#larissa is enids mom
ficsofabotchedmind · 8 months
Larissa, looking frazzled: What in the bloody hell are they doing, Morticia?!
Morticia: They wanted to play hangman, my darling shifter.
Larissa, wearing a look of horror: Hang…HANGMAN?! YO-WEDNESDAY, CUT YOUR BROTHER DOWN, NOW!
Wednesday, getting ready to pull the lever down and hang Pugsley, smirked: Yes, Father.
Larissa, startled and wide eyed: I…STOP CALLING ME YOUR FATHER, YOU BLOODY HELLION!
Wednesday, smirking: Why?
Larissa: Because…because…oh, I give up.
*Enid and Morticia chuckling in the corner.*
Larissa: 😑🙄😒😭
*Later in the week*
A worker in the bookstore looks at Wednesday and Larissa: Hi! Is this your mom?
Wednesday, knowing exactly what she’s doing: No, my daddy.
Larissa: 😳
Wednesday, looking Larissa dead in the eye: Or do you prefer mommy or sugar mommy?
Waitress: 😳😨
Larissa: NO, NO! It’s not like that! Wednesday! Why? WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU?
Wednesday, smirking: Not to call you father, so I didn’t.
Larissa: 😨😭
Wednesday: 😏
Larissa: You are very lucky you are my child and I love you. 😒😭
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collway · 9 months
Enid and Larissa sketches (mostly Enid) to brighten my day (and hopefully yours). Happy birthday to me, I guess
Some soccer mom AU stuff, just little doodles of fluff. Oh, and I forgot to say Thing is *almost* there, but not quite. I don't like hands lol
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Don't mind the mess over these. I hate this day already
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witchymadness · 2 years
Listen, Weems as Enid’s mom-- ;-;
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*satisfied smile*
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Little smthing as we wait for me to finnish the part 2 of the comic.
This time no additional notes from me UwU
"Photo" showing the recently adopted Enid. I wanted her to spend a bit in the orphanage, so she got adopted at 7. But, she actually ended up in the orphanage as a tiny baby. No clue about her original fam. She's stressed about the photo, but she's got Wolfgang for support. Larissa, the new mom, is also stressed out, trying to be a good mom.
In the pic, Weems is super proud of Enid for acing all her exams. Enid literally fell down on her way to taking the photo, hiding her bruised hands behind her back. Also, Weems has a little wolf pendant.
Season 1 Enid with her mom – Larissa now has a wolf head pin(she has mouth pin in the show idk what it represents), symbolizing Enid, close to her heart. Awwww~~ And those outfits are from the last episode of Season 1, where Weems dies, and Enid goes to her office one last time. But the photo was taken before all that happened. ;)
I for sure want all the Hyde stuff in this AU but I m still on the fence if Weems dies. It would be cool for the angst part of this, but I feel bad for Enid lol.
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achromatophoric · 2 months
Poor Wednesday. Everybody and their mom wants to fuck Morticia. Or get fucked by her 🥺
Poor Wednesday. Especially when…
— A rain-soaked Wednesday bursts into the dorm room, slams the door behind her, and sinks to the floor. —
Enid: Willa! Did you find out what Principal Weem was hiding?
Wednesday: I… y-yes. I d-did.
Enid: Oh my god, Wednesday, you’re shaking! What happened??
Wednesday: Just. Please hold me.
— Earlier at a secret meeting. —
Larissa: So you knew? All those times?
Morticia: Of course, Rissa. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?
Larissa: How? What gave me away?
Morticia: Mmm. Gomez ravishes me. But you…? You would worship me.
Larissa: I… I still do.
Morticia: I know, Rissa. I know. Now come here. I’ve missed you.
Larissa: We can’t, Tisha. I can’t do this to Gomez. Not again.
Morticia: Oh Rissa. He approves. He always has.
Larissa: What? But then, why not say anything? For all these years!
Morticia: My dearest Rissa, we were merely waiting for you.
Morticia: Now then, they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Why don’t you show me just how fond you’ve grown?
Larissa: Fuck it.
Morticia: Oh Rissa! Yes! Just like that! YES!!
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tanith-rhea · 2 years
hii, I love your writing! I was wondering if you could do some fake dating for either Larissa, Miranda or Lucifer and female reader? :D You know the one where for some reason they decide it's good to pretend they're dating, but oh nooo they accidentally fall in love for real? 😱😏
Only Pretending
Hey, anon! Thank you so much for the request! I'm afraid it turned out bigger than I expected, I don't know what you envisioned but this will definitely be a multiple chapter one... Sorry!!!
Word count: 3k
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"That's all for today, guys. I won't give you homework, so enjoy the break and prepare for the quiz when we get back. Remember, the winning team gets a homework-free week!" you waved the excited teenagers out of class. It was the last period of the day and autumn break was officially started. Many wished you good rest and some a fun Halloween, but there were always the ones who bolted right after you said they could.
However, some stayed behind, too entertained gossiping to pay attention at the hour or — which was the apparent case — complaining about their mother coming to get them for "Family Halloween Traditions". Wednesday and Enid were still sitting at their shared desk, Enid trying to convince her roommate that "it" could be fun if she let herself enjoy the festive spirit and Wednesday complaining she would only have fun when Enid arrived.
You thought they were the cutest pair. So different and at the same time sparking out the most unexpectedly similar sides of each other; Wednesday encouraged Enid's feistier side through bickering and teasing and Enid made Wednesday smile begrudgingly with her cuteness.
"I think it'll be less horrendous than it's been before at least," Wednesday conceded, "Some different faces of people I actually don't loathe being around."
"Exactly, honey bun!" Enid chirped, getting up from their class and offering her arm for Wednesday to take, "I'll arrive early to rescue you from your mom and I'm sure Principal Weems will bicker with her enough to make you smile."
Wait, Larissa would visit the Addams? For Halloween? You could swear she barely tolerated Wednesday's mother from what you've heard of their history at Nevermore. Morticia seemed all right to you and according to other teachers and old acquaintances, quite fun to be around, but the poorly concealed disdain that overtook your boss' face every time the woman was mentioned fostered a small uneasiness and dislike to grow on you towards Wednesday's (un)beloved mother.
"Hello, girls!" you approached the pair with the pile of essays you had to grade and everything you needed to not return to class for the entire week in your hands, "Everything all right? Do you have any questions?"
"No, Professor! No worries," Enid hushes to say, and Wednesday got up as well, linking her arm to Enid's, "We were just about to go. Happy Halloween!"
You were about to wish them happy Halloween as well when Wednesday cut in, "Do you have plans for Halloween, professor?"
Curious of her to ask. You liked to think you had a good teacher-student relationship, but the girl rarely seemed to care for pleasantries or chit-chat for that matter.
"Actually, I'll just stay at the academy and rest a bit. I love teaching you guys but if dealing with ordinary teenagers is already taxing, teaching extraordinary ones is a whole other level." It was true, the amount of trouble your last students could get into was only exponentiated when added to the supernatural abilities students at Nevermore possessed. It was also much more entertaining. Yes, you had to keep them safe and punish troublemakers accordingly, but you loved the thrill to discover just what mischief they had got up to again. The best one so far was when a vampire kid turned into a mist to sneak out at night and changed into their solid state while floating atop the lake.
“Mother is hosting a Halloween party. I believe she’ll only pester Principal Weems to go but you are invited,” she said in her trademark monotone. Why you didn’t entirely know.
“I think that would be a matter for your mother to decide, dear. Although I am honoured you’d like my presence, I don’t think I can simply show unexpectedly.”
“The more sane, competent women there the direr it will be for mother, I only figured you could help me avenge the inconvenience of her smothering motherly love.”
Wednesday was quite the interesting girl. You thought it did make sense she’d want some friends around to endure the celebration, and while you understood and quite shared her respect and admiration for the principal, you were touched to find she regarded you similarly.
“If I cross paths with your mother, I’ll be sure to ask her, can we leave it at that?” at the youngling’s curt nod, you saw the pair leave the room and followed behind, closing the door when you left.
You took three or four steps before listening to the click of very well-known heels. Your shoulders sank and you quickly prayed to any god that might be listening for patience.
“Hello, there, beautiful lady!” Razvan, the vampire transformation teacher stalked at you to accompany your steps.
“Good evening, teacher,” your voice was calculatedly calm. You learned your lesson on being nice to overly adorable and excitable kittens as well as their human-like form.
“I was hoping to catch you alone to ask about that coffee date I suggested last week,” he was smiling like a child on Christmas morning, waiting to open their presents, “You said you were too busy planning the homework you’d give the students for the break but now we’re all free.”
It was cute how he seemed to like you, but he just wasn’t your type. When you saw the tiny black cat at the quad a few months back you thought it was only that, a cat, which you petted and played with and fed because its appreciative meows were cute. When it turned out to be the very not-cat, very impressionable vampire transformation teacher, you wanted to smash your head into the nearest flat surface, so what if it was a stone wall?
“You see… I haven’t got around to grading their essays yet, so I’ll be busy these first few days. Maybe later this week? I’ll see if I can make time and get back to you, ok?” it was really difficult to just say no. You weren’t the most proficient at negating people even in normal circumstances; the fact that he was so clearly infatuated with you made saying no seem like kicking a puppy.
“Oh… that’s fine… I guess. What about tomorrow? Right after lunch? You can check your agenda tonight and I’ll look for you for the verdict!” with that he puffed into a bat and flew down the corridor like a drunk butterfly. Was he making little loops? You had to end this and soon, it was too cruel to keep it up and even if it’d hurt him, it was best than leading him on.
Later that day, you and Vlad sat together eating dinner. He was telling you about an interesting countermove a second year made to get a point on their opponent and you were only half-listening and humming when you thought it appropriate.
Larissa was at the other end of the table, rather uncharacteristically talking to no one and wearing a tight face as if her food tasted like lemons and green limes squished together.
“Something on your mind?” Vlad inquired, following your gaze to the headmistress, “Oh, wow, someone’s not looking forward to rest and relaxation.”
“Hm?” you looked at him and noticed he was also studying Larissa’s sour complexion “Ah, yes. She does seems really angry, doesn’t she? If I hadn’t seen it before I would almost say she’s pissed.”
“That is because she is.” He explained, taking a sip of blood before continuing, “Morticia Addams visited earlier, and by what I hear she quite smugly questioned if Larissa would ‘finally’ bring a plus one to the Halloween Ball they host every year.”
Oh, so that was it. You’d seen Morticia’s verbal sparring with the principal before; you attributed it to their past roommate status and the complications that may arise with sharing a bedroom for three years. You had also seen the bickering and teasing on parents’ weekend, the elongated looks in yearly student reviews and all the times Wednesday’s parents had to be called in because their daughter got herself into trouble.
You knew the story of Larissa’s fancy for Gomez when they were young, but you didn’t think Morticia would still be gloating twenty years later that she got the cake.
“And is she?” you asked, looking back at her, something in your chest making you feel cold all of a sudden.
“Is she bringing a plus one to the ball?”
Vlad examined you with those piercing dead eyes of his, knowing all too well why you asked, but respecting your wishes not to mention it.
“I don’t know. Haven’t heard anything yet. The closest person she had recently turned out to be a fanatic serial killer who tried to murder her.”
“Laurel, right? The one before me?” you were the second attempt at a normie teacher in Nevermore. You liked to think you were doing well, but few things could be worse than trying to destroy the school and everyone in it, so you couldn’t be always sure.
Vlad only nodded and went back to his drink while you lingered on Larissa’s face, then her hands, barely moving to pick at something on her plate.
The first day of break came as a welcomed cup of hot chocolate on a winter morning. It was chilly outside; some yellowed and orange leaves were stuck on your window with the early humidity. The corridor outside was so silent it felt almost eerie and gut-clenching. But you knew it could only mean one thing: freedom. Freedom from classes and teenager angst, freedom from having to get up and face the world. You could just get back to sleep if you so wished and boy that was quite something.
But you didn’t. In truth, the fact you knew most teachers would do exactly that, spurt you on to get out of bed and enjoy the entire campus at your disposal.
The kitchen was first. You made coffee with just this side of too much cream and stole waffles someone had made and left at the table. Then you went to the library and spent some hours in the lounge, readying cheesy romance and enjoying the sunlight coming through the big arched windows.
It was bliss, although short-lived. From the corner of your eye, you saw a small black cat silently but confidently making its way to you. The man shifted with a practised puff, almost like a magician popping into the stage from a cloud of smoke.
“Good morning, professor. I see you decided to venture around the school instead of having extra hours of beauty sleep. Not that you would need, of course,” he shifted excitedly beside you. You couldn’t mask the regretfulness on your face upon looking at him, and he realized it, mistaking your meaning and quickly adding, “Don’t worry! I’m not here to talk about our date. I said after lunch, and I’ll stand by my word. I just wanted to pop in and say good morning.”
“Oh... No problem Razvan, I’ll have my response by then, and good morning to you too. Have you been enjoying the time off so far?”
He seemed to brighten at your question, and although you were happy you could converse on something else than the blessed date, you were also fretful he would think too much of it.
In the end, he had something to do in Jericho and had to leave just a few minutes later, which you were grateful for. He was perfectly pleasant and even fun to be around but his lovesick eyes made your head pound in second-hand embarrassment.
At lunch, you and Vlad got together again at the gazebo in the woods. He slept through the morning, enjoying having the excuse to shift back onto his nightly routines, but not willing to fully shift or else he’d suffer to go back when classes started again.
“You will not believe what I’ve agreed to yesterday,” he told you in a voice that very much spelt migraine alert.
“Oh, Vladdy, break just started and you’ve already got yourself in trouble?” you teased, biting on your sandwich.
“I’ve got myself in trouble?” he asked, in an undignified tone “I’ll have you know that the person that got me ‘into trouble’ is your beloved Larissa Weems!” he pointed at your chest with an arched brow.
You looked around for anyone that might have heard him, no one was there.
“Hey, Vlad you know you can’t say that! What if someone tells her? I’d be out the door in no time, you know she’s especially strict with me!”
He just tsked and shook his head, “You are such an oblivious young girl, she couldn’t care less about you breaking rules. Besides, fancying your boss is not against any and Larissa’s just looking out for you because the parents pressure her into being careful after what happened.”
You knew Vlad had good intentions telling you this, but he wasn’t called every week, sometimes two times per week, to justify a comment or action some student or staff thought deserved attention.
Of course, she was always patient and never inquired too deeply into every situation but her cold demeanour told you everything you needed to know: she didn’t like you either, she just needed someone to show off when outreach between normies and outcasts was mentioned and you happened to be an overqualified and very capable chemist.
“But anyway, this is about me,” he continued, “and what I’ve agreed to is to pretend to be Larissa’s boyfriend at the Addams' Halloween Party.”
You were sure your jaw was on the floor. How had that happened? You knew Vlad and Larissa were friends for quite some time and very close for that matter, but pretending to date was just... another thing entirely.
“How are you going to do that?” you packed the rest of your sandwich, suddenly not hungry anymore, “Won’t they know you aren’t an item? I mean you know Morticia, and she knows you’re very good friends... To just start dating out of nowhere isn’t a bit suspicious?”
“She just really needs to give it to Morticia,” Vlad shrugs, a sorry half-smile in his mouth, “She asked me to her office yesterday night to drink. She was very upset by Morticia’s appearance and mean suggestion that Riss didn’t have a partner-“
“Of course she wouldn’t,” you interrupted, “She’s too busy being a badass successful woman at the head of a god-blessed academy!”
“Yes, yes, keep it in your pants,” he rolled his eyes fondly at you, “But she was breaking my dead heart and I suggested accompanying her. And first, she said it wouldn’t be the same, because we would go as friends and only confirm it to Morticia that Larissa was still alone. So I proposed we pretend to be a pair,” he seemed equal parts rather proud of himself and loathing his genius idea.
“I think it’s sweet of you. But I don’t think it’s going to work,” you said, not wanting to make him feel even worse, but enable to shake the feeling this was doomed to fail.
“Yes, I think you’re-“
“Professor!” a voice interrupted your friend’s comment and Razvan ran towards you, “I finally found you! I was looking for you to ask when we’re getting that coffee. I trust now you have my answer, correct?”
You were so full of this situation. Full of uncomfortable awkwardness, guilt and shame for playing with your colleague’s feelings, even if your intentions were benign. You had to tell him no, to say you didn’t like him that way. That he was too adorable and nice and you could never see him in that light.
“Oh, yes... about that, Raz...” you started, no idea of what you’d say next, “I’m sorry if I gave you the impression we could be more than colleagues and friends... but I’m-“
“In a relationship,” Vlad supplied.
“What?!” you and Razvan yelled in unison.
“C’mon, darling, it was bound to get out one time or another,” he kept going, the madman, “I know you’re worried about what people may think of her for it, but I swear Larissa is dying to go public.”
His maniac grin at your shell-shocked expression made you want to squeeze his neck until you heard it pop. It wouldn’t do much for him, but it would certainly be satisfying to you.
“Y-you and Principal Weems are together?!” the teacher was turning beet read and you had to give it to Vlad that it was a funny situation at least, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know! And of course, I understand why you wouldn’t want to tell me you were taken, that’s completely not my business... Oh my, I’m so sorry!” and with that he rapidly walked away, just shy of outright running.
“You little shit!” you exclaimed as soon as the other vampire was out of earshot, “What in the absolute heavens were you thinking?”
He was shaking with laughter while you punched his shoulder, which only made him go on a bit more before finally calming enough to talk, “You’re right,” he said, as if it explained everything, “I and Larissa aren’t a believable couple. But you and she are a pair one could easily sell.”
“What are you talking about?” you ran your hand through your face in exasperation. He was out of his mind, and now you were screwed if Razvan said anything to anyone.
“You’re here only a year. Morticia doesn’t know you and Larissa is comfortable enough around you to pretend to be with you. It might be even easier than with me because kissing someone after twenty years of friendship is admittedly awkward,” he reasons.
“Kissing some-? What are you even on about? I can’t pretend to be in love with her, you know I can’t! I’ll just make a fool of myself and let something slip.”
“Nonsense, girl. Let’s go, we need to tell Larissa about the change of plans,” he got up and held out his hand to you “And if she says no, we already told someone, so she’ll have to go with it.”
Chapter Two
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caitlynskitten · 17 days
I love the “child Wenclair” AU idea and I have an addition of Enid later opening up to Wednesday about how bad her home life is and how her mother is always yelling at or demeaning her and even sometimes hits her
Wednesday is horrified and comforts Enid over it and lets her stay at the Addams house more and more so she can be somewhere safe and creates an environment where Enid is never afraid and always feels loved and supported
Wednesday will sometimes overhear Enid having bad nightmares about Esther and crawl into bed with her which calms her down right away
Enid even says she loves being at Wednesday’s house because everyone there is nice to her which she’s never had before
AHHHH this is a little angsty and adorable and I just wanna give little baby Enid a hug 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺 Enid definitely feels a sense of sadness when she sees how much Morticia loves Wednesday and how better she takes care of her compared to her mom. And she just thinks about all the times when she thought her mother was “strict” when in actuality she was just emotionally manipulative and abusive.
Enid would eventually vent all this to Morticia and cry in her arms and Morticia cries with her and holds her tight telling her that she’s a good werewolf and that she doesn’t deserve what Esther has done to her. Which makes her and Gomez want to go over to her house while Larissa babysits the girls so she can have a “talk” with her.
Before Nevermore I do think Larissa would be delighted to take care of Enid and Wednesday. Since she’s close with Morticia after all and loves to do her favors. ♥️ Also Larissa spoilers the HELL out of the girlies which makes Morticia very annoyed lmaooo
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bagdaddyb · 2 years
A Weems request!!!
So reader is a teacher her and Larissa are married and have a adopted one of the nevermore students maybe some fluff with the kid and on parents weekend Morticia is confused on why there is some random kid clinging to the Larissa till it is revealed that she has been married for years now and has a family
Thank you if you get to it or find it interesting!! Love your work!!💚🤍
Little Apple
Warnings: None pretty fluffy, unedited 
Authors note: Reader is not a teacher omg I suck at remembering the details of the request, Im so sorry anon I will rewrite if you don't like it
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"But mooooooom."
Larissa couldn't help the smile on her face as she gave her son an amused look.
"Your mother will be here tomorrow for parents weekend and if there is even one scratch on her little apple we will both be in for it. I don't know about you but I want to enjoy the weekend with your mother not get scolded for all of it."
A laugh left the young siren boy's lips as he listened to his mother knowing just how you could get when it came to him, still remembering the time you made an old woman apologize when she accidentally brushed past him in the store when he was six and that was only a week after he had been adopted.
"Fine I won't go, but Wednesday will not be happy."
A sigh left the tall woman as she sat in the chair next to her son.
"I'd still rather it be her than your mother."
Another laugh left her son at that before he stood and embraced his mother in a tight hug, always one for physical affection from his parents he often hugged Larissa anytime they encountered one another. A pleased chuckle left Larissa's lips as she hugged her son in a tight embrace smothering him with kisses, laughter echoed in the room as the boy struggled to get away.
"Stop it mom."
A bright smile shone on Larissa's face as she ran her fingers through her sons hair.
"Alright off to bed your mother will be here around eight."
Nodding in agreement her son grabbed his backpack as he headed towards the door having been with his mom since classes let out.
"I love you Atreis."
"I love you too mom, sleep well, actually get some sleep."
“She said no.”
Wednesday’s face remains neutral as Enid’s face drops.
“Awww but I was actually looking forward to hunting in the woods.”
Enid whines out as she falls unceremoniously back on her bed.
“No matter we will only be gone a few hours.”
Shaking his head Atreis held firm.
“Sorry Wednesday I have to agree with my mom on this one, my mother will be here in the morning and I’d rather have a happy weekend.”
An eyebrow raised on the usually stoic girls face.
“Your mother? And here I thought Principal Weems preferred a life of solitude. Very well then we will postpone our activities.”
Atreis’s face contorted to one of confusion but nonetheless he turned leaving Ophelia hall for his own dorm room. A spark of excitement coursing through him at the thought of seeing you tomorrow.
Larissa's smile was blinding as she stood at the quad entrance welcoming all the parents that had come to visit their children. Nothing could contain her elated mood as she eagerly looked past every head awaiting yours to pop in the crowd. As she raked her eyes over the crowd for a forth time she suddenly felt a collision from her right.
“Good morning Mom.”
Atreis said as he hugged the white haired woman tightly. Looking down with a soft smile Larissa’s focus shifted for the first time in the past half hour.
“Good morning darling, did you rest well?”
Atreis only hummed in response with a smile enjoying the familiar feeling of his mom’s fingers running through his hair.
“Good morning Larissa.”
Morticia Addams voice catches the principal’s attention causing her to look up.
“Ahh Good Morning Mrs. Addams, so glad to see Wednesday’s parents could make it.”
“Anything to see my little storm cloud.”
Gomez pitched in with a smile, one Larissa returned in kind.
“Tell me Larissa do you always let your students cling to you in such a way?”
Atreis had only just let go of his tight hug opting to stand close to his mother as they waited.
“My students no never that is highly inappropriate. This is my son Atreis.”
A perfectly sculpted eyebrow lifted at that.
“Your son?”
Before Larissa could respond Wednesday appeared next to Atreis stealing everyone’s attention.
“Mother, Father.”
“My little viper, I knew I felt the winds get a little colder.”
A slight smirk appeared on Wednesday’s face in response, a beautiful hum flowed through the air notes of high and low that formed together to create an enchanting tune. Wednesday and Morticia observed the smiles that spread on Larissa’s and Atreis’s faces before looking through the entrance of the quad. A pathway seemed to form straight through the crowd your ethereal presence filling the room as you hummed your familiar tune calling to your son. You were a force everyone felt enter the room, there was something about you, a power an aura who knows but it called attention. Demanded it. Your smile was blinding, beautiful yellow dress flowing in the wind as you approached the entrance bright siren eyes glistening in the light.
“My loves.”
You said in greeting causing both bodies to move your direction. Your son collided with you first, tight arms wrapping around you as he buried his head into you, your familiar scent filling his nostrils. Larissa was merely a step behind wrapping her arm around your side before meeting your lips in sweet kiss.
“Hello my love.”
You release a happy hum as Larissa briefly puts her forehead against yours. Once she lifts you look down at your son bending to kiss his head before you pull him away from your body.
“Stand up let me have a look at you.”
Atreis did so proudly standing straight and even puffing his chest a bit for you.
“Aye my little apple how fast you grow. You look healthy, such a handsome young man your hair is getting long.”
You say as you run fingers through his tresses.
“I like it.”
Atreis smiled happily at his mother before Larissa cleared her throat catching your attention.
“Darling this is Morticia and Gomez Addams, old classmates of mine.”
Your razor sharp gaze is redirected to the family you only just now realize is hovering in front of you.
“My apologize it has been many moons since I last saw my family. Where are my manners, I am (Y/N) Weems. Larissa’s wife.”
You say as you nod in greeting.
“Wife? I was unaware you were married Larissa. That’s.. wonderful. How long have you two been married?”
“Going on thirteen years now.”
You said with a bright smile, one Morticia seemed to fakely return. 
“Mother I’d also like to introduce you to my friend ....”
You finish for him with a bright smile.
“My son talks about you often, I do enjoy the stories of your ‘adventures’ together.”
“Anything he’s said is a lie I’m far worse.”
You only continue to smile as you speak.
“I would hope so.”
Turning back to your wife your smile remains.
“Well my love, I’m starved shall we eat something?”
Larissa goes to open her mouth in rebuttal, wanting to greet all the parents as they came in but with a quick sharp look of your eyes that response dies in her throat.
“Of course dear.”
Another small smirk appears on Wednesday’s face as she takes in the scene before her. Walking away with her own family she can’t help but think she might like come to like you.
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ornii · 1 year
My Better Bitter Half, Part 11
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Apologies for taking so long but we back baby.
How well do we really know our parents? Take my father. I've always considered him an open book. A man given to misguided schemes and exaggerated displays of affection. But when he was a student, he was accused of a murder that took place right up there. Which leads me to wonder...what really happened that stormy night 32 years ago?
You, your sister Wednesday and, possible crush Enid stood together listening to the drivel that principal Weems was spewing.
“Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children to learn and to grow, no matter bI realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students.bBut I'm happy to report that Eugene is on the mend and is expected to make a full recovery.bSo let's focus on the positive and make this Parents' Weekend our very best yet.” Weems said.
“On the mend?” Wednesday said.
“Try in a coma.” You chime in, Enid turns to Wednesday and you.
“Have you been to see him? You're his friends.”
“I'm the reason he's in the hospital.” Wednesday said, and Enid attempts to console her.
“That is not your fault, okay?” She says, and you raise an eyebrow.
“Well… technically speaking—“ you start, Enid glares at you, convincing you to stop speaking. You close your mouth and shrug.
“Besides, The monster hasn't attacked anyone in the past week. Maybe you finally scared it off.” Enid explains, and you rub your chin, pondering.
“Or maybe it went into hiding to avoid this weekend. Too many people… they want to avoid getting caught.” You say, suddenly your eyes catch a glimpse of black, three figures, Mother, Father, and Pugsley. Wednesday also notices the family arriving.
“I knew I should have worn my plague mask.” Wednesday said.
“Would you look at my family?” Enid looks over to her howling family.
“Talk about toxic pack mentality. I give my mom 30 seconds before her judge-y claws come out. Let's get this over with.” She said, the students agree and go to face their family.
“There he is. Oh, how we missed those devilish eyes and youthful glare.” Morticia, your mother hugged you sternly, and you happily accepted her love, as decrepit as it was..
“Madré!” You say, hugging her. Spotting your father you also reciprocate a hug.
Padre! How are you father?” You say, you see how uncomfortable Wednesday is, obviously human interaction was not her strong suit.
“How are you, my little rain cloud?” Morticia hugs her daughter.
“I thought Thing was filling you in on my every move.” Wednesday says, Morticia and Gomez look surprised that she knows, and you casually chime in.
“You didn’t think we wouldn’t notice?” You smirk, standing next to Wednesday.
“I uncovered your feeble subterfuge almost immediately.”
“We.” you chime in.
“So, how's the little fella doing? Does he still have all his fingers?” Gomez says.
“Relax. I haven't snapped any of his digits. Yet.”
“So tell us everything.”
“Since you've abandoned me here, I've been hunted, haunted... and the target of an attempted murder.”
Much to no one surprised, the Addams Re reveled in it. Morticia and Gomez reach the Principals office with the family. morticia looks at her old yearbook with Principal Weems
“I haven't laid eyes on this in over 20 years. Such good times we had, didn't we, Larissa?”
“Some of us better than others.”
“Oh, don't be so modest. You always filled a room with your presence. Like a stately sequoia tree.”
“And I guess that would make you the lumberjack.”
The two engage in passive aggressive softball, and you couldn’t enjoy it more, sneering.
“There's that biting sense of humor that I always adored. Do you remember when we did that duet for the Solstice Talent Show? Your Judy Garland impression was a dead ringer.” Morticia says.
“Sounds positively suicidal.” Wednesday said.
“I’d love to see it. Im sure Wedensday would agree.” You say, crossing your leg as you wink at Wednesday, who stares daggers at you. Morticia notices something off.
“Oh. My picture's gone.”
“Really? Well, that is odd.” Weems says, feigning innocence.
“May I borrow this for the weekend? That way Gomez and I can take a little walk down memory lane.” She says to her husband, they gawk at each other which only makes Weems more, uncomfortable.
“All right. Let's get down to the matter at hand, shall we? Unfortunately, Wednesday's assimilation has been rocky at best.”
“Because I refuse to embrace the culture of dishonesty and denial permeating this school.
Starting with the monster that killed Rowan and put Eugene in the ICU.” She says, you raise your finger.
“Although I do hear he's on the mend.” You say with a grin, Weems puts on a smile, a fake one.
“We've always encouraged our children to speak their minds.” Gomez said
“Sometimes her sharp tongue and his serrated wit can cut deep.” Gomez says.
“Apparently her therapist feels she hasn't been very open to the process. Their time together has not yielded the results we'd hoped.” Weems explains
“I'm not a lab rat.” Wednesday said in retort.
“I say more like a, Crow. A lab crow.” You say, Your sisters cold glare was in the corner of your eye.
“I believe Wednesday should get the help she deserves.” You say, only adding more fuel to the fire and Weems Agrees.
“Dr. Kinbott and I have spoken, and we both agree it would be most beneficial for you all to attend a family session this weekend.” She said, and the word “family” made you halt.
“Wait.. family?” You ask. “Absolutely not.”
“No.” Wedensday shuts it down quickly, and Weems shakes her head.
“I thought that might be your reaction, but your parents can see the wisdom in it.”
“Um, not to side with Wednesday, but, um, we're only here for the weekend.” Morticia says, and Gomez spoke up.
“Oh, come on. What can it hurt? To be honest, I've always been a big fan of head-shrinking.”
“It's not that kind of head-shrinking, father.” You say, now having the annoyed cadence of your sister.
“Well, that is disappointing. But anything for our kids.” Morticia says, much to the annoyance of the twins.
The Therapy session began as (Y/n), Wednesday and Pugsley sat in the middle with both Morticia and Gomez at sides, Kinbott looks at the full Addams family with gleaming hope.
“So, who wants to start?” She said, it was silent, until she asked again.
“Maybe we can discuss what it's like having Wednesday away from home?” She said, and Pugsley began.
“I mean, for me....it's been hard not having (Y/n) and Wednesday around. I never thought I'd miss being waterboarded and Used as a host for ghosts so much.” Pugsley admits.
“Morticia, Gomez. How have you been coping?” Kinbott asks them.
“It's been torture for us too.”
“Fortunately, my brother Fester's rack fits two people.”
“Nothing like a good stretch to bring out the best in each other.” Morticia says and the two simply cannot get their hands off of Each other.
“Enough!” Wednesday said, actually letting her anger out. And not many times, (Y/n) agrees.
“I think it's high time my parents faced the music. It seems they've been lying to me.
Keeping secrets. Murderous secrets that need to be addressed. Who was Garrett Gates, and why are you accused of murdering him?” Wednesday asks her father, (Y/n) squints his eyes and slowly turns to Gomez.
“…Father?” He asks, which Gomez’s attitude shifts, and Morticia quickly intervenes
“Those charges were dropped. Your father is an innocent man.”
“Local sheriff doesn't seem too convinced.”
“Wednesday, stop. This is neither the time nor the place.”
“Mother, did you know about this?” (Y/n) asks Morticia.
“(Y/n), now isn’t the time for this.” She said.
“Actually, this is exactly the place.” Kinbott chimes in. “These sessions are—“
“Doctor. This does not concern you. And I refuse to debate a decades-old witch-hunt with you right now.” Morticia says.
“Darling, maybe we should...” Gomez says.
“No. This session is over.”
“Have it your way, Mother.” Wednesday stood up and stormed off.
“Wednes... Wednesday?”
“If you refuse to tell me the truth, I'll just have to excavate it myself.” She walks off, and Morticia follows.
“What were you thinking? How could you ambush your father like that? Wednesday.”
“How could I? You insisted I go to this school.
Did you really think I wouldn't find out your secret?”
“You don't know the full story. Your father did nothing wrong.”
“I'll be the judge of that.” Wednesday walks off, (Y/n) exits the building to see his sister leave, and he follows, Wednesday enters the hospital and makes her way to Eugene’s room, he follows silently until she sits at his side.
“I harvested hive number three. The bees miss you, Eugene. We all do.” Wednesday said, (Y/n) smiles and gently taps on the door. Wednesday quickly turns around and sees her brother.
“How long have you been listening?” She said.
“Long enough to see you care.”
“I don’t.”
“Sure you don’t.” (Y/n) walks next to his sister, looking at Eugene. A heated rage begins to overtake him.
“He didn't deserve this. I should be in that bed.” Wednesday says, and (Y/n) shakes his head…
“It isn’t your fault, it’s the monster who did this, and we will find him, I can assure you of that. Now Cmon, we have to get back to Mother and Father, you’d hate to make they worry.” (Y/n) says with sarcasm. Wednesday reluctantly follows. The twins return to eat with their family.
“Mmm. I am famished. You're not hungry, darling?” Morticia says to her daughter, (Y/n) was too busy looking over at Enid.
“My appetite eludes me, Mother.” She replies; Enid is forced to sit with her family,
“So are you going to make me ask?” Her mother says, and Enid assumes she means the Addams boy who’s making dreamy eyes at her.
“Well.. (Y/n) and I haven't defined our relationship yet, even if it is one—“
“I'm not talking about boys. Have you wolfed out yet?” She says, Enid inhaled sharply and out on a smile.
“Well, that is a disappointment.”
“That's me. A huge disappointment…” she says, (Y/n) sees how sad she is, he stands up and walks over, he adjusts his clothes and smiles.
“Excuse me.” He says, he offers a handshake.
“You must be Miss Sinclair.” He says and takes her hand, the woman puts on a smile as Enid was now panicking. Her crush and now her overbearing mother meeting.
“I’m really sorry but I have to speak with Enid, just for a moment.”
“Alright? Don’t try anything—“
“Mom!” Enid says though her teeth, he leads Enid away and he sighs.
“I’m sorry to pull you from your family—“
“No it’s fine, I actually wanted to ask you something.”
“You did? What?” (Y/n) asks.
“Well… I, don’t know how to feel after the dance…” she begins.
“You, didn’t have fun?” (Y/n) asks, and Enid shakes her head.
“No, of course I did! It’s just… you’re like my best friend, besides Wednesday, you’re.. more than my best friend.. someone I really care about.
“I’d.. like that.. to be more… I know you’re still heartbroken after Ajax..” (Y/n) begins, Enid watches but slowly peers over his shoulder to see what’s going on.
“Uh.. (Y/n)?”
“And I don’t want to be a replacement I, I want to be more than that, I want to be…”
“(Y/n)… your, dad.”
“What I’m trying to say is that I want you to be my Girl—“
“Your dads getting arrested!” She yells. (Y/n) stops and turns around to see his father being taken away by police.
“Gomez Addams. You're under arrest for the murder of Garrett Gates. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”
“You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you.” (Y/n) can only watch as his father is taken away, god only knows what hellscape awaits.
The Twins stood at the blocked off prison visiting room, as their father sits solemnly at the seat. He sees the two stand there.
“My little tormenta, how's your mother?” Gomez asks Wednesday first.
“Devastated. She hates you in orange. I caught her laying a rose on a grave earlier today. The headstone read "Garrett Gates." The very boy you've been arrested for murdering. Care to explain?” She says, and (Y/n) nods.
“It’s best for everyone, father, elaborate.” He said, and Gomez explains.
“Garrett was infatuated with your mother. He mistook her kindness for interest. His infatuation turned into obsession, and he started stalking her.”
“Why didn't you call the police?”
“We tried. But his family were the oldest and richest in Jericho, But No one believed us. Garrett's father, an outcast-hating bigot, was furious that your mother had accused his only son. It all came to a head the night of the Rave'N Dance. Your mother and I stepped out to catch our breath. And that's when I saw him. He had broken into the school. His twisted love for your mother had made him insane. His eyes bore into me, brimming with murderous intent. My life flashed before my eyes. Driven by jealousy and hate, Garrett was When I saw the sword, my survival instinct kicked in. It was a terrible accident.” Gomez says, (Y/n) and Wednesday look at each other. (Y/n) motions his sister over and they speak out of hearing range from their father.
“If I'm being objective, his confession sounds entirely plausible, delivered with the perfect degree of sincerity. Perhaps father is exactly what he says.” Wednesday said.
“I agree; although father has a magnificent poker face, I think he’s telling the truth, but then again, what other rotting skeletons are in his closet, let’s play it safe.” (Y/n) said, they walk back and speak at the same time.
“Thank you for being honest with us.”
“I'm sorry I wasn't a better father.” He says, trying to hold back tears, Wednesday had no emotion, (Y/n) sighed.
“Could we please do without the overt display of emotion?” Wednesday demands, and forms composed himself.
“How many fathers hand their daughter a fencing blade when she's five?”
“Your saber strokes were an essay in perfection.”
“How many fathers would teach their son how to beat a lie detector?”
“It’s all about your heartbeat.”
“Or teach her how to swim with sharks?”
“They found you as cold-blooded as I do.”
“The right way to flay a rattlesnake?”
“They really do taste like chicken when prepared properly.”
“The point is, you taught us how to be strong and independent.” Wednesday begins, and (Y/n) adds in.
“And..How to navigate in a world full of treachery and prejudice. You are the reason we understand how imperative it is that we never lose sight of who we are, no matter what life throws at us.” (Y/n) looks into the eyes of his father, showing he means everything he says.
“So as far as fatherhood goes, I would say you've been more than adequate.” Wednesday said, and Gomez holds back a year.
“Gracias, (Y/n), Wednesday.”
The visitation ends and the two step out of the jail.
“We’ll have to consider all of this…” (Y/n) said, Wednesday also agrees and turns to (Y/n).
“You need to… console, Pugsley.”
“Why me?” (Y/n) asks, and Wednesday stares at him.
“… Yeah, I suppose you trying to comfort him would be… an issue.” (Y/n) chuckles, Wednesday turns her head forward.
“I’m going to.. convince the sheriff to hear me out.”
“As long as you don’t wind up behind bars as well, go for it.” He says, they split up and leave, (Y/n) walked past multiple happy families, (Y/n) approached the lake with a bag in hand, he peers over to see Pugsley sitting down.
“Go away.”
“Pug, You forgot your fishing gear.”
“I know you’re just trying to be nice to make me forget about dad. You’re being honest…It doesn't suit you.”
“That’s… fair. Father packed your favorite bait.” He sits next to him and digs into the bag, and grabs a hand grenade.
“What'll happen to him now?” He asks, and (Y/n) primes a grenade and casually tosses it into the water.
“Well, he's confessed, so there won't be a trial. After he's sentenced, he'll be sent to a state penitentiary, where he'll lose his mind being separated from Mother. Did you know they haven't spent a night apart since they tied the knot?”
“I always thought You’d be the first one in the family behind bars.” Pugsley said, (Y/n) shrugged.
“Funny enough, Wedensday nd I had a bet going… she owes me everything in her will.”
The water explodes deep down, and dead fish float up.
“That's quite a catch. Take the shrapnel out and we have a good feast.”
“I'm gonna miss him, (Y/n).”
“It's not over yet. He's innocent.”
“Well, if anyone can figure out who really committed the crime... it's you and Wednesday, you two work really well together. You have to find out the truth and free Dad.”
Pugsley’s words, so endearing. (Y/n) grits his teeth and nods.
“I will. I will Pugsley…Well, until that happens, we both know Mother will be falling apart.
Which means we have to be strong. And by "we," I mean you. Definitely not me.” He says, the brothers spend more time together before (Y/n) left the forest, as he walks out, his ears pick up the sound of sniffling. He halted as he searched for the origin of the sound, what caught his eye was the bright pink vest. He immediately recognized the color. He peers over to Enid sitting behind a tree, crying.
“Enid?” He asks, she looks up to him, her makeup a mess as it seems she’s been at it for a while, (Y/n) sits next to her.
“Is.. something wrong?” He asks, Enid looks at him like a sad, hurt puppy.
“It’s my mom she, wants to send me to… to..”
“Conversion therapy! Like I’m some sort of disappointment!” She looks so hurt, (Y/n), not knowing how to console someone, he sighs and speaks from his black heart.
“Enid… you don’t need to wolf out to be a Weerwolf or, find a mate. Even without those powers, you’re unique, sparkly, bubbly, so kind and.. beautiful.” (Y/n) says, looking at the ground, enid looks up at him, perplexed.
“You.. think so?”
“Of course I do! You’re the only person who makes looking at pink bearable.” He says, his hand gently placed on hers. “If my father taught me anything, it’s to be yourself.. unapologetically, which…” he trails on.
“Ive.. been meaning to say this Enid, but I’ve had no luck, I want to ask.. will you—“
He hears his voice being called, he very didn’t much want to turn his attention to it, but he did, and he saw his sister approach.
“You have got to be kidding me..” he says, he was dragged away by his sister.
“Wednesday this better be good.”
“Father didn’t Kill Garrett. Neither did mother.”
Wednesday said dropping a bombshell, which raises the eyebrow of the Twin.
“Then.. who did?”
“Okay, elaborate.”
“Mother told me what truly happened, she was protecting father when he attacked, but Garrett was foaming at the mouth. His eyes didn't look human. Foaming saliva, dilated pupils, mental confusion. What are those all textbook symptoms of?”
“Nightshade poisoning…” (Y/n) gets it, and puts everything together.
“He was dead before Mother stabbed him…”
“There's only one way to find out.” Wednesday said, and (Y/n) frowns, he knows what that means.
Late in the night, at the Grave of Miles Garrett, the twins dig his corpse up, both going to the graveyard as they dig up his casket, Morticia stands above them, watching the two.
“This reminds me of when you got your first grave-digging kit. You were so happy, you nearly smiled.” Morticia said, (Y/n) grumbles.
“Are you sure you don't want to join?” Wednesday asks.
“Uh... mm... No, that's okay, darling. I don't want to spoil your fun.” She says.
“This isn’t fun, mother, Digging up graves is for knaves and psychopaths.” (Y/n) jams into the earth again and feels a loud bang, they stop and uncover the decrepit tomb.
“Moment of truth.” Wednesday and (Y/n) open the tomb, the waft of rubbish bond and decaying flesh hits their nostrils. Wednesday seems to enjoy it. (Y/n) isn’t as enthusiastic as his sister. He looks over the corpse.
“I was right.” She points to the inner pocket, seeing hints of a stained blue liquid.
“Nightshade..” (Y/n) reaches in and grabs a finger, and with a quick and sharp twist, effortlessly removes his finger.
“Alright, now.. all we have to do is—“
“Well, well, what do we have here?” Someone from behind all three of they spoke, the twins popped their hands from the grave to see a police cruiser aiming their headlights at them, the second in command.
“Guess there's gonna be an Addams family reunion in lockup tonight. You're all under arrest.”
(Y/n) is locked up with his father, and Wednesday with her mother. Wednesday stands there, silent, as (Y/n) Taps his foot, fuming. Morticia and Gomez were all over each other
“Get comfortable. You can post bail in the morning.” Sherrif Galpin glares at the twins and leave..
“Not even the long arm of the law could keep us apart.”
“At least we'll have one last night together.
“I've seen jackals with more self-control than you two.” Wednesday glares at her parents lost in love.
“Neither one of you are strong enough to serve hard time. And thanks to me, you won't have to.” (Y/n) stops taping his foot.
“I knew our little jailbird would have an escape plan.”
“It seems Wednesday was correct about Garrett, He died from nightshade poisoning.”
“The remarkable preservation of soft tissue and blue tint confirms it. Which means Garrett was dying...Before you stabbed him.”
“You look even more ravishing as an innocent woman!”
“For once, could you two get off of each other and focus.” Wednesday said, (Y/n) agrees.
“Yes, we need to get this to the mayor, and he will drop all charges, all we need is someone to bring it to them.. someone we trust.. Pugsley.” (Y/n) says
“No.” Wednesday replies flatly.
“.. Lurch?”
“…Uncle Fester“
“Absolutely not.” Wednesday said, (Y/n) walks to the edge of the cell.
“Well what do you suggest then? break out of here?” He says, Wednesday walks over and snatched the finger from his hand, and suddenly, she had a vision.,
“Prove to me you're still worthy to be called my son! Kill all those outcasts! Sneak into that dance and spike the punch bowl.” Those words rang through her. She sat up from her episode and her family obviously looks concerned.
“Did you have a vision?”
“What happened?”
“What did you see?”
“The night Garrett died, he had a vial of nightshade poison that broke in his pocket.
He wasn't just trying to kill father. He was going to use the nightshade poison to murder the entire school.” She says, the family look at each other. A sly grin creeps along the face of her brother.
“Oh I’m going to enjoy this…”
“Thank you for seeing us at such short notice, Mr. Mayor.”
The twins stand before the mayor, after being in jail for approximately 4 hours.
“Yes, well, veiled threats have that effect.”
“Then let’s cut to the chase, Garrett Gates wasn't killed by a stab wound.” (Y/n) goes first, then Wednesday places the severed finger on his desk.
“That blue sheen is a telltale sign of nightshade poisoning.” Wednesday said.
“But you already knew that, dont you mayor? Because back when you were sheriff, you were in charge and covered it up.”
“Ansel Gates hated outcasts and Nevermore.
He claimed the land the school was built on was stolen from his family over 200 years ago.
Garrett went there that night to spike the punch and kill all the kids at that dance.” The twins deliver a fairly clear shut argument, and the mayor grumbles, and confesses.
“Ansel confessed the whole thing to me in a drunken stupor. It was his idea.”
“Then Why did you instruct Dr. Anwar to falsify the autopsy report? You knew the truth about how he really died.”
“Listen, my job was to keep the peace. If there had been a trial, Jericho's and Nevermore's reputations would have been trashed.”
“I think the only reputation you were worried about ruining was your own.”
“I remember Garrett bragging to me that his father had the sheriff in his pocket. One year later, you get elected mayor. Hmm. No doubt with the full support of Ansel Gates.”
“I resent your implication.”
“I resent the fact you decided to cover up a potential Genocide of an entire school by a bigoted drug crazed maniac to save the face of this place. The truth stings, doesn’t it mayor?” (Y/n) said with a cold bite.
“What I resent is that you could have prevented Garrett's death if you had done your job when I lodged my complaint about him stalking our Mother.” Wednesday snaps back, The mayor was at a loss, and gave in.
“What do you want?” He asks them.
“All charges dropped. Our father will be released with a full and unequivocal apology from the sheriff's office. Do we have a deal?” (Y/n) asked, and the Mayor gave in.
The twins exit the building as (Y/n) thinks, and decides to speak about it.
“Have you spoken to mother about your visions? You know she could help you. You’d only have to ask Wednesday, we’re family.” He said. Wednesday was silent for a moment, and he continues.
“We’re Navigating this, treacherous shoal of our sibling relationship. But I'm always here for you, Wednesday. Mother, father, Pugsley, unfortunately.” He says.
“I’ll.. consider speaking to her.” Wednesday says, and (Y/n) sighs with relief. Gomez and Morticia We’re Released and All hugged, besides Wedensday.
“Don't crowd me.”
The next and final day, (Y/n) approached Enids family with her Next to him, they stopped and he motions for her to go.
“Stick to yourself, I know you’ve got this.” He says, and Enid walks to her mother, ready to stand her ground. Enid approached and her mother was already hounding her.
“So, it's decided. Six weeks at Camp Howl.
You'll need to pick which activity—“
“No, I don't. Because I'm not going. Not this summer. Not ever. If I'm meant to wolf out, then I'm going to do it on my own timeline and not yours. I hope that one day, you'll finally accept me for who I am.” Enid turns and sees (Y/n) smile, giving her a nod of approval.
(Y/n) returns back to his family as Wednesday was reluctantly being hugged goodbye.
“Don't push it.”
“Well, at least we can't say Parents' Weekend wasn't a nail-biter.” Gomez said.
“I knew you didn't have what it takes to be a murderer.” Wednesday says flatly,
“As much as that stings, gracias, my little death trap.” Gomez gives his daughter a hug, and turns to his son.
“A devious as always, my boy.” Gomez grins and (Y/n) smugly bows.
“Of course, manipulating the mayor into freeing my family a stroke of genius.” (Y/n) replies, and he and his father continue to laugh about it, Wednesday and Morticia watch them, she sighs happily and then goes back to her daughter, and she hands her the yearbook.
“As I leafed through the pages of this yearbook, I was reminded of all the wonderful times I had here. But they were just that. Mine.
You have your own path to blaze. I don't want to be a stranger in your life, darling. If you need me for anything, anything at all, I'm only a crystal ball away.”
“Thank you, Mother.” Wedensday looked blankly at her, but under those eyes was love, the Addams leave, letting the twins look into the book, and at a page of Weems.
“Hm… her Judy Garland costume was phenomenal..”
“That isn’t a costume… she looks exactly like her.”
“Wednesday that’s impossible, the only way she could if Weems could shape her body to match hers.”
“…like a shape shifter?” Wedensday asks.
“Most likely, yes.” (Y/n) replies; Wednesday immediately slams the book shut and quickly walks off.
“Wednesday?” (Y/n) asks, and she bursts into Weems office.
“I knew it. I did witness Rowan getting murdered that night.” Wedensday stopped at the foot of the desk.
“Excuse me?” Weems asks.
“When Rowan appeared the next morning, it was you. When you participated in the talent show, not only did you impersonate Judy Garland, you became her. You're a shape-shifter.” Wedensday accuses her, and Weems scoffs at her.
“That's a fascinating theory.”
“I'm curious to find out how Sheriff Galpin feels when I tell him.” Wedensday says threateningly, Weems stands up, slowly showing her towering height.
“You won't tell a soul, Miss Addams. And it wouldn't matter much if you did. Rowan's father already knows what happened, and he fully supports my decision not to involve the authorities.”
“Why would he agree to that?”
“Because Rowan was not in his right mind. His telekinetic abilities were driving him mad and he attempted to murder you twice. His tragic death allowed us to rectify the situation without casting the school or Rowan in an unflattering light.” Weems explains the cover up.
“You and Mayor Walker are the same, aren't you? Burying bodies to cover your dirty secrets.”
“I did what I needed to do to shield this school from controversy and protect its students from harm.”
“Tell that to Eugene. How are you protecting him?”
The two continue to bicker, until (Y/n) bursts in.
“Principal Weems, Wedensday… you have to see this.” He rushes back and the two follow out to the yard as they bear witness. Flames dance in their eyes, seeing words burned into the ground, this was a message, who knows the borrows that are yet to come
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daydream-cement · 2 years
Pls could you write Larissa Weems x Daughter!reader where the reader is in her like 20's and is a teacher there and students ask questions abt her and Larissa
What’s Your Mom Like?
Larissa Weems x Daughter!Reader
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“Did Principal Weems have lots of rules for you as a kid?” Enid spoke up first. You had asked if the students had any questions, maybe you should have been more specific that the questions should pertain to today’s lecture.
“No more than a normal parent, why?” You knew that many of the students were intrigued by your relationship to the school principal. As your mother, Larissa Weems, had been hesitant on having you work at Nevermore due to her position as principal, but you both found it quite pleasant to have you working there together.
“I thought Principal Weems was gay…” Ajax said to Enid, loud enough that most of the class heard his confused statement.
“She is. I’m adopted.” You lean back against your desk, realizing that you have probably lost them for the last 5 minutes of class.
“Is she always dressed up? Does she own a pair of sweatpants?” The question from Bianca made you laugh. You knew the answer was no, she doesn’t always dress up and yes, she loves her sweatpants, but you chose to lie instead.
“Yes, she loves to look nice and no, no sweatpants.” You knew that your mother liked to uphold her clean cut image. If she wanted to tell them about her favorite sweatpants, she can do that herself.
“Did you get into any trouble as a kid? What was the worst thing you got in trouble for?” The students all seem to lean in at Enid’s new question. They wanted to know you have gotten into trouble with Principal Weems like they have.
“Of course I got into trouble. I snuck out a few times in high school. Let me tell you, Principal Weems was not happy about that one.” You smile back at the memory and remember how pissed off your mom was when she sat up all night waiting for you to get home.
“I put bars on her windows after that.” Your mother stood at your classroom door, telling an obvious joke, but the students didn’t seem to catch onto it. Her mischievous gaze caught yours. Now that you were both adults, your mother and you had tons of fun together. Mainly because you both had the same quick wit and sarcasm.
The students looked up to you in shock and horror to see if it was true, you shook your head, setting the record straight.
“Has Ms. Weems told you about how I used to embarrass her at all of the Nevermore Rave’Ns by making her dance with me?” Your mother’s question made you roll your eyes, knowing she was about to find a few ways to share your lesser youth experiences with your students.
“No I haven’t, Prinicipal Weems. That’s a story for another day.” With your final words, the bell rung and the students wasted no time leaving your classroom to get to their next class.
Your mother entered the classroom and made her way to your desk, “Was this the Larissa Weems biography hour?”
“Yes, I told them how tormented my childhood was due to your smothering and endless love.” You remark sarcastically with a smile, knowing tour mother would enjoy the joke.
“Oh, good. Are we still on for lunch?”
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drkmgs · 2 years
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Warning: mentioned of death, poisoned
Story type: multiple chapters
next chapter
Shapeshifters — were hunted down by people who were envious of their power. They made up stories and marked shapeshifters as criminals. Thousands of shapeshifters are getting killed day by day. Until it's only Hundreds of them left in hiding.
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Your parents were one of them, even though they're educators, who had a better chance of hiding their powers, but they were more concerned about your upcoming powers, having them at an early age in this era was dangerous. People started getting suspicious and children your age started to cast you out.
At the age of 5, you have mastered your powers and that's when your parents decided to send you to Nevermore Academy. You were exploring the school premises when you overheard your parents and the newly appointed principal of the Academy.
Your mom: Larissa. Please. You have to take care of Y/N. The Hunters are after us as soon as we left the country. It would be dangerous if Y/N tagged along with us.
Your dad: and as an educator to an educator, Y/N has potential. They already managed to master their power. They're highly aware of what is happening. They won't cause any trouble.
Larissa: You don't have to worry. I will take Y/N under my wing. I promise.
You respected your parent's and Larissa Weems's decisions. As years went by you grew closer to Larissa Weems, so close that she's already a second mother to you and on your 14th birthday, you received devastating news. The hunters got to your parents. You cried your eyes out in the arm of your mother.
Ever since your parents died, you weren't the same and Weems noticed. So she sent you on a quest. Find and Explore. Find your purpose in life and explore the world. At the age of 18, you've completed your quest. You have published 4 books about your journey, about your parents, about shapeshifters and their truth, and most of all about Nevermore Academy.
As you arrived at the Nevermore Academy, you got a very odd feeling, something is wrong. You flew over to Ophelia Hall, where your old room was. You swiftly landed on the balcony, changing your form from a raven to a human with your Nevermore uniform. You soon realized you landed on the wrong balcony.
Larissa: What a pleasing surprise, Y/N.
Y/N: It's nice to see you, mother.
You smiled at her. Larissa got in front of everybody standing in the room to hug you. Of course, you hugged her back. You notice the unfamiliar faces and turned your attention to them.
Y/N: I am very sorry for interrupting. I'm Y/N Weems.
Morticia: It's alright, child. I'm Morticia Addams. This is my husband Gomez Addams and our daughter Wednesday Addams. She'll be attending Nevermore starting today.
Larissa: This is Enid Sinclair, Wednesday's roommate. Miss Sinclair, would you be so kind to take them to the registrar's office to pick up Wednesday's new uniform and their schedules and also give them a little tour?
She turned to the blonde girl standing beside you and then she looked at you putting a hand on your shoulder.
Larissa: I'll see you later, Y/N. We'll talk about your journey.
With that Wednesday's parents and Principal Weems left the room.
:I'm Enid Sinclair! That is Wednesday Addams. She just transferred here. By the way, I'm a big fan of your books!
She turned to you as soon as the door slammed shut.
Y/N: Nice to meet you, Enid, and thank you for reading my books.
Enid: You should have it online, so a lot more people could read it and share it. What's your Instagram account, I'll follow you.
Y/N: I'm sorry but I don't have a phone or social media. I also want my books to be authentic and not influenced by people who assume to know everything because they have a search engine.
Enid: Well, you have a good point. How about you Wednesday?
Wednesday: I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation.
You were quite impressed with her comment. Something about her sparked your interest. She wasn't like any other people you meet. She was out of the ordinary. Enid showed both of you the school and the quad. Where she introduced each Outcast sitting in the quad right now.
Whenever you had the chance you'd steal a glance at Wednesday, but as soon as you laid eyes on her you would curse yourself for being a creep. This never happened to you. You weren't interested in relationships. Sure you have met people along the way but they weren't interesting as the pigtailed girl standing beside you.
When Enid slipped into a conversation with her crush. Well, it was obvious to you that she has a crush on this gorgon guy Ajax, who she just introduced. You took the chance to talk to Wednesday.
Y/N: So, Addams. Why did you transfer here?
Wednesday: I dropped piranhas in a swimming pool, where my brother's bullies were training. My parents managed to get me in here, so I wouldn't have any criminal charges.
Y/N: Huh. How's your brother's bully?
Wednesday: Lost his genitals.
Y/N: Great. No more asshole kids from him then. One way to save the human race. Would you like to flee this gruesome scene?
You nod to Enid and Ajax's way, who were still invested in their conversation. Wednesday nods and you showed her the way out.
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ficsofabotchedmind · 8 months
A day in the life: Larissa’s personal hell
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This is an “I think I’m in hell” one-shot. 😁
I think I’m in hell 1 2 3 4
Summary, eheheheheh…no ☺️
Warnings, some: Rabbits blood, talks of knives, torture, poor Larissa is in for it but so is Wednesday, mother daughter dynamics between both Larissa & Wednesday AND Enid & Larissa AND Wednesday & Morticia.
Larissa started her day like any other, she woke up and lay in bed for a few minutes contemplating humanity and how utterly fucked it was, she got up and had a good stretch, padded into her kitchen to put on a pot of coffee, fixed breakfast, ate said breakfast and drank said coffee, and went to shower and dress. 
Once finished Larissa would exit the apartment that was off to the side of her office and that is where normalcy ended. As Larissa opened the door the next thing she knew, something that was warm, wet, and smelled like copper fell on top of her.  
Larissa couldn’t even scream; she was absolutely paralyzed. Looking down, Larissa saw red. Not metaphorical red, but literal red. She also saw the remains of a balloon, a white balloon.  
Raising her arm and inhaling, she knew exactly what it was. Blood, someone had filled a white balloon full of blood, snuck into her office, and rigged a mechanism to trigger so as soon as she opened the door, splat. 
No, not just someone, Wednesday Friday Addams. Once Larissa got her hands on that child, there will be hell to pay, but in this moment all Larissa could think was, “Fuck me, this is going to be impossible to get out! The whole bloody dress is ruined!” 
So, in that moment, Larissa decided to make a statement. She exited her office and made her way to Ophelia Hall, all the way there her stilettos made a splat sound as they hit the floor. 
Enid could hear the noise all the way from the room she shared with Wednesday, along with a sharp heel connecting with the floor as harsh and angry steps were taken. All poor Enid could think was, “What did Wednesday do now?” And with that, she let a whine. 
Larissa, trekking down the hall and nearing the dorm, met Morticia. Morticia gaped at the tall, blonde, and furious goddess in front of her. Morticia was not thinking pure thoughts at all, her eyes roaming Larissa’s blood-soaked form, tongue peeking out to wet her bottom lip.  
Biting her lip and smirking, she peered at Larissa through her lashes in obvious arousal, “My, my, my, don’t you look ravishing.” 
Larissa, torn between snorting at the raven-haired beauty’s obvious arousal and fuming over the fact a fucking expensive dress was now trash, hummed. 
“Morticia,” Larissa spoke, “I love you and I would do anything for you and to you, but not now. I’m off to kill that spawn of yours.” 
Morticia couldn’t help but let out an undignified snort, but she quickly composed herself and had the decency to look sheepish. 
“My darling Sequoia, there are better ways to get under Wednesdays skin.” Morticia said through a soft smile. 
“Oh?” questioned Larissa.
“Issa, I give you full permission to punish Wednesday, as a parental figure, any way you see fit.” Morticia saw the smirk crawling its way up the blood soaked-beauty’s face. 
Larissa, feeling her lips curl up into a grinch like smirk, said, “You’re giving me permission to use parental figure status with Wednesday? I can punish her? Ground her? Ultimately, what you’re saying is, I’m another mother for Wednesday and have full access to all parts of the role? And as much as the spawn irritates me sometimes, I wouldn’t harm a hair on her head and I would protect her with my life, again.” 
“Yes, all of that. You have my full permission to treat her as your own, when giving trouble and when in need of protection." Morticia said with a soft smile.
Larissa's face turned soft, she gently stepped forward and gave Morticia a dizzying kiss before saying, "Good, now after I'm done, I will call you all to my office but first, I want to make Wednesday skeptical." 
All Morticia could do was let a dreamy smile drift across her face, lick her lips, and nod. 
With that, Larissa trailed down the hall with a firm smirk etched onto her face and once arrived at the door, she dropped the smirk and knocked, “Girls, may I come in?” 
Wednesday, still not looking up from her typewriter, smirked, “Of course.” 
The door opened and in stepped Larissa Weems covered from head to toe, in what smelled like to Enid, rabbit blood. 
“I would greatly appreciate it if the both of you would come to my office in an hour,” looking towards Enid, “and before you panic my little ray of sunshine, you are not in trouble.” With that, Larissa left with a soft close of the door.
All Wednesday could think was, "Oh fuck." 
*An hour later* 
Larissa sat smiling at her desk while the two girls sat across from her, "Do you know why I called you in here, girls?" 
Enid, while side-eying her girlfriend, said, "Yes, I think I do." 
Larissa smiled and looked towards Morticia, "Morticia, would you be so kind as to tell Wednesday what you said to me? And Enid, I want you to witness this.”
Larissa turned back to the girls, looked directly at Wednesday and smirked as Morticia spoke.  
After a few minutes of explanation, Wednesday's jaw hung open. This is one of the only times Morticia has seen her daughter like this, she knew what was about to happen and it wouldn't be good, so she said a silent prayer for her girlfriend. 
Wednesday collected herself and situated her glare on Weems, "What have you done? What have you DONE? Mother, what is the meaning of this? Is this some kind of cruel joke?" 
Morticia sighed while Larissa did nothing to help, all she could do was sit there smirking.  
Morticia carefully approached her-their daughter and spoke, "Wednesday, Larissa is now a permanent part of our lives so you will have to get used to Larissa having a say in your life, and that includes taking on the role of another parental figure." 
Wednesday's eyes darted between the two women; she was so angry you could practically see steam coming from her ears. 
Larissa dropped her smirk, she could see that Wednesday was becoming more strung by the second, "Wednesday, while I admit I take great pleasure in this, it's for two reasons. #1: I can keep you safe and #2: It means that I can make sure you know what you did was wrong and punish you accordingly. I will not abuse this...too much but I will make sure you know that I love you as if you were my flesh and blood." 
Wednesday took a minute to process what was said and then spoke, "Who's to say I'm not of your flesh and blood? Mother is so in love with you she could have had Grandmama do a spell because even I admit, I am much like you." 
Larissa knew this was an olive branch and took it, she chuckled and said, "I wouldn't put it past your mother." 
At that Morticia gave both, a smirking Wednesday, a chuckling Larissa, and a giggling Enid, a look. 
Enid deflated at the release of tension and her claws, once again, were sheathed, "I am not going to lie, I thought this would end in disaster. Oh! Mom, is that why we were called in?" 
Larissa smirked once again, "Partly but I also want to dish out punishment! Wednesday, you are grounded!" 
Before Larissa could finish Wednesday shouted, "What?" 
Larissa, used to Wednesday's habits by now, said, "Yes, you are grounded, you ruined a very expensive dress, a carpet, and got rabbit blood along the walls and door. Oh, and partially in my apartment. So that means, no knives, no bombs, no hunting, no investigating, and NO TORTURING PUGSLEY!" 
Wednesday's eyes widened and she gritted her teeth but got an idea at the last moment and smirked, "Fine, anything else, FATHER or would you prefer MOMMY?" 
Larissa gritted her teeth but before she could say anything Wednesday spoke again, “I have to go back to our dorm room now, I’m grounded. Enid, did you still want to have lunch with your mother?” 
Enid, not knowing what to do to calm the situation, said, “Yeah, yeah.” While all she could think in a whiny voice was, “Wednesday, don’t get in more trouble, please.” 
Wednesday gave Enid a gentle kiss and walked out but as she stepped out of the door but still in Larissa's line of sight, she smirked and made a 'you're dead' motion. 
Larissa knew Wednesday wasn't actually going to kill her...or was she... 
Larissa groaned and put her head in her hands, "Fuck, I'm officially in hell." 
Morticia chuckled at Larissa and gently rubbed her shoulders while Enid spoke up, "Don't worry, Mom! Wednesday won't actually hurt you...physically." 
Larissa whimpered, groaned, and let her head land with a thud on her desk. Both Morticia and Enid winced at the sound and looked towards one another, and a silent look was shared, "She's in for it." 
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collway · 10 months
Couldn't keep it out of my head, thought I'd share soccer mom Larissa with Enid. I don't have an explanation. (Louie, don't you dare explain how we got there in the first place.)
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mandy-asimp · 1 year
Sensitive baby
pairings: larissa weems x deer!hybrid!reader
warnings: fluff, crying, overwhelmed reader, kissing, i think that’s really it?
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You had just started working there. It had only been the first semester. Almost the end. You had made strong connections to the other staff members and the kids.
It was your study hall and advance botany class. They were back to back, which made them your strongest class.
“So!” Enid pipped up from the silence. Catching your attention. “Do your antlers….do they hurt?”
You shook your head. “I was a witches baby. My moms, they had saved a coven and was gifted with me. They’re like your claws. They don’t hurt, they’re just there.” You explained to them. “You’re free to come touch them.” You weren’t surprised when the whole class crowded you and lightly touched them.
You were doing your best to not move. The slightest touch would always make you squirm. You were a sensitive hybrid.
After a breif minute, they all were back in their seats. “So, like your ears as well?” Bianca had raised the question.
“They function like a deer’s when I need them to, but I usually try to avoid how much noise is in this building. Its why I keep my door closed and take you outside a lot. Its quieter for me.” You went back to working on papers.
You were put in charge for planning the Raven dance this year. It was how you wanted to put yourself into the school. You had the plans scattered on your desk.
“Did you pick the theme yet?” Yoko pried, noticing the plans on your desk.
“I have, they just have to get approved by Weems. Which should be happening after this.” You glance at the clock. “And no, none of you get to know early.”
You got groans in response and you could only laugh. Shrugging your shoulders and focusing. You kept silent until the bell. Confused when none of your students got up.
“The bell rang?” You looked at them all. And even they were confused. “Did you guys not hear it?”
“No? There was no bell?” Bianca narrowed her eyes, pulling her brows together.
You were stumped now, but dismissed them anyways when you heard other kids in the hall.
“I guess I can mention it to Weems, maybe my speaker is just out? But go have fun! Enjoy the weekend, the theme should be out tonight before midnight, or maybe at midnight, maybe not at all!” You joked gaining eye rolls. “Whatever! That’s was funny!”
You were eventually alone in your class room. Finishing up your papers before leaving. Jumping at the soft knock on your door.
Your eyes first went to the shoes, surprised when you didn’t see any. Slowly your eyes trailed up, meeting the blue ones that make you feel so fragile. She took her heels off to avoid making noise for you?
“You snuck up on me?” You meant to have a joking humor in your question, but it wasn’t present at all. “I thought I was coming to you for the meeting?”
She walked further in, swaying her hips in her steps, but then you realized. She was just swaying. Was she drunk?
She didn’t say much, just came and stood behind you. Her hands resting on your shoulders first. Then sneaking up into your hair. You wanted to stop her but you were frozen in confusion.
You’d never had someone just silently touch you like this. And what was more confusing is you were enjoying the attention.
You were raised to never be so greedy but in the moment you wanted all of her attention only on you. Only on you. What did that even mean to you?
Did you want to stare her in those deep blue eyes that pierce straight through you and see your darkest secret? Or was it more so like you wanted to lay on her while she caressed your antlers till you were out cold? Would her touch on them feel different? Would you not squirm like you would with anyone else? Or would you? Maybe have a shiver or two run all through you? But you couldn’t pin point it. You wanted to, badly. To know what you wanted without being greedy. She wasn’t yours and you knew that. Did you want her to be? Want her to only be with you? Leave the school over breaks and never let go of her, was it an option? How sudden you wished it to be an option. Your mind was swarming with her.
Humming in content when her fingers brushed against your ears. Massaging the ends just a bit. This was new. No one had ever done this for you. Not even your own mothers.
"Larissa..." her name fell from your lips simply. Almost as if it was meant to be there. Almost as if this was supposed to be your life together.
"You've been working so hard, sweet doe." She broke her silence. Making you feel warm with her nickname. "Have you taken a break? Winter break is starting so soon. You deserve it. All the hard work you've put into the planning, and I know it'll turn out so well. Your work is always so perfect. I never have to worry about you. Your mothers should be so proud of the brilliant woman you've made of yourself. I'm proud of you sweet doe." Her words pulled at your heart. Nobody's every really voiced how proud they are.
Your mother's did very little, but they showed it in ways you could only notice. But you always wished they would just say it. And Larissa, she was here, she was saying it. Your heart was being squeezed with happiness. Someone was appreciating the hard work you do. It made you feel noticed. Made you feel wanted.
A stupid smile took over your face, "Thank you, Larissa." You whispered. "I did finish the plans! Do you want to see?"
When she hummed in agreement, you swear you became high off of serotonin. She listened to you go on and on. Talking over everything you had planned.
"And for the Dj-,"
"You're very pretty, do you know that?" She cut you off. Putting you in headlights now.
You felt the heat on your cheeks. "W..What?"
She walked around to the front of your desk. Staring directly through you. She had the look of she knew every tiny detail about you. "You're such a unique person. Truly you are. I've never met anyone who is as sweet and kind at your age. And you're one of a kind, sweet doe. We're so lucky to have you here."
Emotions were overflowing from you, and before you knew it, a few tear had escaped your eyes. You didn't understand this. Why was she saying all these nice things about you for doing your job? Yes, you worked harder than most, but that's because you wanted to prove that you could do more than anyone who got the chance to go here as a kid. That you weren't just some witchcraft made up. That you were more.
Larissa cupped you face, wiping your tears away with her thumbs. "Don't cry, sweet doe. You deserve these words. You do so much and I don't want you to think you're not important here." She got closer and rested her forehead against yours. "You are wanted."
That's when you smelt that expensive wine you had bought her for the birthday party you threw together for her. Inviting all the staff and students. You had said, she deserves some loving for as much as she gives this school.
You were unsure now. Did she mean these words? Or was she truly just drunk? you hardly knew anything about being drunk though, so it was hard for you. It only added to the flow of tears. Making it a full cry now.
You broke from her hands and started to rush outside of the school. You felt trapped. You needed to be in the woods. You had been through them almost daily since you arrived at Nevermore.
You learned about the monster that reeked havoc on the town. But you couldn't care less now. He was gone and the woods were silent. So silent. The woods accepted you with open arms.
You believed they directed you to the deer spot. Where you found a herd of deer. And they were maybe some of the nicest deer you ever met.
You broke into the open space in the woods. Falling to the ground and just crying. You truly were away from Larissa, not that you wanted to be, but you just needed to be. You laid on your back, staring up into the sky.
All you wanted to do was catch your breath and just breathe.
Then the sun was blocked. A deer you’ve become familiar with was looking down at you. You jumped extremely hard. But while laughing, your hands almost on instinct reached up to her and just carefully held her face.
An unspoken conversation went on. From a far it looked like you were some nature princess. Talking to animals in the forest? How classic of you.
She had suddenly pulled her head away. You sitting up at the same time. There was someone coming near.
She made her escape but you weren’t as fast. So you scrambled back trying to find anything to hide behind.
Having antlers wasn’t helping.
The sounds of branches snapping got closer and louder. Where was there for you to go? You began to feel cornered (well…you kinda were).
Was this really how you were going to go? Was the monster from the previous year back? Was someone about to come out with a shotgun? You had no cover story for the antlers. No camera to say its an art project.
Quickly, your thoughts silenced at the sight of that statuesque woman who you called your boss.
A new wave of tears hit your eyes. Falling before you could even comprehend anything. Yet, before you knew it, Larissa was hugging you and stroking your hair.
Shushing your heavy sobs of fear. She held you so tight you thought she might never let go, and honestly, you didn’t want her to.
You tried to normalize your breathing, failing miserably on you own.
“It’s ok sweet doe, you’re safe here.” Larissa’s sweet voice hit your ears. Her hand finally touched your antlers.
You were right earlier. It did feel different. Yes, it still tingled, but it was soothing. It calmed your breathing almost instantly. And once she started stroking them, you felt so tired. Ready to fall asleep in her arms.
What would she say if you did? Would she Carly you all the way back and let you sleep in her bed? Or carry you to your room and leave you and act like this day never happened.
“Talk to me, sweet doe, why’d you run?” She knelt down with you in her arms. Her back against a tall tree.
You snuggled up into her lap, cautious about your antlers. “Nobody’s ever said such things to me. Never showed me that kind of attention. And I don’t want to be greedy and selfish because I know you have so much more to do with your time and yet, all I want is your time. I don’t understand the feelings right now, I mean I’ve been shelter for my entire life, but I just wanted your attention only on me.” You confessed. Still not understanding the emotions and feelings.
“Sweet doe, it’s called having a crush. You like me in ways that you don’t think of everyone else.” She answered you. Trying not to laugh at how oblivious you were to your own feelings.
You frowned, “well of course I like you. You’re an incredibly talented person and an amazing boss. So I don’t get it.”
Larissa grabbed your chin, making you look at her. “Yes but, it’s more like a wanting. Like would you let me kiss you right now?”
You were frozen. A kiss? “I…but what if it ruins everything? Also you were drinking, what if you’re still drunk? Isn’t it like a thing not to do things while drunk?”
“Baby, it takes more than a tiny glass of wine to get me drunk.” She kissed you nose after her words. “So can I kiss you? Because y/n I like you just as much and maybe more and want to treat you well.”
You smiled, everything was possible. You brought your lips to hers instead, placing an inexperienced kiss to her lips. It made your stomach tingle.
And once she started taking control, you really felt something new. It was delicate at first, but soon Larissa was deepening it.
You broke away first. “Can we….take it slow? I’ve never done nothing like this and don’t know what’s happening.”
“Absolutely sweet doe. Tonight, can I take you out to dinner?” She asked with hopes in her eyes.
“I would love that,” you softly smiled. Placing a softer kiss to her cheek.
You felt at ease now, all your rushing thoughts and feelings seemed to disappear with this woman’s presence. You felt at home now.
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neuroprincess · 1 year
August - Larissa Weems/Female Reader - Part Two
Larissa Weems/Female Reader
Summary: After knowing about August's existence, Larissa tries to get closer to the teenager and making it work can be difficult when both are socially awkward.
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: OC (original character)
Word count: +2700
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four (soon)
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The teenager takes a bite of apple as she stares at the courtyard distractedly, the social groups are dispersed, gathered together talking about random things, mostly about Rave'N Ball which soon became the main topic. Everyone seems excited describing their party clothes bought especially for the day and who they would bring, she knows she should be excited about the same things or at least pretend so she could socialize with them, but she isn't and can't, the only promising thing about the ball is the food and dancing. She loves to dance, since childhood it seems to be the best way to express herself, more than words anyway. At the age of four she started ballet classes and continued performing until 13 when she had a growth spurt, being too tall and with an inadequate bone structure to continue being a dancer, August used her abilities as much as she could to continue dancing and in the end had to let go when mom found out, disapproving. Y/N understood the motivations, it was the girl's first individual interest and something she had devoted herself to for years, this didn't negate the fact that using shapeshifting is a type of cheating and this consumed a lot of her daily energy to continue with the farce. Besides, where they were living was not very kind to any outcast and unsafe for someone like the teenager, in the end they had to resort to the most radical alternative, sending her to Nevermore. Learning things that she, as a mom and normie, could never teach.
August takes one last bite before discarding the rest of the fruit in the trashcan next to the bench she is sitting on, as turning around she notices the presence of the principal almost next to her, standing looking at some vague point pretending to be analyzing the students, except for her as if barely acknowledging her presence. The girl waves a hand in greeting to get her attention and succeeds, they exchange a quick smile and nod, looking back to the courtyard. It's awkward, none of them like this atmosphere and at the same time they don't make the first move towards a real conversation.
"I... I heard that you haven't been using your abilities for two days now." the blonde begins running over the first few words before continuing "How do you feel about that?"
"It's boring, I confess my life seemed easier. And some people just won't stop staring at me."
"Well, you're pretty and tall, you draw attention from boys and girls." Larissa tries to hit back with positive points and winks to her "Anyone interesting?"
She notices how the girl unconsciously stares at a specific group and looks away blushing, redness taking over cheeks and ears. August just whispers "No." and stares at her confused, she thinks that somehow it's not normal for the principal to ask questions like that. But this is a new world which she is still learning the rules.
"Right... have you already been introduced to your classmates?"
"Not exactly, that blonde werewolf talked to me the first day and told me who was who, after that we never talked again." the teenager shrugs shoulders about the fact, she had met a few students who either seemed intimidated or didn't even bother to introduce themselves properly "And that's okay, I'm trying things on my own."
"I understand." neither of them knows what to say anymore, remaining in a silence for minutes that isn't uncomfortable despite the growing anxiety in the pit of their stomachs. She knows August is talking about Enid and it's her group that she has unintentionally stared at. The girl stands up slowly when she notices some students are already gathering for class "Your uniform looks very... short."
Larissa notices that when the teenager stands, they are 6 inches apart, the uniform set with the skirt, which should be just past her knees, looks too small for her size, like it shrunk in the dryer or something. The sweater is tucked tighter against the body instead of being comfortably loose around her, the shoes look slightly uncomfortable, and the skirt that should be below the knee reaches her knees.
"Oh, that! I guess I spent so much time changing my form that I didn't even realize I had another growth spurt, I just forgot to warn Mama. I could take care of it with my own hands, but shapeshifting is out of our deal." the girl straightened the clothes on her body trying to make them conform to the uniform as best as she could, feeling embarrassed by the situation "I think I can handle 5 days until I can use my abilities again." she whispers the last part for only the two to hear.
"Why don't you tell your mother? I'm sure soon you will stop growing and be able to wear only a size of clothes." "Because that's how it happened to me" the blonde mentally adds, in her school days she had to change the size of her clothes and shoes three times. Growing pains as a teenager, her mother always told her on the way to the mall to buy more clothes. Victoria Weems is as tall as her daughter and apparently the girl inherited that from them, even if Y/N's genes allow her to be a little shorter than the two older Weems "I'm sure she'll buy."
"I'm sure too and that's exactly the point." she says simply, her tone making it clear that she doesn't want to continue the topic, then puts the backpack on shoulders "I have to go, botany class now."
"Right! August, think carefully about the ball, it's not mandatory, but it's a great experience and you have a week to prepare." the principal blinks as the girl walks past her, in response she just gets a shy smile.
Larissa smiles back and as soon as the teenager disappears from her vision she turns to the group of students where Enid is, Wednesday with her, Xavier a short distance away from them, Bianca, Divina and Yoko are nearby talking to the duo, the new student doesn't seem interested keeping the same expression as always, which sends a shiver down her spine when directed at her as Addams realizes the tall woman is staring. The blonde immediately turns to go back to her office, pretending this moment didn't happen, even being a teenager she gives her some chills, not that she is scary but yes her actions, she doesn't know what to expect from her.
On the way through the halls Lara August doesn't leave her mind. First, as principal for many years and past hundreds of students, she didn't believe August would follow through on the deal so easily, the next day the fountain was completely clean and more than before, once again Larissa found herself looking for her, this time knowing who to look for and not found her. What made her upset was the possibility that the girl had gone back to using the abilities to hide from her, a possibility soon denied by Thornhill who had the girl as a helper most part of the day and claimed she saw her go straight to the dormitory. Second, she learned more about her supposed daughter, August sleeps in Ophelia Hall sharing a room with a psychic outcast, the academic curriculum is focused on history and literature, she tried fencing and left when Bianca beat her in 10 seconds, after being rejected by the yearbook she is still looking for an extracurricular activity. And last and not least, that the teenager loves hot chocolate, or should at least like it a lot, because Larissa has seen her drink many cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream this morning for breakfast.
And something struck her as she analyzed the short conversation they had at the break, the group that Lara stared at was precisely Enid's... with Wednesday. It couldn't be possible, she wished there wasn't the slightest chance that the blonde was liking the other girl. Not only would it be ironic considering her own past with Morticia, it would also be Y/N's ruin and maybe August's, because as far as anyone can tell the two are complete opposites. Perhaps, with some hope, her possible love interest could be any of the other girls or even Xavier.
"I wonder if this is how parents feel or act when their children are having a crush on someone."
The day is already over for the Nevermore students, most of them have finished dinner, going to their respective dormitories or gathering in common rooms to study for exams the next day. August doesn't feel the need to spend her evening like this after having dedicated all her free hours to it, she sees how desperate everyone is about some difficult subjects and wonders if she should approach them for help, giving up the idea when they find the answer by themselves or with the help of Bianca, who majestically walks around the tables helping their classmates with small things as if she has all the content memorized in her brilliant mind and making a point of showing how intelligent she is. The shapeshifter tries to be discreet as she stares at their interactions, knowing she is failing in this as her eyes can't leave her until the other notices, Bianca frowns as their gazes meet. August turns face quickly and places her hands on cheeks knowing she must be blushing, this is how it works, when in her normal form the pale skin gives way with annoying ease. It's not like she knows how to hide reactions and emotions either, another part of her socially maladjusted personality.
"Hey, white head!" the siren calls out approaching her, laughing when she notices how the girl stiffens at the desk, dropping the book she was reading and slowly turns to look, confusion in her eyes wondering if it was she who was called "Yes, you. Are you having a hard time too?"
"Yeah, no, I mean no. I've been studying all day." she stutters, trying to look anywhere but Barclay's intimidating eyes.
"I see. So do you have a problem with me?" the question is direct and sincere, too direct for the blonde's conversational standards.
"No, never, I'm... I'm sorry." the two stare at each other for a few seconds that seem tense and that atmosphere is cut off by the queen bee's loud laugh, August not sure how to feel about this reaction, even more confused.
"You were staring at me."
"I didn't even realize. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." she swallows dryly and finally gets up the courage to look her in the eyes, feeling legs getting weak and maybe pressure dropping along with it, if she wasn't sitting up she would probably fall to knees on the floor.
"It's all right. Well, if that's it..." Bianca says casually ready to go to another table to offer help.
"Bianca! Actually..." the shapeshifter takes a deep breath trying to gather courage to continue "I need help, not with the exams. I'm terrible at fencing, you know that, you're the one who made me kiss the ground a month ago." the two laugh for different reasons remembering of her first fencing lesson "Could you give me some lessons or some help? Please."
"Sure! Maybe after the ball, you have the potential for a good opponent, Lara."
"Thank you..."
As soon as the siren gives back August gets up gathering her belongings and tries to leave the common room as discreetly as possible, a difficult task when she messes with the strap of the backpack attached to the chair and quick steps that make the shoes resonate on the floor. "She knows my name! She knows my fucking name!" is the only thing the blonde can think of while running to her dorm, avoiding curious and even judging glances at the big smile on her lips. When she enters the bedroom she seems to be walking on clouds and suddenly feels silly for acting this way just because Bianca Barclay knows her name, maybe it's no big deal, she is a brilliant student with a great memory, or maybe it's too much because after all she is the queen bee while August is another teen without any highlight and who would never draw her attention. August sighs and walks to her side of the room throwing the backpack on the bed, that's when she notices a perfectly wrapped red package on top of the blankets, she stares at it confused, for a moment believes that maybe it's a gift for her roommate and they got the sides confused, but there is a note with her full name written in cursive handwriting.
The package is opened with care, the ribbons undo the lace to reveal a complete uniform set, from blazer to shoes, what makes her happiest is the skirt in the right size looking perfectly cut for her slim and tall body. She looks at herself in the mirror with the skirt clinging to the body, loving how it looks, she would no longer have to adjust every time she sits down or stands up and that is a great relief. All the items are folded up again to be stored and only then August notices something at the bottom of the package, she pulls out a small thick black book with gold details, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman. Next to it a note attached written "It's one of my favorite books, maybe you'll like it too. Good read, August." and immediately she knows who gave her the package. Principal Weems. The only person in the academy who knows how she likes to be called and uses the name. No matter how stubborn and proud she is felt good to earn it from her, almost hugged for someone other than her mom caring about her.
Another morning begins with Larissa comfortably working on her laptop, it's one of the rare occasions when it's calm, especially with the recent events in Jericho and Nevermore, of course, over the question of a certain student's motherhood. Momentarily the tension was lifted from her shoulders and she felt good, relaxing against the chair. Eyes closed thinking of good times, both past and present. She remembers clearly the day she met Y/N, ten years younger, cheerful and spirited, always friendly when she served her a cup of tea. Their first kiss in front of Larissa's apartment, her former home when only a teacher. They barely had a first date before falling into each other's arms, drunk on love... and wine. She sighs remembering those nights on weekends when they bought bottles to accompany home-cooked dinners and it always ended in the same thing. She can remember the young woman's face in vivid details, it's surreal.
And she comes to the realization that there is one more thing to take care of, to finally talk to Y/N, two days earlier all the courage she had gathered to make that call crumbled as soon she heard her voice on the other side of the phone. She hung up without saying anything, hoping that the other woman would think it was a wrong call or just someone making a prank. When there was no return call she knew she was safe and initiated a plan, not very complex, but still important and difficult to approach the teenager. If was any other child she knows it would be easier, but every time she is around August can't stop thinking that this girl is her daughter, even if there isn't a DNA test to prove it yet, imagining how she must have been as a kid, about who she is, what she likes or dislikes, the guilt eating her up inside every second she spends next to her.
"August, what..." she whispers startled when the girl opens the office doors unceremoniously, she is red and disheveled hair evidencing that she ran all the way there "I see you are wearing the..."
"I thought we had an deal, Principal Weems!" she almost shouts interrupting the older woman, to the surprise of both of them "I tried to behave, to fulfill our deal, I'm not even using my abilities. And you betrayed me! I feel dumb for trusting an adult."
"What are you talking about, Lara August?" Larissa doesn't know if she is confused or angry at the teenager's attitude, her tone of voice expresses that.
"You weren't supposed to call my mom and you called her."
"I didn't..."
"She's here!"
"Yeah, shit!"
"Watch your mouth, young lady!"
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emsgwenstan · 1 year
death under moonlight
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Summary: Character is a teacher at nevermore who saves the lives of the students, confesses love to Larissa, hardly any y/n background story, if you don't know what a clairvoyant is probably best to research first, character dies in the end. Happy ending for everyone else tho.
Warnings: blood, death, hurt.
Words: about 3.5-4K I’d say? Sorry about editing!
It’s just become the norm now, event after event, death after death, it’s inevitable. But this, this is by far the most damaging. After the following incident with laurel gates there was no stopping what else was to come. More murders, disappearances and odd mishaps that didn’t add up.
Somehow the most unlikely of us outcasts had formed together in groups, protecting each other of some sort, no segregation between the werewolf’s, vampires, siren’s, gorgons and other species of students, the teachers would lunch with some groups and become a chosen family. The fear keeping everyone from stepping out of line, no detentions, suspensions or yelling to keep in check. It was horrible, not right. Every child was always with another even on occasion, the dormitory supervisors would let children room in others dorms to have an extra sense of safety. The teachers would often do the same, some would huddle in the teachers lounge with blankets and pillows all mingled together in hopes of a restful sleep.
Larissa though was forever restless never at ease, she would spend hours peering out her office window into the dead of the night just to be sure no one harms her children. She has been more recluse and closed of, but the second she steps out of the doors to her office, she only wishes to hug-and in a way mother every child she comes into contact with and mutter sweet nothings to ensure there safe and nothing will hurt them. However she feels so much guilt that she can’t keep that promise, she would rather do everything in her power than make a promise she isn’t sure she can keep.
You are very much the same, closed off and scared. More often than not you would wake from a monotonous sleep and wander the halls in a robe, usually you would run into Larissa herself and walk in tandem with arms linked doing a non obligatory night watch in silence, you could go round and round with out uttering a word, just a ‘you know the drill let’s go’ nod when you bump into one another.
Some nights you would pace the hallways of all the dormitories and pop into some when you heard someone possibly having nightmares or uneasy sleep. One time you heard growling and realised it was coming from Enid and Wednesdays room. You opened the door leaving Larissa leant up on a beam in the hallway, you walked over the sleeping children on the floor and made you way over to Enid, gently stirring her awake. “Hey, hey it’s ok.” Enid pried open her eyes and instantly tried to slow her breathing. You opened the bottle of water she kept on her bedside and handed it to her. “Thank you… sorry.” She said softly. “Another nightmare?” You asked. “Yeah.” she rasped. You took back the bottle and put the lid on resting it back on her table. You looked a the other end of the bed seeing Wednesday dead asleep, looking as if she had been placed in a casket. You smiled at the thought of her wrapped in colourful blankets.
Enid laid back down her eyes fluttering, you caught her looking behind you, turning to see Larissa in the door way giving a sympathetic smile for Enid, she's already asleep when you resume to gaze at the young wolf. Feeling a hand on your shoulder, Larissa took to bending down and giving her a kiss on the forehead. “Love you mom.” Enid said while slightly readjusting herself. You smiled at Larissa and her sad but proud smile as she was staring at her with love and adoration. She pulled back and without question slid her hand from you shoulder to your own, tugging you to stand. She took the lead carefully stepping over Ajax and Xavier and you over Kent and Eugene. Making it to the door with out any disturbance you both took a last look at them, the boys on the floor sprawled out and the girls on the beds, Wednesday and Enid on one and yoko, divina and Bianca, piled on the other. Larissa doesn’t mind that the boys and girls are in the same rooms she trusts them enough to behave with no funny business.
Exiting the wing of the building arm in arm with Larissa you guided her to her quarters. “Do you want to stay with me, I know you probably don’t but the offer stands… if you do ever need or not want to be alone.” She whispered. “Sure. I don’t particularly want to be alone.” She led you in and threw back the covers of her bed, you hoped in next to her and turned off one of the lamps, as did she whilst eyeing the small clock on her table that read 3:22am.
Both on you backs tossing and turning, after about and hour or so you spoke. “This is awful.” She was silent waiting for you to continue. “I can’t believe how much fear we are living in… or existing in I suppose, no one’s really living at this point are they?” You ended. She was still quiet before saying. “It’s absolutely fucked.” She enunciated, You were surprised but you could tell she didn’t have the energy to keep her strong facade. “It’s all fucked.” You said blatantly. That was the end of it, no more words needed to be exchanged for you both knew what each other meant.
She rolled over to face you, out of instinct you moved up and put your arm around her and she rested her head on you forearm, you took her wrist and moved it to wrap around your waist and held her close to you. With your cheek resting on her forehead you said. “We’ll get through it, we always do, everything’s going to be ok. Your going to be ok.” She tightened her hold and sniffed. Larissa hasn’t the strength to properly cry, but you both being exhausted fell asleep eventually.
Only a couple hours later she woke and so did you. Now sitting by the fire, with a hot tea each just staring at the flames, adorning a blanket over you laps, cuddling close. You felt a little better that you weren’t lonely, but ultimately because she wasn’t either.
over the next couple of months it became routine to walk now hand in hand with Larissa around the school and finish the night in her room. Tonight she let you brush out her hair and put it in a loose braid, it was soft and smelled amazing, every so often you would look in the mirror at her peaceful face and smile a little wider at the fact that your offering her just a little peace of calmness and stress relief just by doing a small kind gesture. You get into bed, hold her close and have only a few hours sleep. Routine.
Today though was different, off. The gut feeling when somethings just not right. Being a clairvoyant with heightened senses can lead to over analysing visions or feelings that come to you although you knew for certain that something terrible was coming. It was about 5:30am when you left Larissa to go find Wednesday. Arriving at their room you snuck in to find most of the kids asleep apart from Yoko and Wednesday, both sitting in verbal silence, the only sounds were the occasional video from Yoko's phone and pencils to paper from Wednesday at her desk. They both turned to look at you. “Miss y/l/n?” They said in unison. “Hey, wens can I talk to you for a moment… outside?”
Leaving her desk but taking the paper with her, she looked at you expectingly, waiting for you to speak. “Do you feel it to?” You asked. “I had a vision last night, something is going to happen but I can’t be sure as to what. I felt something dark before it, what I did see was a funeral I don’t know who’s or when but the whole school was there.” You furrowed your brows and leaned into put ur hands on her shoulders bending down eye level with her. “If you get anymore you need to come find me ok.” She nodded curtly as you let her go. “This is what I can make out of it.” Wednesday held up the paper for you to see. It was a drawing of what seemed to be the cemetery and other details that doesn’t make sense. “Ok I’ll try figure it out.” You spoke and waited until she returned into her room before you left.
Hours later you were in your own room getting changed when it all started, the loudest bang and blood curdling screams. The sheer amount of devastation when you ripped open your balcony door to be met with one of the towers crumbling and children scattering away from the rubble, and many, many people you have never seen before. All dressed in cloaks as if it were a cult or organisation, all seemingly outcast themselves using telekinesis or elemental magic. Your eye’s search for Larissa’s balcony.
You found her, hand’s clamped to the rail she found you to, as if you could telepathically speak Larissa and yourself immediately fled your rooms running past masses of children running to there assigned safety places for if or when the time came. Larissa called for you “Y/N!” Running to her you snatched her hand and bolted down the stairs. Proud of all the kids and teachers for making a b-line to their places. Running out into the woods to Xavier’s shed, meeting the group of Ophelia hall.
Making your arrival, every one of them looked terrified. All close together apart from Wednesday. Larissa strides over to them and knelt down on the floor trying her best to comfort the children. You could hear there whispers and asks of what’s going to happen, Larissa just hushed them. “I had another vision miss y/l/n.” Wednesday spoke solemnly. Your eye sight was set on the wall in front of you, suddenly everything fell into place. What was about to happen. Wednesday knew it to. Turning to look at her you gave an acknowledging nod understanding what she saw.
There was a reason why the vision showed a funeral. There was a reason why you weren’t standing in the crowd. There was a reason why you were supposed to be sacrificed.
To save your family.
Wednesday caught on to your knowing glance to not mention it. “wens can u pass me some paper and a pencil or pen.” You asked she did so and you got to work with writing a few things down. “I’m going to check up on everyone.” You said. “You can’t leave, it’s to dangerous and the sun is about to set your not going out in the dark.” Larissa tried to reason. “I’ll be fine you need to stay here.” After writing the letter and giving it to Wednesday to hold onto you trailed over to where Larissa was, taking her hand and pulling her to stand. You went to the door and led her out side ensuring no one was around first.
“You need to stay here and keep them safe, I’ll be back soon, but first I need to tell you something… I love you. I’ve always loved you. I knew when I first met you, I knew when I was by your side at that god forsaken hospital when you were in that coma and I know now. I'm not sure how you feel about me and I know its terrible timing but it’s the only time I can tell you.” You said in a rushed whisper. Larissa was shocked, her eyes pooling with unshed tears, she leaned in and without hesitation gripped the back of your neck and kissed you breathless.
Pulling away with streams of liquid down both of you cheeks for different reasons, she told you she loved you to and embraced you tightly. “I love you so much y/n, I wouldn’t be here without you.” Placing another kiss to your forehead. Your smile faded knowing that that statement should be said after doing what your about to do. Leading her back inside, you crouched down to all the kids giving them a hug and with out noticing giving them small pieces of you, necklaces, earrings, rings and other small trinkets that you usually carry on you. Larissa was last and you slipped your phone into her pocket, with a little note with the passcode. Even Wednesday let you hug her.
Back at the door, taking a final look at your family, you leave with a watery grin. “I love you all.” Then closing the door behind you. “Why does it feel like she saying goodbye?” Ajax wondered, asking the question everyone was thinking. Wednesday was unusually quiet.
You made you way sneaking around the school to the places the kids were hiding, after ensuring there safety, it was time. Jogging through the woods to get back to the school grounds, you slowed your pace catching your breath to muster as much air as your lungs could capacitate to whistle with you thumb and pointer finger as loud as possible to draw attention to yourself, continuing to run further into the vast, wide spread of the nevermore's entrance.
"do you think this will be over by the morning?" Eugene asked Larissa. "I'm not sure sweetheart, you will all be sent home when its safe enough, as of today the school is officially on full lockdown. I'm afraid this may be the end of nevermore." she said solemnly almost breaking down at her words, but remains strong willed for her children.
"y/n should have been back by now shouldn't she?" Bianca said. all in unison turned to Wednesday, who was standing by a boarded window. "what aren't you telling us Wens?" Enid asked cautiously. "she asked me not to say." she answered. "where is she?" Larissa was quick to ask, her heart doubled in pace. nothing but a blank stare came from the girl. "Wednesday... where. is. y/n?" Larissa gritted in annoyance but doesn't know if she actually wants the answer. Wednesday took a deep breath for what she was about to say.
Finally making your way thought the gates, you whistled one last time. "hey! I'm over here come get me!" you yelled and just like that hoards of people came rushing. Dodging the large bits of rubble and fire thrown at you out in the open buying time until you knew all of them were there.
Larissa shot up off the floor "why didn't you say something!" she said frantically at Wednesday, Larissa kicked off her heals and pushed past the now standing kids to get to the door. "wait you cant leave you need to say here!" Divina and Kent said simultaneously, each grabbing an arm. "what I need is for y/n to come back, alive!" she shouted ripping her arms from there grasp. "this is reckless Weems." Wednesday stated. Larissa took a moment to collect herself and give them all a pleading, apologetic look, before turning back to the door jerking it open, "stay here and be safe." she commanded before slamming it shut.
Everyone that you previously saw was accounted for and you were ready, hardly getting to the center of the courtyard you stood, your head back harnessing power from the moon letting it fill your veins, the white glow traveling from your hands into your arms and up your neck, reaching just over your jaw spilling into your face. Your eyes turned completely white as well as your hair.
Larissa was sprinting barefoot through the forest to get you. “Y/N!” she was screaming, whipping thought the trees, wincing at the twigs that dug into the soles of her feet, the adrenaline keeping her from stopping. Noticing the light beaming from the sky, she was hell bent on getting to it having a feeling you had something to do with it.
"screw this we cant just stay here." Xavier said. "yeah lets go." Enid agreed. The whole group fled the shed looking to the sky bolting toward it.
Larissa made it to the iron gates, watching the scene unfold before her, the look of horror displayed on her face from observing you, she had never seen you or another being like that, now floating about eight feet off the ground. "Y/N." she screamed again. You hear her and glace to the direction of her voice. your first thought was to put a barrier, forcefield of a sort to protect her.
All the kids caught up to Larissa. "oh my god!" most of them said in shock. Larissa went to run towards you but was stopped by the barrier, leaving her and the kids banging on the invisible wall, yelling your name to stop your actions.
"now remember y/n, you cannot access this power, ever. if you do you will die, you will be sacrificing your life the second you tap into it your fate is sealed. us clairvoyants can only capacitate visions, extra sense ability and small intervenes with paranormal activity." your grandmother said while cupping you ten year old self's little cheeks. "and what do you do to access that power nana?" you asked with your legs crossed on the bench, playing with the dry lavender hanging from the celling beam in the kitchen. "well...we channel from the moon, some say that the event in which one uses the magic some of there features turn white but I'm not entirely sure about that little one, I have not seen it happen with my own eyes, I'm certain that you really need to want it for the power to work, unlike witches we don't need spells." she ended. "and how do-." you were cut of before you could ask the question. "that's enough questions for one day little one." she said, pulling you of the bench.
That one memories been a repetitive dream as of late and has proved helpful in this time, only now do you relies it was your subconscious preparing you. Sensing yourself draining of life and your body cold as ice feeling sore, so very sore, you couldn't help the tears streaming down your pale face, watching the sight of Larissa through foggy eyes trying with all she had to get to you, but you knew it was no use. the kids were no different struggling to push though the unpushable. In that moment you don't know how your able to control something you've never done before but it just goes to show what your kind can do in cases of protection.
summoning all your energy and will power, letting your tired eyes close, your whole being becomes illuminated, brighter and brighter until Larissa and all the children had to cover there eyes from the blinding light. Your out stretched arms start to tremble as you let out a shuddering bolt of energy with in the confines of the barrier.
'this is it' you thought.
Once the white glare subsided slowly, the first thing visible was the dead bodies of all the opposing outcasts, hundreds of mirror image, masked people scattered across the ground. Larissa reached her hand out to find the obstruction gone, not a second went by for Larissa to bolt to where you were last seen. The children stayed planted on the spot surrounded by deafening silence apart from the the quick footsteps of Larissa's feet against the gravel.
She came to a slow, absentmindedly using her hands to clear the fog, looking up a little she found you still floating in the air unconscious with blood tricking out of your nose a little further away from her before you suddenly fell. Larissa dropped to her knees, trying to break your fall whilst bloodying herself against the gravel. She held you in her lap, gently removing the hair that's fallen over your face. "y/n?" she whispered, lightly shaking you, her eyebrows furrowed and breathing rigged.
Your eyes snapped open as you gasped for air. A wash of relief filtered over Larissa when she let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "Y/n." she said as a reassurance for herself. Your hazy eyes meet hers and all the white fades from your features, the rest of your non existent energy was spent of your last actions.
Raising your hand to her kind eyes you trace her facial characteristics, from her hairline to her brows, over her eyelids and down her nose to the outline of her lips, you muster a weak smile and stare into her eyes. "I'm sorry darling...but, it was always going to end like this. I- I...love you. I love all of you." you tried to breathe at a loss of air, pleading with your body to just stay for a moment longer. "Your my family Larissa,,,,, those kids are my family. I always wanted children... and you gave me a home with them even if they aren't mine." you said with a fatigued chuckle. "do you forgive me?" it came out croaky and broken.
Your question lingered, Larissa was trying to make sense of your words. "of course i forgive you sweetheart, but you going to be ok... right? your going to be fine." she said questionably, encouraging herself. "oh honey." you breathed. "you will be ok, I promise." your eyelids are getting heavy and your breathing slows. Miming the words 'I love you' to Larissa and letting yourself succumb to the comforting embrace of her hold. Your body finally went limp.
Tears welled in her eyes as she realized you were gone. "no." she demanded. "no. no. no. no. no. no." she repeated. "Y/N!" she was shaking your lifeless body. "y/n wake up! open your eyes. y/n open your eyes darling." her distress was breaking through. "y/n don't you dare, don't you dare leave me here, get up please!" Larissa was crying, find it difficult to breath. "don't do this to me I'm begging you." Larissa's yelling caught the attention of the kids, making there way over to you both.
Small, little gasps and 'oh no's ' were heard over Larissa's sobs, gasping for air, she let out the most deafening scream that wreaked her whole body as agony overtook her entire being. Everyone quiet, not willing to make a single sound, huddled and curling into one another silently crying at the scene Infront of them. Enid was the first to take hesitant steps toward the broken woman, pacing to Larissa and sitting on her legs wrapping an arm around the principle in an attempt to give a little support, she also took ahold of your cold hand noticing the light blue that had formed at your fingertips as well as your lips.
more and more of the surrounding students gathered around Larissa and tried there best to hold back sobs of their own. As time went by the sun started to rise once again for the first time with out you since the day you were born. A warm golden glow of the rays cast over your body giving the illusion of basking in the sunlight on a wonderful day, but that's what it was an illusion, for it was not you happy, bathing in the sunlight nor was it a wonderful day.
Without a word being exchanged, Larissa rose on shaky legs, her disheveled frame wobbling and lifted you off the ground cradling you to her chest, the children stood also and knew what she was doing, taking you to the mortuary. Following Larissa to the school van and helping her lift you into the back seat, she turned to them asking to alert the other students and teachers its over and to relocate back to school grounds, with a monotone expression.
Four days later was your funeral, Larissa managed to keep the students at the school until the day was over to attend, all the students had forgone there uniforms and dressed in their finest black clothes, each and every one adorned a pin holding a sprig of baby's breath and a simple white rose. Not a single biological family member of yours showed up.
As your coffin was laid on the lowering belt hundreds of people gathered to show remorse and empathy, some giving speeches and some sending prayers, Larissa couldn't find the strength to speak, but opted for laying the most expensive bouquet she could find on top of your coffin. behind the large rimmed sunglasses were red raw eyes that couldn't hold the amount of tears. "i love you." she said loud enough for the closest people to hear, saying it for the last time made her feel like she had just died, words she never had the chance to say over and over and over. An empty. cold. broken woman, is how she felt.
The rest of the day went as well as it could, Larissa distracted herself with attending to students, especially Enid, but she was lucky enough to have Wednesday by her side comforting her in her own way, whilst also fidgeting with all of the flowers and and catering to make sure everything was perfect, Larissa tried her best not to break down and make a inappropriate scene.
A few weeks after your death, Larissa drowned herself in work, pulling every string humanly possible to keep the school afloat, that she did, barely, but she did. Not letting herself be berried in grief, she kept on top of everything until she found herself for the first time in her life out of things to do, she was lonely and tired and so, so exhaused.
All the kids eventually returned to the school resuming as normal and Larissa paced the hallways to find the students that were with her that night to collect them and bring the kids back to her office for a conversation she knew was needed.
Finding them all and entering the principles office, she asked them to take a seat. "I just wanted to say, I'm so proud of you all and I hope your holding up ok, I'm sorry you were exposed to things that I'm sure you will never forget and I hope you feel comfortable enough to talk about them if you need to, I'm always here to talk, or offer support, even if you just need a hug." she said timidly.
The girls looked among themselves affirming something incoherent. "Wednesday has something to show you." Bianca spoke, confusing Larissa. Wednesday stood and reached into her bag and pulled out your letter and started to read it.
To my dearest family, I understand you will all be hurting at this time and for that i will be eternally sorry, I need each and every one of you to know how much I care and love you. starting with Eugene, you are so brave and talented little man, never be afraid to be yourself or put yourself out there. ajax, don't let your species define who you are, go and do what ever it is you want to do and don't not try because you think there's no point. Xavier, at the moment your dream is to be an artist, be bold in your work have fun and channel every feeling you have into all pieces you do, keep up with the way your going and you will get very far in an incredible career if that's what you chose. Kent and Divina, don't give up on each other, ever, your bonded for life and even if you piss each other off never drift apart your family is a foundation whether its a chosen one or blood related. Bianca, your worry in what people think of your intentions is your downfall be free to be who you are, the ones who you surround yourself with that love you for how you are and don't question your truth are who you need most and remember your mother doesn't dictate your life. Yoko, your a badass young lady who has a fire in you that burns brightly, never let anyone put it out, keep it smoldering for as long as you can and use it to seir the ones who think they've put the flame out. Wednesday, keep your sharp mind and detective abilities, but open yourself up a little more to the ones you love and the ones who love you and maybe, just maybe don't try to make things so difficult for principle Weems. Enid, your kindness is among the most I've ever seen in one person, always fight for your voice and stand up to what you think is right no matter the consequences, your love and wit are your strongest attributes, use them always it will get you far. And lastly Larissa, my sweet darling Larissa, for you I am the most sorry, but don't stop living your life because I'm gone, you are charming and strong, important and smart and so incredibly beautiful. I wish we had more time but it was never in out favor. we will meet again, that I guarantee so really its only a temporary goodbye keep in mind you were my last love and it will forever be that way and I'm so lucky for that, I however will not be yours, go and get out find someone who makes you happy and supports you don't be tied down or feel guilty because of me, and don't think for even a moment dearest that you aren't enough because you are and always will be, do a favor for me and keep the kids together, they need you just as much as you need them, family remember. As for now I love and cherish every single time we've all had together, I've left you all a small piece of me in the pockets of your clothes, wear them don't wear them its your choice, boys I gave you and a pair of earrings each that you could have mad into cuff links if you'd like or not it doesn't worry me pawn it in and get cash if that's what you rather. Girls i gave you my necklaces and rings you can exchange with each other and Yoko my fav pair of shades. Larissa i gave you my phone and all access to my photos of me and some of the kids and you when you weren't looking as weird as it may seem. just know im watching over each one of you and will be right by your side every step of the way.
sincerly yours y/n xxx.
And for the 7th time that week Larissa cried as she sat on the top of her desk. After a minute of processing the words, she remembered the phone and ran into her private quarters to fetch the coat she had been wearing that night, frantically searching for the pocket. The screen lit up as she turned it on. Leaving the room again, returning back into her office she looked at the lock screen displaying a selfie you took of Larissa tucked into your neck asleep and you with your nose nuzzling in her hair, eyes closed and a little smile spread across your face.
Larissa for the first time since your death smiled at the photo. "what is it?" Enid wondered. Larissa showed her the photo. "you really loved her didn't you?" Enid asked. "yes darling, i really did... And I still do." She ended, the glimmering chain around her neck caught the attention of Larissa and she placed her finger tips on along the metal, grazing Enid's collar bones she stared at it with admiration also realizing all the girls had jewellery of yours on to.
"I think we have been through enough for it to be fitting to call me Larissa in private from now on, if your comfortable with that I don't mind." She said. So many things have gone unsaid, but did they really need to be spoken if everyone understands the thoughts and feeling, actions and motives of each other? Obviously not. Your death may have been heart breaking but your are the one thing that brought all of them together. All together the children walked towards Larissa and had a big group hug, among the first but not even close to the last.
13 years have passed and its the time of year again when the 9 now adults come back for an early thanksgiving dinner with Larissa and her wife, the school hall is warm with light and laughter, although many years have passed, age never ceased to stop the unconventional family from being them selves. A chair always reserved for you at the table in a reminder your the reason they're all together, everyone of them upholding the promise of always staying bound, never straying away from each other.
Larissa found love again and her wife always respected the love she holds for you, every couple of months she walks with Larissa to visit your grave and helps with upkeep of the little flowers she planted there for you. sometimes she's stopped by old colleagues or people of the town who ask questions of that night, she simply says you saved everyone's lives and will be infinitely grateful. How lucky she was to have found you in her lifetime.
You watch your family in complete joy from your seat at the table. Always there and never forgotten, you know they will all be ok, your family will be just fine.
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