#mobile legends fanfic
goldemas1244 · 1 year
Nymphalis Antiopa
A precursor to Happy Birthday. A fanfic featuring Zhask and his little pet spawn, Meric. You can reread Happy Birthday after this to get more of that feel, y'get me? Trust me, it hits SO MUCH DIFFERENT after you know what happened prior.
Notice: This fic features angst and character death, mostly prevalent at the end. Part of the fic may or may not be a reflection of the author's fear of losing loved ones.
I rarely write, so here I'd like my writing mentor @sentinelpri to react to this if you'd like to. Don't force yourself to, it's fine! Take your time!
And thank YOU so much for the support these past few, love you guys so much.
The air was cold, far too cold to sustain any living creature on the frozen earth. But the King of the Kastiyans, Zhask, was not of the planet and so he tolerated it with a flickering vision.
Still, it wasn't as if he hadn't been on edge the past few days. The freezing winds had devastatingly scrambled his DNA (or the alien equivalent of it) and now the only colours he could see were white, blue, and black. Red was out of the question entirely. Kind of like the various insect species he could find in the Land of Dawn, some more similar to his own self than others.
His mind wasn't leaning against the comparison of it though. Rather he was lost in deep thought, staring off into the horizon. To be fair, he himself didn't know what he was thinking about either. Was it the spawn eggs hatching slower because of the Northern Vale's climate? Was it the Swarm he had accumulated in such a short time through extensive research and breeding hacks? Was he thinking about the young huntress dispatched by the Mithlorians?
Ah yes, the young equilibrium. So strong and unconquerable! Such a formidable foe, capable of hauling arse and kicking his too. Just his type, if the universe would let it be. Zhask wished it would. He thought that kind of one-sided love existed only in fiction. Well bug boy, pack your locusts because you're living it.
The humming of the twinkling breeze fell deaf to his ears as he reminisced of their first encounter. The day the prey fell for the hunter. The day Kastiya fell....
Zhask's breath hitched, but it wasn't of the cold.
He remembered the planet he once lived on. Where he grew up, albeit traumatically. Where he had nobody to befriend or to bully. Where he spent his days alone save for dinnertimes and specific sessions.
But it was home after all, and his sentimentality got the better of him.
He remembered how the musicians on the street rubbed their instruments together, enhancing the atmosphere of the farmer's market. He remembered how the little spawns, used to mercilessly annihilate various other weaker planets, became ever so docile and tame in the presence of the Kastiyan children. He remembered the clear crystalline sky and how often he'd stare into its abyss, hoping that one day his life could change for the better.
It probably did, it probably didn't. Who's to say? Stranded on a deserted island with a living colony on a powerful planet to call home... being hunted down by his lightyear-to-lightyear crush... seeking a Kastiya II....
Freedom was what he'd wished for, and he was free now, so why did it still feel wrong?
Choo-choo! went Zhask's train of thought and farther on it went as he sifted through all the good memories he could find of his life back in Kastiya. They were few and far between, punctuated by tasteless shame and wrongdoings, but they existed nonetheless. It was hard to find one he hadn't repeated a thousand times, but he still tried to revisit something at least.
A few moments later, he came upon a memory he hadn't indulged in in a long time.
He was just a little grub, plump and stuffed full with salad dressings, rotten wood, and nuts. A king's boy, a prince soon to be larger than his own two parents. A squishy little smile spread wide upon his face.
His birthday.
A few moments prior Zhask had just emerged from his cozy little egg (which was getting too big for him at the time) and greeted the world with a sniff of the air and the smells of the food it brought with it. Imagine that! climbing out of your humble abode and the first things you sensed were nutritious meals fit for a king! No wonder he grew up to be a foodie!
His first taste was that of decaying wood crackers and boy did he love it; so much so that even now he finds the time to traverse the Land of Dawn to gnaw on some trees. He had so much to eat, he remembered, that he almost didn't notice the procession he was being brought into.
And there Zhask caught a glimpse of his kingdom.
Cheers eurupted from the diverse crowd, excited to see their future monarch. Lights of all colours and shapes decorated the pathway. He was being paraded through the streets in a little earthy carry-on pouch he would soon outgrow. It was overwhelming, but as long as he had his leaves to chew on, he was certain everything would be alright.
He had his future told to him and choirs sung to his birth. He was given a tour of the entire planet with no space left uncovered. He was given various gifts from various individuals with various talents. He was even visited by a strange one-eyed figure, a magician he could no longer recall the name of, who became one of his only friends the world had to offer. They were no longer in touch now, but he hoped they could meet again soon.
Then came the moment he met his army. The Spawn. They bowed down to him and swore in their own chittering language to forever remain loyal to him and whatever cause he stood for.
And then it was time for bed. Thus the memory ended.
His first birthday. The most precious memory he'd kept for so long.
Zhask couldn't recall many other birthdays with similar proceedings or events. All others were mostly standard ones, nothing special (despite all of them being special in their own special way to him). There WAS one where he was given his staf- no that was the seventh anniversary of his coronation day.
A slight tap on his foot brought the wandering king back to reality. Looking down, he met a young spawn. It seemed freshly hatched and curious of the world.
Much like him when he was younger.
He knelt down and picked it up with barely any resistance save for a shocked bounce from it. It was small, smaller than the average size, but that was nothing to discriminate of. So was he, once.
The sentiment Zhask felt for this particular spawn grew into a blooming wheatfield and he affectionately decided to name it and officially designate it as his personal pet. Now if only he could find a name....
Now, he was one for creative names chock-full of symbolism. Which word should he pick for this little one. He thought it should be close to that of Domorey, the Nightmaric Spawn enslaved to his bidding.
Nightmaric... yes, Meric would do.
He spoke it, and the singular eye of the critter beamed bright red. Or at least presumably, given his apparent colour-blindness. No matter. The deal was sealed and now little Meric was precious to him.
Now where was he? Birthdays? No, back to the beginning. Yve? No, way farther back.
Ah yes.
What day was it?
Turning on his claws, Zhask trekked back to his cozy little haven. A small cove full of stolen trinkets and other miscellanous finds, with a few larger spawns guarding the area. Setting down Meric into a little wooden chair he built himself from driftwood, he began to sift through the yellowed pages of a record book by his nestside.
Fourteenth of January... twenty-fourth of March... first of April... ahh yes, toda-
Today was his birthday.
And he had completely forgotten about it.
Time seemed to pass by a lot slower in his current area so he still had some spare hours to spend. But what should he do?
He asked Meric, awaiting an answer, but the little spawn could only chirp and chitter out its reply. Food, sleep, kill, and other similar answers.
But he still wasn't satisfied, so he paced around his room.
Fortunately, his gaze came to turn upon a desk of documents worn with age. His old writings. He remembered the tales he used to string like fine-woven silk. His father never liked it, though his mother inspired him in any way she can. He'd always been a mama's boy as far as he could tell. The memory brought a bittersweet smile to his face.
Who knows if anybody was even still alive after the explosion?
Those cursed Mithlorians, meddling around with business they should've left for casual. Now instead of sportlike destruction, they had brought a plague upon the universe. Even the young Yve, he admitted reluctantly.
A sense of homesickness washed over him, and it seemed Meric could feel it too. It chirped a little click which caught Zhask's attention. Yes, going back to search Kastiya for anything was probably a good way to spend this special day. It was probably going to hurt him, but anything was better than staying one more second in this snowstorm.
So once more he picked up his precious Meric and, with a memo to his guards, set off to a place where he could safely teleport to Kastiya.
Tunneling below the Earth for about half a mile away from his base, he emerged from the ground and walked on five more, just to appease his inner anxieties. As soon as he saw that it was probably enough distance that he might not be traced back to his humble abode, he stopped in his tracks and set down Meric on the cold white powder underfoot.
For his tenth birthday, he had learned how to make portals, and the risks of them as well given how messed up the time-space continuum could get. He had made a few in his lifetime, and they had never failed him once. He wasn't frightened of the risks either, given how his mental capabilities were stronger than most other Kastiyans.
But he had to make this one last. He had an agenda in mind, and he was not holding back on it. He realised that he forgot to bring Domorey with him, but no matter. The space-time rift energy she had absorbed was majoratively transferred to him. He chuckled at the thought of the reason why Yve never caught up to him on time: every single time he passed through the portals, Domorey would suck just enough of its energy to alter its coordinate-perception and send Yve to a different area than him. And that energy he absorbed for backup purposes.
Catching himself up in his dilly-dallying again, Zhask refocused on the task at hand. A finger to his head, he focused his energy on the space infront of him.
Soon, a portal came to life before them, but not to Kastiya. This wasn't what he was looking for.
Reaching into the portal, he extended his claws and slowly curled them until at long last he managed to snag it on something. The fabric of space-time. He pulled on it and the portal burst. It would've killed most individuals, but he'd suffered worse. Also fortunately, poor little Meric was just out of blast-range so it remained unharmed, albeit a little shaken.
The risk was calculated, but the Planes Dominator was good at math. Lo and behold, there lay the foundations of what remained of Kastiya.
His heart sank. He remembered the day. He remembered the screams and shrieks of the young and the old, the strong and the poor, as the flames baked their bodies to a crisp. He could still hear the plagues to his nights, the decay of the only home he ever had. He could stil-
It seemed as if poor little Meric had had enough of this internal monologuing and went to pop its face into space. Its recklessness jolted the mourning king who slapped his face into his palm. Newborns. Absolute nightmares. Thank God he wasn't like that at all when he was younger, or else he would've been more than a centipede-handful for his poor servants and mother.
No worries though, it was space, and the little spawn ended up floating around and bouncing off asteroids in a little spinny square dance. It made Zhask chuckle. He was about to step into it as well when he thought of something he could do.
He placed a hint of rift energy in the folds of the portal.
This would attract Yve.
He had something to tell her.
Stepping through the portal at last, he came to be reunited with poor Meric who was beginning to have a headache from all the asteroid bonking. With one last look at the forlorn portal, Zhask began exploring the ruins of Kastiya.
Of course, there was nothing left save the rubble and rot. It piqued the curiosity of the little spawn but all it did was rouse feelings of guilt and solitude in the monarch's gut. He flitted through the wreckages, determined to find something... or someone... but nothing, and nobody remained.
It was then that he came to an old royal greenhouse his mother once frequented, or what remained of it. She had always loved her flowers and had taught him botany in those very walls. There were many fond memories within the confines of those solid glass panes and many more outside.
Now all that was left was a fraction of what it once was.
Zhask stepped on a piece of glass and recentered his gravity. It broke beneath his feet and he landed inside the chlorophyll-stained room.
It was silent, far too silent. There used to be at the very least a little flutter of wings or perhaps a chittering spawn, but there was nothing here now. Oh well, exploring would be a fine option.
Surely nothing worse could be found... right?
Through glass and thorn Zhask trudged though the greenhouse, searching for relics of a forgotten day and age. He found nothing but rubble. It disappointed him.
He was about to leave when a pile of wood and glass caught his eye. Placing Meric on his shoulder, he dug through the wreckage, curiosity begging him to reach in further....
But as they all say, curiosity killed the cat, and today, it struck the king.
Zhask shifted the rubble to a full extent, but he wished he didn't. For underneath it all was a familiar face, with familiar fur and familiar scales.
"... Sh... Shaloshta...."
("... Mo... Mother....")
There was no mistaking the broken royal tiara and the long, cold, and dead moth eyes.
"Shaloshta... Shaloshta! SHALOSHTA!"
("Mother... Mother! MOTHER!")
He grasped the corpse by her shoulders, and laid her in his lap.
"Shaloshta! Cere di, ralsa mi Zhask!" he cried out in agony. "Cere di Shaloshta, cere di, pavra mi hask! Dis tu khauf bhait! Arka, Shaloshta, arka!"
("Mother! It's me, your son Zhask!")
("It's me Mother, it's me, your little grub! I have come home! Wake up, Mother, wake up!")
But as was Yve in her pursuits, he was too late. She had died far too long ago.
Holding back the tears studded in his eyes, Zhask pulled poor Meric from his shoulders and leaped out of the ill-fated greenhouse. He smashed through rock and tile, through foundations and memories. He didn't care whatever happened to him or his surroundings, he just wanted to get away.
At last, a good distance away, his energy faltered. His spark faded. Fortunately, a chunk of space rock, once bearing a tree fruiting with juice but now a withered stump deviod of all life, came into perspective.
Broken, Zhask sat down on a patch of grassland on the rock and pulled Meric closer to his heart.
He could take it no longer. His heart was to burst.
And as he stroked the little spawn in his hands, he thanked himself for keeping the portal open.
Because there would be no better birthday gift for him... than to finally die as he will live forever onwards.
Forever alone.
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kikiwooo · 4 months
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🎄 | Christmas with them | 🎄
special thanks to @i-love-fredrinn-vance for giving me the idea♥️
Part 2 here.
| reblogs and comments are very much appreciated |
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Every special event was fun with him, because he always has something to amuse you and never let the moment go boring for the two of you. Be it presents, seeing different places and eating all kinds of food, plus having him by your side as your personal furnace and wallet.
The weather wasn't that cold but Fredrinn insisted that you should take his huge ass warm jacket. The two of you nearly did everything, building snowman, making snow angels even play snowball.
"I got you I got you."
Fredrinn chuckled as he lifted you up by your armpits, through this act of kindness, his eyes glinted with mischief. Smirking slightly and thanks that you can't see the growing smirk on his face, his eyes went between you and that big snow pile in front of him, taking ever slow steps towards to it.
Before you can even realise what's he's going to do you, you were thrown into the snow pile, a deep snow pile that is. But, who would have thought it was that deep when everything was silent for some seconds after he had thrown you into it.
Fredrinn blinked twice before taking steps towards to the snow pile and bending slightly to look over it.
Time seemed to be the main problem when you were with Natan. He was always, always busy everyday, every second. Due to him often being in the Future or Past, going back and through, of course he would miss the special events, even confuse the days, months and years.
Natan's lips curved into a small smile after seeing you put hot chocolate on the table, his eyes moving up to meets yours.
"Thank you darling."
His fingers slowly yet gently grabbing the cup and raising it over to his lips and taking a sip, his eyes wandered to window, seeing that it's snowing. He raised his brow in slight confusion, putting the cup down onto the table and turning his head to you only to see you looking out to window smiling.
It was your turn to raise your brow in confusion.
"Yes it is, it's Christmas remember?"
Natan took a step back in his mind, actually, taking two steps back. His mind, full of questions.
With a nervous smile and a sweat drop, he asked whispering.
"I- ...I thought we were in...march..?"
Never a special event was skipped in the Paxley Household, every one of it was celebrated with great care and attention. Aamon was never late to celebrate it with you, always being on the time, earl if possible, with so much presents with him. Today though, seemed to be different.
Normally, Paxley Household would hire a big place to celebrate the special events, therefore you stayed in the Paxley mansion to wait for Aamon. Despite your waiting for your beloved to return, he wouldn't come till it's midnight, I should congratulate you for your patience.
Aamon grunted slightly as he slowly cracked his neck, he was tired after running back and forth, Cici was hard to look after. Always getting on trouble and getting on the nerves of the guards. He walked through the cold and snowy streets, his breath came out as a steam, he shook his head and continued to walk.
In the Paxley Mansion, you had already moved to both of yours shared room. The clock nearly showing midnight, waiting for him really did tired you out, so moving to warm bed really did seemed like a nice option..
Aamon finally managed to reach, even if he's late he came to you, only to find you asleep in the huge bed. He chucked breathlessly, finally taking the present off behind him that he got from Cici's performance, something that he's sure you'd like.
He didn't had the heart to wake you up, instead, choosing to slide next to you in the bed. Slightly sighing pleasantly at how much you warmed the bed bu yourself, he slowly yet gently, sneaked his arm around you and pulled you into his chest.
"Do forgive me...I couldn't came to you on time.."
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druh19 · 6 months
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༝ purple icons/headers ༝ |like and reblog if saved|
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goszixx · 6 months
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Notes: totally didn’t make this two weeks ago-
Warning: reader is a meanie :(, slight crying, overstimulated, no protection, semi public (a common theme in my smut’s apparently)
What a loser. The way his cock sloppily slammed into you, the wet sounds echoing throughout the classroom that he was suppose to be tutoring you in. Not that you need it. You simply asked him as a dare, knowing how it should plan out. A dare to have sex with the cockiest and most uptight kid in the grade. Sometimes you wonder how such a priss is vice president of the student council. With how big the stick is up his ass you wondered how he could focous in anything else.
His pace grew, his thrusts not stopping, jamming into your tight hole as his fingers clenched your legs. They pulled at the fat of your thigh, your eyes narrowing on the vice’s tilted back head and exposed neck. It would have been better if you got to fuck his brother, the president, instead. Aamon was hotter, smarter and all around better person. It drove Gusion mad whenever someone could compare the two. The thought of moaning his brother’s name instead, just to fuck with him, has crossed your mind.
“God I’m fucking yo-u dumb.” Gusion huffed as sweat clung to his bangs. His shirt was off, exposing his slightly tanned skin and lean figure.
“Like hell you are.” You mumbled under your breath after giving a fake nod. Sure the action of sex turned you on but seeing Gusion try to act dominate didn’t. Though what else could you expect from the lesser brother. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m going to cum!”
Semen surged into Gusion’s condom, his head spinning as wet pants left his abused lips. His head fell, brunette locks going everywhere. You rose a brow when he stopped thrusting, noticing how his body seemed tense afterwards. Usually having sex with you has the opposite reaction. However, when you saw a single tear drip down his chin you couldn’t help the scoff that came from you.
Gusion froze, biting his lip. He quickly wiped the tear from his eye and tried not to stammer over his words. “I-I better get going.” He rushed before beginning to pull out. Curiousity got the better of you. You clenched around him, watching as the cutest and dirtiest moan came from his lips. His upper body fell on yours, your legs wrapping around his fitted waist while his face burried in your cupped breasts. You didn’t bother taking your bra off since he seemed to get off just fine.
With your legs, you pulled him closer. He whined in your boobs, hands gripping tightly on your hips. “Is little old Gusion sensitive. Don’t tell me you’re a sub, makes sense why you can’t fuck for shit.” You smirked. It was unexpected, but you could feel the vice president grow inside of you, twitching. You would be lying if you said it didn’t intrigue you.
He picked up his head, chin still resting on your chest, “I’m n-ot submissive you dumb slut.” He bit back with a hiss. Though it’s hard to take anything he says seriously with red dusting his cheeks, the blush blazing to his ears.
The slut comment was fair, he was fucking you in a classroom with you on top of a desk mostly naked. But, that doesn’t mean you’ll let it slide, “Calling me a slut when you can’t even make me cum? For the vice president you sure are stupid to think a person with straight A’s suddenly needs tutoring.”
Gusion choked back a moan as his cock ached in your hole. “I-I-”
“You what Gu Gu?” You teased, your hands cupping his face to bring him closer. His eyes were glossy as tears filled them. “I never d-i-d be-fore!” He argued, though it was more of a cry. His cheeks were hot in your hands, burning and ablaze from the humiliation that seeped through his body.
“I’d hope so, no girl should have to go through that.” You scoffed with amusement. His hips jerked slightly as his eyes rolled back, “fu-ck I can’t do more.” He whimpered, cried, and pleaded for you to have mercy on him. He was a virgin, it’s not shocking how sensitive he was, especially since now he’s more turned on then ever.
A little laugh left your lips, “You say that but your cock is aching inside me Gusion.” Pulling him closer to you, you whispered into his ear, “Do you feel dirty, vice? How about you take off that condom, I’m on the pill anyways. Do you want to know how to pleasure women?” Your tongue traced the shell of his ear, feeling him shudder underneath.
Another whine left his red lips as you nibbled on the skin, a hand going up to pull his hair roughly. “You-u dum-ngh!” His voice shattered in a moan the harder you bit on his ear. You sucked the resistance out of him, making him melt on you. You could feel the sweat of his chest on your stomach as his lips quivered around the flesh on your mounds. For a moment you said nothing, hearing him pant as his cock drifted out of your pussy.
He shuffled, moving his hand down to pull off the condom and toss it somewhere on the floor. A tingling sensation filled your chest from the vibration that came from Gusion. He was speaking but seemed to be too embarrassed. You sighed, “What was that Gu Gu, speak up.”
Painstakingly, the Vice picked up his head. His eyes glowed in lust while his cheeks where illuminated in embarrassment. “Teach me…” He mumbled. For someone so cocky he sure seemed to be a puppy. Funny how that attitude melted away as soon as he got a taste of you.
He swallowed thickly from your stare. He knew that wasn’t enough, he knew you wanted to humiliate him more. “Teach m-e how to f-fuck you.” The Vice stated in a too demanding tone. Your finger traced the lump of his Adam’s apple, watching it bob before he spoke again. “Please.”
Your lips tugged into a smirk as you patted his head, his bangs sticking to his forehead from sweat. “Don’t cum until I say so ok?” Gusion gave a weak nod before picking his body up. You sucked in his sloppy cock with ease as he stammered over his words. Its as if his body ached for you, his tongue seeming too big for his own mouth as he leaned over you and babbled nonsense. His body weight shifted to one of his hands while the other held your hips, pushing them down. His nails dug into you but it didn’t cause pain, he bit his lip as he tried his hardest not to hurt you. “Fu-ck you feel really good~” His pleasure was on a whole other level as you pooled around him.
All of it turned you on. The sight of him flustered and drooling. The smell of arousal radiating from a man who has been secretly pining over you for years. That’s why he picks on you, pokes fun at you, not that it ever worked. So when he got the chance to tutor you he couldn’t pass it up no matter how strange it seemed. The classroom echoed with his moans, only making more embarrassment leak out from his drooling cock. You moved one of your hands to take out your breasts, the other grabbing onto Gusion’s. He flinched at the touch but settled down. His eyes went wide at your perky nipples, they were erected and pretty.
Curiousity got the better of the man as he slid his thumb across the bud. Pride swelled up in him when a small sigh left your lips. He continued that pace, watching you twist and turn from the small stimulation. “Move.” You uttered, one of your hands coming up to scratch his back.
Gusion obeyed with a buzzed expression, a small goofy smile being held on his lips. He tried thrusting but could only make it half way before whining. You clicked your tongue, “How pathetic, I said move didn’t I?”
“I- shit you idiot I ca-n’t!” He groaned. “You’re sucking me too mu-ngh~” The vice’s sentence was cut off by you slamming your lips into his. He cried on your lips as you pressed down on his cock, forcing him to take the rest of you. He whimpered as your tongue invaded his mouth, yet his hips started gaining ryhthem. The wet noises of your pussy flooded his flushed ears as your tongue traced the roof of his mouth. You devoured him, dominated him in his own mouth and man it turned him own. Your wetness dropped onto his thighs as he slammed his cock inside you.
Loving the noises your cunt made only made him go crazier. His hand found your breast again. Pinching and pulling at your nipple as a way to take revenge on you, hearing you moan in his mouth as his eyes roll back. Your hips met his, both of you determine to fuck the shit out of each other. Nails dug into his back, scratching his pretty skin enough that he knew marks would form later. He released your lips and pressed his chest against yours.
Both Gusion’s hands returned to your thighs, pinching at the fat on your legs and lightly slapping your ass to test the waters. He’d rub them after smoothly, never wanting to hurt you. “God, look who likes taking my cock now.” He whispered in the shell of your ear as you gripped him tighter. You grit your teeth, “D-don’t get cocky.”
A light laugh game from Gusion before his teeth grazed your ear. He pulled lightly at the lobe, planting a kiss on the shell before biting on it. He sucked it roughly, no doubt creating a hickey. “Fuck-k Gusion~ keep doing that I’m close~”
“Finall-y y/n. Now cum on my cock for me.” He groaned, moving one of his hands back up to pull at your abused nipples. His balls smacked against the curve of your ass. Everything feeling wet and dirty from how much you were leaking all over him. A choked whimper came from Gusion when he felt you clench around him so tight he was sure it was impossible to move. Your back arched as cum surged into you, leaving it oozing out of you once he pulled out.
Deep breaths left your lips from your release. Your boobs bouncing with your chest, your mouth open and ear ear bruised. Gusion bent down in front of the desk, not caring about the mess you both made on the floor. A hiched breath left you as the vice spread your lower lips open with his fingers. “W-What are you doing?” You hissed but didn’t move.
Lustful eyes peered from brunette locks. Gusion’s tongue rolled out almost as if he were in a trance. Drool peeked from his lips in hunger from the sight. How he destroyed your insides and pumped you full. Now all your mixed arousal was leaking out of your pretty cunt. “Let me clean you up. I’m still hungry.”
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heartsia · 6 months
amiga, faz uns icons da mathilda (ml) que eu digo se esperava 🫣
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ㅤmathilda ♡ mlbb
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kettouryuujin · 16 days
So ya wanna see an Evolution Party? (V2)
The second they’d returned with Lady Lilligant, Akari had basically Extremespeed’d to the supply tent, leaving everyone else in the dust. Rei helped Arezu get her Noble to medbay, grumbling about Dewotts and priorities. Honestly, he didn’t see what the big deal was with this whole “evolution party” anyway.
Honestly, he’d rather rest up and heal. This whole thing was just… a lot to deal with. A whole lot to deal with. And being around the Dewott may only make things worse.
Akari was zipping around the supply hall, going back and forth to try and gather the supplies needed for the party. It was astonishing one hadn’t been planned yet, but there was a crisis afoot. That and these weren’t their natural forms, but. That’s no reason to cheat someone out of one of the most important days of their life!
“So...what’s the plan for when we get this all fixed?” Eh? Fixed? Wott?
“Honestly? Mainly getting rid of all these adaptations, and getting rationing reset.”
Hearing all this caused the Water-type to screech to a halt before she stumbled over another’s words. They weren’t seriously talking about...
“Heh, well. I’d kill to have arms again if you ask me. Sucks that I have to ask for so much help.”
“Legends, that has to suck. I’m just glad I still have mine...” As the pair laughed and walked along, neither deigned to notice the slack-jawed Explorer. And, if she was of a clearer mind, she’d be thankful for that. But as it was, she had only one thing in her mind.
‘Legends, why didn’t I think of that...’
Rei grunted, working his ~~foreleg~~arm a bit. One good thing about these changes, Potions were far more useful. And if Akari was anything to go by, this wasn’t that bad a fate - Jubilife was adapting enough before she showed up, but once the Dewott had shown that life as a Pokemon didn’t have to be uncivilized things picked up the pace.
On his way out, he passed by a Sliggoo’s bed, where the Rock-type Noble helped remove some shards of stone from his Warden’s goopy body. A small chuckle escaped the Raichu’s lips - another training accident, no doubt. The pair had been sparring a fair bit after both had gotten back to health, and he’d heard even Sabi was joining in. It made sense - while Sliggoo were blind, Goodra could see. Best to get that back sooner rather than later, even if they don’t know how long they’ll... be like this...
Eyes slowly went wide as implications went through his head. Sweet Groudon, was that why?
“OOF! Sorry about that Rei...”
“I-it’s alright, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” The duo slowly stood up, avoiding eye contact with each other.
Dust drifted upwards as paws shuffled. “So, umm... W-we don’t have to do the party.”
“I’m not sure where we cou-wait, what?” Embarrassment forgotten, the Electric-type’s eyes darted to look at the Mareepish Dewott.
“Y-yeah, I...I kinda was getting all into it, and forgot you guys. May not be staying this way.”
“I...umm. I actually realized that just now...”
“Wait, what?”
A small nod from the ‘chu. “Yeah, I...I know we want to go back to being human, but we don’t know how we’d do it... or when. So I guess indulging in something like an evolution party might not be that bad, especially if we...you know.”
“O-oh... I see.” Silence reigned over the pair, a small wind stirring up the dust and grass. “So, umm...”
The sounds of exhaustion caused two pairs of ears to twitch, their owners turning over and down to look at the source: A small Growlithe, drenched and out of breath.
Both Surveyors immediately panicked, Akari reaching down to hold the poor thing. “What happened? Is everything ok? Why are you so wet?”
“A-Akari...that’s the young Lord.”
“Wott?” She turned to face her partner (...huh, guess he was!), eyes catching his fear-widened ones.
“He’s not yet taken the Trial yet, but he should be next in line... and Palina watches him like a Staraptor. For him to be here on his own - “
“Something would have to be very wrong...” A shudder overtook the Dewott as she looked back at the shaking canine.
Tears quivered under his bangs as that ruddy muzzle worked, trying to form words - and eventually managing to get something out. “P-please...help...h-help Momma...”
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kirai0daisy · 7 months
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Hello, I wanted to start an account here because I wanted to write things too.
Here is some information:
I'm (right now) mostly active on those fandoms:
°Mobile Legends (Bang Bang)
° Genshin İmpact
° Dream SMP/DSMP
° Teen Wolf (I watched till season 5)
° Jujutsu Kaisen (till to season 1 and 0 film)
° Blue Lock
-! I dont do Character X Character, my account is for Character X (Reader)/(Reader) X Character (There is can be more then 1 character in the same request)
-! I'm taking every kind of requests;
°Fluff °Angst °Lemon/Smut/NSFW °Yandere °SFW °Spicy and etc..
-! I dont write Lemon/Smut/NSFW/Spicy for child characters. I wont do those kind of quests
-! Anyone can give more request then 1. I'm willing to do everything.
I both write for;
°Headcanon(s) or °One-Shot(s) or both at the same time.
I think this all is enaugh for now. Please ask me/write in the comments if you have any questions or quest for me
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mintytrifecta · 2 years
To Know How It Ends and Still Begin To Sing It Again
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40150536
When Ingo and Emmet are ten, they're sitting in their uncle's living room skimming through TV channels.
Emmet kicks his legs, content to just be in his brother's company. He doesn't pay much mind to any channel before clicking the next one while his brother eyes the remote and waits for him to make up his mind. 
He only stops once a familiar name rings out from the speakers.
"Warden Ingo was one of the strangest recorded members of the Pearl Clan, who arrived at the settlement just as fast as he disappeared. Entries from Survey Corps members designated him as the warden to Lady Sneasler."
Both twins spring their heads to the TV with full attention. The channel title says they've arrived at the history channel, and from the looks of it, a documentary about ancient Sinnoh. 
They barely pay much attention to the rest of the recording, however, and instead yell excitedly about how Ingo's name is on the television. 
By the time they drag their uncle to show him, the documentary moves on to the Diamond Clan, much to their disappointment. 
Their uncle laughs, patting Ingo's head and proudly declaring how lucky he is to have a famous nephew. 
Emmet pouts at his obvious act and disbelief while Ingo laughs along. 
Neither hear the TV say how the warden with the twin's name was said to have been separated from his brother. 
Emmet and Ingo are fifteen when the school bell rings and they shuffle into world history class right behind each other, hands coupling them like train cars. 
They sit side by side, arriving before anyone else in the class has (right on schedule, no time for delays) and read the classroom board for today's lesson. 
Hisuian clans during the rift years. The next topic in their Sinnoh unit. 
Emmet grabs an already presented pencil from Ingo's hand with a thankful hum, the younger brother found he could never keep track of where things are as well as his brother. 
He flips open his journal and diverts his attention to the teacher, Ingo doing the same. 
"The two most well-known clans of Hisui were the Diamond Clan and the Pearl Clan. Noted to have been fighting for centuries over what their god, the Almighty Sinnoh represents. The Diamond Clan thought their god represented time and the Pearl Clan’s space.” The teacher began.
He went on to describe how after generations of fighting, the clans brought forward peace with each other at the end of a “great disaster that ripped open time and space” or something of the kind. Emmet finds the topic verrry interesting, but a bit silly. Had either clan really not guessed their god was two separate entities? Despite all the warning signs therein?
"One very interesting thing to note is the surprising involvement of wardens during preparations for the event." The teacher continues, going forth to name every warden present and recorded during that time. 
First diamond's ones. Melli, Iscan, Mai and the like. Emmet admires their necessity for punctuality. A good schedule is key for a good day, after all.
Then came the Pearl Clan.
If Emmet hadn’t been listening, he would have missed it. The off-handed mention of a warden with a familiar name. His brother’s familiar name.
His brother, who was looking intently at the photograph of the Pearl Wardens with a look only he can interpret as recognition beyond a familiar figure. Emmet turns to face it as well, smile faltering when he does.
Warden Ingo had their eyes.
Their silver, striking, practically glow-in-the-dark eyes.
The teacher explains how Warden Ingo wasn’t born into the clan, but rather welcomed in.
The teacher explains how Warden Ingo spent all of his time alone with his Sneasler, yet seemed to be almost an expert at pokemon battling.
The teacher explains how Warden Ingo was said to be an amnesiac.
Emmet and Ingo exit the class trying to ignore the sinking feeling in both of their guts.
“Oh, come on! There’s too many similarities to rule it out.”
“We’re not in the past, Elesa. Nor in Sinnoh.”
“But what if you traveled?”
“Traveled to Sinnoh just to be sent into the past?”
“It could happen, that’s all I’m saying.”
Ingo sighs for the fifth time in the last thirty minutes. Elesa, a close friend of Emmet and his has been stuck on the idea that the elusive familiar face in the past is really Ingo, and not just an ancestor of theirs.
It has been two weeks since they finished their Sinnoh unit.
Emmet is tired of this conversation.
“Look guys, I know it’s weird but you have to admit it’s freaky how similar Ingo is to that guy.”
“I am Emmet, and I am aware of that much.” He acquiesces.
"So you agree?" She tries again. 
Elesa huffs softly, turning to Ingo. 
"You've been quiet, Ingo. What do you think?" 
At first the older twin says nothing, his frown deepening as his body remains frozen. 
"I… don't want it to be me."
The conversation drops the subject after that.
Emmet and Ingo are twenty years old when Gear Station opens up two positions on the Nimbasa subway as Depot Agents. Without question the two apply.
They're twenty three when they pitch the battle subway to the unovan battle facility board and are met with excitable faces and a grant approval one month later. 
On their twenty fourth birthday Elesa gifts them coats that match in all but color, much to her amusement and Emmet's excitement. 
Ingo tries to ignore the way chandelure seems to be haunted herself at the sight of his new uniform.
A historian visits the battle subway on Ingo's singles line. They're blonde, tall and carry themselves as if they held the world on their shoulders. 
The battle they have doesn't last long, one wrong move gave Ingo just enough of an opening to wipe their entire team out in seconds. 
But as he begins to explain the exciting procedure for those who lost, they interrupt him. 
"Do you know what Hisui is, warden?" 
Ingo turns, confused. 
"I beg your pardon?" 
"Have you heard of Hisui?" they repeat again. 
Ingo hums. "The name is vaguely familiar, I believe, but I cannot recall much about it. Why did you ask?" 
The historian smiles, looking as if a thousand lifetimes passed them by. 
"Oh, you just reminded me of someone from that era is all." 
The train hisses to a stop, Ingo likewise. 
"Enjoy your time here, Warden. Before it runs out." 
And with that, they leave. 
Ingo finds it hard to focus on battling as the day progresses. 
Ingo has been pacing for three minutes and five seconds. He is trying to act discreet and thought Emmet wouldn't notice.
Unfortunately for him, Emmet can spot BS a mile away.
"Brother, why are you pacing?" 
"I am not pacing." Comes the reply from the kitchen. "I am merely thinking."
"Of what, getting new tiles? There are easier ways to take them out than to decimate the floor with your boots."
That makes him pause. Good. He doesn’t want to get another noise complaint from their neighbors this month.
"You're clearly bothered by something. You pace when you're bothered.” Emmet replies.
Ingo groans back, rubbing his face with his hands instead of twitching them at his sides. He trudges out into the living room and collapses on the couch.
“Want to tell me about what’s got you down? Or should I complain about your boots on our furniture?”
“Today, a historian battled the singles line.” He sighs and begins talking. “They had mentioned that I appear similar to a figure they studied. A figure from Hisui, they said. Throughout our battle they continued to refer to me as “Warden” even after I stated my name.”
Emmet purses his lips, concern washing over his face. The subject of Ingo’s historical lookalike was always an uncomfortable one between the pair. With how many similarities kept showing up, it seemed less and less like a coincidence.
Emmet didn’t like it.
Ingo liked it even less.
“Should we make a rule that nobody is allowed to speak of it, then?”
Ingo shakes his head. “No, no need. If only one person has brought it up in the entire time we’ve had the battle subway, I doubt it’ll be necessary to ban discussion of the subject.”
“But you are uncomfortable with it.” Emmet says. “One cannot battle seriously if one is uncomfortable.”
“It is not the subject itself that is of issue, Emmet, my personal qualms with its implications are. We do not have to keep people from speaking of it, I merely have to make peace with it being spoken about.”
Emmet bites his lip, unsure of how to reply. Any theory of them having a Sinnohan ancestor have been debunked, as well as their parents getting inspiration for Ingo’s name from history. They were aware it was nonsensical, they were aware it was borderline asinine to entertain the thought, but…
“Do you… do you think it’s really you?”
What other answer do they have, if not that Ingo traveled back in time and lost his memories?
Ingo looks away, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.
That’s all the confirmation Emmet needs.
Emmet and Ingo begin reading on wildlife survival and Hisuian pokemon when they’re twenty six and all doubt of Ingo disappearing has been erased.
Ingo knows he probably won't remember any of it, but it's a comfort either way.
The subway bosses are twenty seven and anxiety has become as commonplace as the incessant texts asking if they're both still here.
Multi lines run at a 20% higher rate of frequency in the last two months than it did for the first three years of its operation. The Depot Agents pretend not to notice.
Emmet and Ingo walk in tandem. Always have. Their boots are loud and draw attention from any passerby they might encounter. They’re a two-car train.
When their steps fall out of synchrony and into syncopation, it’s as if their coupling breaks.
The twins pretend to be unphased.
"You're still here."
"I am." 
"But you won't be for long."
"I won't."
"... Are you ready to leave?" 
"I don't want you to go."
"I don't want to leave."
"But you don't have a choice."
"... I don't."
"Will you remember me?" 
"... I can only try." 
Emmet wakes up with a creaky back and the unmistakable feeling of something missing.
He gets dressed with no hum, no rush and no spirit.
With a hand on his doorknob (too cold, untouched) he breathes a weary sigh, slowly pushing it open to reveal his living room.
Emmet asks the too open space a question he already knows the truth of.
Silence answers.
Ingo wakes up with wind whistling in his ears and the unmistakable feeling of something missing.
The coat he wears is tattered and the colors faded.
His hand shakes, reaching to feel the brim of his hat.
He looks to his left, seeing snowy mountains and blue skies.
Ingo cannot remember how he got here or if he ever left. If this place was home or if he’s somewhere new.
Yet the feeling of relief mixes with unexplainable dread, and Ingo suspects he was always meant to come here.
With a deep sigh, Ingo gets up, whispering to the wind as though it’s a person.
“I’m sorry, I’m finally here.”
Subway Boss Emmet, just short of thirty years old, arrives to work with a smile wider than it should be and a pokemon team twice the size that he should carry.
His coat carries creases and wrinkles only he can recognize as new and eyebags dark enough to be assumed as lifelong.
He walks two paces slower than usual with a bounce in his step looking closer to a falter.
He is tired. He is weary. He is empty and alone.
But he is Emmet, and he has a job to do.
So with no shed tears, nor wilting resolve, Emmet moves forward.
His workload is going to be doubled, after all.
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natanverse · 9 months
Origin of The Spacetime Walker
Chapter 1
"Greatness are destined for you, Natan". As a child was born, a proud parents stare at their child with full of smile. They enjoy the moment like the world is stop for a while. A baby that still cry to adapt in this confusing world that he will realize later, in the end life is about what you did time after time.
Natan, born from a military father and his mother, a well-known scientist in the most civilized city, raised and grew as a smart and full of curiosity. He is the smartest kid in the Academy of Science and Magic since he was still a 5 years of age. Always talk about science with his mother and always talk about weapon technology with his father, Natan always curious about inventing something.
While other kids is always seek for joy in playing together, laugh together, do some mischief act together, Natan is not one of them. Books and his parents activity really drew his attention. The most fundamental question he asked to their parents respectively is, "What is the purpose of this thing?". And their parents always have the same beginning to answer that question, "Everything in this world has its own purpose, son.".
A simple question, asked by Natan every single day to their parents. His mentors and teacher on the academy also asked about this by Natan. Such as what is the formula of this and that, as he believe anything in this world has its own purpose and a fundamental start to become something.
One day, on the way home, Natan just walking around the city park and saw a man with filthy clothes, isolate himself from everyone that on some gathering. Natan approach the man, and see the man is controling an apple without holding it to his own hands. The apple is on the air, just slightly away from his right hand. Natan saw that the apple is always changing from fresh to rotten and bitten and then back to fresh again.
Natan is shocked and amazed at the same time. And then, Natan asked, "What are you doing, sir?". Suddenly, the man that control the apple slowly stop doing his thing and raise from his ground. "This is space and time, kid.". Natan quickly asked with a slight feeling of scared, "Wha.. what do you mean? I've never know about this from my mom and dad and my academy?". The man replied, "O' kid, there is still much time to learn and so much space to explore, because you are the spacetime walker.".
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nell0-0 · 2 years
The first time he opened his eyes and stared up at a clear blue sky, he hadn't known where he was or much of anything at all. The sheer vast expanse of Space laid out, not only in front of him to see but also in display directly into his mind, had overwhelmed the man beyond belief. There was too much going on for his brain to feasibly process. Too many people, too many Pokemon, too many cities assaulting his senses in a relentless attack all at once. Some buildings he distantly recognized, like his beloved Hear Station, the casteliacone stand in Castelia city, the streets he had grown up in all the way in Opelucid city... It seemed like every place there were large masses of people in Unova, there was at least five different places Ingo was seeing. High and down, right or left, in different angles that covered more than what the human sight could achieve on its own. A barrage of familiar places.
And yet, what was actually in front of him was unlike anything he had ever seen before.
Keep reading
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asar-talyer · 11 months
Cough. A huge cloud of dust rises in front of the man, which, like thick curtains, blocks the sunlight, like a sea wave covers his head. Splinters, stones hit the face, the scientist covers his face and bends down until everything settles, and the earth stops trembling.
The fair-haired one is still clearing his throat, but the picture before his eyes is already clear and you can see the battlefield, or rather the remains of some huge old structure and the earth soaked in blood and disheveled from explosions.
Blue sky... Not dotted with clouds, but rare white translucent clouds, and nothing prevents the warm rays of the sun from touching this bloody arena and showing its consequences and horrifying end. The bright color of fresh blood makes the breath go astray and the heart freeze.
Crows. Large black birds that perched on the wreckage, and some of them still hovering in the sky, circling around the perimeter above the bodies, cawing loudly, hoarsely and disgustingly, meaning the approach of death. Nathan shudders, not daring to spend more than a second analyzing everything around him, climbs up the hill to see the full scale of the battle. Looks into the faces of the dead, into their cold and pale bodies. He could not make a mistake in the calculations, because he knew where and for what he came here. The pupil finds the one whom the scientist was so diligently looking for. Clinging to such familiar facial features, the heart skips a beat, and then begins to beat with incredible force that its roar is heard in the ears.
His biggest fears had come true, that slim chance of losing, that horrific end. He flies up to the body and with trembling hands lifts the body to find even a weak, but a sign of life. He is afraid to see death in front of his eyes.
The body is trembling, and the hands are tremors. Unbelieving, as if this is all a terrible dream, he presses his still warm body to himself, whispering something inconsistently under his breath. There is a mess in my head, real chaos, the sobriety of the mind has been shaken, now everything is going to the defiance and he is scared. It would seem stupid... Nathan saw countless deaths that hurt his soul, but he understood that this was all for the sake of saving the future, therefore, rash decisions should not be made, otherwise there would be catastrophic consequences, because of which no one could be saved.
But now... Something irrational prevents you from calmly picking it up. Fear wraps around the whole body with snake rings, slowly suffocating.The crows croaked louder, the blue sky was covered with dark bands of clouds. There is thunder and it starts to rain, washing away the blood and nailing the dust.
Only Nathan silently covered the already cold body of the hero, protecting him from ice drops, in the empty hope that this would change something. Still presses tightly to him, burying himself in the whitish top of his head. Thoughts are drowned out by the sound of rain and the roar of thunder, which unpleasantly beats on the ears.
The nature of the dead did not mourn for a long time, immediately after the thunderstorm the sun comes out, which tends to sunset, painting the sky in the evening bright colors of crimson, burgundy, purple and red.
The scientist comes to his senses from an unpleasant frosty wind current. It's getting cold. He should go, he's spent too much time here.
“And not in vain,” the blue-eyed one thinks.
“I’ll fix it, I promise…” Nathan whispers softly, kissing Chu on the forehead for a short goodbye, “I won’t let this happen again…”
The scientist leaves him, before entering the portal, one last glance at the dead, but so dearly beloved hero, promising not to make any more mistakes. So that Chu would no longer suffer. He will save, protect, will try again and again until a happy ending comes.
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kikiwooo · 11 months
Hello! This is my first time requesting to you, and I would like to request an Aamon x fem reader sfw and nsfw hc. If you're uncomfortable or not interested, feel free to ignore this and if you're interested and notices this, thank you so much for it. Hope you're feeling well and fine, and have a good day/noon/night!!♡
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notes: sfw&nsfw, fem reader, would die to aamon mains without a second thought 💙 good day to you too as well anon ! reblogs r greatly appreciated❣
© @/kikiwooo
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Under his cold and ruthless facade Aamon is an passionate lover. Even if being the Duke is a busy and tiring job, he won't let you go off without any affection for the day. When passing through each other, Aamon will slide his arm around your waist and pull you for a side hug and give you a forehead kiss.
The Duke takes care of his wife with the utmost care and attention and it makes other women burn in jealousy because of how much a great husband he is. Aamon is the perfect men, he's protective, gentle and loving, he's the perfect husband, of course others would want him too. Don't ever doubt his love for you, of course, if you don't want to stand still for the next 30min with Aamon cradling your face, looking deep into your eyes and telling you that he loves you over and over. I wouldn't mind✋
Aamon will make you wear the most expensive clothes, what, the money is not important you know. Seeing the smile that spreads on your pretty lips just makes his entire day. Want a pet? The Duke will make sure that an purebred of your choice of an animal will appear the next day in your shared bedroom. Any specific food, fruit or snack you desire? There's a whole fridge reserved just for the Duke's wife. Plus, the chiefs would make anything you want in just minutes, just say the word.
Aamon keeps his emotions and frustrations to himself, effectively boiling them inside just like a volcano. Therefore he has to let those out behind closed doors, no?
Aamon is a kind guy at heart, he'd never do things that would hurt his beloved wife in any way. He always puts your pleasure before his, Aamon will have you cum under him two or three times before he comes himself. But even this gentleman has his limits, there are times where Aamon just pounds into you mindlessly, letting out grunts and heavy breathes. The way your walls squeeze around his dick just makes him lose his mind.
The mere thought of starting a family with you and continuing the family's name with you aka breeding kink go brrrr
His adrenaline rises and makes his hips sharply snap against yours making both of you moan out loud. His arms holding you down as his dick pounds into your pussy sloppily over and over, it goes deeper and deeper.
" Take it all, take it all...that's it..don't let a drop escape darling..~"
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druh19 · 5 months
olá, você faria icons dos hero do mlbb?
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༝ Mlbb Icons |like and reblog if saved|
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goszixx · 2 months
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Can I take a look inside?
Note: I’m in love with this man
Warning: He calls you Mamas, oral female receiving, massages, he’s your boss, praising, in his office.
You could feel the sweat forming on your neck even in the cold air spewing out of the AC vent above you. You never understood why his office needed to be so cold. It’s not like it was hot outside either, just something the agent enjoyed. It’s not like you were able to question his methods. After all, he is Granger. One of the top agents in the organization, and your boss.
He batted his curled lashes at the report, dark eyes narrowing on on the letters marking the paper. Tan skin slid across the paper in hesitance, as if stuck on something. You assumed it was a typo and cursed yourself for it.
Whisky sat on his desk; a small portion settling in his custom made glass. “How does it look? I know we didn’t get the exact information you needed but…” trailing off, you hesitated to finish. The black office chair squeaked when your boss leaned back. A sigh left reddened lips. You couldn’t help your eyes tracing the perfect arch they made of the pretty point of his nose. His brows were thin, eyes narrowed.
It was best that you divert your attention to something else while he continued to read. The walls of his office were a pastel blue, his light born coat hung up in the corner of the room. His guns laid on the wall, along with a leather couch. Its pretty common for the agent to sleep in his office. From what you’ve heard, he rarely goes home.
“Thank you.” He mutters, eyes lifting to feel around your nervous frame. Awkwardly, you stood in front of him. He noticed how straight your back was and how your fingers picked at one another. “Is there something else you want to say?”
Sometimes it irked you how perceptive he was. “No.” Granger raised a brow at the slight hitch in your breath. Pushing his chair back slightly, he placed the report on his desk. He moved some other files over, creating a blank space on his desk. Leaning back in his chair, his hand ran through his mitched matched hair. It always seemed so fluffy, it almost made you jealous. “There is nothing else regarding the mis-“
“Then what is this about?” Granger cut off, nudging his chair farther back to create some room between him and his desk. His eyes lingered at the helm of your skirt to your exposed thighs. It was only for an instant, but you caught the glance. “It is nothing appropriate for a work setting.” Your voice came out in a shy manner. It bothered you how well the agent can thow you off your game. Even so, your face held straight.
“Sit.” He ordered, his chair rocking a bit from him adjusting. You hesitated, causing granger to raise a brow. “Can’t listen to your commanding officer?”
A lump built up in your throat. “That’s not it…” Painstakingly, you walked closer to his desk, taking a seat so you faced your commanding officer. Your thighs pressed tight together underneath your black skirt. Granger took his time taking in your position. Your hands held you up on the sides, one palm stuffed in the report you just gave him. The other gripped near the edge of the furniture; nails trying not to carve into the wood out of anticipation. “Are you tired?”
Granger watched your face, his hand reaching towards your exposed legs. He pulled one of your legs onto the arm of his chair. Rough hands caressed your smooth skin. The cold of the room contrasted with the warmth of the agent. His fingers worked into your calf before rubbing across your thigh. You couldn’t help but melt into the touch. “We are at work Granger.” You pushed out softly.
“No one will come in. Everyone is out for the day. Why don’t you tell me what happened, Mamas.”
The agent could feel you tense from the nickname, blush adding to your cheeks. His husk voice said it with ease no matter how embarrassed it made you. He switched focus, his hands moving to ease your other leg, spreading them in the process. “Did something happen on the mission?” He asked again. His eyes flickered to your blue panties, resisting the urge to take them off in a less appropriate fashion.
Lips pressed against the end of your thigh, large hands supporting the rest of the leg. The kisses persisted, getting slower and slower by the second. At one point, you wondered if Granger gave up on trying to get the information out of you. He seemed to just be enjoying your legs, the warmth, how soft they are. The smell of perfume stuck to your skin. It was sweet. “You smell how you taste.” He groaned, annoyed by how stubborn you were being.
Granger isn’t the type to let anger simmer. He rather everything be out in the open then be kept inside. “You had a mission with Silvana recently…” you started, blush adding to your cheeks. You refused to look Granger in the eyes as you utter your next words. “I got jealous.”
Silence. It would be a lie to say it didn’t make you anxious. Warmth left your legs slowly. They were placed gently back, hanging off the sides of his desk. The agent pushed back his chair. It thumped against the wall a bit. You slowly opened your eyes, surprised to see Granger on his knees, taking off his coat. He pulled the fabric off himself gingerly, his head tilted up to meet your wide eyes. “I can’t get this dirty but I need to show you there’s nothing to be jealous about.
Hands slid up your thighs, pulling you forward so his face was stuffed between them. The end of your skirt was bunched up by your waist, your pretty panties on full display. “Can I take a look inside?”
Teeth chewed at your lips as a finger pulled at the fabric of your underwear. Granger blinked a few times seeing the wet spot growing on the clothing. Once panties were off, an electric chill went down your spine. The sudden realization, of what is about to happen made you self conscious. Though, that feeling melted away when you you saw Granger bring your panties to his nose, taking a deep breath. The grip he had on your thigh tightened.
“Yes.” You whispered, eyes heavy as your boss ran kisses up your thighs. He put the panties in his lap as he focused on easing his hunger. “It was for a mission. You’re still mine Mamas, and I’m still yours.”
His wet tongue rubbed up and down your folds, gathering all the juices he could on his tongue. You couldn’t help but flinch when his nose bumped into your clit. Both of his hands adjusted your legs, making them draped over his shoulders. The movement made you struggle to balance. Granger gave a slow kiss on your clit before peeking up. “Squeeze your legs, no need to be shy.”
You did as told, pushing Granger onto your dripping cunt. The agent wasted no time picking up where he left off, leaving slow kisses on your clit. He sucked the bundle of nerves, his eyes closed and breathes heavy. Hands tugged into his hair when his tongue began to ease past your folds. He groaned, vibrating the skin. Between your soft hands tugging his fluffy hair and the moans coming from your lips, he couldn’t help the blood rushing to his cock.
Granger shifted slightly, wanting to focus his attention on you and you only. “There you go Mamas. Do you feel good?” The agents pushed his tongue past your fold again, this time repeating the action over and over. He was a starved man. How could he hold back when you make such beautiful noises?
“Yes, you feel so good Granger.” You cried, voice shaky as your legs squeezed him tighter. His hands massaged your thighs, making you flinch from the pleasure. They rubbed up and down your legs, easing you to take more of his tongue. His nose bumped against your throbbing clit; making you whine from the minimal friction.
Another whine came from your lips. You were trying your hardest not to pull his hair too hard from how good you felt. Wet noises corrupted the office, a small pop made it all stop when Granger removed his tongue. His head peaked up again, his lips red and covered in your sweetness. A goofy smile bloomed on the agents face. He was drunk off of you.
“Ready to come on my face, Mamas?”
It took you a moment to answer, your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. “Y-yes. Please Granger.” He didn’t need to be asked twice. The man gave slow kisses to your thighs again, pampering whatever skin he could get his hands on. He laid another kiss on your clit before rolling his tongue on the bud. His wet tongue slid across the nerves in a circular motion.
Granger kept his pace slow, wanting to feel you quiver against his tongue before speeding up. His lips curled from the fingers tightening in his hair. “Faster… fuck faster Granger.”
He did just that, his hands holding your thighs steady as his tongue worked you. Drool clung to your thighs as your cum coated his lips and nose. Granger helped your ride out your orgasm. His tongue slowing down on your clit before he laid kisses on your folds. You shifted uncomfortably, mewling from the overstimulation. “Grange-r-r…”
“I know, I know Mamas but let me clean up my mess. I can’t let your cum go to waste.”
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heartsia · 7 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ🌸 Hanabi (mlbb) 120x120
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pupika-samika · 7 months
A King is Nothing Without His People
Chapter 5
Long Awaited Encounter
CW: Minor mental breakdown
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After an eventful lunch with Bolson and Karson, Link decided to head inside. One, to check on Fostri, and two, to clean their dishes by hand. While he appreciated the slate cleaning everything that was put inside it, it was nice to do things by hand occasionally. When he looked at the table to where Fostri should have been he frowned when he didn't see his friend. The abandoned Hylian Cloak still sat on his table, this time not holding his Korok companion. Link set plates on the table and looked around, not seeing the Korok in the kitchen. A quick look behind the stairs showed the Korok wasn't hiding there either. Did something happen to Fostri or was he just hiding again?
If a look behind the stairs didn't show results then maybe looking at the top of them will, he thought as he began climbing the stairs. At first glance the Korok was nowhere to be seen, but at second glance the flower that dutifully sat on his nightstand seemed different. Where it once stood like a perfect guard, straight and unmoving for hours, it now sat more freely, like an invisible weight was lifted from its small leaves. There was a slight slouch to the stem and the leaves seemed to dance in an invisible wind. Its petals now fuller and a different color. It was the same kind of flower the Koroks hid in, a white beauty he adored. He always wanted to pick one but the Koroks never allowed him to do so, it was a wonder Bolson managed to find a similar flower. The flower, which usually held withdrawn, pale yellow petals, now held blooming pearlescent white petals.
Link walked over to the flower and hesitantly brushed a finger over the surprisingly soft petals. He never cared to touch the flower, always choosing to admire it from afar than view it up close. After a few seconds of petting the flower, he jumped back when a cloud of green smoke blew in his face. He had forgotten he was looking for the Korok. There stood Fostri, holding another flower. Though this one looked much less like a flower. "Yahaha, you found me!" He said and held the flower up to Link, letting him examine the plant. It wasn't any kind of flower Link had seen before, it almost looked like a pinecone but more flowery and plant-like. Instead of being hard like wood, the petals were soft yet thick and short, a dark pink coloring the petals instead of a comfortable wooden brown. "It's called a pine flower! It means hope and- it means hope!" Fostri quickly blurted out, almost like there was something else he wanted to say but was hesitant to say so.
Link didn't question the sudden cut-off in the sentence, instead walking closer to the nightstand. There was no stem to hold it so he had to carefully balance the flower in his palms. "What kind of flower is this? I've never seen anything like it in the wild," Link asked as he ran a thumb over the petals.
Fostri began hovering away from the nightstand, the yellow flower back in place. It was almost a sad sight to see now, a flowery soldier standing to attention. "It's a baby pinecone! Pinecones hold pine seeds so they grow as flowers! So you're holding a baby pinecone, not a flower. But I thought it'd be a good gift since I hope you're finally free of your adventures!"
Fostri let out a smile, hovering in front of Link as he held the flower in his palms. Below the two of them, there was an argument happening in Link's living room.
"Revali! Don't bring up such embarrassing moments!" Mipha yelled, her face hot with anger and embarrassment. "He's right here and he'll be able to hear us at any moment!" She covered her face with two delicate hands. You'd never guess she was a trained warrior with how small her hands were.
Revali continued with his teasing. A hundred years spent with the Zora taught him when he went too far. "Mipha you seem confused, I wonder why? You're not denying the truth now are you?" His teasing tone never once leaving his voice. He dodged the sharp nails that were sent his way, almost phasing into Link who was now at the bottom of the stairs. Urbosa had been the only one to follow him upstairs, the other three staying downstairs. Mipha and Revali stood bickering next to the stairs while Daruk sat in the table, watching the two go back and forth.
"Now now Blue Jay, what have I said about teasing our poor Princess?" Urbosa said as her heeled foot stepped off the last step, sending a disapproving look to the Rito. "I thought I told you not to tease her while I was away. Honestly Blue Jay, how could you leave me out of the fun?" She asked and walked closer to Revali, draping a dramatic arm over his shoulders.
The scene was calm and still, like a photograph. A family of four teasing the youngest of themselves, perfectly unaware of everything going on around them.
Link was now downstairs with a Forest Child, who soon left the scene to explore the area around Link's house. He began getting out his polishing supplies, humming tunes to himself. Revali and Urbosa continued to tease the lovely lady Mipha, sending the poor Zora red. She whipped around to look at Daruk, a pleading look in her eyes. "Daruk! Help me please!" She begged, moving to hide behind his body.
Daruk laughed, holding his arms up in surrender. "Sorry little sister, no can do! I don't want Urbosa so come after me next, you're on your own!" He spoke loudly, his whole body shaking. Mipha stares at him incredulously, disbelief on her face.
"You traitor! Oh if only Link could see us, he wouldn't allow me to suffer like this," she whined and covered her face again. The other three ghosts could tell she was only mildly upset, if even that. If anything she was just putting on a show to keep everyone entertained.
"Mipha you should be careful what you wish for. I'm pretty sure he can see us right now judging by how he's holding your trident." Revali called as he stared at Link, who was holding The Lightscale Trident in an offensive position. Mipha would have been ecstatic over how he correctly held the Trident… if the prongs weren't pointed directly at her.
Link lifted the Trident higher, a conflicted look on his face. He almost recognized these people. They seemed so familiar, like people he should know but can't quite remember. "Who are you? How did you get in here without me hearing you?" He asked and stepped closer to Mipha, knuckles turning white with how tightly he was holding the weapon.
Daruk suddenly stood up, everything below his waist still phasing through the table. "Woah there little guy, it's us! Your fellow champions! You freed us from our beasts so we gifted you our powers, that ring a bell?" He asked, his tone cautious. While being stabbed with the weapon wouldn't hurt it would definitely lead to a lot of explanation. "We can explain everything."
And so they did. The champions explained a hundred years ago. The fall of the champions, the rise of Calamity Ganon. They explained how they followed Link around since the very beginning and how they met all sorts of people along with him. They explained the adventures they had along with Link and they explained the near-death-again experiences they had.
By the time they were done, it was well into the evening. The sun was kissing the horizon and it was around the time Link would start making dinner, though he didn't want to leave the house. Not now.
"So... You guys have been with me this whole time?" Link asked. He wasn't sure if he should be amused, ashamed, embarrassed, or mortified. He knows he did stuff. He knows he did stuff he would never tell another soul. But having four souls witness the stuff he's done? He'd rather fight Ganon ten more times. Unfortunately, (for him at least) Ganon would not rise for another few hundred or thousand years. Long after he was dead. Truly a tragedy.
Revali let out a sigh, shaking his head in disappointment. "Is that not what we've spent the last nine hours explaining? Yes. We've seen you in your underwear, we've seen you climb a building just to jump off of it, we've seen you get bucked off of your giant horse- who I can't believe you named Midget! We've seen you sneak into Gerudo town, we've seen you fall down a hill, and we've seen you almost bomb yourself to death! Goddess we've seen you cry over a doe getting separated from her herd! We've been here for the past year and we've seen everything!" Revali ranted, clearly needing to let some unchecked aggression out.
A disapproving click was heard from Urbosa. "Revali. While I understand your frustrations, that was uncalled for. Link is still trying to adjust to us being here." She scolded the Rito, something she hasn't had to do in almost seventy years. "To answer your question, Link, it's difficult to explain. Our souls were following you but we weren't with you. We only followed you for short amounts of time as we couldn't be far from our beasts for long but there was always at least one of us with you at all times. When you freed us from our beasts and we gave you our powers, it was like our souls became infused with yours. At first, it was such a powerful feeling. We were- are- still extremely weak, nowhere near as strong as when we were alive. But after we took refuge in your soul it was like a major power boost."
Urbosa explained to the best of her abilities, but she wasn't entirely sure how it felt. Only Mipha knew how it felt to be completely free and alone. The other three ghosts appeared to have the same thought, looking over to the Zora. Mipha, uncomfortable with the sudden attention on her, began explaining what Urbosa hadn't.
"We were bound to our bodies which had long decayed. It took a few years for us to learn how to separate with our bodies, perhaps around ten or fifteen. But by then the damage was done. Ganon had already taken you down and Princess Zelda had sealed herself in the castle. After you freed me I thought that was it, I would disappear. When my soul became infused with yours I felt... I'm ashamed to admit it but I felt so powerful. Your soul was so strong. The longer I spent hidden within your soul the stronger I felt myself become. It was addictive.
"I sometimes spent weeks in your soul, growing stronger and stronger. I had to stop myself when I noticed how much of a toll it was for your health. Occasionally we rest within your soul but only for a day or two at most, usually when we're drained of energy." Mipha rambled on as she grew more and more anxious. She hadn't even realized how off-topic she'd gone, she was so guilt-ridden with how much she had hurt her childhood friend.
Link frowned and moved closer to the Zora, gasping in shock when his comforting hand phased through the Zora. He hesitantly withdrew his hand but put it palm up on the table. "Mipha, it's ok. I don't even remember so I'm not mad. I should've taken a break anyway, I was probably pushing myself too hard." He reassured, putting on his best comforting smile when Mipha looked over at him.
She laughed and brought a hand up to her eyes, gently wiping the tears from her eyes. "Thank you, Link. I needed to hear that." She said and flushed when she noticed everyone was looking at her in various degrees of concern. "O-Oh! B-but this isn't about me! We should be talking about you! Where do you plan to go first while Lady Impa travels here?" She asked to get the attention off of her. They all knew it was a ploy to change the subject and unfortunately, it worked.
"I plan to head to Gerudo Town tomorrow, spend a day or two there, then Rito Village. I want to go to the Lost Woods too, talk to the Great Deku Tree and let Fostri talk with some of his friends. Then it's Goron City and I'll finish up with Zora's Domain." Link explained, ignoring the fact that he had two remaining days. He didn't want to tell them he planned to go to the Castle, even if they would find out eventually. He didn't... He didn't want them to be reminded of how pathetic he was.
The ghosts shared silent glances before wisely keeping their mouths shut. "Speaking of that cursed Forest Child, where is it? We've been talking for a few odd hours so he should've been back by now." Revali asked no one in particular, looking around the small area. Link and Mipha had taken up one of the table heads, Daruk moved so he now sat on a long side of the table instead of inside of it, Revali himself sat at the other head and Urbosa sat opposite of Daruk. There was no korok insight.
Link whipped his head around, surprise and concern filling him. "He hasn't come inside so he must still be outside. I'll go look for him..." Link trailed off when he stood up and noticed the ghosts followed him up. Urbosa stood up while the other three seemed to sit or lay on air. He decided not to question it, guessing it was a ghost thing. He walked to the door and opened it, relieved to see Bolson and Karson making their way across the bridge. "Goodnight!" He called out as he closed the door, getting two goodnight's back.
His first stop was the stubborn rock that stood in front of his house. He lifted it and waited for a cloud of green to follow but was disappointed when nothing came. He turned around and walked over to the pond near the side of his house where he was met with the sight of Mipha sitting in the pond between Urbosa's legs. Urbosa was dipping her legs in the water and running a hand over Mipha's head fin, keeping her gaze on Link as he walked closer. Daruk was leaning against the giant tree while Revali looked up at the tree branches. Link couldn't see his expression but he had no doubt the Rito was thinking of flying. "You guys look relaxed, do you always do this when I come to Hateno?" He asked as he walked over to the giant tree that sat behind his house. Maybe Fostri decided to take a nap up there? He thought as he began climbing the tree. His question was soon answered when he got to the top and noticed a little green lump sat in the middle.
Revali gave a huff and looked away from Link, turning around so he could lean on the tree. "We didn't have anyone important to look after in Hateno so we took a break while we were here. We found out that water is one of the few things we can touch and enjoy, so we relax by this pond most of the time." He explained as he watched the girls quietly talk amongst themselves, both of them keeping a spare eye on Link. They were all a little cautious of his health with what happened a hundred years ago.
"Few things you can touch? What else can you guys touch?" Link asked curiously as he took the little Korok in his arms. His breath hitched for a second when he saw that Fostri wasn't moving- wasn't breathing. He carefully cradled the body in his arms, reminding himself that this body was still alive and he wasn't breathing because Koroks don't need to breathe and oh god he's having flashbacks to yesterday. Her malice-covered skin and her hatred-filled eyes glaring up at him. Now is not the time for that! He has to focus and be strong! The champions will see something wrong and will know he's weak! He let out a shaky breath and tried focusing on what the Rito- what anyone would say next. He could have a breakdown later when he got back on the ground, or back in his house, or tomorrow or never. Never sounded pretty good. He'd like to never have another panic attack
No one said anything for a few seconds, sharing another glance Link couldn't see. "Link would you... Would you like to talk about yesterday? It's ok to cry some more, we won't judge you for showing your emotions." Mipha gently coaxed as she made her way over to the tree. "I'm sure crying with Impa helped greatly but you should talk about it, either with us or someone you trust. Trauma is trauma no matter how insignificant it is," she said and stopped at the edge of the pond.
Link slowly inched himself to the edge of the tree and allowed himself to drop, bending his knees upon impact. It wasn't that far a drop, he's fallen from worse and survived. "I'm-" he started, taking a deep breath to keep the tremble out of his voice. "I'm fine Mipha. I just need a few days... to process everything. I'm going to bed, feel free to follow me or stay here." He wouldn't admit it, but he wished they'd leave him alone. Just for tonight. Just for an hour. He could leave Fostri downstairs in the kitchen with his cloak and cry himself to sleep. That sounded nice.
No one made a move to follow Link as he headed inside, instead staying outside to enjoy their last night in Hateno before they headed off to adventure again. Link did exactly as he wanted to. He fixed up his Hylian Cloak, which he had forgotten to put away hours earlier, sat Fostri on the fabric, went upstairs, got comfortable, and promptly let a few tears loose. He took care to keep his sobs quiet, burying his face in his pillow to do so.
The champions waited a while before they started talking again, speaking in hushed voices. "So Mipha, how do you propose we get him to talk? Because I'm more than willing to hold him at bow-point and force him to cry it out," Revali snarked out as he sat down next to Daruk.
"Revali that would be less than optimal. If anything that would cause him to curl further into himself," Mipha said with a disappointed look. "Wait- why am I the one that has to come up with a plan?"
"Because you've known him for the longest. Besides, you two are technically engaged if I remember correctly," Urbosa replied as she made her way over the pond. She floated over the water and remained floating when she was at a close enough distance. "I'd think you would know your fiance best."
Mipha turned a scarlet shade, hiding her face in her hands. "Urbosa! I never asked him so he couldn't have accepted! If anything he's engaged to my father but my father didn't properly ask him and-!" Mipha cut herself off out of shame when she heard Urbosa laugh, her face almost painfully hot.
"Little sister, you're engaged to Link? I never would have guessed that!" Daruk innocently chimed in. He'd never admit it but he too liked teasing the Zora. After a hundred years it was almost too easy.
Mipha whipped her head up and glared at everyone present before sinking further into the cool water. "I'm going to sleep. I refuse to be the center of your amusement any longer." She huffed out and swam to the center of the pond so she could comfortably drift to sleep.
After a few hushed conversations between the remaining three, they decided to head to sleep as well. It was late, the moon was almost at the center of the sky and they had a long week ahead of them. With a quiet goodnight passed around, the four Champions finally went to sleep.
A good thing they weren't awake to witness the Blood Moon passing overhead.
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