idontcarecarebear · 10 months
I love comparing book Thorin and to movie Thorin especially when they first meet Bilbo and book Thorin lands flat on his face being crushed by Bifur, Bofur and Bombur, pulls out a beautiful harp that he’s been carrying the whole time to the shire and even after they leave the shire, gives compliments to Bilbo about being a generous host and talks about the hair on his feet and movie Thorin just saunters in looking like a sexy mysterious man in the night ready to whisk away poor Bilbo but his brain wasn’t working quick enough to keep up with the charade and insults Bilbo instead.
And I love both of them and would love it if they both met and thought the other version was a complete moron.
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must-be-mr-boggins · 3 months
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No thoughts, brain rotted, only Timberlake!Bilbo remains.
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green-ajah · 1 month
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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
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call-me-cosmic · 4 months
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Gandalf: Wait, maybe he’s on to something.
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the-bogginses-are-gay · 4 months
Please tell me I'm not the only person in the world to randomly start crying in public when something reminds me of Bilbo and Thorin
Honestly I accidently stepped on an acorn yesterday and almost started bawling
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groundrunner100 · 7 months
It’s okay to have an unpopular opinion about the Hobbit films. Compared to Amazon Prime’s “The Rings of Power”, The Hobbit films ARE good.
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schrijverr · 3 months
This idea came about when talking with my partner if I remember right. We realized that Smaug made a deal in the movies to serve the One, meaning the One Ring naturally. And when he meets Bilbo, he has the Ring. Bilbo is the master of the One at that point in time. What if Bilbo rolls up to the Lonely Mountain ready to rob this dragon while he sleeps, but then Smaug wakes up and he is trying to bullshit his way out of this, so he can keep, you know, being alive.
Then the literal big alive awake dragon goes: “You carry the One. What orders do you have that you came here yourself to give them and why do you hide?”
And Bilbo, king of ‘yes and…’, just rolls with it. I haven’t worked out exactly how this will impact the rest, but just the premise alone is gold.
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smallest-clown · 1 year
“I hope this email finds you well”
How the email finds me:
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nellarw95 · 2 months
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Happy Birthday Benedict 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch
July 19,1976
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
19 Luglio 1976
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ed-art-studio · 1 year
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The King of the woodland realm! Prints found HERE
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must-be-mr-boggins · 2 years
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I thought this was funny, but I also made it after an all-nighter, so…
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kris-py-president · 11 months
Link is mute and uses sign language throughout the movie
No romance arc. NO ROMANCE ARC
Multiple villains, not just Gannon. I want to see some big boss representation in the form of horrifying monsters.
Accurate representation of Gerudo women in a non-misogynistic way. Give me badass women who won't let Link into their city. Give me people who respect their rules because they're terrifying. Give me ninja ladies.
Original score with elements of past games. I need to hear all of my favorite songs or I'll cry, but I also want new songs.
On that note, Zelda is far less child friendly than Mario. So it needs to be a movie marketed to older audiences. I don't think I'll be able to live with a Zelda movie full of dumb puns. I'd love it to be a dark cottagecore, old style fantasy movie, along the lines of The Dark Crystal and Neverending Story. Please give me a Teen and up, borderline scary, action packed with emotional elements movie that looks like it came straight out of the 80s.
Thank you and good day.
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pilkypills · 3 months
The hobbit movieverse timeline makes absolutely no sense and it hurts me
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blueberryrock · 1 year
And please make sure to reblog this so many other peeps can see this!!
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sapphoismymuse · 4 months
ngl when I first watched The Hobbit, I thought there was gonna be a twist where the dragon-sickness turned them into dragons
imagine Thorin growing up in Erebor, watching the sickness take over his grandfather, then one day, they're attacked by a dragon which hoards all of Erebor's gold
Thorin is terrified of the sickness, but nobody else realizes just how connected the dragon and his grandfather's sickness was
then, decades later when they retake Erebor they learn that it was Thror's dragon-sickness that had brought the dragon---because Thror was the dragon
and the longer they spend in the mountain, surrounded by all that gold, the sickness starts taking over Thorin, and he changes, he protects the gold like a dragon protecting his hoard, and there's a glint of gold in his eyes, and his fury is like fire
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artblooger19moon · 4 months
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The Hobbit Movie Marathon
The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey
The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug
The Hobbit The Battle of The Five Armies
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