#mountain ghoul i love you
ghulehbleh · 3 months
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iownfish · 2 years
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Please bewitch me in the moonlight thank you
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madhoost · 1 month
[ Here's our silly ghouls designs ! 🌀 from my "Which type of nameless ghoul are you ?" video ]
PART 1/2 because I can't upload more than like 10 photos per post here 🫡 (Tumblr said nuh uh)
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I wanted to post them individually, since I saw someone reblogging my video and saying they wanted to see all these designs that way (and I saw that other people were suggesting it), so I thought it was a good idea !
I also wanted to thanks all the persons who liked and reblogged my post ! It's a very HUGE number for me (as a small creator) and i'm so happy that my silly ghouls designs get so much appreciation ! 🌷thank you !!
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forlorn-crows · 11 months
mountains freckles but they look like the spots on a newborn fawn's fur.
mountains ears but they're sideways like goats and cows. fuzzy and wide.
mountains nose but its flat and leathery at the tip like a deer or long-snouted dog
mountains eyes but they shine like an emerald with slightly elongated pupils, similar to a goat's.
mountains hair but its curly and unruly like a well-loved horse, changing colors like the leaves on the trees with each season.
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ravenssilver · 10 months
hello. welcome to raven succumbing to the voices.
aka 1.2k words of mountain realizing he’s emotionally neglected a lot of the time.
cw: dew gets emotionally spoiled, mountain has lots of trouble with his feelings, mountain lore👹
under the cut, if you please<3
Aether was gone.
Everyone was tentative around the subject, not wanting to trigger Dew into another fit of anger. Nobody really knew what Dew was mad at. It could’ve been Aether, the Ministry, himself—but nobody could say for sure due to how closed off Dew had been.
Swiss was always making jokes with Dew, wanting to distract him from the pain of not having one of his mates with them. Cumulus always got a fresh loaf of Dew’s favorite bread whenever they had a rest day, and everyone knew she’s rather be baking the loaf rather than buying it.
Cirrus was a silent comfort, in the shadows where Dew would hide, always willing to wrap her arms around him and whisper sweet nothings to the fire ghoul.
Rain, and by extension Aeon, were always there for Dew to rant to. And Aurora was more than happy to braid Dew’s hair whenever Rain initiated a mini spa night in whatever hotel the ghouls and their Papa were staying in that night.
And Mountain was tired of it.
He was tired of being the backbone, the one who constantly lifted everyone up when he was on the verge of crumbling himself. He was tired of watching everyone coddle Dew, and whisper with each other when the fire ghoul was asleep about oh, poor Dew—or—he’s been feeling better! Maybe he’s getting used to not having Aether around?
Mountain huffed behind his book, glaring over the tops of the pages at the fire ghoul sleeping on the tour bus couch.
He was tired of Dew being helped while he was tossed aside.
But he also felt like shit. He was feeling the same pain as Dew, yet here Mountain was acting childish, jealous over his mate who was getting the help that he needed.
But was it really being childish? Or was it realizing the mistakes of the pack, and how he felt being left in the dust when he needed support as well?
Mountain’s glare softened as he felt thorns growing from around his antlers. He slouched down a bit in the table booth, hiding his face behind his book until he could control the tears welling in his eyes.
He just wanted Aether back.
It wasn’t often Mountain was late to pre-show roll call. But tonight?
He was just so tired.
Mountain’s body was now facing the effects of being stressed out and emotionally worn. His stomach was constantly churning, he had an ever present ache right behind his eyes that never seemed to go away, his back was rigid and it hurt to move.
He was sore, and he knew he life was about to get a whole lot more exhausting after tonight’s ritual.
The earth giant blinked behind his goggles and looked down, seeing Aurora. Her much smaller hand was picking his up, a frown on her face as she felt how heavy his arm was, his exhaustion clearly echoed in the way he was holding himself.
“Are you okay? You seem tired. Your ritual jitters aren’t as noticeable as usual,” Aurora spoke softly, reading the shaking of his hand as just simple jitters.
If only.
“I’m fine. Ready for the rest day we have tomorrow.” Mountain said simply, his face emotionless as he looked down at Aurora. His neck screamed at him as he looked down at her, the amount he had to strain his muscles almost laughable due to Aurora’s size compared to his.
Aurora nodded, a smile on her face.
“Me too.” She chuckled. She went to say more, but Papa cut her off, reeling in all the ghouls for the pre-show huddle.
Mountain sighed and stiffly walked over, taking note of how Rain, Swiss, and Aeon all walked over with Dew huddled between them.
His eyes narrowed as he watched how Aeon gave Dew a small buzz of quintessence to give him an energy boost. Mountain grumbled silently, knowing he could’ve used that small amount of energy much more than Dew.
But who was he to demand Dew stops getting the attention and support that he had been drowned in the for the whole tour?
A soft sigh left Mountain as he joined the huddle, tuning out Copia’s words.
Resting tomorrow will help.
He hated his sleep schedule.
Mountain was up with the sun the next day, and no amount of keeping his eyes closed lulled him back to sleep.
Mountain huffed and rolled onto his side, opening his eyes and discovering he hated something a lot more than his God forsaken sleep schedule.
Swiss was in the bed two feet away from him.
As well as Dew, Rain, and Aeon.
A low, earth rumbling growl left Mountain and he was immediately standing up, roughly unzipping his travel bag and pulling out some regular street clothes, his toothpaste and toothbrush, and his hairbrush. He grumbled as he walked to the bathroom, quickly getting ready for the day before he tossed his pajamas and hygienics onto the bed.
Mountain grabbed his phone and a room key before storming out of the room, ignoring how his now glamoured body complained with each step he took.
He didn’t know where he was going. He wasn’t even sure which city he was in.
He just needed to leave.
He turned his phone off after a while. The constant buzzing was getting on his nerves, and he had gotten close to tossing his phone on the sidewalk and letting it get trampled by the crowd.
He was so mad. The anger was only growing as Mountain realized how childish he was being.
He decided he needed to punch something. Hard enough to break whatever faced his wrath.
He wanted to indulge. He wanted to allow himself the brief respite that would be bruising his knuckles as his fists slammed down over, and over, and over, and over again.
Damned Beelzebub..
Mountain huffed and turned on his heel, walking back to the hotel and praying to his Lord below that he would be calm by the time he finished the fourteen block walk.
He just wanted to feel normal again.
Maybe he just wanted to be noticed.
Mountain listened to the quiet snores of Swiss and Rain, ignoring the growling voice in the back of his mind that was reminding him Dew had a key to the hotel room.
He didn’t want to be mad at Dew, and after lots of thinking, he realized he wasn’t. Envious, for sure, but he didn’t blame Dew, despite how much he wanted Dew to feel the hurt that he had been feeling. He wasn’t jealous anymore.
Mountain sighed as he looked over at Swiss and Rain.
He knew he could join them. He could start an unofficial and unannounced ghoul pile, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to see any more of the pack until he had to.
He was mad at them for forgetting him. He was mad at them for leaving him in the shadows and putting Dew in the limelight of their care and attention.
Tears welled in Mountain’s eyes as he realized what he was actually upset about.
He rolled onto his side, facing the wall so he could have some resemblance of dignity as he begrudgingly let tears fall.
He was an afterthought.
And he had reached his limit.
Mountain curled into himself and buried his nose into his knees, whining quietly as his back screamed in pain yet again.
This rest day wasn’t very restful.
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mak-be-ghouled · 2 months
do you think any of the ghouls (especially new-summons) ever get car sick/ motion sick?
i do. especially earth ghouls
water ghouls and air ghouls are pretty resilient bc the wind and tides move kinda like cars. maybe car rides even lull them to sleep.
but earth ghouls?
they already struggle with not being connected to their element when away from home. put them in a moving vehicle and yikes
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phantoms1kisser · 22 days
guys I'm losing faith that I'll ever be able to play the bass bro don't even know where to start I can play one bass line and that's it.... WHERE DO I START??? HOW DO I GET BETTER EFFECTIVELY????? CAN SOMEONE ACTUALLY COMMENT BC I GENUINELY NEED HELP IM LITERALLY LOSING MY SHIT I SOB EACH TIME I TRY PLAY.
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lilypadlys · 6 months
Cumulus has an extremely impressive rock collection. She has everything from geodes and crystals to fossils and petrified wood. She also has scrapbooks filled to the brim with pressed flowers and leafs, neatly labeled by species and date. The reason? Mountain.
Shortly after Cumulus was summoned, when she was still shyly getting to know everyone, Mountain noticed her take interest in the flower beds surrounding the ministry. She seemed entranced by the bright blooms. One day he presented her with a bouquet of roses he’s grown himself and the way her eyes lit up left him smitten forever. 
She still has that original bouquet he gave her. She came to him, upset a few weeks later when the flowers had begun to wilt. She was worried she'd done something wrong and killed the poor buds. He explained that it was normal for cut flowers to die quickly and while she nodded in understanding, he could tell she was still sad. Determined to return a smile to her face, he researched a ritual to enchant the flowers to never wilt. Now the bouquet sits proudly in a vase on her dresser where she can admire it every day.
Now it’s become a thing, Mountain gifting her flowers, and it’s quickly expanded to other natural items. Enchanting flowers while possible is difficult, and besides where would she put them all? Cumulus learns how to press flowers and keeps them in scrapbooks alongside pictures of her packmates. She does the same for leaves.
She has a whole shelf dedicated to the crystals and pretty rocks he’s found for her. Her favorite is a heart shaped pebble he found on tour a few years ago and gave to her as a good luck charm before they went onstage. It’s small enough that she had it made into a pendant and she wears it as a necklace, never taking it off.
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chapel-of-rizztual · 1 year
I can't find the ask game again, but can you please write some more tearful & soft puppy Mountain? Like, what if him & the new quintessence bug got stuck in a hyperempathy feedback loop & they had no choice but to kiss laugh about it?
Phantom woke up to a weird sound. It was just coming up to 4am, and he blinks blearily at his phone checking the time. The tour bus is small and cramped, Phantom got use to hearing snores and snuffles from the other ghouls as they slept, but this was different. It sounded almost pained. Phantom’s ears prick up as he listens intently for the sound again, but after a couple of seconds of silence he turns around, settling back into his bunk, thinking that maybe Swiss was just sleep talking again. 
Just as he’s drifting off the sleep again he hears it again. A soft whimpering cry, louder this time, coming from one of the other bunks. He waits for it stop like last time, but it keeps going, wet gasp like sobs echoing through the quiet of the bus. 
Phantom shuffled out of his bed as quietly as he can, wrapping his tail around his waist so it didn’t swing around uncontrollably. He followed the sounds along the corridor for the bus, careful  not to trip over any stray items of clothing and Shoes. 
He makes it to Mountains bunk, where sounds are coming from, and gently pulls the certain back, not wanting to scare the ghoul. 
Mountain is still asleep, his face scrunched up uncomfortably as he lets out little squeaks and whimpers in his sleep, one hand grasping at the pillow desperately. 
Phantom shakes him gently, being careful not to scare him. 
“Hey, hey mount. You need to wake up, i think you’re having a nightmare.” 
Mountain let’s out a long whimper, his face scrunching up even more before his eyes shoot open with a sharp gasp. 
He grasps at a Phantom’s wrist and stutters, trying to take a deep breath, and he blinks rapidly, desperately trying to blink away the tears that had pooled on his eyes. 
“Hey, you’re okay, I promise, you’re safe.” He whispers to Mountain, softly rubbing at his cheek. 
Mountain looks at him with big wet eye and his bottom lip wobbles as tears now fall from his eyes and he whimpers sadly. 
When Phantom had first been summoned, Aether had warned him about Mountain. About how he could be a little over emotional and sensitive at time, how he cried a lot, often at nothing, and how clingy and needy he could be. He was also warned about the puppy thing, and how that can heighten his emotions sometime. But he was told it wouldn’t be an issue for him, that Mountain had people to go that would look after him when felt like that. 
He’d witnessed Mountain being puppy with the others, seen how they’d played with him, how they’d coo at him and rub his belly. He’d seen them cuddle him and hold him tight when he cried, and how they reassured him, babied him at times, when he needed it. 
He could tell Mountain was puppy now, just by the way his pupils were blown, whatever dream he’d had had obviously scared him into his safe headspace. He contemplated waking Swiss or Cumulus, they know what to do with Mountain when he’s like this, but the way the poor earth ghoul is clinging to him diminishes that idea.
“You’re okay, puppy. I’ve got you, I’ll keep you safe.” Phantom climbs into Mountain bunk, pulling the ghoul into his chest and he starts running his hands though his hair, hoping that it’s comforting for him. 
Mountain immediately curls into his chest, a desperate sob wracking through his body so hard that Phantom feels him jump with it.
“Oh, I know, puppy. I know. You had such a scary dream, huh?” 
Mountain nods agains his chest and let’s out another sob, tears soaking into Phantoms pyjama top. Phantom wraps both his arms around the earth ghoul, squeezing him as tightly as he can, keeping on hand buried in his hair, scratching  behind his ears. 
“Shhh, you’re okay, puppy. I’ve got you, you’re safe.” He feels that tell-tale tightening of his throat and he feels tears of his own tell in his eyes. 
“Where’s your carrot, puppy? I know you like to have that with you all the time.” His voice breaks and he clears his throat, not wanting Mountain to know he was on the verge of crying himself. 
Mountain let’s put a small whine and gives a small shrug, burying his face deeper into Phantom’s chest. Phantom reached a hand under Mountains pillow, knowing that the ghoul liked to ‘bury’ it there to keep it safe. He finds the plush exactly where he thinks it would be and pull it out, handing it to Mountain. 
Mountain takes the carrot plush right away, with a happy teary thrill, resting on Phantom’s chest and chews away on it. 
“That’s it, puppy. Such a good boy, aren’t you? Doing to well for me.”
Phantom watches as Mountain slowing starts to calm down, the tears slowing and the little whimpery sobs die down at he comfort chews on the plush.  
Phantom desperately try’s to blink away the tears that had welled in his eyes, but to no avail as they run down his cheeks. He suck in a shaky breath, trying to stay as quiet as he can, not wanting to disturb Mountain now that he’d calmed down enough. 
It doesn’t work, in his efforts to trying and keep his cries in he lets out a little hiccup, his belly jumping under Mountain, making the poor earth ghoul jump.
Mountain let’s out a squeak, looking up at Phantom with big round eyes. He licks at the tears on Phantom’s cheeks, making him let out a wet giggle, and let’s out a questioning hum. 
“I’m okay, puppy, I promise.” He tries not to let his voice wobble as he speaks. Mountain tilts his head to the side, licking at the tears again. 
Phantom giggles again at the feeling.
“I just-sometimes get a little upset when other people get upset.” He pets at Mountain hair. “I’m okay though, I promise.” He let’s out another wet laugh as Mountain starts licking all over his face. 
Mountain nudges his carrot plush further up Phantom chest with his nose, giving him a questioning look. 
Phantom feels his heart swell at the gesture from Mountain, knowing how much that carrot plush meant to him. 
“Oh, you’re so sweet, puppy. But this is yours, baby. I don’t need it.” 
He pushes the plush back down to where it had been resting on his chest, hoping the grimace on his face wasn’t obvious as he touched the wet fabric. Mountain takes it back with a happy chitter, continuing his chewing, his eyes slipping closed as he does. 
“We should sleep, puppy. We have to be up to help with set up in a couple of hours.” 
Mountain hums in agreement, his eyes still closed as he settles down properly on Phantom’s chest, carrot still in his mouth. Phantom snuggles down, pulling the covers over both of them, his eyes closing with a purr rumbling though his chest, holding Mountain close to him. 
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autumnblooms · 1 year
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Be my house, strong and sturdy / Far from town, oh
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ghcstcd · 1 year
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Hii Mountain hiiii
☕tips and ko-fi: ko-fi.com/A6413J35
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hellooooo!! if you don't mind, and if you haven't already, could you perhap do an omega moodboardd!! yer moodboards are real dandy!
thanks anon!! yer pretty dandy too!!
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mdemorita · 1 year
Ghost on Toulouse❕️
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[@/thebandghost on instagram]
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
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i'll be the shadow / you'll be the light
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Could you please tell me, a fool, how Mountain loves to spend long afternoons with his head in between a certain water ghouls thighs? He'd happily drown there, happily take his last breath if it meant hearing that pretty siren song.
Ah yes, I can definitely tell you exactly how that goes. It would be my pleasure.
Trans!Rain: cunt, clit, dick. Used for his anatomy.
Beneath the salt musk, Rain tastes like clear, cool water. Mountain could live off of him. Ambrosia. All the water he's ever needed. Found between Rain's thighs.
He takes his time. Kitten licks over his swollen clit. Sucking blood flushed lips into his mouth to feel their softness against his tongue. Burying his nose into the trimmed curls just above where Rain's little dick juts out. Inhaling deep.
He'd stay here forever if he could. Lost in slick skin. Tongue dipping in. Dragging along ridges there. Licking as deep as he can. Listening to Rain gasp as he presses that unholy tongue to the spot that always makes Rain squirm.
Mountain loses track of time. Of the world beyond this room. This bed. Rain's knees tossed over his shoulders. One big hand wrapped around a thigh. Thumb rubbing circles over quivering muscle as he listens to his own blood pound in his ears, and beyond that, Rain. Whining as Mountain feasts. Breath hitching. Hips rolling against Mountain's mouth as Mountain fucks his tongue deeper into Rain and Rain grinds his dick over the proud slope of Mountain's nose.
Mountain lives for these afternoons. Early fall. The window thrown open. Breeze smelling like dying leaves. Rain's voice carrying across the grounds as he slips his fingers into Mountain's auburn waves and pulls. Holds on. Slicks Mountain's face as he chases his orgasm.
Mountain doesn't know what number this is. Lost count a while ago. Before the autumn sun started to set and dye the room amber.
Mountain replaces his tongue with two fingers fingers. Pressing up against the front wall, and Rain keens. Mountain risks a glance at him. At the lithe line of his body arched into Mountain's bed. Dark curls, sweat damp and everywhere. Cerulean eyes clamped shut. Mountain watches his gills flex and shudder. Wants to touch. Wants to drag his fingers over them, and then over the silvery scars under his pecs.
Wants to tell Rain how beautiful he is. But he has more important things to do with his mouth.
He sucks Rain's clit into his mouth. Laves his tongue over the head. Groans when Rain clenches down on his fingers. When his dick kicks on Mountain's tongue.
"Give it to me," Mountain says. Pulling back just far enough to talk. Unwinding his hand from Rains thigh to drag his fingers over his clit. Pulling the hood back. Lips ghosting over the tip as he speaks.
"Please, Rain. I'm so thirsty."
Rain's breath catches. The fingers in Mountains hair gentle. Caress over his horns. His scalp. They shake just like Rain's thighs.
It doesn't take much more, it never does. Mountain’s tongue flicking over Rain’s dick. His fingers fucking in and out. And Rain is gone. Moaning loud enough that Mountain knows everyone outside hears him. Breath catching. Slick gushing out into Mountain's palm, onto his tongue.
He laps it up. Licks his hand clean as he pulls it from the twitching clutch of Rain's cunt. Mountian kisses the inside of Rain's thighs. Catching every last drop.
Rain peers at him though slitted sky blue eyes. Panting. Sweat shining at his temples. Cheeks flushed.
"Still thirsty?" He asks, voice rasping.
Mountain smiles against the soft skin of Rains thighs. "Parched."
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beeloovedd · 5 months
The ghouls as dresses bc why not
(someone pls draw them in these 🙏)
Under the cut 🫶
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