#muse hates me
fandomchill · 10 months
Okay I can’t write this one but my muse is throwing out a lot of stuff so I release this into the world and hope someone can write it:
Grian has a guardian angel, who is trying very hard to help him find his Soulmate. Jimmy isn’t the best at his job but damnit he’s trying.
Scar has a devil on his shoulder, but tangos gotten a bit too attached to his target to actually go through with the whole soul devouring thing.
Turns out these two obvious assholes are soulmates, and now the angel and the demon have to work together to make it happen. Not for any big reason but because they really just want their charges to be happy.
Too bad they might just be falling in love as well.
Possible plot points !
Angel Jimmy only being excellent at his job when Grian is in true danger. Otherwise he’s just shitting around
Scar nearly constantly getting hurt and not letting it dim his spirits.
Tango playing a bit of an angel because he really does dig the mischievous streak his kid has.
Something something two souls intertwined makes something something Divine.
(Angel Jimmy and tango get second chances to live as mortals at the end?)
Oh plot bunny I shall likely never be able to get to I release thee. May you go forth and leave me be!
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tofixtheshadows · 6 months
Sorry but Kabru is so fascinating to me as a character, in a pure mechanical sense, because of what Ryoko Kui does with him. Everything about him is a red herring. He's deliberately introduced as some kind of rival for Laios, a party leader who is hopeless against monsters but absolutely brilliant with people both in and out of combat, and who has good reason to oppose him.
By the end of chapter 31, you might even think Kabru's going to end up as some sort of anti-villain, an antagonist with the best of intentions who nevertheless tries to foil our hero's plans. He wants to defeat the Mad Mage himself, he suspects Laios of being too irresponsible to be trusted with control of the dungeon, and his crew even thinks that Laios's party stole from them (and they're kind of right!). All signs point towards an inevitable showdown.
And then ... none of that happens.
Confrontation over the stolen treasure? Kabru is literally too smart to fall for the classic miscommunication trope and correctly decides it's not worth making a big deal of.
Kabru's deadly PVP skills? Aside from trying to take down Falin, he never fights another human again.
Wanting to be the one who defeats the dungeon? Turns out he was only doing that because he didn't think any other adventurer would have people's best interests at heart, and he's more than willing to play a support role in the whole affair.
Thinking Laios is up to no good? He really did just want to get to know the guy more. He has his misgivings, but ultimately ends up trusting Laios with his life.
Is Kabru going to get some sort of comeuppance for hating monsters and not appreciating their ecosystem? Well no, he has good reasons for hating monsters. He ends up wanting to learn about them through Laios's eyes, but he's never forced into any "Wow, guess I was wrong about them!" revelation.
Hell, even his implied ladykiller ways, which might lead you to think he'll end up being the stock "chivalrous lech" type of character, don't really manifest. He has a lot of opportunities to act flirtatiously around women, but doesn't. He's just a guy whose natural charisma makes him into human catnip.
And that's all hysterical to me, to pull it off. It's a fascinating way to tell a story. To introduce a character explicitly as a rival, potentially even a villain, and instead make them a deuteragonist. It's like a magician making a coin disappear, then slowing down their trick to show you the misdirection. "Did you see what I did there?" they ask with a wink. "The coin was in my other hand the entire time."
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helixcraft · 1 month
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the fish that keeps appearing all over my recommended only that he's out of jail and happy
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thesargasmicgoddess · 4 months
Adventure Reflections...✈️🌏
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I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that I will be overseas again in 3 weeks. How has it been a year since last summer already?
The preparation and anticipatory anxiety for trips are always the worst for me. Nothing ever feels done or prepared, but it's gotten better with time and experience. As someone who suffered from severe agoraphobia in my 20's, I consider every adventure a huge win for me and my mental health.
And not once have I regretted an adventure.
But for now.....I'm just giving myself grace to take in what a crazy, blessed, and full 12 months it's been. But I'm taking downtime in July, finally 🙌🏻 🎉
Happy Wednesday, peeps!
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gleefullypolin · 3 months
Stacy's Tipsy Musing's - Colin Bridgerton Hot Takes - Part 1
Ok boys and girls, we need to have a little chat about Colin Bridgerton.
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Part 2 has been out now for a couple of days and there have been a lot of hot takes to come out of the season. A LOT of hot takes.  I’m going to break this down into 4 parts. 4 questions that I'm seeing really bad hot takes about Colin.
Now none of this is new, I gotta say before Season 3 aired Colin was a hot button topic anyway. He seemed to be the Bridgerton brother that lots of people love to spew hate takes on anyway. But damn I gotta say its painful seeing the Polin fandom have so many bad takes falling from their lips.
So, I figured...having a little drink tonight, sitting down for Father’s Day (Happy Father’s Day, Colin) I’d give you the opinion on some of these takes that you didn’t ask for...Mine!
Ok let’s start with the hottest take. Question 1:
Does Colin really believe that Pen entrapped him in marriage?
“Perhaps that was another part of your planned entrapment”
Ok I have to say, I have never seen one line inspire SO MANY BAD TAKE FANFICS IN ALL MY LIFE! Let’s start at the beginning...he found out about Lady Whistledown by following Pen because he noticed she and his sister run off together and disappeared. His sister who was not speaking to Pen previously from his knowledge. So not only is he suddenly feeling betrayed by his future wife, but also his sister.
Now add to this, his trying to reconcile this lie in the middle of planning a wedding to the woman he thought he knew most of his life as quiet little Pen, who just weeks earlier he was trying to teach how to flirt and land a man. He is confused and angry.
But that’s only 2 layers of hurt. Let’s keep adding to that. Layer one, we have the lie. Layer two, we have a woman he thought he knew. Add in Layer three, the Marina situation.
The original LW lie for him was about Marina’s lie. The original entrapment. An entrapment that Colin was willing to look past. He was still willing to marry Marina despite her deception. He still checked in on her post marriage to Phillip to ensure she was happy, to see if she regretted NOT marrying him. Colin always regretted his behavior to Marina’s entrapment. An entrapment that LW pushed into the light and forced a different decision for him. I don’t think he cares about Marina now, he never once accused her of taking Marina from him, he never loved Marina, but she took his agency, his decision.
Now for the fun of it, let’s add layer four. Portia’s already accused Pen of entrapping Colin during his confrontation with her. An accusation he strongly defended her against. An accusation which led to him telling her he loved her for the first time and them sharing their first time together. Which he is now reminding her of.  “I’m a man of honor. And we were intimate.” Colin knows how to hurt Pen. We always know how to hurt those we have known for a long time, and they are of course the oldest of friends. He is striking her where he knows it will hurt her the most. Because he is hurting, and she caused the blow.
So let’s talk about the biggest blow of them all. “Perhaps that was another part of your planned entrapment” He doesn’t look her in the eye when he says any of this. He can’t, because he KNOWS he’s being an asshole. He knows its below the belt. But she hurt him. He’s angry, hurt, lashing out.
Because of Layer five...Hot anger at what she wrote about him at the beginning of the season. This person who knows him better than anyone else, wrote truth to page. No one knows the real Colin the way Pen does. His brothers toasted him when he returned home because of his new female attention, his friends said he was more fun this season. But Pen called his new persona a ploy for attention. She saw him for what he was. A fraud. If he is to forgive Pen, he is to also start to acknowledge that there is truth in things she says that perhaps Lady Whistledown does not tell lies.
But then there is layer six. Jealousy and shame. Colin has sat in all of his emotions, yes he’s angry about what she has written,but we get to the heart of it, he’s jealous of her and that makes him ashamed of himself. That’s very Book!Colin coded who was very ashamed of his jealousy, so much so that Pen mistook his silence and brooding as shame of her. But this Colin is brooding in his own shame and jealousy and lashing out at her.
And then we get to layer seven. Colin loves Penelope above all else. And with this love and hurt and shame and jealousy, there is nothing that will stop him from marrying her. And in part, that is where his ire in this pointed cut comes from. He’s reminding her that they will marry. This will happen. This woman who is a successful writer, something he thinks he will never be, will marry him. Because he has laid claim to her. He has bedded her. They were intimate, she was compromised, and they have entrapped each other. But above all, he loves her, and Lady Whistledown will not change that decision for him this time. This time, he will marry.
Seven layers of lies, deception, past hurts, parental pressures, anger, jealousy and shame, and above all love sat on his tongue and wormed through his thoughts for days until they cut out at the small woman beside him that he needed to hurt in that moment. The woman he had been avoiding for that very reason.
Colin is not a hateful man. He was a kind man. He was rarely angry. But when he was finally put in a place where anger was his only emotion, he avoided Penelope, so that he didn’t hurt her, so he would not say things that were unkind and would hurt her. But when put into the place that he could not avoid her, he lashed out. He made it very clear how things were going to go and he pouted, and he brooded and he said unkind words.
And he was ashamed. And after that he did his best to avoid her, (by being out drinking, sleeping on the couch, avoiding intimacy) so he would not lash out at her again. Because he was ashamed.
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Stick around for Part 2.... Why would Colin send Pen home alone after finding her on the street at night?
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steveharrirngton · 5 months
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happy birthday dreamboy ♡
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johannestevans · 1 year
Hi, as an intersex trans masc person I was just wondering if I could ask/clarify a couple things about your posts about being referred to as "afabs"
This is entirely out of a desire to better understand other perspectives so I'm sorry if its a bother, it isn't intended that way
Is it that you generally dislike being referred to as afab because it references a gender that is not your identity, or is it specifically it being used as a noun that causes the issue?
If it is the noun issue, could I ask if you can elaborate on why?
I was under the impression that afab/amab were useful and accepted ways to refer to someone's physical sex at birth, which is what is relevant in discussion about pregnancy etc. Have I misinterpreted something here?
(I'm also autistic so idk if I've missed some tone issue or sarcasm or implication here, I'm just trying to understand better so I don't offend others)
I hope you're doing well and thanks for your time x
And even if there were, right?
Calling me an "AFAB", the implication is meant to be that BECAUSE I was assigned female at birth and had ~female parts~, that means I must have ~female parts~ now, as if these things don't change with time and hormones and surgery, as if because I was erroneously described as female, I am the same physically as I was as an infant, and therefore I share in common everything with anyone else who was also described as female at birth, erroneously or otherwise.
Of course anything to do with being "female" isn't my fucking identity, as a man.
AFAB and AMAB stand for Assigned Female at Birth and Assigned Male at Birth.
Being assigned male or female was an event that happened in the past. I was also a fucking baby at birth. I'm not a baby now, am I? Just because I was an infant then doesn't mean you would prefer to me as an ex-infant or previously an infant. That has 0 bearing on my identity as an adult. It's bizarre to bring it up.
AMAB and AFAB are perfectly useful terms to describe that specific event - the event at birth when you were assigned a sex, incorrect or otherwise.
What relevance or frankly, business, is it of anyone's what sex a ten-year-old was assigned at birth? A twenty-year-old? A forty-year-old? A seventy-year-old?
There are loads of trans people who never went through the wrong puberty, and have had various surgeries. There are plenty of trans people who have been stealth since they were kids, where many of the people around them never had any idea they were trans and/or intersex, and they just went through the puberties they were most comfortable with.
There is no "AFAB" or "AMAB" experience that is universal to everyone based on what sex they were assigned at birth. That is a lie, it is a fiction, and it's not even a convincing once if you actually talk to a variety of other trans and intersex people. Words to the contrary are generally just based in gender essentialist ideology.
What does it have to do with anything, except that some freaks basically still think of assigned sex at birth as what you "really" are, or having a big impact on your current identity in perpetuity?
In a few years, the abilities of surgeons around uterine transplants will have improved. Within twenty years, I expect we'll see more trans women having pregnancies, and in general more people carrying pregnancies after having womb transplants and other organ transplants.
Just say "people who can get pregnant". Just say "people carrying pregnancies" and "pregnant people".
Stop trying to imagine that someone's ~femaleness~ or ~maleness~ is what the crux of the matter is here. Stop trying to project the male and female """"""biological""""" bullshit onto people when it doesn't apply to them.
There is no such thing as universal biological or physical sex under male and female categories, let alone shared experiences based on those categories.
Just eliminate that shit from your mind. It's a fucking cancer.
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dancerachanation · 9 months
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[2 Kids Show] Ep.07 Changbin X Hyunjin | can i call you, Streetlight | with MC Lee Know
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melverie · 1 year
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serenelity · 4 months
things only become soft once they've been through hell and back
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fandomchill · 10 months
Me: alright muse repeat after me.
Muse: okay.
Me: I want
Muse : I want
Me: to write a desert duo changeling based au about time travel and fate loops.
Muse: to write a desert duo changeling based au about time travel and fate loops.
Me: good. I want to write a desert duo changeling based au about time travel and fate loops.
Muse: want to write an estate building Victorian love story hybrid au?
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
You cinephile in black and white, all those plot twists and dynamite / Said “forever,” then he blew it up
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triaelf9 · 3 months
you know what, I think I've worked out why I'm cool with some folks hating a character I like, or liking a character I hate, or liking hating a ship I like/hate etc and I think it's HOW they approach it
Is their beef with the character/ship? or have they made it about the people who like/hate the character/ship?
like "I hate Bungles, he's such a CREEP" as apposed to "everyone who likes Bungles is a ding dong and clearly has terrible taste in partners b/c they like BUNGLES like come ON who likes BUNGLES?? MORONS??"
It's the turning it into a moral thing, the "ooh I'm better b/c I hate Bungles" thing I think that ticks me off. Going after real life ppl b/c you hate (or like!) a fictional character so much "Anyone who hates Bungles should DIE" like oof, no thanks. Turning into a purity/clout/moralistic war where you attack features and traits of folks is I think where I draw the line.
Otherwise, I think I've grown into being able to be fine with ppl hating my favs/liking my hates, even if I might not connect on every point. Now THAT'S something we can agree to disagree on XD (and not like "I don't agree you're trans" or other shit things ppl try to use that phrase for lol)
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000marie198 · 6 months
Literally blame @myymi for this /pos. Your Unbreakable Bond story did something to my brain chemistry
What is Love
Love is confusing, hard to define
So many versions, so many kinds
You don't know what it is but you hold it deep inside,
Greater and truer than the one seen passing by
Love is keeping up even if you tire n your body aches,
Love is stopping even if you crave speed and high stakes
Love is the faith you place in each other
Growing stronger as time passes further
It's in the thumbs ups and smiles,
The fist bumps and high fives
Its's the little things you share,
And the way that you care
Love is campfire meals and sleeping under stars
Love is funny stories, banters and late night talks
Love is falling asleep with no need to stay alert
Love is safety and shelter and deep rooted trust
Love is who you run to when storm gets loud
When sky flashes white and lights go out
It's in reassurance, the murmurs that make fear subside
It's in your presence, the comfort you always provide
Love is in soothing lullabies played on a guitar
Love is in the cheers that make you feel like a star
Love is when you jump off and don't fear the fall
Knowing you'll be caught, no need for a call
Love is waking up in bed, all tucked in
Your last memory a desk and tools tinkerin'
Love is a pounce attack to force you to nap
Getting you to sleep n rest, a never failing trap
Love is the hope in your eyes,
The pride in your voice
Love is the warmth in your hugs
The sweetness in mint tea mugs
Love is your protection, an armour, a shield
Love is your support, a sword that you wield
Love is what your heart screams when your voice fails
Love is what your soul knows when your mind derails
Love is when you glance up and see home, father and mother
Love is when you look down and find a child, a friend, a brother
Don't tag this as a ship or I will feed you to the piranhas :)
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saucy-mesothelioma · 6 months
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bobokitty · 2 months
I fucking love unreliable narrators in stories. It's gotta be one of my favorite things.
I once had an idea for a story long ago that about a crumbling nation and the king's assassination, but told through the perspective of like, 13 or 14 different characters who were there that day. Each character would have a different view on the events and would even completely contradict other tellings, and through all their accounts, the reader would piece together what actually happened. Oh, and each pov would be in a different art style that fit each character's personality. Obviously this was WAY too big of an undertaking for me, and I ended up repurposing characters for other stories ahaha.
In my foggy recollection, I FEEL like there are already stories out there that have done this. I wouldn't call it unique (no idea is; everything has been done and will be done and it's all about your own personal flare). Still, would be so cool to see done in animation or comic form. Hell, even live action if they really push the bar on styles and genres. Which, again, has to have been done already. I feel like I've seen it before. And if so, I want more.
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