#mostly tagging so antis can filter out
goldenlyrad · 9 months
Arrrrg I miss Harry and all my friends so much I'm just so lonely without them
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Image id: flaming red text that reads: OP IS A RADQUEER
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spaceysoupy · 2 years
trace people literally have never tried to speak over cis poc people or invade poc spaces like we can tell you've never encountered a trace person
How about you just fuck off huh how about that?
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elfwreck · 5 months
I have a friend who isn't anti-porn but it makes her sad that fanfic has a reputation for being porny and usually not very good. I'm fine with both those things and my views mostly align with that of AO3. I disagree with the idea that porn and badness are treated as equivalent, but for most people that's just how they think. But I was wondering if youve ever written something about this?
There is a lot of smut at AO3.
There is a lot of bad writing at AO3.
There's a lot of badly written smut at AO3.
...None of those are problems except for the people who think there is something wrong with those existing, or that there needs to be some external value that "balances" those that make those acceptable to exist as unwanted side-effects of "the good stuff."
The badly-written smut is also "the good stuff."
It's part of the reason AO3 exists. It's not intended to be an archive for "the high-quality fanfic that could be published if it weren't about characters that someone else wrote first"; it's an archive for "what fanfic writers want to write." That makes the terrible writing and the tacky porn and the badly-written tacky porn part of the reason the archive exists.
Tangent 1 (I'll connect these points later): Theodore Sturgeon said "90% of everything is crud." He was more-or-less referring to the science fiction field in the 50s, but it definitely extended to politics, business, and writing outside of science fiction.
...He was talking about published books in the 50s. Turns out, a lot more than 90% of writing is crud when there aren't any gatekeepers between it and the readers. But also:
Tangent 2, from the book "Art and Fear":
[A] ceramics teacher announced on opening day that he was dividing the class into two groups. All those on the left side of the studio, he said, would be graded solely on the quantity of work they produced, all those on the right solely on its quality. His procedure was simple: on the final day of class he would bring in his bathroom scales and weigh the work of the “quantity” group: fifty pound of pots rated an “A”, forty pounds a “B”, and so on. Those being graded on “quality”, however, needed to produce only one pot — albeit a perfect one — to get an “A”. Well, came grading time and a curious fact emerged: the works of highest quality were all produced by the group being graded for quantity. It seems that while the “quantity” group was busily churning out piles of work – and learning from their mistakes — the “quality” group had sat theorizing about perfection, and in the end had little more to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay.
You don't get to "quality writing" without going through a lot of crappy writing.
That doesn't mean the crappy writing is garbage to be thrown out. If you make 50 pots or bowls or vases, and only one of them is The Good One... most of the rest are okay. Maybe not sale-quality good, but your-kitchen-table quality good. Maybe some aren't that good and are kids-toy-in-the-sandbox level good.
Bad writing has a purpose for the writer: they can use it as practice to get better. It has a purpose for the reader: It can serve as inspiration ("I can do better than that") or grammatical instruction ("that...does not work; why doesn't that work?") or just as entertainment ("eh, so it's missing a few commas; I can still understand it").
Smut and porn writing works the same way. It's of some value to the writer, and some to the readers.
It's not of value to everyone. That's what tags and filters are for, and why there's a summary and list of stats (like word counts)--so you can figure out if you're one of the readers for whom this piece of writing is useful or interesting.
But AO3, like any library, is not there to take the top 5% of Excellent Writing and provide it a showcase. It is absolutely for all 50 lbs of pots.
If your friend wants to read the good stuff, there are rec lists and collections to help her find it.
If she already manages that, and is just annoyed at how much of the not-good stuff (however she defines that) exists... she's picked the wrong battle. She's arguing with the ocean that it has too many kinds of fish and some are poisonous a lot of them are ugly.
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(🖋 so i can keep an eye out)
AITA for reporting fanfic on tumblr for sexual content when its untagged/not under a readmore?
I'm mostly asking this because I'm curious, and full disclaimer I am not anti- or pro-ship, I don't subscribe to shipping discourse at all, as long as it's tagged and warned correctly, go nuts show nuts.
I have a pet peeve about fanfic authors posting their 'x reader' fanfictions in main tags (I follow quite a few main tags). If the fanfic is properly tagged, it has warnings on the introduction regarding the content, and the main body of the fic is under a readmore, I don't touch it. It's easy to scroll by, it doesn't hurt anyone, I don't care. Obviously, there isn't a universal 'x reader' tag, or they would all be blocked by my tumblr filters automatically.
But when a write posts their fic with graphic sexual content, doesn't add the community warnings FOR sexual/mature content, and doesn't put it under a readmore, filling main tags with graphic sexual descriptions, I report that post for sexual content. I used to try sending anonymous asks to the writers, asking politely for them to use readmores or to at least use the community warning tags, but more often than not I've either been ignored or they replied rudely like "I don't think I should have to do that." More often than not, these writers have 'Minors DNI' in their bios too, but they're not actually tagging their fics so that minors (or anyone else who doesn't want to see that) don't see them when they go into main fandom tags. I think that when posting anything, it's important to tag it properly so that the people who don't want to see it aren't subjected to it. I've also blocked a load of these accounts because their fics were flooding my followed tags dashboard, but at some point I don't think that I should have to. I think that they should be marking their works properly.
So, to tumblr as a whole, am I the asshole for reporting explicit, untagged fanfiction for sexual content?
What are these acronyms?
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transmascpetewentz · 6 months
Welcome to my blog! 🤍💙🤍
Hello everyone, I'm sure you already know me, but for the new people: I'm Lou, I'm a bigender (in a jewish sense) fem gay trans man, I'm white/slavic, and I'm converting to Judaism. There isn't really a theme to my blog, I just find sideblogs too hard to keep track of so I keep everything in one spot. Politics, my personal life, and fandom will be posted here all as one stream of consciousness.
Here's my old pinned post if you ever need it, though the information on there may be outdated and probably doesn't reflect my current views if I've said something contradictory more recently. You can find my tagging/filtering system, general content warnings, and more about me under the cut.
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To all the lurkers on my page, kiss the meowzuzah on your way in!
(all credit goes to @the-catboy-minyan)
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Longer About Me
I'm converting to Judaism. Currently, I'm working on observing Shabbat and beginning more serious Torah study. We'll see where this goes; I would say that the journey > the destination, if the destination wasn't so good. You'll see me shitposting about this a lot, because it's something that's important to me and my brain likes to make up jokes about everything I think about for a prolonged period of time.
I'm also learning Hebrew. Currently, it isn't very good, but I can hold a basic conversation using some Google translate for individual words. I had to re-learn nikud because of reading the Siddur and Tanakh. I'm not very commentary-literate, though I've attempted to get into reading some for the Torah. Also, I keep mostly kosher!
Tag Filtering
So, I'm not very good at tagging, but one that I use pretty frequently is #ask to tag and it's a catch-all for anything that you might want to proceed with caution in. I also use #long post and #arguing a lot, for long posts and arguing respectively. Other than that, I'll tag most things about a certain bigotry with #[bigotry], including examples of that bigotry. If you're affected by said bigotry, you can and should filter the tag for your mental health!
I recommend that you filter out certain words entirely instead of just tags if you are triggered by a subject, since I oftentimes forget to tag posts with adequate warning tags. I don't like to tag things a lot, so if you are triggered by things I post about a lot and word filtering doesn't work for you, feel free to unfollow.
Although this is not an ED blog, I have an eating disorder and I post about it under the tag #ed talk. If you are uncomfortable with hearing that kind of discussion, block the tag and don't engage with the posts. If you are the kind of person who thinks people with eating disorders should have to censor themselves online for the comfort of others, do yourself a favor and don't follow me at all.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are you a Zionist?
It depends on how we're defining Zionism. If we're defining Zionism as "support of the modern state of Israel," I am a post-Zionist because the state exists. If we're defining Zionism as "the right of Jews as a native people to live and have self-determination in their native land," (which is also my personal definition), I am a proud Zionist. If Zionism means "support for the murder of innocent Palestinian people," then I am anti-Zionist, but that is a definition that divorces Zionism from its historical context.
Can you reblog my donation post?
Probably not, unless we already know each other. Due to the amount of donation scams that have popped up on tumblr recently, I don't feel safe giving money to random people that ask.
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mohgreal · 5 days
PSA type post for people who use ao3 (mostly meant for people in the elden ring fandom who keep complaining about the fandom incest)
Frist of all, I think I should mention that ao3 is a anti-censorship site and if I remember correctly the creators ship lots of incest and whatnot. The main reason it gets targeted by things like KOSA bill is because it's anti-censorship. This is why you're not supposed to do things like tag petplay with "petp!ay" because 1) this isn't tiktok 2) people who filter it out will see the censored tag
If you really don't like things like incest, rape, abuse, and etc, you have wattpad and fanfiction.net and fictionpress and a bunch of other fan fiction sites right there.
Secondly, you can filter out things on ao3. People don't even know how to use the tagging system. If you want to avoid romance in general, click the "gen" category when searching for a fic.
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Second option, you can choose the tag "No romance" or "No smut" and etc.
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Funny enough it looks like not many people choose this tag because it's almost all of my fanfiction. A certified mohgreal fanfic is one of the first things that pop up.
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So, if people aren't using the tag you can also just filter out tags like rape, smut, abuse, incest or even ships.
Well here's a link to a tutorial:
Note that if you choose this route, it may filter out almost every single subfic (any fic that uses a tag akin to the ones you used) and that you may filter out almost every fic on ao3 ever; Which is why I recommend using a different site for lighter fanfiction.
That's all good luck and godspeed 🫡
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problematicbyler · 7 months
i think people misunderstood me a little with the other ask lol. by saying "this stuff didn't happen in harry potter fandom" i meant no one was judging people for engaging in smut content. not that i know of anyway. i myself have read so many harry x ginny smut that holy water cannot save me lmao
on the byler tag some uers like to offer many creative variations of the word creep to refer to us, some of them being "we watched them grow up" (i can see why this can make some ppl uncomfy and i respect that as long as you don't force your personal opininon as the correct and only one) "these are teenagers you are sexualizing when you're an adult"
those things also apply to harry potter but i never came across anyone trying to cancel people the same way puritan bylers do.
I know what you meant, Nonnie!! We were just responding to the fact that another Byler somewhere in the tag did in fact argue that sexualizing teen characters didn't happen in other fandoms such as HP/PJO/etc when it very clearly did.
Not to be like *shakes fist* kids these days but I do think the anti mindset is a much more recent thing. If I'm correct in my fandom history, it really broke out with Sheith vs Klance in the Voltron days. But it's also just younger folks who don't know how to be in fandom, or folks who are mostly normies delving into Ao3 and then being surprised when the website for "freaks" has freaky shit on it. Or folks who are used to algorithms that put things on their feed instead of them having to curate their own feeds. It doesn't help that Stranger Things is a lot of people's first real fandoms.
IDK, it's a lot of factors, probably. I grew up in the Supernatural fandom where a large portion of fans were Wincest shippers and I learned very early how to filter tags, what ship-and-let-ship was, don't like don't read etc. I don't feel like many in the Byler fandom have really learned those things.
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You’re right, it is rough for us new folks. It’s frustrating trying to navigate when so many people spew hate towards each other.
I’m getting so tired of seeing “If you believe ___, then you have no reading comprehension.” Even from people whose opinions I agree with.
It’s gotten better as I’ve blocked people/filtered tags, but back when I first got here, it was awful.
I'm putting all my opinions under a cut just because it was long, and not because it was triggering
I think, from my perspective, it's two separate things. On the one hand, the obsession with canon, whether people want to admit it or not, stems from this belief that all the shippers they personally hate will HAVE to leave once we get book confirmation.
Which, of course, explains the sizable Azris/Neris community. That's how that works.
It always gets dressed up "well I just want the "bad" shippers to go" without admitting they want EVERYONE to leave, AND that their aggressive behavior only punishes the people who are trying to ship and let ship outside of the bullshit. The people in love with fighting won't leave, they'll simply rebrand into an anti account.
And secondly, this belief that it's SooOOOOoOOOOooOOOooo obvious what the next book is about from an author who retcons her own world building book to book and has done so since the inception of this series. Which like, to some degree, is the one thing everyone agrees on, but only conditionally and only when it suits them.
So canon becomes a convenient, inconsistently applied weapon in which some folks can beat others over the head with to shove their very specific interpretation of the books onto others- this happens even IN the ship (see: I'm, apparently, not really an elucien and I owe that one redditor who claimed I "sometimes" wrote elucien and was a feysand/gwynriel an apology LMAO). I've watched people within the ship itself fight smaller, newer accounts because their vision doesn't align with what often what amounts to a fanon interpretation ANYWAY.
Ultimately, none of this would be any of my business (and its not lost on me I was vaguing people instead of just calling them out directly), except for the amount of people who routinely slide into my DMs talking about how nervous they are to interact, how other people have come after them with sharp teeth for the crime of different head canons/ship preferences. I take that personally, I guess, because I remember being new and nervous and like, people were mostly very welcoming and kind.
This is everyones hobby, and it's both not serious, not life threatening, or worth a lot of the vitriol that happens day to day. I wish folks would consider the question, "who cares?" when it's not offensive or harmful.
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anomalymon · 5 months
I'll go ahead and make a new pinned because we might be quietly trying to fix this Tumblr blog
Our website is linked in our bio, that's also a WIP at the moment.
Folks are free to ask for our other socials if they want it.
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We're a multiple system that's been on Tumblr since 2012, awakened as otherkin in 2015 and realized we were a system shortly after. We mainly identify under various terms in the alterhuman umbrella.
Our system has a mix of walk-ins, brain-made fellows, and god knows what else. Most of us died in our canons. We practice daemonism and soulbonding.
Our system is almost entirely nonhuman and ages skew much younger than the body. Despite being physically an adult, most of us are teenagers and kids.
We haven't exactly worked out a solution to "minors DNI" blogs but we always filter NSFW. You can softblock us if you don't want us to follow.
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We mostly block to keep going through tags clean and will block blogs that flood tags with fluff - which is generally MOGAI coining blogs and occasionally positivity blogs.
Unless you're a bigot or anti-endogenic, a block isn't usually a request not to interact but just so we don't have to go through samey posts.
That being said, you can ask us to unblock you and we probably will.
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caustic-caffeine · 4 months
my thoughts on the instagram ai situation, as a digital artist on the platform
figured i’d write and share this around so others in the community i’m in know my status. sooo, some basics for starters:
“Are you leaving Instagram? Where can I find you active?”
i’m staying on instagram for the time being. seeing as instagram almost certainly already has the data of my past posts, i won’t be deleting anything; going forward, i’ll be using ai disturbance filters and other anti-ai overlays for any stills i post. i anticipate using instagram for reels primarily, as well as staying in communications with mutuals and other artists. i do have a cara account, but will likely be posting intermittently until some issues i’ve noticed get addressed. going forward, i’ll most likely be at my most active over here! growth, fortunately, never was a priority in my social media presence so i’m not super concerned about that.
instagram: gonna continue posting reels and occasional stills, will be primarily focused on interacting with fellow artists
here: most active! will post both rough and polished stills, as well as lore and whatever random thoughts pop into my head. (see pinned post for a tag guide)
cara: activity will be low unless shit really hits the fan on instagram and i can no longer protect my work via overlays. if you’re an insta moot, feel free to dm me if you want me to share your posts around, though! if the link doesn’t work: i’m @/asphodelity [EDIT] cara does work with an ai organization, hive; here is a post that goes into it and other things people have said about the platform! as i already wasn’t intending to use the platform all that often this won’t change anything for me, but make sure to do your research if you’re looking into the platform!
“Will this affect how much you post?”
not really! i already have a fairly sporadic posting schedule, so i’ll just be continuing what i’ve been doing: posting when i have things i wanna share :]
“Help! I’m an Instagram artist and want to know how to protect my art!”
i gotchu.
[EDIT] the non-glaze/nightshade/artshield filters are mostly ineffective! it won’t hurt you to use them, but if you can stick to using the glaze and nightshade sites!! if you don’t have a pc, you can apply to get a webglaze account!
how to (hopefully) opt out of your art being scraped in the european union (i think?)
how to (hopefully) do the same in the united states (note: post could be outdated)
other ways to protect your art: one, two, three, four
ai disturbance filters: one, two, three (set these to overlay at 30% as the top layer for most effectiveness! these aren’t as effective as using a website like glaze, but are better than nothing)
after june 26, no matter your region, you’ll be unable to opt out of ai data training. this affects, to my knowledge, everything you post, including captions.
“Any other thoughts?”
now, more than ever, we as a community need to stick together and support each other. don’t let anyone tell you your art isn’t worth anything; we as artists have something very special in our ability to create, express ourselves, and connect with the world around us, an algorithm and misguided techbros will never be able to take that away from us. keep pursuing what you love, my friends; we have to weather the storm to see the rainbow.
my dms are always open for art reasons. need a pep talk? i’m around. wanna collab or trade? i’d love to! need help boosting your social medias? i’m happy to help (although my presence is admittedly very small). whatever it is, i’m here and willing to help!
i’ll keep updating yall on this platform as my activity changes (or, perhaps, something big related to ai happens), so be sure to stick around if that seems interesting! also, please feel free to reblog this post and add more information i may have missed, that’s all for now, thank you for your time <3
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imagoodone-iswear · 3 months
you think my username sounds pleading? think that makes me a beggar? have to disappoint you. it was a thought-out thing. i explain my reasons for my username here.
new pinned post; old one is buried somewhere.
25 year-old Genderfuck/NB Transmasc Individual. he/they.
we are a C-DID system with BPD + NPD (+ other stuff) and this is our collective main PD Blog (mostly about cluster b but can include cluster a or c). here to document life with my PDs and a CDD from within europe.
(Sys blog only given out per dm request due to privacy)
this blog isnt run by a particular alter so experiences can vary (mostly nobody will tag). although sometimes our persecutors (and ASPD symptom holders) post here.
cluster a: [ ppd resources ] [ stpd resources ]
[ szpd resources ]
cluster b: [ npd resources ] [ bpd resources ]
[ hpd resources ] [ aspd resources ]
cluster c: [ avpd resources ] [ ocpd resources ]
tw for
shameful vents, blood, mentions of self-harm, npd crashes and the like (this is a pd blog so go figure)
we do not put a filter on our posts or things we talk about here so if you dont like it you can leave or block us.
minors DNI obviously (we are in our mid 20s and dont want to have too much to do w under 18s; might interact barely, if you seem similar to us or we take a liking/can relate to your blog. general rule is 17 and above, depends on blog and maturity; everyone below that should dni and possibly block us)!
also not liked on this blog are radqueers, radical feminists, radical-whateverthefuckelse, transID/transX idiots, endos, strict anti-psychs (frequently or only posting about psych abolition = dont fucking interact), and ppl against researched self-dx!!
also narc abuse believers can take a hike (but feel free to give me attention~, i love living rent free inside your head <3 ;)).
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proshippy-fox · 4 months
new intro post
-I just go by "fox" here. I like foxes, what can I say?
-This is my proship sideblog. While my main is openly proship, this one is more for actual discourse and general proship talk that don't fit on my main.
-Feel free to pop in my askbox or dms, though no guarantee I'll consistently respond to dms as I have the problem of forgetting about them on discord as well.
-I'll share my main with you if you guess my main fandom :P
-Selfshipper, but not as seriously as I have seen others in the community be about it. I only have one f/o though, for, uh. Personal reasons. Yeah.
-NOT RADQUEER FRIENDLY. I have posted multiple times why I am anti radqueer and will block you if you are radqueer.
edit: blocking from this blog specifically means going on the website from computer and typing in the blog name to the block list for that blog specifically, so I will not be "blocking" you from here but from my main. I will not see your posts or interactions and I will be ignoring you if you are blocked.
=tags= #reblog - reblogs #fox misc - random crap I say or talk about that isn't necessarily proship adjacent #nsft text and #nsft - mostly sex jokes and the tag is pretty unused but you know. go and filter that out if you're a minor. right now #selfship stuff - yeah it's selfship stuff idk what else you expected
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thisischaostragic · 1 year
anti-AO3 discourse (on Twitter, mostly) is so weird to me because, like… just say the actual thing you’re critiquing? it is legitimately valid to be like “you shouldn’t circulate non-con RFP about minors” but to take that and make it an argument about how AO3 needs to have stricter censorship policies is ridiculous to me.
I saw some ppl say that the “underage” and “non-con” checkboxes encourage people to write that, but it’s actually the single most effective filtering measure I’ve ever seen a site take. a person needs to ACTIVELY decide to lie if they’re posting something with either of those topics.
and it’s for that exact reason that I’ve never been surprised by something triggering on AO3, which is the sole website on the internet I can say that about!
if people are afraid of their work getting taken down because they tagged accurately, it’s not really gonna discourage work with those themes. it’s just gonna make people tag it wrong, which would make it *seem* like there’s an “uptick” in dark fics when in reality they’re just harder to filter out.
also, as a SA survivor, darker AO3 fics have been massively healing for me. I’m admittedly not in a super ridiculous corner of the internet, but most (95+%) of the non-con fics I’ve read are more about the realities of recovery than they are about romanticizing assault. obviously the latter group exist, but if it’s about fictional characters, I do often feel like it’s still about some sort of authorial processing. but also… it’s fictional writing. it’s not a reflection of the author’s beliefs or actions.
when you start censoring all “morally bad” writing, you make it significantly harder for survivors to carve out those spaces. you also have to determine the line for “morally bad,” and that’s… complicated. and I don’t trust anyone to do that. I *do*, however, trust *myself* to read a fic summary and decide whether or not to engage.
I do not think the people who make these arguments understand / recall the rabid online censorship of queer and trans people, sex workers, and survivors after SESTA-FOSTA and subsequent content bans on various sites (Tumblr included). it doesn’t achieve the end you think it does, and marginalized / criminalized people are going to be way more likely to preemptively silence themselves than the people actually circulating fucked up content are.
if you have a valid critique of particular topics or kinds of writing (which you can!), that’s the actual thing to discuss.
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solarwavejuice · 5 months
Things to keep in mind while interacting with me + DNI list
// pt: Things to keep in mind while interacting with me + DNI list //
DNI: basic dni criteria, No NSFW blogs (as I am a minor, as long as u dont post mostly nsfw and tag it PROPERLY. ), No Proshipers, no Zoophiles, No pedos, No homeophobes/ transphobes, No anti-therian, anti-alterhuman, anti non-human, anti-kin, anti-endos, zionists, anti-semitic
Basically don't be a dick, very weird , or a bootlicker and I wont block you lmao
Also we block pro-ana blogs and thinspo blogs, sorryyy not sorry. Dni if ur like that
Suprised it wasn't here before, but please do not interact if ur a real, you guys make us pretty uncomfortable-
Things to keep in mind:
// pt: Things to keep in mind: //
Please do not call us things like handsome or anything along these lines. Makes very uncomfortable.
Keep us out of syscourse. We don't know our care about our origins, and we do not want to be involved in that shit show.
Oh and please, if you post anything about SH, nsfw or topics similar please tag them properly, not like s4lf h@rm as that will not be flitered out properly by the tag filters. Even reblogs!!!
I'd like it if vent posts were tagged, for reasons I rather not touch on. I wont like hound you if you dont, but please try to tag it?
Please make your tone clear when communicating with me, I have difficultly determining tone through text and it would definitely help me a lot!
It is not very hard for me to get anxious while on this acc it seems, so I guess try to be patient with me? Also feel free to point out hypocritcy as I'm probably prone to that.
This gets updated a lot, so check when you can I guess
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starrtoon · 1 year
⭐Starr | 29 | ♀ | Adamant Christian | Anti-Abortion | Chaotic Neutral | INTP | Dragon⭐
Ayooo, I’m Starr. First off, I’m a devout Christian woman [Calvinist]. I put Jesus first and above all, so I reblog a lot of Christian content.
I'm very silly and edgy, I love dragons, cats, and cartoons. my blog is a mess of fandoms, Christianity, memes, and some politics. you’ll randomly see me jump from fandom to fandom, so be prepared when I find a new thing I like and flood your dashboard with it.
I tend to keep to myself most of the time, so I'm not always the one to reach out first. and I'm not so good with one-on-one conversations lol. but I don't mind at all getting asks and people interacting with me! in fact I might respond to some asks with silly doodles.
I mostly post my art on DeviantArt, but I also post some on here under the tag #starryart and on my art blog @starrtoonart.
Current Fandoms: Welcome Home, Homestuck / Hiveswap, Dreamworks Trolls.
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I tag posts that has profanity with "watch your profanity" so my followers/mutuals can filter it. it's based on the meme. I'm not telling you to watch your mouth, please don't get mad at me lol
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stobinesque · 1 year
intro & masterlist
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read • 29 • ze/zir/zirs
I follow and interact from @amusingdisplacement.
Mostly Stobin, Steddie, and Lucas Sinclair content here, but I am, broadly speaking, a multishipper! (There is the occasional canon-Stancy-critical reblog here and there, tagged anti-stancy for filtering purposes.)
No DNI criteria, but minors take note that there's fairly frequent 18+ content here. And B*lly Hargr*ve fans who don't think he's canonically racist: we will not get along.
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links & nav guide
[ ao3 account ] • [ spotify ]
#read.txt : original homegrown ramblings. sometimes there are even coherent headcanons here.
#read writes : general-purpose writing tag
#read microfic : where all of my microfic drabbles for my 250 follower celebration can be found!
things i currently ramble about a lot:
#jeff is steve's bi awakening au | #wayfinder tag [s4 lucas pov fix-it] | #first light tag [rockie apocalyptic first date fic] | #wigwag tag [steve's gay slut-discovery era: the fic]
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fic list
currently posting: Follow Celebration Microfics!
newest: held frozen like an angel to me • E • steddie • [read on ao3]
biggest hit: lay your cuts and bruises over my skin • unrated • Steve-centric • [ao3 only]
writer's higlight: the firmament in you • T • stobin • [read on ao3]
semiotics 'verse
[series masterpost tk]
/ˌsemēˈädiks/ plural 1. the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation. "Queer identities, and the everyday practices and performances associated with them, cannot be dissociated from the ways in which they are expressed by language—in all its subtleties and implicit associations as well as explicit self-reports—as situated in dynamic contexts of social norms and values, politics, power, ideology and various media" (source)
lay your cuts and bruises over my skin
3/3 | wc: 22k | Unrated | Gen / Steve-centric | ao3 only
People like to say that Steve can’t take a punch. But that’s not strictly true. The other accusation—that he’s no good at throwing a punch—is closer to the truth. But really the issue can be neatly summarized by the fact that he’s a little too good at taking a punch. OR A history of Steve Harrington’s bruises.
One-Shot | wc: 1k | G | Gen / Robin & Max | read on ao3
There are monsters in Hawkins, Billy Hargrove is dead, and Robin is sitting next to his kid sister while her summer job burns in front of her.
7/7 | T | Gen / Stobin & Steve-centric
Sometimes your gay awakening is just having someone to show you it’s possible. After Starcourt, Steve realizes he's gay, comes out to his best friend, and starts figure out how to navigate his new reality with her. Sometimes your gay awakening is just having someone to show you it’s possible. After Starcourt, Steve realizes he's gay, comes out to his best friend, and starts figure out how to navigate his new reality with her.
A Cure for All That Ails You
One-Shot | wc: 6k | T | Gen / Stobin | read on ao3
Steve gives her a despairing look. “Please don’t tell me your only experience of grilled cheeses have been ones made with Kraft singles.” “Okay, I won’t tell you!” She says brightly. Steve looks to be on the brink of tears. “Hey…it’s okay, Steve. I promise you can pop my good-grilled-cheese cherry!” Steve’s expression, if anything, grows even more pained. “Please, for the love of God, do not put it like that.” For Lex's Spicy Six Summer Fanworks Challenge prompt: “How did you go through life so far without knowing how to make a grilled cheese sandwich?”
perfect creature rarely scene
held frozen like an angel to me
One-Shot | wc: 10.3k | E | Steddie | read on ao3
There's a figure in the doorway, silhouetted by the chandeliers he keeps faintly lit in the receiving hall. Eddie sees the outline of wings. Of horns. A flowered crown. No sooner has he had the thought to reach out than the figure is stalking towards him. Eddie still can't move, and the beat of his heart picks up its pace. Not yet pounding in terror, but racing like he's just started a chase. He wants to speak. Wants to cry out, wants to— "Hello, my pet."
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the shape of things lost; the shape of things to come
T | wc: 1k | Gen / Stobin | cw: Major (Canonical) Character Death, Post-Season 4 Vol. 2, Grief & Mourning, fatalistic thinking
hitch, loop, hand & heart [ READ ON AO3 ]
E | wc: 2k | cw/tags: Bondage, Shibari, Hand Kink, Praise Kink, Anal Fingering, Soft Dom Steve, Good Boy Eddie, ‘puppy’ used as a term of endearment
the mouth that feeds you [ READ ON AO3 ]
E | wc: 4k | cw/tags: Office Sex, Desk Sex,Lingerie, thigh biting, Stone Top Robin, Sassy Pillow Princess Nancy (kinda), ‘sir’ used as an honorific, Praise Kink, Oral Sex, Dacryphilia (just a dash), Edging, Vaginal Fingering, Squirting [there’s…a lot going on here]
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Steddie Week fics:
Day Two: Fluff [T+]
Day Three: First Kiss [T]
Day Four: Familiar / “let me be the void you fill” [T+]
Days 6: Misunderstanding & 7: “Freedom!” by Wham / “talking could, if we’d just dare (you know that i’ll forgive you)” [part 1][part 2]
Steddie Microfic Challenge fics:
prompt: 'pool' original wc goal: 442 bonus round goal: 273 title: center stage • rating: E / M • cws: Kink, D/s dynamics, Public Sex, Bondage, Chastity Device (briefly implied), Boot Kink, Light Degradation/Humiliation
prompt: cake wc goal: 311 fill 1: gilding the lily • rating: E • cws: cockwarming, facials, group sex, “puppy” used as term of endearment
fill 2: avarice for pearls • rating: E • cws/tags: D/s dynamics, free use, sloppy seconds, Daddy Kink (no age play)
Spicy Six Summer Challenge fics
A Cure for All That Ails You One-Shot | wc: 6k | T | Gen / Stobin | read on ao3 prompt: “How did you go through life so far without knowing how to make a grilled cheese sandwich?”
TK: the firmament in you [prompt: Dancing under the stars. - stobin] TK: first light on the horizon (at the end of the world) [prompt: First date - rockie]
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prompt fills
prompt: “Just pretend to be my date.” [stobin] rating: T (for language) | wc: 771
prompt: things you said but didn’t mean [stobin] rating: T (for language) | wc: 616 | cw: hurt/comfort, arguments & misunderstandings
prompt: things you said through a closed door [steddie] rating: M (for frank discussions of sex) | wc: 679 | cw: hurt/comfort, erectile dysfunction, internalized ableism
prompt: things you didn’t say at all [stobin] rating: G | wc: 276 | cw: angst, hurt/comfort, ambiguous loss
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fic related mixes
World's #1 Babysitter Mixtape [rel: lay your cuts and bruises]
Steve & Robin's Scoops Tracks [rel: lay your cuts and bruises]
Steve's Heartbreak Playlist [rel: Steddie Week Day 7 fic]
Stobin Car Tracks #1 [Summer '85] [rel: phryctoria]
Jeff Taste Profie ['84] [rel: 'Jeff is Steve's Bi Awakening AU']
Wayfinder playlist
first light on the horizon [a Vickie mixtape]
(at the end of the world) first light vibes playlist]
the firmament in you playlist
perfect creature rarely seen series playlist
get to know the author mixes
Stobinesque's Ten Song Recs
STOBINESQUE [username playlist]
AMUSINGDISPLACEMENT [username playlist – main]
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