#moonlight arrested development
moonlight-fan2008 · 5 months
Moonlight rewatch for millionth time
Episode 5 random thoughts and feelings I had while rewatching again: cause I’m bored and have nothing else to do or watch. And I love this show
In my personal opinion I feel like this episode was most likely the one where they (writers) decided that Mick/Beth went from a will they-won’t they pairing to a when will they pairing. Throughout episode there’s lots of scenes talking about fate or Beth/Josh only to have some sort of wrench thrown in the works and Mick is there.
I.e Beth is getting a blood test done and Josh comments it’s weird Mick just disappeared and is no longer hanging around. Then queue Mick showing up and when he ask’s about Beth and Josh getting married she quickly says no much to Josh’s chagrin (like look at him he’s a little hurt)
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Also Mick talks about fate and later Beth’s friend talks about fate at Beth and Josh’s house where they host a dinner party for their one year anniversary only to have a call from the morgue that drags her away from Josh and Co. and who does she run into? Mick.
Then it’s revealed that Mick’s missing girl case and Beth’s murder victim story are related and forces them to work together and get over what happened in the desert
Beth “You’ve been avoiding me” Mick “No I haven’t” he says in the most defensive way possible
More on fate, Beth’s friend Marissa is talking about fate and how Josh and Beth are meant to be and that is followed by a phone call which her friend interprets as a call from Josh and is like see you’re fated. Only to have that actually be a call from Mick (which doesn’t make it any less of a sign btw Beth)
Beth’s braver than me I’d be bright red and embarrassed the entire time during the “sexy” call scene where she’s pretending to be the dead escort
Mick’s not paying any attention to the FBI agent, he’s just like yeah uh huh and looking around the room
I like how Mick and Beth can communicate without saying anything
More on vampires drinking alcohol, the vampire kid in this episode is drinking some sort of beverage maybe a coke or rum and coke with a cherry garnish and yes he’s just sipping it but if there’s nothing benefiting you from drinking something other than blood and as Mick states in previous episodes they can’t taste food. What’s the point of drinking wine or whiskey or champagne or whatever. So is more of a sensation thing or is there something else to drinking alcohol ?
Mick’s face after Beth asked about sex between humans and vampire
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It’s like he’s so serious
I wonder if Josef has a special vampire characteristic that others don’t, like the vampire in this episode can make his nails into razor sharp talons and Lace and Coraline are immune to fire (which most likely means Mick is too) and Mick has that ice breath thing that we see in “The Ringer” so do all vampires get a special gift or only certain people are lucky enough to get an extra ability
“I’ll love you forever” Coraline took the forever part a little too literally
And he’s dead. Rip little psycho you won’t be missed
Beth “She doesn’t want to be on the internet” Maureen “Since when ?” Me “I don’t know maybe since she was nearly strangled to death by her client?”
Last thing on fate, Mick is taking about how what you want doesn’t matter and if the universe wants something it will happen whether or not you want it. And that’s followed by Mick dropping his car keys and struggling to find them under his car giving Beth enough time to catch up with him.
First kiss and Mick’s face (little dork)
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What the disk menu looks like for disk two
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Side note imagine being stuck at 16 forever ? Geez that would suck like at least if you’re in your 20’s you can do things freely like not be in school, get a house etc but being 16 forever ugh that’s a nightmare. I’m not condoning the psycho but ugh just thinking about makes me annoyed
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brinleyparke · 1 year
Professional Outfit Inspired by Josef Kostan
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Since Josef is filthy rich, I only selected high-end items. I also chose black and dark red because he's a vampire. I chose gold accents because silver is poison to vamps. I suppose I could have used white gold, but that would clash with the yellow gold GG on the waist of the skirt.
Also inspired by this:
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Here's the link to the look on Pinterest:
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raurquiz · 6 months
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#happybirthday @delongisanthony #anthonydelongis #actor #firstmajcalluh #startrek #voyager #mastersoftheuniverse #roadhouse #gangstersquad #arrestedevelopment #deadmen #thehunted #theouterlimits #babylon5 #moonlighting #macgyver #murdershewrote #DebtCollectors #FallenAngel
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poppy-metal · 3 months
i just saw your ask w angelplummie with daughters bsf art and respectfully i must ask your thoughts on dad’s bsf patrick
hhh gonna kill myself because imagine being arts daughter,,,,, growing up with patrick in your life hes like the fun uncle in your memories, dunking you in the pool, taking you on a ride in his truck, giving you noogies - it isn't long though before your thoughts aren't innocent anymore and he's not an uncle at all to you - he's a man. and you've watched him grow too, art being a teen dad - you remember him when he had no scruff on his chin - you watched him fill out - become more rugged, lose the boyish quality of his 20s and become the man you know today. hes still the same person at his core, impulsive, your fathers polar opposite in every way - fire to his ice.
your relationship shifts when you enter high-school. if only because you experience your first rebel streak. art is a good dad, but hes nervous and tight laced. the thought of you seeing boys or drinking and staying up late getting rowdy,,,,, it'd send him into cardiac arrest.
but you know patrick gets it. he was like you when he was your age, a free spirit. he still was, because thats not something that dies. and maybe that's how you develop feelings for him beyond that of a family friend. when you see a kinship there. a shared soul. you're soulmates, you're sure of it. meant to be. cut from the same cloth.
it happens in tenth grade. its not your first party but its the first time you get reckless. drink too much. things stop being as fun when boys grab at your hips and leer at you, and you feel sick. you want to go home but you know you cant call your dad. it'd break his heart to see you like this. the lecture alone would make pound against your head. you dont want to deal.
so you call patrick zweig. in your phone as 'Ricky 💗' only you were allowed to call him that. special. soulmates. he'll get it. hes been here, you're sure of it. and he wont tell. countless times he was drunk and lied to his parents about it, you bet.
you call him. he comes.
and you were right about the not telling but what you dont expect his quiet anger. you can feel it in the stillness of the car. when he pulls up to pick you up and his jaw is tight and hes tapping on the steering wheel. you think if you were more sober you'd care more about pissing him off. all you can think about is how pretty he looks in the moonlight.
"thank youuuu." you slur to him when you tumble in.
patrick flicks a look at you you're too drunk to decipher - he was smoking with his elbow propped outside the window while he waited for you. he flicks the ash out the window and turns the ignition on. "put your seatbelt on."
woah. thats gonna be a new fantasy, you think. that authoritative tone. you fumble with the belt, but your fingers look fuzzy and keep missing the hole. "no clicky." you complain.
patrick huffs and then he's leaning over his center console - his arm reaching over your body. it happens in slow motion in your head. you look down at his arm stretched out across your waist, notice the veins in his arms, the dusting of hair. thicker than when he was younger. filled out. your lips part.
he tugs the seatbelt from your fingers and clicks it into place. tugs the belt securely over your chest and his knuckles brush over your chest for the briefest moment. you inhale. exhale.
he pulls back. starts to pull out of the driveway. you say, "thank you." a full minute later, your voice small and soft.
he doesn't look your way. thats okay. you can watch his hands on the steering wheel all you want this way. the smooth glide of his palm over the wheel when he makes a turn. the idle rub of his thumb over it when hes going steady.
"how wasted are you?" he asks eventually.
you take a moment to think. try to count the alphabet backwards... yeah, no.
"pretty wstd..." you mumble. then you giggle. "wasted." you sound out the word.
patrick breathes deeply like he's purposely staying calm. "jesus." he looks at you again, a quick up and down assessment. "art cant see you like this. he'll lose his shit."
"he'll..." you hiccup. "he'll ground me foreverrrrrrr."
"your ass should be grounded." patrick snaps. "i mean, what the hell?" he says your name all disappointed and it shouldn't make you feel things but it does.
"you were doin worse at my age." you tell him.
at this, he finally laughs. more of a chuckle. a huff of amusement. his lips twist wryly. "kid, what i was doing at your age would make -" he pauses, thinks better of whatever he was about to say. "- lets just say nobody should be doing what I was doing at that age." he looks at you, "fucking especially not you."
your lips purse. "maybe i wanna be like you."
he shakes his head. "no, hun - you dont. trust me -" he grins but there's a kind of.... morose? tone to his voice. wistful almost. "you don't wanna be like me."
you frown, lips tugging down. you twist in your seat as much as your seatbelt will allow. his side profile really is something. you see hair at the nape of his neck is slightly damp - curling at the ends. he must have been taking a shower when you called - or quickly took one before he came to get you -
"i think i already am like you." you tell him honestly. the alcohol loosens your tongue. makes you more bold than you would be normally. "like, right here." you thump a hand against your chest. "on the inside." your teeth dig into your bottom lip. "i feel it. that.... thing we have."
"its called stupidity."
you shake your head. hard enough to make your brain feel knocked around.
"no, dont... dont diminish it. its not that - its like. you wanna be free - like... you were born a wolf but raised as a sheep. and you just wanna get out - run into the forest and be wild. you have that. i can see it. you try to push it down, but i see it. i see you, ricky. and i think you're cool as fuck. dont let -" you swallow. "- dont let anyone make you feel.... like you have to - have to - conform. i like who you are."
its quiet after that. patrick doesn't say anything. you watch your words run through him. see his adams apple bob. his lips work from one side to the other. hes chewing on it, you think. on what you said.
eventually he looks at you. his eyes are dark from it being night outside, but you can still see their green. his fingers tighten around the steering wheel.
"you're drunk as fuck."
but he says it like his voice is ran through gravel. rough and soft. you think what he really means is, thank you. i see you too.
you fall back against your seat and nod. you're getting sleepy.
"yeah." you agree. "i am that."
you hear him sigh. "I'll take you back to mine - tell your dad you got caught in a storm and couldn't make it all the way to his." his voice does that authoritative thing again, "but dont make this a habit, im too old for this shit."
"what're you gonna do? spank me if i misbehave again?"
he says your name in warning. once. clipped and short. so serious.
"I'll try." you tell him. "but no promises."
"you're gonna give me gray hairs."
"tuck me in when we get to yours?"
"dont fucking push it."
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Stede and Ed really suck this season. Looking back, lots of their scenes were extremely cinematic and/or quotable: the dream sequence at the start, the mermaid scene, the thing about breathing the same air, the kiss under the moonlight, them banging with fireworks going off outside, Ed reading Stede's letter, the kiss and love confession during the fight with the English, and finally them standing together in the dilapidated house that is supposedly going to become their inn.
It felt heavily like style over substance. Meanwhile they spent the entire season flip flopping between being together, breaking up, taking things slow, taking things fast. It led to a severe case of arrested development for both of them, because at the end of the season neither of them really changed, they never talked through their issues which could help progress their relationship in a meaningful way.
I mean hell, Stede is worse this season than he was before. In the past he was self-centred and a bit of a dick, sure, but at the end of the day he did seem to care about his crew. And there he is, being the one to suggest that Ed go back to the ship and the crew, one half of which he marooned, and the other he spent weeks or months traumatizing. And on the same day that the very crew unanimously decided to kick Ed off the ship. Like??
Ed, similarly, seemed so... Confused is probably the best word to describe him this season. And I don't even mean the character himself, but the way he was written. We have established looong ago that he doesn't want to be a pirate anymore, yet after he abandons his leathers, he immediately retrieves them within like one day. And sure, he did it to protect Stede. But then he kinda... Did a complete 180° and suddenly wants to actually go back to piracy? Then he's supposed to rejoin the crew of the Revenge only to then stay on land with Stede with the intention to run an inn?
He seems all over the place, and not in a way that feels interesting or entertaining anymore. I mean hell, the first three episodes of the season were amazing, and he was definitely one of the highlights of them. He was incredibly intense in everything he did, hurting, heartbreaking, wanting to go down and willing to take the entire world with him. Those three episodes were probably my favourite bit of television that I've ever seen.
But then... Stede showed up.
And in the end Ed got reduced to this hollow character that doesn't seem to know what he wants at all, and it feels like it's going to bite him in the ass very soon, and hard. He didn't do any of the heavy lifting of development he could've or should've gone through. Izzy did. And then he bled out in Ed's arms.
What worries me is that DJenkins said in interviews before that ideally the show is supposed to end after three seasons, and (if we get season 3 at all, that is) if that is the case, if Ed and Stede are supposed to get a happy ending together that is meant to feel earned and gratifying, they won't have nearly enough time for it. I mean, they hardly talk about the things that matter, that are important to talk about if you want to have a serious relationship with another person. And sure, they might both feel this intense pull towards one another, but that isn't nearly enough to make it work between them. For one, love sometimes simply isn't enough. And I hope that they realize it in time.
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azure7539arts · 11 months
Re: being blind and in the dark—a side-by-side look at TtEotM and Black Moonlight
I have a whole draft about this but it's so long, and idk if i should post it, so here's the gist:
The fact that the show shifted the narrative of person-trapped-in-the-dark from Li Susu/Ye Xiwu to Tantai Jin is very important to me. (The show and the novel are companion pieces, you can't convince me otherwise.)
In the novel, Li Susu went blind and partially deaf because of the curse from the Qingshi Flower. Basically under house arrest in the Cold Palace with no human contact for an extended period in such a state, Li Susu was left deeply traumatized because freedom and the ability to see are both very important to her and her quality of life. The trauma carried over after she'd left Ye Xiwu's body, which culminated into a scene where she had to go into a dark cave in search of something and ended up having a panic attack due to the subsequent onslaught of bad memories. Tantai Jin, shaking with realization that Susu had developed a fear of darkness because of what had happened in the past, rushed in to her aid, and upon finding Susu, he dug through his belongings to find the most reliable source of light he had on hand before helping her out of the cave. Once out, she had an epiphany about confronting the traumas of one's past in order to move on and become a stronger person for it, then she immediately retreated from Tantai Jin, leaving his side to finish what she set out to do.
A lot can be said about this character development on Susu's part, but what I find most compelling is how the show took this and asked, in return: what of Tantai Jin?
In the show, Susu never developed a fear of the dark. There's a couple of reasons for this: one, she never went completely blind and was still able to see a little of the approaching thunder right to the end of her life as Ye Xiwu; two, she was less concerned about her own freedom and sight, and was more dead-set on attempting at righting the wrongs that had transpired between her and Tantai Jin—in doing so giving him another chance at life. Li Susu in the show is a little more mature than in the novel, and she possessed more self-reflection in all the things that she went through as Ye Xiwu with Tantai Jin, which contributed greatly to their developing relationship at the time as well as her own perception of him. Bo're Fusheng Arc, therefore, became a cornerstone of even greater importance in the show than in the novel, imo, because through Sang Jiu's story, Li Susu saw what kind of enduring suffering and hopelessness would push someone to the brink and down into the precipice. This was where she learnt that she didn't necessarily have to agree with someone's actions to have compassion for them, which is an amazing lead into her eventual argument with Tantai Jin after their wedding where he told her that he'd been lost in the dark for the 20 years of his existence, stumbling through that void like a blind man until he'd thought that he'd finally found his one light in life—her.
This is a direct parallel of what was depicted in the novel. A great reversal of a question to illustrate Tantai Jin's pains, even if his experiences didn't justify the viciousness of his retaliations, and how they had both pushed themselves into this corner: their inability to see beyond the frames of references they had operated on throughout their entire lives. She was unable to see past her prejudice against him, and he also was unable to see past the perceived betrayal from her, and in their blindness, they ended up torturing each other until there was barely anything left to salvage. The moment Susu, in the show, realized what had actually happened in regards to the poisoned congee and the death of Ye Xiwu's grandmother, all the previous set-ups from the showrunners were paid back in full: if she had ever had any misgivings about her initial assumptions of this, living through Sang Jiu's life with all of its trials and tribulations left no shadow of doubt in her heart that everyone had a breaking point no matter how resilient they seemed. A series of unfortunate tragedies had been enough to turn a once optimistic, naive, and softhearted princess (who had a great, if not spoiled, upbringing) into a cold-blooded murderer, then what of Tantai Jin? Tantai Jin who had never had anything in his life?
After all, "to become a god or a devil. It all lies in one single thought."
There was no taking back everything that they had done to one another, but "some people in darkness do not deserve light" had been the cruelest thing she could have told him, and Li Susu knew this. That was why she used whatever was left of her life at the time to exchange a new existence for him—to once and for all be that light in the dark that she had previously, continually denied him time and time again. So he could hopefully see a way out somehow, even after she'd gone, and do whatever he could to begin again.
Truly convinced the novel and show are each other's companion and should be both read and watched for a full experience.
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shesnake · 11 months
Oh! And btw will you make a post with all the movies you made a reference in the most insanely devoted pool too? 😭
oh yeah I'll do it here. from this poll:
creating a new social media account for them: just an actual thing people do
watching their letterboxd top 4: also an actual thing
hijacking speakers and singing in front of the whole school: 10 things I hate about you
drive for 8 hours: moonlight. my boy chiron drove from atlanta down to miami for a meal from kevin 🥺
confession of love in the rain: pride and prejudice
erotic letter so horny you get arrested: atonement
dive off a waterfall cliff together: also sheriarty/sherlock holmes
destroy a library of pornography: the handmaiden. peak romance in context
[admittedly I could've worded this better but the character limit kille me so i'll do that here:] develop human consciousness and sacrifice everything (the rest of humanity no big deal) for them because that love and selfishness is the very thing that makes you human: westworld but also the matrix
commit nuclear terrorism in order to reset time and *stop* them from dying: the lazarus project
listen to their podcast: also an actual thing people do <3
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cas-is-watching · 1 year
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hiii i am revamping my blog and looking for moots!!! follow and i will follow u back :3
my name is cas (they/them) 🌟 fun facts abt me:
- i am autistic & hard of hearing! ♾️
- i am 20 years old 🪱
- i identify as queer & ace
- my spi is researching media!!! 👁️
- i make jewelry and sell it on instagram! the account name is casmakesjewelry 🧷
- i am going to university for communication sciences & disorders with a minor in asl 🌀
here's a list of my interests and random things i will be blogging abt :3
- my BIG THREE interests are adventure time, madoka magica, and the magnus archives!!! i know everything there is to know abt these three
- i love movies, my top 5 currently are eeaao, swiss army man, my neighbor totoro, moonlight, & coraline
- i love television, my top 6 shows currently are drag race (i am a drag race encyclopedia), yellowjackets, bee & puppycat, s*x education (tumblr is weird sometimes) , twin peaks, & arrested development but i like so so so many tv shows
- i love anime, my top 3 outside of madoka are mob psycho 100, kiznaiver, & chainsawman
- i love games, my big 5 are lis, nitw, tlou, overwatch (i know but i only play the gay ppl) & undertale
my biggest kins are princess bubblegum, fern, mae (nitw), bee, & jonathan sims (yes im kind of evil) 🫧
* thank you for reading all of this if u did!!!! *
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ppeonppeonhan · 1 year
What is EarthMix's Best BL Love Story?
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Sometimes you get to see a bl couple's relationship progress through a season 2, and sometimes you get to see those acting partners revive their chemistry in an entirely different plot, playing completely different characters?
Earth and Mix have been bl partners since 2021, and they've cranked out 3 different love stories -- all with unique plot lines and character arcs -- in the span of two years.
First, they had to overcome their class differences in A Tale of Thousand Stars (below), then they had to beat a supernatural curse in Cupid's Last Wish, and most recently, they had to contend with trust issues and arrested development in Moonlight Chicken (above).
My fave was definitely their first -- just love a good city boy meets country boy love-hate dynamic.
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scribbliff · 3 months
1. Guild Troubles
I raise a hand to my face to conceal my insuppressible expression of disappointment while Jim “All Thumbs” Jarvis fiddled away with the locked door of the dispensary we’d been contracted to hit. Since the fifth minute of the operation has already gone by, and the distinct lack of rolling clicks signifies an equally distinct lack of progress, I can give you a little background. Thieves Guild ain’t what it used to be, long gone are the days of razor-sharp titles and lone wolves making it big… nowadays, we’ve got a buddy system, since the Thief Master In-Charge was tired of his infamous heisters getting caught by crown-funded task forces. And with the growing public interest in trial coverage, anyone with a few good heists under their belt ends up on the front page, so thieves nowadays want names with pizazz, that exhibit gumption, monikers that make them sound rascal-esque and cheeky.
Back in my day everyone had names like ‘The Shrike’; ‘The Gull’; ‘The Ghost’; but nowadays the newer thieves want comedy in their nicknames, hunting sensationalism they should be desperately avoiding. Oh yeah, unsanctioned thieves desperate to see their names in lights, what a world, and these little upstarts keep taking the piss out of me for being called ‘The Shadow’.
The audacity. 
So that’s why I’m here, twiddling my thumbs while a man who is so unnaturally clumsy that he can’t fall asleep without self-injury fiddles in vain with a lock that wouldn’t keep a strong gust of wind out. I light my third cigarette of the night as I watch him bumble and curse, the number of broken lockpicks littering the floor equaling the number of spent butts I’d created myself. 
If this was a solo job I’d already be in Bartholomew’s Slophouse tucking into a house special- no, it’s more like a house below-average actually, in the almost-warmth of his establishment and enjoying the almost-good ambience, yet I’m out here in the biting cold. Honestly, if I hadn’t been instructed by the Thief Master In-Charge himself to take a step back and let All Thumbs work, I’d have done it myself by now… Wait, was that a click?
I turn to regard my compatriot, my surprise so tangible it mustered enough breath to launch my cigarette from my mouth, the ember protruding up in salute from where it’d landed, nestled erect between two chipped cobblestones. There All Thumbs stood, the door handle grasped in his meaty, ham-adjacent hand, a grin plastered across his weathered chops, his assortment of teeth bared in the moonlight like the mouth of a long-rusted bear trap. He straightened up, pushed the door open and stomped into the establishment, full of pride in himself and his work, despite my whispered warnings to move slowly and carefully.
I peer around the door just in time to see All Thumbs explode in a flash of dark red light, a glare so intense I reflexively raise my gloved hands to shield my eyes from the intensity. As the smoke cleared and I took a glance, I spot that All Thumbs had been polymorphed. A curious trap indeed, that utilised strange, odd magics to turn a fully grown man into a smoking, misshapen skeleton. With a heavy head, and not so heavy heart, I exhaled a sigh against my palm: not only had the operation been a resounding failure, but my charge had been suitably skeletonised by one of the oldest traps in the scroll. Oh yes, orc magician and entrepreneur Bog Scrimbly’s The Skeletonizer had been very popular in the days of my youth, effective too I might add, but just like the thieves tripping them, the traps themselves were beginning to be developed with ‘necessary’ layers of irony built-in. 
Traps that, when tripped, arcanically tattoo ‘naughty boy’ across your forehead, for example, or traps that dye your hands blue to ensure your swift apprehension by the city guard. Oh yes, it certainly helps keep the arrest statistics higher than the fatality reports but it isn’t much of a deterrent. Nowadays tripping a tripwire meant potential embarrassment and ridicule, or at worst, a few days out of the public eye to avoid capture, but back in the old days tripping a tripwire meant a coin-flip on whether your person-meat continued to exist or if it’d be spirited away to another plane, leaving your bones squeaky clean and pristine… If that was how Bog Scrimbly’s trademark trap worked, anyway: the inner workings were, reasonably, a closely-guarded secret.
But no trap works on everyone, I suppose, and I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my jacket, deep enough to grasp sadly at the miscellaneous detritus that lingered in their confines. I wandered down the street towards Bartholomew’s and pondered the mediocre morsels I’d partake of within. What would my next partner be like? Hopefully another old guard like myself, a real go-getter with decades of thieving experience. 
“But what does The Shadow know?” I say to myself under my breath, the misty drizzle of the autumn rains getting my trench coat all soggy, and the cold making every exhale through my lengthy lizard snout akin to a billow of steam from one of those fancy new rail engines. It was a cold night, but I never minded the cold much - A side-effect of being cold-blooded both physiologically and philosophically, I suspect. Undeterred, I submerge myself deep within a roiling ocean of speculative thought as I stalk along those cobbled streets, lingering adjacent to the curb so I may cast myself bodily into an alleyway should a particularly diligent guard come to investigate the localised explosion that claimed “All Bones” Jarvis.
Jerris the stableman watched as, once again, the little Kobold stomped past the stables, the pitter patter of his little lizard feet on the wet cobblestones echoing across the street. Ferris had seen the odd little fellow around now and then, whoever he was, and was always mumbling to himself, wrapped up in that dark leather with a grimace on his face. He shook his head briefly and returned to breaking up steed leavings with his trusty shovel, thanking his lucky stars that he hadn’t been raised a thief in today’s job market, before tossing a portion of his odorous payload into the wooden wheelbarrow behind him. 
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greensparty · 2 months
RIP Dr. Ruth, Richard Simmons, and Shannen Doherty
I was on vacation and wanted to combine multiple deaths that occured during my getaway:
Remembering Dr. Ruth Westheimer 1928-2024
Sex therapist and talk show host Dr. Ruth has died at 96. She became an icon in the Reagan 80s for her frank discussion of sexuality, most notably on her TV talk show Dr. Ruth Westheimer  (Lifetime 1984-1991). She was a staple of TV talk shows in the 80s and was often imitated, including Mary Gross who played her on SNL. She appeared as a fictionalized version of herself in Electric Dreams, an episode of Moonlighting, and an episode of Melrose Place. Worth checking out is the 2019 documentary Ask Dr. Ruth directed by Ryan White (who I interviewed in 2022).
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Dr. Ruth as a guest on David Letterman in the 1980s.
The link above is the obit from Hollywood Reporter.
Remembering Richard Simmons 1948-2024
Fitness guru Richard Simmons has died at 76. Of all TV aerobics instructors he was one of the biggest personalities. In the 1980s he had many fitness videos including "Sweatin' to the Oldies" and like Dr. Ruth, he was a frequent guest on talk shows. He appeared in a 1994 episode of SNL (in a Coffee Talk sketch) and Eddie Murphy portrayed Little Richard Simmons, a mashup impression of Simmons and Little Richard. Within pop culture, Simmons appeared in several movies and TV shows as a fictionalized version of himself on a number of shows including a 1985 episode of Amazing Stories and some episodes of Arrested Development. In recent years there have been podcasts about him and there's a biopic in the works with Pauly Shore set to play him.
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VHS cover
The link above is the obit from Hollywood Reporter.
Remembering Shannen Doherty 1971-2024
Sad news that actress Shannen Doherty died at 53 after a long battle with cancer. She was actually an early crush of mine circa late 80s. My favorite performances of hers were: Heather Duke in the 80s teen masterpiece Heathers, as Brendan Walsh on Fox's Beverly Hills, 90210 from 1990-1994, and as Rene in Kevin Smith's Mallrats. Smith's follow up to Clerks was a bigger budget movie and thanks to Doherty he had a big name star in it. When I met Smith in 1997, I had him sign my 1995 Film Threat with him and Doherty on the cover and he jokingly drew a mustache on her! I was a fan of the first 2 or 3 seasons of 90210, but it's really sad that since this teen show that was on when I was a teen, we've lost Luke Perry in 2019 and now Doherty (for the teen cast that is).
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Jason Lee and Doherty in Mallrats
She got her start as a child / teen actress. Early roles included voice acting in The Secret of NIMH, Night Shift (still my favorite Ron Howard movie), TV's Our House (NBC 1986-1988), and then the 90210 era. She played herself in an episode of Parker Lewis Can't Lose, Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult, and she returned to the View Askewnaverse as herself in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. She hosted SNL in 1993 with the great "Denise Show" sketch where Adam Sandler is pining for his ex played by Doherty.
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Alf and Doherty
In 1987 to promote NBC's Saturday Morning TV season, they had a promotional special Alf Loves a Mystery, with Alf trying to solve a mystery...with the help of NBC TV shows. Doherty, who was on Our House at the time, appeared as a The Lady in Red. After the passing of Alf's Benji Gregory and now Doherty, it's a tough week for Alf fans like me :(
The link above is the obit from Hollywood Reporter.
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moonlight-fan2008 · 6 months
I’m back, took a little hiatus longer than intended but I’m back to making Moonlight content.
This time it’s the Music of Moonlight all the songs (or at least to the best of my abilities) featured in the show. Using Shazam app to get most of the songs but the apps not perfect and can’t always get them.
Part 1 of 2? (Might make it 3 parts)
Music featured in Episode 1: No such thing as Vampires (in order of appearance)
My immortal by Evanescence (featured at the end of the episode where Beth remembers Mick saved her as a child)
Music featured in Episode 2 Out of the past: (in order of appearance)
Hungry like the wolf by Duran Duran (featured in the middle of the episode after Mick beats up Lee Jay for the first time and goes to the vampire club with Josef)
Forever and ever amen by 8mm (featured towards the end of the episode after Lee Jay is killed)
Music featured in Episode 3 Dr.Feelgood: (in order of appearance)
Catch my fall by the Elliot’s (featured at the beginning of the episode during the murder in the convenience store)
Easy as you’re waiting by Los Halos (featured in middle of episode Pollock the rouge vampire’s wife is listening to the song when she drives home)
All the world by Fauxliage (featured at the end when Beth and Mick are sleeping in bed followed by Mick confines in Beth about his turning)
Music featured in Episode 4 Fever: (in order of appearance)
Vanished by Front line assembly (1st featured in the opening sequence where Mick is having his fever dream dying in the desert and then again when we are caught up to the events that lead there)
Side note: Mick: “Not like this!” Me: “So you’ve thought about this before? 😉”
Into Dust by Mazzy Star (featured at the end when Beth tries to see Mick after the events in the desert)
Music featured in Episode 5 Arrested Development : (in order of appearance)
Believe by the bravery (featured at the beginning of the episode when the vamp killer is searching for his next victim)
Side note Josh’s face when Beth quickly said no to marriage is like “🥲 oh okay then” lol
Bird and the Worm by the used (featured in the middle of the episode when Mick and the killer are fighting on the roller coaster)
Sleep by Meiko (featured at the end when Beth and Mick kiss for the first time)
Side note: whoever did the casting for the parents of Cherish did a good job. They really look like they could be related.
Music featured in Episode 6 B.C : (in order of appearance)
Bounce with me by Kreesha Turner (featured at the beginning of the episode during the fashion photo shoot)
Fallout by Johanna Boberg (featured in the middle of the episode when Beth and Mick meet up at club Valis)
Let it go by Fauxliage (featured in the middle of episode when Beth is high on black crystal and Mick is trying to sober her up)
Devils got a holda me (ep version) by the colour (featured in the middle/end of the episode when Mick is raiding Lola’s warehouse)
Under by under (featured at the end of the episode and closes it out)
Music featured in Episode 7: The Ringer (in order of appearance)
The collapse by Kill Hannah (featured in the beginning of the episode when Mick is watching the Franklin fire)
The Mating Game by bitter sweet (featured in the semi middle when Beth and “Morgan” go to Mick’s place)
Ain't That Just Like a Woman by Louis Jordan & The Tympany Five (featured in the middle when Mick is at Morgan’s house investigating the “break-in” and has a flashback to when he first met Coraline)
Star Eyes by Jimmy Dorsey and His Orchestra, Helen O'Connell, & Bob Eberly (featured in the middle when Mick is having a flashback to his days of dating Coraline)
Kingdom by Dave Gahan (of Depeche Mode) (featured at the end of the episode when Morgan reveals she actually was Coraline all this time)
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myreyisbae · 6 months
Put together a list of songs found in moonlight promos/commercials since @moonlight-fan2008 did lists for episodes 1-16 if any are missing please let me know
For reference I used my promo Archive and Shazam + other older moonlight blogs/forms
❌ = Can't find
🎹= No lyrics
"Taking Chances" by Celine Dion
"Save Me" by Marc Lane and Greg Hatwell
"Los Angeles" performed by Sugarcult
*(Heating up Promo)
"How Do You Do" by Natasha Bedingfield
*(Meet Mick promo)
Apologize (feat. OneRepublic) by Timbaland
*Moonlight summer promo (WIN TV Australia)
"Heroes" by Shinedown
*Ghost Whisperer.Moonlight Promos
"Savin' Me" performed by Nickelback
"Original Man" by Ronn L Chick, Dennis Winslow & Robert J Walsh
*still wort living promo)
"How Does It Feel" by Deep Sounds
*(2 minute drill) S01E10 Sleeping Beauty promo
"Driftwood" by Deep Sounds
*(2 Minute Drill) S01E11 Love Lasts Forever
"Long Way from Home" Stephen Spiro & Paul Wickens
*(2 Minute Drill) S01E13 Fated to Pretend
"Beautiful Day" by 3 Colours Red
*(2 Minute Drill) S01E13 Fated to Pretend
A Different Girl (Full Mix Vocal)
By Chris Goulstone
*(Eyelab) Bloody Valentine promo
"Here She Comes" by Other Star People❌
*(Eyelab) Moonlight for Dummies
"Secret" by inque❌
*(Eyelab) immortal observations with Mick st. John
"Moving Backwards" by Ross Golan❌
*(Eyelab) Rewind
"Hands" by TriggerPimp ❌
*(Eyelab) MickBeth
Rpm by Michael Caen 🎹
*(Eyelab) How Do You Like Your Mick? promo
"Lullaby for a Loss" by Paul Reeves🎹
*(Eyelab) immortal observations with Mick st. John promo
"Stormbreaker" by Paul Reeves 🎹
*(Eyelab) immortal observations with Mick st. John promo
"Behind It All" by Conte Conte
*S01E04 Fever promo
"Get Your Way" by Jamie Cullum
*S01E05 Arrested Development
"Losing You" by Sia
*S01E07 The Ringer
"Final Onslaught" by the Action Machine
*S01E08 12:04 AM
"Like Yesterday" (Version 1) by Mike Shepstone & Steve Ennever
*S01E09 Fleur de Lis promo
"Dream Catch Me" by Newton Faulkner
*S01E11 Love Lasts Forever promo
"Mercy" by Duffy
*S01E13 Fated to Pretend promo
"When I'm Gone" by Simple Plan
*S01E16 Sonata promo
"Vindicated" by Dashboard Confessional
*S01E16 Sonata promo (Malaysia TV9)
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docholligay · 1 year
Ep 4: Shauna
Hello! This is about up to Episode 4 of Yellowjackets, and ONLY  episode 4 of Yellowjackets. I have not seen beyond the fourth episode,  at all, and  know NOTHING about this show. Please do not spoil it for me.  Things  that are spoilery in nature, for me, include: saying things like  “Just  wait!!” confirming or denying anything I put forward, outside   information about the cast interviews or creator statements, leading   questions like “Do you think “blank moment” means anything?” etc.  Remember  that Y’ALL HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND I HAVE NOT. This informs the  way you  talk about things relating to the show. Just be really careful  is all  I’m asking. Also: If there is LITERALLY any stance I  could  take on this show or character that would make you upset, please  just  fucking block the tag
If you WOULD like to discuss the show and my takes on it, the Discord is right here! I don’t go there, so it’s a great place to get every emotion out.
Please thank @sailorsunspot and @moonlight-frittata for backing this odd way of doing a liveblog, and remember my tip jar is always open
This is actually going to be a quick one because this is mostly the fun C plot to the very very heavy A plot and the fairly heavy B plot. Butr, let’s check in with one of our favorite unhinged disasters! (They are all my favorite unhinged disaster) 
Once again, we’re being rammed into the fact that Shauna is in a state of arrested development, and feeling like she never got any of the normal things about being a teenager. She’s running around with Adam having what seems to me to actually be a really fun night--my wife never went on dates in high school and I’m considering doing something like this for our anniversary--but there’s this sense that she genuinely is trying to recapture something that simply can’t be brought back. 
I love that moment in the parking lot where the guy scoffs at her and goes, ‘Lady, they’re not gonna card you.” Because that’s it, right? We can’t bring it back. Time’s arrow neither stands still nor reverses. Nothing she does, none of her fucking around with Adam, none of her drinking an everclear-juice cocktail, even jumping off a bridge, will bring her back to all that lost opportunity, all that lost innocence. None of it will bring Jackie back. 
Except it DOES, right? 
We know that Jackie metaphorically haunts ever fucking aspect of Shauna’s life, and I feel like in so many ways, Shauna is living her life as a form of atonement for Jackie’s death. Which, holy fuck do I love that, I think it’s incredible. But anyway, this is the first time I can recall that we SEE Jackie haunting Shauna. And what does she say? 
“Someone’s gonna get hurt.” 
Is she talking about jumping off the bridge? No, I don’t think o. I think she’s talking about everything that’s going on with Jeff, everything that’s going on with her daughter, everything that’s happening between her and Adam, and how there’s no way it can’t crash as hard as the plane itself.
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razieltwelve · 2 years
To Kill An Idea (Legend of Korra AU)
Note: This is set in the AU in which a (mostly) reformed Azula was one of Korra’s instructors.
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Korra went through the familiar movements of a waterbending form. However, her mind refused to settle. The angry reactions of the crowd, the zealous resolve of the speaker, the bender left without his powers...
Had there always been such strong anti-bender sentiment?
She had asked Tenzin about it, but he’d told her it was a relatively recent development. Supposedly, it was due to a new movement, the Equalists, who were led by a man named Amon. But something about it didn’t feel right. And watching Tarrlok’s forces crackdown on anyone even tangentially associated with the Equalists felt wrong. He was making it worse. She was sure of it.
“You must have a lot on your mind. You’re getting sloppy.”
Korra stopped and turned. Azula was sitting on the steps, golden eyes gleaming in the dusk twilight. Half her face was hidden in shadow, but there was an amused smile on the other half. Korra’s lips twitched. She’d been wondering where Azula had been.
She’d half expected the old firebender to waltz into the council meeting and take charge. Honestly, Korra would have been glad if she had. If there was one thing Azula specialised in, it was getting things done... and getting them done properly. At the very least, Azula would have come up with a better plan for dealing with the Equalists than just arresting everyone associated with them.
“I took a walk through the city today,” Azula drawled. “And I heard some very interesting things.”
Korra sagged. “It’s a mess, and I can’t help but feel that we’re only making it worse.”
Azula held up one hand. The flame that flickered to life above her palm burned first orange and then blue and then finally an eerie white. “The city is a tinder box, and the council has vacillated between doing nothing and throwing a torch on it.”
“What would you do?” Korra asked quietly as she sat down next to Azula. The colour of Azula’s flames had always fascinated her. She’d never been able to get her own fire to burn blue, never mind the white that Azula only seldom displayed. It reminded her of moonlight, but unlike moonlight it burned. “Everything we’ve done just seems to make things worse.”
“Let me ask you a question,” Azula said. “Do you think that the Equalists are right?”
“Of course not,” Korra said. “They’re -”
The look Azula gave her silenced her mid-sentence. It was an expression that she’d seen plenty of times over the years. It was a warning to stop and think, really think, about what she was about to say because she would not like the consequences if she rushed ahead without due consideration.
Korra took a deep breath. “There are laws in place to prevent discrimination against people who can’t bend. I’ve seen those laws. My predecessor and your bother put them in place, and they made it basically impossible to ever remove them.”
“There are laws against murder,” Azula replied, a ghost of a smile on her lips. “And people are still murdered every day.”
Korra frowned. “That’s not the same.”
“Tell me, Korra, who rules the city?” Azula closed her hand. The white flame vanished, leaving them in shadow. Korra found her gaze drawn to the statue of her predecessor that stood proudly in the bay.
“The council.”
“And who sits on the council?” Azula asked.
“Tenzin, Tarrlok -”
“Benders, Korra. Benders sit on the council.” Azula’s smile widened. “Five people rule this city. And every single one of them is a bender. Yet there are more non-benders than benders. Funny how that works, isn’t it? The largest group has no voice.”
Korra felt a chill run through her. Azula’s smile was no longer amused, and the gleam in her eyes held the same intensity it did on the few occasions that the older bender deigned to take one of their spars seriously. “I... I guess.”
“Who protects the people of this city?” Azula asked.
“The police,” Korra replied.
“And who is in charge of the police? Who are the elites that stand at the top of the organisation tasked with the defence of the common man?”
“Chief Beifong... and her metalbenders...” Korra’s eyes widened. “They’re all benders too.”
“Oh, there are non-benders in the police force, but how many of them occupy senior positions? You can probably the guess answer.”
“Not many...”
“One more question, Korra. Who runs the gangs that prey on the poor and downtrodden of this city?”
“You ask why the Equalists have seen so much support, but the answer is right there in front of you. You have a city in which the majority of the population is made up of non-benders, yet they are ruled by benders. They are preyed upon by benders. And the force tasked with protecting them is made up mostly of benders. How are they supposed to feel? How are they supposed to react when a councillor’s forces arrest everyone even vaguely associated with a man who, in their eyes, has committed no crime... other than to strike back at the people oppressing them.”
Korra was silent. Finally, she spoke. “We can stop Amon. What Tarrlok is doing isn’t right. But we can’t just let Amon go around taking away people’s bending.”
“Say you stop Amon. Imagine you throw him in prison or even kill him. Do you really think that will put an end to this? All you’ll be doing is making a martyr of him.” Azula chuckled. “Do you want to know why he wears a mask?”
“To hide his identity.”
“That’s part of it. But that’s not the only reason. Amon... Amon understands the power of symbols, of ideas. A movement led by a man will die when that man is killed. A movement that follows a symbol... that follows an idea... that is far more difficult to kill.” Azula nodded at the statue of Aang. “All men must die. But symbols... ideas... these things can endure long after the men who created them are dead. If you stop Amon, you won’t stop the Equalists. No. There will be another Amon and another and another and another until one of them finally succeeds.”
“So you’re saying we’re doomed?” Korra growled. “I refuse to believe that.”
“You know how to heal people,” Azula continued. “What happens you only ever treat the symptoms of a disease but not the cause?”
“That’s obvious. The person will keep getting sick and...” Korra covered her face with her hands. “I’m so stupid. We’re all so stupid.”
“No. You are not stupid,” Azula said. “You are ignorant, and ignorance need only be temporary.”
“We shouldn’t just focus on Amon,” Korra said. “We need to... to.... to focus on why he’s getting support. If we can take that support away from him...”
“Then he becomes one angry man, and a single angry man is far less of a threat than an angry man with thousands and thousands of supporters.” Azula stood. “Set aside your Water Tribe clothing. Dye your hair. Walk through the city as someone who cannot bend. Listen. Watch. Understand. To stop a revolution, you cannot simply kill its leader. You must kill its ideas.”
“Kill its ideas?”
“Korra, contrary to common belief, most people are simple. They want food in their bellies, coin in their pockets, and a roof over their head. They want a chance to rise in the world, and they want a brighter future for their children. Give them that, and they’ll die for you with a smile on their lips. Take it away, and they’ll tear themselves to pieces if it means making you suffer.” Azula chuckled. “Do you know why the Dai Li were so quick to join me when I overthrew Ba Sing Se?”
“No,” Korra said. “But I’ve always wondered.”
“The Dai Li were, for all of their many talents, simply people. When I took over the city, I made it clear that as long as they followed my orders, then things would not change for them. They would keep their power. They would keep their privileges. They would stay the true power of the city. All they needed to do was kneel to a different master. It wasn’t the city or the Earth Kingdom they were loyal to. It wasn’t the king. What they wanted was to ensure their own futures, to ensure their own success and that of their families. I promise them that and more, so what reason did they have to oppose me? On the contrary, once I tied their success to my own, they became my most fervent supporters.”
Korra’s brows furrowed. Politics had never been her strong suit, but Azula was a good teacher, albeit a ruthless one. “They don’t feel like they have a future...” she murmured. “They feel like... like Amon’s way is the only way forward. But if we could give them another way, a less risky way, but one they still believe in...”
“The overwhelming majority of them would take it.” Azula smiled, and it was kinder this time. “Simply defeating Amon will not be enough. You must defeat what he stands for. You must show his ideals to be false. You must offer another path, a better path, for his followers to take.” She patted Korra on the shoulder. “It will not be easy, but if you do this right, then you will no longer be beholden to the council to act. You will have the backing of the people, and that is a powerful, powerful thing.”
X     X     X
As Korra rushed off to consider her options, Azula turned to the shadow crouched in a nearby tree.
“I am quite certain that your father taught you that snooping is impolite.”
Jinora hopped out of the tree. Her expression was tense, and she wrung her hands together. “I heard what you said to Korra.”
“Of course, you did. I was saying it to you as much as I was saying it to her.” Azula’s lips curled. “You have an interest in philosophy, Jinora. You are, by all accounts, extremely well read. But reality and books are not always the same. A city built on dreams alone might as well be built on sand.” Her lips curled. “When Korra sneaks out and pretends to be a non-bender, I suggest you go with her. You could learn a lot from the experience.”
“If it were you,” Jinora asked. “If you were Amon, what would you do?”
“An interesting question.” Azula’s smile was broad. “Most people would have asked what I would do if I was in Korra’s shoes, but you’re asking the question that really matters.” Her gaze drifted to the statue of Aang once again. “I would push and push and push. The council has no idea what it’s doing. Tarrlok will respond with even greater severity because it’s the only thing he knows how to do. He will alienate more and more of the city’s people, which will only push the police force and the authorities to take harsher and harsher measures as the unrest grows. Eventually, someone is going to do something foolish. There will be blood in the streets. Tarrlok will point at it and say that things have gotten out of control, that they have to act now. And Amon? He’ll smile because he’ll finally have proof that benders have always been out to get the non-benders, that they won’t hesitate to resort to violence if they feel they’re losing control.”
“And then...?” Jinora whispered.
“And then the city is going to find out what happens when the majority of the population decides that they’ve had enough of being bossed around.” Azula’s eyes burned gold. “You don’t need to be a bender to swing a sword... or a pipe. And you don’t need to be a bender to stab someone in the back or poison their food.”
“If you know all this... why didn’t you tell Korra?”
“I am an old woman, Jinora, the last, lingering memory of a bygone age. If this city cannot save itself, then maybe it isn’t worth saving.” Azula began to walk away. “And maybe benders need a reminder that in the end, we’re all just people.”
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magicallymalted · 2 years
Han Family Mini-Profile Masterlist
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Since all of the relevant mini-profiles of the currently (alive) key players are complete, I figure this is a good opportunity to reconvene all of them into a sort of quick glance list at the family members and their connections listed out by age for easy reference.
The Adults
Vespera Han
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b. September 1968
Marco and Gemma's aunt
The head bitch matriarch of the family™
Eldest child of the four
Mother to Kate, married to Elphias
Current CEO of Wingardium Corp.
Understands the legacy entrusted to her and is not afraid to do whatever it takes to preserve it
Schemes with Oren and Mara
"There's no greater power than loyalty to one's family."
Strong advocate for magical higher education
Continues to expand the company's investments and funding for the development of privately-held magical schools
Was a hat stall during her time at Hogwarts
Inwardly cold, outwardly warm
Elphias Han
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b. May 1967
Marco and Gemma's uncle
Father to Kate, married to Vespera
Not part of "the family" but took the Han name
Married Vespera for the prestige; was married for his money
CFO of Wingardium Corp., formerly an international consultant at Gringotts
Moonlights as a pianist (for the hobby not the money)
Everyone's favorite uncle! (no, really...the Han men don't have the best track record)
A strong negotiator and very observant
Can easily blend in with super casual or very corporate settings
Quite supportive of Kate where it counts, up until...
"Did you ask your mother first?"
Gideon Han
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b. April 1972
Marco and Jeremy's father, Gemma's uncle
Former journalist for the Daily Prophet
Arrested for alleged death eater activity
Serving a not-life-sentence in Azkaban
Father of the year, amiright?
Second child of the four
Stern, serious, severe, and very very broken down
"Every family has its dark spots, I just never anticipated it would be him," — auntie Vespera
Would've preferred to be a food critic but got entangled in writing current events at the behest of his sister, Vespera
Faye Han
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b. August 1972 – d. March 1998
Marco and Jeremy's mother, Gemma's aunt
Gideon's wife
Heather's older sister
Death from mysterious poisoning
Although not without her flaws, all in the family but Oren practically sanctified her after her death
Excelled in charms
The war took a very harsh emotional toll on her
Was very encouraging for further investment in education
Percival Han
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b. June 1976
Marco and Jeremy's uncle
Gemma, Aline, and Dante's father
Heather's former husband
"We don't talk about your Uncle Percival." — Vespera Han to Marco and Jeremy
Oren Han
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b. November 1979
Marco's paternal uncle & godfather/guardian
Third child of the four
Prestigious hitwizard for the MoM
"No, I don't want to go to your 'afterwork mixer' Charlize; it's unprofessional."
Just one hair shy of being considered a dangerous criminal if he wasn't "working for" the "good guys"
Strong—and very particular—personal value system teetering between lethal justice and harmful retribution
Aided in the incarceration of his own brother
Loves his cat more than most people (Schrödinger, you absolute beauty)
Slutty black turtleneck™
Not very well-liked within his department
Besties that kiss w/Mara Burke
Heather Han
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b. March 1980
Marco's favorite aunt, Faye's younger sister
Gemma, Aline, and Dante's mom
Assists with Wingardium Corp's philanthropic activities
Magical artifact/art museum curator
Not the best witch but a relatively good person
Single mom™
Formerly married to Marco's paternal uncle Percival before his passing
Had a secret affair
Epitome of elegant simplicity
Always invites all the kids over for breakfast
Very knowledgeable about certain things even though she may not have been the best student in school
Compassionate yet has a short fuse
Mara Burke
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b. November 1981
Marco's godmother/"aunt," and namesake
Besties that kiss™ with Oren Han
Fascination with vampires and the macabre
Works at St Mungo's (and nabs blood for vampires) as the Healer-in-Charge of the Alchemy Room, started out as a mediwitch
Once attempted to promote the intrusive methods of muggle medicine in the hospital — was not looked upon favorably
Dabbling in blood magic...secretly
Manipulative, unafraid of violence
Wine connoisseur
Estranged from her family
Conspiring with Vespera...
The Kids
Kate Han
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b. November 1988
Marco's cousin, Gemma's cousin
Vespera and Elphias' Daughter
Only child (and it really does show)
Plays flute
Scary one with RBF™
Event Planner & Part-time Image Consultant
Arguably abuses her power the most in the family, yet also in the most covert way
Emotionally closed-off from the rest of the family
Competitive with her cousins
Wore red too much for any Slytherin to actually like her
Attended W.A.D.A after graduating from Hogwarts
Aline Han
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b. July 1990
Marco's cousin, Gemma's older sister
Likes crystals, cocoa, and ice cream (the last one especially)
Loves aurology
Marketer for Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour after successful part-time work and an internship
"Pure," sweet, did everything that she was supposed to and flew under the radar of her family's watchful gaze by being successful in her own rite
Not very forthcoming, inwardly plotting—grew up getting away with a lot by diverting attention away from herself
Likes playing Nintendo with Dante
Pastel and pink fanatic
One of the most muggle tech-savvy people in the family
Jeremy "Bear" Han
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b. July 1993– April 2013 (or is it?)
Marco's older brother, Gemma's cousin/favorite family member
Sporty -> fencing and baseball
Loves beautiful things and entertainment in general; arts, sports, theatre, poetry, etc.
Would be considered the golden child if it weren't for how much he doesn't want to actually do anything
"The Handsome One"
A little bit selfish and shallow
A little bit full of himself
One of the few in the family willing to break out of the mold
His lack of ambition places a heavy burden on Marco within the family
Lover of muggle things and "useless" skills
Nicknamed "Bear" because of Gemma's struggle with saying his name in her infancy
Went missing, to the distress of Marco and Gemma
Marco Han - Main OC
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b. September 1997
Younger brother™ The quiet one™ On guard™
Made Head Boy in 7th year
Lover of books
✨ Secret Seer ✨
"Headphones-in means don't talk to me"
Would probably be happy staring at the Black Lake as a statue for the rest of time if it meant less problems in his life
Incarcerated alleged death eater dad; dead mom; hitwizard uncle/guardian...yikes
An intellectual living off the bare minimum of foods—bonus points for Oreos, blueberries, and/or coffee cake
A little bossy
Pretty sociable once you get past the looming sense of dread and book/music barrier
Well dressed but pretty stressed
Gemma Han - Main OC
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b. February 1998
Marco's cousin with pesky little sister vibes™
Muggle tennis hobbyist
Enjoys flaunting wealth
Tried out for Slytherin Quidditch Team Beater in her 2nd year but didn't make the cut— consequently said "fuck you" to the captain and then tried out every time since until she made the team in her 5th year
Harshly teases as a form of love
Also harshly teases as a form of hatred
Is secretly a bastard child
Overcompensates for her anxiety
Loves jewelry and is a huge fan of metal-charming (and metal-charmers—her idols)
Dante Han
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Hufflepuff (eventually)
b. May 2003
Marco's cousin, Gemma's little brother
Too young to GAF
Likes aquatic life
Shares food with the giant squid while at Hogwarts
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