#if this is how antis find me i will vomit
goldenlyrad · 9 months
Arrrrg I miss Harry and all my friends so much I'm just so lonely without them
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Image id: flaming red text that reads: OP IS A RADQUEER
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cynical-crypt · 1 year
proshitter fucking weirdo,,,, liking kids isnt cool!!
buddy. buddy. do you know how to read?
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^^ do you see that? i know this is gonna be difficult for you to fathom but *THAT* little bit there means don't fucking talk to me. i don't need or want you and your puritan dipshit friends on my page bugging me all the time like you have been. judging by the general lack of intelligence behind your message i'm gonna assume you're some kid that was brainwashed by tiktok and/or twitter and you need to chill the fuck out. go find a hobby that doesn't thrive solely off of annoying everyone else with hatemail. normally i wouldn't respond to these but i found it hilarious how sad it was and also clearing out my inbox constantly is annoying
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niuxita21 · 2 years
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#madre solo hay dos#ana servín#mariana herrera#shitty screencap posts (TM)#*taps microphone* is this thing on?#yeah I finally put on my big girl pants and started season 3#I wasn't planning to until I knew exactly what the endgame was to avoid any nasty surprises#but it appears I did such a good job at avoiding spoilers that I couldn't seem to find them no matter how hard I tried to run into them#(without actually going actively looking for them that is)#but I finally managed to piece together an approximate idea of what they went with via context clues and deductive reasoning#so we are a go for shitty screencap posts and tag vomit#starting with this masterpiece inspired by what ceci said#I can't believe she is the biggest in-show shipper what a stroke of genius#I am also loving the very much anti-homophobia message that's being weaved throughout#from all the times the actual word 'homophobic' was uttered in a single episode which was pretty cool#to the fact that juan carlos spend half the episode yapping about how AnA iS nOt A lEsBiAnnnnn#but the SECOND ro was like 'I'd rather my mom be a liar than in a relationship with another woman' he jumped to ana's defense#like 'yo that's messed up there's nothing wrong with your mom being gay just with her making shit up to win a lawsuit there's a difference'#and you know what there IS and I think they're toeing that line quite well idk#anyways we'll see I guess but I just had to make this because it tickled me#sorry for the shitty resolution I can never get it right for text posts le sigh
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marsuni · 1 year
can someone can twist my arm behind my back until i sit down and eat an actual, full, nutritionally sound meal to completion
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wosoamazing · 3 months
McFoord x Child!R
Warnings: Vomiting, Celiac Disease A/N: Doesn't really have a plot and I don't like the ending, only short but at least it's something
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“Ma, I don’t feel good,” you told her as your stomach cramped, you were sitting beside her as you watched some of the girls train, your Ma having a quick break.
“Oh Munchkin, do you think you’re getting a bug?” you shook your head, wrapping your arms around your stomach tighter, “what have you eaten today?” you listed off everything you’d eaten that day. 
“Kyra, did you check the oats were gluten free?” your Ma asked the younger Australian, as you leaned your weight into your Ma’s side, stomach feeling worse by the second.
“Um, no, I thought they were, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise, I should’ve checked anyway just to make sure, I-” “It’s okay really, don’t worry, you didn’t do it on purpose and we know you tried your hardest, could you just tell Cait that Y/N/N is having an episode and to talk to Jonas, I’m just going to take her inside.” Your Ma asked the now guilty girl who nodded before quickly jogging off to your Mum.
“Hey Monkey, you not feeling well?” Your Mum spoke softly to you as she walked into the locker room, you just shook your head slightly in response to her, “Jonas said we were right to go home,” she told your Ma, from just a quick glance it was clear you were quite unwell. You were sitting in your Ma’s lap cured into a ball, her arms tightly wrapped around you, she rocked you slightly back and forth as she murmured comforting words to you, hating how there was nothing she could do to help you. 
“I think the oats Kyra used in the Anzac Biscuits she made for us all weren’t actually gluten free, she felt really bad but I told her not to worry and that it wasn’t her fault, do you want to have a shower and then I will and we can take her home?” Your Mum nodded before quickly heading to the shower.
“That’s it Monkey, let it all out, hopefully it will make you feel better,” your Mum encouraged you as you were hunched over the toilet in the bathroom, stomach harshly ejecting it’s contents, you sat in her lap and she held your hair back with one hand while the other rubbed soft circles into your back.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” your Mum told you as you collapsed back into her, curling into a ball, pressing your side against her front. Your stomach was super bloated but also intensely cramping and you felt really tired.
“Do you think we should try your tablets? Maybe the anti-sick ones first and then you muscle ones?” she asked as her hand carded through your hair.
“P-please,” your voice answered barely above a whisper.
“Okay, let's just stay here until Ma comes out of her shower, I’ll message her to bring them to us,” she murmured into the top of your head before kissing it.
Your Mum’s were quite thankful for their now quiet day, not realising how much they both needed it. Thankfully the anti-nausea meds had worked and you had only thrown up once. Your muscle relaxers helped a bit but you were still in a lot of pain and your stomach was still cramping quite badly. When you arrived home your Mum’s took you into their room, where you almost immediately fell asleep on your Mum. You had moved in your sleep and now you were sleeping on top of your Ma, hand clutching the fabric of your Mum’s shirt to make sure she stayed. They had a movie playing in the background as they organised some things, in the middle of a discussion about the Olympics and whether you would go on camp with your Mum or go and watch some games with your Ma when the doorbell rang. Your Mum pried your hands off of her shirt and quickly got up to find a guilty looking Kyra on the other side of the door when she opened it.
“Kyra? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at training?” Your Mum questioned her.
“I feel really bad about y/n/n, Jonas let me go early, I bought some things for her,” she told your Mum as she presented the gift basket to her. 
“Thank you Kyra, that’s very kind of you, and honestly it’s not your fault, it was an accident, we understand.” Kyra nodded as she fiddled with the bottom of her hoodie, “you can see her if you want, she is currently asleep, and not very well, but I’m sure she won’t mind you coming to say hi,” the young Aussie nodded and followed your Mum through to where you were. You had woken up now, and Katie was helping you drink some water, you were still quite unwell, and looked like you were falling asleep sitting up.
“Monkey, Kyra came to see you,” your Mum told you as she walked into the room.
“Kyra?” you said groggily and she softly nodded her head, the younger girl stepped inside the room and sat down on the bed next to you, to which you climbed into her lap and fell asleep.
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fictionally-driven · 3 months
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In Sickness and in Health - Part 1
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Pairing: Jiyan x f! reader, Scar x f! reader (Separate) Plot: Some headcanons on how WuWa men would take care of a sick f! reader followed by a small plot on them finding the reader to be ill. trigger warnings: illness, caregiving, nausea, vomiting, unconventional remedies, predefined relationships, mentions of pregnancy (no one is pregnant!) , pet names
AN: Part 2 will be Mortefi and Calcharo, Part 3 will be Aalto and Yuanwu. Inspired by @local-x-reader 's work - Flowers for me?
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Ever since you and Jiyan started dating, his medicinal gourd has become your personalized first-aid kit. Allergies bothering you? He has antihistamines at the ready. Monthly menstrual woes? He stocks up on the best menstrual products and painkillers. Prone to migraines? He never forgets to carry tablets. Jiyan is always prepared to care for you at a moment’s notice.
Jiyan's keen senses pick up on your illness before you even realize it. The slightest change in your behavior or the faintest hint of discomfort doesn't escape his notice. He's there with a gentle hand on your forehead, a soft question about how you're feeling, even before you can put it into words.
Jiyan's cooking skills come in handy when you’re feeling under the weather. If you have stomach problems, he’ll make something light and easy to digest like a soothing broth or plain rice with some gentle herbs. If you’re suffering from cramps, he’ll whip up a meal rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as a salmon dish or chia seed pudding. For colds, his go-to is a hearty soup filled with anti-inflammatory ingredients like turmeric and ginger. His cooking isn't just delicious; it's a heartfelt remedy tailored to your needs.
The General in him takes a backseat when you're sick, letting the compassionate medic take over. Jiyan becomes incredibly attentive, constantly checking on you, ensuring you're comfortable and have everything you need.
Jiyan is always on top of everything when it comes to taking care of you. He keeps track of your medication schedule, making sure you never miss a dose. He adjusts the room temperature to your comfort, brings you extra blankets, and even stays up late to monitor your condition. If you have a fever, he gently wipes your forehead with a cool cloth, and if you're nauseous, he's there with a basin, ready to hold your hair in place while calming you down with soothing words.
To brighten your day, Jiyan will bring you a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He knows how much you love them, and their presence always brings a smile to your face, no matter how ill you feel.
Returning from your latest mission, you could feel every step weighing heavier than the last. The water you had drunk during the mission had left your throat feeling like sandpaper, and a fever had begun to creep up on you. But this was a busy time for everyone, and you couldn't afford to show any weakness. You pushed through, ignoring the throbbing in your head and the chill settling in your bones.
Jiyan was away in Jinzhou for some official business. You didn’t want to bother him with something as trivial as a cold, so when your Pangu terminal rang, you straightened up and forced a cheerful tone.
"Hey, Jiyan!" you greeted, trying to mask the hoarseness in your voice.
"Hello, love," Jiyan's voice came through, warm and comforting. "How was the mission?"
"Exhausting," you replied, attempting a laugh that came out more like a cough. "But nothing I can't handle. Just really tired, you know?"
Jiyan’s keen senses picked up the strain in your voice. "Are you sure you're just tired? You sound a bit off."
"Yeah, yeah, just tired," you reassured him, forcing a smile even though he couldn’t see it. "I’ll be fine after a bit of rest tonight."
"Alright," he said, though his voice carried a hint of doubt. "Make sure you get plenty of rest. Call me if you need anything, okay?"
"Of course. Talk to you soon, Jiyan."
You ended the call and sighed, leaning against the wall for a moment before pushing yourself off to file your mission report. The sooner you finished, the sooner you could collapse into bed.
You were slower than usual as you prepared the report, almost dozing off in between. What would usually take you an hour, took you three this time. As soon as you filed the report, you pushed yourself off the chair, ready to greet your bed. The sky was littered with scars and you could hear the chatter of the Rangers who were allocated to the night shift. By the time you headed towards your allocated room, your vision was starting to blur with fatigue and fever. You barely registered the figure waiting by your door until you got closer.
"Jiyan!?" you whispered, shocked to see him standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
Before you could say anything else, Jiyan closed the distance between you and placed his palm against your forehead, his expression shifting to one of deep concern.
"You’re burning up," he said, his voice soft but firm. "Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?"
"I didn’t want to worry you," you mumbled, leaning into his touch. "You have so much going on already."
Jiyan shook his head, slipping an arm around your waist to support you. "You’re my priority too, love. Come on, let's get you inside."
He guided you into your room, helping you sit down on the edge of the bed. Setting the flowers aside, he went straight into medic mode. He placed a cool cloth on your forehead and fetched a glass of water.
"Drink this slowly," he instructed, holding the glass to your lips. "We need to keep you hydrated."
You took small sips, feeling the cool water soothe your parched throat. "Thank you, Jiyan," you murmured.
He smiled gently, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. "You don’t have to thank me. I’m here to take care of you."
Jiyan then moved to unpack his medicinal gourd, pulling out various items. He gave you some fever-reducing medicine and an antihistamine to ease your symptoms.
"Here, take these," he said, handing you the pills. "And I’ve got some soup cooking for you in my quarters. It’s got ginger and turmeric—good for fighting off infections."
You nodded, taking the medicine obediently. As you settled back against the pillows, you couldn’t help but feel grateful for his presence. "How did you get here so fast?"
"I took the fastest route I could," he replied, his eyes softening as he looked at you. "I knew something was wrong when we talked. I couldn’t just stay in Jinzhou knowing you were unwell."
Your heart swelled at his words, and you reached out to take his hand. "You’re amazing, you know that?"
Jiyan chuckled, bringing your hand to his lips for a gentle kiss. "I just care about you. Now, rest while I finish up the soup."
You closed your eyes, feeling the fever slowly begin to abate under his care. The scent of ginger and turmeric soon filled the room, and before long, Jiyan returned with a steaming bowl of soup.
"Here you go," he said, sitting beside you. "Careful, it’s hot."
He fed you spoonful of the warm, nourishing soup, and you could feel the effects of it.  "You didn’t have to come all the way here," you said, feeling tears prick at your eyes
"Of course I did," Jiyan replied, his voice softening. "I can’t focus on anything knowing you’re unwell. Never think you're a bother to me," he continued, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart flutter despite your condition. “You mean everything to me," he said softly. "I hate seeing you like this."
"I’ll be okay," you assured him, reaching out to take his hand. "Especially with you here."
He squeezed your hand gently. "I’m not going anywhere," he promised. "I’ll stay right here and take care of you."
As you finished the soup, Jiyan continued to fuss over you, making sure you were comfortable and had everything you needed. He brought the flowers closer, their sweet scent filling the room and lifting your spirits.
"These are beautiful," you said, admiring the bouquet.
"I thought they might cheer you up," he said, a warm smile spreading across his face.
"They do," you said, feeling a surge of affection for him. "You always know how to make me feel better."
"That’s because I love you," he said simply, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
"I love you too, Jiyan," you whispered as you laid down, your eyes feeling heavier by the minute. "Thank you for coming back…" you said, your voice heavy with sleep.
"I’ll always come back for you," he replied. “Every time.” You felt his lips brush against your forehead as you closed your eyes. And with that, you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, knowing that as long as Jiyan was by your side, you’d always be well taken care of.
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Despite his chaotic nature, Scar is utterly obsessed with you. If you so much as sneeze, he’s immediately by your side, eyes wide with concern and hands hovering as if unsure where to start.
The first time you fell sick, you didn’t expect Scar to be so devoted. His usual unserious demeanor disappeared, replaced by a palpable worry that made his antics seem like a distant memory. Even with just a simple migraine, he insisted that you see a medic, his anxiety clear in every word and action.
He constantly checks in on you, whether through calls, texts, or physically being there. He needs to know you’re okay, and his concern manifests in frequent, albeit endearing, interruptions to your day.
Scar is relentless in his encouragement for you to rest and take it easy. He’ll do everything in his power to ensure you don’t overexert yourself, including taking on your responsibilities.
Scar refuses to leave your side when you’re sick. He’ll camp out in your room, insisting on being there for anything you might need, and his presence, though sometimes a bit overwhelming, is undeniably comforting.
Scar's methods of care might be unconventional, ranging from brewing bizarre herbal concoctions to attempting ancient rituals he read about somewhere. Despite their eccentricity, his intentions are always pure—he just wants to see you well again.
Once you start feeling better, Scar continues his care with aftercare rituals that are part sweet and part eccentric. He might insist on daily massages or reciting protective chants to ward off any lingering illness.
The night had been restless, your stomach churning uncomfortably from something you ate the previous evening. As dawn broke, waves of nausea swept over you, accompanied by clammy sweats and uncontrollable shivers. By morning, you were pale and weak, unable to keep anything down.
In your dimly lit room, you clutched your stomach, hoping the queasiness would pass. Scar's usual chaotic presence was nowhere to be seen, which almost felt like a relief in your current state of misery. However, just as you began to resign yourself to a day of suffering alone, the door burst open with a bang.
"Guess what, little lamb!" Scar's voice echoed through the room, filled with a strange mix of excitement and triumph. "I managed to trick a few more Rangers into joining our cause! Can you believe it? They fell for the old 'lost patrol' routine like it was their first day out of the academy!"
You winced at the noise, trying to shield yourself from his exuberance. "Scar, not now," you managed to mutter weakly, your voice barely above a whisper.
But as Scar's gaze swept the room, his excitement faded into pure shock. His eyes widened as he took in your pale complexion, your trembling form, and the obvious distress etched on your face.
"What's going on?" he asked, his voice suddenly serious.
You barely had time to mutter a weak reply before another wave of nausea hit. You hurried to the restroom, barely making it to the toilet before retching once more. Scar followed close behind, his usual exuberance replaced by a rare seriousness as he knelt beside you, holding your hair back and rubbing your back soothingly.
"Are you... pregnant?" he blurted out, his concern mixing with his usual lack of filter.
You shot him a dirty look as you shuddered, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "No," you managed to mumble, leaning back against the cool tiles. "Ate something bad..."
"Little lamb, why didn’t you tell me you were feeling like this?" he asked softly, helping you to sit back against the wall.
"I didn’t want you to see me like this," you admitted, feeling embarrassed and vulnerable.
Scar shook his head, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "You think a little sickness is going to scare me away? Tsk.” He looked almost offended. He got up to leave you in the bathroom, only to return a few moments later.
He fetched a glass of water and a damp cloth, gently wiping your face and neck. "You need to stay hydrated," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "And rest. I’ll take care of everything else. Let's get you cleaned up, first, Hm?"
Throughout the day, Scar remained by your side, his usual antics subdued by genuine concern. He fetched cool cloths for your forehead, brought you small sips of water to keep you hydrated, and even attempted to brew some bizarre herbal remedy he claimed would settle your stomach.
"You know, I read about this plant that's supposed to cure everything from heartbreak to the plague," he mused, stirring a pot of leaves and roots that smelled surprisingly pleasant. "I figured it might help."
Despite your skepticism, his efforts were oddly comforting. Scar's presence was a constant, his chatter and eccentric care slowly easing your discomfort. He stayed close, ensuring you didn't feel alone in your misery.
As the day wore on and your symptoms began to subside, Scar insisted on continuing his aftercare rituals—massaging your shoulders to relieve tension, reciting what he called protective chants to ward off any lingering illness, and even preparing a simple broth to tempt your appetite.  His care was unconventional—his attempts at chanting ancient healing spells were met with your amused disbelief—but his presence was undeniably comforting. He refused to leave your side, camped out on the floor beside your bed with a makeshift nest of blankets and pillows.
As evening fell and you finally managed to keep down some broth, Scar sat beside you, his usual chaos subdued to a quiet vigilance. He brushed a strand of hair from your face, his gaze soft with a rare tenderness.
"You really had me worried, little lamb," he admitted quietly. "I don’t like seeing you like this."
"I’m sorry," you murmured, feeling guilty for not letting him know sooner.
"Don’t apologize," he said firmly, his hand finding yours. "Just promise me you’ll tell me next time. I’m here for you, no matter what."
Despite his eccentricities and chaotic nature, Scar’s devotion to you was undeniable. His antics might drive you crazy on a daily basis, but in moments like these, you couldn’t imagine anyone else by your side.
"You should get some rest," he said gently, tucking the blankets around you a bit tighter. "I’ll be right here, little lamb."
You reached out to squeeze his hand, the nickname now a term of endearment. "I know," you replied softly. "And I appreciate it, Scar."
He smiled, a genuine expression that softened his rugged features. "Anything for you, even the world, should you ask." he murmured, his thumb brushing over your knuckles.
You closed your eyes, feeling the exhaustion pulling you under, but not before whispering a heartfelt thank you to the man who had barged into your life in the most unexpected and chaotic of ways.
"Goodnight, Scar," you murmured, already drifting off.
"Goodnight, little lamb," he whispered back, bringing your hand, closer to his lips, pressing feather light kisses on each of your finger. Scar stayed true to his word, watching over you with a protective gaze that spoke volumes of his love and unwavering devotion
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WuWa Masterlist
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heartrender6 · 1 year
most of the kuwei hate in this fandom is absolutely racially motivated and most of it is probably subconscious but i NEED to talk about this.
and not because i think people r thinking "i hate kuwei!! he's asian and i hate asians!!" tbh most anti asian racism on the internet goes way deeper than that.
basically, what i believe to be the most prominent type of racism against asians, especially on the internet, is stereotyping. specifically "uwu-ification." the east asian entertainment industry likes to paint asian people as cute, submissive and sweet because it markets disturbingly well to american audiences, and whether people mean to or not, they internalize it and it affects the way they think of asian people as a whole. This mostly happens to east and southeast asian women, but definitely a lot with men too, especially in more recent years with the whole yaoi culture thing (i fucking hated typing that) becoming more popular. simply put, it's fetishization.
so how does this relate to kuwei? well, when kuwei is introduced to us, and im not gonna dance around it— he is pretty stereotypically asian. he's shy, innocent, small, good at math/science and— you guessed it— no speaka engrish. leigh bardugo lays the perfect trap for fandom white girl weeaboos to gush over this guy. once i came across a modern au where kuwei's whole northern chinese-mongolian ass is a "shy japanese transfer student." i really wish i was making this up.
but then we find out that kuwei is actually a conniving little shit who is really quite terrible at science and spends all day making shitty drawings of his crush instead of doing math or wtv. The turning point where we are told this is the jesper kiss. This is the point where we find out kuwei is not the yaoi uwu baby we thought he was. and how does fuckin 2/3 of the fandom react?? hate. instant hate. If you search "i hate kuwei" on twitter there are tweets both defending and attacking him, but there is significantly more of the latter.
most of them claim to hate him for kissing jesper but like... jesper kissed him. He doesn't say anything because, in his own words, "we're all probably going to die anyway." does no one see how tragic that is?? he let his first (probably) kiss be taken by someone who he knew didn't even like him because he thought it would be the only one he'd ever get.
and yet the only thing people see is that he "got in the way" of wesper and he's evil. throughout the series kuwei is given no agency, and that's the point of his character. everyone on the planet treats him as a weapon or a bargaining chip. he gets tossed around like a rag doll and to white (or otherwise not asian) audiences, that makes him the perfect picture of a little asian cutie i almost vomited typing that holy shit. but the moments where he takes something for himself— insisting on going to ravka, kissing jesper back— that's what makes people hate him. and don't even get me started on the way people project their hatred onto the other crows, especially wylan. yall will act like wylan loathes kuwei with all his being. he doesn't!! wylan is not a hateful person and he always defends kuwei!! but nooo, kuwei sucks and he deserves it for daring to be a person instead of an idea.
and hey?? guess what?? kuwei was NEVER in the way of wesper. there was no love triangle. narratively speaking, there was never any threat that kuwei would end up with jesper instead of wylan. never ever. the kiss was literally only put there to create drama for wylan and jesper. we never even hear how kuwei feels about it. stop using that as an excuse to hate on kuwei when we can all see it's because you're subconsciously mad at an asian person not being nice.
also disliking kuwei does not automatically make you racist, im just saying a lot of hatred towards kuwei is rooted in racism.
tagging my fellow aapi moots (that i know of) because i wanna hear yalls thoughts on this! @hauntedacousticversiontv @dramaqueentruther
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starlightsreigns · 1 month
same ol' mistakes | j. uso
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summary: ginger loves her man. her friends... want her to get over her man, but sometimes mistakes need to be made a couple of times.
warnings: none.
word counts: 1.6
author's note: welcome to part three of the anti one shots! find part one and two here! not really sure how I feel about this one, but here we are. might rewrite in the future. i have a couple ones left! pls ignore the lowercase and errors.. ofc x
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"feel like a brand new person (but you make the same ol mistakes)”
“ginger is now a ginger!” nia whistles. 
my hair flows down my back as she touches a piece. i can’t contain a laugh as cathy whistles alongside nia, gawking at the new look i picked up over the weekend. the higher ups agreed it was time for a new look to match my new persona. so, when it was time to sit in my stylists chair, my jet black hair was replaced with something a little more edgy. 
“you guys like it, honest, i wasn’t sure how it’d look with my skin tone.” i shrug, taking a seat beside bianca. 
bianca rolls her eyes, “you kidding? c’mon black women can rock any hair color they want.” 
it was the truth, i guess, so we sit in our group and watch the start of smackdown. in a rare occasion, the bloodline weren’t the ones to start the show. from the corner of my eye, i can see jimmy staring at me. he looks shocked at the hair change, and it takes everything in me not to react at him - not when bianca and nia were right beside me. 
“look who watchin” nia murmurs. 
caught. I feign confusion in her direction, but she can see through me. she’s always been good at calling my bullshit; that’s why she’s my accountability partner in figuring my relationship out with jimmy. 
nia leans in, “don’t do it, ginny.” 
of course, all i can do is nod. yet, it’s hard to ignore him. for two years, we were attached at the hip - correction: for two years we’ve been on-again-off-again boyfriend and girlfriend. my friends were tired of hearing the shitty things and consoling me every time we were off again. i don’t know what it is, but we just can’t seem to figure it out and we can’t seem to let each other go. love is a mysterious and trifling thing. 
“well, i don’t care, im in love” 
the match left my shoulders burning in pain. bianca walks ahead of me out of the guerilla. i’m nearly in stride with her until a hand touches my shoulder. jimmy smiles sweetly - that dumbass, goofy smile that i love so much. 
“you looked good out there with yo’ hair, gin.” he compliments with his sweet voice. 
“thanks jim, i appreciate that.” my voice soft, unsure what to say. 
jimmy opens his mouth to say something else, but bianca clears her throat. she sends me a death glare but gives jimmy a sweet grin. she comes back to take my hand, shooting a comment at jimmy before she pulls me away from him. 
“ginger, don’t piss me off, it’s been two weeks.” 
i sigh heavily, “he was just complimenting the match, B.” 
bianca whips her head towards me, “I don’t care if he was sayin’ a prayer, be serious.” 
how do i explain to my friends that this isn’t what i want anymore - the hovering, the pestering and questioning and disappointment. the disappointed looks when i even mention his name is killing me slowly. this wasn’t what i wanted anymore and when i glance back at jimmy, i knew it. 
“i can just hear them now, how could you let us down?”
happy hour came and went, but i couldn’t move from my seat at the bar for several hours. the uber ride home felt miserable and the text messages from the girls didn’t help the vomit that was threatening to spew from my lips. i barely made it through the door before i could rush to the bathroom. 
“fuck!” the scream came out of my mouth. 
this shouldn’t be my life. why am i scared to talk to the one person i want more than anything else in the world. fuck it. the ringing lasted a second before his voice came through the speaker. 
“ginny?” he was asleep. “you good?” 
my nerves set in for a moment - this was dumb but i couldn’t back out of this now. 
“i don’t want to do this anymore. i don’t want to not talk to you because the girls are telling me not to. i don’t want us to not try and figure it out when i know in my heart that we’re meant to be together and we just need to stop fucking around and make it work.” my words spill out before i can stop them. “i don’t care if it’s the same fucking mistakes, i want to make them until we figure it out.” 
he’s silent for a moment, but i can hear his breath on the other end before he clears his throat. “i love you, ginger, ain’t nobody gone change that or ever make me stop.” 
“not thinking in black and white.. thinking it’s worth the fight”
there’s a nervousness that’s settled in my chest. I wonder if they’ll know the second that they see me every time - will they know that me and jimmy are on again? that nervousness has overtaken every moment when im with them now. It’s been a month and I can’t sit and pretend like this isn’t happening. my mind is just a mess. 
“ginny, you okay, you have this weird smile on your face.” nia pokes my cheek. 
it’s become difficult to focus on anything else, while i was happy to be back with jimmy it’s been stressful to keep such a big secret from the women i trust more than anyone else in the world. 
“nah, im good, just lost in my own world.” i mumble back a quick reply. 
thankfully, the women turn back to their conversation. in the brief moment, i glance over at jimmy whose sitting with his cousin and of course he’s already watching me. he sends me a goofy smile that i can’t help but to smile back at before quickly glancing away. i just want to be near him. 
and as the night ticked on, my restlessness only increased. 
bianca kept an eye on me like i was a child who’d run the second they got their chance. it was suffocating. we sat in one of the makeshift viewing areas backstage, escaping the clutter of the women’s locker room, for a moment. jimmy sat not too far, sneaking glances at me. 
subtlety wasn’t his thing, because bianca threw random comments at me about needing to stay strong. 
“nia, please remind ginny.” bianca sighs when the older woman sits beside me. “she’s sharing looks with him.” her voice drops to a whisper as she leans across to me. 
my hands draw circles on my thigh as nia starts her pointless, and slightly demeaning lecture. 
“you’re better than this ginger…” she starts like a scolding mother. 
the tears sting the brim of my eyelids. i sneak a glance at jimmy who has a scowl on his face. he can see it written on my face. 
“we only want what’s best for you,” bianca chimes in. 
i couldn’t get a word edgewise as they continue. it's like a game of tennis and I'm the net in the middle, being jabbed by either player.
“your happiness is all that matters to us,” nia rests an arm on my shoulder. 
they continue, not sensing how over this whole situation i am, and finally i can’t help but let the tears fall. i’m not quick to wipe the tears, just stuck in my position trying not to go into a full blown anxiety attack in that moment. my eyes finds jimmy as he’s getting up and walking towards us. 
bianca looks up at him, “jimmy, this isn’t-”
“nah, Bianca,” he stops her immediately. “you know i got love for you and nia, but ease up on Ginger. She grown and don’t need y’all talkin’ to her like she a kid. I don’t appreciate you makin’ her cry over something like this.” 
the women stop, they look at me and finally see the result of their words. i can see the regret on their face. bianca wipes some of the tears off my cheek, whispering how sorry she was.
“y’all her friends, I get that, but she should be able to tell y’all anything. But y’all got her feelin’ like she gotta keep secret because you do shit like this. We got back together and we workin’ on us but she can’t do it because she worried about y’all.” 
jimmy grabs my hand, helping me up from between the women. all i can do is stare at him too afraid to look at them or the disapproval on their faces. we walk away as i try to wipe the tears that are streaming down my face. we’re halfway down the hallway before we stop, hearing nia’s voice. 
“ginny,” her and bianca wait until i turn to continue. “i’m sorry, love, we just wanted to protect you but we never want you to feel like you can’t talk to us.”
bianca nods, “we’re sorry gin, you know we’ll support you.” she looks at jimmy. “the both of you. we overstepped and we won’t do that again.” 
i stare at them for a moment before breaking out a grin and pulling them into a hug, “I love you guys,” i laugh before moving away. “I know you want to protect me, but i gotta figure my own shit out and i swear, i love this man and you don't have to hear the bullshit anymore.”
“girl, if you don’t tell us how are we supposed to beat his ass?” nia jokes, smacking jimmy’s arm. “you can talk to us.” 
jimmy takes me hand into his and twirls me into his arm. “so, we can kiss in public again, gin?” 
the girls groan playfully as I roll my eyes with a nod.
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should i start a tag list?? would people want to join it? x
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ohsalome · 1 year
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"Khokhol (this is the slur russians use agains ukrainians) nazis can only play with their anuses. What is this going to be, fag festival with swastica? And who is founding this? Fans of nazi pigs with yellow-vomit rag?"
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"Is this another attempt of begging for more money for laundering?"
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"Fucking dogpigs"
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"Khokhols are fags, stop khokhol, country 404 shouldn't exist, hillibilles don't know how to make games" (this particular message was spammed in many games, I will not showcase its every repetition)
(jfc imagine being this mad about a cozy bunny game)
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"Khokhlovpiteks on the screen"
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"Glory to russia"
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September (ru): "You are spoiling the game indurstry with these feces only to gather money for your Mykolas and Tarases (in russian, this is supporsed to be a demeaning stereotypical general name for ukrainians, somewhat similair to how americans harrassing asian people would call them "ching changs"). You are incapable of creating anyting concrete. You all have pig lard in your heads ( ukrainians being obsessed about pig lard is yet another xenophobic anti-ukrainian stereotype used by russians)."
Remy Azphel (ukr): "Seems like you aren't as brave as you try to seem, not risking to become meat in trenches) God forbid a real drone gets you)
Neurofixer (ru): In the meantime, yet another Striker (fighting vehicle used by Ukr army) is burning from Lancets (russian UAV) XD
September (ru): and geraniums are blooming in Kyiv (Geran-2 is another drone used in russian attacks on Ukraine)
Neurofixer (ru): why don't you collect the stinky corpses of your soldiers?
Neurofixer (ru): this game is dumber than the khokhols ffs _____________________
In conculsion: I find it really exceptional how putin, while single-handedly fighting in every battle on Ukrainian frontier and personally commiting every single war crime, has managed to find time to create hundreds of bot accounts and personally spam ukrainian game streams with hate speech and slurs; because obviously it couldn't be "simple russians", after all, every single russian is a pure innocent soul which by nature is not capable of evil (actual quote by pope francis), and, as westerners who don't know a single word in russian never tire of condenscendingly tell me, they would never, ever, ever go out of their way to harrass ukrainian gamedevs and totally would not brag about their army's attacks on our civillian sites, nonono #notallrussians
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trickphotography2 · 1 year
D-Day by TrickPhotography | Chapter 11
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x female!reader
Word count: 4.2k
Synopsis: After finding out his girlfriend is pregnant, Jake is ready to move in and get married. The last thing he expected was to be hit with a six-month deployment at sea and missing the birth of his first child.
18+, minors DNI
Chapter 10 | Master List | Ao3
Chapter 11
Jake jolted awake as the blanket hit his chest, turning in time to see you lurch out of bed and toward the bathroom. Sighing, he scrubbed a hand down his face before getting up, adjusting his morning wood, and going to the kitchen to get a glass of water, a sports drink, and the anti-nausea pills he’d picked up from the pharmacy.
G-force training had taken away a lot of his aversion to vomit. Hell, once you carried your puke bag across the tarmac to the amusement of all the senior pilots, your tolerance was pretty high - but seeing you suffer was the worst. He also felt like shit for not picking up on it sooner. Hearing you tell the med student and doctor your symptoms yesterday made him realize how little you’d talked over the last two weeks. Thankfully, he only had one more week on mids before going back to the day shift. 
The toilet flushed as he set the items on your nightstand. Knocking on the bathroom doorframe, he peeked around the corner to see you sitting against the wall, knees drawn up and head in your hands. “How’re you feelin’, darlin’?” Rather than answer, you gave him a thumbs up. “That good, huh?”
“Ten out of ten, never doing this again.” Chuckling, he crouched beside you and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Never say never.” At that, you lifted your head and playfully glared at him. 
“So in less than 24 hours, you go from not wanting kids to wanting multiple? Didn’t realize my being sick was such a turn-on for you, Seresin.”
“Learn somethin’ new every day. You okay to get up?” When you nodded, he extended a hand and helped you to your feet, guiding you into his arms. You could feel his cock against your stomach as his fingers slipped under your shirt to draw small circles on your lower back. His lips grazed your forehead as you rested your head on his shoulder. “How’s the headache?” 
“Still there, but not as bad as yesterday.” Jake nodded, feeling a bit better about forcing you to eat. If the doc said hydrating and eating would make you feel better, he would ensure you did it. His hands slipped down your back and wrapped around your thighs, lifting you off your feet and setting you on the vanity.
“That’s good, sweetheart.” He grabbed both of your toothbrushes and handed you yours with the bristles damp and a dab of paste. Sighing, you rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. His cheek rested on the crown of your head for a moment before he pulled away, and the buzz of his electric toothbrush started. You gagged while passing the bristles over your molars and had to focus on your breathing. He gently squeezed your thigh while glancing at you worriedly. His toothbrush turned off, yours doing the same a moment later. The water started as he spit, and when you turned to do the same, Jake's hand curled around your cheek, drawing you closer to press his foamy lips to the tip of your nose. 
“Gross,” you scoffed, pushing him away as he laughed before rinsing his mouth. When you moved to get off the counter, his arm shot out to pin your legs down, fingers curling under the counter lip. 
“I gotcha,” Jake said, stepping between your thighs and guiding your legs around his waist.
“I can walk, you know.”
“Don’t want to open the cut on your foot. Besides, you’re already doing all the work, so it’s the least I can do.” Your arms wound around his neck as he lifted you, the tip of his cock grazing your core. You groaned as he palmed your ass, holding you tightly.
“Don’t remind me,” you huffed against his ear. “You get off with five minutes of work, and I’m stuck doing this for nine months.”
“Darlin’, we both know it was more than five minutes, but it certainly wasn’t work,” he chuckled. Gently, he set you on the edge of the bed and handed you the glass of water before shaking out one of the nausea and two headache pills. Once you’d dutifully swallowed them, he cracked open the sports drink and swapped it for the water. 
“Is it killing you that I’m drinking something other than water or coffee in bed?” you teased before taking a sip. He tucked your hair behind your ear and smirked.  
“Since we’ve gotta renegotiate the contract anyways, might as well throw in anything that’ll make sure you’re not dehydrated. You scared the shit out of me yesterday, and we don’t want a repeat of that.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“Shoulda stayed in bed with me… for medical reasons.” Rolling your eyes fondly, you set the drink on the nightstand and scooted back on the bed, flicking the blanket over your lap.
“Well, seeing as I’m not going to work today, and you don’t have to go in for a while, it looks like you got your wish, Lieutenant.” Grinning, Jake capped the drink and moved to his side of the bed, pulling you into his arms so you shared the same pillow. His nose brushed yours before he shifted closer to kiss you. Your hand slipped under the blanket to rest on his hip, fingers sliding into the band of his boxers and thumb tracing the grooves of his muscles. His tongue traced the seam of your lips and, when they parted, he tentatively deepened the kiss, testing the waters with how far he could go. Teasing out those sweet little hums and contented sighs that he loved so much. Slowly, he rolled you onto your back, his knee pushing between your thighs as he braced himself on his forearms. His weight was a comfort, grounding you with all the uncertainty you faced. 
Your stomach clenched, and you whimpered while pushing him away. “Okay?” he asked, cupping your cheek as you breathed deeply. He watched you slowly open your eyes and meet his gaze, your breath washing over him. You hummed, smiling tiredly as his thumb traced your lower lip. “Miss wakin’ up with you, darlin’. Feels too much like when we first started dating, an’ you wouldn’t let me stay over.” 
“Well, you got clingy really fast, and someone had to tap the brakes.” 
“Clingy, huh?” he smirked, hand drifting under the blanket to rest on your waist, his thumb sliding under your shirt to press against your stomach. “Well, you’re stuck with me now. For better or worse.”
“Damn.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, drawing him down to trade lazy kisses. He moved, forcing your legs wide to accommodate him as he lay between your thighs. You could feel his hard cock twitch against your entrance. 
“Once that pill kicks in,” Jake rasped, “wanna see what we can do about that headache?” Rather than answer, you curled your leg around him and lifted your hips. He smiled against your mouth, drawing your shirt up. The material pooled across your neck, and you quickly pulled it off as he turned his attention to your tender breasts. His green eyes flit up to meet yours as he gently stroked you with his tongue, gauging your comfort level - after all, you hadn’t been joking about punching him in the throat the last time he’d touched you there. But thankfully, the sharp pain that had made it difficult to wear a shirt had lessened to a dull ache. You sighed when he covered your breast with his mouth, tongue gently flicking as his thumb circled your other nipple. The warm heat felt so good. He pulled away enough to whisper against your skin, “Lemme take care of you, darlin’.”
At your nod, his hand left your breast to brace himself under the pillow while his other lightly traced your core, smiling at the growing damp spot. “Missed you,” you said, carding your fingers through his hair and holding him close. 
“Been neglecting my girl?” You snorted.
“Clearly not, since you managed to get me pregnant.” Jake chuckled and flung the blanket and sheets off. Goosebumps erupted on your skin as his lips trailed down your chest. 
“That,” he said, punctuating each word with a kiss to your stomach, “I. Did.” Sitting back on his heels, he replaced his lips with his palm, nearly spanning your waist as he spread his fingers and lightly pressed. You covered his hand with yours, and his eyes lifted to meet yours. 
“You’re gonna be a daddy.” A slow smile crossed his mouth as he gripped the sides of your panties and drew them down your legs to drop them off the side of the bed. He was less graceful as he kicked off his boxers before covering you with his body. 
“Feelin’ okay, Mama?” You nodded, and he nudged your legs further apart. He reached down to dip his middle finger into you, gathering your wetness before drawing lazy circles around your clit. Your eyes closed as you settled back into the pillows, lips parting. Jake took advantage and leaned down to kiss you, tongue sliding along yours. When your hips rolled to meet his touch, he smirked. 
“Thought you wanted to help me feel better, not tease,” you groaned. 
“It’s been a little while, darlin’. Just wanna make sure it feels good for you.” 
Huffing, you grasped his cock and lined it up with your entrance, using your other hand to tug him down to say against his lips, “Fuck me, or I’m going to go take care of myself in the shower.” 
“And here I was tryin’ to be nice and sweet.” When his tip breached you, you shifted your hand to his ass, digging your fingers in and making him grunt. He pumped his hips slowly, teasing you with every inch until your hips were flush. Then he stilled.
“Please,” you whined, clenching around him. Jake’s jaw ticked, fighting the urge to move.
“Gonna be good for me?” he asked through clenched teeth. “Gonna tell me when you’re not feelin’ good and take care of yourself?” 
“I - ”
Jake snapped his hips, cutting off your response as you gasped. “That’s a yes or no question.” You nodded when it was clear that he wouldn’t move until you answered. “Words, darlin’.” 
“Yes, fuck. Please.” 
“Good girl,” he smirked, setting a leisurely pace. “Don’t care how many bids you have to get through or if the damn president is visitin’. You don’t feel good, you take care of yourself. You’re carrying a precious payload.” His hand covered your stomach again, stroking softly. 
Groaning, you planted your foot on the bed and pushed, rolling the both of you. Jake huffed in surprise as his back hit the mattress with you straddling him. His hands closed around your hips as you sat up slowly, bracing one hand on his chest to ensure you didn’t get dizzy. As soon as you were steady, you dug your knees into the mattress and lifted yourself before slowly lowering yourself back onto his cock. “Fine,” you breathed. The tendons in his neck strained as you set a languid pace, little moans of pleasure escaping your lips as you rode him. 
“That’s it, baby,” Jake grunted, tightening his grip before thrusting up hard and breaking your rhythm. It was your turn to stop. Smiling, you broke his hold on your hips and kissed his palms.
“You had your chance to do this the way you wanted. Now be a good boy and grab the headboard.” When he looked like he wasn’t going to do it, you raised an eyebrow. “Don’t make me dig out the straps, honey. You know how much I love seeing the velcro around your wrists.” His cock twitched inside you, probably remembering the way you’d teased him for almost an hour the last time you’d talked him into using them, and you responded by rolling your hips. Sighing, he thrust his hands under the pillows and gripped the bottom of the headboard. “Thank you,” you said, kissing the tip of his nose. “Now, watch me take care of myself.” 
And he did just that, hands flexing on the wood as you used him. You banded an arm across your breasts to ease the ache as you bounced on his cock, your free hand circling your clit. Your teeth dug into your lower lip as you watched Jake’s biceps strain with the effort of not touching you. When the coil of pleasure snapped, you gasped, planting a hand on his chest as you fluttered around him. His hands left the headboard and gripped your hips, holding you still as he thrust into you, fucking you through your orgasm until he came with a grunt. 
Panting, you collapsed onto his chest, his arms wrapping around you tightly as he continued to pump his hips. A satisfied smirk crossed his mouth when you whimpered, fingers digging into his pecs. “How’s your head, darlin’?” he asked, brushing the hair from your sweaty forehead. Rather than answer, you gave him a thumbs up, and he laughed into your hair. 
“I’ll get rid of it.” 
“Just move it to the garage,” you countered, leaning against the doorframe as Jake looked around his home gym. The treadmill you sometimes used was tucked into the corner, with his bench press in the center of the room.  
“We wouldn’t be able to park both cars in there. And my truck’s not sitting outside, and you’re not gonna be parking in the driveway. Besides, I go to the gym on base more often than I use this.” Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“I don’t want you to lose your space. We can use the guest room.”
“I have a feeling that we’re gonna be getting more use out of that once the baby gets here. We can move your bed in there and get rid of that one.” 
“Oh fuck,” you groaned, clapping your hands over your face. 
“What? What’s wrong?” he demanded, ready to follow you into the bathroom if your breakfast decided to make a reappearance. 
“We have to tell our parents. Oh god, they’re gonna know we had sex.” Jake couldn’t help the laugh that burst out as he crossed the room to tug you into his arms. 
“I’m pretty sure they know we have sex.” Shaking your head, you leaned into him and groaned again.
“There’s knowing hypothetically and then having the physical proof of it. And it’s not like this was a planned thing, either. They’re going to think we’re so irresponsible. This isn’t funny, Jacob!” you snapped, pushing against his stomach when he continued to laugh. 
“It’s kinda funny, darlin’. Look at me.” When you shook your head, he gently peeled away your hands and forced you to meet his gaze. Even though he knew he shouldn’t, he chuckled at seeing the gleam of tears in your eyes before leaning down to kiss you. “We’re old enough to deal with an unplanned pregnancy. We’re not teenagers; they won’t be mad at us.” 
“Your parents already hate me, and this is just gonna give them more reason to.” The laughter died on his lips as Jake realized that he hadn’t thought about telling his parents - he’d been picturing telling yours. Given their excitement when he asked their permission to propose, he knew they would be ecstatic about a grandchild.
But his parents? They hadn’t even crossed his mind. Other than a call to check in every few months, he rarely talked to them. Lina texted him every other week and tried to loop him in on what was happening with them, but he didn’t engage. It was easier to love his family from a distance.
There was no telling how a baby would change that. His mom had been open about how much she wanted grandkids when he was married, to the point where he’d sometimes felt ganged up on by his mom and ex-wife. From what Lina said, she was now also getting pressured to get married and start having kids. Once his mother found out that you were pregnant, she would want to be more involved.
And, unfortunately, that would mean interacting with his father more. 
“Where’d you go?” Pulling himself out of that mental spiral, Jake met your concerned gaze and forced himself to smile.
“My parents don’t hate you, but you giving them their first grandkid isn’t gonna hurt.” Choosing to ignore the beginning lie, you drew him down to press your lips against his. 
“Can we wait to tell anyone? Just for a little bit?” Feeling a bit guilty that he’d already told Rooster, Jake nodded. 
“Whatever you want, darlin’.” A playful smile curved your lips.
“I’m gonna make you regret saying that.” When he opened his mouth to reply, you frowned and held up a finger, pulling your phone out of the pocket of your leggings and glancing at the caller ID. “It’s the doctor’s office.” Gently pushing against his chest, you stepped into the hallway before answering. 
Jake half listened to the conversation while casting a critical eye over the room. It was the smallest of the three in the house but big enough for a nursery. He was sure Bob would take the treadmill, and Payback had mentioned that he was in the market for a weight bench. The full-sized bed in the guest room would be easy to get rid of with all the families moving, and he could rope Coyote into helping him get yours from the apartment. Hell, he could set all of that in motion at Phoenix’s party on Sunday. Now that there was an accelerated timeline for getting you moved in, the sooner it happened, the better. There was no way he was letting you deal with being sick without him, even if it meant operating on less sleep for the next week. 
“-Any late morning or early afternoon appointments? My boyfriend’s on mids and… Two o��clock on Tuesday?” you said, turning and raising an eyebrow at Jake’s frown. He nodded, and you confirmed the appointment.
Boyfriend. He didn’t like how that sounded, not when you were scheduling a doctor’s appointment about your kid. It sounded… impermanent. Fleeting. Like he wasn’t as committed as he was.
Scrubbing a hand down his face, Jake trudged up the stairs to your apartment, glad he’d accidentally opened the location app before pulling away from the hanger. After a long night in the air, shooting down baby officers who thought they were hot shit, he wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed with you. But instead of being at home, you’d apparently decided to go back to your place. 
When he unlocked the door, he realized why. A handful of plastic tubs were stacked in the corner of your living room, a few picture frames propped against them. Bubble wrap sat on the kitchen counter beside your wine glasses. Clearly, he wasn’t the only one who realized that you’d be moving in sooner. He only wished you’d waited for him to help. 
Jake couldn’t help but smile at the sight of you asleep on the couch, one hand resting on your stomach while the other hung off the edge. Your knees were propped against the back cushion, face turned away from him. The TV laugh track sounded as he unlaced his boots and toed them off before walking towards you. Kneeling beside you, he remembered the first night he’d been at your place. He’d been attracted to you when you opened your mouth and compared the F-35 to his Super Hornet.  He’d wanted to know more about you after you called him out on flirting with you at the coffee shop when he was on a date. 
But that night… that was the night he knew he needed you. He would have waited hours for you in that parking lot to make sure that you were okay after the car accident. Teasing you was the closest he felt to the rush of being catapulted off a carrier. And now he was in for the craziest ride of his life. 
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin was going to be a dad. 
It had been on the tip of his tongue when Coyote stopped by the hanger on his way out to confirm that you were still attending the party on Sunday. It was what he thought about during the evening briefing, while observing some of the pilots during simulation training, and when he climbed into the Super Hornet cockpit with your picture tucked into his flight suit. So he may have crowed a bit louder when he got tone on one of the other instructors, winning the exercise for his team, and whooped while pulling Gs. 
And it was in the forefront of his mind as he took your left hand and stroked your knuckles, squeezing gently. He’d had a plan: rent a plane and take you flying. When they reached altitude, he would hand over the controls to you so you could finally feel what it was like to be a pilot. And once back on the ground, he would take you for cheap burgers and fries on the beach. 
But that didn’t matter.
He ran his knuckle along your cheek before gently grasping your chin and turning you towards him. Your brows furrowed as you made a discontented little hum. Jake smiled, covering your hand on your stomach with his own and lifting your left hand to his lips, kissing your palm. “Open those pretty eyes, sleepy girl.”
Slowly, you blinked awake, smiling at Jake’s soft expression. “Hey, babe.” 
“Hey, darlin’. Looks like you were busy.” Groaning, you closed your eyes.
“Didn’t mean to fall asleep. Was gonna go home, but ‘m so tired.” 
“‘S okay. You coulda waited for me though - you shouldn’t be lifting anything heavy.” Scoffing, you curled your hand over his jaw, thumb stroking his stubble.
“You gonna be like this the whole time?” 
“Like what?”
“Better get used to it, Mama.” 
“You’re ridiculous.” 
“Marry me.” You froze. 
“I love you so much. Will you marry me? I have your ring at home, and I know this isn’t the most romantic way to ask, but - ”
“Yes!” you laughed. Jake grinned as you sat up to kiss him before throwing your arms around his neck. Sliding one arm under your knees and wrapping the other around your back, he quickly stood, laughing as you shrieked at the sudden change in altitude. 
“I’ve got you,” he assured while walking towards the bedroom. But when he flicked the light on with his elbow, he groaned - the bed was covered in your clothes and an open suitcase. “You’re killin’ me, darlin’.” 
“Let’s go home,” you murmured, pressing your lips to his throat. 
“Can’t wait that long,” he replied, stepping over piles of hangers and shoes to set you on an empty corner of the bed. Laughing, you watched him clear the space as you moved towards the pillows, stripping off your shirt and bra. Finally satisfied, Jake shrugged off his flight suit, pausing to look at his right hand. “C’mere,” he rasped while kneeling on the bed. He twisted his Naval Academy ring off his finger and took your left hand, sliding it onto your ring finger. The metal was still warm from his body, and the band was far too large - the ring twisted so the stone pressed against your palm. But tears sprang to his eyes as Jake looked at the silver band on your finger. “Just until we get home, and I can get yours.”
“You’re lucky this is too big, or I’d never give it back.” Smiling, he wiped the tears from your cheeks and slowly lowered you onto the mattress. 
“Congratulations, Hangman,” Rooster said, handing Jake a beer as they stood in Phoenix’s backyard. Jake shifted his gaze from where you were chatting with Bob and Halo, probably spinning the better version of his proposal you’d given your parents - something about recreating your first date, minus the car accident.
Coyote, who knew about the original proposal plan, had rightly called him out for what it was: poor impulse control. 
“Thanks. You too. TOPGUN’ll be lucky to have you as an instructor.”
“I'm just happy to be getting the hell out of Virginia again. Mav told me they’re trying to get a couple of us back. Who knows, maybe we’ll be stationed together again.” Jake snorted.
“I hope not. Got enough things going on now without having to deal with a PCS.”
“Payback says you’ve been filling in with the Weapon School, so who knows.” 
“Shit.” Jake watched as you quickly excused yourself from the conversation and hurried towards the house. “Hold this.” 
“She okay?” Rooster asked, taking the beer shoved at him. Bob and Halo frowned at your retreating back. 
“Fuckin’ morning sickness.” 
“It’s six at night.”
“What can I say? She’s an overachiever,” he huffed, following you inside. 
Author's Note: Jake may not think that it's romantic to propose on a night in, but I definitely do. I had 2 more scenes that I was going to put into this chapter but decided to hold off for the next ones.
Side note - PCS is 'Permanent Change of Station', meaning you move locations (e.g., Rooster moving from VA to CA). Jake is hoping for a PCA, a 'Permanent Change of Assignment', where he could stay at Lemoore after doing his tour with the Vigilantes and just shift to a different squadron.
Thanks for reading!
Read Chapter 12
Tag list: @memeorydotcom; @alldaysdreamers; @kmc1989; @djs8891; @caitsymichelle13; @dempy; @midnightmagpiemama; @lovelyladymayyyy; @caidi-paris; @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby; @bellaireland1981; @lethargicluv; @mayhemmanaged; @tenderclio; @lucypaulette; @abaker74; @trhett21; @misshoneypaper; @schreksdoubledeckerhomechecker; @eternallyvenus; @mavrellover91; @chloeforde; @thatbitcily; @rest-of-brazilian-wax; @percysaidnever; @harperdoodle
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in your earlier ask you said that yves is pretty much anti child so is he also anti pet? or maybe anti puppy/kitten/baby animal? when you described yves pretty much conditioning reader to dislike kids it reminded me when i got my kitten when she was three weeks old. it was during the lockdown so although i was there 24/7 i was lacking sleep because she refused to sleep on her own and i had to feed her every two hours and when she got older she got hyper and i needed to play with her so she could chill out a little more. i remember as i put her to sleep in my lap for the third time i thought to myself “is this what babies are like? but worse, dirtier and for a longer time?” as much as i love my little fur baby i don’t think i could go through that again so i wonder yves’ thoughts on pets. he gives off those vibes that he hates fur everywhere and can’t stand barking lol. but then again if reader wants a pet im assuming he’ll accommodate somehow.
Pets that need his constant attention like most mammals and noisy animals like the majority of birds are a big no for him.
However, he doesn't mind having reptilians as pets. As long as they're big enough to not lose them. He is indifferent to fishes, but he sees them more as home decor than actual living beings. Something akin to owning lava lamps.
He especially likes snakes. It fits with the aesthetic of his house and they're one of the lowest maintenance pets there is. He would meet all of its physical needs, but other than that, he wouldn't care to spend more time with it than necessary. The snake will be locked up in its enclosure at all times, unless you want to interact with it and he knows that your personality wouldn't lead to trouble. He knows everything there is to know about the snake, yet he sees it as a mere display piece for his living room.
Yves despises insects, he uses the presence of them as a sign that the environment isn't clean, and he does not appreciate having to think his house is filthy. No matter how much research he does on them and how many results show that insects do not necessarily equal dirty, Yves just could not accept them.
He is not squeamish, though. Yves despises them but he is not afraid of them, he knows how to handle a tarantula gently and keep calm when it decides to crawl under his turtleneck. If you threw a bucket of cockroaches on him he would not scream or flail, he would dodge it gracefully before dusting himself off. If any got onto him, he will just pick them off his clothes as if they're paper stickers. Yves will not beat around the bush and try to find a roll of newspaper or a bug spray, he is squashing that colony of spiders with his bare hands.
The way he could simply grab a handful of mealworms without hesitation makes the world think he loves bugs. He doesn't, not one bit.
You could simply shove him in a vat full of writhing maggots and he would come out as if he took a leisure swim in the pool, combing his hair with his fingers to get rid of any leftovers.
Yves would be annoyed more than horrified, lecturing you that pushing him into ponds of worms is rude while he jerks his head to expel the ones that are stuck in his ears.
Not to say he is inept at taking care of them. Yves can be an excellent caretaker for any and every animal. His research skills are unbelievably godly and he loathes the idea of him being perceived as incompetent in anything.
Yves also has a strangely high tolerance for all things disgusting and vile, he could clean up the most brutal bloody murder scene complete with mutilated bodies, decomposition, faeces, urine, vomit and other bodily fluids without wearing gloves or a gas mask; and still have an appetite to eat lunch immediately after. Vacuuming fur and sifting through the litter box is nothing to him. He just does not find much fulfillment in owning a pet. Hence, a pet becomes a parasite in his life, and he detests all things vermin.
If you wanted a furry companion so badly, he will hit the books and review the patterns in your life again.
Do you really want a pet or are you actually just bored? If it's the latter, he could effectively fill your time and make you forget about your desire for an animal companion. He could also negotiate his way out of this too.
Are you someone who hyper fixate on something or someone, then lose all interest after a few months? Then, he could wait it out. Taking care of your newest breathing toy as he counts down until you finally decide to abandon it and move on to greener pastures.
Are you someone who easily gives up at the first encounter of a problem? Maybe all it takes for you to drop the interest entirely is a meow that's too loud or a nip that's a bit too painful. He's going to train the animal to misbehave around you.
Are you someone who is susceptible to peer pressure? He is going to train your pet to misbehave around your loved ones. Manipulate your friends and family into thinking that you're an abusive or neglectful pet owner. He doesn't have to say a word to you, everyone is doing the pressuring for him.
Maybe you would fold under his dour glare and stern words, he can be quite scary at times. That generally reduces anyone into a shivering, crying mess that will not bring up the things that displeases him. This is usually the second-last resort to anything.
Perhaps you're a fierce animal lover and have a strong portfolio of being a cat or dog owner. You wouldn't give your beloved four legged friends up for the world, you will fight for them till your very last breath. Someone with unbreakable maternal/paternal instincts towards your precious fur babies. Giving them up is not in the equation.
Well, he is not above traumatizing you for life.
When push comes to shove, you might find your trusted non-human companions betraying you by lacerating your extremities to the point of no repair. Puncturing your throat with its sharp canines and claws, leaving you to breathe on a ventilator while Yves takes care of you in the hospital.
Or he could direct the attack to someone else, make you liable for lasting damages and having to put your seemingly rabid pets down. You would also have to live with the guilt of knowing you're mainly responsible for disfiguring that poor child's face, changing his life for the worse, just because you "didn't" train them well.
He warned you not to test him. Yves has been lenient and his patience has reached its limits. He may love you and want the best for you, but he is also very, very selfish.
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mishy-mashy · 4 months
You will do a character/personality analysis of Shinomori, Banjo and En?
I already did some analyses of these guys, but I think I'm gonna put down this masterlist of what I can pull off the top of my head so far
In relation to posts I made, got asked about, or reblogs about the vestiges and analysis/reading comprehension, from what I can remember,
(Edit: this is a list I'm updating as time goes. Does not include the AFO posts I make [I also like that guy])
En being a product of the time he grew up in
En being cut in half by AFO and not OFA
This ask about if I think En has an anxiety disorder
En and Shinomori's vol 41 illustrations
Shinomori being cute and also some character stuff
Shinomori and Hood should've been the same person
Shinomori was a weirdo
Shinomori and Bruce can be related (appearance and similar character/habits)
This ask about Shinomori being Bruce's nephew
Banjo is a Vigilante, not a Pro Hero
Banjo is where AFO realized taking OFA needed more
Banjo word vomit from an ask asking if he wears a clown mask over his problems
Kudo's really kind
Kudo and Lady Nagant
(Extra point to Kudo-Nagant parallels- THEIR QUIRKS. When they used them, they shot bullets FROM THEIR ARMS and could make the bullet go WHERE THEY WANTED. Nagant by skill, Kudo by Ability)
Kudo, OFA, and "San-San-Kudo" symbolism
Kudo and Bakugo look alike
Kudo and Bakugo resemble each other in s7 too
Kudo and Bruce have eyebags
Kudo smiles like a muppet
Kudo makes funny expressions
Kudo is so short he tucks his pants in
The temptation to write about Kudo knowing nothing about babies and getting one thrown on him in the Resistance era + opening paragraphs
AFO hating Kudo while also being scared shitless
Me over a Kudo cameo
How Kudo fell when Yoichi died, and Kudo and Bruce's different reactions
The foreshadowing of why AFO can't hate strongly, with reference to Kudo
Just a mention in tags about what if Kudo was AFO's soulmate in a Soulmate AU
The Resistance were squatters
Me realizing Kudo's anti-AFO group is actually nameless
Bruce is hot but also has great character
This ask about Bruce's smile
The contrast between the only two times we see Bruce smile (as of ch 424)
Baby u r my angel (Bruce) + tags about being in Bruce's shoes
Some pics of Bruce at bad angles (+ he got the Ojiro treatment)
Me in the tags over Bruce fanart
Why Yoichi can be considered the older twin
Me in the tags when Yoichi shows up as a vestige in s7 ep 12
Some Yoichi-Midoriya parallels
AFO seeing Yoichi in Mineta of all people
Me mentioning people should consider Yoichi, AFO, and their mom in a red light district AU setting
3 reasons for why All Might couldn't find information on the first Three (Yoichi, Kudo, Bruce)
Me going buckwild over a Yoichi and Kudo gif and breaking tag containment
Yoichi + Kudo to Midoriya + Bakugo parallels in the [holding out a hand] scenes
Even as a vestige, Yoichi couldn't look AFO in the eye until Kudo was with Yoichi
The first Three's appearances in s7 ep 13
S7 ep 13 and Midoriya punches AFO with the power of rainbows, right after Yoichi and Kudo appear
*COUGH* Kudo Yoichi Bruce dynamic reblog *COUGH*
Me in the tags looking for rare content about the first Three
Me in the tags over the parallels of Orpheus and Eurydice, to Yoichi, AFO, and Kudo
Me asking if OC-centric fics exist, set in the times of vestiges
Chronological events based off AFO's chase of the past vestiges
Why OFA users are good bases for High-Ends
When the vestiges are smiling without any stressors. Just. Smiling. Oh my gosh-
A point in this post about how determination to beat AFO was what remained of the vestiges
Reblog of post that showed Bruce was crying when he fought AFO
Reblog of a post where Midoriya manages to kill 7 dead people (the vestiges)
Me in the tags wishing Ultra Analysis had pages of the other vestiges
Me in the tags about Horikoshi having detailed backstories for the vestiges and not giving them
My pinned post, which involves a masterlist for my BNHA OC fic stuff (all involve the vestiges, and set in their time periods)
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sgiandubh · 1 year
That night, in Madrid
If I were one of the Anti queens, I would start this post on a very condescending note: remember that night, in Madrid?
Or something along those lines, ugh.
Of course you remember. Even I remember the 2022  Esquire Man of the Year Awards. It is one of the first events I followed live, lurking in the shadows and hoping someone would notice the elephant in the room.
Rivers of pixels have flown on Tumblr following that event. Why did S take the car for a 200 meters ride round the corner. What exactly did that reporter mean with the „man of your life” silly question. And yes, how moving and heartfelt his acknowledgement speech was. Everything about that night has been parsed, over and over and over again, to the point of nausea and subsequent word vomit.
But, to my knowledge, nobody paid attention to Cristina Castaño's short speech, moments before she presented an award to Fernando Líndez. Bless his heart, I have no idea who he is and what he does for a living, and anyways, he is not important in my story.
You can find the clip on this page , under a classic clickbait title (Cristina Castaño y su ligoteo con SH/CC's flirting with SH): https://www.esquire.com/es/actualidad/a42253896/cristina-castano-premios-esquire/
The elephant enters the room at the 0:49 mark. This is what she says, in plain, audible - albeit strong-accented- English:
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You can hear him laugh first. Then everybody does. This was supposed to be, and it was, some light, Spanish-style banter. But to a shipper's ears it did sound almost like an outing of sorts (LET ME FINISH) or at least as some weird, open secret situation, shared by many in that room. Enough to make me stop in my tracks.
You can screech to your heart's content that I am biased. But then so is Esquire Spain's editorial team. Somewhere else on their website (https://www.esquire.com/es/actualidad/a42254186/premios-esquire-sam-heughan-cronica/), damage control and retcon were in full swing:
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Translation is mine, for what it's worth: " Above all, Cristina Castaño who, in a delirious turn of events, told S: `I am a ginger. Well, I look lrish/Scottish. S burst into laugh, since she told him that in flawless English. Cristina, my friend, you are great".
The problem is, Cristina Castaño never uttered the word "Scottish", which would considerably water down what she really said. Listen again. Just Irish. Not a trace of Scottish. Zero.
What did he do next? He thanked an Irish woman in his speech. His Irish woman. Right after his mother.
Fan service my (right) foot.
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starsreminisce · 11 months
I always find it interesting that E/riels overlook how violent Azriel was towards Elain’s mate. I get that many people don’t think the bond is real (tho I don’t know why you’d think so), we know from canon that the bond is a real thing and it’s sacred and special to the fae. So why on Earth are people so into the blood duel? If Azriel actually killed Lucien, they would hurt Elain too. Even if she didn’t want the bond, it is there and it makes her whole (it’s described this way by other SJM characters anyway). So Azriel having no indication that killing Lucien would hurt Elain is a major red flag for me. It’s arrogant and inconsiderate, not to mention that even if Elain decides to reject Lucien, she might still not want to have him murdered… to me that whole blood duel suggestion seems nuts.
Feyre showed us what it's like when her bond is severed, and it was so devastating that she pleaded with Tamlin - yes, Tamlin - to help bring Rhys back to life. It made her rethink her plans of having kids earlier than she had intended. The thought of losing Cassian prompted Nesta to take action.
Elain seems to feel things more deeply than her sisters. That's why they're concerned about her going to Hewn City and why she ended up vomiting from sheer terror during the cauldron's blast.
This all ties back to some folks being more anti-Lucien than actual fans of Elain. Because no genuine fan of Elain would be thrilled about Azriel wanting to duel Lucien, especially if they understood the impact it could have on her based on past experiences. It's even more amusing because many E/riels are eagerly anticipating Elain's book, and I wonder if they'll maintain that energy when they find out that Lucien is the second person involved.
For my part, I think Lucien is more of a defender than a fighter. He might not actively fight for her, but he'll certainly stand up for her and himself. He might even consider Az not worth the trouble. However, the fact that he's stood his ground against his father, Tamlin, Rhys, the King of Hybern, and Amarantha when provoked suggests that if Az fucks around with Lucien, he'll find out.
I've heard some Lucien stans interpret Rhys's eyes flickering when he agreed with Az as a sign that he's lying and trying not to encourage Az to challenge Lucien. Rhys knows Lucien's true parentage and how Lucien's powers perfectly counter Az's. TOG shows us what happens when fire clashes with shadows. Who knows, maybe just one word from Lucien would be enough.
Plus, even Nesta is concerned about what might happen to Elain if something were to happen to Lucien because of how it would affect her. While the mating bond is considered sacred and unbreakable, it seems that not everyone sees it the same way for Elucien.
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sehtoast · 3 months
How are you able to like Homelander and not condone his actions at the same time, without feeling crappy? This sounds accusing but I’m asking bc I’m struggling with it. I know ppl who do the same with characters, but I’ve had an unwelcome fixation on him come out of nowhere and I feel sick and guilty bc I feel like everyone will think I’m some kind of freak or something. I’m very much anti-sa and other gross stuff esp as a victim but I still feel like I’m being hypocritical or something. I’m sorry for the weird message but I feel like I’m losing my mind
The short answer is that he’s fictional.  Think of… I dunno, an antagonist in media of a different form (let’s go with anime).  I was a naruto kid growing up, so let’s use Orochimaru for an example.  My guy was on some fuck shit through the entire show. Snatching bodies, murkin’ Hokages, wild experiments, all that shit with Sasuke, and so on.  People still liked him regardless because he was a cool character despite the bad things he’s done.  Some people may have even found him relatable in certain ways.  I feel like it’s the same concept here.
You don’t have to feel bad about enjoying fictional characters, no matter how awful they may be.  At the end of the day, they’re fictional and their actions have harmed nobody in real life.  Their actions may mirror that which does harm real people, but they themselves have not dealt real harm to real people.  Enjoying them does not mean you condone their actions.
I’m also extremely anti-SA, and am a victim of it myself, but I still find a lot of love and appreciation for Homelander’s character– but this isn’t hypocritical.  My love for him doesn’t come from the fact he has perpetrated that act, nor should it come from that.  I love him as a character with the bottom line that he is… extremely complex.  
I’ve said it for years now, but I think Homelander is a compelling tale of the dangers of commodifying the human soul.  He is an example of how awful someone can turn out if you deprive them of humanity with the goal of creating a product.  People are not products, we are not a means to an end, and we certainly should never be treated that way. He was, and this is how he turned out.  He’s a take on the cyclical nature of trauma in a lot of really interesting ways as well.
I find him relatable from a standpoint of my own traumas and being transgender.  Episode four of s4 revealed that I have a jarring amount of trauma that mirrors his own to some capacity.  I’ve always suspected these things, and I’ve had headcanons since the first season, and having them confirmed reminded me just how much I’ve latched onto this character because of it.  Homelander experienced some degree of sexual abuse in the labs– and I wager there may have been worse than simply being called ‘squirt.’ Homelander was subjected to physical torture and locked in a room where his mind slowly fractured, all while being conditioned to never seek escape otherwise he’d be too devastated from disappointing the scientists or losing their ‘love.’ 
I have experienced SA, I was locked in my room with nothing as punishment (my 'bad room'), had very little privacy and next to no access to boundaries as a kid, I was put through physical pain very often by a sibling (my furnace), I was reared and conditioned to have a fear of disappointing others so severe it made my blood pressure drop into the danger zone a couple times as a kid– and still has similar effects as an adult.  I’d literally pass out, have panic/anxiety attacks, vomit, etc.  I also know what it’s like, as a trans man, to have been raised and reared for a life that was designed for me, but was not me.  I was lucky enough to find my way to the person I needed to be; Homelander has not and likely will not ever be able to do so.  In all of the aforementioned, I have a lot of empathy and compassion for him that combines with my fascination with his complexity.  There were a lot of things in my life that should have pushed me down the road to be an awful person, much like the things in his life did. But I had a handful of people to guide me toward better things.  He didn’t.
But I see myself in there nonetheless. Homelander was the first time I ever saw so much of my own trauma on display in a single character.  I’d love to hug the man and tell him he’s enough, show him the humanity he was and continues to be denied, and so on.  When I realized that means that I would, in turn, do that for myself if I only viewed myself through a lens that wasn’t my own, my life changed.  This character changed my life.  I know I thirst-post about him a lot, but my love for Homie runs a lot deeper than just finding him attractive, you feel?
A fictional character doesn’t have to be one of moral high ground or superiority for it to be okay for you to enjoy them.  You can enjoy characters who commit horrible acts. This does not make you someone who condones horrible acts.  I was initially pretty embarrassed to admit I like Homelander as much as I do, but I slowly realized that it does not make me a bad person and it should never be used as a gauge to find out how ‘moral’ someone is or not.  People like Hannibal Lecter, people like Thomas Hewitt, Joffrey, Albert Wesker, Cletus Kasady– any number of fictional characters who have an ugly record or have done horrific things.  We do not assume someone is evil because they like Hannibal, nor should we do the same for people who like Homelander.
At the end of the day, do what makes you happy. If exploring Homie is something you would have fun with, do it! Engage in media, learn tales of caution and tragedy– stories make us human.  You are not inhuman for enjoying Homelander and his tale.  In fact, I would argue you are very human because of it.
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
I was watching a video on the Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragon’s fandom, cause I was very into it when I was younger and seeing the video come up in my recommended really took me back. And it was by a creator I really liked!
And then, 2 minutes in, they started expressing their sheer disgust for all the nsfw they came across, and a few minutes later disgust over the self-cest.
Everyone is free to their own opinions and taste in media, but the absolute vitriol was upsetting.
I’m always so disappointed to see this kind of message spread around, even though I understand it’s a ‘popular’ one. So many times, I see so many large creators on YouTube and TikTok demonising certain areas of fandom, even if they aren’t involved in that fandom/fandom in general.
While I understand some people are uncomfortable by some areas of fandom, just leave it alone? While you may not morally agree with something, it doesn’t mean you have to bash it in such a way.
Just…let people be! You are more than free to disagree, but you don’t have to engage with it and so publicly bash it. Let people engage in fandoms how they please.
In real life, this a lot of this stuff is absolutely morally reprehensible and disgusting. But this is fandom/fiction. And there can be a lot of ‘gray areas’.
I’m also especially sad about how ‘shippers’ get talked about in these kinds of videos. I fully understand not being a shipper and disliking them, but come ON! Ship (or don’t) and let ship.
Anti rhetoric is nothing new, but I’m so sad when time and time again creators talk like this about different aspects of fandom, without even trying to ‘understand’, or just leave it alone.
There are many creators I enjoy that will cover topics involving fandoms/fandom spaces, who come on and ridicule what they find. Those aren’t your spaces, and that’s fine, so stay out of them if you dislike them.
This probably isn’t very coherent, I’m not very good at getting my thoughts out. But it made me so upset seeing a creator I really like start talking so bad about certain areas of the fandom. Like, full pretending to vomit and saying he was ‘crying over the self-cest because what is wrong with people’, and ‘child p is morally bankrupt’. In real life, yes it is. But this is fandom/fiction.
I took a video I might put on my blog to really get the full message of what they were saying. It was just so upsetting
Money. The bottom line is that these shitty practices make them money. If their audience started rewarding different behavior, they'd do that instead.
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