyone down as they stared at him in silent horror, some even praying for him as they waited for the blondes to explode.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, DUNCE FACE!-" The girls are back at it.
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"Hey, Bakubro! How's everyone treating you?" Kirishima asked, glad that his calls are actually getting through.
(Name) actually scored enough goals to get his phone back, so he took the chance to call back anyone who was blowing up his notifications (his mom, shitty hair, dunce face, racoon eyes, soy sauce, and Deku, who he blocked before,) and of course the best comes first.
So he called Shitty hair back first.
"I don't care about them. How's Dunce face and Racoon eyes? Are they stealing my shit again?" He asked, getting straight to the point as he finished his work sheet, noticing how everyone slightly quieted down to hear the call.
"... Haha, no! In fact, I haven't seen them act this good in your room before!" He said, noticeably not talking in the beginning, as if he was staring at someone or someone was talking to him. He calls bullshit.
"They're stealing my protein powder, aren't they?" He said, voice bland and face stoic, just waiting for the other to confirm what he said as the other in the room sent glances to each other, sometimes even sneaking a peek at his face.
"Yeah man I'm sorry. But! Good news, I got the job! So I'll be able to pay you back when you get back! No worries! Oh, and Deku was trying to call you too! He wanted to asked what it was like to be with the best football teens in one place!" The red head chuckled, listening to the pink haired girl and the charge bolt boy thank him profusely before waving them off, waiting for the blonde boy to speak.
"Tell Deku that I ain't telling him shit. And tell the old hag that when I get back, I want some spicy tofu! Spicy enough it makes my taste buds bleed!" (Name) shouted, grinning his evil grin like he always does when he's hyped about something, which makes the red haired boy on the other end laugh wildly. (Name) can't wait until he gets home and is able to eat the spicy tofu his mom makes. The shit they call spicy tofu here isn't even spicy, it barely even burns.
(Everyone else is scared of what his definition of spicy is. The spicy tofu they give him looks like death.)
"Yeah, okay! Oh- sorry, your mom's calling us, I'm gonna hafta hang up!" Kirishima said, loud enough that those close enough heard him clearly.
"Kay." A loose reply.
"See ya, Bakubro!" Affection through words, Kirishima loves telling him that.
"Kay." Another loose reply. Man, he is so tempted to just hang up.
"Say it back!" Kirishima whined, making (Name) feel as though he was able to just see the pout and teary eyes he gets when he's joking around dramatically.
"No." Then he hung up.
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"Hey, hot head, let's play 21 questions!" Bachira asked (more like demanded- but (Name) is the same, if not more stubborn-) dribbling a ball as he lightly treaded on the grass, playing with (Name) to pass time until one of them got annoyed.
"Fuck no." Sharp reply. (Name) didn't want this creepy 'monster' boy to know anything important about him. The way he kept talking about a 'monster' being in him and telling him what to do and who to talk to? Creepy. It's a miracle that he's even talking to him now.
"Aw, why not?!" Bitch boy Bachira whined, gaining a fake pout while (Name) scoffed, stealing the ball and running quickly, making a goal before Bachira got the the ball, continuing their 'conversation.'
"'Cause I don't fuckin' like you." Truer words have never been spoken. Whenn he dies, he wants 'my only regret is not flipping more people off' on his tombstone.
"Aw:(" (Name) wondered how the FUCK he said that out loud. Fuck, sometimes he wanted to put that boy in full body cast.
"Shut yo goofy ass up." Amazing. He's barely been talking to this fuck face for 5 minutes and he already wants to throw him under a bus.
"Anyway, let me go first! What's the color of your nipples."
"What's the color of your nipples."
"I'm fucking done with you. Get the fUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK-"
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"Hey, brat! You know better then to call me while I'm at work! I already know to make spicy tofu when I get home!-" Mitsuki said, answering her ringing phone with a rough voice as she began to change her clothes, looking at the ones her dear husband made himself with admiration.
"Excuse me, are you Bakugo (Name)'s guardian?" A sudden cold voice interrupted her, making her pause before looking at her phone, making sure it was (Name)'s number.
"Uh- Yeah? Listen, if he's in trouble just tell me where he is-" Suddenly feeling unsettled, she felt like something bad was about to happen. But that always happens with (Name). Sometimes he gets too mad and just beats someone up for being arrogant or something. Maybe he was in jail or something.
"I'm sorry to tell you this, but your son has been involved stabbing incident. He's in surgery right now.. We don't think he's going to survive." The cold voice said, and Mitsuki felt her heart drop. That couldn't be right. No, her little boy was always careful when out and about. Even if he was tired, he made sure that he knew where he was going and what to avoid. This had to be some elaborate prank his friends thought of.
"... Huh? Hey, if this is a joke, it's not very funny. Put him on the phone, let me talk to him." She demanded, putting her clothes back on before she stormed out, trying to find her husband frantically.
"This isn't a joke. He's at Musutafu hospital, Shizuoka Prefecture. I imagine you would want to spend his last moments together." Then a click and it went quiet.
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"This morning the young football prodigy, Bakugo (Name) was discovered to have died at a local hospital in Musutafu, in Shizuoka Prefecture after being a victim to a stabbing by an unknown stalker. Witnesses and CCTV footage have said and shown that he was walking when a man wearing a black hoodie and sweats ran up with a knife and stabbed him in the stomach. Officials still do not understand why the man did this. In later news, we'll talk about the wake and funeral of this young star. Thoughts and prayers to his parents."
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thelastidiot29 · 1 year
Boiling Frustration~
Katsuki Bakugou
Katsuki Bakugou returns home from his first day at UA, exhausted. The ideals he's familiarized himself with seem to topple around him and everything he's measured his worth against seems to be a lie.
He pulled his hands back, pushed them forwards, the knive slicing flawlessly through the cabbage. The leaves fell apart from the core and collected with the rest. He sliced with little effort, yet the entire time Katsuki wanted nothing more than to pick the knife up and throw it at the wall.
Screw this.
Katsuki gave the chopping board one shove and it slid up the counter. The cabbage ball rolled away and ricocheted off the wall. He threw the knife right along beside it, then stumbled back to the table.
Dammit, Dammit, Dammit.
Katsuki clutched his hair and seethed with a frustration he couldn't quite clench.
UA was supposed to be good. UA was supposed to make him better, push him further, make him stronger. Better and stronger like everyone said he was going to be, like everything he'd dreamed to be, and there Deku was ruining it all again.
He watched that pathetic weakling measel his way into every setting Katsuki found himself in, watched him dream of everything Katsuki ever dared to dream. What the hell.
Katsuki pounded his fist against the wood of the table, not caring about the clank the cups made, or the burn that echoed through his skin.
How did he manage to do that?
Be everywhere he was, at the same time, despite being so pathetic and useless. Katsuki was a race horse, and with all the sick, weak, and unfed horses he managed to speed past each and every single one of them, and the weakest of all of them was riding stride to stride. It was pissing him off.
Katsuki stood straight. With his hand, he wiped his forehead before facing his father at the entrance of the kitchen. Masaru leaned his brunette hair against the arch doorway, parallel to when his shoulder rested.
"What do you want?" He gruffed, stepping back towards the half cut cabbage sprawled against the counter. Katsuki gathered the shaven leaves and tossed them into the tupperware bowl.
"I came to check in, what was all that noise?"
"I dropped something."
"Did you?"
Masaru's finger twitched, folded over the skin of his opposite arm. His face was still, stern, and quiet, back lacking in the usual aggression he would have received from his mom. Katsuki reached for the sliced patch of cabbage, then the knife, then he started chopping again.
"Do you need some help?" Masaru pushed himself up right.
"No." He shot.
Masaru smiled lightly, "Okay, can I help?"
"Clean the cabbage, Old Man." Katsuki pointed to the tupperware bowl with the end of the knife, then his actions were a series of scowling and slicing.
With ironic obedience, Katsuki's father whisked past him and grabbed the bowl of cut cabbage, then to the sink he went. The sound of the facet spilling into the sink reminded Katsuki of the rushing of a river. The wet, splashing sound tending to relax his shoulders, and a breath graced into his lungs.
"So how was your first day at UA?" Masaru asked.
Katsuki's shoulders hiked back up, and he huffed.
Masaru glanced while needing the cabbage in the plastic strainer. He picked up leaves and washed them under the facet's running water.
"Did you wash your hands?!" Katsuki snapped.
"Of course I did."
Katsuki chopped the last leaf off of the core, sliced it into smaller pieces, then he headed for the sink with the chopping board. Masaru's eyes burned a hole in the side of his face, concern and patience licking his irises and it made Katsuki grit his teeth together.
Masaru didn't stop Katsuki when he dropped the leaves on the board, onto the ones in the strainer. He just stood there, staring at his son and waiting for an answer to his question.
Katsuki groaned, "Nothing happened. Just orientation and stuff, will you leave me alone now?!"
"Are you happy?"
"Excuse me?"
Masaru smiled lightly, turned back to the cabbage, "Are you happy? This is what you wanted since you were four. Are you happy?"
Katsuki faltered.
He wouldn't waste time celebrating the first stepping stone of a treacherous path. No, he wasn't happy. He didn't need to be happy, he needed–
"When you're done, put the cabbage in the pot."
–To be strong.
"Yes, Katsuki." Masaru clicked his tongue, "I know how to cook cabbage. Or did you forget, it was me and your mother that taught you?"
"In the pot." He repeated.
Katsuki fell back into one of the wooden chairs a few feet from his father. The wood texture rubbed his elbows as he shuffled for comfort, and a slight breeze from an open window across the room grazed his cheek. It was a breeze that gave him more chills than comfort, a touch that made his pupils expand, his face softened, and his mind raced.
The name managed to teeter its way back into his brain.
Katsuki ignored those below him, put them in their place and kept moving. Yet, the small, timid, liar managed to make it impossible.
The entire time, the idiot was a liar. Pretending to be this frail, quirkless, wannabe and the entire time laughing behind Katsuki's back.
The bastard.
The damn bastard;
pushing Katsuki to the edge of ignorance, treating him like an imbecile when he claimed to want to be his friend. Like someone as useless as him, could ever be a friend of his. It was almost funny.
He was done playing nice with him, he was done humoring the little fantasy world Deku lived in.
"What are you thinking about?" His father asked.
Katsuki scoffed, "A bug. A bug I want to crush."
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habken · 3 months
I can't stop thinking abt mitsuki x inko x masaru. specifically if it happened when izuku and katsuki were way younger, so by the time they get to high school they're very used to being Brothers.
sorry all might, katsuki got suspicious about izukus training and followed him. yeah they're fighting now. sorry. at least it's only a brotherly wrestle and not like. explosions. for now.
Exactlyy lmao in my head, their parents’ relationship gets revealed some time after the sludge villain thing so they’re both busy training and didn’t notice how often their parents were hanging out or how weirdly close the three had gotten, but now they’re incredibly aware of it and each other and that’s when katsuki realizes something’s up with izuku one thing leads to another and now he knows about all might’s secret and ofa and it also helping clear up the beach.
Deku is also slightly better prepared for the entrance exam because him and katsuki duke it out a bunch
Deku vs kacchan but it’s just them rolling around and somebody taking the other’s arm and going “stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself” and somehow they’re both less and more violent with each other than before
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sinnamonpork · 2 years
post war thoughts where Midoriya Izuku is kneeling on the floor, posture perfect in a full blown dogeza as he apologizes to Bakugou's parents for failing to bring their son home. He doesn't say a word, because what would apologies or excuses do when he was the only one to come back? When he wasn't even there when Kacchan took his last breath?
So no, Midoriya Izuku would not beg for forgiveness. Instead, he will accept all the hate he would get, every cruel word thrown at him by grieving parents, because that's what he deserves. What kind of hero would he be if he can't even protect his own childhood friend? Exactly like his hero name. A deku.
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claimedcrossbows · 2 years
A Bakugou Thanksgiving (One Shot)
Bakugou x Reader
Warnings : Language (From Bakugou of course).
When you originally had the bright idea for you and Katsuki to host thanksgiving this year you had the perfect night planned out.
You see you were American and had moved to Japan back when you were a teenager, but you still loved to celebrate a american traditional thanksgiving.
And this year you had convinced your husband Katsuki to invite his friends and family over so you both could host thanksgiving this year.
“I don’t understand why they have to come.” He mumbled referring to his former classmates.
“Because it’s thanksgiving Kats, and come one, come all.” You smiled stirring some cake mix in a bowl.
Bakugou frowned, “Aren’t the old hag and my dad enough?”
“Kats, stop complaining and open the oven for I can put the cake in.” You instructed.
He mumbled something, but obeyed your command and opened the oven door.
You put the cake in the oven above the roasting turkey.
Everything was shaping up to be really good, you had cooked all of the american dishes and you had Bakugou cook some of the traditional japanese meals and you thought it would be a great melting pot of dishes that everyone could enjoy.
You however frowned at one of the dishes that bakugou had made in particular knowing good and well the only one who was going to be able to consume that was him.
“Really babe, spicy ramen topped with…Oh God is that ghost peppers??” You almost gagged.
“Hey those extras need some spice in their life.” He smirked.
“You trying to send our guest to the hospital?!” You frowned wacking him playfully on the head with the wooden spoon you used to stir the cake batter.
“Ow, Damn woman!” He hissed.
“Put that in the fridge, people can request that on their own if they want it.” You said.
“Fine, God I swear you get more and more like that hag everyday.” He mumbled taking the ramen and putting it in the fridge.
The door bell suddenly rang and you smiled knowing that your first few guests had arrived. You quickly took off your oven mitts and tossed them unbeknownst to you a little to close to the stove.
You raced to the door Bakugou slowly trailing behind you with hands in his pockets.
You opened the door and was immediately greeted by Bakugou’s parents.
“Hi y/n! Oh don’t you look good!” Mitsuki smiled pulling you into a hug.
“Hello Mitsuki, Masaru.” You smiled greeting your in laws.
“We brought some wine.” Mitsuki winked ushering to her husband who was carrying two bottles.
“Great come on in, you can set them on the table here.” You said gesturing to the dining room table.
“Wow it smells delicious in here.” Masaru commented.
“Yes well me and Katsuki have spent all day cooking.” You said taking both of their coats and hanging them up.
“Ah great, put that man to work!” Mitsuki beamed ruffling her sons hair gaining a deep frown from Katsuki.
“Cut it out you hag!” Katsuki spit moving away from her.
“Hey, this is a special day, show your parents some respect!” You frowned.
“God I love your wife!” Mitsuki cried.
Masaru just softly smiled shaking his head.
The door bell suddenly rang again.
“Oh that must be everyone else, Mitsuki, Masaru, please take a seat, dinner should be ready really soon.” You said hurrying to the door. “Babe can you go into the garage and get some ice?” You asked gaining a grunt and a nod from Katuski.
“Least I can avoid those idiots for a few moments.” Katsuki said heading towards the garage.
You shook your head at your husband behavior and quickly went to answer the door.
You opened the door and was greeted with a harmonious “Happy Thanksgiving!” Everyone shouted.
You smiled looking at your Class 1 A friends.
“Hey everyone come on in!” You said widening the door and giving everyone the room to enter.
“Wow it smells so good!” Uraraka beamed.
“Great I didn’t eat particularly for today!” Kaminari boasted.
“Really dude?” Kirishima asked the blonde.
“Okay I might’ve snuck a burger.” Kaminari admitted.
“Try 2 burgers and a fry.” Jirou cut in.
“Babe, you really gonna sell me out like that!?” Kaminari whined looking at his wife Jirou with a look of complete betrayal.
“He’s never had American thanksgiving food, so he wanted to make sure he ate before he came.” Jirou continued.
You laughed, “Well your gonna regret that, because trust me, this food is going to be amazing!” You said proudly.
“I’m sure it’ll be great y/n.” Izuku said smiling bright.
“I brought some jello shots!” Mina said holding up the container they were in.
“Great set it on the dining table.” You said ushering to the dining room.
“I brought ice.” Todoroki said.
“Yes we could always use that, thank you so much Todoroki!” You said, “The garage is right through that door, you can put it in the cooler we have back there.” You said.
Todoroki nodded going to put away the extra ice.
“I brought extra utensils.” Iida said.
“Great those can go in the kitchen.” You smiled.
Iida nodded and went to go set them away while Uraraka Momo, and Mina came up to you smiling.
“So where’s Mr. Hot head?” Mina asked looking around.
You laughed at the nick name Mina still used for him after all these years, Bakugou had calmed down significantly since your high schools days, but the man still of course had his moments.
“He went to go get some ice for our drinks, he’s probably run into Todoroki.” You laughed.
“OI ICY HOT-DON’T SET THAT SHIT THERE!” You could Katsuki yell all the way from the garage.
You, Mina, Uraraka, and Momo all laughed.
Soon Katsuki was storming back inside with Todoroki trailing behind him.
You could see the annoyance all over your husbands face, but you were the only one who knew deep down that your husband really did love his friends.
“I got the ice.” Katsuki said coming up to you.
“Good, now we can get the drinks served, the food should be about ready!” You smiled. “If you all could take your seats in the dining room, Bakugou will get the drinks ready.”
Everyone nodded and made their ways to the dining room with Bakugou’s parents. Everyone was seated and chatting while Katsuki looked as he struggled to open a bottle of champagne.
“Damnit.” Bakugou muttered.
“What’s wrong bakubro?” Kiri said noticing his friends distress.
“Can’t get the damn champagne open.” Bakugou hissed.
“Oh don’t worry, I know a trick!” Kaminari said overhearing the conversation and deciding this was his time to shine.
Kaminari quicked snatched the bottle from Bakugou, tilted the bottle at a 45 degree angle, thumbed the cork handle and immediately trying to open it.
To no avail.
It would not open.
“Damn.” Kaminari hissed struggling.
“See, dunce face.” Bakugou taunted smirking slightly that he wasn’t able to get it either.
“Hang on, I’ll get it!” He grunted trying again.
Next thing everyone knew a loud pop echoed the room, the cork flying immediately out of the champagne bottle at the absolute speed of light.
Before anyone could see where it had went the next thing they heard was a loud..
“Oh my God!” You yelled seeing Iida hunched over grabbing his eye.
You quickly raced over to Iida who was hunched over. He had gotten smacked right in the eye with the cork, luckily he had been wearing contacts so there was no glass shattering in his eyes.
Yet his eye was already beginning to swell.
“Good thing I brought that ice..” Todoroki noted.
“I’ll go grab it.” Mitsuki said springing up from the table in full mom mode.
“Oh Iida are you okay!?” Uraraka said rubbing her friends shoulder.
“I’m fine, i’m fine.” Iida assured.
“I am so sorry man.” Kaminari frowned completely guilt written.
“It’s fine really.” Iida said.
You frowned not liking the way this was starting off at all, you sighed waiting for Mitsuki to come back with the ice for Iida’s eye before you went to check on the turkey and cake.
The food was soon ready and you and Bakugou brought out the main course and the rest of the sides and set everything on the table.
“Wow this looks amazing Y/n!” Kirishima smiled.
“Bakugou did you cook the Japanese foods?” Momo asked.
“Yup, everything else was Y/N.” He said looking over at you with that prideful look that always managed to make your heart skip beats.
“Uhg I wish I could cook like this.” Jirou said.
“Me too.” Kaminari mumbled gaining a hard elbow in the side from Jirou.
Everyone at the table laughed, everyone began passing around dishes to put on their plates when you realized you forgot to take cranberry sauce out of the fridge.
“Oh God, I forgot the cranberry sauce, I'll go get it.” You said about to get up but Kirishima suddenly dropped his fork.
“Ah, don’t worry about it Y/N, I gotta get up anyway to grab another fork, its in the fridge right?” He asked standing up from his chair.
“Yes it’s in a clear dish with aluminum foil on top.” You said.
He nodded going into the kitchen.
Kirishima looks around the kitchen for the extra utensils, he finds them and grabs another fork, he then goes into the fridge and looks for the cranberry sauce, he finds a clear dish with aluminum foil and grabs that. He then notices another full dish of what looks like ramen.
“Y/N must’ve forgot this too.” He says taking the dish out too.
Kirishima comes back to the table and places the cranberry sauce and ramen down unbeknowst to Y/N who was in a deep conversation with Uraraka and Deku’s about his sudden proposal a few months back.
“I know I was so stunned, I’ll send you the details when I figure out what kind of bridesmaid dresses I wants all you ladies to wear.” Uraraka assured while Deku sat next to her blushing.
“About time you proposed you damn nerd.” Bakugou laughed. “Thought round cheeks was about to do it for you.”
Deku awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of his head, “Y/N this food is delicious, what do you call this?” He asked pointing to the stuffing.
“Ah that’s good ol stuffing, no Turkey dinner is complete without it, it’s a must in a traditional thanksgiving.” You said brightly.
“It’s so good!” Midoriya smiled eating another spoonful.
You smiled happy that everyone seemed to be enjoying the meal.
“Midoriya is absolutely right Y/N this Turkey is delicious, i’ve only ever eaten it once when I was at a fashion banquet in the states.” Mitsuki said.
“I’m so glad you like it.” You smiled.
Everyone was eating and chatting and you thought that despite the rough beginning maybe everything would turn out okay, that was until all of a sudden you saw Midoriya’s face begin to turn red.
“Honey, are you alright?” Uraraka said looking over at her fiance who had tears in his eyes as he began coughing.
“I-It’s -cough- v-very- cough- spicy!!” Midoriya said between coughing and tears.
“What? I didn’t have anything spicy on the table Midoriya.” You said immediately getting up and looking at his plate only for your eyes to widen in shock.
Bakugou immediately dropped his fork at the sound of your angry tone that he often found secretly attractive, yet this time the look you were giving with that voice was sending actual chills through his body.
“I didn’t!” He argued.
“Then why is it on the table!?” You said gesturing to the dish.
Next thing you knew most of your guest were at the table coughing and choking.
“Oh-Oh my God, Water!” Kirishima gagged.
“W-w-cough- where’s the ice!?” Jirou choked out.
“Good thing I brought that ice.” Todoroki noted.
‘BAKUGOU KATSUKI, GO GET THE ICE!” You yelled angrily as you watched your husband trying to suppress his laughter at the sight of Deku’s red face brimming with tears as Uraraka quickly handed him her drink and rubbed his back in comfort.
“Son tell me you don’t - cough- eat this everyday!” Masaru choked.
“Uhg it’s not even that spicy you wimps!” He groaned getting up from the table to get the ice and some cups to put them in.
You heard the doorbell ring as you assured your coughing and choking guest that Bakugou would be back with the ice soon.
You answered the door in a sheer panic completely devastated with the way this night was going.
You opened the door the find Aizawa and Eri.
“Happy Thanksgiving!!” A now teenage Eri shouted as she then turned to her adoptive father Aizawa. “Did I get it right this time?”
Aizawa simply gave her a small smile and a thumbs up.
“Thank you Eri.” You said.
“Sorry we’re late.” Aizawa said. “ We didn’t know what to bring.” He said holding up some fresh bread from the local bakery.
“It’s wonderful thanks.” You said taking the bread trying to ignore the coughs and hacking behind you.
You could instantly see the look of complete shock as they began to look past you and into the dining room. Where by this time Kaminari was completely on the floor in a fetal position, and Todoroki was about 2 seconds away from using his quirk and shoving hand down Kaminari’s throat.
“Is that a thanksgiving tradition?” Eri asked beginning to fake cough and gag.
You immediately face palmed looking at the sheer irritated look on you former teachers face.
“No. It’s not at all.” You admitted. “There was a little mix up with the food, and they ate something too spicy.” You said.
‘OH STOP CRYING YOU BIG BABY!” Katsuki growled at Kirishima who at this time had taken off his shirt and was fanning himself with a napkin.
“Oh my God the ice is making it worse!” Mina cried.
You were completely embarrassed at this point and you honestly didn’t know what to say, this night was shaping up to be a complete disaster. The only thing that could save you now was maybe the cake you had made.
You guided Eri and Aizawa to the dining table as everyone tried to cool their tongues off and continued eating. You went to go grab the cake and searched through your freezer for some ice cream to help cool them off just a little bit.
You only had half a carton of ice cream left so you scooped everybody and little glass cup full and ushered that out with the cake.
Everyone immediately began digging into the small amount of ice cream that you served them along with the cake and you sighed happy that the night was just about over until-
“Do you smell something burning?” Momo said.
You and Katsuki both sniffed the air until you both realized it was coming from the kitchen, you both shot up out of your chairs to the kitchen only to see that your entire kitchen was up in flames.
“OH MY GOD!” You cried in horror.
“Shit!” Katsuki cursed looking around for some water only to find nothing that’s when he immediately yelled for Todoroki.
“TODOROKI GET YOUR ICY HOT ASS IN HERE AND PUT OUT OUR KITCHEN!” Bakugou yelled watching as you tried to fan the flames down but it was way too much.
Todoroki along with everyone else entered the kitchen and immediately coughed taking in the black smoke.
“Oh my goodness!” Uraraka cried.
“Stand back everyone!” Todoroki calmly said.
You and Bakugou immediately backed up with everyone else as Todoroki immediately used his ice powers and slowly began to put out the flames.
Once he was done the kitchen was frozen and burnt and everyone was completely silent as you stepped forward looking at the remains of what was once your kitchen.
"Good thing I'm literally ice." Todoroki noted.
“Y/n.” Bakugou said softly knowing exactly what was going through your head.
You shook your head, running a shaky hand through your hair, as you tried to contain your emotions.
“Sweetie.” Mitsuki said stepping closer to you.
You shook your head and turned around to face everyone, you immediately bowed your head and said.
“I’m sorry I ruined thanksgiving, thank you all for coming, good night.” You said shakily as you immediately ran out the kitchen and upstairs to your bedroom slamming the door behind you.
You immediately flopped on the bed and began crying. All of your hard work, all of the planning, had completely gone down the drain. You had never celebrated thanksgiving with your friends or Bakugou’s family and this was going to be the night you all laughed, ate, and drank and overall had a good time. But that was impossible now. Iida had gotten a black eye, half of your guest nearly died of extreme heat, and to top it off your kitchen had caught on fire.
No one was ever going to want to try thanksgiving ever again.
You heard a soft knock outside the door and you already knew who it would be so you didn’t bother saying anything, he was coming in anyway.
“Babe, you alright?" His voice was concerned.
You said nothing.
He sighed shutting the door behind him and making the way you the two of you’s shared bed.
You felt his warm hands caress your back and that only made you cry harder.
“I wanted this night to be perfect suki.” You cried.
“It’s not your fault hon’ if anyone’s to blame for this, it’s probably me.” He said catching you completely off guard.
You looked up from you pillow and you saw his eyes flicker with guilt at the sight of your tear stained face, smudged with eyeliner and mascara.
“Why?” You asked.
“I mean I didn’t exactly make this easy for you, I basically complained the whole night and then I made that really kick ass ramen dish that only the toughest people can withstand.” He said in that usual cocky tone that you’d grown to love over time. But you could tell he was also genuinely apologizing for his behavior.
“It’s not your fault.” You sighed sitting up and directly facing him. “I guess i’m just not all that good at throwing thanksgiving parties.” You frowned.
“Hon’ you didn’t do anything wrong, matter of fact, you did everything right, the old hag and my dad couldn’t stop talking about how good the Turkey was, dunce face loved the cake, Kirishima and Deku both got seconds and thirds of the stuffing, and i’m pretty sure none of those mashed potatoes are left.” He said.
“Really?” You smiled happy to hear they enjoyed the food.
“Really.” He assured.
He sighed, “Look y/n you just wanted everyone to come together and have a good time, I should’ve been more understanding of that, you haven’t celebrated a thanksgiving since your parents died a few years back and I should’ve done more to make sure this went off without a hitch, I know how important those american holidays still are to you.” He said squeezing your hand.
“I used to fly back to America every thanksgiving Suki, it was the one time I could really see all my family, now that their gone, I wanted to keep that sentiment going you know?” You explained smiling sadly.
“I know babe, i’m sorry.” He said giving your hand another squeeze as he smiled at you softly.
You loved his smile, he didn’t do it much, but when he did. You swear that smile could light up the entire world if needed.
“It’s okay.” You assured.
“Well, you ready to come back downstairs, everyone is still here.” He said.
You were surprised, “Really they didn’t leave?” You asked.
“No, they were worried about you, plus I think dunce face and shitty hair had something to say to you.” He said.
You cocked an eye brow in confusion but got up and went down stairs anyway.
When you came downstairs everyone was indeed still there chatting quietly among themselves in hushed tones until you finally caught their attention.
“Y/n.” Deku said worriedly.
“Are you okay sweetie?” Mitsuki said.
“Uhg, look you made her cry.” Jirou angrily said at her husband.
Kaminari frowned looking at you sadly, Kirishima didn’t look that happy either as his face looked just as guilt stricken.
“Y/n, this is all our fault.” Kirishima started.
“Yeah, I was the one who hit Iida in the eye with a cork.” Kaminari said looking over at Iida who still had a bag of ice on his eye. “Sorry bro.” Kaminari said to Iida.
“I’ll live.” Iida said dismissing him.
“And I was the one who took that spicy ramen dish out the fridge, I thought you forgot to set it out.” Kirishima admitted.
“So that’s how it got set out, sorry Kats I thought it was you.” You said apologizing to your husband.
“I shouldn’t have made it to begin with.” He said shrugging it off as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
“Okay, but how did the kitchen catch on fire?” Eri asked.
“It looks like this caused it.” Todoroki said holding up a complete torched oven mitt. “I found it by the stove, it must’ve caught on fire since the burner was left on.” He said.
Your eyes widened and soon you felt your face heat in embarrassment, “Looks like that was actually my fault, I was so excited to greet you guys I carelessly tossed my mitts to close to the stove without turning it off.” You admitted.
“Good thing we got that insurance last month.” Katsuki mumbled.
You nodded and then sighed, “I’m really sorry about all of this you guys.” You apologized looking at your friends and family.
“Don’t be, the food was absolutely delicious!” Momo said. “Me and Todoroki were gonna fix some plates to go if that’s okay?” She asked.
“Really, but i’m sure you have amazing food already at your house with your cooks and all.” You said taken aback.
“Not like this.” Momo assured.
“She’s right Y/n, we truly all had a good time really.” Uraraka said smiling.
“Who say’s the parties over? Isn’t their usually games at holiday parties?” Eri asked.
“Please don’t encourage them.” Aizawa groaned knowing where this was headed.
“OH SHE’S RIGHT!! LET’S PLAY CHARADES!” Kaminari yelled. “Eri who am I?”
Kaminari immediately grabbed a blanket that was on the couch and wrapped it around his neck and then held his hair up with his hands as he glared diretly at Eri with wild eyes.
“Aizawa!” Eri exclaimed.
Aizawa groaned and rolled his eyes, these kids were full adults and yet they still acted like children.
“Right!” Kaminari laughed.
You laughed as well as everyone suddenly joined in on the game much to Aizawa and Katsuki’s chagrin.
As you all sat on the couch watching Kirishima rolled around on the floor imitating his best impersonation of what you thought could only be a dog as Mina laughed uncontrollably, you felt red eyes staring at you. You smiled at Katsuki shooting him a thumbs up, thinking that maybe this wasn’t such a bad thanksgiving after all.
Hey you guy’s happy thanksgiving!! Decided to do a cute little imagine, I don’t really know if they do thanksgiving in other parts of the world, like their own version or not? So I just assumed they probably didn’t know what traditional American thanksgiving food tasted like, so I incorporated that into this fic. Anyway I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you all have a great thanksgiving!
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kitsune024 · 2 years
My Hero Academia Fanfiction
The Ticking Time Bomb by LadyGreenFrisbee
As he rocketed through the air, Shigaraki’s scream of fury at his back and blood roaring in his ears, Bakugo has only eyes for the mismatched mass of bodies held together by fear and determination reaching for him, calling him amongst crackle of green lighting, a shark-toothed grin and a desperate cry. As he reaches his classmates in the sky, he’s too busy joining hands with a redhead to look back at his captors watching his ascension.
Because of that, he does not see.
He does not see All for One’s face, impassive and unmoving behind the black mask as he watched Bakugo get away. He does not see the villain roll his shoulders, he does not hear the low, satisfied hum coming from the man’s lips, as if happy with a task well done. He does not see All for One turn away to face All Might, ignoring his League of Villains scrambling all around him to try and get the blond back in their grasp.
He does not see, and everyone pays the price for it.
(In which All for One lets Bakugo get away for a reason.)
Chapters: 15/25
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