#mountain’s a sin of gluttony
ravenssilver · 10 months
hello. welcome to raven succumbing to the voices.
aka 1.2k words of mountain realizing he’s emotionally neglected a lot of the time.
cw: dew gets emotionally spoiled, mountain has lots of trouble with his feelings, mountain lore👹
under the cut, if you please<3
Aether was gone.
Everyone was tentative around the subject, not wanting to trigger Dew into another fit of anger. Nobody really knew what Dew was mad at. It could’ve been Aether, the Ministry, himself—but nobody could say for sure due to how closed off Dew had been.
Swiss was always making jokes with Dew, wanting to distract him from the pain of not having one of his mates with them. Cumulus always got a fresh loaf of Dew’s favorite bread whenever they had a rest day, and everyone knew she’s rather be baking the loaf rather than buying it.
Cirrus was a silent comfort, in the shadows where Dew would hide, always willing to wrap her arms around him and whisper sweet nothings to the fire ghoul.
Rain, and by extension Aeon, were always there for Dew to rant to. And Aurora was more than happy to braid Dew’s hair whenever Rain initiated a mini spa night in whatever hotel the ghouls and their Papa were staying in that night.
And Mountain was tired of it.
He was tired of being the backbone, the one who constantly lifted everyone up when he was on the verge of crumbling himself. He was tired of watching everyone coddle Dew, and whisper with each other when the fire ghoul was asleep about oh, poor Dew—or—he’s been feeling better! Maybe he’s getting used to not having Aether around?
Mountain huffed behind his book, glaring over the tops of the pages at the fire ghoul sleeping on the tour bus couch.
He was tired of Dew being helped while he was tossed aside.
But he also felt like shit. He was feeling the same pain as Dew, yet here Mountain was acting childish, jealous over his mate who was getting the help that he needed.
But was it really being childish? Or was it realizing the mistakes of the pack, and how he felt being left in the dust when he needed support as well?
Mountain’s glare softened as he felt thorns growing from around his antlers. He slouched down a bit in the table booth, hiding his face behind his book until he could control the tears welling in his eyes.
He just wanted Aether back.
It wasn’t often Mountain was late to pre-show roll call. But tonight?
He was just so tired.
Mountain’s body was now facing the effects of being stressed out and emotionally worn. His stomach was constantly churning, he had an ever present ache right behind his eyes that never seemed to go away, his back was rigid and it hurt to move.
He was sore, and he knew he life was about to get a whole lot more exhausting after tonight’s ritual.
The earth giant blinked behind his goggles and looked down, seeing Aurora. Her much smaller hand was picking his up, a frown on her face as she felt how heavy his arm was, his exhaustion clearly echoed in the way he was holding himself.
“Are you okay? You seem tired. Your ritual jitters aren’t as noticeable as usual,” Aurora spoke softly, reading the shaking of his hand as just simple jitters.
If only.
“I’m fine. Ready for the rest day we have tomorrow.” Mountain said simply, his face emotionless as he looked down at Aurora. His neck screamed at him as he looked down at her, the amount he had to strain his muscles almost laughable due to Aurora’s size compared to his.
Aurora nodded, a smile on her face.
“Me too.” She chuckled. She went to say more, but Papa cut her off, reeling in all the ghouls for the pre-show huddle.
Mountain sighed and stiffly walked over, taking note of how Rain, Swiss, and Aeon all walked over with Dew huddled between them.
His eyes narrowed as he watched how Aeon gave Dew a small buzz of quintessence to give him an energy boost. Mountain grumbled silently, knowing he could’ve used that small amount of energy much more than Dew.
But who was he to demand Dew stops getting the attention and support that he had been drowned in the for the whole tour?
A soft sigh left Mountain as he joined the huddle, tuning out Copia’s words.
Resting tomorrow will help.
He hated his sleep schedule.
Mountain was up with the sun the next day, and no amount of keeping his eyes closed lulled him back to sleep.
Mountain huffed and rolled onto his side, opening his eyes and discovering he hated something a lot more than his God forsaken sleep schedule.
Swiss was in the bed two feet away from him.
As well as Dew, Rain, and Aeon.
A low, earth rumbling growl left Mountain and he was immediately standing up, roughly unzipping his travel bag and pulling out some regular street clothes, his toothpaste and toothbrush, and his hairbrush. He grumbled as he walked to the bathroom, quickly getting ready for the day before he tossed his pajamas and hygienics onto the bed.
Mountain grabbed his phone and a room key before storming out of the room, ignoring how his now glamoured body complained with each step he took.
He didn’t know where he was going. He wasn’t even sure which city he was in.
He just needed to leave.
He turned his phone off after a while. The constant buzzing was getting on his nerves, and he had gotten close to tossing his phone on the sidewalk and letting it get trampled by the crowd.
He was so mad. The anger was only growing as Mountain realized how childish he was being.
He decided he needed to punch something. Hard enough to break whatever faced his wrath.
He wanted to indulge. He wanted to allow himself the brief respite that would be bruising his knuckles as his fists slammed down over, and over, and over, and over again.
Damned Beelzebub..
Mountain huffed and turned on his heel, walking back to the hotel and praying to his Lord below that he would be calm by the time he finished the fourteen block walk.
He just wanted to feel normal again.
Maybe he just wanted to be noticed.
Mountain listened to the quiet snores of Swiss and Rain, ignoring the growling voice in the back of his mind that was reminding him Dew had a key to the hotel room.
He didn’t want to be mad at Dew, and after lots of thinking, he realized he wasn’t. Envious, for sure, but he didn’t blame Dew, despite how much he wanted Dew to feel the hurt that he had been feeling. He wasn’t jealous anymore.
Mountain sighed as he looked over at Swiss and Rain.
He knew he could join them. He could start an unofficial and unannounced ghoul pile, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to see any more of the pack until he had to.
He was mad at them for forgetting him. He was mad at them for leaving him in the shadows and putting Dew in the limelight of their care and attention.
Tears welled in Mountain’s eyes as he realized what he was actually upset about.
He rolled onto his side, facing the wall so he could have some resemblance of dignity as he begrudgingly let tears fall.
He was an afterthought.
And he had reached his limit.
Mountain curled into himself and buried his nose into his knees, whining quietly as his back screamed in pain yet again.
This rest day wasn’t very restful.
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Third oneshot of Scars, Wounds and Minor Inconveniences: a oneshot series featuring slice-of-life snapshots of the aftermath of Lesson 16. Naturally, features spoilers for OG Obey Me! up until that point. Each oneshot will have an associated headcannons post, which will be linked when it goes up! This series was inspired by an idea in my ideas inbox, so please read the rules in the pinned post and drop any writing ideas you have in there!)
Belphegor, true to the nature of Sloth, watches his brother; and does nothing.
Where the Avatar of Sloth sits, a cloudy haze - rising and falling like dry ice - swirls around him. He touches the clouds swirling about half-heartedly, savouring the cooling sensation as the condensation forms on his skin. It’s a clear, grounding feeling; different to his brother.
He knows his brother can’t feel the haze that surrounds him.
After all, it’s not really his brother.
Belphegor used to love slipping into his brother’s dreams. Of course, the Beel he sees in the dreamscape isn’t the actual Beel. The actual Beel wouldn’t eat mountains of junk food without working out the next day; and the actual Beel would never sit at the family dinner table in front of heaps of fancy dishes without his family sitting alongside him. And, though these were but a small subset of the multitude of dreams Belphegor had seen his brother have over the years, Belphegor had never seen Beelzebub like this before. Belphegor had never seen Beelzebub stuck having the same dream for more than a few weeks.
Not since Lilith died.
The Avatar of Gluttony cycles through scenes. Walking. Eating. Studying shoulder-to-shoulder for a group project. Taking a morning jog and settling down to a picnic and watching the sunrise. Wandering with a loved one, hand-in-hand, ooh-ing and ah-ing at street food stalls at a idyllic funfair; surrounded by wonder and amazement and happiness -
Belphegor approaches the echo of his brother’s dreamlike state. He watches the human who is beside him in each scene.
This human, of course, isn’t the actual human Belphegor knew. The human in real life didn’t have a eyes this bright, or a voice so honey-sweet, or a laugh so perfect. This human was Beel’s. The human Beel saw, when he looked at them in the real world. The human who Beel spent time with in his dreams, because he’s lost too many chances to in real life.
Belphegor remembers the victorious glee he felt when you had broken down that day. About two weeks after he had tried to murder you, he thinks. He didn’t really remember much, other than Beel defending him for something that he had set up. Was it hiding one of Beel’s labelled puddings and saying you had eaten it? Was it that time he pretended you had told him off for something he didn’t do? Belphegor had lost track.
Belphegor remembers smiling discretely as you - your voice as meek as prey - as you asked Beel why he always believed his twin brother straight away. The sixth-born hadn't responded, and Belphegor remembers willing his sin to fill the room.
After a few minutes, tears had fallen from your eyes. Belphegor had frowned, hearing Beel’s breath hitch. He had heard something similar before. A few times when he needed to choose between Belphegor and Lilith dying; between staying with Father or falling with Lucifer. Despite obviously crying, you had stayed silent.
Then you had left.
And you hadn’t talked to Beelzebub since then.
Belphie continues to watch as Beel cycles through memories with you. There are so many, Belphie realises bitterly. So much time of this stupid human’s short, fragile life… spent taking care of his twin brother whilst he was locked away in the attic.
Each memory ends the same. Beel looks so insufferably happy. He nuzzles his face into your hair when he hugs you. He has the biggest, dopiest grin when he looks at you. He holds hands with you.
And each time, without fail, the dream of you fades away.
It is then when Belphegor needs to stop himself from breaking; holding his chest as if his heart is going to plummet through it. And - even with all his power - he finds some invisible wall preventing him from soothing his brother. The haze that circles around him drags itself across the floor lazily, reaching out for Beelzebub from where Belphegor stands. From Belphegor's view, the fog is like an extra hand for him - a manifestation of his guilt - causing Beel pain, even in his dreams. Belphegor can't un-create something he's created, after all.
He remembers each of Beel’s sounds you fade into nothing. Things he hasn’t heard from his brother in a long, long time.
The choked yelling of your name as he grabs air… just like when Beelzebub had reached out to save Belphegor, instead of Lilith.
The grunts of desperate effort as he dives headfirst, phasing through you and crashing to the ground…just like when Beelzebub had tried to save Lilith after.
The crying.
Just like when the twins had curled up together in their new, demon-filled home, in their new bedroom in the House of Lamentation. The sleep had been unbearable as their unfamiliar wings and tail thrashed against the sheets, trying to fight off both the discomfort and the memories of Lilith's death.
… Belphegor wakes up. He ignores the wet streaks running down his cheeks. Probably sleep-drool.
He ignores that the wet streaks start at his eyes.
Suddenly, his D.D.D flashes. Or, he thinks it is, but it’s actually his twin brother’s, using his charger. Belphie glances at the time. 4:00am. A few, small whines leave his brother’s lips. Belphie glances over to Beel and sees him slightly toss and turn in bed.
Belphie can’t do anything.
Avatar of Sloth, indeed.
… Belphie glances again at Beelzebub.
The Avatar of Sloth goes back to sleep.
Later, you wake up and take a look at the time on your D.D.D. 8:00am.
After months of nightmares, you’ve had the best sleep of your life - as if someone’s gone and chased away the memories of stairs and attics and blood. You used to go to the kitchen for a snack after waking up from a nightmare; but after exploding on Beel about two weeks ago, you found it hard to speak to him. You couldn’t blame yourself. He wouldn’t believe you when you would say that Belphegor was making you take blame for things you didn’t do; you weren’t sure he’d believe anything you’d say.
But you missed Beelzebub. You couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if you came up with a plan before breaking down in front of him and Belphegor. What would have happened if you had tried to talk to him again, instead of ignoring him?
You knew, for certain, Beel wasn't a bad person.
So what would happen if you... tried? Instead of wondering?
Sighing, you get out of bed and begin to pack your bag for RAD. You spot a snack in your bag; some chips that came free with a deal from the cafeteria that you didn’t really like.
But you know who would like them.
And you wouldn’t want them to go bad.
You steel your resolve, open up the Chat app on your D.D.D and scroll down. A lot. Then you reach Beel’s contact and type out a quick:
“Hey, it’s been a while. I think we should talk. And I have a snack you might like.”
The response is almost immediate.
“Yeah, of course. When and what time?”
You aren’t sure you would have been ready for this if you had just come out of one of your usual nightmares, sweating and sobbing.
So you thank the mysterious force which fought them off and get ready to meet Beelzebub.
(a new installationnnn!!!!! a few things, like beel constantly needing to choose between loved ones, belphegor being a menace to mc, belphegor entering beel's dreams, mc not being able to talk to beel. don't worry, though, i'll be doing some more casual stories for this series; esp since the last two have been really sad ahaha)
(As usual, a huge thank you to @kittylilyheart for the original idea! please check out my masterlist in the pinned post for the whole series, which is still in progress!)
Taglist: @kittylilyheart @gallantys
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eldritch-spouse · 11 months
Going out for ice cream with Obie and having him feed you the ice cream knowing FULLY WELL this is going to end with you cleaning the mess off his fingers with your mouth (of course there is intense eye contact, that's a given). I need to bother this man so he's steaming in public but unable to do anything about it ‼️ raaaaugh!!!
[Reader is implied fem, but can be read as neutral.]
TW: Semi-public; Foodplay; Unsanitary.
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You've always been a bit nervous about taking Obie out to eat anywhere.
Meals are important for gluttons, which means that, to many of them, which restaurant you choose to have your dates in and what you order can be the decisive blow to a newly blossoming romance. Even if the mid-ranker who has his eyes on you doesn't exactly seem to be the snobbish type, you can't help chewing your nails in dread that you somehow fuck up and take Obie to the worst lunch date of his entire life- Getting brutally dumped in the process.
He laughed when you brought these concerns up, straight up telling you he'd eat off the floor if you wanted him to -Something that honestly made you worry for his sanity back then- That the mere act of trying to feed him meant everything to the glutton.
And for as much as you want to believe him, you always hesitate to make a decision, constantly fearing the worst no matter how unlikely it is that your choices would be that disastrous.
Seeing this, Obie often decides to take pressure off your shoulders by suggesting your next meal-date locations himself. And it does kind of make sense that a demon of his type would know all the best places. You just wish he'd stop recommending establishments in the Gluttony ring.
You're very scared of visiting Hell in general, it's not a place for humans, you don't care how many of them like to gloat that they set foot there and came back unharmed- You don't buy it! There's always a price to pay for dwelling in the sins. And even with a mid-ranker who was born and lived in the Rings for a good portion of his life to protect you, you're just not ready.
Obie laments this, though the demon has admitted it's clever of you to want to stay away. You're too soft, whatever he meant with that. Still, since you can't visit his favorite ice cream establishment in the Hells -That so fabled Sorbet Sabbath he's mentioned more than a few times- He's finally taken you to a surface alternative he deems decent enough.
It's nothing special, he said, as he handed you the most massive ice cream cone you've ever seen in your entire life. Three fat scoops of absolute sugary goodness staring at you with different toppings and syrups, appetizing enough to have you swallowing your own drool back up. Obie spotted that hunger immediately, beaming with that bear trap of a mouth, proud of nailing your tastes once more.
" What do you mean, nothing special?! " You nearly shout as the two of you pick a more secluded table to enjoy your treats. " This is gigantic! "
The demon wheezes, brows raised at you as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. " Dude please, this is a robbery, in Gluttony I'd pay basically the same and the scoops are double this size. "
" Fuck off. " He's joking. He has to be.
" No, for real! "
When you're both seated, you finally glance at your boyfriend's choice of treat. Your eyeballs nearly fall off their sockets. He's got like five scoops poorly balanced on that thing, there's so much syrup and sprinkles on it, you have no idea how the cone he clutches isn't disintegrating. He's going to make a mess, for sure. There's no way any person can eat that without making a fool of themselves, that little plastic spoon sticking out of the mountain of sweetness is borderline hilarious.
The yellow monster notices the staring, broken tail wagging. " Want some of mine? "
" Ah- No, no thanks. " You're pretty sure you'd have a heart attack.
Perhaps because he knows letting the thing sit for too long will end in disaster, Obie is quick to forgo conversation and focus on his ice cream. And by that, you mean he unhinges his jaw to python-like proportions, glittering rows upon rows of teeth connected by strands of hungry drool right in front of you.
An equally wet tongue slips out from its cavern to wrap all too easily along the length of the frozen delicacy, clutching it with a dexterity you've both coveted and lusted for several times, before it reaches the cone and swiftly sucks it into Obie's maw. Like a vacuum cleaner on steroids. If you blinked, you would have missed it. When the two of you started hanging out, you'd see the glutton eat this fast and you wondered if he even tasted anything he put in his mouth- You know better now.
Because after his throat bulges obscenely with the size of his meal, he licks his lips and lets out that content rumble you've grown ever so fond of. He tasted it alright, licking his lips and choppers for any trace of goodness he didn't miss.
It's an embarrassing amount of time until you tear your gaze away from him, eyes busy scrolling his form from top to bottom with an intensity that might make the hellfire creature burn alive. You could watch him for days.
You could watch him eat for days.
Damn you and your stupid fucking oral fixation.
" Hey uh- Bonbon, that's melting. "
Snapping into attention, you follow the direction of that lazily pointing claw to find that, indeed, part of your ice cream is already losing shape, dripping onto itself and nearly coating your fingers.
In the panicked pause you take to decide how to prevent the inevitable, Obie has already taken action. Bigger fingers than yours reach out to collect the stray trails, collecting the more melted sections too so that they don't start dripping immediately afterwards. You relax slightly, a ghost of a smile on your features as you expect him to shove them into his mouth and be done with it.
And yet, the demon hesitates, gaze veering from his hand to you in the sliver of a second.
" Hey now, that's my ice cream. Not fair. " You jest softly, far from expecting him to crack a toothy grin in reply.
" Oh? Yeah sure, don't let me stop you then. "
And, much to your chagrin, the glutton presents his sweetened hand your way, resting his chin on the other as he silently dares you to follow through.
Fortunately for him, you're stubborn sometimes.
There isn't a single thought resembling common decency in your mind when you lean forward and steal a quick lick of his finger tips, darting back into your seat as soon as you realize what a gross act that was to do in public.
Obie's perpetually squinted gaze widens the smallest amount, he exhales in amusement at your five seconds of bravery and his grin quickly acquires a tone befitting of his nature as a spawn of Hell.
" That's it? " He tilts his head.
" Obie, we- "
" You barely even tasted it. " That hand edges forward more.
" We're not alone! " You whisper-shout.
The demon laughs openly, clean hand gesturing to the surroundings. " Yeah? You sure? "
Your own curiosity betrays you, hues flickering all across the place and spotting only vacant tables, save for two other people seated a considerable distance away, not even facing the two of you. For all intents and purposes, you could get away with a lot. But like Hell you're saying that to his smarmy face.
" Fine. "
If his grin got any wider, it would escape his face.
The next time those fingers wiggle in your direction, you catch two between your lips, smiling as you thoroughly begin cleaning them. At the first rush of your tongue working, Obie appears to visibly shiver hard, a hint of color to the glutton's cheeks causing his shit-eating smirk to grow crooked.
Very satisfied with yourself, you leisurely pop off his digits.
" Is it any good? " Obie teases.
" Mmm. But I think you might just taste better. "
Oh that got him revved up alright.
You gloat inwardly at knowing how to properly bother your glutton.
" Why not test that theory? "
He has the nerve to reach for your cone again, collecting more recently melted stray trails and making more of a mess than before.
After some paranoid glancing around, you decide to start with his palm, a flat and honestly less impressive muscle flattening itself against the soft creases of his skin. The quiet gasp that erupts from him only serves to further stroke your ego while you isolate one digit and thoroughly suck it clean.
" Hhn fuck. "
Your muffled giggle is almost mean-spirited.
Perhaps against your better judgement, you don't release Obie's hand, moving to the pinkie and offering it the same hungry treatment, going as far as to lick between digits before swallowing his ring finger and moaning around it.
Obie has been increasingly quiet and still throughout all of this. And even if it's always been very hard to kind of guess how much attention he's paying to something or where he might be staring, you know for a fact his attention blazes on you, rapt and unfiltered. Something that might be sweat condenses on the left side of his forehead and a faint sheen of drool coats his bottom lip. You only wish you could look beneath the table and check if there's anything going on. The possibility of Obie having popped a boner from this alone thrills you immensely.
The moment you start pulling back, the glutton jolts into movement, suddenly shoving his pointer and index into your mouth, your eyes widening like dinner plates.
" You're not done. "
That wasn't a tease anymore.
It's your turn to shudder, an almost violently quick outbreak of goosebumps raising your hairs when the very tips of his claws sit placidly on your tongue. Your shocked stillness doesn't halt Obie, whose breathing comes out in hot, barely muffled pants.
Without an inkling of shame, his digits glide on the flat of your tongue, a slow back and forth, coating themselves in your drool as he casually plays with your mouth. Your cheeks are catching up with his in terms of heat.
" Suck. "
You nearly choke.
You can't really turn your head to check anymore, so you simply pray that no one is looking when you do just that, enjoying the way he gulps and straightens. Obie's legs part the slightest amount, and you know exactly what he's trying to accommodate, the flames of your aroused confidence stoked to brand new levels.
The mid-ranker is an iota of carelessness away from cutting into his own lip while he essentially finger-fucks your mouth, humming every time you have to swallow the excess saliva or try to use your tiny tongue to lap around his digits. You know there's a myriad of nasty things going on inside that head, because you yourself are getting a few less than innocent ones. Lords know he's the kind of guy that would coat his dick in syrup in try to get you to suck him off the same way you're treating his fingers.
And the worst part is that you'd probably agree.
Maybe on purpose, or perhaps because he's getting too into it, Obie slips his digits too far down your mouth and triggers a gag from you, the sound and look of it making him growl loud enough to have you sliding down in your seat a bit from sheer embarrassment.
You're released from that lewd torment however, searching for a napkin to wipe the spittle from your lips, wondering just how much of a show an onlooker could have gotten just now. Obie feels no such pressure, playing with the strands of drool connecting his fingers while his clean hand dips to squeeze at something out of view briefly.
" I can't wait to put that little throat to use. "
He leers, grin sloppy and heated, chuckling when you lightly kick his leg.
" I guess... W- We should go home then? " Because really, he's not the only one left surprisingly turned on by this.
The glutton raises a hand. " Finish yours. Can't leave yet... "
When the demon makes a vague gesture towards his lower body, you can only snicker, nodding.
It's a bit hard to eat properly when you're aware Obie is lazily studying every lap and bite. And, at this rate, you just hope he has enough restraint not to push you against the closest conveniently placed wall...
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star-boi0720 · 3 months
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Giant lore dump here, basically they're the seven deadly sins, in my version to become one you commit an act to break a seal that Irene made to contain the devil within and their punishment is to become the new host for said devils. so I'm gonna go person by person and explain how they became a sinner
(the concepts aren't complete, still needs work but I just want to have it written down)
Aaron-Wrath, has a similar backstory to the OG, but I added a thing I remembered from Emerald Secret of the Utltimas backstory (this was solely from my memory and might not be exact) and took Zane out of the equation, basically Aaron had a hobby of hunting and he without knowing killed this holy wolf that Irene created, and as a punishment he was combined with it and in the foggy haze of his transformation he murdered his whole village and his family.
Lucinda-Gluttony, Her hunger for knowledge killed her best friend(/ maybe girlfriend aka Sasha don't 100% know yet) and sealed away her mother to the cursed forest. Hyria used to have like a coven/school for witches she made after Irene left. Lucinda was a prodigy and wanted to just keep learning to the point she was so desperate she stole a book her mother told her never to even touch (which had sin inside and was trusted to hyria by Irene) which made Lucinda's magic go crazy and destroy the school and seal her mom away and kill Sasha.
Travis-Lust, so his mom dies to seal his dad away all that's the same but Travis is just super lonely right, but then a girl comes to visit him and he eventually falls in love with her but she actually is a member of his fathers cult to break him free and Travis is so obsessed with her he doesn't notice, and before he can stop her fully she partially freed him and travis in the struggle to stop her he kills her and breaks his mothers necklace(which had lust inside) but right after he kills her a bunch of villagers burst into the chamber the demon warlock was locked in and it looks like Travis just sacrificed some girl to his father and they try to kill him so Travis hides deep in the mountains
Katelyn-Envy, her entire life in her village of dragons she was treated as lesser compared to her brothers Kayden and Cain cause she wasn't as strong as them and she pushed herself but wasn't enough, her jealousy boiled over and in a fight with her brother Kameron she broke a statue that had the sin inside she didn't kill him but burned him beyond recovery
Garroth- Pride, He was the cocky prince troupe kinda like Hercules from the Disney movie and he liked to play hero, and vylad always went with him like Garroth's little sidekick. but one day they came against a monster they couldn't beat and Garroth refused to back down and in which the monster which was a huge lion killed vylad garroth killed it but it had the sin of pride inside it Garroth returned home and when he told his mother of what happened she hid him away knowing the world would see garroth as a threat and kill him. So Evelyn(Aka Zianna I changed a lot of the parent's names cause it seemed repetitive to me, so mom is now Evelyn and the father's name is now Adam) sent Garroth to hide in Phoenix Drop and claimed the beast killed both of them.
Zane- Greed, Zane was always a good man the whole kind young priest get up. but after the sudden deaths of his brothers, his faith was shaken, and in a desperate attempt to bring them back he began to research black magic and corrupted his mind and he opened a box deep in the catacombs of Okasis which was Pandora's box which held the sin of greed and became and the once kind prince became a true monster.
Nana-Sloth Nana is the eldest daughter of a duke of the Tula Kingdom, her mother died when Nana was young and her father was very heartless about it, like had a new wife in 2 days and all her other siblings were only her half she tried to be close to them but her father kept her away from them to the point she stopped trying after so long but on a night a raid happened she was only able to save one of her siblings her youngest Juno who was only like 7 but as she was escaping she broke a mirror that had the sin of sloth inside and possessed her and nana escaped to ruan and made her little cafe with her sister. (Nanas I don't fully like it yet but it is something ig)
So that's pretty much just some tragic mfrs sorry for any spelling mistakes
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the-trans-folk-witch · 7 months
The Seven Deadly Sins: sins personified via animism and the church.
The arte of the witch is syncretic with the arte of demons. To usurp and overthrow the oppressor, and to cause sins within the souls of men. How does a witch do this? the Seven Deadly Sins or "cardinal sins" are the answer.
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The image above depicts these 7 sins within the man's heart/soul as being animals. As an animist I can not help but view these animals as being true personification. Symbolism is not a thing to me, but a person. Although I'm sure the creator of this image was very much a good Catholic man who was not an animist, we can still utilize this image today as animists.
In traditional witchcraft it's common to call upon familiars associated with cardinal directions.a common example would be the toad, hare, serpent, and crow. However within my own arte I call upon the familiars of the cardinal sins pictured above.
The traditional meanings of these animals are as follows:
The toad- greed
The serpent- envy
The [mountain] lion- wrath
The snail- sloth
The pig- gluttony
The goat- lust
The peacock (or turkey) - pride.
This list although very eurocentric and representative of my own cosmology, can be reworked to fit your own landscape and culture. If you do not have any of the animals near you, change the list! Get to know the spirits of your land and assign your own familars to these sins.
In cases where the witch is cut off from nature, and the animals' parts are not on hand to conjure the spirit, there are demons traditionally associated with these sins as well. And demons are very present within the lives and bodies (posession)of man. The demons are changed in name and sinful virtue based on time period and culture. But the two most popular lists come from "the lantern of light" and Binsfield. Whichever resonates most is the answer.
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The witch may call upon these demons or animal familiars for the arte that is cursing man. What i consider man can very well be the gender or just all humanity (non witches) themselves. But these beliefs are very forcibly removed from modern witch-caucus.
As for the remedy for these sins, one must request the aid of the 7 heavenly virtues. These vurtues are as follows:
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The heavenly virtues being the holy opposites of these Infernal spirits of demons or animals. These virtues are depicted as 7 angels, or 7 saints. Again, whichever list you prefer is the answer. The angels are a more modern concept applied by western occultusts. And are taken from my previous post on the 7 angels of planets. They are the main 7 Archangels found in Manila traditional catholic orders.
There are also lists of saints you can call against certain demons listed in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum which i will share here
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The work is never just left or right, but in between the holy and heretical. The saints and demons are beneficial to the witch just as they are to the church. With sin comes hell, and with the holy spirit comes heaven. God commands both, as do witches. Therefore I am now God.
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lilypadlys · 2 months
Forbidden Fruit
Ghouls indulging in fruit and Mountain slowly losing his mind. Sorry, had to be horny about enjoying fruit for a minute there.
With the heat of summer comes the harvest time for full crops of strawberries, blueberries, watermelons, grapes, cherries, peaches, and more. Ghouls and siblings alike enjoy the chance to indulge. Rich fruits, freshly baked pastries, and delicious juices are the perfect way to celebrate gluttony; not a sin under the ministry’s roof, but a chance to revel in the offerings of nature.
Mountain is steadily losing the fight to not add lust to the celebrations.
It started innocently enough. As he worked with the garden crews to pick peaches, everyone helped themselves to fruit straight off the trees. Soon they were all sporting sticky hands and dibbles of juice down their chins. Two sisters of sin started it. Rather than washing off in a water basin, one of them jokingly licked the juice of the other’s hands while maintaining fierce eye contact. She moved to clean the other’s chin with her tongue too and well one thing led to another and they quickly disappeared into a bush. Everyone else laughed it off and left them to their make out session and Mountain thought that would be it.
Next it was the strawberries. Mountain walked into the ghoul’s common room after a long day of garden work to find Rain and Phantom cuddling on the couch, feeding each other strawberries. As Mountain entered, Phantom looked up to wave in greeting, a plump strawberry between his lips. Rain grinned and took a bite out of the other end of the berry so that his and Phantom’s lips could meet. Phantom went about as red as the berry. Mountain let them off with some gentle teasing and stole a strawberry for himself before heading to the shower.
He stepped into the hall only to see Dew eagerly hefting a watermelon down the hall to Swiss’ room. Upon further inspection, Swiss and Aether were having a watermelon squashing contest. The two of them stood in the bathtub, already soaked in watermelon juice and with matching grins. This time, Mountain gave them a telling off about wasting food. That is until Dew piped up that he was going to help them clean up after. Mountain rolled his eyes and left to take a very cold shower.
Post shower, Mountain figured it was too late in the day for any more shenanigans. How wrong he was. The delightful smell of warm pastries filled the air. Following his nose, Mountain found Cumulus in the kitchen pitting cherries. She smiled and waved. His eyes lingered a little too long on how her lips and hands were stained magenta with cherry juice. He shook his head both at her offer of a freshly pitted cherry, as well as to clear his head. She shrugged and popped the fruit in her mouth. As she swallowed with relish she tipped her head back a little, exposing the line of her throat. Mountain all but fled to the common room.
Phantom and Rain had thankfully vacated so he took up a spot on the couch to read. That is until Aurora skipped her way in. She beelined to Cumulus’ side, putting on her best puppy eyes. Cumulus laughed her bell tinkle giggle and grabbed a fresh cherry. She used her claw to slice it open and scoop out the pit. Then she held it out to Aurora. The younger ghoulette let her tongue loll out as Cumulus fed her the cherry.
After that little show, Mountain finds himself at Cirrus’ door. When the door swings wide, Mountain is ready to beg. Cirrus beckons him in with a laugh, motioning Sunshine, who's sitting on the bed munching blueberries, to scooch over to make room for the earth ghoul.
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Servamp chapter 130 translation "Chaos"
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Translation notes
Iduna's lines where she talks about the shoes was a challenge xD Hopefully I managed to convey what she was explaining. Also it's cute that based on the kanji reading, Iduna would say that she "invents", instead of simply saying "made" something.
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Nicco displayed a new ability and if there are Italian fans reading this, please let me know whther I got it right or not. From what I read "vivi" is the imperative of the verb "vivere" (to live)? Or does it mean something else? Please let me know!
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Regarding the ability's name based on the kanji reading, I believe it's related to The Divine Comedy.
The word poet is mentioned and I thought it could be about Dante Alighieri but what about the six crowns?
The only connection I found like I mentioned, was in The Divine Comedy regarding the word "crown" 冠 which I found on the Japanese wiki page of the literary work, specifically in the translations for the "terraces of Purgatory".
There might be different terms in the Japanese adaptations of the Divine Comedy, but on the wiki the levels/terraces are adapted using 冠 which doesn't mean just crown like the one you wear on your head, there's also the meanings: peak, crown, crest, summit (the top or extreme point of something, usually a mountain or hill).
So, it could be a reference to the 6th terrace of Purgatory which represents the sin of Gluttony. This is how it's adapted in Japanese 第六冠 (6th crown) 暴食者 (gluttonous).
The last note is about a word in the third speech bubble that has two readings but unfortunately I couldn't make out the furigana reading that was made up from 2 kanji because the first one was…"squashed". Seems like it was a complex kanji and the print of those kanji were quite small, I could only make out the 2nd one…
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Because I couldn't make out that one kanji, I relied on the word from the other reading which is 空想物 the first two kanji meaning "imaginary", "fantasy" and the last kanji means "object", so it describes Pandora as an illusion, a creature of fancy. Given the meaning of that world, I looked trough the dictionary to see if I can find the word in the furigana reading and I found the following: 観念 概念 凝念 想念
I looked trough words that ended with the kanji that I was able to read and all of the words I listed had similar meanings: concept, notion.
So yeah, that's how I managed to find the meaning of what it says in the furigana.
I hope these notes were helpful!
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bloodmoon24 · 10 months
The Seven Sin Tribes AU
Ok, so after watching Avatar with my mom and thinking about the Black Panther movie just now, a thought/AU idea just came to my head. So hear me out:
The Seven Sins being tribal leaders
The tribe’s territory are plant colored coded
The Envy Ring being a lake to an entire ocean territory, and it’s people lives above and below the water. The Sloth Ring live in the mountains or floating islands (I’m doing Avatar like standards, that’s why). The Lust Ring being like a rainforest. The Wrath Ring being a desert. The Gluttony Ring is just being a forest or a jungle. I think that goes for Pride and Greed as well. Idk what those two territories would be
Each leader has a mix of outfits and face paint markings like the tribes from Black Panther and/or Avatar (Yes, I will be drawing them. But so far, I’ll do Ozzie, Bee, Lucifer, and maybe Mammon)
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dailydemonspotlight · 13 days
Can I ask if you've done/request a post on Taotie? I really appreciate your blog, your posts are very well written and fun to read. Thank you!
Taotie - Day 106 (Request)
Race: Vile
Arcana: Tower
Alignment: Dark-Law
September 9th, 2024
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Chinese mythology, in some ways, can be seen as a mythology of cardinality, and the specific beings that make up a sum. Sets of different characters are very common throughout, whether it be groups of specific heroes (eg the Journey to the West crew) or even how the cardinal directions are represented by the Celestial Animals. However, as with many different mythologies, all that is good and holy has a dark and deeper underside, and these groups are painted in far more sinister lights in their dark reflections. For example, the above-mentioned Celestial Beasts have their own counterparts who represent evil more than they represent good: the Four Perils, and today, we'll be narrowing our focus on one of those four- the gluttonous beast, Taotie.
While the Four Perils were somewhat popularized by Pokemon's take on them in the form of the Treasures of Ruin in Scarlet and Violet, they're actually a recurring, if somewhat obscure, group of animals throughout quite a bit of Chinese mythology, specifically being put in contrast to the four Celestial Animals despite being a group who are far more separated than said animals. Each of the perils act independently of the other, and each represent a different... sin, I guess? Not really sin, because it's an Abrahamic concept, but whatever, it's close enough. In specific for our purposes, the Taotie represents Gluttony- its name literally translates to gluttony, so it doesn't get much more obvious than that.
The Taotie is said to be so gluttonous that it consumes everything around it apathetically, as described in the Classic of Mountains and Sea, and its given appearance is actually far closer to the SMT design than Ting-Lu's design, being a 'human faced, sheep-bodied species' with some somewhat freaky additional facts such as eyes under the armpits and a young child's voice. For the most part, though, all of our references for the Taotie come from various bronze sculptures and masks, some dating to even before the very concept of the Taotie was created, which leads to the more popular idea of the Taotie as being a bronze being, such as portrayed in several sculptures of it. Most bronze vessels portraying it have very intricate carvings and two horns at the top, and may have been used as bowls in the past, though I'm not too sure.
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It's very hard to pinpoint a mythological origin, as a lot of origins seem to be based on hearsay, but a lot of them seem to connect the Taotie to the Chinese Deity Chiyou, though again it's hard to verify some of these claims. Still, the historical significance of the Taotie is fascinating, and the commonly recurring motif of it is incredibly interesting to look into as well. I've already gone over its design in SMT, being accurate to the common non-bronze depictions of it, but overall, the Four Perils make an incredibly interesting topic to look into. Let's all thank the gods that Taotie doesn't play like Ting-Lu, because an instakill spamming wall would be incredibly annoying.
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ramlightly · 1 year
Curious Souls asked: I’ve got,,,,major brainrot for your characters ngl, but do you have any world building tidbits about hell you could share? Im so curious to know more about how it’s structured like physically and socially 👀
Hmmm that's a bigger question! Okay, there is 7 circles of hell and they're all based on different sin and all ruled by the original fallen angels that followed Lucifer in the war against Heaven. They all names and different themes.
There is the one the story is set in, The Gardens of Malum. A lush garden estate of hedonism and lust. 
Greed is the Bazaar, a giant black market gambling ring and glittering metropolis. 
 Pride is The Spire, a spiraling dark tower that also tunnels deep into the earth where Lucifer is trapped. 
Gluttony is The Wilds, a vast mountainous wilderness where it's eat or be eaten. Everything, from the beasts to the trees to the grass to the ground itself, hungers. Cannibalistic. You know the carnivorous island from Life of Pi? It's like that. 
Envy is the Temple, where demons go to pledge themself and their faces to the mirror demon Speculo to be reborn into someone else and learn the ways of skin sculpting. 
Wrath is the Fields of Blood and Iron, a dire endless battlefield where proxy wars are held to keep conflict away from the other circles. The skies are red, the grass is pale, and littered with the bodies of battles won and lost. 
 Sloth is, uh, not sure on the name yet lol. But I'm imagining it more taking place in the land of dreams, where demons either make their own eternal worlds or invade humans. 
 Hope that wetted your appetite ate all! [(https://retrospring.net/@ramlightly/a/111099814026007212)
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marias-assumption · 2 months
This is such a sad song for me… it just has curiousest lyrics but w the profoundest meaning. —> Have i found you flightless bird? like… is it you? the one that won’t run away? have i found you already? or isn’t you after all?…
but at the same time is actualy a plaid for her to actually be the end-game for him.
and it says some weird stuff ab fat house cats, pissing on magazines 🐈 which i’ll explain 😝
first starts with “i was a quick wet boy diving too deep for coins all of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys” which means i was a poor little boy who spend way too much time outside the house, even playing with my toys in the street, knowing all the people are there to stare… with surprised or horror. very driven and moved to “Do stuff” to find meaning of live but at the same time not believing much in miracles (skepticism- not valuing the coins of the miracle’s fountain) with more of a materialistic ambition, and also with “quick wet boy” makes an allusion to “quick witted” which means smart… so i was a very driven and smart kid hoping for too much, not putting too much faith into heaven but driven to find myself in the world.
Then concludes that w “Then when the cops closed the fair I cut my long baby hair, stole me a dog-eared map And called for you everywhere” meaning, then time got me and i was growing up, and realized i need to “cut my long baby hair” long time being an immature person and realized i need to find this other bigger than myself stuff, and realized i really wanted someone, not keep on playing w my toys on the street… also the disapproval of peoples got a hold on time and was tired anyways.
(yeah. deep)
then the chorus suggesting he has been in the field, searching for its partner. bc it says “Or lost you? American Mouth” which alludes to just another lips i kissed. fast-lived. pointing out that the American culture can be so detached and filled w ill-used relationships, but he does lives this as a loss bc he also says “or lost you- “ is a loss for him. and ends with “Big pill looming” the fear of loss, or the threatening “another failed experience thrown into the trash” and he can sees the pills prescriptions coming. like is just another paperwork. But also, alludes at the saying “that’s a big pill to swallow” which could also refer to as the threatening unpleasant truth that appears its coming, a hard truth which he is not ready to accept yet
Last verse “Now I'm a fat house cat Nursing my sore blunt tongue, Watching the warm poison rats, Curl through the wide fence cracks, Pissing on magazine photos Those fishing lures” meaning that now he’s comfortable with her, kind of playing too comfortable, so comfortable that kind of forgot to take care of the relationship or himself. If you are blunt, you say exactly what you think without trying to be polite, so he was nursing his blunt tongue, words were a little too sharp. a house fat cat is a tamed animal, so he’s watching the rats run (the toxic things) just “happening” without doing much.. again. a little too comfortable. getting comfortable on the big creeks the house fences has, the door was open, it wasn’t a secured future yet, bc they were getting through tough times. is now or never- get through this. but he was “sleeping” on the cracks. Being passive-aggressive (like cats when they piss on places where they shouldn’t lol), but not trying to get into conflict, so he’s not fighting for her. He “caught” all those fishing lures the devil was throwing at him, they looked like food but it hurt, he engaged into all the vices being tricked, falling on the trap of laziness and gluttony.
but then he got kicked out sleeping outside: “Thrown in the cold and clean, Blood of Christ mountain stream”, and then he even went to ask for the forgiveness of his sins, hitting rock bottom, realizing his bad habits and looking up to God. Took him to believe in religion to really repent, and realizing what he was ab to loose (bc the cat slept outside, is not fully over)- He had matured, was not a skeptic little kid anymore. he’s now respectful of the fountain of miracles and he takes life seriously, he was sleeping on it.
Last chorus slight change “Have I found you? Flightless bird - Grounded, bleeding - Or lost you? American mouth Big pill, -stuck going down-“ Meaning now that he repents he’s asking if even after all this war, all this bad times, could she stay with him forever and be the flightless bird? he feels sorry for her bc now that he truly sees her he can see the damage done, and he knows asking her to stay forever after all this is like a flightless bird wounded, bleeding. Now believing in repentance, mentioning “blood christ mountain stream” he swallows the blood of christ and maybe even ready to get married (thing he was being so lazy for before- thinking she was asking too much), so he asks again “can you stay? i know you’re wounded but i promise to solve this” (have i found you flightless bird .grounded. bleeding), he doesn’t feel good offering her this not-so tempting future w him, also alluding the guilt and regret he feels. Bc he repented he is ready to fully be what she needs, he will do it with the right way (alluding religion, sins, forgiveness, church, marriage maybe as well)… but he also gives her the the option to leave, because she’s free to decide, but if she does, this will be the big pill that’s gonna get stuck going down. like “have i lost you…? no. i’m not ready to believe it. it’s too hurtful to imagine now. you’re not gonna be just any hard pill to swallow, you’re gonna be the pill that’ll get stuck in my throat…” meaning, he will never be able to get over her.
So it’s like a realistic love song, after the hard times has passed… you can see he really loves her, putting the other person above your needs, or your selfishness, is really love… this song is a whole journey, talks ab his learning on learning how to love and how to live
**finishing writing this actually tearing up a little*** 🥲
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tenshiharmonia · 1 year
Here is a little something I'd like to mention in regards to the latest episode. I've seen some people being rather confused by Crimson's statement about Asmodeus being "the weakest and most non-threatening of the Sins", but this is actually something that has some basis in theology. While the exact details vary depending on what era or commentator you consider, it has indeed often been acknowledged that there is a certain hierarchy among the seven cardinal sins. Let's take a look, for example, at what seems to be one of the show's biggest inspirations when it comes to its depiction of Hell : Dante's Divine Comedy. While Inferno drops the explicit mention of the seven deadly sins after the fifth circle, introducing new kinds of evils such as violence, fraud and treachery, this hierarchy is made more apparent when we reach Purgatorio. As you may know, in Dante's vision, Purgatory takes the form of a sacred and impossibly tall mountain, with the garden of Eden at the very top. Before being allowed entrance into the kingdom of Heaven, the penitent soul must first ascend the mountain to cleanse itself of its earthly faults. Along the way, it'll come across seven terraces, each corresponding to one of the seven sins. And this is where the hierarchy becomes especially perceptible. Basically, the idea is that the terraces located near the base of the mountain - and thus the furthest away from God - are dedicated to the expiation of the most heinous of sins, while the upper ones are reserved for the lighter offenses. With that in mind, the order is as follows. The first terrace the ascending soul has to cross is for Pride, the gravest sin of all, and the one that is regarded as the source of all others. Then come Envy and Wrath. Sloth ranks fourth, not because of the sin's inherent severity, but because it allows other evils to happen. Then comes Greed and Gluttony (the former of which should be way "lower" if you ask me, but I guess it's not my call to make XD ), and finally, Lust, the last penance before reaching the holy garden at the top of the mountain. Note that this order is consistent with the first circles of Inferno : after the first circle, reserved for the virtuous but unbaptized souls, the second, third and fourth ones - where damnation truly begins - respectively punish Lust, Gluttony and Greed, while the fifth one holds the melancholics (Sloth) and the cholerics (Wrath). Now, with Lust being regarded as the "less deadly" of the deadly sins, it's only logical for Asmodeus to be regarded as the "weakest" of the seven demon lords… Anyway, that's quite a lot of words (Stolas would be delighted) to explain something that, all in all, is actually fairly simple. XD Not that I will apologize for this verbosity, but at least allow me to thank you for your attention. I hope you found this insight somewhat interesting. I have a huge fascination for this aspect of theology, and the Divine Comedy in particular is a work I hold really dear, so I wasn't going to miss an occasion to talk about it. :p With that being said, take care, everyone. :3
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thatuselesshuman · 26 days
Seven Deadly Sins Tag
Stealing the open tag from @drchenquill because this looks fun!
Rules: which of your OCs would you assign to which of the seven deadly sins and why?
Juliette Shreya: She tends to be pretty vain about her appearance. She does her hair properly every morning, even in the army.
Cain Whittaker: He wanted more power, more control, more everything, to the point that he enslaved his own brother and killed his brother's fiancé.
Five: He's a player. Not much else to say here.
Jem Blackthorn: He envies other people who don't have to deal with a disease like his.
Man idk
Zero: If Zero had it his way, he'd flay each layer of the human body off of General Whittaker one by one and keep him alive while he did it.
Ray Alder: Ray, one of the friends of Vivienne in Gates of Hell, embodies sloth in the way that if he had it his way, he'd sit on his porch in the mountains and watch the sunset every morning. He got married and had a child just so he could delay going into the military for 4 years.
@moltenwrites @willtheweaver @wyked-ao3 @the-golden-comet @agirlandherquill +open tag
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sharp-silver4795 · 13 days
The Rose Demons
Yup. It’s happening. Whether you like it or not!!!
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The 6 Children of Hydra
All of the rose demons come from Hydra, aka the first world. It was ruled by a fox and a deer (imagine like fursona shit, ok).
“Hydra” was not the original name. It was literally called “Home” in the tongue that they spoke “Earth.”
“Kai” means blood, demon, and family. The people of Hydra were originally called a family.
“Hydra” was actually the name of the Fox. “Hydra” to them, means “Life.”
One day, the Hydra noticed that something was… wrong. They all seemed so…. Flat.
They didn’t seem like they had any life to them. Their companion told them that they were over thinking it.
The Deer found, what it called, “the damnation of Earth.” They immediately turned these people into stone, trapped in their expressions of fear.
Then, when Hydra found out. They were furious! They looked at the lives of these innocent souls, and it all made sense…
Their beings could not be seen as real. They lacked a spark that the six lives had.
In anger, Hydra created the first volcano on the highest mountain of the land. The peak exploded with fire, metal, and blood.
Soon, everything was destroyed. They confronted the deer and decapitated it with their hands, carving out its skull with metal from their fury.
The deer was never named, it now rests in a fourth destination after death.
Hydra reserves this destination for those who sinned against their children.
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Who were those 6 souls? What did they do?
Leviathan knew what he could do and pushed himself harder. He wanted to improve and succeed. He had ambitions and dreams.
Beelzebub took it to his own hands to meet his needs. He watched the need of others, and catered to them so that they would not suffer, almost like charity.
Lucifer was described to have an identity of his own. He walked knowing his name, mind, and body more than anyone else.
Asmodeus had found please in reproduction and even helped others find beauty and happiness in it. She had seen it as a gift and a way to express herself and her feelings to a partner. She was known to have intimacy with men and mostly women.
Mammon, like Beelzebub, saw to it that her needs were met while caring for others. But she had put it on a material level. When she felt she was presentable, she loved making others feel that way! She wanted to share the feeling of looking good, clean, and happy, makes you feel those as well.
Belphegor slept more than necessary (took naps) and would feel better afterwards. She wouldn’t feel as stressed or overwhelmed after her “little sleeps.”
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The Rest of the Story
After seeing what they had done, Hydra tore its own body apart- making it stone. However, being immortal, their skeleton was removed from the body of stone.
They noticed how, though everything was gone, the “nature” stayed and the six-stone-souls stayed.
From their own statue, they created one last soul: Satanus, the side of Hydra that was fueled to destruction by fury.
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Where did the “sin” part come in?
These entities and their names were used wrongly by humanity.
Their language has two words for “human:” Sin and Sha. “Sha” is mostly used as a slur or insult, “Sin” is used as a description or characteristic.
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What happened to them?
They were brought back in the forms of the original rose demons.
Their “sins” were not the same as we think.
In their language, the names of the sins are not the same:
“Envy” is motivation.
“Gluttony” is hunger and suffering.
“Pride” is confidence and individuality.
“Lust” is love and sexuality.
“Greed” is enthusiasm and interest.
“Sloth/Laziness” is care.
And, surprisingly…
“Wrath” is morality.
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Divider Creds: Sister Lucifer
Reqs and Asks are Open!!
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bakawitch · 1 month
Ok so I don't know how much progress you've made on the seven princes from forget me not, but I had an idea for the prince of Gluttony that I think could be cool. Since the story takes place in France it gives a chance to play with French Mythology (which the show seems to refuse to do). So anyway on to the point, what do you think of the prince of Gluttony being called Gévaudan as reference to the Beast of Gévaudan, which refers tob a man-eating animal or animals that terrorized the former province of Gévaudan (consisting of the modern-day department of Lozère and part of Haute-Loire), in the Margeride Mountains of south-central France between 1764 and 1767. The creature is generally described as a giant wolf (though some describtions and art say it has a cat-like tail), so if you want you could play with some big bad wolf elements (which has also been associated with gluttony). As for powers maybe power/magic and vitality consumaption could work. He could eat/breath-in magic/energy and people vitality to increase his strength, speed, etc. Maybe he more he consumes the more wolf like he becomes eventually either turning into a full-on werewolf or just a giant wolf (think like fantasy dire wolf)
Ingenious! Exactly what the Gluttony rep should be like! I'm not sure what to make their civil identity yet, but I'll definitely incorporate this as the Gluttony Prince!
Now I just need the Greed and Lust princes... These are kind of tricky because it's hard to come up with unique stuff for these specific sins that haven't already been overdone to Mars and back. I'll continue mulling over them, but I still welcome suggestions XD
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litnerdwrites · 2 months
Okay, so I've spent this week expanding the plots for three of my Prince of Sin week posts that I've been meaning to turn into series.
Clandestine Affairs (Lust x OC) The name's a wip, so it might change After losing her mother to a death goddess on the path of vengeance, and the loving father she had once known to the subsequent grief, Amara Willows feels completely alone in the world. One night, when she walks to one of the various cliff-sides of Palermo, searching for an escape, she finds herself entranced by strange music, leading to a bonfire on the beach, where she finds an escape of a very different kind. But will it be enough to shake off the shackles of her life, and somehow find a way to keep her own head above water?
Catharsis (Gluttony x OC) Aurora had spent many centuries living in her mountain cabin, at the Edge of House Gluttony. She was, for the most part, content with her quiet lifestyle and had every intention of keeping it that way, until an injured demon and an overindulgent Prince came stumbling into her life. Now, neither the invitations, gifts, nor visitor stop coming. Well, one visitor in particular, but, for once, she can't say she minds too much. Though, she would appreciate a lack of ice dragons in her yard.
Between the Stacks (Sloth x OC) Eleanore has worked at House Sloth for decades as a research assistant, living her immortal life between the stacks, with mostly just Lo for company. Overtime, however, her own past and social anxieties begin to catch up with her, tugging at her seams and threatening to unravel her, and the tentative peace she found for herself.
Beyond this, I have a few Euphemia one shots floating around up there too. While the over all, chapter by chapter plots are vague, I have a general idea for each of them. Heads up though, Gluttony and Lust's are likely going to be 10 chapters, minimum, based on my plans. Sloth's is more likely to be three to five chapters.
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