#more to come soon :)
cesiscribbles · 3 months
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(askdhjaskjdhksakd thank you so much ❤️ I am happy you are enjoying my silly comics~)
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vellichorom · 3 months
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bob is just as new to girls as he is to love itself, but how can such a little frilly silly woman need so MUCH? is THIS what she snagged his big meaty self for?
// A WIDDLE SOMETHING FOR MY BELOVED @tomiechu & their hubbie ~
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sinisterexaggerator · 4 months
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NSFW / 18+
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➤ oneshots:
Nothing to lose
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hancock x f!reader
Summary: You are important to John Hancock; there is a radstorm brewing. As a skilled and reformed scavver, you’re after a part for a decommissioned lounger—it belongs to Doc Amari’s famed Memory Den.
Hancock's tense; he should have gone with you, but it’s not too late to search you out. He would be glad to have you home safe in his arms, only things don’t always go as planned, nor do you go unpunished for your negligence.
Little Red Dress
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hancock x f!reader
Summary: You're wearing a little red dress, one that teases and tantalizes Hancock. You're the Mayor of Goodneighbor's prized possession, and it does not bode well for you to tempt him so, especially in public.
Hard Feelings
Ao3 link | Tumblr post
hancock x f!reader
Summary: You are the General of the Minutemen. Hancock is your companion when out on missions. It's all fun and games until there are hard feelings at play, the ghoul thinking that one day you just might leave him.
➤ headcanons:
First impression
NSFW Alphabet
Possible explanation for why Hancock likes you addicted to chems
Game glitch (cw:suicide)
[Nick Valentine]
➤ oneshots
Final Straw
Ao3 link | Tumblr post
valentine x f!reader
Summary: You're sick to death of listening to people insult and belittle Nick; you take matters into your own hands, much to the Synth's surprise, but your methods are a little bit unorthodox.
➤ headcanons:
First impression
✩ Coming soon.
[Cooper Howard / The Ghoul]
✩ Coming soon. Maybe? Idk.
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➤ Memes/random: #1 | #2 | #3 |#4 |#5 |#6 |#7 |#8 | #9 | #10 | #11 | #12 | #13 | #14 | #15 | #16
➤ Thot thoughts / incorrect quotes: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5
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gaybsdotcom · 3 months
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JayTim week day 1: Bat (batting for both teams)
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komitomi · 1 year
Fateful Encounter. // Prologue.
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Neteyam × F!reader
based on this idea || chapter i || chapter ii || chapter iii || chapter iv || chapter v
Synopsis: You and few others humans were sent on a mission to find Jake sully and get his help, and possibly resolve the issues between navi and the humans, which were caused by the unethical procedures of the RDA. Will you be successful?
A/N: neteyam has won the poll so he will be chosen as the main lead, this will be a "x reader" fanfic, kinda follows avatar 1 plotline except it's reader and neteyam instead of jake and neytiri, RDA is obvs the villain, idk how many chapters this story will have but it's gonna be a ride for sure, so buckle up peeps!
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After the first great war between the Na'vi and the Humans, conflicts rose back on Earth as the unethical procedures issued by RDA on Pandora got leaked to the public eye.
There were many protests, petitions signed to stop RDA's project, humans sympathizing with the Na'vi, they didn't want the same fate as Earth and Humans occur to Pandora and it's living beings.
This led to a new organization being formed, now competing with RDA, called Space and Earth Resources Organization, SERO for short, they had the same idea as RDA but much less violence and battle equipment involved.
Y/n was the daughter of the scientist who worked in SERO, her avatar body was in progress, as the organization decided she and few others will be sent out to Pandora, they all will be sent to separate locations to look for jake sully.
Ever since she was young she had always dreamt of being a scientist, her curiosity to learn and obtain knowledge was one of the main driving reasons, but on a unfortunate night, her mom was killed in a gang encounter, they were unable to defend themselves having no fighting skill or a gun, after that she started training, she wasn't officially a soldier but trained just like them, she had both decent battle skills and knowledge which is what made SERO become interested in her.
Obviously she isn't perfect since she was only 18, but she was able to stand out, showing mediocre but consistent results.
As technology further advanced back on Earth, SERO accidentally figured out a way to travel faster to Pandora, it used to take 5 years, but now it only takes 3, due to the flaws of RDA's operation in the past, when SERO first sent out the very first batch of scientists they implemented a information system, where any information can travel faster through a communication device, it takes 2 - 3 days, but that's still better than 3 years of delayed information.
Their main goal was to reestablish good relations between the Humans and the Na'vi, while also simultaneously contributing to Earth, SERO has managed to bring back few of the extinct flora and fauna from DNA cloning, which resulted in positive reactions from both the Humans and Government.
This all led to the moment now, you said your goodbyes to your family, your dad and your siblings, giving them a hug, “I'll miss you, child.” your dad says while giving you a headpat and you pout “Dad! I'm not a child anymore.” you say, he smiles at you before reaching for something in his bag.
He pulls out a medium size box before handing it to you, you open it and gasp, it was filled with few polaroid photos of your family and a necklace of your mom.
“I know you'll miss us too even if you don't say it, so we decided to send you a few things that will remind you of us.” he says and you smile, tears filling your eyes and your dad looks at you with a soft smile before pulling you in for a hug.
“Thank you dad.” you say while sniffing and crying onto his shoulders, your siblings also start crying and you all have a nice family hug before you had to say your final goodbye for now.
“Goodbye everyone, I'll keep you updated through the communication device.” you say the last part to your dad who nods at you.
You look back once again before boarding onto the spaceship, “miss, come this way” you heard a a voice say, you follow them, leading you into a room where you see bunch of other humans, you go up to them and introduce yourself, they do the same.
3 years later
you had finally arrived to pandora after 3 whole years, your spaceship landed in a beautiful spot, it was so vibrant and filled with various plants, SERO decided to build around the flora on pandora rather than destroying it, which led to this vibrant and peaceful looking place, you put on your oxygen mask before stepping down from the spaceship and taking in the beauty of the planet.
“yo! welcome.” you and your group were greeted by this friendly lady with a smile, she looked like she was in her 30s, you greet her back with a smile too.
“come ill take you guys to the scientist camp, its not far from here but it is quite the trek.” she says brightly and you guys nod before following her, you gasp as you notice creatures of pandora flying over the area, they were so mystical, “btw i never told you my name, its Aria, Aria stone.” the lady says and you smile at her “nice to meet you miss stone.” you tell her.
“the animals here seem comfortable with flying over this area.” you point out which makes Aria look over to you “you noticed huh? we tried our best to build around the flora and not destroy the homes of many creatures living here, it was difficult at first but we figured it out and the animals dont mind us existing here, rather, it seems they actually like us but we cant get too cocky now.” she says with a wink which makes you chuckle.
you guys finally reach the scientist camp, you guys go inside and remove your oxygen masks as the air inside is machine based and pumps oxygen needed for humans, as you guys go further inside you notice a bunch of avatars sleeping with masks as few humans scurry around them.
“those are your vessels.” Aria says noticing you studying them, you look at her and give her a nod “they we're originally stored in liquid to preserve their body but since you guys are here, we bought them out, soooo are you guys ready?” she asks and you all say yes in unison, “perfect, but let's go freshen up first” she says and you guys scurry off to freshen up and come back in a few minutes, bodies more relaxed than before and faces glowing brighter, she then leads you guys to the room full of link units.
“this is where you'll be connecting with your avatar, you'll be training a bit in your avatar body, learning to hunt and survive how the na'vi people do, but based on the locations you're sent to, things will vary, but these are the basics” Aria finishes and leads everyone to their respective link unit, you lay down, excited for what to come, she closes the top and you close your eyes.
Your mind goes blank as you enter into a different world, visions of tree roots and everything passing by before you open your eyes in your avatar.
“hello? can you hear me?” you are questioned as soon as they saw you open your eyes, and you nod, getting up slowly, moving your hands and legs, wiggling your fingers and toes. “Motor control looks perfect, can you stand up?” they ask and you nod before following what they said, as soon as you stand up you notice how tiny they are next to you, you take some time to balance yourself and adjust to your new body.
“are you able to walk?” they ask and you try doing so, it takes a couple of steps before you can get used to the body and start walking normally, “everything looks perfect miss stone.” they talk into the communication device.
You are examining your body, you noticed that your senses have heightened than your normal human body, you're able to see, feel and hear better, “alright miss, everything looks perfect, you can change before going outside.” they say and hand you over human like clothes that were made to fit the Na'vi body.
You quickly remove the patient typa gown before getting in your normal clothes making your way to the exit, you open the door and close it before stepping outside to a beautiful garden with crops and a volleyball court made from tree branches and roots.
You breathe in the fresh air on Pandora, feeling euphoric, oxygen on earth isn't that great, you can't go outside without a mask sometimes due to the heavy pollution but here, the air is so fresh.
You go further into the garden and run around, feeling excited, the rest of your avatar peers are in their own world too, taking in Pandora's air and beauty, wishing earth could be like this too.
“Alright everyone! gather up here.” you hear a familiar voice say and you turn the direction where it's coming from, it's Miss stone, in her avatar form, her avatar form is just as beautiful as her, you quickly join the crowd who are gathering up in front of her.
She clears are throat before proceeding.
“I think we're all aware of what mission we're here for, is to fix the relations between the Humans and the Na'vi, and coming to an agreement with them, we have already managed to convince few of the clans taking help from the humans who were allowed to stay here, who partnered with us to this cause, but the main issue at hand is RDA.”
“I'm sure everyone is aware that RDA doesn't have good intentions anymore, they used to, they are trying to find a man named jake sully through a seperate mission and god knows what will happen if they do but before they find him, we need to find him first and ask his help, RDA is continuously destroying the neutral stance other clans have of Humans and robbing this planet, our mission is to prevent that.” she continues on with a serious face.
“For that, we will need to train first, learn to hunt and live the Na'vi way, I'm sure you guys have learnt the language in the past 3 years, but if you didn't fully grasp it you can still do it now, and after that you will be sent out to find Jake sully, RDA still doesn't seem to have successfully found him, he apparently left the original clan, and we have to find him first and fast, our team have been trying their best to distract them from their mission and it's working, you will be training for 3 months before being sent out, individually or just 2 people.” she says, the last sentence makes the other gasps
“That's too dangerous! It's better to go in groups.” one of the people say and Aria sighs “I know it is, but sending in groups will cause panic and confusion, other clans do not know that we exist and might confuse us for RDA and attack us, which we don't want to happen, and we have to be as less threatening as possible, if we go in groups then it's like walking right into the fire.” she says while looking down, the avatars are still not okay with this but everyone can understand what Aria means.
Silence falls as everyone is looking down before y/n speaks out “i'm ready.” she says making everyone look at her in shock but after seeing her serious face, everyone suddenly gets the motivation and encouraged by the aura, they all look up to Aria and say “We are too.” with pride lacing in their voice.
Aria gives a bright smile before nodding her head in acknowledgement.
“Let the training commence.”
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visenyasdragon · 4 months
My brilliant and correct headcanons about Laena Velaryon 💞🌊🐉
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She thinks the tradition of putting dragon eggs in cradles is not entirely a good idea because it leaves and older dragons riderless and then they can get lonely!!! Can't allow that. Also who would want a hatchling when you can just claim an older bigger dragon. Doesn't really understand that those are usually more picky when choosing riders and she just got incredibly lucky with Grandma Vhagar </3
She would not be happy with her daughters being betrothed to obvious bastards and their own claims to Driftmark and the Iron Throne bypassed
Thinks she actually would make a better Lord of Driftmark than Laenor, but she loves her older brother so she only teases him about it sometimes, she would never dream of usurping him
Thinks Laenor's marriage to Rhaenyra was a huge mistake and low-key resents Corlys for arranging it. She thinks Laenor should just have stayed unmarried. She agrees with her mother on that point
Sometimes when she was a child her father would rant that Viserys was stingy in not giving her and Laenor a princely title as was their right as children of royal blood, but she doesn't give a fuck. She has Vhagar so all princesses are automatically less slay than her 👑
She loves seafood, and fish of all kinds, and prefers them far more than roasted game and fowl served in the capital
She's bisexual but we all know that so let's move on
She has a stellar haircare routine funded by her dad. She owns the best hair soaps, oils scented and unscented, jewelled ivory combs, ironwood/mahogany/weirwood/oak combs and brushes, so her silver curls always look PERFECT, glossy and shiny and springy. Her maids (often of Summer Islander descent) are chosen partially based on their expertise in caring for curly hair. The miserable wigs on the show were a psyop
She loves shopping trips to Spicetown and Hull for new clothes and hair products (she's just like me fr)
Daemon was in love with her so help me god
She loves to listen or read about the Conquerors and is very proud to ride Visenya's dragon, but would probably not consent to be a polygamous wife unless she knew for sure that she would retain her position and not be sidelined at all
Huge girl mom. Her daughter's must have the best dresses, toys, nursemaids, servants, guards, tutors, books, of everythingggg just like she had as a child
Knows that some day Rhaena will have a dragon of her own
Loves dragons, especially old and huge ones, but dislikes horses. She thinks they're stupid, unreliable, and much too slow. She hated her horse riding lessons as a child because she lives on an island, what's the point? Why can't mother or Laenor just take her on dragonback whenever they need to go somewhere they can't get in foot? But Corlys insisted they learn to ride the best horses because he wanted that status symbol. So when she claimed Vhagar at 12, she never rode her horse again
Loves to dance, knows all the old Valyrian dances and Westerosi reels
She finds court jesters annoying and unfunny
The more she learns of Alicent's marriage as she grows up the happier she is she dodged that bullet oof. To be so disrespected constantly!!! Couldn't be her
Prefers silver to gold jewelry. But obviously Corlys made sure she has plenty of both bc he's Corlys
Loves to swim in the sea like any Velaryon
Speaks fluent High Valyrian because that's the language Velaryons speak most of the time, especially in private
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weeb-warners · 2 years
Superpowers: Dot
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Dot is the weapon wielder of the trio. With each weapon she has a different outfit, she makes them herself. It takes seconds for her to change into them, but that doesn't stop her from having minutes long magical girl transformation sequences.
She's mostly the archer of the team, very effective from distance. In case someone gets close, she is more than willing to use her mallet to destroy them.
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overwatchables · 2 years
Junkrat/Reader General/Relationship HCS (SFW + NSFW)
'He fills up a big space in your life. All 6’5 of him. Leaves soot on your couch. Dirty underwear in your room. Boba in your fridge. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.'
I've been having major Junker brainrot recently and had to get this one out of my system. Will probably eventually work my way through the hero roster doing similar HC'S.
you might notice I've wrote talon/overwatch in these hc's - that's because I'd like to leave it up to you guys' whichever organisation you think he's affiliated with. I'm not too sure which route they'll take with the Junkers in canon concerning that - so I'll just leave it open ended.
WARNING for some spicy HCS near the end!
Jamie is off-putting. There's no other way to frame it.
He's got sharp features, very intense eyes and takes up a significant presence in every social situation he enters. He talks quick, directly, and brazenly; and if you're a naturally introverted person he's probably going to make you feel uncomfortable at first because he’s not shy at all. He’s just… a lot.
Once you get past the initial bombshell that is getting to know Jamison, you’ll quickly come to realise he’s actually a very friendly guy. Sure – at times he can be wild, unruly, abrasive. A tad stinky. Loudmouthed and raucous. With a significant klepto/pyro-manic streak that always keeps you just a little bit on guard. Not to mention guilty of many crimes and apparently proud of it.
By most people's standards… repugnant. And yet somehow totally magnetic at the same time.
He fills up a big space in your life. All 6’5 of him. Leaves soot on your couch. Dirty underwear in your room. Boba in your fridge. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
There’s no filter to Jamie’s speech. He says whatever pops into his head which is both a blessing and a curse. And by God, when this guy sees someone that tickles his fancy, he’s inevitably going to try his hand at chatting them up. This has… very varying levels of success. Good thing it seemed to work on you, though.
When Jamie likes someone a lot, it tends to consume him. Makes him irritable and over-excited, brimming with even more pent-up energy than usual. Roadhog always knows when Jamie has taken a fancy to someone because of this.
There's a ton of little idiosyncrasies Jamie displays that Mako picks up on. Mumbling to himself – having full blown, imaginary conversations in which your name will be peppered throughout.
Talking about you, period. How great he thinks you are. Things you’ve done that he's reading into a little too much in an attempt to justify that the feeling might be mutual. Jamie’s not shy to consult his larger counterpart about his interest in you.
Though he finds it amusing at first, the incessant yammering will most definitely begin to grate on Mako’s nerves and eventually culminates in the Hog physically depositing Jamie at your door. (award for world’s greatest wingman goes to Roadhog) :
“Say it to them, not to me.”
 “B-but… but Roadie –”
“You’re all talk,” Mako rumbles, “You want em’ so bad, then do something about it.”
He's got a real animalistic sort of quality to him. His boundaries are almost non-existent at times. He's raw in a relationship, very unafraid to be physical. Expect a lot of touching; hovering over you in his odd, slouchy way, draping his too-long limbs over your shoulders, nibbling on your earlobes, squeezing your flesh wherever he finds it most enticing (usually your hips or your ass).
Don’t wear white clothes around him. He’s very prone to leaving sooty handprints on your clothing which can be incredibly embarrassing when you're oblivious to it.
The excess of physical contact can sometimes be a little jarring/unpleasant, especially if he’s been out on a job and just got back. He's not always the most hygienic; carries a smell of gunpowder and sweat with him wherever he goes - and sometimes he's got a real case of bad breath.
He'll make a bit more of an effort to scrub himself up when he's in a relationship, however. Partly from your nagging and partly because he's got a performative/self-conscious streak. If he likes somebody, he wants to impress them, to appeal to them. That results in him preening a bit more. You know this man is down bad if you smell deodorant off of him. (and no, the deodorant definitely doesn't belong to him. he stole it from some unsuspecting talon/overwatch member in the communal showers...)
Very involved and sometimes clingy. Wants to know where you’ve been, what you’ve been up to. Not in a distrustful way – it’s more of a ‘I like you a lot and I want to feel closer to you in any and every facet of your daily routine’ way.
I get the feeling that he’d appreciate someone nurturing in a relationship. (cough cough his interactions with Ana… god bless that boy and his mommy issues) He loves the feeling of being fussed over, hands on, a really tender sort of loving. It makes him absolutely melt. Secret mommy kink? Maybe.
More of a general one; but Jamie goes through mobile phones like he goes through bombs. First mistake that you and Mako had learned from was getting him an expensive one. It was broken within the first two days of having it. From then on Jamie is the proud owner of the most ass quality cellular devices on the market thanks to his propensity for destruction. It’s a revolving door of phones. You’ve got so many different numbers in your contacts for Jamie that it borders on ridiculous.
When he hasn’t, miraculously, blown up or shattered his phone screen, he makes it a habit to text or call you throughout the day. (In all caps... with a healthy dosage of spelling errors and emojis.) Sometimes sends only poor-quality picture images with no explanation of what it is he's trying to show you. It’s a fun puzzle, trying to figure it out.
Doesn’t take much to get his engine going, if you catch my drift. Very active sex drive, especially after he’s out of Australia and gone ‘legit’ – his body has gotten a lot healthier and as a result his virility has increased.
In fact, Jamie is pretty much DTF whenever, wherever, at a moment’s notice. Just say the words and he’s ready and raring to go. Honestly, he’s almost always a little bit turned on when he’s around you.
Pretty well endowed. Long, thin, uncut. A little messy down there. He doesn’t see the point nor care for shaving and body hair doesn’t bother him much. If you want to go au natural, then Jamie’s your guy.
The pictures Jamie sends can often be… explicit.  If he’s whacking one off then you’d better accept that you’re getting a picture of it, possibly without warning, and that’s that. He likes to feel like you’re involved in that kind of stuff even if you’re not physically present.
He’s a total switch in bed – though I do think it would depend a lot on his partners personality. Jamie is nothing if not adaptable. He can definitely do dominant if he’s in the mood or if his partner is submissive. It’s a huge turn on for him when his partner takes control in sex, though.
He especially likes a little bit of rough and tumble in bed. Fighting each other for dominance type beat. His partner being on equal footing with him is just as sexy as it is for him being dominated/doing the dominating. Very playful, very physical. And he definitely bites. A lot.
He’s got so much excessive energy that it can be slightly exhaustive. There’s three main avenues to which he tends to direct this manic energy: tinkering with his scrap and weaponry, talking for the whole of Oz (and then some), and of course, sex/masturbation.
If he’s especially hyper and you want the guy to calm down a bit, sex is a great way to tucker him out. He’s almost always down for a bit of fooling around and sleeps like a log afterwards.
Personally, I don’t think Jamie’s got a ton of sexual nor romantic experience. He might’ve fooled around here and there back in Junkertown when he was younger – but he’s never had a serious relationship. Though what he lacks in experience he more than makes up for in overwhelming eagerness.
He’s not afraid to try anything. Really, it’s hard to find something he isn’t down for. As long as you’re game too, then he’ll probably be agreeable to giving it a go.
His oral game is crazy. (have you seen that tongue!?)
Alright, he hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing but dude is giving it his all and then some! He’s very unafraid of giving oral and actually finds it pretty fun. He’s messy with it, but so eager and attentive that it doesn’t take long for him to get pretty fucking good at it. After a while he becomes an expert at making you cum with his mouth.
Downright feral when he fucks. When I said he was animalistic I meant it. A lot of stamina, speed, and power behind his thrusts.
Short refractory period. Doesn’t take long for him to get hard again and before you know it, he’s grinding on your ass and trying to mount you like the absolute sex goblin that he is – till he finally exhausts himself and passes out for the night.
His prosthetic leg gives him a bit of trouble when he’s being intimate sometimes, so he appreciates it if you can take the reins and be on top every now and again. Takes him a while to remove the ol’ peg leg in bed with you. He has to be really comfortable in the relationship because it’s sort of an insecurity for him.
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kailjoi · 2 years
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not a final design at all, but i like the stick gang a little too much, here's Second
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My Favorite Things About Sheldon Cooper
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I will be adding to this list as I go and remember various things.
His eidetic memory. It is something I kind of always wished I had, but I know that with great power comes great responsibility. In any case, I love that Sheldon literally remembers like E V E R Y T H I N G. I know Sheldon has a tendency towards arrogance, but is it really arrogance when you are as smart as he is?
His unique style. In Young Sheldon, everyone always makes fun of his bow ties and in TBBT everyone always makes fun of his nerdy shirts. I think everyone is clearly insane because this guy is fly and is a smart dresser! I love that he loves color and patterns, and even does conflicting patterns quite often, somehow making it work. But he also wears a black suit VERY WELL INDEED. 🫠🫠🫠 (My favorite t-shirt of his is, of course, the melting Rubick’s cube shirt.)
His hiccup, airy stuttering little laugh. He did it more often earlier in TBBT, so I miss it now, but I think it is just sooooo adorable. Everything he does is adorable. Oh, and Iain Armitage imitates it so well! Actually, Armitage is doing a phenomenal job portraying young Sheldon, and mimicking Jim Parson’s style and exhibiting Sheldon’s personal ticks. I love seeing genius at work!
His love of trains. I think it is a pure love, a child-like love. The fact that he would almost give up Physics for them says a lot. Everyone makes fun of him for this as well, but I think bro just knows what he loves and loves it unabashedly. (Amy’s a lucky, lucky girl!)
His love of Star Trek. He’s a full-blooded Trekkie and Spock fanboy. Love how he often uses Trek to understand his world and process his emotions, especially in relation to Spock’s personal journey. This is me. That’s literally just me. (And he loves TAS too! But he gets points off for dissing TMP! He’s absolutely insane to think that it is poor quality cinema, but considering that the film is more abstract, I can understand why Sheldon wouldn’t like it.)
His love of tea. The fact that the boy has a box of tea on hand to make anyone in distress a hot beverage is like his top saintly trait! Get you such a man! “Tea is drunk to forget the din of the world.” – T’ien Yiheng
When he says, “Aww…” Both Jim Parsons and Iain Armitage sound SOOOO cute when they say it. Sad little string bean boy!
The fact that his story sometimes takes a quasi-Forest Gump vibe, if Forest Gump was completely unhinged. In that he befriends famous people, influences them unawares (mostly to their chagrin), or effects history (e.g. Elon Musk stealing his formula for the SpaceX rocket.) I think it is very charming and Americana-esque!
Dr. Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler presents Dr. Sheldon Cooper’s Fun with Flags. While watching TBBT, I wanted his YouTube show to be real SO BAD, especially when Amy joined him. I don’t give a crap about flags, but I would eat that content right up you have no idea! 🤤 It would have been so cool if they created his YouTube channel for real and aired it simultaneously as TBBT was running. I bet fans would have loved that! I know I would have! I feel so, so bad for Sheldon because he is a hyperfixating stan just like me! But no one understands or respects his super obscure niche interests.
The fact that he can sing and dance so well. I loved how Young Sheldon showed how this came about for him. That Annie episode was brilliant and hysterical, and I loved how it showed Sheldon’s boldness and unorthodox personality. Yeah, he ended up getting stage fright, but that was based in his anxiety and fear of crowds, and not the fact that he was a boy about to play a girl’s role in a musical at a Texas high school! (Everyone if you haven’t watch YS, you really need to!!) I love, though, that he has such a good voice and that TBBT gives him chances to sing and perform so often, especially when he gets intoxicated. It made me so happy to see that Jim Parsons got an Emmy for his role as Sheldon, because really he is an amazing performer on every level! Comedy, music, drama - he can do it all, and sometimes all three at once! I should do a whole other post just analyzing the different layers of Parson’s performances on this show! 😍
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legobiwan · 1 year
Can we talk about the weird emotional dependency subplot? While Luigi needs Mario to feel safe, Mario NEEDS to protect Luigi. And I swear I love their bond, but it's also interesting to see that they both learn the same lessons from their respective points of view. Mario can't always be there. Luigi can defend himself. They will both be fine as long as they are a team and work together. And then we have Bowser, as a harmful representation of the consequences of emotional dependence in a bad way
Yes, let's please do so!
This all kind of ties in to this idea I've had about Mario for a while, in that he needs to be the hero. Not because he wants the accolades or wants to be "better" than other people, but because he is driven to protect and save those he loves.
Of course, this applies to Luigi 100% more so than most, and you have to wonder, in a future/alternate plotline where Luigi shrugs off some his anxiety issues, if Mario would find himself adrift absent the daily imperative to be his brother's protecter, to prove to Luigi, to his father, to Spike, to anyone - that he's capable, that he's not a loser. (Don't get me started about how this would manifest in the Super Paper Mario storyline, we would be here all night).
And the thing with Luigi is, yes, he's anxious and lacks confidence and totally uses his brother as an emotional crutch. And Mario, due to his own issues, ends up enabling this reaction by constantly playing the protector.
So yes, they, in a way, learned a lesson by the end of the film, Mario having to depend on Luigi to not immediately die via Bowser and Luigi stepping up and consciously overcoming his anxiety issues to improv a surprisingly effective defense (there's a whole other post concerning Luigi's subconscious badassery that I will not be able to address until I can gif the hell out of this film).
This being said, at the end of the day, Mario is still lauded as being a hero and Luigi (as far as we can see on screen) gets little to no acknowledgement, any positive reinforcement, regarding how he stepped up. (Fanfic can and I assume, will, solve this problem, which I dearly hope is addressed in some way in the inevitable sequels).
And yes, there's Bowser, who has a kind of parasocial relationship with Peach, a woman who he has very little (at least according to the film) real contact with prior to his marriage proposal, yet bases an entire invasion plan on. Crazy.
There are a lot of these little teases to larger themes - emotional co-dependence, family, public vs. private persona, societal expectations - that are briefly addressed in this film which might be part of the critical issue with the pace, yet why it resonates so well (aside from being an unapologetic romp through the Mario Universe).
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mossygreenpath · 4 months
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Some pictures of my Spectr plush I commissioned from Forrkise! I love her so much and she is sooo soft and cuddly!
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its-starlight-art · 2 years
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Sketches of the night, might do requests 👁👁
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skullsenpai · 8 months
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Some outfit designs for the au
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novelcain · 2 years
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I’m pretty happy with it for a first design. I’ll move on soon to the actual battle armor he’d be wearing. I just really wanted to test out what his overall features would look like and I’m not dissatisfied :)
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delbelly · 10 months
gardens of babylon (pearl/mumbo/polymounders fic)
rated e for explicit
pearl/mumbo with background polymounders
“Why does it feel like everywhere you go, you spawn some kind of competition?” Pearl said, her tone teasing but light, her grin creeping over her face. Mumbo’s eyes widened minutely, shifting uncomfortably and pulling at where his Taskbook clasped to his belt. Oh, poor guy couldn’t be less subtle if he tried. Feeling ever-benevolent, Pearl decided not to pry on that particular sore spot. “Do you have something to prove, Mumbo?”
Mumbo spluttered, shaking his head frantically and fixing his tie. “No! Of course not!” he looked around shiftily, pointedly avoiding Pearl’s dark eyes. “I think we should change the subject.”
After the tower-off, Pearl is determined to find out why Mumbo seems to spark a competition wherever he goes. She initiates a contest of willpower that poor Mumbo would never be able to win.
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