#moose watches adventure time
miniimoose · 1 year
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who... are you...?? space angel princess, maybe? i must find out
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Niamh Charles x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You get a new friend
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Niamh waves a little at you as you toddle around the changing room.
You're still new to Chelsea, to England as a whole so Niamh watches you from a distance.
It's weird having a kid at practice all the time but Magda and Pernille are still trying to sort out a nursery place for you so you're always with them.
Magda, especially, seems ecstatic that you're here. She hovers incessantly, always standing behind you on your little toddling adventures and sticking as close to you as possible.
It must be a new mother thing, Niamh supposes. Not that Magda's really a new mother but this is the first time she's had you living with her and being such a big constant in her life.
There must have been some degree of separation between you both when you and Pernille were still in Germany. There's so much Magda hasn't done with you yet so it makes sense why she's hovering.
You look like Magda, Niamh thinks, just from your general face shape but you act like Pernille, from your stance to the way that you speak. A perfect blend of your parents.
There's no question on who you belong to.
You're toddling again now and Magda is watching you with eagle eyes as she's trapped in a conversation with Millie by the door.
You're inspecting one of the benches, touching it curiously.
You drop one of your toys. The weird-looking bird one as you crawl under the bench to look at the underside of it.
Niamh reaches for your swan, picking it up and gently wiping off the dust from the floor.
It's an old toy but well loved, clearly tattered with a few fraying seams and nearly too much stuffing in one of the wings. But Niamh's never seen you without it and your elk toy, though she's heard you insist on calling that toy girl-moose even after a few weeks of calling it girl-elk.
She turns your swan over in her hand, throwing it up and catching it.
It always looks so big in your hand but it looks small in Niamh's.
"That's mine!"
Niamh looks down, feeling little hands on her legs. One hand reaches up to try and get your toy back.
You've got Magda's frown on your face but your accent is all Pernille.
"Yeah," Niamh says," It is."
"My moster Frido got her for me."
It's the most English Niamh has ever heard you say, at least to her so she crouches down next to you so she's on your level.
"Your swan is very pretty."
You look delighted that someone is talking to you about your toy and you hold up your moose.
"This is girl-moose because she is a moose and a girl." You flick her ear. "Used to be girl-elk but I like moose better so is back to being girl-moose."
"You're very smart."
Your head bobs up and down. "Momma says that! Because I speak languages well!"
"You do!"
You poke your chest. "I'm y/n but Momma and Morsa call me Princesse."
"I'm Niamh."
You let Niamh keep holding girl-swan as you grab her other hand.
Millie and Magda are by the door but separate when you come barging past, dragging Niamh with you.
"We're friends," You tell her as you toddle along out onto the training pitch," So I will introduce you to my other friend."
There's a few people out on the pitch and Niamh assumes you're going to drag her over to Pernille.
She knows Pernille's your mother but on multiple occasions you've called Pernille and Magda your best friends.
But it's not Pernille you go to now.
In fact you bypass her completely, pulling Niamh past.
"Jessie!" You chirp," My Jessie! New friend! Niamh, do you know my Jessie?"
Niamh laughs. "I do know Jessie."
"Jessie's my friend," You tell her earnestly, dropping her hand so you can hug Jessie's leg," One of my bestest friends after Morsa and Momma. You can be our friend too!"
Jessie's grinning, a hand holding onto your shoulder as you suddenly go a little shy.
"Do you want to be our friend, Niamh?" You ask, suddenly self-conscious.
Niamh grins. "I'd love to be your friend."
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Dpcaw24 day 1: GIW experimentation
Danny Phantom/Gravity Falls
While looking for something to turn into a new attraction for the mystery shack, Stan Pines finds an injured kid in the woods.
(I wasn’t gonna write something for today, but inspiration struck last minute)
Fic under cut
Stan cursed to himself as a thorny vine caught against his pant leg. He shook his leg to try and detach it from himself, but just ended up falling over into the mud. At least his clothes were already dirty. He’d still have to wash them even if he hadn’t just gotten mud all over them. Stan picked himself up and continued to search for something to make a new attraction out of.
It wasn’t that business had been slowing down at the shack, far from it. Ever since that weirdma-whatsit last year, they’d had double the amount of tourists they usually got. But though he hated to say it, he’d also been slacking off almost as bad as the kids since then too. He’d only made two attractions in the past seven months, and neither had been anything super eye catching.
He was starting to feel a bit useless. With Soos managing the shack and doing most of the tours, and then Ford spending time with the kids on all those little adventures, where did that leave him? Stuck on the couch watching tv all day. It was great for the first month, but now he needed to make himself useful.
There had to be something interesting out here. Dipper and Mabel were always finding weird stuff out in these woods. It couldn’t be that hard to find something. But after two hours of searching, he was starting to lose confidence. Sure he’d found plenty of little things. An antler, a weird shaped rock, some sort of animal skull, he’d be able to put something together with that, but it just wouldn’t be what he wanted.
To be honest though, Stan didn’t even really know what it was that he wanted to find. But he did know that all this walking was making his joints ache. He sat down on a fallen tree to rest a while, propping his elbows against his legs and cursing the lack of anything to lean his back against while he rested.
A gnome popped out of the bushes and started to walk past, whistling a tune that Stan didn’t recognize in the slightest. Maybe people would pay to see a gnome? And without those robe wearing freaks, there wasn’t really any danger in showing them one.
“Hey you!” The gnome stopped in its tracks. His tracks? Yeah, probably, and stopped whistling to stare at Stan. Stan put on an award winning smile and brought himself lower to the ground to offer his hand to the thing. “How would you like to dance in a cage for money?”
The little thing’s eyes widened and it slowly walked backwards back into the bush.
Stan let out a sigh and moved back into a comfortable position. Or as comfortable as he could get out here. “Yeah, I guess I should’ve expected that.
This was hopeless. He should probably just glue an antler onto a rock and call it the hybrid offspring of a mountain and a moose. People would believe that. People would believe anything. He looked towards the sky. It was afternoon and he had been walking west for the most part, so all he needed to do now was walk away from the sun. At least there was that. He really didn’t want to be blinded today.
He didn’t notice it at first, but after a while of walking he realized that it had gotten real quiet. He could still hear the wind in the trees, and the sounds of birds far away, but the close by insect calls that he’d gotten so used to had completely vanished. He continued on, now more wary of his surroundings.
It could be anything that spooked them, but if it happened to be something weird or extradimensional or whatnot, he wanted no part of it. He kept his head high and powered through the feeling of wrongness licking at his skin. That was, until he tripped on something. He looked down to see a ditch dug into the ground, like something had crash landed, and when he followed it with his eyes he could see a tangled mess of limbs and dirty fabric at the end.
His curiosity and concern won and he rushed over to see what was going on, maybe even help if he could.
It was a kid. Maybe a year or so older than Dipper and Mabel. He was emaciated, his hair was caked with grime and overgrown, he was covered in scars, and he was wearing a white hospital gown and numbered wristband. How did he get here? The kid looked like he wouldn’t be able to walk two steps without dropping dead, and there wasn’t a hospital anywhere near here.
Stan grabbed his glasses from his face and brought them over to the kid’s mouth for a second before putting them back on. He wiped the fog off with his sleeve. Yep, still breathing. But if he didn’t get the kid some medical care, he wouldn’t be for long. He gently scooped the little guy into his arms, disturbed by how light he was, and started running back towards the shack. There was a hospital around ten miles from there, he’d be able to drive the kid there in 9 minutes once he got to the car, but he had to hurry.
He tried not to think about what must have happened to the kid for it to get this bad, tried not to think of who could have done this to him, or what would have happened if he hadn’t found him. He just kept running.
When he felt like he couldn’t last much longer, the shack finally came into view. He kept running towards the door, all he needed to do was get the keys, and he could take the kid to the hospital. Everything would be fine.
But when he pushed himself through the door, something felt wrong. It felt like he was moving through tar. The kid’s eyes opened wide, revealing a bright toxic green, and he screamed.
It was loud and grating, he almost felt like his ears would start bleeding, but he pushed through and suddenly it all stopped. He was inside the house and the kid was unconscious again.
The hospital was probably a bad idea.
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subtly-a-selkie · 1 year
but like imagine hiro with an s/o who loves to collect random stuff or like picks up rocks and gives them to hiro and is like “here this rock reminded me of you” ODMSJSHHA
i absolutely adore this ask! it might just be because i do the same thing but i’m really excited to write it. I’m so so so sorry for the delay, i had surgery in july and have been recovering since then, plus the Anniversary was last month. (yes that's a long time but please cut me some slack I have been doing my best) anyways i hope you like it! because its been so long since i started it, i wrote it a little differently than usual. it's like a little collection of moments.
also! not only do I now have an ao3, but i also have a taglist! both are linked in my navigation.
Word count: A little over 1k :)
Warnings: Big Hero Six: The Series lore thrown in (Bessie is a meteorite bear, yes it is as weird as it sounds). We are going to pretend I payed for my own matcha ice cream and know how much it was. San Fransokyo cable cars are officially Not That Expensive because I said so. i apparently really like the word intertwine
"I'm back!" You exclaim, sitting down on Hiro's bed to look at him. He was still in the same position as when you had left, staring blankly at his computer screen, he had been trying to fix something on Baymax's suit and you could tell by his slumped posture he hadn't succeeded yet. He brightens up at your voice, and rolls his chair around to face you.
"How was your adventure into the woods?" He asks, pressing the save button on his document.
"Your phrasing makes it sound like there was a seventy percent chance that I would have dropped dead as soon as I heard a bird that isn't a pigeon."
"There's moose, mosquitos, and Bessie in those woods Y/N. I'd say eighty."
"Bessie likes me Hiro. Because I appreciate nature while you would rather wither away staring at a screen."
"Bessie doesn't like anyone. She's a bear."
"A bear that likes me." You retort, laughing at his expression. "Oh! I got you something!" You rummage in your bag and pull out a rock. "Its shaped like Mochi!" 
"So a round rock." Hiro says and you gasp, cupping your hands around Mochi's ears, who had taken up residence on your lap almost as soon as you had sat down on the bed.
"Don't listen to him Mochi you are perfectly cat shaped." You coo at the cat who meows smugly in response.
Hiro takes the rock from where it lay on the bed, you had abandoned it in favor of the real Mochi, turning it over in his hands. You're right, he admits to himself, it does look uncannily like Mochi, even having discoloration where he has his patches. He moves his gaze to you and smiles, setting rock Mochi down on his desk. 
"You know that ice cream place you've been wanting to go to? The one with matcha ice cream?" 
You lift your head from your fussing over Mochi at his voice and smile back at him. "Yeah?"
He responds by standing up and pulling a ten dollar bill out of his pant pocket, then intertwining your fingers and pulling you up off the bed. 
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
"Hi." You say intertwining your arms around Hiro's shoulders. He's sitting in his chair playing video games with Fred, and you're leaning against the back of the chair.
"Hi." He replies, as you rest your head where his neck meets his shoulder. You stay like that for a bit until his character dies and he disconnects the call, much to Freds chagrin if the whining from Hiro's speakers is anything to go by. He then spins his chair around so you are face to face.
"Hi." He repeats watching as your face brightens in remembrance.
"Oh! I have something for you." You pull a dark feather out of your pocket, smoothing it out before handing it to him. "It reminded me of you." 
"A feather reminded you of me?" He says  as he turns over in his hands.
"Yeah! It's the exact color of your hair."
"I don't think my hair is this pretty in the light though." He's twisting the feather through a sun beam, watching as the hidden iridescent colors are showcased. He turns suddenly, and places it with the Mochi rock, a patterned paper crane, and a few other items.
He turns back to you and opens his arms, you accept the offer for a hug almost immediately, resting your head back on where his neck meets his shoulder.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
Your hands rake through the smooth quartz, and you turn a couple over in your hand before moving on to a different plastic box of crystals. You stop when you've chosen one and risk a glance over at Hiro. He is looking at the things you had handed him, the things that you picked out for yourself, this particular crystal is for him though, and you have to somehow pay for it without him noticing. Curling your hand into a fist to hide it, you tug on Hiro's jacket.
"I've found everything I need." You say smiling at him, he nods and leads the way to the cashier, placing your things on the counter, and reaching for his wallet. 
"You paid for the food, I can pay for my things." He pauses.
"You sure?" 
"Yeah." You wait until he's looking at what they have set up next to the counter to add the crystal to your other things, making eye contact with the cashier and then flicking your eyes over to your boyfriend. She seems to have caught your message, and wraps the crystal in tissue paper, along with a couple of the more delicate items.
"Would you like a bag?" She asks
"Yes please." You take the bag from her and intertwine your fingers with Hiro's, leading the both of you out of the shop and onto the streets of San Fransokyo.
"Where should we go next?" He asks you, bringing you closer to him by tugging on your hand, then lifting your joined hands and pressing a kiss to the back of yours. 
"Hm." Your eyes scan the street you and Hiro are on, and your eyes light up at a banner that showcases the aquariums deep sea exhibit. You gasp, and turn to look at Hiro.
"You want to go the the aquarium?" He asks before you can say anything, and you nod enthusiastically. Luckily there's a cable car stop just up ahead, and you both sit on the bench as you wait. Hiro takes a drink of his water and you dig around in your bag to find his gift.
"I have something for you." You say. Hiro finishes zipping up his backpack and turns to look at  you. You hand him the wrapped crystal and he unwraps it, turning the smooth rock over in his palm, and reading the little card that came with it.
"Did you get this at the shop we were just at?" He asks, a slight laugh to his tone.
"Yes." You grin at him and more of a laugh makes its way into his voice.
"I love it." He slips it into one of his backpack pockets and intertwines your fingers once more, resting his head on yours.
People tagged <3
@oyasumimosura your hiro fic is on my list but here's something in the meantime
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Hey girl are you Hyakugojyuuichi 2003? 'Cause Hey you, sit down and listen
Don't be flippant and don't be dismissin'
Think you're a Flash encyclopedia?
Eating, breathing Macromedia?
Think you're cool sayin' "All Your Base"?
Get that Xiao Xiao outta my face
You gotta be kidding me with that crap
Animutation's where it's at
Nine outta ten sociopaths agree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
From the Moch to the Rie to the Pee to the Wee
Just take it from me, MC NC
You won't believe your eyes, you'll go insane
I mean, what's up with that plastic plane?
You're an idiot if you disagree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
If you got the time, go grab a pen
And watch that thing again and again
Try to figure it out, what does it mean?
What's the significance of Mr. Bean?
Does anybody know? Are there any takers?
What's up with all the broken pacemakers?
The world is full of speculation
But nobody cracks this Animutation
Nine outta ten sociopaths agree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
You're an idiot if you disagree
Just take it from MC (Ah!) NC
You won't believe your eyes, you'll go insane (Aaah!)
I mean, what's up with that plastic plane? (Aaah!)
From the Moch to the Rie to the Pee to the Wee (Aaah!)
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi (Aaah!)
(1... 2... 3... Hit it!)
Wakeman is biased, like a household appliance
Hello Kitty and McGruff have an unholy alliance
Science is brutal and it cuts like a knife
Not even Obi-Wan can save the yodel of life
Your name is Bob, you're my heart-throb
I lost my job when I got fired
By a guy named Farchie, he was full of starch
He smelled like an orangutan's old apartment
Found a hobo in my room, what do I do?
He looks dead, he's full of lead
Bleeding red onto my bedspread
And he also seems to be missing his head
Why am I holding this gun and axe?
Do exploding pacemakers cause heart attacks?
Will Mr. Bean ever get his fill
Or will he just keep on telling me to kill?
Hey, don't you gimme that look!
You never had what it took
I took the beef and I beefed it up
You sat and whined while I took the cup
Of gold. You are getting old
When you see my face you better fold
Take this mop and shove it, boy
'Cause it's the only way you'll be employed
I am known as the Beef Bastard
(Everyone knows I'm the ultimate master)
I am known as the Beef Bastard
(Everyone else is a walking disaster)
I am known as the Beef Bastard
(Think you're fast? Well I know I'm faster!) (Ye-ye-ye-ye)
I am known as the Beef Bastard
(Everyone knows I'm the ultimate master) (Ye-ye-ye-ye)
Ma-ma-ma [*laughing*]
Beef Bastard!
Weeeell I'm Shmorky! Eatin' PORKY!
Whitey rap sure sounds dorky!
Got a girl... she's a DOUBLE D!
I slap her on the butt dressed as a bumble bee!
I eat paste all damn day
I was in a Shakespeare play
I sit down on a Lazy Susan
Spin around like TOMMY CRUISIN!
Bong bong bing bing
I get payed to play with my thing!
I zip out zip in zip up BEGIN!
Ambulance, Enron, Pee Wee, Pokémon
Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, THEY CHOOSE YOU!
And I can't think of anymore to say
TV says doughnuts are high in fat, kazoo (キミたちとの であいはぜんぶ)
Found a hobo in my room (ちゃんと おぼえてる)
It's Princess Leia, the yodel of life (きずつけあった こともあったけど)
Give me my sweater back or I'll play the guitar! (それは(え~と)わすれた)
It's Steve's Adventure!
(Go, go, go, go)
(Go, go, go, go)
(Go, go, go, go)
(Go, go, go, go)
One-fifty-one Pokémon on the run
Suzuki-san is a formation of a bun
And a veggie burger with tsukemono
Jay-Jay has flown away with Sonny Bono
To the afterlife to visit Barney Fife
And to see Pero's screenshots of his wife
Named Chris Benoit, wearing a pretty dress
Saying "Watashi wa animutation ga suki desu."
Do the Mario! Isty-bitsy hockey
Lipsnot is not magic like a monkey
Captain Lou body-slams a rubber duckie
Just like in the match of Earth vs. Funky
Lucky Lucky nice to Mew-two
I need tea for two, how about you
Mr. Coldheart, or should I say Professor?
It looks like Lesko got revenge on my dresser
Props to Neil, he's the real deal
His friends all call him Mr. Popiel
He's the computer geek who doesn't shower for a week
His looks are hot, his clothes are CHIC!
He singlehandedly changed the face of the net
He's an online semi-celebrity you won't forget
He stormed onto the scene like a raging thunder
His seizure inducing flag says "Mr. Gahbunga."
Hey kids! Komiyona?
Omiyo mokemon halibudo
Halimatashinta, Pokinumushimi da
Watago get ready to rumble! (1... 2... 3... Hit it!)
Hana-buto-halo-gini (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ma-ma)
Ala-pone-koala-bedi (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ma-ma)
Anamu-dada, ona-dote
Puyawa-dirbu-kowa-fuji (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ma-ma)
Waruma-ina-hada-bidi! (Ye-ye-ye-ye-ma-ma)
Teyo-mata, elino-wen
Fola-coola Colin Mochrie!
TV says doughnuts are high in fat, kazoo (キミたちとの であいはぜんぶ)
Found a hobo in my room (ちゃんと おぼえてる)
It's Princess Leia, the yodel of life (きずつけあった こともあったけど)
Give me my sweater back or I'll play the guitar! (それは(え~と)わすれた)
There you have it, that's the game
One-fifty-one, we can all be the same
I'm sure that it's been appetizing
With all the subliminal advertising
This has been a celebration, Animutation fans across the nation
In formation raise their hands in dedication
To the crazy-flashing-psychopathic-happy-dancing-super-magic-
Power-mega-ultra-kitschy (Hyakugojyuuichi)
Nine outta ten sociopaths agree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
From the Moch to the Rie to the Pee to the Wee
Just take it from me, MC NC
You won't believe your eyes, you'll go insane
I mean, what's up with that plastic plane?
You're an idiot if you disagree
You gotta see Hyakugojyuuichi
41 notes · View notes
after-witch · 2 years
Into the Woods (And Out of the Woods?) (Reader x Fae)
Title:  Into the Woods (And Out of the Woods?) (Reader x Fae)
Synopsis: You wandered a little too deep in the woods. A little too far away from human civilization, and a little too close to something else.
Word Count: 2850
notes: yandere-vibes
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You loved the woods.
You loved the woods behind your house, those childhood woods that held memories and secrets and moments that defined you as a person. The time you and your friends cut your palms and rubbed your blood together in a secret pact; the time you got lost and your mother found you, and the smell of her perfume filling your nose when she hugged you so tight you couldn’t breathe; the giggles and whispers as you imagined you were hunting for fairies in those childhood green, wild spaces. 
When you were younger, you used to swear you did see a fairy in the woods once. For real. Not just your imagination, or the secret wish of your heart--but a real-life sighting of something that shouldn’t exist but did. 
Only it wasn’t a pretty little thing wearing a flower dress, sporting two gauzy pink wings that shed glitter. It was something small, and sharp, with dark eyes that glittered with greed. But greed for what, you couldn’t say. Not then. Not when you were so young. 
It had beckoned to you. And for a moment, a horrible, terrible moment, you almost went forward. But you looked down. And there, right where you would have stepped, was a ring of mushrooms. A fairy ring. You knew it for what it was then, because like any child who lived half their life in the woods and sometimes pretended to see fairies, you’d checked out every book the library had on them. And one of the things they did, said the books, was trap humans with fairy circles. If you stepped in one, they’d make you dance. Maybe until you were dead. Maybe not.
You didn’t take the chance. Instead, you’d whirled, and ran. And did it laugh when you ran, heart pounding, breath sharp and cold? It must have.
Your friends didn’t believe you, your family didn’t believe you. In time, the surefire nature of the memory faded, and you thought you must have imagined it as well.
While your love for playing pretend in the woods faded, your love for the actual woods never went away.. 
Perhaps you loved the way it was like an exaggerated, magnified version of your childhood. Adventure, but amplified. More real. You couldn’t run for 15 minutes and make it back home in those parks, no. You could run for hours and still be faced with nothing but trees in any direction. 
Those enormous, expansive patches of nature where you might run into a bear or a moose or simply no one at all for miles and miles and miles. The world seemed freer, there. Free from the noise and stress, free from exhaust pipes backing up into your face, from trucks rattling down the roads, from people shouting on the street.
As soon as you were able, you began to travel the world. National parks and campgrounds and any wild, natural space you might be able to squeeze yourself into. You wanted to experience the world for what it ought to be; with air that smelled of pine and dirt and raw animals. With waterfalls that pounded in the middle of a forest clearing, and not in front of a kitschy mall restaurant. 
Is it any surprise that you began to venture farther and farther off the beaten track? National parks were certainly thrilling if you managed to get far enough away from the tourists, but they were still managed. They were still watched.
And you? You wanted to be alone in these beautiful spaces. 
That’s how you ended up here, in these woods. These wild, wild woods, that were not registered to any park or government agency or campground with a rule list a mile long. They weren’t untouched, of course. Other nature-lovers had made their way into them--you could see the remnants of bolt-cutters on the repaired fence, right before you broke the chains with your own pair. But they were untouched enough that it was extremely unlikely that you would run into anyone.
Every hair on your body was standing on end.
The birds, which had been chirping ferociously all morning, had gone quiet with a suddenness that made your heart thump hard in your chest.
And at that same moment, you felt it. The unmistakable sensation of being watched. It was something you’d felt often, in the woods. And why wouldn’t you? There were plenty of animals here. Some dangerous, some not. They were bound to stumble on you sooner or later. That was why you kept bear mace latched to your hip and a knife ready on the other side; though you hoped you wouldn’t ever need to take your chances in a knife fight with a bear. 
It was clear, though. There was something here. 
But what? You glanced around, eyes wary and experienced, looking for signs of bears or mountain lions or wolves; or even something smaller, like a fox. Though, you imagined, foxes weren’t enough to make an entire clearing-worth of birds suddenly find themselves mum.
There was nothing. No signs. No rustling of the leaves. No huffing of breath, no stink of fur. No predator that finally leaped out of the bushes and thrust you into the fight of your life. There was nothing but the silence of the birds, and the awful, cold creeping feeling that something was watching you.
If it wasn’t a bear or wolf or anything you’d come across in your travels before, then…
What was out there? 
You screamed. An honest-to-goodness scream from your chest, shrill and impulsive and utterly terrified. You whirled at the same time, and your hands fumbled stupidly for your knife.
You were met with the sight of a young man, with fair-hair and dark eyes and long, thin limbs. There was something off about him. You could see that right away. Something a bit too thin, a bit too stretched, a bit too… something. There was an odd sheen to his skin, almost green. It didn’t make him look sick, though. It made him look like he was born out of the forest itself. 
Maybe he was a mirage. Maybe you’d psyched yourself up into thinking something was out there, and being alone for so long, camping, with only yourself to keep company…
He raised his eyebrows as you stared at him and reasoned with yourself that he might not be real, after all. 
“Hello,” he repeated. He didn’t cup his hands over his mouth or wave at you or smile apologetically for scaring you. Instead, he simply stared, as he had been staring, and repeated his greeting.
He really was there.
“H…Hello,” you managed, hand still on the hilt of your knife. You were experienced, you were wary--and you weren’t stupid. “I didn’t hear you coming.” 
And you didn’t, which was the strangest thing. He should have made some noise. The rattle of bear spray against his jacket. But he wasn’t wearing one. Instead, he wore a half-open shirt that was far too gauzy and thin for the weather. Okay. If not that, then, you should have heard the jingling of bells on his backpack--but oh, now you noticed, he didn’t have one at all.
Well, the crunch of the ground underfoot, then.  Surely. But when you glance down, you realize he’s not wearing shoes.
Maybe he lived in the woods, and you were encroaching on his territory. That didn’t bode well. Anyone living out here, off the grid, in any type of permanent situation… he might be hiding from the law. Or something else.
“I didn’t mean to disturb you,” you said, keeping your voice sweet and airy; it was hardly any trouble, considering how breathless you felt. “I’ll be going now.”
He stepped forward.
His feet, you realized, were not only bare--they were perfectly clean. And like the rest of him, they had the strangest of shimmers. Almost green, almost like nature itself was squirming under his skin.
“Oh, don’t go,” he said, tone becoming thinner, almost petulant. “Did I scare you?” 
“No,” you said, lying through your teeth. “I’d just like to go.”
“Please stay,” he said, wheedling. He had a thin smile on his face, and he just kept walking, step by step. But there was no sound underneath his feet. There should have been. He walked over leaves and branches. Yet there was nothing at all.
“You can come with me,” he said. “Why don’t you?” 
Your stomach twisted and your mind felt strangely blank as you tried to process the situation and make a decision. Should you run? But you got the idea, if you ran, that you might be lost in a way that was impossible to fix. You don’t know why you thought that, but you did, and it kept your legs from simply sprinting. 
He was close now. And when you looked up in his eyes, you suddenly felt childhood squirming its way out of your heart and pushing past your ribs.
Because his eyes. His eyes. They were dark and deep and just like the eyes of that thing you saw so long ago. The thing you swore was real, before everyone--and time--convinced you otherwise. 
The thing that beckoned you to follow.
“What is your name?” He asked. 
And you knew, fully and completely. You knew he wasn’t human. You knew that these woods were like the woods of your childhood, where secret and dark things loved to dwell. Only you couldn’t run home, because home was too far; only mom couldn’t come get you, because your mother was dead.
You could drag up those childhood books, the pages with ribbon bookmarks and paintings of fairies, young and old, dark and kindly, dangerous and mischievous. What did the books say to do, when you were confronted by a fairy? Don’t thank them, don’t apologize, don’t… give them your name.
“I won’t give you my name,” you said. 
He quirked his head at you, a little jerkily. 
“Why not?”
“You can trap me, if you have my name.” You thought about that thing in the woods so long ago, and the fairy ring. You glanced down then, making sure there wasn’t one laying about. 
And ridiculously, you thought: When I get out of here, I am going to write my childhood library a note, thanking them for their service.
He laughed. It was a beautiful sound, like wind chimes. It made you want to come closer to him, but you forced yourself to stay put.
“How smart you are,” he cooed. “How wise, how brave…”
He was handsome, and the words came out thick and sweet. Honey. 
Something in you flushed at the praise, despite yourself. Yes, well,  you were smart, weren’t you? You didn’t fall for his traps. You weren’t pulled in, unwary, by the sweetness of his face or the depth of his gaze. You were wise, and brave, brave because you didn’t simply bolt into a run. If you had run, you thought, you probably would have ended up lost entirely.
“Your mother would be proud, if she were alive,” he continued, in that same sweet tone. But at his words, you froze.
Your mother was dead. And he knew. Did he guess? Or did he know, somehow, some innate ability to understand you in ways a stranger shouldn’t?
“I…” you said, hesitating. “I guess she would. I hope she would be.” 
You took a step back. You thought about your knife, or your bear spray--but what good would that do, if he was something else? 
“Oh, yes,” he agreed, drawing himself nearer. At the sight of your anxious furrowed brow, he held up his hands, and slowly lowered himself onto a tree stump several feet away. “I only wish to sit near you, honeybee, and rest my legs. Is that what your mother called you? Honeybee?” 
You shook your head and couldn’t help but smile, just a little. “No, she never called me that.”
He tapped his lips in playful thought. “Let me guess! I like guessing games.” He kicked his legs a little, and your mind couldn’t help but wander to childhood fairy tales in gold-pressed pages. Fairies, those books always said, loved games. 
“I really should be going.” Yet a smile was on your lips even as you protested. He really was quite silly. You tried, for a moment, to imagine him making someone dance to death. Or stealing away their youth, or exchanging their baby and whisking away a human in its place, or all the other dark-edged things people said fairies did. It was hard to do. 
“Oh, just stay for a moment, lamb.” His expression brightened, as if he’d just gotten the most wonderful idea. “That’s it, isn’t it? Lamb! She called you lamb.”
You grinned and shook your head. “No, that isn’t even close.”
He pouted. An honest-to-goodness pout. He cupped his chin with his hand and hummed. “Let me think… sweetie? Pumpkin? Dreamer? Doll?” 
You shook your head again, and again, and again, and again
“I wasn’t much of a dreamer when I was little.” You bit the inside of your cheek. “Or a doll.” 
He regarded you with a smile that looked a little sad. “You’re a dreamer now, aren’t you, dove?” He clapped his hands. “Ah! Is that it? Did she call you dove? Little dove? Sweet dove?”
“No,” you said, with some wistfulness in  your tone. “She didn’t like birds.” And it was true. You remembered, vaguely, that she’d been attacked by one as a child and the fear stuck right through adulthood. 
He quirked his head to the side, and it was such a cute gesture that you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Oh, yes!” And he sat so primly and listened intently to your recounting of your mother’s childhood Bird Incident, which must have been nothing to him, really. But he listened and laughed, all the same. And it felt nice. It made you feel like perhaps it wasn’t so bad, to sit here and talk with him, after all. Maybe you’d read him wrong. Maybe you’d been paranoid. What would he want with you, anyway? And it wasn’t like he could take you, not without you making some terrible mistake. 
And you weren’t going to do something like that. 
“I liked that story,” he said, a kind smile on his face. “It makes you smile when you talk about your mother. I much prefer that expression on you, my dumpling.” Then his back straightened. “That’s it!” he said, with a note of purring triumph in his voice. It made you think about the queen who guessed the name of the strange man who spun her straw into gold in exchange for a ring, a necklace--and then her first born child. “That must be what she called you. Dumpling. I’m right. Oh,” he looked up at you with an expression of almost pathetic joy. “Tell me I’m right!” 
“No,” you said, murmuring, thinking of your mother’s long-gone smile and the dusty smell of her rose perfume and everything else that went with her when she died. “Not that, either.”
 Maybe it was all her memories stirred up in her heart, maybe it was the sight of his pitiful pout, as if he’d truly thought he was going to guess right this time. You don’t know what it was, exactly. But you continued. 
“She didn’t like nicknames. She just called me…” And your name spilled from your lips, thoughtless and unthinking. 
You didn’t realize what you’d done until he grinned. 
And oh, how he grinned. How his pitiful pout turned into something like a satisfied knife. He grinned a beautiful smile with teeth that sharpened at the edges. Teeth that might rip through human flesh, hungry and soiled red. Teeth that might graze the edge of a delicate neck, giving the body underneath it goosebumps, as hands and lips wander.
Teeth that caught your eye now, as he approached.
You should run. The thought hummed through you, but didn’t matter. You couldn’t run. Because the moment he grinned, you felt your body growing heavy and tired. Your eyes blinked, desperate to stay away, desperate to leave. But you could do nothing but stand, almost swaying, as he  pulled you into his arms and drew you close.
“No,” you whimpered, feeling both young and stupid all in one terrible blow. “I didn’t--I didn’t mean to. You tricked me… You tricked--”
He hushed you, lithe fingers brushing over your lips, cheeks, feeling your skin, your hair, everything that you were.
He said your name. It sounded sweet and rich in his mouth. Like he owned it and planned to keep it in a velvet box in his pocket. 
“If that was what your mother called you,” he whispered, lips pressed against your clammy skin. “Then that is what I shall call you, too.” 
Weightless, you could not protest.
You could do nothing but feel your eyelids growing impossibly heavy as the world around you turned sideways and shifted, until you didn’t know where you were--or how you would ever get back. 
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bonemarrowrites · 2 months
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The King of the Forest
Contains: M / M, Human x Giant, Human x Monster (Eldalg/moosetaur), dubcon, cum inflation (like so much), belly bulge (like so fucking much), size difference, bondage, first person pov, trans man f’d silly
Short explicit fantasy story. Young human man wants to learn more about the secretive eldalgs, moose-like giants inhabiting the darkest forest. +5k words.
Scroll to this ╭ᑎ╮ mark to skip the story parts.
The Eldalgen had always fascinated me. They were the last few megafaunal species that had lived during the Age of Springtide and just looking at a painting of one you could see why. In their adult size, the bulls could easily tower over three tall humans standing on each other's shoulders. They say you can feel the tremors as they walked through the ground even from afar. The Eldalg live in giant redwood forests, deep enough where the daylight barely touches the ground.
We didn’t know a lot about them. Meeting one would usually mean death, outsiders of the herds are usually stomped to death, and even members of their own species are not safe from harm. Until about a few decades ago, no one even knew they were sentient, sure their upper bodies looked slightly humanoid, with thick wooly fur and faces not too distinct from that of a moose. Still, people rarely made contact with them and as such, they were only seen as mere beasts, until it was revealed by an elven faunatologist called Vieli’feorta that the giants had had a long trading history with them.
With a book and quill, among other supplies, I knew I was the one to finally reveal the truth. It had taken almost six months to get to the giant village near the last great redwood forest. I had met a group of adventurers in the nearest city and they’d been kind enough to lend me a ride there. I had my nose deep in my books during the whole three-day trip it took to get near the village. I never bothered to learn the names of the six I was traveling with, but they seemed like a close-knit group.
“Here we are!” Yelled the human woman steering the drake’s towing the cart. “This is as far as we can take, we don’t have a good rapport with those guys,” she added and pointed at the village still far away. I could see smoke rising and something large moving in the distance. The woman gave me a smile as I jumped down from the cart with my bags.
I was glad to leave that darned cart, to be honest. The quarreling between the half-orc and the gnome almost drove me mad. Before they left, the bronze-haired human woman turned back to me and said “You know… We will be here again next week, if you need a lift, you’re welcome to join us again.”
I nodded slowly, thinking about the offer for a while, but deciding against it, I had to stay in the forest as long as I could, I had to learn everything I could so I could become one of the most revered faunatologist in the whole continent.
“Thank you, but I will find another ride,” I yelled back. We both waved goodbye and I began the slow walk through the marshy soil towards the village.
I didn’t know much about the Giants other than they were also pretty secretive. They didn’t seem to like the smaller sentient species that much and I mean, how long does it actually take to get over being enslaved for hundreds of years by every single dark lord who decides it's their turn to dull? My kind had certainly gotten over the last one.
Even though I tried to walk as carefully as I could, I stepped on the wet grass multiple times, my old leather boots soaking in the dirty water. One of the most annoying feelings had to be a wet leg inside a shoe, it was just right after getting sand in them or cutting yourself with paper. It must have taken hours to get to the edge of the village and my splashing had caught the attention of the inhabitants. With curious looks on their faces, the giant men and… the women I presumed watched me. It was a small village, filled with huts made from large boulders. The wind carried the scent of smoked ham into my nose.
My strength was spent in the marshland, I took deep breaths before introducing myself to the grey-skinned villagers.
“Uh, hello! My name is Prost Von Palipaa and I’m here to inquire about something!” I waved my hand with a friendly smile on my face.
One of them, the largest one I assumed to be the leader of the bunch walked towards me, looking annoyed by my presence.
“What you want human?” He scowled, wiping his ratty long strands of hair from his face to reveal the ugly mug beneath. The air around was brisk, but the giants wore only brittle loincloths around their waists. Like the unintelligent beasts they were, they let everything hang free. As the man got closer, I could feel the ground shake beneath each step.
“I’m here to see the eldalgen,” I replied, keeping my tone stern, “I have gold.”
“Bah! No need gold, you leave, antler heads kill you,” he stated back, stopping in his place.
“You can buy things with gold. Tools, weapons…” I paused before adding, “Clothes?”
My words clearly got through to him as I saw him raise his bushy eyebrows.
“Hrph… Come,” he said and waved me to follow him. Him being much taller than me, I had to almost run to keep up with the pace. The other villagers glared at me as I ran by, but since I got their leader's attention, I didn’t need to care what they thought about me. The Giant Chieftain led me to his dwelling place. Strange symbols covered the boulders outside, some of which the giant leading me in had also painted on his skin. The doorway was covered with surprisingly delicate scaly leather pelts, the scales glimmered in the cold light of the clouded sun. As I stepped inside, the smell of the smoke hit me by surprise, making me cough. Only a faint light shone in between the scale pelts but there was a large fireplace in the center area. The heat from the fire made the white bones strung onto the ceiling sway, clacking them together like a crude instrument. Large fur hides covered the floor and the edges of the curved room, some packed together to look like little beds.
The Giant turned to look at me, “You humans always think you can get anything with gold…” his guttural voice resonated with the blouders around us as he spoke.
“Wait, you can actually talk well?” I bluster out, surprised by his sudden elegance with the words.
“Simplicity scares your kind, we use your fears to keep you away yet here you are, trying to bribe me to betray the trust of my kin,” he said, circling the flame in the center, walking behind me.
“Your kin? You mean the Eldalg? They are not your kin,” I could feel my voice disappear, scared by the unknown before me.
“More than your kind is,” he replied curtly, “The Eldalg are outsiders to your civilized society as much as we are,” The Giant growled, putting his hand on my shoulder almost like a threat.
“You need to take me there, if you don’t want gold, I can do something else,” I found my courage or at least tried to sound like I did.
“…And what would that be?” He hissed, with a hint of curiosity hidden beneath the irritation.
“My mother used to be a bard, I can entertain you,” I shot back quickly, turning to face him. His face drew closer as he looked directly into my eyes, making me feel smaller than ever before.
“Fine,” he muttered and straightened his back, “If you can make me laugh, I will take you into the forest tomorrow.”
My eyes widened with joy, I was happy to keep my gold and get where I wanted to be.
“Okay, okay,” I said, waving my hands in excitement as I dropped my bags. The Giant Chieftain stepped back and sat on a hide to see what I could offer. I fluffed my chest and began the spectacle.
I had been on it for almost an hour and the giant did not even smirk.
My jokes? Nothing.
My songs? Barely escaped death.
My magic tricks? Almost dropped my pants while doing it.
If the marsh hadn't drained me, this show did. I was getting desperate. Re-doing my skits, but nothing worked and the giant seethed with fury.
“ENOUGH!” he shouted, getting up and grabbing me by my fishtail braid. “Pathetic little human!” He snarled at me and I could smell his breath. I wanted to run, but his grip was too tight.
“Please, let me try again,” I pleaded, “I can make you laugh!” The giant stared straight into my soul and huffed loudly. Fearing for my life, I let out a high-pitched cry.
Suddenly, he pulled away, looked at me and a large smirk spread over his face. Instantaneously he crouched down, grabbed me by the ankle, and lifted me high up in the air, making me wail from fear.
His eyes leered at me as he ripped my pants off, exposing my bare ass and pussy. The giant held me almost at eye level and watched me trying to wriggle myself free.
“You humans are so fragile,” he taunted me and dipped his fingers in the oil near the firepit, he began to smear the oil between my thighs, my whimpers doing nothing to make him stop. He had only four fingers in both of his hands, all as thick as sausages and rough as the stone around us. The giant slipped two fingers between my folds, making my wail even louder, which in turn made him grin even more, revealing his teeth and the black gums.
“Mewl, little human, mewl,” he commanded as if he even had to. His rough fingers pressed against my clit, sending unwanted spasms of arousal all over my body. The giant’s third finger began to poke at my other hole. The rough manhandling felt too much as the pressure within me built up, and my nipples hardened when the cold buttons on my jacket brushed against them. I tried to keep my aroused whimpers inside by biting my lips, but as soon as the giant plunged two of his fingers inside my pussy I let out a loud cry. His other hand kept me in the air as the other violated my hole. The broad fingers slipped in and out, while one was still pushing against my ass.
It didn’t take too long for it to enter me too, both of my holes now filled with his slick fingers. He thrusted into me rhythmically, making my wetness drip down, my attempts at matching his thrusts failed due to my awkward position. The giant began to laugh, watching my helpless body struggling to keep up with him.
Unable to take any more, my body began to tremble as I came, locking the giant’s fingers in. The whole village must have heard his bellowing laughter and my scream.
My mind was completely blank as he put me down on the furs, forcing me to kneel down and lifted my rear. Slowly, he pulled his fingers out and shoved the cloth covering his waist into the waistband, revealing his hard member, twice the size of his fingers. The giant hunched over me and rubbed his tip into my wetness. he entered my pussy, while pinning my limb body underneath him. I could feel the tip bulge my belly with each long thrust he made. My mind somewhat recovered, I began to whimper again, but not from the fear, his cock was full of bulbous shapes, which kept rubbing against my sore clit arousing me again.
The giant’s breathing sounded heavier as his pace quickened, ramming his long shaft against my cervix, had he been able to, I’m sure he would have passed the narrow barrier into my womb. The giant pushed my head down to furs with the hand he had just used to ravage my pussy, returning his other hand to violate my ass. His deep thrusts buried my face into the coarse furs below us. Another jolt hit my body and I was consumed by the desire, some part of me deep within hated to be used by such a low creature, but something even deeper wanted more. Suddenly he pulled his finger from my hole, slapping my cheeks hard before pulling his cock out of my pussy, only to plunge it while grunting into my ass, the sudden switch made me wail out loud, but the giant kept pommeling into me with vigor.
Relentlessly, he used me as his entertainment.
As his heavy balls smacked against my rear, I wanted to wrap my legs around his waist to give him more room to enter even deeper into my gut, but I was helplessly pinned away from him.
His bulbous cock kept pounding into me without a rest, as I gasped for air, yet still hoping for more and that was exactly what I got. My whole body convulsed again at last giving the giant’s rod enough clench to come. The vessels clasping the giants's bulbous spheres swelled and he held him deep inside as he spewed the hot seed inside my throbbing hole, not letting go until his balls were completely empty deep within. I could feel the area around his sheathed tip grow larger, making my belly bulge from his seed. The giant’s loads were thick, his balls twitched against my cheeks from the strain of each shot.
it felt like hours had passed when he finally pulled out, wiping his cock into the shredded fabric of my pants. He picked me up and sat down. My belly was jutting out so much, it was hard to wrap my arms around his. When the chief turned around, he saw two of his underlings by the doorway, already stroking their hardened cocks, pointing at me.
“I only promised to entertain one of you!” I yelled while gasping, the chief turned back to them and waved them to leave. The two left the hut letting out loud sighs, disappointed by the decision.
Even though as I sat on the ground and felt his seed gushing out of my hole, it didn’t seem to recede at all. The giant sat next to me and wiped my face with a wet cloth.
“I had no idea you human men could be so satisfying little pets,” he told me, clearly as tired as I was. His seed had finally stopped leaking, most of it still weighing me down.
“You have made me laugh and entertained me. Tomorrow I will take you with us into the forest but you must hide beneath the thicket. Don’t worry, it won’t be hard, since you’re so small, but if you get caught, we do not know you and you will die,” The giant hesitated before he added, “…But you can also stay here, we will take care of you.”
I gave him a curious look and thought about it. Right now, staying here sounded better than getting fame by writing about the eldalgen, but even though I would have loved to stay here and be the chieftain’s little pet, maybe even their shared pet, I knew it wasn’t what I really wanted.
“Thank you, but I must go. Will I sleep here for the night?” I asked as I stroked my belly, astonished about how much I’d liked the feeling of it. I never wanted to be pregnant or have children, but the feeling of being stuffed full was heavenly.
“I see…” The Giant Chieftain answered back, saddened by my decision, but respecting it anyway, “You can stay here for the night, we’ll feed you before we leave tomorrow and give you new clothing.” I nodded as the giant left his hut, leaving me alone in the room. I watched the flames dance and let the soft crackling noise lull me into deep sleep.
The coarse hands of the giant chieftain shook me awake just as I was seeing a dream about the whole village dominating me. The first thing I realized was that my belly had gone back to its normal size, leaving me feeling a bit empty.
“Come on, human. It’s time to eat,” the giant said and gave me a pair of new trousers and a washing basin. As soon as I was ready, I followed him outside, where the villagers had set a large table with a plentiful feast. I was welcomed to the table, no one gave me any angry glares as we spoke and ate together.
The giants had filled a large cart with things they had hunted and made. I was told they were trading with the eldalg and today was their monthly trade run. Before we left the village, the chieftain pulled me aside.
“I’m going to ask this once; Are you sure you want to go? By staying here by my side you will be treated like the princes in your realm, you could be happy here,” he pleaded while clasping my hands into his.
“I’d like to stay, but I have to do this,” I told him, assuring myself about my plans, “When I return, I can visit your village.” The giant chieftain did not seem to believe me and he shook his head.
“I will take you there, but I can’t protect you once we step into the forest. You won’t return,” he kissed my forehead and we re-joined the group. I was allowed to sit in the cart as we traveled. The journey was long and slow due to the marshland, but finally, I saw the ever-growing trees ahead. The edge of the forest was full of thick bushes, but as soon as we entered, the thicket got smaller, still tall enough to swallow me, but the giants had no trouble moving around. Once we were deep enough, I had to jump down from the cart and follow the giants from farther behind. The thicket concealed me, but also limited my vision. The walk into the depths of the forest took almost as long as getting there from the village, but finally, the giants stopped in a small clearing and used a booming horn to call the eldalgen to them.
They blew into the horn again.
“One more,” the chief said, and just like that, we heard thunderous clopping coming towards us. I had my quill and my book ready as I scrawled as quickly as I could what I was experiencing. Three huge creatures entered the clearing with large bags on their shoulders. One of them and the chief shook hands and the trading began.
The giants exchanged smithed goods and books with the eldalgen and they in turn gave the giants yields from the forest, magical items dug from ancient ruins, and large wood weapons made from enchanted trees. I was smitten with the view. The eldalgen were taller than the giants, barely resembling humanoid creatures seen anywhere else. The thickness of their brown fur must have been able to stop arrows and swords. The three here had to be males since all of them had huge antlers crowning their heads. The painting I had seen did no justice to the majesticity I was seeing right before my eyes.
I sneaked in closer to get a better look when it happened.
My ink bottle fell and shattered into a rock below my feet. Everyone turned to look in my direction, the most keen-eyed spotting me, getting their weapons ready, giants and eldalg alike
I didn’t bother to pick up the bags I had dropped down earlier, I spun around and began to run back to where we came from. I could hear hooves hitting the ground as they began to chase me. I tried to run to a small cliff I had seen earlier, hoping it would put some barrier between us. The dry branches of the thickets scratched my skin and made me bleed, but I kept running. I managed to reach the cliff before they caught me. I hopped onto it and dropped down, climbing between the rocks, I could hear the three stopping on the edge of the cliff, cursing me. One of them tried to throw me with his spear, but it missed. The cliff was not very tall, but now I had some distance as they had to go around it. I kept running, trying to look for a place to hide since even in my panic I knew I couldn’t outrun them.
Suddenly, the ground beneath my feet quaked and an even larger eldalg jumped in front of me. Stopping me in my place with a strange pole weapon with a dull hook on it, he pushed me to the ground and held me there. He was different from the three I had seen in the clearing, he looked much older and his fur was white, shimmering even under the shadows of the trees. His dense mane ran down his spine, all the way to the short tail. The white eldalg stomped his hooves near me, warning me to stay put. The others arrived soon enough, but when the white eldalg lifted his hand, they nodded and went back. The large creature before me watched me carefully, stomping his hooves every time I tried to move even a little.
“I’m sorry,” I said, “I mean you no harm” I lifted my arms up, trying to show them I was not afraid. The white eldalg huffed and lifted my chin with his hooked weapon. I looked at him in despair, trembling from fear.
“You’re human…” The white eldalg scoffed, “Get up or I’ll smash your brains in right here!” he demanded and I obeyed, still holding my arms up. He jabbed me with his weapon to make me turn and pushed me to walk deep into the woods. I didn’t have the courage to ask him where he was taking me or what he was going to do with me. We didn’t go past the trading clearing, I thought about the giant chief, things he had said, and how much I wished I had stayed in the village, but it was too late now, and once again I was facing the unknown.
Eventually, we arrived at the small encampment they had, they had shelters made from moss and large fallen branches, but it was certainly only a temporary camp. I saw at least ten more eldalgen, their furs came in various colors from black to brown and tan. Their ears moved forward when they saw me.
Until I saw something.
The older elven man sat in the middle of the camp, holding a book in his hands, when he saw me his eyes widened and he smiled at me gently. As we got closer I realized I knew him. He was the man who had written books about the eldalgen, at least the most known to do so. During my journey here I had read his books, hoping to be able to learn as much as he had and more.
The old man's long greying hair was in a ponytail and he wore robes which made him blend into the surrounding area. I was happy to see another humanoid, thinking maybe these beasts could be reasoned with and I could leave alive.
“Prepare him!” The white eldalg commanded the old man. He grabbed me by the shoulder agreeing to do so and led me into one of the shelters they had made.
“Oh, how glad I am to see you!” the elf exclaimed, “I’m finally going to see it!”
“See what? Can you help me to get out?” I asked, relief turning into panic.
“Oh, you don’t want to go after you see it too. I never had the chance to experience it myself, but you have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!” when those words left his lips I knew the man was mad.
The shelter was surprisingly cozy and looked lived in. Defeated, I sat on the brach he pointed me to. The elf used a mix of herbs and pitch to balm my wounds, healing them almost instantly. The elf had collected all kinds of herbs and items and hung them into the branches inside the shelter. He also had pieces of glowing crystals around the place to light the area.
“What am I going to experience?” I whispered, afraid of what I might hear.
“You were the forest king's first human catch of the season, you get to live, but you will be his sheath, you will be proudly presented to all!” The old man sounded hysterical, his words made no sense to me.
He pushed me back outside, following me. The white eldalg grabbed me with his hook and jabbed me again, forcing me to move towards the center of the camp where the elf had been sitting. There was also a large ring made from tree branches, surrounding a raised wooden altar of sorts. I was pushed to walk in the middle, now being higher than everyone else, the white bull followed me as everyone gathered around, looking expectantly at us.
“Once again, I have the blessing of the forest as its king!” The white eldalg yelled, making his subjects clamor in joy. Then the king pushed me towards the altar.
“Remove your clothes and bend over,” he commanded with a booming voice.
Oh, no, I thought to myself only to feel another jab with the hook on my back. I stepped forward, wanting to stay alive and undressed. The cheering around the altar got louder as I bent over the altar. The king put down his hook and stood behind me, putting his front hooves on top of the altar next to me.
“I shall take you as my sheath,” he said and as I glanced behind I knew what he meant. His large throbbing member was being anointed by the old man. Carefully, he rubbed a mix of herbs and potions on it. It had to be almost as tall as me, flared from the tip, and large enough so I could see the hole in the front, the whole shaft standing as firmly as the king behind me.
I licked my lips as I looked at it. I had already tried what it felt like to have a giant inside, why not this? Daringly, I lifted my rear as a sign to him, and the king seemed almost confused by my sudden eagerness. He smiled at me and stepped forward. His tip touched the base of my neck and I knew I had been right, it was as long as me and thicker than my muscular arms.
The king began to smear the just-applied balm on my back with his cock, giving a forceful stroke every now and then to see my reaction. The people below us clamored at the sight when he placed his crown against my opening, slowly pushing it into my pussy, spreading my legs farther apart, and stretching me open. I moaned as he slowly filled me, his tip nearly buried past the opening. My breasts were pined between my body and the altar. It felt like the king’s member was going to split me in half even before it was halfway in. I don’t know how, but it felt like it went through me, the girth bulged my belly far greater than how the giant chieftain had been able to. My eyes rolled back when I thought I could feel the tip under my heart, knowing it wasn’t possible. The king had still length to give, when he pulled back, blocking my entrance with the flared tip. I moaned under him, grabbing his hooves and pulling his fur.
“Please, let me have it all…” I whimpered, but the king was not my servant. He stepped back as the old man came to me and began to pull straps over my body, not really binding me to anything.
“You’re doing wonderfully,” he whispered into my ear, before giving room for the king. The king lifted his hooves back on the altar and quickly impaled me deeply with his cock, making me yell in the process. As quickly as it had been done, I could feel the straps around me being tightened, and the king lifted his hooves in the air, I had been strapped under his groin. His cock was deep within me. As the king bucked his rear legs, mine moved with them, making him reach even deeper.
I was the sheath for his engorged cock.
The king stepped down from the altar and walked among his subjects, them looking at him in awe. Each step made his member pump into me and I gasped with each one. Everyone in the camp saw me and the old elf came over even to pet my enlarged belly. I panted as the king took me into the forest, constantly pumping into me. I could feel something warm beginning to spread from where his flared tip was bulging. He stopped only to thrust with his member, moaning when he came, filling me even more. After he had recovered from his first climax, he kept on walking through the forest, keeping his member deep within me.
No one else had followed us and we didn’t speak at all.
He found a fallen tree and lifted his front legs onto it, pinning me against the tree. The king began to pommel my used body in a rut, I started to feel his cum in my mouth. The creamy fluid and my body grinding against the tree made me cum, my pussy taking an even tighter hold on his cock.
The king chuckled and stepped off from the tree trunk. Walking with me again, stopping every so often to thrust and filling me with more cum. My belly was far larger than it should be, but I was still able to take more loads, my mind was now in complete ecstasy, my nerves were firing up from pleasure and my climax felt like it had no end. The king’s cum kept leaking out from both of my holes. Every step sent tingles through my whole body.
To tease me, the king walked to a clearing and galloped, hastening his thrusts, my moans kept his cock hard. I lost how much time had passed and how many times he or I had come when he finally took me back to the camp. The king was tired and the elf with the help of the other eldalgen pulled me down, holding me up because I was unable to move on my own at all. As we walked, the king’s seed poured out of my gaping hole, leaving a trail behind.
The king had his own shelter, far larger than the others and I was carried there. The king entered first and I saw the same glimmering crystals as the elf had had in his home. The place was near the altar and the floor was filled with soft branches from leaf trees. The king lay on one of them and I was placed next to him. Like with the giant chief, the king’s seed stayed for the most part still inside me. Still panting, finally coming down, I looked at the king, who brushed my hair with his hand, looking happily at me, keeping his other hand on my massive bulge.
“How long will I be your sheath?” I asked, almost falling asleep before he could answer.
“As long as you want it and can take it,” the king answered back softly, letting me finally rest. next to him.
The Eldalgen fascinated me even more after all this and I knew right then that coming here was the right thing to do.
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todayimfour · 1 year
Raggedy Ann and Andy's First Slumber Party
A Raggedy Ann and Andy age regression fanfic by me!
Let me know if I should add trigger warnings! I'm not used to posting my writing
Marcella is invited to a slumber party at her classmate's house to celebrate a set of twins' birthdays. She brings Ann and Andy to play/sleep with cuz it's her first sleepover. Ann is super excited but Andy hasn't been out of the house besides they're adventures in the deep dark woods so he's a bit nervous. He'd never admit it to anyone but Ann tho.
The first few hours of the sleepover went by quickly, Marcella set them both up at her sleeping bag by her pillow and went off to play with the other kids outside. This gave the two twin dollies a chance to meet the other kid's stuffed friends. They met a huge stuffed moose named Sammy, a plush cockatiel named Charlie who spoke in squeeks, a small cat full of plastic pellets named Fiona, and a stuffed dog named Frenchie. Ann was having such a great time meeting these new friends, Andy was doing his best to be friendly but he was having a hard time acclimating to the new environment. Something about this whole outing made his stuffing turn, he decided he would stick close to Ann. Purely so he could protect her if something happened, or at least, that's what he told himself.
After supper and cake all the kids rushed into the bedroom to grab their respective toys and bring them all to the birthday twin's shared playroom. It was a large bright room seemingly split through the middle between the two twins. One side felt similar to the nursery back home and the other was decorated with superheroes, zombies, even wrestlers. 'Great more toys to meet!' the ragdoll twins both thought with very different sentiments.
It was all going fine as the children played. Marcella was playing with the twin dollies, having a pretty fun time until one of the boys took Andy from Marcella's hand. It took all his effort not to come to life and rush back to his kid and sister. He was brought to the boyish side of the play room. There was almost a conflict between the children but then a woman came in to say it was time for a movie. The boy holding him tossed him back to Marcella and dashed out the door in a rush to find the best spot for movie watching, much of the other children followed suit. Marcella gave Andy a big hug before setting him down next to Ann and leaving the room. Once every toy was sure that no one would be coming back to the playroom the toys came to life once more.
"Oh Andy! Are you okay?" Ann exclaimed as she hugged her brother and checked a few of his more fragile stitches. Andy was struggling internally, it felt like this slumber party was only going to get worse and all he really wanted was for Ann to cuddle him and tell him it'll be okay. That they would be home soon. But he couldn't admit that out loud, not with all these new toys around that could judge him for being 'too soft'. Before he could get a word out to his sister a teddy bear approached the twin dollies. Andy stood behind his sister and held onto the loose sleeve of her dress.
"Looks like you got snagged by Michal, are you alright? No stitches popped" the bear asked kindly, "My name is Freddy, welcome to the play room! I'm sorry some of our kids play a bit rough" The bear, Freddy, seemed friendly. Andy nodded.
"That's one way to put it, who just grabs a toy out of another kid's hands at this age?" Andy asked halfheartedly. "Anyways I'm fine, thanks." Andy looks away, he didn't want to make nice with Freddy- or any of these other toys- he wanted to go home. Ann could sense the tension building in her brother and tried her best to keep the peace.
"oh- Andrew" she jabs playfully "Don't mind him, he's just grumpy. My name is Ann, it's nice to meet you Freddy! Your playroom is so nice! Much bigger than Marcella's nursery back home!" She and Freddy shook hands and began talking about... something. Andy wasn't paying attention. He decided he didn't want to be a part of this conversation anymore and walked off. He found a spot next to some building blocks that looked nice and sat down to settle himself.
He didn't like any of this, that much was obvious. He could feel a fuzziness creeping up in the corners of him mind, his regression. He really didn't want to do that here, not around toys he didn't know. Just the thought of it upset him. But he also thought about what Ann said, was he really being that grumpy? Was that his only two options? Grumpy or regressing? No, he needed to make some friends. He could have a good time here, just look at how great Ann is at making new friends! He decided, the next toy he sees he will try to befriend.
Not two seconds later an action figure came out of nowhere, crashing through the small tower made of blocks he was sitting by. He was a bit shorter than Andy was and he had a wrestling outfit on. 'oh sweet! a boys toy I could be friends with!' Andy puffed up his chest as he waited for the wrestler to get up and out of the tower's remains.
"that was wicked!!!" The action figure pops up yelling, facing a whole group of other figures. The wrestler ran back to the group and Andy followed.
"Hey guys, I'm Andy!" He put on a smile and held out his hand for a handshake like he's seen his sister do thousands of times before. The figures seemed to not notice him so he cleared his throat of any loose stuffing and tried again. "Hey guys, that was super cool! What games do you like to play?" A few of the plastic toys gave Andy the side eye and the toy in the middle of the crowd, a slightly taller toy with a removable biker helmet and molded on leather jacket and ripped jeans, approached Andy like he was bothered by having to look at the ragdoll.
"What do you want, Plush-Boy? We're busy." The dude said. "The tea party is that way, Doll" he pointed to where Ann and a group of other toys were playing a bored game. Andy was confused but tried his best to put on a genuine smile and he held out his hand again for a handshake.
"My name's Andy, what are you busy with? Maybe I could lend a hand?" The biker looked at Andy's hand and shook it. His mates behind him seemed surprised at this.
"No. You can't. You're far too soft for our stunts. You'll pop a stitch. Now get out of here and go back to the girls toy side." He said as if he were talking about something as mundane as the weather. The other figure behind him snickered and chuckled as they watched Andrew stammering.
"Hey- wait a minute! I'm no girls toy! I can do anything you guys can and probably better too." Andy defended himself, he didn't like being considered weak. Especially not by these... these hoodlums!
"Sure mate, you'll notice though.. none of us are wearing lipstick and mascara." The biker pointed out the stitching on Andy's face that looked like make-up. His goonies behind him were agreeing and exchanging high-fives as they laughed at the ragdoll. Before they could say anything else to him, Andy ran away.
He ran to his sister who was playing a board game, snakes and ladders, one of his favorites. He didn't ask to play though, he sat silently next to Ann and resigned himself to watching her play. He could still hear them across the room, he's sure if he looked they'd be laughing and pointing at him. It took all of his strength not to cry. He dug around in his overalls pocket for his paper flower, something that always made him feel less alone, upon finding it he put it safely in his lap. He smoothed out some of the crinkles in the petals, smiling sadly and humming quietly to himself. He hummed the song he and Ann always sung when one or both of them were feeling down, Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers. He was thankful for the ambient noise of the room so no one else could hear him. Or at least that's what he thought.
He was so deep in his own world he got startled when he felt Ann's arm wrap around his shoulders in a side-hug. After the initial scare he melted into his sister's embrace, leaning his head against her and closing his eyes. She leaned her head atop of his and they stayed like that until it was Ann's turn to play. She had to scoot forwards a bit and played one handed as she held Andy's hand. Andy paid more attention to the board and saw that the moose they met earlier had just won. They were all chatting and setting up for another round. As they were all ready to start Ann looked at him holding the two dice.
"Do you want to roll for me Andy? I could use some good luck," She asked with her perpetually kind smile. Andy nodded excitedly and rolled them, then Ann moved their piece. As the game went on it became more obvious to Ann that her brother had regressed, she wondered if he even realized it. Soon they were reaching the end of the game, it was what could be their last turn. Ann had to suppress a giggle when she saw just how seriously Andy was taking it. He shook the dice with both his hands before dropping them on the board, leaning in close to read what the numbers were. Three and five. Everyone else who saw had already put together the simple addition but waited for Andy. He counted the dots on the dice carefully. Eight.
"Annie!!! It's eight!! That's what we needed right?!" He spoke louder than he meant to in his excitement. Everyone at that board knew it was but we're playing like they didn't know so Andy could figure it out.
"Oh well, I just don't know Andy. Let's check!" So the two of them counted each pace with the player piece. The look on Andy's face when he realized they'd won was priceless. He was smiling ear to ear and got a few kind words from the other toys playing. He looked back at his big sister and she ruffled his hair through his hat. "See Andy? I knew you'd be good luck!" The boy beamed with pride, maybe this slumber party wasn't as bad as he thought!
I enjoyed writing this and I am inexperienced at writing so call me out if you find it necessary
If you know me IRL the stuffies that are named are mine, some of them are also my roommates
I really just wanted an excuse to write some hurt comfort, sue me.
If I find inspiration I might write more :)
I friggin love these guys :)))))
Tag list take two! (Thank you to everyone who liked or commented or reblogged my original post, it kept me motivated to write past what I originally thought I would!)
@grauntiemotersblog <= my roomie/bestie/spouse
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verdemoun · 2 months
does sean ever get to re-tell the stories of his da, except now he has the gang’s attention he doesnt need to overexaggerate? like he used to tell stories of his father holding a gun in the air righteously, yelling battle cries, or just saying really cool insults (which poor darragh probably wouldnt even know). but now he can properly say what happened without having worry about the gang thinking his da isnt cool or outlaw-y enough then discovers his da sounds way more realistic, normal and somehow more admirable this way? sorry if this is too random😭
c:< no this is the perfect amount of random
sean is telling one of his usual stories about his da, to a much more patient and understanding gang who have learned about darragh's legacy and genuinely enjoy how animated and proud and happy sean is to tell stories about his da, when sean says one of his dad's famous insults 'your ma's sucking cocks in hell!!'
and a few, namely arthur and lenny, give each other a glance. they don't interrupt, they let him finish, but lenny says later, in semi-private 'sean i'm pretty sure that quote's from a movie'
sean gets. weird. heated, obviously furious, but quiet. insists they must've got it from one of the articles about his da, because he remembers hearing it clear as day. could tell the exact same story again, word for word, that his da said it just before running the barn was set alight and the smoke created enough of a screen for him to slip away all while dodging enemy bullets. stole one of their horses and galloped off into the night
arthur doesn't say anything, but he knows that wasn't true. because that was him and sean that set the tobacco fields ablaze
separately, but almost at the same time, lenny and arthur remember sean was only 10 when he lost his da. 10 was a long time ago. hell, arthur was 14 when dutch and hosea picked him up but he has maybe half a dozen memories from his life before then
maybe there's an element of truth in the stories, maybe there's a distant memory, but sean's brain has been picking up little factoids and quotes and quips to fill in the blanks. he doesn't actually remember that much about his da's adventures in detail - but admitting it would absolutely kill sean
so they listen to stories, and sometimes notice things that couldn't be true like turns of phrase that weren't a thing in pre-1890s and stories that sound oddly like movie scenes or their own adventures but they don't say anything because remembering his da, even if the memories aren't entirely true, makes sean happy. and who are they to correct him?
one thing that sean does remember is perfect, second for second memory, was the first time he saw his da properly afraid. he remembered the wagon he was sleeping in jolting to a stop, when he was maybe 8 or 9, and when he poked his head out to ask what was going on darragh covered his mouth roughly and told him in lethal seriousness to be quiet
there, standing in the middle of the trail, was a bull moose. an absolutely stunning moose that stood taller than their dingy little wagon. just looking at them them. darragh was terrified, because nothing he had ever seen before prepared him for the sight of a living moose.
sean, equally terrified but in awe, crawled out onto wagon's bench seat beside his da, wincing as it creaked, and both watched and waited in terrified awe as this moose boredly chewed a few leaves off a tree, snorted a plume of steam in the cold air at them, but decided to trot away into the woods.
sean said something along the lines of what in the jesus christ was that. darragh collected himself in a second, scolded him for using the lord's name in vain, and told him to go back to sleep. moose are still his favorite animal, because every time he sees one, or even the antlers, he remembers his da as clearly as a photograph
it's lenny's favorite story to hear, because there is that unspoken affection for his da and confidence in sean's voice, because he knows that story is completely 100% true
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squash1 · 2 years
i have made an important discovery. the gangsey and the backyardigans are the SAME. like i’m entirely convinced that maggie watched the show and was like yeah i could write a book about that
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here are the Literal character descriptions from wikipedia:
— blue:
“Uniqua is a pink-spotted creature who is curious, self-confident, and adventurous. She likes to tell jokes and make her friends laugh. She wears pink, polka-dotted overalls and has a pair of swirled antenna on top of her head. She usually imagines herself having roles that require brains and courage, such as a scientist or pirate captain. She is the only main character to appear in every episode.”
— gansey:
“Pablo is high-strung, frenetic, and tends to overreact. He wears a blue bow tie and a propeller beanie. Due to his energy and impetuousness, he often goes into a "panic attack" when he faces an obstacle, running around in circles and telling everyone not to worry until someone gets his attention by calling his name three times. Pablo's panic attacks became less prominent after Season 1, though in the later episode "The Flipper!", his propensity for getting overexcited is the main plot point.”
— ronan:
“Tyrone is a red-haired orange moose who is laid-back and cool-headed. He wears a red and blue striped shirt. He is best friends with Pablo, and he is almost the complete opposite of Pablo in terms of personality, with his calm and easy going character. Tyrone is known for his sarcastic comments, one of them being ‘That certainly was convenient.’”
— adam:
“Tasha is a strong-willed yellow hippopotamus who is rational, skeptical, and highly motivated to get her own way. Tasha wears red Mary-Jane shoes and an orange dress with a flower pattern. She is the most serious of the Backyardigans, though she can be just as easy going as the others from time to time. Her catchphrase is ‘Oh, for goodness sakes.’ Nickelodeon describes Tasha as ‘deceptively sweet’ and ‘tough-as-nails.’”
— noah:
“Austin is a shy but fun-loving purple kangaroo. In Season 1, he is reserved and soft-spoken due to recently moving into the neighborhood. In later episodes, Austin becomes more outgoing and is revealed to be smart and imaginative. Austin rarely appears in the spotlight, but takes the role of the lead character in several episodes. described as ‘the one pulling up the rear. He's kind of a get-along guy.’”
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thelampisaflashlight · 6 months
Choose Your Own Bea's Adventure 5
(Previous Part Here)
Your name is Mountain, and you are an ageless, near immortal demon risen from the pit in the unholy form of a ghoul.
You've lived countless lives whilst on the surface.
You've loved and lost more times than you can count.
Once a husband.
Twice a father, perhaps more.
You can't count the ones you don't know about.
A woodcutter.
A killer.
A penitent man.
Right now, though, you're just Mountain.
You live and work on the abbey's grounds as a gardener, while also doing the lord below's bidding by performing rituals across the globe along with your pack during the touring season.
It's the off season now.
You're home.
...And you're worried out of your goddamned mind about your stupid fucking co-worker who lives in the woods.
Okay, it might be mean to call her stupid, but you can't help it if your words have more bite to them as you bound across the field separating you from the wilder parts of the abbey's grounds to rescue her dumb ass.
From the moment you picked up your phone, rattling on your bedside table, left on vibrate, and saw her name pop up on the screen, you knew it couldn't be for a "good" reason.
Any time she calls you, any time she sends more than a brief text or an outline of her schedule for the day, it's because she's done something bad.
Not always bad-bad, but it's usually bad enough to warrant a long, long talk.
And the moment you hear that nervous little titter to her voice, you know something is very wrong.
It's enough to make you sit up in bed, the mattress protesting as you squash down the already worn springs, and then when the line goes dead quiet...
"Shit, shit, shit, shit-"
You're almost to the lake when you see the fast flickering of a light in the distance on the other side and-
You'd know that foul mouth anywhere.
You don't hesitate to make your may around the lake, shouting all the way.
She looks between you and the large serpent looming over her with the most perturbed expression you've yet to see her make... but she stops.
The serpent shakes its head and blinks, clearing its vision, letting out a huff before coiling in on itself and lowering itself to the ground.
"...Oh thank fuck." you look at the snake, "Are you okay?"
"I'm-" Bea starts, then looks at you offended, "You're talking to the giant fucking snake??"
You pat the snake on the head as it nods, before turning your attention to Bea, who's now scooching further away from the snake and you.
"Are you okay?" you ask, offering your hand to her, but she just just scowls at you, "What?"
"Oh, so you care now?" she spits, trying, and failing, to stand up.
"I came all the way out here to help you and you-"
"Yeah! And you asked the thing that was going to fucking EAT me if it's okay before even checking to see if I was okay!"
"Because Rain is photosensitive in this form!"
"You- THAT'S RAIN?!"
Your name is Rain.
You're a snake right now, but normally you're a dude.
You have no idea what's going on right now.
All you remember is that you went to take a nap at the bottom of the lake and woke up to get a snack.
You swallowed a moose whole.
It was rad.
But then you heard someone running around in the woods, and you thought, "Huh, I should see what's happening."
And then you got blinded by the rapid flickering of a flashlight.
And now Mountain is here.
...Having a domestic with a woman you kind of recognize.
Mountain and her are friends(?).
Also she smacked you with a pool skimmer once because you were playing dead in the abbey's pond.
You look between the two.
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miniimoose · 1 year
truely why did they make lemongrab like this
dont get me wrong I LIKE IT but fuck man... why
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Sick III
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Magda gets sick
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"Momma," You say, hopping down the last step," Morsa's throwing up in the bathroom again."
Pernille looks up from the stove and sighs. "I thought I told you that you weren't meant to go looking for Morsa?"
You shrug. "I didn't go looking for her."
Pernille doesn't believe you in the slightest.
Magda had come down with some sickness, likely the flu, a few days ago. It had started off as just an inconvenience, a stuffy nose and a few headaches. Then came the throwing up and Magda being forced to lean over the toilet bowl for a few hours in the night when she was meant to be sleeping.
Pernille knew it was wishful thinking to hope that the sickness remained with Magda only but you were a bit of a nightmare when it came to getting sick so she wanted to limit the chance of you catching it as much as possible.
If only you understood that because since Magda's sudden illness, you seem to have gotten incredibly clingy towards her like you don't want to stray out of her sight for whatever reason.
Pernille purses her lips as she looks at you, stirring the soup in the pot as she ponders what to do next.
"Why don't you have tv time?" She asks, finally settling on something to keep you occupied.
You don't get a lot of tv time, at least not where you're in control of the tv. You've never really craved it when you could play with girl-swan and girl-moose or kick a football around the garden.
But still, you're a little kid and kids love tv.
"I think Scooby Doo is on."
You think for a moment before your face twists into something akin to annoyance. "I don't like German Scooby Doo," You say," Can I watch Ben 10 instead?"
"Yeah, we can do that."
Pernille sets you up with an episode of Ben 10 in German and you settle on the sofa to watch it. With you now occupied, she sneaks up with a bowl of chicken soup just as Magda makes her way back to bed.
"You look...better."
"Don't lie." It's nice to see that Magda's humour is still there. "Is this for me?"
"Chicken soup." Pernille hands the bowl over. "You should probably wait for it to start cooling down."
"I'll be fine," Magda says," It's not like I can taste it so the heat might be the only enjoyable thing about it."
"How are you feeling? Do you need more medicine?"
"Can't take any yet. Hasn't been four hours but I'll be fine. I spoke to Linda. She said the throwing up only lasts a day. I'll be alright by tomorrow."
"Still," Pernille says," Eat your soup and drink lots of water. We're meant to be setting a good example to Princesse."
The corners of Magda's mouth quirks up a little. "Where is she? You know, I'd feel a lot better if she's here?"
Pernille rolls her eyes, scoffing. "Oh, I see. When I'm sick, I can't see her so she doesn't get infected but when you're sick, you can see her all you want? How is that fair?"
Her tone is teasing and Magda flashes a wolfish grin.
"Swedes don't infect Swedes. It's a rule."
"Well, it's great that she's Danish too, huh? No Princesse time for you until-"
"Hey, Princesse. What have you got there?"
Pernille whips her head around to see you standing by the door, clutching the little first aid kit that's usually hidden in the bathroom cabinet.
"I thought you were watching Ben 10?" She says as you come in, clambering up onto the bed and sitting on Magda's outstretched legs.
"Got bored," You reply, forcing the zip open and rummaging through it," I'm gonna make Morsa better though."
"She's sick, Princesse," Pernille says," Are you sure? You can get sick too."
You give Pernille the biggest judgemental look you can manage. "I know, Momma. I'm not silly. But I'm still going to make Morsa better."
In all honesty, Pernille is a little intrigued about how you're going to make Magda feel better with the first aid kit so she doesn't push anymore for you to leave the room.
"Does your head hurt?"
You bring out one of the bandages, winding it around Magda's head and tucking the end into itself.
"There you go!" You say," Now your head won't hurt. Does your throat hurt too?"
Magda nods.
You whip out one of the big plasters that's meant for big cuts and grazes on the knee and place it over Magda's mouth, making sure it's completely secure.
"You need to stop talking," You tell her sternly," Because that makes your throat hurt." You turn to Pernille. "Momma, I fixed her!"
Pernille has to force down her laughter at the bewildered expression on Magda's face.
"I can see that," Pernille says," We should leave Morsa alone now so she can recover. You did a good job."
You nod. "I know." You blow Magda a kiss. "I can't kiss you because then I'll get sick," You tell her," So have air kisses!"
You blow more kisses at Magda and shuffle off the bed, taking Pernille's hand.
"Can we finish watching Ben 10, Momma? It's a really good episode!"
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wandafiction · 3 months
Moose - Just Us Chapter 77
Warnings: None
Word Count: 4790
Series List | Chapter 76 | Chapter 78
We were now waiting at baggage collection, Wanda pulled into my side as my right arm rests over her shoulder. The boy's eyes follow every bag that goes past, double checking to see if they are ours or not as they bounce on their feet excitedly. Luckily, they seem a lot more awake than they were this morning which makes sense since they slept on the plane. 
I rest my head on top of Wanda's feeling her relax against me more, closing my eyes for a moment as I breathe in her scent. When they open up I smile against her hair when I see the boys both grabbing each of our bags off the conveyor belt, turning around with proud smiles on their faces when they show us. 
"Okay so we have the bags. What now?" Tommy asks as he passes me my suitcase.
"Now we head out, we can grab a drink and some food from one of the shops here. Then you have to look out for a white hat volunteer."
"A white hat volunteer?" Billy passes Wanda's bag to her.
"Yeah, so they wear white hats and red vests. They are people who welcome you to Calgary and have bits of information and everything. I just need to know where to find our rental car." 
"Okay so we have the bags, we need to find where we are going and get coffee. Also go to the toilet now because we have a nearly 3 hour drive ahead of us." Wanda lists off as we all start walking out of baggage claim. 
Wanda holds her hand in mine swaying them between us as we follow the boys closely behind, as they follow the signs above to the exit. As the boys lead us towards the exit me and Wanda look out for a coffee shop in desperate need of a caffeine boost. When we finally find one we decide to sit down and to drink it so the boys can disappear to the toilet without getting lost.
"So what's the plan once we leave the airport?" Wanda blows on the top of her coffee before taking a sip.
"Well I thought since we have had a long day of travelling we can just have a relaxed night by the fire watching movies or playing a board game. Then tomorrow we can come back and explore Calgary and some surrounding areas maybe. Or make that a day or two thing. Then it's going to be snowing so we will be sort of stuck in the cabin for a while as the roads can be quite dangerous but it doesn't mean we can't go outside. There are a few look out sights around the area we can look at the mountains from. But we can ask one of the white hats for a guide."
"Okay. So we are definitely exploring, I mean you can't not explore. Where we go is up to you, since you've been here a few times so you know the good spots. The boys have only dealt with New York snow so it should be an adventure for them." She takes another sip of coffee as I watch the boys join the queue to get themselves a drink. "What about wild animals? How likely are we to run into them?"
"We will see them on the drive up to the cabin, but I own the land and paid to have it fenced. It's not fenced off that much that it causes issues with the wildlife, but it is enough so we can explore the surrounding forest a little. Although we should still be careful because the fence doesn't always stop the animals. But we have security cameras that are motion sensors and infrared so we can check for anything before we go out."
"Okay." Wanda takes in the information as the boys join us at the table.
"You mentioned there was a lake?" Tommy takes a sip of his hot chocolate.
"Yeah, it might freeze over during the week but if you want to we can do some fishing while it isn't. We can cook fresh fish too if that's something you want to do?"
"I've never been fishing before, so yes please!" Tommy shuffles excitedly in his seat as I smile warmly at him.
"What about you Billy?" He simply shakes his head.
"I never liked the idea of fishing, sitting there for ages with nothing on the end of the line. I brought the camera so I can take pictures and that. It's for a school project."
"That sounds cool, it's like the most picturesque place I've ever seen." 
"Yeah I've always enjoyed photography, capturing something in the moment that will last forever."
"Maybe I will join you on one of your photography missions. I think it's about time I draw the mountains again." 
"Awesome. I'm already so excited and I don't even know where we are going." Me and Wanda let out a small laugh at that before we both finish our drinks.
I stand up from my chair once the boys have finished their drinks, moving over to Wanda and holding my hand out for her to take as she stands up. The boys walk ahead of us on a mission to find us a white hat volunteer, while me and Wanda smile at the sight of the boys pointing out things around the airport as we wander around.  
"Look there's a lady in a white hat and red vest." Tommy points out to me and Wanda as Billy starts to make his way over to the smiling lady. 
Me and Wanda start to make our way over as Tommy runs over to join Billy who is already chatting to the lady. When Tommy points to me and Wanda the lady smiles wider, gently placing her hand on the boys back as they all walk towards us.
"Hiya folks, welcome to Calgary my name is Janet. Where have you guys flown in from?" I tilt my head slightly as I try to recall where I have seen this woman before.
"New York! We had to get up, like, super early!" Tommy complains, I let out a small laugh while I put my arm over Wanda's shoulder.
"Oh New Yorkers! Is it your first time visiting Calgary?" She aims the questions at the boys as they bounce on their feet in excitement.
"It's ours and mom's first time in Canada. Y/n's been here a few times." 
"Well that is so much to do! Here are these." She hands both the boys a guide then one between me and Wanda. "So where are you guys going?"
"We don't know." Billy shrugs as he playfully glares at me. "Y/n won't tell us." 
"Fine, we are going to my cabin at Cathedral Mountain." 
"Where's that?" Tommy tilts his head in question. 
"Wow you own one of the cabins up there?" Janet looks at me as a look of realisation crosses her face. "Y/n, I thought the name sounded familiar. You own the Stark cabin don't you?" 
"I do, yes. How did you know?"
"My husband and I own a cabin across the lake. My daughter and granddaughter are staying there for a few weeks." 
"Wait Mrs Bishop?" She nods her head at me and I immediately engulf her in a hug. "Wow it's been a while since I've seen you last. How is Eleanor? And Kate! How old is she now?" 
"It has been a while dear. Eleanor is doing well and Kate is 19 now." She moves out of the hug and looks to the other three who look very confused.
"Oh sorry guys. Janet, this is my girlfriend Wanda and her two boys Billy and Tommy. Guys this is my cabin neighbour Janet, I've known her since we first brought the cabin, but have only run into each other once or twice over the years. It must be three years now, wow you look good Mrs Bishop. No wonder I didn't recognise you straight away."
"It's nice to meet you." Wanda holds out her hand, but Janet pulls her into a hug which Wanda instantly relaxes into. 
"Sorry I'm a hugger dear." Janet mentions as she releases Wanda. "So how long have you been together?" 
"Well we met on the 10th of last month so just over a month and a half. But it will officially be one month, tomorrow since she asked me to be her girlfriend." Wanda beams up at me as I speak.
"Well it's lovely to meet you all." Janet leans up to whisper in my ear. "I'm sure Eleanor won't mind keeping an eye on the boys if you want to celebrate your one month."
I blush a little at the insinuation as Janet smirks at me, while Wanda looks at me confused. I shrug and Wanda doesn't ask any questions as Janet nudges my shoulder.
"Anyway Janet. We came looking for a white hat since I don't know where the rental place is." 
"How do you not know? You have been here plenty of times." 
"We used to hire a driver for the airport transport, but since this is more of a family vacation it's easier for me to drive." 
"Okay well if you go towards the main exit, it's like a tiny little booth on the right with one or two workers. You can't really miss it as it has a big sign above saying Calgary car hire." 
"Thank you Janet."
"Of course dear. Anything else I can help you with?" I look around to the other three who are simply watching the interaction shaking their heads at her question. "Very well, but you guys best come to my cabin for dinner at some point before you leave."
"Of course. Is there anything we should bring?" Wanda asks as we all start moving towards the exit, Janet walking with us.
"Just yourselves and some warm clothes dear." 
"Okay, how about Thursday?" Wanda continues her conversation as I spot the car hire place.
"Thursday is perfect. I will see you then, dear." She hugs Wanda then me.
"See you then Janet." The boys give her a small wave as she walks back to her post.
My hand moves down to hold onto Wanda's as I start to walk us to the car hire place, the boys on either side of us as we all drag our suitcases behind us. I smile at the man behind the counter who is too busy typing into his computer to even look up at us, holding a single finger in the air silently telling us to wait. I raise my eyebrows at the action and turn to look at Wanda who has the same expression on her face. We wait a few minutes before Wanda huffs.
"Excuse me, I'm sure you're busy but we've just got off our plane and would much rather be driving to our destination than waiting here for you to do your job." I twist my lips as Wanda leans against the counter, the man's eyes widening slightly at the angered tone of Wanda's voice. I may or may not be swooning over the fact her accent was audible too.
"Right, sorry. Hi, how can I help?" He straightens out some papers on the desk as he looks between me and Wanda.
"I pre-booked a car under the name Y/n Barton." He nods as he types away on his computer.
"I have you down for the white jeep wrangler Rubicon from today until the 30th."
"Yeah that's the one."
"Perfect so I just need the card you paid with and your driving licence." I pass them off to him and he looks at the passport then the card, then back to me. "The name on the licence and the card are different, can I also have a look at your passport."
"Jeez, you have stronger security than most airports." He lets out a small laugh as I hand it over.
"Unfortunately, it's a policy. We know that people change their names, but we need extra proof if it occurs so we can confirm that the names and address matches. Or something like that. If I don't do it, I get fired and I can't be having that."
He looks between the three items. 
"So because the surname on the license and passport are Stark I am going to have to change that in our database even if you don't go by that name anymore."
"No problem. I get it, you're just doing your job." The boys both scrunch their brows at me then up to Wanda who shows herself zipping her lips so the boys press their lips together and go back to looking around the airport.
"Okay so that's all sorted, here are the keys and paperwork with emergency numbers and terms and conditions. The manual for the car will be in the glove box. If you come out of here turn right and follow the signs for the car hire parking lot you should easily find your vehicle.I hope you enjoy your stay in Calgary."
"Thank you." I take the keys and the four of us start in the direction the young man had told us. 
Once we spot the car the boys sprint off both calling shotgun on the front seat, trying to push in front of one another, with me and Wanda laughing at their antics as we slowly follow behind them. Once a small amount of arguing starts Wanda simply tilts her head raising her eyebrows and the boys stop immediately, bowing their heads. 
"Right bags in the back, then boys in the back." Wanda takes the keys from my hand to unlock the car.
"But I called shotgun mom!" Tommy whines as he trudges to the back of the car.
"Actually I called shotgun, so you will have to sit in the back with Tommy mom." Billy tries to act smug, but zips his lips when Wanda quirks her brow again. 
"What do you think Y/n? Who should be sat upfront with you?" Tommy pleads with his eyes but I simply wrap my arm around Wanda.
"As the driver of the car I decree that your mother gets the passenger seat every time we share a car, but any other time shotgun rules."
"I guess that's fine." Tommy grumbles as Wanda kisses the underside of my jaw, before leaving my grasp to open the back door of the car. 
Once we are all settled in the car, and having let it warm up with it idle in the parking lot, I set the destination in the navigation system. I rest my arm on the back of Wanda's chair as I look behind me and out of the rearview window to see what I'm doing when reversing. I turn around catching Wanda staring at me with flushed cheeks before I put the vehicle in drive and get us going. 
"So we are going to be driving through Calgary, then will be driving along the prairie land. So everything is super flat until we reach the mountains, but it creates such a beautiful view. We will also be driving through a place called Banff, which is a nice little mountain town. We will explore these places probably tomorrow and Tuesday since it is not snowing. We can do some sightseeing and shopping, go to some cute cafés, that sort of thing. Then when it snows we can stay up in the cabin for a lot of it. Thursday we have dinner with the Bishop's. Apart from that we have nothing apart from relaxing to do. Everyone happy?" 
"Happy!" They all say in unison. Creepy.
I look over to Wanda who, at some point through my ramble, interlocked our hands resting it on the arm rest between our chairs. Her head is resting on her other hand which is being propped up by her elbow on the door, a fuzzy smile on her face as her eyes look into my soul once more. I divert my attention back to the road before looking in the rearview mirror to check on the boys who are on their phones. I feel Wanda squeeze my hand to get my attention, and I squeeze it back to let her know she has it while my eyes flick back to the road.
"I love you."
"Love you too Princess." I laugh when I hear the boys fake gag in the back and Wanda sends them a glare.
We've been on the road for about an hour, the boys and Wanda having been looking out the windows at the passing scenery since we got out of Calgary, their eyes lighting up at the sight of a few deers in the fields. Wanda perks up leaning forward to the stereo controls when a new song starts playing. The boys lean forward slightly and I smile and the happy smiles they both have.
"This is one of our favourite songs." Wanda blushes as she says it, and I only smile wider, turning it up more. 
(Shotgun - George Ezra)
Homegrown alligator, see you later
Gotta hit the road, gotta hit the road
Something changed in the atmosphere
Architecture unfamiliar
I could get used to this
I smile when the boys start singing, swaying their bodies side to side in their seats. I look at Wanda who is shyly whispering the lyrics. I squeeze her hand gently taking a quick look at her as I start singing the next verse trying my best to show her it's okay to sing aloud, as I look back to the road.
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountaintop that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
I look back at Wanda when I realise she stopped singing, the boys only getting louder, and see her already looking at me with her lip between her teeth. Her eyes show me so much love and as I continue to sing as I turn my attention back to the road I see a smile grow on her face from my peripheral vision. I give her hand another squeeze and smile widely when I hear her start singing the chorus.
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone (someone)
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone
All of us are now swaying our bodies left to right, and I tap my hand against the steering wheel, as we get into our groove and start to enjoy the music. Wanda's voice is more confident and for never having heard I sing, I'm amazed her voice is beautiful and she has a husk to it that makes my heart soar at the sound. I just fell more in love with her if that is even possible.
We're south of the Equator, navigator
Gotta hit the road, gotta hit the road
Deep sea diving 'round the clock, bikini bottoms, lager tops
I could get used to this
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountaintop that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone (someone)
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone
Wanda let's go of my hand as she starts dancing in her seat, moving her hand in time to the beat. At first she simply taps at the air but it slowly transforms into her hands waving about in the air looking like waves, or rolling her wrist with her fingers like she is trying to entice someone. She giggles a little when she sees me turning my head to look as she sings a few lyrics to me before I turn my attention back to the road. 
We got two in the front (hey)
Two in the back (hey)
Sailing along
And we don't look back (back, back)
Time flies by in the yellow and green
Stick around and you'll see what I mean
There's a mountaintop that I'm dreaming of
If you need me you know where I'll be
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone (someone)
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone (someone)
I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun
Feeling like a someone, a someone, a someone, someone
I look in the rearview mirror and smile when I watch the boys sing to one another as they bop their heads, smiling at one another. I look back to the road and feel Wanda's hand creep into mine as she brings it up to her lips and starts to sing against the back of my hand. I take a quick look over at her to see her already looking at me with her fuzzy smile before she continues to sing against my hand and I look back to the road. 
We all let out small giggles when the song comes to an end and Wanda leans forward to turn the stereo back down. As she leans back she brings our hands back to her lips as she peppers the back of my hand with kisses, so I squeeze her hand in return. Once she has deemed all of my hand kissed, she brings it down to rest in her lap as she rests her back against the headrest. 
"Guys look." I point out the window to the mountains that we are now starting to drive past, the flat land left behind.
"Woah. It's beautiful." Wanda's jaw drops as she looks out her window.
"It only gets more beautiful from here." 
We have just passed through Banff which means we have another hour left of our journey, the boys are on their phones keeping themselves entertained as Wanda takes a small nap. I suddenly see something in the road that makes me wake her up knowing she won't want to miss it and grab the boy's attention.
"Princess, boys. Look what's on the road." Wanda's eyes flutter open just by the sound of my voice and the boys lean forward to look through the windscreen and I smile when I hear all three of them gasp.
"Holy cow! That's huge!" Wanda sits forward in her seat more as I slow the car down so I can avoid the animal.
"Actually mom, I think it's a moose." Tommy giggles as Wanda rolls her eyes before they go back to looking at the huge animal.
"It is indeed a moose. Looks like a fully grown male to me with how big it is." 
It's walking on our side of the road, I slow down even more to make sure I don't spook it as I check the other side of the road. When I confirm there are no other cars coming I slowly pull out onto the other side and up next to the moose. Wanda and the boys look up to the moose as we pass at a safe distance before I get back to our side of the road and slowly speed up.
"That was bigger than the car!" Billy squeals as him and Tommy look at the rearview window as Wanda looks in her side mirror.
"Yeah, that was probably about 2.5m to the shoulder. They are big creatures. Dangerous too."
"I didn't think they were that big. I always thought they were like deer in size." Wanda thinks aloud as she looks to the boys who look at her nodding.
"Well hopefully we see a few more during this week. We may get lucky and see some bears and wolves too." 
"Wait wolves and bears! Will there be any by the cabin?" I shake my head at Billy's question.
"Shouldn't be. The land is fenced off to a certain point so we are protected." 
"Damn I wanted to see a bear...or a wolf." I laugh as he slumps back in his chair. 
"Well there are plenty of times that you see them on the road, so keep an eye out everytime we drive. You might get lucky." With that both boys start looking out the windows desperate to find the animals they want to see.
Wanda pulls my hand up to her face, her hand moving behind mine as she presses it against her cheek. She kisses the palm of my hand and I start rubbing my thumbs over her cheek bone, I feel her lean into my hand more. She kisses it a few more times before placing it in her lap as she plays with my fingers, and I smile when she starts drawing random shapes and patterns.
"And we are here." I inform them as I stop the car on the gravel.
"Wow this is massive." Tommy says as he climbs out of the car with Billy.
"It is beautiful Y/n." Wanda leans over the center console to kiss my cheek before she climbs out of the car. 
I join them in grabbing our bags from the back before pushing the door shut and locking the car watching as the three of them race to the front of the cabin. I smile as they look through the windows of the cabin gasping at what they see inside. I make it to the front door of the cabin, watching their excitement grow as I unlock the door. They walk into the cabin, eyes scanning every detail as they spin around to get a full view. 
"Okay so Tommy your room is going to be up the stairs third door on the right, Billy yours is the first door on the right. The second door is a cupboard with some games and other stuff in it. Boys, your rooms have their own toilets, but make sure you lock both doors when doing your business because the other door leads to the shared bathroom. You have two sinks and there is a walk in shower, so you sort out who is showering first between you two."
"Okay Y/n!" They both shout as they make their way up the stairs holding their suitcases up so they don't bump against the stairs. 
"Where are we staying?" Wanda asks as I grab her bag nodding for her to go up the stairs.
"We are in the only room on the left hand side. We have an ensuite with both a big bath that fits two, and a walk in shower like at your apartment. The room has a built-in wardrobe, a few chest of drawers and the view is spectacular." 
She opens the door and her eyes scan the room as she walks around dragging a hand over every surface. She looks back to me after a while, and I let go of the suitcases when she runs towards me and jumps. I easily catch her as she wraps her arms and legs around my body while I spin us around a couple of times.
"You happy princess."
"I'm over the moon baby. This is so beautiful, it's amazing, it's….I love it. I love you. So, so much." I smile at her as I bring our lips together for a few seconds before resting my forehead against hers.
"Go have a look out the window." I put her down and she shuffles over to the window, a small gasp escaping her lips as she looks up to the mountains.
"I wish we could stay forever in this moment." I come up behind her wrapping my arms around her waist as my chin comes to rest on the top of her head.
"You get to see this everyday for the whole week Wanda." 
"I'm never going to get bored of that view." I kiss the top of her head.
"The view never gets boring, it's always as mesmerising as the first time I saw it."
"Y/n. Remember what I told you my dream home was?"
"I do and I know princess. We can have our own cabin in the mountains, in the woods, by a lake one day. You just need the boys to be in college." She turns around with a few tears in her eyes and I smile softly at her as I cup her cheeks.
"You remembered?" I nod softly as I lean down to peck her lips a few times.
"If it is a dream of yours then it is a dream of mine."
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messinwitheddie · 9 months
How long did Dib get to live? How did he die? What did Zim do with the rest of his life besides watching Dib’s children grow? What odd jobs did he take to pass the time? Is he still in touch with Gir?
Whatever happened to Sizz-lor?
Dib lives an abnormally long lifetime because of the human compatible PAK he, Zim and Dipper designed. Not a long life by Irken standards, but a very long one by human standards. His death was brought on by old age, dementia and damage from many decades of smoking cigarettes (he attempted to quit several times, but it never stuck).
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His career as a super scientist was successful even if it wasn't his passion. Dib continued to study the paranormal on earth as well as join Zim on several space adventures before his final hour.
Dib was never able to convince his "legitimate/ real science" colleagues that the paranormal and supernatural are legitimate fields of study, but he was respected among the younger generations of paranormal investigators/ enthusiasts.
Dib never opened an official school for paranormal studies, but with Dipper's help/ support they converted the Mystery Shack into a lecture hall on paranormal studies.
As for Zim, he also kept very busy. He never officially joined the resisty, but provided aid whenever he could. He smuggled lots of snacks, weapons/ tech and provisions for the resisty.
He spent a great deal of time and effort illegally downgrading PAKs for Irkens seeking to leave the empire as well as collecting "forbidden" data from set PAKs for future resistance efforts.
He helped construct a power grid for Mem's hive. He helped Gir open a speak easy cantina in Mem's hive as well. He upgraded Mini Moose and gave him to the resisty to build up their defenses. [Mini Moose was cool with this, as he was originally built from Vortian tech.]
Zim explored space for many years, hiding from the gaze of the control brains; stealing ships, tech and weapins. He also sold a great deal of set stolen tech.
He started a band, let the fame go to his head, got kicked out of the band. He enjoyed the company of a rotating list of lovers. He perfected his casserole recipe. Yeah. Zim lived life for sure.
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Sizz-Lorr took Gir on as his apprentice and helped him become a Frylord in his own right. Sizz-Lorr has always been very vocal about service drone rights and the importance of stable snacking systems; which put him on this ice with the control brains for decades; part of the reason why Shloogor's is understaffed so often.
Tallest Purple/ the red brain does eventually agree to send Sizz-Lorr more help. When the control brains complete their big upgrade, however, many of the improvements Sizz-Lorr and the other frylords demand are denied. Investigations against him suggest Sizz-Lorr has been low key assisting the resisty and conquered labor forces for decades. Sizz-Lorr is put under strict observation and is eventually accused of conspiring against the empire and is imprisoned.
Gir is devastated by this, radicalizing him even more than he originally was...
So much I'm glossing over here. Wish I had time to go into depth, but this post could potentially be a novel long if I keep rambling.
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sorenphelps · 2 years
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marauders x atla/lok AU -- remastered.
I’ve been rewatching atla with my bf recently, which really put me in the mood to revisit this old idea. So I present you a brand new fanart of Peter, Remus, Sirius, James, Lily and Snape (from left to right) designed as atla/lok characters. Also, have an additional sketchdump with some scenarios and whatnot.
Some further unreasonably detailed ideas:
James is an earthbender/metalbender, the only son of famous metalbending acupuncturists. He is also the pro-bending team captain of the Zaofu Saber-tooth Moose Lions. His teammates are Kingsley (firebender) and Xenofilius Lovegood (water/swampbender). He has a very obvious crush on Lily, non-stop trying to impress her with little gifts and dangerous stunts. He is a clever and resourceful prankster. His metalbending master was McGonagall, who is deep down a little disappointed that James became a pro-bender instead of a detective. She watches all of his matches anyways.
Lily is a non-bender from Republic City, who is a chi-blocker and a herbalist. Her childhood friend is Snape who also shared an interest in herbs and poisonous plants. Lily started learning chi-blocking because Snape became way too invested in bloodbending. She is secretly a pro-bending fan and is very fascinated by James’ seemingly failed attempts at flirting. She is estranged with her sister as Petunia hates benders. Lily developed a friendship with Sirius over both of them sharing a complicated relationship with their siblings. She bonded with Remus over their interest in healing.
Sirius is a powerful firebender who owns a motorbike. He met James while trying to fix a stubborn loose screw and they’ve been inseparable ever since, pulling off various shenanigans. He has an unlimited number of parking and speeding tickets. Because of this, he's been sentenced multiple times by Police Chief McGonagall to perform community service in Republic City’s Power Plant generating lightning. His family originates from the richest Fire Nation colony governors, who managed to maintain their noble status and money, but also their traditionalism. They enrolled Sirius to the Fire Nation Army so he could become a high-ranking officer as expected, but he eventually deserted to find real adventures. He still wears his military uniform jacket as a memento.
Remus is a waterbender who has a strong connection to the wolf spirit of the Forgetful Valley. As a little kid he was bitten by a venomous animal possessed by a dark spirit and became very sick. He could be eventually healed by the water of the lake the wolf spirit drank from that season. Hence during full moon his waterbending abilities are charged with the wolf spirit’s energy, forming the shape of the wolf’s head during attacks. He needs to drink from the Forgetful Valley lake waters during lunar eclipses unless he becomes sick again. He works at an animal clinic as a healer. He is dating Sirius, but they are both very awkward about their undeniable feelings.
Regulus is a firebender working as a double agent for Republic City’s Police and Triads. He is involved in various triad business, gathering information and handling pro-bending bets. He is quiet and introverted as opposed to his brother Sirius whose powerful bending abilities and fearless personality gained him quite a reputation. They are not in speaking terms with each other, even though they often get in trouble together when Sirius eventually interferes with his little brother’s operations not knowing he is a double agent.
Peter is a seemingly weak earthbender from Ba Sing Se who cares more about culinary delights than anything else. However, he is deeply involved with Triad business, handling bets, spying and other illegal activities. During a turf war his hand was injured, so he wears a Dai Li rock glove to cover it. As he looks rather harmless, prefers to hide his bending abilities and leaves a general cowardly impression of himself, no one really suspects that he is in fact a spy and a smart player.
Snape is a waterbender prodigy, who also knows much about poisons. He is still obsessed with Lily, even though she has ended their friendship when he demonstrated his self-taught bloodbending abilities on her sister. He spent years researching bending forms and developed his own techniques hoping to win Lily’s trust back. As a result, he is able to bloodbend without a full moon which is his preferred style despite knowing all other sub-forms of waterbending. His talent sparked the interest of Voldemort.
Voldemort is an energy bender who, alongside his mother, was attacked by an enraged snake spirit. His mother died, however he survived due to his awakening energy bending powers, somehow sealing the snake spirit into himself thus enslaving it as his servant. In exchange, his face developed snake-like features. He could turn spirits into dark spirits and seal their power into himself. He planned to find the next Avatar (Harry) so he could rip Raava out of him, corrupt and seal the spirit into himself. He believed this would make him the most powerful being on the world, as then he would gain the bending powers of the Avatar.
Dumbledore is an airbending master and spiritual guru. He has a pet phoenix spirit. He is the grand master of the White Lotus and the unofficial guardian of the spirit portal of Republic City. His main priority is to protect earth citizens as the new Avatar will be born as one of them. However, his master plan is to reconnect Raava and Vaatu and permanently fuse both of them with the Avatar, as only this could bring true balance.
You can find more atla/lok AU content with old ideas here, here and here. Anyone who is willing to write or somehow contribute to this AU, feel free to tag me. I’m in so deep, I might even draw more.
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