#mordred and merlin should have had a better relationship
wanderinggoddess · 7 months
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i just don't get how merlin didn't take one look at little mordred with all his weird kid energy and immediately just take him in as an apprentice/ little brother
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tongjaitongjai · 1 year
An AU where Merlin is literally a God in Mordred’s eyes. Like, a genuine God.
In this AU Mordred and Merlin’s relationship is not fucked up by prophecy. So, everytime, kindhearted Merlin saved Mordred without hesitation. And Mordred grew up in a Druid camp that reinforced the idea that Emrys was a literal god. So naturally, HE WORSHIPPED MERLIN.
Once Arthur became king and magic was legalised, Mordred came to Camelot to become a knight because that was the best way to serve Emrys.
But when he arrived at Camelot, he struggled to comprehend the fact that Merlin was… human???? A very clumsy one, in fact. The rest of Camelot, though might know about Merlin magic, did not know how great ‘Emrys’ actually was so they were just confused, concerned, and/or entertained by Mordred’s ‘crush’ on Merlin.
He would stare at Merlin the entire first meal they had together, and people would be like: awww, Sir Mordred is crushing on Merlin so hard!!
Mordred: Emrys??eats??food?Food??Is ?eaten?by? Emrys?emrys?consumes?meal????
Or when he saw Merlin tripped on the training field
Mordred: i think the area is cursed. Strongly cursed.
Leon: what—
Arthur: So, how have you adjusted to life in Camelot so far? Is there anything that is bothering yo—
Mordred: Merlin
Arthur: what did my stupid manserva- I mean Court Sorcerer do-
Mordred: I saw him drank water today
Mordred: He just drinks water????? From glass?????? Like?? He drank?? Water???? You know??? Literal water????????????? For drinking???HE??needs??water?to??live?why??
Morgana: why did I saw Mordred ran out of the meeting room screaming that you guys are trying to ‘Destroy his faith in his religion’. You knights better not bully him because he is a druid and has magic—
Gwaine: I told him Merlin is not here because he needs to take a shit.
Lancelot: Hey, Mordred, I noticed that Merlin has not received the note I asked you to deliver to him yet.
Mordred: But I already send it to him?
Lancelot: Tell me how
Mordred: I burned it at the altar
Lancelot: what altar—
Mordred: and pray to him, as one should???
Or when they went on a long mission or hunting and Merlin, out of his old habit, made food for the knights
Mordred: ‘this is the most excellent food ever had bestowed on me, I shall never forget about this Emrys. I will pray to you even harder. I am the luckiest Druid to ever live—- ‘
Percival: … is the stew that good?
part 1| part 2 | part 3
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thoughts on mordred’s story arc
oh boy do i have thoughts on mordred's story arc. (warning: theyre allll over the place)
here's the thing: i legitimately think that it was a good story arc, one of the best. i love bbc merlin and the charm of its terribleness, but the character arcs rly do piss me off. the constant and consistent problem with almost all of them is that the characters will change massively for... kind of no reason?
for example, when morgana began to hate arthur and want him dead and stuff—that development came out of nowhere. for the entire series up until that point, she had loved and cared for him. now, all of the sudden, she wants him dead?? now, it had made sense for uther. he had done terrible things to morgana and could very clearly see the line between her love and hate for him. you could to watch her tip-toe along it in real time until she began plotting his murder. that arc made sense. but arthur? there was no point where we saw arthur do anything that would make her hate him the way she did. he was just randomly lumped together with uther as another pendragon she had to kill to get the throne. but, again, it doesn't make sense! she never lumped them together. in the episode To Kill the King, morgana directly compares arthur and uther by telling him that, "You're a better man than your father. Always were." again, she never lumped them together! yet, later on, that's exactly what she does.
anyways, that was a bit of a mini-rant, but it was illustrating the point that bbc merlin was terrible at providing reasoning for their characters' arcs.
mordred's, tho? made sense. the reason he wanted to kill arthur was because arthur killed the girl he loved, kara. now, do i think that we should have spent more time with kara? absolutely! do i think that mordred's story as a whole made sense? of course not!
like, his connection to morgana never made total sense to me? i just wish that we got to see a lot more of his bond with her. when he ends up leaving morgana to join arthur, it feels kind of dry. like, yes, this is big and important and everything, but the only emotions i felt were panic from merlin. a bit more distress and grief over the lost relationship between morgana and mordred would have made the story infinitely better.
but i sort of get why they didn't do that, and its because they didn't show too much of mordred's emotions at all—he was a very bland character, tbh. with the rest of the cast, we know them through their emotions. everything they did was reasoned by what they felt. with mordred, we know him through his actions. he does a lot of stuff that i wish was more fueled by emotions the audience could actually decipher. tbh, when he killed arthur, it felt kind of out of place to me, because it was one of the first times we actually saw him do something so obviously fueled by his emotions.
overall, i think mordred's arc was objectively good because his actions did make sense. he did everything for a reason. i just think it would have been a million times better if we got to see his emotions more and watch them explicitly fuel the things he did. if they had done that, i think arthur's death would have made a lot more sense and hit a lot harder, because we would be able to justify it. when they distanced us from mordred, it was easy to hate him. i would have liked to see the audience's emotional turmoil if mordred had been a character that they could actually understand and relate to:)
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cynthia39100 · 1 year
@themerlinlibrary August Writing Challenge
Prompt 3: Royalty
Merlin & Arthur
Arthur x Gwen (They break up at the beginning.)
AO3 link
(A little Modern Royalty AU fic. I had little knowledge and imagination of royalty so bear with me... and I swear I'm not purposefully using Gwen and Arthur's broken relationship as an opening every time. )
Arthur should have seen this coming. 
He was in his bedroom in Windsor, holding a sobbing Gwen. She was saying how she loved him and how hard she’d tried and that she couldn’t do it anymore. 
“ I’m not royalty, Arthur. I thought I could learn to become one, but I will never be. You deserved a better wife who can support you through all odds. People… ” She trailed off, but Arthur knew what she didn’t say. People deserved a proper queen. They always did. Arthur was born to serve the people after all. 
Arthur comforted her with random words while feeling hollow and unreal. Everything was like a scene in the movie. He was just an observer. 
His whole life was like it, wasn’t it? There were always rules, traditions and scripts to follow. Every word, every action was properly designed and calculated by a group of “writers”. Because there is always someone watching. Because it’s his duty to be the perfect Prince people expected. 
It’s better now, of course. Rules became more flexible, and some old traditions no longer applied. He could date a peasant girl and even consider marrying her, as long as she adapted to the culture and duties of a royal family. 
He didn’t realise that was the most difficult part. 
Whenever Gwen stood by him, He felt that he finally had a little freedom and control in his life. Gwen must have felt the contrary. Arthur could only offer her wealth and title, neither was what Gwen needed in life. 
And so he let go of Gwen, told her it was alright, and sent for staff outside the room to escort her out. Arthur didn’t bother to chase out Merlin who silently sneaked in. He just lay on his bed, determined not to react to any of Merlin’s comforting words. Surprisingly, Merlin didn’t do his usual cheering or rambling to distract him, only standing beside the door like a security guard. 
Arthur supposed Merlin still knew when to leave him alone. Or he for once just didn’t know what to say. 
“ Don’t stand there like an idiot. Don’t you have more productive things to do? Writing my break-up announcement for one.” Arthur finally spoke up, couldn’t tolerate the silence. 
“ I already asked George to do it.” 
Another silent moment passed. Merlin was still standing beside the door, and Arthur was still lying on the bed. 
“ Am I wrong not to listen to Father and marry Elena?” 
“ It’s 21 century. Even the prince is allowed to choose his partner.” 
“ Gwen backed off. I’ve refused all the legitimate noblewomen in the country. What if I can’t find another one? What about the succession?” 
“ I’m sure Morgana will be happy to succeed. Actually, it should be Mordred. Have you met him recently? He has grown quite a lot.” 
“ And I’m just going to become this lonely old king?”
“ Well… on the bright side, you still got me.”  
Arthur finally surged up from the bed, looked at Merlin incredulously. 
“ Is that supposed to cheer me up?” 
“ Thought it might.” Merlin shrugged unapologetically while showing his iconic goofy smile. 
“ You really are an idiot,” Arthur said exasperatedly, but he turned to cover the smile he couldn’t quite suppress. 
Merlin seemed to sense the smile anyway. His voice became lighter and more cheerful. 
“ Since Your Highness feels better now, your father wants to meet you whenever you are ready. Do you want me to notify His Majesty?” 
Arthur sighed and got off the bed. He didn’t want to face his father, but the sooner it was done, the better. 
Merlin opened the door and was about to leave, but Arthur called him back. 
“ Aren’t you coming with me?” 
Merlin winced. “ The King is horrifying.” 
“ And you’re going to leave me alone? Right after you swore to serve me forever?”
“ I did not!” 
“ Yes, you did. Anyway, It’s your prince’s order.” 
Merlin mumbled some inaudible insults under his breath, and Arthur smiled again. It seemed that whether he could find a new love or not, he would always have his best friend hanging around. It made the future just a little less horrifying.
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seraphimsora · 11 months
What do the knights of the round table think of Biatrice and Mordred's relationship?
Most of them were surprised, Mordred is rude to say the least and has an explosive personality, when the knights discovered they were together, most of them fell off their chairs. Biatrice is someone with an exotic personality, but she is kind and extremely intelligent, maybe it was a little jealous and indignant but at first they didn't accept much.
I see Gareth and Gawain being the type who would give Mordred a big lecture about the importance of respecting your partner and being loyal, both would have more of an older brother attitude towards Mordred, but deep down they still think it's a passing passion.
Lancelot thinks about Mordred being too young and immature to be with someone like Biatrice, he knows that her advice on love is questionable, and that is one of the reasons he remains silent, but once he asks Biatrice directly. "Why Mordred?" and her response causes Lancelot to never bring up the subject again. "Why Guinevere?".
Sometimes love doesn't need questions, just affirmations.
Don't get the wrong idea, all knights like Beatrice and have her as a friend, but the relationship with Mordred caused an imbalance in what they believed. In Tristan's case, there was a pang of jealousy, how could the angry turtle get a woman like that? However nothing has changed, he just doesn't have faith that Mordred will maintain the relationship.
Percival, Bediviere, I think they would be more peaceful about the information, in Bedi's case he would like to see Mordred getting better and being happy like Biatrice, I think these two are the only ones who have faith that the couple would be prosperous.
Merlin is well...Merlin, he finds it intriguing and exciting to think that the daughter of the King of Wizards and the bastard son of the King of Knights would be together, it's poetic to say the least.
And finally we have Altria. For this, I need to tell you a little more than I should. Biatrice had one wish when she met Artoria, "I will make this foolish King smile and laugh for his own sake and not for others...I want him to be truly happy." a friendship built on respect and admiration on both sides. Biatrice taught Artoria the true meaning of family, helping to mend broken ties with Mordred and her past, to the point that the king of knights felt shaken by his Master's presence. (Don't worry, I'm not talking about a love triangle.) Artoria discovered what it was like to love someone and have to let her go even though she was within her reach, the truth is, she knew that Biatrice and Mordred really liked each other and she didn't want to in no way being an obstacle, with pain and happiness she congratulated them and gave her blessings as a father and friend.
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litcest · 1 year
"But, before I even begin to tell the story, let me just mention that, Hamlet’s obsession with his mother, Gertrude, is so strong that Freud himself linked their relationship with his Oedipus Complex (here’s another play I should write about, Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex)."
That is an absolutely beautiful thing to learn when a surprising amount of your personal vision of Arthuriana is based on The Once and Future King by T.H. White, in which the relationship between Mordred, King Arthur's tragic bastard, and Morgause/Morgawse, his mother and one of Arthur's half-sisters, is 100% a Freudian mess.
Honestly, I read that passage and immediately thought of this quote:
"People write tragedies in which fatal blondes betray their paramours to ruin, in which Cressidas, Cleopatras, Delilahs, and sometimes even naughty daughters like Jessica bring their lovers or their parents to distress: but these are not the heart of tragedy. They are fripperies to the soul of man. What does it matter if Antony did fall upon his sword? It only killed him. It is the mother's not the lover's lust that rots the mind. It is that which condemns the tragic character to his walking death. It is Jocasta, not Juliet, who dwells in the inner chamber. It is Gertrude, not the silly Ophelia, who sends Hamlet to his madness. The heart of tragedy does not lie in stealing or taking away. Any feather-pated girl can steal a heart. It lies in giving, in putting on, in adding, in smothering without the pillows. Desdemona robbed of life or honour is nothing to a Mordred, robbed of himself—his soul stolen, overlaid, wizened, while the mother-character lives in triumph, superfluously and with stifling love endowed on him, seemingly innocent of ill-intention."
Mordred's relationship with his mother in TOaFK is INCREDIBLY fucked-up and fascinating, btw. And as canon as it can go without ever being shown onscreen. After her death, even Arthur himself and one of Mordred's half-brothers, Gawain, eventually conclude and explicitly state that he must have been in love with her and jealous of Arthur for having had a one-night stand with her as a young man.
Although love may not be quite the right word for such a mess of emotional manipulation, psychological abuse, and obsession... not that Gawain and the rest of Mordred's half-brothers are that much better off in that respect, lol.
Nonie, I'm not gonna lie: I know nothing of Arturian myths except for what I learned in BBC's Merlin (which did have pretty incestuous vibes going all over the place). I'll definitively check The Once and Future King. Half-siblings canonically having sex and lot of submet between a mother and son? SIGN ME UP. Also seems like Mordred is another candidate to name the Oedipus Complex.
"It is the mother's not the lover's lust that rots the mind. It is that which condemns the tragic character to his walking death. It is Jocasta, not Juliet, who dwells in the inner chamber. It is Gertrude, not the silly Ophelia, who sends Hamlet to his madness."
I love this part of the quote, it's just beautiful and perfectly explain's the tragedy of Hamlet. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
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weakforarwen · 2 years
Thinking about how Morgana directly or indirectly killed all of Gwen's family.
Uther sentenced Tom to die but any hopes of proving his innocence and saving him were shattered when Morgana helped him break out of his cell. It was Tom's choice to try to escape, and I can't fault him or Morgana for their choices, but Morgana's good intentions expedited Tom's death, something I hadn't even noticed until it was pointed out by @groundbreakingdot872 in a post.
Elyan obviously died because of Morgana. Either him or Arthur were meant to die by the magical sword in the room with Gwen and Elyan got to Gwen first (for some reason it took Arthur ages to reach them when he hadn't been far behind Elyan...)
Arthur, Gwen's remaining family, died because of Morgana too, by Mordred's hand but with her enchanted blade.
It's insane to me how Gwen suffered more at Morgana's hands than Arthur did. I blame that first and foremost on the writers' racism and misogyny, but it's also a reflection of the kind of person Morgana became - someone who thought herself better than a mere servant without any magic.
It's also worth remembering everything Gwen had to face and endure to be with Arthur, all that she risked and sacrificed for him:
Even before Morgana, Gwen risked her life being loved by Arthur. She knew how Uther would react if he learned of her and Arthur. She had already been sentenced to die once, yet it wasn't Uther's wrath she feared; she feared coming between Uther and Arthur and weakening Camelot, because Arthur had to be King and she wasn't Queen material (or so she thought). She feared that Arthur wouldn't be able to choose her and she feared that he would.
When Morgana found out about Gwen and Arthur, she had Elyan and Gwen kidnapped. Gwen didn't learn of Morgana's involvement (she probably guessed eventually), but despite Merlin's words to her, she knew she'd been targeted for her relationship with Arthur. Her life, and her brother's life, were threatened but she didn't think for one second to blame Arthur or reassess their relationship. If anything, she became more certain of her and Arthur's future.
In 3.10, Gwen was again sentenced to die but she only thought of Arthur. She worried about how he would cope after her death. She also told Arthur he should never abandon Camelot for her. She put him, his future, and the future of Camelot, above herself.
Uther sentenced Gwen to die twice, tried to banish her, slapped her, killed her father, showed time and time again he thought her life was worthless, and still she took care of him. For Arthur. Her love for Arthur and her compassionate nature, who pitied Uther despite everything he'd done, was stronger than any hatred and resentment she harbored for the King. She was stronger than fear or hatred - she never let it consume her.
Gwen asked Lancelot to protect Arthur when she knew he planned to risk his life for them all. It mustn't have been easy to ask a man who perhaps still had feelings for her to protect the man she loved with his life. It was a Knight's duty to protect and give his life for their King but Gwen still specifically asked Lancelot to bring Arthur home. She believed Lancelot had died keeping his promise to her and she lived with that guilt. No matter what happened, she never reconsidered her relationship with Arthur, thought it would have been much easier to date a normal man.
She told Arthur not to look for Merlin in 4.06 and was grateful that Mordred was hurt instead of Arthur in 5.05. Gwen loved Merlin and didn't wish any harm on Mordred, but she loved Arthur to the point where she would risk anything and anyone for Arthur.
Gwen endured Agravaine's disapproval and likely the disapproval of many others who didn't wish for a servant to become Queen. She must've had her doubts and insecurities but she never showed them, because she wanted to marry Arthur and to support him.
Arthur banished Gwen but she still risked her life returning to Camelot to warn him of Morgana's plans and Agravaine's betrayal. She nearly died for it too.
She sentenced a young girl to death to flush out her father just to protect Arthur. That wasn't an easy decision for Gwen to make and she had truly cared for Sefa.
Elyan died and Gwen's agency was stolen from her - she murdered an innocent man and nearly killed her husband while not herself - because Morgana hated she was Queen and wanted to kill Arthur. But did she ever blame Arthur or resent all she'd been through and lost to be with him? Nope. Never. Not even a little.
Gwen also risked her life in the finale by accompanying Arthur to the battlefield and that wasn't the first time she fought for Camelot and for Arthur (4.13) despite not being a trained fighter.
All of that was already a lot and she never even learned of Agravaine's attempt on her life in 4.02. Gwen was completely devoted to Arthur and risked everything to be with him and to protect him. Still, the fandom doesn't seem to appreciate all she did because they believe she loved Lancelot more than Arthur, or because Merlin did more for Arthur or whatever.
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farieshades · 2 years
Oh deities. I can already here people screaming.
What do you think about Mordred? And about his realtionships with Arthur, Merlin and Morgana?
*I can already feel the glares*
I added in relationships with knights, but… tada? 
Thoughts In General
Mordred originally starts off as a creepy child (12ish I'd say). No hate, ofc, but The Beginning of the End really shows a creepy stare. Idk, Asa Butterfield’s eyes are chilling which was very fitting for the role. He gets… better. The Nightmare Begins shows a more carefree child initially with hope and joy, which suggests the glaring and the anger from the first season is more based on being literally trapped in Camelot, which is fair. We see Mordred’s power come into play here, knocking out, or possibly killing, some knighs [And Merlin has the audacity to act shocked as if he hasn’t killed plenty of people at this point]. 
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The last that we see of young Mordred is The Witch’s Quickening, in which he is kinda getting manipulated by Alvarr, and the last we see of him for a very long time is him swearing revenge-ish to Emrys who tries to cause his death. So like, I too would be swearing revenge if this bastard tried to trip me knowing it would likely be my death after. Like, Emrys, to the Druids, was supposed to be this protector-type figure. Sure, to magic and stuff, but,,, ouch? 
Anyway, Mordred leaves the scene until he gets thrown into existence again as a young man (20-24 years old?) in Season 5. Alexander Vlahos’ portrayal seems very 👌, perfect and on point. Anyway, things happen, Mordred becomes a knight, swearing to protect Camelot and whatnot and he’s good at it. Supposedly, according to Arthur, one of the best, or will soon be. Sure, this is foreshadowing, but I’d like to think its just that Mordred is that good. He want’s to show off. He want’s to be the best (for both Emrys and Arthur). He wants to prove to everyone that he is good. 
There are snippets in episodes through the season that show his character. He is strong, both in magic and in his morality. He refuses to ‘out’ Merlin when hunting Finna, he stands with Arthur when Guinevere is enchanted, and then, we see him spare a girl. It doesn’t mean much at the moment outside of Mordred is sparing someone escaping from a group of dead knights. 
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Kara, we learn, was an old friend. But someone who rejects the goodness of what may be within Arthur, and with brazzen impulse also later tries to kill the King. Mordred at this point is pulled in two ways, his loyalty to his friend, and loyalty to the King. It snaps, because of course it must, when Kara is killed, and Mordred leaves Camelot for Morgana. 
A fall from grace, but up to this point, Mordred has firmly stuck to his own understanding of honour. He perceives Merlin having done nothing he should have, and thus must be considered the true enemy here, giving up his name to Morgana (who should really have figured out something at this point, that serving boy is too hardy to kill somehow). 
Then, with a sword forged in Aithusa’s breath, he fights Arthur. Arthur hesitates upon seeing Mordred, giving him every chance to strike him down. And when Mordred himself falls to Excalibur, he smiles. 
I’d like to believe this smile wasn’t malice or revenge based, but a sense of completion. He did what he had to, to protect others. To, hell, obey the prophecy that dictated it will be a druid who will kill Arthur. 
Must that druid have been Mordred from the very beginning? Could a different person have taken that spot? Was it made to be Mordred based on Destiny or the actions Merlin took against Mordred? Who knows. I certainly don’t.
Older Mordred is shown to respect his fellow knights who treat him like a little brother. He certainly feels friendly with Elyan and Percival the most (though that may be my head saying Gwaine noticed Merlin keeping Mordred at arms length and did the same cause Gwaine is a ride-or-die friend). 
Percival - 46 works under the Mordred/Percival tag, with plenty of hurt/comfort and angst feelings around. 
Elyan - 5 works in the Elyan/Mordred tag, which is very unacceptable, this pairing needs more love wow… Ok, but from what there is its so soft and cute, do recommed checking that out actually. Only 1 multichapter, the others are under 2k.
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Gwaine - 16 works for Gwaine/Mordred, which is very pwp heavy it seems, also plenty of modern settings. Personally don’t ship it due to my head going ):< but I think the dynamic there would work. 
Leon - 12 works for Leon/Mordred which is shocking to me more in the fact that my head constantly wants Leon with no one cause he just doesn’t want connection like that but, lots of gift giving and modern fics so it actually works I suppose. 
Lancelot - 1 fic in a different language and I havent a clue what it says. Which is fair, considering Lancelot in the show is dead by the time Mordred shows up. 
Mordred, as a child, had a close bond to Morgana. She helped him when she really didn’t need to. He looked at her and saw a friend, a figure of protection. Someone who got undoubtedly punished for helping him when the knights caught up to them on the street. Later, then, Morgana falls into his care when she arrives at the Druids encampment. Later more, we see Mordred and Morgana hugging when they see each other. It doesn’t feel, as some would depict, as motherly, but more friends? Maybe a sibling type? I imagine the writers were attempting to give the feeling of family to the two to attempt the familial connection between Mordred and the Pendragons (Anna or Morgause are often depicted as his mother depending on the author). Indeed, when he felt alone and betrayed, he turned to Morgana, betraying his character arc for most of Season 5 and fell right to the Prophecy’s hands. 
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There is currently, as of writing this, 74 works under Mordred/Morgana, so it’s certaintly not a popular ship to have, but there is a distinct feeling of hurt/comfort in the relationship that I could understand. 
I also like the fandom idea that Mordred was the one to find a way to get Morgana + Aithusa out of Sarrum’s cage. Not sure how my head constructs it, but I like the base idea of it, you know?
There is a power dynamic here that is, at the base, unbalanced. Much like how Arthur/Merlin is unbalanced, but in this Mordred and Merlin both know fully what the other may be capable of, unlike Arthur who is predominantly in the dark. 
Mordred grows up with kinda a hero-complex in his mind for Emrys, whereas Merlin grows paranoid of the future Mordred may follow. Many times the relationship has hints of, erm, darkness? But it also has hints of hope of better futures. 
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Currently 492 fics for the pairing Merlin/Mordred… with my own on oct 29 being the most recent at the moment. That’s a mood, thanks. Not many writers for it, but it does have a theme of angst and pining and ignoring angry flying lizards that breathe fire, and a bit of pwp added in to some. Plenty of Modern fics, Good Modred fics, generalized romance, Genderswapping, and only 15 are tagged as underage. 
I know many people do not prefer the shipping of Mordred with anyone due to age and peadophilia hints in relationships, which is completely fair, however by Season 5, as a knight Mordred would be 22. Not… excusing things, really, but…ahhh… I think I may be digging a hole right now and am shutting up so onto…..
Arthur is protective, which is mainly just part of his character, but to Mordred it’s different. Like how it is with Merlin, Arthur and Mordred are constantly choosing to save each other’s lives when they could have not (or were discouraged on it w/ that crossbow scene). This is, mainly, asense of decency, of two good men with honour. Once Mordred joins the knights, Arthur is quick to see Mordred is strong, easily one of the best.
The two work well together, which feels similar to Morgana’s analysis into familial relations, more due to trying to stick somewhat to the myths of Arthur being both Uncle and Father to Mordred. Luckily, we don’t actually need to worry about that with Merlin BBC due to the whole Druids stuff, but the feeling of…familial love or more still is present in the relationship here.
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Then… with 93 works under the Arthur/Mordred tag, we end up with a high number of Modern/AU works with Hurt/Comfort and Angst predomenint. However, it should be noted that within these 93 works, 56 also tag Merthur. Unclear how that’s working, I’m just literally on Ao3 looking at numbers and questioning how.
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timetragic · 1 year
Morgana felt underdeveloped after S2
After Season 2, Morgana's personality didn't quite change. By Season 4, she became a bland villain who had so much potential. Someone here recently shared a Mergana amv of bad blood, and it honestly gave me so many ideas and chills for what could've happened in the story.
I wish Morgana knew about Merlin's powers in season 3. Morgana and Merlin already disliked each other, but having both of them know each other's secret would've been interesting. In this season, Morgana still isn't powerful enough to make a mark. She is still learning from Morgause and relies on regular weapons. Morgana's power this season comes from her status of being Uther's Ward/Daughter. Seeing her manipulating Uther, so he'll execute Merlin or just something bad, could've been an interesting plot for an episode or made existing ones like "The Castle of Fyrien" even more interesting Maybe at the end of this season, Merlin ends up capturing Morgana.
Y'know how the title screen changes from s3 - s4. Instead of, "the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy..." it changes to, "the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man.."
Well, I don't see it.
One of my main critiques of Merlin is how he doesn't learn from his mistake with Morgana. He made Morgana feel alone, which prompted her to look into other places for help, leading to Morgause. He made the exact mistake with Mordred in Season 5, which was very hard to watch, especially episode 5 of that season.
He keeps making the same mistakes. He still isn't bold enough with his magic. An idea that would be interesting to explore is what if Gaius died in the S3 finale. Merlin already shows how he knows a lot about medicine, especially in S5, so why not roll with it. If Gaius dies, Merlin should take Gaius' place as a court physician. So many more plot points and stakes can be brought up as a result. It also shows Merlin's maturity as he grows.
Even though Gaius would be dead in this universe, I still wouldn't want Merlin to feel alone with his magic. I deeply respect Lancelot, and I'm a little disappointed how he was mainly used as a plot point for Gwen's and Arthur's relationship. The interactions he has with Merlin in the S4 premier are so on point. They should've used that a little more. I wish Lancelot was there for Merlin and that he didn't die.
Maybe in S4, Merlin tries to help Morgana and reason with her to show her how Arthur will develop a better and safer world for all people, including those of magic.
Morgana rejects this idea but does listen after a while or so Merlin thinks. She ends up escaping somewhere along S4 and ends up in a Druid camp. The druids will start to help her clear her mind more, and she is starting to become more of the Morgana we once knew. She still distrusts Arthur and Merlin, but to a lesser extent, and she doesn't really hate Gwen really anymore.
Whilst in the Druid camp, she started hearing about this Druid boy who sought more power to make a difference. Later on, this same boy would find Morgana. And of course, that boy is Mordred.
Although it isn't as apparent as Morgause, Mordred, in a way, wants Arthur gone and replaced with someone who knows better. Someone who will make a change on the kingdom. Mordred pities Merlin for believing that Arthur will make peace. Mordred's plan is to become a knight of Camelot and have Arthur trust him. When the time is right, Mordred would assume power of the throne, and he will start taking charge of Camelot. As soon as the new magic policies were put in place, there would be terrible disasters since it would be difficult to manage the amount of new magic that would surround the land. However, Mordred doesn't know that could happen, and he asks Morgana for his help. Morgana, after considering, ends up declining his offer.
We don't get to see Morgana after a while and instead get to see some Mordred and Merlin interactions. This time, Merlin would heavily distrust Mordred at first, but then Mordred grew onto him, and he found himself trusting Mordred.
In the Series Finale, Mordred innacts his plan with a lot of help from other Sorcerer's he already recruited plus an entire Kingdom's army. Aithusa would also appear in this universe. However, she protects Mordred instead of Morgana. Morgana sees a vision of what is going to happen, and she sees the cruelty of people being killed. She goes back to Camelot to do something. She is very much undercover, and she tries to perform a spell that can help Camelot. Unfortunately, said spell helps them at first, but backfires later on. That spell is one of the reasons that would lead to Arthur's inevitable death. As more and more people are being hurt, Merlin has no choice but to sue his powers to protect them. Arthur is undoubtedly upset at first, similarly to how he was in the original last episode, but he forgives Merlin in the end, and one of his last wishes as King is for Morgana to lead the way for people with magic to be accepted in Camelot.
Mordred would be killed, and the rest of his army would be defeated. Morgana would take the role of Queen, and she would be the one who would end up uniting Albion. Merlin would be Court Sorcerer and take an apprentice he would train to be a physician.
I wrote this up as soon as I thought of it, so I'm sorry if a lot of this doesn't make sense, lol. Who knows, I might change my mind tomorrow and decide that this is actually the worst idea to ever be thought of.
TL:DR - I made up how I would write the story after s2 if I actually had good writing skills. Or someone else can write this, idk.
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llamagirl28 · 2 years
Hi, just got finished with the current demo for BoC. It's really good! I have one question though. I know Mordred is in the dark about Morgana's knowledge of her relationship with Arthur at the time of their conception. But does Accolon know that Morgana knew she was Arthur's sister when she seduced him?
Thank you! 💕
And yes, Accolon does know. Morgana told him after he followed her to Avalon and asked her who's the father, since there were rumors it wasn't Lot. So she told him, breaking down into a very emotional tirade because she genuinely thought she was the wronged one. That she had to do it, because there was no other way to seek justice for herself. To seek revenge for the Le Fay. That Merlin has taunted her and made it very clear the throne should go to a Pendragon, and that was Arthur.
And Accolon... Well he definitely thought it was an awful thing she has done to Arthur, and he has sympathy for him. But he also has sympathy for Morgana for the things she's went through, and by that point they were close friends and quite ready to make up excuses for her. His attitude toward Morgana can be summed up like this: "I can fix her." He keeps hoping she can do better.
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Long Lost Prince Part 2;
Merlin leads his people home and Arthur grapples with whether he should keep his feelings to himself or not.
Part 1
Just like Arthur promised, a portion of Camelot's army mixed with around fifty of Merlin's knights are marching towards the Dragonlands within a month.
Merlin and Arthur lead the way, Sir Thornway, Sir Leon, and Sir Mordred following closely behind. It was decided fairly quickly that Hunith and Gaius would stay in Camelot; they were desperate to get home, but they weren't fighters, and whilst the chance of attack was fairly low considering the army behind them and the two dragons circling ahead, Arthur and Merlin were unwilling to risk it.
At a quick pace, Arthur reckons they could've made the journey in a week, but the army is slow-moving, and it takes them almost three to reach the border. They don't hear a peep out of anyone as they move through the countryside, though Arthur does raise an amused eyebrow at Merlin every once in a while, as and when the Warlock chuckles at Kilgharrah whispering in his head about all the various pathetic mercenaries and bandits running away screaming at the sight of his silhouette against the clouds.
The Dragonland, in comparison to Camelot, was a very small kingdom, but it’s capital city was near the far border, backed by miles and miles of towering mountains. In one of the many sessions of reminiscing that Merlin, Thornway, and Kilgharrah have in the evenings, they discuss the mountains at length. They were mostly uninhabited by people, even before the purge, they were far too treacherous for those without a guide and strong magic, and even then the paths were still dangerous.
The great mountains were where the Dragon’s resided; in a network of twisting tunnels and great caverns carved with fire and magic. Merlin vaguely remembers being taken there a few weeks before... before they left. Thornway told him that retreating into the mountains was one of the back up plans, if Uther’s army was too big and there was no hope of escape through the countryside.
(Arthur frowned at that. He was frowning at a lot nowadays, but Merlin just squeezed his leg under the blanket they were sharing (Leon did NOT smirk and Arthur did NOT blush) and whispered, yet again, that he was not his father.)
The escape through the mountains was planned to be a last ditch effort though, even with the dragons leading them and their strongest sorcerers protecting them, the perilous paths, with their knife edge drops and loose rocks and harsh snow, would have taken too many casualties to count. Though, in the end, escaping through the countryside had been just as deadly.
Arthur also used the journey to think about what Leon had said. Though Merlin and The King stuck close by for the whole trek, conversation was sparse (though the silences were comfortable); Arthur was unsure how to bring up the inevitable change in their relationship, though he knows that, for his own peace of mind if nothing else, he should.
They were deep into the Kingdom, having passed all the now doubly abandoned outer villages (Arthur was right in thinking that two dragons and a marching army scared away all the various mercenary groups and bandits) and now only a day’s ride from the capital, that Arthur asked Merlin the question that had been plaguing his mind for weeks. The two of them were sat against a fallen log, the night flourishing around them. The silence over the rest of the camp was tense, the knowledge that they were close hanging in the air, but the silence between Merlin and Arthur was comfortable, peaceful:
“What are you planning on doing?”
Merlin took a noticeably deep breath and Arthur turned to him, trying desperately to keep the worried frown off his face:
“I don’t know. I didn’t really discuss it with ma, we just... wanted to get home, and work from there, see what happens I guess.”
Arthur nodded, gulping slightly before he responds:
“Do you think she wants the throne? Your mother? Or will you become King?”
Merlin chuckles, but Arthur clenches his hands and looks away at the humourless lilt the noise has:
“I’d love to see her back in her crown, on her throne, but it’s been a long time. She did everything with my father by her side, I don’t know if... if she would want to do it on her own. I don’t know that she would cope.-”
The Warlock turns to face Arthur, and it strikes The King how close they are when he can feel Merlin’s breath on his cheek. He turns to meet his gaze once more:
“-What would you do, Arthur? In my place?”
Arthur can only hold his stare for a few moments before he looks to his lap, shaking his head slightly:
“I don’t know, Merlin. Tell me what’s on your mind, I... I can’t promise that I’ll have the answers, but maybe saying things out-loud will help.”
Merlin nods as he shuffles in his spot slightly, and Arthur likes to think that he was moving closer:
“I... I’m desperate to get home. But at the same time, I waited. I waited for twenty years, I’ve built myself a life in Camelot, I’d... given up on ever returning home, and I was just about coming to terms with the fact that Camelot was my home now. And then... this. I have to lead my people back, I know that, I owe it to them, it’s my job to protect them and give them back their heritage-”
Arthur interrupts quietly:
“Your heritage.”
Merlin sighs:
“-yeah, my heritage. My mother, and Gaius, and my people, and... and I, we deserve to go home. But I was only six when we left, I never got all the lessons on how to be a Politician, a King. Yes, I’m the heir, yes, I remember home and the crown and being a little Prince, but I am not built to be a King, Arthur, I don’t want to- I can’t fail my people, but I fear I will. I... I’ve been putting up a brave front for my mum, for Thornway, but I’m terrified. I have no idea what I’m doing, Arthur. What if I mess up?”
Arthur allows a small smile to slip onto his face as he takes Merlin’s fidgeting hands in his own. He shakes his head as he huffs out a short laugh and Merlin looks at him incredulously:
“You couldn’t possibly, Merlin. I know you well, do I not?-”
Merlin nods his head vigorously:
“Better than anyone.”
Arthur fights the blush:
“-And I’m telling you, that you have nothing to worry about. You may not have had official lessons, but you have the mind for politics.-”
Arthur glances to his lap briefly as he takes a fortifying breath, stroking his thumbs over the back of Merlin’s hands, still clutched in his, and looking up to him again:
“-I had all those lessons. All that training, and practicing, and tutoring. But I was still so... lost when I became King. I don’t think I ever told you, Merlin, but the only thing that got me through was you, always by my side. Because I knew that you would never let me fail, because I trusted you to see my shortcomings and make up for them without fuss, without fault. And you did, without asking for any thanks, or recognition, like you do with everything. To this day, you think I’m a good King because of destiny, but that’s utter bollocks and I’ve always known it. I’m a good King, Merlin, because you made me a good man first. And on days when I doubt my own rule, I remind myself of how much faith you have in me, and it gives me strength, because I know you would never allow me to fail, and on the off chance I fall, I know you would catch me. Every good King who cares about his people has doubts, Merlin, but however much faith you have in me? I have the same amount, if not more, in you. You’ll do just fine.”
Merlin looks at him with wide, teary eyes, and Arthur flushes under the scrutiny. The King goes to say something, maybe a flippant joke to de-charge the atmosphere, but before he can utter even a word, Merlin throws himself at him, wrapping tight arms around his shoulders and burying his face in his neck. Arthur almost falls back, but he holds steady, chuckling slightly as he returns Merlin’s hug with equal intensity. Merlin’s muffled voice from his shoulder has Arthur tightening his grip:
“Will you catch me? If I fall?”
Arthur moves a hand up to cradle the back of Merlin’s head:
“You won’t fall. But I’d spend the rest of my life stood below you with my arms out ready, Merlin, if that gave you just a fraction of the belief in yourself that you should have.”
Neither pulled away for what felt like hours, and by the time Thornway wondered over to check on them, they had fallen asleep against the log, arms still firmly wrapped around each other.
He smiles mournfully as he drapes a blanket over them. You would have to be blind to miss the odd moroseness that had overtaken them both, and the old knight knew that his Prince was dreading having to leave Arthur, and that Arthur was dreading the same. They shuffle in their sleep, and Thornway freezes, worried that he had woken them, but when Arthur just mutters Merlin’s name and moves impossibly closer to the other man Thornway sighs. This is going to be... painful for the two of them, and he’s not quite sure how he can help.
After another day of travel, they find themselves moving through the capital city, towards the castle sitting at the foot of the mountains.
The army was left with orders to methodically clear the city whilst Arthur, Leon, Thornway, and Mordred headed straight for the citadel gates. Though the city had fallen into disrepair, the castle looked like it had barely been touched, even by the elements, and Thornway explained that powerful enchantments laid over the ancient building, preventing it from being invaded or damaged by even the strongest of armies:
“It was meant to be a stronghold, somewhere we could hide and keep our people safe in emergencies, but we knew if we did that we would have backed ourselves into a corner. Uther was taking over more and more of the city every day, if we locked ourselves in... we would have just starved. Trying to escape through the city and out into the wilderness was our only hope.”
Merlin nods absent-mindedly as he stares up at the main door:
“Can we even get in?”
His voice is quiet and shaky, and Mordred steps forward to put a hand on his shoulder as Thornway replies with a small smile:
“You’re the heir, the doors will always open for you, Little Falcon.”
Merlin replies with a weak smirk and flushed cheeks:
“You know, I’m not all that little anymore.”
Thornway barks out a laugh as he shakes his head slightly, ruffling Merlin’s hair as the younger man pouts:
“Well, you’ll always be littler than me.-”
Merlin goes to retort, but before he can, his knight steps back and gestures to the great doors in front of them:
“-Go on, it’s time for us to finally come home, I think.”
Merlin gulps and nods, and Mordred lets his hand fall back to his side as the older Warlock takes the steps two at a time, hesitating only slightly before he wraps his hand around one of the doors’ metal rings. It twists easily in his grip, and the door swings open. Merlin has to take a step back and cover his mouth with his sleeve as he coughs, the billowing clouds of dust being disturbed for the first time in two decades making it almost impossible to see into the dark hall.
It settles after a few moments and Merlin takes a deep breath, reaching behind him wordlessly and relaxing only when he feels Arthur take his hand. The blonde King gives his hand a comforting squeeze, and Merlin takes his first shaking steps across the threshold.
He walks through the dark corridors slowly, one hand tightly clenched in Arthur’s, the other trailing along the wall next to him. The rest of the group is silent as they follow him, and nothing can be heard bar their muffled steps over the dusty rugs, and the deep breathing of Merlin and Thornway.
Merlin seems to know where he’s going, so no one questions the corners he turns and the rooms he passes without second thought. The deeper into the castle they get, the darker it becomes, until finally Merlin stops, a long hall stretched out in front of him. His eyes flash gold and the torches lining the walls flare up, illuminating the corridor in golden light. Arthur turns to look at the Warlock beside him, empathetic tears gathering in his eyes as he sees tracks on Merlin’s cheeks. 
Merlin turns to glance at Thornway, whose in a similar state, before closing his eyes and flattening his free hand against the wall, digging his fingertips into the cracks as his voice comes out quiet and raspy:
“I know these halls, this stone.-”
Thornway takes a deep stuttering breath, muttering Merlin’s name. Merlin steps away from the wall, looking back to his knight with a weak, teary smile:
“-Do you remember? Chambers filled with golden light, vast halls bustling with people and dragons and magic?”
Thornway gulps and nods, slowly moving towards Merlin and putting a hand on his shoulder:
“I remember.-”
He nods down the corridor, taking a deep breath and clearing his throat before asking:
“-You remember what’s down there?”
Merlin smiles and nods, squeezing Arthur’s hand and leading the group down the hall, obviously impatient to get to wherever their destination is, but unwilling to walk any quicker.
Leon and Arthur share a confused and slightly concerned look but don’t say anything, allowing Merlin and Thornway to lead the way. Once again, Merlin hesitates only slightly before pushing the door at the end of the corridor open. and the six of them gather inside the immense chamber. Like the rest of the castle, it was dusty, but untouched; unlike the rest of the castle, it was bathed in colourful light. The walls were high, the ceiling obviously stretching far above the surrounding rooms, and the afternoon sun shone brightly through giant stained glass windows. 
Reds and blues and greens and every other colour imaginable were splashed across the stone floor, painting pictures of dragons and flowers and family, but everyone’s eyes skip over the colourful artwork, instead being drawn to the two golden thrones sat on a dais at the other end of the hall. Merlin lets go of Arthur’s hand, walking towards the thrones with wide eyes as the others stay back, watching with a mix of pride and grief. Thornway follows after a few moments and Leon has to put a hand on Arthur’s shoulder, shaking his head slightly when the King looks at him. Arthur clenches his hands and looks away, but stays by the door, wanting more than anything to be with Merlin through this but also understanding that it wasn’t his place.
Merlin finally reaches the thrones.
He wipes the thick dust from the armrests with shaking, but reverent hands before sitting down on the steps, slightly to the side of the golden seats. He runs his fingertips over the stone, remembering every bump and crack and texture, and Thornway stands behind him, in line with the thrones, putting a hand on his shoulder and muttering:
“Now this brings back memories.”
Merlin nods, looking up at him, tears no longer flowing, but still gathering in his eyes:
“I... I don’t remember much, but I still... know. I know this is where I sat, with you behind me, ma and dad next to me on their thrones. I remember dad promising that when I was older, they’d have a throne made for me, so I could sit with them.”
Thornway nods, slowly moving to sit beside him, ignoring the creaking in his bones as he lets his weight fall onto the stone steps:
“Hmm. foreign royalty and dignitaries thought it odd that the King and Queen let you sit in on meetings, even as a young child, but they were always adamant; they didn’t want to hide you away. You were always safe, of course, but they wanted you exposed to the people and the people exposed to you. I suppose they wanted to nurture a natural love and protectiveness of your people in you; how could they expect you to serve the Kingdom well if you were only doing so out of duty, and not genuine love?”
Merlin hums thoughtfully before smiling briefly up at Arthur, still stood on the other side of the room. When Arthur tentatively returns the smile, despite not hearing the hushed conversation, Merlin looks to Thornway next to him, bumping shoulders with a short giggle:
“Probably why I’ve always been so disrespectful to Arthur, everyone in here was equal, no matter what. I guess that’s why the treatment of servants and commoners was such a shock when I moved to Camelot, I don’t really remember much of home, but it definitely felt different.”
Thornway nods as Merlin stands, holding out a hand to the knight and pulling him to his feet. Merlin’s gaze moves around the room, though he stays rooted to the spot, and Thornway asks his question quietly:
“What do you want to do? Do you want to finish clearing the castle and the city first, or fetch your mother and uncle first?”
Merlin gulps before taking a deep breath, staring at the floor and saying in a small voice:
“I don’t know... what do you think I should do?”
Thornway chuckles and shakes his head:
“This is your decision, Little Falcon. You are the Crown Prince, this is your Kingdom, your city, your people, trust your instincts. What should be done?”
Merlin looks to Arthur once again, reminding himself of the King’s promise to catch him should he fall, before looking back at Thornway with a determined expression:
“Send Kilgharrah to fetch ma and Gaius. We no longer need him as a deterrent, and we’ll still have Aithusa. He can make the journey to Camelot and back in a week at most, knights, even on horseback, will take at least twice that. It’s been a while since either of them went flying, but they’ll remember soon enough, and I trust Kilgharrah to keep them safe. We can keep clearing the city and start rough plans for rebuilding whilst we wait.”
Thornway grins and nods proudly:
“Exactly what I would have suggested. See? You’ll be just fine.-”
Merlin returns his grin shyly, blushing slightly as he rubs the back of his neck. Thornway rolls his eyes good-naturedly before gesturing to the others:
“-Come, My Lord, we should let the others know and head out to send Kilgharrah off as soon as possible.”
Merlin pushes the older knight’s shoulder playfully at the use of a title, but Thornway just smirks and waves Merlin ahead of him.
Arthur, Leon, and Mordred were told of the plan as the group made their way out of the castle again, having to cover their eyes when they step into the bright sunlight. They all smiled fondly as they saw Merlin’s growing confidence, though Arthur had to stamp down the growing anxiety swirling in his stomach; he refused to be sad for himself.
Kilgharrah was flying back towards Camelot within the hour, and Merlin was separating the army into groups and assigning tasks with a strong voice and straight back, taking every question and suggestion in his stride and organising hundreds of people without issue.
Arthur knew that there was still a conversation to be had between himself and Merlin, though with every day that passed he questioned whether it was the right thing to do. He wasn’t oblivious enough not to notice the way Merlin always asked for his council, even when he didn’t need it, always searched for his eyes in the crowd when he addressed his people, but that didn’t mean that his... affections, were returned.
Everyone, even Thornway now, kept shooting him pitying looks, and he figured out fairly quickly that he wasn’t as subtle as he’d like to believe. Leon was the only one he could rely on to convincingly pretend nothing was wrong, and Arthur used that to back up his deliberate ignoring of his stupid emotions.
Six days had passed and the clearing of debris from the lower town was well on its way when Kilgharrah landed in the castle courtyard, his two passengers tense and teary. Only Hunith, Gaius, Merlin, and Thornway took the journey through the castle this time; the others continued to help with the work in the town, not quite feeling that they would be welcome on the emotional tour.
Hunith decided fairly quickly that she would move on to become Queen Mother. Merlin would be crowned King (though he put his foot down and insisted that it wouldn’t happen until everything was properly sorted, and the people were settled back in the city), and though Hunith would still be the most senior of the royals, Merlin would technically have the most power. 
Arthur had mixed feelings about that. 
As King, Merlin would be a lot busier, would have a lot more responsibilities, but equally, he would have much more control over the use of his time; somehow making it both harder and easier to organise visits between the two of them. Though Arthur, of course, didn’t mention such feelings, just pulled Merlin into another tight hug and congratulated him with a grin.
With the help of Merlin and Mordred’s magic, and the few sorcerers scattered throughout the army they had brought, clearing the town of debris and rebuilding what they could with whatever was left went fairly quickly. Soon enough, the blacksmith’s and an infirmary were up and running, and the farms were ready for work to commence, just as soon as the resources from Camelot arrived.
The castle, whilst it had been fully explored by Merlin, Hunith, Thornway, and Gaius, had yet to be opened up to others or cleaned properly, but no one mentioned it. The gang slept happily in homes rebuilt in the upper town, and accepted Merlin’s excuse of wanting to focus on the people’s infrastructure first.
It was a week or so after Hunith and Gaius had arrived, Kilgharrah and Aithusa had disappeared into the mountains with Merlin’s approval, and Arthur once again found Merlin stood in the otherwise empty, still dusty throne room, staring at the golden seats with his hands in his pockets and his face tense.
Years ago, Arthur would’ve been wrong in his assumption that Merlin hadn’t heard him approach, but just this once he knows that he’s right. Arthur had slowly become an expert on picking up Merlin’s ticks, and even in the low light of the evening the blonde could tell that Merlin had no clue he was there.
Arthur didn’t want to feel like he was intruding, so cleared his throat quietly, only walking closer to the other man when his head whipped around, smiling slightly when he saw it was just Arthur.
Arthur stepped up next to him, and they both stared at the thrones in silence, shoulders brushing ever so slightly. Everything had been so busy in recent weeks that, other than the conversation two weeks earlier, Arthur and Merlin had spent barely any time together, just the two of them; every other time Arthur had found Merlin alone in the throne room he had shut the door quietly behind him and left, too afraid to intrude, not quite ready to start a conversation. The conversation.
After a few minutes, he clears his throat again and speaks in a quiet voice, not looking to the Warlock next to him:
“What’s on your mind?”
Merlin responds almost immediately, but like Arthur, he speaks quietly and doesn’t move his gaze from the thrones:
“Nothing, everything. I’m... doing ok, I think.-”
Arthur nods with a small smile, but Merlin continues before he can say anything:
“-But I’m scared that I’m only doing well because you’re here. You have to go back to Camelot eventually and... it sounds stupid, but I... I don’t want you to go. I need you, Arthur.”
Arthur gulps, finally looking to Merlin’s sorrowful face, though the other man refuses to meet his gaze. He takes his hands out of his pockets, fiddling with them roughly, rubbing his knuckles together and scratching his palms harshly. Arthur clenches his jaw, taking one of Merlin’s hands in his own gently and running soothing fingers over the younger man’s callouses:
“I know what you mean.-”
Merlin looks to him in surprise, his eyes widening, and Arthur continues with a small smile:
“-I told you, Merlin, I’m only a good King because of you. I’ve never had to rule on my own before and I’m dreading going back to Camelot without you.-”
Merlin shakes his head roughly, but Arthur continues once again, before he can disagree:
“-No, Merlin, don’t argue, it’s true. I... I need you as well, I don’t want to be without you, and I’ve no clue how I’m going to cope with a week’s ride between us. Leon tried talking some sense into me back in Camelot, and I know he was right, that all relationships take effort and we’ll have to work incredibly hard to stay in each other’s lives in any significant capacity, and I’m absolutely willing to do anything to keep you close, if not physically then... otherwise, but I’m still...-”
Arthur sighs and looks away, his cheeks just a little bit pink as he continues quietly:
“-I’m still scared to be without you.”
Merlin gulps and squeezes Arthur’s hand in his own, waiting for the blonde to finally look up at him again. The Warlock smiles at the eye contact and Arthur returns it weakly as Merlin finally replies:
“The last ten years of my life have revolved around you, completely and utterly, and I know it’s selfish of me to... not want that to change. I know I’m staying here, with my people, as their King. I would never consider abandoning them, not really, but I desperately want to, just so I can stay with you. We... we’ll figure something out, find some way to communicate quickly. I’m magic incarnate, there has to be a way, I... I’ll make a way, if I have to.”
The tears in Arthur’s eyes finally overflow at Merlin’s determined tone, but before the other man can say anything about it, Arthur pulls him into a tight hug, clutching his cloak in shaking fingers and burying his face in his shoulder, for once feeling grateful for the extra inch in height that Merlin has on him. Merlin returns the hug without hesitation, closing his eyes against the tears, though not managing to stop them from falling as he quietly speaks, his voice thick:
“I promised that I would stay with you until the day I died, but I... I have to leave, I... I can’t-”
Arthur tightens the hug as he interrupts him:
“No, Merlin, you owe me nothing, you don’t have to explain. You’ve already given me my kingdom, now it’s my chance to return the favour. I would never ever ask you to leave this behind just for me.”
Arthur can feel Merlin’s body shaking with silent sobs, and he runs a hand through his hair softly, breathing deeply in an effort to hold in his own bawling. 
They stand wrapped in each other for a while, neither willing to let go even when their tears dry up and their breathing evens out. Eventually Merlin rasps out a whispered:
“I don’t want to lose you.”
Arthur pulls back at long last, but doesn’t go far, leaning his forehead against Merlin’s and closing his eyes before replying:
“You won’t. We’ll take turns hosting Yule celebrations, and I can visit on your birthday, and there’ll be tournaments of course, and trade routes, and shared patrols near the border. I refuse to let you slip from my grasp, Merlin, you’ll never be without me, not for long anyway.”
Merlin huffs out a gentle laugh, and Arthur thinks the flutter of his breath over his cheeks and through his eyelashes is the most beautiful thing he’s ever felt. Both of them open their eyes, but they don’t move away from each other, even as they stare, becoming increasingly aware of the very little amount of space between them. Arthur’s brows crease slightly but he ignores the concerned question in Merlin’s eyes, instead lifting a hand to gently cup his jaw, gulping as Merlin’s expression falls into a soft smile.
The King takes a deep breath as he summons his courage, eyes filling with tears again as he clears his throat, whispering so quietly that it’s a miracle Merlin hears him, even with only inches between them:
“Merlin, I... you mean a great deal to... I mean I... -”
He cuts himself off with a quiet huff, and Merlin smirks at the slight blush dusting his cheeks, patiently waiting for him to continue. Arthur shuts his eyes tightly, taking another deep breath before opening them with a newfound determination. He meant it, he’d come this far, he was not going to let Merlin slip away:
“I love you, you are the single most important person in my life, and I would go to the ends of this world just to see you smile. I owe you my life, and so much more than that; you’ve been making promises and swearing oaths to my crown for years-”
Merlin interrupts him quietly:
“To you, to Arthur, not the crown, to you.”
Arthur huffs slightly and rolls his eyes:
“I’m trying to confess my undying love here Merlin, and I’m not very good with this whole... expressing shit, so shut up and let me finish.-”
Merlin snorts but stays otherwise silent, raising an eyebrow to prompt Arthur to continue:
“-Like I was saying. You’ve been swearing things for years, and now it’s my turn.-”
Arthur steps back, taking Merlin’s hands tightly in his own as he lowers himself to one knee, pressing his forehead to the Warlock’s knuckles:
“-I swear on my crown and in the name of Camelot, that I will always love you, that I will always be ready catch you, and that I will never stop putting the work in to make sure I don’t lose you, that you don’t lose me.”
The blonde can hear Merlin’s stuttered breathe and barely has time to process Merlin’s whispered-
“I accept your oath.”
-before he’s being pulled to his feet and urgently kissed.
One of Merlin’s hands settles on the side of Arthur’s neck and the other grips his hip. Arthur’s arms flail for only a moment in his shock before he moves to clutch Merlin’s collar tightly, closing his eyes and kissing back, pushing as much of his devotion into the action as possible and wanting nothing more than to sooth the stress-induced bite marks on Merlin’s lips.
They pull back far too soon, as far as both of them are concerned, once again resting their foreheads against each other as they catch their breath. Arthur’s face slowly morphs into a grin as he says:
“And to think I was stressing over whether I should tell you for weeks.”
Merlin rolls his eyes in response, snorting in amusement as he admits, much to Arthur’s chagrin:
“Believe me, I already knew, you weren’t very subtle. You’ve been sulking.”
Arthur lets out an incredulous huff and pulls back, still holding Merlin’s collar but staring at Merlin’s amused raised eyebrow with wide eyes:
“I am a King, Merlin, I do not sulk.”
Merlin chuckles:
“Well so am I, and yes you do.”
Arthur narrows his eyes slightly:
“Not yet you’re not. That’s besides the point, if you knew... why didn’t you say anything?”
Merlin’ face falls slightly, and if Arthur had to guess, he’d say that Merlin looked a little guilty. The blonde furrowed his brows but pulls his Warlock close again, stroking his jaw softly with his thumb as he waits for an answer:
“I... I love you, Arthur, more than anything, but... I wanted see if you would do anything about it. I knew I would do anything for you, but I needed... I needed to know if you thought I was worth the distance, the effort. If I said something first, I never would have known... I would always be second guessing if you were about to... to break it off, because you didn’t want to put in the frankly ridiculous amount of effort it’s going to take to keep things... good.”
Arthur smiles and shakes his head disbelievingly, landing a quick kiss to the tip of Merlin’s nose and smirking at the way his face scrunches in response:
“Well, now you do know. I will do anything, everything, to keep you happy and safe and loved. You will always be in my heart, if not by my side.”
Merlin smiles, and the two of them resolutely ignore the tears gathering in their eyes as he whispers his reply:
“As will I. I’ll talk to the Druids, Kilgharrah, Thornway, I’m sure we’ll be able to figure out some magical way to communicate.”
Arthur just smiles and nods, taking Merlin’s hands in his own once more:
“Ready to head to sleep? It’s late, and I know you’re tired.”
Merlin takes a deep breath, glancing to the thrones before walking towards the door, keeping Arthur’s hand securely in his:
“Yeah. Though unless we sneak past the others I doubt we’ll get to sleep for a while. Morgana’s been speaking to me in my head and teasing me for weeks and my mum keeps hinting at how politically beneficial a marriage between the kingdoms would be.”
Arthur doesn’t even try to hide his snort, but nods in agreement and squeezes Merlin’s hand, following him out into the star-lit evening with a newfound enthusiasm to see what the future will bring.
I think I’ll write one more reeeaally short part, a ten years later sort of thing, just because I have a few more ideas about this, but no real huge plot points, just cute little things I want to add in but haven’t found space for yet.
This took a little longer than I expected to come out, but I hope y’all enjoyed it!!
(and yes, I may have taken a little inspiration from The Hobbit movies, sue me (pls don’t, I’m kidding))
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larrikin-is-a-himbo · 3 years
My friend watches Merlin: Part II
How many fucking things are under this castle The water supply, catacombs, dragon cave, the dungeons, and now mystery death cave
Killing magic stuff seemingly runs in the family Great-something grandpa ordered to kill a wizard just because he was powerful
“This isn’t more than just a story” ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME.
This motherfucker just straight up ready to replace Merlin after all the things he’s done for him Or at least seemingly so far
Arthur better get the fucking Zuko treatment in the end or I’m suing
AH FUCK I hate gargoyles Unless they’re designed specifically for monsterfuckers
Mmmmm I know it’s in the mythology but I’m not sure I like the Gwen X Arthur ship
Back to the fucking dragon I suppose
Oh the fucking king is going to be even more insufferable this season isn’t he God bless Merlin’s patience
Oh we playin’ switcheroo
Also I saw the name Odin on the wikipage about Nimue and I was expecting the actual god, not just some random king I’m low-key disappointed yet again
Merlin just absolutely spilled his feelings and he’s 100% correct No wonder he’s tired He’s been doing everything in this fucking kingdom
For a bounty hunter this guy is surprisingly charismatic
Gwen single handedly carrying the friend group
Girl you think letting the guy who never touched a spatula cook the dinner is a good idea
See, told you Merlin has to do everything. Again.
Morgana is doing magic unknowingly And she’s scared And Merlin is like “let’s ask the druids” You know, the people who the king tries to murder for no reason Surely that’s a wonderful idea
See I told you They’re on a hunt for the druids
This is bad this is bad this is bad
Damn Mordred is really something isn’t he According to the myth he’s like evil or something from what I remember And I 100% see why he would turn that way after all this bullshit
LMAO Arthur was like “Stop hitting on her, she’s out of your range”
Really when Gaius dies (which I fucking hope he’s not going to but he probably will) my heart will shatter
Nooo they got best girl
“She’s more than just a friend for us” I’m sorry but I can’t unsee the queer in this
Noooo I hate these things I’m usually fine with naked mole rats But these are so bad
Woooh boy they kissed I low-key like this pairing more honestly Just on vibes
This motherfucker is going to die in the most glorious way By a naked rat
You know how this series should have ended Poly relationship Morgana, Gwen, Lancelot, Arthur and Merlin
A troll is about to catfish the king I’m only like, 50% seeing the problem here Cause for all I care the king could just marry one of those rats from the last episode
Nu uh, you ain’t talking to my boy Gaius like that
Seriously? THIS is the first double episode? The fucking troll? I’m about to throw up from this fucking Troll
NGL Arthur is finally growing on me He’s having his moments
The king is bad as he is originally, but now under the curse he’s even worse
This bitch needs to die as soon as possible Cause I can’t take the king being like this one more episode I’m done with his bullshit on regular mode
We’re done I never want to think about these episodes again Ever In my life
Awkward almost hug is awkward But I guess it’s a start
These two episodes Were probably my least favorites from the series so far
Oh goodie, one anti magic freak wasn’t fucking enough
Morgana honey, you’re not helping
Yet again, Gwen is the MVP
Hah, get fucked
“Yeah I sentenced you to death despise everything you’ve done to me over the years, but I’ll pay for everything my people trashed in your house. We good, right?”
I feel like magic ladies in shadowy places is going to be a recurring theme in this show Also stalking the royal family
Dang girl I always love a women who has “I can kick your ass” energy
Why do I feel like the king is lying about not knowing this woman
What’s with all the people and their names starting with “Mor” Morgana, Mordred, Morgause
Mmmm She’s weird I don’t know if I like her vibes or not
I’m gonna give the misogyny a pass because this is like, around or older than the middle ages
Yeah the king definitely knows her
LMAO Why did he think letting MERLIN hold the rope was a good idea He’s a fucking twig
Bonding over dead parents, how nice
Ooooo family drama Half sisters
Arthur is growing on me
Dude I’m gonna cry
Mmmmm girl you’re a little sus
I would be ABSOLUTELY GLAD if he killed his father right then and there MERLIN W H Y I really fucking hope he knows he’s cutting the branch under himself everytime he says something bad about the magic, cause I can feel it all my 206 bones there will be a liar reveal episode or 2 where he tells Arthur about him being a wizard and it will be nasty
Yep, yep, fucking here we go again Merlin gets 2 black dots for this action, 1 for making the magic look bad and 1 for letting the king live
That’s exactly what I’m saying Gaius
Merlin you’re also a better person than me
Freya is so pretty
Aww, Merlin is trying to pick up a girl
Merlin trying to convince Arthur that he’s getting fat is true comedy Like how does he expect this won’t bite him in the ass later
Oof, there’s something wrong with this girl and it’s out of her control. It just reeks that energy
Oh shit I’m gonna cry by the end won’t I
Merlin you can’t just raid Morgana’s closet
Arthur doesn’t even want to ask questions anymore At least he doesn’t judge 🤷‍♂️
Poor Arthur They keep fucking with him by making him fall in love with random women
Oh she’s a bitch
Ah shit, Mr. Magic Man
Oh my god This is going to end very bad
Gee, Merlin, it’s not like we had this exact fucking scenario last season KC THIS IDIOT IS CLIMBING A WALL
Woah there, that’s not consent Nevermind
Poor Gwen, she’s the real victim here
Damn, Arthur is getting his ass kicked Of course the answer is love What else would it be
Gwen saves the day
Oh shit Mordred is with bandits Oh i dont like where this is going Mordred is so cute tho And I love Morgana
Merlin what the fuck He straight up set up Mordred to be killed I wouldn’t forgive him either honestly
Ah shit, future vision spoilers
Honestly I’m still pro magic people in almost every way I’m also on the same side with Morgana Morgana is on thin fucking ice honestly But I get it I would do the same
Uther is just cutting the branch under himself day by day He got almost killed by his biological kid and got disowned by his adopted kid now officially after 2 times she tried to coup against him Honestly at this point if he doesn’t realise he’s doing something wrong then there’s no hope for him at all
Magic lady bringing back the dead: check
Couple of girlbosses having a chat in the middle of the woods Oh she’s back at her room, convenient
Oh no Plagues?
Baby’s first battle scar
Oh shit, we Sleeping Beauty now?
Mmmmmm girl, that’s sketchy
Props to Gaius’ actor for keeping that face
Holy shit even the fucking dragon’s asleep Nevermind
Oh my god KC I’m so worried Whaaa Holy shit he’s about to Socrates Morgana NOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOO
As much as I hate this dragon If I were in his place I would burn this place to the ground too
I hate how much I sympathize with the villains in this series Well “villains” There are no sides in this series
Oh my god Off to find daddy Well damn, daddy’s not half bad honestly
He is 101% correct
Such a nice moment I honestly teared up a little Yep, that’s what I expected It was too good to be true
They grow so much since the beginning Oh Merlin, you’re so humble You deserve the world Yeah close that window And never open it again Holy shit this was a good episode And a long one
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fishoutofcamelot · 3 years
Okay but consider: after her banishment, Gwen ends up crossing paths with Isolde and Tristan. Circumstances cause them to share a campsite for a few days - Isolde and Tristan have been separated from the rest of their crew, and a horrible storm has trapped the three of them in a cave for the foreseeable future. Naturally, bonding ensues, and these two grizzled smuggler people end up kinda-sorta adopting Gwen against their better judgment.
But like??? I'm just imagining a conversation between them, where they point out that Gwen is clearly bottling up Some Stuff, and it would really help her to just get it out of her system.
But Gwen turns down their offer and insists on bottling it up anyway, to which Isolde is like, "bro its cool that youre all polite and nice and whatnot, but you dont have to be that way all the time. its okay to be angry and upset every once in a while. you keep things bottled up because you think you have to, because thats what society expects of you, because everyone in your life needs to rely on your for strength and wisdom and support, and even though sometimes you dont want to be the responsible one there isnt much choice. and i get that, i really do, but right now we're all stuck in a cave together out in the middle of nowhere, and tristan and i are both literal criminals and also relative strangers, so no one will judge you or get upset if you just. go the tiniest bit unhinged for a while."
Naturally, Isolde has hit it right on the head. The next few minutes of wheedling and coaxing lead to Isolde and Gwen standing at the mouth of the cave, screaming loudly into the forest to vent all their pains and frustrations, just letting out every raw and ugly emotion they've got stuck inside them. Gwen is hesitant at first, but once she gains a bit of confidence she really gets into it. Isolde is...impressed and concerned by just how intensely Gwen can scream (she's got a lot bottled up, okay?)
Eventually they get the whole story out of her: her mother's death, Elyan's departure, her father's execution, Morgana's betrayal, the whole Lancelot mess, the various times she was sentenced to death, her complicated relationship with Arthur, that creep Agravaine...and the affair. She vents and weeps and screams at great length about the affair, and about her banishment, and about her fears and worries and frustrations and above all the self-loathing that has haunted her at every step of the way.
Isolde and Tristan listen, because clearly the poor girl has never had the chance to talk about this at length ever in her life and really really needs it. And okay, yeah, they're definitely keeping her now, it's too late.
Tristan smoothly yet gruffly brings up the suggestion that she tag along with them. She doesn't have anywhere else to go, after all, and they could use an extra set of hands. Gwen is of course reluctant to collude with smugglers, but after weighing her options she eventually decides to stick with these strange yet kind people.
Gwen doesn't start with smuggling right off the bat, though. She starts as the cook, and the horse-hand, and then one day Tristan hands her the reigns to one of the carts and teaches her how to drive it, and over time starts getting more and more responsibilities. she naturally acts polite and kind most of the time, but there are no expectations or consequences out here if she screws up or doesnt do her job perfectly every time. for perhaps the first time in her life, gwen finally has the chance to truly loosen up.
very quickly all the other members of the smuggler crew begin to adopt her as well, until this small army of hardened criminals are all collectively fawning over their mutual Sunshine Daughter. none of them liked King Arthur already due to his tax laws, but listening to Gwen's sordid tale gives them all a little bit of an extra reason.
One day, while going down to a nearby village to get some supplies, she overhears the news that Arthur is to marry Princess Mithian of Nemeth. And that gives her some...mixed feelings. Like, she's not jealous, that's just not her style, but she's not exactly happy about it either. She's trying to be. She knows she should be happy for Arthur. But at the same time, it does kinda sting.
She tries to bottle up those negative feelings at first, and just keep a brave face through the pain - until she remembers what Isolde said, and she remembers how all the other people in the smuggler crew taught her that ugly emotions aren't bad, and that it's okay to let yourself feel angry and upset from time to time.
So, armed with a new handful of complicated emotions and the full intention of not bottling them up for once, Gwen asks to tag along with the next away team. Which is weird because she never does that, she usually prefers to keep as far away from the actual criminal activity as possible. But something in her eyes tells Tristan that she needs this, so even though he has a policy against bringing amateurs he happily welcomes her along.
In this particular instance, they are going to be stealing some valuable goods from a particularly belligerent noble. While sneaking around the noble's extravagant estate, which stands in stark contrast to the dilapidated state of the nearby villages under his control, Gwen overhears the noble slapping one of his servants. She taps Isolde on the arm. Says, "I have an idea." Isolde finds that she likes the idea very much.
Next thing they know, they're running from the estate's guards while cackling, the noble's wardrobe full of disgustingly fancy linens in flames. Gwen is laughing, loud and unburdened; not only was setting all those silk garments on fire immensely cathartic, but it was also some of the most fun she's had in her entire life.
At breakfast the next morning, as Isolde proudly recounts their adventures to the rest of the crew, one of the other smugglers - a plucky young teen who looks oddly familiar, goes by the name Mordred - says that if Gwen enjoys fire so much, he might be able to hook her up with a spell or two.
And that is, more or less, the story of how Mordred began teaching Gwen magic. And that is also more or less the story of how Gwen learned to let loose and become the Robin Hood-esque arsonist sorcerer she was always meant to be.
(A few months later, Arthur and Merlin will stumble their way into camp, and that will be...interesting, to say the least.)
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natvrefairy · 3 years
Hi, I saw ur request rules and wondered if I could ask for a merlin X reader (romantic) and it's like really fluffy? Thx 😊
A/N: Of course! I'm so happy my first request is for Merlin, because both him and the entire show are just so iconic. I really hope you like this. :)
Something Meaningful (Merlin x Reader)
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Requested: Yes!
Reader Pronouns: They/them
Word Count: 1,529
C/W: Uther is dead. A little bit of self-doubt on Merlin's side. Occasional rant. A little bit of stream of consciousness. (Cause I'm experimenting with that technique.) Fluff!
Context: Morgana's alive and good. Mordred and the rest of the knights are also still alive, but they're not really mentioned. Arthur and Gwen are King and Queen. Arthur's allowed magic in Camelot, and they know about and accept Merlin! And LGBTQ+ is accepted! (Cause reader is they/them, and there's no angst here. ^^)
When Uther died, Camelot was a bit of a mess. Not that it wasn't before; Uther's reign wasn't a particularly cheerful one. But although he wasn't the kindest person, people still loved him, and his death simply came as a shock to everyone.
Arthur took it the hardest. But honestly, that was to be expected. When most people lose their parent, they get time to grieve, but Arthur didn't have the luxury of time. Uther died, and Arthur was thrown into power.
The first few months were the worst. Not just for Arthur, but the whole castle. But with Guinevere and Merlin by his side, he got through it. And with Arthur as King, it no longer mattered what anyone thought of his relationship with Gwen, because she was now the Queen.
But with Guinevere becoming Queen, a small issue arose. The Lady Morgana no longer had a servant.
Morgana, being as lovely as she was, truly didn't care about the loss of her maidservant. She still had her friend, and enjoyed her independence. But her brother thought it necessary, so the job was given to (Y/N).
Gaius didn't appreciate losing his other helper, but he couldn't say no to the King, so that was that.
But then, Gwen also needed a servant. And once again, the job was given to (Y/N). Merlin most definitely did not approve of his best friend's drastic increase in work load.
"I always knew you were an ass, but I didn't realise you were stupid as well." Merlin told Arthur the following morning.
Arthur's new title as King didn't change Merlin's attitude towards him in the slightest.
"Merlin, you can't address me like that."
"I did before, why is it any different now? Your highness."
"I am the King."
"Doesn't change the fact that you're an ass."
(Y/N) managed to talk Merlin down, but that didn't mean he liked the idea of them having to rush around everywhere all the time. Although, at least it was only Gwen and Morgana, who were both perfectly capable of taking care of themselves.
If it was two Arthur's, that would be an entirely different story.
That was about two years ago now. Camelot has had law changes since; such as the lifted ban on magic, allowing people to freely practise their gift, and the new acceptance of anyone identifying as other than cisgender/heterosexual.
And finally, at long last, the land of Albion was united.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Having both grown up in Ealdor, Merlin and (Y/N) were always close. (Y/N) would constantly seek out Merlin and William, the three of them soon becoming best friends. When Merlin set off to Camelot, (Y/N) tagged along to look out for him, Will staying behind with his father.
Unlike Merlin, (Y/N) didn't possess any magic. But although being completely normal, they always went out of their way to try understand what their friend was going through. They never understood Uther's hatred towards magic. Even without having any themself, they absolutely adored Merlin's gift. Witnessing him in action never failed to put (Y/N) in a state of awe.
But of course, Merlin is much more than his magic. That, (Y/N) always knew, even when he didn't believe it himself. They were always there for him, and he was always there for them. That was how it always was, and how it always will be.
Which is why it was so hard for either of them to pinpoint exactly when their feelings grew. They always cared deeply for each other, but at some point, both completely unaware, those feelings blossomed until they were both completely and utterly in love.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
The two friends were granted the evening off, and unbeknownst to (Y/N), Gwen and Morgana had something up their sleeve. Having long figured out the pair's mutual yet oblivious feelings, the women decided to take matters into their own hands.
This involved giving them the evening off, and directly telling Merlin to confess.
"I'm sure they feel the same way," Gwen encouraged, "I know it's hard, but try something meaningful. If you can't say how you feel out loud, do something special instead."
So here Merlin was, a nervous wreck as he lead (Y/N) outside of Camelot, to a small forest clearing. What if they didn't like it? What if they turned him down? Then it could lead to disaster and they won't want to be his friend anymore and everything they had built will go to waste.
"Merlin," (Y/N) grasps his hand, immediately gaining his attention, "whatever has you stressing out, it's okay. I'm here, and I always will be. We'll face it together."
Taking a deep breath, he had them close their eyes, before gently leading them in the right direction. Glancing around to make sure everything was in place, he tried his best to calm his nerves.
'You can do this,' he thought to himself, 'you can tell dragons what to do, and they listen. This should be easy.'
"Oh, right, sorry. You can open your eyes now."
Opening their eyes, (Y/N) gaped at the scene before them. A rug laid out on the grass, all their favourite snacks and fruit laid out in front of them. Glancing between the dinner and Merlin in a combination of joy and surprise, they struggled for words.
"You did all of this?"
"Well, I may have stolen some things from the kitchen, but... I hope you like it?"
(Y/N) laughed - one of Merlin's favourite sounds - and pulled him over to sit down.
"Thank you."
Just their smile was enough to calm Merlin's nerves, and everything melted away as they began to eat, telling stories and laughing. Everything between them seemed perfect.
That is, everything except for the unsaid feelings.
As they finished and the moon began to rise, they cleared up a bit before laying down to stargaze.
"Star-gazing was a good idea," (Y/N) said softly after a while, turning their head to face Merlin, "but I have to ask, what was this all for?"
"What? Aren't I allowed to just spend time with my best friend?" Merlin replied, a little too quickly.
"Of course, but that's not what I mean. You seemed really nervous earlier. I can tell when you want to say something, Merlin."
He turned his head away in embarrassment, so (Y/N) shifted their body to properly face him.
"Hey, look at me," they said, placing their hand on his cheek and tilting his head back towards them, "you know you can always tell me anything. We've been through so much together. Nothing will scare me away."
Merlin gazed into their eyes in silence for a moment, before speaking up, voice barely a whisper, "It's hard to say it out loud. Can I just show you?"
"Of course. Whatever's best for you."
Slowly, he moved one hand to rest on (Y/N)'s cheek, hesitating slightly as his gaze shifted between their captivating (E/C) eyes and plump lips. Finally, deciding it's either now or never, he leaned forward, tilting his head as he captured their lips in a tentative kiss. He felt them stiffen slightly, his heart racing as his mind flooded with unwanted thoughts. This was the end. They were going to shove him away and never speak to him again.
But then, the thing he expected least of all happened; they actually reciprocated the kiss.
Their hand moved to his hair, butterflies going wild in their stomach. They never expected him to feel the same way about them, and now they couldn't even think straight. The only thing they could concentrate on was the feeling of his lips on their own.
Eventually, the sweet moment came to an end, leaving each of them completely breathless, faces only inches apart. They gazed into each other's eyes, catching their breath while they both tried to process what just occurred.
Then, all at once Merlin freaked out and started a rant, desperately trying to explain himself. Apology after apology flooded out of his mouth, raving on and on about how much he loves them and how he probably ruined everything and should have just kept his feelings all to himself.
(Y/N) cut him off with a small kiss on his lips, leaving him staring at them in shock when they pulled away.
"I love you too, Merlin. I thought I was so obvious about it," she laughed softly, gently running her fingers through his hair. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life, and I'm glad you feel the same."
His shock vanished, and he gave that heartwarming smile of his as he wrapped his arms around them, pulling them close. "You have no idea how happy that makes me."
And so they stayed there like that, laying and enjoying each other's company in the comfort of their mutual feelings. They stayed there until they decided it was time to head back and face Gaius' concerned wrath on them staying out so late. But for once, it didn't bother them listening to his lecture, because their lives had just changed for the better.
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rainbowvamp · 3 years
Teacher Morgana. Who is deathly terrifying to adults, but the kids all love her. She likes the younger years, 6-10 year olds generally. She doesn’t like team planning or PLCs. She goes out drinking on the weekends but the other primary school teachers never invite her out with them because they’re scared of her. That’s fine because she doesn’t like them much anyway. She’s got a good group of friends who have either open or polyamorous relationships so she can take them home with her, or go home with them, at her leisure without having to explain it to the silly boring teachers from her school. They all know that she’s aro, bisexual, and she’s unofficially sort of in relationships with all of them anyway but it doesn’t need to be labeled they’ve just set boundaries and let them be.
Morgana cares fiercely about her students and even if the teachers (and some of the admin) are scared of her, they know that she always has the kid’s best interests at heart, so when she comes to them with concerns about Mordred, they listen to her immediately, open up an investigation, and learn that his dad was dead and the poor kid had tried to continue as normal because he was afraid of being put in the foster system.
Morgana takes him in because fuck that. She’s got approved to foster ages ago for situations exactly like this.
Only… he doesn’t have any immediately family, and the fostering lasts so long, well into Mordred’s teens (Morgana won’t let them move him unless they prove the home he’s going to is better than hers AND Mordred wants to move) and so she floats the idea that maybe she should just adopt him.
and he’s estatic (“but I’m not calling you mom.” “Duh I’m way too young to be your mother.”) she starts the paperwork and in a year he’s officially her ward (“Morgana, stop calling me your ward. It makes me sound like a delinquent.” “No it doesn’t. Come help me make dinner or I’ll make you eat chips for dinner.” “That’s not even a punishment.” “Cold chips. Cold limp sad chips. Come cut a vegetable.” Eyes roll “yeah okay.”)
She meets Gwen right before Mordred goes to university. Mordred came out to her as bi ages ago, so she’s not even remotely surprised when he starts very obviously trying to hook her up with Merlin’s boyfriend’s sister. She’s a bit surprised by how adament he is, but whatever, he’s always been kind of an intense kid.
Merlin’s over, helping her plan Mordred’s graduation party, and Mordred very obviously asks after Gwen, “Morgana was wondering…” and then asking all sorts of things about her.
Merlin looks at Morgana quizzically because of course he sees what this teen is doing and she just shrugs, drinks her ice coffee, and tells Mordred that she’s not going to be alone while he’s off at university and he can stop worrying.
“Oh of course she won’t be alone. No offense Mordred, but once she knows your safe at uni she’s promised me we can go out again, and I’m very much looking forward to having my favorite drinking partner back.”
“You used to go out?” Mordred asked, and Morgana snorted.
“Yea. But you were my priority and then I fell out of practice and then I was keeping you and I didn’t want child services to be weird about it.” She pulls Mordred into a hug. “And it was absolutely worth it.” She kisses the top of his head and he makes a show about how he’s too old for this, gross, stop, and she laughs and lets him go, and Merlin looks so happy while he watches them.
She and Merlin hook up that night, while Mordred is out with friends. He’s 18 so it’s not risky anymore, but she still makes him leave and promises to have drinks with him over the weekend so long as he brings Elyan and Elyan brings Gwen.
Merlin rolled his eyes and reminded her that Gwen had never shown any inclinations toward anything but monogamy.
“I can be monogamous.”
“Can you? I’ve known you 15 years and in all that time I’ve never seen you willingly and purposefully monogamous.”
Morgana shrugs, collapses back onto the bed and tells him to leave so she can nap.
He kisses her temple just to be contrary, promises to do his best about Gwen, and he gets dressed and leaves.
Morgana stretches leisurely in her bed and thinks about how nice it will be to have anew conquest. She’s been sleeping with the same 6 people for nearly 10 years, and she wasn’t mad about it, but she would like to learn a new person’s body.
She does not include this tidbit when she tells Mordred that she’s seeing Gwen. He really doesn’t need to know that.
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a-written-dream · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 1,788
Fandom: Merlin (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Merlin & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Dystopia, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Alternate Universe - Future, Gen or Pre-Slash, Rebellion, Arthur Knows About Merlin’s Magic (Merlin), Cybernetics, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Captivity, Identity Reveal, Evil Uther Pendragon (Merlin), Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, pretty canon-typical though, POV Merlin (Merlin), The Merlin Melee Challenge 2021, Fights, Rebel Leader Arthur
Summary: Because they had been captured and suddenly Arthur was no longer just Arthur, he was Arthur Pendragon, son of everything they fought against.
Or: In a world years into the future, Merlin and Arthur fight against the tyranny of Uther Pendragon with an entire rebellion by their side. But Arthur hasn’t been entirely honest and even locked up in a cell Merlin can’t help the burning feelings of betrayal and anger. - For @merlin-fic-server’s Melee Challenge. Prompts: ‘I wish I’d told you’, punk, coin & Russian Violet
The metal is cold against Merlin’s back and against the skin of his wrists, even though he’s been pressed against it for the better part of an hour. He wonders briefly if it’s on purpose, if they keep the cell so cold to inflict more distress and discomfort. He wouldn’t be surprised if it was.
A florescent light flickers above their heads, and the only sound in the small space is their breaths bouncing off the walls. There are dents in the door from where Arthur tried to break it down, but even with his strength the door didn’t budge, and with the power-dampening cuffs around Merlin’s wrists, Merlin’s magic is all but useless. Arthur kept trying for a formidable amount of time, but when his hand gave off a sickening crunch of metal, he screamed in frustration and punched the wall for good measure before sinking down onto the floor.
Metal scraps still litter the floor around Arthur’s legs where he’s sitting in the corner now, a long time later, the fight all but drained out of him, head in his hands. The silence is heavy and thick and awkward, tense with Merlin’s anger and confusion, with Arthur’s guilt and anxiety.
“I wish I’d told you-“
Arthur’s voice is quiet and yet it seems to echo and boom within the metal box they’re locked into. It startles Merlin out of the apathetic calm he’d been lulled into by the silence. They’re waiting for their inevitable executions, and yet the sound of Arthur’s voice makes a white hot feeling of betrayal course through him.
“What,” he interrupts, “that you were leading a rebellion against your father? Believe me, Arthur, I wish you had too,” he snaps.
Because they had been captured and suddenly Arthur was no longer just Arthur, he was Arthur Pendragon, son of everything they fought against.
Arthur winces in his corner, running his hands through his hair. “No, I-“
Merlin doesn’t let him finish, too angry to keep the words bubbling to the surface down any longer. “How could you keep this from me? From all of us?” Merlin has been by Arthur’s side for years, fighting with him, protecting him, supporting him, and yet Arthur’s kept something as monumental as this a secret. “How could you not tell me?” Why did you not trust me?
“Why?” Arthur snaps, finally looking up to meet Merlin’s gaze. His blue eyes flash with anger, and Merlin is sure his own dark purple ones are just as angry. In Merlin’s fury, they unhelpfully provide him with the weaknesses in Arthur’s protective plating, with information on just where to send a spark of electricity and magic to shut down Arthur’s entire power system and deal the most damage.
Merlin blinks the detailed blueprints away. He has them memorised, but even betrayed and angry and hurt, he would never do anything to harm Arthur.
“Does it matter?” Arthur continues, voice hard and cold and wounded. “Does it matter that he raised me? That I grew up trying to be loved by a tyrant? That it took me years to finally understand the extent of his atrocities and his crimes? It sure doesn’t make me blind to them, now.” There are tears in his eyes and guilt in his voice. “Sure doesn’t make me blind to the horrific things I’ve done in his name, done to people like-“ you, he doesn’t finish. Like Morgana, like Mordred. To people with the ability to infuse their tech with magic. “I hate him, Merlin, and I hate that I still love him, but nothing, nothing, could ever make me see past the things he’s done, the things he is still doing to his own people, to my people, to our people.” He grits his teeth and clenches his eyes shut, brow furrowed in a painful frown. When he opens his eyes and looks at Merlin again, he looks so very tired.
“I tried to kill him on sight, when I first understood, really understood. I screamed my throat raw as I condemned him from the cell he put me in, and then I decided that I would do everything in my power to make sure his rule comes to an end. I can’t continue to watch people suffer under his hands, no matter how much my wretched heart still aches for his love and approval. I can’t let him continue to slaughter innocent people simply because they exist in a way that doesn’t appease him or because they disagree with him, even if I can never atone for what I’ve done. I will live with the guilt for all my life but I couldn’t, can’t, continue to live without trying to right the things he’s wronged.”
Merlin can’t do anything but stare at him, for a long stretching moment, watching as Arthur holds his gaze and swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. This, this is why they follow Arthur, why the whole rebellion would be willing to lay down their lives for him, because Arthur is a man who hurts with injustices he’s grown up never knowing but has intimate knowledge of, because he sees wrong and does anything he can to make it right, because he’s willing to go against everything he’s been taught to believe and everyone he’s been taught to love to save people he’s never met. Because he’s willing to kill his own father if it means the rest of the world gets to go on living.
“You should have still told me,” Merlin says quietly, his chest aching at the pain in Arthur’s eyes.
Arthur averts his gaze, clenching his hands into fists in front of him. The sound of metal grinding against metal fills their cell.
“I didn’t want you to see me any differently,” he admits quietly.
Merlin’s heart throbs with hurt. Does he not realise Merlin could never? Does he not know the world could turn and end and he would never see Arthur like anything other than the best, the most important person he knows?
“Arthur,” he says softly. He doesn’t continue until Arthur lifts his gaze to look at him. “When I look at you, I see a man who is honourable, compassionate, and kind. I see a man who would do anything to change the world for the better – even go against the father who raised him. I see my best friend,” Merlin watches Arthur grit his teeth and blink the wetness from his eyes, “and I couldn’t see you any differently even if I tried.”
Arthur gives him a hesitant, forced half-smile, hands relaxing against his bent knees.
“I’m hurt you didn’t trust me enough to tell me,” Merlin admits, and Arthur glances away, shame pinching his brows together. “But I’m not angry at you for being someone’s son.”
When Arthur looks back at him, Merlin smiles. “We cannot help who we are born as, only who we choose to become, and every day I have known you, Arthur, you have chosen a path that is good and just and right, that goes against everything you’ve been born into and raised to believe, to be someone who is kind and fair and understanding. And that makes you the greatest man I’ve ever known.”
Arthur’s eyes are brimming, but he’ll never let the tears fall. He never does. There’s a smile on his lips though, and this time it’s soft and small and real.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” he says quietly.
Merlin smiles at him again, and he hopes it’s reassuring and forgiving. “The rebellion would do well to know.”
Arthur shakes his head. “They wouldn’t follow me if they did,” he says, as if he truly believes they wouldn’t, as if he doesn’t understand all the reasons each of them have to stand by his side.
“They would,” Merlin tells him, certain and sure. “Sure, there might be backlash from some, but most of them have followed you for long enough to know that it doesn’t matter. They trust you with their lives, Arthur, with the future. Not because of where you come from, but because of who you are. You have proven time and time again that you are willing to lay down your life for the cause just the same as the others, that you will sacrifice everything you have to give for a better world if you must, that you will not hesitate to go through hell to get us there. They don’t doubt your loyalty to them or to the world we’re trying to create, and it won’t change with this truth. They follow you because you are a thoughtful and caring leader, no matter the circumstances of your birth; the only thing that binds you to Uther is your blood and your name. They know that, just as well as I do,” he says. He’s grinning now, the edges of anger only a drop left simmering in his stomach. “You are the rightful heir to the throne, but more importantly, you are their chosen leader, and they will follow you because they choose to do so. Trust them like they trust you.” Merlin holds Arthur’s gaze with steady eyes, and he wonders if the fire he feels in his chest is as clear to Arthur as it is to Merlin. “It matters where you come from only because the world deserves to know that even the son of Uther Pendragon will not tolerate his tyranny or bow beneath him.”
Arthur swallows again. “I don’t know if I can do it.” He looks at Merlin, conflicted and uncertain and scared. But Merlin can see that he’s made up his mind, probably long before Merlin told him to. Perhaps he just isn’t ready to face it alone.
“I’ll be there every step of the way.”
Arthur’s smile is tentative and grateful.
“Thank you, Merlin.”
There’s a beat of silence where all they do is smile at each other, and then Arthur closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, flexing his broken fingers. When he opens his eyes again, the fight and the purpose that had first pulled Merlin in shines with the brightness of a hundred suns and Merlin grins so widely his cheeks hurt.
“So, how do we get out of here?”
Metal scraping against metal catches their attention as something slides underneath the door. The brass object on the floor is flat, thin, and round and they both look down at the coin, hundreds of years old and completely useless in a world where physical currency hasn’t existed for well over a century. They only know one person who still carries those around.
They turn to grin at each other.
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