#musical idea
bluesky42 · 1 year
How would my generation loss musical fan project work?
There are three story bits that need to be happening at any given time. What’s happening onstage (the musical), what’s happening backstage (the real horror element, our main character breaking out), and what’s happening in the audience (the showfall employees reacting to what’s going wrong). All of these move in tandem together to create the full experience.
This would be done in front of a live audience, but they are only seeing the things happening onstage and in the audience. Anything backstage is all filmed to be released with the rest of it on a later date.
Instead of a death vote, my question is would the audience rat out one of the actors who has broken out of Showfalls control. Would they tell a showfall employee the truth when asked if they knew that meant the actor would either be re mind controled, or even maybe die?
The whole experience starts as soon as you enter the building, with showfall employees eerily standing in the lobby of the theater and silently pointing at where you need to go. You get a playbill with squiggles on it that says you are the test audience for a new form of showfall entertainment.
Once they enter the theater there is a wall in front of the curtain, blocking the stage. There is sobbing and screaming that comes from the other side. Showfall employees creepily stand at the edges of the room to watch the show. Once the show starts, wall glows red and the noises abruptly stop. The wall is removed, and the curtain goes up.
Once the show starts, things remain pretty normal in the first minutes. Then, a few characters have a big argument, and our main character is pushed down the stairs. They land on their mind control device, and break it.
First, they look up at the ceiling where they can now see the lights. They keep looking around and start to get more and more panicked before finally they turn around to stare in horror at the audience. Then they see the showfall employees, and the mind control masks on the other actors, and try to pretend like nothing changed.
This actor is now not at all under showfalls control. And it shows. They barely know the words to songs, they don’t know where they are supposed to be, and they don’t really know the plot. They are desperately trying to pretend like nothing has changed, but once other characters start dying (especially their friends) it becomes almost impossible not to react.
During intermission, showfall employees go around asking for thoughts on the show. They specifically ask if anyone has noticed any “technical glitches.” They also ask if the actors are doing what they are supposed too. The goal here is too see how many people 1. Catch on to what is actually being asked and 2. Tell the showfall employees about the rogue actor. Depending on the percentage, this changes act 2 in ways I haven’t quite figured out yet.
I think that if the audience rats them out, during act two some of the showfall employees leave to go backstage to try and catch the rogue actor offstage. The actor catches on to this and starts trying to find reasons to never leave the stage.
Eventually, I think they do get caught in a backstage chase scene, and are brought onstage to their death.
This is all I have for now, but I would love to hear other people’s ideas. I’m kind of working on this? It’s a side project to stuff I get paid/grades for. But honestly this is such a cool idea I’m going to keep adding too when I have time. If you would like to stay in the loop, I will tag every post about this with #Genloss musical so follow that for more. Thank you for reading my rambling!
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afterlematch · 3 months
[very long post] Hi theater kids! I want to share a musical idea I’ve had for a whiiiiillleee and recently flipped on its head and had an amazing idea for today. Titled: The Matchmaker
The idea: A person who can find the perfect partner for anyone except themselves is on a hunt to find “the one” for them. One day they do find someone that romantically loves them… but they can’t replicate those feelings cause they’re aromantic.
This idea first popped into my head after I watched Sweeney Todd live in april of 2023 (in NL, t’was absolutely phenomenal) so it started out as a look into someones life who, at some point, would be driven to near insanity because they can’t find the right one, and later on that they can’t feel the feelings the other feels. This idea, at some point, became quite boring for me.
So I tried to flip the idea on its head and, to be honest, the new idea fits so much more and seems so much more fun and engaging. Now “The Matchmaker” is a tv show-like musical. There’s 10 contestants and, after 1 night, at least 2 of them will have been coupled together and will leave as a couple thanks to the host of the programmer, the matchmaker.
The matchmaker secretly wants to find the one for themselves but is unable to do so. Using their talent to find the right one for others, they try to make a living off of it by making it a tv show while still trying to find the one for them.
This tv show is widely successful and has been running for a couple of years. Over time it unknowingly became more important that most of the contestants are dramatic caricatures to gain more money and finding the right ones became less important. But the matchmaker still keeps a clean record of no immediate break ups within the couples they find. The only real breakups between couples happen years after their episodes aired.
The people backstage also get to shine too. Getting to interact with the characters as if they were a part of a real recording. They get lines and jokes as well.
The musical is a recording session of one of the episodes for a new season. The audience is like an audience at a recording. There’s screens telling the audience when to clap. Some jokes will be told with the help of these screens too.
The stage is the set of the show, with a little side stage where there’s a “confession booth” where the contestants can confess some stuff that’ll be edited into the show during the recordings.
Around halfway through the show it becomes clear to the host that there’s only 1 guest compatible, a very basic person with nothing special going on with them that was just added there to reach the 10 needed contestants. This confuses the host. But what confuses the host more is that none of the other 9 contestants seem like good fits. Who is this person that the 1 contestant is compatible to?
The host tells the contestants that only 1 contestant seems to be compatible. Most contestants are alright with this information, but 1 contestant, a very rich and famous contestant, really wants to go home with a partner that night. So they go to the host and threaten to sue the entire show if they aren’t the one paired with the contestant. (With a kick-ass song to boot.)
This frightens the host, they don’t want to lose their job. But they know that the 2 contestants aren’t compatible. After trying to find who is compatible, they realize something big. The person the contestant is compatible with is the host themselves.
But that can’t be, right? The host has never felt romantic attraction to anyone, how can this be? This is when one of the camera people comes in and tells the host that the connection is likely a platonic one, which is perfectly valid. But the host, in absolute fear and stress over the entire situation, has a hard time accepting this. They run off, going to tell the compatible contestant about the thing.
The camera person really wants to help the host but isn’t sure how. Until they listen back to the song the rich contestant sung to threaten the host. One of the other camera people, a big fan of the rich contestant, filmed the singing. They listen back and realize that the contestant not-so-subtly hinted to them being in a money laundering scheme. The camera people quickly start investigating this.
A bit later, it is time for the host to tell who are coupled together. As they try to say that the 2 contestants are coupled, the camera people talk through them to tell everyone that the host and the compatible contestant are the new couple. Telling them that platonic love is just as valid as any other form of legal love that exists. This really angers the rich contestant. Just as they’re calling their lawyer to sue the show, the police break in and arrest them for money laundering. The show and musical end on a happy end!
The big theme of this musical would be how love comes in many types. This musical would also touch on how the showbiz industry works and would be very, very queer. Not just by the fact that the host being aromantic is a big part of their character, but also due to the fact that any role can be played by anyone. With the only limit being their vocal range.
All characters would have 2 names that work and can be used. It’s up to the actor to choose the name they feel most comfortable with, or to come up with a new name that also works. Pronouns can be changed very easily, especially cause the songs all stick to gender neutral terms so nothing has to be changed in there for it to still work!
As someone on the aromantic spectrum, I’ve been wanting to show aromantic representation that’s purely about the romantic side for a while, and this is the biggest idea I’ve had around it.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading the entire idea! I’m really curious on what you think about this idea. (And note that this is just an idea. I didn’t note that well enough the last time I shared a musical idea and that led to many people being confused and wanting to sign up/help even though I wasn’t sure I was even gonna do it haha)
Bye :D!!
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riz-coolgirl · 1 year
Hey!! Anyone who is in the lost boys fandom I think I’m going to make a series about the lost boys musical and guess what songs would be perfect for the musical!
I already have two guess so far so maybe you guys could help me with it and check the original post @misslavenderlady about it!
Wish me luck 🍀 😊
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ria-coolgirl · 1 year
This one is for the one and only Paul!
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Had the cursed idea for a Jekyll and Hyde jukebox musical that follows the original novel but casted with zero regard for gender and with (more than usual) implied with shipping between Jekyll and both Utterson and Lanyon where Lanyon is over Jekyll and his acts and Utterson is still deeply in love with him and everyone sings modern pop songs except for Hyde who only sings hard rock and throughout the musical Jekyll’s songs slowly transition to rock to the point where he can now only duet with Hyde to symbolize the way he pulls away from his friends and is consumed by himself and that was a run on sentence. Anyway
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Okay, okay, hear me out.  A jutebox musical version of A Christmas Carol  except all the songs are from different musical adaptations of A Christmas Carol  creating the ultimate mixture from various adaptations.
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dreemurr-reborn · 8 months
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She listens only to the classics
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the-soft-hoodie · 20 days
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This ✨ destroy ✨ me
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tapakah0 · 2 months
Animation based on this gorgeous animatic that I kept rewatching for 2 months (and finally gave up) made by @wolfythewitch
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chocor0se · 5 months
no because her grand plan was to be remembered and the only thing he remembered was her
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florbe-triz · 1 year
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Finally!! let me share with you the Trigun playlist I made! It's called NoMan's Land and you can listen to it HERE It's an evergrowing playlist, hope you enjoy!
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masked-kitsune · 1 year
So probably dumb idea
A musical set in the early two thousands/mid twenty tens/late twenty tens about a boy in high school who is aware that everyone is breaking out into song and dance, he's trying to find the cause while others think he's being paranoid. Like no one else is aware or even remembers the musical numbers after they happen except the main character.
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spacizia · 3 months
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he’s just a swinging space age bachelor man!!!!
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riz-coolgirl · 1 year
Hey I just had a thought if the lost boys had a musical i think this song would be sung by Paul and Marko!
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ria-coolgirl · 1 year
This is the song that the boys sing were on the boardwalk!
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ochiody · 22 days
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i see your scarred athenas and i raise yall kintsugi athena. pottery is in her domain
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