#muse: mairon
helenvader · 24 days
Today's offer:
two stills that are parallel to each other and
two stills with ring imagery that could be interpreted as "the Ring will be your undoing".
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naarisz · 1 year
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Trying out some new styles with a quick sketch of Mairon. :)
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cilil · 2 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓡𝓲𝓷𝓰 vs 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕚𝕝𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕝𝕤
Over the years I've encountered a few discussions around the question of which work was "greater", the One Ring or the Silmarils. Unfortunately, these discussions were often framed as a sort of "character competition" with the goal to determine that either Fëanor or Mairon is the "better" smith and I don't think that's particularly fun or doing either work justice. So... here are my two cents regarding the comparison between our favorite pieces of jewelry.
⟡ Their natures and purposes.
Firstly, the One Ring and the Silmarils are two different kinds of objects, and by that I don't just mean shape, materials or design.
The One Ring is a tool. It was created to dominate the wearers of the other Rings of Power to aid in Mairon's quest to subjugate and control other rulers in Middle-earth (and not to show everyone what a cool smith he is). Aside from this purpose, the One Ring functions as a sort of amplifier, working with and strengthening whatever abilities its current wearer has. It's impervious to damage and can only be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom where it was made, though it's possible such a feat could have also been achieved by the Valar, particularly Aulë.
The Silmarils are more akin to a science experiment or passion project. Fëanor was inspired to capture the light of the Two Trees after seeing Galadriel's hair and proceeded to research and experiment how such a feat might be achieved. They were hallowed so no mortal or evil hands could touch them and, after the death of the Two Trees, were the only way to restore them. Like the One Ring, they couldn't be simply broken or unmade and only Fëanor knew the exact process, though it's once again not impossible that the Valar could have done so, particularly Aulë.
⟡ Who was involved.
While the One Ring and the Silmarils were created by Mairon and Fëanor respectively, there was also some involvement from other parties.
As far as the One Ring is concerned, Mairon learned how to make a "ring" like this (his ring is obviously a ring and we've also heard of Morgoth's Ring which is not, so read "ring" as a metaphor/umbrella term here), or an "object infused with someone's power", from Melkor and his process of placing his spiritual essence within Arda. Being a former Maia of Aulë, we can also assume that Mairon learned the craft itself as well as potentially special techniques from Aulë.
As far as the Silmarils are concerned, the light came from the Two Trees of Valinor which were created by Yavanna and the hallowing was performed by Varda.
Thus, we can conclude that in both cases outside influences were involved, namely various Valar, and given how the Valar made the basic components of Arda (the planet itself, water, air, etc), it's pretty much impossible to create anything in Arda that you couldn't argue against being related to some Vala's domain in some way. That is not to take away from anyone's creative abilities or craftsmanship, it's simply a consequence of existing in a world that has demiurgic angels its architects.
⟡ Their historical impacts.
To say that the One Ring and the Silmarils were important artifacts within the history of Arda would be an understatement and to narrate their entire arcs would be beyond the scope of this post, as well as not very interesting.
I believe it suffices to say that both the One Ring and the Silmarils triggered arcs that spanned centuries and essentially dictated at least an entire age and were the main driving force of the plot, with many other events being chain reactions of the original conflicts sparked by the existence of these artifacts. They have influenced countless lives and ultimately led to the final defeat and downfall of a dark lord. Their historical impact was immense.
⟡ Their raw power/potential.
This is a bit of an iffy point of comparison, since power in the Tolkien universe is deliberately designed not to be a clearly quantifiable and comparable thing. Because of this, I'll also stay clear of commenting on the individual power of the creators and focus on power in terms of potency and potential of the artifact.
The One Ring acts, as previously mentioned, as an amplifier and is thus dependent on its wearer. Aside from being unable to be unmade outside of Mount Doom, it also appears to be able to expand and shrink to fit its wearer. When worn by mortals, it has the side effect of making them invisible. A powerful individual who successfully claims the One Ring, as in bending it to their will, could gain full access to its powers and attempt to control the bearers of the other rings; though in order to do that, they would have to overcome the will of Mairon whose essence is contained within the One Ring, a feat that Tolkien has stated to be impossible inside Mount Doom (unless maybe they're a Vala, and I personally think even a more powerful Maia would at least be at a high risk of succumbing).
The Silmarils are, due to their light and their hallowing, effective against evil and can ward off evil creatures or cause them grievous harm, even to Melkor. They're also the only way to restore the Two Trees of Valinor, a feat the Valar were unable to accomplish without them, and Yavanna herself cannot reproduce them in their entirety. Like the One Ring, they're pretty much indestructible and, while they don't seem to have a will of their own or one stemming from any of the parties involved, they have the tendency to influence the fates of those who own them, simply by way of being critically important to various parties and being lusted after. If one wants to take the (discarded) Second Prophecy as part of their personal canon, the Silmarils will also be used to restore the Trees at the end and thus aid in the healing of Arda.
⟡ Their allegiance.
I've touched on this aspect somewhat before, but for this point I'm going to take a quick look at how exactly these objects appear to have allegiances and how these may change or be turned.
The One Ring's true allegiance is Mairon, whose spiritual essence it holds. It serves its other wearers with the purpose of hopefully making its way back to him and will occasionally betray them, showing what could be a will of its own, though so far it's tied to Mairon's. It could be turned to serve another, if one individual possesses the power to do so, but this possibility has remained theoretical in the story and would, even if Mairon was defeated or even (partially) enslaved, still end in his favor insofar as that the new master of the One Ring would inevitably be corrupted by performing such an act. Thus, we can conclude that his safeguards were mostly sufficient and the ring remained faithful.
The Silmarils don't appear to have a will on their own on the same level and don't really have allegiances either. However, thanks to the hallowing certain parties are unable to touch them without being burned and withered; whether the hallowing, as far as the notion of evil is concerned, is tied to some abstract, objective moral standard or is connected in some way, shape or form to the will of Varda is unclear, but fact is that Eönwë's warning turned out to be accurate when Maedhros and Maglor were burned by the Silmarils. I would speculate that, if Fëanor had survived and been around at that time, he too would have been burned and go as far to suspect that this would have happened even if his first attack on Angband had been successful and led to a swift reclamation of the Silmarils, since he was already a kinslayer by that point. Thus, the Silmarils were no longer "faithful" to their original maker and his heirs.
⟡ Conclusion.
So where do we stand after considering all of the above points? I think that the One Ring and the Silmarils are on the same level regarding various aspects. As far as allegiance is concerned, I would say the One Ring has a bit of an edge as it never turned on or became unusable for Mairon; but as far as raw power/potential is concerned, I would say the Silmarils have the edge there because of their global importance in regards to the Two Trees and due to them holding the light of one of, if not a Vala's greatest work.
In my opinion, it really comes down to what you personally find more impressive - a tool for domination or the jewels of fate.
Nevertheless, comparing these two from various angles is fascinating and I frankly find it sad that such an interesting topic is more often than not reduced to some sort of character bashing or gotcha moment; which, in case that wasn't clear already, is NOT the purpose of this post. I'd be curious to hear what other aspects you would highlight and other comparisons you would draw, though would humbly request you respect the aforementioned purpose of this post (and what it's not).
As for the creators, let's say just this: Fëanor has made several great works and Mairon, while we know less about him overall due to the limited narrators of the Silmarillion, is a highly capable and intelligent individual too; one doesn't stay respected within the household of Aulë even after betraying him or become a teacher of Celebrimbor and the Gwaith-i-Mírdain for nothing. Neither of them is "stupid" or "trash" (as far as craftsmanship is concerned, what you think about their morals and personalities is a different story...).
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Thanks for reading and I hope you found this post interesting and/or entertaining. I kept it more on the casual side since I thought it sufficient to get the point across and lots of people here know the lore required and don't need extra quotes.
taglist: @asianbutnotjapanese @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @blauerregen @destinyeternity1 @elanna-elrondiel
@just-little-human @urwendii @wandererindreams
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ayaosguqin · 2 years
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The Dark Lord on his dark throne. In the Land of Mordor
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hirazuki · 2 years
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The Lieutenant of Angband and the Lord of Himring.
Idk who managed to tick them both off or how, but congrats, I hope they are running XD
From a fanfic idea that I've been mulling over in my head. Usually I'm more of a missing scene or canon scene reinterpretation type of person, but I do enjoy some good old canon divergency now and then ^^ I just want them to interact more freely, without the constraint of chains and cliffsides, you know?
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outofangband · 2 years
(Writing again about some of my old favorite ideas. I have some fics and other posts on this but I want to revisit them)
Angband World Building and Aftermath of Captivity Masterlist and I talked a bit about Maedhros and death here
I’ve always enjoyed playing with the idea that Maedhros was As One Who Had Returned From Death literally. I’ve written before about death in Angband and how the fortress limits the deaths of prisoners in a variety of ways including the use of Maiar of Mandos taken or recruited
This is possibly au as I don’t always view the death as literal but it is interesting to explore
Warning for mentions of death and gore.
I do believe Maedhros for all intents and purposes died in Angband at least once but was revived by the powers of a necromancer, likely Sauron himself. I do not believe that elves can be recalled from death once they have entered the domain of Mandos but the enchantments of Angband often prevent their Fëar from entering that domain and thus, they can be returned to their bodies, or what was left of them
Perhaps Maedhros does not know the first time. Death is as unnatural as life is to the elves of Angband. He has experienced any number of altered states of consciousness now, driven to a blinding white unreality from the cut of a venomed blade, lingered in the black nothingness of extended isolation until he knew no longer where wakefulness ended and sleep began.
His death was perhaps accidental. A wound left untreated and bleeding for too long, an antidote not administered in time, perhaps the simple culmination of so many abuses and so little recovery. Maedhros is aware of the agony, the indignities his helplessness exacerbates and then suddenly he is no longer aware.
They could have used his death, displayed the body, reworked the corpse to use his image among their own side (a process related to but not identical to necromancy). But instead he is revived and in no way is this a mercy.
He does not enter the realm of Mandos of course. He is merely recalled to a broken body that is slowly healed against his will so he can suffer still more , his life sewn with fragments of the dark sorcery of the enemy.
The pain has not lessened even if the injury is treated. He watches the glowing Maia with a dull exhausted fire in his eyes and knows that whatever has been done to drain the energy of the Lieutenant in such a way, it is profound and cruel and he is worse for it.
He has returned suddenly to his body in states of shock, to awaken with all senses alight. This is different.
Maedhros is allowed very little time to recover (from what he still does not know). He does notice the icy silence of the Moringotto upon their next meeting, that borders on an almost wariness but in the end results in no mitigation of the abuses he inflicts
And he continues to suffer. Death marks him apart in no way other than to illuminate the cruel success of Mairon and if he knows then he knows only that his revival will only further his value, or lack thereof, and his purpose as a vessel for abuses
Upon the cliff he longs for a death he knows will not come. There is surely no limit that he has not yet reached here. His body is battered and exposed here but it cannot be sufficiently destroyed.
(I talked about the post Angband implications here also!)
If Maedhros suspects the truth, he will never reveal his suspicions, not to anyone. The idea that the Enemy can resurrect fallen foes to turn them against their own kin is not believed to be fact by all, it exists in the periphery of the rumors surrounding former prisoners of the Hells of Iron. But the fear of those now freed or rescued souls otherwise controlled by the Enemy is on the minds of all, Maedhros included for inevitably he will encounter another former prisoner who has indeed been chained to the will of Morgoth.
(He will know that whatever is done others have called for him to suffer and he will wonder what, if anything, sets him apart from the other)
(Anyways yeah I was going to wait to post this but after what happened today I needed a distraction)
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melkors-big-tits · 2 years
Mairon wakes up at 3am to a noise, gets up and walks in on his husband painting the livingroom walls pastel pink
Melkor: "--I can explain"
Mairon sighs, pulls up a chair: "please do"
Melkor: "Okay but you can't blame me cuz this wasn't my fault alright?"
Mairon crosses his arms: "just tell me what happened"
Melkor: "Well I woke up cuz I got thirsty and came to get something to drink when I noticed the shadows making a cool pattern to the wall and I thought that it'd make an amazing mural so I got my pens out and started to trace it but then it didn't turn out like I wanted it to so I thought that I'd paint over it but I grabbed the wrong paintbucket by accident but it really wasn't my fault cuz how should I've known that white bucket Doesn't automatically mean it has white paint in it and I can't just leave a blotch of pink on the wall so I thought that I'd paint the whole wall instead cuz that's just logical"
Mairon regards the mostly finished walls then his paint splattered husband whos face displays all emotions flitting from apologetic to anger to fear. Mairon gets up, walks to him and tippytoes up to kiss his husband tenderly on the lips before he endearingly pinches his cheek and purrs out: "Finish up, shower then come back to bed Mister midnight artist"
Melkor relaxes from the sweet kiss and grins devilishly: "creativity knows no time or cares for it"
Mairon chuckles: "I've noticed. Finish up quick, the bed feels awfully lonely without you snoring next to me~💗"
Melkor gasps like a southern belle who's honor was insulted: "I do Not snore!"
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ughtumno · 6 months
Saw somone post their fancast of Silm characters so here's my own casting starting w lord visine and his husband, evil incarnate.
and with my hand upon your shoulder just as a trusted friend would do, I ask you to hear me tf out
Sauron/Mairon: Eamon Farren
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he has the PERFECT evil lil smirk, his pretty nose, and he's how I picture Sauron would look in front of Melkor and day-to-day.
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His overbite is SO CHARMING and adds to the uniqueness of his face. Just look at him. I do like to imagine Charlie Vickers as a form Sauron would choose tho, hopefully he does justice with what he's given in s2 lmfao
I also see this guy as Mairon as well, much younger looking and corruptable
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Annatar/Tar-Mairon: Stahma Tarr (Jamie Murray)
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I am head over heels. I have a particular weakness for peeps w white hair.
I like to imagine that as Annatar, Sauron presented more androgynous (to get as many ppl he could to trust him lmfao. Public Universal Friend? More like Public Universal BITCH slaps knee)
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dadd- i mean momm- i mean my liege LIKE COME ON look at her, you'd trust that face to benevolently rule an entire civilization of Men, right? No evil strings attached to those eyes.
Post-Alkallabeth: Prince Nuada (Luke Goss)
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after he got his ass beat in Numenor and thrown out of his girlboss bod, that's when he started to lose the ability to appear as beautiful as he used to but still conventionally attractive to middle earth standards.
No matter what form he chooses each time he gets injured, it remains on his body to represent losing strength. The flame in his hair is nearly gone and as he loses his power but before the War of the Last Alliance and the Eye, his hair smoldered to grey and black. Mirroring Melkor like dis:
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Melkor: Peter Steele and Keith Lee Castle
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as a goth, peter steele is such a muse for me and I'm so glad other ppl agree that he's perfect for Melkor.
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That being said, I see Melkor's face as a blend of these two.
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They both have strong features and Peter Steele's eyes and eyebrows scream disgraced Valar and that's the form he would use in front of enemies and anyone he's trying to impress or intimidate. Keith Lee Castle brings a softer, friendlier presence and for me, captures how he appears in front of Sauron and in "recruiting and manipulation" mode in Valinor and wherever else he's trying to look more friendly.
If you got this far, my apologies LMAO
I wrote way more abt Sauron (rip Melks) I'll do more Silm characters whenever I remember to :P
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demonscantgothere · 1 year
Jewel Spoilt. Galadriel/Sauron | Mairon. Explicit. 10.5k | 5.3k chapter [2/3]
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In an act of revenge, Morgoth cursed Galadriel, muse of the Silmarils, and by proxy, the entire kingdom of Doriath. She and all who remained in the castle fell into a deep sleep. But upon Morgoth’s defeat, the Elves know not how to break the curse. Desperate, Prince Celeborn, her betrothed, seeks Sauron, a powerful sorcerer now said to be penitent and performing good deeds, for nothing else the prince has tried will wake the Lady Galadriel from her endless slumber. Sauron offers aid, as he knows how the curse is broken. . . . And the price is more than just a kiss. Written for an anonymous tumblr prompt: a tale inspired by The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty with Galadriel as Beauty and Sauron as the one to break the curse Morgoth has lain upon her.
Keep Reading, but Mind the Tags.
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helenvader · 5 days
The way when Annatar is walking in the midst of the chaos, and the picture slows down and we can hear his steps, boom, boom.
Loved that.
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sauron-kraut · 9 months
Remembered Sauron bred Uruks in Mordor and I had to play with that, so please have a WIP snippet of slightly insane fallen from glory 3rd Age Sauron/Mairon using out of place terms of endearment and just making everything weird.
He looks down at his hands. They look thin, fragile, all sharp edges and knuckles and prominent tendons. “Do you know my hands were once stronger than this?” he mumbles and rubs them together before opening and closing his right, staring at it in apparent fascination, lost in thoughts. Sauron snaps back to reality, swiftly turning his head towards the Uruk, facing him in a glimpse of almost giddy enthusiasm, raven hair swaying. His pale golden eyes flicker. “D…do you know I used to have golden hair, darling? With a hint of red?” “You have told me, my Lord,” the captain answers respectfully. “Oh... Yes, I must have then…” Sauron muses and smiles faintly. He then chokes up hoarse laughter. 
“He is dead, you know. I am dead, darling. Flesh gnawed clean off my bones in the ocean, I suppose. And the hair off my skull." The last sentence comes out as a mere breath. “My Lord…” “Come here, darling,” Sauron lilts, gesturing for him to come closer with a ghostly index finger, leaning back on his throne while flashing the Uruk a crooked grin.
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cilil · 1 month
I kinda think that Mairon is the kind of Ainu who, when you meet him, draws your attention with looks more than with his voice.
That's not to say he doesn't have a lovely voice, he's still an Ainu and that fact alone probably makes it so that at least his singing voice is immeasurably beautiful and/or powerful by incarnate standards, but in my head Mairon talks in a dry, matter-of-fact, sometimes even bored kind of way (assuming of course that it's an idle conversation, he definitely screeches like a fury when he's mad and has the smooth sexy voice down for seduction).
It's just... oftentimes he talks because he has to. Remember on that note that talking and language is not the default communication method of Ainur and arguably less efficient than ósanwë which would likely bother someone like him.
As for why Mairon draws attention with his looks, well. Need I explain why I think the one called Admirable is pretty? Need I remind us that he was labeled as fair more than even Lúthien? ;)
He probably treated making a fána as yet another craft project that he wanted to be absolutely flawless and perfect and artistic (while also effective and suitable for his tasks)
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90shaladriel · 1 month
Writing Interview Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me @klynnvakarian !
About Me:
When did you start writing?
In my 30s I definitely made an attempt to write a "novel" and did some world building and a few pages of writing and it didn't go anywhere. Then Late 2022 after Rings of Power season 1 just joining the Haladriel fandom I read so much fic that I thought maybe I could do some as well. Got some encouragement from other haladriel writers (crucial for me)
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
I love history and science non-fiction. I mostly am writing in the fantasy fan-fiction space, but I do like sci-fi as my first love.
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?
I either consciously or unconsciously imagine I am writing in the voice that Frank Herbert used in the Dune series. Maybe mixed with some George RR Martin and a tinge of Tolkien.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
Vast majority of my writing was on an iPad lying in my bed before sleep when no one needs my attention.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I usually write a chapter per month so it's just random thoughts or reminders while reading other fics which inspire me to write a snippet here or there when I have the energy.
The other big muse I've found in recent months was actually listening to or reading Tolkien books: "The Silmarillion", "Beren and Luthien" and "Fall of Gondolin" the beautiful prose and the rich lore just sparks new ideas I want to try to play off of or emulate in my own fics.
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so do they surprise you?
I always like stories of characters that are beaten down, up against the world, maybe a little unappreciated, but not giving up. Even if they cannot win they try their best and work hard. A lot of sadness too. I don't express much of that sadness IRL so that is a bit surprising.
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
Tough call - probably the Lady of Light, Galadriel based on the ROP - characterization
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
Hmm, I'm not sure if I would be best friends but I think I would get along with Ereddâz, my Orc OC from A Lord and his Builder.
I think Galadriel would ignore me and Sauron would send me to his dungeons to be a thrall.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Melkor from my First Fire in the Void fic
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
I touched on it above, I think I like writing characters that believe they are doing the right thing. I do not like writing characters that are specifically and intentionally bad. Even my villains have plausible motivations or perspectives to justify their actions.
How do you picture your characters?
Most of my writing is currently around the Rings of Power cast and that style.
I am dabbling with non-ROP fics, like First Fire in the Void and there I pictured Mairon based on a lot of fanart that basically draws him like a pretty woman with long red hair lol.
My Writing:
What’s your reason for writing?
A creative outlet. For years and years I would day dream my own stories, going back to when I was a kid, I was also a pretty decent DnD DM making up my own campaigns. I've often had dreams of telling stories by creating video games (I am a software dev professionally) but I usually get stuck on the actual technology side of creating a game and can never get to the creative side. By writing fic, I was able to just get my ideas out there without being held back by the lack of skills in other areas (game dev, art, making a story interactive and still make sense)
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
Ive gotten a few amazing comments that say this is their favorite fic and I can't believe it since I just write one of many thousands of fics so I feel honored, and for my WIPs a little pressured, to produce more at that level.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I want to write stories other people like, I do think about how can I make a story original in a way no one else does? What's a premise no one else has or could be done differently?
But really I am mostly writing stories that I like?
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I think putting my characters through emotionally charged or traumatic events where they have realistic responses or reactions that I or I think readers might relate to emotionally.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I read other writing and it feels so polished and natural. I often feel like I am "emulating good writing" rather than being a good writer myself. I like my stories and plots but I am not always impressed by the words on the page after writing them. Sometimes I just give up during editing and just post and people seem to like it enough.
When you write are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
AS I was saying I do think about the readers and I'm surely influenced by what I see in the community and what people respond to but every single idea is a kind of "wouldn't this be cool" idea I have myself first and then I judge how much I think other people would also find it to be cool or enjoyable. That part I sometimes guess at or things resonate with others that I didn't expect
No pressure tags!
@eowyn7023 @demonscantgothere @cliffdivingsblog @pursuitseternal @theriverwild
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hirazuki · 2 years
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Hush, child, the darkness will rise from the deep And carry you down into sleep, Child, the darkness will rise from the deep And carry you down into sleep. (Loyalty loyalty loyalty loyalty Loyalty loyalty loyalty only to me.) -- Mordred's Lullaby
Personal preferred interpretation of *gestures to everything* under the cut! Warning for blatant and shameless conflation of multiple versions of the text with pure, self-indulgent headcanons.
I've gone back and forth on this a lot, but I think I've finally settled on preferring Eol to be both a Dark Elf (i.e. never went to Aman) and a "darkened elf" (i.e. former thrall of Angband/corrupted by Melkor). I know Tolkien changed his mind on both of these later, but I don't find it repetitive at all to have Maeglin also suffer the same fate; I think the cycle is meaningful and adds another layer of complexity to these characters. Also, it would give Eol's "ill at ease" within Melian's girdle and seeking to stay away additional meaning, making it a physical consequence of his circumstances and not only a predilection of his personality. Idk, the more layers and reasons something has behind it, the more enjoyment I draw from it :)
I do like Eol being Sindar and Thingol's kin, but also more alike in spirit and behavior to the Avari than anything else. Witch of the Wilds aesthetic, and more in tune with nature and the land than the Sindar in Doriath. He and Maeglin have always given me a Morgana and Mordred vibe. (fun fact: the mirror is supposed to be obsidian, which is used for scrying.)
He truly loved his son, and his relationship with Maeglin was no more and no less positive/negative than your average father-son relationship -- some minor disagreements as any parent and child are bound to have -- until Maeglin started expressing a desire to see the Noldor; and it was all downhill from there. He still loved his son, however, despite everything, and his attempt to choose death over Gondolin for him was done out of love as well. Perhaps not a healthy love, but a genuine one all the same.
Eol being a darkened elf + Maeglin being born in Beleriand + the "Melkor ingredient" present in all matter outside of the Blessed Realm = a compounded (x3) tendency towards Melkor within Maeglin's spirit that was there since he was conceived. If everyone who has a body that is nourished by Arda (outside of Aman) has an inclination towards Melkor that they can't be free of in their incarnate forms, how much stronger might that be if one of your parents is a former thrall who -- going off of his behavior and tendencies -- still bears the marks of that bond? I like to think that the way Melkor affects his thralls can carry down genetically, even for elves that remain elves and weren't turned into orcs.
I personally prefer Maeglin to not be under an enchantment as a way to explain why he betrayed Gondolin -- I like him being responsible for his own actions! Even if he also never had a chance and was doomed from before he was born. I like the interplay of those two concepts and generally don't find them mutually exclusive -- but I do love the idea of compulsion. Of his pre-existing link to Melkor through Eol and through Arda being used (I prefer this to be Mairon's work, but it certainly can be done by Melkor instead) to sway him. Like, not Mairon actually spelling him and making him not be in control of his body or not being able to warn people in Gondolin because his speech is bound, etc., but like. Mairon slipping certain elements into the fabric of his voice -- he is Ainur; underscoring his speech with Music is no big deal -- to manipulate that Melkor ingredient within Maeglin and make him be more receptive. Compliant. Add to that some carefully crafted understanding as one talented smith who knows what it is like to feel ill-suited to his surroundings to another, a little bribery, and, of course, the ever-present and very real threat of torture -- in delicately balanced respective quantities -- and done.
This is totally entirely self-indulgent headcanon territory here, especially since Mairon is never actually present for Maeglin's imprisonment in any version of the text (to my knowledge) BUT: I like to think that, just as with Maedhros in my headcanons, Mairon formed a kind of reluctant attachment to Maeglin. But whereas with Maedhros it was more of an equal footing type of thing, a grudging acknowledgement of a worthy opponent being cut from the same cloth, with Maeglin it's more of a foster situation. Like: "Here is this very valuable prisoner who we can work with, who -- with a only a small amount of effort -- is amenable to working together and he's the son of a former thrall so there's already a connection there and, oh, he's also a smith? Oh, he's actually pretty good. Wait, he's only 189 years old, idk because I've never cared much for elves but isn't that ridiculously young wtf, he's clearly ambitious and reeling for approval and acknowledgement and will easily take to a guiding hand. Well, there's no one else around but me, I guess I'll take one for the team and the war effort and all that" *accidentally transfers all the instructing instincts he possesses that had previously gone to his wolves now all long dead, he doesn't keep wolves anymore since losing Tol-in-Guarhoth, it's too painful to this strange elf* Again, not healthy, but complicated and messy and invested.
... I did not mean to make it all about Mairon again lmao I am so sorry XD
I'm sure I'll have additional thoughts as I keep re-reading the Silmarillion, or my opinions/preferences may somewhat alter (I still have to sit down and read HoME and Nature of Middle Earth properly, I've only read snippets), but. an overwhelming number of you voted that you enjoyed reading stuff like this so. There you go. This is where I'm currently at lol.
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melkors-big-tits · 2 years
Annatar, the lord of gifts
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A “short” explanation about Annatars design + my Hcs: I hc that Aulë wants his maiar to clad themselves with a fana that looks more like a marble statue than something alive -so his maiar are grey to white in skin-tones and hair colors, they all have long hair which is cut straight, elaborate hairstyles and other modifications to their fanar are not allowed. Although build willowy Aulës maiar are strong but as their secondary function (when not working tirelessly at their Valas forge) is to be literal statues they’re to be easy on the eyes which explains their rather elvish looking fanar and clothes that show a lot of skin.
Keeping this hc in mind Mairon knew that to successfully fool the elves he needed to yet again don the fana his old master forced them to wear -but as he’s still mourning his Husbands banishment to the void thusly being so Very distraught that he can’t help his affection and longing from seeping into Annatars fana; Which is why his mind is burning with the gilded memories of Melkor (His gray hair is dappled with a cascade of gold), the inspiration that his husband planted into him flowing out from his hands right into his creations (his hands are purple), his lips stained with the last kiss they shared which filled him with so much love that Mairon will forever sing of his husbands glory and curse those who took Melkor away from him (his lips are purple), the ones brightly burning eyes are now permanently dulled, weighted with a heart shattering sorrow and further stained blood red from crying an oceans worth of hot tears. And lastly; Melkors final words, his comforting voice full of love and affection when he urged him to “Stay strong for me, my spark” which made him considerably bulk up his fana, even tho he feels anything but strong. So in the end he looked quite different from what a Maia of Aulë is supposed to which is why the elves were vary of him but for Celebrimbor (who I hc as not as sweet as the Silvergifters do, he’s outright Horrible); He treats Annatar like the maiar are ‘supposed to’ be treated, so like a Servant. Sure he eagerly partakes in the sharing of information and ideas about the shared craft with Annatar but won’t of course share his best ideas with a mere Maia. Annatar on the other hand is disgusted and absolutely livid by how he’s treated as a lesser being by the shit stain that is Celebrimbor, especially as the elf keeps not-at-all-accidentally-even-tho-he-tries-to-pretend-so touching him without his consent which makes Mairons hatred towards the elves burn ever hotter. Any other times Annatar could easily side-step the elves often lewd advantages with (fake) playfully scolding words etc until one time when Celebrimbor muses aloud why Annatar looks so different from the other Maiar of Aulë; Is it perhaps that his alliances are shifting away from the righteous path of Eru and into something much Darker? Annatar tries his best to divert the topic to something more safer but Celebrimbor keeps on pressing and at one point lasciviously husks into Annatars ear the only option out from the situation; “I’ll hardly have the concentration to talk if I’m fucking a sweetly mewling maia~”
This is how Celebrimbor coerces Annatar into sleeping with him, it happens a few more times after and every time Mairon is filled with feelings of shame, betrayal and disgust but most importantly the hatred he feels towards the elves climbs to such heights that he’s ready to forge and then bind his own essence into a ring which will amplify his powers then he’ll be strong enough to make middle-earth bend to his will and finally free his beloved husband. Now back to the design:
Annatars clothes/accessories will incorporate these 3 symbols:
Mairons burning eye (circlet&choker)
Melkors three peaks (The ring he’s kissing+the arm bands+ the clasps)
Or the sigil which combines their symbols (the earring).
His accessories are golden, no exceptions, and his clothes will almost exclusively be of some shade of purple -or if he’s feeling very vexed with the elves he will even wear black (both purple and black are Melkors colors) but not too often to not to arise unwanted suspicion.
He prefers lush, deep colors but reluctantly wears the lighter colors that Celebrimbor tells him to wear. Speaking of loathsome clothes; Mairon absolutely DETESTS to wear the all too revealing robes that were “gifted” to him by Celebrimbor; They are Not what he’d wear if he had a say in the matter but seeing that these styles of robes are precisely what he had to wear in Almaren (and that pervert Celebrimbor enjoys to ogle/touch all that exposed skin) so he wears them with a fake smile to make the stupid elves trust him.
More about elves being stupid; It seems that after Melkors banishment the elves have grown forgetful as they eagerly mine for gold and use it without caution even tho it originates straight from Melkors veins and is very potent in its powers of corruption. They’ve also become so blind that Annatar can wear the (slightly modified) symbols of his and Melkors -the same ones that once struck terror into the hearts to all who beheld them- yet the elves don’t seem to realize. Once Celebrimbor even commented that the “big flower choker” that Annatar made for himself was cute.
Btw Annatar doesn’t have horns, they’re the part of the flaming eye halo circlet that keep it aloft. (Mairon likes to be Extra extra <3)
For lols sake I wanted to combine the two reoccurring things I’ve seen mentioned when regarding Mairon/Annatar; the first being how often Mairon is called Tolkiens Satan and second being how often Annatar is shown wearing a halo.
No shade to anyone who does either, I just thought that it was a fun combo to try and add to the design :D
Here's the first version and a close up of Annatars sad eye
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"I heard things about you," he said in a low voice. "They say you gain favours by offering your fána to others. And I know it to be true. Even if you won't admit it, I've seen how you act when we fight. How you will always evade and deny and scream and throw insults, but also show off your fána and make sure it touches mine –" 
✦ ⁺ ‧ Day 5 ⁺ Tulkas x Melkor (background/implied Melkor x Mairon) ✦ ⁺ ‧ Synopsis: Tulkas chases Melkor with the intention of stopping him from committing evil deeds - and satisfying an age-old craving. ✦ ⁺ ‧ Featuring/prompts: Hate sex, rough sex, non-con, humiliation/degradation, light bondage ✦ ⁺ ‧ Warnings: Non-con (I mean it), physical violence Also available on AO3
AN: Day 5 of @silmsmutweek. Please heed the warnings - this may be rather unpleasant to read for some of you.
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"Get away from me!" 
"That'd suit you just fine, huh?" 
Black claw-like nails dug into ruddy flesh, leaving angry red marks as the two Valar rolled down a grassy hill in the plains of Valinor. Their fight was heated and bitter, neither willing to give up – Melkor kept insisting that he had done nothing wrong, while Tulkas was adamant that he had been acting suspicious and had decided to apprehend him before any evil deeds could be committed. If anything his resistance made it seem like he had something to hide, as the Champion of the Valar proudly proclaimed. 
Despite his best efforts Melkor ended up trapped underneath his bulk when they stopped rolling. 
"Look," Tulkas began, and for once his laughter stopped. "You may have fooled Manwë, but I don't believe you've changed. In fact I think you're up to something."
For some reason this idiot has convinced himself that he knows something. Melkor bared his teeth and snarled, though he couldn't shake the vague feeling of dread crawling up his spine. This seemed to be more serious than he had initially assumed, and unfortunately for him, his chances of beating Tulkas in a fight weren't too good. The memories of his painful, humiliating defeat were fresh on his mind and being imprisoned in Mandos for ages had certainly not helped matters. 
"So all of a sudden you know better than everyone else? You, Tulkas the wise, the last person anyone in their right mind would ever ask for advice? Don't make me laugh," Melkor sneered. He barely managed to catch Tulkas' fist as the other attempted to retaliate against his mockery. 
"Laugh all you want while you still can. I know evil when I see it," Tulkas said. 
Melkor's eyes lit up like blue flames. "What do you even want from me?! Your king has accepted me as one of the Valar, yet you continue to pursue me! Do you want me to sit quietly in a corner and grovel at your feet? Would that please you enough to leave me alone?" 
Silence ensued as Tulkas pondered those words. His arm relaxed slightly, allowing Melkor to finally push his fist away, but his weight on top of him was unyielding and he couldn't get away; not like this anyway. Perhaps he could find another way – though before he could come up with a plan, he noticed how the other Vala was staring down at him, his expression shifting from righteous anger to something different. 
"Please me, huh?" Tulkas mused. "Why, it would indeed. And I must say I'm not surprised that you would attempt to suggest such a thing." 
"It was not a suggestion, you imbecile!" Melkor tried to struggle again, only to be pinned to the ground even more forcefully. 
"I don't think so." 
Tulkas suddenly grasped his chin with one of his large hands, eyeing the Dark Vala with something akin to interest in his eyes. 
"I heard things about you," he said in a low voice. "They say you gain favours by offering your fána to others. And I know it to be true. Even if you won't admit it, I've seen how you act when we fight. How you will always evade and deny and scream and throw insults, but also show off your fána and make sure it touches mine –" 
"My fána is touching yours because I'm defending myself! How on Arda did you fail to understand that?!" Melkor cried out indignantly, but Tulkas wasn't listening. Instead, he reached for his robe and tore it with ease, exposing his angrily heaving chest. 
"Aye, even now you deny it, yet I know better," he said and reached for one of his nipples, hardened from rubbing against the fabric. He pinched it, causing Melkor to let out a pained noise before he could stop himself. 
"Sometimes I wonder if you want me to chase you, beat you into submission and..." Tulkas used his hand holding the Dark Vala's chin to force eye contact while continuing to roughly fondle his chest. "... offer yourself to me so I leave you alone. Is that it, slut?" 
"Unhand me and go play out your sick fantasies with someone else!" 
Tulkas shook his head. "You're a liar and everyone knows it."
Faster than lightning, he let go of Melkor's chin to backhand him across the face, causing him to drop to the ground in a daze. While the Dark Vala was incapacitated, he grabbed a rope he had brought with him and tied his hands together before forcibly removing the rest of his clothes.
"I believe I deserve a reward for all the trouble you caused and I'll take it whether you like it or not," Tulkas growled. 
Did he... plan this?!
Melkor's eyes widened in panic, and his reaction seemed to please him. 
"Now you stop shouting, hm? Don't worry, I'll be gentle if you behave."
Tulkas' weight was suddenly lifted, but any attempt at another escape or defending himself by kicking him was foiled when he immediately took hold his thighs to force his legs apart, positioning himself in-between, and pushing them back against his chest to expose the most vulnerable part of his fána. Melkor struggled and protested as fiercely as he could, but unfortunately the Champion of the Valar was stronger than him. 
"Indeed, you're prettier than I used to think," Tulkas mused, not bothering to suppress a pleased groan as he greedily spread him open with both hands and admired the tight, twitching hole presenting itself to him. "And you put up a good fight if you try, as if you were made to be conquered by me... aye, I admit I've been desiring this for a long time."
"Stop! Let me go! I –" Melkor bit his lip. Despite everything, he couldn't bring himself to plead – though something told him it'd be futile anyway, and heightening his enemy's pleasure was all he would achieve. 
Impatient, Tulkas spat on his hand and unceremoniously shoved two spit-slicked fingers inside of him, his free hand holding his legs in place. Melkor had to bite down harder to keep himself from crying out in pain. It was the first time someone touched him like this after many years in captivity, it hurt and it was so unlike the loving, gentle touches he remembered from a different time, when he was at home and felt safe and Mairon was with him – no, he couldn't think of Mairon now. He had grown to treasure these memories as one of few comforts he'd had in his lonely cell in Mandos and he would need them again so very soon, he couldn't allow them to be poisoned by another's violation of his fána. 
Melkor kept cursing the other Vala and tried to kick him, but Tulkas thwarted all of his attempts and continued to force his passage open with merciless determination. 
"Stop being difficult or I'll have to beat you again," he said, and Melkor's blood froze; from the tone of his voice and the utter lack of Tulkas' usual smile and boisterous laughter revealed that this was a serious threat. 
He was going to have to endure this too, the greatest humiliation forced upon him by his most hated enemy. His thoughts were racing, desperately trying to find a way out – he wanted Mairon to come and save him, but he knew he couldn't reach him from Valinor and even if he could, what chance would a Maia have against the Champion of the Valar? As the pain between his legs grew and bruises began to form, Melkor even thought about calling for Manwë, but would his holy, perfect brother even hear him? Would he side with him or would he accept what was done to him as yet another justified punishment? 
Tulkas forced his cock inside him without warning, and this time Melkor couldn't stop himself from screaming, his lips already bloody from being bitten. It hurt so much more than his fingers, stretching him wide despite his fána's desperate attempts at resistance. 
"Tulkas, stop!" His cry was weak, and the only response he received was a dark chuckle as the other Vala began moving inside of him. 
"Not before I've gotten my fill of that tight little hole of yours."
Melkor tried to shed his fána then, his ëala wanting nothing more than to escape, but Tulkas' grip was too strong. He was forced to stay where he was, pressed against the ground as the sacred soil of Valinor was stained with their sweat and blood dripping out of his abused hole. 
To his horror, he soon felt Tulkas' hand reaching for his cock and stroking him with rough, hasty movements. There truly were no limits to how much he would be degraded, and even when he squeezed his eyes shut and tried to numb himself to the pain and unwanted pleasure, he couldn't stop his fána from responding. 
"You're going to cum because I know you enjoy it, slut," Tulkas growled triumphantly. 
Melkor didn't bother arguing. By now he had long realised that his enemy was playing out some kind of twisted fantasy he had made up in his mind, and he would see it through to the end. There was nothing he could do to change that, no matter how much he resisted. The only option he had left was to endure, to escape once Tulkas was done with him and find a quiet place to lick his wounds. 
There was no relief when the combined efforts of his hand and his rapidly thrusting cock forced an orgasm out of Melkor, causing him to arch his back and coat both himself and his enemy in viscous white liquid. He didn't need to open his eyes to know that Tulkas was smiling. His torment seemed to go on for an eternity until he finally felt something wet and sticky inside him, marring his fána and completing the utter humiliation of his very being. 
Tulkas pulled out of him to admire his handiwork, grasping both of the Dark Vala's thighs to keep him from closing his legs. 
"You look good like that, fucked open and filled with my seed," he purred. "I'd even say you've never looked prettier." 
Melkor only let out a whimper in response, still keeping his eyes closed. He didn't want to see it. He didn't want to process what had just happened. All he wanted to was to leave his fána behind, get as far away as he could, clean himself and forget, forget, forget, until he had successfully convinced himself that his dignity had never been violated this way. 
Yet when he was left lying in the grass, leaking blood and cum with every shuddering breath, Melkor couldn't move. His ëala was heavy with shame, as if Tulkas was still on top of him and holding him down, and his breath came in short, uneven gasps. Even his own fána refused him now, tainted with the essence of another, of something repulsive and unwanted. 
I'm fine. I'm the mightiest of them all, they'll never truly defeat me.
Instead of opening his eyes, Melkor fled into the depths of his mind and summoned memories of happier times, of bliss instead of pain, of Mairon's smile and his warm, comforting embrace. Mairon would fix this for him if he couldn't. Mairon would make him whole again. It was the only reassurance he had, and he clung to it as his fána went numb and he slowly drifted into a state of unconsciousness. 
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You can find more Silm Smut Week on my main blog @cilil
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