#mod casey speaks
lute-the-faller · 3 months
the friend!!!! generally love malkah's cheeriness!!
always SO concerned abt everyone. the bestie ever
silly!!!! mrrp mrrp!!!!!!
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reshiramen-zekramen · 4 months
//oooohkayyyyy just a note: do not bring any of the bba student drama to this account bc i cannot handle it well and i wanted to have fun and be lighthearted here. i want to interact but if ur character is Going Through It i will prolly avoid you. apologies
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I was reading your headcanon about the pizza and it just reminded me about how the Turtles basically stole Kirby's Party Wagon... and Kirby never asked for it back, lol.
I mean you’re kinda right…
But Kirby did in a way give it to April, Casey and the Turtles to use when they were all planning on escaping NYC from the Kraang invasion, he just never asks for it back.
It would’ve been hilarious if when they returned to New York, defeat the Kraang and everyone was celebrating until Kirby sees the party wagon and just goes “IS THAT MY CAR?!?!” And the Turtles and friends all just look at each other with guilty faces but then Kirby says that his van looks even cooler than it ever did before.
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risetmntblog · 11 months
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i am having ideas
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browniefox · 2 years
I love Inscryption sooooo much, but damn do I wish there was a game that was just Cabin-Deck-Builder-Escape-Room for like 20-40 hours
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☆ “WHAZZ UPPP!! I’m Michelangelo, but you just call me mikey!”
☆ “I’m a bit of a younger dude, so nothing weird!! Nothing weirder then me!!”
☆ “let’s see..OH! I like Comics, my little buddy ice cream kitty, Pizza, I really like Pizza, skateboarding, music, tv, occasional doodling, and my brothers! Obviously!”
☆ “speaking of brothers…!!”
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☆ LEOO!! @blueboyinthestars
☆ RAPH!! @raphzilla
☆ ZEN!! @z3n-ster
☆ DONNIE!! @smartpurpleturtle
☆ APRIL!! @apriloneill
☆ CASEY!! @caseyjones2012
“That’s kinda all i got for now- heh.”
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((HEYOOO!! Mod, here!! You may refer to me as mod jj, please and thank you!! Just a couple of ground rules I’d like to share!!))
((Please do not harass me or any of the others. And be nice to them!! And myself, please!))
(( if you support NSFW and TCEST, and all that gross stuff- respectfully, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BLOG))
((also please no spam in the askbox!! Thank you very much, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day/evening/night!!))
— jj
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ask-thebrokensoul · 12 days
Why did this happen to me..?
Welcome to my blog!
This is run by @mod-arson, still a relatively new ask blogger, but in no way am I new to roleplaying!
This blog is focused on the Roblox Pressure fandom, but feel free to send in cross-fandom asks as well!
Mod is 18+, so 18+ asks are welcome IF you are 18+.
The Broken will speak like this.
Events and Descriptions are spoken like this.
Afilliated Bloggers/OCs
@ask-eyefestation - Z-317, dubbed "Eyefestation"
@asksearchlights - Vultus Limunaria, dubbed "Searchlights"
@expendable-exp420 - Casey, the lost.
OC Info under the cut!
Codename - The Broken
Gender - Female
Age - Specifics Unknown (Currently), likely 19-22
Birthday - September 24th
ID - 9275867163
Previous Affiliation with Urbanshade
The Broken was originally the head of marine research at the blacksite, often making many major contributions to the advancement of knowledge on the life down there. She was extremely against the illegal testing undergone down there, but was essentially powerless to stop any of it.
One late night, she was running diagnostics in the water filtration room, when she allegedly disappeared. Up until the present day, four days later, no body has ever been found, no evidence at all except some tattered remains of a lab coat on the lower deck, right near the water. When the fabric was analyzed, there were high levels of radiation often given off by Z-317, also known as "Eyefestation".
When she first came to after the attack, she was laying on her side, soaked from head to toe, taking lungful after lungful of air. She had reached to her face to adjust her glasses only to find that they weren't there. Even more horrifyingly, her hand -- or what should have been her hand -- was a clawed purple, with scutes, or serpent like scales, where her skin should be.
Alarmed at the revelation, she quickly and shakily ran to the nearby bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror. What gazed back at her was not human. Her entire body was covered in the purple and pink scutes, and her face looked sleeker, still distinctly human, her teeth sharper, her eyes a deep aqua. Her feet looked much more claw-like as well. She backed away from the mirror, hyperventilating ad feeling like she was going to pass out.
Running out of the bathroom, she ran aimlessly though the halls of the blacksite, panicking. She couldn't believe this was happening. as the hours passed, she began to calm down, eventually finding some clothes, a pair of jeans, a brown leather jacket with a gray undershirt, and a tan-colored scarf. For some reason, she always felt cold, now. There was no heat source in the blacksite.
She would figure this out..she had to.
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classpectpokerap · 5 months
is the medigo mod being updated or is it finished? and is there somewhere i should take my questions for that? :)
the megido mod basically died when hades ii was announced. :(
on the bright side, we got all the beta kids in, and all the aspect icons! i don't think the mod is unplayable by any means. we just never got far enough to do anything much story-wise.
but that's not to say that the mod meant nothing!!! i met tons of cool artists through the project, got a nod from casey mongillo calling it "COOL" lmfao, made some seriously important strides in the hades modding community...
and most importantly, a lot of the story beats i had for damara i ended up reusing in the prologue of Pesterquest Rewritten.
i've wanted to tell her story for a long, long time, and cutting out the gameplay modding and just telling a goddamn story.,,, well! i think the results speak for themselves. :3
i guess this is a bit of a post-mortem?
if you want to pick up the mod yourself, honestly, like. go for it. recruit some artists, find people who can draw in the hades style. find 3d modellers, too. and i can contribute some knowledge/my existing code, but yeah, like. the idea isn't copyrighted. (twice over lmao, i don't own hades or homestuck.) have fun with it.
mod your games people!!!!!!
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jackmanifold-daily · 1 year
In defence of jackmanifold-daily
better call kettle
Earlier today a despicable, scathing callout was posted by our own mod luigra… it was a painful betrayal for all of us, but thankfully, I can categorically disprove each and every allegation and mistruth contained within this evil post. Smash that like button and lets jump right in
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Okay I cant lie Strad definitely did that, more than once too. But there’s something that was… conveniently omitted. He got Food Poisoning from the foul dogs. 
Strad is the VICTIM here, and painting him as being the problem is just one example of the egregious twisting of the truth all throughout this callout. 
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Maybe I can’t prove that Jackity is a pure and unproblematic ship… but I can prove that the call comes from inside the house…blog, and the crew goes down with the ship…house *epic guitar riff*
In the image provided on the original callout post you can see the usage of the word “y’alls” … which doesnt seem too strange, until you remember that I am BRITISH and would never use the word “y’all” 
No, this tag was typed by someone else… mod luigra itself. My source? Trust me. 
Frankly, keys has literally never done anything wrong. Keys is a chronic haver of certified 🔑 moments, and is once again being victim blamed here, kinda weirdchamp, kinda gloopydoinky. Everybody wishes they were keys, unburdened by suffering and full of swag, this was clearly a callout spawned from jealousy.
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This is an OLD message, from long before pep had met our beloved keys, who changed their beliefs wholeheartedly. Pep does now ship jack manifold. The lgtbq community has forgiven pep cosmosisfold. People can change, man, thats so beautiful.
Was that night not dark for us all? During the long, cold jack manifold lore drought? Did it not hurt most of all for poor tea???? Democratically elected owner of c!jack, who made this prediction, only a light joke, to be struck down unwillingly by the gift of prophecy…. also xe is sleeping and cant defend themselves??? You wouldnt call out a sleepyguy. So immoral. 
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sigh… this is the worst accusation of them all. First of all, martyn is neurodivergent AND a minor. Which speaks for itself. Secondly, As circled in the image above you can see a difference in white colour, the wrong font for discord, the covered up original text. sloppy work tbh
Here you can even see the harshly named channel: martyn-hates-gay-people-and-women created by joy… who first sent this same supposed image… curious. Seems… sus.
Didn’t think I would made a defence for every mod here and leave the perpetrator out, did you?
No, listen well, good people of tumblr. Despite my clear evidence that the original callout post by the traitorous mod luigra is like, cringe or whatever, luigra is in fact… innocent too (gasp)
Joy is… literally a woman? The only woman on the server, which shows that we really need to do better, im sorry women. God forbid women do Anything. Also she goes through the horrors and maybe even the terrors every day, so, completely innocent. 
Let out that breath of relief, dear follower, you can continue enjoying the jackmanifold-daily blog free of fear, happy april fools <3 thanks for all the support, these guys are my best friends and im glad i got to meet them through this silly blog <33
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adaru32 · 9 months
Have ya tried Peak of Combat yet? Opinions? :O
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Heya! So I have stated a few times in some older news update posts of mine that I'm not a cellphone game player, and never planned on getting the game. I was just gonna watch the story mode cutscenes and boss battles on Youtube. But from what I've been hearing about the game from a majority that played it, it ain't doing so good where they're claiming that it's just as bad, if not, worse than Devil May Cry 2. Then again, it's basically a gacha game. There have also been claims that they've had difficulties launching the game, even on they day of its release. If anything, I've only seen a fraction of players enjoying it due to the costumes, selection of characters to play as, and the character interactions in story mode. And from what a majority of beta players stated, they preferred the gameplay mechanics of the 1.0 version of it, one of its earliest versions when Yunchang games was still developing it, and when its story was gonna be canon with the other games before Nebula Joy took over and changed everything. Speaking of Nebula Joy, they're another reason I don't ever plan on getting this game. I was hoping to get it if there ever was gonna be a Steam release, but now I'm not so sure. With the state of it that it's in, I don't know if there will ever be a Steam release now. So about Nebula Joy...I have no plans to ever support them because there have been claims from fans and mod developers that ever since they took over, things went completely downhill from there where they'd do nothing but spam a bunch of ads out there, let alone ads using A.I voices and showing off cutscenes that don't even feature in the game at all.
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And Nebula Joy has a reputation of being a schemey company that would scam not only the players, but influencers and mod developers as well.
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In my last news update post, I shared a statement from one of the mod developers about their experience of working with them.
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Even shared with them what a friend's friend went through when working with them.
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And with these fans stating their concerns about them and the game, I'm just shocked that Capcom didn't bother dropping them. But on a good note, Capcom hasn't even been promoting them and that game onto their pages and channels. That at least says something right there. Now aside from the negative parts about it, I'm just glad that we've got some kind of new Devil May Cry game with features that any Devil May Cry fan would want in one (except for the gacha part of it, of course). And it's nice that Capcom got to be a part of its development, and how Casey Edwards got to make a song for it, but it's just too bad what it's become. I was hoping for it to be better...
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ask-the-children · 6 months
Welcome to hell~
The is a roleplay blog for the kids of one of my favorite OC's, Zander, who is a serial child adopter.
I took the 8 that I consider the most canon, and shoved them into a blog together, which are;
Amari, who's 18
Tonin, who's 16
Lian, who's 12
Oracle, who's 11
Casey, who's 7
Carter, who also 7
Mian, who's 4
And Jason, who's 1.
Please please please i beg of you, specify if you mean modern day, or the time period i originally based all of them in. If you don't I'm gonna automatically assume you mean modern au.
Don't be pedophilic
Don't be an ass
If you have questions feel free to dm me. I welcome asks about anything, give me the weirdest fucking asks you can think of.
Jason and Mian will not speak in perfect English, seeing as I want them in character. So if you send an ask for the one year old only, I am going to slap my phone and press post.
About the mod <3
I'm an amateur rper, and if I find something that looks shiny and fun I'll probably forget about it. I also do traditional art, so if I ever post art of the kids don't be shocked when it looks grainy asf.
I'll prolly rarely do mod posts, all the other times I'll be in character.
If an ask involves more than three of the kids their text will be highlighted in the colour i wrote their name in above.
I think that's it for now. If you see this don't be afraid to interact, if you know the characters or not.
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lute-the-faller · 3 months
🌸 - Maya!
maya is always very very nice and ready to help out!!
hilariously funny. the humor. share it.
i always love seeing disabled characters in rp spaces bc it reminds me of myself and makes me happy!!!
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reshiramen-zekramen · 3 months
//might leave bba tumblr. any ideas for yinny i wanna keep her as a kid just a prestigious school student in unova but idk what he would do
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(I did a drawing instead of a quote cause I felt like I could communicate the quote better. Sorry if this is against the rules or whatever.)
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risetmntblog · 1 year
does anybody know the non-ship duo names for the rise characters? ik Donnie and Leo's is Disaster Twins and Donnie and April's is Banana Pancakes Duo, but what abt the rest?
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lgbreadt · 4 years
Welcome to lgbreadt! I will be posting comics of the lgbreadt family here! However, I don’t plan to post comics until this blog is more popular. By that I mean I won’t create or post completely unprompted comics. Until I get a decent following here, all comics posted will be answers to asks. You can send asks for any orientations in the header or that you personally want featured! Send away!
oh btw go follow my main @depressed-introvert-owo
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