lassmoodoo · 1 year
🛠️ Universal Mudguard for VSETT 10+ MUKUTA 10 Plus ZERO 10X KAABO Mantis...
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icharchivist · 11 months
You should rate all of Dante's cats >:3
on one hand it's a challenging task, on the other, i could never rate a cat lower than 10/10. that's a cat. it's cat shaped. it will be 10/10
but as a small run down:
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Lord Rivera. 20/10. So shapped. Extremely wise. The smartest of the bunch and the one who knows how to take the time to think. Voiced by Keiji Fujiwara (aka Eugen's va) before he died, which means i will forever be crying about it.
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Lord Mukuta. 30/10. He was one of my favorite ones when i read the Many Lives of Cats. He's definitely the coolest of them. a good head on his shoulders, wise, but not overbearing. Voiced by Reinhardtzar's VA which brings me so much joy.
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Lord Vapaus. 12/10. This one mainly stood out to me for having the funniest lines in the localizations (like "rat got your tongue?" and stuff like that). Curious and Direct, but he didn't leave as much of an impact on me as the others.
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Lady Aselia. 15/10. she's so sweet and kind. Very considerate and calm, even if her anger can be a sight to behold. She is so elegant too. Look at her. isn't she perfect.
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Lady Afaka. 14/10. Most out of touch of the kitties. Laid back and easy going. I remember firmly that one scene in The Many Lives of Cats when all the cats are in crisis because they've been kidnapped and she is like "i've found something!" and everyone turns to her thinking she has found a way out or something, but instead she lies in a hole and purrs because that's what she found. "that's such a good hole." cut to the others cats, jaded, wondering why they even thought Lady Afaka would actually focus for two seconds. She's fantastic.
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Lady Mew Mew. 10000000/10. She's the best. She's a mew mew. She means the world to me. She's so tiny. She has 0 understanding of what's going on around her. Head empty. Who needs thoughts when you can get pats. Will never forget how she got mad that others cats were clinging on Sen while trying to escape a certain water death bc "wtf are you all doing on MY Cuddle buddy èwé" like miss Mew Mew the room was easy to read but she can't fucking read. She's so baby. I adore her.
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Lord Young Cat. 25/10. He's so cute and great. Feral little buddy who's learning to enjoy love and care. truly THE Meow meow, the rebel, the hero.
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Freiheit. 11/10. I admit i didn't read Dante's SSR FE so i don't know him, but he's shapped, he's a battle cat, he looks fun. He seems amazing so he deserves good pats and praise.
BONUS not a Dante's Cat but one of the cats from The Many Lives of Cats that deserve mention:
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Lord Torajiro. 17/10. he's a good cat. He's so so good. Like he committed atrocities, but it's because he loved his owner so much, and it makes him the ultimate Poor Pathetic Little Meow Meow. I cried so hard because of him. I hope he can enjoy the rest of his days with his owner just fine.
And because i feel like otherwise i might get choked to death in my sleep:
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The Cat. The Myth. The Legend. She's not Dante's cat, she's no one's cat, everyone is just one of the worshipper of Lady Ewiyar. But it would be illegal of me to not include her in this list. (aka she would actually kill me.) 20000000/10. The one true Queen. I'm not saying that under threats. I swear. Maybe.
This is the Cat notes. Hope i've done my duty o7
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A lie to fall down.
A lie to make.
A make.
A mouth.
A zip.
A zap.
A zine.
A zhol.
A sight.
A sleeve moon.
A sleeve of moon in dais.
A neep in the nippata and her moon showed dias dapes.
She was ancholi determined.
A mess to speak from.
A light to haize from.
He was the high tight night.
She unfurled, slowly and we watched.
She was.
She was a lie.
She was a thunder in my only storm.
She was my fists and loves ame.
She was soiled and her stain was tint.
She was an ally.
She was hedger.
She was rich.
She was unexpectedly lie.
She was snarling.
She was hissing.
She was shine.
She knew shink and mooned her light and anchored her faith.
She lived still.
She worlds moon.
She was a slow-etch.
She snarls.
Snarl means lived affected loves of her own.
She was.
She was slowly vying.
She was edging.
She was anew.
A need to spell her courage took mukutas.
She was.
She knew.
She was etch.
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spqr0000000000 · 3 days
“Crime bárbaro” cometido pelos esgotos de Luanda contra a sua zona marítima (voaportugues.com)
“Crime bárbaro” cometido pelos esgotos de Luanda contra a sua zona marítima
setembro 18, 2024
Coque Mukuta
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Mistério ainda em redor de substância estranha nas águas da cidade
Luanda — 
Continua envolta em mistério a presença de grandes manchas de uma substância não identificada nas águas marítimas de Luanda mas ambientalistas dizem tratar-se do resultado de poluição causada pelos esgotos ou por derrames industriais.
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Poluição misteriosa no mar de Luanda 3:42
by Voz da América
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Um ambientalista disse que a falta de cuidados para se proteger as águas é “um crime bárbaro” contra o ambiente e um perigo para a saúde público.
Segundo a Ministra do Ambiente, Ana Paula de Carvalho, é a primeira vez que algo dessa magnitude ocorre na costa angolana. Em comunicado divulgado na última quinta-feira, 12, o Ministério do Ambiente relatou ter detectado uma substância desconhecida flutuando nas águas próximas ao Porto de Luanda e áreas adjacentes. Uma equipa técnica foi mobilizada para investigar a origem e a extensão da contaminação.
Imagens e vídeos compartilhados nas redes sociais mostram grandes manchas de uma substância não identificada ao longo da costa de Luanda.
O ambientalista Avelino Martins explicou que a contaminação foi provocada por algas tóxicas, resultantes da poluição causada pelos esgotos da cidade.
“Neste sentido, é uma questão do país verificar o seu sistema de esgoto e analisar um plano piloto a ser construído no país todo, nas cidades que estão nas zonas costeiras e próximas das zonas fluviares, nas margens dos rios e nas foz de rios”, disse .
“É necessário que o esgoto da cidade de Luanda seja analisado e se faça um inquérito de como a baía de Luanda em si é poluída porque é uma situação muito grave”, acerscentou Martins para quem “estas algas marinhas liberam toxinas que podem ser prejudiciais à saúde humana e também podem dizimar espécies da vida marinha de alto valor gastronómico do país”.
Rafael Lucas - Presidente - Associação Minuto Verde, organização vocacionada a defesa do meio ambiente, considera um “crime bárbaro” o que se vive na costa de Luanda e fala na necessidade de acções urgentes para mitigar os danos.
A organização disse que ““despoletou uma equipa do Departamento Científico para investigar as reais causas desta poluição, entender a fonte desta poluição”.
“Embora as investigações estejam em andamento, mas a coloração castanha e as espumas observadas sugerem uma possível contaminação por derrame de combustível ou produtos químicos e dada a proximidade com áreas de atividades portuárias e pesqueiras, é plausível que o vazamento possa estar relacionado com operações marítimas, acidentes ou mesmo descargas ilegais”, opinuou Rafael Lucas para quem “outra possível causa está relacionada com o escoamento de poluentes de atividades industriais urbanas agravadas pela falta de infraestrutura adequada de saneamento em várias regiões da província de Luanda”.
A Ministra Ana Paula de Carvalho anunciou, entretanto, que as amostras da substância já estão ser analisadas, recordando à população que evite entrar no mar e consumir pescado até que os resultados sejam conhecidos.
A ministra frisou que uma comissão multissetorial foi criada para investigar se a origem da contaminação é natural ou causada por algum produto químico.
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cecesebikegarage · 1 year
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Safe Checkout 🛒
Not only is customer satisfaction our number one priority but so is a safe and secure checkout!
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Come get your all new Mukuta 10 Plus today this Scooter is hands down one sweet adventure creater! It is pushing a max power of 2800 Watts that comes from dual 1400 Watt motors producing a top speed of 46 MPH this really puts the scoot in scooter!! Buy now and recieve an additional charger on us that will cut charging time by half if ordered before Aug 15th!
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gabuex · 6 years
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Episode 1233: The Young Cat Finds Himself Worried
Translator Notes:
The title of this episode is quite loosely translated.  The exact title is Nayameru Waka-Neko, or “Young Cat Who Is Able to Be Worried”, but that sounded... very strange when rendered directly in English.  I figured that the main point of the title is that the cat is surprised to be worried, or is not expected to be worried, so I did my best to come up with an alternate title that more naturally conveyed that idea in English.
Another point I should mention is that Japanese and English often have quite different ways of rendering the same sound effect, which often presents a bit of a conundrum regarding how to best translate vocalized sound effects.  English typically renders a cat’s voice as “meow”, whereas Japanese typically renders it as “nya”.  So, when you’re localizing something from Japanese and you come across a “nya”, do you literally write it like that, or do you turn it into its English counterpart?  The Granblue Fantasy localization team has opted to go down the latter path, so I followed suit.
“Catness level” is my translation of the made-up word 猫度 (likely pronounced neko-do), which literally means “cat degree” (”degree” as in the extent to which something exhibits or possesses a quality).
One final point: the “purrhaps so” cat pun in the last panel is one I made up completely on my own.  The Japanese contained the pun phrase nyaruhodo, which is a portmanteau between nya (as above) and naruhodo, which roughly translates as, “Oh, I see.”  Given that this is just a throwaway joke that combines cat-talk with an acknowledgement of what Mewmew said, I came up with my own pun to replace that.
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lacharmante · 4 years
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Lakshmi debout, dans une posture hiératique coiffée de la haute tiare Mukuta sous une forme à quatre bras tenant des attributs et marquant des mudras. Granit gris. Cassure à la main gauche. Royaume Vijayanagar - Inde du Sud, Karnataka. Epoque XIV à XVI ème siècle. Dimensions: H: 94; L: 46 cm
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vedicvaani · 5 years
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Mahalakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of wealth, prosperity (both material and spiritual), fortune, fertility and the embodiment of beauty. She is said to bring good luck and is believed to protect her devotees from all kinds of misery and money-related sorrows. She is also the personification of the spiritual fulfillment. Mahalakshmi face can be placed in your house/office to bring prosperity or can be gifted to your loved ones.
Design: Made of poly fiber. Colours: Red, Yellow, White Dimension: 6 inches (H) x 4.75 inches(W) Weight: 90 grams approx
Visit Us On: https://www.vedicvaani.com/maha-lakshmi-devi-face Call Us : +91-9820697944 Email: [email protected]
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yesthebatmanme · 6 years
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R.I.P Mukuta.
And don’t ever  try to feed me this bullshit about Batman not having a heart.
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lassmoodoo · 1 year
✨ MUKUTA 10 Plus 2800W Off-Road Electric Scooter | MACURY Store
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icharchivist · 3 years
god  i don’t know if i’m smart of just. just too. idk how to call it but man.
anyway i was just thinking “man Mukuta’s voice reminds me of someone. he sounds like Reinhardtzar. That’s kind of hilarious actually who’s Mukuta’s va?”
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so that’s great to know i can recognize him but now i just want Cain to understand  kitty speech and start to put Mukuta and Reinhardtzar together.
also i was thinking “Rivera’s voice reminds me of Eugen’s.... Keiji Fujiwara... but if it’s him i’ll cry i still haven’t recovered from the grief of his passing plea-”
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bm-asian-art · 3 years
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Durga Slaying the Buffalo Demon, Raktabij, and Kali Lapping up the Demon's Blood, Page from a Markandeya Purana Series, 1800-1825, Brooklyn Museum: Asian Art
The combined episodes of Durga's attack on the demon and Kali's lapping up his blood are here presented in one highly energized composition. A great orange-red monster with a human body, bird's claws, buffalo horns, white tusks, and a ferocious expression, is represented at the right. The multi-armed crowned goddess Durga, astride her tiger vehicle, pierces the demon and attacks with her numerous weapons, while the black goddess Kali extends her long tongue to lap up the blood shed by the demon before it touches the ground and coagulates into new asuras (demons). Some of the blood is transformed into numerous tiny Raktabij demons, emerging from the bloodbath who continue the battle. The violent scenes of bloody battle express the dynamic energy of the Goddess. These two episodes are related in the Devi Mahatmya text of the Markandeya Purana, in which the Goddess destroys various forms of demons, but multiple episodes incorporated in the same miniature is unusual. The Bhayanaka rasa, or the terrible sentiment, is predominant in this scene. Depiction of Devi in her frightening form of Kali, engaged in devouring up the blooddrops and tiny demons emerging from them, successfully conveys the sentiment here. This independent page is not associated with any known Devi Mahatmya manuscript from the hills, but is here attributed to Chamba, which was noted for a predominantly red and yellow palette and produced many illustrated Devi Mahatmya manuscripts. One may compare these stylistic characteristics with the more refined versions of this subject in the Devi Mahatmya in Guler, c. 1740-1781 (Aijazuddin 1977: 48). From Accession Card: Rather large and very coarse miniature painting, of Durga slaying the demon Mahisa (the asura Mahisa) with a flock of arrows, an illustration from the Markandeya Purana, a collection of mythological legends. The asura, a huge orange red monster with a human body, birds claws, an animal's white tusks, and a ferocious expression, is represented as rising from the purple emanation coming from the mouth of a demon. This demon, a gaunt female nude save for a dhoti, and with straight hair flying out behind, sits in one corner exhaling this emanation. The asura has a short dhoti and a white sash (kamarband) with yellow flower ends. Bells hang from the sides of the scarf around the waist. He also has armlets (bhuja-band), necklaces (mala) and bracelets (kankana). Close to the edge of the emanation are quantities of tiny asuras, colored the same as the emanation. The devi, astride a tiger, has eight arms. Two are used in shooting the crescent pointed arrow at the asura. The others hold a mace, a spear (sakti), a feather, a sword, a noose (pasa) and a conch (sankha). She has a full red skirt (ghagara) with a blue edge, a purple sash, a short green coli, a pointed crown (mukuta) and a quiver of arrows. She wears necklaces, earrings, armlets and bracelets and has her finger and toe nails dyed henna (mihamda). The background is yellow, save for a few streaks of green to represent the ground. On this are a white bowl and a white feather like the one the Devi is holding. The painting has a red border and is mounted on a slightly larger sheet of paper. Size: sheet: 11 1/8 x 15 in. (28.3 x 38.1 cm) image: 9 5/8 x 13 1/2 in. (24.5 x 34.3 cm) Medium: Opaque watercolor on paper
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brahamtrials · 4 years
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BREAKING: We're delighted to announce that Thierry Mukuta Kiesse has signed for FC Mauerwerk in Austria. We commend Thierry's professionalism, hardwork, leadership and we wish him success with his new club for the 2021 season.✍⚽🇦🇹 Story by @eldeporte_off 📰 #wintertransfer #2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLHBiwFJJRp/?igshid=24vy4iy3kvbp
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sepublic · 4 years
Is there any proof Teridax actually viewed his rahkshi as sons or is that just a way for the Mukuta to refer to them
           I’m 99.9% certain that the term ‘Sons of Makuta’ is purely colloquial, a technical sense of the term, and not at all familial. I believe Greg Farshtey himself stated that the Toa called each other ‘Brother’ and ‘Sister’, as an acknowledgement of their shared unity and duty together… Otherwise, there’s not really much precedent for traditional, familial structures in the Matoran Universe, nor parenthood, given how the people there are made and their purpose. No doubt their usage of familial terms came more from Spherus Magna’s society than anything else.
           And even if there WERE Makuta who viewed their Rahkshi with genuine parental affection… Teridax certainly wasn’t one of them. He’s a sociopath and a narcissist- When confronted with Gorast, who would willingly die for him, Teridax dismissed her genuine loyalty and had her vaporized in the Energy Storms as a precaution. To him, everyone else is a tool to utilize, and then discard in case it can be misused by someone else to interfere with what he’s built.
           Now, you COULD argue that his hesitation upon Tahu vaporizing all of his Rahkshi with the Golden Armor hints at something… But if I recall correctly, it came more from Teridax literally feeling the mental, emotional anguish of being vaporized, and experiencing that feeling from his literal connection to the Rahkshi, multiple times over, all at once. It’d have dazed and distracted him, no less… And similarly, there’s also the idea that realizing half of his army was utterly obliterated just like that made Teridax briefly hesitate, because there was just that tiniest room for doubt, that little fear that his plans wouldn’t come to fruition, if his most loyal soldiers had been completely removed from the picture in the blink of an eye. Just enough doubt instilled by this total failure, to hesitate for the slightest moment… And enough for Mata Nui to moon him to death.
           In the end, Teridax only saw his Rahkshi as tools and vessels to carry out his plans. His care for them came purely as an extension of this; He cared to see how they could accomplish his goals, but everything else about his Rahkshi, Teridax was no doubt apathetic towards. When his Rahkshi were destroyed, his disappointment wasn’t “Oh no my kids are dead”, it was “Oh no my minions with which to carry out my plans are gone, how will I carry out my plans now?” Any ‘care’ that Teridax would have for others, all loops back to him in the end- Because he’s the only thing that matters, he really sees himself as the center of the universe and has THAT much of an inflated opinion of himself.
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🙏🙏 The Saptamatrikas - Seven Divine Mothers 🙏🙏
Hinduism treats God in the form of Mother. It is one of the modes of worship. Lalitha Devi is worshiped as the Mother. She is described as Matrika varna Rupini-Lalitha Sahasra Nama.
Sapta Matrika - seven mother Goddesses
👉 #Brahmani
👉 #Vaishnavi
👉 #Maheshvari
👉 #Indrani
👉 #Kaumari
👉 #Varahi
👉 #Chamunda
Stories about Sapta Matrikas are found in the #VarahaPurana, #KurmaPurana and the #Mahabharata.
#Yogeshwari, a #Shakti created by #Shiva, is also mentioned among the Saptamatris and then the count becomes eight.
Saptamatrikas are among the numerous incarnations of #GoddessShakti. But their characteristics differ from region to region and from scriptures to scriptures. General belief is that the Saptamatrikas appeared to defeat the thousands of Anadhakas that were born from the blood of demon Andhaka.
Andhaka was actually the third son of Shiva. Lord Shiva injured demon #Andhaka when he tried to take away #GoddessParvati. Andhaka had received a boon that a single drop of blood spilled from his body will create thousands of Andhakas. So when Shiva injured Andhaka thousands of Andhakas appeared from the blood split.
To defeat the Andhakas, Shiva created Yogeshwari and the other gods created Saptamatrikas.
👉 Brahmani
The first Matrika in the series is yellow complexioned and has four faces, three of which are visible in her sculptures, the fourth one is at the back. Two of her arms in varada and abhaya gestures and she carries kamandalu and akashamala in two other hands, She is seated upon a lotus, has hamsa (swan) as her vahana. She wears a yellow garment (pitambara) and her head is adorned with a Karanda Mukuta. Her place is under a palas tree.
👉 Vaishnavi
Vaishnavi is dark in complexion, carries in one of her hands the chakra and in the corresponding left hand the sankha; her two other hands are held in the abhaya and the varada mudra respectively. She has a lovely face, pretty eyes and she wears a yellow garment. On her head is a Kirita Mukuta. She is adorned with all the ornaments generally worn by Vishnu and the emblem of her banner as well as her vahana is the Garuda. Her place is under a Raja Vriksha. In the Devi Purana, she is represented as possessing four hands in which she carries the sankha, chakra, gada and padma. She wears the vanamala, the characteristic garland of Vishnu.
👉 Indrani
Indrani has three eyes and four arms; in two of her hands she carries the vajra and the sakti, the two other hands being respectively held in the varada and abhaya poses. The colour of these goddess is red, and she has on her head a Kirita Makuta. Her vahana as well as the emblem of her banner is elephant, and her abode is under the Kalpaka tree. According to the Vishnudharmottra, she should have a thousand eyes and should be of golden colour and should have six arms. Devi Purana states that she carries the ankusa and vajra only and in the Purva Karanagama it has been mentioned that she has only two eyes and she holds lotus in one of her hands.
👉 Maheshvari
Maheshvari is white in complexion, she has three eyes. She has four arms, two of which are in the varada and the abhaya poses, while in the remaining two hands she carries the trisula and akashamala. Her banner as well as the vahana is Nandi (bull); she wears a Jata Makuta. Kaumari Kaumari is yellow in complexion and has four hands, in two of which she carries the sakti and the kukkuta, the remaining two hands in the abhaya and the varada poses. Her vahana is the Peacock. Her abode is under a fig tree. According to the Vishnudharamottara, she has six faces and twelve arms, in which she carries the sakti, dhvaja, danda, dhanus , bana, ghanta, padma, patra and parasu. The Devi Purana adds that her garlands are made of red flower and the Purvakarnagama adds that the goddess is so scluptured as to suggest the ideas of valour and courage.
👉 Varahi
Varahi is dark complexioned, with human body and the face of a boar. She wears on head a Karanda Makuta and is adorned with ornaments made of corals. She weilds the hala and the sakti and is seated under a Kalpaka tree. Her vahana as well as the emblem of her banner is the Elephant. The Vishnudharmottara states that she has a big belly and six hands, in four of which she carries the danda, khadga, khetaka and pasa. The Purvakaranagama says that she carries the hala and musala as her weapons. She wears on her legs nupuras (anklets).
👉 Chamunda
Goddess Chamunda has four arms, two of which are in the varada and abhaya poses and in the other two hands she carries the kapala (skull) and the trisula. The Devi is destroyed the two demons, Chanda and Munda. She has a very emaciated body, aunken belly and a terrifying face with a grin. She wears a garland of skulls. Her garment is the tiger skin and her abode is under fig tree. As the mother goddess she is the fertility aspect of Durga. She has been praised as the tutelary goddess of Vindhya mountains. She has a very heavy Jata Makuta. In the Purva Karanagama it is mentioned that she should have her mouth open and should wear on her head the digit of the moon as Siva does, that her vahana is an owl and the emplem of her banner is an eagle. In one of the left hands she carries the kapala which is filled with lumps of flesh, and in another left hand she holds a snake. She wears in her ears kundalas made of conch-shell.
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vedicvaani · 5 years
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Make: Made of brass metal. Devi face Adron shringar Base with zardosi work, Diffrent colours, moti, stones. Dimension: 6.5 inches(H) x 3.75 inches(W)
For More Visit Below Link : https://www.vedicvaani.com/vrattam-amman-devi Call Us On: 9820697944 Email Id: [email protected]
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