#morticia x gomez barely
ficsofabotchedmind · 9 months
I think I’m in hell 2
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Summary? Nuh Uh. 🤭
Warnings? Yes.; Bones breaking, talks of blood and killing animal, Wednesday giggling, talks of impending doom
Chapters 1
Chapter 2 
In the woods surrounding Nevermore  
You see Wednesday wasn’t stupid by any means, and she doesn’t understand why Principal Weems would allow this. So, she watches Enid and asks, “Enid, may I ask a question?” 
“Of course, my tiny raven!” Enid said, already knowing exactly what the question was going to be 
“Why did Principal Weems agree to this? Allowing us to go hunting is already one thing but hunting in your werewolf form, now that is not something she would allow. Now, will you tell me what’s going on?” Wednesday watched as Enid tensed at the question, now knowing something was not right 
“I begged and begged until she got tired of hearing me talk about it?” Enid supplied  
“No, as much as that sounds correct, she loves you too much to do that. Now, try again.” Wednesday said in her usual flat tone 
Enid huffed, she knew if she didn’t put her foot down this wouldn’t work so she spoke in a firm tone, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, Wednesday. So instead of questioning why, let’s just go ahead and do what we came out here to do, ok?” 
Wednesday, taken aback by Enids abnormal tone, nodded and said with a rare smirk, “You are right, let’s not waist our time, Principal Weems will probably realize her error at any moment. Now, let’s hang our bags on these limbs so nothing or anyone bothers them.” 
Enid, now happy that Wednesday was no longer questioning as to why they were allowed this, stripped down, handed her clothes off to Wednesday to be put into their bag, and prepared herself for the inevitable pain that was about flowing through her body. 
Wednesday watched as Enids body contorted in all different ways and listened as her bones snapped out of and back into place with fascination and a twinge of sadness. While she enjoys the process, she knows how much Enid hated it and how much pain it causes her blonde companion. 
Enid was finally finished, she loomed over Wednesday a tad disoriented. Panting heavily, trying to catch her breath, and trying to find balance in this form. Once that was achieved, she looked down only to see Wednesday and with a small howl of joy, she pounced, pinning the small girl beneath her. 
“Enid! En-ack! Enid, ge- what have you been eating! Enid, get o- “next thing she knows a giggle clawed its way out of her throat, she stops and thinks to herself, “No, that did not just happen! Wednesday, you can’t be doing things like that!” 
Upon hearing the girl beneath her laugh, Enids tail started wagging faster, gave the best smile she could, and made a noise that sounded much like a coo. 
Wednesday, knowing that if she didn’t stop this now, gave a huff and a glare, “Enid, you need to get off of me this instant. We need to get started before all the good kills are gone.” 
Enid, with a huff, begrudgingly gets off of Wednesday and starts following after the smaller girl already knowing it’s going to be a long day. 
2 hours later 
Enid had been following Wednesday allowing her to track the animals while she went for the kill. She loved Wednesday she did, but she was growing tired of it. They had just finished harming some poor unsuspecting squirrel and all Enid could hope for at this point was that her mom had already gotten Wednesdays parents settled in. If not, there would be hell to pay. It’s not easy getting all of this blood out of her hair and off of her body. She got up at the sound of Wednesdays voice, and all she could think was, “I guess we are off to maim another poor creature.” 
Back at Nevermore  
Larissa stood watching as Morticia admired her classroom, “So, how do you like it, Mrs. Addams?” 
Morticia let out a happy sigh and met the platinum blondes eyes, “I love it! Thank you, Larissa. Thank you for allowing Gomez and I to help you in any way we can.” 
Larissa ducked her head, blushed, looked up, and surveyed the area for anyone else. Approaching Morticia, she gently smiled and pulled the woman in by her hips and said, “Well, I couldn’t bare being away from you for so long, it would have torn me apart being away from you again.” 
Morticia smiled and gently pulled Larissa down by her neck and laid a gentle kiss upon her lips, “I know, ma chérie. We have been apart long enough, but I don’t wonder something.” 
Larissa, in a daze, hummed, “What’s that, my darling?” 
“How the children are going to take this.” Morticia, only slightly regretting saying that, let out a forced laugh 
Larissa, giving her girlfriend a funny look, said, “Oh God. Well, I’m sure all of them will be fine,” she thought for a moment, “except Wednesday that is. That girl already tries her best to cause me to go into cardiac arrest every bloody day, what do you think she’s going to do know…” 
Morticia chuckled, “Oh darling, that’s her way of saying she loves you and I’m so very glad she does.” 
“Sh-That is her way of telling me that she loves me?? You know, I’ll believe it when I hear it, my love.” With that, Larissa placed a soft kiss on Morticia's lips and walked out of the door, all the while massaging her temples. She already knows she’s going to be in for hell. 
Morticia couldn’t help but laugh as she trailed after the tall goddess. Making their way through the halls of Nevermore, they finally arrived back at Larissa’s office, when they entered Gomez had already arrived back with Pugsley. 
Gomez greeted the two women, “So, was everything to your liking, Tish?” 
“It was! Larissa made sure everything was absolutely perfect upon our arrival. How was weapons class, darling?” Morticia breathed out happily  
Gomez then went on a rant of how much there was to do and to teach, even Pugsley started in on it with his father. Larissa, sitting at her desk, couldn’t help but roll her eyes at how much Gomez was speaking. She loved the man, as a friend only, but if he didn’t shut up her foot would be shoved up his ass. 
Morticia, sensing the impending explosion from the blonde, questioned Pugsley on how he liked Nevermore and if he would be excited for when he was able to officially attend. 
“I love it! I already know what the grounds look like, and I’m excited to go hunting with Wednesday. I met Eugene, he’s nice and he even has bees he can command to attack!” Pugsley went on and on until eventually Morticia had to stop the poor boy in fear he may pass out 
“Alright, now that we have made sure everyone is comfortable and happy- “before Morticia could finish, Pugsley chimed in, “All except Wednesday!”  
Larissa let out a snort and Morticia gave the woman a look to which she responded, “He has a point, Morticia. Now before I blow this whistle, Pugsley?” 
“Yes ma’am?” the soft spoken boy asked 
“Do I need to protect anything in this office from your sister? What can and can’t be used as a weapon and do I need to wear protective ear covering and protective gear?” Larissa questioned nervously  
Pugsley laughed and then started pointing out what Larissa needed to get out of Wednesday’s reach and helped her hide them, “As for your ears, Wednesday doesn’t scream. As for your body, mom will probably stand in front of you. So, I think that covers it all, Princ-Larissa.” 
The woman smiled gently and touched his cheek, “Thank you, dear boy.” She then pulled back and clapped, “Now! What do you say we call them back, hmm?” 
Everyone agreed that it was time, Larissa walked to the window, stood in front and carefully opened it, and before she blew the whistle, “May god help our souls, especially mine.” and with that, her lips clasped around the whistle and blew. 
Out in the wood surrounding Nevermore 
The blonde werewolf heard the call of her mother and whined happily. All she could think was, “Thank God!” 
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writerswho · 2 years
I had an idea that was just fluffy and domestic stuff, and with some additional thoughts I turned it into the most angst and bittersweet thing possible. That's why I can't be happy.
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marvelsswansong · 9 months
perfectly poisonous pair
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summary: the three times Coriolanus realizes you're his perfect match, his eternal soulmate: darkness and all.
tags: coriolanus snow x fem!reader, possessive and dark soft!Corio with equally unhinged reader (an anon previously said morticia x gomez addams vibes), fluff, violence, non-canon compliant, CW for graphic descriptions of violence, kidnapping, murder, possessive/dark thoughts - please take care of yourself first!
☆ word count: 6K+ words ☆
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚���𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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Marriage is, at first instance to Coriolanus, an institution and an act that he doesn't quite see the point of.
The legal and financial benefits, sure. But committing himself to one person, to be bound to them body, heart and soul for the rest of his life? That level of vulnerability and permanence feels too foreign. Too abstract, even, that thinking about it quickly makes his stomach churn with sickness.
Coriolanus spends the majority of his upbringing, consoling himself that he doesn't have the time to worry about such things as romance. After all, there was always the next bill to pay and the next threat of eviction to dread.
Not to mention, he thinks, no one will truly ever get him. Not even grandma'am or Tigris understands his inner being. The man deep within his guts, the cunning voyeur who enjoys violence and manipulation. And if they only knew, he believes, they'd be horrified.
No one really knows Coriolanus for who he is. And no one will truly be able to understand what it's like to feel and think like him.
So marriage is completely out of the question for him.
At least for a long time.
Until he meets you.
the beginning: "must be a coincidence."
You're the first person (other than the wide-eyed idealist, Sejanus) to treat Coriolanus with kindness at the academy.
You come in as a transfer student mid-way through the semester and he comes to notice the small ways with which you show your appreciation for him. Slyly backing up his answers in class discussions. Smiling at him in the hallways. Sticking up for him in conversations, not caring if the others give you odd looks for defending a 'clear outsider' amongst them.
"If you ever need anything, you can always count on me." you'd once told him after school, his knees barely brushing against yours in the car you've invited him into so that he wouldn't have to walk home in the freezing cold.
Suppressing the urge to interrogate the reasoning behind your kindness, his numb fingers felt sudden warmth when you delicately placed a crumbled up note into his fist with your address in it.
"Stop by whenever you need something. Don't suffer alone, okay?"
He never takes you up on your offer.
At least, not until a few months later, when he finds himself knocking on your door late at night. Three in the morning to be precise, with a busted lip and dark red stains blossoming across his white shirt.
And when you open the door, you don't react to his disheveled state in the same way he'd expect from his family. No pity and shock like grandma'am, nor is there a trace of light apprehension and fear like there would be from Tigris.
Instead, your eyes crinkle with kindness as you invite him inside your home and sit him down on a nearby chair in the living room.
"How bad is it?" you ask, cutting him off with a stern glare before he can lie. "And don't lie to me, Snow. I need to know if you're going to need a drive to the hospital instead of my attempts at first aid."
Sighing, the blonde gives in, his bones aching too much to put up a fight.
"Not that bad, I promise." he grumbles, trying to keep his breathing normal as you lean in closely to examine his injuries. At this proximity, he can see the reflection of the overhanging yellow lights in your irises, your eyebrows furrowing in concentration before you leave the room and return with a soft towel and warm bowl of water.
"Could you look up for me?" you question, your cold fingers steadying his neck to carefully crane it upwards.
The warm, wet fabric in your hands then trace the edges of his jaw, picking up the droplets of blood scattered across his face.
Keeping his eyes forward at the line of bookshelves by the fireplace, time seems to slow down. His senses are overwhelmed by your hairwash - rosemary and vanilla, he thinks - and the room is awfully quiet. All he can hear is the muted sounds of your soft breaths and the rustling of leaves outside, the pale moonlight creeping in through the gaps of the floral curtains in the dead of December.
"Do you mind me asking what happened?" you ask, now switching your attention to the trail of blood buried into the crevice of his neck. You cringe right afterwards, almost wincing at your audacity. "Sorry, you don't have to say if you don't want to."
If anything, it just makes him smile. He likes seeing you embarrassed, he thinks.
"No, it's fine. I'll say. It was just... a party gone awry. Felix managed to convince everyone to go downtown."
You frown at the mention of the downtown area - it was common knowledge that it wasn't safe to wonder the south of the Capitol this late at night, especially if you were obviously from central.
"And then?"
"Got jumped. Felix and his friends ran away quickly. Sejanus got caught up in the mix and I couldn't just... leave him."
Coriolanus hates admitting the slightest sign of weakness, that perhaps he had a friend he cares for, so he's eternally glad that you don't dwell on it. Humming in response, you squeeze the towel in your hands, the water below now a murky shade of brown.
"And how much of this blood is your own? Do I need to get the sewing needles out?"
His response is staggered by brief flashes of the fight playing in his mind. He recalls there being a lot of heavy breathing and fast movements. A slash there. A broken nose there. His feet driving down onto the man's chest repeatedly, down, down, down - he hears bones cracking at some point and Sejanus is suddenly pulling him backwards, begging him to stop but Coriolanus can't-
Your voice snaps him out from his dazed state. He then swallows nervously, not knowing how much is safe to disclose.
"I'm fine. Really. Just some bruises and a split lip. The blood is from dodging a few knife attacks and the criminals stabbing one another."
It's a half-truth, really. Coriolanus had dodged a few stabs his way, but only because he tripped the man charging him and grabbed the knife instead to drive it into the man's sides. Enough to severely wound, but not kill. He feels the soles of his left shoe drag on the floor, the fabric nearly coming off from the repeated force with which he'd stepped on the other accomplice's ribs. It makes his jaw clench with embarrassment.
If you notice it's a lie, you don't say anything.
You ask him if he can undress, so that you can wash his clothes for him. After all, you tease in a lighthearted manner in an attempt to lift the mood, you still have school tomorrow at eight.
"You can leave the dirty clothes hanging by the chair outside the bathroom. I think you're overdue for a long, hot shower."
All arguments die in Coriolanus' mouth when he realizes how nice this feels. The foreign comfort of being cared for by someone else, of having his guard down and following someone else's lead for once. So he wordlessly follows you to the bathroom in the back and discards of his dirtied clothes outside.
The hot water is a nice luxury, the scalding temperature starting to erase his memories of the fight. He rubs his scalp raw and watches the water beneath his feet fade into the drain, the steady dripping of water droplets calming his mind.
When the blonde finishes, he comes out and sees that you've folded a set of new, clean clothes for him by the door of the bathroom (your father's old clothes, he learns). Once changed, he wanders outside and finds you hanging the freshly washed clothes outside on your front lawn.
"You should go home, Corio." you say quietly. "Your cousin and grandmother must be worried sick." you look back at him, a reassuring smile on your face.
"How... how can I ever repay you for all this?" he finds himself asking, desperate for an answer. Surely, you'll want something back for this. Certainly, this was all to get something back from him-
You shake your head sideways, waving your hand in dismissal.
"There's no need to repay me. I like to think you help me out every day at school, so think of this as more of... a much delayed gift."
Once you're both back inside the house, no longer shivering from the cold, he finds the silence to be oddly tense. You're in your sleepwear, after all, a silky night dress stopping right above your knees with a gray knit cardigan on top.
He swallows, nervously. He hopes you can't tell how fast his heart is beating.
"Uh, thank you. Seriously. I owe you."
"You really don't."
"I really do."
You roll your eyes playfully.
"The only person who owes me anything is Felix. He shouldn't have suggested you all go to downtown when it's dangerous, and he especially shouldn't have left you and Sejanus to nearly get stabbed to death." you spit, and your angry expression makes him chuckle.
"Ah, well, but he is the president's son. What can we do." he jokes. A small grin flickers onto your lips for half a second at that comment.
"So he is. Good night, Corio. I'll see you tomorrow."
It's initially an uneventful day for Coriolanus the next morning when he walks into the academy, naturally catching your eyes from across the room. You give him a reassuring nod from behind the door of your locker, where the majority of your attention is being held up by an overeager Felix - your assigned partner for the week.
Due to his schedule, Coriolanus doesn't see you again until lunch time. By which the newest rumor sweeping the academy has been the sudden violent illness which has fallen upon the president's son.
"I heard he was puking blood." he hears Clemensia whisper to Arachne, who nods furiously.
"Sejanus had to carry him to the medic's office - Felix looked like a half-dead ghost."
He's itching to speak to you as he quickly rounds the corner and runs up the flights of stairs leading to the library, where he's shared many lunches with you before. He knows your favorite sport by heart, that being the cozy seat under the large arched windows overlooking the front lawn.
As expected, he finds you there, sitting cross legged and gazing out towards the lawn. Upon closer inspection, he sees that you're watching Felix get escorted into a dark vehicle, an unreadable expression on your face.
"Have you heard that Felix is sick?" Coriolanus carefully asks, sitting down from across from you. You turn to him, your face scrunching up in sadness.
"Yes I have. Terrible news, really. Something about nasty nausea and uncontrollable vomiting."
Your tone is sympathetic and your face has all the features of genuine worry, but there's a small twinkle in your eyes that indicates a secret.
It makes Coriolanus delirious with want.
"And would his illness have anything to do with you being close to him as his project partner?" he questions, sliding in closer towards you to keep his voice down.
He looks down at your lips then back up at you, smirking.
"Just seems strange, don't you think? Given that he seemed just fine last night?"
A half-second smile, you shrug.
"Must be a coincidence."
He kisses you right then and there.
the point of no return: "you're quite a messy lover, Coriolanus Snow."
Finding you is a miracle to him.
And now that you two are officially dating, he sees the glimmer of hope for something permanent like marriage in the future.
But Coriolanus is still unsure of the publicity of that kind of arrangement, which leads him to request that you two keep the relationship under wraps. At least until graduation, he justifies, to keep the romance hidden away from the judging eyes of the faculty and fellow classmates.
You don't seem the least bit bothered by the news, your lips only quirking up into a warning smile as you tease that you may then have to bring other men as dates to public events to save face.
At the time, he'd just shrugged at that, playing it cool. "I don't get jealous easily." he'd said confidently.
Oh, how he was wrong.
It's only after he becomes your boyfriend that he becomes acutely aware of and sensitive to how desirable you are to others. Visitors to the academy flirt with you openly, not knowing that Coriolanus is watching from the background, fuming with anger. Your male classmates are too eager to carry your books for you, their body leaning ever too close towards yours when you ask them to pass on the papers in class.
But this, right now, seeing you with another man at the spring gala... It feels different.
Those people, the strangers and classmates, you let down firmly but gently. Those people, you wouldn't even let their hands hover above your skin, always placing a firm distance between you and them. Those people-
You didn't smile at those people like you're smiling at this date of yours. The tall, dark haired man's arm is lingering just above your waist, too close for Coriolanus' comfort, and his thoughts turn lethal when the man leans down to whisper something in your ear that seemingly makes you laugh.
It takes everything within him to not lose control then, when Sejanus speaks up.
"You alright?"
His friend's voice cuts into the tirade of violent thoughts playing in Coriolanus' mind, the whiskey starting to taste sour in his mouth. Forcing another sip of alcohol, he meticulously coaches himself to nod along, feigning disinterest in you and the mystery man.
"Just fine, Plinth." he grits out, but with his steely blue orbs not deviating from where you and your date are standing, it's obvious to any bystander that he's lying. So Sejanus chuckles, nudging the blonde playfully.
"Yeah right. Though, I'm not surprised that (Y/n) brought him along." Sejanus takes a sip of his wine, before pausing at seeing the blonde's expression remain hardened. "You do know who he is, right?"
"Am I supposed to?" Coriolanus scowls.
"That's Harrison Bramford. His grandfather was one of the main generals back in the days of the war and his family single-handedly leads the weapons manufacturing industry in Panem."
"Hm." is all Coriolanus says in response, the revelation doing little to appease his anger. His left arm rises in a reflex to force more alcohol down his throat, only to find the glass half empty.
"I need another drink." he announces, not caring to hear his friend's response.
Sliding into the bar, he hears your soft laugh and whisper before you disappear into a nearby hallway, leaving your 'date' alone. Out of the corner of Coriolanus' eyes, whilst he leans forwards and pretends to watch the bartender grabbing him another glass of whiskey, he sees the tall dark haired man also beelining towards the bar.
"Vodka on the rocks." Harrison growls, nearly slamming his glass down onto the counter. It's only then that Coriolanus lets himself look into the man's light green eyes, taking care to keep his expression fairly neutral and his voice calm.
"Rough night?" Coriolanus asks, deciding to play the unassuming role of a concerned stranger. Harrison chuckles, wiping his hands on his thighs whilst shaking his head.
"You have no fucking idea. Women are such pieces of work."
The blonde tastes blood with how hard he bites his cheek in an effort to stay silent.
"Your whiskey, sir."
He's grateful for the interruption of the bartender sliding his drink down towards him, as with every word leaving your date's mouth, Coriolanus is feeling his rage boiling and threatening to spill over like toxic waste.
"This chick asked me to come here tonight, you know? Me. A Bramford. I put up with her annoying stories and stupid questions all night, I even held her fucking bag for her to go to the bathroom." the man rants, his skin starting to twinge red with how fast he was speaking. "But will she even let me kiss her? Nooooo. Apparently it's too quick. Wouldn't even let me grab her ass."
It's then that your boyfriend finally loses it, and there's a muted sound of something shattering and the feeling of something sticky and hot running down his right hand. There's a few gasps of shock, the bartender hurrying over with a spare napkin as Coriolanus' blue eyes adjust to the blurry scene in front of him.
He's shattered the glass in his hand.
"Shit, you alright?" Harrison asks, leaning over to see and then pulling back with a disgusted expression after seeing the bloody sight. Remaining calm whilst pulling out the chunks of glass, Coriolanus chooses to play nonchalant, shrugging his shoulders.
"Yep. Sorry, not used to..." he pauses, trying to find the right excuse. Instead, he finds a brilliant plan. "Not used to going so long without smoking."
The dark haired man nods in agreement, seemingly sympathizing.
"Ah, I get you. Nasty withdrawal symptoms, huh? Seen a lot of my buddies get them whenever they try to quit smoking."
Securing the makeshift tablecloth wrap around his injured hand, Coriolanus pushes his chair in with his legs, his uninjured hand strategically reaching into his pockets.
"I think I need a cigarette. Care to join?" he asks, already knowing the answer from the overwhelming scent of cigarettes spayed over the man's clothes.
"Why not."
Suppressing a smile, the blonde leads the drunken man out the door and far away from the venue, down a few shady alleyways and into narrow dirty streets crowded by graffiti and trash bags.
"Uh... you sure this is the right way?" the man behind nervously asks, and Coriolanus almost wants to roll his eyes at how pathetic he finds the man's fear.
"Don't worry, Bramford. Just avoiding the 'no smoking' signs and security guards by the venue."
Once the blonde is sure that they're both sufficiently far away from the venue, at a dead end alleyway sandwiched between a run down bike shed and abandoned dumpsters, he stops in his tracks. Coriolanus then uses the split second of confusion felt by the other man to strike him directly in the chest, forcing the taller man's entire body down.
Grabbing the nearest object next to him - a wooden crate- Coriolanus smashes it into bits on the man's head, whose face is now pressed up against the dirty cement.
"You absolute piece of shit." Coriolanus swears, adrenaline pumping through his veins in irregular rhythm as his boot kicks into the pained man's ribs repeatedly. "You disgusting, vile, privileged piece of shit."
Each insult is compounded by a stronger kick, the three glasses of whiskey and pure rage emboldening his thoughts and strengthening his attacks. Coriolanus thinks he may have heard a bone or two cracking, but he isn't sure. He can't even bring himself to care, not when his mind's fixation switches to the enticing sight of a broken glass bottle laying to his right, the jagged scars glistening under the moonlight. Coriolanus snatches it up in half a second, before pressing the edges of the makeshift blade against the whimpering man's throat.
"W-why are you doing this?" Harrison barely gets out, mouth already filled with blood, his gasps stuttered in pain.
The blonde only chuckles, his left knee coming down to press the man further into the ground, right hand beginning to trace the edge of the glass down the man's neck.
"Because, Bramford. You denigrated the love of my life. You dare try and place your filthy hands on her. Hell, for the crimes of your family and your disgusting behavior tonight, I should do the Capitol a favor and ki-"
"That's enough, Corio."
Your boyfriend nearly drops the bottle in his hand out of shock at hearing your voice ring out from behind him, the development so unexpected that for a second he almost wonders if he's hallucinating. But no, when he tilts his head backwards, he sees as clear as day you standing there with an amused grin on your face.
"Darling, I-" Coriolanus begins, stepping back up carefully and setting the glass bottle aside (but far away from Harrison's reach).
You just shush him, that ever-so-understanding twinkle in your eyes, your heels clicking on the uneven cobblestone as you stand with your body right up against his.
"I warned you about this, you know." you sigh. Coriolanus frowns, confused.
"That you'd be jealous. He's just a toy, love. Nothing happened nor was ever going to happen tonight." you assure him, taking his uninjured hand in yours and squeezing it in comfort. You frown at the sight of his other bloodied hand, but he waves it off as an explanation for a later time.
"It's not that I don't trust you, petal. It was just... this scumbag was speaking about you in a revolting manner. I just couldn't contain myself." he slowly explains, a mix of guilt for being caught and anger for not being able to finish his actions creeping in. "He deserved it."
"Not denying that, love." you assure him again, smiling. "But goodness... What a mess you've made. You're quite the messy lover, Coriolanus Snow."
Coriolanus then can only watch, mesmerized, as you walk up next to Harrison's squirming body on the floor. Crouching down next to the man, you tut, as if you're saddened by the sight in front of you.
"Here's what's going to happen. We'll do you the favor of making it looking like you had too many drinks and got robbed. We'll take your wallet and expensive jacket. You'll survive, only a few major injuries but nothing life-threatening, and that's the story you'll tell your father and his friends." you pause, letting out another sigh, as if explaining this whole ordeal is tiring you. "In return, I will keep quiet about your nasty drug addiction to your father. One more strike and you're out, as your daddy said, so let's not aggravate him further. Deal?" you ask, smiling sweetly.
When the man stays silent, only letting out pained breaths in response, your right hand snaps out to press his face further into the concrete.
"I said, do we have a fucking deal, Bramford?"
Coriolanus finds himself completely transfixed by the attractive sight playing out in front of him: your pretty face scrunched up in fury, your delicate fingers dipped in blood as the man beneath you pathetically sobs and agrees. You then smirk, harshly dropping the man's head back down. Your boyfriend is by your side immediately, taking off the man's jacket as you pocket the wallet, your eyes finding Coriolanus' once more.
"I think I'm in love with you." the blonde confesses, the words coming out faster than he'd anticipated. It's a mix of things that causes the sudden confession, the adrenaline from having beaten a man nearly to death, the way your hair is being caressed by the harsh winds, the smell of your sweet perfume mixing with the harsh stench of copper in the air...
It's all making him dizzy and lovesick.
But all you do is roll your shoulders back and chuckle, kissing him quickly on the lips.
"I know."
But, Coriolanus thinks, you can't know - the real depths of his love, the unbridled fire now lapping at his skin, the overwhelming desire to claim you as only his.
And when he finally comes back home, he digs through his cabinets and finds the family ring. Swallowing thickly, he stores it in a small jewelry box and tucks it right underneath his bedroom's windowsill.
One day, he knows. He'll marry you.
the final act: "sorry for worrying you."
He'd meant to propose sooner.
He really did.
But then the games happened, his victory came with the assistant position to Dr Gaul and a full ride scholarship to university from the Plinths, and you'd be called away to District 2 to assist on your family's business operations.
Coriolanus missed you, fiercely. No amount of blurry phone calls and monthly visits lasting no more than the short weekend could satisfy his ache for you. Your melodic laugh. Your soft touch. Your witty observations and jokes, your soft breathing on his chest when he'd hold you at night.
But it's necessary, you'd remind him, lips trailing across his cold skin. It was how you and him were going to conquer the Capitol. Together.
On an assuming Tuesday in April, on the day you were due to arrive in time for Tigris' birthday, the phone rang in the mansion. The housekeeper, mid-way through dusting the library in preparation for your arrival, had come running into Coriolanus' room without even knocking. He'd woken up bleary eyed, a few swear words of annoyance on the tip of his tongue, all of which dissipated upon seeing the alarmed look on the housekeeper's face.
"It's for you, sir. Says it's urgent."
Brows furrowing, but not thinking anything much, Coriolanus answers the phone.
"Coriolanus Snow speaking." he mutters into the receiver, eyes still foggy from the remnants of sleep. The voice on the other end chuckles, a dark and pompous sound which makes him scowl in annoyance.
"Mr.Snow... when was Miss (L/n) set to arrive in the Capitol?"
The sinister question jolts the blonde awake immediately, a quick glance at the clock hanging by the door confirming his worst fears. It was four am, at least three hours past the time you were set to arrive.
"Is this a ransom call?" Coriolanus growls into the phone, his fingers clutching the receiver so tight his knuckles were beginning to redden. Teeth aching with how tensely he's clenching his law, his frantic eyes find the housekeeper's worried ones, before he urgently signals for the older woman to fetch the guards roaming the front of the property.
The stranger on the other side only chuckles in response, clearly gleeful at the distressed sound of Coriolanus' voice.
"I'm not sure, Mr. Snow. Would you like to perhaps ask her instead?"
The string of curses and violent threats bubbling under his throat never get spoken when he hears the sudden shuffling of feet and muffled arguing on the other side of the phone, before your voice fills his anxious ears.
"Hi, Corio."
You seem awfully relaxed for someone taken as hostage.
Yes, he recalled having numerous discussions with you about such a scenario occurring once Coriolanus' status was elevated in the Capitol and you'd agreed to take on some share of the family business. And your boyfriend also knew that you'd grown up training in archery and fencing, so it wasn't as if you were wholly unprepared to defend yourself.
But still, it shocks him how your voice is completely aloof and calm, with even a hint of a smile at the end of your sentences.
"Hi, darling. Are you alright?" he carefully responds, pondering if you are perhaps being held at gunpoint and forced to speak in an unnatural manner. But you just hum in response, the same noise you'd make if he'd asked you something simple like what you wanted on your toast, nonchalant as ever.
"Yes, I'm perfectly fine. Just don't forget to water the lilies, they get very temperamental this time of the year. Wouldn't want a repeat of last April, now would we?" you joke, and Coriolanus feels himself slightly relaxing into the conversation.
"Of course not."
"And don't forget you promised me pancakes the moment I came back to the house. I've been missing your banana pancakes dearly."
He can almost picture your smile at that comment.
"Well then... you should hurry back soon." he calmly responds, only for the phone to then be ripped away from you and the stranger's voice returns - grating and aggravated. Coriolanus can tell that your kidnapper is frustrated and dumbfounded by your seemingly calm disposition and mundane conversation with your boyfriend, a revelation which fills him with great satisfaction.
"If you still want her alive, leave a suitcase of $20,000 by the coordinates sent to you. You have two hours."
As if on cue, the housekeeper rushes back in with a note - tied to a bird sent over to the house, she says - and the security team behind. Unravelling the coordinates written onto the piece of paper, and looking back at the clock, Coriolanus' mind whirls with endless possibilities.
Explaining the situation in brief, he directs three of the guards to go out into the location with a briefcase loaded with fake cash - one to drop off the bag, the other two to keep extensive watch to see who picks it up. The other two, he commands to stay by watch at the house.
Sitting in an unmarked van whilst staring at the spot where his security guard had placed the suitcase, Coriolanus' leg won't stop bouncing up and down.
He's riddled with anxiety and doubt, hating himself for being unable to protect you, worrying about your whereabouts. As even if you sounded awfully calm and capable on the phone, a part of him can't help but wonder if that was all for show, to prevent him from worrying too much.
A torturous hour passes before Coriolanus gets a call from the housekeeper.
"Sir, she's home."
He nearly drops the phone.
"Miss (Y/n) is home. She is sitting in the kitchen, having a cup of tea as we speak."
It's a blur as Coriolanus commands the car to race back towards the house, his heart nearly pounding out of his chest as he bursts through the doors of the main hallway.
And there, calm as ever with a light grin on your face, is you.
You're sitting in his favorite velvet cushioned chair by the dining table. Your face smeared with blood, your clothes are torn and hanging in loose threads, and your hair is wet, red crimson droplets falling onto the floor in steady drips. And as the sun rises over the estate, the golden light illuminates your hairline and Coriolanus swears he sees a halo above your bloodied form.
"Hi, love. Sorry for worrying you."
Without a single word, he rushes over to you and nearly yanks you up to a standing position, backing you up against the wall to kiss you fiercely. Your knees almost buckle from the force with which he grabs your neck, his shaky breaths so desperate, his hooded eyes still looking into yours as his left hand suddenly shows a ring box in his hand.
"Marry me, darling."
You blink twice, surprised at the sudden action, as he chuckles and laces his fingers with yours - blood on blood.
"We're perfect for each other. You are my soulmate, my perfect pair: body, heart and soul. Truthfully, I've had the ring with me for almost two years now, but it never felt... quite right." he pauses, taking in your shaky, happy smile. Your cold hands warming in his embrace. "Not until now. You're the one for me."
"Even if I bleed all over your kitchen?" you croak, as he slides the cool metal onto your ring finger, before kissing your bruised knuckles.
"Especially if you bleed over my kitchen. As long as it's not your own blood, of course."
It's you who closes the gap this time, nearly tackling him with the force with which you kiss him, arms encircling around his back. Smiling into the kiss, he tastes the mix of your strawberry lipgloss and the metallic hint of blood on your lips, an intoxicating combination.
When you two finally part for air, the silver band now glistening on your ring finger, Coriolanus chuckles.
"Now, would you like those banana pancakes?"
epilogue: "nonsense, darling. I'd clean blood off of you forever."
"I think I'm starting to see a gray hair. on you, Corio."
Your husband scowls at the playful joke in the bedroom mirror, standing up to straighten his tie as you get changed in the walk-in closet.
"Please, I'm barely 30. Are you sure you're not hallucinating, darling?" he fights back, and you peek out half-dressed from the closet, pouting.
"You're questioning my eyesight now? How could you be so cruel."
Your faux sour expression is quickly kissed away by two cold hands cupping your cheeks, and you would've lost the balance in your heels had he not steadied you immediately, his hands dropping to your waist.
"Aw, I'm sorry, petal. Will you ever forgive me?"
You pretend to think about it, cocking your head sideways.
"That would depend."
"On what?"
"Mom! Dad!"
Your snarky response is cut off by the sound of small feet pattering on the marble floor, the front doors swinging open as a small figure runs straight to you and crashes into your legs. A spitting image of you and Coriolanus, your daughter, looks up from your knees before grasping onto her father's hand.
"Up, please."
Clearly amused by the sudden burst of energy in the room and his daughter's politeness even in moments of silliness, he crouches down and picks up the squealing child who comfortably settles into his arms.
"Guess what."
"What is it, honey?" you ask, brushing the stray hair out of her eyes.
"I got the highest score in my entire class on my math test."
"Wow, that's incredible, sweetheart." Coriolanus practically melts on the spot, bouncing the child up and down as she giggles into his neck. "You are the smartest person ever, Belle."
"Not as smart as mommy." she sasses in response, looking up at you for approval. You coo, ruffling her hair affectionately before looking up at your husband with raised eyebrows.
"See, Corio? Even our daughter is kinder to me than you are."
He rolls his eyes in response, left hand sneaking out to pull you in close as his lips kiss the top of your head.
"Nonsense. I love both my girls equally." he says, only for the picture perfect moment to be interrupted by another figure rushing into the room.
"Mrs Snow, the car's just arrived for you by the fr-" the intern freezes in his steps, having clearly caught the Snow family at a private time. You of course don't mind, just being amused by the situation, and your daughter is just curious at the new person who just walked in. All the while, Coriolanus' reaction couldn't be more different, his glare sharp and mean.
"I thought I made it clear, I don't want to ever be disturbed when I'm with my family. Unless it's an absolute emergency." Coriolanus states, his tone icy and unforgiving.
By the furrowing of his eyebrows and the cold stare in his eyes, you can already anticipate the flurry of murderous thoughts filling his head before you cut in. After all, the interrupting intern, a 17 year old boy by the name of Elijah, is only trying his best. And you find him oddly endearing and sweet, particularly with how badly he tries to impress your husband.
"It's fine, Elijah. Please ignore my husband's rude comment. I'll be right out."
Setting your daughter down, Coriolanus leans forward and growls into your ear, watching the young boy scatter away quickly.
"You're too nice to him, darling. Don't you think we should dispose of him and get a new intern...."
You slap his shoulder.
"What do I always tell you? No need to create unnecessary messes. Besides, he's really good with Belle and easy to control."
He smirks at that, irises filled pink.
"You're probably right. Can't have another bloody mess on your hands to clean up."
"Or vice versa."
He leans in close, cold lips touching your forehead.
"Nonsense, darling. I'd clean blood off of you forever."
And he truly means it.
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a/n: andddd that's another major Corio fic down! thank you to everyone who showed me love on my last Corio oneshot ("melting snow") and for those who answered my poll - dark soft! and possessive Corio won out but girldad!Corio also got a TON of love so I included it a bit here and will probably write a whole standalone fic with girldad!Corio as the concept. thank you again to everyone for remaining patient, I had writer's block for a bit and I've just had the most awful few weeks ever (mental health wise and life wise) so it was difficult to find moments to write.
as always, please leave a like/comment/reblog/ask if you enjoyed. the interactions is what motivates me to write! I hope you liked it hehe x
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celiastjamesoscar · 10 months
To Be Alone
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Pairings: Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
Summary: Being alone was something special to Wednesday, but being alone with you was sacred. And she refused to share you with anyone else, even if that meant owning up to her feelings
A/N: this is part 1 of a series. If you would like to be included in the Taglist for it, let me know!
Warnings: slight friends with benefits, jealous Wednesday, snarky Reader
Word Count: 2.7K
My Masterlist
The sound of obnoxiously loud music rang throughout the room as the students of Nevermore danced in sporadic movements, and none matched the rhythm of the music. Crowds were never a fan of Wednesday’s, but she would put up with the brightest colors and loudest thumping of music to get a glimpse of you.
It was out of character for Wednesday to want anything romantic in her life, let alone with someone like you.
To put it nicely, you were just like Wednesday, a snarky asshole whose mouth sometimes got you in trouble. But you were also more friendly than Wednesday could ever be; you cared for others deeply, while Wednesday barely superficially cared for them. But when your warm, soft lips met Wednesday’s cold, stiff ones in the darkness of the woods on the coldest of winter nights, Wednesday felt her heart reach a warmth it had never known.
Your relationship with the Addams girl was a weird one, and you never expected her to be someone who would enjoy a friends-with-benefits situation. But when Wednesday called you at an ungodly hour and asked, no, told you that you were going to be her romantic partner for dinner with her family, you didn’t refuse her.
Wednesday prepped you on the car ride to dinner and told you everything you would need to say; you and Wednesday met through fencing class and soon became friends after Wednesday bested you in a duel. That information was vital to the story, according to Wednesday. You two only started to date after a romantic walk through the local graveyard, and you shared a kiss on the tombstone of the late Marilyn Thornhill.
The dinner was a peaceful one, with all things considered. You won the approval of Gomez Addams, and you seemed even to impress Grandmama. Morticia adored you, but she saw right through her daughter’s scheme of forcing you into a fake relationship with her. Of course, she would never tell Wednesday that she knew her daughter was lying to her about her relationship. Still, Morticia enjoyed watching her daughter pretend to understand the beauty and pain that is love. And Morticia knew that after enough time, Wednesday would slowly start to realize she had feelings for you.
After that dinner, you kissed Wednesday’s lips for the first time, entirely by accident. You had leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, but your sudden movement had startled the shorter girl, causing her to turn her head quickly, and when she did, her lips brushed yours. Instead of pulling back, Wednesday leaned deeper into the kiss and soon gripped your neck, trying to pull you impossibly closer as her lips connected with yours. She soon became addicted to them, and she refused to let anyone else taste them, and she soon started up an agreement with you; no feelings were involved, just late-night stolen kisses and moonlit strolls through the woods. But now, as she watched you talk with other women who weren’t her, she felt her chest tighten with anger.
“Wednesday, what are you doing?” Enid asked as she suddenly appeared beside the girl, startling Wednesday out of her thoughts. Enid had a suspicion of the goth girl’s interest in you, even though Wednesday refused to acknowledge it.
“Staring at Y/N with my autistic eyes,” Wednesday deadpanned, and the ravenette’s statement took aback Enid. “Um, okayyy,” Enid awkwardly replied as she gently placed her hands on Wednesday’s shoulders, slowly turning the girl, “I don’t know what to do with that information, but let’s go over here, where you can’t stare at Y/N.”
Truth be told, you weren’t doing anything to provoke jealousy in anyone, especially Wednesday. But the Addams loathed seeing you smile while talking to Yoko. Jealousy was a feeling she knew all too well, and it only happened with you. And for that, she would potentially murder you in your sleep tonight. It would be a clean murder, nearly no blood at all, but it put a frown on Wednesday’s lips; she wanted your murder to be a gory one, one that would bless her dreams of haunting images of you for the rest of her days, but the thought of drawing out your murder made Wednesday feel something she hadn’t felt in a long time: sadness.
“No,” Wednesday stated as she shook off Enid’s grip and continued watching you talk to the vampire. It was a dull dance, and you were only here to socialize and to make Wednesday jealous, which was working.
“Why are you so keen on watching Y/N talk to Yoko? They are roommates, like you and I,” Enid cheerfully replied, hoping to help ease the tension in Wednesday’s shoulders, but it only seemed to worsen. “Enid, three-fourths of this institution thinks that you and I are together romantically,” was all Wednesday said, and Enid picked up the hint.
“Point taken. So then, why don’t you go over there and talk to her? Like a normal person would do instead of staring at her like a creep,” Enid suggested, but judging by the glare her roommate gave her in return, she assumed that Wednesday hated the suggestion. “Well, if you’re going to be a loser whose only way of flirting is staring at Y/N until she notices you, then I don’t think you will have any luck at pulling her. But I wish you the best,” Enid stated as she quickly looked at you before returning her attention to Wednesday. She gave the goth a small hug-which Wednesday did not return-before skipping off to go God knows where.
It was as if Enid’s presence was stopping you from feeling Wednesday’s uncomfortable glaring, and as soon as the werewolf was gone, your eyes automatically found Wednesday’s dark ones.
You politely excused yourself from Yoko before walking over to Wednesday with a smug smile on your lips. Wednesday hated that smile on you, not because it looked terrible; it was quite the opposite. That smirk did something to her; it stirred something profound inside her, and she hated the beast you awoke in her.
“My lady,” you husked in a raspy voice as you took Wednesday’s hand in your own and bowed while placing a gentle kiss on the back of it. “What were you two talking about?” Wednesday asked, wasting no time in finding out if she was going to murder Yoko as well.
“Relax, my dove. We were just talking about ‘The Haunting of Hill House,’ nothing to worry about,” you replied softly as you stood up straight and gently caressed the more petite girl’s hand.
Wednesday scoffed at the pet name and tried to pull her hand out of your grip, but it only caused her to draw you closer. “You miss me that much?” You asked with a smirk as you placed Wednesday’s hand on your chest, and instead of pulling away, the more petite girl slowly ran her hand up your chest and stopped as she took your necklace between her polished black fingers.
It was a gift from Wednesday, of all people, and you wore it with pride like it was your last name. You never took it off, and in a way, it acted like a collar; no matter how far you strayed from Wednesday, people would look at it and automatically know who you belonged to.
The necklace itself was a golden chain that ended with a small circle. The circle had gold-colored beads with small, black dots in the middle. And in the center of that circle was a golden ‘W’ with a line attached to it, holding the W in place.
“You still wear it,” Wednesday stated as she flipped the W between her fingers, gently caressing it with her thumb.
“‘If you ever take this off, I will rain hellfire down on you and your family until the end of the earth. I will haunt you in this life and the next; you will never be able to get rid of the image of me standing over your lifeless body if you were ever to remove this necklace.’ Those were your exact words,” you recalled with a smirk as you watched Wednesday play with the necklace. “But hey, at least you think of us together in the next life.”
“No,” she simply stated, and you were going to argue back, but she pulled you down to her level by the necklace, “If you ever tell anyone I have plans with you in the next life, I will skin you alive and feed your remains to Fester.”
The laugh you gave Wednesday in response angered her beyond belief, but the sound of it infested her stomach with spiders, and if she wasn’t careful, she might even admit to caring about you. “Jokes on you, Uncle Fester is my best friend. We are basically inseparable,” you remarked as you stood back up, and Wednesday let go of the necklace.
“I hate that you are his favorite person,” Wednesday mumbled under her breath and then cleared her throat as she remembered why she needed to talk to you, “I will be needing your assistance this weekend.”
“And why’s that?” You asked with a smirk. You knew it was parent’s weekend, and Wednesday needed to keep up the act of you two being together; you just wanted to hear her admit it. “My parents are coming this weekend; you must be there to prove to them that I am capable of feeling emotions other than intense anger and homicidal thoughts,” Wednesday deadpanned as the loud music slowly turned into a softer one, a waltzing song.
You didn’t recognize the beautiful melody, but you stuck out your hand toward the smaller girl. “Can I have this dance?” You asked with a soft smile, and if it were under any other circumstance, Wednesday would have said yes. “No,” she dryly replied while slapping your hand away, “And you didn’t answer my question.”
“I didn’t know it was a question,” you stated.
“It’s not; I just like allowing you to think that you have a say in what you get to do.”
“You are a woman after my own heart, Wednesday Addams,” you joked, and Wednesday scoffed at you. “In your wildest dreams,” the goth girl stated as she walked away from you, but you followed her.
“So what will this weekend trip entail? Do I need to start flushing my teeth and putting on chapstick?” You questioned while following the smaller girl out of the ballroom. “Why do you not already floss your teeth?” Wednesday asked with an eyebrow hitched, clearly displaying her irritation that you don’t floss regularly.
“Ummm, because it’s pointless? I brush my teeth twice daily. Isn’t that enough?” You retorted with a curious look. “One day, you are going to wake up in the middle of the night, and all of your teeth will have fallen out of your brainless head. When that happens, I shall make a necklace out of them and force you to wear it as a remembrance of our conversation about flossing,” Wednesday stated as she walked toward her room. She had a weird way of showing affection toward you.
When Wednesday reached her dorm, she opened the door and tried to close it on you, but you caught it in just enough time and stepped into her room. You shut the door as you followed the ravenette toward her desk. “Okay, but seriously Wednesday. What do you want me to do when Mr. and Mrs. Addams arrive?” You questioned with a serious expression, and when Wednesday looked up at you, she missed your usual playful demeanor.
“Be normal. You’ve been around them before; why do you still ask me how you should act around them?” Wednesday questioned as she loaded paper into her typewriter. “Um, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I hate lying to people! And your mom is hot, so that also makes me nervous,” you responded with a little bit of defensiveness. But for an unknown reason, Wednesday felt her heart slowly break at mentioning your attraction to her mother.
“Do not remind me of your infuriating attraction to my mother,” Wednesday deadpanned as she began typing, “And we aren’t lying to them, so you don’t need to worry.”
A small scoff left your lips at her comment, but then a mischievous smile overtook your lips as you found a loophole. Carefully, you leaned an elbow on Wednesday’s desk and smirked at the ravenette, who seemed ignorant of the mistake she made.
“So, we aren’t lying to them, correct?” You asked in a calm voice as your eyes examined Wednesday’s face. “Why are you making me repeat myself? You are correct; we are not lying to them. Now, will you please leave me so I can work?” The Addams coldly remarked as she shook the feeling of spiders in her stomach at your proximity. No matter how many stolen kisses you two shared, you always made her nervous and gitty, which was a feeling she both loathed and cherished all the same.
“By that logic, we aren’t lying about our fake relationship? So that means we are actually, in fact, dating?” You asked with that same smirk, and Wednesday knew she had fucked up when she looked into your eyes and only saw hope that didn’t match your playful smirk. “We are not in a romantic relationship at all. We are just two acquaintances who engage in romantic activities from time to time. Now leave,” Wednesday stated as she grew increasingly annoyed with you.
You gave the smaller girl a pathetic sigh as you pushed yourself off the desk and slowly sauntered away from her desk, but before you could get too far, Wednesday grabbed your wrist. When you turned to face her, Wednesday reached up and tightly gripped your uniform tie as she brought your lips down to hers, and you both sighed into the kiss.
It had been too long since you both found comfort in each other’s lips, and Wednesday had started to crave their delicate touch and sweet taste. And, of course, by ‘too long,’ that meant nearly a day. The kiss itself was a chaste one that displayed all of the love and affection Wednesday had for you that she could never verbally say.
Only when oxygen became a problem did you pull away from those heavenly lips. With a small huff, the ravenette rested her forehead against yours as her free hand came up and slowly stroked your jaw.
“I want to rip out your mandible and add it to my bone collection,” was what Wednesday mumbled against your lips, but the words that traveled through your ears were, ‘You mean so much to me that I want to have a piece of you with me forever,’ and you were happy with that translation.
“You have such a way with words, you know that? You really know how to make a girl feel special,” you mumbled against her lips before placing a final kiss on them and turning to leave.
“Where are you going?” Wednesday asked as she returned to reality when she didn’t feel your lips anymore and saw you walking toward the door to leave.
“You told me to leave, so that’s what I’m doing,” you replied before a slight smirk overtook your face, “Why, do you miss me already?”
“No. Just be ready by tomorrow morning so we can eat breakfast with them,” Wednesday stated as she continued her work, ignoring the feeling in her stomach at the thought of you leaving for the night. Most of the time, when her parents visited, you would stay the night in her dorm to further push the agenda that you two were a couple. Definitely not because Wednesday found it hard to sleep without you at night.
“Goodnight, Wednesday. I hope your dreams are just as evil as you are,” you joked as you opened the door, and Wednesday huffed in response as you left the room.
Unbeknownst to you, Wednesday hadn’t been working on her novel. She had been writing out all the things you make her feel, and when you had wished nightmares upon her, the final sentence that had made its one onto the page was the thing that shattered her heart the most: ‘Gods should fear the love I have for you.’
Taglist: @elduster @silentwolfsstuff @baddiebbarbietngz @maskthedwarf @aroaceanxietylemon
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bleedinqdove · 6 months
May i req a Rocky Rickaby x fem or gn reader whose relationship is like Jessica and Roger Rabbit? Or Morticia and Gomez Addams? Everybody’s stunned as to how Rocky, the fucking CRAZY MAN OF THE CENTURY, managed to bag the only cat whose looks are beyond his level. And their personalities are like the textbook definition of opposites attract. Reader doesn’t care though, they’ll still be devoted and loving to Rocky ‘till the day they die.
(Bonus points if the reader is an artist like him, and is also touch starved as him)
You can do this req later or delete it if u wanna, no pressure! I really love your writing ❤️❤️
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Rocky x fem reader with a relationship like Jessica and Roger Rabbit
A/n: Sorry this took so long! Was busier than expected ;-;, but anyways this was a really fun request to do as well! You guys send such great requests.
SFW but a bit suggestive towards the end.
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-Anon you are absolutely on to something here let me say.
-Compared to Rocky’s more chaotic personality, you are more elegant and poised, but that doesn’t mean you’re any less passionate. You both share that fiery desire for one another even if you two couldn’t be any more different at first glance.
-You’re mainly known around the block for your fashion and self expression, not being afraid to experiment and be bold with your styles. So no doubt that’s how you first caught Rocky’s eyes.
- And Rocky quickly caught yours with the beautiful way he played the violin and his bizarre yet impenitent personality.
-What can I say, tormented artists that were made for eachother.
-You have Rocky wrapped around your finger, and he’s hopelessesly devoted to you. Any time he’s near you he just can’t help but smile and admire you…sometimes you can even catch his tail wagging-
-Your touch has him over the moon, and even the simplest scratch of the chin causes him to get all giddy with delight.
-He’s your number one supporter and defender. He takes great delight in seeing all the different outfits you make and the clothes you design, and if anyone has a problem with what you’re wearing he’ll make sure to deal with them accordingly.
-He’s very protective of you and has no issue of dealing with tomcats who are a bit too flirty with you. Just walks right up with that sharp-toothed smile of his and barely veiled threats of violence.
Right as the intermission starts Rocky hops off the stage and makes a beeline for you. A soft smile crosses your face as you greet him, beckoning him to sit next to you. However a passing tomcat gives you a suggestive comment and wink before walking away.
Rocky’s immediate reaction is to get up and follow that bastard, but he is stopped by you hooking a finger around his suspenders and pulling him back. You didn’t want him to waste his time talking to some greaseball when he should be talking to you. Plus he couldn’t be getting into fights this early into the night.
“Sit down Rocky.” You say looking him in the eyes.
“Yes Ma’am!”
-Make no mistake you’re just as protective as well. No one gets away with disrespecting your man.
-If someone is talking particularly loud during one of his performances, you shoot them a dirty look that shuts them up real quick.
-And if anyone dares to flirt or insult him in your presence, they’re in for a treat. While not as publicly confrontational as Rocky, you’re just as disturbing, if not more, with your confrontations.
-You wait until they are decently away from the crowd, or alone until you walk up to them with a sickly sweet smile painted on your face. The way your face and tone seem so calm, yet your words are vile and not to mention your eyes piercing right through them.
-Needless to say you consider your job done once they’re scared shitless.
-Rocky sometimes spots you doing this and it makes his heart swell with gratitude and pride. You truly care about him!
-Yeah you two are insane for eachother.
-While you dont mind PDA, Rocky appears to be the more clingy one in public. Which you don’t mind either you enjoy his touch. You even give him the occasional kiss here and there.
-But in private it’s a whole different story.
-It’s hard to tell if you’re stuck in Rocky’s grip or he’s stuck in yours. You find it hard to keep your hands off him!
-Rocky no doubt enjoys all this attention you give him, most days when you two come home after a long night he finds himself covered in lipstick stains from your kisses. His least favorite part of the day is washing it all off, he’d like to wear them proudly.
-You hate when he’s away all night doing bootlegging runs. It’s on lonely nights like those that your touchstarvedness truly shows.
-But Rocky is quick to make up for all that lost time.
You watch as Rocky passes the last of the stolen booze to Freckle, who walks out of the garage leaving you and Rocky alone. At first Rocky did not notice you were there as he closed the trunk. In fact he almost bumped straight into you as he turned to follow Freckle.
“Oh! Well what brought you down here dear?” He asks, his eyes widening in surprise and excitement. Rocky was more confused if anything, you usually never go into the garage. However you knew why you were in here, you didn’t know if you could last another hour without Rocky! You let out a dramatic sigh as you lean against him and he immediately wraps his arms around you.
“I just missed you, that's all honey…though I do have a certain request I’d like to make if you don’t mind…?” You asked as his ears perked up in interest, he seemed even more inclined after you started to play with his tie.
“I know after these little runs you like to stay at the speakeasy a bit longer…but I’m oh so tired and just want to wind down…would you like to come home with me Mr Rickaby?”
Your smirk grew wider as you tugged on his tie bringing his face closer to yours. “You think you can help me relax…?”
Rocky’s tail shot straight up as he looked at you, a wide grin on his face as he nodded his head. It didn’t take a lot of convincing with him.
“Yes Ma’am!”
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toournextadventure · 2 years
is it possible for a Wednesday x Reader where Reader is afraid to confess and chose to be a supportive friend and one day Morticia notices Reader's stare reader give at Wednesday and gives advice to Reader? love your works :)
Listen, I'm down bad for Morticia, no questions asked 😌
give it a chance
Wednesday looked absolutely beautiful sitting there across the table. All she was doing was drinking her coffee and reading her book, but all you were doing was staring at her. Look at me, your heart begged. Notice me. But you said nothing, just sat there and drank your own coffee and looked back down at your own textbook.
You had wanted Wednesday’s attention for months, since you had first met her. Sure, you fell for her too fast, it had clearly been an infatuation at first. But now that you got to spend time with her, and talk to her, and just be with her? Your infatuation was justified, no doubt about it.
Though, as you sat there, you knew you would never say a thing to her. There would never be some big admission, no profession of your love. She had shown no interest, and you weren’t going to push her into something she clearly didn’t want. So you would be her friend, and you would spend time with her and help her with whatever mystery she found next.
It was not enough. But for her, you would learn to make do.
Morticia watched your internal monologue unfold from across the cafe. She had promised Wednesday she wouldn't interfere while you were both studying, and she was making good on it. But the looks you were giving her daughter weren't the looks of strictly a study buddy.
You looked at Wednesday as if she had hung the moon in the sky each night. A look that Gomez often gave her when he thought she wasn't looking. Sure, you were young, but that had never stopped them. Nothing was more pure than young love.
Morticia bade her time until you both parted ways. She heard Wednesday tell you she would meet you later before leaving, but you stayed at the table. A troubled frown found its home on your lips as you threw your head back against the seat. Now was her chance.
She sat down opposite you, right where Wednesday had been sitting. The seat was still cold, she thought to herself with a small smile. You didn’t seem entirely surprised to see her; perhaps Wednesday had warned you she was in town. It didn’t bring a smile to your face, though, and that just gave Morticia that extra little push to say what she needed to say.
“Darling, only love should give you such a long face,” Morticia  told you. “Is it Wednesday?”
“She makes me feel like I’m dying,” you said with a sigh.
“Is it not the best feeling?” She took a sip of her coffee; it was lukewarm and bitter. Perfect.
“No,” you groaned before you let your head fall to the table with a loud *thud.* It certainly drew the attention of all the other patrons. My my, Morticia thought, certainly one for the dramatics. I approve. “It sucks.”
“Have you told Wednesday how you feel?”
“No,” you mumbled against the table. “She’s not interested.”
“Well, have you asked her?”
Morticia watched you with a barely hidden smile as you sat up slowly. A bashful look crossed your face and you refused to look at her, giving her more satisfaction than it should have. She understood what her daughter saw in you if this was your usual temperament.
“No,” you admitted softly.
“Wednesday does not associate with just anyone,” Morticia told you. “You have a greater chance than you believe.”
“What if she says no?” You asked.
“What if she says yes?” Morticia countered.
You sighed and looked out of the large windows. In return, Morticia let you. Sometimes she forgot how big things could feel when you were young. While obvious to her, they weren’t always obvious to you teenagers, especially when it came to your feelings of love.
But if she could be the one to help you come to terms with those feelings and act on them, well. Wouldn’t that just be grand? After all, she certainly approved if you wanted to try for Wednesday’s affections.
“Okay.” You turned your head back to look at Morticia with a renewed determination. “I’ll shoot my shot.”
“Good luck,” Morticia told you with a smile when you stood up. You returned it and oh, what a beautiful smile.
She was going to enjoy seeing you around more often.
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drghostwrite · 1 year
Always you
Okay this one was a vote and I was so excited to finally write for this goddess of a woman. Also this is just the first there are many more to come.
Pairing: Larissa weems x reader
Warnings: a lot of fluff but there are spots of implied smut
Summary: You’re a teacher at nevermore and you’re in a relationship with Larissa, this will be a throwback to the scene with Morticia and Gomez except Morticia tries making her jealous, and in enters you. At first Larissa got jealous but then realizes you can hold you own and you prove to her that you only love her.
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You opened your eyes and could see golden rays peeking through the curtains of your window, you felt a warm body close to yours contrasting with the cool air nipping at your bare skin. You turned and observed the goddess laid before you, it wasn’t often Larissa was up after you so you didn’t get to see her like this much, hair in disarray from events of the night before, no make up, sleeping peacefully wrapping a long toned leg in yours and allowing her hand to ghost over you side. You laid there for a moment before her eyes fluttered open, she gave you a small smile.
“Well good morning gorgeous.” She turned pressing her face into the pillow letting out a small chuckle and you felt her moving she wrapped her arm around your waist pressing you against her. She wasn’t the best at taking compliments even after 2 years together, so you made sure to shower her every chance you got you loved this woman and hated that all she knew growing up with the mean and nasty side of people's words and actions, she absolutely loved being close to you and you didn’t mind whether it was small leans on your shoulder in meetings or holding hands, maybe even the occasional hand on your thigh or sneaky kiss around the corner, you wanted nothing more than to be her safe place and show her all the love.
“What’re you doing up, you’re never up first?” She grumbled out in a joking but concerned tone, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and pulling the blanket up to cover her bare skin.
“Actually this is when I usually get up so tell me why, Principal Weems, that you’re not up?” You placed a quick teasing kiss to her lips and then down her jawline showering her in kisses, down her neck tracing over the hickeys left from the night before and then back to her mouth.
“Ewww Y/N, morning breath.” She exclaimed laughing and pushing you away as you laid on her chest.
“Hey you weren’t complaining last night, I was tired I didn’t have time to go brush my teeth.” You said laughing.
“That’s gross.” She laughed at you.
“Hmm fine jokes on you, I can fix it with a quick shower and some toothpaste, but you my love, I can’t fix you being late on the first week back to school.” At first you pretended to be offended but then you laughed in victory as you saw her expression change.
“Oh baby.” She said quickly realizing the time and stumbling out of bed, you stood in the door way of the in suite bathroom watching as she scrambled. You finished brushing your teeth and walked over grabbing her hand and guiding her to the bathroom.
“Y/N I’m gonna be late, I can’t be late….” She started rambling. You tuned on the shower just how she liked it.
“ ‘Ris it’s okay just trust me, you need a shower let me handle the outfit, and no you can’t just shift don’t even try it.” She looked at you gratefully and stepped into the shower, you walked back out knowing you had a lot of time and grabbed an outfit it was different than usual Larissa but you loved it a white suit with a high waist and a sapphire blue satin shirt for underneath with matching blue heels. You turned back into the bathroom, slipping your robe off you opened the glass shower door.
You stepped in and was met by Larissa pulling you into a passionate kiss. You chuckled and kissed her back, you could feel the soap running off of her body and it smelled amazingly of lavender and vanilla a soothing and inviting scent. You ran a hand through her hair as she turned and picked you up pressing you against the wall and letting the warm water run over you both.
“You said no shifting but I could right now, I could shift and get you pregnant, oh God and you would look so amazing carrying our baby too.” She trailed kisses down your neck and you let out a whine but you had to stop her.
“Though I love the enthusiasm and being pregnant with our baby seems great and all, you’re going to be late for work and I don’t like dealing with grumpy Principle Weems.”
She grumbled but kissed you again and put you down, she knew you were right and that she would be very grumpy if she was late to meetings all day.
“Also if I’m gonna be the one carrying first, that means you better put a ring on it.” You laughed stepping under the water and washing your hair. You felt her arms come around you as she quickly stepped out to dry and get dressed but what you didn’t notice was the look of hopefulness and determination that came over her.
You heard her leave and stepped out to do your hair, you were kinda the fun teacher so leaving your hair curly and down was normal along with the jeans and maybe a band tee with a blazer but today you switched it up. You did a half up half down leaving your curls still out and slipped on one of your favorite outfits and tight pencil skirt in a deep green color with a white button up and a black with white pin stripped vest over it you matched it with black and white pin stripe heels. You turned toward the vanity to grab a pair of your many glasses and that’s when you saw it a note tented on the vanity, you picked it up and saw the black box underneath,
Don't you dare think I'll forget about what you just said, but here’s a little gift in the meantime.
You picked it up and opened the box, a beautiful silver ring of vines looked back at you no gems just a simple sliver band of vines and leaves, it was perfect, and you felt a tear travel down you face. Swiping it away you slipped the ring on and grabbed your purse and headed to your classroom. A couple classes in and your students were starting to look tired so you dismissed early and decided to go see Larissa.
--- Meanwhile---
Larissa couldn’t take it, before her she had Wednesday, who she didn’t mind actually, her and Y/N loved Wednesday. It was the parents Morticia and Gomez or Morticia specifically, it was always a competition, to her she was always better than Larissa, always royalty compared to a peasant.
She loved reminding her about high school and how she won Gomez and every other guy she wanted, how she now had kids, and how she got away from such a “wretched” place. Meanwhile, Larissa sat there smiling on the inside annoyed. Wednesday said a silent prayer that you would get there quickly.
There was a knock that rang through the office and Larissa announced for whoever it was to come in.
You stepped in the office, Morticia had a cocky look on her face until she saw you and then it turned into something else.
“Mmm and who might this be?” She asked trying to see how you’d react, Larissa was now digging her nails into the desk as she sat politely, and Wednesday had a smirk knowing what was about to happen.
“Larissa I wasn’t aware that you were hiring just anybody to come and teach, I mean having eye candy as a secretary maybe but at least be discreet.”
“We’ll she’s not just anybody.”
“Mmm we’ll let me take her for a day and we’ll see about that.” Morticia looked you up and down surveying the competition.
“We’ll Mrs. Addams I can assure you that Wednesday and every other student are only getting the best education from this institution.” You spoke up from behind.
"So sure about that?" she was pushing it now, Larissa was ready to come over to the desk, but you knew how to handle people like her, I mean you did it for a living at one point.
"I can assure you I have the credentials, I went to school for psychology, profiling to be exact, and caught killers. I now teach an array of classes, psychology, and sociology, including the sciences and even an art here and there, I have multiple certificates and references that I could point you to." You were cold as steel and held a smirk on your face, Wednesday gave you a very approving nod and a smirk as her parents sat jaws dropped, Morticia sat there buffering, quickly closing her mouth and resorting to her unimpressed stare, trying not to let you see through the sheer black curtain but it was too late.
"As I said I can guarantee that Ms. Pierce is one of the best here."
"Hmm, well too bad she's already taken Larissa you need someone like her in your life." she rolled her eyes at you, but you turned away from her, looking at Larissa.
She glared at you as you stayed calm and collected, you walked up to Larissa and whispered to her, “Can I kiss you, just quickly and show her who I belong to.”
Larissa crossed her legs and you had your answer you knew that went straight to her core, you were in for it tonight. You quickly bent down placing a quick kiss on her lips and turned sitting on the corner of the desk, Wednesday sat there smirking and gave you a nod of approval while the other two Addams jaws were on the floor again.
"Mrs. Addams I'm afraid that this meeting is over and I must say I've never seen you so uncomposed before, well aside from that night that you or I'm sorry, Gomez killed that poor boy, but I guess that's what you get when you play with fire."
"You wouldn't dare." She shot up from her chair stepping towards Larissa's desk, but you were to fast sliding in between her.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." You looked into her eyes seeing rage and jealousy, but as she looked into yours she saw the swirls of gold flowing through the green, a silent warning to step back.
"You're...you're a...." she stuttered.
"Oh yes, I forgot to mention that I was once attacked by a vampire, while my magic saved me from certain parts, I still have heightened senses and strength. Every year I throw in a transformation and magic class to help council the newer students or those struggling, Wednesday has actually taken quite a few of my classes." Morticia turned to her daughter, "Yes, Mother." She signaled to Gomez time to go and they took their leave. Wednesday turned back to you in thanks and you sat on the desk waiting until they all left, turning to Larissa. She stood towering and leaned over the desk to kiss you.
"You're gorgeous when you're scary and calm." you chuckled to yourself.
"Well, Principal Weems now that they know their daughter is well taken care of and who I belong to I say we make our way home."
"I agree," she said grabbing her things and heading out.
when you got home though it was a completely different story. You didn't even make it upstairs before clothes were discarded around the house. In the middle of a steamy make-out session Larissa stopped you.
"Y/N I want to ask you something, something I should've asked you months ago."
"What is it love?"
"Darling, I want you to be my wife, I want to have babies and grow old together. Y/N Pierce, I want to marry the love of my life, Will you marry me?" you could feel her inhale holding her breath.
"Larissa Weems of course I'll marry you!" You leaned forwards placing a kiss on her lips, and you felt her relax into it. You both laughed and she turned you over putting all the passion she could into the kisses.
"I'm sorry I couldn't get you a better ring, I was so nervous and I wasn't sure." she apologized nervously, hoping to not upset you.
"No baby I absolutely love it!"
"Good that makes me so happy, and speaking of baby how about we finish what we started this morning." you saw confidence coming back to her features.
"I'd say sounds like a night well spent so long as we try shifting after the wedding that way we don't have to deal with wedding planning and a baby."
"Oh agreed," she said getting up and escorting you to the shower, it was a good thing you two had got your own house outside the school, a house that would soon be housing more than just two people. You were going to make this house a home and who better to do that with than the love of your life.
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content warnings: readers gender isn’t specified but they are wearing a dress, terrible tooth rotting fluff (author is in love with sanji), morticia and gomez energy, smut author writes fluff (rough).
plot: it’s your anniversary with Sanji and it appears he has something to tell you.
authors note: me x sanji but in the form of x reader fanfic. this is how he confessed to me btw if u even care. Also, the accompanying song is Mio Amore by the Flamingos.
Such beautiful days on the water, it’s been a few months with him already; he only makes your experiences feel that much more sublime. You admit it was risky having relations on a sea bound ship, but you could tell Sanji was different. Not like men who only valued your physical attributes, but one who sees you for your most bare and essential parts.
He asked that you meet him in the kitchen tonight, just the two of you. You expected a fancy dinner and to most likely be interrupted by your Captain who was going to inevitably be hungry and plead with your date to make him a third dinner. However, that was not what you were met with exactly.
Stepping into the kitchen there he was, clad in a black suit with a button up in your favorite color. Pots simmered on the stove as the kitchen was shrouded in ambient light with low jazz filling every corner of the space. The dining table only set for two with bouquets of fresh flowers, where could he have even gotten those? You’ve been at sea for two weeks without stopping at an island.
He turns to you, dropping his knife before cleaning his hands on a towel. “And don’t you look beautiful,” he says, taking your hand while guiding you deeper in his set up for your anniversary date.
“Sanji, what’s all this?” He’s always like this, overly romantic in his affections for you. It’s like he’s never heard of the word subtle. Honestly, it’s what you love about him. His extreme attention to detail over you, the dedication it shows. No one in your life has ever been so thoughtful.
He doesn’t find your words to be critical, learning early on in your relationship that you’re eerily similar to him; posing questions as a means of guarding your own heart. “For you my sweet, happy anniversary.” He places your hand over his heart, allowing you to understand exactly how he feels in this moment. Nervous but calm, excited to be with you anywhere.
“Oh! Before dinner, I wanted to do something.” When he begins to speak, his heart rate picks up the slightest bit. His hand that was placed over yours let’s go before he’s swiveling on the heel of his foot over to where the record was playing. “There’s this song, it reminds me of you,” only softness is found in his voice as he tries to give context to his actions.
The music he listens to always brings a grin to your face, Sanji is quiet the romantic you’ve come to find out. Despite his womanizing first impression, you’ve learned that above all he loves with every fiber of his being; down to his finger tips and toes. He loves his crew, he loves his mom and sister, he loves the Baratie, he loves his true dreams; but you’ve wondered, does he love you?
When he places the needle down on the disc, an old sounding tune fills the air. He rushes back to you asking, “May I?” Ambiguous. You’re unsure what he means but you just nod. You’d give him anything he asked of you.
“𝐌𝐢𝐨 𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞. 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.”
As the song begins to play he plants a soft and sweet kiss to your lips, pulling away all too soon before taking your hands in his.
The dress you’re wearing matches the setting so well, of course it would be like him to ask to dance. You can’t help but smile. It’s one that lights up every corner of your face, showing all the care you have for him in your heart. A small laugh escapes you as your eyes meet his.
“𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.”
He’s nervous, you can tell in the tension in his shoulders that his posture is abnormally rigid. You’re both keenly aware of each other, intuition a gift and curse you both were blessed with. “You’re sweet dear, this is perfect.” You try to encourage him, settle any anxieties he may have about this whole set up. “No one’s ever done something like this for me.”
He can’t tell you just how much he likes hearing those words come from your mouth. Something instinctively within him wants to be your first for many things. He wants to show you a world where you’re the sun he revolves around, yet that you can also depend on him with any worry or qualm you may have.
“𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞.”
You’re both now swaying on the wood floors, the occasional creak of the Thousand Sunny’s can be heard as your heels clatter against it. “Everything for you, always.” It sounds like a promise, something similar to a code he means to live by. A set of values that he refuses to break as his tone is serious.
“𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬, 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮.”
“Sanji…” you say softly, he always manages to make butterflies erupt within you. Your hands are placed on his shoulders while his find your waist.
“𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬, 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮.”
Your head is tucked into his chest as he holds you close. You can hear the erratic beat of his heart clearly. “I mean it. I would kill for you, I would die for you, do you understand that? I would give up the all blue in your name if you asked me to.” At that you gaze into his eyes, they always seem to tell a depth of truth about him that words can’t. The intensity you’re met with is almost frightening, dark eyes that refuse to waiver. His words go against all that you know. His loyalty to his crew should be first, not to you…
“𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞.”
“Anything you could ever want, I would do my best to give it to you.” It’s tender and raw, his feelings always end up that way. You’re all he’s ever wanted and he’ll be damned if you don’t end up the person he wakes up to every day.
“But Sanji, why? What about everything you stand for?” You can’t help the rise of anger in your voice, he’s prone to sweet talking but this is flat out too much.
His face is unreadable, you’re looking for something; anything that could explain his irrational thinking right now. “Because, I’m in love with you.”
“𝐎𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞? 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞.”
Well, that could definitely explain his ‘irrational thinking.’ Your face screams “what” as your jaw is left agape. “I’ve been in love with you.” He corrects himself. “It feels like I was made for you, and you for me.”
His confession leaves you speechless. Stunned that a man could have such profound things to say about his feelings.
“𝐎𝐡, 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞.”
He drops to one knee in front of you, taking your smaller hand in his while his thumb rubs against your knuckles. “I promise you that y/n,” he leaves a kiss on them while awaiting your response.
“𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥.”
Those damn eyes, the ones that see you for who you truly are. The ones that rip you to bits and can pick apart your essence, almost as if he can see past your physical being and into something more.
It’s trust that he places in you, handing his fragile and vulnerable heart on a silver platter that you could break into tiny pieces. He’d glue them back together and still love you. He’d rather be a fool that doesn’t learn his lesson than turn away from you.
“𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝.”
Sweeping his blond hair that covers half his face, you’re met with a man who wants nothing more than to love you and to be loved by you. Down to his core, that’s all he could ever ask from you.
“I love you Sanji, more and more every day.” Bringing yourself down to his height, you kiss his forehead, holding his face within your hands.
You swear you could hear him gasp in surprise. Whether it be your confession or action, he wasn’t prepared for it to be reciprocated in the same way. Just as you’ve never had someone to care this much, the same goes for Sanji. While he’s had Zeff, this is far different. A love that is romantic and unconditionally given, all consuming and devoted. You are better than anything he’s ever lusted after, and now that he has you he will continue to make you his.
“𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞.”
He stands back up to wrap his arms around you, dragging you into a bear hug with a swirling storm of kisses that don’t seem to stop. “I’m yours, always,” he says to you. Carding his hands in your curls as he tries to meld your forms into one. “Yours, yours, yours,” he repeats. In the way that you need him, he needs you.
If it wasn’t for the food continuing to cook, you could have stayed right there with him forever.
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is it possible for a Wednesday x Reader where Reader is sick and met Wednesday one day in a hospital and before Wednesday is transferring to Nevermore, Reader has a surgery with little success and Reader promised to her she would try to survive for her so reader can witness publish her novel and fast forward to parent's weekend, besides the Addams family Reader also came with them her to show her the surgery is a success? (Reader is in a wheelchair when came to Nevermore)
One in a Million
Word count: 1.6K
Summary: request above
Warnings: heart attacks
Pairing: Wednesday X Fem!Reader
I loved this request so much! Very sad to write but also very good! I hope you find it as entertaining as I did!����✨
Your life has always been a rollercoaster between good and bad health. You were born with a heart condition that has always been dangerous for your body and you always had to go through thousand of surgeries, ever since you were born. Your parents gave you away because of that when you were first born and a couple od vampires adopted you. However, turning you into a vampire wouldn’t solve the problem so they decided not to turn you. Your parents were really good friends with Morticia and Gomez so ever since they took you in, whenever you were out of the hospitals you would always be playing with Wednesday.
However recently you had been very sick. You had 3 heart attacks in a row, and half of your heart had stopped working, meaning it wasn’t pumping blood the right way. They had given you a pacemaker but that also barely worked and with the 1000th surgery they moved all of your heart valves to the working half of it, but still it wasn’t enough. Your heart beat had been too slow, too little blood flowing in your veins which is why you were always pale and always had a bag of blood attached to you. You knew your end was close. You tried reassuring your parents that you would be okay, but they weren’t having it. You couldn’t die at age 16 when you had your whole life ahead of you.
Today would be visitors day, and like every week you hoped to see Wednesday. This will probably be your last time ever talking or seeing her so you wanted to make the best of it with her. As soon as she walked in, you smiled at her “Hi Nes!” You said, breathing through your masks as she didn’t sit down like her usual, which was weird. “(Y/N), we need to talk…” she said. The smile disappearing from your face as you gulped, knowing that it wasn’t good. “I’m moving away. I’m going to Nevermore and as you know it’s not really close… I’m sorry” she said and looked down. She knew your situation was bad and she knew that this would probably be the last time you saw each other. Instead of feeling sad about it, you smiled at her. “It’s okay Nes really. We have the whole afternoon ahead of us so let’s make the best of it” you coughed slightly because of how weak you were
“I’m leaving now…” she kept looking down, knowing how she disappointed you. “Oh…” you replied, realizing that you weren’t spending your last day with her as you wished. “When’s your surgery?” She asked quietly and sat down on your bed. “In a couple weeks. I don’t know if I can resist until then though” you joked on yourself, your situation was already very critic so all you had to do was accept it and laugh on it. “So even if you do resist the Surgery still has a low rate of success and you might…” she couldn’t say it. She loved the word and the concept, but she couldn’t associate it to you. “Die? Yes” you shrugged. “But it’s the only chance I have if I want to live” you said and looked at her.
She nodded and you both were quiet for a couple seconds until she stood up. “I should probably go no. My parents are waiting for me outside of the hospital” you nodded and watched as she headed for the door. “Wednesday wait!” You called before she could leave. “I promise you I’ll survive. I’ll survive because I want to spend time with you and because I want to read that novel when you publish it.” You said smiling as even more tears formed in your eyes. “You better” she said. This time Wednesday was looking at you straight in your eyes “and just in case,” you take off your favorite necklace and gave it to her. “You’ll probably never wear it but at least you’ll have something to remember me from” you said and tried not to let your tears our as she took it from you, looking at it.
“Thank you” she said with her unusual soft tone “I’ll surely always keep it with me, even if I don’t wear it it’ll always be with me” you nodded and looked down “goodbye Nes” you told her and turned around, you didn’t want her to see you cry. “Goodbye..” she said almost whispering and then she left. As soon as she did you burst out crying. You didn’t think that your last day with your best friend would be so short and sad. Even Wednesday when she left, a single tear rolled down her cheek. She looked up to make them go away and wiped that one before leaving.
The day of the surgery arrived, and you were in really bad shape, even worse than the day Wednesday left. The reason why that surgery would be dangerous for you was because you had so little blood in your body and it was a heart transplant, so you needed lots of blood. The rate of success in your case was one in a million, but thanks to your parents who drank human blood, you had basically unlimited resources of blood and always brought you fresh one. At some point of the surgery they almost lost you. Your BP dropped and you had turned very pale. You saw yourself from above, this blinding white light was so warm and inviting you to get to her, but then you remembered the promise you made Wednesday. You had to keep it.
When you woke up in your bed the first thing you noticed was the heart monitor beating to a normal, steady rythm. You smiled slightly hearing it and then you saw your parents and a doctor. “I-I’m alive?” You asked, still feeling dizzy and confused. You weren’t pale anymore as blood was now flowing perfectly. “Yes you’re luckily very much alive. You gave us a big scare but you’re fine. No signs of rejection so far. If you improve, we can make you go home” the doctor said, which made you smile and finally relax.
In the mean time at school Wednesday was having a wonderful time if you could say so, the only thing was that she didn’t hear anything from you or how the surgery went. She always had your necklace and eventually ended up wearing it because she didn’t want to lose it. Her new friends had asked her about it and she only told them half of the truth, she told them a friend gifted it to her.
After having recovered and being sent home, you contacted Wednesday’s parents to know about her. They told you that parents weekend would be soon and that you could go with them to surprise Wednesday. That you did. When it was time for parents weekend you had organized with Morticia on how you’d go with them. You were currently in a wheelchair to avoid physical stress but luckily they had space in their car so they could bring you and the wheelchair.
When you arrived, Morticia pushed you on the wheelchair throughout the school and to the quad. You told her she didn’t have to as you could push yourself, but she insisted and you let her do. “Wednesday, who’s that with your parents?” Enid asked, and the braided girl was quick to turn around and recognize you. “(Y/N)…” she first whispered to herself then she started walking pretty fast towards you “(Y/N)!” She raised her tone so that you could hear her. You turned around to where that voice you loved so much came from and eventually saw your best friend running towards you. “Hi Nes” you said and waited for her to get in front of you. You didn’t expect her to, but she hugged you.
“Hey careful, the scar” you pointed out. You had a huge bandaid over the scar on your chest as it was still healing. “Sorry” she said and moved so she didn’t hurt you, but continuer hugging you tightly, you did the same. Each of her classmates looked astonished to seeing Wednesday hugging someone, they all wondered how important you were to her. When she pulled back you could see her smile slightly “you survived..” she said almost not believing. You smiled at her as she moved a strand of hair behind your ear “and look at you, you’re not even pale anymore!” She said all while you kept staring at her with a huge smile on your face “I always keep my promises Addams. Now you have to make me read your novel though. We have time, I’m not leaving” you said, hinting to something.
“What do you mean? You’re a normal girl- you can’t stay here” she said confused “that’s where you’re half wrong. I am normal now, but me and my parents agreed that when I heal completely they’ll turn me into a vampire, so that way I won’t have anymore heart problems. When I was a little kid they couldn’t do but now they can” you said and smiled at her, noticing how she was still wearing your necklace. “We talked to Weems and she agreed to let me stay here even before I’m turned, so that the other vampires here can give me tips” she smiled and hugged you again.
You two would be spending a lot of time together from now on.
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gh0ston1c · 2 years
blood has no meaning if you don't have any
wednesday x reader
you meet her parents and she meets yours. although you all shared the same taste of color in life, both of your parents were totally different.
warning: tried to keep it as gender neutral as i could but reader do be masc, arguing, a good old hard bitch slap but fluffy ending!
a/n: writing skills be mid and sometimes confusing but bare with me, i write what's in my head and i don't proofread. we here for pure enjoyment lmaoaoo
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y/ns pov
it's been a couple of months of wednesday and i being together. in a way, we both understand each other perfectly, and every day with her i look forward to more. except for today.
today was the day when parents come onto campus. and we agreed to introduce our families to each other. i am rather excited than nervous to meet her family. the infamous gomez and morticia addams. and her brother pugsley whom she mentioned before. from the stories that i have heard, they don't sound like bad people. they just like dangerous things.
but a part of me was still nervous. you always want to leave a good impression on yourself.
"are you going to keep staring at the wall or..?" i flinched back from being snapped out of a trance. it was my roommate kane who happened to be a zombie. don't know how and don't want to know but anyways.
"i don't know man. i didn't think today was going to be so soon." he gave me a half smile before laying his hand on my shoulder "only two days bro, you can do it," he paused "and if anything were to happen, just dig out and say-" kane was rudely interrupted by the door busting open and the two least people i wanted to see.
"my offspring." my father spoke as he stood before us in all his glory in a clad black suit next to my stepmother. "ever heard of knocking?" i ask in a monotonous tone. his head cocked sideways and with a dead expression he replied to me "know your place and watch who you're talking to." those words made me sit up and automatically hang my head down. it was a signal to my father that i submit. he breathes out with a smirk, "your mother and i discussed you and regarding nevermore and we've decided that you are to come back and be head of the clan." my mother smiles with glee and softly claps her hands in excitement as to where i had no thoughts. how do i process this?
"what?" i say aloud. "you're coming back home." my father says, i look at him with confusion. "why?" i ask "well, im getting old and the clan needs a fit person to lead and it's you," he explains. but it doesn't click. they send me here because i was a troubled child back home and now they want me back?
"that's not happening." i stated. "who are you to make commands." i sat there with nothing to say, my jaw clenched and eyes glaring at the ground. i can hear his feet step closer and then my chin was grabbed and forcefully pulled up to look him in the face. his face showed pure anger and once again i felt like the eight-year-old crying while dad threatened me for stepping out of line. "ever since you've come to this school you have been acting a fool. fix it before i do." he practically threw my chin down and walked. i sat there in silence taking everything that just happened.
"woah..... you okay..." kane hesitantly asked to which i replied with silence. "umm.... i'll just give you space.... feel better bro" and with that, he also left.
just two days.
i gave myself 30 minutes to collect myself before going to meet with wednesday. as i entered the quad, i saw many heads of different varieties. my eyes immediately found wednesday who never failed to stand out. right, where we always met. she met my eyes and my face automatically smiled. when i arrived next to her, she grabbed my hand and pulled me "let's get this over with." in her path, i already see three people who resemble wednesday and you can tell they were family and not even by facial resemblance. her mother was a very tall plump figure, her father was short and stubby and a short male who looked.... friendly.
"mother, father. this is my partner, y/n." her parents' faces lit up with joy "hello, it's so good to finally meet you, i am morticia, her mother." her words came out very smoothly. my focus turned to the man who beamed with happiness "my name is gomez, im so happy to see my little psychopath finding love" he said with awe. "my therapist suggests sociopath." wednesday butt into the introduction. "you're both," i turn my head to the shorter boy, he was about the height of my biceps "my name is pugsley. it's nice to meet you, she talks too much about you." i chuckle and from the corner of my eyes, i see wednesday give her little brother the hardest glare. "im happy to have met you all. this is a step towards something more serious," as lighthearted as i could make my laugh sound after i said that, wednesday still held a straight face. "i think she agrees." her parents both lowkey force a smile and nod anyways.
"well consider yourself a very lucky one. our little rain cloud has always had trouble making friends," morticia paused to frown, with her husband following her "why when she was a young child, we would take her to the park to play with the other children and she would sometimes push them down the slide or force feed them sand.." morticia stopped and gave an awkward smile "oh! and when she was in middle school, we put her into ballet classes!!"
"she hated it!! and she had on the tutu and everything! i think i still have a picture, let me-" before gomez could finish, wednesday cut him off "that's enough." she stepped in and hooked onto my foreman. "we still have to meet their parents." i did not want this to end.
her family is just as amazing as her and i was loving the conversation. but i did not want her to meet my family. i only saw my parents today but i still have yet to meet my 2 older step-brothers.
"well, it was lovely to finally meet you, darling. i hope to see you more often. wednesday has been in a much better mood lately." wednesday immediately dragged me away to the darker part of the quad.
the fangs section.
i dragged my feet to stop her from dragging me. she looks at me perplexed and i let out a hugh sigh.
"i have to warn you, love," her eyebrows scrunches "my family..... they're.... how do i say this" i stand there and contemplate. "very strict is an obvious but... it's not strict. it's fear. i don't know how to correctly word it."
"and i know you're not afraid of almost everything and im not saying you're going to be afraid of them..." i try to drag on. i can't find words to say my family is shit without saying my is shit! "what im saying is... i don't think you may like them..."
"i don't like everyone in the first place. im only doing this because i feel like this is a milestone in our relationship," a big smile stretched onto my face and i swore my love for this girl increased by a gazillion. "i want us to be forever."
"forever." i say and remove my wrist from her grip to intertwine our fingers, i brought it up to lips and gave the back of her hand a gentle kiss
when wednesday and i approached them, we weren't even close yet "you're late." these were the first words that came out of my father's mouth. i subtly grip her hand a little tighter but not enough to hurt her. "sorry father, wednesdays family was very lovely to meet and we could not stop conversing." it's like a habit but my head slightly bows. "you should be more considerate of peoples time. you have lots to learn before you lead." then he turned to the girl who started at him through her eyebrows
"and who may this be?" i let out the breath i didn't know i was holding and straightened my back. "this is wednesday addams, she is my girlfriend. my other half." i scanned his face for any reaction. like a vampire, dead as a doornail, he had no reaction. "addams family huh? a line of witches and magic." he paused and took his sunglasses off, my father's eyes a vibrant red that held no soul or humanity. his head turned to me and his eyes immediately connect with mine which were the same as his. appearance-wise, i was a mirror image of my father but internally, we were two opposites and he hated that. "i see you've been hiding secrets; however feel i must share some educational information. did you know witches used to hunt vampires?" i knotted my eyebrows to him, the fuck does that have to do with anything? "and yet you come here with one of their kind. disrespectful. have i not taught you anything?" his voice laced with anger
"she hasn't done anything to us so i don't see why there is a problem." from my peripheral view, i can't see her whole face but i know she's giving my father the deadliest glare. "her family slaughtered our kind, we were used for blood spells and experiments." with his teeth gritted, he kept poking my chest with every word "that's my problem"
"if it's your problem then keep it to yourself," wednesday spoke out, i hadn't realized that during our little argument, we managed to gather the attention of all my other family members that we still haven't been able to greet
my father's head slowly turns to my girlfriend who happens to be kinda small. "repeat those words little girl." a 5000-year-old vampire challenging a 16 high schooler. never woulda thought.
i watch my girlfriend step forward with no twitch in her face, every muscle relaxed "call me little girl again and i will not hesitate to shine everyone here but y/n with a UV light." i see my father's mouth twitch in annoyance and his jaws clenching in anger.
my father always made sure he was "alpha" and having someone step up to him so boldly, let alone a teen witch was extremely rare. "she's something else y/n" he said as he still held eye contact with wednesday "pack your shit, you're leaving tonight." he turned around and stomped in anger but before he could leave my field of vision i say "im not leaving. im staying here. with wednesday." my words seem to peak his anger as he stops with a loud stomp and furiously pivots back in my direction with a killer stare, deep down i was truly afraid
"i've had enough of your attitude!" my vision snaps towards wednesdays direction as i feel a stinging sensation in my cheeks. im dead yet i felt that slap. "you are to pack up and leave this place. all you've been is a headache and i can no longer tolerate it. you will be leading this clan, and that's final." no way in hell was i going to leave wednesday. "no father, i am not leaving." my voice was a little wobbly but as firm as i could make it out. "oh really? you're going to cut your family for some girl you just met?!" he finally blew up. this is exactly why i didn't want her to meet them. we didn't even get a simple hi.
"and what about it? all the years ive lived, this is the time where i feel most loved!" i bark back at my father, his veins poppings out his neck and forehead "if you choose her over this family, don't even come back. you will not be welcomed back and forever be exiled from the clan." apart of me broke. your family is all you know and what built you to become your person. "since you're going to make me choose, i choose wednesday! she's the soul that fills my empty capsule of a body, she is everything you guys are not!" my voice strained as that was the loudest i have ever spoken to my father
"when she dies, don't come back crawling to us." before making his way out of the section as my stepmother follows him and slowly the rest of my family does but before all of them were gone i made sure to give it closure
"that was quite eventful," wednesday said. we came back to my dorm room and kinda just sat there in silence for a couple of minutes "im sorry wens. i-i just- ugh" i let out a huge relieving sigh and slouched "that was a shit show."
"are you serious?" my attention peaked with confusion as i look at her "what do you mean serious? im sorry wens-" she cuts me off "no, i mean, are you serious that you left your family for me?" my eyebrows lifted. honestly, my mind wasn't straight during the argument and words flew out of my mouth. but thinking about it, does that mean im free from duty? im free from the fear tactics? "im dead serious," i stated, her eyes glinting with a tiny bit of happiness and surprise
"my love... ive lived decades and centuries. ive met and seen many people. but only you have managed to make me feel soulful. you are my soulmate and whatever life and heart i have left of me is all yours mi amore." my love for her goes beyond horizons and oceans. she grabs the collar of my uniform and plants a kiss on my lips. my hands find their place on her head to bring her in closer, since i am taller, i stand above her as her head is tilted up to reach for my lips, and her hands are now around my torso.
after a few seconds, we pull away heaving with swollen lips and red cheeks. "to leave your family for me is an honor. although i do think you're a bit weak," my jaw dropped playfully but she continued "but you looked so sexy when you were arguing, i wanted you to claim and change me right there." she whispers and this was very overwhelming bold for me. i grin and hide my face from her "you and that mind will be the death of me. but i would die over and over again just for you my love."
"mon cher." once again we pulled each other into a kiss which would always turn into a makeout section.
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b4b3tte · 2 years
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Summary : This is a part 2 to my enid Sinclair Girlfriend hcs but this time is with Wednesday! So Simple Headcanons of Dating Wednesday.
Pairing : Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader.
Genre : Fluff | Headcanons | Short.
Warning : Swearing, Slight possessiveness,kisses
Dating Wednesday addams can be certainly strange but at the end you two love each other, Wednesday will never admit it but deep down she loves you more than you love her
Public display of affection is not her thing, she finds love as a sign of emotion and weakness which are 2 things she's against, so her dating you is rare enough so the bare minimum she does in public or near people is holding your hand. But if it comes to someone making a pass(flirting) at you or subtly being extra nice or trying to convince you to break up with Wednesday, she will have her arm around your waist and if needed, grab your chin and kiss you right then and there
The petnames she would call you is " Cara mia " " Amor " and " Dear " or a shorter version of your name. Its most likely you would do the same, if you try calling her honey,baby,babe,sweetie etc she will cut your tongue off.
Morticia and Gomez would adore you, not only about the fact you have done the impossible and capture Wednesdays heart but how you are such a sweetheart and polite they certainly want you over for the holidays.
The dates you guys would have would be plain and simple mostly study dates. On study dates it would be you two on her bed or floor with pens/books/paper all over and doing homework together while having music in the back. Another date is going to a Cafe( not the one tyler works at ) She would pick a cafe that has a dark ish atmosphere thats calm and gloomy and has wonderful coffee choices.
Her love language is difficult to spot, but overtime you can see its acts of service and gifts she feels " disgusting " about physical contact and certainly has to big of an ego to say how she feels,so she shows her affectionate through gifts and favors but if you guys have been together for awhile now like a year or so she will definitely want hugs or kisses from you in private of course.
Overall Wednesday is a good girlfriend yeah sometimes she can't Express her feelings to well but it all works out in the end and deep down she is happy but surprised that she has found her person at nevermore academy.
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milfgyuu · 2 years
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Wicked Delights [M] Pairing: Yoon Jeonghan x Fem!Reader Tags: 1k, Addams Family!AU, Romance, Smut 18+ Prompt: “How did you convince them to do this?” → @shmooooo Summary: Creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky. *snap* *snap*
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Warnings: Sexually Explicit Content 18+, MDNI, unprotected sex, oral (f), body worship, lots of pet names, restraint. This is a gomez x morticia au so there are spooky themes and dialogue throughout! mention of a knife, broken glass, blood for a “costume”, similar jokes made in the movies and yes - the children are indeed feral. 
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Surely you’re accustomed to more…peculiarities than than most but your precious little heathens all dressed up and ready to hit the town is quite a sight. 
“And where are you two headed?”
Your son grins, the spiked baseball run through with nails and shrapnel bent at all different angles swinging loosely from his chubby hand. “We’re going trick or treating!”
Your brows raise. “Are you now? I thought you hated candy.”
“We’re not interested in candy,” your daughter answers. She’s slightly muffled behind her defiled hockey mask and your eyes twinkle with pride and intrigue at the dark red splatter across her clothing. “We’re going to terrorize the neighborhood.”
Long fingers splay over your stomach as your husband reaches the bottom of the stairwell, grinning proudly at his prodigy. “Don’t you both look nefarious!”
“I’m an escaped convict!” your son puffs out his chest and you chuckle under your breath.
“What are the charges?” Your husband asks with barely contained glee.
Your son ticks them off one by one. “Multiple accounts of arson, assault, homicide, conspiracy, and,” he shrugs, “Tax fraud.”
Jeonghan laughs. “Excellent! And what about you, my fallen angel?”
Your daughter lifts her knife, “I’m a homicidal maniac,” she then glances at her brother through the mask and back up to you, “I haven’t been caught though.”
You wink at her. “Of course not.”
Your husband couldn’t be happier. “That’s my girl - insidious and intelligent as always,” he stubs his cigar out on the bannister and pockets the remainder, “Go on now children! Tear up the town - burn it to the ground! Have a blast!”
Your daughter peers up at her brother and lifts her mask to ask, “Did you bring the explosives?”
He nods in affirmation and they disappear out the manor doors just before they slam shut on a phantom breeze. 
Those fingers squeeze proprietarily and you smirk. 
“Darling,” you tilt your head to the side as Jeonghan kisses a long wet trail from your ear down to your shoulder, “How did you convince them to do this?”
“Beloved,” he purrs, tongue tracing your jaw, “Our children needn’t any convincing to unleash utter mayhem on the townsfolk but I might have told them they could resurrect a few mummies from the crypt if they kept away til morning.”
Finally meeting his gaze, he smirks, his handsome face lighting a fire low in your belly. 
“On All Hallows Eve?” you grin, “Delightful.”
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Muscles stretched taut, bones like jelly, you keen under the pressure of such a wonderful, torturous position. Your hands shackled to the headboard, upholstered black velvet caressing your knuckles. It’s a small consolation for not being able to run your hands through Jeonghan’s silken hair but oh how he makes up for it in the way he feasts on you like a connoisseur. 
The dagger he’d used to cut away the cloth from your body lay discarded on the pillow next to you, glinting dangerously, beautifully. The ghostly feeling of it’s pointed tip pressing into your soft skin sending shivers up your spine. 
Oh, your husband, your lover…what a divine mind in that beautiful head of his. 
How you’d love to crack it open and study it’s innerworkings. 
How fascinating it is to lay beneath him and experience the way he alights all of your senses at once, finely tuned to your every move, your every breath.
“Magnificent,” he breathes against you when you sink back into the bed, dragging himself away slowly, lips pressing against your naked body along the way, “Radiant,” he purrs as he sheathes himself inside, grinning like a fiend as your mouth falls open. 
“There isn’t a woman alive or otherwise that could ever compare to you.” 
“I shall gloat over Drizelda’s grave for eternity, Darling.”
Jeonghan chuckles but it’s caught on a long moan as he pulls you closer - your arms burning, blinding white heat flashing behind your eyes. Your back and shoulders scream in protest and you scream aloud, the manor around you quaking with the force of it. 
“You’re absolutely bewitching, my dear,” he crows, brows furrowed impossibly tight, “Even the queen of the banshees couldn’t hold a candle to your cries when you scream for me. You’re going to make them jealous of that lovely voice of yours.”
You back arches high into the air, almost levitating, and Jeonghan suckles your chest as he nears. Your eyes squeeze shut, stomach like a roiling, raging storm on the ocean. Lightning strikes with incredible force, blue light illuminating your bodies.
When you come together, glass shatters near the bed. 
The window entirely blown out. 
Jeonghan sits back on his heels and spits a large, jagged, shard from his mouth and smirks down at you. “Shame, we just had that repaired.”
You hum, rubbing your body against the satin sheets and reveling in the way Jeonghan’s eyes track the movements. He flicks a thumb over your peaked nipple and croons, “A bit drafty though…isn’t it?”
Your eyes alight with mischief, “Shall we break another?”
“Oh, I plan to bring the whole house down before dawn.”
You arch into his touch with a grin, “You ghoul.”
“My temptress,” he answers, wicked tongue snaking out to seer against your skin. 
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The children are spent when they return in the morning, leaving the ravaged town behind to find every window in the manor blown out. It’s seems a bit more crooked than when they’d left last night. The cursed gargoyle statues about the towering peaks have their hands cemented over their ears. The front door swinging off the hinges on one side. 
“What happened?” 
Your daughter extends her arm, cleaning her long dirtied butcher’s knife off on her sleeve. 
“Our parents had sex.”
Your son blinks a few times. The soot on his face irritating his nose.
“Ok,” he says and then turns to his sister with a conspiratorial grin, “Do you want breakfast before we go to the crypt?”
She only takes a moment to decide and begins striding toward the doors. 
Your son hurries to follow her as she calls out over her shoulder. “Resurrections are no good on an empty stomach. Breakfast first.”
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This was so fun to write! Thanks for reading!
Halloween 2022 | SVT M.List | Main M.List
→ Please do NOT copy, repost, or translate, any of my works here on tumblr or on any other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, Milfgyuu, 2019. ©️
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luwritesomething · 2 years
Young Gomez Addams with a very shy crush and goes around always being the gentleman that he is
She's always nervous around him so he finally gets the courage to ask her out and it's really fluffy
I really like fluffy writing even if sometimes it's too much
Young Gomez Addams x reader: Headcanons.
Author's note: Yes, I decided to do this as headcanons because I felt like it would be easier to capture. Hope you like it!! @daughter-of-the-stars11
Reader's pronouns: not stated, but it is fem coded since morticia is reader's roommate.
Warnings: none?
okay so you caught gomez's eye since the moment you appeared through nevermore's doors.
and when you got paired up with him in botany class, he found not only your beauty was terrific, but your mind too. you were brightly intelligent, even in your worst subjects.
you were nice, too, and pretty shy. thruth is, though, you liked gomez (or kinda) which helped you with being nice to him.
at first you didn't talk much other than your trivial conversations during botany class, which consisted on --- barely --- asking about what the teacher had said in a moment of distraction.
but both of you wanted to keep talking, as you found each other enchanting. however, you were too shy to do so and gomez was still adapting himself to having a crush on you.
so you still talked only during botany classes, which gomez spent trying to figure out what to say so the conversation could be longer.
until one day you brought your copy of dracula with you to class --- a spark lit in his eyes once he noticed the book, and he almost instantly started talking with an energy and passion that had been unbeknown to you before.
his conversation was catchy, prompting you to talk too, and just like that you two were really talking for the first time.
still, things were slow.
he learned what your favorite flower, candy and season were, tho.
you started running into each other in the hallways way more often. and although at first you just smiled to each other, you started to stop to talk to each other, every time arriving later to your next classes.
gomez started opening doors for you, calling you pet names in spanish and sometimes italian and watching over you to make sure you were okay.
morticia frump, your lovely roommate, was thrilled by the chemistry between you two. she had tried to convince hou to ask gomez out to jericho, but your shyness had gotten the best out of you the two times you had tried to do so.
then gomez, encouraged bymorticia, gathered the courage to ask you out himself.
he gave you an extravagant bouquet of your favorite flower and asked you to stroll with him around jericho the rainiest day of that year.
you said yes, obviously, and morticia helped you with getting ready and calm down.
the date was lovely. he complimented you the whole day and became x1000 times the gentleman he already is.
at the end of the day you kissed him --- faster visited him that night and he's a witness of how his brother was on cloud 9 for the whole day.
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jrvanfleet · 2 years
When You’re an Addams 2 - j.t.k
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18+ MINORS, DNI!!!
summary: after your daughter leaves with her uncle josh for the night, you and jake are finally left alone for some much needed quality time... [very much romantic husband!jake hehe]
pairing: jake x f. reader
warnings: !SMUT! unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks!), cockwarming, praise kink, oral sex (f. receiving), feet (but like not in a gross way... just... well...), body worshiping, overall sweet husband jake who just wants to treat you right
word count: 6k
a/n: so sorry this has LITERALLY taken two months for me to finish.. i know, i'm disappointed in myself too... but just so you know, this could technically be read as a stand alone smut... but there's a bit of context throughout that would make more sense if you read the PART ONE to this fic HERE! :) enjoy.
The house was mostly dark when you and Jake stepped through the front entrance. Your husband’s fingers were interlaced with yours and didn’t let go even as he flipped on a singular lamp in the living room, casting the room in a soft warm glow. He led you over to the record player that sat along the far wall. Careful to keep the album he chose hidden from you, he pulled it from his collection and set the needle gently against the vinyl.
“What did you pick?” you asked when he turned around. Goosebumps rose on your skin from his gentle touch sweeping up your waist and around you, pulling you close to him.
“Just something to set the mood,” he murmured into your hair. “I have quite the night planned for you, my love.”
“Mhm,” the right corner of his mouth was turned upwards as he pulled back to look you in the eyes. “No kids? A full night to have you all to myself?” He kissed you lightly. Your skin tingled as his hand swept from its place on your back to your ass, squeezing it to emphasize his point. “You better believe I have our whole night planned.”
The blood in your veins heated a few degrees.
“But,” he continued as music began playing out of the speakers, “since we’re still dressed up, we have to truly dance like Morticia and Gomez. Besides, we also have to wait for the food to be delivered.” A sheepish grin tugged on his face and you laughed. His fingers laced with yours as he pulled you closer.
“What did you order?” you asked.
He clicked his tongue right next to your ear.
“So many questions.” He leaned in towards you and kissed up your neck. “I suppose you’ll just have to wait and see.”
You chuckled lightly, letting him begin to lead you around the living room in an easy sway. The song he chose was a classic, one of your favorites off of the Etta James ‘At Last’ album. He began lightly humming the song as the two of you danced, fully at peace in your darkened living room.
As you moved, the hand he had placed at your waist slowly began to drift up and down your spine in long and languid strokes. The calluses on his fingers left more goosebumps in their wake along your bare back. His hand was content to stroke your skin and you softly placed your cheek on his shoulder, breathing in his scent. He smelled like whiskey and cigar smoke but as you rested your head there on his shoulder, you could almost catch the scent of something else underneath his usual smell. Something oddly familiar. The more you thought about it, you realized that the smell was that of your daughter’s hair detangler. The sweet scent of artificial green apple was too prominent to mistake for anything else. You laughed into the crook of his neck.
“What?” he asked.
You giggled again.
“Did you use bug’s detangler?” you laughed again leaning back slightly and dragged a finger behind his ear to tuck a stray piece of hair that had escaped his low bun.
“As a matter of fact… I did,” he replied with absolutely no shame. He grinned at you as you laughed again. “What? It works and it smells good.”
You knew that he was trying to have a romantic moment with you there in the living room, but you couldn’t contain your laughter at how absolutely lovable he was. You loved that your relationship was this way, the perfect blend of sexy and humorous. Even in a sweet romantic gesture, you and Jake could laugh together without ruining the mood.
“You’re so unbelievably sexy, Mr. Kiszka,” you smiled as you leaned in to kiss him. He welcomed the kiss and his hand that was holding yours tightened in response.
“Not as sexy as you Mrs. Kiszka,” he said back, kissing your lips between each sultry word. You were both grinning like fools as your free hand snuck around to the back on his neck, digging into his hair and pulling him closer to you.
Jake moaned at the feeling of your fingers massaging the base of his neck and the sound set off something fiery in the pit of your stomach. As he kissed you deeper, his tongue swept into your mouth, which you reciprocated with your own moan.
He released your hand in favor of letting both his trail over you, stopping at your ass and grabbing at it in handfuls. He pulled you against him without breaking the kiss. Fully molded against him you could feel the prominence of his hardness pressing against your front. Your breathing was ragged but you didn’t care, you wished you could kiss him like this for eternity.
Jake’s mouth soon began to wander, softly biting and sucking at your throat as his hands kneaded your ass. You couldn’t contain your breathy moan as his lips found that perfect spot behind your ear that he knew made you melt. You grasped his hair tighter while your other hand found its way around to the small of his back and gripped at the dark grey fabric of his suit.
As his tongue dragged over the tender spot on your neck, you whispered a choked “Jak–” but your words were cut off with a startled gasp by a loud rapping on your front door. Jake chuckled against your throat, still slowly trailing his lips over the soft skin. He took his time to kiss his way up the side of your neck until his breath tickled the shell of your ear, making you shiver.
“That,” he whispered, “would be our dinner.” He took your earlobe between his teeth and gave it a gentle tug filled with promise. Your breath came out in shuddering gasps as he reluctantly detached himself from your body and made his way to the door.
You tried to slow your breathing as you watched him pull open the door and grinned when you saw the red smiley face with the words ‘Thank You!’ written all over the plastic takeout bag. Jake had ordered from your favorite Thai restaurant and your mouth began to water at the thought of the delicious sweet and spicy dishes that kept you and Jake returning at least once every other week.
Your husband dug his wallet out of his pocket, tipped the delivery driver, and thanked them before closing the door with his elbow, both his hands occupied by the bags of food.
“Have I told you that I love you?” you asked, walking over and taking one of the bags from his overflowing hands. You kissed him again, simply because you wanted to. He hummed his approval onto your lips.
“I think you may have told me once or twice.” The way his mouth quirked up made your heart melt with adoration. “Okay sugar, let’s see what we’ve got.” He strode into the kitchen, but not before giving your ass a firm smack, unable to keep his hands off you. You smiled and trailed after him.
He had ordered all your favorite dishes: Kaeng Kari Kai for you, Pad Thai for himself, with fresh spring rolls and lots of rice for you to share.
As you worked on taking everything out of the two bags, Jake set the table. You didn’t notice the candles he had placed between your two empty bowls until you turned, takeout boxes in hand. A soft gasp escaped your lips as he lit the last one, covering the room in a cozy glow.
“Did I forget my own birthday or something?” you laughed as he graciously pulled your chair out for you to sit.
“Is it such a crime to treat my woman every once in a while?” he joked back, kissing your temple before sitting in the seat opposite of you.
You couldn’t help but quickly dig into the food before you. The spicy yellow curry was just as delicious as ever and the spring rolls were the perfect antidote for the spices on your tongue.
The conversation between you and Jake flowed easily, just like it always had. Even after being married for years, there never seemed to be a shortage of things to talk about. He always interested you and you always interested him. While he talked, you couldn’t help but admire how delicious he looked in his suit and tie. Finishing your dish, you sat and ogled him a bit from across the table. In the background, the end of the record clicked to a stop. The only noise was the soft chirping of crickets outside and Jake’s raspy but comforting voice. You found yourself with your chin propped on your hand, watching him with rapt attention as he told you all about the new track he had worked on earlier in the day. His voice trailed off as comfortable silence fell between you.
“Tell me what you’re thinking, sugar,” he said, breaking the silence. His voice was dark and sultry.
“Mmm…” You tried to gather your thoughts, “I’m thinking about how I’m so lucky to have you.” You fiddled with your spoon in your now empty bowl. “I’m thinking about how I love you and your passions and how hard you work every day. I’m thinking about how incredible of a husband and father you are.” Your eyes met his and they burned with love while a soft smile began to form on his lips.
Slowly, you stood from the table and crossed over to where he sat. Your long black dress swished against the floor as you sat in his lap and looped your arms loosely around his neck. His warm hands immediately came to rest comfortably on your hip and thigh, rubbing soothing and loving circles in them with his thumbs.
“And I’m also thinking about how I can’t wait for you to make good on your promise.” You punctuated your sentence by slowly dragging the tip of your tongue along his jaw. He shuddered beneath you and the hands that rested on your body tightened in response.
“Oh?” He tried to keep the swagger in his voice but you felt the anticipation in his tone. His hands roved over you, finding the slit in your dress and dragging his fingers higher up your thigh. “And which promise is that exactly?” His lips found your shoulder as his hands continued their wandering.
This was exactly what you had wanted. Your heart pounded in your chest as you hummed in response, taking your hands and tilting his head to give your lips access to his neck.
Mustering up all the sexiness you could into your voice, you whispered in his ear, “You promised that you were going to peel this dress off of me.” Your teeth clamped on the skin of his jaw, just hard enough to encourage a soft moan from him and make him shift underneath you. You could feel how hard he still was and you did your best to wiggle your hips on top of him. He groaned and twisted so that he caught your lips with his own. It was a wet clash of tongues and teeth as he nodded fervently.
Somehow he maneuvered an arm under your knees and around your back and was standing so quickly you yelped in delighted surprise. He carried you bridal style down the darkened hallway, his lips never parting with your own.
“I always keep my promises.” His words rasped against your skin and you smiled devilishly against his lips as he kicked open your bedroom door.
The room was dark like the rest of the house, save for the dim light coming from the adjoining bathroom. He laid you down on the comforter of your shared bed with heartbreaking gentleness, looking down upon you.
You deliberately stretched your arms above your head, giving him the perfect view of all your curves.
“Well, Kiszka…” you taunted, “Show me what you’ve got.”
A fire danced in his eyes as he gazed at you with a hunger that made your stomach curl.
His fingers were slow as he delicately dragged them over the satin of your dress. You could feel the calluses through it as if the dress wasn’t there at all. His brown eyes were bright and he took in the sight of you sprawled out for him.
“I will keep my promise,” he muttered, his eyes never leaving your body, “but I don’t think I’m ready to have you out of this dress yet. You’re just so gorgeous.”
You could feel the blush spread over your face as his hands lightly dragged down the length of one of your legs. He’d been sweet to you all night, but for him to blatantly tell you that he thought you were gorgeous… Your cheeks burned and you bit your bottom lip to hide your grin.
You were still wearing your shoes and he lifted your leg, slowly pulling the heel off your foot. You didn’t wear heels often because they were uncomfortable and you wobbled a bit as you walked, but you’d sacrificed comfort for the night, the shoes finishing off your dramatic costume perfectly.
Jake dropped the heel on the floor, not caring where it ended up and you let out a groan as he began massaging a spot on the bottom of your foot you hadn’t realized was sore. He smiled a satisfied smile as he watched your head drop back in pleasure. His grin lingered as he worked the sore muscles and your breathing turned heavy when he reached for the other leg. He discarded the other shoe onto the floor with a definitive thump and you couldn’t help but moan at the way he knew exactly what you needed. In every aspect of your relationship. He wanted to treat you and though you always felt cherished with him, his specially planned date night made you nearly burst with love. And lust.
His hands worked over your foot in the most sinfully innocent way, making you hot and near dripping with anticipation.
“I hardly know where to begin,” he murmured. His lips connected with the inside of your ankle, pressing soft and taunting kisses over your skin.
You watched as his kisses gradually drifted up your calf. You couldn’t help but shift in his hold, encouraging him to continue his exploration.
His eyes locked with yours, the soft brown like dark, rich honey. With a painful deliberateness, he slowly sank to his knees before you. His lips continued their journey along the inside of your thigh, as if he were determined to map every bit of you. You sighed in contentment at the feeling of him on your skin. He always made you feel good, but he was taking extra care to make sure you were totally relaxed.
The hands that held your leg traveled in the same direction of his lips, dragging the fabric of your dress up your thighs until he reached where he could no longer push it up without your help. Without so much as a word from him, you lifted your hips and he urged the tight satin to bundle around your waist.
In the same moment he hissed a breath against the skin of your inner thigh.
“No underwear?” His eyes had darkened as they snapped to yours. You grinned wickedly even through the burning in your cheeks at his hungry gaze.
“You dirty mama,” he nearly groaned against you as he lightly bit down on your sensitive skin. The way his teeth felt against your skin caused a shaking moan to escape your lips. You could feel yourself getting wetter with every second that your husband knelt before you, teasing you with his mouth but never reaching exactly where you wanted him.
His breath fanned over you as he took the sight in of you laid out before him, your dress hiked up over your hips. Completely at his mercy. You watched him kneeling between your legs like a sinner at the altar.
“You’re not full?” you asked, grinning slightly at the starved and longing look plastered on his face. He didn’t catch the joke and arched a confused eyebrow at you.
“From dinner. You’re not full?” you asked again and your eyes tracked between his face and where he had just been staring. His following chuckle was dark and raspy.
“Oh sugar,” he said as he sucked another hickey into the inside of your leg. “I’m just getting started.”
With that, his hands firmly grabbed the outsides of your thighs, pulling them apart while his tongue dragged a long and languid stripe up your folds. A breathy, satisfied moan escaped your lips as he continued to dedicate his tongue to you.
Jake was relentless. His fingers dug into your legs, pinning them open and making it impossible for you to squirm away from him. His breathing was heavy as he lapped at your entrance. He sucked your clit into his mouth with a confidence that years of trust and learning each other’s tastes and wants had bonded you together with. Your breath hitched in your throat and your hips tried to lift of their own volition.
Before they could even move an inch, your husband’s thumbs dug into the tops of your hips, pulling them down and pinning them to the mattress. You bit your lip to suppress your moan at his complete control over you. One of your hands found its way into his hair and you pulled at it slightly while you grinded into his face.
His tongue was warm against you and he knew exactly where to tease you to have you completely writhing under him. He alternated between licking you and sucking your clit into his warm mouth, the pressure making your insides burn deliciously. Your fingers tightened in his hair, pulling a groan from his lips. The vibration mixed with the delicate scratch of his facial hair over your skin had you squeezing your eyes closed to take in the full pleasure.
“Jake,” you moaned as your fingers continued to massage into his hair.
“Mmm,” he hummed as one of his hands moved from your hip to where his mouth was focused, dragging two fingers up and down your folds in time with his licks.
The stars that erupted behind your closed eyes at his taunting touch had you crying out and then biting your lip to silence the sound. Your legs quivered around his head as he took those two fingers, now fully coated in your slick and his saliva, and teased them at your entrance.
He moaned into you as his fingers slid easily into you.
“Mmm,” he said again. “So warm.”
Though you tried to keep your eyes on the beautiful man kneeling in front of you, worshiping your body, you couldn’t stop your eyes from rolling in pleasure and tossing your head back as his skilled fingers hit that perfect spot within you.
He had teased you long enough, getting you ready for him long before he actually touched you. All evening, his teasing touches and innocent kisses along your skin, a sinful promise of what he had in store for you.
“You’re so gorgeous babe,” he rasped against your thigh. His thumb had replaced where his mouth had been on your clit as he kissed along the sensitive skin of your thighs, catching his breath. You couldn’t find words as his fingers kept their rhythm inside you, all you could manage was a whine at his praise.
“Give it to me, love.” His voice was smokey and dark. “Just relax and give into it.”
His thumb pressed hard into your sensitive flesh and his fingers moved expertly inside you, reaching further and urging you towards your release.
Your hand that wasn’t tangled in his hair reached down towards him. Your husband knew that since he couldn’t kiss you from that angle, you wanted another point of contact to ground you when you came. He interlaced his free hand with yours, kissing your knuckles. It was an innocent gesture which greatly contrasted with the actions of his other hand, but through it, you felt his utter love and devotion. You were completely surrounded by it.
Your orgasm crashed into you hard, leaving you gasping for air. Your husband’s fingers continued their movement, coaxing you through your high until they finally slowed with the heaving of your chest.
Jake lovingly kissed your hip, murmuring more words of praise as you fought to bring yourself back down to earth. He rose to his full height above you while a sweet and heavy feeling overtook your entire body. He smiled down at you, still sprawled across the bed, your dress now thoroughly wrinkled at your waist. Your eyes were heavy while watching him as he came down over you and kissed your face, starting at your neck, traveling over your jaw, until his breath fanned over your lips.
“Hi,” you said weakly, a sated smile on your lips. He chuckled and kissed you lightly.
“Hi.” His eyes crinkled with his returning smile. Lightly, his hands came to cradle your face, tucking a bit of hair behind your ears and tracing loving patterns into your skin as he stared at you.
After a few moments to catch your breath, his loving gaze began to heat your blood once more. You leaned towards him, capturing his lips with your own. He smiled as you deepened the kiss, stabilizing one hand on the bed beside your head when you grasped onto the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you.
Though Jake would be thoroughly happy to pleasure you with nothing in return, you were eager to treat him after the wonderful night he had planned out for you.
Your fingers trailed down his neck, clutching at the lapels of the jacket he still wore. As quickly as you could, you yanked him towards the space on the bed next to you without breaking the kiss, catching him by surprise. Within the same move with his back now on the sheets, you swung a leg over his hips to straddle him.
“That was fancy,” he chuckled, fully pinned to the mattress.
A wicked smile crept onto your face as you began grinding down onto him. You could feel how affected he was through his linen dress pants, his hips involuntarily trying to lift from the bed to find more friction.
His lips were plump from your kisses, but they felt perfect as he gently licked your bottom lip.
“Thank you,” you said onto his mouth.
“For what?” he laughed, his hands roaming over your hips and thighs, pulling you down over him.
“For tonight. For everything.”
“Everything,” he said with a teasing smile, “That covers a lot of ground. I must really be doing something right.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes.
“But I think your ‘thank you’ is too early,” he continued as he slid his hands up your waist and down your arms to where they still had a hold of his jacket. Without him needing to ask, you pushed the jacket off of him, leaning back for him to sit up slightly.
“Oh?” you replied, your fingers beginning to work on the dark red bowtie that you had gifted him. Your touch was gentle as you untied the fabric and pulled it from his collar, letting it dangle in front of him from a single finger.
Jake leaned forward once more, slowly taking the fabric hanging from your index finger between his teeth. You could feel your blood heat in your veins as he turned his head to the side and let the tie drop to the bed.
“Our night is far from finished.”
A fire danced in his eyes and you made quick work of the buttons on his dress shirt. It was far more than you were used to undoing, his everyday style usually in favor of leaving most of his shirt open. He watched your fingers move while he continued to pull your hips down to his, the moments of friction on your still sensitive flesh making it harder to focus on your task.
Finally, you slid your hands up his chest, moving your mouth to suck at the skin of his throat. He shuddered beneath you and gripped the back of your thighs with a shaky moan.
Between kisses on his neck you whispered to him exactly how you wanted him.
“I want to ride you.”
Catching his eye, you nodded up to the head of the bed, silently telling him to go and wait for you.
Jake couldn’t hide his smile as you leaned off of him so that he could move. You watched as his hands fumbled with the button of his pants, almost frantically trying to rid himself of them. His back rested half on the pillows and half on the headboard, waiting for you. He hissed in pleasure as he palmed himself through his underwear, keeping his gaze locked with yours as you slowly crawled up the bed.
You dragged your hand lightly over his cock, making his breath hitch as you teased him. Adjusting so that you were straddling him again, your fingers teased at the waistband of his underwear, pulling them off him and letting his cock spring free. Much to your delight, he was hard and leaking for you. You stroked him in your hand, barely applying any pressure. Below you, Jake’s chest heaved, his eyes closed in pure pleasure.
“Look at me baby,” you said to him as you kissed his jaw.
You were ready for him, he had treated you all night and now it was his turn to receive. Slowly, you dragged the head of his cock through your folds. His hands gripped the backs of your thighs while he watched, like a starved man, as his cock easily sunk into you with the slight movement of your hips. His eyebrows pinched together as you brought yourself up and then let gravity pull you back down.
Jake’s moans were like music in your ears. The music that all his fans wanted to hear but only you had the privilege to. Even after years of your steady relationship, you never got tired of the feeling. The feeling of him. Warm and hard inside you, filling you up. Stretching you out.
You moved a bit faster, taking one hand to grab the top of the headboard to give you more leverage. Whimpering as he moved inside you, you felt him deeper and deeper with each push of your hips.
“Wait a second, sugar,” he bit out. His bottom lip was tucked between his teeth as if the words coming out of his mouth were the last thing that he really wanted to do.
Your eyebrows creased in mild confusion but you did what he asked, letting yourself sink all the way onto him and coming to a stop. You could feel him twitch inside you as you held him and he groaned at his own frustration.
“What?” you asked, running your fingers through his hair, encouraging another twitch of his cock within you.
He moaned at your teasing touch but dragged his hands up your sides.
“I still have a promise to uphold,” he said, catching your eye and holding it while his fingers expertly found the small zipper at your back. You grinned at him as you sat there, so close to him, his fingers grazing over your exposed back until the zipper was all the way down. Jake leaned up and kissed the underside of your jaw. Soft moans escaped your lips as he stroked up and down your spine, basking in the feeling of your skin and your warmth. His lips sucked at the skin of your throat, slowly making their way to your collarbones. His taunting kisses had you squirming in his hold, shifting your hips.
Groaning loudly at the feeling of his cock moving inside you, he pressed his forehead in between your breasts and tried to take deep breaths to steady himself. Once your hips had settled on him once more, his hands found your shoulders, the collar of the dress slowly dragging down your arms to reveal your breasts.
His mouth followed where his hands trailed, taking his time to rub circles into your nipples and bite at the soft flesh. You gasped when his teeth sunk into you then quickly kissed and licked away the hurt.
The dress was fully open, hanging limp at your waist.
“Arms up beautiful,” your husband rasped in your ear as he gathered the fabric.
The satin scratched delightfully at your overheated skin as he pulled it up and over your body, leaving you fully revealed to him. Dropping the dress to the floor, he sighed as he took you in fully.
“My love,” he said as his hands came to rest on your hips, his gaze roving over your face, your chest, until they came to where you were connected. With his attention fully held, you lifted yourself up, already missing the feeling of him filling you. His fingers tightened on you while he hissed through his teeth at the stimulation. You grabbed the headboard again and pushed your hips down. Hard.
“That’s it sugar,” he moaned, guiding your hips and meeting your downward thrusts with upward strokes of his own. Your jaw hung open with heavy pants as you worked him deep into you, the feeling even richer after he made you hold it off.
Your muscles burned in the best way and you bit back a moan with your bottom lip between your teeth when he hit a particularly delicious spot.
“Hey,” he grunted. Detaching one of his hands from your hip, his thumb found your chin and pulled it down to him, freeing your lip from its place between your teeth. He kissed you hard while continuing to thrust into you. “I want to hear you,” he said in between kisses. “No kids in the house tonight, so I want to hear all of it.”
You quivered in his hold, his thumb still pressing into your chin.
“Understood?” he asked. His eyes burned with lust and he melted you with his stare. You nodded obediently, leaning in to kiss him again.
In a moment similar to one that had come before, Jake gripped your waist and you were suddenly flipped onto the bed under him in one fluid motion. You gasped as he continued to thrust into you.
“I said,” he murmured into your ear, “Do you understand?” Delicately he dragged your earlobe with his teeth, making you shiver and gasp.
“Yes–Yes I understand,” you stuttered, the mix of pleasure from his mouth, his cock, and his words making you dizzy. His smile was wicked as he dragged in and out of you.
You did exactly as you were told. With each movement of his hips against yours, unbridled cries of pleasure escaped your lips.
Jake found a rhythm above you, steadily pounding into you as your eyes rolled back with the feeling of him. You didn’t see him move his hand until you felt it pushing into your lower stomach.
“You feel me here sugar?” he asked and you cried out at the pressure, nodding furiously, obscenities falling from your lips. You could feel with each thrust against your cervix, where his cock seemed to meet the weight of his fingers. The soft flesh of your belly so warm and sensitive. His satisfied grin quickly faded into a gasp as his teasing touch caused you to tense around him, tightly clenching his cock.
“You’re doing so good, baby. You sound so pretty,” he praised, kissing your sweaty forehead as you panted. More of those sounds spilled from your lips, each one getting higher in pitch as he urged you towards your second release.
Lightly, his fingers trailed from your stomach to circle your clit in taunting circles, keeping time with his hard thrusts.
The moan that escaped you would’ve made you blush if you weren’t so lost in the pleasure of him. Jake was hitting you so right. He was so in tune to your body, it was easy for him to find that spot that made you hum and shake. His fingers swirled faster and rougher circles into your clit, making your back arch off the sheets and into his sweaty chest.
“Jake,” you moaned out, your nails clawing lines into his biceps. “I’m close.” Your words were barely audible as you gasped for air.
“I know, love. I know.” His breathing was just as uneven as your own and when you looked up at him, his eyes were screwed shut in pleasure and his mouth hung slightly open.
“Cum with me,” you panted and you could feel the force of your orgasm just within reach. Jake’s hips stuttered at your request and both his hands found your knees, pushing them open to reach even further into you.
He cried out as he finally released into you at the same moment your walls clenched and fluttered on their own accord. The pleasure covered your whole body, making you lightheaded and you drifted in the feeling for much longer than you normally did. Distantly, you could hear his shuddering moans mixed with your cries as you both found your release together.
You could feel his release warming you from the inside, the force of his orgasm dripping down your ass and onto the sheets as his hips finally worked their way to a stop.
Every part of him was shaking as he tried to carefully lower himself without crushing you. He usually shook after he came, but the force of his tremors made you smile and drag your fingers soothingly up and down his back. His head laid in the crook of your neck as he let out an exhausted sigh.
The two of you laid there, enveloped in each other’s warmth for a long while.
Slowly, your breathing evened out and your heartbeats slowed enough for you to lift your head and place soft kisses on his temple.
“Babe,” you whispered. He groaned half heartedly. “Your cum is dripping down my leg.”
That got his attention. He lifted his head and cocked one eyebrow at you, dragging his gaze down to where his release was creating a small puddle on the sheets.
“Yeah, but you like it like that right?” He smirked at you when you scoffed and reluctantly pulled himself off you on still slightly shaky arms. He kissed your lips lightly before making his way to the bathroom to get a washcloth. You propped your head on your hand to watch his perfect ass as he walked away.
Sensing your eyes on him, he looked over his shoulder at you and winked devilishly. You laughed before flopping back onto the bed, thoroughly sore.
When he returned with the warm washcloth, you could hear the bath running in the next room. He delicately dragged the cloth up and down your legs before taking your hand to help you sit up. You couldn’t help but smile at his chivalry.
“You think you can walk, sugar?” he teased, kissing you again. You rolled your eyes but tried your best not to wobble as you took a small step towards the bathroom. “You go get in the bath, I’ll be right behind you.”
When you looked in the bathroom mirror, your makeup was surprisingly not as smudged as you’d expected, though your face was flushed and sweaty. The bathwater was the perfect warmth and Jake had put in some lavender bath salts that felt glorious against your skin as you sunk into the tub. A few minutes later he opened the door, two glasses of wine in his hands. You smiled as he handed you one and leaned forward, letting him settle behind you.
It felt perfect to be cradled between his legs, your head resting on his chest as he dragged his fingers lovingly up your arms.
“Jake,” you said, breaking the comfortable silence you had fallen into.
“I think Uncle Josh needs to start hosting more sleepovers.”
Jake laughed, his chest rumbling against your ear. He kissed the top of your head lightly.
“You got it, sugar.”
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vampwritesstuff · 2 years
Someone to Save Me ~
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Pairing : Xavier Thorpe x Addams!reader (fem pronouns)
Summary : in which when her crazy, obsessive father comes searching for her, she needed a knight in shining armor. Or maybe a tortured artist.
Warnings : attempted kidnapping, abuse, swearing, mentions of being stalked, use of the word “princess”
Genre : angst to fluff/comfort, frenemies to lovers
Requests : open
Words : 2k+
This is an idea I had thought of and wanted to write, don’t remember what I had been doing but I immediately went to my notes and wrote a general idea on this, so here is a fleshed out version! I want to say that reader’s father is NOT Fester!
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Having a crazy and obsessive father was difficult. That’s what led you to run from him, showing up on your Aunt Morticia and Uncle Gomez’s doorstep, seeking refuge in their home. They knew how your father could get and allowed you to stay with them. You were 13, they couldn’t leave you to fend for yourself. Something that just sort of happened was that Wednesday basically became your bodyguard, she was never far from you anytime you were at school or in public. So, after being expelled for throwing piranhas into the swim team’s pool during their practice, you obviously had to go with her to her new school, Nevermore.
Now, you weren’t a normie, obviously since you were an Addams. You had an innate ability to control plants and organic objects around you. And seeing that there were woods that surrounded the Nevermore campus, it made you feel at home already. Pugsley had taken a liking to calling you ‘nymph’ because of your closeness to nature. It was a sour parting when your aunt, uncle and younger cousin had to leave. Pugsley had given you and Wednesday a tight hug, while you had patted his back and gave him encouraging words, Wednesday was… well, she was Wednesday. Your aunt gave you and your cousin each a pendant, while Wednesday’s could turn into a ‘W’ and ‘M’ for Wednesday and Morticia, yours had a carefully crafted tree on it. You smiled softly and thanked your aunt, giving her a hug before she got into the car where Lurch stood by, holding open the car door. Then they were off.
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It had been barely a month since you’ve arrived at Nevermore Academy, and somehow your cousin has found herself playing detective in a search for a monster that most weren’t even sure existed. Of course, you believed her and have helped her in her investigation.
Despite Wednesday’s many complaints, you were given a single room, while Wednesday had to deal with a roommate who was the exact opposite of her. You thought it was good for Wednesday to have some social interaction with someone besides you or her family. Many of her complaints consisted of her trying to reason that she needed to protect you from your father, as she had been doing for the past three years. However, you were quick to shut her down.
“Wednesday, if he hasn’t found me yet, how in the hell do you think he would find me in a school for outcasts in a little town that’s barely on the map?” You had told her one day, during an outing in Jericho to go to the Weathervane. Of course, your cousin stayed silent, knowing that it was unlikely that your father would find you. You were good at covering your tracks.
It wasn’t long until Tyler Galpin, a normie and someone who had taken interest in your cousin, sat down with you both. You tensed, Tyler did not give you good vibes ever since you first met him, however your cousin seemed to never notice your state of nervousness whenever Tyler was around. It didn’t help that he was sitting next to you, and you were trapped inside the booth.
You stared at the table for the remainder of the time you and your cousin were at the Weathervane, unwilling to speak up that you wanted to leave in the case that you were going to be seen as rude. That’s when your phone buzzed, a text from Enid saved you. “Sorry Wednesday, but Enid says she’s having a crisis and needs me back at Nevermore.” You spoke up as Wednesday and Tyler talked over theories about who the monster could be. Tyler got the hint that you needed to leave and moved from the booth to allow you to slide past in order to leave. Wednesday just nodded, “Don’t get yourself killed.” She said as Tyler sat back down, you knew that was just her way of telling you to be safe. You nodded and left the Weathervane without another word, making your way from Jericho back to the school.
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You were barely 5 minutes into the wooded part of the Nevermore campus when you got the eerie feeling that you were being watched, the hair on the back of your neck standing on end. You stopped to look around, only hearing the chirp of birds and the noise of bugs.
Hesitantly, you started walking again, this time at a much quicker pace. Already having your phone out with Enid on speed dial and ready to take off or fight for your life at a moments notice. There was no way in hell you were going to die in the woods, alone.
That’s when you heard a twig snap, stopping once again you looked around, taking note that it wasn’t you who stepped on a twig and broke it. That’s when you felt a presence behind you, immediately your instinct and training from Wednesday kicked in. Spinning around, you took control of some of the vines on the ground and used them to wrap the figure up and keep them from moving, they fell to the ground with a deep grunt, groaning as the vines tightened around them.
When your initial adrenaline wore off, you were able to make out the Nevermore uniform, specifically the male uniform. “Fuck, Y/n, didn’t think you would attack someone like that.” Xavier groaned as he was still constricted by the vines. “That’s why you don’t sneak up on a girl in the middle of the damn woods!” You exclaimed, letting the vines go of your control and allowing them to unwrap from Xavier.
You held out your hand to help him stand up, which he took in response. He brushed himself off, standing in front of you. “Sorry, sorry. Don’t sneak up on girls in the woods, got it.” He mumbled, “what were you doing out here anyway?” He asked, but you gave him an incredulous look, “Where else would I be going? I’m heading back from town to the school. Enid messaged me that she had something urgent going on and needed my help.” You told him as you turned and began to walk away from the artist.
You and Xavier had an odd dynamic going on, some days you both could be civil with each other, other days you were ready to rip his throat out just listening to him talk. Right about now, you were borderline annoyed with the boy, in between being civil and tying him up with vines again. You almost groaned as he caught up with you easily, ‘Curse his long legs.’ You thought. “What were you doing in Jericho?” He asked you, watching your expression carefully. “I was with Wednesday at the Weathervane.” You answered shortly, not wanting to delve into detail of your most recent outing with your cousin. From the corner of your eye, you saw Xavier nod stiffly. ‘Odd,’ You thought, ‘He’s never stiffened at the mention of Wednesday..’ you squinted at him, suspiciously.
“Now, what were you doing out here?” You turned his own question on him, he looked at you and shrugged, “Came to clear my head,” he told you but you looking at him seemed to make the boy nervous, something he never usually was when around you. He normally matched your energy, which made you even more suspicious of Xavier. “Okay.” There was something up with Xavier, and you knew it. But you didn’t want him to catch onto your suspicion, so you pretended that you believed him.
There was a silence between the both of you as you reached Nevermore, “See you later, Xav.” You said to him as you walked away, heading to Enid and Wednesday’s dorm in Ophelia Hall.
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You seemed to run into Xavier in the woods a lot more than usual, especially on your daily stroll through the woods which you’ve recently been going on alone, since Wednesday was too busy with her investigation to join you. Each time you met in the woods, he seemed much more different than during school. Like he was a completely different person. Eventually, you decided to confront him about it, when he once again interrupted your stroll.
“What has been goin on with you lately, Xavier? You’ve been acting completely different lately, especially out of class.” You told him as he once again, joined you on a walk through the woods. “What do you mean, Y/n?” He tried to play you off, but you knew Xavier. He wouldn’t dismiss accusations against him, you’ve learned that since Wednesday began suspecting him and he found out about it. That’s how you realized.
“You’re not Xavier.” You whispered, barely loud enough for ‘Xavier’ to hear. When you looked up again, someone else was smirking at you, and it was someone you hoped to never see again. “Hello, princess.” Your father’s dark eyes bore into you as you were struck with fear, unable to move or make a sound as he walked towards you. “I’ve been watching you for a while now, such a shame that you saw through my disguise.” He stated as he caressed your face, his fingers lingering through a strand of your hair. “Why don’t you come home, princess? You belong with me. I am your father, after all.”
Finally, your sense came back to you and you moved away from him immediately. “No, you aren’t my father.” He began to look angry as you said that. “I don’t belong anywhere with you, and I’m sure as hell not your princess!” You shouted at him. By now, the man in front of you was fuming with anger, he reached for your arm and took hold of you in a vice grip, harshly pulling you towards him.
“Ungrateful little bitch! I created you, you are mine! You decide nothing for yourself.” His gripped tightened and you let out a yelp of pain, trying to pull from him. “Let go of me! I’m not going with you!” However, your father was much stronger than you, slapping you across the face as your head was immediately sent reeling to the side, your cheek stinging in pain. The hit was hard enough that it scrambled your thoughts, which allowed your father to pick you up without a fight and begin walking away from Nevermore.
Neither of you were aware that Thing had been following you. The hand immediately went to the closest person he could find to get help.
The sound of the shed door opening alerted Xavier that someone had entered his art studio, however he did not expect to find Thing frantically tugging at his pant leg, signing something Xavier couldn’t make out. However Xavier knew something was wrong, extremely wrong. “Show me.” Was all Xavier had to say and Thing was leading him into the woods.
Coming back to your senses, you were tossed over your father’s shoulder as he took you somewhere you didn’t recognize. You began thrashing around in his grip, “Let go of me! Someone help!” You screamed, hoping by some miracle, someone would be in the woods and hear you. “Stop squirming!” Your father shouted and threw you off his shoulder, your bodying hitting the hard ground and knocking your breath away from you, your lungs gasping for air. “You will come home. You will obey me. And you will never run from me again.” He seethed, his boot landing a kick to your ribs, then your stomach and head.
Tears filled your eyes, pain shooting everywhere throughout your body, you could hardly think. Hoping that someone would find you. Your father grabbed you and lifted you up by the collar of your shirt, “I’ll just have to break you into submission if you won’t be a good little girl.” Your father grinned at you as your half lidded eyes could hardly stay open, but you knew he was raising his fist to strike at you again.
“Get away from her!” You heard as you felt your self be dropped again, your father being tackled away from you, you could make out the shape of a hand in front of you, “Thing..” you whispered before having passed out from exhaustion.
Xavier had followed Thing at least a mile into the woods, adrenaline rushing through his veins, he didn’t know who was in danger but he knew they were important to Thing, so that left him with either two options. You, or Wednesday.
When he saw a man lifting you up by the collar of your shirt and his fist readying to hit you, something snapped in Xavier. Anger boiled over in him as he got close enough to see how terrible of shape you were in, blood covered half of your face and blood ran from your nose, your clothes torn and dirty. “Get away from her!” He shouted as he tackled the man away from you, blinded by pure and utter rage. All Xavier knew was that he had to protect the girl he had begun to accept his feelings for, and the scariest part was that he might’ve not ever gotten to tell her if he hadn’t been there in time to save her. Xavier didn’t stop until the man was a bloodied, unconscious mess. When he calmed down, Thing was tugging on the sleeve of his arm, ushering him to check on you.
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You woke up in a hospital bed, looking around to see many get well soon cards, flowers, and other little gifts. Your head was fuzzy, but the last thing you remembered was dropping onto the ground and seeing Thing before it all went blank. No one was in the room with you, it was dark outside so you knew all of your friends and cousin were told to go back to Nevermore. Realizing that your throat was scratchy and you desperately needed some water, you pressed the small ‘help’ button on the side of your bed. It wasn’t long until a nurse and doctor rushed in to check on you, your throat hurt but somehow the nurse was able to understand that you needed water and left the room, retuning a few minutes later with a cold cup of water.
While the doctor did some checks on your vitals, you asked the nurse if she could inform principal Weems that you were awake, she nodded but told you it would be until the next day that anyone would be able to visit you. The doctor finished his check up and left the room with the nurse, allowing you some rest.
The next morning came quickly, and you were reminded of how much pain you were in when you attempted to sit up, “Ms. Addams, please stay laying down.” You heard a woman’s voice and looked to see principal Weems, standing in the doorway of your hospital room along with sheriff Galpin. “Sorry to question you so soon after waking up, but the station needs a statement about what happened when you were attacked. Wednesday told us that was your father, correct?” The sheriff asked you, quick to cut to the chase. A shiver ran down your spine as he mentioned your father, “Yes, that was…” you were interrupted by a coughing fit, “… that was my father.” You continued after the coughing had stopped. “What happened before Xavier got to the scene?” That question threw you, Xavier was the one who saved you? You shook yourself out of it, you’d worry about that later. “My father had disguised himself as Xavier and intercepted me during a walk, when I realized he was not Xavier, that’s when he began telling me that I had to go home with him, that he made me and owned me, that I was nothing without him. When I refused and tried to leave, he grabbed me. It’s a little fuzzy from there, but I remember a sting across my cheek and being carried away, I think I came to at one point and started fighting back. That’s when he threw me on the ground and started beating me.” You had to take a shaky breath to keep yourself from breaking down, “then he picked me up, and that’s when he was tackled away from me. I had no idea that it was Xavier who saved me.”
Once sheriff Galpin had finished getting your statement, and reassuring you that your father would be put away for a long time, you were discharged from the hospital and allowed to return to Nevermore. When you and Weems arrived, a large crowd of students were waiting to welcome you back, no doubt the work of Enid and Yoko.
When you stepped out of the car, Enid and Wednesday were the first ones to be by your side. Enid engulfed you into a hug, while Wednesday tried to keep her from smothering you and breaking anymore of your ribs. “Enid, she doesn’t need anymore broken ribs.” She chided the bubbly werewolf, who immediately let go and apologized. You looked at the crowd of students, recognizing some faces and not recognizing others. However, the one face you hoped to see, was not there. “Where’s Xavier?” You asked, hoping one of them knew where the artist was. “He’s been sulking like a lost puppy ever since you were put in the hospital, I’d bet he’s in his art shed right now.” Wednesday told you, keeping her accusatory remarks to herself, he did save his cousin’s life after all. The least she could do was cut him some slack.
“Oh, I was hoping I could talk to him.” Your mood significantly dampened since the guy who literally saved your life, couldn’t be bothered to welcome you back. “Hey, don’t look so upset, he did stay by your side the entire time you were asleep in the hospital!” Enid attempted to console you. You smiled at her, and at the thought of Xavier worrying over you. You decided that, for the time being, you would settle back into your routine and confront Xavier later.
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It was a few hours later when Xavier showed up at your dorm room, knocking on the door. When you opened the door, you were greeted by a even more tired looking Xavier, the bags under his eyes were darker than before and he looked like he hadn’t had a proper sleep in ages. “Xavier, you okay? You look like you haven’t slept in days.” You worried over him, but her just looked at you with such emotion in his eyes that you couldn’t tell what her was feeling.
Then he stepped closer and pulled you into a hug, burying his face into your neck. Hesitantly you hugged him back, unsure of what exactly was going on. Half the time, you and Xavier couldn’t stand each other. The other half was spent laughing and making jokes about each other. You had never seen Xavier so vulnerable before.
Before you knew it, Xavier was crying while hugging you, hiccups interrupting him every few sobs. “Hey, hey. Xavi, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” You pushed him away slightly, so you could look at his face. “I thought I was going to lose you.” He rasped, “And when I saw your dad holding you like that, limp and lifeless, I realized just how important you are to me.” He hiccuped as he explained.
You pulled him back into the hug, rubbing his back as he continued to sob. You didn’t know where this was coming from, but over the past few months, you had realized that he meant more to you than you originally thought. “Y/n, I love you, and I have no idea what I would’ve done if you were taken away from me.” Xavier spoke again, this time clearer. You were shocked, you figured your feelings for him would end up being one sided, so you pushed them far far down. However, those feelings bubbled to the surface as he said those words. “I love you too, Xavier.” You replied, you could see him visibly relax at your words.
“Let me take you on a date, whatever you want to do, we’ll do it.” He told you as you smiled up at him, he leaned down and leaned his forehead against yours, both of you closing your eyes and enjoying each others embrace. “I’d love to go on a date with you.” He smiled and as you both looked at each other you shared your first kiss, of many to come.
Yeah, Xavier saved your life. He was your artist in shining armor.
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lore-gore · 8 months
Also PLEASE post about your oc! I'm trying to get up the courage to make one for hh x3
Finally! It's time! My most detailed oc that I've been working on for five years! (I am so nervous about sharing this)
Originally they were a self insert but grew to become their own character. (Which is why we have the same name. So I suppose they are both a self insert and an oc?)
I'm including bio, relationship with characters, and scene inserts
Hopefully this does not come off as cringe (I better get complements or I will cry)
Tw for death, murder, violence, bullying, obsession, stalking, mentioned kidnapping, shipping with alastor because why not, British people
Also tag me when you make yours!!!
@myroanokenightmare666 @frilledshark-enthusiast @astral--horrorshow you prommied
Lorelai "Lore" Dagenhart
The token spooky weird goth character
Ghost Demon (based on an onryo)
AFAB Nonbinary
Biromantic Asexual
From Birmingham
Chaotic neutral
Gen Z
Born October 31, 1999
Died October 31, 2023
Stabbed in the heart
Killed her old bullies (The four main ones; failed to kill the last one. Or did they?)
Was bullied severely (called names and slurs, beaten up, tripped, shoved, desk was graffitied, hair pulled and even cut, had liquids poured on her to trigger their sensory issues, rumors spread to the point not even the other goths wanted to hang out with her because they thought they sacrificed birds, locked in closets, etc.)
Failed to make friends
Tried to act "normal" for a while but because she had already been established as the weird kid it didn't work
Decided to commit to being weird
Loves being eccentric
Says weird, random, and ominous things
Likes scaring people; is good at it
Special interest is horror
Was a semi popular horror author
Drew their own covers
Has a cute style and a realistic monster style
Had good parents growing up
Parents owned a funeral home
Dad was a funeral director and mom was a mortician
Were similar to Morticia and Gomez
Speaks English and British Sign Language
Sister was deaf (her name was Faye)
Scared of bodies of water (especially running water)
Doesn't mind rain
Can still swim
Bright rooms give her sensory overload (puts on sunglasses to combat this)
Wears sound filtering earbuds
Rarely holds conversation
Either infodumps or barely contributes
Avoids eye contact
If they force herself to make eye contact, they will hold it for way too long
Only really makes eye contact when trying to intimidate someone
Struggles with social cues
Won't realize someone is upset unless they tell her
When that happens, they will simply sit and listen, which works well
Can recognize fear
Fluctuates between touch adverse, touch positive, and touch indifferent
Has a heart-shaped face, a small nose, pure white skin, long black hair parted in the middle that reaches the floor, big droopy eyes that are completely black, including the sclera, dark circles, black lips, and white fangs
6'5, 7'0 with her platforms
Very thin and bony
Wears a grey hoodie with a red x over their heart and heart shaped lock prints running down the sleeves, a pleated black skirt, black and white striped stockings, knee high lace up black 5 inch platform boots and a binder
Facial expression is usually neutral
Voice is also usually monotone
Has a haunting singing voice
Cold to the touch
The temperature in the room lowers when she gets upset (the more upset they are, the colder it gets; she is unaffected by this)
Can float
Can turn invisible
Has prehensile hair
Every time they cut it it grows back
Can't be styled either (will just return to its normal state)
Can store things inside of it
Easily sneaks up behind people
Just pops up randomly
Good at hiding
Can somehow fit into small spaces
Very flexible
Double jointed
Left handed
Anger is almost always silent; plots revenge
Very vengeful
Holds grudges
Has an amazing memory
Can think on her feet
Prefers routine
Can be very blunt
Not great at telling lies, tells half truths instead
Got A's and B's in school
Book smart, but not street smart
Had two black cats named Misery and Misfortune
Has befriended the crows by feeding them
The crows bring them little trinkets
Loves animals, especially the spooky ones (cats, rats, bats, owls, wolves, ravens, crows, snakes, spiders, moths, centipedes, as well as possums)
Favorite animal is bunnies
Favorite movie is The Ring
Favorite season is fall
Favorite holiday is Halloween
Full on cosplays for Halloween
Cosplays outside of Halloween as well
Loves candy and other sweets
Hates the taste of alcohol and coffee
Likes tea
Has taken edibles multiple times before
Often slams things without meaning to
Uses both slang and complicated vocabulary
Switches between using proper punctuation, capitalization, and spelling and ignoring it when posting as it's more chaotic
Tumblr shitposter
Made vines when it was still around
Can play the guitar (bass and electric) and piano
Doesn't quite know how to dance
Good at gardening
Offered to take care of the hotel's rose garden after seeing its neglected state
Is now the hotel gardener
Horrible at cooking
A literal hazard in the kitchen
Bad luck seems to follow them when she cooks
The food itself tastes either mediocre or terrible
Collects weird t-shirts
Humor is a mix of dark and surreal
Has a maniacal laugh
Stims by pacing, flapping hands, rocking, cracking neck (neg), and/or bouncing leg
Sleeps with arms crossed over their chest like a vampire (taught herself to do that as a kid and it became a habit)
Sleepwalks sometimes
Even creepier when they sleepwalk
Wanders around, stares at walls, crawls, says cryptic things, laughs
As a human she had brown hair that reached their back, pale skin, and occult blue eyes. She was 6'0, 6'5 with platforms. They wore a long black trenchcoat that reached the floor and a black T-shirt with a ghost on it. (The rest of her outfit was the same.)
Their full demon form has hollow black shadowy holes instead of eyes, a slit mouth that spans her entire face, long claws, and is 8 feet tall with long limbs and an echoing voice
Voice also echoes when being intense
Found the hotel shortly after arriving in hell. (Literally was just wandering around and stumbled upon it. They stopped to admire the little details, Vaggie noticed her through the window, Charlie went down to greet them, and the rest is history.)
Got a double degree in creative writing and digital art
Thinks she's pretty in a haunting way
Creative when it comes to insults and threats
Has an axe-shaped electric guitar and an axe-shaped bass guitar (literally Marceline's bass and Marshall's guitar)
VERY progressive
High Empathy
Music tastes consist of gothic rock, alt rock, punk rock, electric swing, and horror soundtracks
Parents introduced them to gothic rock and punk rock
Pirates movies
Thinks she is unlovable
Has trust issues
Assumes the worst in people
Despite this, you can win their trust by listening to her infodump
Never sits correctly
Feet on the couch, perching on the armrests or even back, crouching on the floor
Grew up agonistic
Dabbles in witchcraft (séances, tarot readings, tea leaf readings, and as a kid curses)
Always carries around a kitchen knife
Had a bobcut with bangs as a kid and wore the school uniform (white button up, black skirt, black tie) with black combat boots, black and white striped stockings, her black trenchcoat, and sharpie eyeliner
Used to explore abandoned places
Loyal to their friends
Cannot flirt or tell when someone is flirting with her to save their life
1920's outfit is a black below the knee dress with long cuffed sleeves, a grey sash, and a white collar with a white ribbon tied around it and small black heeled shoes with a strap.
Bedwear is a plain white short sleeved nightgown with her striped stockings
Never told their parents about being bullied because she didn't want them to worry
Told the teachers about being bullied but they ignored them, even when her parents got involved
Doesn't trust authority because of that
By the time they finally told her parents it was too late to do anything so they just had to push through until graduation
Killed her bullies because she couldn't live knowing they got away with what they did
Wore a ghostface costume to kill their bullies
Decided to name herself Lore because it "fits my new form"
Smells like freshly turned soil
Voice claim: Jamie from The Haunting of Bly Manor
Singing voice claim: Chibi from The Birthday Massacre/Ashley Serena/Emily Rohm
Best friends
He loves how weird she is
The only time he'll watch movies is with them
She likes showing him her favorite horror movies and infodumping afterwards
He likes spending time with her
Both have crushes on each other (He's uniromantic asexual; died at 29)
Lore assumes it's one-sided, thinking she's undateable
And Alastor loves them... Way too much
To the point of obsession
Drags her around everywhere
Definitely stalks them using his shadow
Watches her sleep
Will kidnap them eventually
Partly because he wants to keep her safe and partly because he wants them all to himself
Lore will be angry, scared, but also kinda into it (check feels unlovable)
Will probably try to make her become a cannibal like him, either by sneaking demon meat into their food, forcing her, or some other means
One of their first friends
Sees that Lore is actually a kind person
Lore is not entirely sure her plan will work, but is supportive because that's what best friends do
Anyone who messes with her will face her wrath
One of their first friends
Accepts her weirdness as just who they are
Thinks each other are cool
Listen to goth music together sometimes
Has a bad feeling about Alastor's friendship with her
Creeped out by them
One of her main scaring targets
When he first met them he thought she was a ghost
Admires their chaoticness though
Will grow closer
In pain with her obliviousness with Al
Brushes them off as just a weird kid
A little worried about her friendship with Alastor
Different flavors of weird
Forever confused about their gender
Hates when she tracks dirt in
Ships them and Alastor
Once wrote a fanfic about the two and showed her
It was smut
Lore enjoys her weird moments and finds her endearing
Sir Pentious
Scaring victim number two
Did not like him
Had not completely forgiven him for trying to betray them and kill them twice until he sacrificed himself
Katie Killjoy
Organized his funeral
Hates her
Reminds them of her old bullies
Slashed her tires after the interview
Tom Trench
Hates him because he's Katie's accomplice
Was the one that set him on fire (molotov cocktail)
Since Charlie was already taking care of Katie they went after him instead
At first did not understand why Alastor like her
Until he dug around online and realized "Ah... They're weird as shit nevermind."
Lore hates them because Alastor hates them
"My friends enemies are my enemies" type shit
Hates him after Charlie told her what she saw at the studio
Had to hold themself back from fighting him after seeing him in the club
Always wanted to meet him
Still feels bad Charlie doesn't have a good relationship with him
Glad he's at least trying to fix it
Cherri Bomb
Lore brought weed gummies during their night out so she likes her
Finds them charming
Endorses Alastor's obsession
Scene Inserts:
Hates him for attacking the Hotel and hurting her friends
Glad he's dead
Would dance on his grave if he had one
Also hates her for attacking the hotel and hurting her friends
Especially for killing Dazzle
Would NOT have shown mercy like Vaggie did
Vaggie: It's all highlighted.
(Lore appears behind Vaggie, going from invisible to visible)
Lore: I think, you should scrap this, and just say Happy Hotel over and over again like a subliminal message.
Charlie: I'll just have to resort to my impeccable improv skills!
Lore: She does improv?
Charlie: Well, there's my friend Lore.
(The camera pans to Lore. She hisses.)
(The camera pans back to Charlie, slightly weirded out.)
Charlie: And someone named... Angel Dust.
(Lore learns into the frame, holding a lighter and smirking)
(Silence after argument in limo.)
Lore: I set a man on fire.
(The three turn and stare at her.)
Alastor: What do you do my dear?
Lore: Fester.
Charlie: She's the gardener.
Alastor: My what an intriguing lady you are.
Lore: I'm not a lady I'm a creature.
Vaggie: They mean she's Nonbinary.
(Alastor raises his eyebrow.)
Vaggie: Like identifies outside the gender binary.
Alastor: Ah! How delightfully chaotic!
Alastor: And what can you do my effeminate fellow?
Angel: I can suck ya dick.
Alastor: Ha! No.
Episode 1
Alastor: Founded five days ago by Lucifer's naive daughter Charlotte Morningstar!
Alastor: Enjoy riveting conversation with one of our two (Lore emerges behind the couch) residents! Wow!
Angel: We're in Hell toots. That's kinda the end of the road, ain't it?
Lore: He's right. Death is the end of the road. One long, winding road.
Angel: Why?
Episode 2
Alastor: Well, it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor. Lore, care to accompany me?
Lore: I don't like people.
Alastor: Then you'll only have to interact with me! (Loops his arm around hers) Best of luck, chums!
(After Stayed Gone)
Lore: Why am I here?
Alastor: Moral support!
Charlie: So... This is the bar and the bartender. And here is the garden and the gardener!
Lore: The roses aren't ready to be cut yet. If I find that you cut any, I will cut your fucking hands off your pathetic little body.
Charlie: She's joking.
Lore: No I'm not.
Vaggie: This is going to be your whole day! (Claps)
Lore: My turn:
my name is Lore
I like blood
And guts and gore
Charlie: That's enough-
Lore: Reality is fake
Someone's going to die
In the lake
Vaggie: I'm sorry what.
Lore: You heard me.
Episode 3
Vaggie: Wow, you are slimy.
Lore: Like a worm. But not a cute one.
Episode 4
Husk: She was the weird kid who was bullied no matter how hard they tried to fit in, so she decided to just own it and commit to the title. Also never orders alcohol. And Nifty-
(After Charlie leaves)
Lore: You watch us sleep?
Pentious: Oh, not you. Alastor already watches you sleep.
Lore: He what.
Episode 5
Charlie: And this is Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, and Lore, our guests!
Sir Pentious: Your Majesty!!!
Angel: Hey, you short king.
Lore: This is my childhood dream come true.
(After explaining Alastor's backstory)
Lore: Sick.
Episode 7
Vaggie: They can be killed.
Lore: (standing up) I KNEW IT! (Sits back down, crossing arms and looking smug) There's almost always a weakness.
Sir Pentious: What? Do you think we're a bunch of pusssssies?
Lore: You two are my (smiles) best friends. You can't get rid of me that easily.
Husk: I just got used to you guys.
Episode 8
Alastor: It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Always makes one sentimental, aye Niffty?
Niffty: I really like them, Alastor. They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!
Lore: You know it's funny. Hell is the only place I was actually able to make friends.
Alastor: Ahh, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed.
Niffty: I dub thee, king roach!
Alastor: Oh, to understand your twisted little mind. Hahaha....
(They all laugh.)
Lore: Never change Niffty. Hey, can I be the roach jester?
Alastor: Hmm. I'd rather rule alongside you.
(He grabs her hand and kisses it.)
Lore: Oh.
(Beginning of battle)
Lore: Come and get me you fucking tar-and-feathered hypocritical bitches in a box! See how a ghost defends its haunt.
(Brandishes knives with hair)
Vaggie: New coat of paint!
Lore: New flowers
Husk: New lights across the marquee
Charlie, Vaggie, Lore, Husk: With a little sorcery
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