#moving wordpress themes
aropride · 1 year
listened to a podcast from tumblr ceo matt mullenweg abt his plans for tumblr and such and wrote down some quotes i found Interesting . (some are not word for word bc auditory processing + memory etc but i tried to stick to what he said as much as i could)
(on being ceo of a social network) "it is as hard as being the leader of a country"
"it needs to do a good job at showing you things you want to see- so both the people you follow but maybe also exposing you to new things you don't know about yet"
"people want their own home on the web, they want it to be something reflects them, not the needs of an advertiser"
"how do we make this amazing and really give the tumblr community what they deserve, and also give the world an alternative from these closed-proprietary advertisement-driven social networks?"
"you can have custom themes, you can customize it every little bit .. what we wanna do is making it be the best of both worlds, giving you the full customization that u currently have on tumblr, that u also have on wordpress, but still provide a streamlined interface, particularly on mobile ... you kind of move in and out of that full customization"
"that's ultimately what we're about, is giving power in the hands of users"
"what people really want isnt what they say they want ... its kind of like expressed preferences vs stated preferences ... thats probably why [other social medias] dont give u total control over ur algorithm"
"i want to have a path where you can start with, call it 'just' a tumblr ... but if you want to turn that into an e-commerce store, or customize it in a different way, or build a newsletter, or a mailing list, or create a membership site- these are all things that are supported by wordpress today"
"tumblr's userbase are primarily young .. more women than men which isnt common in technology .. its a very safe place and vibrant community for lgbt+, i think its over a quarter of the userbase.. kind of a place for art and artists"
"how do we make that a path to the wordpress open source community ... excited about ..bringing a younger demographic into wordpress"
"[the amount of new users from twitter/reddit are] less than you would think in the long term"
(to reddit/twt migrants) "give us feedback! what do you miss from the old thing when you move over?"
"i'd definitely like it to be as big as twitter or instagram"
"for tumblr for example i think [AI] could make our developers a lot more productive, their coding could be checked/tested by ai, .. that'll allow us to do a lot more .. maybe our pace of development could increase."
"ai can be a huge help in assisting on moderation, if it could help flag things before people even report them, that someone could look at and review."
"the algorithm [for the feed/dashboard] is a form of ai- its really machine learning, people use the terms interchangeably- if we could make the feed a lot better, we could tweak it and really learn the things u want to see and the people u want to follow"
"it could provide some really cool tools, when u think of the generative ai stuff, whether its dall-e or midjourney. so much of what people do on tumblr is expressing art and creativity, and theres some people who are resistant to this, but im actually hearing far more artists that are like 'wow! this is another tool in my toolbox!' its not just like using it instead of doing ur work, it's helping with the first draft, or helping u come up with new ideas, or maybe accelerating part of a workflow. so i see it like a new type of paintbrush, or new colors they can use. they see it as a new way to express their creativity. to me that's also the future. .. just like any other tool, like when we moved from typewriters to word processors."
(asked if generative AI worries him) "bad actors using ai to do more bad things .. that's definitely smth that's gonna happen, that's true with any new technology. if u rob a bank before, u used to have to get away on a horse, now you can get away on a car [laugh]. so like, think of it like that. we don't say "oh, banks are gonna be robbed so much more cuz now people can drive away faster". the good guys have cars too, so the police have cars .. it becomes something that is part of society .. there's more good people than bad people"
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dailypokemoncrochet · 25 days
Hi! I work at a small museum doing everything tech that is needed. Among other things I programed our website. I don't have the ability to program yours (at least at the moment) but have you considered making a wordpress website with plugins such as "custom post type ui" or "pods custom content types and fields"? Wordpress is good because you can extend it a milion different ways with plugins and themes!
Hi! I did try wordpress but didn't try any plugins because that wasn't available in the free plan and I didn't really want to spend money on me just messing around not knowing what to do. I have now moved on to neocities and I don't think I'll be trying wordpress again
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generic-whumperz · 5 months
Okay, guys, here’s the deal: I’m considering starting to post on another platform in addition to here just in case anything happens to my account (I have had account issues in the past, and I think it would be nice to have a neat little place where all my whole {non-broken up} chapters live together). I know some platforms are better for reading as opposed to community building, and people have preferences for sites they read on as well, so I would like to give people an option(s).
I know a lot of ya’ll post on Ao3, so I know it’s whump-friendly, and it’s a platform okay with hosting more mature works. Which, honestly, is the biggest determining factor for me as I’m not looking to get flagged and have my stuff taken down for XY&Z (future me is concerned about the general theme, NSFW & gruesome torture scenes, and the like breaking community guidelines and sticking me a permanent ban).
I don’t have an Ao3 account, but I joined the waitlist to get an account last night. I also started making a Wattpad account—if Wattpad is not the move for whumpy works, please yell at me because I don’t know the ins and outs of whump culture elsewhere in the corners of the interwebs, nor have I been in the game for very long!
Thanks for all input and words of advice!
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dduane · 2 years
Wait, you use Drupal? I've always loved Drupal, but people keep telling me I should switch to WordPress. Even Dries is affiliated with the WordPress team now. It's all so confusing.
Once upon a time, all our household sites ran on Drupal. But time went by and WordPress improved, and (around the same time) I realized that Life Was Too Short To Manually Update Core Every Other Damn Day. So one by one the sites got switched over.
The very, very last one still running on Drupal (7.x, as it happens) was our very first site, European Cuisines. Which is down at the moment, because the last update to 7.9.4 broke it. This almost certainly has to do with a theme that is now superannuated and which couldn't bear changing versions of PHP.
Now, we have a migration of D7 to WP 6.1.1 waiting up in a subdirectory, ready to be moved down to the root. But before I do that I want to make sure that we have all the original page and post URLs preserved somewhere else offsite, in a different domain and install, so that as we bring the WP install online, we can make sure they're duplicated as closely as possible (not to mention me writing about a zillion 301 redirects into the .htaccess file) and don't trash twenty years' worth of SEO. ...And the D7 site, because it's damaged, is making this AS DIFFICULT FOR ME AS (in)HUMANLY POSSIBLE.
Therefore I am out of sorts.
...Fortunately, in about fifteen minutes @petermorwood is going to take me out to our local shopping town and ply me with drink by way of celebrating our Paperwork Anniversary. And I AM SO FECKING READY FOR THAT.
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...So! Onwards. ...And thanks for inquiring. :)
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jscalzi · 10 months
O Captain, My Captain
I deejayed a dance at a Star Trek-themed convention over the weekend. I set up my DJ stuff on the main stage of the convention, which, naturally enough, had a starship bridge on it. Krissy came up and sat in the captain’s chair, and, may I say, it was a natural fit for her. I would definitely let her lead me to strange new worlds, and such. Indeed I did, since she’s the reason I moved to…
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kimmiessimmies · 1 year
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A brand new town (sort of) feels like a new beginning, so I decided to make some changes.
This is a looooooong (text)post, but here's the short version:
TL/DR: I'm going give my story a title (below you can vote for what you think the better title is) and I'm going to start posting my updates to Tumblr in full. Want to know more? ⬇️
1. A story needs a title
Those of you who've been following me for years know that I've undergone some style changes. KimmiesSimmies, both on WordPress and on Tumblr, started out as a gameplay blog. I visited my Sims, played for a  bit, took pictures, added a few lines, and that was my (non-)story. Pretty soon, a shift started to occur. Even though gameplay remained my main focus, there was usually a theme, a story-like idea which played out. While my Sims led lives that ran as a thread through the tales I created, these could also easily be read as standalone stories about a prom, an athletic festival or a summer camp (I do miss Windiwell 😢). This shifted further when I wanted to write out more significant ideas, such as the story of a runaway girl (Go, Martha, go!) and what would happen to her. I couldn't possibly fit all that in one story update, so it became more extensive. Characters evolved, and my mind started working overtime, constantly coming up with new ideas. After a five-year pause (life got in the way) during which my mind never stopped coming up with new ideas, I decided to write my stories down and then go in game to take the pictures to support my story. And with that I had gone from "gameplay-based" to "story-based". Now, the stuff I write aren't standalone stories anymore; it's all part of one big story about the Sims of Honeycomb Valley (and The Hills), where everything is connected somehow and always ongoing. And a story needs a title. Which is why I decided "KimmiesSimmies" is just not fitting anymore. This will remain my username (because that's my public identity) and the address to my WordPress blog, but the story in itself will get an official title. After a loooooot of thinking, discussing and web searching, I've narrowed it down to two possible titles, and I would like you to give your opinion (yes, you, one of the six people who are actually reading this entire essay).
The options are "A Taste of Honey" and "Life with a Drop of Honey". The honey bit is important because I will never stray from my bee/honey theme. That's everywhere, so it should be in the title as well. "A Taste of Honey" is, in my personal opinion, more catchy. However, it's not unique. It's the title of a Beatles song and a movie from 1961. Now, I haven't seen this movie, but I looked it up, and the genre description was "drama, LGBT", which did make me chuckle, but with the current state of my story, those keywords are pretty fitting. "Life with a Drop of Honey" is unique but makes less of a statement and isn't as memorable, I think. So, please let me know which you prefer! I'm not promising this will be a democratic choice; I might go against the grain and pick the one with the least votes because it feels better, but I'd still like to know what you think.
2. Bringing the story to Tumblr
(Are you still here, reading this? Wow, I'm impressed! 😄)
Until now, I've posted my story on my WordPress blog only and made a post containing some pictures and a link to my WordPress blog here. Now, some people actually click through to my WordPress blog to read the full story (and if you're still here reading this much-too-long post, you're probably one of those people, so thank you for that ❤️), but many click like and move on, which is fine. However, someone I've come to consider as quite my closest friend (and therefore wouldn't lie to me) and who's a very excellent storyteller herself (and therefore knows what she's talking about) recently convinced me my story deserves to be read. So, after going back and forth on this, I've decided to start posting my story updates (since it's all part of one story, I will refer to them as either updates or chapters instead of stories) on Tumblr as well as on my WordPress blog. I haven't quite figured out the details yet, but I think I'll post a link to the full post for all those who want to read the whole update in one go (like I did up until now) and post the story in parts over the following days for those who'd rather read on Tumblr. My WordPress blog will remain "home base" where story updates, sim bios, and town tours live together.
So, that's it! Changes! Couldn't I tell that using fewer words? Probably. But I've never been one to keep things brief...
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nighty-amy · 3 months
Since there's apparently a national holiday in China today, there's no new chapter today, we'll get it next week.
That's probably a good moment for everyone to test the new Wordpress site design xD Previously the site ran on a free template, but since I moved to self-hosting, the entire Wordpress theme gallery is unlocked.
I seriously don't understand why I can have everything available right away on self-hosted Wordpress, while managed Wordpress paywalled 90% of the features.
Anyway, I changed quite a bit - so check those out and if you have any comments or suggestions, you can add those in comments here or send me a PM.
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anja-merret · 5 months
Introducing the co-founder of MaxiBlocks
Free WordPress page builder MaxiBlocks
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I am Kyra Pieterse Co-Founder of Maxiblocks. I am originally from South Africa but now live in Lisbon (Portugal). I am what I like to call myself a slowmad. We have moved around a lot but tend to stay for at least a year in a country. I have lived in South Africa, Dubai, Malaysia, Vietnam, Spain, Malta and Berlin (Germany) I am a designer more than a developer, and I stopped coding many years ago.
The Journey Began
I have been a web designer since 1999, and my career began before WordPress. I started old school with Dreamweaver and Flash. My designs tend to be more interactive than most, and I think this is because of my Flash background. The web kind of became boring, so I hope to breathe some life back into web design.
I found WordPress in 2010 when I was living and freelancing in Vietnam. It was love at first use. Making my own custom themes was easy for me as I have some coding background, although they were simple themes.
The Need for “MaxiBlocks”
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Our first digital product (company) Is Divi Den. We started this almost 7 years ago. We have been very successful selling Divi Layouts.
We started MaxiBlocks out of our own frustration from our support. We have been forced to use CSS and code to make our layouts in Divi. When Gutenberg launched, we saw it as an opportunity to create our own solution. Building on top of Gutenberg has been hard. Much harder than I thought it would be. And it took much longer than we planned. The challenges are the slow pace of the core development and building on top of a moving object. Each update they make sets us back as we have to stop everything to fix it. But even with these challenges, I am very proud of the end result. We have made all these designs.
The full article of this profile can be found at WPFounders.
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wowbright · 10 months
Heads up to anyone who has considered moving a self-hosted WordPress blog back to a free wordpress.com blog:
Do NOT use the "move to wordpress.com" plugin suggested by wordpress.com itself in the easiest-to-find-page about migration. I found this info and thought "wow they made this easier than the last time I did this"--no actually it's a bait and switch, they do not mention it on the help page but it turns out you will be required $300 to launch your site EVEN IF IT ALREADY EXISTED as a myblog.wordpress.com blog. They will delete your old blog (or at least make it inaccessible to you for editing/administration), create a "new" staging site for you at myblog.staging.com, and then require you to pay money to make the site live, even if you are using no plugins and no paid themes--and you can't even use myblog.wordpress.com like you originally planned to, you have to use myblog.com--which, if you already own that site on another domain registry, is going to be a big pain in the ass to move over.
I put in a support ticket and hopefully they will give me access to my old site but seriously I did not spend 6 hours on this already just to have to spend more time on this, possibly have to rebuild the wordpress.com site from scratch, and also have to give it a totally different name because these fuckers use vague unclear language and direct people to the solution that cost $300 instead of the one that people have been doing for years that's free or cheap.
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dgspeaks · 6 months
All Aboard the Snowpiercer Hype Train
As a devoted fan of Snowpiercer, the news of AMC Networks acquiring the exclusive U.S. rights to all four seasons of the series feels like a dream come true. The adrenaline rush is real as I anticipate diving back into the gripping world of this post-apocalyptic saga. From the moment I first stepped aboard the perpetually moving train, I was hooked. The intricate narrative, pulsating with themes…
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darrylhudson86 · 9 months
Google Adsense Approval Made Easy 🤑
🌟 Turn your passion into profit with Google AdSense! 🤑 I've got the ultimate insider scoop on getting your blog approved! 🎉 Buckle up, it's time to unlock the secrets! 🗝️
1️⃣ **Content is King, but Quality is the Emperor! 👑** Google AdSense loves quality content. No shortcuts, folks! Write engaging, valuable, and original posts. 📝 Show Google you're serious about providing top-notch info. 💪
2️⃣ **SEO Game Strong! 🚀** Keywords are your BFFs! Sprinkle them strategically in your content. Google AdSense crawlers will love your blog if it's SEO-friendly. 🕷️ Use tools like KwFinder to find those golden keywords! 🔍
3️⃣ **Speed Matters, A LOT! ⚡** Slow websites are a big no-no. Google hates them, users hate them. Optimize your site speed with tools like @gtmetrix. ⏱️ A faster site = happier users = AdSense approval! 🚄
4️⃣ **Navigation Ninja Moves! 🕵️‍♂️** Make your blog easy to navigate. Clean, simple menus and clear categories. Google wants users to find what they're looking for, and so do you! 🗺️
5️⃣ **Privacy Policy Pop! 🕵️‍♀️** Google AdSense wants to know you're serious about user privacy. Include a clear and comprehensive privacy policy page. It's like a golden ticket! 🎫 Use tools like @termsfeed for an easy generator!
6️⃣ **Engagement Extravaganza! 💬** Encourage comments, likes, and shares. Google AdSense adores blogs that create a community. 🌐 Respond to comments, start discussions. Let your blog be the party everyone wants an invite to! 🎉
7️⃣ **Responsive Design, Baby! 📱** Your blog needs to look good on ALL devices. Google AdSense checks if you're mobile-friendly. Use responsive themes, check your blog on different devices. 📱💻
8️⃣ **Be Patient, Grasshopper! 🧘‍♂️** Rome wasn't built in a day, and AdSense approvals don't happen overnight. It takes time. Keep improving, keep creating, keep being awesome! 🚀
💡 Now you've got the keys to the AdSense kingdom! 🔑 But hey, this is just the beginning. Want more tips and tricks on monetizing your blog? Check out my blogging guide for beginners! 📚💰
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historyhermann · 2 years
“Craig of the Creek”: An Exciting Adventure for All Ages
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Craig of the Creek follows Craig and his two friends, Kelsey and JP, who explore the creek near the fictional suburban town of Herkelton, Maryland. They face family conflict, snobs, witches, and other challenges along the way.
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress blog o Feb. 9, 2023, and Wayback Machine. This was the forty-seventh article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on July 21, 2022.
Craig of the Creek is an animated slice-of-life adventure-comedy series created by Matt Burnett and Ben Levin, who previously worked on Steven Universe. With the pilot debuting in December 2017, the series has run for four seasons and over 140 episodes. The season 4 finale aired on July 15, 2022.
As a warning, this recommendation discusses some spoilers for the first four seasons of Craig of the Creek.
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Kelsey (left), Craig (middle), and JP (right)
Craig of the Creek centers around the adventures of a 10-year-old Black kid named Craig Williams (Philip Solomon) and his two friends, Kelsey Pokoly (Noël Wells) and John Paul "J.P." Mercer (Michael Croner). All three are the show's protagonists. Kelsey's animal companion, Mortimor, also has an important role.
As the opening theme states, the series is focused on mysteries, danger, and friends who are "always by your side". The theme asks who will be around to not "let you down" when you go on a "wild ride". It claims that Craig, the eponymous protagonist, will "save the day".
Other characters are introduced as the series moves forward. This includes Craig's family, such as his father, Duane (Terry Crews), mother Nicole (Kimberly Hébert Gregory), his 16-year-old brother, Bernard (Phil LaMarr), and younger sister, Jessica (Lucia Cunningham). Also appearing is his grandfather Earl (Phil Morris) and his grandmother Jojo (Saundra McClain).
There are many more characters that Craig, Kelsey, JP, and Mortimor come across in their adventures through the Creek. Since the series is aimed at children and families, it, predictably, has affirming messages. The family-oriented Common Sense Media described the series as filled with "creativity, joy, adventure, individuality, and self-discovery".
Unsurprisingly, that focus has garnered Craig of the Creek various award nominations since its premiere in March 2018. This has included an Annie Award, two Daytime Emmy Awards, an NAACP Image Award, and a GLAAD Media Award. In 2018, the entire series won the "Common Sense Seal, an award given by Common Sense Media for the "diversity of its characters and inclusion of minorities", meaning that the organization recommends the series for "children aged six and above."
This diversity is reinforced by the show's writing staff. In August 2021, Jeff Trammell, head writer for the series, stated that the series has a writing room full of people with "different backgrounds and different experiences". He said the room is open in such a way that "it never feels like you're the one representative", especially for people of color.
The series has garnered a broad fanbase since its debut, with hundreds of thousands of people watching each episode. This is reflected in the 120 fan fiction works on Archive of Our Own, 43 fan fiction offerings on FanFiction.Net, and over 15,000 followers of the crew's Twitter account.
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Bernard and his girlfriend, Alexis
Although the series is for all ages, it also focuses on adult issues, like breakups and pressures on young adults. At the same time, there is a focus on safety, family clashes, and interracial relationships. This includes the romance between Bernard and his girlfriend, Alexis (Karen Fukuhara).
The untamed wilderness, i.e. "Creek", in this critically acclaimed series is a place where rules of the outside world don't apply and where children rule over all. However, there are some older kids. Three teenagers who play card games in a cave are known as the "Elders" (Mark, Barry, and David). While the show's creators voice two of these characters, Zachary Steel voices David.
There are many subgroups in the Creek. This includes the Junior Forest Scouts, the Horse Girls, the 10 Speeds, the Tea Timers, the Witches of the Creek, the Ninja Kids, the Sewer Kids, and the Alliance of Science. There's also Cardboard City and the Creek's main market, the Trading Tree. Some kids don't easily fit into any of the aforementioned groups.
However, these groups are occasionally united together by Craig. He organized the Council of the Creek, based on what his grandmother Jojo does as a local politician. He, and his friends, meet at the Stump, which they have turned into a hideaway.
Unlike other series, the Creek kids are a diverse group. The series has been praised for "broadening the ethnic-racial representations in children’s media" along with Molly of Denali on PBS, Dora the Explorer on Nickelodeon, and Elena of Avalor on Disney. The latter ended in August 2020 when Disney canned the series after three seasons.
Diverse characters in Craig of the Creek include Cannonball (Trammell), a member of the Ten Speeds, a group of kids who love riding mountain bikes. Then there's Carter Brown (Zeno Robinson), a kid obsessed with building cardboard contraptions. My favorites include Wren (Ashleigh Crystal Hairston), a nerdy girl who conducts wild experiments, and Kitherine "Kit" (Davis) who runs the Trading Tree.
This racial diversity is no accident. Black storyboarders and writers make sure the show "strikes the right cords". Characters like Craig's father were composites of Trammell and Tiffany Ford's fathers. Lamar Abrams created Craig's grandmother.
Levin and Burnett said that they wanted to have a "positive impact" with a show that is fun for kids and reflects diversity from the actual world. They argued that the show combines the experiences of the show's crew.
The show taps into, as some critics described it, the "adventurous side of Cartoon Network’s viewers". Plots are a combination of the character's real-life experiences and their vivid imaginations.
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13 characters in the series stated as LGBTQ in Insider's LGBTQ characters and cartoons database
LGBTQ+ representation shines through in Craig of the Creek. The Insider database of LGBTQ cartoon characters lists 13 characters for the series. Some of these characters only appear occasionally. Others are more prominent.
This representation is genuine. For instance, Angel José, a 10-year-old that runs the Creek Daycare, is non-binary, agender, and uses they/them pronouns. For much of the series, non-binary storyboarder and writer Angel Lorenzana voices them.
In the show's fourth season, Ben J. Pierce, a non-binary actor, voices Angel. Laura Mercer, the older sister of JP, is a lesbian and in a relationship with another girl, Kat. Fortune Feimster, a lesbian comedian, voices her.
There are other lesbian characters in the series. Tabitha and Courtney masquerade as "witches of the creek". In the episode "The Haunted Dollhouse" they kiss. In others, they hold hands or hang out together.
Craig of the Creek also has implied queer characters. This includes Jasmine Williams (Tawny Newsome), daughter of Darnell and Kim, and Craig's cousin. In the episode "Cousin of the Creek", she tells her cousin that she is texting her girlfriend.
It is implied that Pullstring and Merkid are non-binary. Some reviewers compared the number of non-binary characters in the series to Steven Universe, where every Gem is non-binary.
In the episode "Silver Fist Returns", Ben (Cole Escola), the "Secret Kid", keeper of Creek kids' secrets, reveals his crush on George (M. Michael Croner), a member of the Tea Timers. George reciprocates Ben's romantic feelings. Ben is also gender non-conforming.
Kelsey is a queer series protagonist. In the episode "Fire and Ice", she confesses her love for Isabella "Stacks" Alvarado (Montse Hernandez), a Latine bibliophile who hangs out in the library. While it was implied that both had feelings before that episode, they become a couple in the episode after Stacks admits her feelings for Kelsey during a secret book club.
Kelsey seems to have a crush on Vanessa "Wildernessa" (Izabella Alvarez), a girl who roams across the Creek on a huge Tibetan Mastiff named Cheesesticks. However, Vanessa does not have the same feelings toward Kelsey. Instead, she has a crush on Craig.
Queer show writers such as Kate Leth and voice actors like Stephanie Allynne (voiced Marie) buttress this representation. The Creek is a place you can be free to be yourself, as a recent Cartoon Network tweet stated. Lorenzana's art accompanied the message.
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Craig challenges King Xavier in the series Season 3 finale
Craig of the Creek goes further, with a clash between good and evil. King Xavier (Charles DeWayne) rules the other side of the Creek, known as Herkleston Mills, with an iron fist. He inherited the title from his older sister Cheyenne (Najja Porter). Previously, Kenneth (Lamar Abrams) ruled over Herkleston Mills as the first king, after a highway overpass divided the Creek.
Xavier's right-hand woman is Maya (Sydney Mikayla). She helps preserve Xavier's hierarchy. Others assist the King as well. This includes a fast-runner, Keun Sup /"The Blur" (SungWon Cho), Jackie / "The Arm" who is deaf and uses ASL, and Aggie / "The Squashinator" (Zahra Fazal).
Some are disaffected by Xavier's rule. This includes Raj (Parvesh Cheena) and Shawn (Croner) who are the Honeysuckle Rangers. Both are from a nearby neighborhood and have feelings for each other. Cheena is also a gay actor.
Raj and Cheena become allies of Craig. The Green Poncho, otherwise known as Omar (Robinson), becomes Craig's ally. He tries to protect Craig's side of the Creek from Xavier, and his domination, by standing guard at the overpass.
This all changes after Xavier takes photographs of Craig's map. He plots to take over Craig's side of the Creek. The final five episodes of Craig of the Creek's third season are a showdown between the King, his lackeys, and other Creek Kids.
At first, Xavier engineers a crisis to take control of Craig's side of the Creek. He takes over the Trading Tree, bans games, destroys skate ramps, and tempts kids to support him with candy.
It seems he has won, at first. He even screws with the magical girl-esque Sparkle Cadet (Kamali Minter). He even manipulates a situation that forces Craig to leave the Creek and return home. But, this is short-lived.
A high-stakes winner-take-all game of Capture the Flag begins. At the last second, Craig is victorious. Xavier loses his power. Craig declares that the Creek belongs to everyone. He says there is no need for a King and states that there is a whole other side of the Creek to explore.
This clash reminds me of the final four episodes of Steven Universe, which concluded that series. Considering that Steven Universe writers created the series and easter eggs to that show are present throughout Craig of the Creek, this may not be a coincidence.
The show's fourth season picks up where the third season left off. Craig, and his friends deal with the aftermath of Xavier's defeat. It somewhat echoes Steven Universe Future, where Steven dealt with the consequences of his victory over the Diamond Authority.
Omar, formerly the Green Poncho, becomes one of the stump kids. Craig tries to find his place in the Creek. Those from the "other side" of the Creek have more opportunities available to them as they are not hemmed in by Xavier.
These changes accompany continued diverse stories and characters. This includes a focus on the Filipino family of Sewer Queen, Latine mythologies told by Stacks in the library or Raj's Indian family.
In one episode, a Black woman, Maya, reconnects with Craig. She gives him advice, telling him that he should be himself, and not agree with what anyone else believes. In another, Craig bonds again with Sparkle Cadet.
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Craig and animesque magical girl, Sparkle Cadet, in episode "The Sparkle Solution"
Craig of the Creek continues to have institutional support from Cartoon Network executives. The series has been renewed for a fifth season and an original movie. In February 2021, Jessica's Big World, a preschool spinoff series for Cartoonito, began production. While it is not known when the spinoff will premiere, the fifth season of Craig of the Creek will begin in 2023.
This means that this show will continue. This is a positive. It will be a boon for cultural diversity, LGBTQ+ representation, and inclusion in animation. It joins other series such as the Proud Family revival series, Amphibia, and The Owl House, all with similar themes.
While the music of the series is nice, as are rap beats by MC Deltron (Teren Delvon Jones). I stayed with the series thanks to its voice actors, animation, and story, more than anything else. The often fourth-wall breaks also made the series enjoyable.
I recognized some of the voice actors from elsewhere. This includes Gunnar Sizemore, Kari Wahlgren, Michaela Dietz, and Deedee Magno.
However, the number of episodes (145) and seasons is a major stumbling block. It is a huge time commitment, which wears you down by the end, even if watched over a long period of time. It is not a series that is easy to binge over one weekend. So, prepare yourself.
The series felt strange to me because it mainly appeals to kids. From early on in the series, I realized that I wasn't the intended audience. A series where the characters are young adults would be more my speed than this series.
Despite these criticisms, I would still recommend Craig of the Creek due to its characters, plotlines, and themes. After watching all the episodes, I came to realize why it is such a wonderful show. The fifth season will likely continue in the same manner. Xavier may make a reappearance in the upcoming season, although it remains unknown what role he would play.
For those interested, Craig of the Creek is currently airing on Cartoon Network and streaming on HBO Max. It is also available on Amazon Prime and other platforms.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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cinephilesadeqi · 9 months
Movie Analysis and Review: "Shame" (2011)
Synopsis:“Shame,” directed by Steve McQueen and starring Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan, revolves around Brandon, a successful New Yorker with a dark secret—he is a sex addict. His carefully curated private life is disrupted when his sister, Sissy, unexpectedly moves in, forcing him to confront his addiction head-on. Key Themes:“Shame” is a refreshing cinematic experience that delves into…
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dduane · 2 years
I just want you to know, whenever I see your icon on my dashboard I get a very fond warm feeling, like I've just discovered my favorite aunt is coming to visit.
That is all. Hope you are doing well.
Thank you!
And yeah, we're both good.... now seguéeing [sp?...] back into the non-holiday world, in which work is piled up and deadlines loom. But that's not exactly unexpected. :)
...Meanwhile, have just discovered that one of our food websites has been infected by spam links... and am now (while beginning its disinfection) considering junking its old theme—which has admittedly been getting on my nerves of late—and building a new version of the site on the same theme that’s going to be used to update EuropeanCuisines.com next month. (That one, our oldest “hobby” food website, has needed an update for a long while: it’s the last one still running on the Drupal platform. We’ll be moving it to Wordpress.)
(sigh) And I get to deal with all this excitement while finishing a book, starting two more, and finally getting to grips with the animation side of Daz 3D so I can start doing some decent book trailers. And then I get to go in next week for that spinal MRI. ...Yay. (eyeroll)
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thescoopess · 8 months
Matthew Perry Honored with ‘Friends’ Theme Song Tribute at the 2024 Emmys
The Emmy Awards on Monday honored Matthew Perry, one of the stars of NBC’s hit sitcom ‘Friends’, with a moving musical tribute. Pop sensation Charlie Puth and husband-and-wife country team The War and Treaty performed an acoustic version of the sitcom’s iconic theme song, “I’ll Be There for You,” during Monday’s broadcast. Watch: During the 1990s, Perry became well-known for his portrayal of…
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redmindstech · 9 months
Seamless WordPress Website Migration with RedMinds Technologies
In the fast-paced digital landscape, maintaining a robust online presence is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. A well-designed and efficiently functioning website is at the core of this online identity. If you're considering a move to WordPress or seeking to enhance your current WordPress site, RedMinds Technologies is your go-to partner for a seamless website migration.
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Why Choose WordPress for Your Website?
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