#mmmm nearly drowning?
Some sunny day
I didn't plan for this to be this long, I was aiming for three pages at most but well, I had such a great time at the beach the other day that this little thing kind of reflects it. Chilean Lyall though is @sequinhaze fault, their post about Pedro Pascal as Lyall kinda messed with my head so, that part is your doing yaz. Anyway, here's a little fluffy thing.
It’s a sunny day. 
James thinks those are the best days.
It’s a sunny day and a flock of seagulls and pelicans are chilling in the ocean, not far away from the coast. There is the sound of waves crashing loudly in the distance and the cold breeze is keeping the summer heat at bay. The sun is at its highest, lighting the seafoam as it’s made of tiny little crystals. 
James is sitting on a rock under the shadow of a palm tree, his toes buried in the sand, watching his family enjoying the evening. They’d been at the beach for a few hours and he just squeezed some time to just —watch. To treasure, these little moments of love unfurling in front of him. 
On James' right, there are Lyall and Teddy. 
Teddy was crawling towards the sea when James first sat down. The thing is, Teddy knows how to walk. James is aware of this because when his godson first stood up and walked, Sirius called him crying, babbling incoherent words for a solid five minutes before James could figure out what he was saying, before he found himself weeping alongside his best friend. 
Sometimes, Teddy prefers to crawl and that's completely fine, he's really good at it, mind, and he was making quite the progress in his journey, letting his poor grandpa fret behind him.
Only halfway through, Teddy suddenly stopped.
Lyall stopped too, trying to figure out what was wrong and oh, cachito mío qué pasa, ¿estás cansado? ¿quieres regresar? si ya ibas a llegar, poh! no pasa nada, ven, vamos but before Lyall has the opportunity to hold him up, Teddy turned around, his feet facing the water, and started crawling backwards.  
James chuckled in disbelief when that happened. Lyall too was in shock, eyes wide. The beach they're on doesn’t have even ground, more like a big natural pool a bit inclined towards the water, so when you walk down the coast, you tend to favour the side where the sea is at. It's not that noticeable at first sight but it is enough for a kid to feel the need to crawl backwards.
When Teddy was actually getting too close to the water, he stopped, stood up and walked the rest of the way, his little toes touching the wet sand. Snapping out of it, Lyall scooped him up and dragged him out before the next wave came.
They were now sitting sideways from the ocean, Lyall bracketing Teddy between his legs creating a small pool for his grandson to feel the water since he can’t actually do anything much, as he’s only two and a half years old. Teddy didn’t seem to mind much if his shrieks and giggles were anything to go by.
Behind them, far away down the coastline, two figures are making their way to them. 
Remus and Sirius are walking where the water meets the sand, holding hands. They went for a walk since Lyall was looking out for their son and from what it looks like from afar, they appear to be talking. 
Sirius is moving his free hand wildly as if he’s telling the most amazing story and Remus is smiling and laughing, which seems to brighten Sirius's demeanour and make him do even more dramatic gestures. Padfoot is behind them, running between the sand and the water whenever he feels like it, jumping away when the waves seem to get too close to him but returning when the tide pulls away, carefree and happy. 
Something warm blooms in James’ chest.
He gets like this, sometimes. They’re his best friends for god’s sake, he has every right to be ridiculously proud of them, of how far they’ve come, still cradling their love between their hands like when they were younger.
James can see it clear as day in the way Sirius holds Remus’ hand, slowly kissing his knuckles before letting it go, and heading over to Hope who’s reading a book in a hammock, Padfoot in tow. Remus looks after him, eyes full of blatant adoration, smiling that secret smile of his when he thinks no one is watching. 
After a moment he turns around and goes to where Lyall and Teddy are shrieking in unison whenever the water gets to them. James can’t quite make out what they’re saying but it becomes obvious when Remus squats in front of them holding his arms out for Teddy, that he’s ready to take him out and dry him off.  
Teddy’s having none of it.
He turns away from his father, trying to hide in his grandad’s neck. Remus is also having none of it as he tries to coax Teddy away. However, as almost any two-and-a-half-year-old would do, when Remus tries to pick him up, his son goes boneless against him. 
James tries to smother his laugh from where he’s watching the whole scene unfold. Boy does he knows the ways of tiny humans. After some unsuccessful tries, Remus gives up and lets his son stay with his grandpa a little longer. Lyall nods dutifully but as soon as Remus walks away, a mischievous grin appears on his face matching the one on his grandson’s. 
They look so happy to be with each other.
On James' left, a competition is taking place. 
Pandora and Lily are competing against each other to demonstrate who’s the superior castle builder. 
James doesn’t know about the process or the inconveniences behind building sand castles but what he’s sure about, is that they’re both very competitive, always going above and beyond. You just had to take a look at their castles. Pandora and Lily would do anything to show off their talent. Especially if they’re trying to impress their four-year-old daughter. 
Luna is having the time of her life, that much is clear. 
She’s running around between their sand castles wearing a braided crown made of dry palm (Dorcas doing, most likely) with Peter who’s behind her whispering things in her ear that she later screams at her mothers. Switching between cheering and shouting and “Ma! Mommy’s tower is almost done! You need to hurry! And “Mommy, Ma has a pool inside her castle, you’re going to lose!”
“A pool, Lily? Really?” Pandora asks, with an eyebrow raised, looking at her wife above her castle. 
Lily smiles smugly. “Feeling threatened, Lovegood?” 
“You wish, Evans,” Pandora says and as an afterthought, she adds, “you’re a Lovegood too, you know. ”
“And you’re an Evans,” Lily says, shrugging. 
“We’ll see about that,” then she turns to the sea, shouting “Barty, I need more water!” 
“You got it, gorgeous!” Barty shouts already recollecting the seawater with Luna’s small dinosaur bucket. 
Lily, not wanting to be outdone, yells too. “Rosier! Why are you taking so long? It’s just water!” 
“Try to carry two gallons of water in cup-size buckets, Evans!” He complains, the buckets swinging wildly as walks faster. 
“Chop, chop, Rosier, those castles are not going to build themselves!” Peter pesters him and Evan looks two seconds away from throwing one bucket of water at him.
“Bite me, Pettigrew,” he hisses, dropping the seawater in the dry sand for Lily to mould another tower. 
“Put your money where your mouth is and I might Evan, don’t think I wouldn’t,” Peter winks at him and James suspects the red on Evan’s cheeks is not because of the sun. 
“That’s my boyfriend you’re talking about! What, am I invisible or something?” Barty chastises from where he’s helping Pandora dig a hole in the sand to fill with water. 
“That was for you too, Crouch, unless you two don’t come as a package? a pity, then,” Peter shrugs ignoring Barty’s poor attempts to say anything back. 
James doesn’t know how Peter does it but somehow, he found a way to fluster the most shameless bastards there is every time he opens his mouth. 
Evan and Barty were the ones always making that kind of comment until one day Peter got fed up and start teasing them back. He’s been doing it for so long James doesn’t know if it’s still all for shits and giggles or if he actually means it. He doesn’t think Peter knows either. 
Lily groans from behind her castle.
“Knock it off, you three, my daughter is right there.”
Luna is, however, unaware of this whole interaction. 
She proves it as she shouts, “you only got 10 seconds!” and then proceeds to hold her hands in front of her, fingers spread and slowly making the count down, “ten, nine, eight…” putting down a finger at a time. 
Everyone hurry up, throwing sand and water here and there as well as some sea shells. Those 10 seconds turn out to be thirty before Luna puts the last finger down as she jumps wildly, shouting, “Hands up! hands up! time is over!” 
All hands are up in the air and Luna stands between the constructions, looking at every nook and cranny. 
James is utterly fascinated by how much he can see her mothers in Luna. How she furrows her eyebrows the way Lily does when she’s concentrating, or how she pouts slightly like she’s trying to make something out, much like Pandora does when solving a mystery game. 
It fascinates him how much of yourself it's ingrained in the people around you, how evident the mark you leave in the lives of the people you love.
“Okay, it’s done! Please stand here so I can tell you,” Luna says, all business. Pandora and Lily stand in front of her, the castles at their sides. Luna takes a moment to look at them, then she takes off her crown, holding it between her small fingers and clears her throat.
“The winner of the best castle in the whoooole world is…” 
“The whole world, she said? I didn’t know it was that serious,” Pandora says, mildly panicked.
“I knew I should’ve made that dungeon when I still had the chance,” Lily's fingers twitch like she might want to grab the nearest plastic shovel and start digging.
Luna stretches the moment as long as she can while she looks between her mothers, a glint in her eyes. She grins as she announces gleefully, “You two win!”
“Wait, what? you can’t do that! there’s only one winner,” Lily burst out.
“That seems sneaky of you, there’s only one crown, Luna, are you trying not to hurt our feelings?” Pandora narrows her eyes at her daughter, knowingly. 
Luna shrugs but the smile doesn't disappear off her face. “You two win, you can share the crown,” she holds the crown for them to take. “You’re the best mommies and sand castle makers in the whole world!” she cheers as the guys holler and clap from behind.
Pandora and Lily don't say anything. After a beat, they look at each other in unison, and then at their daughter in awe, wobbly smiles on their faces. 
“Is that so? well, I guess the winners deserve a swim in the ocean, don’t you think fellow winner?” Lily blinks rapidly, holding the crown over Pandora’s head. 
Pandora sniffs in agreement. “We do, actually. But we’re going to need something that floats since I can’t swim very well.”
Lily hums. “What about a tiny human, does that work?” Lily acts like she’s looking for something, her eyes landing on her daughter who’s bouncing on her feet, a huge grin on her face. “What about this one?”
Luna giggles. Pandora regards her and says, “yes, she works too,” and goes for her. Luna shrieks and laughs trying to run but her mothers are cramming her in their arms, dragging her towards the water.  Evan, Barty and Peter go behind them, screaming at Luna like they’re going to save her. 
Dorcas and Marlene who were making out further away in the ocean, turn around when they see the commotion. Marlene gets there first and scoops Luna up, holding her up when the tide pulls. Luna is shouting and giggling in her arms and shouts at her aunt Dorcas when she sees her coming and Auntie Dorcas look! I’m a floatie! and are you, now? I guess I’m going to borrow you, them and then she does so while Marlene makes a scene of drowning without Luna while the sound of their laughs echoes in the waves around them. 
James thinks that’s one of the best sounds in the world.
And of course, there’s what’s in front of James. 
Effie and Monty are holding sweet six-year-old Harry between them. Harry looks scared but at the same time, there’s an undercut of pure bravery in the way he’s holding his ground. Harry is wearing Lightning McQueen floaties on his arms and a red swimsuit, even if he doesn’t swim very much. 
Well no, he does, but never in the ocean. 
James suggested to him that he might want to stick to the pool for a little longer but Harry has gotten in his head that the ocean is just a bigger pool and if he’s learning how to swim. he’s going to learn how to swim everywhere, not just in small pools. And well, Harry really is stubborn when he wants to be.
So that’s how Harry ended up between his grandparents, holding onto them for dear life clearly terrified but being so brave about it. 
They’re closer to where James is so he can hear them clearly as Monty holds Harry by the arm and says, “Usted puede mijo, cuando la ola venga, le salta, okay? to which Harry nods and get’s ready to jump whenever the wave crashes into him. Luckily, the ocean is calm today, and the waves are not that big or harsh.
The tide has been gentle so far but James knows the way the ocean works so he’s keeping an eye on it, just to be sure.
When the wave comes, Harry jumps. He stumbles a little, as his small body moves with the wave, his head remaining over the salty water. They do another five times and with each round, Harry seems to loosen up, getting more confident. A little too much as he lets go of his grandparent's arms when a big wave came. He goes under and James is running towards him before he notices what’s going on. 
When he gets there, Effie and Monty are holding him up away from the water while Harry is spluttering water taking big breaths. 
“¡Harry! ¡Harry! ¿Estás bien? ¿Te duele algo?” James frets, looking for an injury in his son’s small body. 
Harry shakes his head, “Estoy bien pa, solo tengo la boca salada ¡puagh!” and he makes a face, spitting the seawater. James tries for a chuckle but fails miserably.
He wants to take him away from the ocean, he wants to never feel this fear again, and he wants to scold him for being reckless and making his poor father's heart go through that. James doesn’t say any of this but instead, “¿quieres que me quede?” giving Harry a choice. 
But Harry shakes his head, holding Effie’s arms tighter.
“No, estoy bien, mis abues me cuidan, ¿verdad que sí?” Harry looks up at his grandparents and Monty nods while Effie squeezes his hand, turning to look at James. 
“Ve a sentarte mijo, we got it,” and they turn around, going for the sea again.
James watches them go.
When he sits again, he runs his fingers through his hair, heaving a big breath, trying to calm his rabbiting chest. Sometimes this is what means to be a parent, constantly worrying about the well-being of your kids. But James has also learned not to hold on too tight, to make Harry feel capable of anything, giving him the confidence to explore his possibilities. 
And Harry is safe and happy and that's what matters the most to James. He’s been so brave trying again that James kind of wishes Regulus could’ve seen what happened. 
“He’s better than me, I would’ve drowned,” a familiar voice says from behind.
James turns around, his upper body unconsciously leaning towards the figure who’s walking towards him, like a tide pulling the strings of his heart. James grins, as they come to his side. He holds his arms to him and his baby goes willingly. He holds her on his lap, embracing her so she won’t fall.
“I don’t believe that you would, you’re too stubborn to die,” he gives Regulus a quick peck on the cheek when he sits down near him in the sand. “You would’ve defeated the water, somehow, out of spite most likely.”
Regulus arches a brow at him, “Would I, now? You know something I don’t, Mr Black-Potter?”
“I do, actually, Mr Potter-Black,” James retorts, smiling at his husband, “I know you.”
Regulus scoffs, rolling his eyes but the flush of his cheeks is hard to miss. His gaze travels to where Harry is, still with his grandparents, playing with the waves and swimming away as Monty acts like a shark who’s about to catch him. 
“He’s so brave,” Regulus observes, absently playing with one of the plastic shovels Lily throws earlier when she was making the sand castles. 
“The bravest,” James nods in agreement, “just like his father”
Regulus hums noncommittally. 
“Do you want to go with him?”
“In a minute” he eventually says, digging at the sand around James. 
James lets that be as it may. 
“What took you so long?” 
“Turns out emergency level one was actually emergency level two,” Regulus says and Helena giggles in James’ arms like she knows they’re talking about her. “A big one.”
“That can’t be true, you wouldn’t do that to your poor papa, would you mi amor?” James coos at his daughter and Helena makes grabby hands at Regulus. 
“papapapapa,” she bables and Regulus’ gaze soften at her. 
Sometimes, James can’t believe his luck. He’s there, with his whole family in close proximity, and he can’t help but think how he comes to be this way. These kinds of moments are the ones James holds onto it the most, keeping them in his pocket and carrying them around wherever he goes. He’s a family man and a romantic, sue him.
“I was thinking,” James begins.
“Oh boy,” 
“No, this is good, I promise,” he says and then, “What if we spend Christmas in Chile?” 
Regulus stops digging at the sand at his feet and looks at him. “What?”
“Yes! Think about it,” he sits Helena on the sand in between his legs, still holding her. “Look, I know you don’t fancy air flights but Teddy’s birthday is around that time and my dad is secretly talking with Lyall, making plans no doubt and my mom is looking for air flights when he thinks no one’s looking and, don’t you want to spend Christmas with Sirius? he’s been talking about it for ages,” and that’s not a lie, Sirius has been talking about it for a long time, he says it’s James’ turn to visit them.
Regulus doesn’t say anything for a long time, just keeps digging. James doesn’t force him, he knows he needs a moment to think about it. Helena plays with the sand and James keeps looking out for Harry. 
After a moment, Regulus speaks again.
“What I’m hearing is that you want to spend eight hours, give or take, in a closed space with two kids under the age of six just so my idiot of a brother stops bitchin' about it?”
“And for the wine, don’t forget the Chilean wine”
“Yeah, how else we’re going to survive Sirius’ never-ending babbling?” Regulus rolls his eyes, covering James’ feet with the sand around them. 
“Be nice, amor,” but Regulus waves his hand dismissively.
“What am I getting in return?”
James scratches the back of his head. “Lots of kisses?” 
Regulus makes a ‘fair enough’ gesture as he says, “okay.”
“No. I want one month free of changing diapers duty and you’re going to take Harry to soccer from now on,” he finishes, patting the sand around James’ buried knees. 
James, bless him, is too baffled to concentrate on anything else other than Regulus at the moment. 
His husband arches a brow at him. “Do you want this or not?”
And well, James really wants it. He tries not to think too much about it. 
“Deal” and they shook on it. 
Regulus nods standing up. He holds Helena up for James to take again. 
He then leans down to kiss James slowly and James melts a little, he always has that power over him, even with the smallest of kisses.  Regulus hums when they break apart, James going forward trying to catch his lips again but his husband takes a step back. 
“I would’ve done it for two months, you know,” James admits in the haze of their kiss and Regulus' eyes are full of mirth.
“I would’ve agreed regardless. I already made plans with Remus. You doing this is just a plus.” and oh, how much James loves this sneaky human being.
“You…” he tries to stand up going for him but he can’t move, he’s stuck. He looks at his feet and sees that Regulus wasn’t only digging the sand around but actually burying his legs in the sand.
Regulus smirks.
“Hey! You buried my feet in the sand!” James shouts, “just wait until I get my hands on you,” he hisses trying to break free. 
“You will have to catch me first,” Regulus teases as he turns around and runs towards the sea, where the other part of his soul is. Harry's smile widens when he sees his papa approaching. 
“Regulus! come back here!” but Regulus ignores him as he holds Harry up and tosses him up in the sky, Harry giggling in Regulus’ arms just as much Helena does in James’. 
Birds take flight, an array of seagulls and pelicans dancing in the bright blue sky. The waves continue to break in the distance, the foam licks the sand where it touches. It all feels vast and real, like the endless sea in front of him. A reverie from which James never wishes to awaken.
Luckily for him, he will never have to. 
Yes, sunny days are the best kinds of days.
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ccscocoapuffs · 3 months
Late Again- Johnny Silverhand Smut (March Madness Winner 2024)
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The sun shined bright through the window of my small apartment in night city, mornings like this are the ones I could never take for granted. The view of night city despite this shitty apartment was one I don't think i could bare ever being away from yet as I roll ever a view I enjoy much more greets me. "Good morning, Johnny" "....what time is it?" "9:45" "fuck....if it double digits I ain't waking the fuck up yet" "come on sleepy head, rogue has work for us this morning remember? you know how she hates it when we run late" "yeah yeah....five more minutes." "Johnny...come on we gotta go" I picked up and pillow and flopped it down on his head as I giggled at his irritated groan. "if you're gonna make me get up can I atleast taste that pussy first?" "JOHNNY!" "What?! shits like coffee to me" "you're an idiot" "I didn't hear a no". Johnny quickly grabbed my hips and flipped me underneath him while he kissed down my neck onto my collarbone. "Johnny we gotta...oh fuck" Johnny always had a way of going directly for that sweet spot on my neck that he knew makes me fall apart. Yet right now he knew exactly what he was doing by making us late. "I gotta deal for ya kid" "What's that?" "give me 20 minutes to fuck you into the mattress then we can still make it in time to go see rogue sense your so concerned about her yelling at us" "Fine but if we are late I'm gonna tell her it was your fault" "Just shut up and let me fuck you already". Johnny slide his boxers off and started to slowly stroke himself with his precum leaking from his tip. I couldn't help me nearly drool at the mere size of it. Johnny has always been a very big boy down below yet it never fails to surprise me every time I see it. He reaches forward with his right hand and rubs soft circles on my clit while his left hand reaches up to my neck. Damn how i love the cold sting of the metal against my burning skin. "You're fuckin soaked.....that all for me?" "yes.." "yes what?" "yes sir" "good girl..." Johnny leaned down spreading both my legs and place them on my shoulders before shoving his tongue into my soaked hole. "Fuck! johnny!", Johnny continued to eat my soaked pussy like it was his last meal adding in his fingers in the process was no surprise as he loved to give me a little extra while he got his fix. "Fuck sweetheart you taste like fucking candy..." "mmmm johnny!" "thats it scream my name let the whole fucking building know whose fingers are in your pussy" "FUCK! please...please just fuck me already" "You want this cock princess?" "yes...please" "deal". Johnny quickly adjusted himself before slamming into my without warning. "OH fuck!" Johnny's thrusts were relentless as usual yet I knew exactly what he was trying to do when he reached down and start to rub fast circles on my aching clit. "you gonna squirt for me, princess? hmm? you gonna soak the fucking sheets for me" "Fuck yes please Johnny Faster!" "yeah you like that? you like being my messy slut?" I felt the strong churning in my stomach as Johnny continuously quickened his pace. "Johnny.... gonna....im gonna!" "cum for me princess" I most certainly didn't need to be told twice as I felt myself soak the sheets below as my orgasm rushed through my entire body. The overwhelming release almost made me drown out the sounds of Johnny's deep moan as he came deep inside me. "fuck.....princess so good for me" "Mmm thank you" "no thank you, baby best way to start the morning is with a pussy in your face" "dear god.." Just as Johnny leaned down to kiss my head the phone rang on the bedside table signaling to us both we were indeed once more late again. "guess we're late huh?" "you're telling her why we are late, mr. i need my morning pussy" "i don't regret shit!". Though we may be late with Rogue again I can't help but hope I can wake Johnny up more often. A/N: super simple Johnny smut for the March Madness poll #3 winner lemme know if yall wanna see more of Johnny in the future K BYEEEEEEE
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theelfsongbard · 6 months
Astarion Hunts Tav Drabble
Cw: suggestive content, blood
The sound of your heart hammering in your head threatens to drown out all the night-time sounds around you. Beneath your paws the earth rushes past as you race into the forest before you, foreign ground leading you somewhere you don’t know. You don't care. You cannot afford to stop. All you know is that you need to be far *far* away from him. You can't let yourself be caught and these strong legs, this robust body of the wolf you have transformed into is all you have to help you fly away from the his far-reaching grasp.
All of a sudden, you stumble, nearly falling face first into the dirt with a pained yelp. Inspecting the damage, you raise your leg to assess the damage. The fear you feel spikes tenfold as you see the sharp end of a snapped branch lodged deep into the underside of your paw. The unmistakable tang of iron reaches your sensitive snout, announcing your injury and your presence to the world. And if you can smell it, then he definitely can too.
Instinctively, you lap up the evidence of your blood from your fresh wound, hoping to stop the flow and to reduce the overwhelming scent of it from giving you away like a homing beacon. But it's too late. From the dense underbrush beside you, your pursuer pounces, taking advantage of your distraction to throw you roughly to the ground. In a frenzy, you fight back with all your remaining strength, knowing that if you gave up now, you might well be losing your life. But you are fighting against exhaustion and the pain and a fresh enemy and you slowly feel yourself losing, bit by bit as he grabs a hold of you.
Wrestling you until you lay there whimpering and immobile beneath his hold, Astarion grins in triumph at his victory knowing that your fate is held entirely at the discretion of his mercy or his cruelty.
You feel his fangs press against your throat with just enough pressure to not break your skin in a silent threat.
“Now darling, do you yield? Use your words for me.” He commands firmly.
His arms wring your body tighter like a steel snake around your middle, unforgiving and cold against your overheating body in a gesture to bend you to his will. Unable to sustain this form any longer you relent, shifting back into your human form and going limp to show your compliance. Gasping, your voice comes out in a thin tremor. “I yield, I yield!”
Astarion’s grip around your body doesn’t loosen but he slings his leg over your hip, holding your smaller form in place as he frees a hand to inspect your wrist. Taking in the sight of your ruby red blood pooling like pearls glimmering in the moonlight, he growls with anticipation, the vibrations from his chest reverberating through your own body.
“You hurt yourself! You poor thing.” he gasps in mock surprise. Lapping eagerly at the gash he groans into your skin with satisfaction as he whets his appetite in preparation for the feast ahead. “Mmmm… I could smell your *delicious* bouquet from a mile away, my dear.”
You don't miss the growing of the bulge pressed against your lower back as rocks against you teasingly, making his desire known.
Read Part 2 here: https://www.tumblr.com/theelfsongbard/738080333024673792/astarion-hunts-tav-drabble-part-2
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hb-writes · 2 months
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Characters: Frank Castle & Teen Reader/OC (she/ her pronouns)
Prompt: heyyy so I was wondering if u could do a platonic lil Drabble for The punisher/frank castle with a teen reader with #60 for the one hundred compliments maybe like where he sees her as a daughter and she sees him as a father figure-sorry if that don’t make sense
Summary: Even after all these years and all the bad things that have come to happen in Frank Castle's life, he still maintains a connection with his army buddy's orphaned daughter, a relationship that has kept both of them a little more sane while wading through the grief of loss because they're family and that's what family does.
Content Warnings: Mention of death/ loss/ grief
The Punisher Masterlist
Frank’s eyes slid to the clock on the wall as she slumped into the booth across from him at the diner. She was seventeen minutes late, but that was nothing new. Frank had come to expect that she would arrive anywhere between 3 to 20 minutes late no matter what.
The kid was never on time. Her parents had been the same way—to the point that it was a running joke between the two families—and Frank sometimes wondered if she held onto that trait only because she knew it was something that tied her to them, to her mother and father. 
He’d offered to hold their regular meet up later in the day—a late breakfast or lunch, even—but she insisted on keeping the Sunday early morning time slot despite never arriving on time. Frank didn’t really mind. There was a certain bit of nostalgia to it, painful as that could be sometimes. Sad as that could be... 
Once upon a time, their group had occupied one of the corner booths, her and Frank and their families, but with Maria and the kids gone and her parents gone, too, Frank and the girl were all that was left.
Frank had already ordered her breakfast, knowing her preferences well-enough to ask the waitress for an order of french toast with bacon and—
“Mmmm Coffee,” she nearly moaned, reaching out for the steaming mug before she even finished getting settled in the booth. Frank figured it was his bad influence that had the girl craving it with that sort of vigor—enjoying it black, only—unlike most of the kids her age who seemed to prefer the near-religious consumption of Starbucks-branded sugar and cream with a splash of coffee rather than the other way around. 
Her mother would probably have killed Frank for encouraging the habit. He didn’t imagine she’d be drinking it if her parents were still alive, but there were plenty of things that fit that category. Coffee was probably the least concerning of them, but the only role models she had in her life these days—Frank and her Aunt—were both caffeine fiends, so he didn't fault the girl one bit in that regard. 
“You look like shit,” she said, an eyebrow quirked as she eyed Frank over the top of her cup.
It was the truth—Frank was sporting a nasty bruise on his face that looked like it hurt, but he didn’t take the bait, scrutinizing her from across the table instead.
Frank reached out for his own coffee cup. “And you look like you never made it home last night.” 
She glanced down at her outfit—a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and slides that all very clearly didn’t belong to her. Her options had been limited when she’d reluctantly pulled herself from her short slumber. Her choices had been to either force herself back into last night’s homecoming dress and heels or to raid her date’s drawers, and she hadn’t been too interested in getting back into the dress to ride the train before 6 am. 
She stayed quiet as Frank sipped from his coffee.
“So uh…Vic knows about your little sleepover?” Frank asked into the quiet between them.
She shrugged, reaching for the maple syrup and drowning her french toast. Her Aunt Victoria was an ER nurse and she was working a double this weekend so she wouldn’t be home until mid-afternoon. She had texted with her throughout the dance the night before and after, sending a text that said ‘Night. I’m going to sleep xoxo.’ It technically hadn’t been a lie. She just hadn’t been going to sleep in her own bed.
She focused on cutting her food into bite sized pieces, well-aware that Frank was watching her every move, trying to figure something out about her without having to ask. He leaned back against the booth suddenly and cleared his throat.
“So are you dating this kid?”
She had a feeling Frank already knew the answer and just wanted to hear it from her mouth.
“So, uh…” she started, with no intention of confirming or denying anything. “What happened to your face, Frank?” She pointed at him with a forkful of french toast. “Looks like it hurts.” 
Frank snorted as she chewed on a bite. It did hurt, but that was beside the point.
“What’s the kid’s name?” 
“Who?” she asked, spearing another bite with her fork. “The guy that hit you?" She took a bite, shrugging. "I don’t know, Frank. You tell me.”
“Don’t try to be cute, kid.” 
“I don’t need to try to be cute,” she answered. “It comes quite naturally.” 
“Alright, enough. Just tell me your…” Frank paused for a moment, thinking. Boyfriend? Girlfriend? She’d never really expressed any sort of preference one way or another. Or at least, she hadn’t expressed it to him, and Frank knew better than to assume. “Tell me your... special friend’s name,” he said.
She resisted the urge to laugh at the term, closing her eyes to fight the smile tugging at her lips. “No,” she said before shoveling another bite in her mouth.
“So you are dating, then? There is someone special?” 
“No…” she started, holding out the word, her cheeks heating as she realized he’d caught her. “I—It’s not—Why does it even matter?” 
“Because you’re not supposed to be dating.” 
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. “According to who?” 
Her aunt didn’t have rules about that type of thing. The woman barely had any rules at all. She kept her grades up and she stayed out of trouble, and there was very little guidance given to her outside of that. Frank tried to guide her from afar, to put in his two cents when he could, but his sphere of influence was a bit limited these days, considering most of the world thought he was dead. Their connection was somewhat confined to occasional phone calls and these semi-regular breakfasts. It wasn’t like he could enforce much from that standpoint. 
“I thought your stance was no dating until sixteen?” She raised her eyebrows in question. 
She didn’t just think that was his stance. She knew it because Frank and Maria had said it often enough about Lisa and Frank Jr., and her parents had been what she considered way more strict than the two of them.
Her dad had always said she could date after she had her high school diploma in hand and not a moment sooner. She’d always thought Maria and Frank seemed like cooler parents because of it…much more reasonable, not that the matter of her dating was anything more than theoretical back then. The idea of dating hadn’t even really been on her mind at the time. She had been just a kid when her parents passed away.  
“I’m seventeen now, in case you’ve forgotten,” she added, though Frank couldn’t forget. He remembered her birth because she’d been born shortly before him and her dad returned from a tour. The guys had all been nearly as excited to meet the new kid as they had been to see their own families. 
“Yeah, well, I owe it to your dad to at least try and honor his wishes,” Frank answered. 
How many of their conversations over the last five years had been because of that, an attempt to honor her parents and their wishes? Because they weren't here to ask the questions, or enforce their rules? Because they weren't here to encourage her to be patient, to make sure she was being smart and safe and all of the things Frank imagined a parent of a teenager was meant to do?
And over the last three years, how much of what he said and did where she was involved was because Lisa and Frank Jr. weren’t here, too? For years, she’d called him Uncle Frank, thought of him just the same way she did all of her dad’s army buddies. She wasn’t technically his kid, but at the same time, she was... 
“And it’s my…duty…to make sure you’re being safe.”
She choked on her coffee, struggling to keep it in her mouth as she sensed where the conversation was going.
“To make sure—”
“No,” she shook her head, heat blazing in her cheeks at the mere thought of discussing the birds and the bees with Frank. It was too early in the morning for this. “No, no, no, no, no. We are not having this conversation. Aunt Vic is a nurse and I’m not an idiot, okay? End of discussion.” 
Frank snorted, his body shaking with a bit of laughter. “Glad to hear it, though that wasn’t what I meant.” 
She grabbed for her coffee, just to have something to do, pulling it towards her lips though she waited to take a sip, not knowing where the conversation was going and not wanting to risk spitting coffee across the table.
“I just meant you have to be careful with who you trust,” he said. “I wouldn’t want something to happen to you, is all. For you to get hurt…"
Frank fiddled with his untouched silverware, straightening it on the placemat before meeting her eye. “They’re a good person?” 
She sighed, leaning back into the cushions as she finally took the sip she’d been delaying. The waitress came to offer a refill and they both accepted, silent as she poured their coffees. 
“Yes,” she allowed once the woman stepped away, her voice softening. “He’s a good person, Frank.” 
Frank nodded. “Good. That’s good.” He took a sip of his coffee. “Your aunt has met this kid?” 
She nodded. “We’ve already done all the awkward ‘meet the family’ stuff. Aunt Vic was a menace as I’m sure you can imagine. Dad would’ve been pleased.” 
"Good." Frank smiled. “Someone’s gotta be.” 
They both sipped at their coffees in silence and she watched as Frank became occupied looking out the window, tracking the movements of passersby in their surroundings. 
“I wish I could introduce him to you.” 
Frank turned his gaze to her, a bit surprised by the words. It wouldn’t ever happen—it couldn’t because of everything that had gone down. Technically, Frank Castle didn’t exist. Not even Vic knew that he was alive and having breakfast with her niece. "Really?"
“Of course I wish you could meet him. You’re family, Frank.” The way she said it made it sound like an obligation and seeing that fact settle on Frank’s face, she added, “I’m happy to have you as my family. Lucky.” 
Frank nodded, the hint of a smile there on his face. “I'm lucky to have you too, kid.”
The Punisher Masterlist
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sailtomarina · 8 months
Kinktober Day 20: Breeding | hermione x draco | cw: sex, sex toys
Keep It In
He pounced on her the moment the door closed, before she’d even had time to drop her purse or remove her coat. Hermione found herself pinned to the wall, one shoe on, one shoe dangling with its laces just undone.
“Draco, let me—oomf, mmmm!”
He silenced her in the best way he knew how. It was all lips, possessive heat, theft of breath and voice. Large, calloused hands gripped her hips. She was wholly engulfed by him, drowning in his taste and crisp scent.
Ever since she’d shared her readiness to expand their family, Draco seemed to be on a mission to fill every free moment with cock and cum. He took to the idea of fatherhood with a voracity that almost shocked her.
Hermione knew the day would come, of course. They’d talked about it years and years ago after the urgency of their early couplings had barely cooled to a gentle roil. That fire had never gone out, even after ten years together.
Draco had made it very clear that, despite his upbringing, he would accept whatever decision she made regarding parenthood. The necessity for a Malfoy heir called to him, but it was one he was willing to ignore given, well, everything. They hadn’t even been sure Hermione could still have children after what she’d endured.
And she’d loved him for his understanding.
She wasn’t ready to have kids then, and she hadn’t been ready or even interested in the years following. Hermione had goals.
Despite that, the wanting crept up on her at family gatherings and when visiting friends on their travels abroad. Bumping into Cho and her hunk of a beau in the U.S. was something of a revelation. Their baby girl, a perfect blend of the two with her wild dark hair, pudgy cheeks, and sparkling eyes, moved something in Hermione.
What would a child of Draco’s look like?
Would they have Draco’s coloring and her stubbornness? She started dreaming of babies with white blonde hair and large, chocolate eyes. Little boys with platinum curls. Little girls with grey eyes.
It was post-coitus, her body curled around him, that she braved the darkness and told him.
Thinking back on it now, it was probably the fact that he faced away from her that aided her confession. She had a feeling he’d be happy, but what if he wasn’t? What if disappointment, not joy, filled his eyes?
Foolish Hermione.
He’d immediately rolled over to wrap her into his arms and made love to her long and slow, whispering gratitude and praise the entire time. That night replayed itself often in her quiet moments. It also came up unbidden in the middle of meetings and she’d end up squirming in her seat hoping she wouldn’t leave incriminating puddles behind on her seat.
She finally had room to cry out when he’d pulled back and dropped to his knees, rucking her skirt up and lifting her legs over his shoulders to devour her. Silver glinted up at her from between her legs as he checked on her reactions to his far too clever tongue.
When he finally stood, her legs wrapped around his waist, and slid home into her throbbing heat, Hermione’s eyes nearly crossed from the perfect angle of his cock. Each thrust shoved her just a little higher up the wall. Thank Godric for silencing charms, because anyone walking by outside could never mistake the sounds pouring out from her mouth as anything else but what they were.
He came, unable to resist after feeling her explode in a series of strangling constrictions, with a hoarse yell, hands spasming where they cupped her arse.
He set her down carefully, keeping one hand cupped over her cunt. To keep even a single drop from escaping, is what he’d said the first time. He summoned a special plug he’d obtained and, before she could even take the time to remove her other shoe, slipped it in, patting the handle fondly.
The fullness of the soft silicone against her still-swollen walls made her throb with want all over again.
“Mmmm, you’re insatiable,” he said with a smirk, catching her whimper. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and helped slide her skirt back into place. “Be a good girl and keep that in until I fill you up again.”
She grumbled in her response. “Aren’t you the insatiable one? I’m constantly wet!”
“And you’ll stay wet until it takes and you’re round with our child,” he said, voice hot in the way it was whenever he felt particularly possessive. He steered her towards the hallway to their bedroom. “Go ahead and lie down like I know you want to. I’ll come get you once dinner is ready.”
Always so perceptive and anticipatory to her needs. Always thinking of her first. She felt seen, pampered, and so, so wet.
Hermione stretched out across the mattress, moaning as her sore muscles sank into the welcoming softness. She always enjoyed watching Draco work his magic in the kitchen, but he was right—a nap was definitely in order after the day she’d had at work.
At least, a nap was the idea.
Unfortunately, the toy inside of her made it impossible to relax. Every movement she made jostled the bulbous head against her sensitive walls. Rather than drift into sleep, she writhed above the sheets, knees rubbing against one another in her frustration. She imagined a puddle spreading beneath her, soaking through several layers of fabric. One hand slipped down, fingers reaching to grab and remove the offending object.
Too perfectly timed, the plug vibrated.
The bastard had magicked the damned thing. The moment it stilled, she reached again, determined to remove the plug and take her well-deserved rest. The second she held the base, her grip tightening, another round of vibrations rendered her helpless.
Was it growing bigger?
“That isn’t what I’d call being a good girl.”
Hermione froze, her hand in an incriminating position.
“I charmed it to react if anyone but me tried to remove it,” he said nonchalantly, slowly approaching the bed. “Don’t worry about dinner. It needs to simmer for a bit.”
She jerked as his hand landed on her ankle. “Wh-why did you—”
“Why did I charm the plug?” he asked innocently. Fingers trailed up the inside of her thigh and danced along the rim of the garish pink base.
“Yes. It’s too much—”
“Is it?” He cut her off in that same infuriating voice, calm and amused.
He moved up to hover above her, caressing her cheek with his free hand. She nodded frantically, still pulsing from the pressure deep within her.
“How about now?”
She gasped as the hand between her legs grabbed the plug and pressed it deeper into her. One incantation from his lips later, and the phallus swelled even larger. It wasn’t nearly big enough to compare to him, but she still felt so full from earlier and the never ending tightness of her walls squeezing around it.
“D-Draco, please!” It was too much; it was too much and not enough. She wanted him.
“Please what?” His heel ground down into her clit. Tears escaped as she cried out in frustration. “Tell me what you want, Granger.”
She hadn’t been a Granger for many years now, but he still liked to hit her with her maiden when she least expected it. Hearing the word spill from his lips was akin to a curse that made her want to do filthy, filthy things to him, for him.
“You, I want you,” she panted, nearly mindless with her desire.
He tsked, shaking his head in disapproval. “You have to be more specific than that.” He twisted the base of the toy and she wailed at the new sensation. “How do you want me?”
“Your cock in me, I want your cock in me, please, please, Draco.” The words came out all in a jumble. She didn’t care anymore about how she sounded, how cockhungry she looked. She was hungry for the singular experience that only he could give her.
“Hips up, love, keep it all in.” At his encouragement, she lifted her knees as he pulled the plug out with a squelching sound that would have made a more lucid Hermione blush. All it did right now was pull the trigger on her impulses.
Draco burst into laughter as their clothes vanished after one sharp command from her, but she shut him up with her teeth on his bottom lip, her hands grabbing onto his bum and impatiently yanking him against her. There was no question as to her readiness with how drenched he immediately became just brushing against her. He took himself in hand to line up and, with one jerk of his hips, impaled her once more.
They moaned together, relishing the real thing just as much as they had the first time. Hermione hated that plug, but she had to admit that it did a fantastic job of keeping her ready for him to take her at any time.
“Gonna—fill—you—up,” he panted as he slid repeatedly into her. The sounds his cock made inside of her were obscene. His eyes fixed on her bouncing breasts. “Fuck, they’ll get even bigger, won’t they?”
She managed a weak chuckle amidst the gasping and groaning. “That’s what they tell me.” She did not look forward to leaking nipples, but she did like the idea of the rough pads of his fingers massaging the swollen flesh, his lips nibbling the distended tips.
“You’re already everything to me, but imagining you carrying our baby some day, it drives me mad.” He growled out the end of the sentence, speeding up his movement, shifting his grip onto her shoulder for leverage as he drove himself harder at an angle that rubbed against the spot deep inside of her she could never touch on her own. “Come on my cock, Granger.”
As if she could deny him, not when he mapped out her body as intimately as he knew his own, not when he got off on visions of her pregnant, not when he called her ‘Granger’ in that tone of possession.
She screamed at the force of her climax, ripped from her body without remorse. He followed shortly after, bending to bury his face in her curls, his body shuddering as life expelled into her.
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.
“Draco, I think that’s the timer,” Hermione murmured, somehow managing to roll him off of her out of concern for their dinner.
“Draco, dinner.”
She gasped as he sat up without warning. She expected him to get up and pad towards the kitchen. Instead, he turned to her and held up the pink monstrosity.
“First things first.”
WC 1795
@hpkinktober Prompt Day 20: Breeding
Cross-posted on Tumblr and AO3
I didn’t really know about vaginal plugs until very recently when I started researching them specifically for this short. I knew about vibrators, dildos, balls, and anal plugs, but somehow the obviousness of a vaginal plug just didn’t even occur to me. There are even cups women use for the actual purpose of aiding in conception. THE MORE YOU KNOW. I kind of love the idea of a practical Hermione and a Draco with a breeding-kink joining their knowledge for the shared goal of baby Granger-Malfoy.
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oceisastar · 1 year
Mmmm yes, Kaveh. Sweet, adorable Kaveh..
Imagine him all stressed out from work, bummed out and too exhausted to take a bath himself. So his s/o takes on the job for him.
Drawing him a warm bath, undressing him, and bathing him. Things seem pretty normal, until s/o starts stroking him and pinching his nipple. He jolts awake from his exhausted state, trying to move away but is too weak to do so.
crying (more UTC)
he whimpers as his eyes flutter, trying to stay awake but he’s so exhausted. you brush your mouth to his ear, “can I continue?” and he blushes but mumbles, “y-yeah...” so you grope at his chest as he lets out soft, stuttering breaths.
he’s too tired to get fully aroused but you can see the goosebumps that erupt on his skin, the contrast between hot water and your cool touch.
his nipples have pebbled out, hard and sensitive from the cold air. you squeeze the fat of his pectorals, kissing up the back of his neck.
“hah, love...” he mutters. your hand sinks below the water and grabs at his balls and gently squeezes them. his hips respond before he can, rutting upward as he lets out a sweet noise.
you pull back before you get too greedy, remembering he has to be up early tomorrow morning.
“after this week, I’ll fuck you as a reward. how’s that sound?”
he nods, nearly drifting off to sleep, simply drowning in the dream that is you. you kiss his shoulder then drain the tub, helping him out of the bath and carrying him to bed.
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🔥 Happy Birthday Katniss Everdeen 🔥
What's your first impression of Katniss after reading or watching The Hunger Games?
Do you find Katniss likable? Do you think her characterization is realistic?
What do you think the strengths and weaknesses of Katniss?
If today, you can make new movie/series adaptation, who would be suitable as Katniss? Based on visual description and acting talents.
Thank you :)
This actually from last year @curiousnonnyblog because I just... year it's been a bit of a ride the past year.
Okay so! Confession time. I am an unabashed Everlark shipper, but honestly? I fell in love with Katniss first. I loved her so much that when she was suspicious of Peeta throughout the first book, so was I. I took her word for it. If this guy was shady in her mind, then I didn't trust him either. Somewhere between her saying that she tried to drown Buttercup because he'd be one more mouth to feed, the line "District Twelve, where you can starve to death in safety," and her frantic volunteering for Prim, I was 100% behind Katniss. She was just so delightfully prickly, but also... caring. Compassionate. She tried so hard to present this front of badass, untouchable survivor, but then she tries to be kind to Madge when Gale's a jerk. She tries so hard to comfort Prim, and she just seemed so darn lonely that I wanted to hug her.
There are many aspects of her character that feel realistic to me, but I want to focus on one that maybe doesn't get a lot of attention (?). I could be wrong about that lol. I know there are a LOT of oldest children in this fandom. Welp. I'm a middle child and I am here to tout the realism of Katniss thinking she's responsible for literally everything in Prim's life to the point that she volunteers to take her place in a death match because "Prim's afraid of her own shadow." But also... my dude, we younger siblings are not nearly as helpless and dependent on you older ones as you want to think we are.
Do I think Prim had a real shot at winning the Games? Mmmm not really, but that has less to do with the Katniss's perception of Prim and more to do with the reality of their situation. At fourteen, Finnick is the youngest Victor ever and he had a boatload of sponsors, which Prim likely wouldn't have been able to garner.
So that aside, Katniss tends to see Prim as more helpless and more perfect than she really is. Prim proves her mettle in small ways through the rest of the series. She seems "bland" or "too perfect" because that's how Katniss portrays her. In reality, Prim has bite. She sasses Plutarch Heavensbee, she takes on the role of healer beside her mother which... Katniss herself admits she's not good at that because she's squeamish about blood and pain. Prim just dives in to deal with it, proving that she's got way more of a spine than Katniss sometimes gives her credit for. And then she runs into combat as a medic at age thirteen. Without hesitation. Basically, Katniss doesn't know her younger sister as well as she thinks she does.
Anyway, I find that older child syndrome aspect of Katniss's personality supremely realistic.
I don't know that there is someone who'd I want to see recast as Katniss if they were to remake the movies or if they actually made a series like they should've in the first place. Mainly because I'm not familiar enough with the current young actresses out there. Because I live under a rock where celeb culture is concerned. I'd rather see someone young and relatively unknown be cast, though, so she could grow with the series and it wouldn't be a blockbuster franchise that's more about the names in it than their ability to portray the characters.
Thanks for the ask, even if it took me ages to answer this one!
<3 kdnfb
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dzamie-oc · 8 months
Voretober 28 - Stuffed
Length: 1100 words Vore type: M/???, oral vore, cock vore Fandom: None Other info: unwilling prey, anthro dragon pred, belly rubbing, belches, digestion Summary: Dragon has had a bit too much to eat. Luckily, he has an otter.
"Ugh," Azurel groaned, leaning his scaly blue head back against the couch. "Uuuugggghhh…" he repeated. While he wasn't completely pinned by his heavy gut, nor chained in place by the heft of his scaly sack, the dragon moving from his spot definitely did not feel worth the effort.
It was a sentiment shared by the otter standing before him, tail swishing and cock nearly as hard as Azurel's. But while the dragon preferred not to move from exhaustion, Gabe had a different reason for keeping the scaly predator still. As he all but fell against his boyfriend's swollen belly, immediately purring, Azurel had to admit his enthusiasm was infectious.
The otter's paws slid all around the dragon's gut, gently pressing back in against the struggles of the prey unfortunate enough to still be alive inside. Azurel reached out and hugged him close, running his claws through Gabe's thick, brown fur. This coaxed a moan out from the otter, who leaned even further against him. The dragon's stomach groaned and gurgled, momentarily drowning out Gabe's purrs, and the pair shared a look.
Azurel opened his maw, but rather than stuff his boyfriend inside like he had his other prey, he instead let out a loud, wet belch, right in Gabe's face. The otter scrunched his face up as drool, feathers, and an acid-eaten bra flew at him, and though he groaned in complaint, his swishing tail and erection pressed firmly against Azurel's gut told a different story.
"Feeling any better?" Gabe asked, grinding his hips against the dragon. Already, the remnants of the struggles from within weakened further, and Azurel knew from plenty of experience that the otter knew exactly how to help.
"Not enough…" he moaned, "why didn't I stop at three?"
"Because I wanted to see you eat the witnesses, too." Furry, webbed paws shoved slowly but firmly into the blue, scaly belly, and got another gurgle in response.
"Seven was too much, in hindsight."
Gabe paused. "Seven? I saw six."
Azurel took a deep breath in, and as he let it out, his stomach churned again, accompanied by the cracking of a number of acid-weakened bones. "You were shoving that wolf down my throat, when that ferret lady… I guess decided to choose where she'd end up." He picks up one of his legs to jostle the heavy sack resting between them; while he couldn't see it, it felt like it was already less lumpy than his stomach. "And I guess she had a fondness for being dragon jizz."
"Mmmm…" Gabe hummed, running his paws down his boyfriend's body. He crouched out of sight and wrapped both paws around the thick, people-devouring monster standing proudly between Azurel's legs. A warm, slick spot slid from the base of his shaft, up over each ridge, and finally to the tip. The dragon gasped in pleasure and flared his wings, but arching his back was a no-go against the formidible weight of his stomach. Gabe stood back up, stretched with a smile, then leaned forward on his boyfriend's gut like a table. "Feels to me like she's just about done in there, along with the other two~"
Azurel reached up and scratched behind the otter's ear, getting him to just about melt into a purring mess on his overfed gut. "Then keep rubbing, my dear gutslut, and I'll make sure they find their proper place in and around you," he rumbled, before wincing and dropping back against the couch.
The otter's paws got to work, kneading more purposefully at the stretched, scaly belly, but smirked at his boyfriend. "You know, if I wanted to, I could leave you trapped here, maybe get you off and make a mess of this room. No otter in the line of fire."
"You won't," Azurel replied, confident.
"Mmmyeah." Gabe pressed his paws in, left, then right, then left… and then shoved both in. Azurel's stomach groaned again, and Gabe leaned in, only for Azurel's scaly hand to push him back. The dragon leaned his head back and let out another loud belch, this time accompanied by a wide gout of flame. While Gabe stared at the fiery show, he felt the dragon's stomach shrink down slightly around what was left of his meal.
Azurel snapped his jaws shut and rocked his head forward again, steam still rising from his closed mouth. "Not burned, right?"
"Right," Gabe said, already going back to affectionately pressing against Azurel's belly. After a brief glance down, the otter pulled his tail around and curled it around the heavy balls below. They were already back to their usual shape, albeit not size, so the lucky trio to become dragon seed had already done so, no otter affection required.
Of course, judging by Azurel's unfocused eyes and heavier breathing, "required" and "desired" were two very different things.
After several minutes, Azurel finally slumped down on the couch and kicked his legs up, using his own tail to ensure his sack got safely on the cushions. He beckoned Gabe towards him, and with a smile, Gabe climbed onto the couch as well and immediately straddled his beloved dragon, rubbing their cocks together even as he kept his paws focused on the scaly belly.
Azurel groaned again, but this time more in pleasure than pain. "Next time, you're helping with witnesses if you're so concerned about them."
Gabe grinned down at him, purring and visibly enjoying how soft his boyfriend's prey were becoming on their way to being simply more fuel for the scaly predator. "I dunno, next time, I think you can fit eight."
"Mreh," the dragon complained, launching a playful swipe at Gabe's arms.
The two of them continued, rubbing and purring and grinding against each other, until Gabe paused and leaned down until he rested fully atop his boyfriend, muzzle to muzzle. "Hold on, boyf, I know the kind of magic you do. You not digesting these guys faster was a choice."
Azurel simply grinned and leaned forward to lick the otter's furry cheek. "Yep, sure was."
The two stared at each other with matching smirks until Gabe pushed himself back up and continued rubbing. "Silly dragon."
"It's why you love me, cute snack."
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parageist · 9 months
just finished rivulet last night, wow was that good. surprisingly, i didn’t cry when moon called me ruffles, but i did cry when sparkling pendulum started playing when inside pebbles. something about hearing the main rain world sundown theme but as if it’s being played on a dying violin while crawling through the decaying body of an regretful god made me just. mmmm. despite all he’s done, seeing pebbles like this makes me want to hug him (and don’t get me started on the “Goodbye wet mouse, send my regards”)
that combined with my friend telling me that spearmaster was the one who delivered the pearl with information on the ascension process that led to pebbles condition in the first place is so tragic knowing that SRS (in my headcanon) was dating or very close with 5P, and saw how depressed and angry he was, so they thought they could help him by giving him a way out of this, only for it to turn out horribly for everyone.
and then in spearmaster, SRS sends you out again to deliver another message. an apology, a welfare check, an offering of help, a reminder that he isn’t alone in this world and that people care about him. but 5P’s refusal to accept any help leads to him attempting to fix it all himself, which ends up nearly killing his sister in the process, and giving him a terrible terminal illness. i thought since spearmaster takes place in the past, i could somehow prevent moon’s collapse and help pebbles but in the end, im nothing but a feeble creature in a vast world full of passing gods. all i can do is deliver the message to pebbles, and hope he can one day learn to accept help and forgive himself as i go back home to my creator and collapse into their arms in defeat.
then in the future, seeing how worse his condition has gotten, seeing this seemingly immortal, indestructible, godlike machine decaying to such an extent that he has no other choice but to unplug himself from life support, giving his last remaining energy to help her sister escape from the situation he put her in; a final charity in the face of death. he remains in his chamber, listening to a calming song on repeat, as he slowly succumbs to his own mistakes.
and then, there’s moon. after everything that happened to her, she still forgives pebbles. she’s been reduced to a barely alive dementia-stricken puppet, unable to move from the place where she drowns every day, and one of the only things she worries about is the safety of her brother. even when you plug her back in and she remembers everything, her first instinct is to check on 5P. and the final lines are just. Yeah
sorry i went on a bunch of side tangents there, im just real passionate about this game. anything that makes me cry makes me go insane about it. and now rain world has joined the small list of video games that made me cry! (for anyone who’s curious, that list composes of minecraft, undertale, slime rancher, oneshot, disco elysium, omori, and now rain world)
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specksizedgoddess · 3 months
I think you'd look cute as a tongue piercing on me. Right-side up and I can show you off or admire you in the mirror--just my cavernous maw expanding and a bright pink buggirl is there to greet whoever's gazing in. Upside-down and I get a giggle from your wriggly little legs dancing around in confusion. But regardless, whenever I speak my voice surrounds you, pierces through you, and reverberates every bone/plate of your body. It's be so loud your mind would be wiped clean with every syllable, your tiny body flicked around with every T, N, D, and L. Hehehe. But even when I'm silent, you are bathed in the visceral sounds of my unconscious gulps, my breathing, my salivation. This is a world all its own, all for you---until it isn't...
Until I'm going down on a cutie and you're rubbing against them under my lingual command. You, my faithful tool of pleasure for them; you, who has a front row seat to every twitch or expulsion from their body; you, who can only grasp gasps of musky air by chance when I relent. You, who's tiny form, be it your face or nethers, is exposed to the entire length of their body when I swallow them and is shattered when I belch with satisfaction.
Until I'm kissing a girl and you're the object of our joint entertainment. Two tongues dancing around you, teeth gently pulling at you, lips groping at you from above and below. This private chamber now shared, her moans and gasps blasting you, my coos and whimpers ringing through you. A cacophony of noises, wet and loud, intimate and song-like---the incantations of lust to make even a goddess quiver.
Such volume, such helplessness, I could dictate tastefully on your torture and titillation, but it could last too long, so I suppose I should bite my tongue---
I'd make such a pretty piercing, body squirming and writhing so eagerly with lust at any given moment... whether my legs kick helplessly, my groin on full display as I climax over and over again, or my head is reveaed so I have some idea of whats going on.... dizzy and disoriented every time you speak, small moans with each and every syllable, every word taken like a command from a god~ each one deafeningly loud to completely wipe my little brain... hchfjv GOD please <3
I want to be in the front row of every person your devour, I want to eagerly help you get people off, I want to nearly drown in saliva any time you make out with a girl- I want to be your piercing, your little thing so content with it's life in your hot, humid maw...
Listen close enough with your mouth open and you might be able to hear small bouts of "T- thank you~"
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honeyhatake · 1 year
Yes I’m a cock slut for Sanji, what of it?
Sanji’s Reward
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Warnings- Oral (m receiving), xreader, f!reader, praise, sub Sanji, cum shot (?)
Summary- Sanji goes shopping with you and is a very good boy. Good boys deserve rewards after all, don’t they?
Sanji spent all day with you. Following you around to stores, carrying your bags, buying you anything you wanted and doing his best not to ogle at too many girls. He had his eyes glued to you, and only you. The cook couldn’t ask for a better day really. What made it perfect though, was leaning on the bathroom counter and receiving his reward for being such a good boy.
With hollowed out cheeks you sucked your crewmate off in the bathroom of the Sunny. You followed him in after spending all day together, adamant on giving him a treat. Sanji was reluctant and quite nervous about the encounter. Cheeks flushed, hands shaking nervously telling you “it’s okay, really, it was my p-pleasure!” Even though he was reluctant, you were persistent. After all, what kind of a woman would you be to not thank a man properly for being so helpful all day.
“You really were such a good boy today. I think good boys should always have their dick sucked properly. Don’t you think, Sanji love?” With lips wet, cheeks flushed, and eyes fluttering you looked up at Sanji. Giving him a look of pure lust and adoration. You never once stopped stimulating his pretty cock.
Sanji was gripping the counter behind him to keep himself from collapsing. Watching you work, giving him everything he’s ever dreamed of. His heart pounded so loud in his chest he knew you could hear it. If it wasn’t drowned out by his adorable whiny moans that was. The blond bit his lip hard and shook his head to finally answer your question. Gasping as you sucked him in once more.
You kept your eyes locked on his and bobbed your head at a steady pace. Sucking hard each time your lips come to the tip. He groans as your tongue nudges that sensitive spot, legs starting to shake. You knew he was getting close.
With a loud pop you pulled off him. A trail of spit and precum falling from your lips. You licked it off and hummed. “God Sanji, you taste so good! Might have to get you like this more often.”
At that Sanjis knees nearly buckled. He leaned forward and gently grabbed the side of your face. Pushing his fingers through your hair. He was so fucked out and you hadn’t even made him cum yet. “Oh Y/n-San please! I love you so much! Please! Your mouth!” As he begged, whimpered and whined for you, you giggled and continued.
This time you pushed Sanji all the way down your throat. You gagged and he gripped your hair tightly at the feeling. Pulling off of him you soon pushed him back in, repeating the motion. “Mmmm gonna cum!~”
Humming around his member you slide off and start using your hand. “Okay good boy, you can cum, but it has to be on my tongue.” Sanji nods his head feverishly and watches as you jerk him off fast. Looking up at him with your tongue sticking out to perfectly catch his load.
Within seconds Sanji moans out and cums thick ropes over your tongue and to the back of your mouth. You smile and keep your mouth open wide for him to catch it all. The sight makes Sanji's vision blurry. If you weren’t using one hand to hold onto his thigh he definitely would have passed out. What made it even better was watching you close your mouth, swallow, and lick his tip clean.
Sanji definitely didn’t feel as though he deserved this. He felt guilty not having you cum first. Yet he was grateful to be rewarded for all the effort he put in today. Never once did he think today was bad, but this just made it perfect.
This was short I know! I just had the idea after a long day of shopping myself! Hope you guys enjoyed! If you have suggestions feel free to send them my way! Next story I post will be for Kakashi, so stay tuned!
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valvesandthings · 1 year
Mmmm open requests woo! Can I see a Blurr/reader?
Blur had started out nice and slow, but as soon as he got excited he started thrusting maniacally, around 45 thrusts per minute (tpm if you will). He dug his servos into your hips and the slapping of your hips meeting was outrageously loud. You groaned, already sensitive from your size difference, now on the verge of pain. 
“Blur, slow down,” you gasped. “Slow down, it’s too much.”
Blur’s fans nearly drowned out his voice. “I can’t, I really can’t,” he rushed. He kept thrusting, a crease forming in his brow when he couldn’t control himself. “I’m sorry,” he said as he struggled to pull out. 
You hissed at the sudden switch from too much to not enough. “Wait, baby,” you said, grabbing onto his hip before he got too far away. “Roll over for me?”
Blur looked dubious but obeyed, settling on his back on the berth with you astride his hips. Like this, he couldn’t get the leverage to thrust so fast, even if it was without his say so. Sometimes his speed in all things was more of a curse than a blessing. 
But with you in control, he felt much more at ease. You hovered over him like the ethereal beauty you were and carefully lowered yourself onto his spike. Both of you moaned as you settled, fully seated. 
“Much better,” you sighed. “Now, you will behave my dearest, or I may just tie you down so you can’t move at all.”
Blur groaned at the thought, his hips twitching involuntarily. “I promise I’ll behave, yes I will!” He declared as you set a much more manageable pace.
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swervesbootycall · 2 years
Could I request Misfire with a minibot bf? I’m pretty down with anything, but thinking about Misfire getting his valve wrecked by someone half his size is kinda tasty
—Blorbo time. I have also learned that my Scavenger playlist is. Hard to write smut to.—
“Misfire- frag h-how are you so tight?”
You had Not been expecting your dumb jet boyfriend to be as receptive let alone door closed kickingly eager to get spiked the instant you suggested it. Even less did you expect him to be practically crushing your minibot spike with his calipers. You weren’t sure you could pull all the way out if you wanted to. Which you didn’t. You really, really didn’t.
It would hardly be the first time you’ve been on top a larger mech. It was honestly harder to find mecha whose helms Weren’t at least a good ten feet above yours than it was to find other minis. The war hadn’t exactly been kind to your height group, after all. Not that you were more fragile than larger mecha, but stomping helicopters was apparently more difficult than…smushing…a hatchback. Granted, there were advantages to being on the smaller side. You doubt the Scavengers would have taken you as a misplaced ‘bot on board if you hadn’t been “kind of adorable” from Spinister’s perspective.
And then apparently somehow More adorable once you’d given him a firsthand taste of your personal skill in obliterating knee struts. There had been some slow clapping from the rest of the gang save Fulcrum who was the only one grounded enough to give you a little bit of a berth after that.
Misfire, for example, nearly immediately offered you a different kind of berth.
So here you were, months in, and it was your first time requesting his valve which APPARENTLY (considering how absolutely squelching it was from the getgo) he’d somehow been WANTING to offer for mmmm the whole time but “kept forgetting.” If it had been literally any other mech you would have called bullscrap, but you’ve seen this guy get distracted by his own shadow directly after making fun of Spinister for the same Soooooo…
“Don’t ask Questions shortstack!” Misfire’s vocalizer glitched with static, “I can’t come up with witty answers when you’re ramming my backports!”
“You couldn’t come up with witty answers even if you weren’t being a slutty little spikesleeve,”
“Ah, haha, ah AH! Little… funny…coming from-eyaaggh aah oh FUCK, frag, babe aha buddy pleaaaaaaaaa,”
Misfire’s helm rolled and he arched, tremblingly bucking against you. You found your denta grinding as you picked up the pace mercilessly. Digits digging under his side vents, you locked your pedes on either side of his hips and held on like some sort of earth cowboy with hard, fast thrusts to boot.
Misfire alternated between whimpers and flat out hollering. The thought of Krok desperately trying to drown out mental images of what you were doing to his idiot crewmate set your fans even higher, and you kissed up and down the cockpit heaving under your chassis.
“That’s right sweetspark, look at me,” his optics were practically white with glare and fritzing and his expression stirred something deep in your fuel lines, “yeah, you wanted this bad didn’t you, tallstack?”
He half laughed, half moaned, and lights popped in your HUD with how fragging tightly he clenched around you.
“Mmm, good mech. Good mech Flyhigh, I’m counting on you to overload for me first so I can keep fritzing you until you can’t spea-“
Misfire practically crushed your helm against his cockpit grabbing and clutching you with both hands. His babbling was incoherent and eventually dissolved into trembling, broken whimpers as his collision force overload buzzed into aftershocks. Your own overload threatened to be concurrent, but you grit your dent even harder and kept thrusting.
The hands holding you were shaking horribly, but still they held on. One of his digits managed to wrap around your audial even as you felt his arms and frame going slack. His bucking melting into unintentional trembles.
You cried his designation as transfluid and lubricant gushed into Flyhigh’s valve along with the massive charge you’d built up. His hands jerked and fell from your helm to his sides. Your own aftershocks kept your frames interlocked for a long moment as you both vented hard and lay together.
You raised a hand and plopped it somewhat near Misfire’s shoulder.
“So…apparently… it fits…pretty okay…huh?”
He raised a shaking hand, curled his digits, and gave you an obliterated thumbs up
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read-weep-repeat · 2 years
street racing m/c watching the boys race!!!
"Do you want to start the race, munchkin?"
You gasped and turned to Jin. "Can I?!"
He laughed, stealing a glance from the road ahead to see your giddy expression.
"Of course you can. No one's going to tell you no." He turned the wheel, sliding into the parking lot.
"If they don't want to deal with us." he mumbled.
You didn't hear the last part, nearly dancing in your seat as your door opened. Jimin leaned down to your height and unclipped your seatbelt.
"Hi, Baby." he grinned, leaning in for a kiss. You gave him a short one; he could take an inch and make it a mile with a simple peck.
His hand took yours and pulled you into his side. Jin rounded the car after you, holding your other hand as they walked you through the crowd. Men and women gathered around lines of cars. custom vinyls and wraps littered the crowds, and the roar of engines drowned out your happy sounds as your ran to your daddies.
You broke away from Jimin and Jin, running to the group. Taehyung stepped to the front and caught your quick form, spinning you in a close hug before setting you back down in the group.
You faced his chest, just now noticing the trail of skin left by his undone buttons.
You trailed your finger down the valley of his pecs.
"Putting on a show?" You asked, quirking an eyebrow up.
"Just for you," he whispered, "Gotta be ready to claim my prize after I win." His hand slid down to your lower back, pulling you closer.
"Oh!" You inhaled. "And who, exactly, are you racing with?"
Taehyung looked up and your body followed his gaze. You turned to find Yoongi watching you with hooded eyes.
"Good prize, right?" Taehyung asked.
Yoongi nodded, stopping front of you. His gaze pinned you to the front of Taehyungs chest.
"You gonna send us off, pretty girl?"
You nodded, inhaling as his hands trailed up your waist.
He smiled, soft and sweet, and leaned in for a kiss.
"Mmmm," he hummed against your lips, "love you so much."
you giggled, listening to the horn for the start of the races blare through the crowd, "I love you too."
Your boys ushered you forward, Yoongi and Taehyung disappearing into their cars.
Namjoon kept one of your hands encase in his as you both walked onto the road. You could feel both of their stares as you stopped between them.
Namjoon slipped a pink bandana into your hand, gave you a sloppy kiss, and went back to the front of the crowd.
both engines revved
their eyes fixed on the pink bandana
their eyes fixed on you
They flew down the street, turning into blurs of white and purple. You ran back to the rest of the group, cheering with the rest of masses as they slid into reverse. They made their way back, and the purple car inched forward. Yoongi swerved, just barely, making taehyung slam onto his breaks.
You could almost hear Yoongis laugh through the windshield as he beat Taehyungs arrival by a hair.
You rushed forward, running to Yoongi as he stepped out. You wrapped the bandana around the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He pulled you back, gripping your waist as you moaned into his rough kiss and his hands came to cup either side your face.
You could hear the clack of Taehyungs shoes against the pavement.
"Dirty, dirty trick Hyung." He sighed, shaking his head.
Yoongi just chuckled, freeing you from his hold.
"I'll play dirty any day for her."
Tae smiled back as you nuzzled into him, "Yeah, me too." He gave you a quick peck before wrapping you up in a loose hug.
"Looks like Yoon wins you tonight," He whispered, his deep baritone sending chills down your spine, "But I'll have you tomorrow."
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 3
“Dead In the Water”
Would I Survive The First Five Minutes?? Mmmm, I think so. I don’t think I would go swimming alone like that. I love a good lake swim (or a good wading into the lake maybe up to my knees. Lake Erie isn’t the BEST at being clean...), but thankfully I didn’t compete in swimming in high school and wouldn’t feel comfortable with the kind of swimming our victim of the day did 3/3
I don’t know if it’s just my disdain for Jared Padalecki or just being an older sibling, but I stay on Dean’s side in nearly all of their arguments
...and I also love when he horribly fails at flirting.
(why did i think that the fish that dude was gonna cook was a rat at first??) GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE DUDE!! WHY ARE YOU REACHING IN THIS WATER??? No. No. No. Well, damn.
Dean...I don’t think you need to do this monologue. I think Lucas is drawing you something to help just on his own. Or is this monologue really more for Sam?
Spoiler alert: it was.
(I thought part of the second drawing was a dalek...so, there’s that)
What did you DO, Bill?
Oh no, girlie...what are you doing taking a bath right nowwwww??
Okay, the makeup on the actor playing the kid who originally drowned is creepier than anything in either of the previous two episodes.
I’m not saying it’s their job to save the town from going under when the lake dries up, but it was a weird plot point early on that everyone just seems okay with??
“The End of the World”
Okay...here’s the thing. Either the Doctor has really good intuition on Rose that she’d still travel with him after this episode, or he didn’t really want a companion at this point because..............no, I’m making myself sad about this because even though we (or maybe just I) don’t know exactly how much time has passed since he regenerated from being the War Doctor, taking your new companion to see the end of THEIR planet is a HUGE test of whether or not they can hang with everything you’re going through at the moment.
(Side note: isn’t one of her first outings with Ten to New Earth? God. This show can be REALLY GOOD)
I did watch the preview for this episode the other day, and the cast of characters is just...amazing. The Face of Boe? Cassandra the Last Human?? To quote Nine, fantastic!!
Rose accepts everything very quickly. I love that for her.
We don’t use The Adherence of the Repeated Meme (is that how they spell it in the show??) enough...with how often we repeat memes???
The “iPod”!!! God...it’s so good.
I take back Rose accepting things quickly. I’m glad that she’s questioning him, I’m glad this is hitting her pretty hard.
HANG THE FUCK ON. The Doctor saved a family from going on the Titanic and then he WENT ON THE TITANIC ANYWAY??? MY DUDE. And then later went on aNOTHER TITANIC?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
A BITCHY TRAMPOLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!! GWORL!!! How did I overlook Rose so much all these years??
I love traditional Earth ballads lol
I also appreciate how Cassandra finds time to make quips about her former husbnads in all of this
“You lot, just chill!” as the temperature rises and the heat death of Earth is imminent?? Sure.
It had been years since I last watched this episode, and I remembered next to nothing about it, but I was right about his motivation for bringing Rose to the end of the world.
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gorgin-gals-muses · 3 months
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"So you really wanna do it?" Shinigami bounced up and down in midair, every part of her wobbling with her great, floaty movements, but especially her breasts. Still kept within the containment of her top, her overflowing, magically enchanted bust stretched out in every direction, rising and falling with even the lightest of the death god's movements. She looked over to her companion as best she could, although the towering mounds of titfat easily outscaled her smaller accomplice.
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"Uh huh... I guess I'm generally not one for... breasts, but I'll try." Yuma stood in front of Shinigami, slowly bending down as she removed her shoes, then moving to her pudgy knees as she pulled her socks off as well. With a bit of unzipping, pulling, and unbuttoning, the rest of her ensemble was gone, save for a somewhat basic pair of panties. The girl was about to go titty dipping, after all.
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"Exactly, Master, we've got to get that fixed." Shinigami waited patiently, hammy hands at the top base of her flowing chest mounds. She floated on a little closer and offered a hand to Yuma, allowing her to dip one tentative foot into her monstrous cleavage.
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"It's uh... soft." Yuma felt her foot and slight cankle disappear into the soft cleft of her tits. It was mildly warm, and the plush, silky feeling of Shinigami's tits was enticing... she gulped slightly as she led her leg deeper into the darkness. "How deep does it go, exactly?"
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"Mmmm, I dunno. Why don't you figure that out, o great detective?" She could already feel Yuma's leg rubbing deliciously against her voracious breasts, getting her flustered... as far as she was concerned, the crevice between the two walls of thick fat probably went on forever. She spared the thought no mind as she pulled Yuma's body forward with her arm and thrust her couch-sized tits upward. The detective squeaked a bit as she suddenly felt her other leg get caught in the soft, almost quicksand grip of the death god's enormous chest. Soon, she was being pulled down, both calves slurped deeper and deeper. She struggled a bit, blushing and squirming heavily under Shinigami's hungry, aroused gaze.
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"Eeuuuwww... It's... weird... mmmph." She couldn't deny it was like getting eaten, but there was a subtle strangeness to it; sheer fat was pulling her in, not digestive muscle; only sweat was glistening around the death god's boobs, not drool or digestive juices. Both a primal fear and a deep desire for the soft comfort of Shinigami's all consuming breasts flooded Yuma's nerves, causing her to squirm harder, toes curling, knees buckling and kicking around, and arms flailing as her girthy thighs were soon also being claimed.
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"Mmmmnooohhh... I need more... I'm so fucking greedy..." Shinigami panted and moaned as she started hovering aimlessly with the captive detective in tow. Sure she was eating Yuma, but her hunger wasn't nearly sated yet. floated over to a thick, rich, strawberry-frosting cake, sitting on the edge of the table. Yuma getting swallowed up by her tits wasn't enough; she was far too much of a pig for that. Angling her breasts just low enough to let Yuma sit underneath her, she started shoveling the sweet dessert greedily into her gob, chewing messily as spittle and frosting dribbled out of her. Yuma had front row seats to this almost violent display of hedonism; Shinigami was basically right in front of her, not paying her any mind as the detective was being pulled deeper and deeper into the abyss, hips, thighs, and legs feeling compressed and squished in the immense, blubbery soft pressure of her tits.
"Shoooo fucking good,,, mmmhhh..." The death god gasped as she redoubled her efforts, gulping down cake even as it clung to her pudgy digits. She licked and suckled on the fingers too, not bothering to brush the messy residue that fell onto Yuma and into the cleavage below; it didn't matter, it would all go to her and her alone.
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"Rrrghh... mmnnn..." Yuma, meanwhile, was drowning, feeling herself gulped down even further by Shinigami's hungry tits. They seemed to bounce up and down of their own accord now, softly bashing and smothering her in waves as the brunt of her weight was already in their grip. She felt herself get sucked down faster and faster, but the death god didn't even seem to care about her, so engrossed with pigging out on the cake in front of her. She almost tried to swim up, but the warm, compressing embrace of endless, gluttonous, greedy titfat quelled all movement, finally gulping down her head.
She could feel herself start to be pressure cooked as she was rubbed senseless by the meatbags holding her in place. The only sounds now were the gurgling of the gut that was... somewhere below her, and the piggish groans and burps of ecstasy above. Within the sea of fat, she could faintly feel each shoveling thrust of the death god's hands as she fed herself silly, but everything seemed farther away as her tits pressed in closer and closer, squeezing her tighter and tighter. She could feel herself slipping, becoming just as soft as the lardy, milky sea that stretched on for eternity... Sleep, and digestion, was looming in close.... Yuma relented and let herself be rocked by the turbulent waves of breast meat, not caring if she would wake up...
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