#more from this time period plz lol
sysboxes · 7 months
Hi, I saw you make a userbox on C-DID and I wanted to ask if you maybe have a good resource or something that explains what it is? cause I have DID but ive never heard it with the C attached... no worries if not. thank you!!
C-DID stands for Complex DID. Complex DID and Polyfragmented DID are the same thing, though some people may say that there are some differences.
(I’ll just refer to it as polyfrag for the rest of this for simplicity)
Polyfragmented DID is considered a more “complex” version of DID. The complexity comes from:
splitting patterns ~ splitting several alters/fragments at once, splitting a lot over a short period of time, and/or splitting more frequently or easily
fragments ~ not all DID systems have fragments whereas polyfrag DID systems typically have at least some, if not a lot. Often times polyfrag can have subsystems made up of fragments or they’ll have at least one group of alters who are fragments holding similar trauma or the same traumatic experience split up between fragments (example: one fragment holds the emotions or the fear, one holds the sensations, one holds the memories, etc. or they each hold bits of memory. Or whatever else, it varies)
System Structure ~ briefly mentioned above, but with polyfrag it’s primarily about the way the system is structured or the way the system functions. Meaning polyfrag have subsystems (an alter has their own system OR there is a group of alters who exist together or function as one collective), a system or group of alters separated from the “main” group of alters, etc
The person typically starts being traumatized and forced to dissociate in infancy or sometimes as a toddler (whereas with DID, you can start developing DID later on). Though this is not a requirement and not always the case.
With polyfrag DID, they’re usually forced to dissociate throughout childhood, sometimes even throughout being a teen and sometimes during adulthood or at least early adulthood
polyfrag systems can have high alter count, but this is not a requirement. And it’s typically that they have lots of fragments, not fully-formed/fleshed out alters. 
polyfrag systems do not have to switch frequently, though some do switch frequently or have a larger group of alters who help take care of daily things
Because Complex DID and Polyfrag DID are not actually medical terms, it’s hard to find reliable information on them. They are more just community terms for people to describe their unique experiences. Basically it’s a way to differentiate themselves from typical DID systems and a way to describe their more complex structure. Some therapists or medical professionals may describe someone’s DID as being complex or polyfragmented, but again, it’s not actually a medical term it’s more just a descriptor.
Every system is going to be different. Everyone uses these terms to mean something a little different. But the stuff I listed is generally what people use it to mean. 
Here’s some links below (again, these aren’t medical terms so there aren’t really medical papers or anything on it and it’s mostly just people in the community describing their experiences or what they consider polyfragmentation)
Someone on tumblr listing what a polyfrag system usually means
Someone on tumblr describing difference between DID and C-DID
Someone on tumblr explaining what fragments are
Someone on tumblr explaining what polyfrag is and quoting research
Someone on tumblr listing what C-DID could entail
A PDF of a medical paper on complex MPD (this paper is from the 1980s I think, when DID was still called MPD)
A polyfrag DID systems vent on Reddit about what being polyfrag is for them (I wasn’t really sure about whether to include this or not bc it is a vent but it’s also a good explaination of what polyfrag DID actually is versus what people portray it as on social media..)
(if any of this is wrong plz let me know we’re not perfect lol and I didn’t read through all of these links)
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happypotato48 · 2 months
Century of Love EP 1 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
Well well well what we do have here, a BL about a homopobic century old granddwink and his long quest to find the reincarnation of the woman he lost. but too bad for him cause the heaven is a genre savvy BL writer and they know what's up. they says "you know what this bitch just ate our magic rock, let's fuck with him for a little bit and make this shit gay. it's better that way baby!"
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History time, welp didn't want to start with this but here. tldr during this period it's very much sucked to be non central thai person and it's also extra sucked to be a chinese or indian person during this time. i never hear first hand account from my grandparents because they both passed before i was born, but the long lasting effect of it still very much present in my mom.
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He's so beautiful and without the bad wig too, i'm so happy.
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I will support heterosexuality this one time and one time only cause i liked the way this lady girl bossed her way through those pigs.
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Magic gay rock! and thank you show for letting Daou take his shirt off this early.
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Ok i'm not that emotional invested cause we just got here but damn, Daou is very good in this scene.
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Severus motherfucking snape! ya'll can call me backy with the good ears cause just from this one line i instantly recognized him as a prolific voice actor whose dubbed a lot of C-dramas/movies and many hollywood movies without googling him. and yeah the first role of his that came up for me was snape lol
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I love this family already.
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He's cute and a ซินแส too. this is a kind of boy that i can take to show off to my chinese side of the family and they would be all over him.
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You leave my future husband alone old man! he just a cute little candid man.
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this dorky family is everything 😭
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literal red herring.
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Perfection 🤞
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Ok show stop it this is too cute. god i love red thread of fate in my romance!
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Awwww he so cute! nobody can resit this smile. mark my word this smile will be the dead of that old man.
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Ok plz don't have another kinky sex in the supermarket cause that is nasty and i'm pretty sure a health code violation.
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👀 i'm looking respectfully
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Someone better BE!
ok that was a cute first ep. grumpy old man in denial vs the cutest sunshine that ever live, i'm seated. this show is more camp than initially what i thought it was going to be but hey it seems fun so i'm not complaining.
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prismaticpichu · 18 days
Heya, friendos 💖
To a certain and safe extent, I like to be transparent with things around here, and I do think this is one of those times where it’s appropriate. With that said, life has been… fucking messy lately. Disastrous mental health has currently stopped me from attending school, and I don’t know how long this stretch of severe ickiness is going to last; it could be a few more days, weeks, months… who fucking knows lol. It’s honestly one of the worst headspaces I’ve been in my entire life, and I’m not even sure what to do with that life at the moment.
Anyways, like I said, I just like being open and honest with y’all ❤️ There are times where the ickiness can bleed into the tone of my posts/mood, and I just want there to be some justification for it ig xD
That also said, if there are any fanfic prompts you’d like me to tackle, plz do feel free to send ‘em over ❤️ Even if I can’t attend school at the moment, even if I tentatively may not be able to go to college, I don’t want to give up my dream of being an author—or even just a decent writer, period. Now… is fanfic going to fix all my problems? Absolutely not, and it never will. But if there’s one thing that genuinely keeps me going, it’s my drive to entertain and spread even the faintest sparks of joy. If I can’t necessarily muster the strength to smile, then I want to try to make others find that strength. Already shelved a few multichaps I completely (for now) lost motivation in, so mental plate’s pretty clean in terms of starting new things. Can’t promise they’ll be done immediately (sometimes my energy is zip x,D), but it’s something to keep the brain busy and distracted. And as always, ofc, there is no pressure whatsoever to send anything in ❤️
Take care out there, friendos <333 We’ve got this!!
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kozachenko · 10 months
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Hello again! :D I felt like drawing Keiki because I had nothing else to do and I also wanted to draw Keiki again because C R E A T E !
{Artists Note}:
So I had some ideas bouncing around for how I wanted to draw Keiki, and the first time I went with a more robotic look that was inspired by BoTW. I also wanted an excuse to try out some stuff with collages, and so I used an 1800s drawing of a skeleton to put this together. I added a face and a head just for fun, but tbh I wasn't 100% happy with it even though I did like how it looked. I might wanna save the BoTW inspired parts for a future Okina design as I think the constellation motiffe some BoTW Sheikah stuff has fits her more (and I have adopted the headcanon that she has prosthetics, I love it so much).
Like ok, context for this is headcanons. So as I mentioned in my post about Eirin, I wanted to play around with the visual idea of gods in Touhou being very much related to what they're gods of.
So at first with Keiki I tried just making her look like a haniwa herself, but I ended up not going with that as I like the idea of her being distinguishable from the Haniwa she creates. So instead, I ended up going with a more cyberpunk aesthetic for her, inspired in part by Cyberpunk Edgerunners (no spoilers plz, I haven't finished it yet). It's also the reason why I did an alternative cyberpunk outfit for her (inspired by a dress I found on Pinterest).
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I feel like the hardest things about drawing Keiki are her dress and hair bandanna. In the image above with her normal outfit, I had a lot of struggle with the sleeves, and I couldn't really get her hair bandanna right. In the faces I drew of her I had a slightly easier time, but still, it's hard to get it to look right. However in the alt design I gave her I somehow managed to make it look right??? Don't know what I did there but I actually like how it looks, so I'll keep what I did there in mind for the next time I draw her.
Speaking of her alt design, it was actually a lot of fun for me to do. I imagine that's her more "official" outfit, don't know what she'd where it for but I mainly drew it on her because i had a cool idea ok?
Also, on the day I drew her initial face render, I had watched Serial Experiments Lain and I think those vibes bled into the sketch version. Upon further inspection of the rendered and coloured version it kinda lost that but it's more to try out a different brush for my style.
Also also, I experimented with giving her earrings! Which didn't make it to the final cut, but still wanted to try it out! This also came as a learning experience on what makes Keiki look like Keiki... it's the hair bandanna, every time she doesn't have it, she doesn't look like herself.
To end it off, I think the unhinged Keiki face I drew for her expressions (since everyone I've been drawing recently has kinda all been lookin like varitations of this face -> (o _ o) gonna need to draw more expressions period actually, need practice on that) is now my favourite unhinged Keiki face I've ever drawn LOL. Expect more Keiki sketches in the future because I do love drawing my beloved blue haired blorbo.
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queenlua · 2 months
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Oh, bird expert, I'm asking please for your expertise. Can you tell me if this is a baby or not? It was HUGE (and unhinged, but that's a seagull for you)
SORRY for the delayed answer here; my job made me actually do my job this week; amazing how that gets in the way of Poasting
so that's definitely an immature gull at least—if it were an adult, it'd have way more white feathering and less of that streaky gray stuff
but "immature" is a p wide category that covers everything from "just fledged" to "just under a year old"
there's a period of time when birds are newly fledged where they'll still have a noticeable amount of pink or yellow around their lips—if you can see that, it's definitely still a lil guy lol
my guess based on time of year is that it's a relatively young gull but probably not quite baby status anymore. that's a teenage gull who just got a motorcycle and thinks it's cool but still calls mom & dad when he needs gas money. if he was acting like a lil punk that's probs why
(also if you saw him begging other gulls for food—that's why lmao)
I LOVE HIMB THOUGH WHAT A GOOD UNHINGED BOY. plz send me additional bird photos whenever
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the-sappho-of-lesbos · 5 months
hi, sorry if this isnt a good blog to send this to i just dont know where to turn atm (if this isnt a good blog to ask for help plz lmk where would be better, soz). im 22 and figuring out im sapphic & im trying to join online lesbian spaces but everyone seems so anti-babydyke and im starting to notice that being a lesbian is more about discourse and infighting than it is about wanting to kiss a lady. i thought it was about kissin ladies and thats what i want but how do i make other lesbians not hate me? i feel like all of the other lesbians expect me to have a PhD in lesbianism before i call myself that, before i consider a femme attractive, its like i have to pass thru all these hoops to prove myself even to other queers that im a real lesbian because i can name every lesbian historical figure. again super sorry if this is a bad blog to send this to i do not have a clue who to ask about this or anything im totally lost rn lol (genuinely sorry for literally being that annoying baby dyke ppl complain about rn. ignore me if you want im not gonna be tilted. thx for listening
This isn’t a bad blog to send this too. I’m just genuinely sorry you are going through this and I’m sorry if I don’t have a way to help. But I’ll try my best!! And maybe some more people in the comments will be able to help in ways I can’t.
But just know I’m sending you lots of love and that there isn’t anything wrong with you. At the end of the day, regardless of whatever else is happening, your sexuality really is just simply who you are attracted to. And that’s okay. You are enough ♥️♥️
(I’m also going into this assuming you are at least 18+, so I apologise if I’m wrong on that )
Firstly , you aren’t just seeing things. There is definitely a lot of infighting in the community. Like a lot. I would say it’s typically more intense and in your face online then it is IRL, but I’ve also seen IRL gay groups go really deep off the end with with this stuff.
From what I have read and from people I have talked to, this has sadly sort of always been a thing. We just have different waves of it and different things it might be focused on based on the time period and the world events affecting that at the time. I think in general it’s a very human thing that allllll groups do, but when you are in a marginalised, oppressed and small group of people it can feel a whole lot more concentrated and obvious because there is less room for it to go.
Again, this is just based on conversations I’ve had and things I’ve read, so take it with a grain of salt. But there has also been misunderstandings, disagreements and different beliefs on what things are , what they mean and who should do what in the community. Ranging from politics to fashion to marriage to sex to identities around butch/femme and what it means. For one piece saying something you have another saying something different.
This can cause a lot of confusion and infighting amongst people. A lot of tension at times. And because of trauma a lot of people tend to want to be around people with similar alignments in understanding and belief.
A lot of things can affect that like age , location etc.
But none of that is a reflection of you or your worth or your sexuality. And there ARE people in the same boat as you. Even when it doesn’t feel like it.
There have been waves in the past of some women using and or claiming lesbianism to be a response to sexism. We are currently living in the time after that. And because of that a lot of opinions and thoughts and actions taken place are in a response to that wave. Be it people trying to push it , denounce it , confused by it or hurt by it.
I think this has lead to some of the scaffolding of the current culture we have today.
I understand that need and drive for community and the horrible feeling that can come along when the said community feels like it is in shambles. I feel that way a lot too. And I’m sorry I can’t take that away.
I feel like I’m rambling at this point I’m sorry.
I just want to say though there is nothing you have to prove to anyone. We all figure this stuff out at our own pace. Anyone who treats you poorly for not knowing something or just genuinely not showing interest in it is on them. Your lesbianism doesn’t mean you owe anyone an opinion or a certain way of dressing or feeling. The only person you owe is yourself and that is to show kindness to yourself and be around people who respect you and love you for the wonderful lesbian that you are.
EDIT : I just re-read and you said you are 22 I’m so sorry I missed that 😩
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dyradoodles · 6 months
Hiiiiii! 💕 I was just wondering….. what are your preferences for Zack & Seph? Do you ship ‘em, is it up to circumstance, does the age matter to you/do you consider their age and their gap? Why not even throw in how you fell in love with Zack & Seph to begin with? Do you have sources?? MLA format for Zack’s fandom page???
*plops down on floor*
Details plz! ❤️
Ah yes hello person that I definitely do not know, who definitely didn't see me say I could write an essay about this very subject on discord LMFAO
I'll put the actual essay under a cut for people who don't want to scroll through my Many Feelings about these two lol As a TLDR to your questions:
Yes I ship them, but also Yes it's up to circumstance! Yes I consider their canon ages/the age gap (which most visibly manifests in me only drawing them platonically if I'm drawing Zack as a Second/with the puppy hair, or writing a fic taking place during CC)! I was actually into Aeriseph first and stumbled into ZackSeph fics, and realized it was a similar dynamic, but with someone who spent time with Seph canonically before he went bananas! All of this was before CC came out and I've been loving these characters for 20+ years!
To borrow a phrase (from crylin iirc), honestly, I like just seeing them standing next to each other, romantic or no LMAO <3
So to expand on what I said earlier, I think it's obvious from my blog and ZS server that I ship these two LMAO That said, the way I ship them is based heavily on the era of fandom before CC was a thing. I got into FF7 around 2002 (possibly earlier, I just don't have the dates on drawings that old), five years before CC came out. At the time, we knew next to nothing about Zack beyond the very short clips of him in OG. So, fandom did what fandom does best, and tried to fill in the blanks!
Some of the efforts to figure out who Zack was went all the way down to his name, because it's Zakkusu in Japanese. So you'll see him as Zax, too - There were heated debates on whether to use Zack or Zax. And no last name! Fandom had to come up with surnames themselves. We also didn't have much of a reference beyond his polygon model, which seemed to have darker skin and, (as many fics described it) violet eyes. It was also assumed that, since he was a First who worked closely with Sephiroth, he was probably around Sephiroth's age. You likely already see where I'm going with this, laying all that out lol The Zack I draw and write is very much based on that time period, and if I'm honest, that's the character I really ship with Seph. I still joke in my fics sometimes that Zack's last name might be Donovan or Darklighter, etc., which are old fandom surnames!
Now, obviously CC came out and threw all this on its head, because we finally got a whole GAME about this (important!) minor character. I have many beefs with CC's writing and Square's insistence that so many of their characters need to be child prodigies (they can't ALL be prodigies, Square!!!). With Zack going from an assumed early 20s to suddenly being 16, and all the craziness of CC's plot, the way I approached the ship changed as well.
This is where I would firmly say my stance is: I don't think Seph had any interest in Zack romantically, in CC. Because that's a kid lmao If I'm engaging with the Compilation as a whole, I definitely lean way more into the mentor/mentee relationship for the two of them. As a personal rule, I only draw them platonically if Zack's got the puppy hair, because that was the most obvious visual cue I could think of that could draw that line between Zack's teen years vs. adult. If Seph managed to not go insane, then yeah, later in life I could still see them getting together! But clearly that's already AU territory lmfao
Ultimately, what I like best about Zack & Seph is how they treat each other (while Seph is still sane lol). That goes for platonically and romantically. Zack is so genuine and kind, and treats Seph the way he always wanted to be treated - like he's human. He can joke around with Seph in a way most people simply can't. Meanwhile, Seph treats Zack's feelings with respect, even during the times he's laughing at Zack for being ridiculous. He's also honest with Zack. He answers truthfully when Zack asks what's wrong, and it's clear that it's because he knows Zack is not a threat; Zack will take Seph's feelings seriously, too. I can enjoy the drama of the trauma and heartbreak that comes with Sephiroth's descent into villainy, but my favorite stuff definitely involves a lot of Nibelheim fix-it fics lol
Despite all the changes CC made to Zack and his relationship to Sephiroth (RIP Second in Command Zax Donovan/Darklighter/Knightblade, my beloved), their actual dynamic with regard to how they treat each other stayed, miraculously, intact. That's the real reason they're still my favorite characters, and how my enjoyment of FF7 has remained as strong as it is after literal decades. Square can retcon as many things as they want in the Compilation, but they'll never stop me from making art and fic of the characters I grew up with. Unless I get a C&D for some reason LMFAO Until then, I'll keep enjoying my AUs (and if anything, I have even more reason to enjoy them now that AUs themselves are canon - you bet your ass I'll be in the AUs where ONLY OG happened and I can ignore everything else LOL)
Thank you for the questions!! It was fun to get all my thoughts written down in one huge chunk, as opposed to my typical disjointed ramblings to my friends. Hopefully it was an interesting read!
Fanlore. “Zack Fair.” The Organization for Transformative Works, 2 Jan. 2023, fanlore.org/wiki/Zack_Fair.
Doodles, Dyra. "Way Too Much Fandom Lurking." Dyra's Childhood to Adulthood, Copious Amounts of Fanfiction, 3 Apr. 2024
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waywardstation · 7 months
We got a new Pokémon legends game!!! Are you excited for it?
We did!!! I saw it this morning! Honestly want to see more though because while I am excited, I’m getting excited off my expectations and speculations lol.
What will the starters be? Will they have new final evos like in PLA? Will they get new mega forms? Will we get new regional variants/evolutions/megas for pokemon? Which characters will get ancestors (or descendants, I’m seeing speculated time periods all over the place lol)?
Also way out there but I would love to see if the prototype synchro machine feature from SV is somehow utilized in this game too!! Seeing as it was a prototype and people say they often test out features in small versions for later games, I’ve been wondering if we’ll get a ‘better’ version of a prototype in the next mainline game, and that is PLZ-A right now.
Just very excited to see how this game will turn out and just how much it will borrow from PLA gameplay-wise as the second installment in the legends series. PLA is my babygirl and will be forever but I’m still interested in seeing how this one turns out!
I’m excited for however it turns out. BUT ONE THING THOUGH AS A SUBMAS FAN cause I’ve seen everyone mentioning their thoughts on this — I do not want to see Emmet in the game!! If he somehow does end up being in the game I’d be ok with it but I doubt he will, and I’d rather he not, honestly ^^;
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lyclikestoroleplay · 2 months
Searching for a long term discord roleplay partner (18+)
Hi all. I have not been on Tumblr in such a long time, but I have fallen back in love with roleplaying, so I am looking for some more partners.
Please note the following:
I am not replacing anyone.
Please be over the age of 18 (see below as to why)
I prefer to roleplay on discord, in our own server. I may be willing to make an exception, but that app is where I am most comfortable.
A bit about me:
I am 32 years old, they/she pronouns, and I am located in EST timezone. I have been roleplaying on and off since I was 13. I am very flexible in terms of ships and can adapt to anyone/anything. I have a couple of favorite genres and we can discuss should we start something.
I roleplay in 3rd person paragraphs and generally do my best to match my partner. I also wouldn't mind texting at the start if we were doing a long-term relationship type of plot. And of course, texting is okay if the story calls for it at that time.. I just don't want it to be all texting, yk?
I work a full time office job during the day, but I have my phone next to me to reply. I also am free evenings and weekends as I have no life lol. The longest roleplay I have had is 10 years and yes, it's still going hehe 🙂 Pretty proud of it tbh.
I am currently looking for roleplays in the following (bold - first preference. italics - second preference) :
Link Click (most want; current hyperfocus. plz)
Bungo Stray Dogs
Tadaima, Okaeri
Buddy Daddies (Just started to watch and I am in love with them)
I have a long list of animes that I have watched or am in the process of watching. I may even be interested in roleplaying that are not on this list. Just message me and we can talk about it!
As of this time, I don't have any O/C's so I would prefer to do a pairing of people that are in the show. I also have a lot of M/M ships, minus Horimiya. However, I wouldn't mind if you had an O/C and if I feel we can create something great, we can definitely make it amazing :3
As far as the tone of the roleplay and our plot(s), I hope to brainstorm with you to find something great to play. I don't have any triggers; I love anything from angst to cavity-sweet romantic. My absolute favorite genre is omegaverse, but that is not a necessity.
As the title suggests, I would love for this to be long term. If it comes to where you're not happy with our roleplay or are losing interest, please let me know instead of ghosting me. We are adults so we can use our words. I would be more than happy to figure something else out. I am very easy going and understanding as I hope you would be as well.
If you are interested, please add/message me on discord! .lyc. (Both periods are needed)
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🌧️⸝⸝ Welcomes to Finns Dream! ⸝⸝☔
⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦
⌣ ﹒ ❛ ﹒ My name is Finnegan, but I go by Finn! Please do not call me Finnegan unless we are moots/friends
♪ ﹒ ┊ ﹒ Age: 20!・✦ My pronouns: They/Them! I am NB
⌣ ﹒ ❛ ﹒ I am mixed! I take pride in it anywhere i can
♪ ﹒ ┊ ﹒ Orientation: Pan/ace [possibly]
⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦
☂️ ⸝⸝︰{Agere information} ・
﹕ᶻᶻ﹒✦﹒ Role: Flip w/a strong regressor lean・
︶︶   ˚ ◞ Status: I have a CG! His tag is @fdtw1 and he posts car pics from forza! He may make a regression blog one day, but that's his choice &lt;33 ☁️・𓂃 Little type: I am a very Quiet little i've realized. There is a ton of trauma surrounding my regression and it was very hard to regress. Now, with the help of my husband(CG) There is hope! I can only regress for small periods of time, and it needs to be assisted but its a great start and i hope that when we live together itll boost my regression more! ෆ Comfort items: My paci's (i have 2 !!) Kitty; a very old stuffed cat, any of my blankets, my games, my books, my bubby! ︶︶   ˚ ◞ Nicknames: Babi (pronounced baa-bee) babi bear, baby bear, pumpkin, cutie patootie, Babi butt, babitayto (pronounced babi-tato) tatotay, babs
⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦
⛈️ ⸝⸝︰{Personal information} ・
⌣◞ ✦ Likes: I love to play and stream video games, I bake, cook, and am an avid reader! Books are a must for me (im saving for a library) I also love making things like discord servers and such! And my bubby, ofc・ ⧣
♪   ⌣  〃Dislikes: Uh, bugs, bugbugsbugs, bugs, being purposely misgendered, my friends being purposely misgendered, Confrontation (bubby handles this), being flirted with, uh-.. OH and also bugs :}
🪣◞ Boundaries: Please don't ask me to be your Little. My dms are open for anyone +16 or -26 (i had a bad past with older individuals on tumblr) Listen to me when i tell you no, i mean it. Uh, and that's all i can think of for now
ෆ Other info: I have been a regressor since 13, i am now 20! I also have multiple mental health related issues, and am trying to get diagnosed for ASD as it is super prevalent. Physically i am also not in good health so its a struggle health wise lol. I will also be selling paci's from here!・𓂃⁩ᵎᵎ
⁺  ○   .   ⁺  ✦  ⁺   .   ✦
☁️ ⸝⸝︰{Tags} ・
‿⁠☆‿ #moodies— For any moodboards I create!
◜⁠#Stimmies﹒— For any stimboards I create!
‿⁠☆‿ #For Bubby— CG tips or appreciation posts I attempt. Anyone can use or repost these, they're just directed at my CG!
◜#W.O.T﹒— Outfits I create for my servers Wear or tear! Anyone can repost these
‿⁠☆‿ #Babi Things— These are either things I make that i wish to share, or just things I like that I am reposting!
◜#AgereSupport﹒— My tag for when im boosting events in my little server
‿⁠☆‿ #DinoLovers— My tag for when im boosting events in my CGs little server
◜#RainyDayPacis﹒— My tag for boosting my shop, or showing off pacis for sale
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⛅ ⸝⸝︰{Links} ・
⌣ ﹒ ❛ ﹒ Pronouns Page: https://en.pronouns.page/@FinnegansTravels
♪ ﹒ ┊ ﹒ Carrd: TBD
⌣ ﹒ ❛ ﹒ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/finneganstravels
♪ ﹒ ┊ ﹒ Insta Shop: https://www.instagram.com/rainydaypaci/
⌣ ﹒ ❛ ﹒ Discords: https://discord.gg/35xMMYsUZQ and https://discord.gg/YrDVpf9uqn (both are verification locked)
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・Anti-agere/agedre, NSFW blogs/"SFW" kink blogs, Ddlg/abdl/cgl and other variants, etc
・18+ only / nsfw accounts, etc
・Bigotted peoples (Racist/Homophobic/ableist etc)
・Anti-xenos/anti-neos, etc
・Under 13 or over 27 (you can repost my stuff, but plz do not message me)
・MIKs (minors in kink), MAPs (minor attracted peoples), pro-ana, pro-mia, anti-recovery
・Extreme political left or rightists, religious extremists, Etc
You will be blocked On sight if you do not adhere to my dni.
`、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ(ノ><)ノ `、ヽ`☂ヽ`、ヽ
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claireverlasting · 5 months
Patrocles and 2, 3, 9!
Hi Isa!! I love you so much for this ask lol
This is about Iliad Patroclus
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
So many omg, but it’s probably the whole “fuck you Hector” speech because YES!! Go out with a bang!! Curse your enemy and haunt the rest of the story with grief!!! He doesn’t really have that much screen time compared to the others, but he did So Much with what he had, and his death is so!!! Ahhhhh!!! It took a fucking god and two guys to take him out (Apollo did the most work, obviously), he can have a little badass last words and death omen, as a treat
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
He wanted to mutilate Sarpedon’s body after killing him. I get it’s probably for some thematic reason between the Patroclus-Hector-Achilles “Threatening to mutilate someone’s body/actually did it” trio, but not cool, dude. He’s dead plz stop
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I probably am incapable of being roommates with anyone but let’s go with the hypothetical “I can” situation
I mean, depends? I always think the story setting and time period really have a big impact on how the characters are Like That, especially something like the Iliad, with ancient Greek values and stuff that is very different from what’s going on now (Mycenaen? Is it better if I call it Mycenaen?), and having A Lot going on that’s not really in their control (Prophecies and divine interventions). If we’re talking about Patroclus born in a modern world, he’s gonna be pretty different from him in the Iliad, less murder-y, more chill, hopefully have more respect women juice than canon, I think. So maybe? Yes?? I never have roommates before and are we sharing a room or just the same flat? Anyway the answer is yes
If we’re talking about canon Patroclus and drop him straight into the modern world, the answer is fuck NO, go away, go back in the pages and stay there
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clayorel · 7 months
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I want to make a discord (text-based) RP server of profic/proship people who are interested in RPing OCs !!! And we need a big group. like 10-15 people if not more. These RPs will be TTRPG-like: I like to create strategic games/storylines with puzzle elements and host them. We aren't looking for a specific response length, just want people to have fun! Also, usually I run games where characters... will die. Not just "can die" but they will die. So angst and gore abound. (I hope this sounds fun to people O_o)
Once I have more prepared for these RPs, I'm going to send ads out to profic rp search blogs, buuuuut since it’ll take a while to find a whole group, I decided why not start talking about it now to gauge interest :3
Underneath the cut I'm going to include more details about the plots and themes we have in mind ^_^ If you're interested, plz feel free to DM me!!! I'm also including a google forms survey for people who are interested but are too shy to DM + for people to elaborate more on their interests!
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We have two plot ideas currently:
1. In a small, secluded town, people have started dying suddenly and going hysterical—it's becoming increasingly clear: a demon has possessed the people of this town. The Church has gathered you—along with other townsfolk—as suspects for being the heretics behind this. Your goal is to figure out who the true culprit is... or to hide that you are the culprit, lest you face death: Either way, the Church or the Demon will execute each of you one by one until one side wins.
Setting is in an original historical fantasy universe on the verge of an apocalypse, and the game will essentially be like Town of Salem if you are familiar with it! There are powers in this universe based on sacrifices (blood, body parts, etc) that OCs can have, and you can ask for more details on the nature of these powers if you're interested ^_^ Also, OCs can fit anywhere from ~1400-1800, it's been made into a rather anachronistic setting
2. For one reason or another, you are desperate—desperate enough that you have accepted an unexpected invitation to attend a dinner party promising fortune, fame, or whatever else you desire. Perhaps you should have gone with your gut feeling to decline, or perhaps you end up enjoying what fate has in store for you at this party: a game filled with increasingly deranged and demented challenges where you must choose to hurt yourself or your peers.
Heavily based off of the movie Would You Rather? Setting is a realistic, roughly 1910-1930s New England, America. OCs should fit this time period and have some desperate desire in their life, whether it be driven by a loved one, an enemy, or a personal motivation.
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Other Notes:
We are looking for people who will embrace dead dove content—gore, violence, taboo content and relationships (lolisho, non/dubcon, incest, etc) !
It's okay if you personally don't want to RP these themes, but this is something we want all members to be okay with!
RPs/games will last for a couple weeks and we do want members to be present a little bit every day; it is a bit of a commitment and we'll look for weeks that will work the best for all members
We aren't sure about other boundaries we want in this server, it really depends on who the members will be. The survey (linked below) is for people who are interested in this to let us know what they're interested in and what they’re okay with!
You can reply to this saying you're interested or just DM me to say you're interested! You can also leave a way for me to contact you on the survey.
And here's the link to the survey lol
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ticklishraspberries · 7 months
hiii, what fandoms are u into rn?? and maybe tell me about them, if u wanna?? use this as an excuse to ramble.. in desperate need of something new to be obsessed over HAHA hope ur having a good night 🫶
hi hi!! i love to yap so you have asked a dangerous question!! i do have a whole page of my fandoms on my carrd but i'm gonna try to sell you and my followers on some of my more niche ones rn lol
baldur's gate 3 has some of the most compelling characters of any video game i've ever played. i will admit, it isn't a game for people who don't love games, it can take like a minimum of 80 hours to finish the game, it's kind of difficult, and it's all based on dnd so the combat and stuff might be confusing for people, but the ROMANCE and friendships and characters are so fucking incredible. i have only actually romanced astarion but shhh.
barry is a t.v. show on max that i think is one of the greatest shows ever made, and not just because i have a huge crush on bill hader who writes, directs, produces, and stars in it. it's a dark comedy about a hitman who hates his job and wants to become an actor instead. there's a great gay couple (i will not lie and say they have a happy story though) and one of the best written female characters ever imo. it's a star-studded cast, 4 seasons, but the episodes are only 20-30 mins so it goes by fast. if you don't mind violence, this is genuinely a 10/10 piece of media for me.
death note is my favorite anime of all time, one of my top fav shows, and i have a manga panel from it tattooed on me. it's a masterpiece that mixes supernatural horror, crime-solving detective drama, insane homoeroticism, and existential/moral dilemma. it's not very long and people say it gets bad after a certain episode and i genuinely wish all those people a very get well soon because are you kidding me??? i think it's a great intro to anime.
saltburn was such a good fucking movie and i know you've probably seen the memes and everyone talking, but i genuinely loved this movie and would love to write a felix/oliver fic lol. it's pretty disturbing and has a lot of things that the average viewer would be freaked out by, but i am genuinely not that shocked/grossed out by most things in media so i just love this movie, i gave it 5/5 on letterboxd and so did my partner.
the great is a show on hulu that is a historical comedy (that is self-admittedly not historically accurate, so if that would annoy you, this one's not for you!!) about catherine the great, empress of russia, and it is genuinely one of my favorite shows ever. it's got incredible female characters, some pretty good queer rep, doesn't use the time period/country as an excuse to not have representation. it is so funny, heart-breaking, sexy, and just so goddamn good. it did unfortunately get cancelled after season 3 but i think they knew it would be cancelled and left it off in a decent place (from the spoilers i know at least, i'm still watching). there is a lot of vulgar content (sex, sexual humor, gross humor, swearing) so if that's not your vibe, don't even bother, lol, but if you like enemies-to-lovers, period dramas, or watching elle fanning act like a fucking psychopath, plz watch and then talk to me about headcanons.
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arttrampbelle · 10 months
Gonna post MY OFFICIAL SHANG TSUNG BIO. because nrs is wrong and i said so. So suck it boon,suck it fans,this is how shang tsung is supposed to be. Die mad. 💅🏻💋☕💖
Anywho enough of venting. Here's his bio.
Name: Shang Tsung
Full name: Tsung Shang (i hc his last name is tsung because it sounds better and most of mk names are both given and surnames. I looked this shit up and listen,this game was made by two American nerdy guys. What are you really expecting? A masterpiece? No)
Age: physically: in his 40s. (If we go by cary hiroyuki tagawa's performance in the 95 movie. He was around 40 when he starred in that film. Ik,he dont look it but it's true. And it makes way more sense than how some people and canon depicts his youthful rejuvenated form.) Technically he is over 500yrs (and i collectively ignore any new retcons or canon saying otherwise). He is mortal in technicality. But he is immortal by proxy. Due to his curse of to wither and age less he takes the souls and vitality of others. (Like an energy vampire in a weird way. Guy is basically Chinese Dracula)
Gender/prns: amab, he/they. (He is masc but people are so damn xenophobic and amercian centric on what masc is. But ya know we aint here for that politics. I hc he uses they or gn prns on occasion. If it calls for it. But most of the time is masc coded prns because he's 1. Lazy. 2. It's just a force of habit. And 3. It feels more comfortable for him. Otherwise he's gonna use gn. As he defults everyone to. Because thats how he works,as for himself. Well he just doesn't really give a damn much. He is who he is. Period)
Height: 5'11" (tho in his old man form. I hc he shrinks a bit to a 5'6"/5'7" lol)
Weight: approx maybe 175? I dunno im not good with measurements. So plz dont hate :')
Hair: black,long,and up to his lower back/buttocks. (In his old man form the same but white/silver. Still thick and luxurious. Despite being an old man he takes good care of himself. I can't ever see shang ever living in squander or despair. Even when shit is rough for him. He ooozes confidence even when he struggles. He's mastered self mastery. (God i wish that were me) )
Eye color: dark brown. (Goldens,glosses and turns to a pale gold as his curse affects his aging.)
Origins: Earthrealm (EARTHREALM. NOT OUTWORLD YOU DUMBA$$ES. fucking nrs othering shang tsung and getting rid of what made his betrayal interesting. Fucking morons buy into it too. But whatever.)
Resident realm: earthrealm,on his island. (Which i have hcs about but that is for a separate post because it would be too long to add here.)
Species: Human
Alignment: Neutral. Maybe a bit chaotic. The yin axis. (All in all he's for bis own morality. Never anyone else's)
Weapons: chinese saber or straight sword.
Abilities/powers/etc: Soul magic,fire magic,the dark arts. (He's a mofo sorcerer bih! I have hcs more about soul magic and how his damn magic works. Because people dont really care to write this)
Allies: anyone who he deems trustworthy enough.
Nemesis: any who dares cross him. Liu kang. (He fucking hates liu kang. No it's not secretly likes him. NO HE FUCKING HATES THIS GUYS GUTS AND WANTS HIM DEAD FOR THE SHEET FUCKING PLEASURE OF IT! SHANG,HE'S A PETTY LIL SHIT. OK?!)
Current whereabouts: on his island. Doing who knows what. Mostly tending Mortal kombat tournaments. And any who wishes to learn under him. As he is a master after all.
Blank below cut (in case you wanna use it for ocs):
Real name:
Eye color:
Resident realm:
Current whereabouts:
Dominion: (used for god characters only. Titans dont exist and i completely erase them from narrative. So dont even fucking add this. Dont even try. It's either gods ocs,immortal ocs(i.e. like bo-rai cho) or mortals (like kung lao,etc). Pick one)
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suckitsurveys · 9 months
What are some of your favorite cities you’ve been to? Boston, Ogunquit/York (ME), Nashville, Lake Delton (WI).
Would you allow your children to date prior to 16? I'm not having children, let’s start there.
Did you ever go through a phase where you thought guys in bands were ‘hot?’ Sure.
What’s something about adult life you were never warned of or prepared for? All of it.
Did your parents teach you proper table manners when you were growing up? Yeah.
What was the last thing you baked? Cookies.
Do you live more than 5 hours away from the nearest international border? If you drove, yes, it would take just a hair over 5 hours to get to the closest point of Canada from Chicago.
Does your town have a farmer’s market? Several.
What’s the westernmost point you’ve been to? Wendover, Nevada.
What was the last restaurant you made a reservation at? Eris, though technically it was my friend who made it.
When did you last feel lonely? I haven’t really felt lonely in a long time. Or at least, what I would call lonely. I’ve felt like pieces of me were missing when missing my long distance friends, but I wouldn’t say that’s “lonely.”
Can you easily tell when others are masking their true emotions? Sure, sometimes.
How often do you wash your car? At a car wash? RARELY. I can’t even tell you the last time I did. It feels silly getting a car wash when your car is like 30% rust lol. But I clean out the inside at least once a month. As clean as I can get it lol.
When did you last lend money to a friend? I don’t do that; if anything I’ll buy my friend food or something if they can’t pay.
Which app on your phone do you tend to get the most notifications from? Uhhhhhhh I have push notifications off on the apps I’d get the most notifications on lol. If I had tik tok notification on for “likes” on comments I leave, my phone wouldn’t shut up. I looked the other day at my notifications on that app and I had like 1300 something likes yikes.
Do you own a Dutch oven? If so, what was the last thing you cooked in it? Nope.
What is currently on your kitchen table? We don’t have a kitchen table.
What is your favorite time period in history to learn about? I loved learning about Native American history.
How old were you when you met your current best friend? I was 13/14 when I met Sarah and Randal, 21 when I met Mark, and 23/24 when I met Ellen.
Have you ever kissed a smoker? Yes.
What is the minimum age to obtain a driver’s license in your state/country? Do you think this is an appropriate age? 16. It’s fine, I don’t care one way or the other.
If you won the lottery, do you think any of your family members would ask you to give them some of your money? Yes.
What is the craziest thing you’ve seen happen at your workplace? I don’t know.
Do you own any home automation gadgets like wifi thermostats or wifi bulbs? We have Alexa outlets.
What is something you gave up on after many failed attempts? Reading for fun again.
How old were you when you started to seriously think about what career path you wanted to pursue? I’ll let you know.
Have you ever disliked a book so much that you didn’t finish it? Uh huh.
Would you rather read a book, or listen to the audiobook? Audio plz.
Do you think tomorrow will be a better day than today? YESSSSSS I don’t have to work for TWO WEEKS after todaaaayyyyy
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fettachini77 · 2 years
Rules and general info abt me!!
Imma set some ground rules just so I feel comfortable on here and I am able to write in a positive environment!
What anime’s you can request
I feel like I know the characters pretty well in My Hero Academia, Bungo Stray Dogs, and Jujutsu Kaisen. Feel free to request any and all characters and scenarios! (See below)
2. Content of requests
to start off, I am a minor, and I do not feel comfortable writing smut. I am willing to write fluff, angst, comfort, period comfort, gender neutral readers, male readers, female readers, etc; basically anything except smut. Thank you for understanding! <3
3. request other stuff idk what to name this
I can do scenarios, headcannons, drabbles, fics, etc. I am open to all requests and it may depend on how much time I have, but I will try to do what format you request!
4. Be nice
ik I may sound like a parent here, but seriously, be kind with your comments and actions on my blog. I am self conscious abt my writing sometimes and negative comments will make me lose the will to write more. So plz plz plz be kind to me and my writing, as well as the other readers here!
Alr, sooooo hi! You guys can call me Fettachini or B, whichever, (yes ik that Fettachini is spelled wrong, but it’s a nickname from school lol). I love to read, write, listen to music, draw, play sports, and hang out with my friends! I love anime and exploring characters in greater depth so I thought it’d be cool to try this whole thing out! I am a very busy person so updates may be slow but I will try my best to write for you guys! If you request and give me ideas I am more likely to post more frequently, so don’t be afraid to ask me anything!
also, plz note that I have never used tumblr before and I am still figuring out how tf this works lmao wish me luck
anywayyyyy byeee~ <3
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