#mobile digital video recording
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monkayy · 11 months
Me the last few months
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feverdreamjohnny · 1 year
The Epitaph of Anything Goes
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I decided that this morning I would talk about The Museum of Anything Goes and the subject of lost media.
For the uninitiated, The Museum of Anything Goes is an obscure "game" released in 1995 by Wayzata Technologies, a company that is so far under the radar that I was unable to find any useful information about it outside of TMoAG.
All I could uncover is that they published a few multimedia projects (which are essentially lost now) alongside some asset discs (clipart, SFX, etc.). That's it.
The brains behind Wayzata are even more difficult to locate these days: there are only two main names credited inside of TMoAG - Michael Markowski and Maxwell S. Robertson.
The game alleges that Michael and Maxwell are well known in the art world, but any additional information about the duo is scarce beyond the confines of the museum. Attempting to search for either name online turns up plenty of rabbit holes - but none of them have anything to do with the Michael and Maxwell responsible for TMoAG.
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This is particularly fascinating because it essentially means that TMoAG is the only accessible record of their lives. Before we dig any deeper into that statement, let me step back and actually address what this game is.
The Museum of Anything Goes is, by definition, a virtual art museum. Functionally it's a prerendered point-and-click adventure game where you can explore a bunch of multimedia exhibits that give the surface-level impression of a children's edutainment game, but once you start exploring further it reveals a side that firmly plants the game's feet into a haze of substance abuse and surreal humor.
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Many exhibits are essentially just toying around with the astonishing new powers of CD-ROM. Everything has to make noise. Everything has to spin and flitter around. There's an air of genuine excitement for the medium, and I can't help but find it extremely charming.
The game also functions as a scrapbook, filled to the brim with photos of random trips to the zoo and snow-mobile rides with friends. At one point we even get insight into something as specific as Michael's one-year job as a tutor at a Chicago middle school, where he talks about how it opened his eyes to how poorly funded and mismanaged the school system is.
It's simultaneously quaint and chilling to see so much personal history packed into a world doomed to obscurity. As I explore the deeper parts of the museum, I contemplate if the creators are still alive today. It's a bit morbid, but imagine that - you create a single obscure game with your friend and it's all the world can see. TMoAG is currently the only surviving piece that gives any insight into who these two men were.
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While many exhibits are lighthearted or nonsensical, there are occasional moments where the game dips into the eerie.
One exhibit has the player kill a man by dropping him from the sky, and after burying him you open the coffin to a video of a rotting pig carcass being put into an incinerator.
Other exhibits just feature simple 3D renders shifting around a dark screen while haunting groans play in the background.
While I would never refer to the game as "scary," its darker moments combined with the occasional mature subject matter definitely begs the question: Who is this game for?
You have to remember that this game came out long before the concept of "alt-games" had become codified in the digital space. Sure, unconventional digital art had been around before the advent of 256 colors, but TMoAG was being sold on disk as a game! It came out 2 years after DOOM hit shelves!
The trend of using the PC for entertainment was certainly on the upswing around that time, but It's not like TMoAG had a massive audience to find a niche in. With its mature themes it certainly wasn't suited for the kids market either, so who was it for?
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At the end of the day, it's a moot question. We already know the target audience for The Museum of Anything Goes: Nobody. It doesn't have an audience because by its nature, TMoAG wasn't being made FOR someone, it was being made BY someone. It's a raw, unfiltered form of personal expression.
I think games like these are pivotal, because they question why people assume a game has to exist for the sake of being a consumable product. TMoAG certainly has the shape of a product: it features an intro cutscene, it has a tutorial, it features intuitive UX, it even has a map! These are all features that are solely integrated to provide comfort to an end-user. But once you actually wander around the museum for a bit, you realize how bizarrely its packaging fits its contents.
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I think TMoAG is criminally underrated. It's not because its core content contains some earth-shaking truth, it's because the game defied all odds and cheated death.
How many thousands of other personal projects were deemed a little "too exotic" to be archived? How much history was lost these past 40 years as the digital space evolved and ate its old skin?
God knows how many other TMoAGs we'll never learn about because they weren't lucky enough to be preserved.
The Museum of Anything Goes isn't just some nonsensical art piece, it's a grave marker for so much lost media. Its existence is a reminder that some people's lives were fossilized, then macerated into nothing because a construction company built a skyscraper over them. The only evidence we have of those other games existing is this little fossil that somehow slipped out from under the skyscraper unscathed.
Even though so much has been lost, TMoAG survives as an epitaph.
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bubonickitten · 6 months
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The ALA's State of America's Libraries Report for 2024 is out now.
2023 had the highest number of challenged book titles ever documented by the ALA.
You can view the full PDF of the report here. Book ban/challenge data broken down by state can be found here.
If you can, try to keep an eye on your local libraries, especially school and public libraries. If book/program challenges or attacks on library staff are happening in your area, make your voice heard -- show up at school board meetings, county commissioner meetings, town halls, etc. Counterprotest. Write messages of support on social media or in your local papers. Show support for staff in-person. Tell others about the value of libraries.
Get a library card if you haven't yet -- if you're not a regular user, chances are you might not know what all your library offers. I'm talking video games, makerspaces (3D printers, digital art software, recording equipment, VR, etc.), streaming services, meeting spaces, free demonstrations and programs (often with any necessary materials provided at no cost!), mobile WiFi hotspots, Library of Things collections, database subscriptions, genealogy resources, and so on. A lot of electronic resources like ebooks, databases, and streaming services you can access off-site as long as you have a (again: free!!!) library card. There may even be services like homebound delivery for people who can't physically come to the library.
Also try to stay up to date on pending legislation in your state -- right now there's a ton of proposed legislation that will harm libraries, but there are also bills that aim to protect libraries, librarians, teachers, and intellectual freedom. It's just as important to let your representatives know that you support pro-library/anti-censorship legislation as it is to let them know that you oppose anti-library/pro-censorship legislation.
Unfortunately, someone being a library user or seeing value in the work that libraries do does not guarantee that they will support libraries at the ballot. One of the biggest predictors for whether libraries stay funded is not the quantity or quality of the services, programs, and materials it offers, but voter support. Make sure your representatives and local politicians know your stance and that their actions toward libraries will affect your vote.
Here are some resources for staying updated:
If you're interested in library advocacy and staying up to date with the challenges libraries are facing in the U.S., check out EveryLibrary, which focuses on building voter support for libraries.
Book Riot has regular articles on censorship attempts taking place throughout the nation, which can be found here, as well as a Literary Activism Newsletter.
The American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom focuses on the intellectual freedom component of the Library Bill of Rights, tracks censorship attempts throughout each year, and provides training, support, and education about intellectual freedom to library staff and the public.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation focuses on intellectual freedom in the digital world, including fighting online censorship and illegal surveillance.
I know this post is long, but please spread the word. Libraries need your support now more than ever.
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storm-driver · 5 days
if i can say my two cents, i worry only slightly for KH as a story for people to enjoy due to the mobile game plethora, wherein key elements that are (seeming to be) crucial for future plot points and even character backgrounds are being placed on mobile phone games, two of which are now completely inaccessible, save the people who have preserved it and recorded it for media sharing sites.
we're running into a refined version of the old "too many consoles" problem, except now there's lost media involved. most of the games are easily accessible, especially with the steam release, thank god. but union cross and dark road do not have any official releases anymore. summary videos and recorded cutscenes are all that's left to experience those stories. and missing link is a mobile game, destined to meet the same fate unless there is time given to make an offline version. which i have my doubts about considering UX's current grave.
in a time where media preserving is so important with everything slowly moving into digital downloads and rare-to-find hard copies, and games being shut down on a dime when they underperform, i worry for the lookback on the series, where we all realize there's just gaps in the story unless you were privvy to watching it all on YouTube before it disappeared.
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astoundingbeyondbelief · 10 months
Kaiju Week in Review (November 5-11, 2023)
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Raven Banner has opened preorders for their impressive Shin Ultraman Blu-ray. I don't which is more surprising—the new subtitle translation for a movie that came out last year or a new audio commentary for a Toho kaiju film. Alex Rushdy and Kevin Derendorf recorded the commentary, so it's sure to be extremely informative. The film itself should look better than the Cleopatra release too, as it's on a 50 GB disc instead of a 25 GB.
ILM's animated Ultraman: Rising film has a teaser. Visuals are striking; dialogue seems generic, though there's not much to go on. I am naturally enthralled by the host playing baseball professionally. His uniform is weirdly logo-free, but he may be on the Yomiuri Giants, the "Yankees of Japan" who currently inhabit the Tokyo Dome. The New Tokyo Dome in the trailer has a powerful force field in place of a roof, though physical shielding can be seen moving into place later. You get the feeling that this city is pretty used to kaiju.
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There's a new kaiju manga on the way from Hiro Nakamichi—Kaiju on the Earth: Volcanus. It's based on a 2019 board game where players manage the response to a kaiju attack, and the first chapter will go live on Shogakukan's Sunday Webry website on Christmas Eve. Hopefully an English scanlator or publisher picks it up.
The Ultraman Blazar manga, meanwhile, already has a scanlator on the job. I haven't had a chance to read much of it yet, but the art is quite impressive. And much further down the line, Marvel will be reprinting its 70s Godzilla comic as part of its Marvel Omnibus line next October. Their previous reprint of the series in 2006 was a black-and-white paperback with cheap paper; this promises to be an upgrade in every way. Seeing it with digitally reconstructed color will certainly be interesting too (h/t Maser Patrol).
A VR game called Godzilla Kaiju Wars dropped some screenshots just in time for (shameless plug) Wikizilla to squeeze it into our Megaguirus Kaiju Profile. Manda and some smaller, original enemies are also in it, and it should be showing up in arcades next year. Another Godzilla arcade game dropping in 2024 is the exceedingly silly-looking Godzilla vs. Kong Smasher. And while most everyone sharing them was relentlessly DMCA'd, a video and a few screenshots leaked out from the mobile game Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers. You control a team of humans instead of monsters, so that's already strike one. Cool to see a comic-exclusive monster (Death Jackal) in it though.
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cartoonedin · 2 months
sapphire dorm + video games hcs. probably ooc but idc <3
sophia touches grass too much to be considered a gamer girl but after rory introduces her to first-person shooters? you're dead. you're gone. you're her dad you're reporting her but she'll never be dead or gone because pro teams all over the country are trying to recruit her. which country. who knows. she only plays at her friends' houses on saturdays because she doesn't want her brother to snitch on her swearing but sometimes she uses her 'oops i fell off a cliff again and need to call for help' projection and gets banned from those houses too. she and her horse-poop-covered hands hate mobile games. her parents are the reason new candy crush levels are still being added but she has neither the patience nor the long-term planning skills for level one. did the genocide route on undertale in record time because she thought it was how the game was meant to be played. into red dead redemption for the horses and the bearded cowboys who learn about fatherhood via gunfights.
ava is a handheld console girlie. if pokemon nurse were an actual profession she'd be employee of the month thirteen times a year. her animal crossing island has a better economy than every continent combined. that being said the day her brothers introduced her to warioware was the day the world was introduced to true bloodshed. has broken at least one controller because of sheer emotional attachment to a cute character. treats pikmin like a survival horror game and dead space like a sci-fi romcom. got the pacifist ending in undertale and does not understand why other rpgs don't have the mercy option. unless rory's in the game at which point she brings out the laser guns or whatever to get back at him for making her reveal her middle name. you know he's let that slip to more than one call of duty lobby ok let a girl live.
layla's favourite game is google chrome. she's boring and i love her for that. she speedruns minesweeper and solitaire to get her mind off particularly devastating biographies. she's friends with everyone's parents on candy crush and scrabble. she could be a gm on chess.com but she overthinks her moves to the point of losing on time despite playing as white. she's almost been hacked so many times because she can't resist correcting bad moves on word formation advertisements and gets led to online casino #infinity or something. she has a lifelong streak on every new york times game except vertex because you cannot tell me wildstar's constant use of her magic didn't destroy her eyesight even further.
isabel puts the bro in smash bros. rotates between king k. rool, sonic, and greninja because she has a brand and it must be tangential to adhd medication. in the same vein as sophia i think she touches grass too much to be considered a gamer girl but she makes rory keep up with madden and fifa news just to figure out if she's been added to the latest installment. she has a skateboard on her dorm wall but never uses it so i'm thinking she played through the og trilogy of tony hawk's games as a kid and echoed every voice line to the point of perfect memorisation. take the word dude away from her and she's mute. also i think she discovered happy wheels on her mom's computer and ruined several important business presentations that way.
valentina is a slightly grown ipad kid. i'm sorry but you can't tell me she didn't steal her style from dress to impress. also she rates everyone one star on those games not because she's a corrupt voter but because she has a sixth sense for when a bitch is hiding bacon hair beneath a hundred layers of sparkles. up there with isabel in terms of lacking screen time video game wise because i truly believe her family would spend their money on better (read: elite-r) past times but she 1000% plays the sims. one world is for planning fashion moments and carrying on the digital furi bloodline. one world is for drowning people by deleting their pool ladders and saying "not now sweetie mommy's cyberbullying the mayor" to her baby who's on fire.
rory's room looks like a gamestop. idc about his canon phone case he is SILLY. he will play anyone in smash as long as it looks funny next to the other character but he has a soft spot for kirby, yoshi, zero suit samus (isabel side eyes him very hard for this at first but it's still a very gay choice i promise) and wii fit trainer. his personality is held together by goat simulator, untitled goose game, and donut county. also duct tape and blue raspberry gum. he trolls a little (a lot) on first person shooters and mmorpgs mostly so he can pretend with an ounce of plausible deniability that he's just having a fun unserious time when sophia and/or ava beat his ass at both even though they're on the same team.
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grim-wildwood · 6 months
Digital Tools
(For the Witch)
You may be thinking, "Locke, you're devoted to the Old Way. Why are you blogging about technology?"
Well, the truth is: I love technology. It makes my life easier, and when it comes to witchcraft, I have found so many different tools to both boost my academic productivity and help keep my focus.
So, without further ado, here are five free programs that I use to study witchcraft with:
Canva Whiteboard
Google Keep
Live Transcribe
Now, I know that new software can be a bit hard to digest, especially if a witch is inexperienced with technology to begin with. So, let me break down everything for you. I've kept all my information short, snappy, and easy to grasp right away.
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Canva Whiteboard
Visual organization
Customizable templates
Infinite space
Cloud storage
Learning curve
Text limitations
A lot of people use Canva for making lovely little infographics, icons, and wallpapers. What they don't know is that Canva has a whiteboard function that allows their users to play with sticky notes, shapes, stickers, multimedia, graphics, and more. I find this absolutely perfect for making mind maps, keeping sigils, and keeping a visual record of herbs and crystals.
This is great for visual-style learners who like to study with minimal writing.
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Aesthetic layout
Customizable font
Group editing
Tagging system
Cloud storage
Limit of 50 articles for free
You must sign up as a "company" (I say coven!)
Mobile app does not allow note editing
Planable was originally designed for planning professional social media posts. However, it's also fantastic for keeping long-form notes. It has all the writing tools you could possibly need for making in-depth articles, plotting out the content of your grimoire, and hosting live study groups. It can handle any multimedia you throw at it. It also has an app in beta for viewing your notes on the fly.
Great for witches who love hoarding all their knowledge in one cozy spot.
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Google Keep
Customizable note backgrounds
Voice memos
Tagging system
Cloud storage
Only has basic font customization
Images only (no video compatibility)
It's short; it's sweet. Google Keep (or simply Keep) is an ad-free notes app that gets down to the nitty-gritty. It's best for lists, checkboxes, short-form notes, and posting pretty pictures all in between.
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Cute and easy app design
Turns goals into a game
Guided meditiation
Daily affirmations
Recieve uplifting messages from friends
Requires a healthy/newer phone to run
Only available on Google Play Store
Finch is charming, useful, and an anchor all bundled into one. Aimed for self-care, this app is no standard pet simulator. Your finch brings genuine companionship from a place of love, sending you affirmations, inspiring quotes, and offering compassion in hard times. You raise your finch by setting and completing goals for yourself, whether it be for self-care, everyday tasks, magick, or all three. The app also offers guided meditation, emergency panic/anxiety attack regulation, journaling, motivation check-ins, and other various emotional wellbeing activities.
The best way to do magick is with a clear and calm mind. Finch is perfect for facilitating this!
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Live Transcribe
Instant loading time
Transcribes in multiple languages at once
Offline usage
May occasionally mishear you
Doesn't shy away from transcribing vulgar language
If the app is closed, you will lose your previous transcription unless history is turned on
Turn it on and let it work! Live Transcribe takes verbage and turns it into a live and fairly accurate transcript for you to format into notes. I personally love finding short video documentaries on history and witchy how-tos to transcribe.
Great for learning and retaining verbal information for witches who may have an audio processing disorder. It's also good for the humble act of hoarding knowledge.
I hope that you find good use out of these digital tools! Have a lovely rest of your week, and enjoy a breath of fresh organization. 🌿✨️
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ghostflowerdreams · 1 year
The Lost Boys are a bunch of hoarders. I can see each of them having a massive collection of things from over the years and from their victims.
If they see something they like, they will take it. For example, if their latest victim has a nice leather jacket that looks like it'll fit them, well, it's theirs now because it never hurts to have a spare -- or twenty more. It's the same thing with jewelry and any cash in wallets.
That's not to say they'll keep everything. What they don't want will most likely be pawned off. Some things they like and actively collect, while other things they will get because of necessity, like candles. Vampires have better eyesight in the night than normal humans, but that doesn't mean they can see in total darkness. This is most likely why they had all those candles lit in the cave.
The cash taken from their victims isn't only used for food, but towards candles, batteries, gasoline, and other things that aren't easily found on their victims or on the boardwalk.
Most of the time they steal shit. They don't even need to use their hypnosis-compel ability or illusions to get want they want. Though I can definitely see them doing things the old fashion way just for the fun of the challenge it brings. Other times they avoid stealing if it'll be something that draws too much attention after a while. After all, the more often something goes missing, the easier it is for unwanted eyes (like vampire hunters) to catch on and make the connection.
Would they even need to worry about being caught on camera or video? One of the points in the film was that vampires don't have reflection in mirrors. We saw this with Michael's reflection being transparent because he was only half-turned, but what if that wasn't the norm anymore (as it could've just been an old mirror)?
Vampires traditionally couldn't be captured in mirrors because they were made with silver, and thus old timey cameras which used silver nitrate plates also couldn't capture the vampire's image. However, modern mirrors are made with aluminum and advances in technology has made it so film/(digital) cameras can do a lot, even capture vampires just fine, well, that's the theory anyway.
I suppose it'll be up to the fans and writers to decide if the boys can be capture or not. Will they be invisible no matter what? Or did that vampirism aspect only apply in the past (because silver was used and is typically a weakness for most monsters), but they can now be caught on cameras? If so, will they look like normal people? Will their eyes give off a weird reflective glare like most animals do in photographs? Or will their imagine be super blurry no matter what anyone does to try to "enhance" it, while everything else in the photo (or video) stays super clear and normal?
I digress. The point is that I can totally see them having piles of stuff scatter around their hotel-cave.
Each one will have a pile of clothes. I wouldn't be surprise if some of it is out of style too. They either forgot about it or still keep it around to help feed the fire because why else do they have those drum barrels around?
They also got a lot of books, vinyl records and cassette tapes. I imagine on slower days or late at night when everything is closed they find ways to entertain themselves, be it by reading, listening to music or the radio. If not, they probably have a collection of various games too like darts, playing cards, monopoly, charades, chess, etc.
As for what does each one personally collect?
Hmm, I guess Marko with the state of his jacket he probably collects patches and pins. Maybe even owns a few sewing thread sets with other art and craft supplies.
In the cave there were some seashell mobile or wind chimes hanging around. I think Dwayne is the one to make it (or one of the boys got it from the souvenir shop, knowing it'd be something he'd like). He might like collecting seashells. I can also see him collecting some books, animal bones, antique keys, sea glass, ammonites, pretty or interesting looking rocks, etc.
Paul is probably the one to expand the collection of music and games. Batteries too, though I wouldn't be surprise if all the boys add onto it and make sure their stockpile of batteries never runs too low. Maybe movies and concert ticket stubs? I don't see him paying for it, though, so he probably snatches them from others. He might even collect or make his own guitar picks too.
As for David...I don't actually know. Probably books, oh, maybe cool looking zippo lighters? He does smoke, so that would make sense. Oh, what if he has a collection of pocket and folding knives? It certainly wouldn't be hard to come by. I imagine there's been plenty of times of people thinking they can take him on with just a knife (this of course is before he reveals he's a vampire). He would probably find it amusing and be like 'oh, how nice' if it's something he doesn't have already. He'll be picky about it, though. No shitty quality knives unless it's aesthetically pleasing.
Other possibilities are watches, badges, matchbooks, dice, shot glasses or keychains from states/countries they've been to (though this might be more of a Marko and Paul thing) and coins.
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rtc art style hcs (bc im an artist and i think they all like art even if they aren't good at it)
ocean: girl does semi-realism and realism exclusively. she's an overachiever, what did you expect? she prefers pencil, but will resort to charcoal or oil paints if given the chance.
constance: she has a dorky-cutesy more cartoonish art style. She likes chibis and generally round shapes. I think she'd draw little comic strips on the kids menus at her parents' cafe or on a big chalkboard wall there. her art is almost always bright and colorful, except for the stuff in her closest-held sketchbook full of vent art completely drawn in black and white. I think Constance would dabble in every medium of art and also has a soft spot for ceramics and sculpture.
mischa: he doodles ironically and shittily. he's not good at art but he does enjoy fucking around and doodling on papers or occasionally noel's arms. He's not a good artist, but he does like to design rap album covers. he draws exclusively in blue or black ballpoint pen
noel: oh, you know he's dramatic with it. his favorite medium is oil paint, though he hates the mess. he pains exactly what you think he'd paint.
ricky: i'm not sure if ricky's disability caused him to lose mobility of his hands (i think they would have mentioned that?) but i think he likes colored pencil and he draws comics. it's something he and constance bond over! he has that classic superhero comic art style and a cartoonish one.
jane/penny: she loves charcoal and oil pastels, but will use just about anything. She also likes those doll repainting videos and digital art. Her art style is more haunting and filled with hidden meanings, but she also draws stuff for her friends. She draws scenes from 1920s France for Noel, Zolarian cat women for Ricky, etc. She once surprised Mischa with a custom painted rap-record cover based off of one of his designs. There's an oil painting of the choir of hers hanging up at the Blackwood Cafe. Ocean owns a charcoal portrait of her cat and a miniature painting of her betta fish that Penny made.
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faizan2f · 1 month
Virtual Classroom Solutions
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Set up a Best Smart Virtual Classroom Solutions with PeopleLink
The need for smart classrooms in schools, colleges, universities and online tutorials is increasing day by day. It is increasingly important for the technical departments of Schools, Universities, and Colleges to understand how to set up the best smart classroom solution for their organization.
An ideal smart and virtual classroom solution not only should provide a seamless classroom environment for the students and teachers but should be easy to set up and use and Affordable to implement. PeopleLink offers smart classroom solutions that transform every traditional classroom to a boundary-less virtual space where students and teachers can interact in a face to face real life like session very easily. This on-demand learning helps students to have a better learning curve wherever they are – either on-campus or off-campus.
With PeopleLink’s complete online classroom package that operates on a unified communications platform, All you need is a moderate bandwidth network coverage in your school or college or any online teaching institute to get the maximum user experience. With innovative and meaningful use of technology, PeopleLink is transforming the way teachers teach and students learn in schools.
Smart classroom technology is a success as visually attractive methods of teaching engage the audio-visual senses and are proven to be more appealing to the students.
Let us understand the main basic requirements to set up a successful Smart Virtual Classroom Solution with PeopleLink.
Desktop , Laptop, Tab or Mobile with Internet Connectivity
The use of familiar technology like desktop or laptop makes students feel more comfortable and confident. Students can connect from their home or distant location to the teacher using the device of their choice as a desktop, laptop or mobile.
Digital Podium (at Teacher’s location)
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Digital Podiums are the modern version of the classic podiums with inbuilt touch screen monitor and laptop interface. This e-podium’s laptop interface is just like any other laptop, enabling you to connect to the internet with video, audio, USB ports, etc. These new-gen podiums are ideal for any smart online classroom and pave way for smarter lectures, seminars, and presentations. These smart podiums come with microphones and digital signal processor which produces HD quality audio.
The lecturer/instructor can operate the whiteboard from the podium using the touch screen monitor, which eradicates the visibility issues among the audience. Proper engaging with the students/attendees can be done. These seamless designs give your smart class room’s or auditorium’s rostrum a great advantage. PeopleLink provides a wide variety of digital podiums.
Auto Speaker Tracking Camera – The teacher can move around freely without the need of an additional person to manage the camera.
The PeopleLink’s speaker tracking camera as the name suggests works with audio positioning and face detection technology. With 12x optical zoom, and 72.5 ° field of view the camera precisely tracks your speaker. This audio-visual tracking camera has inbuilt meeting algorithms that switch between zoom in the speaker and the panoramic view of the enter online classroom as programmed.
This smart camera is exclusively designed for video conferencing, video chats, streaming, recordings from virtual classrooms, auditoriums, etc. The H.264/H.265 video compression and 1080p resolution with 60 fps make every video call or recordings crystal clear giving face-to-face like user experience. This teacher tracking camera has HDMI output, audio output and audio inputs highly compatible with your existing video conferencing system.
Student Tracking Camera – Keep track of all Students connected from different locations
PeopleLink’s student tracking camera is a smart PTZ camera that auto-tracks, and captures the audience in online classrooms, auditoriums or any conference rooms. Auto-tracking and auto-zoom in and zoom out (up to 20x optical zoom) are possible with the embedded image processing and analysis algorithms. Users can configure these cameras very easily with just a few steps. These auto-tracking video conferencing cameras can record high-quality videos (1080p with H.264 video compression) and stores in a local storage module. It also has a static wide-angle camera to capture the classroom at a wider angle.
Where to use this?
Consider that your math teacher has not come to your class due to personal reasons. But has informed that he will connect from home as he knows that yours is a online smart classroom. In such a scenario, the student tracking camera relays the picture-perfect video to the remote location where the lecturer is located.
Document Visualizer – Project Your Documents on Large Screen
Document Visualizers is one of the key players in a smart classroom, meeting room, or training room as it helps every student participant to view the shared documents on screen at full HD resolution. PeopleLink offers you industry best document visualizer named PeopleLink iVision Beta. The smart camera of this device allows you to magnify the document up to 32x optical zoom and 16x digital zoom making the document easily readable. The camera can be rotated at an angle of 350 degrees both horizontally and vertically so that you can get improved coverage of the document.
This camera document scanner’s output can be connected not only to a projector but also to Desktop PC, Laptop, and RGB display out. You could also use the HDMI Port to transmit both high definition video and audio output at the same time.
This makes the document visualizer highly versatile and compatible. The document visualizer’s peripheral also helps to connect to a mic, two audio inputs (from PC and laptop) and audio out enabling the device to send audio along with the shared documents.
Its’ portable design, the camera cover, the intuitive control panel and the left/right fill lights on top of the document tray are added advantages of this document camera visualizer.
Audio DSP and Ceiling Microphones – Hear every Participant Clearly
Are you are looking for a complete and integrated solution for high-quality audio communication for your training rooms, virtual classrooms or any conferencing rooms? Try our PeopleLink DSP CM Pro, you will know why it is the best choice. Our Voice Collaboration DSPs are configured with echo cancellation, noise suppression, and high SNR.
Our Digital Signal Processors supports the wireless mic and has the best mixer which does intelligent sound mixing and recording. The audio processing is basically done with the 3rd Generation of Auctopus Audio Processing Algorithm. Along with this DSP CM Pro, PeopleLink offers Spherical ceiling microphones, which is capable of picking up HD audio up to 10 meters.
This digital audio processor has six 3.81 phoenix interface and bus structure for transferring data. It also has a b-type USB port. This Digital single processor with ceiling microphones is highly compatible with your audio and video software. On the whole, you can present your virtual classroom with streamlined audio using this Audio DSP and ceiling microphones.
Interactive Display – Touch sensitive Display for interactive learning
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The ultimate aim of online smart classrooms is to present the students with intuitive sessions having more scope for interactions. Peoplelink’s interactive displays work hand in hand with you to provide the best virtual classroom experience for both on-campus and remote students. One such notable recommendation is PeopleLink Interactive Display T86, a 86 inch display with 16:09 aspect ratio and 3840 x 2160 pixels 4k ultra HD resolution.
With these interactive flat panel, you can write using your finger and also with an interactive pen. This stunning display provides up to 10 touchpoints, that is, you can write with your 10 fingers at the same time. Isn’t that great?! Yes, when installed on a virtual classroom, you could call up to 10 students at a time and make them write on the screen.
This interactive touch display operates both on Windows and Android operating systems, which opens the horizon of embedding interactive tools, exclusive editing tools, and various learning software. The lecturer can plan for fun engaging activities with all the student participants and easily connect to any mobile device like Chromebook, laptops, tablets, ipads which is welcome to be used in schools and universities worldwide.
With the lightweight and slim design and minimal bezel design makes it easy for installation on walls and does not protrude much from the wall.
This modern and wide interactive screen plays a vital role in the smart classroom and also in training rooms easily bringing all the participants in unison. Try our PeopleLink Interactive Display T86.
MultiLocation Video Conferencing for Education that works even at Low Bandwidth
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When it comes to remote teaching or learning, PeopleLink’s Omnipresence is an apt multi-location video conferencing solution for conducting virtual smart classroom sessions.Omnipresence FeaturesBenefits/UsesVideosGet Ultra HD 4K videosEasy integrationConnects with any remote system with easy integration. Also, deploy at reasonable installation and operational costSmart touch-enabled controllerPeopleLink Insta Controller, a smart portable gadget that controls the entire conferencing system in just a single touch – session initiation, virtual classroom AV control, lighting control of the classroom.Supports up to 16 screens (single or multiple) in houseIn your classroom, you can have up to 16 screens showing remote participants and also supports 16 camera inputsGet uncompromised video audio quality even at low bandwidthNot all remote students may have access to the high-speed internet; sometimes students would also want to take sessions while travelling. Having this in mind, PeopleLink has designed this solution to work even in low bandwidth internet.Share data easilyYou could share rich contextual media or data to all your student participants. By this way, you can make them understand the concepts what you are arriving at very easily. Teaching and learning process is quick here.Transmits multiple video feeds to remote connectorsThe students at remote locations can view the perfect video streaming and transmits multiple videos to the students connected from different part of the world.
All these products and solutions by PeopleLink, serve a great purpose in a smart classroom helping not only the students physically present in the classroom but also those who have connected remotely. PeopleLink’s smart classroom solutions are of great support to the technology-embraced educational systems.
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galaxymagick · 6 months
240320 FLNK_official 🐦
2024 KEN FAN CONCERT [749번째 고백 - My love, My destiny] Global Online Streaming on FLNK! 켄 생일을 온콘으로도 함께 할 수 있는데…💛 🤵뵬빛 예신들… 내 고백 들을 준비 됐어…? ▶2024. 4. 7 (SUN) 7PM KST 🔗 https://flnk.io/shows/65fa89ad36a24c79b61a273c #빅스 #VIXX #켄 #KEN #이재환 #HAPPYKENDAY #749번째고백 #MyLove #MyDestiny #ONLINE #STREAMING #FLNK
You can celebrate Ken’s birthday through OnCon too…💛 🤵starlight prospective brides… are you ready to hear my confession…?
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2024 KEN FAN CONCERT [749번째 고백 - My love, My destiny] 4/7/2024, 7:00 PM, Asia/Seoul | KST (GMT+09:00)
Subtitle Languages Not available Video Quality Auto, 1080p, 720p, 360p Simultaneous Viewing Viewable on 1 device per account Playback Support
Stable wired internet with 20 Mbps or higher in speed
Platform: PC Web, Mobile Web, APP
Browser: Chrome 70+, Safari 13.1.2+ Details 2024 KEN FAN CONCERT [749번째 고백 - My love, My destiny] Announcement of the participation event 💛
🎤 “Please recommend the right words for lyrics of a wedding song created by KEN and STARLIGHT~!!”
💌 "Please write Wedding Vows of you and KEN(LEE JAE HWAN) "
Date & Time: April 7 (Sun) 19:00 KST
Artist: KEN
Running Time: 100min
Ticket Sales: Mar 20 (Wed) 18:00 KST ~ Apr 7 (Sun) 20:00 KST
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FAN CONCERT Exclusive Selfie 2EA
Digital Rewards
Giveaway in April
Available in [MY > My Rewards]
Email and app push notifications upon giveaway
[Guideline for Tickets]
How to buy tickets: Click [Buy Tickets] at the bottom > Go to the ticket page > Click [Order Now]
Ticket Confirmation: MY > My Vouchers/Tickets
For international fans, please select your currency as USD in [MY > Currency]. You can pay with Credit Cards(Visa, Mastercard, AMERICAN EXPRESS, JCB, etc.), PayPal, and Union Pay.
[Guideline for Live Streaming]
How to watch: FLNK > Contents > LIVE Streaming > Click on the live streaming event > [Enter] at the bottom
*You can enter 30 minutes before the live streaming starts.
Refund is not possible once the live streaming starts.
This ticket is for the live streaming service that allows you to watch an offline performance in real-time.
Recording, illegal streaming, unauthorized distribution, or alteration of related copyrighted materials(REPLAY, Digital Rewards etc.) is strictly prohibited. If illegal streaming, recorded content, or related images are found, the person responsible may be held criminally and civilly liable for copyright infringement, and there may be restrictions on using the FLNK service.
FLNK is not responsible for any problems caused by not reading the notice above carefully.
Viewing Information
Only one device is permitted per account.
Click the play button to begin watching.
Smooth viewing requires 20Mbps+ network speed. Public networks may interfere with the connection.
Lower video quality or use Auto if internet speed is reduced.
Video quality options: Auto, 1080p, 720p, 360p (iOS fixed to Auto). Quality may adjust based on the network.
External factors may affect audio and video transmission.
Program schedule and details subject to change due to the on-site situation.
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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Hikaru Solo Live Details (Live Broadcast)
【LIVE Announcement】 For the first time in a long while, Hikaru will be holding a solo live! 🎵 Details about the upcoming live have been revealed on May 20 during a special live stream on the mobile app Music Champ☺️ Wasn’t able to watch the beginning since Keiko decided to do an Instagram Live and obviously, I couldn’t miss out on that XD
Details Date: Date: 2023/0723 Doors open: 17:00 | Start: 17:30 Title: B-day LIVE 2023 -Be the Best day- Venue: CLUB SEATA Tickets: https://eplus.jp/hikarulive/ Lottery period: 2023/5/20 22:00~2023/5/27 23:59 General sale: 2023/6/3 12:00~2023/7/20 18:00 Back-up band: HaKA, Yuki, Yuhei Hisama, Hiroaki Tanabe, Yusuke Suga Notes: The hall has a capacity of 500 people (standing), however, there will be seats for this event so I’m not sure how many people will fit into the venue. According to Hikaru, there will be no guests, no home video release and as of right now, no live stream option.
⁡In other news, Hikaru will hold a special live broadcast on Music Champ on July 2 (19:00~; Sunday) to celebrate her birthday together with us fans. There’s also some sort of “fever” campaign planned, ”fever” is the red firey thingy at the top of each broadcast I think, there’s another orange thingy which also needs to be increased. Not sure about the specifics. Sounds like viewers need to increase Hikaru’s “fever” amount leading up to/during the stream in order to be eligible for a handful of special presents/benefits (e.g. digital photobook for 100 million fever points). A high “fever” number seems to be achieved by buying in-app-items or maybe it’s just necessary to interact a lot and send free emojis? No idea. I don’t understand apps like this at all. Ughh, I really don’t like how this app is forced down our throats...
Live Corner (during today’s broadcast) Hikaru is joined by HaKA (Kenichiro Hakariya), a member of SPICE and C.C.C and the composer of Ambient Border as well as Hikaru’s more recent freelance songs. I love that Hikaru has been singing a lot during her broadcasts lately (inlcuding Kalafina songs) but I hate that I still haven’t figured out how to record those streams T_T 1. Survivor
■App「Music Champ」Download ・App Store https://apps.apple.com/us/app/musicchamp/id1511895708 ・Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.music.champ
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bigsalescoupon · 1 year
Unlock Your Creativity: Domestika's Inspiring Online Courses
Domestika is a platform that offers a variety of online creative courses taught by professionals from different fields such as design, illustration, photography, animation, craft, and more. These courses are designed to help individuals learn new skills, improve their techniques, and unleash their creativity.
Here are some key features of Domestika online courses:
Diverse Course Catalog: Domestika offers a wide range of courses, each focusing on a specific creative skill or discipline. This includes courses on graphic design, watercolor painting, digital illustration, photography techniques, 3D modeling, and many others.
Experienced Instructors: The courses are taught by experienced professionals who are experts in their respective fields. Instructors often share their personal insights, tips, and techniques, helping students learn from their expertise.
Video Lessons: The courses usually consist of pre-recorded video lessons that you can watch at your own pace. These videos are often accompanied by downloadable resources like project files, assignments, and supplementary materials.
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Community Interaction: Many courses have a community aspect, where students can interact with each other and the instructor through forums, discussion boards, and project sharing. This creates a collaborative learning environment.
Lifetime Access: Once you purchase a course, you typically have lifetime access to the course materials. This allows you to revisit the content and practice your skills whenever you want.
Projects and Assignments: Courses often include hands-on projects and assignments that help you apply what you've learned. Completing these projects can give you a tangible sense of progress and achievement.
Certificate of Completion: After finishing a course, you may receive a certificate of completion, which can be a nice addition to your portfolio or resume.
Mobile App: Domestika also offers a mobile app, making it convenient for you to access course materials and continue learning on the go.
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To get started with a Domestika course, you can visit their website, browse the course catalog, and choose a course that aligns with your interests and goals. Keep in mind that each course may have different requirements and levels, so make sure to read the course descriptions and reviews to find the one that suits you best.
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nikhatahmed · 1 month
How to Switch Careers to Digital Marketing?
Today we will discuss Digital Marketing. What is Digital Marketing and its Scope?
Digital Marketing is the blend of traditional marketing principles that uses internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop, computers, mobile phones, and other digital media. 
After COVID-19, Digital Marketing has bloomed to a great height. Digital Marketing has been a crucial element in helping businesses recover and grow after the major hit of pandemic. 
As the field of Digital Marketing is growing rapidly and provides flexibility and diverse opportunities across industries, more and more people are being attracted and making their career transition to Digital Marketing.
There are many ways to pursue a Digital Marketing career even without a relevant degree. Success in Digital Marketing depends on many factors such as practical skills, online certifications and real time experience rather than formal education.
If you enjoy communication, creativity and technology, then Digital Marketing is the right career path for you. Particularly it suits those who have interest and are passionate about content creation, data analysis, and continuous learning and who enjoy working in a fast paced environment.
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5 Steps to High Paying Digital Marketing Career Guide:
Step 1: Ask yourself ‘’Is it the Right Fit for me’’ - if YES - How to Start?
Access AADME’s Free Digital Marketing Training and Subscribe to its Free YouTube Channel to watch 500+ videos on Digital Marketing and learn how Digital Marketing can help a Business. 
ALERT: Don’t over-spend your time on so many different channels as there is a high chance that you may be misguided with false information and fake dreams by those who may offer you Quick Rich Schemes.
Go for Live classes and avoid any recorded material because recorded materials are often not updated as per industry trends
Learn Marketing fundamentals
Check the experience of the Trainer on LinkedIn and other Social Media channels
Check for any Internship Program with Live client Projects
Invest at least 3-4 months of Learning and Implementing
Get Certificates from Google, Hubspot etc.
Step 2: Build your Social Media Profile - A Personal Brand is the Best Attention of Premium Recruiters
Build a Blog to showcase your write ups
Work on a Beta Project such as SEO, Paid Media, Copy Writing etc.
You may start an YouTube/Instagram Handle
Build an attractive LinkedIn Profile
Step 3: Build a Quantified CV and Practice Mock Interview:
Go through the Demo CV
Start pitching your profiles to your Dream Companies
Update Profiles in Job portals
Step 4: Soft Skills:
Writing Skills
Researching Skills
Persuasion Skills
Analytical Skills
Step 5: Biggest Myth: Shall I learn Everything or just Master only one Module?
Dont narrow down your skills
Be an expert in all areas of your domain
Learn T-Shaped marketing
Master in One Specific Discipline; however, you must have broad knowledge in various areas of Digital Marketing
There are various training programs available in the market; however, AADME’s Premium Business Leadership Program can transform your dream career into a BIG reality.
Do you want to be a part of World’s Number 1 Premium Internship Based Digital Marketing and Business Leadership Program? Click on this link to get more information.
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arshiyainfosolution · 2 months
Top Mobile Advertising Agency in Gurgaon, India
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Gurgaon, now officially known as Gurgaon, has rapidly transformed into a bustling hub for businesses, technology, and innovation. As companies vie for consumer attention in this dynamic market, mobile advertising has emerged as a powerful tool to reach target audiences effectively. To capitalize on this opportunity, businesses must partner with the Best Mobile Advertising Company in Gurgaon. In this blog post, we explore the key attributes that define Gurgaon's top mobile advertising agencies and spotlight ARSHIYA InfoSolutions, a leader in this space.
The Mobile Advertising Landscape in Gurgaon
Mobile advertising refers to the practice of reaching consumers through mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Given the exponential growth of mobile internet users in India, particularly in urban centers like Gurgaon, mobile advertising has become indispensable for businesses aiming to maximize their reach and engagement.
Mobile advertising encompasses various formats, including in-app ads, mobile web ads, SMS and MMS campaigns, and mobile video ads. Each format has unique advantages and requires specialized expertise to execute effectively. The Best Mobile Advertising Company in Gurgaon must be proficient across these formats and adept at leveraging data and technology to optimize campaigns.
Key Attributes of the Best Mobile Advertising Company in Gurgaon
1. Comprehensive Service Offering
A top mobile advertising agency should provide a full spectrum of services, from strategy development to campaign execution and performance analysis. ARSHIYA InfoSolutions excels in delivering end-to-end mobile advertising solutions, ensuring that every aspect of your campaign is meticulously managed for optimal results. Their holistic approach enables businesses to achieve cohesive and impactful advertising efforts.
2. Expertise and Experience
Experience is a critical factor in mobile advertising. Agencies with a proven track record bring invaluable insights and a deep understanding of consumer behavior. ARSHIYA InfoSolutions boasts years of experience in the industry, with a portfolio that includes successful campaigns across diverse sectors. Their expertise ensures that they can navigate the complexities of the Gurgaon market and deliver effective advertising solutions.
3. Technological Innovation
The mobile advertising landscape is continually evolving, driven by advancements in technology. The Best Mobile Advertising Company in Gurgaon should be at the forefront of these changes, utilizing the latest tools and technologies to enhance campaign performance. ARSHIYA InfoSolutions leverages cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to optimize ad placements, personalize content, and improve ROI.
4. Data-Driven Approach
Effective mobile advertising relies heavily on data analytics. An agency’s ability to analyze and interpret data can significantly impact the success of a campaign. ARSHIYA InfoSolutions employs sophisticated data analytics to gain insights into user behavior, preferences, and trends. This data-driven approach allows them to create highly targeted and personalized ad campaigns that resonate with the audience.
5. Creative Excellence
Creativity is a cornerstone of successful mobile advertising. Engaging and visually appealing ads capture attention and drive higher engagement. ARSHIYA InfoSolutions’ team of creative professionals excels in crafting compelling ad creatives that stand out in the crowded digital space. Their creativity, combined with strategic planning, ensures that campaigns are both visually striking and effective.
6. Transparency and Reporting
Transparency in campaign performance and reporting is crucial for building trust and making informed decisions. The Best Mobile Advertising Company in Gurgaon should provide clear and detailed reports on key performance metrics. ARSHIYA InfoSolutions is committed to transparency, offering clients comprehensive reporting and analytics that highlight campaign performance, insights, and areas for improvement.
7. Client-Centric Approach
An agency’s ability to understand and cater to the unique needs of its clients sets it apart. ARSHIYA InfoSolutions takes a client-centric approach, prioritizing communication, collaboration, and responsiveness. Their dedication to client satisfaction ensures that campaigns are tailored to meet specific business objectives and deliver measurable results.
Why ARSHIYA InfoSolutions is the Best Choice for Mobile Advertising in Gurgaon
ARSHIYA InfoSolutions stands out as the Best Mobile Advertising Company in Gurgaon for several compelling reasons.
Comprehensive Services: ARSHIYA InfoSolutions offers a wide range of services, from strategy development to execution and analysis, ensuring seamless campaign management.
Experience and Expertise: With years of industry experience, ARSHIYA InfoSolutions has a proven track record of delivering successful campaigns across various sectors.
Technological Innovation: ARSHIYA InfoSolutions utilizes the latest technologies, including AI and ML, to optimize campaigns and enhance performance.
Data-Driven Insights: Their data analytics capabilities enable highly targeted and personalized advertising efforts.
Creative Excellence: ARSHIYA InfoSolutions’ creative team produces visually appealing and engaging ad creatives that capture attention and drive results.
Transparency: Comprehensive reporting and analytics provide clear insights into campaign performance.
Client-Centric Approach: ARSHIYA InfoSolutions’ dedication to understanding and meeting client needs ensures tailored solutions and exceptional service.
In the competitive landscape of Gurgaon, mobile advertising is a critical component of a successful marketing strategy. Partnering with the Best Mobile Advertising Company in Gurgaon can significantly enhance your brand’s reach and engagement. ARSHIYA InfoSolutions, with its comprehensive service offering, technological innovation, and client-centric approach, is the ideal partner for businesses looking to leverage mobile advertising to its fullest potential. By choosing ARSHIYA InfoSolutions, you can be assured of impactful, data-driven, and creative advertising solutions that drive tangible results in the dynamic market of Gurgaon.
Whether you are a start-up aiming to build brand awareness or an established business seeking to optimize your advertising efforts, ARSHIYA InfoSolutions has the expertise and experience to help you achieve your goals. As the best mobile advertising company in Gurgaon, ARSHIYA InfoSolutions is committed to delivering excellence and innovation, ensuring that your mobile advertising campaigns are successful and transformative.
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