#mod ari edits
hayakawashousewife · 1 year
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like punching in a dream / breathing life into my nightmare
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There were more than 10 pics, so y’all get a video instead 😘
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ifsnasty · 1 year
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Ariana Grande icons
↝ like and reblog if you save◞♡
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gwaha · 2 months
wip wednesday !
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tagged by @lilas !! have some unfinished azem sketches...!! these are helios + selene (@snapshoo-t), twins that shared the seat! :-)
helios uses no pronouns + selene goes by they/them !
tagging @veeples @narrativefoiltrope @galadae @bleedingoptimism @coldshrugs @impossible-rat-babies !! 🌈
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Moodboard of a Catholic Aries girl who is sorted into the Pukwudgie house at Ilvermorny.
Requested by: @freckleocalypse
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hxneyfaerie · 5 months
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🌙 Maeve Orion, founder and aries generation of the star sign legacy challenge ✨
Maeve will begin the Orion Legacy in Mt. Komorebi, in a three unit rental. Now, time to fill the other units 💭
i’m back! with a new laptop, no save files, and a completely new mod folder 💀 new year, new me… right?
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olomaya · 9 months
My Sims are getting political! After so many months, I'm going back to finish up my Politics/Community Activist mod. This is actually what my Student Council mod is based on (it's basically a baby version of the Poltiics mod.) My current Sim, Arie Wang (I forgot where I downloaded this sim from but she's lovely and perfect for this storyline I'm playing out!) is in the Community Organizer career which is an Active career (like Firefighter or Stylist) and right now is working hard to push a new law in that will increase University scholarships and grants for all students.
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Arie is a member of the New Earth party, one of the 4 political parties I created. New Earthers are all about the environment and focus on pushing forward environmental policies but as a mom, education is something that Arie cares about so she's been out there trying to encourage people to vote and hoping to sway voters before election day.
Different political parties have issues that they are either strong in favor of or against. If a party is against the policy, it's near impossible to sway them to vote for it so it's best to target people who are neutral and could vote either way.
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I'm happy with how this customized ITF layout is coming out though I still need to make more tweaks and edits and also figure out why the active Sim's photo isn't showing (as below). Maybe also changing the title (Local Political Scanner??)
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After probably doing about 40 fundraising cold calls she finally got someone to donate money. And boy did they! She's at the point in her career though when she doesn't need to be doing calls so I'm going to have her get some volunteers to do the grunt work so she can focus on making friends in City Hall to build further influence.
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Once a ballot measure is put up for vote, you have 5 days to campaign before voting day. Arie has been hitting the streets every day to canvas for votes, doing campaign calls and also raising money for the party to pay for advertising (TV, radio, online, print) which is the most effective way to sway voters.
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Yesterday, I added in a VFX to show when a Sim has been successfully influenced either for or against the ballot measure in question and in testing it out, I saw that Arie has actually been campaigning AGAINST the measure this whole time! Oops!
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I clearly messed up with a bool somewhere but at least the influence system is working as intended.
With 7 hours until the Election period begins, and all the time and money I've spent on campaign ads, it looks like I've just accidentally doomed my town to expensive education until I can repeal the law. The Free Llamas are not going to be happy.
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Also, shout out to Stable Diffusion which I used to create the Political Party Icons. I'm obsessed with this tool and loved how they turned out.
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bowcrazy · 8 months
Tsurune Character Songs Album Translations - Masterlist
Up Stairs (Narumiya Minato, Takehaya Seiya)
Crossover (Nikaidou Eisuke, Fuwa Koushirou)
Ari no Mama de (Yamanouchi Ryouhei, Kisaragi Nanao)
Growing Up (Onogi Kaito, Kisaragi Nanao)
Gekkou (Takigawa Masaki)
Kyoumei (Narumiya Minato, Fujiwara Shuu)
Translations by: Mod Yumi
Edited by: Mod Optimus Prime
Stay tuned for an album review!
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yurimother · 10 months
Second Print Volume of Sapphic Webtoon 'Always Human' Released
On Tuesday, July 25, Little Bee Books released the second and final print volume adaptation of Ari "walkingnorth" North's Yuri webtoon Always Human. The graphic novel, entitled Love and Gravity: An Always Human Story, adapts episodes 38 through the epilogue of the series.
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Always Human was initially published as a WebToon Original from 2015 to 2017. It is published under Little Bee Books' young adult imprint Yellow Jacket in sponsorship with GLAAD.
The sci-fi series follows Sunati, a young woman living in a future world where people use technology to change their appearance at will through body mods. She spots and is instantly attracted to Austen, a girl unable to use mods. Gradually as their relationship unfolds, they deal with friends, family, and emotional turmoils that, despite the fantastic setting, are surprisingly grounded and human.
The publisher describes Love and Gravity:
Sunati and Austen are back in the final volume of their inspirational love story... Austen is working hard to overcome the limitations of Egan's Syndrome, a very rare condition that rejects body modifications, which is making school difficult. But while Austen is forced to confront her plans for the future, Sunati receives a once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity. . . on Saturn's moon, Enceladus! Will Austen find her way? And will Sunati leave Austen when she needs her most to follow her own dreams of space exploration? The wonderful ending to this story celebrates the complexity and beauty of what makes us human.
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The print edition includes some updated and adjusted dialogue to along with the graphic novel's young adult audience, such as toning down Austen's swearing. The original version is still available to read on Webtoon for free.
Always Human has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics. It received perfect 10/10s from Erica Friedman on Okazu and YuriMother. YuriMother listed the series as one of the best Yuri of the past 100 years in a guest post on Okazu and as a "must-see" series on the 2022 and 2023 editions of its Yuri Guide.
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North is running a promotion through the end of August where customers who purchase any edition of the book and submit a copy of their receipt on alwayshumanbooks.carrd.co will receive Something Old, Something New, a short digital comic about Sunati and Austen's future engagement and wedding, as well as a digital copy of the Always Human soundtrack, including a brand new track. Customers who purchase the hardcover edition of Love and Gravity will also receive a postcard print and two signed chibi bookplate stickers in addition to the digital comic and soundtrack.
You can purchase Love and Gravity, the second print volume of Always Human, today digitally and in paperback and hardcover editions: https://amzn.to/3rTQ0yP
Official releases help support creators and publishers. YuriMother may make a small commission from sales to help fund future content.
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Imposter Natalie is the sister of mod Void! She got into the QSMP more recently, and has made small plushie eggs for Ramon, Chayanne, Bobby, and Richarlyson.
Natalie is a birb fanatic, and when drawn will be drawn as a bird person. She had a bird named Ari, named after Jaiden's bird.
She will be making the occasional edit, anything she's found fun! She will be signing her posts with Mod Nat🐦, and her main is @tinyborbyboi
Please show her some love in the notes and asks! Super excited!!!
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hellsite-yano · 4 months
porky did you finish that list of minecraft splash texts and if so may we see it?
Sure, keep in mind the Better Than Adventure mod uses a different colour formatting code than vanilla though. It's also a bit more difficult to edit splash text in vanilla from what I can gather. Anyway:
§5>it's wet Pynk! >ISHYGDDT GALO SENGEN! Pretty smooth flying, Fox! :kanabento: Sad! ingredience Everybody pose! :JUST: Oh, absolutely! Hallownest approved! Soda! Nope! §0The air crackles with freedom. Master Spark! An extant form of life! Yesh §dNyuuu! Also try The Witness! hampter.jpg The city and the city! Qud approved! Also try Mummy Sandbox! What U Need! Drink it and forget it all! which I invented! §fAll black everything The hero appears! Touch grass! Ut UNDERSTAND! Gapacho approved! Interior Semiotics! It's yours, my friend! The silo doors are open! Who are you quoting? Smoke coal evree day! §5>not having an avocado tree MODS = GODS Women! Wrong number! A super fighting robot from the year 2010! Even the mods have mods! Is shine! Cassis bleep! It's media -_- Also try Manifold Garden! Labyrinth Fight! Grow up, this is Minecraft! Welcome, Mr. Guest. His name is Gedächtnis! With these hands we will destroy! WAKE ME UP Fighting in the dojo! §eLalal Jack in! PUNK TACTICS! Close enough! I buy sausage! You ARE the support, son! A frozen cephalopod! Milk inside a bucket of milk inside a bucket of milk §0Hit +50! SB-129 mariositting.txt Clean! The democratic club! went shop Also try The Witch's House! Vanilla+! :3 TRUE! DOOR STUCK! Dubious castle safety gigue! Sexo! The numbers, Mason! Don't be so wide about it! MACHINE HEEEEEEEEAAAAAD! Victorius! The grink is here! k/l/l/i/n/g/s/t/a/l/k/i/n/g! GAS GAS GAS! Wimdy! A vision of happiness! Got any grapes? Message over! I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT!!!1 wort wort wort Many such cases! I'm Kilroy! Just walk out! Detach the rear vehicle! SET ME UP! Wrong turn, tin daddy! Woomy! Gensokyo approved! Soup's on, baby! Fly away now! Literally who? Greetings from Germany! Papa Carlo! Superliminal! BAN THIS SICK FILTH King! Ari! Also try SOMA! SOME FOLKS ARE BORN 8 meters! This is most disturbing! Wheey! [Current thing]! Jerry! Welcome back, /v/! >:3 How does he do it? The Paper! 47 diamonds in my diamond account! The hero appears!!! Fly over! SICK RECOVERY The big bow-wow! Guest no. 431! GOODLUCK! CAMPEÃO DO MUNDO! Built from pieces of SR71! §eDe§5su! EEEEASY! Hedgehog stew! Unusual! :yey: Uranium Fever! Chinken nunget! There's friendship in the redstone! Axeil Edition! Beach City approved! §aourple! The Golden Path lies §4everywhere! Don't look at the silver lights The Electro Gypsy! Menacing! Cope! The hero appears!! OH GOD MAH DRILLS! eeeeeh? Also try Outer Wilds! Edith Piaf said it better Where's Reznov? INGERLAAAAAND! Also try Gorogoa! Orgasmic! Pure pare-do! §6It's lightish red! Also try Rain World! Hard Fast §kFaggot §rMaps! Hole approved! HUZZAH! Lost and farting! Selamat pagi! Deploy all units! CHARGE!!! Minute like a pixie! Most certainly! freaks dni! The ride never ends! Lucoa! Not what it says. The bits! The bits! The bits! :african_pensive: §mMother is watching §eH§1e§4l§5v§de§3t§bi§ac§2a §2S§6t§aa§6n§6d§1a§3r§2d Morioh approved! Comforble! Cocky little freaks! Also try Fallow! :pensive: Brillo whales soon! Scratch Perverts! Re-do! MEMORIES BROKEN! 300k starting! Also try sunny-place! tak tak tak ziip! NOW THE WHEELS ARE SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL! Roast beef and cornbread! No sappy lines allowed! With these hands we will rebuild! Also try The Beginner's Guide! Chefs kiss? Get the cool shoeshine! Happens often! Blood crystal obtained! MAKE IT BUN DEM! :hinableh: Also try Northern Journey! Welcome to Quindecim :) ARE YOU WATCHING HEAVEN? Daten City Approved! AS I LIVE! hina hina Nashi! Hack your 3DS! 4 = 2 > 5 > 7 > 3 > 1 > 6 > 8 Butcher is king! und cola! Lost at sea 1803 Bam-ba-lam! §3Aria approved! Seems legit! Easy Breezy! The World Revolving! Air 'em out! I live here? Splendid! Sing your sins! Surprisingly malleable! Comedy gold! §6Anglerfish Dance! Message to de west! Also try Dujanah! dubs Also try Iconoclasts! §aPudgy-Porky!?
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van-yangyin · 1 year
Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
Thank you @honeybeenrw and @stargazer-sims for tagging me 🙇💕
If it seems like a lot of text, don't force yourself to read it, you can simply ignore it. Sometimes I write too much, I know.
1.- What’s your favorite sims death? Sims eaten by cowplants, although there is an anecdote from when I was little that is very funny because I had a little "trauma" with that death. When I first played The Sims Take the Street on PS2 (the first sims game I played for the first time in my life) together with Lea, we made sims from Fushigi Yugi and we put them to live in a house… They all ended up being eaten by mutant plant (a plant similar to cowplant in that time), being the last one Amiboshi just after his twin brother Suboshi… It was one of our first games so adding a mutant plant was like, "What is this? Let's put it in, it sounds fun" and it ended up being a bit of a shock since at that time we had no internet, no guides or anything and everything was new, from that time for me at the end, after that experience it's ended up being fun, so being eaten by a (cow)plant it's one of my favorites sims death.
2.- Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Mix, I absolutly like more Maxis Match for hair, but with clothes I usually use both Maxis Match and/or Alpha, same with makeup or skin details, so yes, I'm consider myself Maxis Mix more towards Maxis Match.
3.- Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Why? When it comes to my/our OCs (Lea's and mine) we leave them as they wish to be, because they've gained or lost it by themselves because they have so wished, in fact one of our OCs, Carla, when gained more weight even became much more beautiful than when she had less weight, at least from our point of view.
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4.- Do you use move objects? Yes, quite a lot when I have to place a lot of clutter together or I have to place in a special way the constructions to do what I want and look for.
5.- Favorite mod? I would say MCCC, but there are many times it causes me a headache.
6.- First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Get to Work on realease. (Lea bought it, not me, but he likes to share, I mean it's stupid to buy the same thing twice when in gameplay we play together)
7.- Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? I pronounce "Modo Vivir", but if it's in English then like aLIVE.
8.- Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I have quite a few… They're all my cute babies, Ryuuya, Luka, Aris, Jack, Kyle, Kyla, Noah, Icaro, Carla. Lux, Kaoru, Ainosuke, Rin, Haruka, and many more but the list would go on and on... Sorry I can't choose... (And yeah we have a lot of original sims that we don't show here yet 😆)
9.- Have you made a simself? I did it once, when toddlers came out, I made myself into a toddler for a contest, but I have never done it again, and that simself no longer exists.
10.- What sim traits did you give yourself? With pack Growing Together that came out I can officially add more than three, right? Creative, Socially awkward, Ambitious, Music lover, Geek and Perfectionist. (The limit is 3 more traits, so I can't put Cat fan, Dog fan and Animal enthusiast [although these three should be considered more likes and dislikes, I don't understand how it can still be in traits], so I have them present but didn't add them, because I consider more as likes and dislikes).
11.- What is your favorite EA hair color? Red. I like black, but it changes and varies so much between different hairs and many of them look gray or bluish that they're no longer my favorite.
12.- Favorite EA hair? The two hairs that were added when Incheon Arrivals Kit came out and the hair from Snowy Escape that has two little clips on it.
13.- Favorite life stage? I don't have any favorite life stage, because all life stages are special in one way or another and I try to create sims of all kinds of ages, although maybe the ones I have the most are teenagers/young adults because I usually create a lot of sims based on video games/anime/shows if that makes sense, so people may consider those to be my favorite kind of stages.
14.- Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Let's see, I would consider myself mixed, or versatile. During the day from time to time I would consider myself a builder, especially when I make constructions with references that help me to locate myself (although there are times that I also make them without a base, but it takes me a long time to finish them and I consider myself a noob, Kitta's house, Dope Sketch I look at all of you just now). On the other hand, during the night before going to sleep and after dinner I'm more of a gameplay person and I have a lot of fun playing together with Lea.
15.- Are you a CC creator? Yes, I love to create CAS CC (hair, clothes, shoes, accessories, etc…), construction CC (furniture, clutter, whatever I need depending on the moment), small modifications in the sims, I'm usually very versatile, I do recolors and frankmeshing too although most of the things I love to do are from scratch (with references that aren't mine or concept arts that I draw previously which are usually mine) to learn even more, so I usually take a lot of time but I have a lot of fun. Although around here what I usually share with everyone, are hairs made from scratch, some other skin details, poses and conversions from other games.
16.- Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Not that I know of. The person I interact with the most around here is Lea but that's because we are family/best friends and spend a lot of time together, so for me it's like day to day. I would love to be able to have a constant energy and mood so I can interact more to make and keep friends around here. I write from time to time with people and would like to consider them friends but since we don't interact much or very constantly, I don't know if they consider me friends or if they would just consider me mutuals. I know of some people that we consider each other friends but we don't talk much either lately because I'm in my stage of writing little with people. But I don't refuse anyone or anyone who wants to interact with me and in the future something might come out of those interactions (friendship or... what's a squad? srsly I don't know it), I'm quite social/asocial and insecure, sometimes I write a lot and sometimes I write very little with people, so I don't know what they currently think of me.
17.- What’s your favorite game? Have a lot, Kingdom Hearts (yes, I went through the time when you needed different consoles to play the whole saga), Final Fantasy series, The Sims series, Life is Strange series, Resident Evil series, Tomb Raider series, Tales of Zestiria, Arc the Lad series, Minecraft, Spyro series, Crash Bandicoot series, Genshin Impact and I'm sure there are many more games that I haven't tried yet that I could add to the list in the future.
18.- Do you have any Sims merch? Nothing.
19.- Do you have a YouTube for sims? I don't have one, but I would love to, although I don't think anyone would be interested. I mean if you share something it's for someone else to see it and if no one would be interested then it would be like exposing yourself to the world but without being seen. I don't know if I make myself clear. I know that stories of your own sims/anything you do in the community have more room for other people when you do it as video, because when you talk they feel more empathetic with your stories/what you explain but my English is not very good and talking in general/talking to my sims is not my forte (that's something Lea is better at)
20.- How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? Pictures speak louder than words. I don't have sims screenshots I took in The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 because I can't access the external USB drive were on, so I'll limit myself to The Sims 4 screenshots.
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A written summary would be that I currently use more sliders and presets, use 3D eyelashes and natural nails for all my sims and use eye makeup to give more volume to the "eyelashes" and give them more "life". And try to make more different types of noses, faces, eye shapes, etc…. Besides adding natural lips as "make up" (when they don't wear makeup) to make them more "realistic" within my sims realism.
21.- What’s your Origin ID? I don't have anything shared, so I don't know if it's really important to say.
22.- Who’s your favorite CC creator? I have a few and they're the ones I use the most in my gameplays shared with Lea in our sims. They're all amazing so allé voy, @/pralinesims, @/simandy, @/happy-misanthropist (although is currently retired), @/obscurus-sims, @/raccoonium, @/falsogod, @/iowaisms, @/saruin, @/xxxtaiyaki, @/kijiko-sims, @/acha-sims, @/simmireen, @/lea-heartscxiv (yeah is with whom I share my sims game and he makes recolors mainly for me and him) and myself (self-esteem should never be lacking).
23.- How long have you had a simblr? Since last year, end of April 2022.
24.- How do you edit your pictures? So far the only things I use are Photoshop and Clip Studio, but I don't retouch pictures so much, I just "improved" problems with scratches that appear in some parts of sims, eyelashes that are displayed wrong, etc… And then I put one or two tonal change filters in Photoshop, but out of CC I use on sims, it's pretty vanilla the final pictures. If I were to do something else at some point, I would probably put unretouched edit under the cut line to see the differences.
25.- What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? If I had to say one for how the world is shown, CAS, objects and gameplay I would say Snowy Escape.
26.- What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? Seriously writing, refreshes. I would like to see refreshes and improvements of base game, an impossible dream, I know. Especially refreshes of Realm of Magic and Get To Work. Since Lea and I were forced to switch to EAAppsh*t we haven't bought anything from them anymore.
I know. It's only 26 questions and I've almost written a book just answering them, sometimes I get too excited writing when I know what I'm talking about 💦 Now time for the tags:
I'm tagging @lea-heartscxiv, @falsogod, @freedomending, @pralinesims, @saruin, @the-daydream-archives and @dizzyrobinsims
If you already done it, please ignore and if you have it handy tag me in the one you already did so I can see it, because maybe I missed it or wasn't connected the day you did it. If you don't feel like doing it, you can just skip it. And to anyone who wants to do so, feel free to tag me. If you share as a favorite death the cowplant one, don't wonder anymore if you should or shouldn't do it, do it, for all the sims who have fallen eaten by cowplants.
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Hope it isn't too weird to ask but, what kind of roleplay do ya'll do?
And is Lucifer the rope bunny during bondage?
//mate some of us mods are MINORS//
- ari
//If you have any NSFW asks, Adam and Ninlil are the only ones who are of appropriate age and 18+. However, I ask you keep it tasteful. And please go to their specific accounts linked in the pinned post. Not this joint account.// -Mod Nyx
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highbloodsprites · 10 days
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Ameius / ampora
I type in my typing quirk (vwv / wvw) please ask if you don't want this !
That's mostly it for me..
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I like to do Panel edits, normal sprite edits, moodboards, classpect stuff and Sign (like a Aries who is flushed for a Leo or anything other from the extended zodiac) stuff (first is as Gamzee would say a kinsona.)
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Can ask for moodboards messy (like the void one) or simple (the rage one)
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Tag is: ! ♒🍷🦈Simply an inquiry. !
Top banner by : @/lavendergalactic
Bottom banner and middle by: @/anitalenia
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batgirlzine · 2 years
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Hi everyone, Ari here with a long overdue update.
Let me start with apologizing for the radio silence. This team usually prides ourselves on being open and communicative when it comes to production delays and we, frankly, have failed in that department. I’ll do my best to update you all in the following post:
Unfortunately, our Head/Shipping mod Kye’s computer died completely about three weeks ago; they’ve been unable to work on things like graphics and so it’s been a bit of an ordeal getting things back up and running. 
The good news is that our contributors have seen the first draft of our book layout, and have just finished up mentioning edits they need made. Layout mod Michi is working very, very hard between their day job and college work to make the edits, and we should hopefully see the book in production very soon. 
Now the bad news. Because of this, and because of the impending holiday shipping congestion, we will be moving our shipping period to early 2023. I know this is not the news that you want to hear, but we feel like this will make the actual shipping easier on Kye- who will be shipping our bundles solo.
On a personal note, I apologize for not being more communicative about where we are in the process. As people who love the Batgirls and who trusted us with money to deliver on something that celebrates that love, it’s not what you deserve. But we are so genuinely grateful for everyone’s patience thus far.  
We understand that you may be upset by this development, or by the lack of transparency on our end. If that is the case, please feel free to shoot us an email at batgirlszine(@)gmail.com; I’ll be more than happy to do what I can to assuage any fears or concerns you may still have. 
Again, the entire team thanks you for your patience. -Ari
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zleepyhollow · 11 months
sims tag <33
Thanks for the tag @emasdf I love doing these little tag games!!
1. What’s your favourite sims death? vending machine death from sims 3 university life :)
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? maxis match
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? no, i only have in my extreme decades challenge for one sim cos they were supposed to be starving and poor
4. Do you use move objects? yes
5. Favourite mod? mc command center, i like seeing sims’ pregnancies before they give birth and it helped a lot with general world population
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? late night was first EVER but get together was first sims 4 dlc
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? LIVing
8. Who’s your favourite sim that you’ve made? my pfp sim, she was like gen 3 in one of my old saves and just came out looking beautiful with dark ginger hair xD
9. Have you made a simself? yes, last time i did was when i first got sims 4 so 9 years ago
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? goofball, geek, perfectionist
11. Which is your favourite EA hair color? dark ginger :3
12. Favourite EA hair? the ponytail with the braids and loose bits from eco lifestyle
13. Favourite life stage? young adult, there’s just more for them to do
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? gameplay and cas mostly, i’ve been dabbling in building recently though
15. Are you a CC creator? no
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? idk, i need the other person’s confirmation that we’re friends xD but i definitely have simblr mutuals i interact with more
17. What’s your favourite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) sims 3 all the way
18. Do you have any sims merch? no
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? no
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? my style used to be very exaggerated, now it’s more realistic while still fitting in with sims 4′s cartoony aesthetic
21. What’s your Origin ID? TheCrazyDictator
22. Who’s your favourite CC creator? i don’t really use cc but i suppose kijiko for their amazing eyelashes
23. How long have you had a simblr? i’ve had tumblr since 2015 but a simblr since 2021, active since 2022
24. How do you edit your pictures? I use reshade to make screenshots look brighter and add depth of field, then photoshop or canva to crop and add png’s
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? fairies or hotel management, but in-depth not just the surface-level-barely-doing-anything game mechanics
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favourite so far? probably paranormal stuff, so much included and it’s very much my kind of pack xD
I’ll tag @potionio @tbeanie-sims @boredmoodlet @druidberries @dwindledew @devotedsims @aries-sims and anyone else who wants to do this <33
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