#muffin oc olivia
bi-bard · 2 months
Taste Test - Rafael Barba Imagine [Law & Order: SVU]
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Title: Taste Test
Pairing: Rafael Barba X Reader
Word Count: 1,075 words
Warning(s): none that I'm aware of
Summary: The SVU detectives go to visit their favorite ADA at his office. They end up finding out more about him than they ever planned to.
Author's Note: I needed something fast and cute to give me a break from some of the longer stories that I'm working on (there is a doctor who oc story and a grimm story in the works right now). I'm also on the tail end of my master's program, so it's all a little bit hectic right now.
I rarely ever had the time to visit Rafael at his office.
Even without considering his frantic and busy work schedule, mine simply never allowed it. I owned the bakery that my dad had opened years ago. I took over after his retirement and I hadn't stopped moving at top speed since. It was always looking at the menu or staffing or some crisis that needed to be fixed right then and there.
But sometimes, just sometimes, I would have a day where I had enough people and a slow enough flow of customers that I could pack a little bag of treats and a few drinks and go see him at lunch.
Today was one of those very lucky days.
Rafael's office door was slightly open when I got there. I knocked on it lightly, pushing it just enough to peak my head through.
"Hello- (Y/n)." he stood up as soon as he saw me. "What are you doing here?"
"Slow day," I replied with a shrug. "Thought that I could tempt you into a break with some food and coffee."
"If there's a day that I say no to that, assume that someone has replaced me with a clone."
"Noted," I chuckled, placing the bag and the drink carrier on the round table in the corner. I handed him one cup. "Here, try this. It's a potential drink for the summer menu."
"Alright." he took a small sip of the drink. He nodded. "It's good. What is it?"
"It's basically a latte but made with rose milk and rose foam."
"How... How do you make rose milk?"
"Shh, don't ask questions," I said as I sat down in one of the table's chairs. Rafael chuckled as he sat next to me. "Do you really like it?"
"It's great," he promised.
"Good," I mumbled. "I was a bit worried about it."
"You have reason to be." Rafael grabbed my hand over the table. "You are a genius when it comes to making up drinks."
"I hope you feel the same way about my ability to make up food," I replied, reaching into the bag that I had brought with me. I put down a napkin and plopped a muffin on the top.
"Oh, absolutely," he let go of my hand to pick up the muffin. I chuckled as he did. He took a bite and hummed. "This is a winner."
"Glad to hear." I leaned over and swiped some crumbs off of his chin with my thumb. "But you do praise all of my food."
He hummed again as he took another bite, nodding before he was able to speak, "Because all of your food is amazing."
I grabbed my drink, taking a sip before changing the subject, "How has your day been? Anything important happening?"
"Not yet-"
We both looked to the door as a group of people walked in. There were three of them; two women and a man.
"Perfect timing," Rafael mumbled to me. I would have chuckled if I hadn't been so caught off guard.
"Hello," one of the women said.
"Hi," I replied, standing up as I did.
The woman looked at Rafael. "I didn't know that you had a meeting."
"It's... It's not a meeting," I explained quickly. I always spoke quickly when I was nervous and having three people suddenly walk into the room with no warning made me very nervous. "I was just stopping by for lunch."
"Detectives," Rafael stood up behind me, touching my back. "This is (Y/n). My partner. (Y/n), these are some of the detectives from the S.V.U. Olivia Benson, Amanda Rollins, and Sonny Carisi."
"Nice to meet you all."
"You too," Olivia nodded at me. "I hope he hasn't been hiding you from us."
I chuckled. "No, no, not at all. I- I own a little bakery and cafe place not too far from here. I tend to be pretty swamped, but I had some downtime, so I stopped by for lunch."
"I thought that I recognized you!" Sonny pointed at me. "I've been by your shop."
"Oh, good, hope you liked it."
"Oh, loved it," he said. He turned to the other detectives. "There was this awesome sandwich thing on the menu during the fall. I've been craving it for months."
"I'll make note of that, so I remember to bring it back this year," I promised. "In the meantime, I'd be happy to treat you all to some food and drinks. I'm starting to sort out the summer menu; you should all come over sometime and test out some of the ideas I have."
"You don't have to-"
"I want to," I stopped Olivia in her tracks. "You guys work with Rafael so much that we might as well be friends. Plus, I need some other guinea pigs than just him. I'm sure Rafael would be more than happy to sort out a night for you and anyone else on your team to join us."
He looked over at me, pausing before he replied, "Over the moon."
"Alright then," Olivia nodded. I glanced over to see Sonny trying to subtly celebrate the good news.
"I should get out of the way," I touched Rafael's shoulder as I spoke before going to grab my drink. "I'm sure whatever you all need to talk about is more important than my seasonal menu."
"I'll walk you out." Rafael guided me to the door.
We walked together to the point where we were just out of view of the windows in his office. I turned around and placed a quick kiss on his lips.
"I'll see you tonight," he muttered.
"Can't wait," I mumbled back. "Don't forget about the little tasting event that we're hosting."
"I won't," he promised, leaning over to kiss me again. He added a second kiss to my temple. "I love you."
"Love you too," I said before pulling away properly.
My phone started ringing as soon as I started walking out.
"I'm already on my way back," I answered before any question could be asked.
"Thank God." I heard from the other end. "Someone is promising to come back and have a stern talk to you."
"Great, sounds fun. I'll be there in a few minutes."
I let out a huff as I hung up and started jogging down the street.
Sometimes these short lunch dates were the only thing keeping me from running for the hills.
Author's Note: The drink I described is actually an actual drink at local coffee shop in my area! I am not clever enough to make it up myself.
Everything - @geeksareunique
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resi4skz · 4 months
Title: Mi Amore (oneshot)
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Pairing: nonidol!Chan x Grace (OC)
Warnings: swearing in italian, smut
This is for @gracebang143 (i cannot tag her in it, stupid tumblr)
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"Ugh, for the last time, Steph!" I exclaim as I put ice in the blender, chatter of customers in the background. "Olivia is my cousin and he's her boyfriend!"
"So?" She says and turns at the till, smiling at the customer. "Thank you for choosing Stat Lost, have a nice day!" She turns to me as she closes the register. "Look, we both know what of a person Olivia is. She's probably moved on to the ne-"
The sound of the small hanging bell on the door cuts her off. We both look at the front door at the same time to see my cousin, Olivia and her boyfriend, Chris.
Or Chan, as I like to call him. He was dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans, topped off with a black cap.
Why did he have to be so damn attractive?
Olivia walks over to a vacant table as Chan approaches me. I put on the biggest smile, as if he isn't my regular. "Hey, you're back."
"Yeah," he replies, taking out his wallet. "She'll have a macchiato with a cheese scone and I'll have a-"
"BLT with extra bacon and a watermelon lemonade?" I finish his sentence.
His eyes light up, giving me a small smile. "Yeah. Wow. You even remember customers orders?"
Only yours, is what I wanted to say. "Sort of. Since you're a regular here so I took the liberty of memorizing your order."
I tap on the computer screen taking his order and scan his card before giving it back. "Your order will be with you shortly."
When I turn around, Stephanie is looking at me with a smirk on her face. Rolling my eyes, I start on his sandwich. Just gotta get through it. You can do it, Grace.
Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain on my finger. "Cazzo!" I glance down and see a small cut on my finger. Great, just I need. Quickly cleaning my hand, I gently wrap my finger in a bandaid.
"Everything alright?"
I jump at the voice before turning around. He needs to stop being so god damn good looking. "Yes. Your order is ready. Give me one moment." I put their order on a tray a d hand it to him. "Thank you for choosing Star Lost, I hope you enjoy your order!"
He chuckles, nodding. "Thank you, Grace."
My heart does that thing again. Oh wait, that's my stomach. I groan when he sits at the table with Olivia. "Have you maybe tried confessing?" Steph asks from behind me.
"What good will that do?"
"Maybe he'll realize what a crappy of girlfriend he has right now and maybe likes you back?"
Hanging my head in defeat, I walks towards the back door. I need a break.
But when I come inside, I hear Steph and Olivia in a heated argument.
"What do you mean I can't have a free muffin? It's my cousin's bakery!" Olivia shouted.
"Because if we started giving away free muffins," I state stepping behind the counter and face her, "We'd be out of business. And it's not my bakery. Steph and I are partners."
"You're greedy. Why can't you just say that?"
"Babe, maybe we should-" Chan began.
"No, you stay out of this!" She brushes him off.
The fuck.....did she just tell him off? My blood boils, my nerves lighting on fire. "Olivia, simply just leave before you piss me off anymore."
"What?" She blinks at me. "What the fuck is your problem?"
"You want to know what my problem is? You might need a notepad because the list is long."
"Fuck you," she spat. "I hope this shitty place rots."
"Ah, the words from the famous home wrecker Olivia James," I say.
"Home wrecker?" Chan says as he looks between Olivia and I.
"Chan, don't listen to he-"
But I cut her off. I've had it with her bullshit. "Let me ask you something, Liv. Did you also try to lure him into your trap so he would give you money? Or are you fucking his buddies too like you did with Mr. Stanley?"
Mr. Stanley was our neighbor and his lovely wife, Diana would always bake these pecan pies that was mouth watering. One day, Mr. Stanley came to our house to drop off a pie and Olivia was the only one home. One thing led to another, once Olivia saw he was loaded, she seduced him and ended up sleeping with him. Many, many times. It wasn't until Diana saw them going at it in her home, on the kitchen table because she had gotten off work early.
Safe to say, Diana is divorced and thriving by travelling the world with her friends.
The look on Olivia's face is priceless though. "You...bitch!" She lunges at me from across the counter but I was quick to dodge.
Chan pulls her back and shoves her back before facing her.
Steph elbows me and whispers, "$10 says they break up."
"It all makes sense now."
"Chan, babe. Please listen to me." Olivia pleads. "She's lying."
"No," Chan says firmly. "You're always putting me second. You're always asking to go to expensive restaurants and to think I was spending so much on you. Tell me something," he takes a step towards her, completely towering over her. "Did Jake treat you well?"
"Did he tell you to come here with me? Did he also tell you I was also going here?"
"Wha....what are you talking about?"
And then I see a different person come out. A new person who I wanted to know so desperately about. He runs his hand through his curls and smirks. The man actually smriked. "Why do you think I wanted to come here, Olivia?"
"You asked me on a date," Olivia replies. "What does this have to do with-"
"I know about you and Jake."
Oh shit. I watch Olivia's face turn into horror as she opens her mouth. "You're the one always yapping about your music all the time. I don't get what the big deal is, you're never going to make it."
I saw red. My blood was boiling. "Fermati!" I march over to Olivia as she blinks at me. "You do not get to judge a person based on their profession. You do not get to make assumptions. YOU do not put negative things in their mind to the point they want to end their lives."
But she rolls her eyes. "Please, you just had a scratch-"
I shove my shirt up on my arm, showing her the long scar going up to my elbow. "Does this look like a scratch to you that YOU caused?"
"What the..." Chan says and looks at Olivia, who's seething in anger. "I though you said she fell."
"She's lying," Olivia replied, her eyes narrowed at me.
"Oh, so you're saying that I magically got a knife and stabbed myself, making a huge line on my arm?"
"You bitch!" Olivia lunges at me but Steph stands in front of me and pushes her back.
"No one is fighting in our cafe, okay?" Steph announces then points at Olivia. "As for you, get out. You're no longer welcomed here."
"Better yet, you're black listed from this cafe."
Olivia huffs and stomps her way out of the shop. "You alright?" Steph asks
"Yeah, thanks," I smiled and she gets behind the counter, immediately apologizing to the customers.
I slightly jump at his voice and turn around.
"Are you okay?"
"I should be asking you that."
He scoffs. "I'll be fine."
I nod. "Alright, well. I gotta get back to work." I make it two steps when he calls my name.
I turn. "Yeah?"
He looks at me, almost as if he wanted to ask me something. But he just shakes his head. "Nothing. Have a good day at work." And then he's gone.
It was Friday and rush hour was just finishing when something catches my eye outside. "Che due coglioni?" I watch as Olivia tries to kiss Chan and he keeps pushing her back.
"Is she for real?" Steph says.
"I've had enough of this," I snap, taking my apron off and walking towards the door. When I open the door, I hear her crying.
"Chan, please. You've gotta believe me," she wails.
"Olivia, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I say.
Chan's eyes flicker towards me, almost lighting up making my heart skip a beat. "This doesn't concern you," Olivia hisses at me.
"Porca miseria, questa cagna!" She blinks at me surprised and I stand in front of her. "This man," I point to Chan, "has been nothing but loving towards you, has given you the time he should've spent elsewhere other than your stupid ass. You," I jab at her chest, "do not have the right to control someone as kind as him. You," I jab at her chest again making her stumble back a step, "do not get to do that to him."
"Grace," I hear Chan say from behind me.
"Do you even realize how hard it is to chase your dreams when no one belives in you? Of course, you don't because all you get to do is use others and degrade them till they have nothing left in them."
"What?!" I snap as I turn around, sniffling. Was I crying? But I don't get to touch my face as I feel a pair of warm hands cup my cheeks. "Cha-"
His lips. Oh my god his lips. My hands stay at my sides because I don't know where to put them. As he lets go, I look up at him. "I've been meaning to do that."
"What?" I blinked, perplexed.
"She's gone," Steph's voice makes us jump apart a step away from each other and she comes to my side. "Jeez, she's like a lizard, always coming in between."
I snort which leads to laughter as she beams at me. "Come inside! I'll make you guys something to drink!"
I watch as she heads inside before turning to him. "So..."
"What did you mean by what you said earlier?" I asked.
"Why did you kiss me?"
He sighs. "I never liked Olivia. She was just there, I guess to fill that void," he flicks his eyes down at me, "but that void was never filled."
I scoff, not believing what he just said. "So you mean to say, that you dated her-"
"I never da-"
"-just so you could dump her and then coincidentally you thought that a kiss would solve all the problems?"
"Look, Grace-"
"No," I say firmly. "You look here, Chan. I'm not the one to messed around with. And you were the least out of all the people I knew that would do something like this." His eyes widen at my comment and raises his hand but I put my hand up, stopping him. "No. I can't look at you right now."
And with that, I turn around and leave. Steph gives me one look once I'm inside and immediately gives me space as I go back to refilling the ice machine.
A few weeks later, I finally had a few days off. I wanted to destress and just chill and relax in my apartment. But what I didn't know was that Chan would be standing at my doorway looking like he had been run over by a truck while I was in a tanktop and pj shorts with a bag of chips on my hand.
"W-what are you doing here?" I asked, clutching the chip bag.
"Can I...can I come in?" His voice trembled.
"Yeah, come in," I stand aside to let him in. As he walks by me, the same vanilla and smoke scent fills my nostrils, making me a bit dizzy.
"Do you want anything to drink? Water? Soda?" I ask, closing the door behind me.
"Water, thanks," he replies taking a seat on my couch.
Fuck. Never in my 22 years of my life, I imagined a man in my living room. Let alone Chan, the 28 year old man that I had been crushing on since I was 19. I hand him the glass of water and sit beside him.
"Nice place."
"Thanks," I replied. After a beat, I say, "So, what brings you here?"
"Olivia paid a visit."
"And smashed all the windows of my car."
"What?!" I knew she would stoop low but to this level? "Are you okay?"
His eyes flicks up at me. "That's funny."
"Huh? What is?"
"Olivia would've asked if my car was okay. She wouldn't even ask me if I was alright."
"Well, she's a bitch," I huff, crossing my arms.
He snorts. "She did teach me one thing though." He turns his body sonhe's facing me. "To never take what's already in front of you for granted."
Holy fucking greek god. Why does this dude have to be so damn pretty? "You're lucky you're attractive, Chan. Any woman would be happy to have you."
"Look, about the kiss then-"
But I stand up. "I'm going to make some tea." I hurriedly walk into the kitchen and immediately fill the kettle with water. It was a good distraction-
An arm snakes it's way around my waist. I gasp, dropping the kettle in the sink and turn around. "What are you doing?!
"Why do you think I kept coming back to your cafe?"
"Because you like the cakes we make?"
"I came to see you, even on busy days where I could catch a glimpse of you working behind the counter refilling stoxk items. Once, Steph caught me staring at you and made me buy 10 pastries," he explains snorting. "Let's just say my friends got a piece each."
"Why are you-"
"-telling you?" He finishes my sentence. "Because I like you."
"I'm sorry, what?" My ears are deceiving me.
He giggles, poking my cheek. "I like you, Grace. I have for a long time now."
"How long?"
"3 years."
I blink at his answer. "I..I... don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything."
I look at him. "But you just told me you like me. How do you expect me to not say anything? To say that I like you as well?"
"Grace, you're not obligated to say- wait, what?" Turning his head, he blinks at me.
"What?" I try so hard to not smile.
"You just said you like me."
"No, I didn't," I lied, hiding my smile.
"Grace," his hand comes to cup my face, lifting my head to meet his eyes. "Tell me before I lose my mind."
"What happens if you lose your mind?"
His gaze hardens. "You don't want to know."
I wet my lips, partially opening my mouth. "Maybe I do." I hear him growl before he smashes his lips on mine. This time, neither of us push away. His tongue darts out and I open my mouth. His hand rub my arms, up and down. "Channie," I whimper, heat pooling between my thighs.
"Yeah, baby?" He says, his thumb brushing my lower lip.
"Can we, uhm, can we take this to the bedroom?"
He chuckles as he slides his arms around my ass hoisting me up. "Say less."
He practically sprints into my room and gently lays me down on my bed. His eye catches my blanket, the pink poka dots on the white colored sheet. "What?" I ask.
"Nothing," he shakes his head and takes his shirt off.
My breath hitches in my throat. Holy fuck. I knew he was fit but this.....holy fucking shit. Then his takes his jeans off, leaving a lot for my imagination when I see the buldge in his boxers as he takes those off too.
"Now you."
I sit up and take my tanktop off. My breasts bounce as I had no bra on. "Fuck me, Grace. You're beautiful."
My cheeks heat at the compliment and my arms come up automatically to hide myself but his hand stops me. "Don't hide yourself," he said as he hovers above me. "Fuck, I'm trying so hard to hold myself back."
"Don't," I gulp. "Don't hold yourself back."
"You sure? I don't want to hurt you."
I narrow my eyes and pull him down by his neck. "Channie if you don't fuck me in the next 5 seconds, I'm going to burn your clothes so you'd have to walk back home, butt naked."
"Feisty, damn," he groans as he takes my shorts off leaving. "As much as I would love to taste you, I need to feel you around my cock."
"Please," I whine.
He smashes his lips on me again, this time with desperation as he settles in between my legs. I feel the tip at the enterance of my cunt. "Ready?"
I nod. He lines himself before slowly pushing in. "Oh, shit- you're fucking tight."
I close my eyes, feeling the delicious burn as fully bottoms himself inside. "Mm, Channie. You feel so goo-" I get cut off as he pulls back and slams his hips.
"Yeah, fuck, you cunt feels so good," he pants and grabs my left breast. "And I love these, fuck, perfect."
He sets a fast pace and doesn't stop snapping his hips. He pinches my nipple, causing the familiar knot to form in my lower belly. "Fuck, I feel you clenching. Are you close?"
I moan in response and his thrusts pick up speed. The only sounds resonating in the room was the snap of his hips. "I'm going to cum," I moan. He brings his hand down to my clit, rubbing it with his thumb. And that was all it took for me to go over the edge. "Channie!"
"Oh fuck, milk my cock, baby. Make a mess," he groans as his thrusts become brutal and I'm pretty sure my poor cervix is bruised. "I'm coming, fuck, I'm gonna fill your tight little pussy. You want that? You want me to fill you up and make you mine?"
"Yes, yes! Make me yours, Chan."
"Fuck," he voice becomes strained as veins protrude in his neck and he stills, emptying himself inside me, painting my inner walls.
As we catch our breath, I notice he hasn't pulled out. "What are you doing?" I ask, still out of breath.
He suddenly grabs my thighs as I feel him harden. "Oh my god."
He grins, licking his lips. "Up for round 2, mi amore?"
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A/N: this was for @gracebang143 hope you enjoy :)
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koffing-time · 1 year
I will gladly interact with you! Send an ask! @ me! I would love to RP with you. I will do an (IC) promo if you ask (assuming i'm popular enough for that lmao)!
Hello Hello ~
My name is Tix (they/them, occasionally it/its), and welcome to my rotomblr blog! I'm 23, I'm from Unova and i have a small café on Route 3 right outside Striaton City. If you don't find it, just look for the Daycare on the hill, walk up that hill and look for the building at the foot of the hill! And now come in and get a cupcake, you earned it!
Don't be alarmed by the poison types around here! Most of them are registered to me and are completely harmless unless you touch them. They are also friendly, so if you wanna pet them, ask me! I'll gladly provide handling advice.
I also have an employee, Olivia. I might occasionally mention him. Maybe she'll also make a few post here and there.
There is also Brandy, my Rotom. Let's hope they can behave!
As for my Pokémon, there are a few! [Complete list of Pokémon including retcons at the end in the ooc section]
My Koffing, Coffee! The shop's named after him! Look at his FABULOUS moustache!
Bienenstich the Scolipede, she's very good with kids. If you need someone to look after your toddler, she's the gal! (i am so not kidding)
Cream the Haunter. No, your drink isn't haunted, she just helps me out a bit.
Muffin the Roselia, he's the primary gardener. I would do more around there but he doesn't let me.
Poppy the Toxicroak, he's a cool guy. He also makes music with me.
Basil the Toxtricity. Best bassist i've ever met (sorry Roxie).
Carrot Cake the Clodsire. He doesn't do much, but that's okay.
Rhubarb the Ekans. Little rascal. Don't trip over him.
Eggplant the Skorupi. He's new, still getting to know him myself!
Soup the Grimer is also quite new. I hatched him from a strange egg.
Also here's three pics of me. (//i forgor what the picrew were. if anyone knows, let me know)
//Pelipper Mail is on
//I will draw your OCs badly
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OOC below the cut:
// Hi, hello. I run this blog as a side blog, so I'll like and follow from my main @fire-water-grass-core. If you need to address me (the player/mun), I'm okay with any pronouns, and if you need a name you can call me Kama, Nox or Cheese. I also run:
@zekrom-sword where i explore some darker themes (ig?) regarding pokémon hunting. This blog is less focused on blogging though and goes more into headcanon/fanfic territory. I'm happy to RP with Felix (muse over there) though!
@fire-water-grass-core is the main, as mentioned. Originally it was planned for that one to be a personal blog for Olivia, Tix' employee, but i didn't really get into it. I mostly use it for OOC stuff regarding rotomblr ig?
@kamataros is my general, non-pkmn-irl blog. idk what you would want there? but feel free to check it out. I post a lot of shit and a lot of it is untagged.
NOW for the rules ig?
ZERO: don't be a dick. easy, right? right. This is the important part :)
First: blanket #unreality warning. I will tag posts usually as pokemon irl, #pkmn irl or #pokeblogging. The actual unreality tag is reserved that genuinely blends reality and fiction (such as talking about animals in the context of the pokemon world.)
Second: i went on a BIG hiatus for like 6 months. I've retconned a few things, but i didn't want to actually go through the blog and delete stuff. Instead, i tagged all old posts as #Koffing-Time-1.0. Everything with this tag is not neccesarily canon anymore. case-to-case basis i guess.
Third: If anything comes up, I'll try to put a warning tag. I'll keep it to one format: #cw [trigger]. I will probably still use them sparingly, since i'm personally okay with most things. Please tell me if i should tag something.
Fourth: I won't participate in high stakes a lot and probably never in ultra stakes. Everything will be appropriately tagged #high stakes pokereality on the off chance that i do join. I don't think i will be getting into details like "low stakes" and "medium stakes" for tagging.
Fifth: Regarding sentient/sapient pokémon: they are allowed. I might ignore them if i ever do any story-arcs or so, but go ahead! (this was different for 1.0)
Sixth: Ask games will be tagged with #ask game. Once i reblog them, they are open indefinitely, including old ones from #Koffing-Time-1.0. The tag will be for the initial meme only, not the answers to make it possible to find them. Generally, please put the question for the meme into your ask, especially if it's an older ask game. (Feel free to ask Brandy or Olivia as well, but if not specified it will be Tix answering)
Seventh: DMs are an OOC zone :)
I'm trying to use a funny tagging system for blogs i "frequently" interact with (as in.. i am not chronically on tumblr so "frequently" is a bit much to say)
Out of Character posts will be tagged with #ooc . This goes only for posts where a significant portion is ooc.
Out of Character answers to asks will be tagged #cheesy answers
Out of Character notes will be marked as // or //ooc (including tags)
I might reblog art or even posts that tix isn't involved in. these will be tagged #//reblog
Posts involving details about certain headcanons will be tagged #headcanon
Image descriptions or Video description will be in [brackets] .
Also here is a (not complete) list of a few headcanons that i use.
I'll update and edit this post as well as reblog it if something changes.
I, Cheese, Mun will use pink coloured text in addition to the //
Tix will be writing/talking in colourless text
Olivia will be writing/talking in blue text
Brandy will be writing/talking in red text
otherwise, i won't use much colours in posts. this intro blog stuff will be the exception to make it easier to read (i hope)
That being said: feel free to interact, feel free to send a DM, feel free to send asks, I'm happy to do offscreen posts and RP and whatnot, I won't bite and i won't poison you. Probably.
PS: little thing about reblog chains (i guess?)
Now, that was a long one. If you read it all, congratulations, have a cookie. Or a coffee. And most importantly: have fun!
PPS: Here's a list of Tix'Pokémon:
Coffee the Koffing
Muffin the Roselia
Bienenstich the Scolipede
Cream the Haunter
Poppy the Toxicroak
Basil the Toxtricity
Cracker the Murkrow (retconned) [it hurt me to do this but there are so many already] (never fucking mind i love them too much i can't delete them)
Cheese the (shiny) Crobat (retconned) [it hurt me to do this but there are so many already] (never fucking mind i love them too much i can't delete them)
Rhubarb the Ekans
Chocco the Salandit (retconned)
Carrot Cake the Clodsire
Pumpkin the Bellsprout (retconned)
Loaf the Trubbish (retconned)
Yoghurt the Yveltal (retconned)
Bun the (ultra domesticated) Trubbish (retconned)
Roll the (ultra domesticated) Tubbish (retconned)
Appleslice the (ultra domesticated) Mareanie (reconned)
Bacon the (ultra domesticated) Mareanie (retconned)
Lettuce the (ultra domesticated) Mareanie (retconned)
Tomato the (ultra domesticated) Mareanie (retconned)
Caramel the Beedrill (retconned)
Tofu the Sliggoo (retconned)
Annie Stonefruit the (albino) Cranidos (retconned)
Jack the Pumpkaboo (retconned)
Brandy the Rotom
Eggplant the Skorupi
Leonard the bed-sized Clodsire Plush
Soup the Baby-Grimer
If all of Tix team appear in a post (i doubt) it'll be tagged with #tix band
Also a list of Olivias Pokémon
Hans the Lotad
Grill the Darmanitan
Marbles the Alolan Exeggutor (tagged with just #marbles the exeggutor )
The Kalosian the Escavalier (tagged with just #kalosian the escavalier)
Beach Ball the Gible
Gregor the Gimmighoul
If all of Olivias Team appear in a post, it'll be tagged #olivias gang
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
Bad Parenting Chapter 2: Chaos for Breakfast
Series: Bad Parenting
Fandom: The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir
Pairings for series: (Riley x Liam x Max) + Riley x Drake
Featuring: Leo, Oliva, M!OC Hudson Rys and F!OC Lilith Nevrakis
Rating: PG
Warnings for this chapter: mild language
Word Count: 2,867
A/N: This chapter indulges my HC of Max as the domestic one of the group!
My other stuff: Master List.
Original series this spun off from: Bad Romance. More specifically Bad Romance Disney Adventure.
After the events in Disney Adventure, Leo finds himself in possession of his thirteen-year-old son Hudson for the summer. Unfortunately for him, Hudson isn’t that impressed with Leo’s newfound desire to be a father.
Being back in Cordonia stirs up old feelings for Leo and ignites new ones for Hudson. Leos strives to reignite an old flame, but Olivia is busy with her own parenting struggles as her aunt’s imprisonment made her the legal guardian to Lucretia’s daughter Lilith, who has plenty of Nevrakis attitude of her own.
Lilith Nevrakis is borrowed, and retrofitted as Olivia’s cousin rather than sibling, with loving permission from @harleybeaumont. She is also much younger here.
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Leo woke to the smell of coffee and bacon and the sounds of dishes clattering, children laughing and people talking. He climbed out of bed, hurried through teeth brushing and the relieving of his bladder then wandered down the hallway and into the great room where the open floor plan meant that the living room, dining room and kitchen basically faded into each other.
Max was standing in the kitchen, pulling homemade muffins out of the oven. “Good morning, Leo! Want a muffin? I made blueberry, cranberry, chocolate chip and banana nut. You can have one of each if you want!”
The muffin tin in Max’s oven mitted hand clattered to one of the stone countertops as he lowered it onto a cooling rack.
The kitchen had exploded with activity. It was alive with noise and activity.
Liam walked calmly out of the master bedroom and into the chaos completely unphased. He was immaculate, as always, perfectly pressed suit, every hair in place, briefcase firmly in hand.
Max thrust a coffee mug into his hands, “Just the way you like it, babe. Your plate is ready, it’s on the table, next to Ellie.”
Liam gave Max a smile and quick peck on the lips as thanks before setting his briefcase down and taking his seat at the table with a smile. “Good morning, everyone!” He said brightly.
“Good morning, my love.” Riley was seated on the other side of Ellie, between her and Xander. She leaned around their daughter to kiss Liam good morning then gave both Ellie and Xander a flurry of kisses as she got up from the table, scooping the last of her food into her mouth as she walked to the sink to deposit her plate in it. She then hurried to both highchairs to kiss her little one’s goodbye before grabbing her glass off the table and walking back toward the sink.
She nodded at Leo from across the room, “Good morning!”
“Riley, I made you a lunch, don’t forget to take it!” Max thrust a paper bag in front of her face. “You can’t keep skipping meals!”
“I don’t skip meals!” She protested as she tipped her glass of orange juice up and drained it. She took the bag and sat it down on the counter as she rummaged around in her attaché case, “Do you have a copy of my itinerary for the day?”
Max produced a laminated, bullet pointed list with face to face meetings highlighted in blue, zoom meetings in green and time sensitive tasks in yellow.
“Thank you love bug!” Riley rewarded him with a kiss as she pulled the itinerary out of his hands.
“I wanted waffles!” Xander started to wail from his seat at the table.
“Right here!” Max slid a plateful of waffles in front of him, complete with a smattering of blueberries and a dollop of whipped cream on top.
“Waffles are gross! I want-“
A plateful of chocolate chip pancakes cut Ellie off mid-sentence. Her face lit up, “Thank you Poppa!”
“Drink your milk, Ellie!” Max said, then turned back to the adults as Drake stumbled into the room looking rushed because he’d woken up late, “Drake, you want breakfast?”
“No thanks.”
“I have bacon-“
“No time, Max, I have to go!” Drake said as he filled his travel mug with coffee.
Max immediately threw together a bacon, lettuce and cheddar sandwich with mayo as he asked, “Tomorrow’s your mom’s birthday, have you called her lately?”
“Max, stop trying to mother me!” Drake scolded, but he took the proffered sandwich as he kissed Riley goodbye. “Love you, babe.”
“Love you, cuddle bear.” She pulled away to shove papers into her attaché case.
Drake grabbed a muffin and balanced it on top of his sandwich.
“Don’t forget about your mom’s birthday!” Max called as Drake headed out the door.
“I’ll call her!” He promised as he stepped out into the palace hallway.
“Leo, grab a plate, there’s plenty of food!” Max said as he spooned yogurt into Jace’s opened mouth. 
“I’m not sure there’s room.” Leo protested.
“Here, take my seat!” Liam said as he rose, “I have to get going.”
Liam made the rounds, kissing children and Max and Riley before retrieving his briefcase.
“Max, can you call down to housekeeping today and tell them to use just a tad less starch in my casual business shirts? I felt like a fucking statue they were so stiff this last time! Oh, and could you order me some more socks? I swear, every pair I pulled out of the drawer today had holes in them!” Liam said as he leaned over to kiss him goodbye.
“Yes, and here, take some coffee with you!” Max shoved a thermos at him.
Riley was right behind Liam as he opened the door when Max caught up with them, “Riley! You forgot your lunch!”
“Sorry, and thank you!” She told him.
“I’m going to call you at one o’clock to make sure you remembered to eat!” Max said.
“Okay, okay! Love you, bye!”
Hudson wandered into the kitchen rubbing his eyes, “What’s for breakfast?”
“What do you like kid?” Max asked as he cut up more French toast for Jax.
Jace was banging his sippy cup on his highchair tray as he babbled loudly. The corgis ran around the bottom of the hair chair, yipping and begging for more sausage to be dropped.
Xander was singing at the top of his lungs about four little speckled frogs, Jax was making car noises as he pushed apple slices around his highchair tray and Ellie was yelling at Xander to shut up.
“Uh…” Hudson’s eyes widened as he took in all the food. There were waffles, pancakes and French toast, bacon, sausage and ham, fried and scrambled eggs, toast and muffins, cereal boxes stood open next to the sink, milk, coffee, and carafes of both apple and orange juice littered the counter.
“If there’s nothing you like, I can make you something.” Max offered as he gave Jace more scrambled eggs, which the toddler immediately tossed to the floor and squealed in delight as the dogs went crazy racing around to get to them.
“No, that’s cool uncle Max, there’s plenty here, I can get it myself.” Hudson replied as he started loading food onto a plate.
Max started clearing away the dishes. He rinsed them in the sink then loaded them into the dishwasher.
“Ellie, if you’re done, wash your hands and put your plate in the sink. Your tutor will be here shortly.” Max said.
Ellie grumbled as she put her plate in the sink. She washed her hands.
“You too, Xan.”
Xander followed Ellie to the sink and placed his plate in it. Max supervised his hand washing and drying then he sat about cleaning up the little boys. He wiped hands and faces, removed highchair trays and placed them on the counter to be cleaned before removing bibs and pulling each boy out his respective highchair. Max then wiped down the highchair seats.
“Max, have you eaten anything?” Leo asked.
“Oh, I eat plenty while I’m cooking and getting it ready.”
“You know the palace has a kitchen, and a dining room, you could all eat in there, or have whatever you want sent up…”
“I know.” Max replied, “But it’s not the same. These muffins are made with love, Leo! Plus, most of that was sent up from the kitchen. I just plate it up and add the finishing touches, like Xander’s whipped cream and Ellie’s chocolate chip smiley face.”
“I just watched you make Drake a fucking breakfast sandwich!”
Max shrugged, “I just assembled it.”
“You had the bacon sent up just for Drake.” Leo sounded vaguely accusatory.
Max’s eyes flicked to him as he responded, “Yeah. So?”
“So what? You….like each other now?”
Max looked up at Leo in surprise, “We’ve always liked each other! He’s my best friend roomie!”
“I….” Leo’s eyes met Hudson’s and they both suppressed a smile. Hudson might be new to everyone, but a day had been long enough for him to recognize just how unlike Drake that statement sounded.
It did sound just like Max though. Leo widened his eyes at Hudson as he hid his smile behind a coffee cup. He was gratified by the conspiratorial grin he got in return. Maybe the kid was warming up to him after all.
Max whipped out his phone and tapped furiously away, “There! Socks are ordered, housekeeping has been advised about the starch issue and Martha has been told to remind Riley to eat lunch!”
“Who’s Martha?”
“Riley’s office manager.”
“Damn, Max! You’re on top of everything!”
“Thanks, Leo! My organizational skills are second to none. Why do you think Riley hired me as her personal assistant and top advisor in the first place?”
“Uh…” Leo’s eyes flitted over to Hudson then back to Max as he tried to water down his response, “To give you a valid reason to always be around without the press having a field day?”
Max gave him a wounded look, “Wow, really? I mean, yes, that was part of it, but I have always had superior organizational skills and Riley needs that, she’s total chaos most days.”
“Yeah, I get that.” Leo chuckled fondly, “But I never pegged you as the organized type.”
“Really?” Max huffed, “Did you think that those epic, days long Beaumont bashes just threw themselves?”
“DJ’s just knew to show up? Caterers? All that fucking alcohol? People to assemble the champagne towers? Staff to clean up after the horses? The invitations put themselves in the mail? Customized placards on the doors?”
Leo was stunned, “I just assumed Bert did all that!”
“Ha!” Max barked out, “My brother? Mr. Stick in the mud himself? You thought Bertrand made sure the swords were sharpened for the champagne sabering? You thought Bertrand knows where the strobe lights are stored? You thought Bertrand-“
“Ok, ok!” Leo laughed, throwing his hands up in the air, “I get it!
“Personal assistant is still my job. I just work from home now so I can be here for the kids.”
Leo raised an eyebrow, “Don’t you guys have nannies for that?”
Max scoffed, “Nannies can’t replace a loving parent, Leo. We prefer to be hands on.”
“Yeah,” Hudson interrupted with his mouth full of bacon and waffles, “That sounds like something good parents do!”
“I…” Leo’s eyes cut sidewise to Hudson. There went what little progress he’d made. “I’m just saying, Max seems to be doing all the heavy lifting in that department!”
“Nah.” Max replied as he threw a piece of chocolate chip muffin in the air then caught it in his mouth, “Liam and Riley have a whole country to run, and Drake has the queen’s guard. My job provides the most flexibility. I can run Riley’s staff and juggle her schedule in my sleep at this point. Besides, I like being home with the kids!”
“Of course, you do!” Leo chortled, “You’re a big child yourself!”
“Oh, so real men don’t fuck with their kids, is that what you’re saying?” Hudson had dropped his fork onto his plate to glare across the table at Leo.
“What? No! I didn’t mean….I just meant….” Leo’s head swung around to take in Max, the kids running amuck, the food still strewn across the counters, “You know what? I can admit when I’m wrong. Max had to have been up before everyone else to get all this food ready and make sure everyone else’s day got off to a good start. It’s not a frivolous thing. It’s work. I’m sorry, Max.”
“It’s ok, Leo. You haven’t been around in a while. Things change. People change, they grow and mature and move into different stages of life.” Max said as he put the cereal away in the pantry and the milk and juice back into the fridge.
“I see that.” Leo admitted.
“Uncle, Max?”
“Yeah, Hudson?” Max answered.
“Can you show me around the palace today? I want to see everything!”
Max’s eyes went to Leo, “Uh…sure, but your dad would be even better at that. He grew up here, you know.”
Hudson’s shoulders slumped, “Fine. I’ll go get dressed.”
The two men watched him leave. Leo turned to Max and asked, “Maybe you could help me out with this parenting thing? You seem to have it down.”
“We’ll all help you, Leo. We’re family.”
“You really consider me family, Max?”
“Of course, I do! You’re Liam’s brother! Listen, I know you make fun of all of…this.” Max gestured around vaguely at everything. “But Liam is my husband in every way that matters. We’ve been together for over a decade now. We’re not just playing around and even though the official, legal marriage is between Riley and Liam, we all love each other, deeply! I’m not just a plaything to them, Leo. They both love me as much as I love them, and we are a family!”
“How the fuck does she do it?” Leo asked.
“Do what?” He didn’t have to ask who she was; Leo was talking about Riley.
“Bringing everyone together like that. Never in my life have I been able to maintain one real relationship! You and Liam juggle two each and Riley….” He trailed off, unsure exactly how many relationships Riley had in addition to Liam and Max. Drake, of course. But over the years he’d had his suspicions about Rashad.
“Well, she’s just fucking amazing, that’s how!” Max responded. He knew he and Liam would never have become a thing without her intervention. He was as grateful for that as he was for the woman herself. His life was perfect. Close to eleven years in and he was still just as stupidly in love with both of them as he had ever been. Not that it had been smooth sailing in the beginning. Anything but, actually.
“Speaking of relationships that didn’t work out…” Leo said.
Max blinked, “Were we?”
“What’s Liv up to these days?” Leo asked carefully.
Max laughed, “You’re not subtle dude. Liv is fine. You know Lucretia went to prison in Hidar?”
“Something about being in a group that tried to overthrow the government. I don’t know. But anyway, turns out Lucretia had a teenage daughter named Lilith. Liv is her guardian now.”
“Wait, wait, wait, wait!” Leo exclaimed, “Miss I’m never having children because they’re evil little crotch goblins is raising a child?”
“Yep. For about a year now.” Max confirmed.
“I should call her!”
“Are you telling me you haven’t spoken to her in a year?”
“Well….see…last time I saw her, there was a…ah….disagreement and she…well, things were said, accusations were made, furniture was broken….I thought it was best to let her cool down for a while.”
“A while? It’s been a year! Jesus Leo! No wonder you can’t maintain a relationship!”
“Liv and I….we go all the way back, to like the age of six, ok? And things between us are…complicated.”
Max snorted, “I’ll say! Remember the time you crashed that party on the Prime Minster of Japan’s yacht because you thought Liv was there with his cousin and-“
“I don’t want to talk about that Max! It almost caused an international incident!”
“Yeah, I remember. Constantine was sooooo pissed!” Max chortled.
“It wasn’t funny! She lied to me about where she was that night, she wasn’t even on the damn yacht!”
“Yeah, well, you chose to date a crazy woman.”
Leo lifted a surprised eyebrow at that, “And you didn’t?”
“Ok, fair enough. No wonder those two are BFF’s.”
Xander and Jax ran through the room shrieking with laughter as Hudson chased them. Max laughed out loud, “Look at them bonding!”
Leo sighed heavily, “Now if I could only get him to bond with me.”
“Have you tried apologizing to the kid?”
“What?” Leo blinked at him.
“For not being around? He’s mad, Leo and he has a right to be.”
“I didn’t know how to be a dad, Max. My own dad was a piece of shit. I thought the kid would be better off without me.”
“You should tell him that.”
“Why? It doesn’t excuse a goddamn thing.”
“No. But it helps explain it a little. Hudson’s a good kid. Talk to him.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
There was a knock on the door. “Okay, that’s the tutor for Ellie and Xander. I usually give Jax and Jace a bath while the big kids are occupied. Do you want to have lunch later? I was thinking we could meet in the private family dining room and have lunch with Regina, so she can meet Hudson.”
“Sure, Max. That actually sounds good.”
“Oh, one more thing.” Max told him as he let the tutor in, “We’re having a dinner party tomorrow night and Liv will be there.”
Leo felt both dread and excitement shoot through him. If Leo Rys, the playboy prince, had ever truly loved a woman in his life, there was no doubt that woman had been Oliva Nevrakis. He just seemed incapable of making it stick, no matter how many times he’d tried.
But he was nothing if not persistent.
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Daisy Frost
Elmer Frost
Pumpkin Cookie
Pumpkin Spice Cookie
Sugar Glazed Pumpkin Cookie
Magician Cookie
Whipped Cream Cookie
S’mores Cookie
Milk Chocolate Cookie
Pharaoh Cookie
Strawberry Shortcake Cookie
Snow Cone Cookie
Sea Weed Cookie
I have 936 but here are my main ocs-
Angel Calvin
Alexander Allens
Angel May
Annie May
Ciara Layes
Ciera Layes
Amy Debeste
Dennis Tainne
Lianne Coleman
Lio Coleman
Liana Coleman
Jonathan Deiluv
John Deiluv
Clara Williams
Mathew P. Rick
Veronica Jules
Phay Saj
Alexander Koi
Michael Rollans
Amelia Monique
Among Us:
Potato Fries
Harry Potter:
Noel Silver
Lexi Silver
Mel Silver
Pepa Parrot
Luis Lynx
Hyla Hydra
Maddie Rider
Gem Rose
Grace Rays/Gay-mer #24
Emmie Silver (No,she is not related to Noel Silver)
Ginna Summers
Damien Michel
James Prince “JP” Jones
Apollo Mendez
Amy Mendez
Lia Shane
Lio Shane
Ellie Mina
Eliza Mina
M Mendoza
Mika Mendoza
Object Shows:
Paper Bag
Colored Paper
Pool float
Chocolate donut
Coloring book
Oil pastels
Picture frame
Drawing tablet
Colored pencil
Flower Pot
Spinning Ballerina
Daisy Seed
Wine glass
Water pitcher
Cream Puff
Crystal Ball
Hand Mirror
Magic Wand
Card Stack
Ice Cream
Invisible Wall
Fur Ball
Gift Box
Boxing Glove
Google Translate
Bumble Bee
Candy Heart
Lightning Necklace
Mood Ring
Comedy Book
Correction Tape
Water Bucket
Hidden Camera
Lemon Juice
High Heels
Permanent Ink
Dino Toy
Paint Bucket
Mini Paint Brush
Cake Pop
Last Place Medal
Pizza Slice
Treasure Chest
Golden Coin
Silver Coin
Bent spoon
Rusty Spoon
Bucket Of Sand
Toxic Waste
Polluted Air
Digital Battery
Camera App
Gacha Club
Cookie Run:Kingdom
IbisPaint X
Texting Story
Ellie Jamison
Ellen Jamison
Kristine Krupp
CN McArthur
Simon Tolentino
Adriana Maddison
Naixil Seyer
Tina Treys
Sown wayv(Music)
Job Simulator:
Tumblr Ocs:
Righty Tighty
Lefty Lucy
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greengrayeyeswrites · 3 years
morangos com açúcar (chapter one)
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Title: morangos com açúcar
Pairing: Dream x OC (fem!streamer!reader) x Quackity
Warnings: Mostly fluff. Mentions of anxiety, depression and ADD.
Note: This may be a Dream x OC story but feel free to insert yourself into the main girls role. If Dream ever announces that he doesn’t like fanfics about him, I’ll delete this.
Olivia + Friends — Dream + Friends —Prologue — Chapter 1 — Chapter 2
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Olivia was staring at the prompt in front of her and rolled her eyes. She couldn’t believe she was actually playing Jackbox with some of the most famous Minecraft streamers that were currently out there. Sometimes she looked at the chat, but since she was mainly keeping quiet, answering the Quiplash prompt in front of her, Alex’s chat didn’t need to complain about her being a beard.
“Ten more seconds Olivia!” Alex screeched and Olivia rolled her eyes quickly typing in the answer to the prompt. “I’m done, I’m done!” The Gemini let out and lifted her arms, when the first prompt showed up on the display. It wasn’t the one Olivia had gotten.
“Forget the cat in the hat and prepare yourselves for blank in blank” Karl read before the answers appeared on the display. BadBoyHalo had written ‘Muffins in the Oven’ and Sapnap had written ‘Cum in the hat’. The boys immediately started laughing about Sapnap’s answer. Olivia kept quiet and voted for one of them.
“Liv, what’chu think?” Karl asked, realising how quiet their newest player suddenly was. “My opinion?” she pursed her lip and Alex looked over to her. He chuckled. “Y’all should see her face” he grinned, making his chat and the boys in the discord call go feral.
userjkl: That’s unfair! Quackity can always look at Olivia!
useryui: Thank god we can’t see her. 🙄
hatercvb: #cancelOH_livia2021
“So newbie?” Dream asked, “what’s your opinion?” Olivia nodded. “Sapnap could definitely do better than ‘cum in the hat’” Olivia started, “y’all don’t have to hold back just because I’m here. I’ve been friends with Alex for fourteen years. I’m used to inappropriate sentences.” - "What are you suggesting then?" Sapnap asked and Olivia grinned. "There was this super old song from Lonely Island... I think it was from 2009—"
"Dick in a box?" Alex said and Olivia nodded. "Exactly! That was the first thing that came to my mind, when I read the prompt." Just as Olivia finished her sentence the results came in and Sapnap won with a massive difference from Bad. “Thanks for voting Olivia!” Sapnap laughed, when the next prompt appeared. Olivia held her breath. It was the one she had.
“Before marmalade, Paddington Bear had a crippling addiction to blank” Alex read and Olivia felt heat creep up her cheeks. She had written the first thing that came up. “‘self made drugs’” Alex continued, “or ‘sucking whale penises’.” Alex started wheezing and Olivia heard the boys going crazy in Discord.
“WHO WROTE THAT?!” Dream yelled. He sounded as if he was banging his hands on his desk. "A WHALE PENIS?!" Olivia heard Karls voice. "DOES ANYONE OF YOU KNOW HOW MASSIVE THAT IS?" Even Bad was screaming. Olivia felt heat creeping up to her cheeks. "I'm googling this shit now" Alex said, typing away on his keyboard, while Dream asked again, "Who wrote that?" The faceless man was still wheezing and Olivia felt weird. “I did” Olivia spoke quietly, not sure if anyone heard her over Alex screaming that a whale's genitals could be up to 9'8''.
“Olivia!” Karl wheezed. “What?” the girl chuckled. “It’s not that big of a deal, right? Me making dick jokes, right?” She looked over to Alex, who gave her a cheerful grin. "I'm used to your jokes, but the whale penis is something new." He grinned.
Suddenly feeling self-aware she glanced over to the chat. She couldn’t really make out what most of them said, but she saw a lot of shocked emojis and stickers flying up in the chat.
"No offence, but this one definitely goes to our Newbie" Dream spoke, openly confessing whom he was voting for. Olivia blushed and waited for the results to come in. "Obviously Liv get's a Quiplash from this!" Karl chuckled.
The shyness and awkwardness she felt from the first time she interacted with the boys was immediately gone and even the bitter taste of the hateful comments seemed to be washed away for the moment. Olivia was happy to be with Alex and the boys playing a game she never played before and making them laugh.
They continued playing for another hour, mostly Quiplash and Mad Verse City, when Alex asked if any of the boys was streaming afterwards. Karl said he wanted to stream a little bit. "Maybe I'll join. What are you playing tonight?" Alex asked, while Olivia was leaning in her chair. "Probably a round or two of Among Us" Karl announced, "or GTA. Not sure yet. Wanna join?"
Alex told him he was thinking about it, before muting and deafening his Discord and saying his goodbyes to his Chat. His fans were sending some last minute donations and Alex took his time answering the last questions until he turned the stream off.
Olivia took off her headphones and watched Alex do the same. He pulled his beanie off with it and ruffled his hands through his dark hair. Olivia tilted her head and watched her best friend sighing and throwing his head back.
She understood all the fans who were crushing on him. Alex was a gorgeous specimen of a man. He seemed mysterious and exotic with his longer dark hair, his dark brown eyes and the lopsided, cute grin on his lips.
It'd be a lie, if Olivia would say, she had never had a crush on the six months younger boy. When she was thirteen she used to have the biggest crush on him. She was infatuated with him. But he was pretty childish back then and while other girls in their school started dating their crushes, holding hands and even kissing them, Olivia was content with just hanging out with Alex and playing dumb video games.
Her crush disappeared as quick as it came and since then, Alex had been nothing but her bestest friend.
"I know I'm handsome, no need to stare mi vida." Alex said and side-eyed her. "I'm not staring at you because you're handsome, I'm looking at you, because you look tired mi vida." Alex lifted his head and pushed his chair closer to the one Olivia was sitting in.
She was cuddled up in the chair, her knees pulled up to her chin. He grinned. "You haven't called me 'mi vida' in ages, Liv." Olivia rolled her eyes. "Don't get your panties in a knot, Alex" she slowly stood up and stretched herself. Alex watched her hiding her hands in her hoodie. "Already leaving?" he asked, a sad look on his face. "Yes." She simply said. "I haven't even told Diogo and Tomás that I was leaving, lol."
Diogo and Tomás were Olivia's older brothers. Diogo was twenty-seven and Tomás was twenty-five. Both very protective of their youngest sister. "They love me, they know I won't harm you in any way." Alex grinned and stood up, following Olivia to the front door.
Olivia opened the door and Alex grabbed onto her hand. Olivia looked down and cocked an eyebrow. "Clingy much?" she asked and gently took out her hand of his embrace. "Let's meet again this week" Alex called, while Olivia walked over to her car. She waved him and climbed into the seat of her car.
She looked over to the house once more, seeing Alex still standing in the frame of the door. Grinning down at him she sighed before she started the engine of her Mustang and driving home towards her and her brothers shared house.
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to be continued…
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l0calcryptid-beetle · 5 years
Oc List
-Blue -Bailey
-Butter Pecan
-Prism -Cinnamon
-Olivia -Ethan -Emma -Daphne -Fae
-Froot loop
Sonic ocs:
-Crow -Saturn
-Siren -August -Lian
-Orion -Angel
-Chip -Maverick
-Ziva -Henry Coleman
- Zane
- Duke -Bumble -Neon
-Pen -Ozzy
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storm-in-a-tea-cup0 · 5 years
2, 5, 18, n 27 for the oc questions? 👀👀👀
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Hhhhhhh, that's an evil question. I'm not sure??? I mean, yes, I have a favourite, but I feel like the chosen one changes depending on what aspect of the OC I analyse??? But being objective, overall, I'd say Olivia. And not the version you've met through RPs but the final ? This sounds terrible when I put it like that version that for some reason reason: Me being a fool and rushing to use a character that was raw dough yet. Now I can't write over what's been put in the open so we cry didn't make it to the RP but it did make it to the HG AU??? That we should continue by the way because I was very hyped for it and because the proposition is great.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
Khufu. For sure. Simply because he'd absolutely know how to deal with any sort of fame that came with it. He was just,,,, born to shine under the spotlight I guess?
18. Any OC crackships?
......Can I say Khufu x Blueberry Muffin? 👀 If not I'll say Khufu x Nick and Peri x Nick.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Yes. Lilla Moretti, the Italian transfer student that I allowed to live a total of 2 weeks, was inspired by grandson's Blood // Water. It's a shame I threw her in a universe she didn't belong to. I'd like to rethink her with calm to properly give her a chance to live and flourish. Who knows. I'll return to this eventually.
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connor-draws-things · 4 years
I decided to make a list of all the OCs I have I can think of like, just right now. Man, I have a lot of characters. And these are just the ones off the top of my head. Who knows how many I really have?
We Are Not Alone
-Mister Rie
Furry OCs
The Riverton Boys
-Michael (demon)
-Stella Nora
-Michael (Wannabe pilot)
Ivy and Alexander
Alien Apocalypse
-Emmanuel (main guy)
-Zachariah (a-hole)
-Justin (leader)
-Ben (Babey)
Cats Kingdom thing
Shit this is a lot,, 72 to be exact,,, dhfvfbfbdvbdbdb it'll probably be much more when I check all my older sketchbooks lmao
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choicesfanatic86 · 6 years
TTS:  Part 4 (Liam x MC)
DISCLAIMER:  All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except characters unique to my story.  Those belong to me. ;)
PAIRINGS:  Riley (MC) x OC, Riley (MC) x Liam, Liam x Riley (MC) x OC, Olivia x Drake, Bertrand x Savannah, Maxwell x OC
SUMMARY:  Riley must accept that to move on to a new future, she must confront her past.
TAGS:  @herladyshipxx @theroyalweisme @blackcatkita @devineinterventions2 @hopefulmoonobject @captainkingliam @pbchoicesobsessed @queencatherynerhys @mfackenthal @cocomaxley @crayziimaginations @grapefrults @pessimystic-fangirl
Hi guys! Thank you again for your kind words about the Through the Storm series.  I’m so happy it’s getting such positive feedback.  Part 5 will likely be released late Tuesday/early Wednesday. :)
I received a question about Riley’s age in this book.  In my mind, I have Riley as 28.  She left Cordonia when she was 26.  Andy is currently 26.  Paul is 39, so that puts him around 10 years older than Riley.
PART 4 - The Return
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Riley awoke the next morning with a terrible hangover.  She didn’t normally drink  . . . let alone drink a whole lot of whisky.  In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time she had a drink of whisky, but if she were to guess right, it was probably with Drake back in Cordonia while on the engagement tour.  Her head was pounding, she felt nauseated, and her thoughts were fuzzy but not fuzzy enough to forget what happened the night before.  She sighed as she walked to the bathroom rifling through the medicine cabinet . . . looking for something . . . anything to ward off the colossal migraine she had woken up with.  She found the nearest pain reliever and popped two into her mouth.  
Searching for something to eat, she wandered into the kitchen, pulling a muffin out of the container.  Sitting down at the table, she started to scan through the messages on her phone.  She noticed that she had a new email.  She smiled slightly when she saw Maxwell’s name as the sender.  She clicked into the message.
I can’t believe you actually responded!  Bertrand said I’d be wasting my time (and money) trying to send you an invitation.  I’m so happy I get to prove him wrong.  I can’t believe my best friend is coming back to me.  The prodigal Beaumont returns!
Of course you can bring someone!  The more the merrier.  After all, this Beaumont wedding will be the party to top all parties.    Although, I’m afraid their reception will be missing one crucial piece of any Beaumont party.   Savannah has requested that no  weapons be present at the reception.  She’s worried about the influence it might have on little Bartie, so I’m afraid our fancy champagne opening will have to wait for another occasion.  She really doesn’t know what she’s missing.  ☹
Please don’t worry yourself about airfare or hotel accommodations.   I insist that you stay at the house while you’re in Cordonia. After all, you are an honorary Beaumont, and your room is still waiting for you.  I can’t have you staying just anywhere.  I can also arrange to have a private jet fly you here.  Finances have been much better since we’ve last spoken, and I couldn’t possibly have you flying commercial.  I’ll be sure to set up the arrangements and email you once they are confirmed.  
And don’t you worry about you know who.  I can keep your return under wraps until the wedding.
Your Best Friend, Maxwell
Maxwell was still so very Maxwell.  Time hadn’t changed him at all.  He was still the lovable goofball who tried his very best to make everyone and anyone happy.  Riley could just picture him gleefully smiling and bouncing up and down as he wrote his response to her.  She was glad that he was exactly as she remembered him.  She was also glad that he didn’t seem to have any sort of resentment toward her.  At least not that she could decipher in the message.  
As she was closing out her email app, she heard rustling from Andy’s bedroom.   No sooner than a few seconds later did Andy come gliding out of the room with a huge smile on her face.  “Good Morning, Sunshine.”  Andy sang cheerily as she walked into the kitchen.
Riley cringed and groaned at her cheerfulness.  “Shut up,” she said.  “I just took some Advil.  Let it kick in before you get all cheery”
“I see somebody had a bit too much whisky last night.”  Andy pointed to the half empty bottle on the kitchen counter.  “Wonder what brought that on?” Andy snorted.
“You’re hilarious.” Riley said sarcastically.  “You know, if the whole grad school thing doesn’t work for you, you could probably make it as a stand up comedienne.”
“Touché.”  Andy nodded.  “So, how’d last night go with Paul?”
“Pretty good.  It was nice to spend some time with him.  He did kind of catch me off guard though.  He told me had to talk to me about something . . .” Riley started to explain before Andy cut her off.
“Did he pop THE question? The question that gets you a shiny new ring on that left hand finger?”  Andy excitedly squealed.
“What?”  Riley exclaimed.  “No.  God, no.  We are nowhere near that.  He asked me to move in with him.”
“Oh.”  Andy paused, taken aback.  “I’m guessing I’m not included in that equation, huh?”  She said softly, her cheerful excitement waning.  “So are you going to?”  She asked nervously.
Riley sighed, shaking her head.  “I told him that with everything going on lately, I needed some time to think about it.  So don’t worry, you’re not out of a roommate just yet.  I told him I needed some time to consider all the factors involved.  I mean, he dropped a bombshell on me . . . I dropped a bombshell on him.  It was an intense night.”  Riley continued.  “I told him about the wedding.  About Cordonia.”
Andy raised her eyebrows.  “You did?  How did he take things?”
“Surprisingly well,” Riley said.  “I honestly thought he’d be pissed that I kept it from him.”  Riley rubbed her hand across her face as if to rub the sleep out of her eyes.  “He wasn’t upset at all.  He was understanding and sweet.  He didn’t judge me or ask why I didn’t tell him sooner.  I really think I found the last decent man in New York.”  She smiled softly.  “He told me he supports whatever decision I make about things.”  
“And have you?  Made a decision that is?” Andy asked.
Riley nodded slowly.  “I have.”  Riley started to rub the back of her neck, massaging the knots out that had formed with all the stress of the previous day.  “I went back and forth about it a lot last night, but I couldn’t get your words out of my head.  It kills me to say this, but you’re right.  I do need closure.  And now that Paul wants me to move in with him, I think it made me realize that maybe things in Cordonia weren’t as finished as I had wanted to believe them to be.”  She shrugged lightly.  “I think if I’m going to have any sort of future with Paul, I have to accept everything that happened and really move on from it this time.  So I’m going . . . I’m gonna try to leave on Friday.  I emailed Maxwell last night, and I just got his response this morning.  He is going to arrange for a private jet to take me to Cordonia.”
“A private jet?”  She gaped at Riley.  “Who are you right now?”  She exclaimed.  
“Out of everything I just said you only walk away with the fact that I’m going to be going on a private jet.” Riley admonished.
“Yeah.”  Andy said.  “That’s kind of a big deal.”
“Anyway . . . I have few things to tie up with the business.  I’ve already phoned Alicia and asked her to hold down the fort while I am gone for the next few weeks.  The Mitchell Group’s Grand Opening isn’t for another month and a half, so I’ll have enough time to work on things with them when I get back.”
“Wow, it seems like you have pretty much everything figured out already.”  Andy noted.  “So how does Paul feel about traveling on a private jet?  I’m sure he’s had his fair share of rides on them considering he travels so much for business.”
Riley shook her head.  “Oh, Paul’s not coming with me.  He has to fly out to Boston in a couple of weeks to work on that merger he’s been dealing with for months now.”
“You’re going alone?” Andy asked with surprise.
“Actually. . . “Riley trailed off.  “I was hoping you would be my plus one.”  Riley said.  “It was your bright idea for me to go back there, and there’s no way in hell I’m doing this alone.   I need some back up here.  I know you’ve got your thesis to worry about, but we’ll be gone for like maybe three weeks at the most and you can even bring your –“
Riley’s sentence was cut off by a loud shriek.  Andy ran over to Riley enveloping her in a huge bear hug.  “Thank you, thank you, thank you.  EUROTRIP!”  She yelled.
Riley smirked.  “Don’t thank me yet.  You haven’t experienced court yet.”  Riley sighed.  “I just don’t want you getting caught up in all of the glitz and glamour of Cordonia.  It’s really easy to get swept up in court politics and the fancy balls.  I don’t want what happened to me to happen to you.  Okay?”
“Ri, we’ll be there for three weeks.  I don’t think the world can end in three weeks,” she said sarcastically.
“I fell for him in a matter of weeks, Andy.  I didn’t even see it coming,” Riley whispered sadly.
Andy placed a comforting hand on Riley’s shoulder.  “Things are going to be okay, you know.  You’ll see.  You’re making the right decision.”  Riley could only nod as she headed back into her bedroom to start coordinating their travel plans.
The days passed by quickly as Riley and Andy prepared for their trip to Cordonia.  Riley had worked tirelessly to make sure her assistant was prepared for any possible scenario that could arise during her time away from the business.  She knew Alicia was fully capable of handling things on her own for a little while, but Riley needed a distraction to keep her mind from wandering to all the “what if” scenarios of what could happen while in Cordonia.  She considered herself fortunate that Paul and Andy were so patient with her fears, and let her vent out her frustrations and worries to them, even if they seemed a bit over the top.  The anxiety she felt had grown as their departure date neared.  She had emailed back and forth with Maxwell in the days before the trip, and their short email conversations seemed to help keep her anxieties at bay.  She was glad that their friendship seemed stable despite how they last left things.  They spoke as if no time was lost, and it helped to think that she’d at least have one friend back in court that she could rely on.  
Friday came far too quickly for Riley, and she found that her nerves hadn’t improved.  Paul had offered to take them to the airport, and Riley happily accepted.  The drive to the airport was quiet, and it was making Riley’s anxiety worse.  She fiddled with the radio’s buttons trying to find something, anything to distract her from the thoughts that kept pulsing through her head.  Paul must have realized how anxious she was because he took one of his hands off the wheel to hold Riley’s hand loosely.  The small gesture put Riley slightly at ease.  Ten minutes later, Paul pulled into the drop off at JFK International Airport.  As they got out of the car, Paul pulled Riley off to the side.  
“You’re gonna be okay right?”  Paul kissed her forehead, pulling her closely into his lean body.
Riley nodded.  “Yes . . . Maxwell has assured me that he and Bertrand are the only ones who know I’m coming.  He’s going to try his best to keep the press out of the loop about my arrival.”  She adjusted her backpack on her shoulders nervously.  “They didn’t tell him I was coming, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
He shook his head firmly.  “I’m not worried about him.  I’m worried about you.”
Riley nodded.  “I’m fine.  I promise to call you once we get settled there.”  She snuggled into his embrace.  “I wish you were coming, too.”
Paul nodded in agreement.  “I know.  I do, too.  After everything that you’ve told me, I wanted to be there for you in case you ran into him.  I’m glad you’ll at least have Andy with you.”
As if on cue, Andy yelled behind them, “Alright lovebirds, we gotta get moving!” Paul laughed at Andy’s eagerness and gave Riley a soft kiss on her lips.  “I love you.  Be safe out there.  I want you back in one piece.” Riley returned the kiss a bit more forcefully.  “I’m going to miss you, babe.”  She tightened her hold on hi a little before reluctantly letting go.  She took one last look at him and smiled before entering through the airport’s sliding doors.    JFK was a mess.  Luckily, because they were going to be traveling on a private plane, there was a special TSA line that expedited security clearances.  Once they had passed through TSA, they found the aviation bay where their plane was scheduled to depart from and patiently waited until one of the staff members told them they could board.  
Once on board, Riley’s nerves seemed to settle . . . maybe it was her body’s way of accepting that there was no turning back now.  Whether she was ready or not, she’d be in Cordonia in a little under eight hours.  While Riley had been hemming and hawing about their arrival, Andy had been in sheer bliss.  She had never flown on a private plane before and she was going to take full advantage of all the free little amenities the jet had to offer.
Somewhere along the line, Riley had fallen asleep, only to be jostled awake by Andy’s nudging.  “We’re going to land soon.”  She said quietly.  “I think you can see Cordonia from here.”
Riley looked out of the plane’s window.  The beautiful, lush mountains could be vaguely seen from their altitude.  “It’s hard to believe that such a beautiful place could cause such heartache.”
Andy looked over at her friend’s forlorn expression, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.  “I’m with you ever step of the way, okay?”
Riley nodded, turning her attention back to the window.  “It’s hard to believe I’m even back.”
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drmuffindick-blog · 5 years
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A date part 2
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drmuffindick-blog · 5 years
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Two Goof balls on a park date
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