#mo jihye fanfic
rd0265667 · 1 year
Danielle x Reader: Lightning can('t) strike twice
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Permanent Taglist: @cwpiqwon@justme-idle
"Thank you, please take a seat. The fan-meet will commence shortly" The staff member said, handing you back your ticket. You nodded, moving to the middle of the hall, taking a seat as the tune of Super Shy began blasting through the speakers. The fans around you began clapping to the beat, growing excited and rowdy as the music signified the beginning of the event. You tried to remain serious, wanting to stay focused on your purpose here, but you had to admit you enjoyed the music, tapping your feet to the beat of the music as your lips curled upwards, reminiscing on watching the music video, if not for the music then for a certain someone.
Then, the 5 girls who were the reason for this huge event emerged from the backstage, waving as fans waved and cheered, some with signs of the idols plastered on, others with bags in hands of gifts intended for the idols. Amongst the 5 idols, one of them had a vibrant smile, more vibrant than the other 4 as she waved to the cheering fans, though for a moment, her smile cracked. She cursed her wandering eye, wishing she hadn't seen what she had. Thankfully, her media training kicked in. She regained her composure almost as quickly as she had lost it, plastering a smile on her face.  The event kicked off, lines of excited fans moving along the queue, having a short moment to chat with their idols, giving gifts and expressing admiration for them. Each fan interaction warmed their hearts, happy to interact with the people they performed for. 
However, growing unrest was brewing in one of them.  "Dani, are you okay?" The girl beside her whispered, lightly grabbing her hand and giving her a reassuring a smile. "Yeh Minji-unnie, I am." Danielle tried lying, rather unconvincingly, as Minji's eyebrow arched, obviously unconvinced. Back with you, your worry grew as you noticed an accusatory finger pointed toward you, another girl scowling at you, but hiding it as soon as she could, most likely fearing the repercussions of any aggressive acts. Only the firm grasp of one hand stopped the tremble of the other, your eyes darting around the hall, trying your best to not look at them, for fear of your nerves bubbling up and exploding in your chest.
A rapid tap on the shoulder brought you back to attention, a rather impatient teen beside you urging you to close the gap in the queue. You smiled apologetically, before turning to walk up the queue, noting how close you were to finally getting up on the stage. You took a deep breath, trying to calm down. This was most likely your only chance to make things right, and you had to make it up to her.
You made your way past the first three members, Hanni, Haerin and Hyein. Unaware of who you were, or what you had done, the three members talked to you, asking you about you and your bias. They were excited when they heard you were a doctor, then were in faux disappointment when they heard your bias was Danielle. It was nice talking to the three of them, it helped calm your nerves for what laid ahead of you.
Next was Minji, who greeted you with a sweet smile. You could see the anger in her eyes however, and sense the malice in her tone, though she kept up a sweet facade for the media. "How dare you show up here." Minji said, her smile never fading, and it terrified you. "I want to make things right." You curtly replied, seeing Minji's face turn somewhat judgemental, as if trying to determine your true purpose. "You can't mend what's been broken, especially after you stomped on it. If you really think you deserve her after all that you've put her through, you're a bigger idiot then I first thought you were." Minji's facade dropped for a moment, as if to hammer her point home. She wasn't wrong, and you knew it, but you owed her a try. "I'm an idiot then." You said with a resolute tone, Minji reeling a little in surprise, as if thunderstruck by your words She moved to reply, but she stopped herself, pursing her lips, then nodding, tilting her head towards the last member of the group.
Moving down the line, you stood in front of the person who was once your world.  "Hey Dani." You lightly whispered, terrified to how Danielle would react. Danielle looked up with a mask of uncertainty, though it quickly melted away as she gave you a smile, the smile you had seen when you first fell in love with her. "Dani, I'm s-" You tried to talk, but Danielle quickly cut you off "How've you been?" Danielle asked, taking an album from under the table, preparing to sign it. You looked at her with apprehension, before a small smile flashed on your face. "I've been fine, there's been some problematic patients at the ER but I'm doing fine. How are you? Have you been eating well?" You asked, concern laced in your tone. Danielle stopped her signing, looking at you in shock, causing you to curse yourself. Her face conveyed a sense of forlorn nostalgia, and slight hurt. "I have. Thanks for asking." Danielle replied, before waving you off, causing you to finally notice the queue moving on, the security guard beckoning you to continue. Crestfallen at not being able to do what you came to do, you slowly walked down the stage, before finally noticing a note from Danielle, telling you to stay and meet her after the fanmeet. You felt yourself fill with ecstasy, feeling a pep in your step as you headed to where Danielle had told you to wait.
An hour or so passed, then you saw two figures emerge from the hallway. By now, Minji's facade was all but gone, shooting you a piercing glare as she wrapped a protective arm around Danielle "I'm going to be fine, Minji-unnie, go wait with the girls, I'll be there in a little bit." Danielle whispered to Minji, but she stood unwaveringly, as if not hearing Danielle. Only when Danielle lightly shook her, causing Minji to turn to her. Danielle gave her a small nod, as Minji acknowledged, slowly leaving the room, but never taking her eyes off you.
As Minji left the room, an air of tension and awkwardness filled the room, and it suffocated both you and Danielle. The two of you stood in the room, exchanging glances, almost afraid to make the first move. Eventually though, Danielle had the first word. "Why have you come here?" Danielle asked, her warm tone contrasting the seemingly sharp question. "You." You answered in a straightforward manner, Danielle nodding as if she anticipated that answer. "I mean, what do you hope to accomplish by coming here today?" Danielle's eyes narrowed, a look you had never seen before. "I'm still in love with you Danielle." You blurted out, unable to think of anything else to say, Danielle letting out a slight chuckle. "I find that hard to believe, given how we ended."Danielle commented, running her hand through her hair, turning away from you. "I know I've made mistakes in the past, and I want to make up for them, if you're willing." You said, tone laced with desperation. "Why should I give you a second chance, after all you did? You left me for your career. I was willing to leave everything for you. " Danielle began to clench her fist, anger evident, but still controlled. "Because I was an idiot, Dani. I was an idiot for thinking that any stupid job or career was worth losing you for." You pleaded, voice beginning to crack as the prospect of losing Danielle permanently this time seemed to be a forgone conclusion. "I'm sorry, but no." Turning to face you, Danielle looked at you dead in the eye, a resolute tone, with seeming finality in her voice, but there was a softness to it too, and you had no clue what to make of it. "Dani, please, remember what we said all those years ago? No matter what the other did, we'd always love each other, right? Please." Your last word came out more of a whimper than a coherent word, feeling your world crashing down around you. "I still love you. I've always loved you." Danielle whispered "Even if I do eventually forgive you for what you did, I can never forget what happened. I'm sorry, but I can't be in love with you." Danielle turned away, leaving you in the room, but not before you felt your heart break at her last words "You and me, whatever we are, We hurt too much."
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catslvrr · 2 months
you know all my dreams (you were one)
danielle marsh x fem!reader | one shot
Synopsis: Being a superhero involves a lot of saving, like saving people from burning buildings, saving cats stuck in trees, and even saving yourself from being evicted from your apartment. There’s one thing that you haven’t saved yet, and that’s your relationship with Danielle.
Contains: cursing, blood, violence, death, cliche hero stuff
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You would like to believe that you are a good roommate.
But when you come tumbling through the window, landing with a raucous thud, all you have the strength to do is squeeze your eyes shut and pray to the heavens that your roommate graciously ignores you. Again.
This is the fourth time in a week that you have managed to enter your room in such a manner. You rely on the fact that your roommate is abnormally nocturnal and is most likely asleep by now.
You grimace as you remember that one time you accidentally crashed through her window, blacked out, and woke up to her grim face as she poked you with her foot. It wasn’t that far off from how she originally found out you were Spider-Woman two years ago.
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It had been a rough day. You didn’t leave exactly scot-free after fending off the attempted escape of some maximum security prisoners at the Raft. 
This attempt may have been catalyzed by the recent blackout that you may have caused by fighting off another escape attempt, but who’s to say that’s the case?
Regardless, all escapees were given a scenic swing, free of charge, straight back to prison—a temporary one anyway. Now all you had to worry about was making it home in one piece.
By the time you reach home, the muscles in your arms giving in from the endless web-slinging, you don’t have enough energy in you to ease your landing (which really just meant trying to land on cool superhero poses). You swoop right onto the floor, face-down and limbs sprawled out like a measly bug helplessly trapped in a web.
You’re not entirely sure of the full extent of your injuries in the moment—mostly because of the way your whole body is burning, reminiscent of the building you were thrown into, but you’re pretty confident you have at least multiple bruised ribs, a black eye, and a mild concussion. 
“So, all things considered,” you say half-heartedly to no one in particular. “Not too bad.”
(Future note: You actually also had one fractured toe.)
You’re happily drifting off into unconsciousness, with nothing but the belated, slightly panicked thought of whether you locked your door or not, when three sudden strikes at your door jolt you awake.
Suppressing a groan, you roll over and pull yourself up as best as possible, ignoring the way your ribs scream at you. God, you were in so much pain. You let out a breathy exhale and even muster a crooked smile, even though you know your roommate can’t see you.
“Roomie! What’s up?”
A pause. 
You cringe. Seriously, ‘Roomie’? You should’ve gone with the name you saw on the leasing contract.
(When you first saw it, you thought that the lease was some sort of scam, because your roommate’s signature looked like someone trying to draw Australia from memory. Upon further questioning of the landlord, you were left with the information that your new roommate, Haerin, was indeed real.)
Before you can even apologize for your lame attempt at a greeting, Haerin’s response comes curtly.
“There was a crash.”
You pick up on a slight inflection of curiosity in Haerin’s tone—is glad that despite her nosiness, she didn’t decide to barge in and see you in your full Spider-suit glory. You force out a chuckle, hoping your roommate doesn’t notice the strain.
“Oh—right. I just fell. Tripped over my own feet. I mean, while dancing. Well. Trying to, you know?” 
Your embarrassment grows with every word that bumbles out of your mouth, and when the heat in your cheeks is too much to bear, you manage out a simple:
“Yep,” to eloquently finish it all off. You cross your fingers and hope your roommate doesn’t question the fact that there is no music playing at all.
You barely hear a non-committal hum over the pounding in your ears, and only release your breath when you hear the familiar obnoxious typing of keys, finding your heartbeat in tandem with its rhythm.
There are some things you can always depend on, and one of those things is Haerin’s perpetual typing as she attempts to finish her journalism assignments at the last minute. The incessant clicking of the keyboard gradually becomes soothing, almost therapeutic. You pass out before you can even register any sliver of drowsiness.
And then you wake up to a deafening bang and splinters of your doors ricocheting toward you. 
Reflexively, you flick your wrist, effectively webbing any stray pieces of your door to the ceiling. But you also web your roommate’s face. There are a few seconds of silence as you both just stare at each other.
“Funny how you find me in my Spider-Woman cosplay,” you chuckle awkwardly. “Because I’m not, you know, Spider-Woman.”
Haerin slowly peels the web off her face, face wholly impassive, still menacingly holding the ax. “I’m hungry. Buy me Wingstop.”
It takes you an hour to get the Wingstop back home. Ten minutes was dedicated to a mini meet-and-greet.
“What the fuck, Haerin,” you say with a mouth full of lemon pepper fries. “You broke my door down with an ax.”
“I was hungry,” she replies matter-of-factly, as if that’s a reasonable justification for the insane property damage she just inflicted. “But you were also not responding for sixteen hours.”
“I was out for sixteen hours?”
“A bit of an exaggeration. Maybe around 10.”
“Why do you even have an ax anyway?”
“Look at where we live,” Haerin clicks her tongue. “And you being Spider-Woman just slaps a big target on our backs.”
“Pause,” you raise your hand and stop chewing. “I’m not Spider-Woman. I’m just… a huge fan.”
Haerin’s exasperated eyes flicker to yours.
“I’m serious!”
“Yeah right,” she scoffs. “You make way too many spider puns.”
“Like what?”
“Like ‘I’ll swing by’, or ‘I’m kinda tangled up in something right now’,” she explains with air quotes.
You noisily take a sip of a lemonade you bought from a random stall. “Huh.”
“So,” you chew thoughtfully. “Hypothetically, if I was Spider-Woman, how would you react? Would you tell anyone?”
Haerin scans you, still wearing the Spider-suit, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, ungracefully shoving chicken tenders in your mouth with ranch dribbling down your chin. “I’ve known for, like, three months.”
You almost knock the ranch cup over in shock. “What?”
You swallow the chicken tender too quickly, and have to take a breather because you almost choke on it. “How—I mean, why would you think that?”
“You discarded one of your broken web-shooters in my room.”
“Oh. That’s where it went,” you scratch your cheek. “So… you won’t tell anyone, right?”
Haerin smiles. “Only if you pay for the door.”
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You hear the screeching of a chair against the floor, hear the imposing footsteps headed toward your room. You feel something poke you. It’s probably the handle of that stupid ax she’s so attached to.
“You good?”
You respond with an unintelligible noise.
Another poke. “Rent’s due soon, you know.”
You roll over with a groan and pull off your mask. “Spare me some sympathy, I’m dying.”
“No you’re not. You’ve had worse.”
Haerin squats down to your level and dabs a cut on your forehead, leaving a burning sting. “Ow!”
You stay mum as Haerin wipes your face free of grime and blood. It’s rare, but when Haerin patches you up, there’s a tinge of gratefulness that twists your heart, and you know it’s better to leave it unspoken. That’s just how you two are.
You break the silence after a while. “I really need to find a job, don’t I?”
“I’ve been thinking about that,” Haerin replies. “I think you should start your own business: Spider-Eats.”
“Like… Uber Eats?”
“Exactly,” Haerin nods proudly. “But you don’t need to pay for gas, because you just swing over. And I’m sure people will tip you because you’re Spider-Woman.”
“Huh. That’s actually a really good idea.”
As you shuffle out of your Spider-suit and wince at the way your bloody clothes stick to yourself, you make a mental note to start designing and coding a Spider-Eats app. And to also do laundry again. You languidly stretch your limbs, trying to ignore the aches and pains.
“Thanks, doc,” you grin at Haerin. “I feel better already.”
Haerin nods and walks out to the living room. You hear some faint rustling, and the smell reaches you first: pepperoni pizza. You can practically hear an orchestra of trumpets and horns and trombones sing as Haerin re-enters your room, like an angel from heaven, holding three boxes of pizza. It’s even from the same parlor joint the two of you always loiter around.
“Wait,” you pull a can of grape Fanta out of her hand and toward you with a web. “I’ve always wanted to try something.”
Haerin watches as you dangle from the ceiling upside-down and crack open the can. You bring it to your mouth and attempt to drink it, only for you to choke and spill it on your floor.
After that sad display, you both find yourselves in a familiar position: sitting cross-legged on the floor across from each other, absolutely devouring the food you’ve chosen to be a victim to your outrageous appetite. It comes with being a superhero.
“Seriously, Haerin,” you sigh in satisfaction. “I love you so much.”
You and Haerin mostly eat in silence and scroll on your phones until all three boxes are demolished. You pack up all the boxes and push them to the side, flopping into a starfish position and feeling bloated already.
“You know,” Haerin starts, her voice surprisingly sincere. “Tomorrow’s the day.”
You slowly exhale. “Yeah.”
She flops down beside you. The two of you stare at the LED strips (set to red and blue) that you both went to hell and back trying to tape on the edges of the ceiling.
“Do you want me to come with you?”
You offer a small smile. “Nah. You know how it is.”
The two of you lie there for a while until you both fall asleep.
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Unfortunately, being a superhero is not all glitz and glamor. You find yourself to be quite the average Joe, living an ordinary life. At the end of the day, you’re just an engineering college student with no job. Well, besides the occasional side gig of being a masked vigilante.
You tend to relish the mundane moments these days, and maybe it’s the age. (Haerin would roll her eyes if she heard you say this.) Those fleeting moments where you can bask in the serenity of a night without any pings from the local police database you hacked into, although often only lasting several minutes, are valuable to you. Sitting on rooftops and indulging in the view that is the city skyline at night—you never get sick of it.
You used to hate this—being human, that is. After the bite all those years ago, being Spider-Woman was riveting. The novelty of your superpowers made you feel competent. Made you feel like someone. (Only after you persevered through the beginner's clumsiness.) Of course, there are the not so great parts of still being human. Like attending mandatory labs, dealing with group project partners who go M.I.A., and the exorbitant rental rates. Regardless, you believe the good still outweighs the bad.
But like most good things in your life, they never stay. How foolish of you, to think that your newfound powers could somehow transcend the inevitability of pain and loss. If anything, you face it more now. 
That youthful naivety led to more trouble than you can handle. That night when you swung past that robbery at the bodega, without a care in the world, unwittingly sealing the fate of your aunt. Any last connection you had to your family was violently torn from your grasp.
It was your fault. And nothing can change that. It haunts you every waking hour of the day, manifests itself as a wicked virus, and its suffocating tendrils latch onto you on the nights when you’ve delved too deep into your own thoughts.
You try to block it out now, but the best you can do is repeat to yourself that it’s a reminder. A reminder of who Spider-Woman has to be and what she means to the city. An unwavering hero who stands for justice and protects everyone. A hero who does the right thing.
You hum to yourself as you push the door open with your shoulder, exiting the shop with a bouquet of pale purple forget-me-nots. You shove your hands into the front pocket of your hoodie after adjusting your backpack, slightly shivering at the crisp chill of the early morning.
You greet the local store owners as you pass by, even giving a hand in moving crates or supplies to help set up shop. It would be so much easier to just swing to the cemetery, but there’s a sense of reverence you feel you need to uphold, and the only way to do that is just to visit as yourself. No mask, no secret identity. Just you.
You’ve just crossed the threshold to the cemetery with one step when there’s a prickling sensation on your skin. As you get closer to her grave, the discomfort only grows, and so you swing to the nearest tree and perch yourself there.
And then you see her. In the flesh.
“Danielle?” You whisper to yourself, dumbfounded. What was she doing back here, after all these years?
Danielle stills for a moment, and so do you. She turns around and eyes the surroundings as if she heard your voice. You duck and burrow yourself deeper within the leaves.
You observe her quietly, donning her own bouquet of roses, and you smile wryly at the sight of them. Of course, she remembers her favorite flowers. Danielle sits at the grave for a while, her lips moving as if talking, but the music blasting in your headphones blocks it out. You don’t try to eavesdrop.
She’s dyed her hair blonde now, and you didn’t think it possible, but she stands out even more. The color suits her—it matches her personality, akin to a warm and inviting sunflower. Seeing her treat the grave with such care and tenderness makes your heart pang. You grip the tree branches tighter to try to steel yourself, swallowing the guilt and heartache that arises. You don’t expect anything less from her. She’s still so kind and loving even after what you did.
She takes out a small pouch, eventually settling down and crocheting. You’re surprised for some reason, but you also make yourself comfortable in the tree. Even though you’re a hundred feet apart, being in the same vicinity of her fills your body with a sense of repose. You allow yourself to believe that you’re sitting next to each other, still friends, grieving together, and you think that helps you heal a bit.
Half an hour passes before you feel a droplet hit your face. And then another. You and Danielle look up at the same time, only to see the billowing clouds roll in.
Without a second thought, you slip your mask on and shimmy out of your clothes, fishing an umbrella out of your backpack before webbing it to the tree. You clear your throat as you land behind her, as gently as possible so as to not scare her.
“Need this, Miss?” You forcefully deepen your voice, holding out the umbrella above Danielle’s head.
She turns around, lips slightly parted in shock, and it takes all your willpower to not visibly tremble.
“Thank you,” she smiles sweetly. You wonder if she would greet you like this if she knew who you really were. “Let me give you something in return.”
Danielle hands you a crochet ribbed beanie, a bright red just like the roses she brought, with a white pom pom on top.
“This one took me a few days.”
It’s incredibly endearing, but you’re panicking at her presence so you can only express your gratitude with an awkward, “Thanks!”, voice crack included, before slinging to the nearest building. 
You make sure to wear it on the way home.
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Haerin notices it as soon as you return.
“What’s with the new look?” She asks, not looking away from her laptop.
You set an iced Americano for her on the coffee table, and then proceed to drape yourself on the sofa, feet nudging Haerin’s side to annoy her. She chooses to ignore you rather than resort to violence only because you bought her coffee. She also chooses to ignore how your suit is still wet from the rain outside, droplets of water permeating the sofa. You take off the beanie, making sure to gently lay it on the table before slipping your mask off.
You rest your head against the arm of the sofa and close your eyes, but all you can think about is Danielle. The sincerity in her eyes as she gifted you the beanie and her saccharine voice rings out in your mind. You lay there and reminisce in silence for a while. You end up falling asleep for a few minutes.
Then Haerin wakes you up.
“Hey.” She slaps your foot. “Answer my question.”
“What—oh.” You mumble in confusion, trying to regain your senses. “I saw… someone at the cemetery.”
She finally turns to give you a deadpan expression. “Be more specific. A ghost? One of your many archnemeses?”
“Worse,” you rub your face tiredly. “Danielle.”
Her typing pauses. “Wait, the childhood best friend you told me about?”
“The one you ghosted?”
You sigh. “Yeah.”
“The one you pitifully pine over?”
Haerin lets out a low whistle. “She gave you that?”
“Yeah,” you murmur. “She didn’t know it was me.”
“You should keep it that way,” Haerin says. “It’d suck to open up old wounds after so long.”
“I know.” You puff your cheeks out. “And that’s not even the end of it. I spent forty bucks on flowers just to leave it to rot in a backpack in a tree.”
She glances at the wet puddle you created on the couch. “We can go back tomorrow and get it?”
“It’s okay,” you reply, opening your eyes to the pouring rain outside. You hope Danielle made it home okay. “I’m gonna wait for the rain to die out a bit and then head out again to investigate that weird case. I’ll put the flowers where they belong on the way there.”
“Is there a new lead?” You can practically hear Haerin’s ears perk up.
“Yeah, all the reports of the disappearances seem to pop up in the same area. I just checked for a location that shares an equal distance to all of them and came up with an abandoned warehouse.”
Haerin sits in thought for a second before asking, “Can I come with? You know how the college blog always relies on me for Spider-Woman content.”
“Fine.” You begrudgingly acquiesce. “Only if you get a cool shot of me.”
Haerin takes out her camera and snaps a quick photo of you.
“How about this?” She turns the camera around to show you the result.
You scoff in offense. “Seriously?”
“Is it not flattering enough?” Haerin teases, wrestling the camera away from you.
“I look like a wet dog!”
You web the camera to yourself and delete the photo.
“Stop abusing your powers.” Haerin clicks her tongue. “Go web a towel to clean this mess up.”
“What a coincidence,” you cheerfully ignore her. “The rain’s stopped.”
Like a miracle, the rain has cleared out, the darker clouds making way for the sun. You web a towel to dry your suit (but not the couch or floor) and slip your mask back on again.
“Alright,” you step out onto the balcony and turn to Haerin. “You want a ride there? Uber? Spuber…?”
“Let’s just stick to Spider-Eats.”
“And, no thanks,” she winces. “You almost swung into a pole last time.”
“Oops,” you say with no sign of regret. “Anyway, I texted you the coords. Meet you there.” 
You hop on the balcony railing and salute Haerin before proceeding to fall backwards with your hands behind your head. The rush as you swing through the city is unmatchable. You savor the wind rushing against you, the boisterous noise of cars honking and mindless chatter zooming in and out of your ears.
You’re back at the cemetery in no time, and after checking if anyone’s around, you stand before your aunt’s grave once again. Danielle’s roses are still lying there. You wipe some raindrops off the headstone before laying your bouquet down. Then, you’re off again. There’ll be time for that later.
The abandoned warehouse is not too far from the docks, a very typical location for people who are up to no good. You perch on the roof of a building opposite it, where Haerin is already squatting and taking photos. You can spot her motorcycle stationed in the parking lot behind the building. She barely flinches as you tap her shoulder.
“How did you get up here?”
“A good journalist never reveals her secrets.”
“Isn’t it ‘sources’?”
Haerin shrugs. “Same thing.”
You squat next to her. “So… did you notice anything before I came?”
“I did some research. Think this warehouse is registered under the name of just Jace.”
“Just Jace? That’s such a sick name.”
Haerin doesn’t bother to correct you.
“Name doesn’t ring a bell though.” You squint and scan the seemingly innocuous warehouse. “And I’m not picking up any heat signals… looks like nobody’s home.”
“How are we getting in?”
“This is a job for Spider-Woman!” 
You leap off the roof and swing around the warehouse, sweeping the perimeter to search for a way in. 
“There’s always an entrance when you can climb walls,” you muse to yourself.
You open up a voice channel as you crawl up the side of the warehouse, eventually reaching the roof where there is a conveniently open skylight. “Bingo!”
“Psst, Haerin,” you say. “There’s an open window on the roof.”
“Awesome,” she replies, although you note that her tone lacks excitement. “Can you get in and open the door for me?”
“The door?” You peer inside the open skylight. “You mean the gigantic sliding doors?”
“Don’t tell me you’re too weak to open those.”
“No,” you huff. “It’s just that… wouldn’t it be too loud?”
Haerin’s response is reluctant. “I guess.”
“You know what that means,” you sing-song. “It’s time for a Spuber ride!”
There’s some silence followed by a long sigh.
“I thought we agreed to not use that anymore,” she grumbles. “Hurry up and get back here.”
Haerin’s pick up and drop off is quick and easy, much to both of your satisfaction. You asked her to give you a five star rating, to which she replied, “That took literally less than thirty seconds.”
Inside the warehouse is dark, with only some dim flickering lights providing you with a shadowed view of the interior. The warehouse is stocked with looming cargo containers.
“Seems pretty filled for an abandoned warehouse,” Haerin muses, her voice echoing in the void. The silence feels foreboding, which makes you glad that Haerin asked to come, not that you would ever admit that.
“There’s gotta be something here,” you run your hand over the undulating surface of the steel containers. “A secret room, or some complicated contraption.”
“What about that?” Haerin points at a scrape mark on the floor in front of one of the containers, which coincidentally matches the circumference of a quarter circle.
“Oh. That was fast.”
You walk over and tug on the latch, before pulling the door open.
“No worries,” you strain out. It’s heavier than you thought. “Leave it all to me.”
“If you say so,” Haerin says with a smug smile on her face, standing there with no care in the world.
Once you finally get it open, inside the container is a set of stairs that lead downwards to an ominous tunnel.
“Totally not creepy,” you laugh nervously and gesture to Haerin. “Ladies first?”
She rolls her eyes before making her way down. The tunnel is fairly well-kept and it’s not long before you find yourselves in the secret room. It’s a lab, wires running hazardously on the ground, bits and pieces of machinery scattered on tables and filling up boxes, and computer screens displaying complex data and research.
“Okay,” you drawl. “Kinda getting evil mastermind vibes.”
You ruffle through some papers lying around. It seems to be sketches of some cylinder machine with cogs and complicated wiring in it. After inspecting the lab for a bit longer, you both come to the same conclusion.
“He’s trying to time travel,” Haerin notes as she snaps some shots of the lab.
You nod. “His experiments are probably what’s causing all those people to disappear into thin air.”
“What were the statements of the witnesses again?”
“Like the victims were just sucked into an invisible portal.”
Haerin pulls up some files on one of the computers. “It makes sense. It looks like he’s trying to time travel to the year his daughter died.”
You both are silent at this information. Until that silence is broken by a screeching sound outside, one that oddly sounds like the gigantic sliding doors opening.
The two of you immediately break out into a sprint and up the stairs. You don’t hesitate to scoop up Haerin once you’re out of the container and soar up to the roof with a web.
“He’ll know someone was here,” Haerin whispers.
“I know,” you sigh. “Hopefully it won’t lead to anything. We’ll have to come back later.”
Like the true neighborhood-friendly Spider-Woman you are, you give Haerin a Spuber ride back to her motorcycle. She revs the engine once to get your attention, then bids you farewell with a teasing “Race you home!” as she accelerates into the distance.
“So not fair!” You shout out at her retreating figure, swinging to catch up. You’re straining your arms to keep up with Haerin’s motorcycle, but a police car passes by with sirens on, and you know what you need to do. At the last second, you snap your left wrist to make a breakneck turn. Haerin will understand.
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You can barely keep your eyes open as Minji nudges you with her elbow.
“Late nights playing 2K again?” The image of her stupid grin floats by in your mind.
“Something like that,” you whine, flicking your head up so your lab goggles fall on your nose. “I should’ve skipped today.”
Minji pulls up the DXF files you made for the project and resumes with the task of readjusting the ratio of some gears. “You don’t even need your lab goggles for today.”
“I look smarter with them on.”
“Yeah, right.” Minji peeks at your rough outlines of the gearbox transmission on paper. Some edges are ripped and it’s crinkled under your folded arms. “Damn. When are you gonna digitize that and render it?”
You slump back in your chair and close your eyes. “When I get a good night’s rest.”
“So, never.”
“The assignment’s due next week.”
“I hate you.” But she doesn’t. Because the two of you have been lab partners ever since you tripped on her lab coat in class a year ago and knocked over a bunch of her circuits and wires, which, to this day, she still blames you for, which is ridiculous, because who on earth owns a lab coat long enough to the point where it spills on the floor? But, you digress. Her lab coat is now properly tailored.
You’re half a second from drooling and snoring when there’s that prickling sensation on your skin again, and the hairs on the back of your neck shoot up, leaving you with that sinking feeling in your stomach. You sit up so abruptly that you almost slam your forehead onto the table.
Minji’s arm flies in front of your chest to steady you. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you stammer. “I just… need to go to the bathroom.”
You grab your backpack and sprint out of the lab, navigating yourself to the nearest exit. You’re on the roof of the building in no time, in your suit, and you immediately see what’s wrong. There’s a man in the middle of campus, floating above the ground, and whatever objects are around seem to be gravitating toward him. The objects begin to orbit around him, creating a mini tornado.
You try to call Haerin, but she doesn’t pick up. You try to call Minji too, but no luck. Your stomach coils with anxiety. You don’t have long to dwell on it though.
As objects slam into one another, students begin to file out of class and understandably panic. Campus security is screaming and directing people to emergency exits, but the whirlwind only gets worse and things are smashing into windows and buildings.
“This isn’t good,” you mutter, immediately diving into action. You web benches, bicycles, poles, and trees in all sorts of directions to disrupt their trajectory toward anyone. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a blur of orange amidst green, and hear a very distinct meow.
You hurtle yourself toward the flying tree and narrowly shoot through the branches, successfully grabbing Tiko. You were going to plop him down somewhere safe, but it seems he had other plans, because he crawls into your backpack and nestles inside it, sticking his head out.
“Hang tight, Tiko,” you scream, swinging toward the mystery man. “I’m going to stop this!”
The man now stands on a rooftop, the debris around him thrashing against the building which is threatening to fall apart. You land not too far from him.
“Hi!” You yell over the deafening winds.
He whips his head around, raising his palm to hurl a rock at you. “Stay away!”
“Wait!” It narrowly misses you as you skillfully duck just in time. “You’re Just Jace, right?”
“How do you know my name?” He falters for a second, taking a step back. “…And it’s just Jace.”
“Isn’t that what I just said?” You mumble to yourself in confusion.
You shake your head to focus on the situation at hand. “Please stop this, Just Jace. You’re hurting others!”
“I… I know!” Jace’s hands tightly grip his hair in frustration. “I don’t know why it’s not working.”
As his ire flames up, so do the winds, dust and small rocks starting to obscure your vision.
“Please, calm down!” You desperately yell, slowly making your way toward him with arms raised as a sign of peace. “Let me help you!”
The sound of police sirens grows louder, and you can hear the whirring of helicopter blades behind you. The police helicopter sways in the midst of the tornado, and you fear for both Jace and the police.
“No, no, no!” You try to wave the police away, knowing their presence would only distress Jace more.
“Police! Hands in the air!”
Police officers begin to rappel down from the helicopter, guns aimed at Jace. He scrambles in fear, sending rubble hurling at them in defense. Bullets fly out immediately after.
The sound of gunshots rings through your ear as you expertly maneuver through the ricochets and try to keep everyone safe. You burst through the combat and tackle Jace whilst he’s busy with the officers, trying to Spuber him to somewhere safe.
He wrestles in your grasp, screaming at you to let him go. Tiko gives him a few smacks in response. As you swing through a window, you release your hold on him, both of you rolling over to catch your balance. 
You lean against the wall, taking a moment to catch your breath. You’re rubbing your head that’s throbbing in pain, not noticing Jace’s sudden silence.
“The police really have the worst timing, am I right?” You awkwardly laugh.
You look up to see Jace stalking toward you, like a predator to prey, a dark intensity in his eyes. Any trace of the Jace you encountered before is gone. You bounce on your feet immediately.
“Jace?” You say hesitantly, walking backward. “We can talk about this…”
“You broke it,” he snarls. That’s when you notice what he’s clasping onto so stiffly. It looks awfully similar to those sketches you and Haerin saw in that secret lab. He lets it go and it clatters on the floor.
“I didn’t mean to,” you try to ameliorate the situation. “I was trying to save you.”
Your pleas don’t seem to reach his ears. He just simply repeats, “You broke it.”
“No need to get so upset,” you laugh sheepishly, hands in the air, discreetly scanning for the nearest exit. “I know a really good tech support guy.”
Your skin tingles. Jace then lunges at you, and out of instinct, you web onto the broken device and you swing it around to slam it into the space between you and him. The device makes contact with the concrete and shatters into pieces, shards of glass flying everywhere. For a moment, you feel as if time has slowed down, and everything sounds muffled, like you’re sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean.
And then everything goes black.
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You wake up with a gasp, cold sweat sticking to your body. Haerin steps back, surprised. She’s holding her beloved ax, its handle hovering dangerously close to your cheek.
“You’re awake.”
“What?” You look around frantically, hands squeezing the sofa. “How am I back here?”
“What do you mean?” Haerin frowns. “You fell asleep.”
You stand up and squish your face against the window. The college campus is untouched. “What happened to Just Jace? Is Tiko alright?”
Her eyebrow furrows. “Who’s Just Jace? And Tiko the campus cat?”
You don’t respond, still lost in your own thoughts.
“Did you get a concussion on the way to the cemetery?”
You stop pacing and look down, and sure enough, you’re still in your suit, wet from the rain just like two days ago, and the beanie Danielle crocheted is lying on the table.
Then it dawns on you.
“Oh my god, Haerin.” Your jaw is slack. “I just traveled back in time.”
It takes you fifteen minutes to sum everything up.
“But the weird thing is that the device didn’t seem to be done when we were in the secret lab.” You bite your cheek in thought. “I don’t know how he would’ve been able to get it working in the next two days.”
“He probably knew someone was onto him when we left the door open,” Haerin says, searching up ‘If you travel back in time, will you break time and space if you get into contact with someone?’ on Google. Most of the results are fruitless.
“That makes sense,” you nod. “But I wonder why he would end up at our college campus out of all places.”
“Maybe it’s the college his daughter went to?”
“Right,” you nod again. You prop your laptop on your lap as you start scouring through the map of the area around the college. “I need to know where he first appears so I can stop him before he gets to campus.”
Haerin ponders for a second. “You mentioned that there was some research on nuclear fusion, right?”
“Yeah… hold on.” You zoom into a nuclear power plant just a few miles from the college. “The device must need a lot of energy to work. He probably got it from here.”
“So,” Haerin hums. “What’s the plan?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
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Haerin’s voice is unimpressed over the static. “This was your plan?”
“You know me,” you quip ironically while weaving in between the blasts of energy that Jace is throwing at you. “My plan was to come up with a plan now.”
“And have you thought of one?”
“Not really!” You coolly avoid his punches and slide in between his legs. “I’ll call you back!”
When you manage to catch Jace off guard with a roundhouse kick, he stumbles and you use the opportunity to swoop into a vent to hide. You did not expect this alternate version of Jace to be so hostile. You tried to talk to him, really.
(You lower your web bit by bit as you dangle upside-down behind Jace. His back is facing you, clearly focused on wiring his device to the generator.
You tap his back. “Hey.”
He swivels around so fast he almost loses his balance, but immediately regains it and squares up. “Stay away!”
“No, no.” You plop on the floor. “I’m not here to hurt you. I know you’re trying to time travel. I’m from the future, actually.”
There’s an air of hope in Jace’s voice. “The device worked?”
“About that,” you rub your nape and flash an embarrassed smile under the mask. “I kinda had to smash it onto the ground for it to work. You were kind of trying to kill me. But no biggie, I forgive easily!”
Jace narrows his eyes. You stiffen as you feel dread trickle into your stomach. His fist jerks out and you jump back just in time, feeling the wind from the blow brush against your face.
“What the hell, man?” You pout. “I literally just forgave you.”
He doesn’t waste time and continues with a flurry of punches. “I must’ve been attacking you for a reason.”
You shake your head as you roll to the side. “Don’t say I didn’t try to be nice.”)
“Come out and face me!” Jace yells, his voice reverberating throughout the power plant. “You’re nothing but a pest.”
You silently crawl out of the vent and onto a supporting beam. Once you’re positioned right above him, you web him up, landing a nasty uppercut. You don’t have time to celebrate though, because on the way down, he grabs your ankles and pulls you down back to Earth.
“This ends now.” He hisses, blood dripping from his mouth. He charges toward you, bearing a metal rod in his hand.
“Really getting into the villain role now, huh?” You joke, voice strained as you leap off the ground and kick him square in the face. “Give me some time to think of a name for you.”
You side step another one of his tackle attempts. “Oh! How about Prime Time?”
The only response you get is Jace surging forward with more punches and kicks. “You could just say you don’t like it!”
Jace doesn’t deign you with an answer. He unexpectedly throws a crate toward you, and just as you duck to avoid it, he gets his revenge with a successful blow to your chest with the metal rod.
You slam against the wall, slumping as the wind is knocked out of you.
“Like I said,” Jace says with heavy breaths, towering over you and looking down with a sneer. “This ends now.”
You can only see his silhouette because of the light shining through from the entrance to the power plant behind him, and this gives you an idea. You muster up any remaining willpower and web onto two pillars, pulling yourself toward it and using the momentum to swing kick Jace.
You both fly through the air and outside the power plant, crashing on the roof of a passing car. You wince as you feel the dent in the car. Jace rolls down to the hood of the car. Logically, the driver starts steering off course because the windshield is blocked and they’re probably freaking out at the fact that there are two injured people on their car.
Your body moves before your mind processes what’s going on—you’re webbing people out of the way of the speeding car, even though you’re still lying on your side. But the car spins out of control too fast for you to react. It ends up ramming into the front of a cafe. The impact of the crash sends you flying into the glass wall and into the cafe. You’re getting deja vu: glass is shattered and people start screaming and running away. 
“Oh no,” you groan, trying to ignore the burning pain. “This will not look good in the press release.”
What’s also burning is the car that you’re pinned under—the heat from the crackling fire licking at you, so hot that you can feel it through the spandex. All you can see is the thick smoke that blankets the cafe. From the shadows emerges Jace.
“Please,” you wheeze, feeling like you’ve been hit by a train. Which actually happened once, an experience you wouldn’t recommend to anyone. “This isn’t what your daughter would’ve wanted.”
“Don’t mention her again.” He digs his boot into the car, forcing pressure on you, and you’re exerting all your muscles in your arms to hold the car up. “And some superhero you are. Look at what’s left of this place.”
You strain your neck to stare at the inside of the cafe, and the sight horrifies you. It’s a complete wreckage. Your eyes zero on blonde hair that peeks out under a table that’s been flipped over. Your blood runs cold and there’s a sharp pain in your gut, like a knife sickly twisting itself over and over again. 
Jace chuckles cruelly at your silence. “What, no more snarky remarks?”
She can’t be dead. It’s all your fault—you were too busy slinging people out of the way to notice where the car was headed. How did she not get out in time?
“No,” you choke out. Your lip trembles pathetically. “Turn back time. Please.”
He follows your gaze and smirks. “See someone you know? I guess now you know how it feels.”
Any empathy you felt for him is overridden by the sheer anger that engulfs you. Your body shakes with rage. What comes out next is guttural and raw.
“I’ll kill you,” you spit. “I’ll fucking kill you.”
Jace turns around and cackles, and you wonder how everything went to hell so fast. You wonder how he changed so fast. He’s walking out of the cafe, to the college campus probably, and as much as you want to grab him and beat him until he’s blue, there’s something more important. Or rather, someone.
The adrenaline from the rage earlier is still coursing through your veins and you use your remaining strength to push the car off you. (You wanted to hurl it at him too but your arms were failing). You know exactly what you need to do. You sling a web to the device he’s holding loosely, then repeat that same swinging motion that you did the other timeline, slamming it so hard on the ground you almost feel like your arm will rip off.
Time slows again, and you find yourself in a familiar position, deep in the abyss. The world goes black.
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It takes you three times before you realize you’re stuck in a time loop. You don’t know why, but you only get sent back a few hours to the nuclear power plant. You try everything, anything to keep Danielle safe. You know it’s selfish, that you should be caring about everyone else too, but you can’t stand the thought of her dying. You’ve already lost her once, back then when you left her. You can’t be the reason for the world losing her.
In the first loop, you spray the wheels of the car with webs to prevent it from crashing in the first place, but the car stopping in the middle of the road only causes another car to veer off the streets and into the cafe. In the second loop, Jace hurls a boulder mid fight and despite you redirecting it to the building next to the cafe, that building ends up collapsing… on top of the cafe. Everytime, you saving other people leads to Danielle dying in some way.
It’s the third loop. You’re at the nuclear power plant again, head in your hands, and Jace hasn’t noticed your presence yet. You want to cry. Nothing is working. Maybe this is karma for ghosting Danielle all those years ago. Being a superhero is all about sacrifices—is this the sacrifice you have to make? You thought you would be better at letting go by now.
Haerin’s voice is soft in your ear. “Have we had this conversation before?”
“Yeah,” you sigh. “This is the fourth time.”
“I’m sorry I can’t remember. And that our solutions didn’t work out.”
“Don’t apologize. You’re the only thing keeping me sane right now.” You bite your lip. “And it’s my fault anyway.”
There’s some faint rustling of paper and typing.
“Nuclear fusion,” Haerin says after a while. “Have you tried slamming the device into the generator? The sheer energy might just break the loop.”
“I might as well.” Your voice is thick with fatigue. “I have nothing else to lose.”
You don’t even bother to greet Jace this time, just immediately pulling the device toward you and slamming it onto the generator. The reaction is instantaneous—the device explodes and the generator rumbles, sparks flying. Waves of energy start pulsing out in irregular patterns. It’s so strong that you’re knocked off your feet and your back hits a railing.
You’re knocked out again. Maybe you’re setting a new world record.
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Hidden under the knitted quilt, you stir, the thin web of strands barely stifling the bite of the morning cold. Someone is sweetly humming a melody that’s on the tip of your tongue. The constant hum finds its way into you, it softens your bones and eases your heart. The constant hum sings, enveloping you, lulling you back into the solace of the darkness. 
This tranquility is swiftly broken by you remembering. You launch out of bed, blinking your eyes to gain a hold of your surroundings. You’re in a campervan. Nostalgia washes over you as you realize that this is the campervan Danielle’s family used to take on road trips. You wearily eye the photo frame stuck to the rustic fridge. Gleeful smiles and sand-covered faces adorn the frame, reminding you of what you left behind. 
You were known as that quiet kid who had no parents. Any attention you received would consist of pitied stares and hushed whispers. You didn’t mind the loneliness—you were used to it. And your aunt took care of you and showed you love. That was enough. You didn’t think you needed any more love until Danielle moved in next door and changed your life.
She was the first to approach you, holding out a four-leaf clover with a bright smile, saying “Hi! I’m Danielle, you look like you need some good luck!”. It only took you a few months to warm up to her, not that it was hard, because she was so understanding and cheery. She never cared about what other people said at school. She cared about what you had to say, and that’s something you never thought you needed, let alone deserved, until her.
Danielle’s family is equally as sweet, and they welcomed you with open arms. Every few months, they would go on a road trip and you and Danielle would always say farewell with teary eyes and lingering hugs. Until Danielle insisted you tag along, and that’s how it became a tradition.
Lightly caressing miscellaneous decorations as you make your way outside, you take it all in. The gentle twinkle of fairy lights shyly shines through the tinted windows that are littered with stickers and magnets. This caravan was your second home. Inextricably imbued with memories with Danielle, the two of you left no inch of this van unexplored and untouched. Outside, the fresh smell of subdued smoke (bacon and eggs) wafts to you, beckoning you. Your stomach growls. You forget about the ravenous appetite of a superhero.
But you’re not a superhero right now. You’re twelve, not yet bitten, meant to be blissfully unaware of the terrors that await you as you grow up. You run outside to find Danielle. She’s preparing a plate of breakfast for you.
“Danielle!” You rush toward her and tackle her in a hug, tears subconsciously spilling onto your cheeks. She steadies herself so that the plate of food isn’t knocked over.
She gasps out your name, concern etched in her eyebrows. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you shake your head and nuzzle her neck, sniffling like a baby. “I’m just glad you’re my best friend.”
Your voice is so high and prepubescent, which makes you burst into laughter out of nowhere. Danielle laughs with you. “I’m glad you’re mine, too.”
“Where’s your parents?”
You lean back as she tilts her head to the barbeque grill a few yards away. “Cooking up their breakfast.”
You eventually let go, quite reluctantly, and take a moment to admire her. You’re smitten. Her hair is brown, bangs slightly ruffled, and she’s sporting a toothy grin. You’re so overwhelmed with love you can’t even speak, but this is soon overshadowed by guilt. This is the girl whose heart you broke.
Nothing about you gets past Danielle, so she immediately notices your wavering.
“You okay?” She intertwines your fingers together “Let’s eat breakfast.”
‘I don’t know,” you mumble, feeling a wave of nausea hit you. “I feel a bit dizzy.”
She quickly sets down the plate of bacon and eggs, her hands instantly finding their place on your waist.
“Maybe you should get some more rest,” she pouts, gently squeezing your waist. You try to suppress the shiver that this causes.
“Yeah,” you agree without a sliver of resistance. “Come with me?”
Danielle sends you a knowing smile. “Okay.”
You both make your way back into the van, ditching breakfast. You climb into the comfort of the bed, lifting the same knitted quilt so that it hugs both of you. Your body relaxes, for the first time in a very long time, and you bask in the heat radiating off Danielle.
As your eyes involuntarily close, you can hear the faint sound of ticking. You’re unsure of what is to come, but the curl in your stomach unfolds and pardons you, allowing you to feel Danielle’s love. For just one more time.
There’s a brief moment where you regain a shred of consciousness at the nuclear power plant, but everything is too bright and you have to squeeze your eyes shut. You only feel another wave of energy vibrate against your skin before your vision’s black again. Definitely a world record.
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Someone’s playing with your hair. Deft fingers weave through strands of your hair and twirl it, lightly pulling on it before letting go and repeating. You blink your eyes open and are met with Danielle already staring at you. She’s older than the last time-travel episode, but younger than the current her. You’re still smitten.
You’re laying in her bed, in her room, in her house. You surmise it’s probably a sleepover night. She’s wearing those glasses with a clear frame, so it must be midway through senior year. You smile to yourself as you remember that she breaks it just before graduation by sitting on it. (She forgot that she put it on her seat.)
“What are you smiling about?” Danielle pokes your nose. “Are you thinking about how that one kid fell off his chair while falling asleep in class?”
“No,” you giggle as you sit up, nostalgia pervading your chest. “But that was funny though. Thanks for reminding me.”
She’s playing with your fingers now, head tilted with that starry look in her eyes that always leaves you dumbfounded. Your smile slowly fades. You feel like a kid again, even though this was only the two of you from three years ago.
“Danielle,” you say shakily, eyes locked onto your entwined fingers. “Would you believe me if I said I’m from the future?”
She considers your question for a second. “What happens in the future?”
You swallow a lump. Where do you even start? ‘Well, I’m actually gonna ghost you in a few months and we’ll never speak again, but then we meet, well not really—it’s more like I see you, and then you die in a cafe because of me. Oh, and I’m Spider-Woman.’
“You dye your hair blonde,” you continue, voice barely above a whisper. You’re holding back tears. “And you go to college overseas to study.”
Danielle’s face shifts into something sadder, half sympathetic. “That doesn’t sound too far-fetched.”
“I’m… I’m sorry,” your voice cracks. “I do some really bad things in the future, and I’m really sorry.”
“It can’t be that bad,” Danielle tries to lift the mood. “Can’t be worse than the time when you spilled orange juice all over my biology assignment the morning it was due.”
Your rambling teeters on the line of coherence. “I push you away—and I’m such an asshole. But I had to, you have to believe me. I can’t tell you why because it hasn’t happened yet and it will probably break some rule of time-traveling, but I just want you to know that I’m so–”
“Hey,” she cradles your face like you're something delicate. Like you’re not the person who will leave her behind with no explanation. “It’s okay.”
“I miss you so much, Danielle.” It’s all you can say. “I miss you so much.”
Her thumb tenderly swipes away any tears that fall. “I’m right here.”
But she’s not.
You’re sobbing pathetically into her hand. You can’t remember the last time you cried. It must’ve been at your aunt’s funeral. Your head is pounding and even though you’re in the body of your younger self, you can still feel the phantom repercussions of fights with Jace. Danielle continues softly, “I could never hate you, no matter what. All you need to do is talk to me—the me in your world.”
“I love you,” you hiccup, lip quivering. “I never got to say it in my timeline. I hope you know that.”
“You know I do too,” Danielle smiles, bitter-sweet. “Promise me you’ll say it to the other me.”
You nod, looping your pinky finger with hers.
She seems satisfied. “You’ve been through a lot. Let’s get some rest.” She guides you back onto the pillow and onto your side, nestling behind you, arms wrapped around your waist and clasped on your stomach.
The ticking sounds again, and it slowly floods your mind as your vision fades to black.
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“Please tell me it’s over,” you plead weakly as you wake up to the sight of peeling plaster on the ceiling. You force your body up, and you see an unconscious Jace collapsed against the wall. The broken device is just a fingertip away from you. This is the room you Spubered him into while distancing him from the police. You’re back. 
“Thank you,” you breathe out. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Tiko hops out of your backpack and rubs his face against yours.
“Hey, buddy,” you coo, scratching his chin. “Thanks for the help. I’ll see you around campus.”
You pick yourself up, shaking stray shards of glass off you. You web Jace against the wall, and make sure to add extra to ensure he doesn’t escape. You briefly notice the wrinkles on his face and his calloused hands.
“Some things we have to let go,” you say softly to him, even though he can’t hear you. “I need to take this to find the missing victims.”
You leave a space in your heart to mourn for Jace’s daughter, and genuinely wish the best for him. Tiko’s already run off somewhere. You take the device and stretch your limbs, preparing for the long journey home. 
Actually, you have two stops before you go home. First stop is a safe place to change out of your suit and temporarily hide the device.
Second stop. You run to find Danielle. You think that this has been a long time coming, considering that you’ve been running away from her for the past three years.
You’re standing like an idiot outside the cafe, hands in your pockets, just staring at Danielle through the glass wall. She seems to feel the weight of your gaze though, because she eventually looks up and her eyes widen at the sight of you. You wave awkwardly, to which she starts packing up her things in a hurry.
You breath hitches as she says your name. It rolls off her tongue in a way that is so familiar.
“Care to join me on a walk?” You rock back and forth on your heels, avoiding eye contact with her.
Her face is passive. It scares you more than it should. But she complies without any questions. “Okay.”
It takes around twenty minutes to reach your aunt’s grave. You pat the space in front of you as a gesture for Danielle to sit down, and she does.
“Before I start,” you say. “I just wanted to say thank you for visiting my aunt. You didn’t have to.”
But she did. Because that’s what she always does—go above and beyond. You take a deep breath before releasing it. “I’m sorry.”
She nods, showing that she’s listening, but doesn’t respond.
“I… was an asshole,” you clench your jaw and close your eyes. “I said some hurtful things.”
(“Are you avoiding me?” Danielle asks, eyebrows furrowed.
It’s another morning of a school day.
“No,” you exhale deeply. You don’t spare her a glance. “I’ve just been really busy.”
“We’ve both been busy for a while,” she counters, frustration laced in her voice. “But the difference is that we still made time for each other.”
You slam your locker door shut. The spider bite thrums with pain. “Take the hint. I don’t have space for you in my life anymore.”)
“And even after I said those things, you still tried to reach out to me.”
(More unread texts from Danielle. Can we talk? I’m sorry about the other day. 
Hey, I’ve been trying to give you space, but I just wanted to check in.
Why are you ignoring me?)
“There’s a reason I ghosted you. Not that I’m trying to justify it, but I just wanted to let you know it wasn’t because of you or anything.”
The other Danielle’s words flash through your mind.
“I love you,” you finally say, and it feels as though there’s this weight lifted off your chest. “I have, for a long time. And I needed to leave you because I love you. Because I was scared.”
Her eyebrows crease in thought. “Because you were scared I didn’t love you back?”
“No—well, not no! Of course I care about that. But that wasn’t my main concern.”
“How do I say this,” you scratch your head. “Oh. You gifted me a beanie the other day. Crocheted by you, red with a white pom pom.”
“Yeah,” you say. “Oh.”
You fiddle with the grass that you’re sitting on. “I accepted a long time ago that anyone close to me will be in danger because of, well, who I am. And being Spider-Woman… it’s a responsibility that I have to commit to. I can’t just fall in love.”
A pause. “Who said you can’t?”
“Well,” you stutter. “It’ll put you in danger. And I have to put my Spider responsibilities first.”
She shifts closer to you. “And what if I’m okay with that?”
“You’d… you’d have to actually like me back anyway.”
Danielle punches you on the shoulder.
“Ow!” You frown. “What was that for?”
“For being an asshole.”
“You should’ve just talked to me.”
“I know,” you admit. “But I just felt like I couldn’t.”
“I never stopped thinking about you all these years,” Danielle shakes her head. “I was a mess. I wanted to hate you so much, but I just couldn’t. And I hated that even more.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know,” Danielle says, and the look in her eyes tells you that she really does mean it.
You hesitantly reach out toward her. She grabs your hand and moves it to her face. It’s your turn to cradle her, making sure that she’s really here and that this is real. Her smile is teary. 
“I love you,” you breathe out. And that’s the only thing you want to say for the rest of your life. To make up for all the times that you didn’t. 
“I love you, too.” Her smile is so enchanting and you want to lean in and kiss her.
But gunshots ring out nearby and there’s shouting. You turn to Danielle, distraught. She grabs your phone from your pocket and adds herself as a contact.
“Go,” she nods softly, handing you back your phone. “Call me when you’re done. I’ll tend to your wounds.”
Your eyes flit over to your aunt’s grave. You hope you’ve become a hero she can be proud of. And you thank her for everything. You slip on your mask and stuff your clothes in a backpack.
Being a superhero isn’t all that easy, but you’re glad you have people you love to lean on to relieve the burden. You leap off the ground with confidence, swinging toward the chaos.
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Dedicated to user phamphamz... happy early birthday!
Title is from Autumn by Niki :]
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sserajeans · 1 year
you are in love
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a hanni x fem! reader smau
synopsis: hanni and y/n have been friends since the beginning of time. one could argue best friends, even. but something's different in the air this school year, whether it's the pressure of senior year or y/n's urgent need to break her single streak, it's up to the whole gang to get the girls to realize how they feel (and quick).
starring: hanni minji hyein danielle (nwjns), wonyoung (ive), leehan (boynextdoor), gyuvin (zb1), kazuha (lsrfm), jiwoo (nmixx) and more...
others + genre: childhood best friends to lovers, idiots in denial, fluff, non-idol au, slow burn, angst, love triangle-ISH loosely based off taylor swift's "you are in love"
notes: irregular updates due to school and other stuff, ignore timestamps, will start updating after i finish through half the story!!
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profiles: fish hooks, the backyardigans
playlists: over here!
1. captain y/n
3. girlypops
4. sob sesh? (written)
5. y/n vs diffuser
6. cupid gyubi
9. uhm hi
10. first date?
11. allan gyuvin
12. #FifthHarmony
13. the snitch's story
14. shes grown 🙄
15. does it matter
16. d-day (half-written)
17. twitter debut
18. dumbass y/n
19. simp city
20. should've said no (written)
22. ijbol worthy
23. under pressure
24. match made in ocean (semi-written?)
25. burnt toast, sunday (half-written)
26. wonyoung vs leehan
27. brr it's cold
28. y/n whore allegations
29. the dates
30. let kim cook
31. how u been, y/n?
32. bbangsaz to the rescue!
33. never grow up
34. lee y/n, believe in yourself
bonus: BHB, be honest bro!
35. minji = idiog
36. lee y/n, our superstar
37. can't-doggy-paddle
38. daniyn, hanyn, and... wonyn?
39. oppenheimer sundays
40. avoidant lee y/n
41. the niniz dilemma
42. minji senses
43. WONMIN⁉️
44. making the bed (written)
45. @/cantthinkofausr
46. collision course
47. coffee at midnight (written)
48. we kind of fought
49. 04z!
50. stylish lee hyein, boring lee y/n
51. the christmas fair pt. 1 (written)
bonus: you wanna bet?
52. the christmas fair pt. 2 (written)
53. god's silliest soldier
54. fighting a losing battle
55. sitting ducks
56. paper flowers
57. 2am, cursing your name
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taglist (OPEN): @yyeonmis @lostamoeba @jisooftme @yoontoonwhs @awkwardtoafault @kvnii @lcv3lies @limbforalimb @spritin @kaypanaq @i06kkura @manooffline @kimsgayness @justme-idle @jenaissantex @mightymyo @sewiouslyz @wowowowcake
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modanisgf · 6 months
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☆ summary— you and dani are best friends, you do everything together and tell each other everything. lately though, danielle has been extremely secretive and acting weird so you investigate. you definitely didn’t expect to find out she had a secret identity, or her to be the hero after your heart..
☆ pairing— spiderman!danielle marsh x fem!reader
☆ genre— wlw, fluff, spiderman au, kind of like the concept of miraculous, rewrite of my ‘overdrive’ smau, secret mutual pining, friends to lovers
☆ warning(s)— profanity, mentions of character death, blood, character endangerment
☆ schedule— updates every wednesday
☆ note— everyone thank seventeen for this 🙏 im omw to becoming a carat (based on world_ by seventeen) also thank jay for telling me to make this a smau ❤️
profiles: spiderjeans, yunjin’s bodega
001 — magnetic
002 — 3005
003 — all the stars
004 — hypnotize
005 — i wish
006 — passionfruit
007 — dahood connoisseur..
008 — it was a good day
009 — honest
010 — don’t wanna fall in love
dividers by @rookthornesartistry !
TAGS 🏷️ (OPEN): @jayjj7 @haerinsloverr @mxl633 @hrjunluvs @kissablening @mah4u @idkwhatim-doinghere101 @xen248 @dexthzone @kaypanaq @multiliker @addorations @edenzeepy @sixflame438 @saysirhc
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kkuroshie · 5 months
I'm here
Words: 488
Pairing: idol!danielle x idol!reader
Today Is minji unnie birthday.. yes I'm late because I forgot to buy a gift yesterday.
*phone rings* [hanni is calling]
"Hey unnie" you said while walking back to the car, "Where are you!? The live is starting!" hanni said, "OHHH YEAHHH I'M ALMOST THEREEEE, LOVE U UNNIE" you cut the call before hanni scold you.
[5min. Later]
You arrive at your dorm, as you enter you can hear the gurls shouting, you walk at the door and knock then all of them became silent until "it's me Y/n" hanni open the door and drag you in.
"Y/N-NIE IS HEREE" Minji said as they all clap, "woah, unnie is that your gift?!:" hyein said pointing at your bag, " yeah well i think unnie deserved it" you said while Minji got up to hug you.
It's been 20 min. and you notice danielle is so quiet, You look at her worried it felt like something is wrong but she keeps smilling.
You keep checking her if shes fine until the live ended.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAINN" Hyein said while dragging all the members to a group hug. After the birthday celebration, everyone went to their own rooms and you just slide at the edge of your bed, thinking why danimo is quiet during the live.
You trying to sleep but the worries bother you, so you got up and knock on danielle's door.
*knock, knock, knock*
"Hey dani it's me Y/n" you said as you lean on the door. You hear the door click revealing sad looking face of danielle, you drag your self in and lock the door behind you.
You stare at dani and you can feel shes about to cry, You push her head to your chest and hug her.
"Shhh.. hey It's ok let it out" you said as you pats her back, " I'm tired " she said while sobbing. You notice ur shirt is wet from her tears, you wait her to calm down and guide her to seat at her bed.
" you seem quiet during the live.. you ok?" You said as you keep rubbing her hand
"Yeah.. I'm fine is just that my heart felt lil heavy awhile ago" she said while staring at you, "you know we can't avoid problems but we can solve them.. together, minji unnie is here, hanni unnie, hearin, hyein and ofc me I'm always here for you since day 1" you said looking at her shining eyes, She suddenly hug you so tight and mummbles " I love you y/nnie, so much your the reason why I still have motivation and our fans our bunnies" you chuckle at her cute lil message, "I love u too" you pull away the hug and lift her chin to kiss her.
After all those chitchat, you can see danielle is sleeping so peacefully Its because of your help without you danielle maybe sad or down until now.
A: Sorry ive been busy cuz im graduating this month I hope you guys enjoy this lil story 💖
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earlff · 7 months
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ever fallen in love?
240224 – capa teste;
em caso de inspiração, me credite.
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hannienthusiast · 3 months
My Sunshine (Danielle Marsh)
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In the depths of gloom, Y/N finds an unexpected ray of light in Danielle, whose infectious laughter brightens even the darkest days. What will happen when the worlds of two people from two different upbringings and perspective in life collide?
genre: strangers-to-friends-to-something more?, fluff, angst, slice of life, originally male reader but feel free to perceive YN as you like
contains: strong language, isolation, parental abuse (from backstories)
also available on wattpad: My Sunshine (Danielle x Reader)
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
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bbanghiitomi · 7 months
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PART II: oh mr. jeon...
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synopsis: after letting the prosecutor have her way in the hospital's private garage — you create your own plan ahead and decide it's time to dive deeper in the jeon mansion.
pairing: idol!prosecutor!mdanielle × non-idol!defense-lawyer!fem!reader
U⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠ ⁠UU⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠ ⁠UU⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠ ⁠UU⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠ ⁠UU⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠ ⁠UU⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠
Day 1: Investigation 
"why did you just leave like that? we could've begged danielle to let us investigate further." hyein tells you as she watches you take notes down on your binder, you look at her as you close your binder and give her a look that says: kid, i know what i'm doing.
you may not know marsh the way hyein does but one thing you're sure is no matter how nice idol danielle is, she's still a prosecutor and most of them are hot blooded, stubborn, and prideful — they're not going to let their guard down as long as they're in front of a defense lawyer.
"hyein, i understand that you're concerned but i'm telling you — we have other matters in our hands, we can have this chance to investigate the park or the mansion." you tell her with a raise of an eyebrow, hyein doesn't fight back but she nods instead. just a few walks from the agency, you'd be back at the park and in front of the jeon mansion again.
so you take that chance and as soon as you arrive, to your surprise there's a worried mother standing in front of the gigantic gates.
she doesn't fail to give you the perfect impression of the typical rich mother whose only ever child is a son, takes good care of him and still sees him as a child.
there's not a low chance she has a problem with the wife of her son.
but that would be another case for now.
"oh my son! how worried sick i am now." she says, you brush the non-existent dust off of your clothes and approach the old woman. "are you perhaps, mr. jeon's mother?" you ask her, she looks at you and tilts her head. "and who are you young lady?" she asks you back, you immediately give her a polite bow where hyein followed and you two both receive delightful smiles from the old lady.
"i'm your son's defense attorney, i'm here to ask about your son before i visit him at the detention center." she nods in understanding and you can't help but hear her deep sigh. "i'm so sorry but i hope you understand that my son is innocent, he could never do such crime." she starts, you nod at her and pull your binder from your cross bag. "yes, don't worry about it. i trust your son's innocence. and if you believe he is innocent, then we can prove it." you give her some sort of assurance that you believe her and your client.
one thing you know about your job is that no matter how bad it gets, you can only trust your client and the facts, believing in them is another way you can get through the case and solve it.
"what questions do you want to ask about my son?" she gives you a head-start, you already have listed what you wanted to know about your client so you pull your pen out. "uhm, may i ask? what job does your son have? does this have anything to do with medicine?" you ask, that immediately comes inside your mind.
considering how rich the jeon family is, it's safe to assume that mr. jeon might be a doctor somehow.
this connects to the fact that the victim of the case is a doctor and that one of the crime scenes is the garage of the hospital. you know you have to get something out of the hospital, it shouldn't just be there, there's a reason why danielle went for it too.
his mother thinks before shaking her head. "my son has no job, the only thing he does is be the inheritor of his father's business." well, that's quite shocking... still what business would that be then? you try to shake it off your head for now.
"too many things are happening, the park, in front of our house, and even inside." she says, you perk up at her mentioning that something happened inside their house.
"what happened?" you ask, bringing your pen down as you focus on the gentle woman in front of you, she scoffs and glares at you but particularly not at you as if you're the reason. "thief." hyein gasps as soon as his mother says that, this might have something to do with hyein's once missing purse.
"someone stole from you too ma'am!?" she asks, the cold hard expression from mr. jeon's mother turns even harder, and colder. "yes, some hardened criminal went to steal my most expensive purse." you look at hyein and she looks at you too, okay you two are close enough — very close.
"hmm, weird how hyein's was inside an exhaust pipe." you mutter to yourself before shaking the thought away and bringing the topic back to mr. jeon.
"i'm sure you've heard he became a victim of a hit and run. ma'am, do you think you have any idea how it may have happened?" the mother looks at you before her hardened expression turns soft and gloomy, once again remembering the current state her son is in.
"i would rather not know. i honestly have only heard about the news already after it has happened, knowing he's already in so much danger and to be met by such an accident will worsen his health." you write those down and your ballpoint points at the fact that the mother mentioned something about his health being in danger. you look up to the mother and try to think whether it's a good time to ask a question.
"by saying mr. jeon is in so much danger, what do you suppose you mean by that?" scratch that, any question is good as long as you get something out of it. you can see the mother hesitate a little about whether she would answer this or not, so you give her a little more push. you clear your throat. "it's okay, you don't have to hide anything — in fact, hiding will make things worse because the prosecutor will find out anyway." you tell her as you click the ballpen.
the mother sighs and now speaks. "well, the thing is i really don't know that well too — my son doesn't want to discuss his health with us and keeps it secret. although, his father encourages him to work but he refuses too, saying he has to be there for his wife." she furrows her brows at the mention of mrs. jeon, now you start to wonder what may be the story behind why there seems to be a problem between mrs. jeon and his mother.
you think of what possible questions there are to ask and then. "does he have enemies currently? people who he doesn't get along with?" you ask. she immediately shakes her head. "no, even though my son is stubborn and hot headed, he is very kind to people and gets along well with them." you nod along and maybe she's right but still, you'd have to make sure all of the things she's saying is nothing but just the truth.
"can you tell me about mr. jeon's relationship with his wife? from your description, they seem very close." you add and she nods but there's a look of worry on her face. "my son loves her very much, and i want my son to be happy. they just recently married each other so explains my son's attachment to her." she answers, only now you've just realized that there's a problem while asking the mother some questions.
that his mother might be telling the truth but it's not as vivid as what the actual scenario is.
from her answers, you can come up with the fact that mr. jeon probably wasn't as honest to his parents and is quite secretive.
so you come to conclusions to go and ask him personally, in order to see what you need to be prepared for and what you need to do as soon as possible but the problem is that there might not be enough time to do so. you still haven't seen the park, the fact that the gunshot came from that place means that there's a lot of vital evidence just lying around the park.
"thank you for answering, i'll be back soon if i need some clarification again. thank you for your cooperation, i'll do my best to clear your son's name." you close your binder and see the mother smile at you and hyein. you turn around to see the park, there aren't any police cars any more, but there's a car parked inside.
so you take the chance to enter inside the park and as you walk further, the next thing you see completely baffled you.
it's mr. hwang's food truck, there's a bunch of police tapes surrounding it.
a peculiar thing about the scene is that, there's no markings of where the corpse was found... until maybe when you take a peek inside the food truck itself, there's a mannequin of some sort sitting inside the driver's seat of truck, acting as if it was the corpse itself.
you take note that the door of the driver's seat is open, wide.
the food truck itself is huge, so in order to investigate further — someone needs to enter inside.
and it has to be you, so you walk around the truck, trying to find an entrance until you realize the only way inside has to be on the driver's side because it's the only entrance that is not locked.
you look around and even before you can make way for yourself, someone throws a peanut on you, exactly on the right side of your temple causing you to immediately reach for your face and curse.
"don't even think about it." there's another voice beside hyein and you turn around completely to see a tall girl, maybe around your age too. she's tall, has a very distinct long raven hair, thick eyebrows and plump lips. hyein scratches her nape when you let go of the police tape. "who are you?" you ask her, the familiar looking girl scoffs. "i'm the detective of this case, kim minji." she declares, you pout as you glare at her before composing yourself again.
"and i hate dealing with stubborn nosey people." she adds, before you can even speak, she furrows her brows and points at you.
"stop!" she demands.
"oh my, danielle got you in this case?" hyein asks, you blink and look at the duo before turning your back to them, refusing to listen.
"always, even if i hated this job i'll still take the offer." she grumbles, her eyes shift over to you who is still standing beside the food truck, she brings the bag of peanuts on her other hand and digs her hand inside to throw it to you once again. "what's wrong with you?" you ask her with a groan as you walk on the other side of the food truck.
"hmph. it's snack time." minji can only say.
you take your time to analyze this side of the truck — it's the opposite side, this also has an entrance but you figure that it must be locked. you take a few steps back and your eyes follow what is written on this side of the truck.
"chicken sandwich."
that's it — written in a big visible vibrant color, you thought it's just it.
this side of the truck is where food is served but unfortunately it's hard to take a good look inside because it's also closed.
"don't try to enter, every door except the driver's side is locked." you roll your eyes as you hear minji speak, they're standing on the other side and hyein looks at minji before speaking. "hey, why do you think the truck's here?" she asks minji and you listen, waiting for the older girl to reply.
minji only laughs and she shrugs. "can't say anything." you shake your head chuckling, why did you even think she's actually going to answer?
the truck has got to be used as some kind of cover-up, or simply just to be used for the murder.
"i'm the defense attorney of this case, if you'd be so nice — please give me a copy of the autopsy report." minji's smile drops into a thin line, her thick eyebrows stiffen. "ah, so you're lee y/n? i don't think danielle would be happy if i do give you one." you furrow your brows, you didn't realize danielle would do everything in her will to keep you from finding any vital evidence to support your stand.
she's one hell of a prosecutor.
as much as you'd love to admit that she's one of the most gorgeous girls you've ever laid your eyes upon — it would also be nice if you can admit that she's an annoying prosecutor.
"do you need something?" hyein asks minji, who raises her eyebrows and looks at the youngest newjeans member. "why?" she asks back.
hyein only shrugs and smiles. "y/n works for my mama and her no. 1 job is retrieving items when they're missing or when you need it." you roll your eyes and you hear minji laugh. "oh really?" minji snorts. "really, really!" hyein smiles.
"go on get me something useful here!" minji immediately demanded, shouting for you to hear. you chuckle, sarcastically and close your eyes before biting your bottom lip. "seriously..." you whisper.
"now what?" you ask as you flail your hands and turn to hyein. back at the agency lobby and now looking for something useful in the public park crime scene. there really isn't much around, maybe except for the amount of random stuff inside, such as costumes — hyein's stuff toys and figurines, racks of clothes.
hyein rolls her eyes playfully and she sits on the couch. "come on, we can ask mama about it." you sigh, putting a hand on your waist and you turn around.
"how's the search going?" the door closes and you turn your head to see min heejin with hyunseo behind, the girl smiles at hyein and takes a seat. you sigh and shake your head in visible frustration. "there's a lot on our way, can't find evidence because prosecutor marsh won't let us get near the crime scene." you talk, walking around the lobby. the three other people share a look and hyein grumbles, scratching her cheek.
"that's just the typical prosecutor thing, you're going to get used to it too very soon when you'll have to go against her for a few more cases." min heejin is very calm about this, perhaps it's because she knows better than you do but if that was the case, why won't she stand with you as the guide?
what's stopping her from stepping inside the courtroom?
why does she keep hiding secrets?
"ma, you think there's something here minji could use in a crime scene?" hyein asks, leaning comfortably on the sofa and she yawns. min heejin chuckles and nods, she points at your cubicle. "there's a bottle of white powder in that drawer of yours." you stare at her and then to your small cubicle. saying nothing, you walk inside your cubicle and there it was — the drawer, after pulling a few drawers you are greeted by the sight of a white bottle.
you grab a hold of it and wave it up.
"yes, that's it." you hear your boss' confirmation and you walk out of your cubicle while holding it.
"how is white powder supposed to help with the case?" you ask min heejin, she shrugs and smiles. sometimes you despise her mischievousness and mysteriousness, but you cannot complain.
"you'll learn." she simply says.
you run back to the park and see minji's car still parked, you wave at her and she immediately looks back at you — now without hyein to accompany you. "i got you something." you breathlessly say, you dig your hand inside your bag and pull the bottle. minji watches attentively and her eyes focuses on the bottle. "is that a...?" she trails with her lips.
you widen your eyes as you smile expectantly, but you honestly do not know what this powder is.
you laugh sheepishly. "i honestly don't know but my boss told me you'll be able to use this." you pass it down on her hand, she accepts it swiftly and looks at you for a few seconds.
it's starting to make sense why danielle is pinning you down, you're one of min heejin's current apprentices — min heejin is notorious for pulling stunts during trials or before trials, often hiding secrets and being rhetorical against her rivals.
but minji believes quite the opposite, she's known min heejin even before the woman stopped taking cases, and understands that min heejin's work is clean and honest — she's just too good, this is why a young prosecutor like danielle believes she's playing dirty.
not to mention, danielle is under the care of a judge — this fuels her anger against defense lawyers, deeming them as liars and cheaters.
you seem a lot more different than min heejin, less mischievous, a little naive but you're getting somewhere — minji can see what kind of effect you'll bring inside the courtroom and how much it could change the way the system works.
"this is a fingerprint powder, i gave this to min heejin before." minji tells you, you widen your eyes as you see her expression turn sad and gloomy, as if reminiscing a memory that either she wants to go back to or wants it erased forever.
"she honestly saved me even before things started going downhill..." you hear minji mutter.
by describing the situation with the word downhill, you didn't know what she meant by that or what she's specifically talking about, it intrigued you.
maybe it had to do something with min heejin giving up the law firm office and turning it into a talent agency? honestly it's hard to read through a long history.
min heejin is hiding secrets more than you think she is, and by solving cases you'd be able to piece it all together.
minji sighs before turning her back to you and she faces the food truck again.
"don't tell danielle, i'll help you get evidence you go on just tell me when you need it." she says.
your face brightens up, this is some big news! as of now two of the cases have been solved, hyein's purse has been found and so is the missing food truck. the only problem now is how will you retrieve the food truck back to mr. hwang and how on earth will you find the thief behind the missing purse?
exactly tomorrow is the start of the trial, you haven't had any actual conversation with the defendant, but it shouldn't matter for now. you'll eventually have to find a way to keep mr. jeon from saying anything that could get him in trouble.
starting tomorrow more facts and evidence will be revealed, you're planning to do anything in your will to give mr. jeon and yourself more ample time to think and to investigate, there's more to this case than meets the eye.
and you'll be doing everything to reveal every single one of them.
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youmenotyummy · 1 year
Converse High – P.SH [박성훈] {CH. 15}
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Synopsis: Shin Y/N was given the task to deliver her best friend's love letter to the shoe locker of Park Sunghan, the president of the broadcasting club. It just so happened to be that Park Sunghan's shoe box is situated right next to the shoe box of Park Sunghoon, a boy whose name had a one-syllable difference.
MONDAY 10:38 p.m. — Y/N's Room, Shin Residence
Y/N stared at her popcorn ceiling with a messaging app opened on her phone; the blue line inside of the message bar blinked and blinked as it awaited letters to be typed into it. Y/N was physically exhausted, but her mind was wide awake and running.
'I like you, I like you, I like you' was all that she heard in her head. She thrashed around under her covers and repeatedly hit her head against her pillow. She was sure she had awoken her mom with how loud the headboard of her bed was hitting the wall. Thankfully, nobody came to barge into her room and check on her, signaling that her mother was still asleep.
Y/N turned on her side and stared at her phone. She had Chaewon's chat opened, but the message bar remained empty. Y/N watched the blue line blink and blink and blink. Yeah, there's no way she had the heart to tell her about it right now.
Defeated, she closed out of the messaging app and opened Twitter– her safe haven for venting out all of her emotions with the complete absence of social judgment; maybe not entirely since her friends follow her private account.
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Extra #15! Peeking into the Film-Making Club...🕵️‍♀️🎥
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bomchevique · 11 months
I was the one to get hurt
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→  “Não gosto de finais, mesmo que saiba que eles sempre chegam. Sabia e esperava o nosso final, mas ainda fui pega de surpresa quando ele chegou.”
→ (Eng)  “I don't like endings, even though I know it always come. I knew and expected our ending, but I was still taken aback when it arrived.”
→ Leia: spirit; ao3; ao3 (English translation)
→ capa por @chanyouchan
→ encontre no @en-verso
→ da série the one to get hurt: spirit; ao3; ao3 (English)
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rd0265667 · 1 year
Danielle x Reader: Lightning and Thunder
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A/N: Not gonna lie, this inspired by a bolt of lightning, and I share Danielle's fear of thunder, for the same reason she does. Make of that what you will
Permanent Taglist: @cwpiqwon@justme-idle
Danielle was sunshine incarnate, the constant bright speck in an otherwise colourless world. So one would wonder, does Danielle harbour hate in her heart? Is that heart so pure and full of light like one would assume? Turns out, no, as she just revealed in an interview, she hated Thunder. But a cursory observation would avail you to the knowledge that she wasn't afraid of Thunder. So why does Danielle Marsh, Little Miss Sunshine, hate something like Thunder?
You always hated Thunder. The flash and snap and crackle and boom, it scared the life out of you. Made you go white. If it got bad enough, you'd have to hide, the panic and fear bubbling in you. That's why Danielle Marsh hated Thunder. She hated how Thunder made you feel, the fear she felt for you whenever a lightning bolt struck.
That's how the two of you met too. Danielle was strolling across the school corridor, her attempts to enjoy a nice walk in the school courtyard thwarted by the rain, the dew crashing on the ground in a deafening tune. As she skipped and hummed a tune played on her phone, she noticed a figure shivering under the table. Parts curious and Parts Worried, Danielle entered the room, seeing a bundled up figure, shaking and flinching whenever a flash of lightning shone through the sky, precipitating the thunder. Witnessing your guttural reaction to thunder, Danielle knew what was going on, quickly removing her earphones and placing it in your ears, making you now privy to her presence, looking up in awe at Danielle, the light shining behind her, an angel incarnate, sent from the heavens to save you. She offered you her hand with a smile that shone so bright that it lit up the dark room, a hand which you gratefully took, all the while left mesmerised, paralysed even, under her gaze. A short and curt introduction from you was quashed by the overwhelming enthusiasm and passion Danielle had in just her introduction.
Something about Danielle was magnetic, you couldn't explain it. You found yourself attracted to the Angel who saved you, Gamaliel protecting you from the attacks of Barbiel. Maybe it was the way she got you to open up, adopting the poor introverted kid and showing you around, introducing you to all her friends. Maybe it was the way she had the ability to make you happy just with her presence. Or maybe it was the way she'd jump in her seat when Lightning flashed, quickly turning to you and cupping your ears, holding you to help you stay calm. Your heart grew attached to the Aussie, like a lost puppy following a master, you grew famous amongst Danielle's friends as the +1 to Danielle, seeing one without the other was a statistical improbability. Though you wanted to tell her everything, how you felt about her, but you thought to yourself, this was how Danielle treats everyone, isn't it? Of course it wasn't, Danielle liked you ages ago. She wanted to confess, but curiously, her panache for human conversation seemed to slip through her fingers when she tried to approach the subject with you. It vexed her. Frustrated her that the skill that helped her through her life so far, failed her at this critical moment, when she needed it's help the most. She eventually mustered the courage to do it, sharing a nice ice cream with you as she did. It's a memory she still cherishes.
The two of you found yourselves laying on your bed, exhausted after one of Danielle's manic playing spree. "Do you think I'm shy?" Danielle suddenly asked, causing your head to swing toward hers, a look of curiosity and slight exasperation. Danielle Marsh? Shy? "Oh yeh Dani, I think you're super shy." You sarcastically quipped, Danielle chuckling at the intonations you would make when you mocked someone, a light push to your shoulder as she giggled. "It's like, I don't know, sometimes I want to say something and I just get nervous and I don't say it and it gets really frustrating because I want you to know that I like you but like I can't get to the point and I-" Danielle rambled on, the last few words catching your attention as you couldn't process what she had just said. "You want me to know what?" You tried to clarify, filled with disbelief that you had heard right. Now realising what she had said, Danielle grew red, turning away from you as she tried to find a way to weasel her way out of it, but there didn't seem to be a way. "I like you." Danielle quickly said again, before hiding her face in her hands, terrified about the repercussions she would have to endure should this go wrong. Just as you were about to reply, a ground shattering strike of thunder struck, Danielle's hands flying upward toward your ears covering them, trying to shield you from the noise, holding your face toward her, locking eyes with you to reassure you she was there. In the moment, you were unable to control yourself, and following the confession from Danielle, you crashed your lips into hers, shocking her as she let her hands off your ear. But in that moment, that magical moment, the thunder held no power over you, it's grasp on you loosening as you fell into Danielle's embrace, Danielle still in shock over your sudden action. "Does that mean the feeling is mutual?" Danielle asked as you chuckled "What do you think?"
There it is. Cut and dry. Fairytale ending. Danielle Marsh hated thunder because you did, and she wanted to protect you. That's all. Right? Disney would want you to think so. Danielle Marsh? Not so much
Danielle wished she could say that the relationship was happy through it all. For what its worth. it was. Even if it was only for a short while. The first months of bliss and happiness, a feeling not foreign to most couples. You both graduated from school, both uncertain about what the future would hold, but optimistic, driven toward a joint future, a happy future, together. After awhile, the two of you decided what you were going to do. Danielle wanted to be a Kpop artist, so she applied into SM Entertainment, successfully becoming a trainee. You on the other hand, decided to continue your studies, pursuing higher education geared towards becoming a doctor. Through the first 3 months of your relationship being rarely able to see each other, things were good. Danielle stayed in the SM dorms while you stayed at the hostel of your university. Danielle called you whenever she could have her phone, mostly at night as she'd talk to you to ease your mind, together with hers as well. What raised eyebrows around SM however, was seeing Danielle, regardless of fatigue or exhaustion, bolt up whenever thunder struck, scrambling to the trainers or anyone who would listen to lend her a phone, or allow her custody of her phone again. As the thunder struck, she'd call you, anxiously tapping her feet as the dial tone droned on monotonously, breath held till she heard your voice, reassuring her that you were okay, or allowing her melodious voice to calm you back down. It was magical.
Then, as the weights began stacking up on the glass pane Danielle painstakingly built, the glass began to crack. As Danielle continued her life as a trainee, things got more hectic, training went on for longer, dances got more tiring, vocal sessions more intense. It took everything out of Danielle, but she would crawl to her bed, exhausted beyond belief, but still pull her phone out, a smile on her face as she called you. Things weren't much easier for you. You had begun residency at a nearby hospital as part of a work study program offered by your university that you had foolishly thought yourself capable enough to cope with. Your daily routine became waking to go to work, then going to sleep, barely enough time to do the things that made you feel human. Your only reprieve from all that was your calls with Danielle. The light of your life.
Danielle always thought that you two would have worked, if you had worked for it Try as you two might though, the fatigue took a toll on your relationship, and Danielle wasn't able to do anything about it. It begins small. You miss a call from her while cramming for an exam, and don't bother to call back till she calls back. Then it slowly snowballs. You ignore her calls as you crash onto the bed, rolling your eyes at the notifications as the exhaustion sets in. Her voice memos telling you to rest and how much she loves you go unanswered, ignored by you. Danielle Marsh is capable of great love, and she directed it all toward you. A love any normal person, any good person would appreciate and reciprocate to the best of their abilities. It's a love you brush off to the side. Tunnel vision setting in, chasing your career in the medical field as Danielle's love begins to feel like nothing more than an afterthought. A tolerated love that deserved to be appreciated, celebrated. In Danielle's eyes, it was her fault. Her trying to begin a career as a Kpop Idol forced her to cut almost all contact with you, and it put a strain on her relationship with you. So she tried her best to mend it.
"Dani, this is insane, you can't possibly do this." Aeri whispered, looking about frantically down the corridor, hoping no guards noticed them "It's going to be fine unnie, don't worry." Danielle smiled back, clutching a small Tupperware of your favourite soup that she had squeezed out precious time to make. Worried after a few days of radio silence from you, Danielle devised a plan, sneaking out of the dorm to surprise you with some food in case you hadn't eaten, and maybe steal some moments together with you. It was foolproof. Or so she thought. The windows around the SM dorm were filled to the brim with trees, making it easy to climb out of the windows. What made it not as easy, however, were the thorns and pricks that made climbing it less than pleasant. Still, Danielle persevered, a little blood wasn't going to keep her from you. After much struggle, she finally arrived at your doorstep, taking a moment to compose herself before ringing your doorbell. Then again. And again, only to be met with silence. After some delay, the door finally opened, Danielle with a wide smile on her face as she was excited to see you after all this time. "Oh, it's you. Come in." You monotonously said, not sparing Danielle a second glance as you walked back to your work station. Danielle was slightly taken aback by the coldness, but she paid it no mind, skipping into the room as she saw you looking through some folders. Danielle laid on the couch behind you, beginning to talk and ask you about what had been going on, only to be met with stoic one word answers. You must be tired, and you must be angry at her for all the neglect, Danielle thought to herself. She wanted to make it up to you. Walking up to you, Danielle gently set the tupperware on your work desk, an action you barely registered, much less acknowledged. Danielle then tried to wrap her arms around you, but you quickly shrugged her hands away. "I'm busy." Was all you said, an icy tone adding to the pain your words caused Danielle. "Baby, is everything alright? Did I do something?" Danielle tried to clarify, ignoring the blood on her thigh now staining her pant leg. "Jesus, not everything is about you Danielle. Can't you see I'm busy? I'm here trying to get through this semester and here you are crying for attention like a spoiled brat. For fuck sakes Danielle, can you pull your head out of your ass just once and see that I'm far too busy to indulge in your wants, alright?" You lashed out, turning to stare down the stunned Danielle, not even a hint of remorse evident on your face. You turned back to your work, as tears welled up in Danielle's eyes, but she tried to hide it. In her mind, this was her fault, abandoning you to begin with for her career as a Kpop artist. "I'm sorry, I'll go." Danielle whispered, walking to the door. "Wait." You spoke, Danielle perking up as scenarios bolted through her head. Did you want her to stay? Did you notice her injuries? Were you going to apologise? "Yes baby?" "Take your soup."
Aeri laid uncomfortably on her bed, worrying about the safety of Danielle, her worries being temporarily alleviated as she saw the Australian girl slink back into the room, tupperware in hand, eyes puffy, legs bloodied. "Jesus, Dani, what happened?" Aeri asked as she quickly ran up to the girl, checking on the scratch wounds on the girls leg, but she only forced a smile. "Nothing's wrong Unnie, go to bed. We have an assessment tomorrow. Go rest up alright?" Danielle tried to reassure Aeri, but Aeri ignored the pleas of the clearly downtrodden Girl, pulling Danielle into her embrace as she slowly began to sob
Danielle should have left you, right then, right there. But how could she? She loved you too much to let what could be perceived as a bad day to let you go. You did eventually apologise for that outburst, though Danielle chose to ignore the lack of warmth behind your words. This carried on for months. Danielle would do all she could to spend time with you, efforts that worked to varying degrees, Danielle would try her hardest to make you happy, but it was ultimately for naught, and each time, it was almost identical, an attempt by Danielle, followed by an outburst, then an apology. The only difference Danielle ever noticed, was how the love behind each apology seemed to slowly dissipate, where you were just going through the motions. But the two of you could make this work. Right? Not unless someone did something. And Danielle soon did make a choice. One she would regret
Danielle stood in front of the elevator, hands slightly shivering as she brought along a suitcase. It was a tough goodbye, Aeri both disapproving of Danielle's choice, but also sad to see her go. It was going to be worth it, Danielle thought. She didn't want to be a Kpop idol if it was at the cost of her relationship with you, so she took a step toward mending the relationship. This was close to 2 years of her life, for naught, but for you, she would forsake two more years, and two years after that. Slightly trembling as she stepped out of the elevator, her eyebrows furrowed, thunderclouds beginning to form. Keeping it in the back of her mind, she went to ring the doorbell, which you answered after a short delay. "Good, you're here, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." You said, turning your back to her as she struggled to pull her suitcase into your apartment. "Yeah, me too." Danielle said, barely able to keep her excitement contained as she wondered how you would react to the news, the newfound freedom of having her again, turning the once fleeting stolen moments into everyday occurrences "Let's break up." you said, crossing your arms, sitting opposite Danielle. "What?" Danielle could barely stutter out, in disbelief at what she had just heard. "Let's break up Danielle." You repeated yourself, an astonishing lack of any emotion, any unease behind breaking up with your high school sweetheart. "No, wait, we can make this work. I'm not a trainee anymore, I can spend more time with you now. Please, we can make this work!" Danielle pleaded "What do you mean you're not a trainee anymore?" "I left the agency, for us." Danielle whispered, desperate to get back what she once had. "That's the problem Danielle.  In the face of our careers, my career as a doctor, your once promising career as a K-pop idol. This takes precedence over some silly high school love." You said, turning around to grab a box, filled to the brim with the Danielle's stuff. Looking at the box, Danielle's tears welling up more, seeing the objects you had deemed useless. Danielle's letters, ones Danielle had packed with such love and adoration, such care and concern, still sealed shut. Small gifts Danielle had sent to you, untouched. In her distress, Danielle noticed lightning flash in the periphery, bolting forward to attempt to cover your ears, only for you to swipe her hands away. Danielle looked in shock as you stared at her unflinchingly, the primordial thunder that shook the earth having no effect on you. Falling to her knees, Danielle sobbed as she held the box for support, fist clenched as rage filled her body "You never loved me, did you?" Danielle whispered, looking you in the eye "Take your things and leave Danielle."
So that's the truth behind it all. Hidden behind a smile, Danielle lied about it all, saying she chose to leave SM for health issues, eventually joining HYBE as a trainee, debuting with NewJeans, only the girls in NewJeans privy to the real reason Danielle left SM. Even now, she lied, the host noticing her reaction to the lightning, then probing to find out why. A half lie, that Danielle Marsh hated thunder. It wasn't completely wrong. Danielle Marsh did hate thunder, she hated it because you hated it, and she hated the fear she would feel for you when thunder struck. She hated thunder because every time it crackled, Danielle would bolt up, a need to protect you bursting to the surface, only to remember that you didn't need her anymore. The day you made it clear, that she was not needed, that you didn't love her. That you never did. She hated the way she still felt the need to protect you. The way she still loved you.
The truth is, Danielle Marsh hated Thunder. But she hated you more.
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catslvrr · 9 months
bound 2 (falling in love)
danielle marsh x fem!reader | one shot
Synopsis: Good news: Danielle has agreed to be your pretend girlfriend for Christmas so Haerin can stop extorting you of money. Bad news: Danielle is a bit too good at being a pretend girlfriend.
Contains: suggestive and threatening jokes, cursing, obligatory mistletoe scene
Song: Gingerbread Lover — Ivoris, Chevy
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“I’m so screwed,” is what you say as you plop on the booth across from Minji.
She makes no movement to greet you, engrossed in some YouTube video titled ‘How Ceramic Tiles Are Made’. She’s never expressed any interest in tiles nor has any history with tiles, but this is not anything unusual for Minji.
She’s also playing the video at an uncomfortable volume, not necessarily on full speaker, but loud enough that the people on the next table over could hear and possibly be annoyed at.
You start digging into your chicken Caesar salad and smile to yourself in amusement as you spot Minji’s finished plate of it as well.
The two of you made a pact to eat healthier. Issue is, there’s this one dessert place two streets down that makes some bomb biscoff cookies, and you always catch each other there at least once a week. There’s a silent agreement that this does not break the pact.
You both sit in silence for a few more minutes until the video is finished — you eating and Minji watching.
Minji takes a loud sip of her hot chocolate when the video transitions to an obnoxious outro. “You were saying?”
You retell the story to her with a mouth full of food, and there are occasional offtopic segues, as there always are.
To sum it up: Your cousin Haerin is a force of evil and strangely has a good memory. Allegedly, you made a wager with her when you were both nine years old that you would get a girlfriend to bring home for Christmas when you turned eighteen.
And apparently, if you didn’t find one, you would have to pay her a hundred dollars.
Two things strike you as absurd: that younger you somehow thought you would be charming enough to get a girlfriend, and that younger you somehow thought you would have a hundred dollars just lying around to spare.
And for some reason, Haerin decided to never remind you of this wager until, of course, yesterday. You obviously didn’t believe her, but it was kind of hard to argue with Haerin.
Not because she’s good at arguing, but because she just stands there with this look in her eyes that makes you uneasy. So, you didn’t bother questioning her because you know there’s no escaping this fate.
So now, you have just a few days to find a girlfriend, because there was no way you were paying money. 
There’s also the matter of pride, too.
“Yeah,” you finish off your monologue. “I texted Hanni if she could be my date, but she just ignored it and sent me some TikTok of a stupid looking dog.”
Minji steals a piece of grilled chicken from you, to which you step on her foot under the table. You pull back your feet in time before she can return the favor. You get a glare instead.
“And Hyein?”
A notification ding stops you before you can speak. You lean forward to look at your phone. “Speaking of Hyein…”
Hyein’s text reads, I think I found someone for you! You two meet at the usual cafe at 12 tomorrow :)
“Okay,” you start. “Good news or bad news first?”
Minji thoughtfully chews on another piece of grilled chicken that she stole. Your plate of salad somehow now sits in the middle of the table instead of right in front of you. “Bad news.”
“Well I want to say the good news first,” you wave the fork in your hand dismissively. You’re pretty sure Minji mumbles “asshole”, but you ignore that as well.
“Good news,” you declare with a smile. “I found a girlfriend.”
Minji is unimpressed.
“Bad news,” you sigh. “I have to talk to said girlfriend who is a stranger.”
She is still unimpressed. “This is why nobody wants you. You don’t talk to anyone outside of us.”
“You don’t get it. It’s part of my mysterious vibe,” you grumble petulantly.
“Well, if you don’t want to socialize like a normal person,” Minji is folding a serviette into some sort of disfigured airplane. “Then consider paying Haerin that one hundred bucks.”
“I would never,” you fold your arms. “And even if I would, I can’t, because I literally only have 76 dollars in my bank account.”
You text Hyein back: you’re the BEST i love u so much xoxoxoxoxo
Minji tries to throw her tissue airplane at you, but it flops unceremoniously into your now empty bowl.
She sighs. “I guess I’m paying for lunch.”
“It’s your turn anyway.”
And that’s the end of the conversation, or at least the conversation concerning your predicament. You both spend the next hour babbling on about recent life updates and rehashing the same old stories over and over again.
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“How do I look?”
You have your phone set upright by leaning it on this worn red panda plushie. Its head is permanently twisted after you and Haerin fought for it as kids and ended up ripping it in two, which led to your mom having to stitch it back together. She didn’t do a very good job, clearly.
You see Hanni, or what you think is Hanni, squint at the camera. “Like a bunch of pixels. The connection is so shit that you look like those wendigos from Until Dawn.”
“I’m sure you look fine,” Minji chimes in. This is the first time that she’s spoken since the call started (the call has been going on for half an hour), her camera pointed at her ceiling, and you’re pretty sure she’s half asleep.
“Thanks,” you say. “And I’m pretty sure it’s your WiFi, Hanni.”
You think she’s arguing back, but it’s all a garbled mess, and then the call drops. (It was definitely your WiFi.) You check your appearance one last time before you make your way to the cafe.
The cafe is named “Spill The Beans”, which you find appropriate, because that’s all you ever find yourself doing there. The walk there is a bit long, but the decent prices and good quality make up for it.
Plus, it means that most people would rather go to a cafe that’s closer, so this one has a bit more of a ‘if you know, you know’ vibe to it.
You’re also friends with one of the workers there, and she occasionally sneaks you a free pastry, or even better, gives you gossip about one of the regulars. You smile when you see her signature blonde hair through the window.
The cafe is decorated for Christmas — tinsel stringing on the top and bottom of the windows and cutely drawn candy canes and baubles stuck on the panes. There’s also a cardboard cutout of a snowman holding a coffee cup sitting next to the door. You hear the muffled voice of Mariah Carey.
Your entrance is announced by the light tinkling of the bells. You make your way to the cash register to greet a familiar face.
“It’s beginning to look a latte like Christmas!” Yunjin sings as she twirls clumsily, broomstick in her hand as a microphone. You are forced to stand there and watch this. For some reason, she’s adamant on greeting you with a coffee pun everytime you come in. She has yet to crack a smile from you.
“Stop it,” you groan, scanning the cafe and checking who’s in. There’s only four or five people in right now, most of whom you recognize. She holds the last note, with an unnecessary vibrato, for a few more seconds.
“So,” she leans toward you with an eyebrow raised. “Anything new or interesting you wanna share?”
“Asking for gossip?” You deadpan. “Is that how you take orders now?”
“Just curious,” Yunjin says nonchalantly. “You’re never here alone.”
You give her a scowl. “Don’t act like you don’t know why I’m here.”
There are some things that you can be sure of in life. You know how the saying goes: death, taxes, and Yunjin being all-knowing. She and her little army of spies (spies being her co-workers) are the most nosy people you could ever meet.
You’re pretty sure they consider eavesdropping as their main job, and that the cafe is just a means for them to satisfy their curiosity. (Again, an extremely appropriate cafe name.)
She grins cheekily, dropping her voice to a whisper and tilting her head. “She’s on that table.”
You follow her gaze to the table against the window, where a girl who seems around your age is staring outside like she’s the protagonist of a coming-of-age movie.
Yunjin slides you a slice of a carrot cake and winks. “On the house. Good luck!”
You grab the plate off the counter and slowly make your way toward your future fake girlfriend.
“Hi,” you clear your throat awkwardly as you slip into the seat opposite her. “Danielle, right?”
She enthusiastically nods and smiles. “It’s nice to meet you.”
You slide the plate of carrot cake towards her, to which she gratefully accepts. “Has Hyein filled you in on everything?”
“Hm,” Danielle taps her cheek. “Christmas party, a wager, and me as a fake girlfriend?”
“Sounds about right,” you hum. “Not to be nosy, but is there a reason that you’re doing this? I mean, you’re not getting anything in return.”
“Hyein did say she’d owe me a favor,” she answers with a hint of amusement. “Which I’m sure will come in handy one day. You’re also cute, so it’s a bonus.”
You internally wipe a proud tear. God bless you, Hyein. You make a note to get her something snazzy for Christmas. You were so thankful for Hyein that you didn’t even process the last sentence.
You then realize that you’re just spacing out and probably look a bit crazy, so you quickly clear your throat. “So, we should probably come up with our origin story and all that.”
“We should,” Danielle agrees.
You scratch your nape awkwardly before pulling out a notebook. You have this secret theory that notebooks are a hoax and people just pretend to use them. Which is a bit contradictory for you to say, because you’re using one right now. But you still hold onto that belief.
“So, when did we first meet?”
She seems a bit taken aback by the presence of the notebook, but her face quickly relaxes into a smiling one. “What are your interests? Maybe we share some and that’s how we met.”
“Actually,” you proudly flick to the back of the notebook. “I have prepared for this question.”
It reads: About Me
I like staying indoors
I go to the cafe sometimes
And that cookie place
Cats are cute
“Wow,” Danielle says after surveying your notes. “This is a very… extensive list.”
“Anything that can be used for our story?”
“Let’s just say we met at the cafe,” she decides. You nod in agreement.
“And who approached who first?”
“Definitely me.”
You frown and stop writing. “Why definitely?”
“I mean,” Danielle gestures at you vaguely. “We have to make the story realistic.”
“I hope you mean that because I’m too irresistible, not because I can’t talk to anyone.”
She smiles. “…Right. That’s exactly what I meant.”
“Excellent,” you say, continuing to pen down the story. “So, let’s say about three months ago, give or take, you entered the cafe for the first time. And then you saw me, sitting there all cute and pretty, and you knew you just had to ask for my number.”
“And because I’m never here alone, I’ll just say Minji was in the bathroom. I gave you my number, and then we instantly hit it off.”
“And Minji is…?”
“Oh,” you pause. “She’s a dumbass. Don’t worry about her.”
“Okay,” Danielle says slowly. “And our first date?”
“We’ll get to that in a sec,” you tap your pen. “Tell me about yourself.”
“I,” she heaves out as she bends down to reach into her tote bag. “Have also prepared.”
She slaps a folder on the table that resembles a police case file. You feel a sudden wave of affection crash over you. You immediately open it in anticipation.
It’s an in-depth profile of Danielle. There is the technical stuff, of course: name, date of birth, star sign, MBTI. Then, there’s the ‘favorites’ section: color, animal, season, time of day.
“Oh wow,” you run your fingers over the page. “This is more than I expected.”
You turn the page. There’s a ‘fun facts’ section, although you’re not sure if it’s considered fun. Example: “I once broke a tooth from trying to eat a rock. I also choked on it and my friend had to perform the Heimlich maneuver.”
“Oh wow,” you say again, louder this time, and out of concern more than awe. “Was this when you were a kid?”
“No,” Danielle blinks innocently. “Just last year.”
She is fucking insane. How on earth did Hyein find her?
The last page features results that she got from various UQuizzes, like “what romance trope is meant 4 you?” (ironically, she got fake dating) or “which ‘-core’ aesthetic are you?”
“I’ll make sure to study this when I get home,” you stare at the pages in astonishment.
“Sure,” Danielle smiles. “I was thinking our first date could be at the local arcade.”
A memory of Hanni breaking the buttons and joystick of a fighting game flashes in your mind. The joystick somehow flew and hit a worker in the face. To this day, you still have no idea how it happened.
Regardless, you always look back at the memory fondly, especially because Hanni didn’t even end up winning, despite putting her whole body into smashing the buttons.
“Haerin will know that’s a lie,” you grimace. “I’ve been banned from that place for three years now. Long story.”
She looks curious but continues anyway. “How about a classic dinner?”
“Hm,” you purse your lips. “There’s this amazing Korean restaurant that’s a 10 minute walk from this place.”
“And you’re not banned?”
You laugh and shake your head. “No. They make this amazing jjajangmyeon. I’ll have to take you someday.”
“Sounds good,” Danielle’s eyes twinkle. “I think that’s good enough for now. Anything else I should know?”
“The party is on Christmas day, of course. It’ll just be a dinner and some party games, nothing too serious. After the party, our work is all done!”
“And Haerin,” you hesitate. “She’s nosy. But not in an ‘asking questions’ way, but in a staring way. So we have to act really good if we want her to believe us. Like, a real couple and everything. Like-”
Her laugh cuts you off. “You can say PDA, it’s okay.”
You cough and turn to the side to hide the heat rising in your cheeks, but when you look out the window, you see an odd sight.
Across the street, on a bench, there are two suspicious figures sitting. Suspicious meaning wearing sunglasses, a coat, and a scarf despite it being hot today. Suspicious meaning Minji and Hanni.
No fucking way, you think. Those little fuckers.
“-you okay?” Danielle waves her hand in front of you.
“Huh?” You quickly turn back. “Yeah, it’s nothing.”
“I love physical touch,” she admits, although somewhat shyly. “So I’m okay with hugging and holding hands.”
“Good!” You reply stiffly. “Great. Awesome. All done.”
There’s a mix of confusion, concern, and amusement on her face. “I’ll see you soon?”
“Yes,” you slide your phone across the table before opening her file in front of your face to hide your embarrassment. “Let’s text in between so we get used to talking to each other too.”
The two of you exchange numbers and you watch Danielle leave with a smile and a wave. Minji and Hanni proceed to shuffle inside the cafe, sighing in relief as they take off their ‘disguise’.
“Oh my god,” Hanni whines, resting her cheek on your outstretched palm. “I thought I was gonna die outside.”
You retract your hand in disgust, but not before flicking her forehead. “You’re sweaty. And you deserve it.”
“So how did it go?”
You recount everything that happens. Minji makes you pay for her lunch. You now have 46 dollars in your bank account.
When you get home, you hug your red panda plushie and turn on your phone to see a text from Danielle. You spend the next few days talking to her, your feet kicking in the air and a stupid smile on your face.
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The day of the Christmas party has arrived. It’s due to start at six in the evening, and exactly three hours before that, Haerin sends you nothing but an ominous text: I will be awaiting you and your girlfriend’s arrival.
You roll out of bed and get ready in the morning, and read through Danielle’s file one last time. You’ve annotated it, adding sticky notes and highlighting it, which is more work than you’ve done for the entirety of university so far.
You make sure to put the matching reindeer headbands that Danielle suggested on before leaving. You drive to pick her up and you try not to weigh the meaning of the warmth blooming in your chest as you see her.
“Hi girlfriend,” Danielle puffs her cheeks out and smiles as she gets in the car. It’s awfully cute.
“Before I forget,” you reach over into the glove compartment to grab a little box. “I got you a Christmas present.”
Danielle gasps, eyes shining as she opens the box. It’s a gold necklace with a sun pendant. You remember her eyeing it when you went out to the mall.
You don’t expect her to laugh. “What’s so funny?”
She also takes out a little box from her pocket. “I also got you a present.”
God, she even prepared it with a nice ribbon. You unwrap it to find a silver bracelet with a moon pendant. You think you’re a tiny bit delusional for thinking that you two were meant to be, but you let yourself live in this fantasy just for today.
“Oh my god,” you grin. “We’re matching now.”
The both of you put on your respective gifts before you start the car. You instinctively pass her your phone to pick a song. Of course, she puts on Christmas music. You glance at her as she takes out her crochet supplies.
“What are you working on?”
“Nothing much,” Danielle says. “Just a little cat to add to your car. It’s kind of plain.”
Her thoughtfulness makes you feel an out-of-body experience where you want to scream your lungs out and melt into a gay puddle.
You manage to get out one word. “Cool.”
The two of you pass the time by quizzing each other and ironing out the fine details of your ‘relationship’. And belting your hearts out to Christmas songs.
The drive is only an hour or so, and there’s a tender feeling encompassing you as you truly realize that it’s Christmas. Spending time with family is always nice. Receiving presents is too.
You only see Haerin a few times a year, and Christmas is one of them. Despite your bickering and her foreboding aura, she’s still somewhat endearing.
Danielle looks out the window in excitement as you draw closer to Haerin’s house. There’s a large blow-up Santa set up on the lawn that they reuse every year, and a bunch of other generic Christmas decorations.
You can already spot Haerin in the window of the house staring at your car.
Pretending to check your phone, you mutter, “She’s watching us. Let me open the car door for you.”
Danielle only responds with a giggle. You dash outside the car in record time, open the back to get your cookies and presents, and open the car door for her, as planned.
She surprises you with a kiss on the cheek. You’re sputtering and blushing, and she has to drag you toward the house (and lock the car for you).
By the time you come to your senses again, Haerin has vanished.
You heave out a long exhale and your gaze flickers to Danielle. You find that her eyes are already on you. If there was a person who could embody the joy and comfort that Christmas brings, you think that it would be the girl in front of you right now.  
“You ready?”
Danielle brushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear. For a second, you indulge yourself in the yearning of your heart and pretend that this is all real.
“Of course.”
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Inside the house is chaotic as always. Everyone’s rushing to finish wrapping gifts, preparing the food, putting plates and cutlery on the table, setting up the TV to play Mario Kart, the usual.
You take Danielle around to introduce her to everyone, and you feel slightly guilty as everyone fawns over her. Haerin is the last person you find.
“Haerin,” you say. She nods in acknowledgment. “This is my girlfriend, Danielle. Danielle, my cousin Haerin.”
“Nice to meet you,” Danielle gushes, letting go of your hand to hug her. “I’ve heard so many stories about the two of you and your adventures.”
“Don’t trust those stories,” Haerin says. “She probably changed it to make her look better.”
You whip your head around. “What the f-”
Danielle winks. “Don’t worry. I know how much of a loser she is.”
You take a deep breath in and force a smile. You must maintain the jolly Christmas spirit.
Haerin gives Danielle a once over before nodding mysteriously. She then stalks off to who knows where. Danielle looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
You pat her shoulder. “That’s a good sign.”
“That felt surprisingly easy…”
“Oh no,” you laugh. “We’re just getting started. They’re going to try separate us-”
With perfect timing, you hear your name being called before you’re dragged into the kitchen.
“Be a dear and help us with the food,” your mom says kindly. (You know this is a facade.) You accept your fate and place down the cookies before starting to cut the vegetables for the turkey.
You try to keep an eye on Danielle, who’s now putting ornaments on the Christmas tree with your other relatives.
The Christmas tree has been around since you were a baby, and if you look closely, there's pieces at the back that is slightly charred. Haerin pushed you, you tripped on your own feet, crashed into the tree, and it fell into the fireplace. Alarms went off, neighbors left the house in a panic, the firefighters were called… it was bad.
You strain your ears and try to hear what questions your family are asking Danielle right now, and you hope it’s nothing too over-the-top or personal. She seems to be taking it well though. Your aunt keeps bringing you new things to do and speaking loudly in an attempt to distract you.
“First girlfriend, huh?” Your mom nudges you with her shoulder.
“Yeah,” you laugh awkwardly. “I’m so lucky, right?”
“She seems good for you.”
You pause your chopping. “It’s only been five minutes, Mom.”
There’s a gleam in her eyes. “That’s all I need. And you finally have a reason to go outside for once.”
You roll your eyes and continue chopping. Your aunt comes in at one point, and together, the two of them grill you about the details of your relationship. The words fall out of your mouth just as you rehearsed.
It’s around half an hour later when you’re finally reunited. The dinner is delicious, as always, and it all feels so good.
The light squeezes on your arm, resting her hand on your thigh under the table, making sure you get the crunchy potatoes because that’s your favorite — it feels so good.
And none of this is real, but as you listen to Danielle bantering with your family, your feelings start to feel more real.
The realization sets your heart aflame, just like the fireplace once did to the Christmas tree.
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You’re leaning on the kitchen counter, nursing a can of Sprite as you watch Danielle squeal over Mario Kart (she just got hit by a red shell).
Haerin joins you. She doesn’t announce her entrance but you can sense her presence.
“No money for you,” you smirk.
“No. I guess not.”
Hell yeah. Your bank account is safe. “What do you think of her?”
“She seems too nice for you.”
You elbow her ribs. “Be nice. It’s Christmas.”
“…I’m happy for you.”
“Oh Haerin,” you muster up a sweet voice and open your arms out for a hug. She grabs a knife and holds it in front of her. Nevermind. You take multiple steps backwards.
The race is over, and Danielle finishes in a whopping seventh place. She turns around and looks for you, and smiles when your gazes lock.
You tilt your head, and she tilts her head back in response.
“I’ll be back,” you slither out of the kitchen. “The girlfriend calls.”
You think you hear Haerin scoff but you’re too busy focusing on Danielle. “Did you need something?”
“Yeah,” she says. “Where’s the bathroom?”
“Oh,” you cough. “Sorry, I’ll show you the way.”
You try not to stumble as you hear someone call out “don’t run off and make out!” Thankfully, Danielle takes it well and isn’t weirded out.
You’re unsure if it’s weird to wait outside, but you do it anyway (from a respectable distance) in case she needs anything. When she’s done with her business, the two of you make your way back to the living room, and your worst nightmare (but also a dream deep down) comes true.
Haerin is standing there, with her stupid mischievous smile and Rudolph’s nose on, holding some DIY fishing rod. At the top of that rod hangs a mistletoe.
“Haerin,” you hiss. “Put that down.”
She closes her eyes and pretends she doesn’t hear you. It’s like everyone’s telepathic, because suddenly everyone has their attention turned to you, and they’re egging you on.
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”
This cannot be real, you think. This is some skit or a sick joke.
You turn to Danielle awkwardly.
“A cheek kiss will be enough,” you say apologetically. “We don’t have to-”
She cuts you off with a kiss — a chaste one, but it shocks you nonetheless. You can barely hear the cheers of your family over the pounding of your heartbeat.
Haerin eventually brings you back to Earth by smacking your face with the rod, and everyone’s back to doing whatever they’re doing.
“Sorry,” you see Danielle’s worried face as your vision starts to refocus. “Was that too much?”
“No,” you blurt out. “I’m sorry. Because I actually like you but I just realized that twenty minutes ago and I have to tell you now because I don’t want you to think that I’m using you-”
“I know,” she laughs, grabbing your hand to squeeze. “Me too.”
You blink. “Oh. Cool.”
“…So we’re real girlfriends, right?”
“Yes,” she pokes your nose. “We are.”
“Awesome! Because I was going to ask you to be my fake girlfriend again for New Year’s.”
She rolls her eyes and pulls you back to the living room, and you finally understand, for the first time, all the cheesy Christmas songs.
God bless you, Hyein.
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sserajeans · 1 year
dogs and cats
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a haerin x fem! reader smau
synopsis: out with friends to play frisbee with her pet dog wasn't such a bad idea for y/n, right? well, supposedly yes, but when she trips over a girl from her math class, one she's always found pretty, the two get off the wrong foot. pretty girl kang haerin is unamused, and y/n's desperate to at least befriend her. but dogs and cats never got along... right?
starring: minji hanni danielle haerin (newjeans), gunwook (zb1), jake jungwon (enhypen), rei (ive), eunchae (lesserafim), and more...
others + genre: strangers to enemies-ish to lovers, college au, fluff, comedy tbh, idk what ppl call it... gag fic?, slight one sided pining
notes: just an idea i got from when i went on a walk on campus today..., haven't rly thought abt how long this should be, irregular updates as im starting uni myself, ignore timestamps, will start posting when im done w yail &half of the chapters..
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profiles: rei's dogs, dani's cats
playlist (?): ...
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taglist (OPEN): @yyeonmis @jiwoneiric @hhongchae @lesleepyyy @rangf @limbforalimb @sofakingwoso @awkwardtoafault @rdfgfv @manooffline @mightymyo @imthisclosetokms @masuowo @khaepriv @haerinkisser @haerinsloverr @yyxy27 @phamaple @gtfoiydlyj @olives-on-pizza
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catslvrr · 11 months
heaven sent
danielle marsh x fem!reader | written series
Synopsis: Running on two hours of sleep and desperate to find some joy in your life, you take Minji’s ridiculous suggestion to make an 11:11 wish. Imagine your surprise when a random girl appears in your room the next day, claiming that she’s a ‘messenger of God’ and here to fulfill your wish.
Contains: mentions of death, depression & drinking, complicated family relationships, cursing, suggestive jokes
day 00: prologue
day 01: bucket list
day 02: cat cafe
day 03: ice skating + arcade
day 04: amusement park
day 05: cooking
day 06: art museum
day 07: the rooftop
day 08: the apartment
day 09: beach
day 10: costume festival
day 11, 12, 13: everything in between
day 14: home
day 15: epilogue
day ??: alternate ending
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sserajeans · 10 months
you are in love | 53. god's silliest soldier
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masterlist. next.
taglist: @yyeonmis @lostamoeba @jisooftme @yoontoonwhs @awkwardtoafault @lcv3lies @limbforalimb @kaypanaq @manooffline @kimsgayness @justme-idle @mightymyo @sewiouslyz @txtbrainrot @li0ilthecxnt @captivq @paranoxic @sofakingwoso @pandafuriosa60 @haerinkisser @lesleepyyy @haechansbbg @rosiehrs @jiwoneiric @blue4hour @bzeus28 @keiji-jin @falling-intoo-deep
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modanisgf · 6 months
WARNING(S): kys jokes
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TAGS 🏷️ (OPEN): @jayjj7 @haerinsloverr @mxl633 @hrjunluvs @kissablening @mah4u @idkwhatim-doinghere101 @xen248 @dexthzone @kaypanaq @multiliker
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a/n: let's ignore how i messed up on the messages screenshots 😋 im actually feeding yall this weekend bye......... 800 posts
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