#mobula ray
deadboystims · 15 days
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ray stimboard with colorful and soft stims !!
ᯓ★ x x x , x x x , x x x
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strawberrybabydog · 3 months
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@seagrapejellie's self & sona reskin + background ! commissions info
!do not repost!
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shark-sslime · 22 days
Yayy questioning another kintype /s. I was having doubts about how I feel about my shark theriotype/being a shark for a bit, and started thinking about it more here recently. I kind of put rays off to the side, I just figured that I felt close to them because they are related to sharks but I vibe with them more than I thought. I never really felt settled with any species of shark, they are all too round and tubular for how I feel. I especially didn't vibe with the behavior of sharks? Specifically the hunting part and more 'aggressive' nature ( I know theyre not actually aggressive but idk how else to describe like frenzies and hunting and stuff) , I don't really feel like that's accurate and doesn't really fit me. I feel more connected with the passive, filter feeding tendencies of rays. I also think the flatness of them is more accurate, and even though I really like sharks, I think I feel pulled more towards rays when I look at pictures and research, etc. Anyway, I narrowed it down to the mobula rays/devil rays. Here is a fun little excel sheet I made of them, and what traits feel closer (green) and what traits feel farther (red) from what I feel. (Black text is indifferent/doesnt make me feel more or less connected)
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So far I feel drawn towards reef mantas and monk rays but the bentfin ray is the one that matches the most like habitat and location wise reef manta:
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monk ray:
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bentfin ray:
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I wasss feeling like Im one of the smaller rays but idk, I really vibe with how the reef mantas are always on a reef lol the other ones are coastal but not reef specific which is fine but reefs just feel better
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wormlizarding · 7 months
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Planet Earth 3: Ocean
Ah the ocean episode, the one I looked forward to the most. Did it live up to my expectations? Absolutely I'm an easily pleased person.
Again spoiler for the episode sorta???
The primary purpose of a nature documentary is to introduce the audience to wildlife and natural world they're unfamiliar with, and this episode gave us flying fish laying eggs, orcas hunting mobula rays, pearl octopus nursery and moments that only bbc can manage to capture(honestly how are they doing this???) The efforts and techniques of the film crew must be recognised here, many of the segments of this episode take place in open ocean, and are about behaviors that only last for perhaps a couple of minutes. The ocean episode brings us wonder and spectacles(and also reminded me a lot of blue planet 2 so I guess this review has a heavy nostalgia bias).
But besides the wonderment, what else did the episode give the audience? Perhaps hope so the audience can build a connection to these wilderness? Compared to the coast episode, this one is relatively weak in this part, humans for the most part are present as the polluters and exploiters of the ocean. Which makes it hard not to leave with a sense of misanthropy.
Another critique, this one more of a nick-pick. Reusing shots is common and very much acceptable in nature documentaries, but there are a couple of reused shots from other documentaries in this episode that last too long and don't connect very well.
But all in all, this is still amazing I love every second of it.
9/10, my boy glass squid made it to the big screen.
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dayundying · 27 days
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Wanted to draw something a little different, saw a beautiful mermaid draw that inspired me, went on @hellsitegenetics and lo and behold. Fish!!!
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fyanimaldiversity · 2 years
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Melanistic manta ray (Mobula ?) [x]
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marinebioblr · 2 months
Oceanic manta rays are the largest species of ray in the world, with a wingspan of up to 26 feet. Despite their immense size, they are completely harmless to divers - they have no barbs to speak of, unlike stingrays, and spend their time filtering the water for plankton with the help of their cephalic lobes (the big paddles on each side of their mouths). Socorran mantas have grown very used to divers, and often seek out our bubble curtains seemingly because they feel good and may help clear away parasites!
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cypherdecypher · 10 months
Animal of the Day!
Giant Devil Ray (Mobula mobular)
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(Photo by Patrik Neckman)
Conservation Status- Endangered
Habitat- Indo-Pacific Ocean; Eastern Atlantic Ocean; Mediterranean Sea
Size (Weight/Length)- 3.5 m width
Diet- Krill; Plankton; Small fish
Cool Facts- The giant devil ray is the third largest mobula species. These are the only mobulidae found in the Mediterranean Sea. The rays live in small groups and only have offspring once every few years. Capable of gaining a high amount of speed, giant devil rays can breach multiple meters from the water. The reason why they breach from the water is unknown but it could be done for communication or just for fun. Due to their slow growth mixing with pollution and bycatch, the giant devil ray population has declined greatly in the last few decades. These rays are highly sensitive to any change in their environment and are heavily impacted by longlines, trawl nets, and tuna traps. Luckily, multiple European countries such as Italy and Croatia are working together to protect this magnificent species.
Rating- 13/10 (No longer called a manta.)
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anakahaia · 8 months
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Inktober 2023
Day 17: Demon
Mobula mobular, Giant Devil Ray
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mossypidder · 3 hours
I recorded all this back in February and March but never got around to editing it all together, so here it finally is. I’m gonna get better pictures in the morning, because I have a migraine. But this is my little whaleshark buddy. Any name suggestions?
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pancha-stuff · 2 months
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quark-nova · 9 months
Spec evo folks: Six limbed vertebrates can't exist, it wouldn't work physically
Six limbed vertebrates:
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sitting-on-me-bum · 11 months
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Mobula Ray Migration, La Paz, Mexico
Photographer: Martin Broen
International Pano Awards
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elliottnotyet · 4 months
Day nine of @fish-daily's Fish-uary: ray. I chose the mobula because it forgot it wasn't a bird.
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[Image ID: a ray that's black on top and white on the bottom jumping out of the water. There are purple mountains in the distance. End ID]
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great-and-small · 2 years
Well this experience was certainly one to remember; while snorkeling at the ocean surface near a reef I looked down to see a school of hundreds of mobula rays! These animals are commonly called "Devil rays" due to the distinctive horn-like cephalic fins on their head. While nearly every other species of mobula rays lacks a usable tail stinger, I believe these are Mobula mobular (the only mobula species with a free stinger), and I made sure to keep a respectful distance as I observed their flight. These rays are at great risk of fishery bycatch, and their populations are slow to recover as they only produce one pup every 1-3 years. They have been listed as endangered since 2006. 
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fishgirl514 · 1 year
BIG FUCKING FISH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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giant oceanic manta ray - mobula birostris <3
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