#motherfucker tried having sex in a park can you keep it in your pants for FIVE SECONDS. WHY DO I LIKE HIM
heartshapedskittles · 9 months
I finished watching shu’s hbd route and the reason I barely posted about it is because of how unnecessarily fucking horny he is. I dont like how this is becoming a pattern in the fictional men I like
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xiaojusaur · 5 years
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Pairing: 80s Heartthrob! Lucas x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, a hint of Angst
Warnings: Wild kissing, fingering, protected sex, praising, dirty talking
Word Count: 9.4K
Description: The campus heartthrob Lucas asks you for a pencil in class and invites you to dinner later, thinking you would fall for him as fast as the other girls. To his surprise, you will become his hardest catch and the thief of his heart. This story develops in the 80s, it contains a lot of 80s slang. 
“This History class makes me ralph,” you heard from your right side in the classroom. You looked with the corner of your eye to see Lucas, the biggest heartthrob on campus, with both hands on his face.
Any girl from campus would feel so lucky to be sitting right next to the campus cutie, but not you, you really didn’t care. In fact, you didn’t find him that fine, he was pretty normal to you. So, you decided to ignore him and keep paying attention to the class.
A few minutes later you heard again, “Hey, sweet thang, do you have a pencil I can borrow?” You thought he was talking to another person, so you didn’t even bother to look.
But then you heard, “Psst! Hey you, pretty thing on my left”. Surprised, you eyed him without saying nothing, trying to still hear what the professor was saying.
“Yes you,” he whispered when you looked at him. “Can I borrow a pencil?”
You just nodded and fished for your pencil case in your backpack. You then passed him the darn pencil and continued to pay attention to the class.
 At the end of the class, you already had forgotten about the pencil, so you packed your stuff and when you were about to walk out the classroom someone pulled you by the arm, making you stop abruptly.
You looked back alarmed to meet with Lucas big-rounded eyes.
“Sorry, I just wanted to give your pencil back,” he smiled. You could see why every girl was swooning over him, he kinda had a charm.
“You can keep it, I think you need it more than I do,” you smirked because you just called him moron.
His eyes scanned you from down to up, was he checking you out?
You confirmed your assumption with his next line, “Say, let me thank you then. How ‘bout we do lunch? My treat. We can get some za and brew. Whatchu think?” You hate his smug face.
You wanted to turn him down, though it was a tempting invitation, you weren’t about to be one more on his i-fuck-em-i-leave-em list.
“Hmm... I’ll pencil you in, just in case something comes up,” you left him in uncertainty.
“Schweet,” he said in his deep voice. There you had another reason why girls pissed their pants for him. “See ya’ around then,” he let you go.
 Your friend, who was waiting outside, saw everything and as soon as you stepped outside the classroom said, “Drop some science, homegirl.”
You rolled your eyes, “There’s nothing, I just gave him a pencil.”
“So you just gave a Pencil to THE Lucas, as if nothing?” She asked surprised.
“No duh! I’m telling you, he asked me for a pencil and I just gave it to him,” you explained again.
“Don’t bogart! I feel like there’s something more,” she squinted her eyes.
“Ugh, fine! Can you believe he asked to do lunch with me?” A smile started forming on your face.
“No way!” She squealed in the hallway.
“I kid you not!”
“Dude, that’s radical! What did you say?” She was so excited you almost felt guilty for saying no to Lucas.
“I said I’d pencil him in,” you whispered.
“Why would you do that?! Do you know the possibilities!?” She was so disappointed.
“Listen, like, I don’t wanna be another one on his list. You know his rep. I’m not about to be played again,” you confessed.
“Hey, but at least you would be getting played by someone fly as fuck! Have you seen that man?! He’s like fine as hell!”
“Not even,” you scoffed.
“Even! Where are your eyes?!”
“Ugh, whatever, I didn’t say no, if I change my mind I’d tell him,” you started walking to leave.
 Lucas POV
He met with his squad at the parking lot, everyone was waiting for him.
“Was about time!” Said Mark as soon as he saw him.
“Homeboy, where the fuck were you?” asked Hendery.
“Bruh, I just met this betty on my history class, I was trying to ask her out but she kinda said no,” he looked bummed.
“Tough, homie,” said Hendery.
“Anyways, what’s the plan? What are y’all down for?” He wanted to forget everything asap.
“How ‘bout we go to the dinner, we can grab some beer,” suggested Mark.
 Your POV
Your friend and you decided to go to the dinner to get something to eat before returning home. After all, it was Wednesday and you needed to study. Some food would be nice.
You were sharing some fries and milkshakes when suddenly you saw him: Lucas.
You panicked a little but tried to look cool. You couldn’t fool your friend. “You saw a ghost or something?” But when she turned around, she knew the reason. Lucas was walking in with a few friends.
“Oh! Look who’s here! Maybe now you can actually tell him yes,” she joked.
“Psych!” You started laughing.
You tried to not draw too much attention so he wouldn’t see you but apparently you were everything he wanted now, as suddenly he was walking to you.
“Gag me with a spoon! He’s coming!” You panicked.
But before your friend could say something he got to the table.
“Heyy, sweet thang, good to see you here!” He sounded excited.
“Hey again,” you smiled nervously.
“Seems life wants us to meet,” he was being smooth.
“For sure,” you nodded.
“Can I sit here?” He pointed to your side on the table.
“Totally,” you said as you moved so he could sit. He looked at your friend and tipped his head, she just smiled back to him.
The thing about Lucas isn’t that he’s attractive, is his choice of words and how smooth he is. In no time, he’ll have you wrapped around his finger because he’s totally good with words.
He quickly felt confident to put his arm over your shoulders. Your friend almost choked on a french fry because he wasn’t being subtle at all.
“So, sweet thang, you have a name?” he said while raising an eyebrow, trying to look fly.
“Yeah, is pencil girl for you,” you were in the mood for joking a little.
He roared of laughter, “Oh baby, you’re really funny,” he commented.
“It’s Y/N,” you said laughing of your own joke.
“Cute,” he pointed out. “So, are you up for that offer? Or are you gonna turn me down again?” He asked.
“Listen, pretty boy, I will accept only because I’m already here,” you explained.
“Bitchin,” he smirked.
Your friend, who already was feeling awkward said, “Imma go talk to Joan about something, be right back!” and she flew out.
When Lucas saw your friend disappeared, he was looking at you, scanning you, trying to learn every detail of you.
“What?” you spat.
He just gave you a lopsided smile and responded, “Nothing, baby.”
“I’m not your baby,” you protested.
“You might be in the future.” This suave motherfucker!
“Not even,” you rolled your eyes.
“That’s what they all say,” he pulled you closer and you turned your head, avoiding what he had in mind to do.
Lucas clearly didn’t know you, you were down for playing this hard-to-get game.
He hummed, “I see, you’re a feisty one. Tell you what,” his lips got closer to your ear to whisper, “I’ve had many like you between my fingers and they all changed their minds as soon as they tried this.”
You couldn’t deny his groggy, deep voice in your ear giving you goosebumps, but you were not going to fall for his games this easily. If he really wanted something, he had to earn it with sacrifice.
“Oh, dear Lucas,” you said giggling evilly, “You don’t know anything about me, homeboy. You want something with me? You gotta earn it, work hard for it, and I might think about it. Okay?” You got up the table and looked at him in disbelief before almost running out of the place.
Your friend noticed and came running right behind you.
“Wait! What happened??” She shouted.
“Well, he just thinks he can whisper in my ear and get in my pants, so I got angry!” You were furious! How dare he! You were walking fast to your dorm.
“What a major hoser! I hope he gets kicked in the balls.”
“That’s not gonna happen, the world is in love with him,” you groaned.
“Well, maybe you can be his kick in the balls,” she shrugged.
“Grody” you grimaced.
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  Lucas kept insisting, or should you say persisting? He kept talking to you in class, he would look for you at lunch, he would find any excuse to have a word. You loved to see him try.
You were at your locker storing some books when he appeared from the back, closed your locker door and caged you between his arms.
“Sweet thang, say, would you like to party hardy Friday night?” His breath smelled like peppermint, his eyes were staring at you intensively.
You heavy breathed annoyed, “Lucas, why are you so entitled? Isn’t there any other girl toy for you to bother?”
“Get real, you like me, you just want to seem interesting by playing hard to get,” he said so sure, you almost believe him.
“Oh, I’m so sure! You live in my head now?” You said sarcastically.
“I understand body language, baby” he rose his eyebrows. You just wanted to hit his smug face.
“Eat my shorts, Lucas,” you pushed him out of the way, but he wasn’t giving up so easily.
“Oh, I would love to!” He exclaimed a little too loud in the hallway.
“Hey, barf bag, leave her alone. Don’t you see she’s not into you? Get the hint, homie” said your friend, finally coming to the rescue.
He finally left, and you thanked your girl for the help. You really didn’t understand what was his damage.
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  Your neighbor was throwing a party and she invited you. She was so nice, you couldn’t say no, plus, who doesn’t like parties? You invited your friend over because going to parties alone wasn’t fun.
You were looking totally wicked with a colorful shirt tied on the front and some high-waisted jeans, ready to dance your heart out and party hardy.
You could hear the boom of the music from your room, so you tried to hurry up. You ran down the stairs all ready to get greeted by your mom who just arrived from work. She said hi and told you to be safe and have fun.
You met your friend outside and then decided to enter the house. Your cute neighbor received you all happy and quickly gave you some drinks to set up the mood. The music was so nice, there weren’t many people and you all had space to dance.
You were dancing crazily with your friend when suddenly you saw him. You thought it was your brain playing games on you, you thought you were going mental but no, Lucas just entered the house with a few of his friends. Did he know your neighbor?!
“Oh no,” you said in panic but without stopping from dancing.
“What’s happening?” your friend asked.
“I’m gonna spin you so you can see,” you said.
You changed positions with her and she saw him. “OH! Do you think he knows you’re here? Or is it just a coincidence?”
“I don’t know, with him everything is a surprise,” you rolled your eyes.
“Just let it flow, he hasn’t noticed you’re here.”
“Well, he will soon, let’s go get a drink,” you pulled her by the wrist.
 At the kitchen, you found your neighbor, “Hey! Are you having fun?” she said too excited, you suspected she was tipsy already.
“Yeah!! This party is hella stellar!” you said as you grabbed a drink for yourself.
“I’m glad! Well, I’ll be going around, my crush just arrived!” she giggled.
“Go get him!!” you encouraged her.
“He’s the cutest! Though he came with some friends, I’m trying my luck here,” she explained. Could it be one of Lucas friends? You decided to ask her.
“By any chance, is Lucas one of his friends?” That sounded so nosy, but fuck it!
“Yeah, is there any problem?” she looked so confused.
“No! Not at all,” you blushed.
She then smirked, great! Now they would think you like him. “Don’t tell me you like him?”
“Not even!!” you panicked, but now your neighbor AND your friend had their own speculations.
 You went back to the dancefloor/living room. Footloose by Kenny Loggings was playing so everyone was dancing happily. You pulled your friend to dance with you. While you were at it, you scanned the whole place to see where Lucas was.
You spotted him talking in a corner, drink in hand. He looked hot as fuck, wearing a leather jacket, black jeans, his jet-black hair styled naturally. Wait, what were you thinking? Must be the alcohol in your system.
Your friend caught you staring and started teasing you, “You don’t have to pretend with me you know? You can’t fool your bff”. She was laughing.
“What do you mean?” you were acting innocent.
“You know what I mean! Y/N, if you like him, you should give him the chance. Just have fun on the ride!” she encouraged you.
“What if I end up hurt?” you asked.
“Well, you know his fame. Try not to get so much into it,” she shrugged. “Though, with this, you’re confessing YOU LIKE HIM!!!”
“Stop!!! I just like the attention,” you sassed.
“Well, don’t panic, but he just spotted you and he’s walking here so act natural,” she said as she pretended to not see him.
“Barf me out,” you said between teeth.
 “Heyyy Sweet thang!” he said happy to see you.
“Oh! Hey, Lucas! I didn’t know you were here!” your acting was radical.
“Yeah, one of the homeboys goes together with the girl that threw the party,” he explained.
“Yeah! She’s neighbors with Y/N!” spoiled your dear friend.
You looked at her with menacing eyes, she wasn’t supposed to share that information, less with LUCAS!!
“For real?” he smiled excitedly.
“Yeah…” you said nodding.
“Bitchin!” he exclaimed.
Suddenly I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston started playing, everyone went wild and started dancing again. Lucas looked at you and you looked at him, like you two wanted to dance but nobody worded it.
“You guys should dance!” your friend finally said.
“Are you down?” he asked scratching the back of his head.
“Sure,” you shrugged.
He took your hand and pulled you nearer the dancefloor. He started dancing and smiling, you were hypnotized so you just stood there looking at him while smiling. “Come on! Show me those dance moves!” he pulled you closer and started to shake you to make you dance.
You started moving at the rhythm of the music, he spun you, sometimes his hand held you by the waist for too long. You both were jumping and twisting, having the time of your lives.
The song stopped and you both started laughing, you leaned on him to not fall from the laughter. He didn’t lose time and held you.
“Do you want anything to drink?” he asked being a gentleman.
“Would be gnarly,” you nodded.
“Be right back, sweet thing,” he said as he walked to the kitchen.
Your friend appeared out of nowhere when she noticed he wasn’t near.
“How was it?” she was smirking.
“Wicked good,” you confessed.
“You’re welcome,” she bragged.
“Thanks for saving my life,” you rolled your eyes, but honestly, you were thankful.
“You both were dying to dance! Pussies!” She left suddenly because she saw him walking to you again.
 “Here you go,” he placed his hand on the small of your back.
“Thank you,” you said as you took the drink from his hand.
“You smoke?” he asked casually.
“Nope, do you?” you made a daring face, testing him.
“Not if you don’t,” he smiled. This little bitch!
“Hmm… I see,” you ran your tongue over your bottom lip to wet it a little. You don’t know how he took that action but he chuckled.
 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun started playing and your friend came running to dance with you, so you left Lucas alone.
You wanted to tease him a little, so you started moving a little too sexy, your friend obviously understood what you were doing so she played along. You looked at him while dancing and he was just studying you while smiling.
“I think he’s really into you,” said your friend.
“No duh!” you said sarcastically
“What are you gonna do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, are you going home with him? Are you gonna leave him hanging?” she was curious.
“I don’t know! What should I do?” you keened.
“I say you just let it flow. Do whatever he wants to do, don’t resist,” she suggested.
“Within my boundaries, of course,” you added.
“Exactly. He won’t do anything you don’t want to. He doesn’t strike me as that kind of guy,” she was looking at him.
“What if I want to?! That’s my fear!” You said alarmed.
“Just let it happen! Have the mindset that he’s a heartthrob, try to not get feelings,” she shrugged.
“Easy for you to say! You’re not the one getting hurt!” You complaint.
 As soon as the song finished, he walked closer to you, as if you had a magnet.
“Hey,” he surprised you from the back.
“Hi... again,” you smiled.
“Do you wanna... maybe take a walk?” he offered.
“Sure...” you nodded.
“After you...” he signaled to the door.
You both were outside, walking around the house, taking some fresh air. He had his hands in the pockets of his jacket, just so attentive to your conversation.
“So which one is your house?” He asked while looking down the street.
“Literally the one next to this,” you laughed.
He looked at it, a smile growing on his face.
“What?” You elbowed him.
“I just imagined you sneaking out through that window, jumping from there,” he started laughing.
“You! I’ve never done that! I’m a good girl,” you battered your eyelashes.
“You can’t fool me, baby. You’re not so much of a good girl,” he smirked.
“I may not be it, but I’ve never sneaked out through that window. And before you ask, nobody has jumped out of it either. Plus I’m a grownup, I can go out at any time,” you shrugged.
“Is that your room?” He asked about the window.
“Are you planning to rob me?” you asked back.
“Maybe,” he looked up acting innocent.
 You went silent, imagining him in your room, jumping out of the window because it was too late and your parents came home. You were smiling unconsciously and he caught you.
“A penny for your thoughts. It seems really interesting in there,” he was looking at you.
“Nothing, just... nothing,” you smiled.
“Pretty thing, you need to get real with me. Weren’t you a big girl?” He was challenging you.
You smiled and maybe the alcohol helped but you just blurted, “Well, I was thinking about you and I in my room and suddenly my parents get home or wanting to come into my room and it was really funny imagining you jumping out the window.”
He started laughing loudly, “Oh, you’re really funny. But seriously, what were we doing in your room?” You knew where he was going and you were so up for it.
“Stuff,” you shrugged.
“What kind of stuff?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Interesting stuff,” you smirked.
He hummed and then asked, “Are your parents home?”
“Probably sleeping, since it’s so late,” you looked at your watch and it was 2AM.
“You down for some interesting stuff?” He winked at you! And you almost swoon but you concealed it with a chuckle.
“Sure,” now you were challenging him.
 You opened the door, peeking inside making sure your parents weren’t in the living room. When you saw the house completely dark and silent, you extended your hand to Lucas, who was waiting right behind you. He took it and you darted inside, closing the door almost silently behind you.
You both went upstairs in your tiptoes, not making too much sound. Arriving at your door was a relief. You opened it, praying that it didn’t make any sound and you let Lucas in first, then you entered and locked it.
Lucas was watching everything around, your posters, your disks, and turntable. “Your room is hella gnarly,” he commented.
“Yeah, thanks,” you nodded.
He took the liberty of sitting on your bed and you sat right beside him. He was still hypnotized by everything surrounding him. You were studying him: his golden skin glowed with the moonlight, his eyes were shining, you dare to think he looked cute. But you knew there was nothing soft about this boy, he was danger and he was in your room.
He caught you looking at him so he smiled and you blushed. He was getting closer to you and you didn’t know what else to do, so you let him. Just centimeters away from kissing you he whispered in a deep voice, “Can I kiss you?” and your lips just moved on their own, “Please.”
His lips crashed on yours with full force. Surprisingly, you were kissing him back with the same want, like you’ve been wanting this your whole life... and maybe you have.
He pushed you down on the mattress, still kissing you desperately, hands everywhere, bodies closer than ever, teeth grasping, nose bumping. You felt one of his hands traveling south, which made you nervous because who knows where would you be ending. Your hands were tangled between his dark locks enjoying the silky feeling of his hair. His hand just kept lingering on your thigh not daring to touch more, maybe waiting for your approval.
He groaned and said, “Gosh, you have an amazing bod,” and he continued kissing you.
“So do you,” you whispered, guiding him to your neck. He nibbled the soft skin right below your jawline, making you moan.
He smiled proudly because he knew the effects he had on you.
He was caressing your thigh, going up, getting closer to your center.
“Oh Lucas...” you moaned right on his lips, he just smirked again.
Suddenly someone knocked on your door. You both froze and he looked at you alarmed, asking you without words what to do. You pointed to down your bed and he quickly rolled and got underneath it.
“Honey? Y/N? Are you home?” It was your mom.
You pretended to have a sleepy voice, “Mom...? Is something wrong?”
“Oh, nothing, just making sure you were there... sleep well, honey.” You heard her footsteps fade away.
A few seconds later, Lucas appeared from under the mattress. “Guess I’ll have to jump after all,” he whispered and you both started laughing, trying to keep it low.
He got up to his feet and while brushing off the dust from his pants he said, “Well, it was fun baby, but gotta motor.”
“Sure, be careful out there,” you said leaning on your elbows.
“Will do,” he assured you. He leaned over to reach your lips and pecked you before jumping out of the window. It was really funny seeing him do what you wondered earlier.
 Everyone at campus was talking about the party and how radical it was. Your friend, who noticed your absence and Lucas’, asked you about it but you chose to keep it a secret between Lucas and you.
Nobody knew how he climbed your window the two following Friday nights. You would wait for your parents to go out or to fall asleep and he would knock on your window for you to let him in.
You two would play some jams on your turntable or just chill around your room, but it always finished the same way: wildly kissing on your bed. Here you were, underneath his muscular bod, his hands everywhere while your mouths couldn’t let go of each other.
He stopped, closed his eyes and pursed his lips as if holding back his impulse. You looked at him confused and asked, “Is something wrong?”
He was hovering over you while looking directly into your eyes now. “Babe, I really don’t know how much I can hold myself,” he sounded desperate. “I hella wanna make you mine,” he confessed in a deeper-than-usual voice.
You bit your lip in response and he hissed.
“I wanna touch you and I want you to touch me,” he said as he crouched again to kiss your neck. His lips were convincing you, but your mind had more power and you didn’t want to become one of his girls yet. But maybe you didn’t have to reach third base... you could just run a little farther than first base.
‘Tender Love’ played on the background while he attacked your neck, his hands ran slowly up your exposed thighs. His palm arrived between your legs and he was massaging your core over your underwear, teasing, making you surrender to his charms. You weren’t complaining, on the contrary, you sighed and whispered, “Lucas…”
“Yeah, babe?” he asked in a teasing tone. He sucked on the tender skin under your ear and marked you.
“Lucas!!!” you gasped in panic. He just started laughing.
“You marked me!” you sat on your bed, touching the spot he sucked because it was stinging.
“So what?” this cocky bitch!
“Why did you do that?!” you whisper-screamed.
“To give you something to remember me,” he winked.
“What if I do the same? You wouldn’t like it” you sassed.
He laid back on your bed, propped up his elbows, and looked at you with a raised eyebrow, like challenging you. “Who said I won´t?”
“I’m assuming since you are the biggest heartbreaker around,” you made a smug face.
“You’re just a chicken,” he was definitely challenging you.
You gasped “I see,” you nodded. You then straddled him, darkness in your eyes, seducing him. He didn’t move a muscle waiting for your next move, but he was looking at you in awe. You leaned forward aiming to his neck and then bit and sucked on his neck, right on his jugular.
You heard him gasp, hiss, and then moan, his hands quickly holding you by the waist. “Oh fuck, baby…”
You looked proudly the little galaxy you left on his neck and then said, “Call me chicken one more time.”
“Zip it, come here,” he pulled you to kiss you again, this time full of lust, desperate to take your clothes off, he sent your shirt flying, leaving you in bra while you pulled his white shirt off too. Your hands ran down his muscular arms as he pulled you closer.
You were convinced to just let it happen when someone knocked on your door. You both stopped and entered in panic mode. He mouthed “What should I do?”
You just eyed to under the mattress. He rolled his eyes, like saying “Here we go again”, but he quickly got under your bed. You just pretended to be asleep and got under the sheets. Whoever it was, opened the door to peek inside and then closed it. Must be your parents who arrived and wanted to let you know. Thank God they always knocked.
“They are gone,” he whispered.
You got out of the sheets and said, “Why does this always happens?”
“Something doesn´t want us to do the wild thing,” he chuckled.
“Maybe it’s not good for me,” you smirked.
“What do you mean?!” he acted hurt while putting on his shirt again.
“I said what I said,” you crossed your arms.
“Is it time to jump out the window?” he asked.
“Probably,” you shrugged.
“Kay then, see you on Monday,” he was walking to the window.
“Okay bye,” you waved at him.
“Wow, no good night kiss or anything?” he acted disappointed again.
You laughed and then walked to him, he pulled you by the waist and then kissed you hard. You two acted as if you were an official thing, but you didn’t even know where you were standing.
“I’ll see you at campus, my sweet thing,” he said in a velvety voice and then opened the window to jump outside.
You looked in the mirror to admire the little mark Lucas gave you. What does that mean? Does it mean he likes you? Or does he want you just for fun? All you know is you’re starting to like him A LOT.
Your friend was waiting for you at the cafeteria to grab some lunch and you were anxious to see Lucas too. You tried to cover the hickey with some makeup, plus you tried to cover it with your hair, but your friend had eagle eyes and saw it from afar.
“What is that?!” She brushed your hair back, exposing your neck.
“Damn you and your telescopic eyes,” you groaned.
“Who did this to you?!” She was so confused and felt betrayed because you haven’t said anything to her.
“I- can explain,” you gave her a fake smile.
“I’m waiting,” she was tapping her foot.
“Okay so... I’ve been seeing Lucas...” you said in an almost imperceptible voice.
“YOU WHAT?!” She screamed, many heads turning to look at you two.
“Keep it down please!” You said through greeted teeth.
“You’ve been boinking with the campus heartthrob and you didn’t tell me?! I feel betrayed!” She was so dramatic.
“First of all, not boinking has happened... yet. And second, I wanted to tell you but I’m just in denial, okay?” you explained.
“What base?” she was questioning you.
“Umm... a little further than first?” You confessed.
“That’s hella putt, what the fuck! You have that guy with an amazing bod on the palm of your hand and you’re telling me you’re only scamming. That’s sad,” she made a smug face.
“Hey, I’m trying to save my heart,” you whined.
“Come on! Don’t tell me you haven’t thought of jumping on that D,” she elbowed you.
“I will not say anything,” you looked away and while doing it, you spotted Lucas talking with his friends. You could clearly see the hickey you made, but unlike you, he was proudly wearing it.
“So what are you gonna do about it?” Your friend brought you back to reality, making you jump.
“Nothing... it’s not like we’re something official,” you shrugged.
 Lucas POV
“Man! You had a wild night?” Mark asked while looking at the tiny galaxy on Lucas neck.
“You could say that,” he nodded.
“Who’s the lucky betty?” asked Hendery.
“You wouldn’t believe me if I tell you,” he smirked.
“Is she popular?” asked Ten.
“Not that much, but she’s a zeek,” he explained.
“They say those are the kinkiest,” Ten wiggled his eyebrows.
“Honestly, I really cannot wait to bone her, she’s really hot.” Lucas threw one of his lopsided smiles. What he didn’t notice is that you were right behind him. His friends looked alarmed and when he looked back, he found you there, looking at him in disbelief.
“Shit,” he murmured before you spat an “I really thought you were different,” and walked away.
 He looked back to his friends who were still in shock, probably because they just found out who the girl was and because of what happened.
“I’m in deep shit, aren’t I?” he asked more to himself, but Mark just said, “Big time, homeboy.”
The guys have never seen him like that because of a girl, that’s when they noticed he was REALLY into her.
“Homie, you better blitz if you wanna keep her,” Xiaojun encouraged him, so that’s what he did.
 Your POV
You couldn’t believe how dumb were you. Of course! That’s the only thing he wanted, he’s the campus cutie, he would never like you like that.
You were walking furiously to your car to just go home and curl yourself and cry the anger away.
 There was nobody home when you arrived, and partly you were glad. You didn’t want to give explanations as to why you were crying.
You felt like the biggest clown of town. How could you be such a space cadet?!
Between your tears of anger, you fell asleep.
 A knocking sound woke you up. You were lost, looking around you. It was past midnight, probably the sound was a branch hitting your window or something. But then you heard it again, emphatically, so you turned on the bed to see Lucas knocking on your closed window. You remembered why you were like that so you turned on the bed, giving him your back.
He kept knocking faster, becoming annoying, but then he punched a little too hard and his fist went through the glass, breaking it. You heard a faint “Oh shit!” and when you looked again, there were pieces of glass everywhere on your floor.
You took a deep breath, closed your eyes trying to align your chakras, and walked to the window to open it.
“Are you kidding? For real, you can’t be a worst bogus,” you rolled your eyes.
He jumped inside your room, finally.
“I’m sorry about that, I’ll fix it,” he apologized.
“You better! And you better be thinking about an excuse to tell my parents as to why my window broke, unless you want me to call the police,” you were not having it.
“Listen, Y/N, we need to talk,” he tried to take your hands, but you crossed them over your chest.
“What’s there to talk, Lucas? I heard everything! You just want to get in my pants, and I will not be part of your list,” you fumed.
“Let me explain, would you listen to me, please?” He was using his soft voice, you knew all his tricks.
“Bogart,” you said in a firm voice.
“Okay, so I will not deny that I’m def crazy to have your amazing bod between my fingers, to enjoy it, to cherish every inch of your skin...”
You interrupted him, “Uh-huh, anything else, besides the obvious?”
“But I really like you, Y/N. I enjoy your company, you’re really different. You know the efforts I’ve been doing to just be with you, to get you to notice me? Why else would I climb a window? Do you think I’m that desperate to just get in your pants? I could do that with any other girl, but I’m still here almost begging for your forgiveness.” He pulled you closer by the waist, making you relax.
“Lucas, I don’t know…” you were already getting soft.
“Come on, you know you like me. I see it in your eyes every time you look at me,” he was holding a smile, but eventually, let it out.
“Don’t get that cocky about it!” you shouted, forgetting your parents must be sleeping.
“Just confess it, I confessed. It’s your turn now,” he pulled you closer and you wrapped your arms around his waist.
“Fine,” you rolled your eyes.
“Say it,” he was smirking!
“Lucas, I like you,” you felt your cheeks getting red.
“That’s it?” he wanted more!
“Wait, no. I REALLY like you. Like, I’m head over heels for you and there’s not a single day I go without thinking about you. You’re everywhere! And I just want to squeeze you and fill you with kisses. But I’m really scared,” you let everything out.
“Why?” he was serious now.
“Because you’re the campus cutie, every girl wants you, and I’m not even that popular around,” you shrugged.
“Who cares about what others think? I want you. I chose you. Screw what other’s think!” he took your face between both of his hands, looking at you directly in the eyes.
“Yeah, but I’m not even that pretty,” you tried to look away.
“Who said that?! You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve seen. Plus, you’re smart. Anyone would be lucky to have you,” he kissed your forehead.
You stood in silence for a few minutes and then said, “I need to clean your mess.”
“I’ll make it up to you. How about we do lunch and then I take you around?”
“Are you gonna come through the door this time?” you raised an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?” he was confused.
“Are you gonna meet my parents?” the thought made you blush.
“Sure, I’ll pick you up.” So he was being serious.
 You were getting ready in your room when you heard someone knocking at the door. You ran downstairs but your dad had opened the door already.
Lucas was standing outside with some flowers, looking stunning as ever, wearing a black button shirt with some colorful designs, black pants, a black jacket, his hair brushed back with only a few strands hanging on his forehead. He looked hot. The first button of his shirt was undone, exposing his collarbones and a chain adorned his neck.  You almost faint at the sight of him.
“Hello, Sir,” he was being polite.
“Hi! Welcome! Are you here for Y/N?” your dad asked a little too excited.
“Yeah, we´re going to get some food,” he smiled, eyeing you.
“Come in,” your dad opened the door for Lucas to enter.
“Oh, you’re here,” your dad noticed your presence.
“Yeah,” you nodded looking at Lucas, not being able to take your eyes off him.
“Hi,” he said in the tiniest voice you’ve heard him do, it was almost funny. Was he nervous?
“Hey,” you responded. He kissed your cheek and then gave you the flowers.
“For me? Oh my God, you didn’t have to!” You smelled them.
“I’ll be back. Imma place them in a vase,” you walked to the kitchen.
 Your mom was in the kitchen, she already had the vase ready.
“He’s really handsome! Where did he come from?” your mom was in shock.
“I have a class with him,” you simply said.
“I hope everything goes well,” your mom was smirking!!!
“Mom!” you gasped.
 You finally got out of the house and now were in Lucas car.
“That was… stressful,” he confessed.
“I’m sorry,” you laughed.
“It’s okay,” he placed a hand on your exposed thigh. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Thanks, you look great yourself,” you lied, he looked stunning, hot, amazing.
“Well, shall we go?” he asked while grabbing the steering wheel.
You just nodded.
 The night ran smoothly. He took you to a simple burger and shakes place, you ate, and then you left to just drive through the night. It was kinda romantic being with him around. Occasionally he would place his hand on your thigh, giving it little caresses. He stole a few kisses on the red lights. You two talked about life and when you noticed, it was midnight already.
“You want to go to my apartment to get some coffee?” he asked out of nowhere.
“Sure,” you shrugged. You were excited to see his place though.
 You got to a building near college, he parked in front and went to open the car door for you. You two walked into the building, then got in the elevator, and he pressed the 5th floor. His apartment was nice, so warm and simple. For being a boy, he was organized, you were impressed.
“Sit down, make yourself at home,” he walked to the kitchen and you sat on a sofa. He went to prepare some coffee and came back to sit across from you.
“So, do you have a curfew?” He asked.
“Not really, my parents don’t mind. Plus, my mom was pretty okay with you,” you confessed.
“Oh? Not kidding?” he was surprised.
“I kid you not,” you assured.
“I guess I’m a step closer,” he was smirking.
“To what?” You laughed.
“I smell coffee, I’ll be right back.” He got to his feet and walked to the kitchen again, ignoring your question completely.
He came back with two cups, handing you one.
You kept talking about different stuff while drinking coffee. When you finished, he took your cup and placed it on a table instead of walking back to the kitchen.
He kneeled in front of you, looking at you directly in the eyes. He placed his hands on your knees and then ran them up your thighs, every nerve on your body activating at his touch. You nodded, letting him know he could proceed.
His hands got under your skirt and he dared to kiss your thigh. You felt his fingers grab your panties and then he pulled them down your legs.
He made a trail of kisses up one of your thighs. “Can I have you?” He whispered.
You were down to let him do anything with you, you were ready to be his.
“Yes, please,” you said in a breathy tone.
He kissed your thighs again to make you open your legs. You almost melted on the sofa, giving him more access. His hand slid between your legs, reaching your heat.
He hissed when the tip of his fingers touched your wetness. “Babe, you’re so wet already.” He pulled you to the edge of the sofa, making your skirt roll up. He had a full view of your glistening pussy and he licked his lips, savoring it. His long fingers teased your folds, brushing your clit and your entrance. He started drawing gentle circles on your bundle of nerves, making you breathe faster by the minute.
Lucas was known for having big hands that could drive girls crazy. You were about to find out if the rumors were true.
He gave one last stroke before sticking in his middle finger slowly. You threw your head back, letting out a moan. Lucas hummed at your reaction.
He then added his index finger making your eyes cross and stealing a gasp from you. “Oh my God...”
He started moving his fingers deep inside you rapidly, the sensation was too much already. Lucas was amazed looking at your reactions.
“Do you like my fingers, pretty girl?” he said in a soft but deep voice.
“Mhm! Mhm!” You could only voice as you nodded desperately.
“God, you’re so wet,” he murmured, “Can you hear it?” He started going faster and you could hear the squelching sound coming from between your legs. You moaned in response, how could this man make you such a mess? You felt your orgasm trying to snap, he was hitting all the right places and that was only with his fingers!
“Lucas, I’m gonna cum,” you said whimpering, but he stopped with a last stroke to your clit with his thumb.
“Not yet, my love,” he whispered and then kissed your knee.
He got to his feet and extended his hand for you to take. “Let’s go to my room.” He pulled you and guided you there. Lucas closed the door behind him and then pulled you closer by the waist.
“I want to tell you something,” he was looking at you with so much tender, you dared to say you were falling in love.
“I really like you,” he confessed again.
“You already told me,” you giggled.
“I know, I’m just reassuring you. But I also want to tell you that I’ve never brought a girl here. Believe it or not.” His confession left you in shock.
“Should I believe you?” you asked playfully.
“If you want, but you can ask around,” he winked.
“No thanks,” you grimaced.
“Where were we? Oh right,” he smirked and then kissed you passionately. You kissed him back. His hands were holding your face, while yours were around his waist. You two fell onto the bed without stopping from kissing. It was almost the same as when you were in your room, but this time it would actually happen.
He groaned and said, “I can’t wait to make you mine.” You hissed in response. He ran his mouth to your neck, kissing and nibbling and sucking occasionally. He took off your shirt and threw it to the floor. His mouth was now kissing your cleavage and over your breast. He reached your navel and then went up, kissing and licking.
He reached to your back and unclasped your bra. Your hands reached for the buttons of his shirt and you opened them one by one with fire in your eyes. When you finished, you ran your hand up his torso and then, to take his shirt off, you caressed from his collarbones, to his shoulders, down his strong arms, until the shirt finally fell on the mattress.
He took your bra off and sighed at the sight of your exposed breasts. He leaned down, taking one of your nipples between his lips while looking in your eyes, then he moved to the other.
You felt him everywhere, his smell was everywhere on the bed, his hands ran absentmindedly on your sides, his hair tickled you, you were intoxicated by him it was overwhelming.
“Ugh! Lucas, please,” you groaned, and he smiled knowing what you wanted.
“What’s wrong, sweet thing?” he asked while kissing your neck again.
“I need you,” you sighed.
“You have me, baby, you have all of me,” he whispered in your ear, giving you goosebumps.
And then he kneeled on the bed to take your skirt off. Now you were all naked in front of him. He eyed you from head to toe and bit his lip. “Damn, you’re so beautiful,” he mumbled. “I’m gonna make you feel so loved.”
He unbuckled his belt and then took off his pants. The strain inside his boxers looked pretty big and you were wondering if he was THAT big.
“Imma fish a condom, be right back,” Lucas said as if nothing, winking at you. He was so used to this, it almost scared you. Opening a drawer, he found what he was looking for and walked back to the bed. He slid his underwear down his enormous thighs, his length springing free.
You were speechless, looking nervously between his legs. He was BIG. Lucas noticed and started laughing.
“Are you okay?” he asked while climbing back to the bed.
“I- yes! Never better,” you took a deep breath.
“Trust me, baby, is gonna fit,” he winked as he opened the tiny square with his teeth. He rolled the thing down his shaft and pulled you by the legs playfully. You screamed and laughed and he did too, he was making the whole experience fun.
He kneeled between your thighs, passed a finger up your slit, making sure you were ready for him. He licked his finger glistening with your arousal. “Mmm… so sweet,” he hummed.
Lucas hovered over you, his arms at each side of your face. He took his dick by the base to have a little help when looking for your entrance with his tip. When he finally found it, he pushed his hips a little, his tip entering you oh so slowly.
The stretch was burning but you just shut your eyes tightly and bit your lip. Lucas didn’t stop until he was completely in you. That was when he groaned loudly, “Fuck! You’re really tight, baby.”
You felt so full by him you barely could speak, but you moaned back to him, “You’re really big.”
He then pulled out slowly, hissing right in your ear, and thrusted you back in.
Now you know why he had every girl’s head spinning: if he was sexy in his normal life, he was sexier in bed. His hips movements were a sin, he was very vocal and very touchy. While thrusting you he kept whispering praises in your ear, he groaned, he moaned, you loved it. “Mmmm… baby, you’re so good to me.” His chains were dangling right on your face, adding some extra spice. You feared it would hit you, so you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned your head on the crook of his neck.
Lucas did the same and now you were closer, more intimate, skin on skin. One of his hands ran down your side until reaching your leg and he pulled it up and you held it over his lower back. The sensation was double now, as he was reaching deeper into you. “Shit, baby!” you moaned and grabbed his butt cheeks with your hands, guiding him in a way.
“You want it harder?” he asked between pants.
“Mmmm... yes!” you screamed.
Lucas gave a tender kiss to your neck before leaning on his arms, hovering over you again. He stopped for a minute while he was shifting his position. Once he was comfortable, he pushed your legs up, so your knees were almost touching your chest, and rammed into you with such force, you were left without air. You gasped and moaned, and he just smirked.
“Oh my God, Lucas!” You keened. He was hitting all the right spots, your eyes closed on their own. He was going hard and deep, the perfect combination to have your head on the clouds.
“You take me so well, baby. It’s like you were made for me,” he said as his thumb brushed over your swollen clit.
His tip was brushing your sweet spot with every thrust and you were feeling the tight know in your pelvis trying to snap. But you didn’t want to finish yet. “Can I ride you?” You asked as you ran a hand on Lucas cheek.
“Fuck, that’s so sexy,” he muttered. He loved the idea, his eyes shined in anticipation.
Lucas pulled out and sat on the bed, leaning his back on the bedhead. His length was standing proudly, waiting for you, shining with your juices.
Your head was buzzing with the idea of having him at your mercy. He was watching every move you made, which meant this didn’t happen often.
You straddled him, took his dick by the base, looked for your entrance, and once you found it, you sat on it slowly until his shaft disappeared completely between your folds. He was amazed, he didn’t know what to do. His hands were hovering over your thighs but he didn’t know if to touch you or not.
You started moving in circular motions and that’s when Lucas lost it, he threw his head back and moaned in a groggy voice, “Oh, oohh, baby”. He held you by the waist. You loved seeing him like this, it meant he didn’t always have the control.
After a while, you started moving up and down fast. He moved his hands to your ass, guiding you as he liked. He was admiring the way your boobs jumped, you were driving him insane.
“Fuck, I found the perfect girl,” he commented between a gasp. You felt proud.
At a point, he started to meet your hips halfway, but then he took the lead and started fast-fucking you. This man was magical, he could do unimaginable things with those hips. You had to hold from his broad shoulders because you felt like you were going to faint. The only sound in the room was the lewd clapping of your thighs crashing with each other.
“Shit, baby, I’m gonna cum,” you panted as you leaned your forehead on his.
“Me too baby,” he confessed as he wrapped his arms around your torso, you wrapped yours around his neck, getting closer, intimate. His nose was on yours and he took the chance to kiss you.
He kept thrusting you until he felt you were clenching around him. “Mmm... you’re close right?”
You just nodded desperately.
“Come on, baby, cum all over my cock,” he said in a breathy voice, adding up to all the pleasure you were feeling.
You closed your eyes and it hit you. Your orgasm came with such force you were seeing stars behind your lids, you let out a loud moan, and you started to shake. You’ve never had an orgasm like this before.
Lucas held you tightly, praising you in whispers while helping you through your orgasm, “That’s it, baby. Ohhh my God, you’re so good to me. Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he keened on that last phrase.
You felt every pulse of his cum filling the condom. He lost balance and you both crashed on the mattress, him squashing you underneath his huge body. You exploded in tired laughs and he did the same.
“I’m sorry, it was too good I felt I was flying,” he joked.
“Oh shut up,” you pushed him playfully.
“Let me just...” he motioned to get off you and you nodded.
He pulled out of you, taking off the full condom. “Imma trash this, be right back,” he walked to the bathroom. You looked at the clock on his nightstand and it marked 4AM. You were exhausted and you doubted you could walk after these events.
Lucas came back in all his naked glory, shamelessly, he knew he was hot. He jumped on bed and got under the sheets with you.
“So? You gonna cold lamp with me tonight?” he threw his arm around your shoulders and he placed his hand on your boob.
“Only if you want to,” you shrugged, playing hard to get.
“I mean, can you even walk?” he was being cocky.
“Shut up, you can’t do another round with this,” you said grabbing his crotch over the sheets.
He hummed and said, “I wouldn’t recommend doing that. It may wake up and YOU wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
“I’d say I could,” you winked.
“Not even,” he commented with his eyes closed and then groaned, “Ugh! I’m burned out.”
“Same here,” you confessed.
He yawned and said, “Let’s sleep, I’ll take you home in the morning,” he pulled you closer, cuddling you.
His body heat felt so nice on your exposed body and his hands slightly touching you were making you feel butterflies. What would happen now? You did exactly what you say you wouldn’t: jump into his bed. What if he just disappeared now? You were one on his list now… You kept overthinking everything until you fell asleep.
 A bite on your earlobe woke you up, but instead of making you angry, it gave you delicious tickles because even when you were asleep, you knew who it was. “Mmmm… Lucas, let me sleep…” you murmured.
“Come on baby, wake up,” he whispered in your ear with his sleepy voice, which almost made you jump on him again. “Gotta take you home, your parents are gonna kill me.”
“They don’t care, probably they’re happy about it,” you hugged the pillow.
He giggled and said, “Baby… please”
“Ugh, fine!” you complained and finally opened your eyes.
There he was, with his huge, shiny eyes on you. A smile illuminated his face as soon as he saw you awake. “Morning, beautiful. How are you feeling?” He ran a hand down your hair.
“Morning,” you smiled. “Well, everything hurts, and with everything I mean it.” Your legs were sore and you had a slight ache right between your legs. Proof of everything that happened last night.
“What am I gonna do with you? You’re hella cute,” he kissed your cheek.
He was so lovey-dovey with you, you felt special.
“Lucas…” you called him.
“Yeah?” he was right there on your face.
“What’s gonna happen now?” you needed to know now. You wanted to know if your heart was going to break or if it was going to be okay.
“Well, you and I go together, you’re my girl now. Unless you don’t want to,” he was waiting for your response.
“I’m not gonna be your toy girl?” you asked insecure.
“No! I wanna go out with you. I really want you to be my girl,” he looked desperate for you to believe him.
“What about the other girls?”
“Babe, there’s just you and me now. No other girls.” He assured.
“You promise?” you said in a tiny voice.
“I promise. And if I ever fail you, please cut my dick off,” he said laughing.
“Lucas!!! This is serious!!!” you rolled your eyes.
“I’m serious!” he was laughing hard now.
 He was nervous when leaving you at your doorstep, but your parents didn’t mind at all. In fact, they invited him to have breakfast with you guys and he was so embarrassed the whole time.
When he was gonna motor, he left you with the promise of seeing you on Monday at campus and a hard kiss on your lips.
 At campus, he didn’t hesitate in taking your hand the moment he saw you. He embraced you and kissed you in front of everybody, leaving them all in shock, including your friend and his. After all, you both looked cute together and everyone predicted you were the couple of the decade.
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redhoodieone · 4 years
Star-Crossed Universe
A/N: Yes!!! I’M BACK!!! This project has been on the back burner for so long and its finally time to upload it on here. I’m not sure what you all will think but hey...it’s fan fiction and everything and anything goes.
Warnings: Language, Humor (bad and good jokes), Sexual Conversations, and an ultimate Team-Up.
Plot: When Y/N is thrown into a mission way out of her league, she, and magician best friend Zatanna must stop strong demonic forces from entering earth through an unknown portal that John Constantine may have opened. With the assistance from the Dark Knight himself, a mysterious 1967 black Impala arrives in Gotham just when things start to go to hell. But who called the Winchesters? Why is there a clairvoyant bond between Y/N and Dean Winchester? And why does Castiel, an angel of the Lord, believe John Constantine isn’t who he says he is? And will Dean wear the Batsuit?
Move over Scooby-Natural because it’s Batman’s turn! The Winchesters join Batman and Y/N (You!) in taking down a villain who isn’t an everyday monster for Supernatural!
Please enjoy and comment! If you want a Part 2, please let me know.
  Part 1
 I don’t remember a time where tears felt like my own. Of course, it doesn’t help that I’m standing on the ledge when Gotham is down pouring like it always does at night. It shouldn’t be a surprise, really. Gotham is the only city in the US of A that is dark, depressing, manic, and suicidal.
 Even Superman refuses to stay here for more than a day.
 I’m not any better. The only reason why I’m literally dangling my feet over the edge is because I’m numb.
 Numb to feelings.
Numb to pain.
Numb to life.
 Bottom line is breakups fucking suck period. Especially if your ex-boyfriend is Bruce Wayne.
 And Batman.
 I don’t know why I put myself through this. The bitter pain of having to work with someone you love but to know they’ll never love you as much. Maybe this is why I should have never worked with Bruce.
 Dick left first and has successfully made a name for himself, Nightwing, in Bludhaven.
 Jason comes and goes throughout the months and has his own team of misfits who do good but cause chaos as well.
 Even Tim and Damian are working together. They’re training and leading the Titans. The last I heard from them is that they’re doing just fine.
 Except me.
 Who am I kidding? I can’t compare myself to Bruce’s kids even though I’m closer to Dick’s age than Bruce’s.
 Maybe that’s why it didn’t work out between us. Bruce is almost my father’s age, late forties early fifties. And he’s still sexy as fuck; stronger than ever.
 And here I am in my early thirties, expecting more than just a wordless promise of something more than casual sex and the uncertainty of the future.
 After three months ago, I’m trying desperately hard to not care anymore. The only constant thing in my life is being Night Bat, and I’ll die with only that part of me.
 The one place where everything and nothing hurts anymore.
 My head jerks to the right side where Zatanna is standing. With her hands on her hips, I can see her blue eyes blinking sadness and guilt. For a beautiful woman like Z, her broken expression is almost tragic enough to make me cry like her.
 If my own tears were my own. Maybe my tears are Gotham’s.
 “It’s Etrigan. He’s...” Zatanna chokes on her words. She literally holds her neck and tries to stop sobbing. “He’s dead.”
 I can feel my eyebrows raise as confusion and disbelief crash over me.
 “Dead?” I repeat. I can’t even believe that word is coming from my mouth. Etrigan is tough. Etrigan is a shithead. Etrigan cannot be dead. “How?”
 Zatanna shrugs her shoulders as her lips quiver. Seeing her broken up makes me feel like an asshole for not comforting her. So, I stand up and go over to her. Taking her by surprise, I hug her tightly.
 She’s my best friend. My sister. My partner in crime whenever we get into bad shit. (Sometimes...maybe).
 After Zatanna hugs me, she takes a step back and wipes her tears with her gloved hand.
 “He-he was stabbed. I... I don’t know by what but he bled and he was never one to really bleed, you know? I checked everything out and he’s dead. He’s really gone. But it was...a very fucking strange thing. Really,” Zatanna rambles on anxiously. Whenever she cusses, I know she’s angry and stressed out. “Whatever killed him, it’s not from around here. What I sensed near him, it’s not human. It’s not magical. It’s not even Kryptonian or extraterrestrial.”
 I swallow hard. “What do you think it is then?”
 “Have you contacted John?” I ask. My voice is rough and breathless. I’m busy shoving as much weapons as I can in my backpack, along with a few clothes and a book from Alfred about demonology. He said it was a gift from Constantine himself.
 I stare down at my long, silver triple-edged dagger that I found on one of my solo missions in Kansas when Bruce was fighting
 “Not in... six months.”
 The guilt in her voice makes me turn to glance at her. “Seriously?”
 I glance down at my black pants and boots to make sure I’m appropriately and comfortably dressed for tonight. I slip on a red and black checkered flannel over my form fitting black tank top.  After rolling up the sleeves to my elbows, I put on my black leather jacket and turn to face Zatanna.
 “What, am I supposed to keep in touch with my ex-boyfriend? I thought ex-boyfriends were meant to stay ex-boyfriends, not friends. And besides, you keep in touch with Bruce,” Zatanna responds smugly.
 “He’s...a co-worker...that’s-thats different.”
 “Bullshit,” Z laughs.
 I roll my eyes. “Whatever. I need a drink before we start...” I say, waving my hand up dramatically. “Whatever this is. I think a stop at Lucky’s is what we need.”
 “A trip to the bar is what YOU need,” Zatanna replies.
 She follows me out of my apartment until we stop in the parking lot where my motorcycle is parked. I don’t see her standing behind me with her arms crossed and eyebrow raised, as I take a seat on my bike and set myself up to ride.
 “What?” I ask, genuinely confused.
 “I could just you know...poof is there.”
 “Yeah, you could like you always do, but I need to ride my baby right now. It’s like, therapy for the low self-esteem, loner, rebels,” I say.
 To my surprise, Zatanna nods her head and gives me a small smile. I’m grateful she understands how much riding my motorcycle makes me happy. Makes me breathe. Makes me feel alive.
 “I’ll see you there, Y/N/N.”
 “See ya, Z.”
 And with that, Zatanna poofs for real. Her magic still surprises me. Whenever I see her perform her spells and tricks, I feel like I’m reliving magic shows I saw as a kid that I used to believe were real and powerful.
 But to know what Zatanna does is real is still unbelievable sometimes.
 And to think we have been best friends for five years now...amazing how time flies by I’m between laughs and heartbreaks.
 Revving my bike, I waste no time speeding out of the parking garage and into the streets of Gotham. The rain and wind in my hair sends me chills, as the lights and buildings pass me by so fast that I feel like everything I see is a blur; almost like in a dream-like state.
 Lucky’s is just a small country rustic bar outside of Gotham. City people usually don’t go there as the place is purely meant for drifters and stranded loners. I happen to love the bar. If I’m ever feeling down or angry, I always drop by to get drunk or frisky if I’m ever in the mood. Bruce was always disappointed in me for that. He always used to say I’m better than that and I shouldn’t put myself down.
 I sometimes think he’d want to say I’m easy, but Bruce is just so complicated sometimes. He can either be a total asshole or be the gentle sweetheart he is. You never know which side you’d see sometimes.
 Almost like Two-Face.
 Swerving into the mud to park alongside trucks and other bikes, I climb off my motorcycle and glance around the dirt lot. I recognize a few vehicles parked already. A new black Escalade parked closer to the bar is different and catches my attention rather quickly.  
 I pull my hair back into a ponytail and start my way over to the expensive ass vehicle when suddenly a black car speeds right pass me and parks right next to my bike, sending mud flying to my pants and on my bike! Rage suddenly takes over me. I can feel my blood boil and my jaw clench as several curse words come to mind. I twist around and instead make my way to that motherfucker’s car.
 A black 1967 Impala? What a fucking joke.
 As if this motherfucker owns this American classic. This self-righteous, prick probably stole it from some old fool or maybe his own old man.
 I’m ready to break this douchebag’s face. Knock all his teeth out and break his cock into two…maybe three pieces.
 I finally reach the driver’s door and quickly open it; door swinging back. This must piss off the man a lot, but I don’t care right now.
“Look, you motherfucker! You think you can just drive like a bat out of hell and get fucking mud on MY baby?!  Get out of this fucking car so I can break you apart with my bare hands!” I yell angrily and loudly.
The man climbs out of his car, but my anger suddenly vanishes. What the hell?
Holy fucking shit…this man is…hot.
Standing at 6’1, this man is almost intimidating. With short brown hair, tan skin, hypnotizing green eyes, and freckles splattered over his nose and cheeks, he’s fucking adorable…and sexy. I can’t help but stare up at him.
He smirks down at me. Underneath his dark jacket, he’s wearing a flannel shirt and black Henley, where I can already see his strong chest, muscled arms, and soft tummy.
“Looks like sweetheart likes what she sees, Sammy. I’d say we made the right choice for coming out to Gotham,” the man speaks smugly. His voice is deep and husky, more addicting than any liquor inside the bar.
Another man comes over to us from around from the car. This man, I’m assuming his Sammy, is FUCKING TALLER than the hot one in front of me!
Sammy chuckles lightly at me. Pushing his longer brown hair from his face, he quickly reaches out to shake my hand.
“Hi, I’m Sam Winchester and this is my brother, Dean.”
The second those words leave his mouth; we hear someone quickly approaching us. Zatanna. And from the looks of theirs, they’re shocked and surprised to see my friend in her usual, sexy magician number.
Zatanna smiles, nonetheless. “Well, if it isn’t the Winchesters. We’ve been expecting you.”
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iwakurodai · 5 years
Clumsy | Stanley Uris
not requested, I’m just procrastinating the 15 books I’ve started and the second part to Angel. That shit is hard my friends. But enjoy this while I’m in the mood. Won’t be very long tbh. It’s mostly dialogue and suspicious Stan.
warnings; cursing, bruises, clumsiness
pairing; Stan x reader, unidentified gender
Slamming his book shut, Stanley rips his binoculars from his bag and raises them to his eyes. Searching for the bird he heard that caused him to freak out. It was a rare one, only seen in winter. Snow was building up around him, he found it hard to find a good place to sit and bird watch. But, he brought a blanket, folded it up, and sat on it to keep his pants from getting dirty and wet. 
“Motherfucker! Stupid fucking snow!” 
Stanley lowers his binoculars watching as the bird flies away at the sound of yelling. He sighs, annoyed. No one can keep quiet for two minutes in this town, it was hard enough being somewhat friends with Richie Tozier. Turning in his seat, Stanley glances around him. He finds a person, bundled up in a thick sweater, leather jacket, a scarf and jeans with the cuffs rolled up. They were hiding their face with their hand. They were walking towards him. 
He was sitting at the only free bench in the park. The others were covered a foot high with snow, it was obvious they were going to take the chance to sit down. Stanley grabs his bag next to him and stuffs his binoculars in it. Gripping his book in his hands, he opens it, hoping that it would help him avoid small talk. 
“Can I sit here?” They ask as they near, dropping their hand from their face. Stan glances up, eyes widening at the sight of a purple and blue bruise adorned around their eye. “Wow, didn’t know my beauty would spark that kind of reaction but seriously man, can I sit? My heads been killing me for the past thirty minutes,” They smirk, rubbing the back of their head. Stan clears his throat, nodding before turning back to his book. 
“You’re Stan Uris, right?” Stan nods again, hoping the kid would just leave him alone so he could go back to finding winter birds. “You’re in my physics class, you’re pretty smart. Greta says that you look at bird to find the perfect ones to kill and use the bones as toothpicks,” They confess. 
Stanley closes his eyes, praying to God that the kid would stop talking about rumors that everyone seems to believe. 
“I never believed ‘em though.” Or maybe not. 
Stan glances over at the kid again, taking note at how they didn’t stray from their stare at the frozen fountain in the middle. 
“Greta also said that Eddie Kaspbrak smokes weed under the football bleachers with Richie Tozier. But, I’ve never seen Eddie near the bleaches when we do that,” They continue. “I think Richie told him to stay away from the field during free period.”
“Why are you talking to me?” Stan couldn’t help it. He had to know why this kid didn’t just go on their merry way. Instead, they just sat down and decided to make conversation with some loner loser with a bird book. This time, the stranger finally looks at them. 
“You seem like you needed a friend. I know your little group of losers disbanded a couple years ago when Bill bolted. Seems like Eddie and Richie stayed together, but you… you became all alone,” They explain. Stan back up slightly, taking a little offense to their words. “I don’t mean that in a bad way. I mean that, it seems like you don’t know where to go from here.”
Stan shuts his book, turning to face them directly. “What do you want? I mean, you can’t just be here cause I looked like I needed a friend. I mean, I don’t even know your name!” Stanley exclaims, brows scrunched to the middle of his face. 
The stranger just smiles. “Damn, didn’t expect Uris to snap back. I guess you are just as sassy as Richie described you,” They chuckle, facing the fountain again. But, Stanley still watches them. “And yes, I did just come over here because you looked lonely. That’s all there is to it. No one put me up to this. It was just me.” Stan scoffs as they speak. “By the way, my name is (y/n).”
(Y/n). He had heard the name before, just not a lot. Oh yes, the one who started a fight with Mrs. Roster because she wasn’t actually teaching. And who picked a fight with Greta Bowie for spreading a rumor about them losing their virginity to a Bowers’ gang member in middle school… in a church. It didn’t happen, and Stan didn’t believe so. No one wanted to get near them let alone have sex with one willingly. 
“Yea, ‘oh’.” 
“Why have I heard stuff about you but not seen your face?” Stan asks, not wanting to keep in the awkward silence anymore. He was interested now. 
“I don’t know…” They mutter, crossing their arms and leaning on their knees. “Maybe you’re not as observant as you think you are?” They look over at Stan, giving a small smirk before returning their gaze to the white ground. 
Stan’s stare doesn’t waver from their face. He racks his brain, trying to figure out where he has seen them before but he keeps coming up empty. They seemed so familiar, like a memory Stan buried deep and promised to never remember again. 
Stan shakes his head, rubbing his eyes and leaning back on the bench. ‘Forget about it Stanley. It probably wasn’t important anyways.’ His eyes couldn’t help but travel back to them. Another question igniting.  
“You gonna keep staring or ask the questions that’s gnawing at the back of your head?” (Y/n) asks, not moving from their position. Stan sighs, wondering how the hell they knew what he was thinking. 
“How did you get that bruise?” 
“Oh, this one?” They ask, looking straight and tapping their cheek. “I was fighting this kid. He punched me first so... I fought back. You should see him. He’s probably got a broken nose.” They explain, chuckling lightly and shaking their head. Stan’s eyes grow wide and he scoots a bit away from them. (Y/n) glances over to see him clutching his book a bit tighter. (y/n) lets out a laugh. 
“I’m kidding! It’s a joke! Calm down, buddy,” (y/n) holds their hand out. Taking in a deep breath, they open their mouth. “I… ran into a pole.”
It was unexpected. Stan was thinking something completely different. He covers his mouth, a grin peeking from under. They glance over at him, smiling at the red in his cheeks that wasn’t from the cold. 
“Don’t laugh at me! I’m clumsy! Sue me!” Stan lets out a laugh. Covering his face as he tries to get the image of them running straight into a pole out of his head. 
“H-how did you m-manage that?” Stan stutters in between chuckles. (Y/n) shakes their head, a grin on their face. 
“I was running from this store owner. He caught me stealing a bag of dog food that I was going to use to feed the strays that live in my area,” They say. “I look behind me for two seconds and next thing I know—BAM—right in the face!” (Y/n) smacks their hands together to mimic it happening. “The shop owner had stopped running after me, thank god. But, I was still on the ground, dog food on my stomach and a painful bruise on my face.”
“That’s amazing!” Stan laughs, pushing his hands away from his face to glance at them. They were biting their lip to keep from laughing. “Please, tell me this is the first time it’s happened.”
They suck in a breath through their teeth, looking at Stan with a sheepish shrug. “When I tell you I’m clumsy, I mean it.” They say. “I mean I’ve broken my arm from falling down the stairs and shit. Honestly, I need to wear bubble wrap at all times at this point.”
Stan chuckles, a memory lighting up his mind. A distant memory, not too far gone but faded.
“Watch the step--and you missed it.”
“Well i'm sorry, Stan the Man! Maybe you should have helped me down instead of watching from the sidelines? Huh? Then maybe I wouldn’t be on the ground right now!” 
“Okay, okay! I’m sorry--here I’ll help you up.”
“Yea, you better--” 
“Well… I didn’t think this through.”
“N-No you di-- No you didn’t.”
“Calm down, Bird Boy. You sound like Bill.”
“I-I did-didn’t--te-technically this--this is your fault.”
“Calm down, Stan… just… keep me warm.”
“Wo-wouldn’t we be wa-warmer on the ham-hammock?”
“Shut up and kiss me, Stanley.”
“Okay, but honestly? I was gonna keep quiet but my arm hurts really fucking bad right now and I think its broken.”
Stan raises a hand slowly to his lips, his heart beating out of his chest and he realizes who’s next to him. Glancing over, he sees (y/n) lightly pressing their fingers on the bruise, wincing every time but still doing it afterward. Stan lets out a small smile, knowing that they were the same as they were back then. 
“Do-do you want some ice for that? My house is like… a block and a half away?” Stan offers, wanting to rekindle the completely forgotten relationship. (y/n) snaps their head to Stan before letting out a lopsided smile. 
“Thought you’d never ask!”
Stan bites his lip, hiding the growing grin forming as he packs his bags and starts to lead the reckless and clumsy teen to his home. (y/n) spends the time walking telling stories about their clumsiness and attempting to balance on the curb but, Stan’s thoughts were on the past they had together, not knowing if they remembered but determined to bring it back. 
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 85 Xs1)
"Day 12: Chicago"
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Considering how intoxicated they got all day and night yesterday, it's surprising that Luna and Colson are awake before any kind of knock hits their hotel room door. It's probably because of the uncomfortable, tangled positions they'd found themselves in from last night.
Getting comfortable at the top of the bed, they snuggle together. Colson running his fingers through her golden hair as they talk about different things. He wants to fly his tattoo guy out to meet them in Kansas City on Thursday.
"Think it'll hurt?" Colson asks Luna about the head tattoo he wants.
"Hmmmmph...." Luna giggles to herself.
Remembering the pain, Luna touches the back of her head. Just above the divit that slopes into her neck, at the very base of her skull, about three fingers wide and long, she has the replica of an old CA license plate tattooed there. Instead of numbers, it has the word WARD, like a vanity plate. A registration sticker sits expiring in the bottom right corner on June of 1999. The hidden piece is the only ink Luna has for her mother.
Known as Lizard or Izzy. Patti and Robert never named their daughter. The forgotten baby was named by a nun in the orphanage she was raised in. Never being adopted and always a ward of the state, Luna's mother's name legally became Elizabeth Ann Ward. Patti feeling immense guilt when her daughter contacted her regarding her grandchild, she legally changed Luna's name as soon as she adopted her after Izzy's death. The marking being the first tattoo Luna ever got. Never forgetting her true home. Or that first sense of insatiable pain. Always keeping her hair long, only three other people know that she has it. One of them being the artist. Colson isn't one and neither is her grandmother. Having gotten it done the summer she turned 14yrs old with Jackson and Opie, the undercut grew out just enough by time she'd come home to NY. That wasn't the only first for Luna in The Summer of 2005. That same year, Jackson got his first bike, teaching her how to ride and handle a gun. It was also the first time Luna ever had sex. Popping her cherry with Jackson on a warm late July night. It had been a wild summer filled with surprises, love and rebellion. Luna gaining and losing many different things in those three months. Springing into action a long series of events.
"YEAH. On the back of your skull? You're gonna feel that vibration through your teeth, eyes, ears... It's gonna hurt like a Motherfucker." Luna says with a smile playing on her lips.
"Shit, I didn't think of it like that..." Colson admits, not noticing Luna's detail.
"You'll be fine. Don't act like you don't like a little pain." Luna lifts up, biting his lip.
"Mmm... " Colson pulls Luna into him.
Kissing her deeply, Luna feels her body flush. Pushing up and climbing on top of him, she pins him down against the bed. Lightly biting along his neck. Each one a little harder as she makes her way to his nipples. Making Colson laugh and squirm as she drags her hands down his body as she bites his tattooed sides and stomach.
Holding his hard dick and excited eyes, Luna licks the bottom of him from base to tip with her wide, sopping tongue. Keeping his eyes in place with her antagonizing blue, Colson groans out. She gives him a wicked smile and a devious look before she lightly squeezes his cock and sinks her teeth into the meat of his thigh. Hard but not too hard.
"Ahh!! You fucking bitch!" He jerks. Laughing, while grabbing her. Colson carefully lifting and flipping Luna on to her back. "I'm gonna fuck you up!" He claims as she giggles.
Holding her down, with one large hand planted in the middle of her chest with a long arm, Colson slips his tongue up through the warm folds of Luna's pussy. Tasting peaches, he smiles before biting her back on her thigh.
"Motherfucker!!" Luna shrieks
Colson throws both of her legs over his shoulders. Coming back up to her face, he presses his tongue into her mouth. Aggressively kissing her as he holds her down.
Enjoying his dominance, Luna finds his cock with her hands. Grabbing it, she shifts her hips as she guides him inside. Pulling his blonde hair back, making him groan out as he starts to fuck her.
"Jesus FUCKING Christ, Loons!!" Colson growls into her ear, as he pulls out of her grasp to gnaw on her neck.
Luna claws the tops his arms, keeping her left leg straight. Her right leg grips his neck, curve of her foot resting perfectly on the back of his head. Driving into her deeply. Colson and Luna buck against each other hard as their teeth nip and hands grab at each other's bodies.
"Fuck. Oh, Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, FUUUUCK MEEEE!!!" Luna cries as Colson happily follows directions.
Making them both cum. Dropping her legs from his shoulders, Colson stays between them. Laying on Luna's right collarbone. He can see the bandage for her gunshot wound.
"Fuck..." His stomach churns as he looks in the other direction. Hating everything about it.
"Do you need a dress?" Colson pops his head up after a moment.
"A dress?" Luna asks, confused.
"Yeah... For the wedding. Shit. I guess you need two, hunh? He moves off of her to lay on his side.
"Awww..." Luna kisses his sweet lips. "Yeah... I uh, I don't know yet. I have an idea of what I want... But... I don't know... You?" She asks.
They haven't made any solid plans regarding either event. The only thing in place is their word, a twisted guitar string, an already scheduled festival and an almost dual residency for one of them. All with the idea of being legally married sometime next month.
"Don't you dress me?" Colson honestly asks her.
"Are you fucking five?" Luna asks him with a gnarly look. "Am I supposed to dress you?" She gives him a terrified look.
Both of them laugh, neither knowing what the fuck they're doing. THIS is gonna be a hot mess, they agree.
"We need help." Luna admits. "At least for after TownHall... We can wing EstFest."
Colson agrees with her again. They want to have a gathering afterwards at The Cleveland House for those who attend the small ceremony.
Wrapping his arm around Luna, pulling her into his chest, Colson kisses her head.
"We're getten' married, Kitten." He hums into into the top of her head.
Luna smiles, resting deeper into him. A wave of euphoria washing over her. A happy Yup escaping her lips. Neither of them ever expecting this in their lifetime. Colson a forever player. Luna thinking her heart was broken.
Hearing the knock, they get up. Burning and banging it out again in the shower. Luna snorting Percocets as Colson rails his own Adderalls.
Passing joints back and forth as they get dressed. Colson in loose grey pants and a Metallica shirt. Luna in all black skinnies and a tank.
Sliding on her red Vans, she pulls on the red baseball hat and her leather. Colson slapping her ass as she yelps walking out the door.
Colson's playing a sold out show at the Aragon Ballroom tonight.
As The Crew and Tech finish setting up, Luna and everyone hangs out in the parking lot. Most of them boarding around. All of them burning.
Luna stops as she feels her phone ring. It's her grandmother. Leaning up against the wall, Luna takes it.
"Hey Mom-Mom..." She greets Patti.
Patti asks Luna how the tour's going. Luna telling her Wild, like any other. Her Mom-Mom always appreciating Luna's candidness. They go on to touch base that Luna spoke to her therapist, Kylie, last week. She reassures her grandma that she did and will this week also. With that Patti cuts to the chase. She wants Luna to do her a favor. Luna hates her grandmother's favors.
"Seriously, Mom-mom?" Luna sighs with annoyance.
Patti wants her to fly out to NY next Tuesday and appear on Ellen. Always thinking her connections are the right move for her granddaughter's career. It's exactly how Luna ended up on Riot Records.
"What if Ash isn't available?" Luna tries to wiggle out of it.
Her grandmother pisses her off when she tells her that's Just Fine, Ellen wants to interview her, not Ashley.
"What the FUCK, Mom-mom? You know I don't like doing interviews. And on fucking daytime TV. You gotta stop doing this shit to me, Man. Did I not just flip shit in my room over feeling too looked at.....? You fucking suck right now....." Luna complains.
Pressing on Patti tells her it's good exposure for Nightmare and her cause. That Luna knows Ellen as a family friend and that she won't cross any boundaries. Sometimes she can be an old dick.
"Yeah. Clearly you've never watched her show." Luna angrily retorts. "I'll do this one, but Mom-Mom, that's IT. DO NOT commit me to anything else before asking me first." Pressing it even further, Luna throws in a zinger. "What did you always tell me?... Hm? Not to ASSUME anything... because it makes an Ass outta You and Me.... Next time, I'm gonna say No and you're gonna be mad when you look like an Asshole." Luna tells the older woman.
Blowing Luna's threats off, her grandmother tells her to watch her for the producers phone call and that she'll see her when she gets home. They exchange I Love Yous and GoodByes before hanging up. Still leaning against the wall, Luna grabs her skateboard and looks down. Thinking about her conversation with her grandmother.
"This is fucking bullshit.... I don't wanna fucking go on TV.... Ahhhhh!!!" Her brain screams. "Ash better be able to fucking come."
Calling Ashley, she can't. She'll be in Europe somewhere with Dom. Luna zones out of the conversation once she doesn't hear what she wants.
"MOTHERFUCKER.." Is all she can think.
Colson had noticed when Luna had first stopped skating. Looking over at her again, he stops himself. Holding his board, he watches her. She seems irritated by whoever's on the phone.
"Nobody better be fucking with her." He thinks, dropping his deck to skate over to Luna. "And it better not be fucking Tommy.... Or Jackson..." Colson can feel a fire lighting in his belly.
"What's up, Kitten?" He asks.
Gliding up to her, as he stops. One foot on his board, the other on the ground. Letting her's rest against her leg as wraps his long arms around her body.
"My fucking grandmom booked me on Ellen next Tuesday and Ash can't go with me." Luna complains into his chest.
"Shit? Again without asking?" Colson pulls her out of his chest.
"Yeah..." Luna sighs.
"Come're." Colson tells her.
They both let their boards go as he lifts her up. Luna wraps her arms and legs around his naked upper body. Burying her face into his neck. Inhaling his sweet aroma. The mixture of coffee, weed and his deodorant makes her nipples hard.
"I fucking hate when she does this." She whines.
"I know, Kitten." Colson comforts her as he kisses the side of her hat. "You just performing or you gotta sit down too?" He asks.
"I gotta sit dooowwn..." Luna continues to pout.
Colson can't help but chuckle. Luna tells him to Shut Up as her phone rings again. It's another NY number.
Sliding off of him, she takes the call as he skates off. Giving her a minute. It's the producers from The Ellen Show. They want Luna to perform Nightmare and THAT Type along with an interview. Luna agrees to all but THAT Type. She refuses to continue fueling this Bleta flame. Guaranteeing she'll have something for two sets, Luna unhappily hangs up.
"And now I gotta write a whole new FUCKING song...." Luna thinks, annoyed.
Flipping her deck over she goes to find Sam. She's rail sliding, ollieing and skating around the parking lot with Colson, Rook and Baze. Luna decides against saying anything at the moment. Choosing to rip her emotions out using the trucks beneath her feet instead.
Inside the ballroom, Colson goes over last minute specifics with Tech before he hits a light rehearsal with The Band.
They don't really need it, but they like to check the acoustics in new venues. Watching from SideStage, Colson asks Luna if she wants to try out What I Got.
"Yeah, why not? I wanna play lead on this one though." Luna says, tossing off her hat with her leather.
Walking over, she picks up a guitar and slides the strap over her shoulder. Striking it. She begins to play a different song with her own lyrics.
🎶Luna's 26yrs old🎶
🎶But Tuesday🎶
🎶She'll be a whore🎶
🎶Even though she already🎶
🎶It's fucking the wrong way🎶
Luna stares at Colson as she snarls at the next lyrics. She's still pissed at her grandmother.
🎶Don't be afraid🎶
🎶In the quickness🎶
🎶You get laid🎶
🎶For your family🎶
🎶Get paid🎶
🎶It's the Fucking wrong way🎶
Letting the guitar hang off of her, Luna sighs. Arms rests on the Fender. The 30s and time help Luna not notice the light pain in her shoulder. Colson walks over and kisses her forehead.
"I don't think that's really a duet, Kitty." He says with a small smile.
"I know..." Luna sighs again. "I'm just frustrated. I gotta come up with a second song by Tuesday."
Leaning the top of her her head into his chest as the instrument separates them. He rubs her back asking her Why. Understanding when she explains not wanting to use THAT Type.
"What about the one you sent me? Brooklyn Bitch?" He asks, lifting her face by the chin.
Looking up at him she says No, pulling away. Hands flittering in frustration. She'd have to change too many things and it's the complete opposite tone and message of Nightmare. Whatever it is, it needs to send it's own independent, strong musical statement. Another reason she doesn't want to use THAT Type, it's negative as all hell towards women and so far removed from Luna's platform. She needs something new. Something to hold hands with Nightmare. Sighing again, she places her head back against Colson's bare chest.
"Wanna put figuring out a cover on hold for a sec? So you can write this one?" He asks.
Looking up again, she asks If He Minds. Shaking his head, Colson leans down to kiss Luna. Lifting the guitar from around her neck.
"Come on... Lemme get you high, Baby Girl." He smirks.
Slapping her ass. He grabs one cheek, holding it tightly as they walk across stage.
Rolling her eyes, she feels her pussy swell from his grasp. Luna loves the way he man handles her sometimes, even distracted.
"I fucking hate when you call me that." She complains.
There is ONE person who calls Luna Baby Girl and they're the highest on her shit list.
Sitting on one of the couches on The Bus, Colson fires Luna up a joint. Handing it to her, he lights his own. Slouching down, Luna hits it as she kicks off her Vans. Swinging herself around, Luna lays back on the couch as she places her legs across his lap.
Colson slips her socks off and starts rubbing her slender feet. Pressing his large thumbs into her balls and high arches. Both still getting high. Luna closes her eyes, running her left foot over Colson's semi until he can't stand it anymore. Fully hard, he looks over at her asking Yeah to her smirk and shrug.
"YEAH!!" Colson shouts as he pounces on her.
Tickling and kissing her all over, Luna wiggles and laughs as they try to undress each other. Scooching all over the couch. Colson pulls her skinny jeans off and throws them across The Bus.
"Was that really necessary?" Luna laughs.
"Yes." Colson confirms as he dives back on to her.
Kissing and teasing each other, they wrestle around on the couch. Luna squirms too far off it, taking them both down onto the floor with a THUD.
With more space to control her, Colson bites Luna's neck as he dips his cock inside of her. Luna thrusts her hips up into him as she moans out in pleasure. They're tongues play in each other's mouths as they move their bodies together. Pulling back, Colson grins down at Luna.
"Told you I'd fuck you on the floor." He smirks.
"You motherfucker!" Luna bursts.
Gripping his waist with the leg wrapped around it, Luna pushes off with her right. She rolls them over using her right arm as leverage and left for force. Popping his dick back inside of herself once she's on top, she pulls up her right knee to protect her new crab. Dropping her hips and left leg, Luna pushes Colson all the way inside of her. Pressing on his chest with her hands, she rocks her hips in a titled circle.
"Who's fucking who on the floor now, C!" Luna taunts his groans.
"You're such a fucking biitchh..." He growls, enjoying her pussy controlling his cock.
"Yeah. But you love this fucking BITCH, don't you?" Luna provokes Colson while riding him faster. "Don't you."
Colson grips her hips tighter with a loud Yes. Bucking hard against him, they're both on the verge of cumming.
"Say it." She demands.
"I FUCKING LOVE YOU, YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" Colson shouts as Luna fucks him with authority.
"FUCK YEAH, YOU DO!!" She cries out before they both cum. "Holy Fuck balls, Bunny...."
Luna pants, dangling her head backwards as she leans her hands on his thighs. Still grinding into him. Colson admires her heaving chest and enjoys her warm pussy and soft moans.
She's startled when he comes flying up, wrapping his arms around Luna's body when he hears The Bus doors open. Quickly tucking her inside of him, she's not sure what's going on until she hears his firm YO.
Next comes a "Bullet? What the fuck, DUDE? Why... You know what.... Get the fuck out, I'll be talk to you in a minute." Colson says to whomever walked onto The Bus.
"Who the hell was that?" Luna asks once he releases her.
Colson runs his hands through her hair. Pulling her in for another kiss.
"My boy, Bullet... Come on, let's get dressed. I'll introduce you." He tells her before he kisses her again.
"MY MAN!!" Colson exclaims dapping and hugging a large bald man.
The guy is HUGE. Benny and Colson are the same height but Benny's got an easy 150lbs on Colson. This dude that Luna's watching, has at least another three inches on them both. An easy fifty pounds if not more of solid muscle on Benny. He's not huge, this man is a mountain.
"Kitten!" Colson catches her attention. "This is Bullet. Bullet, meet Luna Smith, THAT Brooklyn Bitch. And as of next month my fucking WIFE." He grins with pride.
"Hi!" Luna gives the man a bright smile as she shakes his hand. "How do you guys know each other?" She asks.
Colson explains how Bullet is his other bodyguard.
"Ooohh... They called in you cause of OUR reckless asses." Luna calls him right out, putting two and two together.
"Naaahhhh..." Bullet shakes his head with a smirk.
"Mhhm... Well, at least we greeted you with a fucking bang-bang." She snarks, making Colson and Bullet erupt into laughter. "I gotta start working on this song. Catch you in a bit?" Luna asks as she kisses Colson.
He nods in agreement, kissing her back as she tells Bullet It's A Pleasure. Heading off to find Sam.
"Imma like this one..... She's a little pistol." Bullet thinks of his first impression of Luna. Noticing how Kells had stopped to cover her tattooed body when he walked in on them. He'd never done that before with any other female Bullet's walked in on him with. Just kept on fucking. "If she is what they say she is, I guess I'd wanna keep that ass to myself too." He muses to himself. Acknowledging that Kells's Girl is not only sassy but STACKED as he watches her walk away.
🎶Did we ask//You for It//When we begged//Was it nice//While we were//Asking for It//Did we beg you twice🎶
Luna's in Colson's dressing room, sitting on the floor with her guitar, notebook, a joint and a pen. She's trying to write a new song. Wanting the same message as Nightmare, but melodic wise is trying to return to her roots. That raw energy. She doesn't want any mixing done. Just to run it straight through. That hard hitting garage feel.
"FUCK.... I'm so glad Sam's already here. I need a fucking bassist..... There's no way I'm pulling Tim in for this....." She thinks as a pain shoots through her heart.
Luna's original band, Dysfunctional Baggage consisted of four members. Luna on lead guitar and vocals. Justin on rhythm guitar and back up vocals. Sam, obviously being the drummer and Tim, Justin's bestfriend, their bassist. They had formed in 2011. Playing local NYC spots. Doing small East Coast tours. None of them wanting to be famous, having only the need to create music. And they did. A lot. The Band cut four albums on their own before they disbanded in 2015. Justin and Tim's addictions overshadowing their work. That's when Patti pushed Luna onto Riot Records as a solo artist. Locking her into a four year, three record contract. Sam had stuck with Luna as an unsigned artist, not wanting to be pigeonholed but still create with her friend. Having lost Justin within the first year of her contract, the three records sound nothing like Luna. They're very dark and bluesy instead of energetic and empowering. Justin's suicide never going public but Luna's words making it abundantly clear to their fans. It had wreaked her. Had she not been forced to create, she probably would've lost her music also.
Ashleigh pops her head in.
"You're on in 15, Loon." She informs her.
"FUCK! Okay. Thanks Ash." Luna responds.
Looking at her mess on the floor, she doesn't have time to clean it up. Pulling her clothes off, she dresses for The Stage. Throwing on a corset, booty shorts, thigh highs with a garter, a random flannel and knee high boots.
Keeping her hair loose, she pulls on her leather before heading out to perform with Colson.
"God DAMN!!!" Colson's mind flashes as he takes Luna's hand, leading her from the piano. "Imma fuck the shit outta that ass TONIGHT." He thinks as he raps to her.
Bouncing around the stage together, playing off one another, Colson feels his dick growing hard as Luna snakes around him. He pulls her into him. Poking her lower back with his raging cock. Reminding her of LA.
🎶Let me paint the picture. Counter in the kitchen. Taking all your clothes off. Findin' my religion. You're my pretty little vixen and I'm the voice inside your head. That keeps telling you to listen to all the bad things I say🎶
They hit the chorus together. How they want each other forever. Throwing their arms up as they laugh and sing about tattooing each other on their bodies to take each other wherever.
The Band exploding around them with lights and smoke. The crowd going wild when Luna grabs Colson's chin. Belting the last chords.
🎶I'm all in🎶
🎶There is no maybe🎶
Colson grabs her ass, pulling her into him for a strong kiss. Their bodies ripping chords on his guitar between them.
"I love you." Colson whispers to her, whipping her around to face the crowd, he holds her against him. Arm around her neck. "Give it up for my soon-to-be Bride, THAT BROOKLYN FUCKING BITCH!!!!" He screams.
Luna grins and shakes her head. Thanking the crowd as Colson kisses her cheek and releases her.
"Kill em, Bunny." She tells him before trotting OffStage.
That's exactly what he does for the next 45mins. Jumping into the crowd, climbing up random shit, performing his fucking heart out.
Luna doesn't bother to head back to the dressing room. Standing in between Sam and Ashleigh, she hits the bottle one hands her. Then a joint from the other. Singing along with them, enjoying the rest of the show.
"Thank you, Chicago!!! You were fucking sick!!!" Colson shouts before coming OffStage after encoring Sail.
Luna throws up a Bye to Ashleigh and a confused Sam as he tosses her over his shoulder. It's a scene her and Ashleigh know all to well.
"Get that shit off, NOW." Colson demands after setting Luna back down on her feet.
"What 'chou do before me?" She asks as she strips.
"There is no before YOU." He tells her as he scoops her up.
Sliding himself inside of her, Colson presses Luna up against the dressing room door. Sucking all over her neck as he bounces her off of his dick.
Luna cums for him easily with the way he talks to her and the way his cock treats her. Her walls gripping him tight, she makes him cum with her.
Sitting down on the couch, Colson's still inside Luna as she rests her head against his bare chest and neck. Quietly enjoying each other for a moment.
"What do you wanna do tonight?" He finally asks her.
Lifting up, she grins. "Same thing we do every night, Pinky.... Take over the fucking world."
Colson laughs out an I Love You before flipping her into her back and fucking her again on the couch.
With a school bag full of liquor, drugs and toys, that's exactly what they do. Take over the fucking world as Colson, Luna, Sam, Baze, Rook and Slim rip their boards around DownTown Chicago.
"I didn't know you grind!!!" Luna grins as Slim cruises beside her.
"Bitch, black men do everything!" He laughs.
"Shut the fuck up." Luna tells him with a grin and a shake of the head "Why your bitch ass never come out with us before then, hunh?"
"Cuz I do what I WANT!!!" He laughs mimicking Luna as he pushes off to gain more speed.
"Why wanna be like me???" She teases him, gaining her own speed and sailing past him.
Stopping abruptly, Luna yells "SAMMMMMYYYY!!!"
She's found a park. It may be gated but Luna found a park. The Boys watch as Luna tosses her board and bag over the fence. Next goes Sam's board. Luna's almost up the fence as she reaches down to help her girl.
"I guess we're going to the park..." Colson shrugs after watching The Girls disappear. "Heads up!!!" He yells before tossing his board over to them.
Following suit, Colson and The Boys hop the fence too.
Inside the park, Luna and Sam climb up the jungle gym. Sam finding and sliding down the slide first. Luna going down sideways calling for Squish The Lemon. Everyone one running towards her. Rook and Sam take one set of steps as Slim and Baze find others, running across the jungle gym to the slide. Colson beats them all when he climbs up the side. It only takes Colson's weight to knock Luna off.
Scrambling back up to the top, they hoot and holler as they slide and slam into each other. Knocking each of them to the ground. Luna's stuck between Baze and Rook as Slim comes tumbling down against Sam. It's Colson's force that sends Baze and Luna flying into the air. Both hit the ground laughing.
"YOU WIN!!!!" Luna calls out, not bothering to get up off of the warm summer ground.
"Lezzzzz goooo!!" Sam shouts, pulling her up and towards the swings.
Luna LOVES to swing. It's the ultimate childhood release for her. The six of them all grab a swing, pumping their legs hard as they breeze through the air. Flying high.
"On three, who can make it farthest!!" Baze shouts out the challenge.
Dipping into the air faster as they glide, Baze calls ONE! TWO! THREEEEEE!!!! Sending them all flying into the night sky. Surprisingly, they all land on their feet. Colson winning having lept the farthest. Slim a close second.
"Guess white men can jump." Luna sticks her tongue out at Slim before she grabs Sam's hands and runs off.
Jumping onto the Merry-Go-Round. She calls The Boys over. Slim and Rook jump on with them as Colson and Baze do the hard work of pushing. Running around full force multiple times, they jump on too. Colson grabbing ahold of Luna and a bar as The World spins around them. Laughing as the warm summer air whizzes by them.
All of them lay back, dizzy as the sky starts to move slower. Passing the bottle and multiple joints amongst them.
"Is this the shit you do when you guys disappear??" Slim asks as he hits a joint, enjoying the childishness of the night.
Colson, Luna, Rook and Baze erupt into laughter. Yes. Yes it is.
"I Cone-Fought Loons in Detroit!!" Rook laughs. "I bet I'm the only person in The World who's whooped her ass!!" He states to the others laughter and Luna's Fuck You.
"What fun shit you got in the bag tonight, Looney?" Colson asks.
"Ahhhh... Idk. I think I have a football!!" She pops up off the metal toy.
Digging through her bag, she pulls out a Nerf football to everyone's excitement.
"WORD!!" Slim shouts, jumping up as Luna tosses it to him. "Colson gets Luna so I get Sam..." He starts picking teams.
"Aight.... I get Rookie." Colson agrees, popping up too, pulling Luna up with him.
"What the fuck, yo!?" Baze asks as last pick.
"You wit me Truck, let's rock these Fools!!" Slim reassures him.
Picking goal lines, they can't agree on touch or tackle. The Boys calling touch while The Girls holler Fuck That, Tackle. Colson declaring tackle it is.
They run a couple plays. Luna and Sam displaying that not only can they catch a football but each can also spiral one. Running around competitively against each other, Luna tackles Sam with no thought. Stopping their fourth down.
"FUCKING LUNATIC!!!!" Rook screams in excitement.
If you haven't realized yet, Luna and Rook are tiny people best friends. Both adoring and finding each other hilarious.
They're in the middle of another play when they see lights and hear a Hey.. What Are You Kids Doin'!? Grabbing their boards and Luna's bag all six of them haul ass. Tossing their shit over the fence as they all escape.
Laughing hysterically as they shoot off into the Chicago night. Rounding a few blocks, they slow down. Colson firing up a joint as Baze does too. Luna pulling the bottle of whiskey back out of her bag. They cruise back to the Aragon as they continue to enjoy each other, passing joints and the bottle between them as they continue to get fucked up. Slim happy he came out.
"Wait. We're outta fucking alcohol???" Luna asks once they're back on The Bus. "How is that possible!??"
It's 2A. There is NO WAY they're hitting the road dry.
"Hold The FUCKING Bus." She directs Colson. "Let's go." She states grabbing Ashleigh and Sam's hands.
Chicago is the joint you wanna be in if you need alcohol late night. After a short search, Ashleigh finds a package store only three blocks away. With the bottle of Jameson still in her bag, Luna demands Ashleigh down it. She needs to be on their level.
Always the responsible one, Ashleigh doesn't mind when Luna demands she cut loose. Pouring the last eighth of the bottle down her throat.
Linking arms, The Girls laugh as they burn a joint trying to follow Ashleigh's GPS. They only get lost for fifteen minutes.
Relieved, giddy and drunk, Ashleigh, Luna and Sam drop to their knees in the whiskey aisle. Praising the Liquor Gods. Not caring who's around.
Each grabbing three handles. Six whiskeys and three tequilas. They head to the counter. Sam and Luna losing their shit when Ashleigh mistakes a Captain Morgan cut out for a person. She's drunk.
"We gotta get you out more, Boo." Luna laughs, throwing her arm around her.
After paying, they stumble down the street. Ducking their heads together as they laugh.
"Take me with yooou next time... I'm so tired of being the Moooooommmm... I had so much fun just being fucked up with you the other day." Ashleigh slurs.
"I got you, Sugar." Luna beams, wrapping her arm around Ashleigh's swinging waist.
They're a block away from the venue, when they're approched by four men.
"What do we have here???" One asks as they circle The Girls.
Word limit ( 1 of 2 )
To be continued......
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eye-raq · 6 years
Daddy’s Home Pt.1: The Pull UP
Okay so ya’ll gonna trip off of this one HERE. Thanks to my girl @hdkween I had to do it man i had to!!!!!!
Summary: Erik serves seven years of his ten year sentence, getting out on good behavior to finally teach his girl who left him almost four years ago a lesson (A NASTY LESSON) *tehee*
WARNINGS: SMUT (18+) This is long, and nasty, and just badddd yall.  If I haven’t tagged you please let my ass know because everytime i make a tag list i loose it lmao!
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Mariposa County Jail.
That’s where she visited now. From her understanding, it was very strict. She got a further warning from her good friend Brianna, who had an ex-boyfriend there that she visited often.
“Girlllll, I'm just gonna warn you now, you can forget all the treats you could sneak in at the other jail, and paying off some of those crooked officers to fuck in the bathroom, NOPE. No bending the rules or you’ll be staying there too.”
Upon arrival there, Callie couldn’t even park and leave her 2015 Infiniti Q50 without some correctional officers approaching her vehicle to check it. She clutched her Pink tote bag, an attitude etched within her pretty brown features as she watched them attack her car, never missing an inch of space. After about ten minutes, they finally lifted from her vehicle, turning to escort her into the Institution.
It seemed they really wanted to be cautious, because now Callie had to go through a metal detector, also having to send her bag down the conveyor belt to get checked by a women correctional officer. Callie was used to this part, having to be searched before she entered, but not as extensive as her car.
She even received instructions before coming here to not wear similar colors that resemble that of the inmates. They wore blue from head to toe, so she wore an all black Pink tracksuit with her curly hair up in a simple top knot bun. After going through check out, Callie had to sign some forms, handing over her ID, stating her name, and date of birth.
“Callie Demetria Carter, 4/4/90.”
“Visiting?” The boring officer asked, his eyes never leaving the papers in front of him, the balding patch of thin hair on his pale head giving her a view she would normally laugh at if it wasn’t for her already overgrowing irritation.
“Erik Stevens.” Erik Stevens, graduate at MIT who took on the job as a hacker instead of an engineer.
At that the officer went to pull out a stack of visitors lists, finally finding Erik’s, scanning to see. Callie had always been curious to know who else visited Erik, her eyes staring through the thick panel of glass, squinting them to make out more than one name scribbled there.
“Alright, let's go. Leave all personal belongings here, and follow these few officers through that door to the phone room.���
Callie never had to visit Erik in a phone room. She always came to see him at the other institution in a wide open room where all inmates came to see their visitors whether it be friends, family, or even enemies. Callie tried to block out the image of the one visitor who sat next to her, the prisoner stabbing their neck repeatedly, before doing the same to themselves. Callie had nightmares about that for nearly a two months.
Finally lifting from the chair, Callie walked empty-handed as she allowed the slow swinging doors to close. It was a long dimly lit hallway, the sounds of her vans walking across the shiny hardwood flooring that had the smell of pine sol wafting from it. She gripped the zipper of her tracksuit hoodie tightly, her expression hardened.
Callie avoided her last visit to see Erik for reasons she didn’t want to bring up. She supposed Erik needed time to adjust here as well because he had transferred to this Institution for his own safety. Erik literally owned the last prison he stayed in called San Quentin State Prison. Erik had the warden and the correctional officers eating out the palm of his hand, he even had his own cell in a secluded area of the prison from the other inmates. That alone earned a lot of hate and jealousy towards him.
Callie remembers visiting Erik in the earlier stages of his arrest, face bruised purple and red from fighting, he even walked out with his orange jumpsuit undone, a bandage on his broad chest from an attempt stabbing in the courtyard:
“E! What the fuck?!” Callie wanted to cry.
“Aye! I told you, I got this. Don’t go wasting your tears on me. You got the weed right?” Callie’s somber expression turned to that of annoyance as she pulled out the plastic bag full of kush, his special kush that he smoked in jail to keep him level headed, especially if he planned on getting out on good behavior.
“Thanks, baby, you like my little Bonnie, always holding me down.”
Callie’s attention was brought back to the present as the doors to the phone room opened, revealing a long stainless steel counter sealed off by a thick pane of glass separated by a wall between each visiting area, a rusty black phone for the visitor and the prisoner to use, and hard plastic chairs. From the way this was set up, there would be no more weed for Erik and no more quick sex sessions. Callie finally takes her seat at the instructed area, pulling her chair close and pressing her elbows firm on the counter in front of her. As if on cue, the correctional officer on the other side of the glass opened the door, a buzz sounding out as awe transformed her face.
There, standing at 6’3 220 lbs with little beady beads in his hair, unkempt facial hair, and crisp blue pants with a matching top was Erik himself. Callie felt a blush creep up her face, all of the memories with this man flooding her brain again, giving the wicked imagery that she wasn’t prepared for. Adjusting herself in her seat, Callie clears her throat, trying her best to stare into the eyes of her incarcerated boyfriend, clear resentment festering within him. Callie couldn’t lie, she felt fear in her belly, even through the thick glass. Erik kicks back the chair, settling with a loud thump of the chains around his wrists, body slouched and eyes cold with fury. Callie took a chance to look around her, nerves a damn wreck before picking up the dirty phone, bringing it to her ear slowly. She motioned with a lift of her chin for Erik to pick up his phone, watching him snatch it up with so much aggression, fear churned in her stomach.
Callie could hear him breathing, his chest from what she could see rapidly moving as if he were suffocating on his rage.
“Hi E, how you been baby?” Callie licked at her dry lips. She waited for him to respond for what felt like a minute, the fingers on his right hand tapping at the counter deathly slow.
“I heard some things.” That's all he had to say to her, no hi princess, no wassup baby girl, no you miss me, just THAT. Callie felt disrespected, the number of times she would visit his ungrateful ass, and that’s all he had to say.
“Oh? So no hi how are you? No hey baby girl, wassup love, nothing?” She grimaced.
“Are you gonna confirm what I heard?” he gave her a dirty look with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I’ll entertain your rude ass since that’s what you clearly want me to do.” Callie seemed to have forgotten how aggravating her boyfriend could be.
“Word on the street is, my girl entertaining some other nigga.” Callie’s expression closed up, her fingers fidgeting while her eyes landed on a vein popping out the side of his neck.
“Wassup? You can’t speak?” Erik whispers with rage, his jaw tight and eyes bloodshot. He leans closer, his face almost pressing against the glass.
“It ain’t even like that.” She felt small. Callie felt like everyone in that room could hear what was going on.
“It ain’t even like that huh?! From my understanding, you let this nigga into my place, fucked this nigga in my bed?” He laughs.
“Erik chill out. I came all this way to see you.” She started to feel her anger stab at her brain.
“I’m finna break this MOTHERFUCKING glass.” Erik brings a single finger to the glass, stabbing it.
“I’m growing hella tired of the games Callie. You wanna stop with all that playing and tell me what’s really going on?” Callie’s leg fidgeted under the table, her eyes closed. She was afraid to even tell him anything from the reaction she was receiving right now.
“Fine! I met someone.” Callie nibbles on her fingers, her eyes wavering. He just sat there, immobilized with fury, his eyes deranged and a look as if he’d been slapped.
“You wanna run that shit by me again?!” The spit from his mouth hit the glass.
“I-I met a guy, his name is Lamont. We hung out a few times, and I invited him over. We kissed and he felt me up a little but that’s it! That’s all I didn’t let him hit I sware on my life!” Callie fucked up, she knew she fucked up. Erik had friends in AND out of jail. Callie briefly wondered besides his lawyer, were there others who would report things to him? She felt stupid.
“You stupid or what? You really thought you could fuck with another nigga while I was away? Especially since you’re MINES. What you thought I wasn’t gonna find out? I can’t believe your little simple ass.” He could taste the blood on his tongue from his rage. Erik pounded his fist on the counter, causing one of the correctional officers to approach behind him.
Callie rubbed angrily at her face, tears that she didn’t want nor needed, falling. She put up with Erik’s jailbird ass long enough, four years in jail to be exact. Callie had a lot going for herself, a college degree in Health Science, a great job with benefits and a salary wage, she wanted to feel guilty, but why should she? Erik landed himself in jail for credit fraud on multiple counts for some stupid job she warned him not to take, now he was serving seven to ten years behind bars.
“Fuck this, I don’t feel sorry about shit,” Callie yells, her limbs shaking.
“So you don’t feel sorry for getting with some clown while I’m in jail!!!?” Erik yells back into the phone.
“No, I don’t E. I feel like I deserve more than this arrangement we have going on.” Callie could see the hurt in his eyes, his nostrils flaring.
“What this punk nigga got that I don’t have?!” Erik smirks deviously then, his eyes low and predatory.
“Freedom.” Callie couldn’t believe she just said that.
“What a FUCKING SHAME. That’s all? Just freedom?”
“Freedom is better than dick Erik. Dick that you can’t sling behind bars.” Callie was on a roll. Did she know that from her words, she dug a deeper hole with Erik, but so? What could he do right? He was away for seven to ten years, by the time he got out she could be somewhere overseas living it up.
“You feel real tough on the other side of that glass. I’m giving you this one fucking warning Callie, DROP THAT NIGGA. Don’t look at him, don’t speak to him, don’t even breathe the same air as him.” with every word he spoke, he poked the glass so hard it shook.
“Erik, I’m tired of this shit. I’m sick of you trying to control me, I’m sick of coming up here with the same damn routine to see your sour ass, I’m TIRED! I’m fucking tired E.” Her eyes almost left her sockets as she spoke the words she’d been feeling for a while. Callie didn’t deserve this kind of lifestyle because of his mistakes.
“So WHAT?! You fucking leaving me?! What kind of girl of mines you supposed to be if you leaving me HUH?! Gon’ fucking dip out on me after all the shit I did for your ass. If the tables were turned you think I would do you dirty like this?! I can tell you now I WOULDN’T.” His voice was at its highest peak now, so deep and thunderous it earned the attention of practically everyone in that room.
“You are embarrassing right now! Calm your big ass down! You want the whole world to know our business?!!.” Callie scoots her seat back, lifting from her chair.
“Who the FUCK told you to exit! Were not fucking done Callie! I swear on EVERYTHING.”
“What?! Last time I checked I’m over here and YOUR over there!” Callie rolls her eyes at him, turning to leave with a middle finger to the sky.
Erik stands from his chair frantically, causing it to fall to the floor loudly. He snarls, nodding his head, pointing a warning finger to her retreating back as the officers lead her away.
“I’ll see you and that bitch ass NIGGA on the outside bruh!!!!!!” He felt the firm grip of the officers on his arms, causing him to laugh.
“Ain’t shit going on with me I’m GOOD.” Erik shakes them off. All he could see was her walking down that hallway, not even a backward glance.
“IT’S COOL BABY GIRL KEEP THAT SAME ENERGY WHEN I GET OUT!” Erik rubs at his nose, blinking his eyes rapidly while his fists clenched.
“Go ahead and bounce then Callie since you leaving.” He could feel his chains being pulled, his hurt face turning away from her blurred body as the officers lead him back to his shared cell.
Present Day: January 2019.
“Hey, Stevens!”
There were about four correctional officers headed towards his cell, the one leading the way going by the name of Johnson. All of them were big and intimidating, but none compared to Erik himself.
Standing at 6’3 246 lbs of thick muscle, body littered in tiny raised scars that represented each day he resided behind bars, skin a deep almond, hair in wild dreads that sat atop his head with a sharp temp-fade around the sides, bringing in the strong features that consisted of a broad nose, sharp brown eyes, wide lips that drew back into a snarl from the pull-ups he was currently doing, dark messy eyebrows, and teeth littered in gold.
“It’s showtime! Grab your stuff, were escorting you out.”
Erik drops down with a loud thud of his faded Timberlands against the smooth concrete of his cell, waking up his cellmate, causing him to groan. Erik gives Johnson a once over with his eyes, and a wicked smile before adjusting the drawstring to his pants, the fabric almost slipping from his waist to pool around his feet.
“It’s that time already Johnson? I thought my good behavior release didn’t start till next week on Wednesday?” Erik turns his chiseled back on Johnson and the others standing on the other side of his cell bars, walking over to his untidy bed, grabbing up the duffle he had already packed with some gear he definitely couldn’t fit anymore, throwing it over his shoulder.
“Where’s your shirt?” Johnson asked with annoyance.
“What’s the weather?” Erik looked up at the tiny window on the ceiling, the sun peeking through, staining his scared shoulders.
“It’s about 75 degrees.” Erik scuffs, pulling out a white long sleeve henley, throwing it on quick before walking up to the gate. Johnson begins to unlock it, Erik’s heart practically banging against his solid chest from how relieved he was to finally leave that shit hole. He served seven years of his sentence, SEVEN. He knew his lawyer would look out for him, the sexy bitch finally getting what she always wanted. The day Erik found out about his good behavior leave, his lawyer by the name of Marcia Grey requested to see him in private. Erik confused out of his mind showed up within that room to find Marcia in a tight nude bodycon skirt, with her white blouse undone giving him a full on view of her ample cleavage that begged to fall into his mouth. How many years has it been? Three years and eleven months since he had pussy? That’s about 1452 days. When he and Callie were together, they always had an arrangement of sex the four years before that, but since she called things off, Erik was left to beating his meat in hopes that the other prisoners couldn’t hear him.
Marcia made her intentions clear with Erik, that she wanted to fuck him in return for getting him his good behavior release. Erik didn’t have to be told twice, he lifted her up by the back of her thighs and fucked her a good two times, getting his nut in on that hard ass table. That was at least three months ago, now he really needed it craved it, and the only person to deliver that was Callie herself.
Callie Demetria Carter.
Could be Callie Demetria Stevens, She was lucky Erik loved her ass. He took his anger out on lifting weights, and punching bags, sometimes even racist prisoners who rubbed him the wrong way.
All that thinking, Erik hadn’t realized that the exit was inches away from him, the fresh air wafting his nose. FINALLY, no more smelling his cellmates shit in the middle of the night, no more quick showers because he wanted to avoid the homosexual prisoners who already gave him a look that made him want to break their faces in two, no more filling up on stale bread and ramen noodle hookups with tuna fish and eggs, and no more being pushed around by the crooked ass correctional officers.
Erik watched as Johnson opened the final gate to freedom, a car waiting for him ahead, HIS car, a 2018 NSX in electric blue.
“That’s you?!” Johnson was astonished.
“I might have been behind bars, but that doesn’t mean I ain’t got bank.”
Erik didn’t give a final farewell, walking up to his car, his good friend since childhood named Kendrick walking up to dab him up excitedly.
“Yee wassup big homie!” Kendrick pats Erik’s back.
“What’s good bro, YO, thanks for looking out for me while I was away, I owe you one big time.”
“That’s what friends are for right? You’re my nigga, of course, I was gonna look out for you.”
Erik practically runs to the drivers' side, itching to feel that leather on his back and smell that new car smell. Pulling off at 70 miles per hour, Erik starts talking business.
“My clean slate is already in progress from my understanding, I got some people in high places who owe me some favors.”
“AND, I found your girl, MISS CALLIE.” Kendrick clarifies.
“Is that RIGHT?” Erik’s grip on the steering wheel doesn’t go unnoticed, the leather making a loud crunching sound.
“YEP. she’s been dating that same nigga Lamont. Supposedly they’re going out tonight for a date, I think it’s RA Sushi on Lancaster Street.”
Erik’s irritation crackled.
He had something in store for her ass, just wait. He had a backup apartment where he did business that he could stay for a while, and then tonight he would pop up on Callie and her temporary nigga, serving up punishment by dick.
9:00 pm, Friday
“Look at you! You know how much I love RA Sushi.” Callie grabs Lamont's hand as he helps her out of his matte grey G Wagon, his hungry eyes never leaving Callie’s body. Tonight she wore a skin-tight camouflage bodycon dress, her lips painted a wine red, natural makeup on her face that brought out her hazel eyes, long hair done in soft curls, and her feet covered in nude So Kate red bottoms.
“I remember your love for Sushi Callie, figured we could start the night off right with dinner before we head over to the Hookah Bar.” Lamont stood at 6’1, a tall glass of chocolate milk with a bright white smile and chiseled features. His hair was shiny and black, blending perfectly with the fitted black sweater he wore and the dark wash denim of his jeans. He had a simple silver Rolex on his wrist with a silver rope chain, the smell of rosewood wafting her nose every time he took a step closer to her.
“Just hookah bar afterward? Nothing else you had in mind?” Lamont turned to her with a suggestive flicker of his thick black eyebrow, his lips turned up into a crooked smile.
“Callie you always want some damn dick.”
“What’s wrong with that? You telling me you don’t want to fuck?” Callie chuckles with a shocked look on her face. She never met a man who would turn down sex, especially if his women was ready and willing to provide that for him.
“OF COURSE I love fucking you Callie, but I was thinking tonight we could watch some movies, you know, get all boo’d up.” Callie actually scrunches her face at that. She hadn’t had the dick in about a week and all he wanted to do was lay in bed and watch movies? It was so foreign to her. As much as she hated to remember him, Erik never seized to please his women in AND out of the bed, that was before he got his ass locked up. Cali always wondered how he’d been holding up, sometimes thinking the worst, but she knew Erik could hold his own.
“Earth to Callie?” Callie hadn’t noticed her arrival in RA Sushi, standing in front of the hostess.
“Table for two right?” She asked all chipper.
“Yes, a booth near the window please,” Callie asked, watching as the hostess picked up two menus, escorting them to their table.
“You sure you good? You spaced out back there.” Lamont put an arm around her shoulder, squeezing her soft arm, bringing her body flush against his.
“Yeah, you know how I can get, lost in my thoughts.” They both settled into their seats, Callie letting out a deep breath before opening her menu to appetizers.
“You sure you telling me everything?” Lamont squinted his eyes in suspicion at her.
“Stop worrying about nothing and order us some appetizers! I was thinking we should share a bowl of ramen.” Lamont didn’t press her further, the waiter's arrival providing relief for her.
They both sat with glasses of water, undecided on what drinks they wanted with their chopsticks digging into the hot bowl of noodles, broth, beef, eggs, and veggies. Callie was so caught up in Lamont wiping some broth from the side of her mouth, that she hadn’t noticed the arrival of a special guest, but Lamont did.
“Can we help you brother?” Callie looks in the direction of Lamont's question to find THE ONE FUCKING PERSON SHE DIDN’T EXPECT TO SEE.
“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Callie screams in shock, jumping back in her booth seat, hitting her head against the brick wall. She whines in pain, her hand rubbing over her weave, eyes wide in terror, her hands shaking as they covered her mouth.
“Miss Callie Carter, AKA Daddy’s little slut with the trick tongue.” Erik rolls his shoulders, arms folded across his chest with his dreads freshly twisted and stroked to the side, gold-rimmed glasses on his face, a white v neck t-shirt with an oversized distressed denim jacket, light wash drop crotch jeans with red and black Jordan 1’s on his feet. He smiles brightly, revealing golds in his mouth. Callie could not remove her eyes from him, she COULDN’T BELIEVE that Erik himself stood before her with at least twenty pounds of muscle added to his body and a head full of dreads. Was this the nigga she left in the phone room almost 4 years ago?!!!
“What the fuck?! NIGGA, WHO ARE YOU TO SAY SOME SHIT LIKE THAT ABOUT MY GIRL? Did you lose your fucking mind bruh? Get the stepping homie!” Lamont was fuming now, ready to stand up out of the booth, but Callie put out a hand to stop him.
“Lamont!!! no, just no…”
Lamont gives Erik a nasty look before turning to Callie with confusion.
“You wanna tell me who this nigga is that claim you’ve been sucking his dick?” ERIK barks out a burst of laughter that caused a waiter to stumble with a tray full of hot saki shots.
“My nigga you don’t know?!! I’m the one Callie left almost four years ago.” Lamont had this dumb expression on his face that made Erik want to go upside his head even more.
“You lost you coffee faced nigga!? Check this out..”
Erik seats himself next to Callie, her entire personal space now filled with the smell of warm cinnamon, mint citrus, and Indian patchouli clouding her, it was provocative allure and power with distinct magnetic notes. Callie hated the fact that she loved the smell, she was livid because her seat grew wet.
“Since it seems that Callie here is the QUEEN of secrets, let me reveal her biggest one.”
“Erik DON’T” Callie yanks at his jacket, causing him to turn his blazing eyes on her.
“Get your fucking hands off me. You punished.” Callie felt like she’d been slapped in the face, her jaw slack and her hazel eyes almost leaving her sockets.
“Now back to you nigga with the temporary dick, I’m Erik, Callie’s man who’s been away in jail for seven years.” Lamont marinated in resentment, not a word spoke just pure hate in his eyes as he stared at Erik unblinking.
“You look like you wanna kill me right now, but I bet that shit doesn’t match up to how much I wanna end your fucking life,” Erik spoke that low and careful, so Lamont could catch every single word.
“And as for you,” Erik points to Callie without even looking at her.
“I told you not to come near this nigga, didn’t I? I told you not to breathe the same air as him and look at what we got.” Callie could only shake her head, her lower lip trembling. She didn’t know what would happen next, but she KNEW it wouldn’t be the perfect reunion.
“Say goodnight, Callie, we leaving.” Erik lifts from the booth, walking away a little to find Callie still seated.
“Oh? So Daddy gotta punish you further huh? That’s cool, I’m up for the extra work.” Callie looks at Lamont, his eyes staring down at the table without a single gaze at her. Erik whistles, getting Callie’s attention again as she finally lifts from the booth, now on her two feet.
“Sorry, Lamont.” She says over her shoulder, guilt creeping up her belly.
“Sorry, not sorry,” Erik says with a smile, knowing that Lamont wasn’t stupid enough to get up and try anything with him. Callie takes tentative steps towards Erik, all eyes in that restaurant on her like she was walking the walk of shame.
Erik holds up his hand to her, stopping her.
“What the fuck you doing?” He says with a harsh breath escaping his mouth.
“Is that how you're supposed to approach big daddy? You forgetting something?!” Callie’s body stiffens, turning her face away from him. He had so much CONTROL.
“You can’t be fucking serious right now Erik???” He cocks his head at her response.
“Oh I’m DEAD Fucking serious, get on all fours NOW, and crawl to me before I leave your ass in this restaurant.” Erik snaps his fingers, pointing towards the floor rapidly. Callie shakes her head, kneading her shoulder, she just couldn’t do it in public NO FUCKING WAY.
“I DON’T CARE WHERE WE ARE. You’re Daddy’s little slut who likes to be on her knees.” Callie massages the back of her neck, her eyes wavered as she lowers herself to the floor in the middle of that restaurant. She flips her hair over her shoulder angrily, placing her hands onto the floor now, crawling towards him slowly with her piercing hazel eyes on his dark deranged ones. Erik laughs bitterly, walking back towards the door with his eyes trained on his Callie, her plump body swaying with each crawling motion. Finally, at the door, Erik stands with his back against the archway, arms folded, waiting for her to kneel in front of him. Callie makes herself comfortable on her knees, her eyes still on him, because she didn’t want to risk pissing him off further in public.
“I been gone from that pussy for too long for you to entertain some other nigga, some wack ass nigga you stupid?! You thought you would get away with it huh?!” Erik kisses his teeth, bending over to grip her chin roughly. Callie gulps, her lip quivering.
“AYE.” She snaps her lips shut, her tongue rolling along the inside of her cheek.
“DADDY. Please, I’m-I’m fucking sorry okay I-I-I?!!”
“I-I-I-Too late Callie.” Callie could feel everyone's eyes on her, Erik looking up scanning the restaurant with malice.
“Fuck yall looking at?! Mind yall fucking business!!!”
Callie wanted to slap his fine ass clean across his face.
“FUCK-YOU-ERIK.” She said that with spite, already regretting it.
“Fuck me?! NAH, kill that IM FUCKING YOU. And I’m fucking you hard, and rough. Too many years in that fucking cell.” His voice grew so deep and terrifying. It not only had her fearing him, but it also had her pussy wet and calling for him.
The pleasure, the terror for the MAN.
“Round one of your punishment, I miss those naughty lips wrapped around my dick.” Erik lifted his shirt to his mouth, his hard, sensuous, able-bodied, sturdy, powerful, brick house frame came into view littered in these interesting scars that had her starstruck and dazed.
“Each one of these scars represents the number of days I spent behind bars, seven years worth of days.”
His thick fingers took its time to undo his pants, her throat bobbing and spit forming in the corners of her mouth. She salivated for this man, her face giving him a fake scowl. Erik knew her all too well, a mischievous smirk on his face as he stuck one of his hands down his briefs, pulling out a whopping 10 inches of thick dick, gripping it firmly at the base, Callie going cross-eyed as her eyes took in his thick head, and veiny shaft.
“What you supposed to do with this?” Erik could hear the audible gasps and objections from the people inside the restaurant. Callie’s tongue flicks her bottom lip slow, her eyes trailing from his impressive piece of meat to his sexy eyes.
“I’m supposed to suck it, DADDY.” Callie felt butterflies in her belly from that.
“That’s a start, and how you supposed to suck me off?” Callie wiggles on her knees.
“With both hands behind my back, using only my mouth.”
“THAT’S RIGHT. Only using that FUCKING MOUTH. No hands, just the lips, that tongue…”
Erik’s dick sits on her lips then, Callie’s head shaking from how good it felt to have that heavy thing rest on her bottom lip, staining it red.
“I don’t wanna see my dick, you better use that throat to your advantage! Make my shit disappear like you ain’t got no barrier!” He barked that shit out rough. Callie brings her hands behind her, opening wide, sinking her mouth on his stiff dick smooth and clean, her throat vibrating around him. It felt like home sweet home the way his dick sat deep to her uvula, her inner cheeks contracting around him giving his dick the best tension. She couldn’t believe that Erik had her on her knees, in front of EVERYONE with his dick in her mouth, fresh out of prison.
“Taste like it used to right? Ain’t change one fucking bit.” Callie nods her head, sucking him with a twirl of her mouth causing his dick to hit her inner cheeks each time, a hiss escaping his mouth deeply. She releases with a pop, spitting on it, then gliding her lips over him again, now bobbing her head quickly, the gurgling sounds so loud in her ears, the shock from the people around them became less audible. She loved it, every single inch of it no matter how upset she tried to be. She missed the dick, and it made her own the humiliation even more.
“Suck on my sack bitch.” That’s the only warning she needed, her mouth popping off his dick to suck on his hefty balls, Erik grabbing hold of his dick then, smacking her cheek. Her tongue thrashed wildly over him, sucking him up into her mouth one at a time, her pretty eyes taking in the strain of pleasure that was etched across his face.
“Look at you, for somebody that wanted to leave me so damn bad you sure as hell giving me a good welcome home present. Nasty ass.” Callie licks her way back to his dick, her lips sucking hard on the tip of his dick, which caused Erik to grip the sides of her face, fucking into her mouth so rough her nails dug into the skin on her hands.
“DON’T RUN EITHER LET ME TAKE THIS MOUTH.” He fucked her mouth like it didn’t belong to her, Callie’s body shaking and her entire face covered in spit. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of this sexy man, he was even sexier than before, and the thought of him fucking her tonight had her praying to God to wake up the next day with the ability to walk.
“Still got that dangerous tongue I see, FUCKKK.” He threw his head back, that lip she loved to suck on between his teeth.
“This my mouth now Callie, Let me cum in my shit.” Erik’s hips banged into her mouth faster and faster, his groans growing louder.
“FUCK YES!” She whimpers around him, his cum spilling out in loads down her chin, neck, and chest. It was SO MUCH, she couldn't even drink it all. Callie never knew Erik to cum that much.
Erik withdrew his dick, smacking her on the lips with it before scraping up some cum, feeding it to her. She drank every single drop with love and affection, her makeup ruined and clothes, the humiliation in the back of her mind.
Callie’s hands fought to gain control as she opened her apartment door, the hallway deathly quiet with the exception of Erik’s hard breathing on her neck. He yanks on her weave hard, pulling her back and causing her to slam her door closed after successfully opening it. Callie’s throat felt like she swallowed rocks from how sore it was, Erik, making her suck his dick again on the ride over.
“You thought you would run out on a nigga? Fuck another nigga?” Erik smacks her ass rough causing her to draw in a sharp breath.
“No! I-I no Daddy no!!!”
“No? So you didn’t fuck him?”
Callie felt him yank on her hair again, her right foot almost causing her to fall.
“I-I, EEEEEEE.” She knew if she told him, he would get her.
“shut -that-whining-up-right-fucking-now.”
“DADDY, pleasseeee.”
“SAY IT.” Callie hiccuped from her whimpering.
“Yes. yes, I did.” She felt his nose press into her face, taking a deep breath in, blowing it out, then take another deep breath in, holding it. She did it.
“Open that door baby girl, right now.” Callie felt Erik release her hair, her hand gripping the knob to let them into her place.
“STRIP.” Erik doesn’t wait for her to get to the bedroom, let alone all the way into her living room, watching Callie step out of her heels, pulling her dress up and over her head, revealing an emerald green g string underneath with a matching push up bra. Erik runs a hand down his face as he takes in Callie’s heavy titties, down to her round belly, straight to her pussy, down her thunder thighs, and finally landing on her pretty toes.
“My nasty little bitch got thick on me. Look at you, mmm, ass so phat pussy so phat, titties sitting pretty, chunky and sexy.” Callie clutched her chest, the look in Erik’s eyes making it hard for her to stand on two feet.
“Now you KNOW that pussy too fat to fit into a g string, look at it.” Erik takes off his jacket, pulling his shirt up and over his head, practically knocking her out with that killer body. He looked like he belonged in the military running drills. With a body like that he could lift her up and over his head, knock a nigga out with one clean punch.
“Pussy lips hanging over the sides, eating that fabric.” His tongue flicked his upper lip repeatedly. Callie’s eyes were trained there, her mouth hanging open.
“You like that? You like the way daddy flick his tongue?” Erik started teasing her then, flicking his tongue over his lips LL Cool J style, biting them with a wrinkle of his nose, puckering them, flicking his tongue between his fingers, she couldn’t take it.
“I bet Lamont wack ass couldn’t eat the pussy like me COULD HE?” she jerked her leg to calm her pussy.
“Say no daddy.” He instructed.
“No daddy.”
Erik approaches her, taking his fingers to yank her bra down, her titties jumping out at him with surprise. Erik frantically lowered his mouth, sucking up her nipples in a sloppy manner, making lurid noises. Callie didn’t hold back a single moan as he attacked her heavy chest, her hand's yearning to touch him, causing him to smack it away.
“What I say? You punished right? Say yes daddy.”
“Y-yes daddy.”
Erik unclips her bra, tossing it to the side in her living room, grabbing two handfuls of her titties sucking her nipples so good it almost made her fall flat on her back.
“I missed this mouth daddy.”
“I bet your thick ass did. You can’t get nothing pass me.” Erik trails his tongue down her belly now, kissing and nibbling.
“You remember how daddy liked to eat the pussy?” Callie nods her head.
“You got a mouth right? USE THAT SHIT.”
“Yes, I remember.”
“So how Daddy used to do it then?” Without a further word, Callie got to the floor, turning with her back arched and bent over, her pussy spreading for him in that tiny ass g string.
“GOOD GIRL. You know your position like the back of your damn hand.” Erik kneeled in front of her, fisting her panties before ripping it clean off.
“DAMN DADDY.” Callie’s eyes rolled in lust. Erik’s hands came down on her ass roughly, watching her skin grow red. Callie winces, and each time she would assume he was done spanking her, she felt another ping of pain.
“OWW!” She wanted to grab her ass but Erik wasn’t having that.
“Say I’m so sorry daddy.” Erik’s hands weren’t letting up, Callie felt her eyes began to water.
“I-I-I’m so sorry daddy.” He wasn’t convinced. Erik takes three of his fingers, sucks on them slow, before arching her back further, sliding his fingers into her wet pussy in one motion, Callie’s fist hitting the carpet. She attempts to close her legs but NOPE, Erik wasn’t having that shit.
“APOLOGIZE BETTER THAN THAT BABY.” Erik pumps his fingers over her g spot, spreading her wider with his knees, watching the way her body bounced with a need on his fingers.
“Callie, what I say?!”
“IM SORRY!!” Erik’s hand came down on her ass again like a whip, while his three fingers pumped her pussy quick. Callie’s toes curled, and her ass jiggled from how forceful Erik stroked with just his fingers.
“CUM. That’s the only warning I’m giving you.” Erik wasn’t playing with her tonight.
“Mmm” *stroke* “mmm” *Stroke* “mmmmmm” *STROKE* *STROKE* *STROKE* It was sweet torture.
Callie’s body bent lower, her cries muffled into her arm as she squirts on her plush carpet.
Without warning, Erik bent down to her pussy, laying her flat against his mouth, his tongue thrashing and lips rubbing all over like a mad man. Callie felt like she was in another dimension the way he ate like a savage. He ate her like he was starved like he hadn’t eaten for months. She could only lay there and cry, and Erik just kept on going, aiming to give her orgasms that would shatter you from the inside out.
“FUCK MY FACE.” Callie began bouncing on his mouth, and everytime her pussy hit his lips, he would suck her up like she was running from him.
“Oooooooooooo I can't take it!”
“Fuck my face like I said, give Daddy that fucking pussy, MY fucking pussy.” She wiggled her pussy on his lips, the suction sooooooo gooooooodddddd it had her lifting from his mouth. This alone earned another thunderous smack to her ass.
“What I tell you to do?!!” His fingers gripped her hips hard.
“Fuck your face.” She shook madly.
“So where that pussy going? fuck-my-mouth-like-I-said-right?”
“Well let’s go then I haven’t eaten all day bitch,” Callie whines her hips on his tongue, Erik slowly french kissing her pussy, actual kisses involving the slow sensual movement of your lips, with the surprise of a tongue, and the deep suction of the mouth. That’s what Erik gave her, but with more force.
“HAHA, That's the way you feed a nigga some pussy.” She fought the urge to grip his dreads.
“Yeah, daddy yeahhhhh.” She whimpers repeatedly like a song, her body tensing up as Erik continuously swiped his lips and tongue over her clit. Callie’s arms gave out on her, her body collapsing as her pussy creamed his entire mouth, too weak to jerk let alone moan. She passed out on his mouth, Erik still sucking like she had some left, but her pussy felt like he sucked her dry. He parted her pussy lips, sucking on everything there, flicking his tongue in its wake, causing her to flutter, her belly growing tight. She places her head on her arm, rocking her body back and forth while he did what he came to do FUCK HER UP.
Erik came to give her that torture and now Callie was a moaning mess, her clit so sensitive and the pressure in her belly so tight that she lifts from him frantically, crawling away. Erik growls in anger, his dreads wild in his face. Callie couldn’t even make it to the wall without him slamming her against it, parting her legs, laying flat on his belly while he finished the job. Callies, toes pointed roughly into the carpet, thighs shaking, her hands gripping a handful of his dreads.
“Ima squirt, ima squirt!” She squeezes her eyes shut, the pressure knocking at her hard, and finally gaining access to Erik's mouth as she slid down the wall. She gave silent cries to his assault, finally feeling his lips leave her pussy, but of course, he smacks her there.
Erik’s chest rose and fell rapidly, lips set in a hard line as he removed his bottoms, kicking them off. She couldn’t keep her eyes off his DICK. It was so damn big it made her moan just from the sight.
“Oh don’t worry, you bought to get it now.” Erik picks her up and over his shoulder, guiding her to her room.
“I haven’t heard you cry enough tonight. I’m gonna make you scream from this dick.” Erik kicks open her bedroom door, throwing her down onto the bed watching her body bounce and jiggle.
“If I buss it wide open will you scream for Daddy?” Erik yanks her pillows and covers from her bed, kneeling between her legs. He brings his hand to her wet pussy, smearing the sloppy juices over his hand, and bringing it to his dick.
“If I pound you into this bed will you cry? I really wanna make that ass cry.” Erik pulls her legs back so far she winces, her feet touching her headboard and her knees touching her ears.
Erik leans over her, his dick sliding between her folds, whispering low into her ear, his breath fluttering against it.
“Daddy gonna stretch this pussy.” He whispers so low you have to be still to catch it.
“Daddy gonna beat it up.” Callie taps her toes against the headboard.
“Watch how daddy does it.” Erik lifts, his hands latched to the back of her thighs, his dreads hanging in her face, and his dick slowly sinking into her purposely. Callie frantically shakes her head, pushing at his rock hard chest, the texture of his scaring soft against her fingers. He jerked forward rough, causing her to bounce. She felt like the wind had been knocked out of her chest. Erik repeats himself, the sound of smacking flesh hard and rough in her ears, the springs creaking like they begged to break. She shook from the pleasure and pain as her eyes swam with tears and her jaw dropped. Erik went without stopping, Callie no longer differentiating between consciousness and unconsciousness.
“You watching me punish you, look what you got me doing.” Erik drew his lips into his mouth, his eyebrows scrunched and his dimples smiling at her.
“Keep them eyes on me, watch me fuck this pussy up.” She gritted her teeth, nothing left to do except to grip anything. Her eyes observed his dick fucking her while his pupils flared. Callie couldn’t take the way his strong arms held her big thighs open, and the way his thick dick went in and out with a stream of wetness coating it.
The momentum increased times 1000 now, Callie digging her nails into Erik’s shoulders, his big goliath frame pumping her pussy so hard, her body jerked like a fuck doll, a shrill scream escaping her mouth.
“There you go, that’s it. Scream while I’m in the pussy.” There was sure to be a gaping dent in the middle of the mattress the way Erik fucked her, using Callie’s pussy like a punching bag, his stamina insane just as much as that dick.
“I gotta cum!” Callie cries.
“You always gotta cum, ain’t nothing I don’t already know.”
“Daddy it’s right-there!” She screams to the ceiling. Callie’s pussy was THROUGH she couldn’t take anymore.
“Where the fuck is it?!” Erik searches with his eyes, his lip between his teeth while glowering.
“DADDY,” Callie jerks so wild that Erik’s grip on her slips, her liquid pouring on him.
“You getting more of this dick though so BEND OVER.” She couldn’t even move without falling into the mattress, Erik flipping her over, positioning her so that her ass was in the air pointed to the ceiling and her arch was so deep her spine was non-existent. Erik grips her wrists, jerking forward into her cleanly, her head throwing back before falling forward in defeat.
“Say fuck this pussy hard from the back daddy.” Erik jerks slow.
“Daddy-fu-fuck this pussy hard from the back.”
“Where your fucking manners??”
“Fuck-fuck this pussy hard from the back pleassse.”
If back shots could kill, Callie would be dead. If getting your back blown out felt like the dick itself fought to claim your soul through your pussy, then Callie would be a shell. Erik fucked like a monster, his dick not only residing in her guts but her damn chest. Callie turned to look at him in the middle of his assault with a tear stained face and a blank gaze, her hair a tangled mess and her lower lip quivering.
“You look lost, something I can help you with??” her ass was a tidal wave as it bounced off his body.
“Slow down daddy.” Callie practically pleaded with this man.
“How old are you?” Erik asked between deep breaths.
“So what that make you then? A little girl or a grown woman?”
“A grown w-w-women.”
“So be a grown woman AND TAKE THIS DICK, take it no problem.” Erik lifts one leg, crossing his arms on her back, fucking her as hard as he could go, Callie’s head falling to the mattress, so close to banging on the headboard. Erik noticed her eyes rolling to the tops of her lids, her arms going limp in his.
“I can’t believe this shit, my dick got you passing out!” Erik couldn’t help the triumphant smile on his face, His dick growing sensitive in her pussy he just KNEW he would feed her his cum.
“Whether you’re here with me or not tell me if you feel this nut in this tight SHIT.” Erik groans repeatedly, finally snapping his hips forward rough, his nails dragging over her skin. Callie felt possessed, her pussy like a cream filled doughnut. Her eyes snap open frantically, as Erik jerked himself empty, her arms flailing in his grip. “We don’t run from the dick Callie! Stop acting defiant.” Callie pushes at Erik with her foot, rolling off the bed and running for her bedroom door with a limp in her walk. Erik wanted to yell from how angry she just made him.
“WHEN YOU GONNA ACT YOUR AGE AND TAKE THIS DICK CALLIE?!!!” Erik lifts from the bed, his dick swinging, searching for her with a swing of his head, dreads shaking.
“We playing hide and seek now?” Erik chuckles deep, turning left in her living room finding call standing on the other side of the table with a pleading look and a continuous shake in her thighs.
“The fuck you doing?! Bring that ass over here now!”
“No E! I can’t take it no more the dick is too much! What the fuck You been doing lifting weights with the dick?!” She observed the way his dick stood erect, hard enough to break a damn brick in half.
“That shit just won’t go soft.” She cried like a baby.
His forehead creased in frustration, “when I catch you, I’m fucking you into whatever surface there is. EVERY TIME YOU RUN, it’s just gonna earn you a harder fuck.” Erik jolts left while Callie goes the other way, pausing when Erik makes a quick move to her side. She tried to run but her foot caught on the side of her dining room table chair, causing her to trip and Erik to wrap his big arm around her waist, lifting her naked body up and on the table. The plant in the middle falls over, littering soil on the surface and water. He has her ankles now, pulling on them and finally resting them on his shoulders.
Her eyes were glossy, head shaking as Erik spread her legs again, yanking up her hand and wrapping it around him.
“Put this dick in my pussy.” He instructs. Callie does as she’s told with a shaking hand, her pussy disobeying her advances from how tight and swollen she was.
“Oh so now the dick can’t fit?! It was just in there a minute ago!” Erik starts jerking his hips, the more he jerked, the more his dick would stab into her pussy. Callie’s brows drew together, her back arching as Erik’s stiff dick finally made its way into her pussy again.
“You know what I think?” Erik grips her hips, pulling her body onto his dick like she couldn’t move a muscle.
“I think you like to play like you don’t want me to fuck you. But guess what? I like the chase, the more you do it the more I want it.” His hips snapped forward and the muscles running along his abdomen flexed each time. Callie couldn’t take the sight of this beautiful man fucking her.
“You taking my pussy daddy?!!” Callie’s mind and body seemed to warp to his control. She felt him bring her knees to her ears, angling her body so that each time he pounded, her lower half would meet his thrusts. Callie screams from the deep diving of his dick, causing her to slap him hard across his face, so hard she could see the vein in his neck snap.
“DO THAT SHIT AGAIN.” Erik dated her to, his eyes damn near black, face contorted in fury. Callie slaps him again, the sound compared to the sound of a belt breaking skin. He growls.
“You so mad at Daddy fucking you into this table slap me again! Hit me again right?! Do it bitch since you so sick of me fucking this pussy up!” Callie started to punch at his chest, her hands now yanking hard on his dreads, bringing his head towards hers, his eyes squeezed shut from the tension. Erik stabbed his dick angrily into her, the table scraping against the floor now hitting the wall.
“You mad and I’m taking this pussy AND you can’t run.” He was smug about that. Callie’s walls clench and unclench around his dick then, her tiny hand coming to his throat then.
“YOU JUST LOVE MAKING ME SQUIRT HUH?” She yells. You could hear her wetness building inside of her like Erik was plunging his dick into a body of water repeatedly.
“You love ME making you squirt. Like I told you, I’m taking this pussy and every single squirt and cream with me.” Erik bit down on the hand that tried to choke him, causing her to wrap her legs around his neck, her body shaking like a wave, squirting on this mans dick AGAIN.
She watches as he slips out of her, bringing his mouth to attack her wet pussy.
“You eating it for what though?!!” She cries, her body already going limp from Erik’s tongue.
“Spread that pussy open Callie.”
“No nigga.” She pushes at his big head, but of course, his neck is made of muscle too.
“No? You don’t tell daddy no you tell daddy yes.”
Erik sucks her up so much her liquid began to form around his mouth in bubbles, she had NEVER been this damn wet. She couldn’t control herself, as much as she cried and pleaded her hips rolled over his tongue.
“Fuck you and that mouth!” She could feel it growing in her belly again.
“You love it when I make you cum stop acting brand new!!!” She screams, her pussy squirting on him AGAIN. She almost falls to the floor from the feeling, Erik’s face shining, his lips dripping, his chest and abs glistening. Callie slips from the wet table, backing away from his crazy ass before running to her door. Erik doesn’t move just yet, kissing his teeth in annoyance before looking down at his still erect dick. His conscious begged him to cum again, he had to. Imagine being away for so long with only a memory to beat your meat to and not the real thing. Erik walks into the living room to find Callie unlocking her door, slipping out. He runs like he was doing sprints on a race track, catching her by her hair, closing the door, and lifting her body to the door. There they both stood, naked in the hallway for any of her neighbors to see, and I guess they both got there wish.
“What the HELL is all that noise out here!!” Callie’s neighbor Miss Daniels yanks her apartment door open in one of her house dresses, old titties swinging and shower cap halfway off her head.
Callie didn’t mean to give the old women a heart attack she really didn’t, but the look on her face made it look like she needed medical attention. Erik didn’t even give the lady a glance, his eyes fixated on Callie’s voluptuous body up against that door.
“Miss Daniels go ahead back in he’s not gonna move.” Callie warns the women, watching as she closed the door softly, her eyes popping out her head.
“You catching cardio while I’m tryna get in them GUTS. You got the neighbors watching and shit fuck wrong with you?!” Erik takes his dick again, teasing her tight entrance before sinking back into her so deep her eyes roll cross-eyed. Erik smirks at this, now bouncing Callie on his dick so good and loud everyone in that apartment we’re definitely sure to hear now.
“You gonna run from this good dick again or act right?”
Callie’s lip trembles from the way his head glides along her g spot.
“Act right Daddy.”
“And if you don’t act right, what Daddy gotta do?”
“Punish me further.” She whispers
“Yeah, that’s what daddy gotta do. If you just let me paint them walls again with this nut, I’ll leave you alone for the night.” Erik opens the door, walking into the apartment with Callie still around him, bouncing her slow.
“You still keep that vibrator in your top drawer between your socks?”
Callie couldn’t believe this nigga wanted to use a sex toy on her after already torturing her pussy enough that night.
“Mhm.” That’s all she says, her head falling back and Erik’s lips and teeth latching to her neck. Back into her bedroom that reeked of sex, Erik puts Callie on the bed, walking to her dresser to find her vibrator. She had a few new ones now, pulling out a gspot one that he itches to use. Erik walks back to the bed, flipping Callie up on her side, resting behind her while bringing her leg up and to her shoulder. Erik couldn’t keep his hands from gliding along her wet, sloppy pussy, finally turning on the vibrator and placing it inside her sitting right over her spot.
“Ahh!” She attempts to curl her body up, making Erik dig into her hips, dick twitching as he sinks into her again with a shake of his head in blissful ecstasy, rubbing along her outstretched thigh before gripping a handful of her ass from behind. Erik could feel the vibrator jump along the tip of his dick each time he fucked up into her.
“DAMN, we gotta do this more often. Shit feeling good.” He bites her ear hard, causing her to screech.
“Shit feel amazing right? Say uh huh daddy.”
“Uh huh daddy yess” Callie’s body couldn’t help it, the way he rubbed in her and the way that vibrator glided on her spot had her shaking with pleasure.
“You don’t wanna run no more huh? You tired of running from this dick?”
“Yess.” Erik keeps his eyes on the side of her face, his dick buried deep like he was digging for gold. Callie turns to meet his dark eyes, bringing her mouth to his frantically, letting this man use his cum stained tongue to ravish her mouth. Erik wanted her wider, trying to stretch her body more and more so he could feel the vibrator too. That shit had him going wild, his teeth biting down on her bottom lip and his abs flexing on her back.
“You gonna cum daddy?! You better cum too since you fucking me so much!!” She spoke that through clenched teeth.
“Cum in me deep daddy pleaseee!”Callie asked innocently her hand gripping his face. 
“Fuck me good and cum in me deep DADDY! please, please fuck!” Erik trails his eyes down to her pussy, his head falling forward as he roughly fucked up into her, her body jerking and hands pulling at the last bit of sheets on her bed. She couldn’t take it, her head fell back against him and her eyes fluttered shut. Here she was, giving him her final squirt of the night, the most powerful squirt mixed with his thick white cum.
“LET ME CUM IN YOU DEEP.” Erik was frantic.
“So fucking deep you better SUCK ME DRY.” He bangs into her two more times, before shouting a string of curse words to ceiling, the pressure of his dick against that vibrator causing Callie to release herself all over him some more.
Erik slipped out of her slow, his dick throbbing, and the vibrator buzzing madly on the bed. Callie could only lay there, feeling the bed shift behind her from Erik rising to turn off the lights. She felt used and filled, laying in her own juices while Erik draped his heavy ass arm over here in the dark. He gives her cheek a sloppy lick, and then a kiss, snuggling close to her with his dick pressed between her cheeks.
“You off punishment. Get some sleep.” That’s all he says, his nose buried in her had and his breaths evening out into that of quick slumber. All she could hear was his snores in her ears, and all she could see was pitch black. Callie couldn’t help the frustration that began to settle within her.
This nigga then fucked her so good she couldn’t even sleep.
Fuck that jailbird.
@panthergoddessbast @whoramilaje @allhailnjadaka @vikkidc @erikismybitch @eriknutinthispoosy @hearteyes-for-killmonger @blackpantherismyish @trevantesbrat @hdkween @wifin-niggaz @blowmymbackout @killmonger-dolan @killmongersaidheyauntie @killmongersgurl @killmongersmistress @wawakanda-btch @wakanda-inspired @muse-of-mbaku @thiccdaddy-mbaku @madamslayyy @chaneajoyyy @bidibidibombaclaat @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @laketaj24 @abeautifulmindexposed @blxckquiescent @missmohnique @misspooh @missumuch1918 @supersizemeplz @unfriendly-blk-hottie @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @blue-sunflowerr @youreadthatright @youcantkillamutant @disneysdarlingdiva @purple-apricots @softnani @loosewindmill @janelledarling @ange-sensuel @n-jadaddy @forbeautyandlife @deja-r @wakandawinning @thehomierobbstark @jozigrrl @shesakillerkween @sonofnjobu @drsunshine97 @iamrheaspeaks @brittyevans @killmongerdispussy @marvelpotterlove @heyauntieeee @tiava143 @raysunshine78 @destinio1 @forgottenthoughtsandmemories @thehonorablekingerik @shookmcgookqueen @hidden-treasures21 @nickidub718 @tamagxtchii @teheeboo
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headoverhiddles · 6 years
When In Cancun - Cable x Reader [Fluffy Smut]
Based on a hot headcanon sent in to me💦: Sneaking off during a mission in the tropics to fuck Cable on the beach. He claims to hate the beach but LOVES the idea of fucking you there. 
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(bless that gif I love using it) 
Wade is driving the red sports car that peels down the road by the ocean, going 200 in an 80 zone. None of you really cared about the speed-- you were all crazy one way or another. It was pretty much a requirement for this team. Also, Domino would luckily escape any crash, you were sitting next to her, Wade of course couldn't die, and Cable had a death wish since finding out this mission was in the tropics. 
"Tell me again why we've gotta do this at the fucking beach?" the older mutant asks Wade.
"Look around, grumpypants. We're on an island."
You snicker from where you’re resting against Nathan’s shoulder, but your boyfriend gives you a look. You shrug, and he glares out the window at all the sand.
"There's so much sand."
"There sure is, Anakin Skywalker! And you're gonna love it." Cable just grumbles in response, as Domino pops a bubble from the watermelon gum she's chewing.
"I for one, am excited. I brought my bathing suit, my travel margarita shaker, some tequila, and a sign from my old dorm that says 'don't flirt with me, I'm napping.'"
"You don't need the sign," you mention to the lucky hero, "I can just glare at all the approaching men for you." 
"Or I could glare at them," Wade says.
"Bold of you to assume you're invited," Domino says, and Wade suddenly swerves around a bend, inches away from driving into the sea.
"When did that turn get there?" he blurts, "God, where's Dopinder when ya need him?"
"You drown us all in Mexico you dumb cunt, I'll resurrect myself and choke you to death," Cable growls.
"Sorry daddy, not this week. I was beheaded three days ago, a little tender."
"Okay," Cable smiles, "How do you feel about me ripping your dick off and shoving it down your throat? Kinky enough for you, handsome?"
"What a fun trip this is!" Wade grits out, "What a fun, happy trip!"
You eventually get to the scene where you've anticipated the drug lords to be. Wade parks the getaway car in the brush, so as not to be noticed-- X-Force was denied any invisibility technology by the X-Men when Wade had tried to steal it.
"Look alive people," the merc says, slipping on his red mask and taking his kitanas out of their scabbards, "We're hunting a lady named Blitz. She's got half the universe's heroin in the palm of her hand, and while I sure have a soft spot for heroin, she's been dabbling in child labour. Not fucking cool."
You all nod, and split up. Wade climbs up to the extravagant mansion that overlooks the water, Domino circling the back and covering the balcony escape route. You and Cable cover the ground behind the mansion, which is just a few paces from a private beach.
"Aw, look!" you smile, "They have their own little beach! That's so cute."
"Mhmm," Cable grunts, looking at the beach. You frown at how intensely he's gazing at it.
"Do you really hate beaches that much?" you scoff, grinning, "I mean, they're not that bad! I imagine the water might rust you a bit, Tin Man, but for the rest of us, it's not too--"
"Shh," he says, and grabs your arm. You stammer his name, but he just walks you with purpose away from the mansion, and down the pathway through some palm trees down to the beach.
"Why are we here?" you demand, "We have to watch their back."
"They can watch each other's backs, they're fine."
"But..." you protest still, "X-Force!" You make the X on your chest playfully, and Cable all but tackles you to the ground. You moan, sliding your legs up his back. "Why are you so fucking frisky, Nate?"
"I don't know," he murmurs into your neck, "You're just lookin' so damn good right now... I had to."
"Mmm," you bite your lip and laugh, "Maybe the tropics do agree with you." Your smile is infectious, and he grins too, beginning to paw at your uniform. You oblige him by unzipping it. He uses his metal arm to keep your hands above your head, then when he's sure they'll stay there, moves it down to roll your breast in his hand. The cool metal makes you shiver despite the sun, and he hums low in his throat.
"You're so sexy," he whispers against your skin, and sucks the other breast into his mouth, running his tongue along the nipple. A chorus of machine guns riddle bullets off in the distance.
"Make it quick, so we actually have a team to get back to," you look behind you, and Cable cups your face, pulling you back to look at him.
"Gotta see you, or I won't come."
You giggle. "You're so romantic!"
Hooking your legs over his shoulders, Cable positions himself at your entrance, and begins to thrust into you, groaning your name. "(y/n)... fuck, I love you so much..."
"Love you too... mmm, oh god, that's good..." You suddenly smirk up at him. "Wanna make this even more interesting?"
"More interesting than fucking on the beach?" he smirks back. "What've you got?"
You take his metal arm, and bring it to your neck, encouraging him to close his fingers around it. His eyes widen a little, but you give a little nod. Back before and around the time that you two had become a couple, Nathan was insecure about his metal attributes. He was convinced he was less than a man, and that on top of his age, was less reason for you to date him.
That went out the window when you expressed how much his metal body parts turned you on. Now, you both try to use it during sex as much as you can, and it really gets him (and you) off twice as hard.
He tightens his grip, and you moan loudly. He covers your mouth with his, but you just roll your eyes after the kiss.
"They can't hear us over the sound of bullets and screaming," you assure, and Nathan realizes you're right as he hears Deadpool's shout of "MOTHERFUCKER!! BOTH OF THEM?!" back around the mansion.
"Come on," he whispers in your ear, pushing into you hard and fast, "I need you to come for me, sweetheart. That's it... that's daddy's girl..."
You mewl at the name, digging your heels into his back. "Choke me harder, daddy," you rasp out, and he licks his lips.
"Only a little, babygirl. Can't have you passing out on me."
You feel his hand tighten, and your orgasm approaches fast as you think of how big he is, how strong he is holding you here, on a beach in the middle of the tropics, fucking you.
"Yes... oh god, Nathan, daddy, right there!" you gasp, and he grunts, groaning your name as he comes deep inside of you. You come at the same time, as watching his face while he orgasms always tips you over. His nose always scrunches up as his mouth opens and his mechanical eye glows extra bright. 
 His silver hair hangs in his face as he places a kiss to each breast, and ties your uniform back up. You help him with his pants, and he stands you up. "Think we missed the action?" you ask him as you two stumble back to the drug lord's mansion.
"I don't hear anymore bullets... so yeah," Nathan admits, somewhat guiltily. BAM. One more bullet, and a henchman falls at your feet from a tree above as Domino jumps down.
"Oh hey, you two!" Wade says, smiling and walking over, "Guess what! There's no FUCK in team!" He nods. "Yeah. Because Cable couldn't keep it in his pants for fifteen fucking minutes, I got both my arms ripped off. Do you know how ridiculous my tan is going to look now?"
"I'll help you tan that pizza body of yours," Domino says.  
"What the ass are you going do, move the sun to my advantage with your good luck?" She shrugs, and you hop into Nathan's arms, him supporting you with a smug smile on his face.
"We've gotta do that more often during missions, babe," you tease, biting his earlobe playfully, "You were super charged."
Once again, Wade interrupts your moment. "How did you even pull it off, without getting sand all over your balls and or vagina?"
"We managed," Cable nods.
"God, I wish Vanessa was here," Wade mutters dejectedly, "She'd totally be up for some kinky beach sex." He follows at the back of everyone. "Someone else has to drive! I'm good with my feet, but that extends only to footjobs."
Cable rolls his eyes, and kisses your cheek as he lets you down. "I'll drive."
"Nope," Wade cuts in, "last mission you drove on the California Highway you got road head from (y/n) while we all pretended we were doing something else and not watching. Spoiler alert, I was watching."
"I'll drive," Domino cuts in, and winks at you. "Feel free to take advantage of the backseat."
You and Cable link arms, and Wade groans loudly.
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summerrrluvvv · 4 years
Chapter 9: Part 1
Day 8 in Miami: 
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I turned over in my bed feeling for Samar, but he was not there. “Uhhhh” I groaned. I looked at my phone to angry messages from Samar.
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I palmed my face. I got up and started getting ready to go pull up on this crazy ass best friend of mine. I walked out my room and went downstairs. Zion was sitting at the bar reading a magazine and sipping some wine. I looked at my phone it was 2:37 p.m. “You are drinking early, and You still read those?” I said. She sighed. “Well I need a break from wanting to text Kyrell and I needed this drink”. I sat on the bar stool next to her, “What happened last night? I saw you with Kyrel one minute and the next minute you were gone” I asked. She closed the magazine and looked at me to tell me the story. “Well I got drunk and high and my dumb ass picked the wrong time to tell Kyrel we should just be friends, he got mad and left me at the party, so this nigga I met at the party took me home” She said. “You need to text him and make shit right Z” I told her. She shrugged her shoulders, “I really hurt his feeling Tye, he was pissed” She said. “So, text that man, you got time before we leave. You see Ari or Mel?” I asked. She nodded. “They upstairs sleep, Ari got in this morning, and Mel was here when I got home last night” She said. “Last night was crazy for me”. I stressed. “Hey” Ari said as her and Mel walked into the kitchen. “Well now that we all here what the fuck happened to yall last night?” Ari asked. Mel grabbed the liquor at the top of the fridge and took a shot, then grabbed a seat at the table near the bar, since the bar only had two seats, “Well a tiny dick man tried to rape me” I told them. “What?!” They all said. I shook my head. “I know it sounds crazy, but it happened, we were going to fuck no lie but when he dropped the draws nothing was there at all like just a little Vienna sausage. Then he got mad and was like Nah you going to give me some and then Samar busted into the room and told him to leave with his gun, now he mad at me” I rolled my eyes annoyed cause I would have to deal with this nigga soon. Mel was trying not to laugh, “I’m sorry that happened to you Tye, but what could he possibly do”. I shrugged “He was going to do something; he could have an extra piece in his pocket” I said trying to be serious. “Tye, maybe it wasn’t hard yet” Ari said. I looked at her crazy. “Bitch, it was hard, and it look like he put his pinky finger through his jeans” I said getting annoyed. Zion was also trying not to laugh. “Okay I see this is a joke to yall but I was scared this man would have killed me to get it in” I grabbed a shot glass and angrily poured me some liquor. “I’m sorry Tye” Zion said. She got up and hugged me. “Me too” Ari said coming to hug me too, and Mel followed. “Yall get off of me” I playfully said. “Now what happened to  you Ari?, I ain’t see you after Anthony came and got you” Zion said. She groaned “Did anybody pop them pills they gave us at the door?” She asked. Mel raised her hand. “I did” She said. I had to think if I did. “Nah I got one but left it on the kitchen counter” I said. Zion was trying to remember. “Yeah I don’t remember no pills” Ari palmed her face, “Well Anthony and I popped them and then we started feeling frisky, like frisky but you know we ate the edibles and them we was drinking and shit, but we went upstairs and I was like a savage sex demon, and we had sex in like this office or something cause all the rooms were occupied it was like an orgy everywhere but anyways it was bomb as fuck” She said happily. My eyes got big wanting her to rewind back to the orgy part. “Wait orgy?” I asked. She nodded. “Yeah bitches were fucking in rooms it was hell of people getting they freak on, on both levels” She said. Damn it, I should have taken the pill and then made Samar take one I thought to my crazy self. “But that is not all, so then we came back downstairs still Lit, then Marlon dumb ass showed up with Shantelle fucking wilding. Marlon started to fight Anthony then I had to fight Shantelle for getting in my face. We got kicked out then ate food then had sex some more at Anthony’s” She said. “Hold up, so you was fucking saw some orgies then got into a fight with your boo thang then fucked and ate some good food? sounds like a good night for you Ari” Mel laughed. I nodded. “No for real it’s not a lituation if Ari isn’t snapping or popping off” Zion said. I nodded in agreement, Ariana will either yell at somebody or fight somebody it is not a good night if she didn’t do it.. “What happened with you and Z?” Ari asked Mel. “Um Isaac and I had sex in the bathroom at the party, I had took the pill too so I know the feeling, but then Malachi showed up and my dumb ass tried to leave with him so Isaac wouldn’t see him and we got into into then Malachi asked me on a date but I told him I had a lot going on and I let him know and then I went to Isaac Airbnb to explain but he just kept accusing me of fucking Malachi and so we kind of just called it quits” She said looking sad. “Mel just go on the date with Malachi then since Isaac tripping like I aint see him leaving with some bitch” I told her. She looked at me shook. “For real?” She asked. I nodded. “Some thot ass hoe” I told her. She rolled her eyes. “Fuck him” Z said. Ari nodded. “Yeah you weren’t thinking about him when we got here in the first place Mel” I nodded agreeing with her. “That’s true”. “Mel don’t worry, my dumb ass told Kyrel we should be friends now he won’t talk to me”. Mel looked at her with a stank face “Why the fuck would you do that?” She asked. “She got scared” I said getting up ready to leave. “Z you need to text that man, Mel go on your date, Ari keep doing you boo. I got to go see Samar, so I am going to take one of the jeep’s” I said grabbing the keys. I texted Samar letting him know I was on the way.
I pulled up to his Airbnb and parked in the driveway. I grabbed my shit and went to the door and knocked. The door swung open. “Get in here nigga” He said. I rolled my eyes. I walked in and went to his living room he slammed the door. “Bro if you pull I another stunt like you did last night, so help me Tye I will go off on your ass, you are too old to be leaving with complete strangers. That is some hoe shit, and you aint no hoe, what if he killed you huh? Then what my nigga? You got to think bro like use your brain” He stressed. “First of all, Samar you never cared about me and strangers any other time but all of sudden you tripping, look I get it was a bad situation last night but don’t be slut shaming me. I’m a grown ass woman this is my motherfucking body and I can do who and whatever I want just like you, but I don’t try to control You!” I snapped. He came up to me mad. “I didn’t give a fuck before because I didn’t care who you fucked but now I do care and I need you to not fuck any nigga you meet Tye, and yes I’m saying that’s hoe behavior” He said to me. I got up ready to go. “You care now because why?!, why do you care now Samar? You jealous?!” I yelled. He stood looking at me. “Yeah, I am jealous, maybe I don’t like the thought of some rando fucking you, cause you like my sister” He said. I palmed my face. “Your jealous because I’m like your sister make it make sense Samar. Admit that you are attracted to me, and ever since we fucked you cannot stop thinking about me, because things have changed between us”. He sat down on the couch sighing. “What you want me to say Tye? Yes, I feel some things aight but why does that matter”. I braced myself for what I was going to say but I am tired of holding it in. “Samar, I’m in love with you okay. I been in love with you since high school and the night we had sex meant a lot to me even if it was fucking in the kitchen these niggas don’t mean shit to me they just try to replace how I feel, and it hurts when you say you see me as a sister ” I told him. We stood there looking at each other. “I don’t know what to say Tye, I been had these feelings for you too, but I just reminded myself you like my sister and us being best friends is amazing. Like we kick it we can be ourselves and everything but that couple shit complicate things like what if I lose you?” He just kept looking at me. I was feeling a lot of emotions. “So, you are in love with me too?” I asked. He shrugged “Shit I might be so what, fuck it we not going further than this. My feelings will eventually go away” He said. I laughed in disbelief because I finally hear what I want but this nigga cannot commit. “Wow okay Samar well have fun with that, but don’t tell me what to do cause you’re not my man, and you don’t want to be so I can fuck anybody” I said grabbing my keys. I got to the front door when he put his hand on the door. “Samar get the fuck out my way!” I yelled. I turned to look at him and he shook his head. “You not leaving”. I pushed him out the way and he pushed me back almost causing me to fall. He got in front of the door and folded his arms. I just looked at him cause at this point we was about to fight for real. “Move” I said. He looked at me shaking his head. “Nah”. I tried to move him away from the door. He grabbed my arms and backed me up into the wall. Our breathing was intense. He then started kissing me, my lips moved with his. He moved me from the wall and into the nearest room. We fell unto the bed still kissing, “Mmmm” I moaned into the kiss. He got up to take off his shirt, and I started taking off my clothes. Once we were both naked, he started kissing my lips then down to my neck, I did not even want all the sensual shit, baby I was on Go! My thoughts were then interrupted by the sound of his doorbell. Samar got up and looked at me. He put on his pants and his shirt and left the room. “Hey baby” I heard from a female voice. I got up and put on my clothes and fixed my hair. I went into the living room and seen it was a familiar female. Diamond, Samar’s ex-girlfriend.  I rolled my eyes at the sight of her. She ran over to me and hugged me. “Tye, hey girl how have you been?” She asked me. I forced a smile. “Hey” I simply said annoyed as fuck. “What you are doing here Diamond?” I asked confused because they ended on bad terms. “I called Sami last week, and we talked about seeing each other since I was coming down here to DJ for Lit and Wild, so He said I could stay with him and we can catch up” She said hugging all over Samar. Samar looked at me, as I burned a hole in his face with my eyes. “That’s great, well I’ll be going” I said pissed off at this point. “Yo, Tye let me walk you out” He said. I shook my head “Nah, I’m good” I told him, but he followed me out anyways. “Tye, I’m sorry” He said. He grabbed my door before I could close it. I laughed a little thinking he be sorry about inviting Diamond to stay with him. “Of course you are, let me guess it was a mistake and it shouldn’t have happened because I’m like your sister, that’s cool I’m just find me a distraction, while you fuck Diamond” I said. He smirked; I know I struck a nerve. “Yeah, I’m glad you understand” He said slamming my car door. I got out my seat belt so fast and opened the car door. “Fuck you” I said to him. He just closed his house door on me. I got into my car and sped off. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I pulled over into a parking lot and just started bawling. I calmed down after 30 minutes and went to the liquor store because I was going to get fucked up.  
When I pulled up to the house, I seen Mel walking out and an Aston Martin pull up. So, I knew she was going on a date with Malachi. I got out of the car as she was locking the door. “Oh, hey Tye, I’ll be back. Ari and Zion are gone” She told me. I nodded “Okay girl” I said as she went to get in his car. I slick was happy cause I just wanted to get drunk and cry myself to sleep. I turned on the speakers to the house and connected my phone and pressed shuffle. “I’m selfish, I want you all to myself, I swear you don’t need nobody I swear, I want you all to myself because I’m selfish” PNB Rock played.  “How Ironic” I said as I chugged the Dusse’. I normally needed a chaser but fuck it. After 30 minutes, I started to fix me a sandwich because I was feeling the liquor hard. I’m a motherfuckin' train wreck, I don't wanna be too much. But I don't wanna miss your touch. And you don't seem to give a fuck. I don't wanna keep you waiting. But I do just what I have to do” I sang along to “Boyfriend” By Ariana Grande and Social house. “You ain't my boyfriend, And I ain't your girlfriend, But you don't want me to see nobody else, And I don't want you to see nobody”. I jumped at the doorbell ringing. I went to the door drunk, I answered the door, seeing Samar. He was looking high as fuck and holding up a bottle of Henny and a bag of food. “Eww nigga what you want?” I asked. He rolled his eyes and closed the door behind him. “You know you belong right here inside my arms, ooh la la la la la” Tinashe played. “The fuck you doing nigga? Partying without me?” He asked. I held up the Dusse. “Yep, where Diamond?” I asked chugging more of the Dusse. “That’s what we are doing?” He asked. He opened the Henny and started chugging it, like we were in a competition. I grabbed the bag from him to see what it was. I smiled to see he had got me Honey Garlic Wings and tater tots. “For me nigga?” I asked. He smirked and nodded. “I’m sorry about D” He said. He lit a blunt and handed it to me. I smoked and started eating the wings because I had not eaten all day. We smoked and talked and cracked jokes, after awhile my home girl downstairs started to wake up. I was trying to keep it together, but I was about to pounce. “Grab all that shit and come upstairs, I’m sleepy” I lied. He grabbed the liquor and the weed and followed me upstairs. I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth because I just ate, and I then got into the shower to wash up. As I was about to get out, I was then startled by Samar coming into the bathroom and opening up the glass shower door and getting into the shower with me. “Um?” I said looking at him. He once again intensely backed me into the shower wall and started kissing me and grabbing my face. I pulled him towards me as he kissed me with so much passion. He then turned off the water and grabbed my hand and led me into the bedroom. I was soaking wet literally I was concerned about getting my bed wet, but he was taking the thought from my mind when he laid me on the bed and continued kissing me like he was earlier from lips down to my chin, till he got to my neck making me hot with anticipation. He then made his way down to my breast and kissed all over each one, his kisses trailed to my stomach down to my pelvic area, he then kissed my thighs and looked at me with so much lust, I let out soft moans and he kissed each thigh slowly not taking his eyes off of me. I bit my lip not being able to take it anymore, I pulled him up to me, and he still did not drop his gaze as he looked felt for the hole, “This it” He said feeling on the wrong hole, I looked at him sideways “No nigga!” I snapped. He smirked at me as he put his dick in slowly, I don’t know why it felt like I was a virgin or like I never had sex with him before but his slow strokes were taking my breath away. We kept eye contact with each other, He kissed my forehead and then down to my lips. This was not fucking; this was love making. “Fire & Desire” by Drake was softly blasting through the house speakers. “But you get real on the pill and I like it, you just like my side kick, I just want to wife and fulfill and your desires, keep you in the front and never in the back and never on the side” Drake sang as Samar strokes intensified. “Tell me you love me” Samar softly said to me as he kissed on my ear, I almost melted into the damn bed feeling every inch of him, I pulled him closer to me. I was trying hard not to moan so loud cause soon the girls would be back but honestly; I did not care. “Tell me” He said again. “I fucking love you”. I told him, he kissed me with so much force, I was confused but turned on and if I was dreaming bitch I did not want to wake up. He started putting his all into every stroke “Samar” I moaned out. Drake faded out and H.E.R “Could’ve Been” started playing. He then got up and singled me to get on top of him, “We could’ve been and we tried to pretend, Every now and again, we don’t dream about don’t think about what we could’ve been” the song played. As I rode him, my eyes were closing as I was almost about to cum all over this man, he softly caressed my breast then up to my neck, he rubbed my face. “Look at me” He demanded sounded sexy as hell. I looked at him as he turned me back over and started going ham on top of me, I can tell by his face he was soon about to cum, and so was I. I let out a moan as I was cumming and He quickly pulled out. “Sorry” He said. This man came all over my sheets. Afterwards we cleaned up and smoked. We did not even talk I knew not to say anything to ruin the moment. 
Part 1 Continued>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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hayjeon · 7 years
Present Lane (ft. Taehyung)
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Drabble game prompt 32. “This is, by far, the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.”
→ drunk boyfriend!tae aka crack&fluff, slight mentions of sex → 1.9k words
A/N: Highly recommended to read the yoongi drabble first to understand the au! More member’s installments of this au are cominggg! :) Enjoyyy
“Taehyung you’ve done some pretty stupid shit in your life, but this one takes the cake. This is, by far, the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.” 
“Shut up Jimin,” Taehyung grits out, clutching his back. “Namjoon did worse.” 
His bitch of a friend rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. “Well, I don’t think Namjoon hyung thought it was a good idea to climb up on the bar and strip without a stripper pole during Yoongi hyung’s bachelor party. So, yeah. I’m right.” 
Taehyung rolls his eyes and flips off the smirking male and tries to get comfortable on the gurney, which, actually was a pretty difficult thing to do given that his ass was currently caved in halfway up to his lungs. Okay, an exaggeration, but it was probably bruised pretty badly. He wasn’t trying to get hurt, he was just imitating a video of a guy on a pole with a saxophone he saw on youtube the other day. It wasn’t his fault no one told him there was some spilled alcohol on the bar, because if they did, he wouldn’t have fucking gone up there in the first place. 
The rest of his members had just watched him pitifully, mocking him as an extra-grumpy Yoongi dragged him into the car and angrily drove him to the nearest emergency room. But Taehyung wasn’t too worried, he saw the glimmer of joy in Yoongi’s eyes when he realized the horrible bachelor party was over. The older hyung was never a guy for loud bars with sweaty drunk crowds. 
Jimin’s voice brings him out of his own angry thoughts. 
“Uh, yes! Um, so this idiot over here slipped off a bar and landed on his ass pretty hard. And we need to be up and okay for a wedding the day after tomorrow, so could you take a look and let us know what to expect? Like, if we need to replace the guy or not?”
Taehyung’s currently facedown on the gurney, in the only comfortable position he can manage right now, and so he rolls his eyes and cranes his neck to see who Jimin is talking to. And he almost rolls off the gurney right there. 
You’re dressed in the cutest little nurse’s outfit ever, scrubs with little fluffy animals for the top and darker slacks on the bottom. And you’re literally the prettiest girl he’s ever seen in his life, despite his drunk-off-the-charts state right now. But the expression on your face is completely different from the cute little sheep on your scrubs. 
“You came to the emergency room for this? And labeled it a spinal emergency?” You quirk your eyebrow at Jimin and Taehyung bites his lip because he’s delighted to see his friend get chewed out and shrivel up in front of someone other than his wife for once. Jimin sputters and is muttering something and pushing an equally sputtering Jeongguk up to you. And you’re not taking any of it, watching as the two boys argue over who it was who filed the incident as a spinal injury and Jeongguk is sneakily trying to leave and Taehyung yells out, catching everyone’s attention. 
“Yeah! It’s fine! You can leave, we can leave!” Taehyung tries to get up but his ass isn’t having it and the muscles there are screaming at him to stop moving, so he groans and slumps against the gurney as the busan motherfuckers watch and snicker. He’s desperate to get the fuck out of here cause there’s no way in hell that he’s letting a cute girl look at his bruised up ass before he even gets a chance to take her out on a date, but then you’re rolling your eyes and snapping on some gloves and grumbling “let’s get this overwith” while yanking his pants down, ignoring his protests and shooing away the two spectating menaces. 
Taehyung gasps and clenches his fists on the gurney. He squeezes his eyes shut and tries to clench his butt muscles a little so he can look a little more endowed, but then you’re glaring at him and telling him to relax and so he gives up. 
You sigh, letting him gather up his pants and his dignity when you’re done, and he manages a position where he’s lying sideways on the gurney to try and keep off the weight on his behind. 
Putting your hands on your hips, you quirk an eyebrow. “Did you land on the corner?” 
He’s confused, and he lets out a loud, “Huh?” 
You roll your eyes, peeling off the gloves and scribbling on his charts. “When you slipped off the bar, did you land on the corner?” 
He thinks for a bit, and then nods sheepishly. “Y-yeah… how did you know?” 
You look at him boredly. “There’s literally a v-shaped indent on your ass.” 
His eyes narrow. “Hey, how old are you? Shouldn’t nurses be like a little more nice or something?” 
You narrow your eyes back. “Well, according to your charts, I’m old enough to tell you that coming to an emergency room drunk and labeling a bruise on your ass as a spinal injury is highly inappropriate.” 
He lets out a smirk, because he’s never got so turned on by an angry woman in his life before. “Well, you can say inappropriate again. I knew you lingered a little too much on the peach. Liked it that much huh?” He bites his lip and does the eyebrow wiggle that usually had fans screaming back in the day. 
You huff, and cross your arms. “Ugh, I’m not dealing with this.” You turn to Jimin and Jeongguk and rattle off instructions. “He’s fine, so don’t worry about the wedding. If he wants to be able to walk properly though, you might wanna help him out with some ointment and numbing cream. And next time, if you punks ever show up here again drunk and trying to get faster help by mislabeling your injuries, I will personally make sure you never come back to this hospital again.” 
Jimin and Jeongguk agree with hands clasped politely in front of them and heads bowed low as you glare at them and walk away to your next patient. Those punks were lucky that tonight wasn’t a busy time because if it were and you ran across their antics, you would’ve beaten them up and made sure they had more than ass injuries, HR problems or not. This was a professional, highly emergent area, and you weren’t going to let some dudes waltz in thinking they were entitled to faster treatment, no matter how good-looking they were or how cute their butts might be. 
You shake your thoughts off as you tend sweetly to a small kid who’s running a higher fever, and you glance at the doorway to see the limping lanky boy walking off, clutching his ass. 
The next morning, is just the same, as you greet your coworkers on the way to the nurse’s locker room. But as you pass the reception desk, your friend calls out to you. 
“Y/N! You’re here! Look at what’s here for you!” 
You pause at the outburst and hesitantly approach the desk. And there, on the counter, is a small ceramic pot filled with succulents. You scrunch your nose at the small cacti, “Moonbyul, why did someone send me succulents that look like butts?”
She claps excitedly. “I love succulents! Oh, Y/N, aren’t they adorable? They’re gibbaeum heathii and they’re absolutely wonderful to add to any succulent collection! Look at how smooth they are, Y/N!” 
You frown. “Who sent this?” 
She straightens up, “Oh! Right! He’s waiting outside in the park, he says he can wait until you’re free.” 
And then it occurs to you, who the sender is. So you thank her and carry the succulents and as you expected, he’s standing out in front of the hospital gardens, awkwardly sitting down and trying to cross his legs. 
He’s still distracted when you approach him. But you march right up to him and he looks down at the white shoes on your feets and trails his eyes up your jeans and your regular outfit up to your unamused face and tries his best to flash you a smile. 
“Really? Butt succulents?” you quirk. 
He stands, and stills, wincing at the feeling on his behind. “I-I just wanted to apologize for last night, I-I was drunk off my mind and I don’t really remember what I said to you or did to you. But Jimin and Jeongguk told me to give you these and apologize and I’m not really sure what to say cause I have absolutely no idea what happened and I–” 
“Okay, okay relax.” You don’t mention you’re a little distracted by how cute he is when he’s sober. The cocky punk from last night is gone and in place, is a little cute boy with messed up hair and a big boxy smile that’s rubbing his neck awkwardly as he tries to muster up an apology. 
“I-I’m so so sorry.” He looks like his eyes are gonna pop out of his head, wide open as they plead with you, “I’m sorry you had to look at my butt and I’m sorry that I got drunk and–” 
“Woah, woah, Taehyung-shi, that’s enough. It’s okay.” 
“–and Hoseok hyung kept telling me to take more shots and then showed me this video of santa claus doing the saxaphone on a strip pole and–wait, what did you say?” 
You frown, “Uh, we’ll revisit the santa claus thing. But I said, it’s okay.” 
He lets out a huge sigh and his shoulders droop and he lets out this big gummy boxy smile that makes your heart skip a beat and he’s smiling because the only thing he remembers is how pretty he thought you were last night and he’s so happy that you’re exactly how he remembered. 
So as you two settle into a comfortable silence as you smile at eachother, he glances down at the succulents and winces. 
“The succulents were a bad idea huh?” 
You smile down at the little green plants and shrug. “They’re not so bad. But I hate to say this but I’m literally the worst at keeping plants alive.” 
He shrugs, “Uh, maybe, I can help you with that? Maybe I could like take you out to watch a documentary on gardening or something, maybe, if you want to. Like, this weekend, or something.” 
You smile amusedly at the tall boy in front of you. “Excuse me? Are you asking me out Kim Taehyung?”
He rubs his neck, shyly meeting your eyes. “Yes?” 
You laugh. “I think that’s what I’m supposed to say.” 
He pauses before he gets it. And then he’s smiling even bigger and whooping and then all of a sudden he’s keeling over because he clenched too hard when he jumped and now he’s in pain all over again. 
“Oh my god, Taehyung are you okay?”
“I-I’m fine, I’m fine. By the way, what are you doing tomorrow?” He straightens up with a wince and you hesitantly let him go. 
“Uh, I’m off of work at noon. Why?” 
He smiles, “Would you like to go to a wedding with me?” 
pic of succulent!!!! :’) thanks for reading! feel free to request moreeeeee
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nutriyumaddict · 7 years
Omg can you please write a Ben/Leslie fic about them getting it on in totally inappropriate places, like Chris's desk... or the court room... or at the Harvest Festival. Stuff like that? I would love you forever!
Hello! I can! I did! :)
I just rewatched Leslie and Ben so that seemed like good inspiration to have them get it on…on Ron’s desk ;-)
Thank you for the excellent prompt!
“This will just take a minute, babe.”
“Hmmmmmm,” Ben answers, snuggling into her from behind and once again, Leslie’s struck by how affectionate and tactile mean Ben actually is.
Well, of course he’s not mean Ben at all anymore, he’s her husband. And her husband likes to nuzzle and nip at the skin on the back of her neck as she holds the card up to the electronic pad and the door pops open.
Once they get inside, she slides the electronic key card into the pocket of her pajama pants and they hold hands as they walk back down to the Parks office.
It’s almost five in the morning and everyone’s gone now, but there’s still evidence of their wedding from just a few hours ago. A couple of empty champagne bottles on April’s desk, a few streamers still hanging down, and there it is, the scrapbook Tom and April had made them for a wedding present. The whole reason for this early morning field trip.
“Got it,” she says, picking the book up and clutching it to her chest.
“Oh good, let’s go back home and snuggle.’
Leslie laughs, even as she turns around in his arms, the book now pressed between them.
“We got married here.”
“I know. I was there.”
They share a grin and she puts the scrapbook down on the desk again and walks him over to the exact spot where it happened.
“We were standing right here. Well, first Ron walked me in and Donna was singing and Champion walked down the aisle too.”
“Mmmmhmmmm,” Ben agrees, still giving her a sleepy smile in response to her wedding recap.
“And all of our friends were here and you said you were wandering all over Indiana, just looking for me.”
“I was,” Ben agrees. “And then I found you here. Literally, right here. And I married you. About three and a half hours ago.”
“Yeah, but at first you were kind of a jerk.”
Her husband quirks an eyebrow at her. “Tonight?”
“No, when we first met and talked,” she gestures over to the conference room. “Over there.”
“Well, no. I was being sensible with the city’s budget. I was doing my job.”
“Okay, but then you came to your senses and realized I was right.”
Ben smirks before laughing. “Um, sure, babe. Hey, now that we have the scrapbook, can we go and get back into bed and cuddle like married people?”
Leslie studies him–he does look pretty sleepy and like her, he’d just thrown his coat over a pair of pajamas and yeah, they should probably go back home and get back into their bed but at the same time, it was only a few hours ago that they’d stood right here and gotten married. And now his hair is all mussed up and his face is kind of scruffy and just a couple of hours ago in their bed, he’d kissed the inside of her thighs and lightly blew against her skin. It had made her shiver, just like the memory does now.
She grips the collar of his jacket and pulls him even closer so she can press her lips to his.
And then they’re wandering back without looking, she bumps into the wall and his jacket hits the floor. His hands are up under her shirt, not doing anything too daring, but even the feel of his palms along her bare sides makes her groan.
When she pushes into him more, Leslie can definitely feel where he’s starting to get a little turned on.
Leslie groans again. Her husband really does have the best penis in the whole world.
“We should get back home,” Ben suggests again, rubbing into her just a bit more.
“We should…”
But then her coat joins his on the floor and somehow they’ve kiss-wandered into Ron’s office and thank god he’s no longer still here drinking scotch because now Leslie is sitting on the edge of his desk with Ben still kissing her, standing right between her legs as he grips at her sides.
“What do you think the chances are that Ron would ever find out if we did it on his desk?”
Ben pulls back to look at her. He seems surprised. “Are you seriously suggesting we have sex in Ron’s office right now?”
She looks around and has to stretch a bit to find it, but then she’s pressing the button on the device she gave her boss and good friend a couple of years ago and they both watch the door to his office shut automatically.
“Whoa, that’s cool,” Ben tells her. “But are you sure we should do this? We–”
“Okay. What if we just make out for a bit?”
“Hardcore make out?” Ben asks, sounding a bit more onboard judging from both the front of his pants and his easy smile.
“Yeah. For fifteen minutes? Because it’s our wedding night. And also because we both had to watch Ron and Tammy make out in a jail cell that one time, so this seems completely fair.”
“Technically it’s morning, but that is such a good point,” he agrees before he’s kissing her again and tugging her towards the edge of the desk.
Leslie instinctively wraps her legs around him and god it feels so good, it’d probably feel even better without pajama pants on. And sure, they’d had really awesome officially-married sex as soon as they’d gotten home earlier, but now they’re back at the place where it all happened and she’s feeling so many feelings.
How can she possibly keep them all in her pants?
She starts tugging her pajamas down, first one side and then the other. She also tries really hard to not think about the fact that she’s about to be sitting on Ron’s desk bare-assed.
“What’s happening?”
“What do you think is happening?”
“Oh, thank god,” Ben agrees, helping her with the floral flannel, pushing it down and all the way off one leg.
“We can never, ever tell anyone about this,” Leslie instructs because Ann doesn’t count.
“Never, ever,” her husband repeats, as his fingers lightly touch the exposed skin of her hips and his nose rubs against hers.
She’s still slick from earlier, from both herself and Ben, mixing together inside her. When he slides back into her now, it’s slow and relaxed, all sleepy-cuddly husband as he fills her up and starts to thrust.
When it happens, her orgasm is long and tingling, not quite as intense as earlier, but somehow even more satisfying, if that’s possible. It’s comforting and relaxing, and the way he hugs onto her when he comes almost makes her happy-cry.
After she gets her pajama bottoms back on, they clean-up quickly, Leslie grabbing some of the disinfecting wipes Tom keeps at his desk to make sure they’re not leaving anything behind in Ron’s office.
“Leslie Knope, will you go back home with me now, get into our bed, and sleep until at least eight o'clock?”
“I will,” she agrees, turning out the office lights.
They close the office doors and start down the hallway. They’re almost outside when she remembers.
“Motherfucker, I left the scrapbook in the office again.”
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[RF] Old Friends
I crawled out from underneath the wreckage of my past and emerged into a world redefined by strength. I understood going forward is going to be hard, really fucking hard. But I won’t be daunted. Since the divorce and having to give the bitch of an ex-wife the house and mostly everything in it, I have built up a little resilience. Earlier tonight and slightly drunk I was laying upon my back, hands clasped behind my head, staring at the cracked motel ceiling, and I contemplated the distorted irony of existence.
As a boy I had this close friend, Ryan, in whom together we did shit that neither of us ever dared talk about. When we were seven years-old we were discovering the concept of pleasure through touch. At daycare there was an enclosed play area set up underneath a set of stairs, what ordinarily would have been a closet. There was no door. Another friend, Chris, would act as a lookout. Ryan and I would alternate turns dry humping each other’s buttocks reveling in the feeling of something stirring in our loins. We never removed our clothes. I remember the feel of Ryan’s pencil sized penis growing hard and pushing into the crack of my ass. It got me fucking hard too. I turned him around and began to experimentally move my hips, rubbing my own pencil sized penis in the crack of his ass. We didn’t know anything about ejaculation. We were just high on the sensation
“Chris, do you want to try it,” I asked?
“Yeah,” he replied, “who’s going to watch out though?”
“Ryan, you cool with looking out?”
“Yeah,” Ryan said.
Chris came over and pressed himself up against me and after only a few motions he was hard. He worked it faster than Ryan and his dick felt bigger. The thing bulged underneath his pants and I wanted to see it. I asked him. He unzipped his jeans and pulled it out. It was huge. I turned back around and told him to hump me with it. I could feel its warmth through my jeans. Some new sensation coursed underneath my skin and my body began to hum, sending a small electrical current down my spine and making my knees quiver.
We did this almost daily and no one ever found out. One day I was at Ryan’s house. His parents had lakefront property. We went swimming that day. Once we came in his parents wanted us to shower. Being only seven years-old they didn’t see a problem with us showering together. It would be the first time we would see each other completely naked.
I was standing behind Ryan watching the water run down his smooth buttocks. I had my penis in my hand and began to press it against him. He didn’t resist. So, I took it one step further. I put it up to his hole and began to attempt pushing the head in. The heat emanating from his orifice was maddening, drawing all the blood to my penis until it was fully engorged and hard as I ever felt it grow. But it would not go in. I tried a little force, but I did not know what I was doing. Ryan winced and with an audible gasp, he straightened his back forcing me to frustratingly withdraw. He turned around and grabbed my dick, and I grabbed his, and we jacked each other off for a few minutes. I never felt a penis in my hand before other than my own. It was amazing how different someone else’s feels. Almost like rubber.
His parents knocked on the door. “Are you boys almost done?”
“Yes, mom. Be right out,” Said Ryan.
We shut the water off, towel dried our lithe little bodies, and buried what we just did in a very deep cave of unmentionable secrets.
On the playground at school there were 46” tractor tires buried standing up halfway out of the ground. Kids would convene in them to play. Ryan and I would utilize them for more illicit purposes. It was where the game of “if you show me yours, I’ll show you mine” played out.
“Ryan, go ask Beth if she wants to come in here,” I asked. Beth was girl I long had an obsessive crush on. I even obtained her address and phone number from the school roster. Some nights I would call her just to hear her voice. When she answered I would not say anything. I would just hang up. In the mornings, if I left a little earlier on my walk to school, I would take a detour and walk past her house imagining what she was doing inside. We passed notes in class and played footsie underneath our desks. If I had known anything then about sex, I would have fucked her.
Ryan came running back. “Beth said she would come over,” he huffed excitedly. Peeking out from inside our shelter I saw her walking towards us. Her blonde hair flowing in the subtle breeze. She wore an ankle length dress and looked magnificent.
“Hi,” she said.
“Hi,” I replied. “Come on in.”
For a minute there was an awkward silence between the three of us. Ryan and I knew why we called her in here. She didn’t. And we struggled to find the words to explain our intents. Finally, I just came out and said it.
“We want to play a game with you. Do you want to play?”
“What game,” she asked.
“I want to show you my private parts but first I want to see yours.”
At first, she was a little hesitant and concerned. “We’re not going to get caught, are we?”
“No, the teachers are on the other side of the playground.”
She mulled it over for a few seconds and to my utter amazement she reached up underneath her dress and pulled her white cotton panties down to her ankles. This was it. My first-time seeing girl parts. Then she grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it above her waist completely exposing herself to me. I just stared dumbfounded.
“Can I touch it,” I asked?
She nodded her head in approval and I slowly extended my hand, gently placing the tips of my fingers against it. The heat of her vagina soaked into my skin. HOLY SHIT! This was real. I reluctantly pulled my hand back and proceeded to keep up my end of the deal. I unzipped my pants and extracted my little erect penis. She looked stunned and I asked if she wanted to touch mine. She didn’t. It seemed to scare her.
Ryan was outside the tire watching for teachers. We concealed our privates and walked out. Something changed in me that day. The Earth’s mysteries peeled slightly back, and I saw a little bit of the universe reveal itself like light coming in from underneath a door.
Ryan and I remained close friends throughout elementary school. We continued to dry hump at daycare and play showing games in tires at school. I would spend nights at his house and after his parents were asleep, I would sneak into his bed and we would masturbate one another without ever ejaculating.
By middle school unfortuitous events unraveled in my personal life that affected our friendship and we stopped talking. Over the years I had no idea what happened to him. We lost contact. It has been twenty-five years now since I heard from him.
Last week I got off work several hours earlier than what I was supposed to. I didn’t call home and tell my wife. I wanted to surprise her and devote the extra time to doing something special. Maybe a movie, or dinner, or just some couch time snuggling underneath the Afghan.
I pulled into the driveway and did not take notice of the car parked alongside our curb. I inserted my key into the front lock and quietly opened the door hoping to catch her off guard. And did I ever. She wasn’t in the living room, so I moved into the kitchen. No wife. Hmm… Maybe she is napping. I placed my hand gently upon the doorknob of our bedroom and turned it very slowly, not to awaken her. Pushing the door open just a crack I peered in and saw only the bareness of her back as she sat astride someone in our fucking bed.
“What the fuck,” I bellowed?
She instantly rolled over on her side and pulled the sheet around her body to hide not her nakedness, but her shame. I turned fucking red and charged the bed grabbing the motherfucker laying there by his ankles and dragging him off. His head hit the floor with a resounding thud as I stomped a boot clad foot upon his chest, dropped to my knees and put my hands around his sweat slick throat.
“I’ll fucking kill you, you son of a bitch! Tell me who the fuck you are before you die.”
He tried to talk but my grip on his neck was to tight and all he could vociferate was weak grumbling. His eyes bulged and his skin was discoloring. I was going to kill him. My capacity for reason had entirely vacated from me.
“Let him go,” my wife pleaded. “You don’t have to do this.”
“It’s your fucking fault, you whore,” I spat. “You did this to him by bringing him into our bed. Now shut-up!”
She continued crying and pleading but never got off the bed. I looked down at the stranger as he reached up and wrapped his hands over mine trying feebly to break my hold. I saw the terror in his eyes. But behind the fear there was a familiarity. A sharp striking resemblance to someone I used to know. And then it hit me.
I released my hold and he rolled over gasping for breath.
“I fucking know you,” I said. “What’s your god-damn name?”
For a minute there was only the sound of his gasping as he regained his breath.
“Ryan,” he choked out. “My fucking name is Ryan. Jesus Christ, you tried to kill me.”
“Yeah, you were fucking this cunt that is my wife. You’re lucky if I still don’t decide to kill you anyhow. Wait, you said Ryan? I knew you looked familiar. It’s Sam.”
“Oh shit. This is bad. What the fuck? How the hell? I don’t get it. How? Sam from childhood?”
“Yes,” I said. We both became silent and tried to comprehend the improbability of this circumstance. I reasoned that I could not be angry at him for my wife’s infidelity. It wasn’t his fault. He had no idea. He is just a man and when an attractive woman offers a single man her pussy, he would be queer if he didn’t accept. He was only acting on his basic animal drives. But it was her that lied and purposefully dishonored a commitment. He could only be mad at her.
“Come on man, get up off the floor already,” I said while at the same time offering my hand to help him up. He took it and the blanket fell away. I couldn’t resist stealing a glimpse at his dick. It was still slick and glistening with the secretions of my wife’s cum and it had definitely grown since he was a boy. My wife could not have had any complaints. I wondered how long they had been fucking. Better I don’t know.
Ryan got dressed and I invited him out to grab something to eat.
“We’re cool, Sam,” he asked looking for assurance and safety?
“Yeah. And I’m sorry about putting a boot in your chest and choking you.”
“It’s fine. I would have done the same thing if I had a wife and walked in on someone fucking her too.”
I took Ryan to a bar instead. We ordered a couple of cheeseburgers and told the barkeep to keep the beers coming. We spent hours reminiscing over the past and filling in the gaps of our lives since we fell out of touch. But we never brought up any of the perverted shit we did. We kept it secret even to ourselves. An uncomfortable denial born from an uncomfortable shame.
Before we parted Ryan said to me, “I promise I will never go back to her. That’s your wife man. And even if you leave her, I still won’t. Just knowing she was your wife makes it wrong. Again, I am sorry man.”
“Not your fault. Apparently, something was dead in our marriage. If it wasn’t you, it would have been someone else. Kind of glad it was you though. It made it easier to deal with and gave us a chance to catch up on some old memories. You have a good one Ryan. Call me sometime. You got my cell now.”
I walked several blocks down the road to a motel I knew had cheap rates. I wasn’t going home. That was three months ago. I filed for divorce, didn’t contest anything. She got an attorney and I told her it was a waste of money. I said I didn’t want anything except to be rid of her. I just wanted to wash my hands and move on. Start over. A new life. Something different. Nothing to remind me of her. A total purge. The divorce was finalized and until I figure out what I would like to do, this motel is home for now. It’s kind of nice to be alone again. I missed the solitude.
submitted by /u/trevorwaller [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/37SUuqX
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