#most of the time they add little when talking to jas
mymelodyisme · 2 years
Okay but Mys and Shane totally have pet names for each, some that stuck around from the days when they weren’t supposed to be cute nicknames.
Shane for Mys: Doll face, Sunshine, Gumball/Drop, Dotty, Princess, Daisy, Sweat Pea, Chatterbox, Angel
Mys for Shane: Grumpy, Handsome, Cheekie, Sour Patch, Lemon Drop, Pizza Pie, Light of my Life
Also!! 🥺 Shane calls her Henny instead of honey because chickens, and so she calls him Rooster. So,,,
Henny ♥️ Rooster
Bonus: some nicknames they call Jas 😋
Jazzy, Kiddo, Little Princess, Little Flower, Little Lady, Little Fairy
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03jyh23 · 3 months
— facing the fear || choi jongho (part three of finding our way back series)
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<series masterlist> <next>
ex-boyfriend!idol!jongho x ex-girlfriend!single-mom!reader
synopsis: five years have passed since jongho last saw you. your lives have taken drastically different paths, with jongho achieving fame and you focusing on raising your daughter, nari, in quiet anonymity. when jongho discovers he has a daughter, he's determined to be a part of her life.
genre: a slice of life, romance, fluff, some angst
trigger warnings: unplanned pregnancy, illegitimate child, single parenthood, mature language, sex mentioned (this chapter contains an open discussion about heterosexual and homosexual relationships)
words: 11.4k
reminder: what you’re about to read is purely fiction, so let’s keep it separate from reality.
!minors do not interact!
disclaimer: i believe that all my readers are open-minded individuals who support lgbt people and are not prejudiced in any way. i identify as a queer person, which is why i decided to include certain topics in the dialogues of this chapter. inclusivity is important to me, and i would like to be able to include such themes in my fanfictions without worry. before this chapter, i want to remind you once again that this is a work of fiction and in no way represents the true characteristics of the members of ateez.
— hi there!!! AM I SPOILING YOU GUYS WITH ANOTHER PART IN A SPAN OF 5 DAYS? ARE YOU HAPPY? thank you so much for the love i received! i can't describe how much it means to me and how happy i am to see you all enjoying my writing. i hope you will like this part as i'm well aware most of you have been waiting for what this chapter includes. by the way, i'm sorry if i confused the dorm arrangement! (according to my knowledge 1 jongho, hongjoong, wooyoung; 2 mingi, san, seonghwa; 3 yunho, yeosang) since my finals are almost over, i plan to post once a week, preferably on fridays(?). oh, also! please let me know how you guys feel about using korean phrases/words such as hyung/ya/maknae in fanfictions. i tried not to include it but sometimes it just feels weird not to.
love, monika ♡
taglist: @seventeenthingsblr @DALSUWAHA @treehouse-mouse @ateez-atiny380 @sleepy-kat-here @sndeoki @bomi-ja @dearinsaniiiity @vixensss @all-fandoms-rise @finnydraws @hyuckiesgf ♡
(if by any chance i forgot to add someone please remind me once again)
if you wish to be tagged let me know here
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Jongho made his way back to the dorm, the small purple box Nari had entrusted him with gripped firmly in his hand. The quiet of the dorm seemed to amplify his growing anxiety. He knew he had to talk to the boys about Nari, but his day had already been filled with so many emotions. He felt a headache coming on, his head heavy with the weight of it all. Maybe it’s better if he waits a bit before talking to them. He took off his shoes and jacket and approached the kitchen. 
Once in the kitchen, he decided to make a cup of tea, hoping the warm drink would help with his headache and calm his swirling thoughts. He picked up the small purple box that Nari had given him, his fingers tracing the edges gently. A small smile began to play on his lips as he held the box, the weight of it in his hands bringing back the memory of the little girl who had given it to him. He was reminiscing about the way he held Nari in his arms, her little head on his shoulder and big eyes carefully watching him. He already loved holding her, feeling her small body against his. It was the first time he held his daughter in his arms, and he wished he could do it more often from now on. He didn't want to leave, but he knew better than to put his selfish desires first. It was strange, this sudden realization of himself as a father. The idea was still so new, so foreign to him. He'd spent his whole life thinking of himself as an individual, but now he was a part of something bigger, something more important than himself. He was a father. And, despite the fear and uncertainty that came with that thought, he also felt a sense of pride and responsibility. He was a father, and he was going to do everything in his power to be a good one. 
However, the happiness was fading due to one name constantly reappearing in his mind—Hyunwoo. Jongho's lingering thoughts about Hyunwoo began to tarnish his newfound joy, creating an undercurrent of unease that he couldn't shake off. Try as he might to focus on the positive, the thought of Hyunwoo continued to gnaw at him, threatening to overshadow the happiness he had found in Nari.
The sound of the kettle whistling brought him back to the present, and he quickly turned off the stove. He poured the steaming water into his cup; the scent of the tea leaves slowly diffusing into the air. As he sipped his tea, he found his mind drifting back to the day's events. Despite the uncertainty and the lingering questions, he couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. He was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead, for the sake of his relationship with Nari and, possibly, with you. 
Jongho picked up his cup in one hand and the small purple box of cookies in the other and began walking towards his room. Just as he was about to open the door, he heard his name being called out. 
"Jongho, you're back?" A familiar voice echoed through the dorm. It was Hongjoong, his voice carrying from the confines of his room. The older boy's voice was soft, laced with a hint of concern. 
"Yeah, it's me," Jongho answered as he followed to Hongjoong's room. When he entered the room, he found Hongjoong sitting at his desk, as usual, engrossed in his work. The room was dimly lit, with only a small reading lamp casting long shadows on the walls. Jongho paused at the doorway, watching Hongjoong for a moment. His gaze softened at the sight of the older boy, his usually vibrant eyes now filled with a quiet seriousness, 
"Is everything okay?" Hongjoong asked, lifting his gaze from the laptop to meet Jongho's. 
Jongho nodded, slowly, "Yeah, just a lot on my mind." He knew he couldn't avoid the conversation any longer. 
"Does it have anything to do with Y/N?" Hongjoong asked as he closed his laptop and put his headphones back on the desk. 
Jongho hesitated for a moment before answering. "Yes," he finally admitted, his gaze dropping to the cup of tea in his hands. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation he knew he had to have. Hongjoong's expression turned serious, and he nodded for Jongho to continue. He knew that when Jongho was ready to talk, he would. 
Just as Jongho was about to speak, his gaze fell on the small, purple box he had almost forgotten about. "This," he held up the box, "is from Nari." His voice was soft, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "She wanted me to give it to Wooyoung. It's cookies she made." 
Hongjoong's eyes widened in surprise, "That's really sweet of her," he said, a fond smile on his face. "Wooyoung will definitely appreciate this." 
Jongho nodded in agreement, "Yes, he will" he replied, a hint of sadness in his voice. It was clear that he was still lost in his thoughts, the earlier conversation with you clearly weighing on his mind. 
"I know you held a company meeting today," Hongjoong started, he leaned over to pat a chair next to him, a clear invitation for Jongho to sit down. His eyes held a glimmer of understanding, as if he knew that Jongho had a lot on his mind and was ready to lend a listening ear. Jongho took the invitation and sat down, setting the cookie box aside. Hongjoong reached out to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Wanna talk about it?" he asked gently, his eyes filled with concern. 
Jongho stared at him for a moment, then let out a sigh. "Yes," Jongho confessed, finally releasing the words he had held back. "I need to talk about it. I need to talk about Y/N, about Nari... and about a man named Hyunwoo." His voice was heavy with a mixture of confusion, longing, and a trace of fear. 
Hongjoong's eyebrows furrowed at this. "Hyunwoo?" he echoed, a hint of surprise in his voice. "Who is he?" 
Jongho sighed, his gaze dropping to his hands. "I don't know," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper. "But he's close to Y/N. I saw a text message from him on her phone. He referred to her as 'love'." His voice faltered slightly at the end, the words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. 
Hongjoong was silent for a moment, processing the information. The atmosphere in the room was heavy, "Have you talked to Y/N about this?" 
Jongho shook his head. "I didn't get the chance. And even if I did... I wouldn't know what to say." He looked up, meeting Hongjoong's gaze. "What do I even ask? How do I bring this up without sounding like I invaded her privacy?" 
Hongjoong thought for a moment. "Firstly," he began, "you didn't invade her privacy. You found her phone and saw the message. It's not like you went snooping through her texts." He paused, giving Jongho a reassuring look. "And as for what to ask... Just be honest. Tell her what you saw and how it made you feel. It's better to talk things out than to let your thoughts spiral." 
"I don't think it's a good idea to talk to her about how I feel," Jongho said, his hands tapping nervously on the table. "She's reminding me all the time that we are doing this for Nari, yet I can't help but feel all of these emotions when I am with her." 
"What emotions?" Hongjoong asked. 
Jongho paused, searching for the right words. "I don't know... I feel... confused, I guess? And I can't help but feel a bit jealous when I think about this Hyunwoo guy. And there's more... I feel a connection with her, it's like something’s drawing me towards her. It's hard to explain." 
Hongjoong nodded, understanding in his eyes. "It sounds like you're still in love with her, Jongho." 
"How can I be in love with her? It's been five years," Jongho almost whispered, emotion threatening to overwhelm him any moment now. 
"Love doesn't just disappear, Jongho," Hongjoong replied, his voice filled with understanding. "It can lie dormant, waiting for the right moment to resurface. And seeing Y/N again, meeting your daughter... those are powerful triggers." 
The words hung in the air, heavy and undeniable. Jongho didn't respond immediately, his gaze fixed on the floor. Finally, he looked up at Hongjoong, his expression vulnerable. "Maybe I am. But what does it matter? She has someone else in her life. And even if she didn't, it doesn't mean she feels the same about me." 
"Jongho," Hongjoong began, his voice steady and calm. "Feelings are complicated. It's completely normal to feel the way you do. You and Y/N have a history together and now you have a daughter. It's natural to have feelings for her." 
"But what if she doesn't feel the same? What if I'm just holding onto something that isn't there anymore?" Jongho asked, his voice heavy with worry. 
"Then you'll deal with it," Hongjoong stated simply. "You can't control how she feels, just like she can't control how you feel. All you can do is be honest with her and with yourself." Jongho nodded, taking in Hongjoong's words. His heart was still heavy, and the fear of the unknown still loomed over him, but he felt a bit calmer, a bit more ready to face whatever was to come. "Jongho, you don't have to choose between focusing on Nari or pursuing your feelings towards Y/N," Hongjoong continued. "I am not a father but…" At these words, Jongho chuckled, looking at Hongjoong. The older boy had always been like a father figure in the band, always looking out for the others and guiding them when they needed it. Hongjoong laughed softly, catching on to Jongho's thoughts. "I mean, I'm not a real father," he added, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "But I believe that if you want to create a family with Y/N, it can't be done in separate stages," Hongjoong continued, his words filled with understanding. "You can't simply discard your emotions and solely concentrate on being a father. It's not that straightforward. These two aspects are linked and need to grow together. You're not just a father, Jongho, but a man who still loves the mother of his child. And that's okay. It's okay to allow yourself to feel this way, to explore these feelings while also focusing on being a father to Nari. It's okay to be human and not have everything figured out. This journey you're on, it's not just about parenting, but also about healing and growing as a person. And part of that growth involves acknowledging and understanding your feelings for Y/N. So, don't try to separate the two. Let them happen at the same time." Hongjoong's words hung in the air, heavy with truth and understanding. Jongho felt a strange mix of relief and fear. The idea of allowing himself to experience these complex emotions was daunting, yet it also felt right. He understood that he had been trying to separate his feelings, handling one thing at a time to keep control. But life, as he was quickly learning, was rarely that simple. 
Jongho nodded, acknowledging the truth in Hongjoong's words. He felt a sense of gratitude towards his friend for offering a perspective he hadn't considered. "You're right, Hongjoong," he admitted, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I guess I've been trying to simplify things, to make this all more manageable. But I can't ignore my feelings for Y/N. And I won't." He paused, letting the words sink in. "I need to confront this, for Nari, for Y/N, and for myself." 
Hongjoong returned the smile, his eyes reflecting a sense of understanding and support. "That's the spirit, Jongho," he encouraged. "Facing our emotions may be scary, but it's the only way to truly understand ourselves and move forward. And remember, you don't have to do this alone. I'm here for you." 
Jongho felt a surge of gratitude. He was lucky to have such a supportive friend. He knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but with Hongjoong’s support, he felt ready to face whatever came his way. 
Feeling lighter than before, Jongho allowed a genuine smile to reach his eyes. In a playful tone, he joked, "I aspire to be as good of a father as you, Hongjoong." This comment earned him a small punch in the arm from his friend, who couldn't help but break into laughter at the compliment. 
Their moment of levity was suddenly interrupted by Wooyoung's voice. "Who wants to be a father?" the boy, who had just woken up from his nap, asked. Standing in the doorway with tousled hair, he looked at them with curiosity. 
Caught off guard, Jongho and Hongjoong exchanged a glance, both momentarily at a loss for words. "For how long have you been listening?" Jongho asked, his playful demeanor from a minute ago long gone. 
"Well, it's just that San woke up and wanted me to grab him a glass of water, and I just left my room," Wooyoung yawned. 
Hongjoong gave Wooyoung a quick glance before returning his gaze to Jongho. "We were just talking about...things," he said vaguely, not wanting to delve into the details. Jongho nodded, appreciating Hongjoong's discretion. 
"So, San is here?'' Jongho asked, his gaze shifting briefly towards the direction of Wooyoung's room. There was a hint of curiosity in his voice, a subtle shift in the atmosphere as he awaited Wooyoung's response. 
"Yeah, he is," Wooyoung answered, rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. He stifled a yawn before continuing, "He couldn't sleep well last night, so he came over earlier to catch up on some sleep."  
Jongho nodded in understanding then turned to Hongjoong, seeking his opinion. "Should we just call the rest of the guys then?" he asked, his eyes searching for reassurance in Hongjoong's gaze. 
Hongjoong considered the suggestion for a moment before nodding. "Yes, I think it's time," he agreed, a sense of determination in his voice. "We should all be on the same page about this." 
"What are you guys even talking about?" Wooyoung asked, clearly confused, as he leaned into the doorframe. His eyes flicked between Hongjoong and Jongho, searching for answers in their serious expressions. But before Jongho could open his mouth to explain, a loud voice from Wooyoung's bedroom caught them all off guard. 
"Ya! Wooyoung, do you want me to die of thirst?" San's voice rang out, filled with exaggerated distress. The three of them turned towards the direction of the voice, a look of amusement passing between them.  
"Quit being so dramatic!" Wooyoung shouted back, rolling his eyes but not able to hide the smile tugging at his lips. He then pushed himself off from the doorframe and finally made his way into the kitchen. 
"I thought separating those two would earn me some peace," Hongjoong sighed, his gaze following Wooyoung as he made his way into the kitchen, "But what was the point of dividing us into three different dorms when San is always here." He shook his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Despite his grumbles, it was clear that he wouldn't have it any other way. The bond they all shared was unbreakable, and no matter how often they bickered or teased each other, at the end of the day, they were family. "I'll send a message to the rest of the boys," Hongjoong offered, pushing himself up from his chair and stretching his arms above his head. He looked at Jongho, a determined expression on his face. "In the meantime, you should go and grab some food for us. We'll need something to keep us going while we discuss everything." He paused, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ever since Yeosang moved in with Yunho, I swear those two live off air and video games. I bet they haven't had a proper meal in days." He shook his head in mock disapproval, his tone dripping with dramatic exaggeration. 
Jongho chuckled at Hongjoong's dramatic performance, acknowledging the truth in his words. "Alright, I'll pick up some food. Any preferences?" he asked, standing up from the chair. 
"How about something spicy? The spicier the better," Hongjoong suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I bet that would wake San and Wooyoung up pretty quickly." 
Jongho laughed, shaking his head at Hongjoong's antics. "Spicy it is then," he conceded, pulling on his jacket. As he was about to leave, he paused at the door, turning to look at Hongjoong. "Thanks, hyung," he said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. 
Hongjoong simply nodded, a warm smile on his face. "Anytime, Jongho. We're all in this together, remember?" 
Jongho smiled at his older friend and nodded, "I'll remember that" he said, his voice filled with gratitude. 
"Hey, San! Rise and shine, sleep is for the weak!" Hongjoong shouted with a mischievous grin as he entered Wooyoung's bedroom. 
Jongho smiled to himself, pulling on his jacket. His conversation with Hongjoong had left him feeling a little lighter, a little more hopeful. The road ahead was still unclear, filled with unknowns and potential challenges, but he was not alone. He had his friends, his brothers, standing by his side, ready to face whatever came their way together. 
Just as Jongho stepped out of the dorm, he fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed your number. As he made his way towards the nearest restaurant, he could feel the nervous energy coursing through him. He still hadn't fully processed everything that had happened, and despite the reassurance he got from Hongjoong, he was still filled with a sense of unease. He wanted to call you to discuss the decision he had made about telling the boys about his newfound fatherhood. He felt he needed your consent to move forward with this, and he was hoping to get your approval. He waited for you to pick up, each ring echoing in his ears, amplifying his anxiety. Just when he was about to end the call, assuming you were busy, he heard the phone being picked up. However, instead of your voice, he was met with a male voice, catching him off guard. 
Jongho's heart skipped a beat as the unfamiliar voice echoed in his phone. "Hello, Y/N's phone. Who is this?" the voice asked, a hint of curiosity lacing his tone. 
Jongho cleared his throat, trying to keep his voice steady. "This is Jongho," he replied, his mind racing as he tried to figure out who the person on the other end of the line was. 
"Oh, Jongho? Y/N's mentioned you," the voice replied, sounding slightly surprised. "This is Hyunwoo." 
The mention of the name sent a shock through Jongho. This was the Hyunwoo he'd been worrying about, the one whose name had been haunting him. He struggled to find his voice, the shock leaving him momentarily speechless. 
"Is Y/N there?" Jongho finally managed to ask, his voice barely above a whisper. 
"Uh, she's in the shower. Can I take a message?" Hyunwoo offered, seemingly oblivious to the tension on Jongho's end. 
"No, it's... it's okay. I'll call back later," Jongho replied, quickly hanging up the phone. His mind was a whirlwind, the implications of the call leaving him breathless. He stood there for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts, before continuing his walk to the restaurant. 
Jongho tried his hardest to shove the thoughts to the back of his mind, but they kept creeping up, filling his thoughts as he mindlessly entered the restaurant. He ordered the food, his eyes glued to the menu but his mind somewhere else entirely—on Hyunwoo, on you, on Nari. The anxiety was clawing at him, the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach growing with each passing minute. He couldn't help but imagine Hyunwoo there with you, spending time with Nari while he was away. These thoughts consumed him as he waited to pick up his order, his heart pounding against his chest in rhythm with the ticking of the clock. 
Finally, he left the restaurant, his hands clutching the bags of food tighter than necessary. He was about to enter his building, his mind still swirling with what-ifs and worst-case scenarios, when his phone rang. It was you, calling him back. He felt his heart skip a beat, the sight of your name on his screen both comforting and terrifying. He took a deep breath, bracing himself for the conversation that was about to follow. 
Just before he picked up the call, he steeled himself, reminding himself that he needed to focus on the bigger picture. With a deep breath, he answered the call, his voice steady as he greeted, "Hello, Y/N." 
"Jongho you called earlier? I just got out of the shower. Is everything okay?" Your voice echoed in his ear, a mixture of concern and surprise. 
"Yeah, everything is fine," Jongho quickly reassured you. He paused, trying to figure out how to approach the conversation. "I just... I wanted to talk to you about something." He could hear the hesitation in his own voice, his mind racing with thoughts of what your reaction might be. 
"Sure, what's up?" You asked, your voice filled with curiosity. Your calm demeanor helped Jongho to steady himself. He realized he needed to be honest, to talk to you about his feelings and the decisions he had made. 
"I... I've decided to talk to the boys about... about Nari," Jongho confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. He held his breath, waiting for your response, the silence on the other end of the line amplifying his anxiety. 
After what felt like forever, you finally responded. Your voice, when you spoke, was soft, filled with understanding. "Jongho... I think that's a good idea," you reassured him, your words lifting a weight off his shoulders. "They are your family. They deserve to know." 
Jongho let out a sigh of relief, his heart pounding in his chest. "Thank you, Y/N," he whispered, gratitude flooding his voice.  With your consent, he felt ready to face whatever came next. Yet, Jongho was dying to ask about Hyunwoo, to understand who he was in relation to you. Just as he was about to give in to the urge to know, he heard Hyunwoo's voice in the distance, calling your name. His heart skipped a beat, the sound of Hyunwoo's voice serving as a stark reminder of the complexity of the situation. 
"Love, are you still on the phone?" Hyunwoo's voice echoed in the background, his tone casual and familiar. The sound of his voice sent a sharp pang of jealousy through Jongho, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions that he struggled to keep at bay. 
"Who was that?" Jongho found himself asking, the words escaping his lips before he had a chance to fully process them. He could hear the curiosity lacing his tone, a direct reflection of the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in his mind. However, as soon as the question left his mouth, he immediately regretted it. He could feel a sudden rush of apprehension washing over him, a stark reminder of the delicate line he was treading. This was not a conversation he wanted to have over the phone, and certainly not one he wanted to rush into. Knowing that he had stepped into a territory that he was not ready to traverse, Jongho quickly tried to deflect his previous question. "Actually, never mind. It's not important," he said, his voice filled with a forced casualness. He didn't want to pry into your personal life, at least not yet, not when he himself was still trying to figure out his own feelings. 
There was a brief silence on the other end of the line, making Jongho's heart pound in his chest. He could almost feel the wheels turning in your head, deciding how to respond to his sudden withdrawal. "Jongho, it's okay," you finally spoke, your voice gentle, almost soothing. "Hyunwoo is..." 
However, before you could finish, Jongho, eager to end the call, interrupted you. "I'm actually about to talk to the guys now." There was a certain finality in his voice, a determination that suggested he had made up his mind and was ready to face whatever came next. "We'll talk more later, Y/N." With that, he ended the call, his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. 
Upon reaching the dorm, Jongho paused at the entrance to gather his thoughts. He took a moment to look at the bags of food he carried in his hands, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Here goes nothing," he whispered under his breath, drawing in one long, calming breath before he pushed open the door. 
Inside, he was greeted by the familiar faces of his friends. Their expressions were a mix of curiosity and concern. His gaze naturally found Hongjoong, who gave him a reassuring nod, a silent message of support that eased some of the anxiety Jongho felt. 
Taking a deep breath, Jongho broke the silence. "I brought some food," he said, setting down the bags on the table. His voice was steady, but the members could sense a hidden tension beneath his casual demeanor. 
Yunho immediately stood up and walked over to Jongho. "Let me help you," he offered, taking some of the bags from Jongho. With Yunho's help, the food was quickly spread out on the table. 
"But before we start eating," Jongho began, setting down the plates and chopsticks. His voice had turned serious, causing the members to pause mid-conversation and look at him. "There's something important I wanted to discuss with you all." 
"What's up, Jongho?" Seonghwa asked, his brow furrowing in concern. The atmosphere in the room had noticeably shifted, the air charged with anticipation. 
Jongho paused for a moment, taking in another deep, steadying breath. His heart pounded rapidly, echoing loudly in his ears. The reality of what he was about to reveal made him feel as if he was carrying an enormous, burdensome load. He looked around at everyone gathered in the room, their expectant gazes only adding to the pressure he was under. Summoning every ounce of courage he had, he finally spoke up, his voice steady despite the nerves. "I have something important to share with you all," he began, his words hanging heavy in the air. He took another pause, letting the seriousness of his statement sink in. "Something... significant." 
The members exchanged curious and worried glances. "What's going on?" Yunho asked, instinctively sitting up straighter, his eyes keenly focused on the youngest. Jongho momentarily hesitated, his lips parting as he searched for the right words to convey his news. 
"Are you okay?" Mingi asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. The members had picked up on Jongho’s hesitation, their worry for their friend evident. 
Jongho nodded his head affirmatively, his eyes reflecting a sense of calm acceptance. "Yes," he began, his voice steady and reassuring, "I'm perfectly fine." He paused momentarily, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Recently, I found out that..." His expression softened, a hint of vulnerability seeping through. "I... I have a daughter. A beautiful little girl who has made me see the world in a whole new light. Her name is Nari." The room seemed to swallow itself in a stunned, thick silence, as if the air had been sucked out in one fell swoop. The boys, taken aback, could only stare at Jongho, their gazes boring into him as they grappled with the enormity of the revelation he had just made. 
"A daughter?" Wooyoung repeated, his voice barely above a whisper, the word reverberating around the room. His eyes were wide with shock, disbelief etched into every feature of his face. His mind was spinning, trying to comprehend the unexpected news. "Since when?" He finally managed to stammer out, the question hanging heavy in the air. 
Jongho nodded again, his eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "Yes, a daughter. She's going to be four years old soon. I only learned about her, well… yesterday." 
Struggling to comprehend the situation, San managed to stammer out, "How... how did this happen?" His facial expression was a perfect illustration of his bewilderment and surprise. 
Wooyoung, attempting to alleviate the tension in the room with a quip, scoffed and said, "Did you seriously just ask him about the birds and the bees?" His attempt at humor served as a brief respite in the heavy atmosphere. 
Jongho chuckled nervously at Wooyoung's comment, appreciating the attempt to lighten the mood. "It's... complicated," he admitted. "But what's important now is that she's here, and I want to do right by her." 
Yeosang, who had been quiet the whole time, finally spoke up. "Jongho, this is huge. How are you handling it?" 
Jongho sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's overwhelming, to be honest. But I want to be a part of Nari's life. That's why I needed to tell you all. I need your support and understanding as I navigate this." 
The members were quiet for a moment, processing the news. Then, Yunho spoke up, his voice gentle. "We're here for you, Jongho. Whatever you need, we'll support you." 
Seonghwa, who had been quietly absorbing the revelation, finally voiced his thoughts. "What about your daughter's mom?" he inquired; his tone full of worry. "Don't tell me you're married!" His terrified expression was somewhat amusing. 
Jongho laughed lightly, shaking his head at Seonghwa's worry. "No, no, I'm not married. Her mom is Y/N. We dated a while back, but… let’s just say things didn't work out." He paused, the mention of your name bringing a soft smile to his lips. "But despite everything, we're trying to work together for Nari's sake." 
"I can't believe there's a mini version of Jongho walking around this earth," Yeosang exclaimed, his eyes wide with astonishment. The room, previously filled with shock and concern, lit up as the other members burst into laughter. 
"Yeah, imagine a tiny Jongho running around, breaking apples left and right," San joked, grinning widely. 
Jongho found himself caught up in the infectious laughter, his shoulders dropping as some of the tension he had been carrying seemed to melt away. He said, "She's got my eyes," a clear note of pride resonating in his voice. 
Yunho, his expression painted with curiosity, tilted his head slightly, "Does she also have your voice?" he asked. 
A warm smile spread across Jongho's face as he spoke. "She's definitely got some musical talent. Y/N told me she loves singing along to our songs." 
"Looks like we've got a future idol in the making," Hongjoong remarked, a twinkle of excitement in his eyes. 
Seonghwa leaned in, a playful smirk on his face. "So, Jongho, when are we going to teach her the choreography for our next comeback?" 
"One step at a time, guys," Jongho chuckled. "First, I need to actually get to know her better." 
Mingi nudged him with his elbow. "You know, this means you'll have to take her to one of our dance practices. She must see her dad in action." 
"She would love that," Jongho admitted, his heart warming at the thought. 
"I honestly thought Seonghwa, with his baby fever, would have a baby first," Wooyoung laughed, resulting in a smack from Seonghwa. 
"Ya, Wooyoung!" Seonghwa responded in mock outrage, though the corners of his mouth lifted into an amused smile. "Just because I like kids doesn't mean I'm ready to have one yet." 
Hongjoong couldn't resist joining in on the friendly banter. "And who in their right mind would want to have a child with Seonghwa?" he teased, a playful grin spreading across his face. 
In response, Seonghwa fixed him with a mock stern look. "Watch it, Hongjoong," he warned with a playful glint in his eyes, "Or I'll make sure you're the first one to babysit." 
The room filled with laughter again, the light-hearted teasing helping to diffuse any lingering tension. 
"You know," Wooyoung said, still chuckling, "if Seonghwa did have a kid, that kid would be the most spoiled child on the planet." 
"Only the best for my imaginary child," Seonghwa retorted with a smirk. The room erupted in laughter again, the playful banter easing the tension even more. 
Jongho couldn't help but laugh along with them, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for his friends' support and humor. "Thanks, guys," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I really appreciate all of you." 
"Seriously, though," Mingi said, looking at Jongho with a sincere expression. "We’re all here for you. Anything you need, just let us know." 
"Yeah," Yeosang chimed in. "We’re Uncle Ateez now. We'll spoil her rotten." 
Jongho’s heart swelled with gratitude. "It means a lot to me. I was nervous about telling you all, but your support means everything." 
Hongjoong nodded. "We’re a family. We stick together no matter what." 
"Plus, we can teach her all the important things," San added with a mischievous grin. "Like how to prank you." 
As the teasing and laughter continued, Jongho felt a profound sense of relief. His brothers' acceptance and support meant the world to him. It gave him the strength and confidence he needed to face the challenges ahead, knowing that he wasn't alone. He had his family by his side, ready to support him as he stepped into his new role as a father. 
Wooyoung grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "So, when do we get to meet her? I mean, she's part of the family now, right?" 
Jongho cleared his throat, feeling a sudden rush of nerves. "Actually... you've already met her," he confessed, his gaze dropping to the floor. 
The announcement was met with a stunned silence as the members stared at him, their eyes wide in disbelief. "What do you mean we've already met her?" Yunho asked, his voice filled with confusion. 
Jongho nodded, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Y/N was at our fan meeting with Nari." The memory of the fan meeting caused a wave of realization to wash over the members. They remembered seeing a little girl there. 
"That little girl... That was Nari?" Mingi asked, his voice barely above a whisper. 
Jongho nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Yes, that was Nari." 
Wooyoung, who was completely dumbfounded, finally broke the silence. "Wait, so you're telling me the sweetest little girl who jumped right into my arms, that pure angel... is your daughter?" His voice was filled with astonishment as he stared at Jongho, the realization slowly sinking in. 
Jongho chuckled lightly at Wooyoung's reaction, appreciating the humor in the situation. "Yes, that's right." 
Wooyoung laughed, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he declared, "It's over for you bitches! I'm already her favorite." His confident assertion was met with a burst of mocking laughter from the other members. They playfully booed and wooed him, their friendly banter echoing throughout the room. The energetic atmosphere was infectious, and despite the weight of the revelation he had just shared, Jongho found himself joining in the laughter. 
"Well, I made her laugh," San argued, crossing his arms indignantly, "Everyone knows that laughter is the key to a kid's heart. So technically, I should be her favorite." 
"Laughter, huh?" Wooyoung retorted with a smirk, "Well, I actually got a hug from her. Physical contact beats laughter any day." 
Yunho decided to chime in, "Guys, I think we're all forgetting that I'm the one who gave her a high five. So, I'm pretty sure I'm her favorite." 
Jongho couldn't help but laugh at the ongoing friendly competition, feeling a sense of warmth spread through him. "Guys, it's not a competition," he finally managed to say, his voice filled with amusement. "But it's great to see that you're all excited to be a part of Nari's life." 
"Of course we are," San responded, his voice sincere. "She's part of our family." 
Hongjoong, who had been silently observing the playful chaos, decided to intervene. "Alright, that's enough," he declared, a playful smirk on his face. "Jongho, you need to tell us who her favorite is. A man's pride is at stake now." Wooyoung looked at Jongho expectantly, a triumphant smile already forming on his lips. 
Jongho sighed, wishing he didn't have to say this, didn't have to admit that indeed Wooyoung was her favorite. But he needed to end this friendly debate, so in a dramatic tone he stated, "Alright, you got me. Wooyoung... you are indeed Nari's favorite." A collective gasp filled the room followed by Wooyoung's triumphant laughter. 
Wooyoung's laughter echoed through the room, his chest puffing out with pride. "I knew it!" he exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air. The other members rolled their eyes at his display, but their smiles betrayed their amusement. 
The atmosphere in the room had lightened considerably. What started as a serious and nerve-wracking discussion had somehow turned into a friendly competition. Jongho couldn't help but feel grateful. His brothers, his family, had not only accepted his news but were also excited to be a part of his daughter's life. 
San, still grinning at Wooyoung's antics, turned to Jongho. "We're really happy for you, Jongho." His words were sincere, his gaze soft. "And we can't wait to be the best uncles Nari could ask for." 
Mingi nodded in agreement, a smile spreading across his face. "We'll be here for you, every step of the way." 
Jongho felt a lump form in his throat, his heart swelling with gratitude. He never doubted his friends' loyalty, but hearing their reaffirmations was comforting. It reassured him that he wasn't facing this journey alone. 
"Thank you, everyone," Jongho said, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm really lucky to have you all." The warmth in their eyes was all the confirmation he needed. He was surrounded by his family, ready to face the challenges of fatherhood together. 
"Do you think we will be able to properly meet her soon?" Seonghwa asked, his gaze filled with anticipation. 
Jongho nodded, a hopeful expression on his face. "I've been talking to Y/N about it, and she agrees that it would be good for Nari to get to know all of you. We just need to figure out the right time and place." The members nodded, understanding that this was a big step and one that needed to be handled with care and consideration. They all agreed to be patient and wait for Jongho to make the arrangements, knowing that this was a sensitive matter. 
The atmosphere in the room was filled with understanding and support, but Seonghwa finally voiced the question that had been lingering in the back of his mind. His tone was gentle, not wanting to intrude on Jongho's privacy, but curiosity and concern for their friend prevailed. "Jongho," he began, his gaze steady and kind, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but... why didn't things work out between you and Y/N?" Everyone in the room turned their eyes towards Jongho, waiting patiently for his response. It was not a question asked out of idle curiosity, but rather one rooted in genuine concern for their friend's well-being. 
Jongho took a moment to collect his thoughts, appreciating the gentle way Seonghwa posed the question. His gaze fell to his hands, fingers lightly drumming on the tabletop as he sought the right words to convey the complicated history that existed between him and you. "I met Y/N before our debut and… well, you can imagine how that was," Jongho began, his voice trailing off as he lowered his gaze to look at his hands. Speaking about it was more difficult than he had anticipated. He had spent countless nights pondering over whether he should've allowed himself to get so close to you, especially right before ATEEZ's debut. He knew he had risked not just his career, but also the harmony within the group. However, he also understood that honesty was crucial. If the boys knew about Nari, they should also know about his past relationship with you. 
Mingi broke the thoughtful silence that had settled over the room, drawing everyone's attention to him. "So, the infamous dating ban?" he asked, his voice echoing softly in the quiet space. 
"Yes, the dating ban," Jongho confirmed. There was a trace of melancholy in his voice, his lips curling into a sad smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. 
Wooyoung let out an exaggerated sigh. "Dating ban was such bullshit," he complained. Jongho chuckled at Wooyoung's dramatic sigh. He found a sense of solidarity in Wooyoung's words and nodded in agreement, his response a silent testament to their shared sentiments. 
"Well, if there's anyone here who should be talking, it's definitely you," San interjected, causing Wooyoung to furrow his brows in confusion, not quite grasping the implication of his words. Without skipping a beat, San continued, "I mean, I believe we all remember that you had a boyfriend back then. It's not exactly a secret, is it?" 
Wooyoung's eyes widened, a look of surprise flashing across his face. He opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He glanced at Yeosang, who was trying to suppress a grin, and then at Mingi, who simply shrugged, a knowing smile on his face. 
"Wait, you knew about that?" Wooyoung asked, his voice filled with disbelief. 
"Of course, we did," Yunho replied matter-of-factly. "You weren't exactly subtle, Wooyoung." 
"Yeah," Jongho added, his grin widening. "Your secret rendezvous weren't as secret as you thought." 
Wooyoung groaned, burying his face in his hands. "I can't believe you guys knew all along and didn't say anything." 
"Well," San said, trying to suppress his laughter. "It wasn't our place to say anything. And besides, it was kind of fun watching you think you were getting away with it." 
Just as Wooyoung was gathering his thoughts, preparing to open his mouth to speak, Yeosang, with a sly grin on his face, suddenly interjected. He smoothly diverted the conversation to a memorable event, saying, "I remember this one time when we were recording the music video for Deja Vu." Yeosang continued, his tone teasing, "You came to set sporting this huge hickey, it was impossible to miss." He laughed and added, "You really thought you had fooled us when you blamed it on the stylist, claiming that you were accidentally burned by a hair curler, didn't you?" 
Wooyoung's face flushed a deep red as he stammered, trying to find a way to defend himself. "I... I mean... it... it was a believable excuse, wasn't it?" He blurted out, his voice wavering slightly. The room erupted in laughter, each member clutching their stomachs as they bent over in mirth. The memory of Wooyoung's failed attempt at deception amplified the hilarity of the situation, and even Wooyoung himself couldn't help but join in the laughter. 
Mingi decided it was time to share his piece of information. "Well…" he began, drawing out the word to create a sense of suspense among his friends. After a dramatic pause, he continued, "Wooyoung wasn't the only one in a relationship." 
As these words left his lips, all eyes in the room turned to him, their attention now fully captivated. After enjoying a moment of being the center of attention, Mingi finally added the crucial piece of information. "Yunho was dating too," he revealed, his voice echoing in the sudden silence that followed. 
The room fell silent for a moment, all eyes turning towards Yunho. The surprise on their faces was comical, but the atmosphere was far from tense. There was no judgement in their gazes, just a mild shock and a lot of curiosity. Yunho simply shrugged, a small, sheepish smile spreading across his face. "Yeah," he admitted, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "I was seeing someone back then too." 
The announcement was met with a range of reactions. San whistled, a playful smirk on his face. Seonghwa, on the other hand, let out a light chuckle. "I knew it," he said, pointing a finger at Yunho. "I could tell there was someone on your mind." 
"So, the girl with pink hair, right?" Yeosang asked, a wide grin spreading across his face. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, his eyes dancing with amusement. His gaze was fixed on Yunho, who was visibly taken aback by the sudden inquiry. "The one who was our assistant when we were shooting Kingdom?" He continued, the question lingering in the air, adding an element of suspense to the conversation. Yunho shifted uncomfortably in his seat, the unexpected spotlight making him squirm. He scratched the back of his head, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips as his eyes darted around the room, meeting the curious gazes of his bandmates. From the corner of his eye, he could see Jongho trying to suppress a grin, clearly enjoying the sudden turn of events. Yeosang leaned back in his seat, the satisfied smirk on his face signifying his victory. 
"How did you... know?" Yunho asked, his eyes wide with surprise. His voice echoed softly amidst the silence that had fallen upon the room. 
San, a grin playing at the corners of his mouth, turned his attention to Yeosang, who was enjoying his moment in the spotlight. "It seems like Yeosang knows everything," he voiced out, a note of amusement in his tone. His words hung in the air, drawing a round of chuckles from the other members. 
Yeosang, a smirk tugging at his lips, leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes sparkled with amusement as he met San's gaze, clearly enjoying the unexpected attention. His laughter filled the room, a sound that was contagious, causing the other members to join in. His response to San's comment was delayed as he tried to control his laughter, the sound echoing off the walls of the room. Once the laughter died down, Yeosang finally addressed San's statement. Still chuckling, he nodded in agreement, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, someone has to keep tabs on you guys," he retorted, earning a round of laughter from the others. "But to answer your question," Yeosang began, his smile broadening as he turned his gaze towards Yunho. There was a playful twinkle in his eyes that prompted a round of chuckles from the other members. "I just have a good eye for detail," Yeosang responded with a shrug, a smug grin on his face. "It was pretty obvious with the way she looked at you, Yunho." He concluded, causing Yunho to blush at the accurate observation. "And let's not forget those late-night 'phone calls' you used to have," Yeosang added with a wry grin, air-quoting around the words 'phone calls'. "I mean, I didn't know phone conversations could get so... intense." His words, filled with playful insinuation, caused another wave of laughter to ripple through the room. "And let's not forget the mysterious 'noise' that came from your room during those late-night 'phone calls'," Yeosang added, a teasing glint in his eyes. "I mean, I didn't know phone conversations could get so... loud." He concluded, causing another round of laughter to fill the room. 
"Alright, alright, that's enough," Yunho finally managed to say, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I get it, I wasn't as sneaky as I thought I was." 
"I guess the Dating Ban was bullshit for all of us," Wooyoung quipped, earning a round of laughter from the others. 
In a moment of sudden revelation, Hongjoong, with a hint of disbelief in his voice, asked the room, "Was I really the only one not involved in dating?" 
Nonchalantly, Seonghwa, with a teasing glint in his eyes, responded in a humorous tone, "Well, you were sort of dating... you were totally absorbed in your work." Hongjoong's question was met with a round of laughter, Seonghwa's quick wit lightening the mood even further. 
"That's true," Hongjoong admitted with a chuckle, "I was indeed dating my work back then." 
"Wait a minute," Yeosang interjected, an intrigued look on his face as he turned towards Hongjoong. "Weren't you seeing this one guy from Balmain? You know that guy with really cool tattoos? I remember you mentioning something about him right around the time they were considering lifting the dating ban." The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at Hongjoong, their eyebrows raised in surprise and curiosity. Caught off guard by Yeosang's unexpected revelation, Hongjoong found himself at a loss for words. "I mean... it was... what I'm trying to say is," he stuttered, pausing as he tried to gather his thoughts. "It was way later than the others…" he finally managed to say, the admission hanging in the air amidst a room full of intrigued pairs of eyes. 
Before he could recover, Mingi, who had been quietly observing the exchange, suddenly burst out, "Wait, hold on a second! Was Hongjoong the reason they decided to lift the ban?" He pointed at Hongjoong accusingly, his eyes wide with disbelief and shock. Hongjoong spluttered, his face flushing a bright red as he scrambled to deny Mingi's claim. The room erupted in laughter at his flustered reaction, the seriousness of their earlier conversation forgotten. 
"No, no, that's not how it was at all!" Hongjoong exclaimed, his eyes wide as he tried to explain himself. He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "I had absolutely no idea that the company was even considering lifting the dating ban when I started seeing him. It was all just a coincidence, nothing more." Hongjoong looked around the room, his gaze meeting each of his bandmates in turn, hoping they would believe him. 
Despite the surprise that had initially taken over them, the members of the group couldn't help but join in the laughter at Hongjoong's flustered state. A tinge of amusement was evident in their eyes. San, with a grin spreading cheekily across his face, chimed in, "Alright, Hongjoong," His tone was teasing but friendly. "We believe you...for now." 
Wooyoung, still unable to completely stifle his chuckles, moved towards Hongjoong. With a comforting pat on Hongjoong's back, he tried to reassure him. "Don't worry, captain," he said, his grin never leaving his face as he looked at Hongjoong, "Your secret is safe with us." His words, filled with sincerity and a promise of trust, hung in the air, solidifying the bond among them. 
"Let's just get one thing straight, Hongjoong," Jongho began, his voice carrying a serious undertone that instantly caught everyone's attention. His gaze was steady, his eyes reflecting the confusion and a hint of resentment that had been brewing inside him. He wished he didn't have to disrupt the light-hearted mood that had settled in, but he found himself compelled to voice the question that had been nagging at him for far too long. The room fell silent. The laughter that had been resonating just moments ago seemed to have evaporated, replaced by an air of anticipation. All eyes were now on Jongho, waiting for him to continue. He took a deep breath, preparing himself to voice out the question that had been weighing on his heart. "If we were all, at some point or another, involved in dating despite the ban..." he said, his voice steady despite the serious topic. His gaze never left Hongjoong, seeking answers in the leader's reactions. He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before he continued. "Why was it me who had to give up on Y/N? Why did you force me to break up with her?" The question hung in the air, raw and potent. It was a question that dug deep, unearthing a past that Jongho had tried to bury. A past filled with regret, heartache and unspoken words. The question was met with silence, the members exchanging glances, each lost in their own thoughts and recollections. Hongjoong looked taken aback, clearly not expecting Jongho's question. He opened his mouth but closed it again, seemingly struggling to find the right words. The silence that followed was deafening, all eyes now turned towards Hongjoong who sat quietly, his gaze steady on Jongho. 
"Jongho," he finally started, his voice steady and calm. "Our situation back then, it was... it was different." He paused, carefully choosing his words. "We were only rookies. The risk was too great. It wasn't just about you, or me, or any of us individually. It was about ATEEZ." His words filled the room, silencing any potential objections. He looked around at his bandmates, his gaze lingering on each of them as he continued. "We all made sacrifices. We all had to give up something, or someone, for the sake of our dreams. It wasn't easy, but it was necessary." The room was silent as Hongjoong's words sunk in. Each member was lost in their own thoughts, reflecting on the sacrifices they had made and the choices they had to live with. "I know it was hard," Hongjoong added, his gaze returning to Jongho. "And I'm sorry you had to go through that. But we made it, didn't we? We're here because of the choices we made, the sacrifices we made. And I believe it was worth it." Jongho remained silent, his gaze fixed on Hongjoong. He understood where Hongjoong was coming from, and he knew that the decisions made back then had shaped them into who they were today. But that didn't make the pain of losing you any less real, any less raw. The laughter and friendly banter that had filled the room just moments ago seemed like a distant memory now. All eyes were on Hongjoong, each member taking in his words and the weight they carried. "I know that I am partially to blame for your absence in your daughter's life," Hongjoong continued, his voice laced with a palpable regret that filled the silent room. "I realize now that my actions and decisions back then have had a profound impact, not only on you, Jongho, but also on a little girl who deserved to have her father by her side. For that, I am truly sorry." Hongjoong cleared his throat before continuing, "If I ever hurt any of you with my actions or decisions, I am so sorry," his voice filled with raw emotion as he looked around the room, "As a leader, I'm the one responsible and I wanted nothing more than for all eight of us to be successful." His voice trembled, and he was on the verge of tears. And then, in a voice barely above a whisper, he made a confession that hung heavy in the room. "I... I gave up on someone too." His confession was met with silence, a solemn moment of understanding passing through the room. Hongjoong continued, his voice barely above a whisper, the attention of the boys fixated on him in the quiet room. "She's married now. She found someone who makes her happy, someone who was there when I couldn't be. I genuinely am happy for her," he paused, his gaze falling on his hands as he battled with the emotions welling up inside him. "But sometimes I find myself thinking 'what if.' What if circumstances had been different? What if I had made different choices?" His voice trailed off, leaving the unsaid words hanging in the tension-filled room. Each member was lost in their own thoughts, reflecting on the sacrifices they had made and the choices they had to live with. 
"Hongjoong, I don't blame you," Jongho interrupted, his voice firm yet gentle. His heart ached for his friends who were shouldering an immense burden of guilt. "We both didn't know Y/N was pregnant," he continued, his gaze softening as he tried to reassure Hongjoong. "We were all in the dark about her pregnancy. None of us could have predicted what was to come." The room fell into a contemplative silence as Jongho's words echoed, a reminder of the unforeseen circumstances that had led them to this point. "And while it's true that I missed out on some moments in Nari's life," Jongho added, his voice steady with conviction, "I'm here now. And I'm ready to make up for lost time. We all are." His words were filled with resolve, a promise to do right by his daughter. 
Hongjoong nodded, acknowledging Jongho's words. "We're with you, Jongho," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "We'll support you and Nari every step of the way." 
"And if anyone tries to mess with our niece," San added, a fierce determination in his voice, "they'll have to deal with all of us." His words were met with nods of agreement from the other members, their faces reflecting their shared resolve. 
"And Jongho," Hongjoong began, his voice heavy with the weight of his words, his gaze locked onto Jongho's with an intensity that demanded his undivided attention. "We all made sacrifices. Each of us, at one point or another, had to let go of someone we deeply cared for, someone we loved." He paused, letting the gravity of his words sink in, their echoes filling the room with a solemn silence. "Considering all the sacrifices we made, for the sake of our dreams and for the sake of ATEEZ," he continued, his voice steady despite the heavy topic, "you owe it not just to yourself, but to all of us, to fight for Y/N." His words were punctuated by a determined nod, an unspoken pledge of support hanging in the air between them. "You have to muster the courage within you, fight against the odds and fight for your love. You have to fight for the chance to be with Y/N, to be a father to Nari, to build the family that you clearly want." He concluded, his gaze softening as he offered Jongho a reassuring smile. "Because at the end of the day," Hongjoong said, his voice softer now, "love is a battle worth fighting for. And I want all of you guys to know," Hongjoong voice carried a seriousness that instantly drew the attention of his bandmates. "That even though our personal lives are evolving, we still need to stay focused on our work. We've been doing such an incredible job, and I couldn't be prouder of each and every one of us." He paused, allowing his words to resonate in the silent room. Hongjoong continued, "But moving forward, let's make a pact to be honest with each other. Let's not hide our feelings or our relationships out of fear." His gaze swept across the room, meeting the eyes of his friends who listened attentively to his words. "We shouldn't be scared of a scandal or of what others might think. We should remember that love is what makes us human." He took a deep breath, the weight of his next words hanging heavy in the air. "So, for the love of God, guys, let love in. Embrace it. And most importantly, talk to us about it." Hongjoong concluded, his voice filled with sincerity and a hint of urgency. "We're a family, and there should be no secrets between us. Let's support each other in all aspects of our lives, personal or professional." 
Mingi, who had been quiet for a while, cleared his throat, drawing the attention of his bandmates. There was an air of anticipation as they turned to face him, the room falling silent as he prepared to speak. With a small, nervous smile on his face, he looked around at his friends and admitted, "Actually, I'm... I'm seeing someone now." The eyes of his bandmates widened in surprise; their gazes fixated on Mingi. His words hung in the air, creating a moment of stunned silence. "It's still really fresh," Mingi continued, his voice filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement. "But I really wanted to tell you." He took a deep breath, steadying himself before continuing. "I'm... I'm dating a guy." His confession, delivered in a soft voice, echoed in the silence. The room remained quiet for a while as his words sunk in, each member processing the revelation. The atmosphere was one of uncertainty, as Mingi waited for someone to break the silence. Then, slowly, smiles began to form on the faces of his bandmates. Nods of understanding and acceptance started filling the room, each member expressing their support for Mingi in their own way. 
Wooyoung was the first to react, his surprise quickly turning into a wide grin. "That's great, Mingi!" He exclaimed, his enthusiasm breaking the silence.  
San followed, a soft smile on his face as he nodded at Mingi in agreement, "We're happy for you," The atmosphere in the room had shifted from shock to acceptance, and soon enough, it was filled with a renewed sense of brotherhood. The bond they shared as a group was stronger than ever. They were not just bandmates; they were a family. And in a family, love and acceptance were all that mattered. 
In the aftermath of Mingi's revelation, Hongjoong directed a playful question towards the group. "So Jongho is a father, Mingi is a taken man... Is there anything else you guys are hiding?" His tone was light, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes as he scanned the room. 
Seonghwa, with a broad grin on his face, let out a chuckle that echoed through the room, breaking the silence that had momentarily settled. "Well, we all are uncles now, that's a new one," he remarked, his words drawing a round of laughter from the others. The thought of being 'uncles' was still a novelty to them, a new role they were more than willing to embrace. After the laughter had subsided, Seonghwa added another revelation, his tone teasing. "And Yeosang might just be a part-time detective," he said, earning a surprised look from Yeosang and another round of laughter from the group. "With the way he's been figuring out everyone's secrets, he might as well consider it as a second career." His comment was met with nods of agreement, each member recalling Yeosang's uncanny ability to notice the smallest of details. 
"And we can’t forget San's newfound addiction," Wooyoung chimed in, a playful look on his face. "Protein shakes, protein bars, protein everything!" His comment drew laughter from the group. San responded with a playful smack on Wooyoung's arm, his face flushing with embarrassment but a grin on his face. 
"Hey, it's not an addiction, it's a lifestyle," San retorted, trying to defend himself amidst the peals of laughter. His attempt to justify himself only made his friends laugh harder. 
"Guys let's also not forget one of the most entertaining aspects of our group dynamics," Mingi chimed in, a playful glint in his eyes. He paused for dramatic effect, causing the room to fall into a moment of anticipatory silence. Then, with a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, he finally revealed his thoughts. "If only San was gay, Wooyoung would have already married him by now!" His words, delivered with impeccable timing, caused an eruption of laughter to fill the room. The members doubled over, clutching their stomachs as they laughed. 
Wooyoung, upon hearing Mingi's teasing comment, was left speechless for a moment. He then burst into hearty laughter, his face flushing a deep shade of red, but there was a twinkle in his eyes that revealed his amusement. He managed to retort between bouts of laughter, "Well, if San would have me, I wouldn't say no!" His comment added to the hilarity, earning another round of laughter from the group. 
After the laughter had died down, San, still grinning from Wooyoung's retort, chimed in. "Well, I guess we'll have to see about that," he said, winking at Wooyoung. His comment elicited another round of laughter. Then, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, Wooyoung made a kissy face at San, causing the room to burst into another round of laughter. San responded with a playful roll of his eyes. 
"But let's not forget," Yeosang added, his eyes glinting with amusement, "Mingi is saying all this as if he wouldn't risk it all for Yunho." His statement, filled with playful insinuation, hung in the air, causing another round of laughter to ripple through the room. 
Yunho, who had remained quiet for a while, finally chimed in with a chuckle. "Well, I guess we all have our secret crushes... or not-so-secret, in some cases." His comment, accompanied by a teasing look towards Mingi, added another wave of laughter to the room. 
"Thank you guys so much," Jongho started, his voice carrying a heartfelt note in the room filled with his bandmates. "I know that this is the beginning of something new for me. Things are going to change, my life will definitely take a significant turn." He paused for a moment, his words hanging in the air as he collected his thoughts. "But to know that I have the support of my bandmates, my brothers," he continued, his voice stronger now. "It means more than I can express. It gives me strength and confidence to face the challenges that lie ahead. To know that I'm not alone in this journey, that I have you guys standing by my side, it means the world to me."
"Eight make one, right?" Mingi smiled at Jongho, his words echoing the sentiment they all held close in their hearts.
"That's the spirit!" Yeosang chimed in, his smile matching the warmth in his voice. "We're a team, a family. We've been through a lot together and we'll continue to face whatever comes our way, together." The room was filled with nods of agreement and smiles around. The atmosphere was light, yet filled with a profound sense of unity and resolve. They were more than just a band – they were a family, bound not just by their shared dreams and experiences, but by the love and respect they held for each other.
"Let's continue to work hard, for ourselves, for ATEEZ, and for ATINY," Wooyoung voiced out, his tone determined yet filled with heartfelt sincerity. His words were met with a chorus of agreement, each member expressing their shared commitment to their dreams and to their fans.
"We've come a long way, haven't we?" San mused, a nostalgic smile tugging at his lips. His words prompted a round of nods, each member reminiscing about their journey – the struggles they had faced, the victories they had celebrated, and the countless memories they had created together.
"And we still have a long way to go," Hongjoong added, his voice ringing with determination. His words were met with nods of agreement, the resolve in his voice reflecting in the eyes of his bandmates.
"But as long as we have each other, we can face anything," Yunho concluded, his gaze meeting each of his bandmates in turn. His words, filled with conviction and unwavering faith, hung in the air, solidifying the bond among them.
"I hate to say it but could we maybe... do a group hug?" Jongho suggested his voice barely above a whisper. He hadn't even finished his sentence when Wooyoung, unable to contain his excitement, was already all over him, pulling him into a tight embrace. The others quickly joined in, forming a tight huddle around Jongho, their laughter and chatter filling the room.
In the comfort of the group hug, each member felt a sense of relief and unity. They were there for each other, through thick and thin, a testament to their unbreakable bond.
"Eight makes one team!" Hongjoong shouted, his voice echoing in the room. The rest of the members joined in, their voices blending into a chorus that filled the room with a sense of unity.
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unoriginal-and-dumb · 6 months
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I am doing things I AM DOING THINGS I AM!
Explanations for designs and some head canons below here :3
Infected - Asian-American Autistic ADHD aroace (😈) trans. Yknow Wybie from Coraline? Yea like that but like incredibly annoying. His voice sounds like it’s coming from a shitty mic all the time
Lampert (design by @lucid-daydreaming-art )- Autistic 🇸🇪 ja aroace (😈) funny lamp guy Robots-esque probably kinda talks like baymax honestly, I mean a bit different but yknow, the general idea
(I talk about these 2 enough it’s the others turns)
Poob - I think they are a dumb little critter. They run around and their arms flail in the wind like paper. When they try to clap is makes dog toy squeaking sounds. I don’t think they abide by the rules of physics which is why they are stupid looking ❤️ they have hammer space but it is only for weed related items. The curator of the forever weed brownie, if you will. I think they sound like X from bfb. Aroace (😈)
Pest - literally hates poob because they are small and annoying. Uhhh funky legs because I think he would have funky legs. I stole his eyes because well no real reason, but I think if he was like extra pissed you would see his eyes. Since he is like thief maxxing I do not think he would be wearing anything beyond a hoodie and sweatpants, something trying to be non-assuming I guess. He has hair I think but it is very short no way would he want to deal with that. I don’t have a voice hc for him yet. Aroace (😈)
Bive - she a freakkkkk ehhh. I think she is like freakishly tall, has funny bird legs, raggedy ass scrawny tail, and is constantly covered in hair. Her teeth are kinda just floating on her hair head, so if you punched her hard enough they would just go flying out and she would have to put them back into her head silly girl. I think she is also trans hahaahhahahahaha!!! I think she kinda sounds like ENA from dream bbq, the uhh angry side I believe. Ace (😈)
Split - I gave her dog ears because I think they are cute :) she’s probably like normal ish height Bive is just weirdly tall. She looks very nice and friendly but could probably throw a boulder at you and you will die sowyyyy. Gods most chillaxxed soldier. She gives me kind older lady feelings, even if she weren’t older. I dunno she would be like one of those people who have a comically large purse full of hard candy except it would all be banana flavored. I think she has a slower voice, HAVENT gotten an exact idea for her voice yet but she seems very calm. Ace (😈)
Pilby - I didn’t really add or change their design because I already liked it a lot. I think they are very sweet and kind looking, would make a great plush too but I guess we are not ready to talk about that (YES I am still bitter about it) I think being around them is akin to looking outside a window at an apple orchard while it’s raining a bit. I think they sound a bit like raggedy Anne, based on the creators response too. Aroace (😈)
Spud! - I honestly did not have much come to me for his design, they are just a bit of a funky feller and im not sure how I would add to it honestly. Oh but I do think that they run like an ostrich and it is very scary. Also while drawing I was debating why he had a bow and decided that Gnarpy was like CONGRATZ IN ZURVIVING THE TEZTZ and now Spud! Just has a stupid little yuor did it ribbon. Honestly no clue for voice hc… aroace (😈)
Gnarpy - had a lot of fun with xis design honestly. The redesign reminded me a lot of Stitch so I kinda just shoved that into xim. I think they act a lot like Zim. Like a lot. Probably equally as stupid. I think xis second arms are retractable, like stitch, and xe uses that as a very very shitty disguise that everyone can see right through but just don’t mention because xe seems to be having a good time. I think xe sounds like Four from BFB (the earlier episodes mostly) aroace (😈)
DRRETRO - I think that her head that we see in the game is like a projection of herself, Wagstaff Don’t Starve style. Her body would be like excruciatingly normal besides her head, too. Like go to the hospital and see a nurse, that’s just what she looks like. Very normal, it’s a bit unnerving since her head is that. She’s like those overly friendly posters in a very uncomfortable place type of feeling. She doesn’t have fur either, she’s just a weird cat doctor thing. She acts exactly like Doctor Barber from Flapjack. No voice hc, but she speaks in meows so probably just meowing. Aroace (😈)
Mark - I started thinking about tf2 and Anton blast. Anyway, he is completely made from wood other than the clothes. Beard is carved in, not sure if I got that across in the drawing though. Uh yea I don’t have much I just really like engineer. He wears flannel and a construction vest just like any good law avoiding construction worker. Definitely does not so legal things on his construction sites but does not give two shits about that and also probably would try to employ Lampert when he was younger for free workers (no im not projecting what are you talking about). How on the nose would it be to say he sounds like engineer because I just drew wooden engineer with a beard. Ace (😈)
Wallter - sorry wallter fans I had no ideas while drawing him. I dunno he’s big and he’s cement, so I kept him blocky. Urrrrr he has a can of grey stuff jingle jingle. He is the cement embodiment of that one tweet that’s like “nothing better than a glass of wine, except for maybe #men. #yep #imgay! He kinda seems like one of those lowkey scary bald gay guys who are nice but are also scary and still bald. He’s bald. No idea on voice maybe concrete sliding on asphalt for 10 hours. Ace (😈)
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
I don’t think JA is evil or anything but it is odd to me that even ignoring the cheating lines in the peripheral of the album, everyone’s reaction to “he didn’t want to marry her and kept her in quiet stasis for years” is “ oh he’s not bad”.
Not even from a talking about celebrities perspective. The numerous references to wanting children and lost youth on the album just hits so badly in your 30s. And it’s odd to me that wasting someone’s time to that extent while resenting their success is looked at as being a good guy. It just seems like trivializing an issue women have
Anon, I don’t mean this directed at you specifically, just a blanket reminder for myself that I don’t really care to discuss these men generally because I don’t think they’re worth the time or space and frankly, I don’t know enough about them or care to to devote space to them on my little fan blog.
That being said, I think the reason my take on it is more… subdued is because, well, unfortunately I think the situation inferred from Taylor’s music is so, so common. I have several friends (two in particular I can think of) who went through situations so eerily similar to the one Taylor and Joe presumably went through. Which is not so much to say that I’m being parasocial, but more that all breakups are the same to quote @taylortruther. It’s not to condone the men’s behaviour, but more to say that even amongst “dull normals,” most of us have firsthand or at least secondhand experience in it and have had to navigate the same conflicts.
I have no opinion on whether Joe is good or bad because I don’t know anything about him beyond Taylor’s music and I have zero interest to learn anything further. I have my own guesses as to what went down, which are probably similar to what most people around here are assuming, and it’s again so painfully pedestrian, especially for people in their 30s. Which is obviously so painful as a woman of childbearing age who is hoping to have those things.
I do agree that there is a lot of trivializing of these issues for women in general, and especially for Taylor in general in TTPD. Not to be all “I/we understand Taylor better” about it all, but there’s soooooooo much in TTPD that I think *a lot* of people are not picking up, which is why i say over and over again that it really is the thirtysomething album. (Which is not to be ageist lol, it’s more a state of mind.) Like, while I am not someone who foresees having children or even getting married myself, most of my close friends are and have, and so much of what Taylor sings about literally and subtextually is so painfully obvious to me and palpable that I’ve been shocked at how it’s been glossed over. (Maybe you don’t fully understand it until you’re sitting on your friend’s bathroom floor consoling her as her entire life crumbles before her eyes? Or is that just me?) But, many of us here on tumblr dot com have picked up what she’s put down.
I think it comes down to: even with “good” guys (and particularly with those who aren’t), the whole family thing does *not* mean the same thing to them, because the time constraints just don’t apply to them. You’d hope your partner would feel why it was pressing to you, but unfortunately I can think of a lot of people even in my own life who’ve experienced this same conflict with their partners. Because men can drag their feet until they think it’s the “right” time in a way women simply can’t. I had a friend who had a very Joever-like breakup over that very issue and it’s so, so painful and can also drive them to make questionable choices in the immediate aftermath.
Then when you add the whole resentment/whatever issue on top of it… it’s… a lot.
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otherworldseekers · 4 months
Waiting for Your Return
A little bit of Severia x Nero writing that occurs during 6.55 setting up things for Dawntrail.
I wrote it for the prompt "return" sent to me by @gatheredfates for a single word fic drive, but decided to make a separate post for it as it got away from me a bit and then I decided to add a few screenshots.
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Severia lay on her back on her bed in the Balsesion Annex and made herself comfortable. Beside her next to the pillow was her Cockwork Novus D*. A familiar voice came from inside it. 
“Hullo, darling. Miss me?”
“Of course I miss you, silly boy.” Never mind that they had seen each other just that morning before she had teleported to Sharlayan to meet with Krile. ��Did you get much work done without me there to distract you?”
“At the risk of being premature-”
“You? Never.”
Nero laughed. “You tease. Are you sure you can’t come back for the night?”
“Well, of course I could, but we’re headed out at first light for the Isle of Hamm and you know teleporting that kind of distance too often wears me out.”*
“I can think of a few ways to-”
“I want to avoid that!” she protested with a smile. “Anyway, tell me your news.”
“I think I’ve made a breakthrough,” Nero said, smugness oozing from his voice. 
“So that puts you ahead of Cid?”
“I’m fairly certain this puts me months ahead of him in research,” Nero bragged. “He’s still struggling to work out the formula for-”
Severia interrupted before he got technical. It was far too late in the day for that. “Have you decided what you’re going to make him do when you win?”
Nero grinned to himself. Her complete faith in him was always a balm to his competitive spirit. “That is the hardest part of this contest.* I need an idea that is suitably embarrassing while also not technically harmful. But I’m sure it will come to me. Now. Your news.”
And so Severia told him all about meeting Wuk Lamat and what the enthusiastic Hrothgar had come to Sharlayan for. “I’d never considered going to the New World before. I haven’t exactly said I would go yet, but I can’t deny I’m tempted.”
“Indeed. From what I’ve read the continent of Tural is quite vast and diverse. There was some talk at one point among the Legati about what kind of resources would be necessary to mount an invasion.”
“Seriously? Garlemald wanted to invade Tural?”
“The Emperor wanted the whole world under him thumb. Of course that included Tural. It was on the roadmap for the future, but it didn’t get any farther than that before you Eorzean savages started giving us too much trouble.”
Nero’s tone was facetious and Severia knew when he spoke that way his tongue was firmly in his cheek so she took no offense. Their former positions on opposite sides of a war was something they often teased each other about. “Yes, how dare they. If only they’d rolled over and taken it you might have ended up lost in the jungles of Tural one day getting hacked to pieces by Mamool Ja.”
Nero scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. It would largely have been an aerial assault. I certainly wouldn’t have been trudging along in the dirt.”
“No, I imagine you would have been mowing down the natives in the Ultima Weapon or such like.”
“Possibly, possibly,” Nero conceded. “So what’s this excursion to the Isle about?”
“We’re all going on a hunt.”
“Again, we?”
“Er, me, Wuk Lamat, Erenville, G’raha and Krile. Wuk Lamat wants to see if I live up to Erenville’s stories.”
“She doubts you?”
“I don’t exactly cut the most imposing figure, you must admit.”
“I must admit nothing. You’re all the more intimidating for your adorable size.”
“Well, you have the benefit of having watched me fight a Primal the very first time you saw me. Also you’re biased.”
“I am only biased in how much your incredible talents made me love you.”
Severia closed her eyes and pulled her blanket up to her chin, smiling in contentment. “I love you too.”
“So when will you return?”
“Tomorrow.” It had been some time since they had been apart from each other for more than a day and she had gotten used to the luxury of it. With a pang she considered how long they might be separated if she went to Tural. The sense of loss that rose up inside her nearly took her breath away. “I’ll be home as soon as I can get away.”
“I look forward to it, with all my heart. Goodnight, darling.”
“Goodnight, Nero.”
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The following evening Severia walked through the front door of the cottage she shared with Nero in a thoughtful mood. She had all but made up her mind to go to Tural. The prospect filled her with both elation and a dread that she could not reconcile. She wanted to go. She wanted to see new lands, meet new peoples, learn new histories and make new discoveries. But she didn’t want to leave home. Home. A word that had once held no appeal to her had lately become so precious. 
Her ruminations were interrupted when Nero came tumbling down the stairs holding a large duffle bag in each hand. 
“Oh, welcome home, darling.” Without putting down either bag, he gave her a quick kiss and then went to the kitchen and started searching through drawers and cabinets. Every so often he found an item he wanted and carefully tucked it away in one of the duffle bags, which was now bulging with odd corners and bumps. 
Severia watched at a loss. “What are you doing?”
“Hmmmm? Packing.”
“How did you know?”
“How did I know that you were going to come home and tell me you’ve decided to go? Because I know you, love. It’s far too good an opportunity of doing all the things you like most to miss.”
“All right, fair. But you don’t have to pack for me.” Was he that eager to see her go? Was he looking forward to time uninterrupted for his work?
“I’m not,” said Nero, as he weighed two identical spatulas in his hands before picking one and packing it away. “This is all for me.”
“Where are you going?”
Nero gave her the strained look he had when she was being a little slow. “To Tural.”
Severia sucked in a breath of surprise. “You mean…”
“I’m coming with you,” Nero said as if it were painfully obvious. He pointed at her with the rejected spatula. “You don’t honestly expect me to sit around at home once again twiddling my thumbs and waiting for your return while you’re out there having the adventure of a lifetime?”
“I didn’t… I just… I mean, that’s how-”
“That’s how it’s always been,” Nero finished for her and his brow furrowed in irritation for a moment before he released a sigh and relaxed it once more. He set the spatula back down on the counter and went to her, taking her hands in his. “But it doesn’t have to continue that way. Severia, I want to be at your side, you know that.”
“But your work… This contest with Cid…”
“Do you really think those things matter more to me?” He tipped her chin up so he could look in her eyes. Tears were gathering there. He hadn’t meant to make her cry. “Besides, the audacity of you going off on your own to explore an entire continent that may indeed be rife with monumental discoveries none but I are qualified to obtain! No true man of science could allow that.”
Severia laughed and flung her arms around his waist. “I’m so glad. Oh Nero, I wanted to go so much but I didn’t want to be away from you. You’ll really come with me?”
“Naturally. I look forward to sitting on the sidelines sipping refreshing tropical drinks while you slay all the beasties.”
“Absolutely not. You’d better pack your hammer because I won’t save you when you inevitably do something reckless and unleash some kind of great evil on the land. I’ll save everyone else, but not you.”
Nero gave her his best sad puppy dog look. “You don’t mean that.”
“No, I don’t mean it. But adventuring isn't all fun and games, you know. You are going to pull your weight.”
“Whatever you say, my love. Now, when do we leave?” 
“Oh, not for weeks.”
“Hmmm. I’d better unpack the cast iron pans.” He released her and began rummaging again through the duffel bag. 
Severia watched in astonishment as he pulled out an absurd number of cooking implements. “You’re bringing cast iron pans? Are you insane?”
“What? They’re excellent for cooking over an open fire.”
“This is too much stuff, Nero. I prefer to travel light.”
“Can’t you just put it all in your pocket dimension?”*
“Do you think I’m some kind of beast of burden?”
“Don’t be foolish. You know perfectly well anything that goes into that bag of yours is no burden at all.”
“Ugh. Fine! You win. As usual.”
Nero grinned and, still on his knees, pulled her into him for a kiss. “You love me.”
Severia sighed in surrender. “I adore you.”
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Nero turned the Clockwork Novus D into a long range communication device for he and Severia to use that is more secure and reliable than a linkpearl.
Teleporting large distances too often causes fatigue. A headcanon of mine developed for the sake of narrative pacing.
Nero and Cid have regular contests to see who can solve a specific problem first or make the better device fitted to a client's need. At this point they are tied for victories 11 to 11.
Severia's travel gear includes a pack with a relatively stable pocket dimension inside. A headcanon of mine to account for inventory space and a reference to this post.
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firstclassattorney · 5 days
“Kris, it’s midnight! Where the hell are you-?!” Klavier huffed into the phone.
September 17th, 2026–a special date. It was Kristoph’s birthday. Neither Gavin brother did much for birthdays. (Which are not included in holidays, mind you. Klavier loves holidays.) This year, however? Kristoph was turning 30. That’s pretty big.
Thus, using his spare key, Klavier had snuck into Kristoph’s house once his older brother had left to go dine with a certain pianist, though Klavier wasn’t told who the man was. Even if he wasn’t particularly good at cooking, Klavier had figured out how to make a mean lemon cake; Kristoph would’ve already eaten dinner by the time he got back anyway, Klavier had figured.
Klavier paced, holding the phone to his ear. “I mean, seriously where could you even be?? You’re usually asleep by now, ja..! Your sleep schedule, bruder, what has become of it??”
He was dramatic, certainly, and indirect about it, but Klavier was getting concerned. He was upset, too.
(ooc: also, I noticed that you mentioned you don’t get notifs sometimes!! would you want me to tag you in response posts, or nah?)
(Usually the notifications do come, but if you realize I suddenly stopped responding to a thread, tag me! Either I forgot or the notif didnt go through)
Kristoph kept a straight face despite his brother's concerned rambling on the other end of the line. Keeping a straight face in public no matter the circumstances had become a staple of Kristoph's daily life; in modern times, you could most likely slaughter a person in front of him and yet he'd still maintain some level of professionalism.
However, that proved to be a bit more... difficult, when it came to his younger brother, Klavier. He wasn't sure why, either. Was it due to the fact he was his sibling, perhaps? and the older had seen his highs and lows? Was it because he recognised when Klavier began to talk a little too fast even when Kristoph's soothing coos attempted to calm him? No, surely not. Perhaps he simply had a bit more sympathy for someone he spent his entire life with. While he tended to be cruel, he was not cruel for cruelties' sake and would not simply let his brother worry himself sick. Otherwise, he might attempt to find him himself, and Kristoph did not trust his brother to make decisions when panicked.
"Klavier, take a few deep breaths," Kristoph chimed in, finally interrupting Klavier's rambling, "You know how you get when you're anxious."
He knew because he, too, could make some rather... reckless decisions when paranoid. Even moreso than Klavier. He decided to keep his tongue forked behind his teeth and not add anything else to that statement before continuing, voice calm and level-headed.
"I simply lost track of time. What are you doing awake, anyway?"
He'd decided to shift the topic to Klavier instead. Both brothers knew Kristoph followed his schedule strictly, and if one thing were to change, his entire routine would have to be worked around in order to fit. He was the last person to 'lose track of time' when he constantly checked his phone, watch, or anything else that could tell the time. Which is why he had chosen to talk about Klavier instead of himself.
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Water in my ear
The first mistake was dismissing the early signs of the infection. The second was getting onto the plane home with a burning hot ear. Nadine could have burst her eardrum. She should have known better.
It was just so stupid that after all the danger and risks they took, some water in her ear was what ended up getting her.
Nadine swallowed, and it hurt. The pain radiated through the entire side of her head. She had to keep taking the antibiotics as the doctor prescribed, which meant she had to eat, no matter how little of an appetite she had. Nadine swallowed another painful bite of apple.
She was in a hammock hooked between two walls of an armory. Probably not ideal for someone having intermittent dizzy spells. At her flat in Johannesburg, she'd just be set upon by relatives. She was lying low in an old Shoreline hideout near Cape Town instead. And why was it comforting to her, being alone and surrounded by weapons with a book?
The compound was half-subterranean, hidden by nondescript office buildings on all but one side, and the alarms and locks didn't depend on the frequently load-shedding mains electricity. The entrance was a narrow passageway behind a warehouse. The only Shoreline personnel with knowledge of or access to the location were either reading Tom Clancy inside it or dead.
Sorry, former Shoreline personnel.
I could bury the guns, Nadine thought.
The Kalashnikovs filling the room like sharp stalactites would most likely fall into the wrong hands if she was to unload them on the market. Pun unintended.
I could put soft lighting in and add marble countertops and built-in storage. Charge people to spend vacations in a unique doomsday-prepper-themed AirBnB.
Nadine's ear throbbed. She wriggled deeper into the blanket. The building's end-to-end silence was its own security feature. The scratching of a mouse's feet would be audible.
Unless it was on the side of the wrong ear.
Nadine's phone buzzed. It was Chloe again. She would never have imagined feeling more able to talk to Nathan Drake's old flame than her own family.
Chloe was telling her about wanting to be involved in her local Hindu community more now. She was reading more about it. "In a personal way, you know? I never felt this close to it when Dad was telling me about it."
"What book are you reading right now?" Nadine said.
"The Mahabharata."
Chloe said it so casually.
"The...the whole thing, Frazer?"
"What, like it's hard?"
Nadine fought back a scoff. It would only make her pain worse. "Whatever. I thought you'd recommend an entry-level book to modern Hindu practice or something."
"I guess I want to make sure I'm...I don't know."
Chloe was sighing. God, that had to be bad. Chloe had to be spilling her guts right now if she was letting herself sigh. And there was that nervous laughter of hers.
She wanted to make sure she was doing it correctly. Because Chloe was trying to find one side of her roots and she was guilty for not seeking it sooner. And she was having doubts she even could, because while not everyone had Asav-level epithets to shout, being multiracial was complicated.
And it wasn't like Nadine could tell her something that would make it easier.
"I'm not taking up too much of your time, love?"
"No," Nadine said. "It's good to have a distraction, anyway."
"From what?"
"Ear infection." Nadine had to laugh saying it. "Remember when I got water in my ear?"
There was a slam on the line.
"WHY didn't you TELL me?!"
Nadine winced and pulled the phone away. "Shit! Ow!"
"You let me go on and on about--" Chloe was furious.
"Shut up, Chloe! I--I like hearing about how you feel!"
"--bloody hell! Where are you?"
Nadine muttered, "Nowhere close, if that's what you're asking."
"Did you--Nadine, did you already have it on the flight?!"
"BUGGER! You shouldn't have got on the--"
"Ja," Nadine was speaking through her teeth now. "Stop yelling or I'll hang up."
"Some military professional," Chloe said.
Nadine couldn't even grumble. It hurt. "Because in the military you get excused from air offensives because of water in your ear." Besides helicopters did not share the ear-exploding air pressure differences of commercial airliners. Nadine could never justify the cost of a fighter jet.
"I thought you were about avoiding risks."
It was choppy, like Chloe was pacing about her house gesticulating wildly at the phone.
"Chloe, please stop talking about it," Nadine said. "It's an ear infection. I'm not going to die."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Why was Chloe's voice so broken when she said that. Why did it make Nadine's heart hurt.
"What would you have done?"
"I don't know? Encouraged you to change your flight? Paid for another few nights at the hotel so you could wait till you got better? Gone home with you if your stubborn ass insisted on not wasting money on the nonrefundable--"
"You don't need to babysit me," Nadine snapped.
Chloe fired back, "You sure babysat me, mate, when I had my little coma after getting my bell rung back there."
Nadine swallowed again, and it hurt, again, even without a piece of apple.
She said, softly, "And have you gone to get checked for multiple concussions like I asked you to?"
"What would they do for this old brain in this rubber skull, Nadine?"
Nadine would have laughed, if wouldn't hurt so bad.
"Tell you not to drive until you recover. Don't start. Shut up, Chloe. Tell you to get plenty of rest and come back for follow-up so they can keep an eye on the serious complications that can come from a traumatic brain injury. Oh, just a few things."
"I'll make an appointment," Chloe said. "Just...please tell me where you are. Nadine, I need--"
"You don't."
"Let me--it's not like it's contagious--I could make things a bit easier at least--"
Nadine said, "Talking to you like this already does."
"My ass it does," Chloe wasn't going down without a fight. "You probably have a fever and aren't drinking enough water and I could help you around if you're dizzy and--"
"Ugh!" Nadine bit the edge of her palm. She hated how badly she wanted it. "Shit, Frazer, I'll text you the location. Good luck finding it. You can see a doctor while you're here so I'll know you aren't lying about getting your head checked."
Nadine couldn't believe she was doing this.
"I would never," Chloe said sweetly. "See you soon, love."
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pinkinsect · 5 months
can you elaborate on what you mean when you mention the "blue lock sociolect." because the linguistic/social situation that must be developing in this stanford prison ass training center fascinates me endlessly
hello this is going to be a lot. tldr at the end.
for anyone unaware, i use blue lock "sociolect" in this case specifically meaning the dialect that develops in the blue lock facility. i'd classify it more as a sociolect than a dialect, because while they now have a geographic location in common, i would say the speech features show up more in certain characters who've leaned into the blue lock egoist mentality more. the way hiori speaks changes as his view of himself and soccer change. (i also think that bltv enjoyers start talking like this. horrifically)
the blue lock sociolect is a phenomenon i invented in my mind palace to cope with the way i feel when i read blue lock and see phrases like "you're an eyesore, you pink-haired philistine" and "rotten orange." i brought it up in this post on my other blog some time ago, but in short, i've decided that the rather. unique way the blue lockers speak to one another is a result of putting 300 [and lowering] boys age 15-18 from all over japan in a hypercompetitive environment with very little adult supervision.
it's all about the individual, hence many of the insults taking the target's most striking physical trait and combining it with something the speaker decides is negative about the target. with japanese being a language with pretty structured assignments of appropriate politeness based on age, experience, and status, i could see it eroding given the general lack of older adult presence (ego appearing on a screen for like 15 minutes doesn't count, especially since he's rude as hell), and the mentality the players are encouraged to accept. rin isn't the best example given his dedication to hating across languages, cultures, and age ranges, but isagi pretty much comments on how he's rude as hell by social norms once, then clearly gets used to it.
i think the blue lock sociolect starts to diversify a bit once we enter the nel. the blue lock boys are shown studying english, but the nel introduces an environment where a lot of their teammates will most likely be speaking a language other than english or japanese within their teams (except for manshine but that's british english which isn't usually what's taught in japan so even then their contributions to the sociolect will be a bit different).
we don't know exactly how accurate the translation software is, or how it handles the cultural differences in honorific language, but based on some of the things we've seen (ness calling kunigami "kunigami-san" that one time, also ness being shown saying "ja" through the translation, "beinschuss" from kaiser, whatever's going on with charles, etc.) they're not always consistent.
(i haven't checked out the raws for these yet though, so im actually not entirely sure what's coming through in japanese.these could just be translation choices.)
this multi-language environment and the non-translation of certain speech could also have an impact on our blue lock players' vocabulary and introduce other languages' terms and speech patterns. japanese already has a pretty huge collection of loan words that eventually create "foreign" phrases that don't exist outside of japanese, so this facility could make this phenomenon occur more rapidly.
we see otoya say "golazo" during the fc barcha match, and while darai says the same thing during their bowling match, it wouldn't be too far off to assume that otoya picked it up from his spanish speaking teammates.
i could add more but this is getting too long so tl;dr: putting 300 15-18 year old boys in a prison with barely any adult supervision would make neat language shifts.
some features of the blue lock sociolect i think exist:
the particular type of insult we see so much of in blue lock
general lack of/comparatively less importance given to honorific language and polite conjugations of words
shounen protag accent (you'd know it when you hear it.)
increased usage of german, english, spanish, italian, and/or french terms
FAR less subject omission than average japanese, especially when the subject is "i" [thanks aryu.]
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐔𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐃𝐀, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐁𝐥𝐮 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦, 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐱, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝, 𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐬.
ᴅᴇᴊᴀ ʙʟᴜ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ᴜᴍʙʀᴀ ᴡɪᴛᴄʜ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: reader is 8'0 in height, cursing, inappropriate jokes, reader refers to herself as mommy, mentions of witch craft, reader is European,
A/N: I've been meaning to write something with the recoms involving an Umbra Witch, so I had to start somewhere. I might start a Deja Blu/Recoms Taglist, If do who'd want to be a part of it?
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The only reason why you took the job as just for the excitement, who knows how long you had gone without a little thrill. At first the RDA didn't believe that you were an Umbra Witch at first, but you had basically proved them that you were. You got hired. It was odd for them for hire a witch, but they needed whoever to catch Jake Sully, so why not add a witch from Europe to the mix.
You were also very eye catching. The outfits that you wore on a daily basis weren't military related, you wore what you wanted. You looked and walked like a model. Everyone knew you were around due to the sound of your heels hitting the floor. Not only that but you were taller then most humans, nearly the same size of an avatar.
During the mean time you got to meet the new team, a project that the RDA has been working for 15 years. They were bringing back soldiers from the dead and gave them a new body. Talk about reincarnation. Turns out you were going to be part of their team. You met the first few that had woken up. Lyle Wainfleet was one of the first to wake up, along with Zhang and Z-Dog.
You met your team members, Lyle seemed very charming and flirtatious towards you. He made you laugh which was rare. Zhang wasn't much of a talker but, he seemed like a good guy once you got to know him. Z-Dog was a cool gal, at first she wasn't sure about meeting you, but she ended up getting to know you a bit. You basically had called her your friend.
The days went on and more members began to wake up. Brown, Ja, Lopez and Prager woke up. Just like the rest you had to meet and became acquainted with them. Then came Walker, and Warren. Later came Fike and Quaritch, but the Colonel had basically began to attack everyone when he was awake. It was chaos, Zhang and Z-Dog had to run in to help restrain and get him to calm down.
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After that little fiasco, you met Miles Quaritch who'll be your boss along with Lyle. "So, I've heard that you'll be in my team?" he asked, looking at you up and down. He couldn't help it, it's been a while since he has seen a beautiful woman such as yourself. You gave him a smile and placed your hand on your hip and moved your hair away from your shoulder, then extended your hand towards him. "Please to meet you Colonel, I'm Y/n L/n" you said with a semi seductive smile.
Quaritch took your hand into his, and placed a kiss on the back of it. This made you flattered. "I see that your mommy has taught you manners, and I here I thought I might be the one to be your mommy." You commented, seen how his tail wagged bit and his ears flick back by your comment. "So, I heard from my friend that you were a witch, is that true?" Quaritch asked out of curiosity. "That I am." You replied, while twirling your hair with your middle and index finger. "Well, it was nice meeting you y/n, I'll see you soon." He said, then gave the back of your hand another kiss before departing. You felt your stomach do a little flip by this.
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The next couple days you were just talking and getting to know the team more, you thought it would be best since they're now your team. They'd ask you questions about what an Umbra Witch is and your abilities, you basically told them the whole lore about the Umbra Witches so that they could get a bit of an understanding. Some questions were weird and strange, but you didn't mind answering them. They were curious on the Infernals that you were able to summon, they also learned that you could speak Enochian.
Their biggest question was why an Umbra Witch like yourself was would do a job like they are? Shouldn't you be fighting demons or something. You told them that you basically did it to join the team just for the fun of it since you didn't have fun in years. Now they wanted to know your age. You reuse to tell since it was rude to ask a woman her age and because you'd feel old, they didn't have to know how old you were. They were basically in their early 20s, you hated to think that you were a grandma.
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Power Armor Punch Part Sixty Six
Gardio: I thought I heard some movement on the roof. *tinkering with the pin from his tie. Making it into a tiny knife he can use in self defense*
Lucille: Either that or she ran off again. This is a very common thing with her.
Ma: (Heavy sigh as she leans on the wall) “Yeah, there really was nothing anyone could do when she decided to run off back in the day. She was too fast for her friends and any adult who could spare the time to chase her down, even if they had a car. So we just… let her do her thing and hoped she’d return before dark.” (Small scoff) “Sounds irresponsible of us, I know…”
Teshteal: *shakes his head sadly*
Joyce: (Studies her boyfriends face, returning that somber look as she clutches both of his hands)
Teshteal: Don't worry... The moment I sense she wants to kill me, I'll run as fast as I can. *shrugs with a sheepish but almost forced grin* Not that it'll help much- at least it's something.
Jasmine: (Knows that her biological rapid healing abilities get stronger when she’s in direct sunlight, kinda like she’s a human solar panel. And she heard a doctor in the vault bitching one time about another expensive procedure that was given to her that requires her to recharge under the sun. The doctor was going on how it wasn’t that necessary as she already has other healing factors, but he was ignored and she was pumped with more sedatives and whatnot)
Nick: *checked out into a book he has on file since she's calm. He's keeping an eye on her, though. It can't be all Jas all the time in his head or he'll go mad. Even parents need a break from their kids*
Jasmine: (Curls up against Nick like a kitten who just found a warm and cozy spot under the sun with her back to the light, partly closing her eyes as she does the little kneading motion she always does when she’s content. Her position is inefficient for healing as her most severe wounds are on her front side, but she wants to snuggle right now)
Gardio: *frowns* They didn't at least scold her for running off?
Lucille: *rolls her eyes* I don't think she has enough respect for others to actually LISTEN. I'm almost twice her age and she thinks it's okay to tell me off, swearing included.
Ma: (To Gardio) “Believe me, we tried to get it through her spunky little head that it was dangerous stunt to pull off, but she was convinced that she was fine on her own so it bounced right off her. And as for disciplinary measures, well there wasn’t much they could do when she was already doing all the chores and taking care of her siblings like a mini parent. What more could they add to that?” (To Lucille) “The swearing is new, I’ve never heard her do that before. But telling off other adults she definitely did, especially when she deemed something unfair.”
Lucille: I would say she's rebellious but honestly there comes a time when it's outright disrespect.
Gardio: I'd have to agree... *frowning still at the fact she was left to take care of her siblings despite literally being 9* I shouldn't judge because of what she's been through but so far she seems pretty rude when she's not hiding or running off. *clucks and shakes his head in disappointment*
Joyce: (Still looks so worried for him, a million “what if” running through her head)
Teshteal: *keeps smiling. It looks more and more forced by the second. He wishes she'd stop worrying about him. He's nothing after all...*
Donovan: (Yawns and stretches out on his bed, rubbing both of his eyes out of habit despite having an eyepatch. He blinks, frowning when he remembers the previous nights disturbing events, how he had to try and talk down Rosie…)
Ma: (Nods her head sadly) “Yes, that’s what’s worrying me. She’s not acting like herself at all. Little Rosalinda used to be somewhat reasonable and respectful, even when she had a good reason to rebel or haughtily toss her hair back.” (Rubs her hands together) “Once her mother passed, she got more defiant and distant with us. Instead of at least hearing us adults out, she’d just walk away even if we were just trying to help her process the tragic loss. And God forbid we try to separate her from her siblings for even an hour to give her a rest when they didn’t want to, she preferred to distance herself on her own terms.”
Joyce: (Heavy sigh as she looks to the bed, quickly rushing over to scoop up Gilbert to rescue him)
Gilbert: (Makes several squealing noises in complaint because he was smothered by the two puppies)
Joyce: (Walks back to Teshteal as she pets her little ferret, debating with herself if she should press further or just let it go)
Teshteal: *still forcing that smile even though the voices are rising up again, reminding him of how pointless he is compared to Jasmine. The only reason he was kept alive in the vault was for their sick pleasure. No one should have to worry about someone as pathetic as him... but he won't say it to her. She's already worrying about him.*
Gardio: *furrows his brow with concern at how she changed after her mother's death* That's where it started... *sighs and pinches his nose*
Ma: “Yes... It was terribly unfortunate. Poor kids already had to navigate without their father, they lost him before Rosie was even three....” (Sighs to herself again) "You know, I think it was their somber origin story that gave them extra points to get away with things they shouldn't have. They were good kids with kind hearts in a bad and unfair situation..."
Donovan: (Rises from his bed, gathering his clothes so he can freshen up for the day and go see Jas)
Joyce: (Blinks sadly, putting away all pressing questions despite her fears) “...Should we head down for breakfast now?”
Teshteal: *nods* Yes. Breakfast would be nice. *heads to the door. Feels terrible for making her worry. Feels like he's troubled her too much*
Gardio: That's unfortunately commonplace now a days... *solemn nod*
Lucille: The settlements see a lot of orphans come through... kids and adults a like. You'd think it would be easier before the war to get help for that sort of thing but even then... *sarcastic but pitying scoff* Good luck if you were poor or looked a specific way.
Ma: (Points to her ghoul complexion) “Some things never change with people I suppose.” (Small laugh when several memories come to mind) “Rosie never had a tolerance to that, she’d get right into people’s faces if they dared try to bully her friends or family for their looks or their lack of wealth. And she was the one who passed as something more than just another street urchin.”
Joyce: (Decides to set Gilbert down as she follows him out)
Donovan: (Was just exiting the bathroom when he sees his little sister come out of her room and he smiles warmly at her) “Mornin’ JoJo!” (Nods at Teshteal) “Mornin’ to ya too!”
Joyce: (Small smile at her brother as she walks over to wrap him in a hug) “Morning…”
Donovan: (Sways her side to side as he pats her back) “Did you sleep well?”
Joyce: (Nods into his shoulder) “Mhm, yes.”
Teshteal: *starts to walk down to the kitchen without her to dish them up. He should at least make himself useful*
Jasmine: (Nuzzles under her Dads neck as she breathes evenly, her loose curls partly hiding her face)
Lucille: *quietly nods. Still doesn't like she got away with things so easily to the point she has next to no respect or consideration for others.*
Gardio: *to Ma, reminding her of why she's here* Shouldn't you be looking for Jasmine...?
Ma: (Smiles and nods) “Yes, I should be. But do any of you two need anything before I go?”
Joyce: (Hugs her brother a little tighter, opening her mouth to say something but then she quickly shuts it)
Donovan: (Looks down at her) “Hm? What’s wrong?”
Joyce: (Softly, not wanting to worry him further) “Nothing…”
Teshteal: *warms the food up in the oven... while his thoughts beat him over the head that he's only a burden on Joyce*
Lucille: I'm fine.
Gardio: Nothing at all, thank you. *shakes his head*
Ma: (Nods) “Alright then, I’ll be off.” (Walks back down the stairs, giving her two children a quick nod before she makes her way outside. On the side of the house is a newly installed set of stairs that she climbs to reach the platform on the roof where she finds Nick and Jas)
Jasmine: (Hears Ma coming and she whines in fear, hiding away in Nicks shirt while tightening her grip)
Donovan: (Pats the bottom of her chin) “Are you sure…?”
Joyce: (Quickly nods, but there is still a question lingering in her eyes)
Teshteal: *quietly to himself* I have to eat... it'll help... *just wants the voices to stop*
Nick: *looks up and sees it's Ma then back down to Jas* It's okay, kiddo. It's only Mama Evie... *gently brushes away her hair from her face with his good hand. He looks up at the motherly ghoul* Come to check up on us?
Jasmine: (Relaxes her tight grip when her dad reassures her, peeking up from Nick to blink at Ma with wide eyes)
Ma: (Nods, smiling warmly at the teen girl and her father) “Yes, I realized you were both missing and Detective Chapel directed me to the roof as he heard movement.” (Gestures around the little platform) “You two are catching some sun? It’s a beautiful day out here. One of our first since winter came to a close.”
Donovan: (Knows something is up so he keeps staring at his little sister worriedly)
Joyce: (Smiles up at him) “…Have you eaten yet? We can go eat breakfast together!”
Donovan: (Worried blink but he nods and takes her hand, starting down the stairs with her in tow)
Teshteal: *dawns a new forced smile when he hears footsteps coming down the stairs. He pulls the food out of the oven for Joyce and him* I've already prepared your portion, Joyce! *sets hers on the table. It's a pretty ballanced portion size. His is most of the food he couldn't eat from yesterday plus just a little more to make it a complete breakfast* Hope you don't mind!
Nick: Yeah figured I could use a tan. This face is a bit pale from being cooped to all day. *wry chuckle at is own ironic self jab* As for Jas the sun on her skin seems to help her heal better.
Ma: (Chuckles at his little joke as she approaches) “Shall I bring you some sunscreen then? Don’t want you to get burned.”
Jasmine: (Nuzzles her head back under Nicks chin with a small hum, closing her eyes as a gentle breeze blows by)
Ma: (Folds her hands) “I wanted to originally ask if it would be a good idea to give Rosie some bone broth after her milk? Or maybe she could try eating some toast or even some apple sauce?”
Jasmine: (Makes a noise of protest at the mention of food as she tightens her grip back on her Dad)
Joyce: (Comes bolting over to the table with a wide smile) “I don’t mind!” (Sits down in her spot)
Gilbert: (Circling under Joyce’s chair, trying to jump up so he can be with her)
Donovan: (Follows close behind to brew himself some coffee. He wants to wait until Joyce starts eating before he goes and checks on Jas)
Teshteal: *decides to sit across from her to give her some space. He quickly goes to eat before she can say anything about this.
Nick: We can start with some broth... I don't know if she's ready for solid food just yet. *rubs her back gently to reassure her*
Ma: “That’s perfectly fine. I’ll go prepare that now if there isn’t anything else you need.”
Jasmine: (Puts her thumb in her mouth to help soothe herself without scratching. She still doesn’t like the idea of drinking anything either)
Donovan: (Serves Joyce a glass of milk to drink along with her breakfast, still so concerned about her)
Joyce: (Doesn't want to worry him as he has already had a hell of a night dealing with Jasmine up in the lighthouse. She picks up her fork and looks up at Teshteal from across the table, wanting to ask why he didn’t sit besides her but she keeps quiet about that)
Teshteal: *thinks he's intruded on her enough. Doesn't want her to feel like he's smothering her*
Nick: *just shakes his head in response*
Ma: (Gives a small wave and heads off back down to the kitchen, entering through the side door)
Joyce: (Perks up when Ma walks in, smiling brightly as she sets down her fork) “Hello Mama! Good morning!”
Ma: (Walks over to give her a gentle kiss on the head) “Morning love. Did you sleep well?”
Joyce: (As she picks up Gilbert and sets him in her lap) “Yup!”
Ma: (Turns to Donny) “And you?”
Donovan: (Gives a thumbs up) “Slept fine.”
Ma: (Turns to Teshteal next) “How about you, dear?”
Jasmine: (Nuzzles against her Dad, planning on alerting him if her feelings get too strong. If Nick looks closely to the oldest wounds on her sides, he can probably see that they are starting to fade with the sunlight)
Nick: *is none the less surprised by this but doesn't say anything to disturb her. Instead he rubs small circles on her back to soothe the teen*
Jasmine: (Grips onto his shirt collar to keep her hands busy, focusing on breathing along with the circles he’s rubbing on her back. It’ll be awhile before her newest and worst wounds start healing)
Teshteal: *forces a smile again and looks up at her. It's hard to tell he's faking it* I slept wonderfully! Thank you! *goes back to eating*
Ma: (Bright smile) “That’s good to hear!”
Donovan: (Takes his coffee mug and starts waking to the stairs)
Ma: (Opens the freezer to get some premade bone broth out that she had froze) “Rosalinda and her father are up on the roof, Donny.”
Donovan: “Oh? Alright then.” (Starts heading for the door)
Ma: (Tilts her head, worried that Jas might get upset if she sees Donny and remembers the previous night) “You should eat first before you go up to see her…”
Donovan: (Shakes his head, pausing to turn to his mother) “No, I’ll be alright-…”
Ma: (Gives him a look) “Donovan…”
Teshteal: *keeps his head low as he eats. Doesn't want to bring attention to himself. Telling himself it's none of his business and that he's just going to get in the way. He always does*
Donovan: (Blinks, scratching his head with a heavy sigh when he realizes what she means) “Perhaps you are right…”
Ma: (Continues prepping the broth) “I believe I am. Just at least until she eats something, okay?”
Donovan: (Silent nod as he takes a seat by his sister, sipping his coffee) “I suppose I do have to clear the area of any Mirelurks that may have nested after the storm… Maybe check the bog for berries.”
Joyce: (Perks up from her breakfast at the mention of the bog) “Oh! Can I come?!”
Ma: (Doesn’t want Donny to go out alone, especially after the previous night) “I may tag along as well if you’re gonna go out.”
Donovan: (Shakes his head at his family’s offer) “No, you both don’t have to. I don’t know what’ll be lurking out there so it’s best you stay here where it’s safe.”
Teshteal: *softly* I can help with the mirelurks... *bitterly at himself* It's what I'm made for after all.
Ma: (Missed that last remark as she heads off to gather a diary and pencil for Jasmine while the broth boils) “You’re our guests here, so don’t worry too much about that and just focus on your healing.”
Donovan: (Sets down his coffee mug, remembering what Gardio had pointed out earlier when they were heading out after the trappers) “…Is it even safe for you to leave?” (Takes in a deep breath) “Or for Rosie? We ought to have a talk about that as your group’s situation is still unclear to us.”
Joyce: (Looks between her boyfriend and brother worriedly, the maple syrup bottle held midair so it’s slowly dribbling onto her plate)
Ma: (Goes upstairs to collect some items to bring to Nick and Jas on the roof, gathering everything in a little basket before she walks back outside and up the stairs)
Jasmine: (Was starting to relax again with the warmth of the sun and Nicks soothing rubs when she hears the approaching footsteps, making her shriek with alarm and cling to her Dad like a baby koala and try to hide under the collar of his shirt)
Ma: (Frowns at the girls reaction, assuming she’s still jumpy from her nightmares) “She’s still nervy from her night terrors, poor sweet child…” (Hold up the pretty pink diary after she sets down the bottle with formula on the little table) “I brought this for her to use as a way of coping. Journaling her nightmares can help her process them in a… “healthier manner”. And perhaps aid you in understanding your daughters situation better so you can better guide her.”
Nick: *smiles at the journal then at Ma* That's actually a wonderful idea. I'm surprised I hadn't thought of it sooner. *to Jas* What do you think, kiddo? Want to give journaling another go? *not reaching for the bottle yet. She needs to calm down first*
Teshteal: *matter of factly but only because he can get through the details quicker like that* Jasmine is the one in danger most outside, especially in the state she's in. Plus, her programming has a stronger hold on her than mine. They had a lot more time to break her down. Don't worry. If we're outside, I'll be able to smell the chems miles before they get to us.
Donovan: (A little confused) “You can do what now? Smell them from far away?” (Has way more questions but he figures that he shouldn’t overload Teshteal as the poor guy had a breakdown yesterday)
Joyce: (Starts eating her food again, not minding that she once again drenched it in syrup)
Gilbert: (Sticking up his wiggly little nose in the air, trying to smell the food on his Joyce’s plate)
Jasmine: (Raises her head to peep up at the two adults, still sucking on her thumb. She looks at the pretty diary thats so much more appealing than her bloodied book, her big magical doe eyes sparking at the color and the fact that there’s prints of roses on it. She glances up at Ma, then at her Dad, nodding her head at him)
Ma: (Smiles brightly down at the teen, taking out a small pencil case with colored pens inside in case Jazzy wants to use those as well. She that and the diary besides the two on the chair) “I hope this and the beautiful day out can help her settle down enough to get some proper sleep.” (Looks up at Nick) “And with her wonderful and caring father watching over her.”
Teshteal: *taps his nose* I have enhanced olfactory senses. It's pretty easy for me to sniff out people. It's how I found Jasmine earlier. Everyone's got a distinct scent profile. Kind of like a fingerprint... *wonders if this is weirding them out* It's kind of a disgusting ability... I'd understand if you think I'm some sort of freak.
Donovan: (Shakes his head) “I’ve been around long enough to have seen more freakish things, this ain't one of them.”
Joyce: (Looks at her boyfriend with a small smile) “I think its pretty neat! But I suppose it would be a bother with strong scents.” (Wrinkles her nose)
Nick: *smiles at the compliment, taking the case and the book from the table* Don't forget to rest, yourself. You're welcome to join us out here if you want. *to Jas* Do you want to go ahead and write something now, doll?
Jasmine: (Nods and sits up as she takes the stationary, scooting off Nicks lap so she’s sitting besides him on the double lounger with her head leaning on his shoulder. She props up her knees to use as a table and starts to write about her previous nightmares starting off with describing the shadows looming over her, the coding helping her see and focus despite her splitting headache and pain)
Ma: (Shakes her head with a wave of her hand) “Don’t you start fretting ‘bout me too, you have enough as it is. I have some things to take care of but I might come back up later as this day is just too lovely to ignore.” (Puts Nicks coat and a thin robe she brought for Jas on the table just in case they get cold)
Nick: *looks at her pointedly* A good guest ought to be mindful of their host. *not looking at what Jas writes right now in case she wants to keep it private*
Teshteal: *scrunches his nose, too* Yeah. For instance the barn yesterday. This also means I have a strong sense of taste, too. *shakes his head, remembering the original subject* That's besides the point. I can get away a lot quicker than they can spot me. Besides I'm sure Joyce can fight, too. *smiles at his girlfriend* I'll do my best to protect her.
Joyce: (Looks to her older brother with puppy eyes, tugging on his arm) “Pleeeeeeaasse???”
Donovan: (Rubs the temple of his brow) “Oh good lord, now there’s two girls who can do puppy eyes at me…”
Joyce: “I wanna pick some berries!”
Donovan: “And I want to keep you safe from Mirelurks and whatever else might’ve made it’s way here after the storm. We haven’t had time to practice your shooting in awhile. Plus, the smell of rotting corpses would draw in more creatures. I wouldn’t be surprise if there was a Fog Crawler or two.”
Joyce: (Eyes widen slightly)
Donovan: (Heavy sigh as he starts to tap his fingers on the table) “That and the Trappers in the quarry...” (Starts mumbling to himself) “God... that's gonna take awhile, there's so much I gotta fix.”
Joyce: (Gets a concerned look on her face for her workoholic brother)
Ma: (Opens her mouth to say something, then looks at Jas and quickly closes it. She silently gestures up to the lighthouse that still has blood and glass covering the floor, something she had to get rid of in case they get more guests)
Jasmine: (Trying to document even the littlest details, doing her best to express the jumbled up feelings that she felt in the moment. The helpless desperation and fear as the large shadows towered over her small frame, the twisting in her heart when they all kept shouting the same degrading insults. Her eyes stay glued onto the diary and her hand never stops moving, the programming taking ahold and putting her into complete focus mode)
Ma: “Donny is also thinking of going out to clear some potential Mirelurks then head to the tarberry bog, I may go with him as there can possibly be more than just that out there.” (Turns and looks out over her newly established farm on this unfamiliar Island, sighing sadly to herself as she folds her hands)
Nick: If that's the case, might be wise to take either Teshteal or Gardio with you. *frowns* I'd suggest Lucille but she's currently out of commission until her leg heals.
Ma: (Stares out longingly at her farm for a long moment, sighing heavily as she shakes her head and turns back to Nick) “Mhm, maybe we will….” (Gets another thought at the mention of Lucille, pursing her lips together)
Jasmine: (Still writing like mad, her hand shaking with how tight she’s gripping the pencil)
Nick: Something on your mind? *looks up curiously at her*
Ma: “Hm?” (Realizes that she’s delayed her response and gives a half smile) “Oh nothing at all- it’s just this old gal getting held up by the past.”
Teshteal: Don't know what a fog crawler is but if it's anything like a Mirelurk Queen, I can take it out easily. *interlaces his fingers and stretches them by pushing them away from his face while grinning with carefree confidence*
Donovan: “Ah…. It’s almost like a giant shrimp- praying mantis type mutated monster. They’re waaaaaay faster than they look and can be a pain to take down.” (Shudders just thinking about it)
Joyce: (Puts her head in her hands, looking at her brother in deep thought) “Still… can we at least try? If there’s anything dangerous we can come right back home.”
Donovan: (Rubs his chin) “I suppose so… but we have to be extra cautious and take the longer rout to avoid going best the water.”
Teshteal: *intrigued by the Fog Crawler and wants to go even more, now. More to himself* I wonder if they taste like shrimp, too...
Donovan: (Sips his coffee) “We’ll go later, maybe right before lunch or after.”
Joyce: (Beams with delight, but then sags a little) “Erm…. Before we go or do anything else- can we talk about something? Just me and you?” (Shyly tucks some hair behind her ear)
Donovan: (Remembers what happened at breakfast yesterday and nods) “Sure, Jo-Jo… You wanna go up to my room to talk right now?”
Joyce: (Quickly nods, turning to her boyfriend) “We’ll just be a minute, okay?”
Teshteal: Okay. *sheepishly waves*
Joyce: (Stands from the table with her brother and Gilbert in her arms, giving Teshteal a quick kiss on the head before she follows Donny up the stairs to his room)
Teshteal: *blinks and blushes at the kiss. As soon as they're gone he gets to work cleaning up his food and clearing the table to keep his thoughts clear*
Nick: *shakes his head* I know the past can be a bit of a slog, believe me, but that expression of yours shifted just as I mentioned Lucille. *raises an eyebrow*
Ma: (Brightens up) “Ah- I was just thinking about asking Lucille if she’d like me to draw her a bath so she can wash up.” (Thinks that the poor young woman needs a good soak after the previous nights events)
Jasmine: (Starts to tremble when she gets around to writing about the Guard Leader, writing faster in order to keep up with her racing mind. Tears form on her eyes as she remembers every word he spat at her, still believing it all. She goes through on how he just appeared in front of her and how he mocked her shivering frame on the floor, stopping when she describes how big he is compared to her after he called her babydoll and yanked her to the floor)
Nick: *rubs Jas's shoulders slightly when he senses she's paused- probably because of something terrible. He only turns his attention to her briefly. With a reassuring tone* You don't have to write it if you don't want to, Rosie... Take a moment to breathe. *to Ma* Good idea- She probably could use a good long soak. She doesn't get to do that often, I'm sure. *nods, as if confirming it for himself*
Ma: (Waves her hand) ���I’ll go do that right now.” (Turns and heads back down the stairs and into the house, going straight up to the attic to ask Lucille if having a warm bath sounds like lovely idea)
Jasmine: (Doesn’t stop writing because if she does she won’t be able to start again and she needs to document these things. Hell, she needs to update that damned bloodied book as it’s part of her programming)
Nick: *only nods after her then leans his head back and shuts his eyes, keeping an ear out for any other pauses of Jasmine's pen*
Jasmine: (Lips quiver as she writes, describing being tossed to the floor followed the the growing fear because she knows what he was going to do with her next. Then she recounts that she called out for Nick to save her but was asked by the Guard Leader why he would ever help her. She writes on how she shakily said it was because she was Nicks daughter, but the Guard Leader smacked her with the other reasons on why Nick is bothering to care about her- which made her angry enough to try and hit him)
Lucille: *doing some programming practice on her pipboy*
Gardio: *reading a book he borrowed from the guest room. Because of last night, he feels the need to stay by his little girl's side right now*
Ma: (Comes up the stairs to the attic and knocks on the wall) “Yoo-hoo?” (Smiles warmly at the two) “Lucille? I wanted to ask if you’d like me to run a bath downstairs for you?”
Lucille: *confused* I'm not that dirty, am I...?
Gardio: *looks over at her* Remember, you can take baths for other reasons, Lucille.
Lucille: *raises an eyebrow*
Ma: (Approaches with a gentle smile, stopping at the side of the bed) “It’s good for your mental health as much as your physical health to stay clean, love. And soaking in a nice warm bath with epsom salt can do wonders with relaxing your muscles to help relieve pent up tension.” (Tenderly strokes Lucille’s hair, still so frightfully worried about her as if the young woman was her own daughter)
Lucille: *freezes at the tender touch, glancing up at the older woman. Slightly tears up at the kindness she's being shown. Quietly as she looks back down at her pipboy* Okay.…
Ma: (Smiles even brighter down at Lucille, smoothing out her hair as she leans down to kiss her forehead) “You deserve to pamper yourself every once in awhile. I’ll go run the water for you and gather some soothing supplies. We have some crutches for you to use to keep you off your ankle or your father can help you down the stairs.” (Nods at Gardio) “Also my dear, you think you’ll need assistance in the bathroom? I can wash your hair for you, give ya a little salon scalp treatment and wash.” (Not bringing up the fact that leaving Lucille alone wouldn’t be a good idea considering last night)
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torukamacktoyu · 1 year
Headcanons for the Recoms
Quaritch and Wainfleet
Zdinarsik & Walker • Ja & Lopez • Brown & Prager
Name: Miles Quaritch 
His ears were cropped without anyone asking for his consent, as the higher ups thought the look would help send the right message. Wanted to dock his tail as well, but were stopped by the heads of the avatar program, as that would definitely impact more than his looks.
Named his Ikran Cupcake(f)
Technologically Illiterate, just horrible with tech. If he hasn't done it at least 100 times before he’s lost. (had to ask Lyle to “get me some audio on this” unmute the video on a tablet) 
Communicates very physically with the people he's comfortable with. Not idly tactile, but touches his people pretty often when he's trying to communicate with them.
Shoulders, arms, and upper back are common touchstones while he's talking. He also tends to clasp the nape of the neck when comforting or guiding. He's more likely to tap his Squad's side to let them know he's there, than to say excuse me. 
Doesn't mind idle touching, but unlikely to initiate it. If one of his Squad leans against him he won't push them off.
Does Not like being touched when he's frustrated, having people hands on him when he's trying to calm down just winds him up more. 
Name: Lyle Wainfleet 
Likes and Respects Quaritch, enjoys supporting him and helping him get what he needs (aka likes making him happy).
Is the closest to Quaritch of the Squad, as Miles and he were shipped in at the same time.
They're both fluent in each other's body language, tells, tics, and habits. He and Qauritch honestly tend to act like a married couple without either acknowledging or realising it.
Named his Ikran Turbo(m)
Turbo is the friendliest of the Ikrans and perhaps the dumbest, Turbo does not know the meaning of personal space.
As Lyle was a regular guard and escort of the Avatars, he initially knows the most about maintaining a Na’vi body of the Squad other than Ja.
A giggly drunk.
Likes watching old cartoons (tom & jerry, looney toons, etc).
Gets really cold when sleeping or sleepy. Category 5 blanket hog and a blanket thief if another's blanket drifts too close. Would honestly just prefer to cuddle w/ Quaritch someone.
(Miles actually thinks Lyle's little blanket burritos look cozy and finds Lyle's nesting habit to be cute. He'll quietly add extra blankets to Lyle's hoard while he's sleeping.)
Is a bug/mosquito magnet. No amount of repellent deters them.
Cannot Sing, completely tone deaf.
Has Zero body shame, regularly walks from the showers to his bunk with everything hanging out, often whilst towelling dry other parts of his body.
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smutlord-supreme · 2 years
König NSFW Headcannons
Minors and my roomate DNI
I'm asexual so be nice to me
Cw: It's just Sexual headcannons nothing too surprising. Aimed at gender neutrality which I think I succeeded in. Let me know if there's anything I should add here though.
-Low sex drive because he takes SSRIs (Steraline specifically), but compensates with high stamina.
-There are not alot of comfortable positions for him so it takes alot of experimentation to get it right. Cowgirl is a classic, alot less stress about hurting his partner.
-Doesnt mind bottoming
-8.5 inches (20 cm) long and just under 5 inches (15 cm) around.
-Hes circumcised, too much religion in his family not to be.
-#c96351 head #cc7b56 shaft
-It curves to the left a little
-He has a total sleeper build
-Too embarrassed to be super experimental in the bedroom on his own but can be easily convinced as long as his partner wants to.
-Toys grew on him really fast, as he doesn't always have the drive to keep up with his partner but still wants to be involved in their pleasure
-Most aroused early in the mornings. In the evenings he prefers to sleep.
-Hates shower sex but loves fucking his partner right before their shower
-Loves using counters to help him get leverage, kitchen sex is not unusual
-Loves kisses and hickies, but is very careful not to leave them anywhere that shows because he gets embarrassed.
-Surprisingly quiet during the deed.
-whispers dirty talk into his partners ear
-Leans more towards degrading but not to the point of cruelty.
-Avid condom user, but sometimes...
-Jas a large collection of different brands of lube
-Loves cracking jokes before and after to lighten the mood
-Grabs onto hips until they bruise, then kisses the bruises afterwards
-Not the biggest fan of face sitting but will eat his partner out if theyre laying down
-A thigh man
-Doesn't play music because he thinks it's too overwhelming
-Loves to sleep with his partner partially on his chest, compares it to a weighted blanket
-Not really into public sex, he draws too much attention for that.
-If he or his partner do get horny outside he will leave with them immediately to go home or rent the nearest hotel room available for a 'mini-vacation'
-He's really into cockwarming, escpecially while he's doing paperwork or watching a movie.
-Also really into removing clothes. Likes it when his partner wears layers so he can really take his time. Dirty talking the whole way.
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anyalovesu · 3 months
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༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆.✧˚ seven ༘˚⋆𐙚。⋆.✧˚
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“Hi, pretty,” Jas had to stop herself from physically cringing at the name that just slipped out of Amina Park’s lips. It still baffles her that this woman, despite how many people would describe her as the scariest woman alive, is also the kindest person that she has ever met (aside from her mom, she would be jealous). It would be a crime to physically cringe in front of her—even if it was because of his own son’s doings. “How’s your vacation in New York, so far?”
Jas smiled at her. Terrible, She wanted to say. She has already been in New York for 5 days and she hasn’t written anything that didn’t allude to Tobi hurting her and it was beginning to frustrate her. She has writing credits for almost all of Midnight Covey’s most romantic songs. For god’s sake she’s written songs about two weddings at this point—and now she can’t write anything that doesn’t say “Midnight Covey’s lead guitarist just fucked me over and I hate it” all over it. 
“Good,” she resorted to lying. “I’ve been writing songs with a friend po. So I’ve been trying to be as productive while I’m still here.”
“Well, New York does have the feel to it, no?” she smiled, looking down on the city lights below the high rise restaurant of the business connoisseur’s choice. “It’s a little chaotic though. But it’s fun naman, right?”
“It is,” Jas replied shortly, fighting the urge to move to try and shake away the awkward tension between the both of them. It seemed like Amina Park knew something that she didn’t and she was itching to ask but it was too embarrassing to ask for the elephant in the room to be addressed. 
“You did very well in the Aurora Festival, I heard. Bianca has been talking about your performance non-stop. At this point I won’t be too surprised if she tells us she wants to pursue music one of these days. She can sing very well pa naman,” Amina Park chuckles. “That kid adores you very much.”
Jas didn’t know how to respond to that. Thank you? Mas talented po ang mga anak n’yo? Every response she had in her head sounded wrong so she chose to do what she has been doing since dinner began—just smile.
God, it seemed like Amina Park was waiting for her to open the topic up. Even though she wanted to, she would very much rather throw herself off the deck and fall 101 stories down to the busy streets of NYC. She had fallen for her son embarrassingly hard and the fact that the moment his ex girlfriend—probably the only one everyone knew of—showed up, he didn’t seem to give a flying fuck about her anymore. Falling 101 stories down to the busy streets of NYC would’ve probably hurt less because she would be dead on impact. But falling in love with Tobias Park was the one she’s unfortunately experienced, something that she needs to endure for as long as it’s there.
And sitting here with his mom only adds up on the pain that she already has to endure.
“My other kid adores you too,” she finally blurts out. “He looks so much like his dad it’s almost disgusting to see him look at you with heart eyes when we had dinner a few weeks ago. I felt like I was looking at the younger Alonzo flirting with another woman.”
“He didn’t seem to be that way when Kashiana came back,” she sighed, avoiding the older woman’s gaze.
“I would have to apologize for not teaching my son to be sensitive enough,” she hummed. “I wasn’t around them most of the time. They practically raised Bianca for me, which is embarrassing to admit. I’m slowly trying to make it up to them, though.”
“It’s really not your fault, Ma’am,”
“Jas, it’s Tita,” she chuckled. “C’mon it’s not that hard to call me Tita. Hindi naman kita empleyado.”
“Hindi n’yo naman po kasalanan ‘yon, Tita,” Jas repeats herself, trying not to make it seem obvious that she wanted the ground to open and swallow her whole. 
“Oh believe me, pretty,” she smiled upon hearing her say it. “I’ve been absent for more times than not to be responsible for that.”
“But that’s not the point I’m trying to make,” she sighed. “I’m not going to apologize for what he did, but I do take accountability on why he is like that. Even so, alam n’ya ang tama at mali. He did what he did, and he’ll have to face the consequences of his actions. But Tobi is one of the most strong-willed people I know and when you get back, I hope you give him a chance to apologize and better himself.”
“We’re just friends naman po,” Jas replied, feeling her chest squeeze upon saying it. Damn. It still stung to say it, despite how much Amina Park tried to explain that Tobi felt remorse for what he did. “He doesn’t have to do all that.”
“Louis is in love with you, Jas,” Amina Park blurts out, finally. “He texted me a few days ago asking for help. He said he was in love with you. And this is as much help that I could give him. Now, pretty, tell me, are you in love with Louis?”
She could feel tears beginning to trickle in her eyes as she looked down on her almost empty glass of wine that she has been swirling around for a while now. God. It’s so embarrassing to cry in front of Amina Park right now. Get it together, Jas. 
“Jacynthe?” Amina calls softly as she reaches for her hand. “It’s okay if you aren’t.”
“The problem is I am,” she responds quickly, voice breaking as she looks up to Amina Park, embarrassingly. 
Fuck it. She is in love with Tobi and he is such an asshole. The fact that she allowed this set up for so long to te point that she hates herself for liking him in the first place when she should’ve just stayed exactly where she was. She hates that she enjoyed toeing the line too much to the point that she did end up falling. Hard.
“Why do you think it’s a problem, pretty?” Amina Park asked, concerned as she squeezed her hand. 
“Tobi is never going to love me half as much as I do,” she sighed honestly. “And I don’t know how to see life in the same light ever again without your son. It’s cliche and sick and twisted that I rely on your son so much for love that he can’t give.” Jacynthe was just word vomiting at this point, confessing her deep (and also disgusting but also undying) affection to somebody’s mom.
Amina Park on the other hand, has a huge grin on her face, as if proud of herself that she is finally seeing progress between her son and her prospective daughter-in-law. 
“It’s okay to cry,” she coos, handing her a piece of paper tissue to wipe her tears that she somehow managed to not fall and drip on her very expensive glass of red wine. “I cried too when I first admitted that I was in love with Alonzo too. And I used to hate that man with every fiber of my being.”
“I hope you two figure it out once you’re back in QC,” she squeezed her hand one more time as Jas nodded. “I will surely give him an earful for hurting you and going out with the senator’s daughter. You can count on me with that.”
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( continue here : power rangers gc )
( continue here : twts )
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°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ main post °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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rosietrace · 10 months
May I have a uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ∅ with Yuuta and either Melanie, Regina, Mori or Petva please and thank you!!
I shall be doing your goofiest goober, Melanie 😈😈😈😈
Sumeragi Yuuta — Thoughts on Melanie Charment
Character Featured: Sumeragi Yuuta
Mentioned: Melanie Charment, ‘her’ (@windbornearchon iykyk /hj)
Warning(s): Slight spoilers to Yuuta's backstory, Yuuta and Melanie aren't that close 💀 , Yuuta can be his own warning ngl, potentially ooc
[ Apologies for any out of character moments ]
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“Who…? Oh- OH, Melanie! Yeah, I know her… To some degree. We live in the same dormitory, but we don't talk much. Frankly, I'd prefer it to stay that way. She's endearing, but not someone I'd hang out with. And, uh… She kinda reminds me of… Hm? Oh, you didn't hear anything, trust me.”
— Sumeragi Yuuta
Non-verbal Thoughts
「 General Thoughts 」
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ Yuuta doesn't know what to think of Melanie. She's endearing and all, but there are too many things for Yuuta to do to really get to know her.
➜ Not only is Yuuta also a Ramshackle prefect, but he also tends to be swamped with more work than Melanie. That technically counts as a contribution as to why they aren't that close 😭 (at least at first)
➜ Melanie probably thinks Yuuta is attractive, and really, she isn't wrong. I like to think she does her best to get closer to Yuuta, but his constant errands hold him back from reciprocating her advances.
➜ The few times where they do interact are when Yuuta's not given any errands from Crowley… Which is rare beyond belief. Melanie tries to make the most of their short-lived interactions, in an attempt to strengthen bonds between her and Yuuta.
↳ Louise doesn't really think it's worth it, unfortunately. Alas, they'll still support her decision if it makes her happy.
➜ They could bond over gardening! Pretty sure Melanie would be surprised by Yuuta's love of the hobby and do her best to get on his good side if they ever garden together!
↳ She learned the hard way that you should never interrupt Yuuta's gardening hours in the Botanical garden 😭😭 poor girl
➜ They look like the type of duo to have lunch together, but don't talk to each other ☠️ Melanie could try and engage in a conversation, but Yuuta's too busy counting his paychecks to notice /j
➜ In Louise's opinion, they don't think it's all that worth it to try and befriend Yuuta. Hell, Yuuta didn't even know Louise existed and tried to shoot them with the Midas Roscoes ☠️☠️
↳ That fact probably contributes to Louise's reasons for disliking Yuuta /j
➜ With how little they interact…. Yuuta has the habit of forgetting who Melanie is whenever someone mentions her 💀
↳ Add this to one of the reasons Louise doesn't like him /j /j
「 Interactions 」
❐ Well…. They met through being sorted into Ramshackle, obviously. Although, I like to think that Yuuta was there for longer than she was, and didn't really bother to show her the ropes 💀💀
➜ No joke, he thought he was high when he found out Melanie was royalty, let alone a queen! Like- HELLO;?:!?:!’
➜ Bro was flabbergasted. Even more so when he found out Melanie had an animal sidekick like every other Disney princess he's ever heard of 😭
➜ If they (somehow) get closer in their friendship, Yuuta does his best to defend Melanie in the only way he can. Making threats. With the roscoes. And his influence on Crowley.
↳ I'm not even joking, Yuuta's got Crowley and his wallet wrapped around his finger that he could get away with threatening students with his guns- No one knows why, though! Odd, don't you think?
➜ Outside of the fact that he has an unnatural amount of errands to run, Yuuta also has another reason for not interacting with Melanie all that much. And it all has to do with a certain girl he knew in his childhood.
↳ Pssst, Jas…. Iykyk /j /j
➜ Some bits of Melanie's personality remind him of the girl he knew, way back when. So much so that Yuuta just… Avoids talking to Melanie altogether.
➜ That changed over time, of course. Yuuta learned that Melanie was absolutely nothing like his childhood best friend, and learned to accept that. It was hard to accept, but at least he wasn't projecting his trauma onto Melanie.
➜ Pretty much an older brother figure for everyone in Ramshackle who's younger than him. With how short Melanie is, he tends to use her head as an armrest /hj
➜ He refuses to let her use his guns. No. Absolutely not. They're his and his alone, and he could only trust one person in his life with them.
➜ As mentioned before, they both could bond over their love of gardening! Let's be real, Melanie must've been a little surprised to hear Yuuta being a gardener, of all things.
➜ Mockery begone! No one's mocking this girl, not on Yuuta's watch. If anyone does, they should expect a gold gun pointed below their chin.
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Hey, I just saw your Ryan and min adopt baby hazel au. I just gotta say is SO cute to make one day! My question to this is....how did Ryan and Min adopt hazel. I'm just curious to know. :3
I'm glad you like it, but its not really a fleshed out AU yet, it's more like little cute ideas I think of randomly. The one thing I am certain of is that Ryan and Min still make music and travel,it's just that they visit home more often. Mainly for holidays but sometimes to just chill at their parents place for a week or two. At the start of the AU they're both pretty new to it so Min-Gi's parents and Ryan's sister help a lot.
Min's parents are pretty nervous at first, they're still getting used to him not following the life path they expected him too, but once they see how clearly dedicated he is and how serious he takes being a father they back him up 100%. They're the type of parents to start suggesting those life plans that are supposed to add money to their kid's bank account as they get older and say they should play classical music for her so she's grows up to be just as smart as he is (Their exact words). They smother her just as much as they did with Ryan and Min,Jeong-ja especially. She brags to her friends that she's the first one to have a granddaughter who's learning so fast and takes as many pictures as she can so she can make sure she's there for EVERY big milestone
Ryan's parents are a little less involved, not because they don't want to be but Ryan is just kind of hesitant to go back to his old home and see them. He felt neglected by them as a kid and he's scared Hazel is gonna get lost in the mix of having so many people in the house. But his mother Yuki is trying to get better. Sometimes she struggles since she's not used to focusing on one kid at once but Hazel likes her. Yuki's awkward quiet is a nice break from all the fussing from everyone else so she ends up falling asleep in her arms a lot. Ryan's dad is actually pretty chill, Ryan doesn't really see it but they're a lot alike so Hazel almost instantly clings to him. His little brothers - Michael and David - are in middle school at this point so they don't really deal with her much. Marie - one of his sisters- says they should get babysitting duty eventually but after David tried to put her bottle in the microwave for 10 minutes instead of 1 it was a hard no
Now Joyce and Marie are the ones who are the second most involved in their families. Marie is the more ''mature'' one, at least she thinks so,she tries to be more practical with Hazel. When Ryan and Min aren't home she's in charge of things like bottles and baths,but she's also the aunt that gets their niece fancy baby clothes that they out grow in like a week. She says she doesn't want her niece to be a fashion disaster like Ryan (Her exact words) so she goes all out,not that Hazel notices. She also tries to get Hazel to say 'auntie' as her first word but she's competing with her sister for that
Joyce is basically the responsible but fun aunt,or she tries to be. She doesn't want to admit it but sometimes she does try to compete with Marie as best aunt, its a sister thing. When she's not doing that she's pretty cool, playing with her and taking her places like the park or the beach. She lets her do more ''risky'' things,which really just means playing anywhere where her clothes might get dirty or she might end up with her tripping over herself. Joyce doesn't let her get seriously hurt though,she just doesn't wanna hold Hazel back from exploring. Most of the time when they can't go out she just talks to her. Sometimes Ryan ends up walking in on Hazel just babbling baby talk and Joyce nodding along and listening like they're in a serious debate. It actually helps her learn how to talk faster than other kids, something Joyce brags about whenever she can
I might make another post talking about the actual dynamic between Ryan,Min and Hazel later on when I do come up with something but lemme know what you think so far
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licncourt · 2 years
This might sound stupid, but as someone who watched the episode in what I could only extrapolate was a early morning no sleep haze, what was your feelings on the episode as whole days after?
Sorry if that is overly familiar, your post about it just made me laugh. 
Ahfsjhfklj by all means, be overly familiar in my inbox!! We are besties having a sleepover! I think I'll start tagging my episode thoughts as "#flora reviews".
Here are my (spoilery!) takes on ep 1 in no particular order, sober, rested, and having watched it a second time now:
I LOVE that they seem to going the route of bi Lestat and gay Louis. That's always how I've read them and definitely the storyline that rings most true for me in regards to Louis. I'm so thrilled to see that on screen. Anyone who's followed me for a while knows how much gay Louis means to me
I'm sorry but I like this Daniel. He's very different from the book, but I think this is a fun take on the character. I always enjoy Louis getting called on his bullshit. (AGAIN, this is an adaptation, not gospel. I'm reviewing this as a singular interpretation of the story, NOT a replacement for established canon).
That first kiss was MAGNIFICENT. It really blew me away more than I even anticipated. I love that Louis was the one to initiate the kiss (especially after starting to lose control earlier and reining it back in). I think JA did a great job of showing Louis' repression and then the unsettling beauty of that resolve finally snapping
Overall loved cinematography of the levitating scene!! It was beautiful and a perfect blend of bloodlust with erotic lust. (And SR has that white boy dump truck. Good for him)
I'm VERY sad that Lily died! I liked her character and Louis needs friends :(((
Sam Reid REALLY captured the Lestat that I wanted to see. He's so earnest and charming and almost boyish, but there's an intensity to him that wavers back and forth between sinister and passionate
The emotion JA showed when describing his turning to Daniel really got me. I love that breach of emotion through his very jaded apathy
When I read the script leaks months ago, I was unsure about the scene of Paul's death. It seemed very abrupt and anti-climatic, but after seeing it on screen and talking with friends, I'm coming around to it. The fact that they DIDN'T argue beforehand is a different kind of tragedy, making Louis live with the guilt of wondering where he went wrong or if he could've done more rather than the book where he wonders if he caused it.
"French white" was very funny, it's exactly the kind of inane Louis hypocrisy I love
On the other hand, "ass before absolution" was Too Much. Louis would never
I also found the thing about the opera to be a bit strange character-wise, but that's pretty inconsequential, as are most of my little Louis stan nitpicks. That's not the focus here so I digress
I think JA did a great job with hitting the emotional beats of the high-emotion scenes, especially the confession. I'm happy to see this side of Louis on screen, the one that beats up and murders priests and gets in drunken brawls and is so angry at the world. I'm looking forward to seeing more of his softer side too as we progress
I've always headcanoned Louis and his sister being very close, and I liked that the show went that direction!
SR nailed those heart eyes!! I can totall6 see why he was able to seduce someone as lonely and repressed and sorrowful as Louis with that kind of obvious devotion
The turning scene was a delight to watch!! It was so incredibly passionate and really showed their desperation, the ways it's the same and the ways that it's different. It was beautifully done and I loved the nods to the movie (which I am still a big fan of)
If I think of more to say later, I'll reblog with add-ons!!
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