imthepaladin · 8 months
A simple enemy with patrol points
From the content drawer, I made a Character Blueprint and gave it a simple walking flipbook animation. I also made an Actor Blueprint called PatrolPoint. I made it into a sphere and ticked a box to have it appear in the editor, but not in game.
In the enemy's event graph I gave it two variables- MoveRight and MoveSpeed.
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This code tells the enemy to change directions when it collides with a patrol point.
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This code rotates the enemy and tells it to move at the speed defined by MoveSpeed either left or right, depending on the value of MoveRight.
This is the final result. I am happy with it, although I don't think I'll be adding an enemy like this into my game. I could however, repurpose this patrol point code into a moving platform or something like that.
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codehunter · 1 year
Assign multiple variables to the same value in Javascript?
I have initialized several variables in the global scope in a JavaScript file:
var moveUp, moveDown, moveLeft, moveRight;var mouseDown, touchDown;
I need to set all of these variables to false. This is the code I currently have:
moveUp = false;moveDown = false;moveLeft = false;moveRight = falsemouseDown = false;touchDown = false;
Is there any way that I can set all of these variables to the same value in one line of code, or is the code I currently have the best way to do this?
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nbvewor · 2 years
Adobe animate tutorials export self contained
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Similarly, we have created image2 object and assigned /images/http.gif in this object. The src property is assigned the name of the external image file called /images/html.gif. The Image() constructor creates and preloads a new image object called image1. If the image object is unavailable, this block will not be executed. Let's see what we are using in the following example −Īt the time of loading this page, the ‘if’ statement checks for the existence of the image object. Here is a simple example showing image rollover with a mouse event. We have added a new function stop() to clear the timer set by setTimeout() function and to set the object at its initial position.Ĭlick the buttons below to handle animation The moveRight() function is calling setTimeout() function to set the position of imgObj. We can automate this process by using the JavaScript function setTimeout() as follows − In the above example, we saw how an image moves to right with every click. You could also set it to a negative value to move it to the left side.Ĭlick button below to move the image to right We are calling initialization function at the time of window load.įinally, we are calling moveRight() function to increase the left distance by 10 pixels. We have defined an initialization function init() to initialize imgObj where we have set its position and left attributes. We are using the JavaScript function getElementById() to get a DOM object and then assigning it to a global variable imgObj. The following list contains different DOM methods. So let's implement one simple animation using DOM object properties and JavaScript functions as follows. Set distance from top edge of the screen. Set distance from left edge of the screen. You can set top and left attribute of an object to position it anywhere on the screen. JavaScript can also set a number of attributes of a DOM object including its position on the screen. SetInterval(function, duration) − This function calls function after every duration milliseconds.ĬlearTimeout(setTimeout_variable) − This function calls clears any timer set by the setTimeout() functions. SetTimeout( function, duration) − This function calls function after duration milliseconds from now. JavaScript provides the following two functions to be frequently used in animation programs. JavaScript can be used to move a number of DOM elements (, or any other HTML element) around the page according to some sort of pattern determined by a logical equation or function.
This tutorial provides a basic understanding of how to use JavaScript to create an animation. You might be interested in existing JavaScript based animation library:. You can use JavaScript to create a complex animation having, but not limited to, the following elements −
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alexbellux · 5 years
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TRIPLE 🔛 #renault #renaultsport #renaultclio #renaultmegane #renaultrs #rsrenault #rsmegane #rsclio #cliosport #meganesport #meganers #cliors #cliorstrophy #meganers225 #megane225 #cliorscup #lagodialserio #wideloadsquad #moveright #turbo #belluxproduction #renaultsports #renaultsportclio #renaultsportmegane #renaultsportcommunity #renaultsportowners #renaultclub #renaultgram #sundaymeet #sundaymeeting (presso Lago di Alserio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0GAdPcIVFj/?igshid=1vbv46e2guk0n
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kiddyloso · 5 years
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(I.M.G) KiddyLoso, L,Dallas, Banditt - #MoveRight Official Video Out Now @youtube Must Watch‼️ #independent2 @independentworldwide . . . . . . #newvideo #visuals #action #lights #camera #cinematography #active #moretocome #watchout #inependent #artist #wave #hiphop #rap @independentworldwide https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu39fQ_nhgr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=103zjn6uasmy3
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ernedits · 7 years
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Lookout... #eafphotography #ernestosmanifesto #flikflik #colors #biggang #lookout #moveright #bacon #vsco #500px #beautyeverywhere #canon #fuji
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trifeboss · 4 years
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I been the same person since day one. The man in the mirror is ME. I dont do religions. I just #MoveRighteous. Something alot of people need to do. Im a gangster but prefer to move like I'm not #Fit4It Keeps the trouble away. Dont never violate me and mines. This is when you see i actually am #Fit4It besides that. I move humble. In good spirits. With Positive energy. I can make you laugh the same way i can make you cry if neccessary. #KnowTheRightSideOfMe or keep it pushing #ToTheLeft #AskAboutMe #IAmBlackHistory #YaBlackPhilKackson #Talk2Me The conversation right maybe you can #WalkWitMe #ImOver #iMoveDifferent #ImTellinUThis #HowToLive #THC (at Time Square Manathan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ozpDzFU9R/?igshid=1cbvqq9anpfnm
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hyperjynx · 3 years
so lightheaded you cant walk struahigt or think check!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! me! sure wish my body was normalll!!!!!!!! FUCK
whates worse is that it started on the bus ride to school so i did nt brink my cane. KILEL me /nsrs im in a betterr place mentally i jsut hate not beign abel to funcktin or moveright
srry about thw typos i do tnot have the energy to fix them andf my fingers are numbs so i will do it later or i will forget i wrote this
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Download: Lil Tjay - Move Right
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Lil Tjay - Move Right
Lil Tjay dropped off his latest single, "Move Right" earlier today. The release of his new song comes less than a month after he dropped off his remix to Lil Durk's "No Auto Tune." Tjay's child-like voice is laced in auto-tune as he flexes his melodic delivery while speaking about his rise from the bottom. It's another single that proves why Lil Tjay is preparing for a big year ahead. Download: Lil Tjay - Move Right mp3 download below Read the full article
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freeve4 · 4 years
i need help guys
the right and down keys dont work on this
import pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *
windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT), 0, 32)
pygame.display.set_caption('move da zacian')
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
player = pygame.Rect(37.5, 12.5, 5, 5)
playerImage = pygame.image.load('zacian.png')
playerStretchedImage = pygame.transform.scale(playerImage, (120, 120))
moveLeft = False
moveRight = False
moveUp = False
moveDown = False
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == K_a:
moveRight = False
moveLeft = True
if event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == K_d:
moveLeft = False
moveRight = True
if event.key == K_UP or event.key == K_w:
moveDown = False
moveUp = True
if event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == K_s:
moveUp = False
moveDown = True
if event.type == KEYUP:
if event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == K_a:
moveLeft = False
if event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == K_d:
moveR = False
if event.key == K_UP or event.key == K_w:
moveUp = False
if event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == K_s:
moveDown = False
if moveDown and player.bottom < WINDOWHEIGHT:
player.top += MOVESPEED
if moveUp and player.top > 0:
player.top -= MOVESPEED
if moveLeft and player.left > 0:
player.left -= MOVESPEED
if moveRight and player.right < WINDOWWIDTH:
player.right += MOVESPEED
windowSurface.blit(playerStretchedImage, player)
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kliksoreang · 7 years
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Dokter Ulul Albab tengah memaparkan ttg 3 pilar hidup sehat. #MoveRight #JelasMineral #GerakanIndonesiaSehat2017 #GISLeMineral (di Blue Jasmine Restaurant)
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oliverm-arcadegame · 2 years
Developing the basics of some modes
After researching some platformer games, the idea of having different game modes within a level was quite appealing. So I started to develop some things in Unreal.
For now, I'm going to create three modes:
Platformer - Jump between and across platforms
'Ship' - A faster-moving mode where you are constantly flying upwards, having to navigate around obstacles.
'Hop' - Similar to platformer except you have unlimited jumps and die if you touch anything (kind of like flappy bird)
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A rough, badly drawn idea of how I want these to look like ^
Each of these modes will have basic, arcade compatible controls - Stick to move left/right and a jump button.
Platformer Mode
The platformer mode was pretty straight forward as it was pretty much set up with the default side-scroller code. One thing I did change however was the physical movement of the character.
I gave the character complete control of its movement while in the air to allow for more precise movements and also gave it instant acceleration.
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My platformer character will be in the form of a cube. I'm doing this because I think it'll make the character easy to follow and still gives me the option to design in a 3D perspective. A slight visual downside to this is that a cube is going to look really odd sliding along platforms and jumping up.
To work around this I decided that the cube would do some sort of somersault each time it jumps - I took this idea from Geometry Dash and think it makes the gameplay look a lot more fun and flow much smoother.
To code this somersault-like movement I will just rotate the cube by 90 degrees each time it jumps. This can be done by using a timeline and a rotator lerp. Because a timeline's float track can smoothly travel between two values, you can create the effect of something spinning.
Within the character's blueprint I created two rotator variables - 'Jump Rot' and 'Jump End Rot'. These will be the values of the character's rotation before and after jumping. Once the player jumps, the cube's current rotation is checked with a 'GetWorldRotation' node and this value is set to the variable 'Jump Rot'. Then to set the ending rotation I use a 'Combine Rotators' node to add 90 degrees to its current rotation. A timeline will then play and the two rotator variables are used in the lerp, and the return value of this lerp sets the cube's world rotation.
A couple of tweaks were needed to polish this such as not being able to trigger the rotation again while jumping. I did this by checking if the character is falling and linking this up to a branch. Now the code will only run if the player is not already in the air. I also added a 'Do Once' node which resets once the timeline ends. This is so that the timeline doesn't interrupt itself and glitch out.
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Ship Mode
For the ship mode I simply added an actor offset. An 'AddActorWorldOffset' node will displace the actor in world space by a given amount. To create the effect that the character is floating/drifting off into space I just added 1.5 on each tick.
At first the character wasn't floating upwards, this was because the character's mode was set to walking so it wouldn't physically make sense. I used a 'Set Movement Mode' node to change the character's mode to flying, so it would actually move upwards.
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I also gave the character immediate deceleration while flying for easier player input.
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One problem I ran into is that the character would fly through objects. This is because the offset node is constantly teleporting the character upwards, and not stopping if there's something in the way. To work around this I simply ticked the sweep box, this will stop the actor short of the target if there's something blocking the way.
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Hop Mode
Hop mode was pretty straightforward - I simply set the character's max jump count to a really large number.
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I thought this looked a bit boring by itself. Similar to the platformer mode, I added some rotation to the cube to go with its movement. I got the value of 'MoveRight' which comes from the axis value 'MoveRight' input.
My idea here was to have the cube tilt slightly in the direction it's travelling in. It will tilt up to 15 degrees in either direction. The value of 'MoveRight' will range from between -1 and 1, so I multiplied this value by 15 and set this to the new X rotation of the cube.
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Here is what each of these three modes look like so far in-game. They're basic prototypes for now and will likely need some changes such as having to change the speed of some of the movements to make the levels easier to sight-read. I will also add some sort of way to switch between modes, or maybe even portals which swap the mode.
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elifemoveright · 7 years
#tbt ‘Bloody Waters’ snippet from 2002’s unreleased Move Right Compilation. Produced by E-Life. #moveright #bloodywaters #theembassy #pictureperfect #powderandshells #recordin30secondsegmentsatatime #independent #publishing #songauthor (at Ruffhouse Records)
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kiddyloso · 5 years
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ARE YOU READY FOR DIS 👆🏽??#MoveRight @independentworldwide . . . . . . . . . #newmusic #mewsong #moveright #action #watchout #coming #soon #music #musician #hiphop #rap #trap #melodies #view #itunes #spotify #soundcloud #unitedkingdom #zimbabwe #video #dropping #independent #artist #music https://www.instagram.com/p/BumLe1AHPSa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=311970ynsr7t
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gwhite4 · 3 years
Sprite Sheet animation
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I started off today by creating a sprite sheet for my main character Daniel. I created a 128x128 file and split it into 32x32 chunks. I then copy and pasted each layer of the Idle, Running and Jumping animations into the 32x32 chunks. I the saved it and dragged it into unreal. From unreal I extracted the sprites from it and applied paper 2D texture settings to prevent them from looking weird.  I then Created flipbook animations for each sprite by selecting the frames I wanted and creating a flipbook. I then changed the amount of frames per second for each flipbook to make the animation speed look natural. 
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To get the animations on the side scroller character, I made the previous mesh invisible and added a flipbook component and set idle as the default flipbook. I changed the size of the capsule component to match the size of the flipbook.
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To be able to get the flipbook set to the right one I had to create a series of branches which run every second. The first branches checks to see if this branch returns true the flipbook component is set to the death flipbook and then the current level is reloads. to allow time for the death animation to play before the level reloads I added a 2 second timeline after the flipbook is changed which acts a delay to allow the flipbook to play once before the level is reloaded. If health is not lower than or equal to 0 and the branch returns false than it moves onto the next branch which returns true if the the Is falling node returns true. Is falling checks to see if a component, in this case the character controller is in the air. If this returns true than the flipbook is set to the jump flipbook and if it returns false than it moves onto the third branch. The third branch checks to see if the players speed is above 0. The speed float is always set to the value of the axis moveRight which is 1 when D or right arrow is pressed and -1 when A or left arrow is pressed. The speed float is first run through an absolute node which means that if it is -1 than it will change to 1 as the absolute node changes values to a positive value. If speed is bigger than 0 than the branch returns true and the flipbook is changed to the run flipbook and if speed is 0 and the branch returns false than it changes the flipbook to the idle flipbook as all the checks have returned false.
I feel like I understood how creating sprite sheets work and could make more in the future without many problems and I also feel like I understood how extracting sprites from sprite sheets works. I found creating flipbooks very easy and very quickly understood that they are just a series of sprites. Adding the flipbooks to the character was very simple and I had little problem setting up the flipbook to play the right one at the right time as I had attempted to do it the day before at home. I feel like I would have little issue getting future flipbooks I create to play at the correct times.
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