#mk fandom bs
thevillainsfangirl · 4 months
Oh, good lord, now I'm seeing Bi-Han stans say his father was abusive. There is literally nothing in MK1 implying that. 🙄
Y'all (thirsty fandom bitches) are so obsessed with your villain faves being victims of parental abuse, even when canon doesn't imply that or literally says otherwise. I've seen it in the Scream fandom, now it's in the MK fandom, too.
It's giving "Fandom Puritan who can't accept that they wanna fuck a FICTIONAL evil person."
Bi-Han has always been an asshole. He's power-hungry and he is a bad person. Him murdering his father (whom his brothers haven't implied anything bad about) is no surprise, and trying to make up completely non-canon things to justify it because you can't handle liking a fictional villain is moronic.
It's Bi-Han. Bi-Han would sell his little brother to Shang Tsung for a single corn chip! (And I don't mean Tomas; he'd give away Tomas for free.)
You wanna fuck an evil character. Accept it and move on! (That, or you're just projecting your own Daddy Issues onto an unseen fictional man, and you should sort that out in therapy.)
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outlawssweetheart · 9 months
Bitches in the Mortal Kombat fandom tweeting pics of MK women with the caption "their mission: End Skarlet"
They sound pretty threatened by a minor character. 🤔 Could it be that they realize Skarlet could end their faves if NRS actually gave her a proper chance to shine? 🥺
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stabby-biscotti0152 · 5 months
Movie date ♥️
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Raiden fell asleep though 😴
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sinimake · 10 months
Someone on the writing team really sat there and said "let's make Kenshi's blindfold be a piece of fabric of Johnny's armour" and not only this made the cut but now I'm suppose to what. Not ship them? Go feral??? Think they are not married???
The audacity.
Honestly, everyone can see the chemistry in them it would be amazing if they become an endgame, but it saddens me to remember that mk is cishet male dominant fandom. In reality, i don't think they would take risk on their sales by making/confirming gay relationship in between fan fav male characters. (Tanya and Mileena are somehow okay n acceptable bc Toxic masculinity ugh, its another can of worms)
It is a CRIME and FELONY that the creators made such an amazing narrative then slap a "bros being pals together" bs on it. Whenever i get reminded of Johnny's intro line saying he hooked up with someone else, and Kenshi's mention of Suchin, my body goes into cardiac arrest.
IF Johnshi is never meant to happen, Netherrealm MUST give us more stories about Tanya and Mileena fr. The game is not woke enough 😤😠
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mkuliatruther · 9 months
MK's (and MKulia's) odds according to EP9-13 leaks. (Spoilers, obvi.)
hey all! i have too many thoughts and instead of going on a long ramble on my priv i thought i could.. y'know.. actually share my thoughts for once! i'm gonna say this right now that my thoughts may leave a rather negative tongue, so if mkulia (or mk!) is ur comfort and u don't wanna hear anything bad i suggest not reading this!! without further ado, time to ramble!
i'll talk about MK first before i talk about my thoughts on MKulia. right off the bat: she's getting eliminated EP9. this just goes without saying i think but i want to elaborate on this more. in EP8 we have: raj | wayne | julia | MK | caleb | priya | damien | zee in EP10 we see damien:
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in EP12 we see caleb:
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and in EP11 we see wayne and raj's clothes:
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and going back to EP10's description, both julia and priya are mentioned:
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AS FAR AS EP9 GOES, this leaves: raj | wayne | julia | MK | caleb | priya | damien MK is not mentioned nor seen. at all. and yes, raj is left up in the air as well but at least there is higher hopes for our silly guy. there has been the popular theory of "well, raj may have given wayne his hoodie to remember him!" but... i think the odds of that are low? raj gifting wayne something before getting eliminated is very plausible, but i see no reason as to why he'd give away his hoodie to him? i feel like if that was the case he would have given wayne something else IMO. even if we don't take it at full face value, there's still a very low chance that MK's safe from elimination (and she'd probably be safe for like another 2 episodes if she were to be safe EP9. the odds of her being a finalist are also incredibly low). after being outed as a cheater, she hasn't been doing all that well in challenges either and since EP9's challenge has to do something with breaking objects, i can only imagine how well she'd do with that. and MKulia can make their alliance not-so-obvious-and-not-so-strong for so long. people are gonna want to break them up. now let's say MK's out EP9. this leaves both priya and julia as the only female contestants remaining in the game. and assuming they're going to add a female finalist it's going to be julia. and ALSO assuming we're going to get helpers for the finale, we MAY get more mkulia content. it's not that bad! may i also add EP9's title is 'Breaking Up Is Hard To Do' while yes this is about prileb, this could also be about mkulia. with mk getting eliminated, julia has to deal with fighting on her own. and we know very well that julia cares for MK, platonic or not. So what does this mean for MKulia? people fail to realize what mk getting eliminated means. we get to see how julia deals with it (unless she just moves on and doesn't care like what priya kind of did when millie got eliminated ... i'd cry.)
plus, if MK does get eliminated next episode we'll have more MKulia content in EP9 without a doubt. there's still so many questions left unanswered and i'm sure those will be resolved before MK goes home. and honestly, i have high hopes. i think MKulia will end off on a sweet note. do i think we'll get canon MKulia? absolutely not. it'd be really nice, but i doubt it. at best, it'll probably be up to viewers interpretation whether or not julia's care for MK comes from a romantic or platonic standpoint. i think that's how far we're going to get. calling it queer bait is a little bit of an exaggeration IMO, then again i am very picky with the fandoms i am in so i don't really know what it's like to ship something that is possibly queerbait. we just gotta buckle up and endure whatever BS will get thrown at us MKulia nation. o7
and hopefully i am very wrong about this. i have extremely low expectations so i can be happy if im wrong LMFAO!!
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chattegeorgiana · 7 months
Hello Chatte,
How have you been doing?
I have this thing that's been pestering me for a while now. A lot of NH defenders/shippers swear on their life that there are strong parallels between her and Kushina and it's a hill these people are willing to die on.
They love to cite examples from that god forsaken series called Boruto, where they have comical moments of Hinata being the ''scary mommy'' trope and a ''hot headed wife'' just like Kushina. This doesn't sit well with me and I just see it as SP being SP, nothing more, nothing less; and for the NH fan to be like ''ohh..... look...... there are so many parallels between MK and NH. NH was planned from the beginning. yay...... '' Those sorta BS (pardon me my French).
Also, I'd like to point out that I'm an anti ender not because of the pairing reasons but because of how the ending happened. All thanks to each and every character being nothing more than a pairing fodder, the show has left many debates as to what it's messages and themes are.
I really have zero reasons to like female characters like Sakura and Hinata but this, this is beyond character assassination and also an insult to the fan base, especially those who gave common sense and aren't blinded by pairing choice. For me how the characters are treated is way more important than shipping.
Also, when is your next YT video on Boruto being Oro's genjutsu gonna be released?
Thank for reading my somewhat lame and a long comment and I wish you the best with Kaika Saisei
Hi there,
Well, for the whole NH thing, the reason why they insist is because the sequel did a 180 and changed her characteristics, so ofc they are willing to die on that hill.
But we all know if we look at the actual content from the manga that she has nothing in common with Kushina nor Minato like they like to say. Kushina is loud and passionate. Where have you seen Hinata display those qualities? Whereas Minato is calm & calculated, something that she isn't once again. She's quiet & shy but that doesn't equate the calmness Minato displays. Not to mention we've seen even in this one shot that Kishi wrote that Minato can also get super passionate from time to time, whereas Hinata has never displayed that feat.
All in all for this whole thing to work they had to turn her into Sakura. It's clear as daylight to anyone who isn't a NH. Even a neutral. So why consume your energy with what they're saying? It's not like it's true. The evidence to support that is those 15 years of serialization prior to the ending that holds all the weight.
We all know TL & the other products at the end were made so that they can retcon the pre-established narrative.
The show ending the way it did basically destroyed everything Naruto once as a story stood for. Sad, but true.
I always said I wouldn't have had any issue with the choice of pairings if done correctly. After all, I used to be a multishipper once. I saw the potential that all had in the beginning. It's just that when part 2 launched, the story was clear of its direction - of course, until they decided to retcon again and to hell with everything.
And sadly, the girls got the short end of the stick. Both Hinata & Sakura, if we're being true to ourselves. But these people are ready to die on a hill just because they're so attached to their opinions rather than seeing the story for what it is - a great emotional impact story, but with a lot of issues underneath it if you put aside the emotional impact.
It's the reason why it pulls so many people into it. Because it's filled with emotional manipulation, in a way. Look at the way the franchise also directs its marketing campaigns for other materials/products. They scan the internet, see what the talk is in the fandom & then bam, there they are with their products that just so happen to have the thematic of whatever talk is in the fandom - like when they are some sort of servants because at some point NH & SS were arguing about who's richer and who's the servant and who's the patron and all kind of BS like that.
Or when we in the NaruSaku fandom had an extensive talk about tarot and the symbolism that surrounds NS and 6 months later bam, there they are with products with tarot themes.
Or that game they have and I saw two of the concepts I had for Sakura combined into a third one.
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They basically combined these two artwork concepts into the third one that is their image from the game.
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So what can I say? As you can see, Pierrot be doing whatever it is to get their way, lol.
If you think about the girls - when they thought Hinata was more profitable, they pushed her in everybody's face so much so that it affected the story's ending.
Now that Sakura's more profitable, they discarded Hinata like a used toy and she barely makes any appearances outside her mom-like persona.
This only shows anyone with a little critical thinking that SP has no respect for any characters nor the story. It's just about the $$$ and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
But meh, anyway, at this point is more than funny lol. It's just Pierrot being Pierrot tbh... Nothing good can be expected of that studio.
As for my next video, I'm planning on getting back to work on these somewhere in March.
Last year I've been caught up with a major life event so it really hindered my capacity to take care of everything that I wanted to do, but as I said, I'm planning on getting back to these.
It's just that I'll need to edit some things since I initially envisioned it in a certain way and there are certain changes that happened in the meantime, that kind of rendered some of the things I worked on obsolete, so I'm trying to adjust to that. But yeah, as soon as I have everything up and running again, I'll definitely start working on it.
And aah dear, don't worry, your question was not lame! Thank you for dropping into my inbox and for your wishes regarding Kaika!
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quackle · 1 year
a(n unfortunate) list of things i wanna see next season of total drama, spoilers down below~
WE NEED TO SEE DAMIEN THRIVE!!!!!! i have never seen a fandom agree more on a robbed character. now that damien knows how the game works and actually seems to want to play it, he can use that intelligence he got and at LEAST make it to the top three (please... for me 🥲)
also make priya x damien canon. we were robbed and stuck with emma and chase. ok next.
or you could make priya and millie canon... no? ok... unless? 👁️
more bowie x raj interaction cause they're cute together 🤭
give both axel and nichelle an arc because they were robbed too. preferably an arc together! let axel shout at nichelle until nichelle learns that it's ok to be herself and NOT an extension of jerry! let nichelle not take most bs from axel to the point where it pisses axel off a lil! make them gay! idk there's material here
do... something with caleb. idk what. we didn't get to see his personality much. so there's potential there.
give ripper the immediate boot. idc idc idc he was ANNOYING. somehow the fan predictions before the show started are better characterization of him than his actual personality.
let emma break up with chase, then give chase the early boot too. (cause how you gon cut the breaks of ya girl car and not even genuinely apologize??? AND THEN HE SOMEHOW GOT HER BACK??? yeah no teach him a lesson)
let emma get STANDARDSSSSS. like girl... STAND UP. chase is not the love of your life! he's just some guy! hit him with your car!
i needdddd mk to get an ally. idc if it's temporary or toxic or whatever. i adore mk (i love when girls do absolutely wrong like steal 💕) but we gotta get her interacting with more of the cast. she's such a smart player, she's just missing that teamwork aspect. (i just want her to make it farther than she did, i'm biased-)
i hate to say it because i adore them... put the hockey bros on separate teams. this is total DRAMA. i need them to suffer just a lil... emotionally, not physically, the cliff was messed up 💔
make lauren scarier somehow. make her so scary that none of us can watch the screen with both eyes. make her so horrifying that damien calls her horrifying girl next season and everyone just rolls with it. it's what she would want, truly.
zee and scary girl shenanigans. because i think it would be funny.
i can't think of anymore, i'll probably make another post if i do (as i often do, unfortunately)
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xoangel-dust · 6 months
Another Total Drama Controversy Meme
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Favorite Character: Duncan-I cannot hate him, he’s been a favorite of mine since 2008. I find him to be a very interesting character
Despised Character: Mal- I could say a lot of things but he’s legitimately the worst total drama villain EVER! They had to purposely nerf AND dumb down the other contestants just to make his cartoony ass “work”.
Favorite Season: World Tour- it had my favorite character being Alejandro and it was a musical season! In all seriousness is was a brilliantly written season(not without flaws) but it was so entertaining down to the very last episode.
Despised Season: All Stars- I could write an essay about why I hate this season but it’s pretty much ingrained in the fandom about how bad it is. From major character derailments to a terrible villain.
Most Overrated Character: Zoey- I liked her a bit in TDROTI but All stars just ruined her by making her oblivious to Mal’s OBVIOUS BS “villainy”. She also became the writers pet if anything. She’s not that bad just not all that.
Most Underrated Character: Dawn- (this is speaking in terms of the in universe show because she had a bit of a fandom prior to the season dropping) her run on the show was cut too short and she deserved more screen time.
Favorite Couple: Duncney- this one has had a special place in my heart since 2008, I love them so much. I know the view of them is way different now but idc it’s my all time favorite total drama paring (next to Aleheather).
Despised Couple: Mkulia- I find them overrated (and the fans are a bit rabid if they see you disliking it or shipping Julia with Wayne…). I don’t hate it but I just don’t care about it plus I dislike both of them(though “like” MK slightly more than Julia).
Favorite Song: We Built Gwen’s Face- I’ve known this song by heart since it came out. Even the small parts. Easily top 3 TDWT songs.
Despised Song: Fight for the gold- I hate Gwuncan.
Favorite Episode: Awwwwww Drumheller! It’s the Aleheather and this is how we will end it episode so damn good from start to finish.
Despised Episode: Circling the Drain(total drama island 2024 season two spoilers!) The elimination in this episode pissed me off on the sane level as Courtney and Leshawna’s in season one.
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verdantmeadows · 4 months
I think LEGO Monkie Kid has AMAZINGLY written (as of now, presuming they don't do heteronormative bs with Mei) female characters, and, to a large degree, it makes sense that there are far more male characters because nearly every single character is either directly from Journey to the West or based off of them (which is a novel with its relevant cast being primarily male). However, I still can't help but wish it had more female characters.
According to the (unofficial Fandom) wiki, there are 68 male characters and 27 female characters which means there are about 2.5 times as many female characters than males! And there is only ONE female character in the main cast! (Counted as Pigsy, Sandy, Mei, Tang, MK, and Sun Wukong.) Like, yes, it makes sense on a lot of levels, but still, I wish there were more! Again, especially because I'm terrified of them doing heternomative things with Mei's character which I think would be deeply detrimental to it and ruin it on many levels.
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
It occurs to me that we never saw kris or suzy in the epilogue (though I think the latter was mentioned once? Idk). Did uh… are they doing decently?
// the darkworld arc had been abandoned/retconned. while there IS a UT-universe version of Kris and Susie (assuming Frisk isn't Kris in UT, tho Kris is still very much their own person regardless) in AFR, we will only know Susie in the redraw. (again... assuming UT Susie is Suzy and not a sister like the catty and catti situation.)
x-x we just know too little about DR we don't even know how the universes mirror each other and the timelines are all WHACK. its a nightmare to write for or even theorize about. i esp dont wanna think about how they'd change in the time skips of AFR.
anyway in the redraw we'll see a LOT more of Susie as Frisk's whole journey is about befriending her. i didn't add her and MK into the epilogue because we need a proper foundation that the redraw will provide. at that point, my Susie would diverge from canon Suzy heavily as her story would be quite different.
uh. speaking of that arc...
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So. My original plan for the rewrite was for Gaster and Riverperson to have worked together in the prime timeline. then gaster got yeeted from time, leaving his work behind. Then, Chara would run away to the underground looking for a purpose and an escape from Asriel's BS and the island. (though, thinking on it, logically Mt.Ebott wouldn't be on monsterland... as that's exiled from humanity. so idk about that anyway)
Anyway exploring true lab Chara accidently uncovers an artificial darkworld and gets stuck as a ghostly narrator again, this time as a cherub with Feylow. Frisk, Susie and MK would be the party and they'd have to make their way home together. I've heavily considered this portion being a fangame-only material, for better play-value.
but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
ugghghh.... gaster.
The story itself can keep gaster to a bare minimum. The guy is scattered across time. he's not directly involved at all. at most we know he did SOMETHING to chara in the prime timeline with their soul and now things are on the fritz (what caused this AU) up until fake DW, where they're possessed again.
I just don't want to play with DR canon at all anymore. darkworlds are inherently going to tie into that. and granted, in UT canon there's entry #17 that implies a growing darkness... it's not a stretch that Gaster could of done this. And he DID have a DT extractor, and the timeline is vague but the similar wording (and how old the core is) could imply he was around Chara's time. None of this is a stretch
buuuut working with Darkworld, even if it's a fake one, is too close to DR canon and we just don't know much yet. when i first did the darkworld, i thought it'd be a fun excursion into the same chapter 1 area... but i got too into the improv and imagination side of things without understanding the original at all. (and bad improv) it didn't really hit me that DR was it's own game and lore until Chapter 2, and I realized just how early on we are into that game's story.
I just... I can work with what I've got, I can avoid DR canon as much as I can but ultimately, I'm working with 2/7ths worth of puzzle pieces.
I don't wanna do any of this. Gaster used to be a "free for all" in the fandom to do whatever timeline/lore thing you wanted to pull of cause he was free real-estate. but now DR is treating him more and more as a character and I don't wanna touch the guy as he's going to be jossing the story.
idk what to do in all honesty. The darkworld portion IS important, Chara goes through major character development that the Continue Arc is built on. But I've been struggling with Feylow as a concept, and well, this. what the hell am I going to do.
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snekxyy · 9 months
Hi sorry for barging into your inbox this way, but I want to warn you regarding this user @/corre1310-blog/FatinChibisDrawing that you might have seen or interact with her in the MK fandom. This user is actually into shotacon/lolicon and has drawn nsfw and borderline sexual artworks involving minors in the past. Please avoid from engage with this user like taking her request, and please warn others in the MK fandom about this user as well if you could.
Zbgzhzhx tysmmmm for warning me xbhxbxbx
Is there any kind of proof that she is truly into sh0ta/l0li bs or ever did kiddo corn ? 💀 I dont wanna interact with her anymore but i wanna make sure 😭
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thevillainsfangirl · 7 months
Yes, I will complain about fandom bitches complaining about stuff I enjoy with ships and characters in cases where their complaining is directly affecting what content I get!
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outlawssweetheart · 5 months
The Mortal Kombat fandom is the same as the Scream fandom (and most horror fandoms in general). This fandom is full of Puritans when it comes to ships, but they're nutting over gore and brutal murder.
I once saw a tweet listing everything we CANNOT SHIP (as if this bitch has authority). 🙄 Make it make fucking sense! (You can't.)
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
Judging by the most recent posts looks like the AB and CE fan club are in tonight.
Everyone is going to have different opinions on what's happened, me personally I think he's behaved badly, all he was interested in was getting his dick wet with a girl who looks like a teenager (and acts like it too), he underestimated his fans, we all know the optics looked bad, we've called him out on it and he doesn't like being on the receiving end of it for a change, sure its fine to leave his supposed girlfriends like JS, MK and now AB at the mercy of the fandom, that's their problem but when the flack is on him, he gets in a tantrum. He's tried the old routine of cute tweets etc but it won't wash this time, the older fans who've been there for years have got tired of the BS. He needs to finally act like a man and own up to his mistakes. He can block everyone if he wants but we never forget, and he'll needs us when he starts releasing his mediocre work.
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thelonesomequeen · 1 year
Not accusing you of being biased towards AB, but from scrolling on your page you seem to give her to benefit of the doubt more than CE previous gf such as JS and MK. I’m not accusing you of being paid or any of that bs. That’s ridiculous. But is there bias against those two women that makes you more critical of them? Where as AB you stay pretty much neutral on. From a follower perspective, i could see how others interpret that as somewhat hypocritical since mods on here were critical (and sometimes a little mean) to the other women. Not saying you should be mean to AB but don’t you think it’s slightly right to acknowledge that?
This has been addressed numerous times on this blog already. Every time it has, it’s come with longer, but elaborate posts on our end describing the difference and each time we were met with “yeah I ain’t reading that” from the fandom. If you’re interested in those longer posts, they can still be found in our archives.
To give the long story short, with Minka, in hindsight there’s a lot of negative comments I made about her that were just flat up wrong the more I got to know her (and Chris). With Jenny, we felt like we were somewhat responsible for the negative treatment of her by the fandom when we were the ones constantly spilling tea and sharing receipts. The dragging and all that also left me personally in a constantly negative headspace and that’s not a place I want to be in. Instead of wasting my time obsessively discussing things I don’t like, I’d rather spend my time enjoying the things in life that I DO enjoy.
Please remember that we are still human beings over here. We’ve made mistakes. We’ll continue to make mistakes going forward, but we’re trying to just be better people than we were in the past and live our lives without so much constant negativity. No, we don’t like Alba, we don’t like this relationship, but we don’t feel a need to constantly share how much we dislike her when we can talk about other things instead🦎
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browngonzo888 · 1 year
Small rant about fandom
So seeing a lot of “I miss my quiet fandom” from the Spiderman 2099 fans. Like yeah I geddit, got a lot of Gen A kids with their TikTok’s and their annoying Ciara track edits an such with a version of Miguel they don’t recognize. And also arguments about race and skintone.
think that’s bad?
Mortal Kombat fandom…. FULL of racism. Sexism. Homophobia. Transphobia. Deathwishes. Netherrealm Studios retconning the characters to hell because they handed the script to a guy who’s NEVER had any experience with video games (when it comes to ick, P Daniels got nothing on Dominic Cianciolo) Redesigns not able to decide who they wanna pander to. A lot of this crap because they were trying to stay relevant to an old crowd from the 90s as well as cater to a newer crowd, but there was a severe clash because the old crowd knew a simpler arcade game while the newer fans wanted FGC level BS. MK11 was the biggest fandom nightmare. Seriously atsv is MILD, and seems to try to go in the right direction by being rich with additional culturally specific art and design. MK did something like that but then also did some weird crap with it and not everyone was happy and I still haven’t exactly pinpointed just what that was! They literally changed up a skin because it was Confederate-inspired.
A mess! I got into the shittiest arguments. Never wanna go back to that ever again as long as a live, no matter how good or ambivalent my intentions are.
So I kinda left it alone
Anyway. Before atsv I went back to Psychonauts. Played it as a teen, then part 2 came out in my 30s. Of course they did small things that catered to new players. Some of the stuff the newer fans do are not always easy to relate to or understand (like the Miguel tiktok edits), but I really don’t mind it at all. I reached out to them in my own way by liking and reblogging their work and they checked me back in kind and some I chat with on a regular basis. What I’m tryna say here is that there’s always gonna be old fans and new fans. Depending on the way creators handle their audience can heavily effect the way their fandom gets along. NRS dropped the molten hot ball by being a hostile network that occasionally even fought with their own fans. Doublefine Studios is hella-casual and their fandom turned out that way too.
In real time I’m sorta watching where Sony is going with this fandom. They seem to be diverse-conscious yet also trying to ignore Miguel’s origin comic shamefully? Idk i think it fits him anyway, no matter what he looks like. Oof and I’ve seen the whole “why he white” rhetoric in Miguel fanart over at Pinterest and gosh I don’t know if I can spare to care anymore because you couldn’t swing a controller without running into that with MK art, when clearly a LOAD of their characters were default Caucasian-looking in the 90s. It’s a reoccurring design that has plenty of room to make changes with imo, but it’s tiresome to gatekeep.
I think if people are just a bit patient with the newer fans and not start a war, things will be fine and the Spiderman 2099 fandom will go back to being peaceful. I’m a newer fan. I don’t like the weird edits. I purchased the first two issues of the 90s comic to fully understand Miguel’s origin, the very comic with the cover that atsv used in his intro. It’s nice to collect something else other than DC Lobo. I think if you feel creeped out, pressured, or even downright angry at new fans, just ignore them. Ignore me. It’s possible to curate your own experience online. Except Twitter. Fuck that place in the A, I hate it. I’d join a hateocracy against the destruction of Twitter if I could. And if you a new fan, idk just have fun and don’t be mean to the old fans because they the reason 2099 came back around despite his story getting shelved several times.
Anyway, ramble over. I wanted to get a lot of that off my mind.
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