briefcasejuice · 2 years
𝐢𝐢. daredevil headcanons!
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a giant list of comic, live action, etc. daredevil headcanons i've been growing in a twitter thread since late august. > part 𝐢. | masterlist
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matt's the kind of person that speaks through their yawns; like he’d be mid-sentence and yawn, he doesn't wait for it to be over till he starts talking again.
matt has auditory hallucinations of his dad's voice when he's sleep deprived and his dad's is the only face he dreams about.
matt texts with full punctuation proper caps and everything, foggy texts with full punctuation but uses a lot of shortenings and emojis, karen doesn't have auto capitalization on but uses full punctuations and cute emojis; she’s a white heart user.
matt soothes a hand over his beard (or chin if he’s going clean shaven) when he's thinking (the way charlie cox does in interviews).
foggy played the acoustic guitar in college (to get girls of course).
foggy has one those dad phone cases with the flap that goes over the screen. matt would've gotten one but it's annoying to handle as a blind person.
matt talks in his sleep; sometimes it's cases he's working on, sometimes it's random phrases like, “gotta keep you safe”, “he's behind there” and other times it's just stupid stuff related to whatever dream he’s having.
every time matt's ‘dead’ or missing, foggy quotes thurgood marshall to himself whenever he misses him, is in a situation where he would usually ask matt for advice or just needs a little support.
matt picks up a lot of foggy's speech patterns and doesn't even notice it (autism).
even though matt wears his glasses a lot, if you've known him long enough you can tell he'd been crying because his nose goes temporarily red for a day after he has a really good cry.
foggy has an extensive dad joke notebook. matt actually learned to read ink with his fingers by stealing jokes from the book.
matt used to hang out with an older stray cat when he was younger, before he was blinded and after he was blinded, for every cat he met, he pictured them as that childhood cat.
matt takes whatever foggy hands him almost on instinct and it’s lead to some really funny scenarios like matt holding all of foggy's belonging in his arms in the middle of a colombia courtyard because foggy can't find something in his bag. he also gets this ultra serious look on his face whenever he takes the items like foggy's trusting him with the world.
matt's definitely the type of guy to stand in the living room listening to news on the television for 40 mins — dad style.
matt, foggy and kirsten listen to abba; they’re huge fans.
matt is a certified dark chocolate guy, karen is a milk chocolate gal, foggy will have any kind.
you tell mike and matt apart by which one has smile lines around his eyes.
the reason matt keeps changing the shape of his glasses is because he keeps losing them. whether it be around the city or just random shenanigans of putting it down and forgetting about it.
mike says, “matt jumpscare” whenever matt enters a room he's in.
before stick found matt, mike taught him how to do spinning tricks with his cane. after stick found him, matt became super good at it and taught mike some new tricks. mike noticed the sudden uptake in skill but didn't comment on it cause matt was already good at everything plus at least he was learning cool new stuff out of it.
matt hates lollipops; it's just sucking on your own saliva to him and he doesn't want to be tasting himself (in this context).
both matt and mike have really distinct laughs; matt's is very sudden, enunciated and his head gets thrown back while mike's is like a snort-giggle before he full of laughs and he bites his lip on a smile at the end of it.
sam's workplace once handed out father's day mugs but he doesn't... y’know so he passed it onto matt. matt didn't know it said ‘happy father's day! best dad ever!’ until mike used it. matt had gotten upset because it's his favourite mug and mike was like, “matt, what the fuck, why's your favourite mug the father's day mug?” and matt goes, “the what mug?”
definitely unrelated but after that, matt started buying things for sam which sam thought was really random but it was usually just items matt came across in stores that reminded him of sam.
both matt and mike mimic/mock people with a whiny voice to make fun of them. foggy hates it ‘cause they do it to him (affectionately) the most.
matt uses mike and (or) foggy as sensory anchors.
mike used to be so annoyed at having to 'drag his brother around' after matt was blinded but soon, he got used to it and was really jealous when matt started gravitating towards foggy and trusting foggy to lead him.
matt dreams about mike sometimes which can get really funny because even as adults, mike still has the same 9 year old face in his dreams.
mike got pretty good as acting for matt early on because they'd switch places a lot; it only got more complicated when matt was blinded and suddenly they had to worry about a lot of things only matt could or would need to do. in soule's run mike (spawns) begins existing with an identical pair of matt's glasses — i like to think it's a product of that. matt buys two lots of pairs of the same glasses for a multitude of reasons but one of them's always set apart for mike, not just only in case he needs to act as him but also because they actually take a weird sort of pride in being twins.
matt and foggy would go to ihop in their pjs after doing unintentional all nighters in college.
foggy’s tackled matt into a hug while he had an injury multiple times before and it hurt but matt dare not say it did ‘cause foggy’ll feel bad then order him to stay home.
matt has a slight lisp.
matt and karen like dark chocolate, foggy likes milk and dark (in that order) but will eat whatever's there.
foggy used to say 'dude' a lot when he was younger; brett and matt still make fun of him for it.
karen goes as rapunzel for halloween every year.
matt obviously didn't know they were getting the nelson and murdock sign in 1.09 so: foggy and karen would whisper in foggy's office about ordering it and where to hide it once it gets here etc., matt knew of course he just couldn't let them know he knew because it would ruin the surprise for them.
emergency ice packs (& other medical supplies, lollipops included) in the office.
foggy mimic/mocks people with a whiny voice to make fun of them.
buying silk sheets was one of those 'when i get my first paycheck!' type promises for matt until he met stick who drilled it into his head that he didn't need nor deserve that kind of comfort and he went for a futon (canon). after elektra, when he started forcibly growing older because of the trauma their relationship left behind and the corrupted closure of his father's death he started dreaming like that again and did indeed buy silk sheets with his first paycheck from landman and zack; granted, it was most of his paycheck.
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sillypinkboy · 2 months
They're so annoying when doing opening words (they lost the match)
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thatboisus · 4 months
“english isn’t my first langua—“ say no more.
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l0caltiredgirl · 5 months
when i want fluff/angst fics and all i’m getting is smut
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the struggle is real
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otpbutmakeitspicy · 6 months
i suffer from 'men are hotter banged up' disease. unfortunately there is no cure.
Bloody and bruised >
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oh-tobeafrog · 7 months
ok… imagine a moon knight and daredevil crossover where dd has no issues fighting the invisible jackals because the dude cant see shit anyway. moon knight is like “you can see them??” and matt, not wanting to reveal his blindness but having no idea theyre invisible, is just like “yeah i can see of course i can see”
moon knight then assumes dd is an avatar of an egyptian god. bc what else? so, naturally, moon knight asks “what god do you serve?”
“im catholic?”
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finalatomicbuster · 3 months
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Tex Murdock for Torso (October 1982) Photography by Sunblazer Studio
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djo · 5 months
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CHARLIE COX as MATT MURDOCK Daredevil | 2.06: Regrets Only
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hornypost · 2 months
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Tex Murdock & Tom LeDuc Fox Studio - Muscle Up: Leather Bond
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notrandtumblin · 3 months
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briefcasejuice · 11 months
i love the idea of matt and mike murdock doing Twin Things like doing movements at the same time or reacting the same but like logically, i imagine they'd lose a lot of that after matt is blinded and has to readjust to living in a different way, which means his habits and actions are fundamentally changed. however, as they are twins, i firmly believe that mike adjusted with matt and subconsciously gained a lot of matt's newer habits. so like, when he's walking around, he runs his fingers along walls and stuff despite not needing to be guided. he has a designated space for everything and even when he moves in somewhere on his own for the first time, once he packs everything away, they stay in their places until it's time to move out again. similar to that, he subconsciously keeps all his clothes to the right of his closet because when he lived with matt, matt used the left side of everything because he's left handed and it was easier to manage as a blind guy. you know? stuff like that. but i also still think they'd laugh at the same time, turn their heads at the same time. you know. Twin Stuff
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sillypinkboy · 2 months
Opening Night
Charcters; Mike and Matt Murdock (Jack Murdock mentioned)
Au; Bloody Rings
Word count; 358
──────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
A deep breath, two in time with each other. Lights buzz, casting dull lights. The smell of blood, sweat and beer fills the lungs of the two. Chatter and excitement dance in the tight room.
Opening night.
Neither expected many people to show, these gigs only held a few hundred. Heartbeats thump in time with the air’s movement.
The devil and his imp. The chaos and the calm. A killer duo.
Mike laughs, a nervous habit.
“Ready to give them Hell, Matty?” Despite the dark, his smile beams. A laugh catches between the brothers.
Music pours from a shitty bluetooth speaker as they enter, every crackle more than enough to match the electricity that dances within the fighters.
They share a grin.
It couldn’t have been a better feeling.
The bell rings and they take their places, playing dodge and playing attack. Mike distracts and Matt hits.
The older takes a blow, leaving the younger for a moment. Then the younger one recovers as the older hits.
Mike watches as Matt slides under, a practiced move.
Adrenaline pumps against excitement. Thump, woosh, thud. Hit, miss, hit.
Mike’s face meets the rubber. Matt falls next. A bell rings, music crackles.
It’s over.
They stay down, both do, for a moment. Sweat drips and fills the senses.
Mike laughs. Matt joins him.
They help each other up, dusting off. Matt pulls at his shirt, shaking his head as the other takes bows.
The excitement of the fight runs low as they leave, without money in their pockets. Both hold to each other’s side as they head back to the apartment.
Both stopped breathing as they edged open the door and quietly made it over to their bedroom, careful of the floor. Jack shouldn’t - wouldn’t - be awake right now, but both felt that fear as they got to the door. It wasn’t like they weren’t allowed to do this, it was just easier to get away with it when winning. That was the silent agreement that was made the one night they had been caught.
Tossing their respective bag in a corner, both crashed.
The rest would be left to morning.
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thatboisus · 3 months
maybe i was born to read fanfic and obsess over fictional men idk
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l0caltiredgirl · 1 year
me @ y/n when they do something i’d never do:
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like babe this isn’t us ?? get it together
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laundy · 2 months
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mattfoggy is otp for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR LIFE
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realangelahernandez · 5 months
Go to therapy or read another fan fiction of your favorite fictional character?
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