#mobile unit teams
gundamfight · 5 months
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bylertruther · 2 years
very interesting how will is unfortunately considered this fandom's uwu soft boy (even if many claim otherwise) bc going from reading 8373663373 fics where will is talked over, not taken seriously, doesn’t believe in himself at all, or is even considered for a conversation on supernatural events is sooooooooo .... not canon at all LMAO. in s2, he's their spy. in s3, will speaks his mind abt the mind flayer, explains their situation, corrects them when they make an incorrect assumption, and says NO we ARE GOING TO and HAVE to kill this fucking clown srry max 🤚 and doesn't back down whenever someone has doubts. they don't look to el to explain things or to strategize an atttack, they look to will. like ur little soft uwu boy is the one grabbing these thick ass chains saying "yeah these'll do 😤💪" and confidently talking about boiling someone alive ffs. and they all go with it, ESPECIALLY mike who backs him up and shoots anyone down if they have any concern or doubt. it doesn't matter bc these are fictional characters, but like .... i just think it's Funny is all i jus think it's Fascinating how some people perceive him in ways that the canon material itself clearly disproves but like 🤐
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fishareglorious · 2 years
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Huh, I have enough conches to get Fischl’s skin. But as for Fischl herself uh...
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Yeah I still haven’t started Mona’s quest. It do be like that.
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Love how three of us decided to park our waveriders at the same spot. Which is pretty far from all of those platforms lmaoooooo
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I just keep thinking 'Milf association + yanfei’ as I was playing with these three players.
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Ganqing Impact
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Hell yeah I love rewards please give me them
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ADDY!!!! Hiya ma’am how are you doing
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I need primogems. I actually really don’t care about grape juice. Or whatever business Diluc has been up to.
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That is a chest. I have been playing this game for a year now.
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Hi diluc I’m here for primogems. You look very dapper with that coat now let me fight these mobs for rewards please
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Okay how much primos and pulls did we get from all of these
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Hell yeah do I love to see it.
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agilnetworks · 2 years
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Network Audits Gis Mapping and Data Integrity - AgilNetworks
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uttarakhand-jagran · 10 months
जीएसटी चोरी की शिकायतों में लापरवाही बरतने पर राज्य कर विभाग के तीन अधिकारी निलंबित
देहरादून:-  जीएसटी चोरी की शिकायतों पर कार्रवाई करने में लापरवाही बरतने पर राज्य कर विभाग के तीन अधिकारियों को निलंबित किया गया। मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर सिंह धामी की मंजूरी के बाद शासन ने निलंबन के आदेश जारी किए। तीनों अफसर विभाग में प्रवर्तन और सचल दल इकाई में तैनात थे। सचिव वित्त दिलीप जावलकर ने तीनों अधिकारियों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई करते हुए संयुक्त आयुक्त प्रवर्तन वीपी सिंह, सहायक आयुक्त सचल दल इकाई…
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Dp x Dc Crossover
Danny and Ellie somehow get tangled with Cadmus and frozen for study later. Obviously it comes to the JL’s attention and they all go ‘oh no another clone’. Anyone’s choice of who they think it is or if it’s a collection of people they took DNA from and meshed together to make these two sassy children.
Would be funnier if they came to DC universe by accident and didn’t have time to really learn about it before capture. The result being they have no idea superheroes are a thing and the heroes just thinking ‘these kids were traumatized and held captive, they don’t even know who Superman is!’ and cue another layer of hilarious misunderstanding.
When confronted about the whole clone thing, Danny immediately defends and protects Ellie. Obviously. Then they notice he was not defending himself, to which Danny goes ‘I’m not a clone!’ The heroes look at each other in clear doubt. ‘Oh he was in denial or seriously didn’t know who he was made from. That will make this harder.’
I may have started something though…
They found a discrete laboratory hidden in plan sight, underneath an office building. When researched, they found connections to Cabmus.
Considering the last encounter they had with the organization, they wanted to be prepared. Hence why when the small team noticed Batman walking down the stairs, Superman followed behind with a tight expression.
Red Robin stepped forward.
“Two cryo-stasis containers holding two nearly identical people. The first a male, approximately 13-14 years of age. Stable. The second a female, younger, approximately 10-11 years of age. Also stable, but her stats are lower than the boy’s.”
“What do you know?”
“Virtually nothing,” Connor says casually. “There are no documents left behind, digital or physical, and there are zero labels on these things.”
They arrive toward the back of the basement where the two frozen containers were sitting upright. One unit obviously smaller than the other most likely holding the girl. Batman has to peer down into the larger unit to see the boy’s face. Frost collected on his eyelashes and black hair like a forgotten doll. No movement from either forms, not even breathing.
“So we don’t know who they are made from,” Superman pushes, clearly displeased.
Batman keeps looking at their faces. The curve of their noses, the shape of their jaws, the positioning of their cheekbones. They didn’t look like Connor. No, they reminded him of someone else.
“We suspect hybrids of some sort,” M’gann contributes. “A mixture of different heroes if I had to guess, but there is no way of knowing with our lack of information without waking them up.”
“Can’t you look into their minds?” Clark questions.
M’gann squirms at the directness and Connor steps forward to defend her. Tensions rise.
“No, sir. They are frozen so there is hardly any brain function except to keep them alive. They aren’t even dreaming.”
She looks them over sadly, obviously distraught with not being able to connect to their minds in anyway.
Batman turns to Red Robin, the younger already watching him.
“You see it too, right?”
Batman grunts. Yes, he saw it.
“Is there a way to move them?” Batman brings back the focus.
“The containers are connected to the buildings power and then a back-up generator in case of emergencies. We’d have to switch the power to something mobile and there’s no telling what kind of effect that would have on the kids,” Connor explains, against the idea of moving them.
“It’s six in the evening. Most everyone in the building above as gone home for the day,” Red Robin helpfully adds.
“Evacuate the rest. Then call a medical team.”
“Wait,” Superman interrupts as the three younger heroes jump to do as instructed. “You’re not thinking about waking them up now, are you?”
“You have a better idea?”
Batman doesn’t even look at him as he studies the stats on the old screen connected to the nearest pod. This one holding the boy. He’ll be the first one out seeing as he’s the more stable one.
“They could be dangerous. They could try to attack us.”
“That’s why we’re here,” Batman deadpans. He didn’t state the obvious that they were children who had been frozen for who knows how long. If anything they’ll need reassurance that they were safe, not weapons in their faces as soon as they wake up.
Clark was not happy with his decision, but as long as he didn’t antagonize them Bruce left him alone.
It wasn’t long before they were ready to begin. Three medical personnel stood several yards back behind the heroes. Red Robin begins the defrosting procedure and they have to wait maybe an hour before the door slides open. There is a breath among them as they wait for his eyes to open. Instead they hear a cracking of thin ice and the boy falls forward without the door holding him in place. Connor is the one to catch him before he hits the floor face first.
Superboy turns him to lay him flat on the floor, the boy’s body still stiff with cold. Frost makes his hair and eyelashes brittle. His lips are a faint shade of blue.
“He isn’t breathing,” Connor informs quickly.
One of the medics push forward first, oxygen mask in hand.
“Bring the thermal blankets. We need to get his core temperature up,” the woman urgently instructs.
They get to work quickly in warming up the boy who is too small and fragile. After several minutes of the medics squeezing air into his mouth and rubbing his limbs and chest to get the blood flowing, the boy takes a breath. Then another. He coughs roughly, his throat scratchy, and starts to shiver.
“There we go.”
He whimpers and tries to move his hand, but the action is jerky and unpracticed.
“His eyes,” M’gann informs them, finally able to get some brain activity. “He can’t open his eyes. The ice-“
Connor takes a water bottle the medics brought and poured the room temperature water over his eyes to melt the ice holding them together. The boy jumps in surprise and tries to turn his head away but Connor continues until he can manually wipe away the ice and water from his eyelids.
Blue eyes. The boy has bright sky blue eyes. They aren’t the Krytonian blue, but they were still familiar.
He blinks and squints and looks around, breathing picking up at the people surrounding him and the unfamiliar environment. M’gann, sensing his distress, kneels down and sets a warm hand on his leg.
“It’s okay. No one here will hurt you. You’re safe now.”
He doesn’t relax, but he seems to at least understand her. He studies their uniforms and then her face before his eyes flick to something behind her and they widen. His breath stutters in his chest, making him wheeze out on the exhale.
They look behind the green skinned girl to see the smaller pod still holding the little girl, no change in her status.
The boy reaches out a shaky hand toward it, scraping against the cold concrete in his lack of energy to lift it.
“She’s okay too.”
He opens his mouth to speak, licks his lips, tries again.
“-ou-,” he rasps. His breath hitches and he’s coughing again. They help him onto his side.
“You want us to get her out?” Red Robin interprets.
The boy squints through the tears from the lack of oxygen at the hero. His expression is scrunched in discomfort and worry. As enthusiastic as he can manage, the boy nods.
“Okay, we can do that. You just have to wait, she needs to thaw out, just like what we did with you,” Red Robin explains to the boy.
He nods again in understanding, his eyes glued back to the girl in the pod. He still shivers harshly and his breathing isn’t regular but he’s not panicking and in no shape to attack them, so it seems like they were in the clear with that one.
While the girl is thawing, they get him more comfortable with warm blankets and get him to drink some water for his throat. He still wasn’t moving much except to curl up on his side and breathe on his colorless fingers. Every time he swallowed he cringed like he was drinking acid, so talking was off the table for now.
The boy was fighting sleep by the time the container door slide open. Connor was there and holding her before she could fall like the boy had.
Superboy lays the girl down close to the boy, seeing the pale hand reaching for her. As soon as he backed away the medics were on her to get air in her lungs and warm her body same as they did for the boy.
The boy watches, quietly holding her hand. Siblings it looks like it. Seeing them side by side was startling. They seemed to be clones of each other, one just younger and the opposite gender, but they were the same.
It was concerning as the number of minutes increased and there was no change. She didn’t breathe or move. She looked dead.
“Get the defibrillator,” the medic ordered, urgent.
The boy surprisingly wasn’t panicking, instead he held a hard determination that made some of the heroes curious.
Pushing himself up onto his elbow, he leaned over the girl and started weakly pushing the blankets out of the way. Thinking he was just helping to make the medic’s job easier, M’gann helped until her torso was exposed.
“You need to back away so they-“
She stops when she sees him tug at the girl’s white shirt to get into direct contact with her skin, hand pressed to her chest.
“What are you-?”
He narrows his eyes in concentration.
Red Robin unconsciously takes a step back when the boy’s blue eyes change into a glowing toxic green, illuminating the girl’s face, frost shining in the light. The hand pressed to her chest also starts to glow the same green until it seeps into her skin like she’s absorbing this weird energy. It reminded them of Starfire actually.
The green in his eyes fades as soon as the unknown green energy is lighting up her entire torso just under the skin. He pulls away and looks expectantly at the medic holding the defibrillator. She flinches into moving, setting the machine down and charging it. She’s hesitant to touch the green energy but the boy nods in encouragement, not looking concerned for anything but the girl’s health.
It takes one shock for the green energy to disperse through her body and cause her to gasp. The girl starts coughing harshly and the boy pulls her to lay on her side facing him. Connor quickly helps the boy to cover her in blankets. The boy goes as far as tucking them around her and taking one of his own blankets to pile on top. He was moving more easily now even if it was sluggish.
M’gann gasps quietly just as the girl starts sobbing, whining when the act of crying hurt her throat. The boy pulls her close, wrapping his arms around her and tucking her under his chin so they could barely see her. They watch as he calmly comforts her until they are both eased into unconsciousness.
Batman give Superman a pointed look as he passes him. Clark doesn’t respond.
“Get them to the Watchtower med bay,” he orders.
It’s Superman who picks up the pile of two children tangled together and wrapped in layers of fabric, nearly throwing them at how light they both weighted. The three younger heroes follow behind, Tim mumbling about “Lazarus pits” and “Jason”, M’gann twisting her fingers in anxiety, and Connor keeping a close eye on the two kids being carried by his original.
It’s unsurprising that it’s Connor who volunteers to say with them when they are settled down in the med bay, still clinging to each other in sleep.
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AgilNetworks provides consulting services for the telecommunications industry in USA, South Africa, Latin America, Caribbean etc. The services are application management, network design, financial and business case planning, supply chain management, mergers and acquisitions, noc operations, network audits, capacity planning, due diligence, data integrity, process improvement, gis mapping and cataloging, network architecture, program management. Contact: +1.917.821.4317, +1.876.470.9957 for enquiry.
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mohstek · 2 years
Histopathology (or histology) is the study of samples of tissues that have been examined under a microscope. Three kinds of specimens are accepted by the pathology lab.
The specimens that are received by the pathology laboratory need to be prepared for a tissue before being examined and treated with the appropriate techniques for the tissue type and the type of test needed. To determine the diagnosis immediately when undergoing an operation the frozen section is carried out
Larger specimens comprise entire organs or pieces of them that are removed during surgical procedures. For instance, a woman's uterus following surgery to remove a hysterectomy. Also, the large colon after a colectomy or tonsils following the tonsillectomy.
The tissue pieces rather than entire organs are removed in biopsies and usually require less invasive surgical procedures that can be carried out while the patient remains awake, but sedated. Biopsies may include excision biopsy, where tissue is removed by scalpel (e.g. excision of skin for an unusual mole), or a central biopsy, wherein an instrument is inserted in the suspicious mass to extract an slither of tissue which can then be examined using a microscope (e.g. to examine a lump in the breast).
Small fragments of tissues (individual cells, not large groups of cells e.g. in the fluid around the lung) are obtained through an aspiration using a fine needle (FNA). It is done with a smaller needle than those used in the core biopsy, however using the same method. This kind of substance is typically liquid, not solid, and is used for cytology instead of histology.
The pathology laboratory needs initial tissue preparation. They are then treated and examined according to methods that are appropriate for the type of tissue as well as the research needed.
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Consulting Services for Telecommunications Industry - AgilNetworks
AgilNetworks provides consulting services for the telecommunications industry in USA, South Africa, Latin America, Caribbean etc. The services are application management, network design, financial and business case planning, supply chain management, mergers and acquisitions, noc operations, network audits, capacity planning, due diligence, data integrity, process improvement, gis mapping and cataloging, network architecture, program management. Contact: +1.917.821.4317, +1.876.470.9957 for enquiry.
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On this day, 4 June 2020, 75-year-old peace activist Martin Gugino was violently attacked by police in Buffalo, New York, during a Black Lives Matter protest. While he was merely walking, he was shoved to the ground, smashing his head on the concrete, fracturing his skull. While he lay on the ground with blood pouring from one of his ears and pooling around his head, more than 12 officers walked straight past his unconscious body. He suffered a brain haemorrhage and spent weeks in hospital recovering, and suffered long-term memory and mobility impairments as well as hearing loss. Following the incident, Buffalo police lied and said Gugino merely "tripped and fell". Then-president Donald Trump falsely claimed that Gugino was an "antifa provocateur" who was "pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment." But the assault was caught on video. When the two attackers, members of the Emergency Response Team, were suspended from the police force, all 57 officers on the squad resigned from the unit in protest. This led many people to question the narrative of bad policing only being a problem of "a few bad apples", as clearly every officer in the department supported their ability to violently assault members of the public with no consequences. In the end, there were no consequences for the perpetrators, whose charges were dismissed. More information, sources and map: https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/10451/martin-gugino-attacked https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=638270981679454&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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swampgallows · 6 months
Now we know how COVID attacks your heart
Even patients with mild COVID symptoms could face a higher risk of developing heart disease and stroke
By Sanjay Mishra Nov 07, 2023 04:08 PM 5 min. read
Scientists have noticed that COVID-19 can trigger serious cardiovascular problems, especially among older people who have a buildup of fatty material in their blood vessels. But now a new study has revealed why and shown that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, directly infects the arteries of the heart.
The study also found that the virus can survive and grow inside the cells that form plaque—the buildup of fat-filled cells that narrow and stiffen the arteries leading to atherosclerosis. If the plaque breaks, it can block blood flow and cause a heart attack or a stroke. The SARS-CoV-2 infection makes the situation worse by inflaming the plaque and increasing the chance that it breaks free.
This can explain long-term cardiovascular effects seen in some, if not all, COVID-19 patients.
SARS-CoV-2 virus has already been found to infect many organs outside the respiratory system. But until now it hadn't been shown to attack the arteries.
"No one was really looking if there was a direct effect of the virus on the arterial wall," says Chiara Giannarelli, a cardiologist at NYU Langone Health, in New York, who led the study. Giannarelli noted that her team detected viral RNA—the genetic material in the virus—in the coronary arteries. “You would not expect to see [this] several months after recovering from COVID.”
Mounting evidence now shows that SARS-CoV-2 is not only a respiratory virus, but it can also affect the heart and many other organ systems, says Ziyad Al-Aly, a clinical epidemiologist at Washington University in St. Louis. Al-Aly's research has shown that the risk of developing heart and cardiovascular diseases, including heart failure, stroke, irregular heart rhythms, cardiac arrest, and blood clots increases two to five times within a year of COVID-19, even when the person wasn't hospitalized.
"This important study links, for the first time, directly the SARS-CoV-2 virus with atherosclerotic plaque inflammation," says Charalambos Antoniades, chair of cardiovascular medicine at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Virus triggers the inflammation in plaque
A recent study of more than 800,000 people led by Fabio Angeli, a cardiologist at University of Insubria in Varese, Italy, has shown that COVID-19 patients develop high blood pressure twice as often as others. More worrying is that the risk of cardiac diseases can also rise for patients who suffered only mild COVID symptoms.
"I saw a patient who now has a defibrillator, and she didn't even have a severe [COVID] illness," says Bernard Gersh, a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.
Wondering whether the cardiovascular damage during COVID was due to the virus directly attacking the blood vessels, the NYU team analyzed autopsied tissue from the coronary arteries and plaque of older people who had died from COVID-19. They found the virus was present in the arteries regardless of whether the fatty plaques were big or small.
"The original finding in this study is that the virus was convincingly found in the plaque in the coronary artery," says Juan Carlos Kaski, a cardiovascular specialist at St George's, University of London, who was not involved in the study.
The NYU team found that in the arteries, the virus predominantly colonized the white blood cells called macrophages. Macrophages are immune cells that are mobilized to fight off an infection, but these same cells also absorb excess fats—including cholesterol from blood. When microphages load too much fat, they change into foam cells, which can increase plaque formation.
To confirm that the virus was indeed infecting and growing in the cells of the blood vessels, scientists obtained arterial and plaque cells—including macrophages and foam cells—from healthy volunteers. Then they grew these cells in the lab in petri dishes and infected them with SARS-CoV-2.
Giannarelli found that although virus infected macrophages at a higher rate than other arterial cells, it did not replicate in them to form new infectious particles. But when the macrophages had become loaded with cholesterol and transformed into foam cells, the virus could grow, replicate, and survive longer.
"We found that the virus tended to persist longer in foam cells," says Giannarelli. That suggests that foam cells might act as a reservoir of SARS-CoV-2. Since more fatty buildup would mean a greater number of foam cells, plaque can increase the persistence of the virus or the severity of COVID-19.
Scientists found that when macrophages and foam cells were infected with SARS-CoV-2 they released a surge of small proteins known as cytokines, which signal the immune system to mount a response against a bacterial or viral infection. In arteries, however, cytokines boost inflammation and formation of even more plaque.
"We saw that there was a degree of inflammation [caused] by the virus that could aggravate atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events," says Giannarelli.
These findings also confirm previous reports that measuring inflammation in the blood vessel wall can diagnose the extent of long-term cardiovascular complications after COVID-19, says Antoniades.
"What this study has found is that plaque rupture can be accelerated and magnified by the presence of the virus," says Kaski.
Understanding heart diseases after COVID
While this new research clearly shows that SARS-CoV-2 can infect, grow, and persist in the macrophages of plaques and arterial cells, more studies are needed to fully understand the many ways COVID-19 can alter cardiac health.
"The NYU study identifies one potential mechanism, especially the viral reservoir, to explain the possible effects" says Gersh. "But It's not going to be the only mechanism."
This study only analyzed 27 samples from eight elderly deceased patients, all of whom already had coronary artery disease and were infected with the original strains of virus. So, the results of this study do not necessarily apply to younger people without coronary artery disease; or to new variants of the virus, which cause somewhat milder disease, says Angeli.
"We do not know if this will happen in people who have been vaccinated," says Kaski. "There are lots of unknowns."
It is also not clear whether and to what extent the high inflammatory reaction observed in the arteries of patients within six months after the infection, as shown in the new study, will last long-enough to trigger new plaque formation. "New studies are needed to show the time-course of the resolution of vascular inflammation after the infection," says Antoniades.
COVID patients should watch for any new incidence of shortness of breath with exertion, chest discomfort, usually with exertion, palpitations, loss of consciousness; and talk to their physician about possible heart disease.
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gundamfight · 1 year
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violetrainbow412-blog · 8 months
Wishes fulfilled [S. R.] birthday wishes pt. 2
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
word count: 7.7k
summary: After an unfortunate event, Spencer questions what he really feels about his childhood best friend.
contains: best friends to lovers, a little angst at the beginning, conflict over feelings, mostly fluff
A/N: A anon suggested there be a second part for birthday wishes and I thought, why not? You can read it as a standalone or as a continuation, tell me what you thought! this makes me very happy:)
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The months passed and very soon the Christmas season arrived. There were some allusive decorations courtesy of García and she had even placed a small tree in the meeting room with symbolic gifts under it, one for each member of the team that they could open after Christmas Eve. It was a month full of warmth, love and delicious hot chocolate, but criminals in the United States didn't seem to adhere to that rule so the BAU continued with business as usual.
“She was Abigail Jones,” Garcia began, projecting an image on the conference room screen of a woman who must have been in her thirties. “She was found dead yesterday in her apartment in Las Vegas, in the area of Downtown, with multiple signs of violence, sexual abuse, and a completely disfigured face…” when she said this, she turned away from looking at the photo, with good reason, as it made even the strongest members feel nauseous.
There were two other victims, the same mobile phone and in scattered areas of the city. They were single women, who lived alone and although they didn’t seem to share traits in terms of their socioeconomic level, they were extremely similar physically and that is why Spencer's stomach turned when he realized how much they looked like you. A call to Hotch's phone interrupted the presentation and they all waited for the exchange to end, until after exchanging a few sentences the man spoke.
“It was the police chief. There is a new victim, they just found her in the Summerlin area, in an apartment complex on Pennwood Avenue.”
“At Pennwood?” Spencer asked, turning completely pale as she heard the area where the attack had taken place “Who is she?”
“They haven’t yet identified the body, but she has the same characteristics as the other women”
Everyone was shocked to see the doctor get up from the table and leave the room without giving any explanation, apparently to make a call from his phone. Aaron set the departure time of the jet and after that some members approached the young agent to try to find out what was happening. He seemed very worried, with the device pressed firmly against his ear and his gaze lost.
“What's wrong, Reid?”
“I'm calling Y/N,” he explained, feeling his breathing begin to quicken. “She lives in those apartments.”
The rest of the team seemed to understand, then, the concern that had overcome the man due to the information they had just received. They were also profilers and even with the little that they knew you, they knew that you fit perfectly into victimology, so it wasn’t difficult for them to connect both dots to realize what Spencer's fear was.
The first call had no answer, other than the answering machine, so he called again, again and again until panic took him in its clutches like prey.
“Dude, calm down.”
"She doesn’t answer!" Spencer practically sobbed, feeling like everything around him was spinning and a second later collapsing into Morgan's arms.
"What's going on?"
“Reid fears that the woman they just found is Y/N,” JJ explained to her boss. By this point the entire team was already gathered around the man, sharing the worry that was tormenting him and thinking about the possibilities of everything. The trip to Vegas was longer than usual trips, which didn't help in the least.
Spencer felt a chill when he tried to dial your number again and, just like before, he only heard your pre-recorded voice.
“Okay, listen,” Hotch said firmly, as he approached Spencer and grabbed his shoulders to get his attention. “I'm going to ask the officer to call me as soon as they identify the body, until then I need you to calm down. Do you know if Y/N has any particular signs with which they can tell us now if it is her?”
“Huh, she…” he stammered, struggling to put two coherent thoughts together to answer, “she has a… a mole on her belly, I think. It’s small and red.”
Under other circumstances the team would have mocked him, asking him how he had that knowledge or something along those lines, however, the situation was too delicate to allow for jokes.
“Okay, get your things so we can leave as soon as possible. And again, calm down,” Hotch said firmly, pointing at the agent. “It's not her, Reid. I know it"
Spencer tried to do what his boss had asked, but he kept dialing his cell phone every two minutes hoping to hear a response. He tried to calm down by telling himself that the chances of that body being yours were very low and trying to find in his mind some statistics that would corroborate this, but fear barely allowed him to understand the situation enough to know any information at that moment.
Obviously he was the first to arrive at the jet and he didn't stop trying to communicate with you, until he saw Aaron walk through the hallway with an expression he couldn't decipher.
“No,” the man responded immediately. “The victim's name is Olivia Anderson. She’s not Y/N”
Hearing this he let out a breath of air and took a couple of steps until he reached the opposite one, to wrap him in a hug of complete relief. Hotch responded with warmth and a murmur of 'I told you so', which was interrupted by the arrival of the rest of the team.
Even though you still weren't answering the calls, Spencer was able to feel calmer during the flight, enough to analyze various aspects of the case that allowed him to offer valuable contributions for the future. When delegating the commissions, the unit chief was condescending to him and asked him to go to the last crime scene, so that with some luck you could meet and he could make sure that you were okay.
When they arrived in Nevada, the snow greeted them and Spencer adjusted his scarf tighter as he got into the car that Morgan would drive to the crime scene. The walk wasn't long and once there Derek motioned to his partner when the officer arrived to talk to both of them, as if he were permitting him to enter the building instead of staying. Spencer didn't hesitate to practically run inside to look for your apartment, and when he finally found the door with the number 17 he knocked frantically, but when he didn't receive a response he only became more frustrated.
Where the hell were you supposed to be?
He felt a vibration in his right pocket and almost dropped the device from his hand when he answered the call, without even looking at the identifier.
“Reid, come back here,” Morgan spoke. “Y/N is with me.”
The agent didn't have to say it twice for Spencer to go down the stairs with the same speed he went up them, almost tripping on the way, and when he came out he looked for you in every direction. The snow and the tide of law enforcement personnel blocked the view a bit, but when his eyes finally met yours, you smiled and waved your hand to get his attention. Spencer ran, again, towards you, until he crashed into you in a hug. You were smaller than him and you fit perfectly against his body.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he asked in an angry voice, separating himself from you so he could look at you, but without letting go of your waist “I called you at least thirty times and you didn't answer, do you have any idea how worried I was?”
“I, huh… I left my phone at home and I'm just getting back from work, I had no idea what happened. Morgan already told me that there was a homicide.”
“Did you know her?”
“She's my neighbor,” you muttered sadly, looking toward the entrance of the building. “Oh, Crash, this is so horrible. She was… she was very good and kind to everyone. She didn't deserve this."
“I want you to go in there, pack some changes of clothes, and come back here, okay?”
“You will stay with me in the hotel until the case is over,” he ruled, with a tone that gave no room for opposition. “I need to work right now, but while you do what I asked of you.”
“But… I can't just leave my apartment like that, and what about my job?”
“I will talk to your boss and if he refuses, I will charge him with obstruction of justice or I will assign you an escort if necessary, but you are not going anywhere alone.”
You knew perfectly well that, although Spencer was a valuable member of the unit, he didn't have the power to do that, but because of the confidence in his voice you doubted for a second if he would be able to ask someone higher up in the bureau's hierarchy for that favor. You had rarely heard him speak like that, with a mixture of anger and concern, and he had never ordered you to do anything in your life. But he was doing it now, he was giving you specific instructions that wouldn't take no for an answer.
“Reid, we need you here” you heard Derek say from the other side.
"What's going on? Why do I have to leave here?”
“I'll explain everything to you later, okay? For now you go and get your things to call a taxi” he said, a little less agitated than he had spoken at first. Then he, in an unexpected act, gently kissed your forehead “Wrap yourself up, it's freezing out here.”
Although you had more questions, you knew that he was working and that you couldn't interrupt him just because, so you went to your apartment and grabbed a small suitcase to start packing clothes. Your phone was, as you expected, on the kitchen counter and you checked that he wasn't exaggerating with the number of calls he made to you.
When you left there was already a taxi waiting for you, so he just gave you the address of the hotel where the team was staying so you could get there. It was a picturesque place with lots of cheerful Christmas decorations, with a friendly guy as the receptionist. He already seemed to be aware of the agreement and after you checked in, he guided you to the room, where your friend would also be staying.
You didn't understand why it was necessary to keep you there and you hoped that he would call you at some point to clarify the situation, but he didn't. Since you had brought your laptop with you, you took the opportunity to continue working and it wasn't until a couple of hours later, you didn't even know how many, that someone knocked on the door. You didn't open it until you asked who it was and recognized your friend's voice, seeing him standing with his briefcase slung over his shoulder and a tired smile.
“Hello,” you sighed in relief, greeting him with a hug and then pulling him inside. You let him put down his belongings and sit on the bed, while you stood in front of him. “Do you want to explain to me what is happening and why I am here?”
“There is a murderer on the loose”
“That seems obvious.”
“There is a murderer on the loose who killed your neighbor, with characteristics surprisingly similar to yours, both physical and personal” he added and it took you a moment of silence to understand where the matter was going “I just didn't want you to be near there because he could come back"
“Do you think I'm in danger?”
“I don't know, but you're the kind of woman the unsub likes. I wasn't going to risk you”
You nodded your head softly, from your position of crossed arms.
“And what does your boss think about this?”
“He didn't know,” he confessed to you and you opened your eyes widely. “But I told him on the way here and he said to just try to stay out of trouble or Strauss would call him out on it. It's just that I... panicked, okay? When the police found Olivia's body they had not identified it and… I was afraid that it was you”
Suddenly all the calls and his face contorting into a grimace of relief when he saw you made sense to you, because at this point you hadn't even realized how much you and Liv shared. But Spencer had done it, that was his job after all.
“But I'm fine,” you said reassuringly, as you knelt in the space between his legs and met his gaze. “I’m safe, okay?”
“Did you see anything suspicious in the last few days? Anything that can help?”
“I don't think so, I spend all day at work” you lamented “I'm sorry.”
“Don't worry,” he reassured you, giving you a tired smile.
You knew your friend and you knew beforehand what stress did to his body, like those horrible migraines he had started to get or the dark circles under his eyes, and now his body language was screaming at you that something was still bothering him.
“You should sleep,” you suggested, reaching out with one of your hands to place it on his cheek. Spencer didn't complain, instead he closed his eyes and turned his head slightly so he could rub his skin against your outstretched palm.
It took you by surprise when, just a second later, he leaned down to grab your waist and help you get up from the floor. You were about to ask what he was doing when he maneuvered himself again until you were sitting on his lap, your legs dangling next to his and his arm wrapped tightly around your lower back.
“So we're cozy now, huh?” you scoffed, trying to mask with a smile the blush that had already spread across your face at the position the man had placed you in.
Spencer was a great lover of physical contact, contrary to what many might think, although this depended a lot on the person he was with. It had taken you months of effort to get a handshake and only as the years went by did, he begin to enjoy hugs with you. But after so much time you had gotten used to it and that's why the man became all clingy with you, after all it wasn't very common for you to see each other, which didn't bother you at all.
However, him holding you like that felt completely different than usual. You had only felt those butterflies in your stomach when, on his birthday, you had been so drunk and tired that you ended up sharing a bed. You had to admit that you liked him more than you should, waking up sheltered by his body, between a tangle of limbs and feeling the rise and fall of his calm breathing; and when the thought of having more nights like this crossed your mind you suppressed it immediately, feeling tremendously guilty about it.
But this wasn’t a product of alcohol or fatigue, but rather Spencer had done this of his own free will. His hair curled at the tips and you took the opportunity to gently brush some pieces off his forehead, while he watched you in complete silence.
“I don't know what I would do if something ever happened to you.”
His confession was barely a whisper that tickled your cheek, said with such sincerity that he took you by surprise. You couldn't measure the fear that had brewed in your best friend's chest that morning and that's why you couldn't understand his need to have you physically close, as he wanted to make sure you were there with him and not brutally murdered on a bed in the morgue.
A sigh of tenderness left you and you immediately pulled him close to you to hug him, feeling your hip fitting into the curve of his stomach and his face close to your neck, like he always did.
“Is that why you are like this? Baby, you don't have to worry about me. I already told you I'm fine."
“I know,” he murmured. “But I can't help it.”
“Well, you'll have to try it.”
“How do you want me to try something like that?” he exclaimed, separating from you so he could look into your eyes, and keeping the minimum distance between you two “I can't. I will always worry about you, you are my…” the words were cut off, because he didn't think there was a word that encapsulated well enough what you meant to him, but also because he was momentarily distracted by your lips; why was he getting distracted by them?
“Best friend in the whole world and sole owner of your heart?”
“Something like that,” he responded, laughing for the first time that night, and as he did so his face only moved closer to yours. He was strangely nervous about your presence and didn't know why, so he didn't help much when you leaned against his body so he could hold you better. Spencer just hoped your ear couldn't pick up the increase in his heartbeat.
“We should be able to stay like this forever,” you muttered absently, and although you didn't mean to be serious the words hit the man worse than they should.
For a moment he contemplated the possibility of actually staying with you forever and then he realized it wasn't an idea he disliked. From an early age every time Spencer thought about his future you were in it, but he hadn't thought about the role he wanted you to play. You had been friends for so long that he didn't believe there was anything more to your relationship, however, he was very wrong.
Was holding you like that awakening something in him that he didn't think was possible? Or was it the fear of losing you that made him realize that he would rather die than spend a life without you? No book or statistical study gave him an answer to what he was feeling and, to be honest, that terrified him.
He knew that you had tried to have a relationship with several men throughout your life, but none of them had managed to progress beyond a few months, due to one reason or another. However, Spencer wondered how long it would take for you to finally find love and if he could stand to see someone become your priority. It's not that he was jealous or possessive, just that he had been used to being someone important in your life for too long to accept the change from one moment to the next. He would always be happy if you were happy, but it made him sick to think that you would end up marrying someone completely unworthy of your affection and admiration; someone who didn't deserve the best woman of all. And as if it were an epiphany, Spencer realized that he wanted to be that man.
He needed it. 
“We have to sleep,” he murmured, gently patting your back, because he was afraid that if you stayed like this any longer his mind would travel to some other inappropriate ideas. “Sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor.”
“The bed is big enough”
“It doesn't matter, you use it,” he murmured. You had already stood up and were playing absentmindedly with the long sleeve of your blouse, without stopping to look at him.
“I don't want to have this discussion today, okay?” the man had already taken some pillows and was spreading a sheet next to the bed. You, resigned, climbed up to the mattress and remained to kneel on it, watching your friend arrange his place.
“How many days will you stay here?”
"We don’t know yet. With some luck it will only be until tomorrow."
“You should visit your mom,” you murmured. Among so many emotions, Spencer had barely had time to think about Diana, at least until now that you had mentioned her, and he felt a pang of guilt. “It's almost Christmas, it would be a nice gift.”
“I think you're right,” he smiled. Things were ready and although he enjoyed talking to you now he felt extremely tired, so he just wanted to go to sleep. “Rest, okay? We’ll talk tomorrow"
“Good night,” you replied, smiling tenderly at him. An unexpected urge to lean in and steal a kiss grew in Spencer, which he tried to shake off of himself.
Without saying anything else he walked to turn off the light and then came back to lie down on the blanket, trying to sleep. When he was about to get it, he felt your arm fall over the side of the bed and your hand groping for any part of his body you could hold. In the end it was his hand that held yours and he couldn't see your blushing cheeks when he left a kiss on the back of it, nor his mischievous smile.
He knew when you had fallen asleep by the decrease in the strength of your grip, but although he tried to imitate you he couldn't do it. His mind continued to be tormented by the impulses that had invaded him that night, trying to find what reason was behind it, but also wondering how bad it would be to carry them out.
A little defeated, he got up from the floor, but not before carefully placing the hand that was holding you on your chest, and he went to see the landscape through the bedroom window. Snowflakes were falling and the lights of the casinos illuminated the view, reminding him that Las Vegas never slept, adding to these the colorful Christmas trees installed everywhere. In his family Christmas wasn’t celebrated conventionally, as it was just him and his mother having dinner ordered from a restaurant. There were gifts, they were almost always books or objects related to science, but he didn't make sense of the idea of warmth and love that revolved around the holiday. Until one time your family invited him to celebrate, he was finally able to understand that Christmas magic that everyone was talking about and from then on it was his reference for the celebration.
After staring at the window for a while he focused on the vision of you lying on the mattress, sleeping in that strange position that you always used to, and he asked himself how many years it was that he had been in love with you and how it was that he had never noticed it.
He let out a sigh that showed resignation, but also tremendous fear, and finally retraced his steps to pick up the blanket and pillows from the floor. He climbed onto the bed, knowing that he wouldn't be able to sleep otherwise, and he lay down next to you, trying not to make any movements that would disturb your calm. The last thing he saw before falling into morpheus’s arms was your peaceful face, and even when he slept his dreams were filled with your smile.
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The unsub was successfully caught, just as he had predicted, the next day and that was when he could breathe easy again. You were no longer in danger, outside of the usual danger that a woman from the United States faces, so you could return to your normal life without any problems.
Once you were back at your apartment Spencer said goodbye, promising that he would see you again soon, and heeded your advice about visiting Diana. He asked Aaron if he could stay in Vegas, after all the Christmas holidays were right around the corner and he made the excuse that he could come back if a new case came up. When the boss granted his request he wasted no time and headed to Bennington Sanitarium while the rest of the team headed to Virginia on the jet.
When he arrived good news about his mother greeted him, all referring to the improvement she had with the new medication, and when the doctors' report was finished they took him to the room where she was. Diana was reading to another patient and Reid smiled lovingly at the sight, a smile that was reciprocated when his mother noticed his presence.
“My child, I didn’t expect your visit,” she murmured, while she received the man in her arms.
“There was a case here and I decided to stay with you for a few days, if that's okay with you.”
“Of course it's okay with me, do you think I wouldn't want to see you?” she smiled, patting his face and hearing him laugh.
Both of them moved to her bedroom where they shared stories that she hadn’t read in the letters or that deserved to be deepened now that they were together. Her mother talked to her about how she had been feeling, some workshops she had taught and new people who had joined and she had befriended. He was very happy to see Diana so happy and lively, contrary to other visits where the circumstances had been more unfortunate.
The talk was interrupted by a nurse bringing dinner to Diana and a portion of contraband for Spencer, who was extremely grateful. In the middle of the silence of dinner his mind returned to you and when he looked at his mother, he knew that if anyone could give him good advice it was her.
“Mom, can I talk to you about something?”
“Of course,” she replied, pushing her food aside so Spencer could sit on the bed with her “What is it?”
“Well, huh… I guess you remember my friend Y/N, right? My God, of course you remember her” he answered himself, knowing that he was always talking about you in his letters “The fact is that I… I have felt weird with her since my birthday.”
“Weird how?”
“I don't know, like… different,” he murmured, not knowing if that would be the right word for the nature of his feelings.
“You don't want to be her friend anymore?
“Quite the opposite, actually,” he murmured nervously. He considered it prudent to explain the situation that had arisen from the case and about your stay with him during these days, so that his mother could understand the fear that he had suffered, before continuing talking “And last night when I got to my room and she was there I felt… I don't know, I don't even know how to say it. I only felt enormous relief to see her well and I wanted her to always be well."
“Well, you grew up together. It's normal that you worry about her, you guys are almost like family”
“But I can't see her like that,” he interrupted her. He hated her comparison, because he knew what brotherly love was and it was definitely not how he felt about you “I think I'm in love with her. No, I know I'm in love with her. And I… I'm scared” 
Diana's attentive eyes studied her son and Spencer didn’t know how to interpret her silence, until he felt his mother's hand placed on her knee and saw a smile appear on her face. 
“Oh, my boy… Why are you afraid to love?”
“I am not afraid to love. I'm afraid of not being loved”
That was. Spencer wasn't afraid of having those feelings, but rather he was afraid that they wouldn't be reciprocated. If he confessed things to you, he risked having the greatest romance in his life or being cruelly rejected by the best friend he had ever had.
Diana cupped her son's face with both hands and gave him a compassionate smile.
“You are, for more years than you can think,” she exclaimed, with complete confidence, and the man frowned in confusion.
"How do you know?"
“A mother notices those things, son,” Diana laughed. “Even one like me.”
Would his mother be telling the truth? He wasn't the best at reading social cues and that was clear, so he didn't know the difference between friendly behavior and one that held another interest when it came to you, but he doubted for a second if Diana was the best person to interpret those signs. He didn't even entertain the possibility that you had feelings for him, I mean, you were so pretty and funny and cool and he… well, he was just him.
“Are you going to tell her?” she added, noticing that he had remained silent.
"I should?"
"Sure! If not now, when will you do it?”
"But I…"
“But nothing,” she interrupted him. “I want you to go find her and tell her.”
"Now?!" Spencer screamed, feeling his mother get up and push him to the exit. “But mom…”
“When will you be in Las Vegas again?” she pointed out “I'm not going to leave here, you can come back tomorrow.”
"But it's too late"
“So what, Spencer? “Do you think I don’t want to see you married before meeting the creator?” Diana insisted and the man opened his eyes widely in a mixture of surprise and amusement. “The sooner the better. Go tell her, come on. And it would be better if you come back tomorrow that she will accompany you.”
Spencer watched her from the hallway for a few seconds and at the woman's security he felt a certain emotion, letting fear be replaced by pure motivation for the first time. He nodded and took a couple of determined steps toward the exit, but then he stopped and turned to wrap his mother in a tight hug.
"Thanks, Mom. I love you”
“I love you more,” she smiled. “Now go.”
Spencer left there completely determined and took the first taxi he saw to take you to your apartment, with his heart beating like crazy all over his chest and his mind busy searching for the words with which he would profess his feelings for you.
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Inside your apartment you let out a squeal when you heard the microwave announcing that your reheated food was ready and you rushed there to return as soon as possible to see David Tennant's hottie in a trench coat. You had to admit knowing Doctor Who, at first, had been against your will, but now it was an acquired taste that you quite enjoyed and accompanied you on your sleepless nights. After a few seconds you returned to the living room with your burrito in your hand and just when you were about to play the Christmas special when someone knocked on your door, startling you a little.
“Mrs. Jensen, is that you? I already told you that I haven't seen your cat around here” you half shouted, without opening the door, but there was no response “Hello?”
“It's me,” said a fairly familiar voice. You thought you were wrong so you opened the door just a little and through the chain lock you could see that, indeed, it was your friend.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, opening the door fully. “I thought you were going back to DC.”
“I changed my mind” he replied and until then you noticed that he was holding a bouquet of tulips decorated with a white bow, which he extended in your direction for you to take. That only added to your confusion.
“Wow, I… Thank you?”
“Can I come in?” He asked timidly and as soon as you scooted to the side he walked into the apartment, not looking at you.
"Everything's fine?"
"No. I mean, yeah…” he stammered, looking you up and down. You were wearing thermal pajamas with a Christmas print and you were without shoes, with a messy bun holding your hair. “Did you like them?”
“The flowers,” he pointed out.
"Oh yeah. They are beautiful” you smiled, looking at them carefully. There was a good number of red tulips, some open and others were just a small bud. “What are they for?”
“I didn't want to arrive empty-handed,” he lied. “I got them at a flower shop near here, a very sweet old woman sold them to me.”
“Well, thank you, then,” you smiled and he responded in kind, but then he didn’t speak again. You were just observing him, not figuring out what was causing his strange behavior. “Do you want to sit down?”
The flowers ended up in a vase on the counter in the kitchen and when you returned he was already sitting on the couch, legs together and hands on his knees.
"And how are you?"
“Well, I was about to eat something while watching the Doctor Who Christmas special,” you told him. You expected him to start ranting about fun facts or the story or the actors or anything, but he just smiled at you understandingly and stayed silent. “Is your mom okay?”
“Yes, she is. I was having dinner with her a while ago, but... I thought I'd come here because I want to tell you something important."
Oh, you thought, there's the real reason for his nocturnal visit. 
"Yeah? What is it about?" you asked, slightly worried about whatever he had to say.
Everything he had thought about in the car seemed to have been erased from his memory and now Spencer didn't even know where to start. He had only confessed these kinds of feelings to two people in his life and neither of those times had turned out well, so he didn't know what to expect.
“Okay, I'm going to tell you, but you have to promise me that you will take it in the best way, okay?” he asked and you nodded. "And this won't change anything between us if you... if you don't agree with what I'm going to tell you."
“Hey, you're scaring me,” you joked nervously, but when you didn't hear him laugh your fear became genuine. “Is something wrong? You know you can tell me anything.”
“It's not a bad thing. Well, not unless you want it to be.”
“Well, tell me then,” you encouraged him kindly, with a smile that provided him with the courage he needed.
You were so pretty and he just wanted to kiss you to death.
“We've known each other for practically our entire lives, right?” he began “I still remember the first time I talked to you. And I don't speak figuratively, but I really remember it, it's one of the things from my childhood that my brain didn't throw away. I had been watching you from the window because you went out to your yard to spread a blanket to play with dolls and cars and all kinds of things. Sometimes you jumped rope and other times you kicked the ball and all I could think about was how you could have so much fun being alone. I mean, I was just reading and studying things with my microscope and you know, nerdy things” he murmured, letting out a short laugh “Until one day you knocked on my window and asked me if I wanted to play with you.”
“My mom told me to do it,” you confessed, “Well, I suggested it, but she encouraged me to do it. It always made me sad to see you there and I thought you were just too shy to come over and play.”
“But no one had ever done that. Include me in some activity, I mean. Everyone made fun of me at school or called me weird, but not you, not even when I deserved it. It made me happy that a girl like that wanted to be with me and even though you had too much energy, somehow I could keep up with you. When we grew up I thought you would just get bored of me, but that wasn't the case and even when I was promoted in grade you stayed in contact with me. You were there when mom got worse and I had to send her to that sanatorium and yet your family treated me like I was your own family. You have always been there for me and you have made me feel less alone in the world, and I don't think I have ever thanked you for that.”
“Oh, Crash,” you smiled, a couple of tears gathering on your eyelids. “You don't need to do that. I have done everything because that is what friends are for.”
“But I don't want to be friends,” he said immediately and your expression changed to a worried one at that moment. The silence between you made you imagine the worst, but it was only because he was gathering the courage to continue “To me you are something else.”
Your face contorted into another grimace, but this time one of surprise and confusion.
"What do you me…?”
“I'm in love with you,” he spat. This time all his years of training were of no use as he tried to decipher your expression. “And it's okay if you don't feel the same way about me, I'm not asking that of you. I just want you to know that the day I got here for the case I... I was going crazy at the mere thought of someone hurting you. I didn't realize that you meant everything to me until that moment and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. That night I just wanted to hold you and keep you safe for the rest of our lives and although I don't have much experience, I think that's what love feels like. I have always loved you, only now it is a different love. And I'll understand if you don't feel the same way about me and I just misinterpreted things, but please, if that's the case, just let me stay your friend because I don't think I can handle messing things up. I don't ask you for anything more than that, that whatever you feel, things don't become uncomfortable just because of what I just told you."
There were a few seconds of silence and then he finally dared to look at you. You were stunned, with your gaze lost and your lips parted. Years of friendship passed before the man's eyes, who interpreted your lack of conversation as a rejection of his feelings, and he felt his heart break a little. From the beginning he was aware that this possibility existed, but now that it had materialized, he realized that perhaps he wasn’t ready.
But then your eyes met his and he felt your hand reach out to his, which was already shaking slightly.
“Your hands are cold,” you observed, sliding a little on the couch so you could take both of his limbs. Spencer followed your movements carefully and could see how you brought both hands to your lips to place a kiss on his knuckles.
“Is that all you have to say?”
“I actually have too much to say, I just don't know how,” you confessed.
“You don't have to lie to avoid hurting me. I already told you, it's okay if you don't feel the same."
“Spencer Reid,” you said sternly, thus forcing him to look at you. “Stop saying that.”
“So it's not like that?”
“Of course not, why would you think so?” You mumbled, really waiting for a response that never came. You watched him carefully, trying to memorize all his features, while you reflected on how much he had changed in front of your eyes and how he was still the same scared little boy from the window.
“Because… I don't know, there has never been someone who loves me the way I am.”
“Oh, Spencer,” you murmured condescendingly, “I've loved you since you were an ugly kid with glasses who couldn't stop talking about science, what other proof do you need?”
He definitely wasn't expecting that answer and that's why he started laughing; not like a soft laugh, but a loud, euphoric laugh.
“Why do you call me ugly kid?”
“You were!” You defended yourself, accompanying him in his joy. You had probably ruined the most romantic moment of your life, however, it was worth it to see the man laugh like that. And after all you were still his best friend, it was your job to joke like that “And yet I liked you, you can't imagine how much. Then you grew up and became this perfect prototype of a boy and you were so focused on your studies that I thought you weren't interested in me, at least in that way. But you were my friend and I was happy like that, I always have been. I tried to bury those feelings because I was also afraid of ruining things, but now you come to tell me all this, and I just don't believe it."
"Are you serious?" he asked, trying not to get overwhelmed by the fact that you had just called him perfect and that you were confessing to him that you had been feeling what he was feeling since you two met. When you nodded, another laugh escaped him as he thought that, after all, his mother had been right.
He had to take a moment to digest the situation. You loved him, you really did, and things weren't ruined. He felt foolish thinking about how long you had been keeping this quiet and how he hadn't noticed, but he concluded that if he had found out at another time he probably would have freaked out and things would have ended very differently, a result he would regret for the rest of his life.
Your hands were still joined and Spencer began to rub his thumb against the back of them, feeling the luckiest to see you smile at him that way and knowing the reason for that expression.
“Is that why you brought me the tulips?” you exclaimed in a sweet voice. You should have sensed it before but only now did you realize that detail.
“Yes, I wanted to surprise you,” he replied, quite satisfied with himself. “I thought about them because, in fact, in the language of flowers, tulips symbolize hope, sincere love and prosperity, but depending on their color the meaning can be transformed. Red tulips, in this case, are ideal for a statement and express unconditional love.”
You let out a gentle laugh, feeling nothing but tenderness at his reaction.
“There's my usual boy,” you said with a proud tone, reaching out to leave a loud kiss on his cheek. Something in Spencer stirred when he heard you call him yours and that desire to kiss you returned, this time with more intensity than before.
"And then?" he asked in your direction. With your eyes you asked for a more complete explanation of what precisely he was referring to “Do you accept me? Do you accept my love?”
“Of course I do,” you replied obviously, giving him that confirmation he needed.
“And if I asked you something serious for us right now, what would you tell me?”
You looked at him for a second, looking for a sign of lying on his face, but when you didn't find it, you smiled, your cheeks completely blushing.
“I would tell you that I would have liked to be more prepared. I'm in pajamas and I smell like a burrito, I think I've looked better."
"It doesn’t matter. "I can take you on a date later, in a nice and elegant place, like you deserve," he murmured excitedly, stopping holding one of your hands to place it on your face. "But only if that's what you want."
“I do, handsome,” you smiled, sliding your hand to surround his wrist. “It's the most definitive yes of my entire life.”
You had dreamed of this moment for a long time, but you had never believed it could come true and now that it had, your heart was overflowing with joy. He was smiling from ear to ear and you suddenly realized that his eyes traveled momentarily to your lips. You saw him swallow, undecided about the next move, so you decided to save him a little effort and reached out until your lips collided with his.
You took him by surprise and although at first it felt strange to be doing that with him, almost as if it were wrong, after a couple of seconds the contact relaxed and you knew that you no longer wanted to kiss lips other than his.
With every second he caressed you in a deeper and more needy way, very different from what you had expected, even his hands took you firmly by the waist to keep you as close to him as possible. He tasted like years of mutual longing and mint gum and it had you completely giddy. You separated only when it was vital to take a breath and then you continued kissing, already addicted to a drug you had just discovered.
“You're so pretty,” he sighed against your lips, allowing himself to compliment you now that he knew you reciprocated. “So, so pretty. And so sweet to me” he recited between kisses, each one gentler than the last “You are perfect.”
“Reid, stop it,” you asked him, feeling nervous from hearing him talk to you like that and feeling him kiss you like that.
"Why? That's what I think. I've always thought so” he smiled, separating himself from you just to enjoy the sight of your beauty, and then he gently caressed the side of your head “I love you” he said.
Your cheeks already hurt from smiling so much and yet you managed to give him that vision again, and how could you not? The man of your dreams was telling you that he loved you.
You leaned in again to kiss him, this time more briefly and delicately, and then you looked into his eyes.
“I love you too” you confessed.
And both of you knew that you didn't need anything more than that.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove
people who might be interested: @stephsycamore @andiebeaword @tothecar @reiderwriter @babymetaldoll @zuckker-blog
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agilnetworks · 1 year
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Consulting Services In Florida | Telecommunication Industry | AgilNetworks
AgilNetworks provides consulting services for the telecommunications industry in the USA, South Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, etc. The services are application management, network design, financial, and business case planning. For more information contact: +1.917.821.4317, or +1.876.470.9957 for inquiries.
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theywantedplayer · 1 year
can i request “i’m going to fuck your so hard you’re going to forget that guys name” with Svechy?? 👀
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I love Matt but i just had to use him
You Decided to go with Andrie early to his game and walk him to the Hurricanes dressing room. They had a home game today versus the New York Islanders today so you wanted to wish him luck.
“Good luck today Andrie” You spoke giving him a kiss on the cheek
“Order in tonight?” he asked standing in the doorway
“Of course I’ll do a mobile order” you smiled kissing him softly
You walked down the hall and back into the lobby wanting to go get something to eat before the game. You were too busy on your phone to notice a person in front of you till you ran face first into them. Your phone hit the floor with a loud smack.
“Oh-oh my god im so sorry” You tried to laugh off
You went too far down to pick up your phone but a hand beat you to it, when you looked up you were met with a Familiar face.
Mat Barzal
“No no its ok, I mean it's not everyday I Physically run into a pretty girl” he smiled
You lightly laughed at what he said, wanting to Acknowledge what he said but not continue it on. 
“Sucks for me that your a can’s fan” he joked Gesturing at your jersey 
“Haha my boyfriend plays for the team” You said turning around to show him Andrie’s name on the back hoping he’d get the hint
“I think blue’s more your color” he flirted “I'd like to see you wearin a Islanders Jersey” He walked away but not before giving you a wink
You just shrugged him off just wanting to go get food, you stood there and looked up a place to get take out not wanting to pay 20$ for a hotdog and a beer. You were just about to start to walk away but someone called your name making you turn around.
God please don't be Mat you thought but when you turned around you saw Andrie walking towards you. You smiled widely seeing your boyfriend 
“Did you forget something?” You asked “I was just about to get food want something to fuel you up before the big game” you laughed
“Hell was that!” Andrie spit at you
You were takin back at his tone of voice and the way he was standing in front of you, more like towering over you.
“Wha-” “Mat!”
Ohhhh you thought, you didn't think he saw
“He was just talking to me and I showed him my Jersey” You tried to play off.
As much as you wanted to tell him you didn't want him Targeting mat on the ice. even though if it was a physical competition he would win.
“ when you were showing your jersey staring at your fucking ass the whole time” He told you 
“That’s not my fault” You tried 
“I know it's not your fault damn it!” He groaned “He was flirting with you”
“So what?I didn't reciprocate it”
Andrie was sick of this, he hated to see other guys flirt with you, he looked around before he grabbed your arm and pulled you into one of the broom closets nearby. When he pulled you into the closet he pushed you up against the wall, your back against his chest and your agency on the cold wall.
“So what?” he asked roughly 
You tried to looked back up at him in the dim light off the closest 
“He was all fuckin over you and You know it” he said
You bit your lip at his voice, He knew his jaw tightened and his eyebrows crossed just from his tone of voice. You felt Andrie’s hand move from your waist down to your jeans playing with the zipper 
“Drie” You whispered at him
“I bet you he said he wished you were an Islanders fan huh?” He asked as he united the front of your jeans.you stayed silent in fear of him stopping his touch.
You felt his hand roughly pull your jeans down to your knees giving him a clear view of your ass. He grabbed a handful of your ass making you moan slightly until a harsh slap hit your ass Making you gasp in response.
“Probably thought you’d look good in blue” he whispered into your ear. Slapping your ass a couple more times makes you jump.
“I think you look good in red baby because your ass is telling me you do” he Laughed 
You knew by what he said your ass was red with an Indent of his handprint probably. You could hear Andrie move behind you.
“i’m going to fuck your so hard you’re going to forget that his name” he Groaned into your ear making your stomach flutter
You jumped when You felt Andrie slap his cock against your ass a couple times chuckling. He pumped himself a couple times before he pushed all the way into you without warning, making your cheek press up against the cold wall. He gave you no time to adjust pounding into you at a cruel place to start with.
Making you moan with every thrust,
“A-a-n-nriee” you moaned out trying to get a hold off something but found nothing, so you rested your hand up against the cold stone wall.
“I bet Mat would like to see you like this huh?” He laughed in your ear. You heard how He emphasized Matt's name, the hatred for him spewing through his words.
Andrie moved your hair to one side off your neck to have room to kiss the other, hoping to leave marks to let Mat know who you belong to.The room was full of your moans and Andrie’s groans, the sound of skin slapping together around the room. Anyone in the hallway would be able to hear you, lucky the game didn't start for another 4 hours.
Andrie grabbed a fist full of your hair to pull you back making your back arch. His face hovering right over you smiling wickedly.
“Open up baby” He smirked
You did as you were told, sticking your tongue out as he leaned farther over to spit in your mouth. You swallowed like he’d want you to and gave him a sweet smile.
“Good girl” He grinned 
Andrie let go off your hair pressing you against the wall once again
“D-d-rie” You moaned “I'm gonna cum” you spoke
“Me too baby me too” he spoke
A loud moan left your mouth when you came shutting your eyes tightly, A sting of Words you couldn't understand left Andre's mouth as he came.he had a habit of an time he was feeling too much of any emotion he would slip into Russian without even knowing you started  picking up on little phrases here and there but nothing  good enough to brag about.
He pressed into you making a short high pitch moan leave your mouth, Andrie left soft kisses on your neck helping you down from your high as he pulled out. Your legs shook as he did, making him laugh, he grabbed your jeans that were hunched around your knees pulling them up for you.
When you turned around you were met with a very smiley Andrie Svechnikov, his dimples in their full glory.
“I wasn't too rough was I?” He asked pulling you into his chest  
“No Drei no, it was amazing” you mumbled tiredly 
“You know I love ya right?” he said kissing you on the forehead
“I know” You answered “I'm probably gonna go sleep in my car” You laughed 
“No,no,no Let be lead you put to the lounge you can nap in there” He told leaning  you into the closest “Antti’s wife’s already up there she can watch ya” He wrapped his arm your your shoulders and walked you up the lounge and helping you get comfortable on the Giant couch 
“Andre you should go get ready” You mumbled getting comfortable on the couch 
“I will, I will” he answered, giving you a kiss on the forehead before he walked out but not forgetting to say hi to Antti’s Wife.
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thoughtportal · 2 months
At least one in five people who have had COVID-19 will develop what is known as “long COVID,” characterized by signs, symptoms, and conditions that continue or well after a COVID-19 infection. According to officials, Detroit has the second highest rate of long COVID in the nation, with over 25% of adults who had COVID-19 reporting long-term symptoms.
In response, a new no-cost mobile health unit is working to provide metro Detroiters with screening for the condition, intending to gather research on long COVID’s effects and bridge the gap to healthcare access in marginalized communities.
On Friday, March 15, declared Long COVID Awareness Day, Michigan Speaker of the House Joe Tate, Michigan Rep. Tyrone Carter, health experts, and community members gathered for an event highlighting the first-of-its-kind CT chest screening program.
The unit was created about a year ago through a partnership between Moderna, Team Wellness Center, People.Health, and other local community organizations.
“Some of our locations service some of the most vulnerable communities in the whole state,” Dani Hourani, Director of Team Wellness Center, said. “It’s very important for us that we are able to bring them resources that they otherwise would not have.”
So far, the screenings have not only helped the impact of long COVID but also been able to detect non-COVID-related illnesses including cancer. Plus, the team has connected patients with further care and testing when needed.
“Whether you’re in Detroit or rural areas, bringing healthcare access directly to the community and partnering with organizations that have that trust with community members is critical,” Tate said at the Friday event. “We still have more work to do to make sure that we lessen the impact of COVID on this community.”
Anyone over 18 who has had COVID-19 and is still experiencing difficulty breathing or other symptoms is encouraged to get scanned. People can fill out a form at People.Health to schedule an appointment.
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