#more ramblings
yizukikhons · 3 months
Another tiny DP headcanon. This one for all those crossovers out there!
The way overshadowing works is that the Ghost is superimposing their will over a living person. Ghosts are made by living creatures that wanted to keep living, keep existing, more than anything else. So their wills and minds are naturally stronger than most people. When a ghost takes over a body, their will basically beats the living person's into submission, which is why the ghost is able to act completely as themselves, and why the living have no memory of being overshadowed. Their mind was crushed into a corner while the body is piloted around. Thing is, once the ghost comes out, there's a moment of disorientation as the sudden release of that pressure messes with their equilibrium. Their will was just forced to comply, so there's a brief moment once the ghost comes out that their will hasn't readjusted. This leaves a living person in a highly suggestable state, kind of like hypnosis. It's not powerful, as the will quickly recovers, so you can't suggest something too extreme like jumping off a building, but saying 'don't talk about what happened' or 'go into the other room' are minor enough that they'll comply without thinking. Most ghosts don't know/don't take advantage of this as they have no use for telling a living person to do something after they leave. If they did, they'd just overshadow the person longer.
Just thinking about the mechanics behind how overshadowing works and how the BatFam would categorize Overshadowing.
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shizuedayo · 1 year
Random thought:
well not really random, I've been thinking about this for quite a while now w I was thinking of what would happen if Seele turns evil and I had this thought 🤔
what if "Seele" sides with the honkai, but still cares for her host? Like, she still very much treasures her but, she's clearly influenced by the honkai thus, she tries to drag Seele to awaken as a herrscher because she'd gain the power to protect herself from doing so? Like "Seele" has this firm belief that the honkai would bring them salvation and she's trying to convert Seele w I know it doesn't make sense because her stigmata's from PE so they would definitely get rid of the whole 'siding with the honkai' thing but personally, I think it's a fun thought
I'm no writer but I was driven to write something about this thought in 5 minutes when I first had this idea back at June w
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and yes, she has two voices in her head now, one which whispers thoughts of destruction and another that doesn't do anything about it and even encourages her to embrace it She's totally sane. dw -w-)b
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marigoldendragon · 5 months
Freeee free I'm freeeeeeee!!!! I get to spend the next week, at minimum, entrenched in my room doing nothing and going nowhere. I'm gonna play video games, watch anime, draw and obsess about Twisted Wonderland.
It'll be glorious
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pinterest comments are some of the most unhinged. some of the most chronically online stuff i've seen is from there and it keeps me up at night. This is what you get when you can literally post anything over the internet, it's wild bruh
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I saw this in the wild under the comment section of the same pin above, you can't make this shit up
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atieflingbard · 11 months
They should be his, forever. The precious little bhaalspawn that he fell in love with all those years ago. The only person in all of faerûn that he would share his power with.
And yet, they squander it.
Maybe it’s not entirely their fault— Orin destroyed their memories and broke their mind.
But that didn’t make it hurt any less. The one person in the world that he loved, would do anything for— kill anyone for— didn’t return his affection.
He was just collateral damage.
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freakwriter4fk · 1 month
Further thoughts on specifically FirstKhaotung, I do think it would be fun to mix plots for them to be with different actors but end up together. It would be cool to see one of them break up the others relationship whether intentional or not. They could even do a plot where they like somebody else but in the process fall for each other. However I hope whatever they decide to do in the future they do for themselves and that people respect their decisions about their lives/career. At the end of the day First and Khaotung know what's best for them.
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rachaeljurassic · 2 years
More thoughts
Dot. Wow. Thinking about how much she has changed blows my mind. Phryne employing her has been the best thing that could have happened to her. The growth in her confidence! She was always surprisingly brave but not necessarily in an emotional sense. But, she went from dumping Hugh because he wasn’t Catholic to dumping him because he wanted her to leave her job. She stood up for herself because of her OWN convictions, not ones that she THOUGHT she should have. But she still hasn’t lost her essential character that is kind and loving and still comforted by her faith (though after 2x12 who knows how that last one will turn out 😕). She has learned SO MUCH from Phryne without losing herself. She is stronger now than she has ever been without compromising who she is. She is so in love with Hugh but she has learned that she does not have to be the one to give up what she wants. She is a paradoxical modern woman 😉 who is still a traditional and soft, and loving. She can be all these things 🥳
And perhaps the best thing that could happen to Phryne is that she employed Dot. Not only is she invaluable to her detective activities, she has shown Phryne that you CAN love somebody, you CAN be soft and let yourself be vulnerable, WITHOUT compromising who you essentially are. You can stand up to somebody and not lose their love and you can try to work things out and admit when you are wrong without feeling like you are losing the fight.
Who knows how well Hugh and Dot will do working this out (but it will work out in the end – one of the VERY few things I knew about the series was that they get married). I’m sure there will be bumps along the way but they have shown Phryne that a relationship that matters takes work and that compromise is not a dirty word.
And Hugh. For so long he seemed stuck in awestruck admiration of Dot and, apparently, the belief that they’d get married and settle down in a very traditional way (if she said yes). And tbh who can blame him? Both he and Jack grew up in a very different world where of course Dot would stop working. One reason I love things set in the 1920’s is that this is when things started to change for a lot of women. There had always been a few who bucked the trend but suddenly having freedom and autonomy was in reach for so many more (depending on where you lived of course). But in Australia women are at a point where there are some still clinging to the old ways (I suspect Rosie is in this group and obviously Aunt P lol) and those that are striking out, like Phryne and now Dot. No wonder it’s confusing to Hugh. He thought he knew the rules, but then Dot pulled the rug out from under him. He thought he was doing the right thing. He should be the one to provide for the family, it’s his duty, and hers is to make a home. That’s how his parents were, I’m sure. It is almost unbearable for him to see her hurting or in danger, as it was for Jack to imagine Phyrne killed by one of her reckless misadventures. And perhaps without Jack he’d have dug in and lost Dot. Or Dot would have caved and lost herself (though I doubt it). But Jack has also had a mental shift over the past two seasons (I suspect he was more ready and willing to respect women for what THEY wanted than your average bloke even before he met her, but he’s still of a certain age and time). He has already told Phryne that he doesn’t want her to change and would never ask that of her. He is a VERY modern man right now. And he does his best to be Hugh’s second dad and advises him gently, and Hugh’s respect for him is so great that he listens! He is willing to contemplate changing his entire perspective on life and relationships. It’s a remarkable turn around tbh. He loves her so much, he respects Jack’s opinion, he is willing to try. Like I said, I can see bumps along the way perhaps because this is NOT going to be easy for him. But he has taken his first steps 🥰
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imtooobsessedrn · 1 year
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Kendall gender marry me-
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unforth · 3 months
Y'all I know that when so-called AI generates ridiculous results it's hilarious and I find it as funny as the next guy but I NEED y'all to remember that every single time an AI answer is generated it uses 5x as much energy as a conventional websearch and burns through 10 ml of water. FOR EVERY ANSWER. Each big llm is equal to 300,000 kiligrams of carbon dioxide emissions.
LLMs are killing the environment, and when we generate answers for the lolz we're still contributing to it.
Stop using it. Stop using it for a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. We need to kill it.
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buckera · 4 months
"how can you multiship?" well you see honey, when two people love each other very much and neither of them is real...
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tariah23 · 4 months
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people for correcting them about Yasuke as well.
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So earlier in art class today, someone drew a characters hands in their pockets and mentioned that hands are really like the ultimate end boss of art, and most of us wholeheartedly agreed. So then, our teacher went ahead and free handed like a handful of hands on the board, earning a woah from a couple of students. So the one from earlier mentioned how it barely took the teacher ten seconds to do what I can’t do in three hours. And you know what he responded?
“It didn’t take me ten seconds, it took me forty years.”
And you know, that stuck with me somehow. Because yeah. Drawing a hand didn’t take him fourth years. But learning and practicing to draw a hand in ten seconds did. And I think there’s something to learn there but it’s so warm and my brain is fried so I can’t formulate the actual morale of the lesson.
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To quantify creativity in the algorithm is to quantify the human soul. It's an impossible task. The only reason why art generated by ai is souless is because it lacks passion. There's no replacing creativity because it is an inherently human trait that cannot be remade by a machine that has no passion. The future will not be fostered by AI because it lacks what humans want and what they value. Even if you say that AI learns like humans, it's not human. It's completely dependent on the sources that it's given to create something. Our problems will not be fixed by creating more technology because they are social problems.
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runawaymarbles · 7 months
The thing I keep coming back to, with all the *gestures expansively* is that real life doesn't have peaceful epilogues.
Every single win has to be defended. Forever. I'm sorry. It sucks. The Nazis lost until they stopped losing. The US had abortion rights, and then 50 years later it didn't. Empires fall, and then they invade other countries again. Oppressive regimes are overthrown and replaced with other oppressive regimes. You will never finish the work etc etc etc. Which is why it's so fucking important to be able to acknowledge and celebrate progress, when it happens. The people who came before you didn't put in all that work for nothing, and you aren't, either. You can't save it all for the Ultimate Victory because there is never going to be an Ultimate Victory. There's no such thing as a time when everything is good, and ours shall not be the commune of Heaven.
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werethropy · 4 months
"The nonbinary afab who goes by she/her, dresses femininely, and uses a push-up bra when I—" when you what? What's wrong with her?
Is she not nonbinary enough for you? Is the way she experiences her queerness and how she presents not perfect enough for you? Nonbinary people don't owe you androgyny, right? So why is she the exception? Why does she have to hate herself to appeal to your standards? Why is she any less trans—any less worthy of respect—cause it's "not visible"? Queer solidarity my ass. Don't spout this bullshit on Pride, man.
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violetsandshrikes · 1 year
watching people on tiktok consume borax is uh. something.
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