#mostly i just like the music
purble-gaymer · 8 months
i frogor you were also into phantom of the opera. wait you have a. phrathrom og the ophjjera kirby au. wait why is this perfect. like. ok dedede is not an ideal fit here but for something relatively old i am cryin in the club rn this is brilliant.
i meant to make more with that au but never really did. mainly i just wanted to draw him in his cool red death outfit or whatever from the masquerade but i couldn’t get a sketch i liked. we also played with the idea of a jekyll & hyde au since mk/dmk is so obvious. i kinda dropped it after a while since i didn’t know who i wanted lanyon to be. like galacta would be a good fit for “worried friend” but also he, jekyll, and utterson are all gay for each other or something and as you may know metagala is the opposite of my thing. anyway meta knight is a very easy character to put into gothic aus
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sonknuxadow · 4 months
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 1 month
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Thinking bout Kid Icarus... man I miss this game
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heres the sketch for this, normally i don't post sketches but i like the vibes of this one so ill show it off, especially cuz i accidentally changed the color scheme for the final version oops
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columboscreens · 1 year
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thekidsarentalright · 9 months
so fobcore to be up for two awards they deserve to win, lose both of them, not even show up to the awards show But dress up in silly outfits for their prerecorded performance. would expect nothing less from the band of all time tbh
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originalartblog · 1 year
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Good morning~
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poorslaindoll · 1 year
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So I heard we were redesigning the Scooby gang for funsies. And character design is my passion so… Have this college au!
I honestly think that Velma would be the only one who’s actually a criminal justice major or going to school for a similar field, but I also think she’d minor in like robotics or something. She’s got a full scholarship bc she’s like a super genius or something.
Daphne is a fashion design major but dabbles in a few other things when she isn’t doing mystery stuff with the gang. I’ve always seen her as a jack of all trades type who can pick up skills p easily tbh. She’s just girlboss like that. Also the fact that Shaggy wears socks and sandals drives her nuts.
Fred is a theater kid and if you think otherwise you’re wrong. Idk much about theater majors but I think he’d focus more on the technical side of things, but he’s still a pretty good actor.
Shaggy just seems like they’d be the type to be a culinary arts major bc y’know… food. He’s also on the college track team bc that also makes sense to me. And Scooby is their emotional support dog. Anxiety service dog??? (I’m not all that familiar with the terms and what is considered like a service animal or not so I’m so sorry if that’s not correct.) Also baggy clothes to hold all the snacks.
I imagine that the gang is still solving little mysteries while in school since chaotic stuff just gravitates to them via the power of being main characters, but I also think it would be fun to have like an overarching mystery as well. And I think it would include the gang noticing that despite the normal lifespan of a dog, Scooby doesn’t seem to be getting any older…
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thepringlesofblood · 7 months
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feel free to add more, I just think it's funny that there's at least 3 musicals that have a 'high school is extremely bad' song and in 2 of them multiple teenagers die and in all 3 multiple teenagers get grievously injured. like they weren't kidding that high school really do hell.
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nothingbizzare · 18 days
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The rock star !!
Ones again pre-mob Teru band au
Another version :
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gelphiegifs · 4 months
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Gelphie Femslash February Day 15: Favorite Gelphie Scene
At this point in the story Glinda has spent years cultivating this public persona of Glinda the Good, despite missing Elphaba terribly she doesn't let those feelings get in the way of how she's trying to live her life. We know Glinda is unhappy as hell but she's still willing to put herself in the spotlight as this carefully curated figure and has spent a significant amount of time and effort doing so.
And yet the second she sees Elphaba again, all of that crumbles.
The Wizard is there! The man who could order her imprisonment if he wanted to is right there and Glinda knows this and she does. not. care.
Glinda didn't even know if Elphaba was alive, she's been dealing with these rumors about her for YEARS and she's so incredibly relieved to see her again she just has to hug her and she throws caution out the window to do so. (And this is GLINDA we're talking about. Her whole character relies on NEVER throwing caution out the window---except when Elphaba is involved. Elphaba is the only reason Glinda ever goes against the status quo but that's a whole other post.)
The scene plays a little differently with each performer, of course, but I love when Elphaba is portrayed as an active participant instead of just waiting for Glinda to approach.
Elphaba absolutely knows she's in danger, and yet she reaches towards Glinda and even shakes her arm a little impatiently while Glinda is frozen (sometimes Elphaba even walks up to her, too.) She's in danger and she doesn't care at all, she wants to allow herself this moment of reunion. Even while she's behind enemy lines. Because this is Glinda!! This is her Glinda who is right there!!
I could go on and on and on about this tbh but it's so precious how they haven't seen each other in years and they're on opposite sides and they're in this very dangerous place and through all the shock and disbelief of seeing each other again they still hold each other even for a moment.
Then it's back to business. "Only you shouldn't have come, if anyone discoverates you---" because Glinda is Glinda after all and there is work to do, but for a few seconds nothing but Elphaba mattered. It was like they were alone in that room.
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hooved · 3 days
realizing i don't need to have smart shit to say about music is so freeing. i can just like all the music i like and i don't have to try to explain why it's good. it just sounds good to me. my level of eloquence or technical knowledge on the subject doesn't matter because music is for everyone and not just people who can go on for hours about the composition of a specific piece. i don't know what a 13/8 time signature is dude. it just sounds good
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
non-exhaustive list of canon powers Nico di Angelo either has shown or is heavily implied to have:
Manipulation of shadows/darkness (also possibly use of shadows as a pocket-dimension a la Magicians using the Duat in The Kane Chronicles)
Becoming intangible/shadows
Complete control over skeletons/bones (dead or alive, including summoning, reanimation, and/or changing shape of them) and being able to sense their presence
Summoning, reanimating, commanding, and dispelling the dead/undead (Skeletons, zombies, ghosts, etc & varieties) and being able to sense their presence
Ability to understand/communicate with the dead/undead and potentially other beings of the Underworld
Inherent complete comprehension of Latin
Ability to perceive the usually unperceivable/possibly look upon a deity’s true form without repercussion (at least moreso than the average demigod, though possibly is restricted to chthonic beings) (ex: Tartarus, potentially also interacting with his parents, etc)
Interacting tangibly with ghosts (implied to be a Ghost King thing rather than a Hades/Pluto thing)
Partial or complete immunity to different effects of the Underworld/things within (can consume food/drink of or in the Underworld without repercussions, effects from the Lethe wear off over time instead of being permanent like usual for mortals, etc)
Astral projection/”Walking in dreams”
Dream manipulation and projection (Sending dreams to others, etc.) (presumably includes sharing/projecting dreams with others) alongside inflicting sleep upon others even from a distance.
Manipulation of emotions/aura that inflicts specific emotions on others (ex.: radiating fear/death onto enemies)
Projection of emotions and memories onto others (can be so forceful it causes physical damage like a shockwave)
Geokinesis (all forms but also specifically generating black marble) (presumably also specialized control over precious gemstones & non-paper currency)
Temperature manipulation (seemingly only lowering temperature)/creating frost)
Control/manipulation of souls, including living beings (ex: ripping out Bryce Lawrence’s soul)
Perceiving/reading/judging of souls (most likely also a Ghost King thing over Hades/Pluto thing, but possibly both)
Converting living into dead/undead, aka instakill (ex: disintegrating monsters to bone with one touch)
Lowering or manipulation of own vitals (breathing, heart rate, etc)
Death Trance/pseudo-hibernation (possibly also general control over states of consciousness at least for self, in combo with control over vitals & dreams)
Sensing death (impending or when it occurs, sometimes receiving dreams/visions of it occurring)
Able to sense other children of Hades/Pluto (potentially also other chthonic beings in general/able to identify based on sense alone) and also just living beings in general, such as mortals (possibly via souls).
Improved navigation underground/in the Underworld and ability to traverse restricted or normally unnavigable parts of the Underworld
Enhanced strength/abilities when in the Underworld
Inherently unnaturally quiet (possibly able to silence sound on a designated target)
Hiding/shielding self from being perceived (seemingly related to shadows/silence)
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If you thought Swifties were unbearable before, I'm so sorry cause they are superbowl champions now. No one's gonna shut up about it
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
I'm Just Neutral About Taylor Swift
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dootznbootz · 2 months
I think it's kind of funny that people have an Epic!Odysseus design and then they have an Odyssey!Odysseus design because to me, Epic!Odysseus is just Jay.
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bleaksqueak · 23 days
Did you know that Procreate doesn't have a lot of the standard filter/effects tools that Photoshop and Clip Studio have? For the most part I'm A-OK fine living without those, but the one that boggles my mind is that Procreate doesn't have a stroke feature. I bring this up because I use stroke a lot for subtle things, and I use it a lot for graphic things (like comic binding boxes, lettering, etc.)... and, for the current illustration, I used it for almost the entire background. So do you want to know the stupid way to simulate the stroke effect in Procreate? SURE YOU DO. You have to duplicate the item, or lines, you want to have a stroke effect on... You then move it below your object/lines, gausian blur the duplicate beneath to 2 - 3%, then keep duplicating that blurred copy and merging it with itself until the extra selection of pixels created by the blur are, once more, solid. It's a lot of duplicating and merging. PROCREATE, PLEASE, THIS IS YOUR ONLY TRUE FLAW. Please add a stroke tool my family is starving.
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